Note: Long post ahead. There are 2 parts to this post (both related to the topic). Please read the first half before you go on to the second half. Thanks!
A Familiar Stranger...
We had an unexpected but a bubbly visitor on Sunday. My sister went shopping (walking) on Sunday morning, and when she was returning home, a dog started following her...just when she was wondering it might attack her, apparently it came close to her and started wagging it's tail :). Now that's when a dog says Hello to a human, testing if the human is a friendly one. So, she knew this was a nice fella, and she just kept on walking. Now, the dog had passed her and guess where it was waiting for her this time? At our gate! OMG, how did the dog know that that was where my sis was gonna stop? Maybe cos dogs have a strong 6th sense and they follow the scent. Anyways, cos my sis felt bad about this lost dog, she rang the door bell and when I answered the Intercom, she said 'guess what, I have a dog with me, open the door'. I was like ok *rolling eyes*, and when I opened the door slightly, a big black dog-nose was between the door and the wall, trying to force entry in to our house LOL! At first I was thinking what's this big grown-up dog doing at our place! As soon as I opened the door, it ran across our living room like this was it's home...the dog was so comfy at our place and with us, it didn't look upset or lost at all. It was so's like this dog knew who we were, and it was like this was it's home and that it could assure itself that we'll lookafter it somehow. My sis and I tried hard to read the silver tag around it's neck to get hold of it's owner and the phone number...but this dog was so naughty, it didn't allow us to do that for a good 10mins, cos it was busy dancing, smiling, licking us and wagging it's tail in sheer pleasure of meeting us! We finally
managed to read the name of the dog (Dolly) and the mobile number...and then I rang the owner. The owners were shopping at a place that was about 45mins drive away from where we were...they were shocked to realise that Dolly had left home and gone walking as far as a 10min drive from home! They were so pleased to find out that Dolly was safe and that we were willing and pleased to lookafter it til they came and picked it up. After about 30mins, a friend of the owners who lived close by, came to pick Dolly up. We were so sad when she left, cos she was so happy, playful and extremely friendly with us...didn't show an ounce of frustration, discomfort or animosity. Dolly was made to be a friend of our's, and so were we to her. Finally, she said her goodbye to us and left in a silver sports car...I was watching her leave and disappear into the far horizon, from my balcony...
And when my mum came home from her friends' place, we told her the amazing Dolly story. She was sorry she missed out on seeing this cutie, but I took some pics so mum got to see Dolly somehow. All this happened on Sunday morning. And that evening around 8pm, we were watching TV when the door bell rang. I went to get it and a teenage boy talked on the Intercom. He said that he had come to give us some chocs cos we found
his dog! I was shocked. Didn't expect it at all but I opened the door...there he was, a young boy of about 17 or 18yrs of age, with a box of Lindt chocs, telling us how much he appreciated us protecting his Dolly from any accidents, taking her into our our house and keeping her safe and happy until they picked her up. I told him that it was our pleasure, cos we love dogs and that we don't need anything in return. But he begged for us to take the chocs so we did :). And he thanked us and left with a big smile. (above are the 2 pics of Dolly that I took that morning)
My heart realised one thing that night. Kindness goes a very long way. Dolly was very kind to us...didn't bark, didn't bite, didn't treat us like strangers...she just welcomed us into her heart, as much as we welcomed her into our house and hearts. That's why we decided to take care of her. She was very kind to us. She stayed with us only for 30mins, but she touched our hearts for a lifetime...and I hope we did touch her heart too. We must have. Hence that sweet gesture later in the night :). You may do something kind to someone today, and trust me, the sweet karma of it will return to you in 10folds even after many years...even after many lifetimes. But just help others, be kind, be nice without expecting anything. Cos that's the sweetest joy on Earth. Don't you agree? I just feel that Dolly is our last dog Ginger's rebirth...I somehow felt such a familiar connection...old souls come a long way to say Thanks *tearz*...---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giving Is Receiving...Also, some great souls in Blogville made some very kind gestures towards me this are 4 wonderful Awards I received from some very giving hearts here. I'm supposed to display them here and also pass them on to others, so I'm doing it at the end of each award. THANKS guys, you all rock MWAH! You bring out the best in me, you know that.
Both my dearest mates Diana and Hemanth gave me this very warm Blogging Friends award. Thanks you 2 lovelies, HUGS! And now I pass this Blogging Friends Forever Award to Lena, Maverick, Ani, Jeevan, Gunj, Stony, Jane, LaVida_Loca, Tys, Nirmal, Aaarti, Saffy, Chap, Kaylz, Neeku, Aphrodite, Analia, Bev, Ash, Chakoli, Sushmita, CG, Sourish, Mutley, Deepti, Mia, MIP, Maddy, SMM, Anits, Rayshma, Sameera, Vrij, Ankur, Prats, Suma, Asha, Cindy, Nachi, Lisa, Deepsat, Prakhar, Shionge and AmitL. Cos you guys have been awesome friends to me, in your own unique ways. Love your presence in my life!
And I received this Certified Honest Blogger award from Lena. I commend her for seeing me for who I am, accepting me just the way I am without any bias, and for recognising my honesty. Thanks hun you are the best! Now, I pass this Certified Honest Blogger Award to few other truly honest bloggers here...and they are, SMM, Divkiran, Mystique, Stygian, Murane, Phos, Silvara, G-man, Anjuli, Pinku, Beach_Bum, Mez, Sinner, Jitterz, Ammu, Chriz, SweetStickyChewy, Rahul, Starry, Jay, Diana, Hemanth, Tarun and Southy. Long live your honesty!
And this Great Friend award was again given to me by sweet Lena. Thanks dahlin you make my heart dance in joy! :) Now I pass this Million Dollar Friend Award to some awesome mates here...some souls I know I can always count on...and that's Devil, Ria, Donn, Margie, Dawn, Helen, AmitL, Cheesy, Silvara, Sameera, Ishita, SweetStickyChewy, Ne, Mia, Sourish, Uttara, Arv, Steve, Samby and Vesty.
And this Brilliant Weblog award was given to me by Rayshma and also by Silvara...thanks sweeties your hearts shine in beauty, generosity and love! Now I pass this Brilliant Weblog Award to Lena, Ria, Mayz, Ani, Parul, Dawn, Donn, Solitaire, Hemanth, SweetStickyChewy, Arjun, Akanksha, Vishesh, Sameera, Priya, Priya_Joyce, Crystal, Outdoorsy, Terry, Stony, Anwesa, Restless_Soul, Jane, Sach, SMM, Sourish, Joiedivivre, Hiren, Tys, Veenz, Shionge, AmitL, Divkiran, Enchanted_Illusionz, Arv, Aneesh, Vinu, Tejas, Hobo, Anu, Mirage, Phoenix, Comfortably_Numb, Deepti, Cazzie, Maria, Krys, Grunty and Cindy...cos you write in a way that changes my deepest soul! Keep on giving a voice to your brilliant minds. Well done guys!
Please note that I have given these awards after careful consideration of each category and to whoever that best fits the title. So, some of you may have received more than one award, yeyyyyyy to them! :). Also, even if you're name isn't here, you are special and will receive an award from me next time around. So please don't feel disheartened (who cares, this is only Keshi giving awards, not God LOL! So chillax). I can only give few awards at a time and I know far too many great it's a very hard job you see. Thanks for understanding! Now you're all supposed to display these awards in your blogs and pass them on to others too! :) Thanks for giving me these awards, and also Congratts to ALL of you who received them from me! (this rose btw is the pic Hemanth dedicated to me with the award)
Plant the seeds of kindness, and watch how the fruits of love and compassion fill you up with joy. I believe in angels, something good in everything I see. Trust, believe, see, hear, have faith, share, smile, forget, love, forgive, recognise, reach out, dream, live. Give, and you shall Receive...Dolly I miss ya!Current Music: I Have A Dream by ABBA
259 Cranium Signets:
Thanks babe for the awards...muaaah
And Dolly sounds cute though I'm glad she didn't walk home with me. i would have probably screamed the place down. I have an extreme phobia of dogs
ty for the award. I am so flattered.
I am so proud of you for the way u treated the dog. I have always lived with dogs and the one I have is such a sweet being. I love him as he is a family. The first thing I expect when I get home is his tongue running over my cheeks and hands. He is such a sweet heart...
Okay Keshi! I cried! awwwwwwwww Thank you for that award! It means a lot....
And Dolly! Yeah she sounded like a perfect dog! I would have kept her.. well pending that noone came to claim her after I had called!!
You are sooooooooo sweet!!!!
Thank you again!! I will be around here tomorrow.. then Wed evening I will be gone!!!!!!!!! But I will come back with a bang!! lol
Luv ya Chick!
Let me see...u get to play wid the dog...u get to b frnz wid dogowners neighbours who own a silver sports car...and u get to eat the lindt chocolate too...
ahem ahem...seems like u had a lucky sunday...
thanks for the award...though next time...try awarding a silver sports car :D
and just to let u know i'm not very neednt be or black will also do :P
I m so scared of dogs :O
and that too so big doggy..I will run away scared :|
then also I was touched reading the post..and I so wish I was not that scared of dogs :P
and thanks for the awards....though i had given u one gift and u dint noticed dumbo in rakkshabandhan...
but m angry why i was not given all the four :O
huh :x
afta all m ur lil bro..and I shud get all the 4... :|
*** turns face aways***
*****sad for not getting all the four*****
Awwww....what a cute doggie...makes me miss Rif even more now *sob*
But you're right - a small act of kindness goes a long way... :)
And thank you darl!!! 2 awards??!! wow - I really do feel honoured.... :D Spring has definitely got some good things in store for me!
*hugs* :D
Thanks honey for the awards. I have received them with tears in eyes. Blogworld is sometimes amazingly pleasant.
And I can understand your and Dolly's mutual love. Animals and children see through your heart and reciprocate similar feelings irrespective of what your verbal and body language speaks.
When we grow up, this capability is lost in the noise of perceptions and experiences.
You've inspired me to kidnap a neighbourhood dog and ransom it off to the owner...
dogs scare me like anything. i have had a bad hate-hate relationship with dogs. they have chased me, barked at me all my childhood. so i shoo them off at any given opportunity :)
and learn some hindi to understand what southy and i are talking ;)
Awww Keshi ! Lovely sweet sweet post :)
And yes, I too am a firm believer of the karmic circle. What goes around does indeed come around.
And congratulations on all your awards. Am sure they are richly deserved :)
Thanks Keshi for the award .... :)
and am really really glad to know that what I write (read as rant, blabber etc) does touch your heart ... thnks :-)
this is the first award i hv received in blogville ... will cherish it forever :) [i know i m talking like i m gonna receive hundreds of awards ... :) ...]
and giving love is the simplest and surest way of getting love :)
You take care and have a fab day ahead !!!
- hiren
you added it NOW. in the initial list, i wasnt there :(
thanks for adding me from the waitlist :D
I have doggy friends in the colony too.!! SMM cannot stand them - deep rooted childhood phobia!!
But my canine friends always come along when I go for a walk - morning or evening!
Yippeeee!!! :D :D
Next time i will completely sweep all awards :D
Lovely dog...though i never had a dog...but i luv dogs :)...but never met a dog like dolly....who never barked in 30 mins :D
Hey Keshi...You Rock!!..Consider this as an award...ROCK ON!! Award :)
OH my god!!! I am overwhelmed ...
Thanks a lot babes ... you made my day!! was having a really rough day :). Had tears streaming down when i read this :)
Wow..! So many awards.. Take a bow, keshi. Take a bow..!
"Plant the seeds of kindness, and watch how the fruits of love and compassion fill you up with joy. I believe in angels, something good in everything I see. Trust, believe, see, hear, have faith, share, smile, forget, love, forgive, recognise, reach out, dream, live. Give, and you shall Receive..."
Keshi, you are a beautiful person.
keshi, that's so sweet of you...thank you...i'm delighted :D
and i love that unexpected visitor ...its amazing how that dog came so far to the right house too...
take care,
hey hon
wow I was touced by reading the incident, hats off to ya n taht was such a good gesture ;) cho chweet of u.
I dunno if i'd be able to do that ever as i am shit scared of Dogs....the only pets i ever had in my life were parrots n gold fish hahah.
anyways n congrats to u on the award i think u deserve each of em right. n thanks hon for thinking i am worthy those awards, means so much to me.....yur a darling hon.
am surely gonna post em on my blog babes :)
tis so nice to hear about the lil adventure with Dolly. and you got a chocolate surprise!! wow!!
thanks for the award keshi!! really appreciate it!!!
take care!
Keshiiiiiiiiii so sweet!! This is my first award!! And coming from a good blogger friend with so many beautiful words for me, this price worth ten times more. XOXOXOXOX thank you!!!!!!
Dolly is so cute ! And she looks exactly like Glory - A very cute dog of a fren of mine !!!
When my dog died since some 12 yrs back, after being with us for like 6 yrs...I was so devastated. I never could like a pet dog again. Perhaps never will. The death is just too painful to endure.
Anyway, thnx for the award girl. It means a lot.
awwww man i love dogs... dolly is shooooooo cweeeeeetttt
only if my mum wil let me have one :(
and thnks for all the awards Keshi... it really felt gr8 n i am so so honoured as it comes from you...dunno wt to say as i wsnt expectin it n so my speech is not ready!!!!
Oh n m doin the tag rite now so will update asap :)
dolly...soo cute..relations happen in secs yaar..not in mins or hrs...anyone comes to our heart and leave a impression then the relation is very much awesome..dooly is soo cute...i used to have a dog named monni..wen i was 2 years i mom says it used to protect me from everthing as much as even my aunt..she got bitten by him because she picked me up from the bed without my mother around...i loved it so much wen i was 4 or around it died since then i never had a pet..may be my wife brings one for me :)
and wow thnks for the awards yaar..simply superb...but i am not ur million dollar kiddin..thnks for both the awards u made me cry u tupid gal..u put on the pic i gave thnks a lot sweetu....lots of love..and hugs...
I think it's very strange that I never get any Awards for my blog even thought it's the best in blogsphere.
So I must doubt that all the Awards out there have a real meaning. Maybe they are just bought :)
Awwwwwww dolly is sho sho adorable! I have a similar story with a pair of cats..They still come up to my place once in months :)
Give love and you'll surely get it back...
Like I got an award!!!
Ye ye ye!!!!
*dancing and jumping*
I got two awards from you and one from lena...and that too for both being honest and having a great weblog...
Gurl! Wait till I come to Australia (or you to India) :))
Love you loads...
awww thanku....muah!!!!!
i'll come back n read d post later as i have a flight to catch...n thnx again :)
yo sooooooooooooo happy...thx for the awards darl..keep rocking..!!! muahhhh
me like the doggie pics and yes unexpected kindness goes a long long way. it makes someone's day, brings a smile on our faces and makes u believe in woodwork angels. those who come out of nowhere and help you when u need it the most. :-)
thanx for the award keshi my next post on xperiences blog wud be abt awards only
thanx again
Heeeey babe! Howz you been? Long time huh?
Must say that was a very weird thing to have happened..I'm not very fond of dogs to be honest *they're fine from a distance* but this incident was immensely sweet:-)
Honey...I havent read the entire posts but just went thru them for them for the time being.....a volley of awards for u...damn cool yaar...u deserve them all.........will come back to ur posts tonite....till them...
Thnx Keshi...
chummma (indian version of mwaaaah) :P
I'll make sure it flashes on my new blog :)
m scared of dogs :(, so I guess I can't claim that I would have got along...
Thnx again...
Thanks a ton Keshi for the Award.. makes my day special :)
And it was so wonderful of u to have taken care of the dog.. also the chocs which were unexpected wud have been some pleasant surprise.. such things reinforce that humanity still has good streaks..
wow~~!! Dolly was just a wow doggy innit?! i Lov Dogs :)
and thanks for the award girl.. it means a LOT!
keshi,thanks a lot for the award.
It means a lot coming from you,as you know what it's like to say what one truly believes in, and if that is silence,angry,envy,hatred etc. etc. so be it!!!!
Thank you so much for this, I am elated!
Awwww.. keshi.. I was in tears to read abt Dolly.. She must be very cute. And yeah.. I found it so nice of the owner to give u chocs.. It shows their love towards Dolly and how much they care for her. In our life it’s so important to show ur gratitude to people who helped u!
Awww,Dolly is an angel!I can imagine the sweetness she must have left behind in your hearts.Such acts of loving and being loved in return make life so worthwhile :)
Congrats and thanks for the awards dear!Love that pic Hemanth made for you,so apt.Hugssssssss
I didn't know tht I deserved this..but I so looourve you for giving this to me.
And more than the award,I love the person who gave this to me.*flying kiss*
I so wish you get my mail with my gratitude and love attached to it!
(I need your email id_
WOW! You are so right about all of that and thanks for the great award!!
hey! u know that thing about karma coming back to u. I've always believed in that. For a minute, I had forgotten about it. Out of impulse, i was going to do something bad to someone. Thank u for the reminder! (u saved my ass :P)
thanks :P lol :) i already got this ! :P
u are the thrid person to give it tooo me :) lol :P
haa...the dog thing was nice :P but u know if a dog came near me i would have fainted :P
But just help others, be kind, be nice without expecting anything. Cos that's the sweetest joy on Earth. Don't you agree?
100% Agreed Girl. Thanks for the award though you know me as another blogger for may be only couple of weeks!!
May you be blessed with friends,friends and friends always to make your/their life beautiful.
I love dogs and I know how you feel Keshi.
Congrats on all those beautiful awards given to you and you deserve it. Thank you and I will post it in my blog too.
awww thank u so much sweet heart.. muaahh.. that was soo sweet of you :)
huggggssssss n kisssessss
really didnt think that i had made such an impact though.. thank u so much.. that was reallyy sweettt.. aww.. am sooo touched now man.. reallyy
dollyy is absolutely adorable.. i wish i could get a dog.. i love to have pets.. never seem to have one.. may be once i settle n live on my own.. i will.. am sure about it.. am sure u must be missing her now.. may be u guys can keep visiting her often enough .. that will be nice.. n that was a really sweet gesture from the boy.. and actually not everyone does what u guys do.. so thats really cool .. and had to be appreciated :)
i think we shoild learn from animal..they are better than u correlate ur thinking with dolly:)
thanx a lot 4 "brilliant weblog award",i was disappointed too soon wen i saw my name wasn't der in 1st 2 lists..but lol..i really wanna hug u n say,thanx a lot..
hey,i 4got to rite abt Dolly,u really need to thank urself to protect the cutie frm any untoward incident.keep blogging..
ououou, how bad, I must be honest, i didn't see my award :)
so now then, I will give you the official rose-award
hey, thanks!
i have never won any awards so far...urs is my first...iam gonna display this on my site...thanks
i better stop, otherwise i will go on my award acceptance speech and u will find out why noone gives me any awards..
in regards to Dolly; animals seems to sense safety and kindness in humans...even children have this ability...once my son ( aged 4) got lost among the aisles of the supermkt...atleast he thought he reality i had him in my sight...he called out for me couple of times...i wanted to see what he will do, becoz i had instructed him that if he had ever got lost, he is to go the counter lady and stay there untill we get i watched him...he just goes straight to this fillipino staff guy who was arranging something on one the aisles and just hugs him....and the immediate reaction of that man was to hug him back and ask my son, what happened?...
tht trust..its instinctive...i guess thats wht they call guardian angel etc...
Been a while Keshi. After reading this, I'm beginning to like dogs a little -- I still prefer cats though.
And that boy sure did appreciate you both for everything.
sweetheart, thnkx & u get my million dollar smile & a warm hug . can i give u a HEARTY SOUL award for being de wonderful person you are..
& abt dolly...yeah, sometimes it happens , v connct wit animals too..i m nt much of a pet lover, i prefer watchin dem 4m a distance but i ll neva forget dis lil puppy i met on 1 f ma morn walks...he mus b a street dog , yeah..dats a diff breed here lol! dis cute doggie hd been lyin down by de road & wen he noticed me comin 4m far , he started lukin up & ws starin hard at me & wen i reached near..he winked at me & kept n starin. awwwww! dat ws lukd a lot better tan de winks most guys giv. lol!
i said hello 2 him & thrw bak a kiss....
he sorta made my day...
*Does a Euphoric jig and takes a royal bow*
Sprry for the late comment...
Thank u so much Keshi.
Since this is coming from the Blogville Jockey this holds so special.
Thank U Keshi.
*hi 5s*
looks like those fights kept me out of the second category, never mind maybe in the years to come:)
What a generosity keshi, you've given award for almost all bloggers LOL. Cool!! I appreciate the time you've dedicated for this.
Brilliant Weblog award?? for me?? Thanks! :)
***cos you write in a way that changes my deepest soul!
I think I changed your deepest soul twice
:D :D
Awwww. Congrats! my dear buddy.
you are soo sweet! Thanks for my award!
wow.. now there is something that does not happen everyday... Lovely stuff... Glad to see that you had a moment today :) God bless Dolly...
Lovely awards there mate... Congrats and Thank you.
Have a nice evening da, cheers...
hey keshi!! i am touched!!!!
Thank you Keshi for the award.I am so flattered. I believe in angels and kindness.I think kindness is free and should be shown.I think it was so sweet of you guys to take Dolly in.I love the song you are playing, one of my favorites.
Man.. I soooo love dogs.. Miss my cuties very much.. We had 2 when I was younger..
And I award you an Inspirational Blogger Award.. Well I don't actually have the award but still :))
*Hugz* :)
she's soo cute! that was heart warming, reminded me of my pet dog Brownie I had years ago.
he was among 9 others born in our backyard.
sadly though, he got run over by my neighbour's car days later :(
I'll never get a pet now, only cuz I know I wouldn't be able to bear losing any of them again..
Ohmi gosh! i jus can't deal with this anymore.....i love dogs too. There is a bigel in my building and she simply adorable!! Mebbe i will write a post on dogs sometime soon. :) I and my guy plan to hav a pet after marriage coz we both r dog lovers. :) And dolly certainly is an absolutely cute dog. No wonder u liked her.
Now coming to the 2nd part of the post, i m simply speechless!! Dunno wht to so say coz i m too overwhelmed to receive two awards in one go. So sweet of u Keshi. Thanks a lot hun!! *Hugs* :) I m absolutely delighted and will put these up in my blog right away. :D
thank u very much 4 the award sweetheart.......
nice to hear the dog incident...
happy to read bout the HEART of a dog..will tell this to some gals around coz i heard them saying NIRMAL u r a dog, has got no heart....
I think I have told you why I consider myself a dog?
Coz life's a bitch! And that I love mine a lot!
anyways.. congrats for all the awards to the ppl here!!! keep up the good work!
tht dog following ur sis n coming to ur home was so cute...i have had such incidents when i was doing my engg n mba...
and thank u for the award..means alot for me to accept it from the hottest blogger i knw :)
Woww.. an award for lil me!! Thanku Thanku... [taking out sheet of paper from my pocket, unraveling it and getting set to say my thanks...:)]
Awww, DOlly is adorable.. i so would have just kept her saying she was mine.. finders keepers... hehe.. na, i know!! her owners probably love her loads too! wonder what she was thinking when she got out to explore the world....:)
kindness knows no bounds..
and the returns it yields
always stumps me....
and goes such a long way.. at times i feel so embarassed when someone comes up to me and thanks me for a little thing i did[eons ago] :)
hey keshi...congrats for receiving these awards...u surely deserve these...
anyways coming to ur first part..indeed it was a nice thing to knw about hwta happened..i agree with u kindness is indeed a very sweet thing...
take care
Congrats Keshi on all those awards.
Thank you for giving me one. I will put it up as soon as I get a chance. Sorry been busy having a gala time with the long weekend and all.
I wonder what I would have done with the dog. I might have just screamed bloody murder. :)
hey keshi......
thanks a ton darlin...for that amazing award...m floored....
honestly i missed it when i first read it but after ur mess i checked it agan...thats so sweet of u...
lots of love darlin,......
vishesh has left a new comment on the post "Fruits Of Kindness":
thanks :P lol :) i already got this ! :P
u are the thrid person to give it tooo me :) lol :P
haa...the dog thing was nice :P but u know if a dog came near me i would have fainted :P
Hello Vishesh *LICKS*
OMG two awards in a day ? :O
Its too much to digest but yes when its from you it can be ;)
Thanks so much for the consideration and I liked where you called out saying you have done your analysis prior giving it to individuals that really makes it feel worthy :D
Thank you so much my dear friend - I feel very proud to receive these awards from YOU!
HUGZ dear!
May God Bless You
Aweee... A warm Hug from me to you :) you are such a sweetheart !Thank you so much =) I will proudly display your award on my blog !
Did you know this is my first award ever ! =) so
thank you thank you thank you...
U made my day =)
Thank you dear Keshi
for that award!
I'm so happy!
omg! Am so honoured to be awarded with a Million Dollar Friend Award :D
*Clears her throat for the long speech*
I would like to thank you, my blog mates, my parents, my neighbours, my train-mates, my colleagues, my friends, my enemies, my well-wishers, my admirers, my stalkers and so on .. for making me the person I am.
Thanks to the organisers of this award and thanks to Keshi for recongising the inner-me and honouring me with such a prestigious award.
ok enough lol I know I bored the hell outta you! ;p
On a serious note, thanks so much hun ... for including me in that category :) It takes a lot to be someone's friend .. and am glad and honoured for real .. to be considered one :)
Mmmmuuuahh!! and a huge warm hug!
Take care >:D<
and hehe Dolly is such a CUTE name for a dog .. its surprising it followed u all the way! It might have sensed some connection with you guys :)
Sometimes little incidences like these touch our lives .. isn't it?
Thanks for the award Keshi :)
What a gorgeous dog!! I am so happy that you guys took such good care of Dolly until she went home.
Sniff.. i am so touched now, both by the story and the Award.. thanks Sweety.. this is my first award, and I will really treasure it..
You should get a pup. I'd have a whole pack if Mrs. Phos would let me!!
Loved the story of Dolly and congratulations on the awards! Take care!
Dogs know good and friendly people when that see and, I guess for them, smell them.
Thanks so much for the award. But I think you are the one who deserves the most applause. With so many people so tied up in their own affairs and without any ear or concern for those outside their small group you are the one that acts to bring people together from so many different countries and backgrounds. Once again thank you for my award and I will try my best to continue to be an honest blogger.
Thank you for the awards Keshi.:)
And i loved that picture of yours!:D
I loved the sharing of Dolly. Overwhelemed me greatly. :) It must have taken a good, kind owner to have raised s uch a wonderful dog & friendly.:)
Makes me curious on 'Who is the owner?" lol..
I;ve got a thing for men with esp. when they are the ones raising them..:P
Hi Keshi
This is a beautiful heartfelt post.
The joy of giving far outweighs other things in life.
I got home today after traveling long distances by car to help some friends. I was feeling tired and very down at the thought of the commitments I've gotten myself into.
After reading your post, I feel much better, and happy that I'm helping my friends. I wrote a post about it a few minutes prior to reading this post. My post will be up in about 3 hours.
Thanks for writing such a nice post.
I'm so sorry. I did not see my name on the post. I'm so tired I missed it.
Thank you so much.
You most certainly deserve the awards.
** i would have probably screamed the place down
hahaha really? even if the dog was friendly?
I mean, I do know that some big dogs can be dangerous, but if they show friendly signs, Im usually friendly too :)
awww Restless I wanna see ur dog! Sounds like a real charming one.
**I love him as he is a family
Im proud of u too..for loving an animal as much as u love a human.
So many ppl fail to realise that animals r also living beings. And guess wut, they can be much better, loyal, loving and friendly than some humans r! :)
u ok? did u contact Samby? plz let me know too.
**I would have kept her.. well pending that noone came to claim her after I had called
hehehe I hear that alot of ppl actually do that kinda thing with lost animals. thats why ppl put up up big rewards for finding their lost pets etc.
hehehehe Mystique...
**try awarding a silver sports car
no worries!
*Keshi goes to Toys R Us to buy a silver sports car*
I didnt know my mighty, strong, courageous Bro is Cynophobic? :)
**and I so wish I was not that scared of dogs
haha so cute! *woof woof*
**sad for not getting all the four
omg mah Bro is supa greedy lolz! u got 3 awards from me...cmon be happy u big baby-in-a-green-diaper!
hey Silvara HUGGGGGGGZ!
yes me too..Im so glad abt Spring...cos now I can take this junk clothes off my body and show some skin LOL! ;-)
awww twas mah pleasure Stony :) HUGS!
**Animals and children see through your heart and reciprocate similar feelings irrespective of what your verbal and body language speaks.
true! both hv special sensors to detect good/bad vibes :)
**When we grow up, this capability is lost in the noise of perceptions and experiences.
I so agree! sad ha.
lol Fingers u may try it, but dun get BITTEN on ur arse!
hey Jitterz!
**i have had a bad hate-hate relationship with dogs.
mebbe u give them BAD vibes? lol!
Why should I learn Hindi when both u and Southy CAN speak English!
*Bows*..what a lovely surprise,Keshi..thanks ever so much for all three awards.More than anything else,it's the gesture which makes me feel happy.(I'm sure today will go off nicely,now..having read this post just after getting up.:))
Congrats to all the others,too-everyone together is what makes blogville such a nice and addictive place to be in. I'll surely display these on my blog,in the next post,and pass them further,too.:)
Re. the 'familiar stranger'(Whew-what a title)- how nice.You're right- even dogs have a sixth sense,so they know who's friendly and who's not.And,naturally,this one just knew you'd be the friendly type.I thoroughly agree-a little kindness goes a long way-such a nice gesture from the teenager to come and give u a box of chocs.
**But just help others, be kind, be nice without expecting anything. Cos that's the sweetest joy on Earth.**
Good heavens,I guess our instincts are identical,many times.Just see my new post.:)
You write so nice about Dolly, so I miss her too. Really unexpected visitor, nice visitor.
Thank you Keshi for this Brilliant Weblog award! I really appreciate it!
Congratulations! You deserved the best!
hey ty Gauri!
**I too am a firm believer of the karmic circle. What goes around does indeed come around.
yes! I hv WITNESSED that in this life itself.
hey try Hiren!
**and am really really glad to know that what I write (read as rant, blabber etc) does touch your heart
yes it does. And I love ur QUOTES blog. Cos thats where I get my daily dose of WISDOM.
:) Enjoy the award that u so deserve!
Jitterz Im still adding to this list lol!
Pink rose from Hemanth is gorgeous!
hey Arjun tnxx!
**SMM cannot stand them - deep rooted childhood phobia!!
Cynophobia isnt rare. Alot of ppl fear dogs. me too, especially if it shows signs of unrest.
Dolly, on the other hand, was very friendly. Dolly is what I'd be like if I was a dog lol!
Thanks sweetie. You're a real Peach.
We can learn so much about unconditional love from Dogs (even though it is an anthropomorphic projection of their instinctual design to be dedicated pack members) it is still an awe inspiring trait that we Humans desperately need to learn.
Keep on keepin' on Keshiroo.
haha Prakhar so I got the ROCK ON award ha? wonderful n ty HUGS! :)
**but never met a dog like dolly....who never barked in 30 mins
lolz was as if Dolly waited lifetimes to meet us..she was so happy and content in our company. It was an amazing experience for us!
heyyy Deepti HUGGGGGGGGZ!
**Had tears streaming down when i read this
awwww...really? wow! ur a very warm n sensitive soul..I guess thats why we gel so well :)
*MWAH* enjoy the award u so deserve Deepti!
hey Srijith it was my turn to GIVE. :)
u too Bla MWAH!
hey ty Suma HUGS!
**its amazing how that dog came so far to the right house too
yes! thats wut we were thinking too. Cos, for Dolly to arrive at our house, she had to cross 3 main intersections with heavy traffic! And few streets that still had reasonable car traffic. Shocking that she didnt get run-over or confused.
hey Mia ty sweetz HUGGGGGGGZ!
**the only pets i ever had in my life were parrots n gold fish hahah.
haha so cute! Cos birds n fish wont attack u ha? LOL safe pets, yes!
u wudnt believe it how many kinds of animals we had as pets when my dad was alive. we had cats, dogs, birds, fish and even a lil pig called KIRI lol!
U deserve all the awards of FRIENDSHIP on Earth hun! Cos u know HOW to be a friend, and thats rare. *MWAH*
hehehe Deepz I must thank you...for being such a great friend :)
hey Analia twas mah pleasure hun MWAHHHHHHHHHHHH! :)
Cindy hey HUGGGGGGZ!
**...I was so devastated. I never could like a pet dog again
me too :(
our last German Shepherd 'Ginger' died suddenly...from a heart attack, on Christmas eve..cos of the fireworks. Apparently some dogs r scared of that noise. And our last bull-dog Judy died smiling...she always had a smile on her face. I cant forget her!
After them, both me and my sis never wanted pets...cos those deaths broke our hearts badly.
Hence Im petless now...I cant stand separating from em..not again!
haha Div no need of a speech...HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
ur mum dun like dogs? awwww...
I checked ur tag. Brilliant work there!
hey Hemz tnxx!
Monni sounds like a superb bodyguard! lol aww so cute.
**but i am not ur million dollar frnd
ok so then r ya a $2 friend? LOL HUGS!
I made u cry yeyyyyyyyyyy! :)
ty Murane!
**So I must doubt that all the Awards out there have a real meaning. Maybe they are just bought
huh! just cos u didnt notice ur name in the list :)
hey Sach HUGGGGGGGGZ n tnxx!
**They still come up to my place once in months
aww thats so sweet...only once a month? where do they come from, d u know? Interesting!
k Mayz take ur time :)
hehe Anits MWAH! :)
hey Utopia tnxx!
**those who come out of nowhere and help you when u need it the most
aha, I believe that happens due to an angelic involvement :)
hey Joyce twas mah pleasure! :)
hey Crasiezt tnxx hun!
ur cynophobic too? :)
no wurries Diana, take ur time :)
hey Sinner!
ur cynophobic too? wow alot of em here :)
chummma! that was v cute!
ty Vrij! :)
**such things reinforce that humanity still has good streaks..
Spot on!
ty Veenz!
yes Dolly was a hoot! :)
hey Rahul its my pleasure :)
**as you know what it's like to say what one truly believes in, and if that is
yep..I cant pretend or live in denial at all hehehe...and I believe ur the same, which is great!
hey Anjuli MWAH! :)
hey Parchi WB!
I thought u were still on holz and wont be bak for a while. So how was it? :)
**It shows their love towards Dolly and how much they care for her. In our life it’s so important to show ur gratitude to people who helped u!
so true! It shows that Kindness is rewarded, both ways. Dolly got taken care of cos she was kind to us. And we got the chocs cos we were kind to her :)
ty Sameera MWAHHHHHHH!
**Such acts of loving and being loved in return make life so worthwhile
yep...those smal gestures by animals and humans is what makes this life worthwhile. Well-said Sameera!
:) and u deserve the BEST! U know that.
hey Crystal :)
**I didn't know tht I deserved this
many ppl dunno how much love, appreciation, recognition and kindness they I made it a point to show them how special they r. And u certainly came to my mind :)
Dolly is so cute!! A well-trained and loved dog. I can relate so much to this as I have Bobby for more than a year now.
Thanks for the award dearie! Being honest is what each and everyone of us here have to do. I am glad that you saw it in me :-)
hey Mutley, ur WC! :)
hey Ash :)
**Out of impulse, i was going to do something bad to someone. Thank u for the reminder! (u saved my ass
Im glad! *HUGZ*
Whenever u feel like doing something bad to someone, think abt how BAD it wud make u FEEL, later on.
hehe Vish u wud hv received that award from a 100 others? I knew it!
** but u know if a dog came near me i would have fainted
There's no cure for Cynophobia...mebbe a hot-DOG will do? lol!
hey ty Maddy!
I may hv met u only for a short while, but I 'sensed' ur a good person...and a great blogger. Just like how Dolly 'sensed' we'd take care of her and find her way back home. :)
hey Priya HUGS n ty! :)
Kindness ...
Dnt u think this is such a lovely word in itself.....kindness is not beyond any of us because it usually costs no money. It may take the sacrifice of time and energy. It may require the discipline to be thoughtful of others' needs and to make the effort to act. How much is required to cultivate smiling rather than frowning? to pay a visit? to say a word of encouragement or comfort? to show friendliness by warmly and sincerely shaking hands?
The consequences of kindness are incalculable. Kindness sows the seeds that can only bear good fruit.
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
Dogs can sense out good from bad...If Dolly followed ur sis n made herself comfortable at ur place, then she probably could sense KINDNESS n safety. U had such a sweet experience with her.
I had a dog - Lucky. He died about 7 years back.....It died on my lap, perhaps of heart attack...I can never forget the last stroke that took away his life.......He closed his eyes n devastated me for life.......Somehow it stays in me that lucky would return to me in some form or the other.......I had even told my mom that its soul would come back to me as my child....Lucky's death shattered us so much that we decided never to pet a dog again...Now I hav two parrots, they too are so dependent on me......I stay at office the entire day but when I come back, they come to me giv me small pecks..........Thats kindness, these small creatures trust me (trust an other being blindly coz they feel , they are safe n happy with me around)
This post reminded me of Lucky.....
Thanx Sweety...HUGS
Thanx for the award sweety...will put it up soon....
U so deserve the award...cos even tho I've only known u recently, ur posts, ur comments, they all touched me deeply..u leave a deep impact with ur words and also with ur free and unbiased friendship towards me. TY for being u Ani!
yep I miss Dolly so much. I know the address but I dun wanna scare the owners lol!
ty Rakesh!
**i think we shoild learn from animal..they are better than us..
I so agree with ya! Some animals demonstrate unconditional love that even humans cant.
**how u correlate ur thinking with dolly
I learnt so much from Dolly. From the start she was kind and friendly to us. So we took care of her and was kind to her. And becos of Dolly's kindness and attitude to life, Dolly went home safely.
See how Kindness can bring so many good things to one's life.
hey Anwesa lol Im glad ur happy :) HUGGGGGGGGZ!
Dolly crossed 3 busy Intersections to get to my place, yes!
hey Murane hallelujah! U finally saw it :) HUGS!
**Rose award
wow sounds really fragrant! ty :)
aww ur son is a cutie! well-trained by dad Tys ha ;-)
**animals seems to sense safety and kindness in humans...even children have this ability..
I agree. Animals n kids hv that strong intuition.
hey Azuka long time! :) hows u?
hey Enchanted HUGS!
**he winked at me & kept n starin
lol awwwwwwww thats seriously CUTE!!!!!!
Wut happened to it then?
hey Tarun hi 5! ;-)
***Does a Euphoric jig and takes a royal bow
haha I wanna see ya doing it!
hey Southy!
**looks like those fights kept me out of the second category, never mind maybe in the years to come
huh! Why cant u appreciate the award u got??
hey Aneesh yeah and I hv a 100 more awards to give..their names r not in this list. lol so many brilliant bloggers yes!
**I think I changed your deepest soul twice
yes u did...times u told me to go bak to KG class lolz!
heyy Lavida wooohooo! ;-)
hey Arv tnxx to u too! :)
Sushmita me too. :) by all the Kindness in Blogville.
hey Starry HUGGGGGGGZ!
**I think kindness is free and should be shown
yes...and even if it's free, some ppl refuse to be kind. how sad ha!
I hv so many other friends to give awards to, including u. The list was getting too long so I stopped there lol! Ur award will come later ok.
** Inspirational Blogger Award
wow ty Im touched! :)
ty Monk!
**sadly though, he got run over by my neighbour's car days later
o noooooooooooooooo! :*(
thats what Dolly's owner said to us...that he's so THANKFUL that Dolly didnt get run over by a car, cos she crossed 3 busy intersections to get to our place!
I lost many pets in the past...after my dahlin Judy's death, I didnt wanna hv any more.
hey Ria u should get a dalmation..wut say? :) I like the spots.
u deserve much more than these awards Ria...cos ur a superb friend!
*HUGZ* enjoy! :)
hey Nirmal ur leg's looking great! lol!
**..will tell this to some gals around coz i heard them saying NIRMAL u r a dog, has got no heart
hahahaha good one!
hey Iceman I hvnt forgotten the GREAT blogger in u. U and many others here didnt make it to this list only cos I can only do one lot at a time :).
**Coz life's a bitch! And that I love mine a lot
hahaha good one!
hey Mav its my pleasure! :)
**i have had such incidents when i was doing my engg n mba...
so did the dog graduate too? LOL!
hey Aaarti u so deserve the award :)
**i so would have just kept her saying she was mine.. finders keepers...
hahaha that cracked me up big time! Actually alot of ppl do that..cos good, clean, healthy, well-lookedafter and trained dogs r expensive. So when they find a lost dog, some ppl keep it.
**wonder what she was thinking when she got out to explore the world....:)
haha yes! Cute Dolly crossed 3 very busy Intersections to get to my place!
**kindness knows no bounds..
and the returns it yields
always stumps me....
very true!
**at times i feel so embarassed when someone comes up to me and thanks me for a little thing i did
eons ago
thats cos ur so humble. HUGS!
ty Parul :)
hey Sol tnxx!
U deserve recognition for the great work u do and the awareness u spread thru all ur blogs.
** I might have just screamed bloody murder
lol r u cynophobic too?
hehehe Parul its ok. HUGS n ty! U deserve it hun!
haha Mutley now sit, sit, not lick Vish! :)
hehe Dawny HUGGGGGGGGGZ! U know ur mah sis from a very long time. :)
** I liked where you called out saying you have done your analysis prior giving it to individuals that really makes it feel worthy
yes...not everyone can be in ALL the categories..but this is just my opinion :) so ppl can chillax lol!
hey Neeku I feel so honored to give u ur FIRST award yeyyyyyyyyyy! :)
hey Maria HUGGGGGGGGGZ! :)
**I would like to thank you, my blog mates, my parents, my neighbours, my train-mates, my colleagues, my friends, my enemies, my well-wishers, my admirers, my stalkers and so on .. for making me the person I am.
Thanks to the organisers of this award and thanks to Keshi for recongising the inner-me and honouring me with such a prestigious award
haha cute speech...very well done! Ur most WC hun. :)
yes it takes alot to be someone's FRIEND. And u made it in my life! :) Cos u hv always been the SAME to me...from the beginning. TY for making such an influence in my life!
And abt seems she knew us from a long time ago! @Cheesy
hey CG :)
I was actually thinking of u when Dolly came to our place...I really did! cos I know how much u love dogs.
Anu I feel privileged to give u ur first blog award! :)
haha Phoso I know u love dogs!
I dun wanna have anymore..cos I've lost enough :(
hey Sanjay WB mate and tnxx! :)
hey BB tnxx!
yes dogs just KNOW.
**With so many people so tied up in their own affairs and without any ear or concern for those outside their small group you are the one that acts to bring people together from so many different countries and backgrounds
aww ty! but if not for friends like u, no one wud read my thoughts and appreciate em too, right? :)
aww ty Amy!
**I;ve got a thing for men with esp. when they are the ones raising them
hahaha I think like u too Amy! I believe that a man who raises a good and healthy dog can be a great partner and a great dad. That may be why :)
hey Bev WB! :)
and Im happy that ur happy yeyyyyyyyyyyy!
hey Krys MWAHHHHHHH! :)
hey Donn!
**We can learn so much about unconditional love from Dogs (even though it is an anthropomorphic projection of their instinctual design to be dedicated pack members) it is still an awe inspiring trait that we Humans desperately need to learn.
Spot on! We humans can learn so much from dogs.
*HUGZ* :)
hey Ammu MWAH!
Hows Bobby these days? :)
@keshi..i hope it did :D :D
hey Diana tnxx hun!
**The consequences of kindness are incalculable. Kindness sows the seeds that can only bear good fruit. No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted
so true! even if the person ur being kind to is a mean one, ur act of kindness wud make YOU feel great. Thats a joy of giving...the positive energy that keeps u content anyways.
Im so sorry to hear abt Lucky :( reminded me of how Judy and Ginger died...I cried so much. Me and my sis vowed never to hv pets again!
So Mav that dog wud hv been the first dog on Earth to receive an MBA? wow!
I finally made it over here, Keshi. I feel honored to receive the award. It's been a long day of medical tests for me, so I needed something positive waiting for me at the end of the day. I will find out the results on Thursday, my time. Wish me luck!
Keshi I wouldn't wait to find out whether or not the dog was friendly. I'd just scream the place down or run away. I know its stupid. I have tried hard to like dogs, or at least stay still till they come sniff me n then ignore me, but no success. I think I got bitten to death by dogs in one of my previous births :P
There's an old saying, "Expectation is the mother of all fuck ups" I just suffered from that and ruined the happiness i shud i hv enjoyed...
Sorry about that keshi, really sorry...
Grunty hey HUGS!
aww..that must hv been a very tiring day..both physically and emotionally.
**I will find out the results on Thursday
I wanna know ok. I'll come ard to ur blog anyways.
U deserve much more than awards Grunty...u deserve the BEST in everything!
haha SMM its ok.
We all have fears...I hv many lol!
Southy thats right...I was sad that u didnt even say anything abt the award u already got. Instead, u were wishing for something else.
Anyways, some of my good friends didnt get any awards in this post...none at all. And they werent unhappy.
Im not holding any grudges for wut happened in the past Southy. Im just being honest with my heart. I feel so comfy in telling anything to some ppl...and those r the ones who made it to my Millionaire Friend Award. That doesnt mean u r not a good friend! Its just that these ppl r so easy to talk to and seem to u'stand me more than others...plz dun misunderstand me
I understand that very well...:)
thnks keshi !!! :)
lol if there is a veggie one available :P
Thats one delightful story.
Many thanks for the award, Keshi.
Thanks Keshi.... I accept the award.... and thank my mom, dad, neighborhood dogs, the local goon and the police in-charge for the inspiration to write!!
HUGS Southy! :)
ta hiren!
haha Vish yes a vege hot-dog!
hey Ash ur most WC :)
hey Arjun yeyyyyyyyyyyy! :)
Sorry abt the delay...cos I entered so many new names last I told ya, I had a memory crash, in my brain lol!
*HUGZ* u write really well!
hey... u angry at me!! :(
after giving the award!! :((((
Thanks a lot sweetie for that award.. it really means a lot for me!! a lot!!
and believe me, its not like i didnt want to... u can check Lena, i got the same award and this lame guy doesnt even checked at her place too!! :(
I m sorry... but really thanks to u that u think that i deserve this... this blogworld has given me mroe than i deserve !! :)
thanks a lot friend and i will be there always... and plzz dont count me out for anything!!
Love ya... hugzzz!!!
and u know wat.. its Ganesh Chaturthi here and still there was a power cut, and the power just came 2 mins back....
Thanks a ton Keshi :)
Dint know honesty is also appreciated. God bless dear!!
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