Here are some recent revelations that dawned upon me about Blogville, posts, readers and friends. At the end of each revelation, there's a question to answer. You may answer them if you wish to but please read the post BEFORE you comment. Something that irks me severely is when people comment without reading or understanding the post. If you don't have time to read my posts, don't comment. And if you think I'm boring you with my 'similar' posts, don't bother reading or commenting. As simple as that. You have a choice.
Disclosed Worshippers
As most of you may have already noticed, Blogger has added a new feature called Followers. While it's quite fascinating, I'm not going to enable the Followers list in my blog, cos I don't want to display 100+ followers on my profile page :). It just makes my blog look like a fuckbook *ooops! facebook* profile and makes it all messy and bossy. To me, blogging is a personal journey and that doesn't have to make me feel like I'm God with a bunch of devotees. But that's just may do what you like. What does the term 'followers' mean to you?
Undisclosed Detachment
Some of so called I'll-be-there-for-u-til-ur-last-breath kind of friends don't even stop by my blog anymore. LOL! They are everywhere else in Blogville except in mine. Nah, it doesn't bother me anymore like it used to, relax. But what's really funny is how they were so 'drama' with their friendship talk to me, and how they just suddenly dropped me like a hot potato. I can't stop laughing. No, friendship isn't about commenting in one another's blogs or just about words...but it definitely can be felt in the vibes you give out to that other person, in the things you do and don't do. What does 'friend' mean to you?
Visible Fruit
What you see in Blogville is what you get. Meaning, if someone gives you I-don't-think-I-wanna-know-u-anymore kind of vibes, then that's what it really is. I only wish for a BLOCK feature from Blogger, where I can ban certain readers from my blog for good, so that I know that they will never see my posts. Blogging is like Gardening...cos you pour your heart out in the open to teach and learn at the same time, and see the fruits of wisdom there must be a way to keep the weeds and pests off too. What does 'blogging' mean to you?
Concealed Agendas
This week I have been feeling so low that I almost came close to saying Goodbye to Blogville. Nah I'm not trying to get attention here, I'm just telling you the truth. I realised that some people reading my blog (not all!), are spies...spies who try to stir issues and split people up. Even when there's no issues between me and another blogger, some people just want to break us up. I don't understand why people keep saying they are good people but don't really do any good to others. Why can't people be happy when there's a great friendship blossoming? Selfish motives? Maybe. I have been the victim of many such dirty work of unhappy people, which ended in scarred relationships with people that don't deserve it. What does 'goodness' mean to you?
Unveiled Theories
I know some people hate my guts. Well I'm glad about that cos that means I hit them in the right spots. As humans, we don't always agree and we don't have to. We are all different, and we can be quite civil with it all and just agree to disagree, and move on. But disagreeing doesn't mean mudslinging that other person, does it? Disagreeing means not agreeing on the issue at hand, not the person. We all have varying theories on almost everything. Opinions clash but that doesn't have to lead to name-calling. Often I have come across people who read my posts and 'judge' my person instead of the post. It's either they are too lazy to read the post or they are just out to criticise me 24/7. I really don't care if they agree with me or not *I'm not here to please the entire Earth's population*, but it would be good if people can read the post before commenting on it, and yes I welcome constructive criticism *and on the post please, not on my entire person, family, location and life!*. What does 'opinion' mean to you? Unmasked Vision
Now that I have blogged for about 4yrs, it makes me wonder about all the great lessons I have learnt and all the wisdom it has added to my being. It all happened cos I was willing to lose my privacy at the hope of finding my reality. Guys, I'm not a machine...I hope I'm allowed some downtime too? And when I'm happy I write gentle posts...when I'm angry I write horrible posts. No matter what, I did it my way. And yes, I scored big time *in knowledge and honesty terms* and I'm glad I didn't hesitate to connect and be very open with everything I wrote here. I realised that that can only happen if you're willing to do it too. Meaning, if you show your real face and if you look with your naked eyes, you will see everything clearer than you would with a mask on. You can't drive a car without passing an Eye test can ya. You need to disclose yourself to uncover the truth, to clear the fog. What does 'vision' mean to you?
You may add your own revelations about Blogville and any questions that you may have. I'd like to know. This is Blogville...this is where we come to learn, grow and practice harmony...not animosity. It's not a place to spark competition or hatred. This world needs unity, not anymore division than it has already. As much as I get 100s of comments in my blog, I'm not here for that or for killing time. I'm here for a express, to spread knowledge, to learn and to connect. Let's draw love-hearts, not borders. Let's make our personal journey a happy, peaceful, safe and an enlightening one to all, not just by words but also by our actions. Even if I leave this space today, I know my spirit shall live here forever...and I shall carry your's with me forever. Ciao!
Current Music: Viva Forever by The Spice Girls
190 Cranium Signets:
u again posted something haa....
What does the term 'followers' mean to you?
That word does have a certain "cult" feeling to it. I haven't enabled it either, cause I already have a blog roll there.
What does 'friend' mean to you?
Unconditional accpetance.
What does 'blogging' mean to you?
Just writing about what you feel like writing about and interacting with other people.
What does 'goodness' mean to you?
Honesty and decency.
What does 'opinion' mean to you?
What people believe about certain topics and issues. You don't have to agree with everyone's opinion though, but you should respect it.
What does 'vision' mean to you?:
What you think the world and the future should look like.
blogging = time pass. shit vent, rant spot, for me
goodness = nothing
"opinions are like assholes. everyone has one. what comes out is shit" :)
vision = tinted
srry for before comment dint read and comment pls dont be angry now..i was with this cold and was to angry u posted something before i left...
Disclosed Worshipers
i am always be on the list....always..:)..the meaning of followers--->My flying Buddies..they fly to my blog to put some happiness into me..:)..
Undisclosed Detachment
not one of dont need to bother i think...
frnd means “Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!”
Visible Fruit
u want to block me now haa...ok ur wish ;)..blogging means to see own heart and see u guys know more abt me and let me grow out of sad moments and be happy always..
Concealed Agendas
my god...there r certainly some jerks here who try to do this..and i am not one...but i am very much angry because i to was a victim lately...
goodness mean to me as .."Goodness is the only investment that never fails." and i believe this soo much...
Unveiled Theories
next time if i see that u say i hate..ur soo dead
opinion to me means thinking between good and bad...and these days i cant differentiate between them....thinkin everything is good and being back stabbed..if i had a choice to make... i wud make a separate world only for my frnds and live there happily ever after..
Unmasked Vision
i like ur post's whether they come wen ur angry or not...i like them..nono i love them...
my vision is to make a lots of frnds and be a part of Google in India...and will try to achieve it...with all u guys suport..:)..
have some other questions but will take time to ask now just now...
Followers :) - An ace card for people who want to show the world that they fall into teh category of "popular". Who cares ? Quite apparently, they do ! :D
I've seen quite a few things in Blogsville Keshi - including posts which sound so contrived that it cannot be anything but "made up". Made me wonder why people do this -for one - probably it increases traffic to their blogs. Two - such posts invariably get linked on someone else's blog thereby increasing fresh traffic to their blogs. For such people - Followers is a boon :D.
As far as my definitions of "friend" and "goodness" go - I agree 100% with Jay.
As far as blogspace goes - it is each person's space - for penning down their thoughts, their feelings or speaking on any subject they feel they ought to speak about. That however, does not give anyone a right to go about bashing up that blogger and getting personal - just because the other person does not agree.
I've always maintained that if you don't agree - you can either voice your opinion in a civil way or else - simply stop reading the blog whose content you find boring or whatever. Amazing thing is - people are hellbent on reading and then getting personal and slinging mud on the blog author.
But then again, to sum things up in a sentence "It takes all sorts to make a world".
Hope you're feeling better Keshi.
What does the term 'followers' mean to you?
Was never really allowed to use that term, Mom said you are a leader not a follower.. and yes like jay said sound like a cult thing.
What does 'friend' mean to you?
Unconditional Love, Hearing me whine and cry, being there NO matter what!
What does 'blogging' mean to you?
My thoughts, my mind, my voice.. KEY WORD being MY!!
What does 'goodness' mean to you?
No Judging, being there, respect.
What does 'opinion' mean to you?
You have yours and I have mine.. Getting along despite the difference.
What does 'vision' mean to you?:
Your outlook on the way you see things. Seeing beyond what you expect!!!
I loved this blog and how you mapped things out..
Blogville needs to get a clue, GROW THE EFF UP!! to much back bitting, Jealousy and all that.. can we all just get along if not keep it moving and keep your comments to yourself.. DAMN! I am 19 and most of yall are older than I am and cause the most shit!!
Luv ya Keshi Girl!!
Hi,Keshi.That's something I've noticed,so many times-people either skim through a post,or,they just read,say,the cartoon,or,the joke or the quote,and comment on it.But,then,I take it as their being polite,and leaving a comment,at least.(Better to look at the positive side,I feel)
On to your questions:
- What does the term 'followers' mean to you?
'Followers',from what I understand,is the opposite of 'blogroll',on my blog.
- What does 'friend' mean to you?
Blogwise,friend means someone whom you get close to,just courtesy the trust developed via their writing..and,it's a mutual friendship.
Otherwise,very simply- Trust,on both sides,defines friend.
- What does 'blogging' mean to you?
- No editors for what I write
- Favourite hobby
- A neat way to meet the most interesting people
- A way to share thoughts with people
-What does 'goodness' mean to you?
Being good to others(Well,in other words,not being vitriolic everytime you click the keyboard to comment.:))and expecting good from others(or,rather,not expecting bad from others)
**Why can't people be happy when there's a great friendship blossoming?**
It's human nature-I've never found the answer yet.And so,I prefer to ignore such trouble-makers.
-What does 'opinion' mean to you?
It's something I'm entitled to have,but,it's not something I'm entitled to thrust down someone's throat,in real or virtual life.
-What does 'vision' mean to you?
Here,my 'vision'differs slightly from you.I love your frank writing style, but,something keeps me back from going totally all out in my writing..let's see,I do sense some change coming-for the better,of course.You might see a metamorphosis one of these days,on my blog.:)
** Now that I have blogged for about 4yrs**
Wow-you,too?Let me see ur archive-first post..oh...1st Oct'04...awaiting a 'special'blog post in a few weeks.:)
Other revelations about blogville?I've got so many that I might write a post on them one of these days..but,the main ones:
- It's great to see so much latent talent coming to the fore,which I'd have never known about-from people writing poems to stories to jokes to just writing about their lives.
- People get bored of writing,just like any other hobby,after a while. So, blogville needs to give some motivation to these people,somehow.:)
More coming up later.TC.
Hmmm...blogging to me is for self-expressions not for false impressions. I have always abided by this.
I dont care whether ppl who read me once, dont anymore - were good frens once but arent anymore - go n bitch about me elsewhere - or whatever shit for that matter !!
Genuine ppl will always be around -doesnt matter if they're in a handful. And thats motivating enough.
yes Hemz..
What does the term 'followers' mean to you?
Followers means the readers who follow my blog...and it really doesn't mean anything to me...except these friends thot my blog worth enough to follow..and i m grateful.. :)
What does 'friend' mean to you?
A person who will shout on my fault and enjoy with me in success
What does 'blogging' mean to you?
I started blogging to have a place to vent out my frustrations and convey my feelings...and I still stick to that...though nowadays I m lil responsible too..coz as it's public ..i shud not be a bad influence to young readers...
What does 'goodness' mean to you?
Goodness menas not interfering in my completely personal all I don't care .
What does 'opinion' mean to you?
Opinion means my views on the may be harsh or it may be buttering and for that the seeker shud be prepared wen i m doing wat....
What does 'vision' mean to you?
Vision means to me getting an insight on the matter ..and then predict the future...u can't go to paris if u choose a path to honolulu.. it's all the curent action ..the choice..which determine the future...
and that's my view....:)
ty Jay!
**That word does have a certain "cult" feeling to it.
yes it does! I never liked that term from the start :)
**Unconditional accpetance.
lovely meaning!
**Just writing about what you feel like writing about and interacting with other people.
true. yes, just being urself.
**Honesty and decency.
**What people believe about certain topics and issues. You don't have to agree with everyone's opinion though, but you should respect it.
RESPECT is the key word!
**What you think the world and the future should look like.
wow nice one!
hey Stygian!
**blogging = time pass. shit vent, rant spot, for me
time pass? hmm ok mebbe for some. but d u RESPECT the fact that it is not timepass for some others?
**goodness = nothing
ok. Then I wonder why ur a doctor?
**"opinions are like assholes. everyone has one. what comes out is shit" :)
In that case we should not be commenting or even blogging right? Not every opinion is shit!
**vision = tinted
then u need to get rid of the tint.
ty Hemz!
**.."Goodness is the only investment that never fails."
Thats a really nice one. So true.
**... i wud make a separate world only for my frnds and live there happily ever after..
dont count on anyone Hemz...everyone's out to ACT.
**my vision is to make a lots of frnds and be a part of Google in India
Interesting! Hope it comes true :)
hey ty Gauri!
**An ace card for people who want to show the world that they fall into teh category of "popular"
well-said! :)
**Amazing thing is - people are hellbent on reading and then getting personal and slinging mud on the blog author
yes! And why is that? I can never u'stand that.
Im feeling better Gauri..but not 100%.
ty Ne MWAH!
**Was never really allowed to use that term, Mom said you are a leader not a follower..
good one!
**Unconditional Love, Hearing me whine and cry, being there NO matter what!
awww...very true! And not everyone can be THAT to u. Thats why the few friends u find r precious.
**My thoughts, my mind, my voice.. KEY WORD being MY!!
Excellent definition!
**No Judging, being there, respect.
Perfect! Wish more ppl shared ur wisdom. Sometimes goodness is only in the words and not in the actions. And that sucks.
**You have yours and I have mine.. Getting along despite the difference.
WOW well-said girl!
**Your outlook on the way you see things. Seeing beyond what you expect!!!
Whoaaaaaaa r ya sure ur only 20? :) Very good!
*HUGZ* I love ya too, no matter what! Cos we r mates from many lifetimes! I know that for sure :)
ty Amit!
**Better to look at the positive side,I feel
I know but thats not what I meant by asking to u'stand the post. Some ppl just JUMP on things and comment something totally out of sync with the post. I hv no probs with ppl leaving a short comment but I cant stand it when ppl write rubbish. Quantity is not what Im looking for...Quality it is.
** Trust,on both sides,defines friend.
yes. wut if someone broke that trust more than twice? :)
**I prefer to ignore such trouble-makers
its not easy to ignore them in such a small place like Blogville.
**It's something I'm entitled to have,but,it's not something I'm entitled to thrust down someone's throat,in real or virtual life
**People get bored of writing,just like any other hobby,after a while
I agree...Im heading towards that too..not bored of writing but bored of fake ppl and exposing my heart to them. :)
tnxx Amit!
ty Cindy!
**blogging to me is for self-expressions not for false impressions. I have always abided by this
**I dont care whether ppl who read me once, dont anymore - were good frens once but arent anymore...
u really wudnt CARE if I dun stop by ur blog anymore? just a qn. :)
I dunno how some ppl do it, but I do CARE. Especially when someone has been very close to me in blogville. It means something to me.
What does the term 'followers' mean to me?
well i wld reckon anyone who idolises you or follows ur words and tries to imbibe the meaning from it a follower...
What does 'friend' mean to me?
a friend for me could be a simple friend who i share my thoughts adnd concerns with, to someone i could depend on any time i need a shoulder to cry someone who could be my mentor if need be...someone who wdn't put on masks to please me when they actually detest me...and more..
What does 'blogging' mean to me?
blogging..ummm...i blog whenever im bugged or happy or have something i wanna share with other blokes..u cld say its at times like a silent diary of mine...
What does 'goodness' mean to me?
it means above everything purity of heart and being able to be to someone unconditionally good...
What does 'opinion' mean to me?
freedom of speech and mind to think and say what one wants too...hail democracy :)
What does 'vision' mean to me?
visions..i have them all the times...sometimes blasts from the past sometimes de ja vu(s)...
noice post babe..:)
ty Bro!
**A person who will shout on my fault and enjoy with me in success
shout meaning?
**I started blogging to have a place to vent out my frustrations and convey my feelings...and I still stick to that...though nowadays I m lil responsible too..coz as it's public ..i shud not be a bad influence to young readers...
I agree...u cant be 100% open abt things in a public place. So Blogville isnt a place for making friends? Strange how u didnt mention that.
**Goodness menas not interfering in my completely personal all I don't care .
huh, I didnt u'stand that:(
**Opinion means my views on the may be harsh or it may be buttering and for that the seeker shud be prepared wen i m doing wat....
good, but wut abt the other person's opinion?
**Vision means to me getting an insight on the matter ..and then predict the future...u can't go to paris if u choose a path to honolulu.. it's all the curent action ..the choice..which determine the future...
Good one bro!
blogging to me is expressing myself of who I am... with any pretense... whether you people like or not...
and you are human and its perfectly fine to hit downtime... but dont let it affect you too much...
regarding the blogerville politics... well it exists everywhere...whether school, work, family, friends... everywhere and everyone is victim of it one way or the other.... so I suggest .... just leave it... express yourself with honesty and the rest who don't care ... let it be... it should not affect you...
hope you bounce back from the downtime soon =)
What does the term 'followers' mean to you?
sounds like I am Ma Pinkumata...dont like the concept much.
What does 'friend' mean to you?
There through thick and thin, hail and sun, love and loss.
What does 'blogging' mean to you?
allowing thoughts to flow, unhindered.
What does 'goodness' mean to you?
a good heart.
What does 'opinion' mean to you?
Mine is mine. Yours is yours. Both have the right to exist. But I just pray that everyone has one after a study of the subject concerned.
What does 'vision' mean to you?
the future...
**What does the term 'followers' mean to you?
it sounds more religious to me…but when talking about blog I would take it as friends who like readin ur blog…”follow the blog” and not the blogger
**What does 'friend' mean to you?
a refelction of my self…a mirror image…someone who understands me without me even saying anything.
**What does 'blogging' mean to you?
a place where I pour out the poison of my heart.
**What does 'goodness' mean to you?
making someone happy.
**What does 'opinion' mean to you?
I agree with jay on this one…exactly what I feel
**What does 'vision' mean to you?:
a way I see my thoughts
this was a beautiful post keshi…these questions and the answers everyone has given say so much about us…as a person, as a human and as a blogger
I just wanted to add something in the end
**what does keshi mean to me?
A gentle beautiful soul, who talks to me through her words and helps me realise myself as a human being. U r beautiful in every sense of the word. Remain the same always.
hugzzzz!!!!!! :)
Even I have decided not to add that feature to my blog…
Its not something to show off, if really do have any at all..
I don’t know how to define a follower.. maybe one who gets inspired from the other person for his/her personality…in this blogville situation it might be the writings, thoughts etc that’s influencing..
Hey keshi, those who had left you forever is mattering to you even if you deny that over each post.. that’s a fact u need to accept.. they are bothering you..!!
A friend to me someone who is there with you when you never wanted, and some one who never leaves you even if you ask him/her to…who will be there not only through words but through their mere presence..!!
I never started blogging for be frank, I just thought it as a platform to represent me..thats all..maybe to write what I feel, what I think etc… and bloggers are my colleagues over here.. and the best part is some got the same frequency as yours and get along..!!
A very subjective thing… to me its just being ‘good’ to others…don’t know to define it.. anyways staying in blogville is a very personal decision.. but leaving this platform due to others is stupidity..
We can choose to ignore or accept..!!
Leaving because of others is not a good way I will suggest..
Just be what you are..!! Ignore other things bothering you..!!
Realise one thing, we might not get what you want from everyone you meet..
That’s life…
Opinion is something each individual should have on their own. On everything…
And everyone got the right to criticise also.. But then again, we can change ourselves only.. We cant change others…!! Expressing free with loads of guts is something a unique quality you got.. and opinions will matter…
I advice, if u got the guts to express your opinions, just ignore if others are being rude to you..!! get the positive things and omit rest..!! Build a castle with the bricks they throw at you..
That’s my policy, my opinion..!!
Phew.! That’s a tough one..!! When I started this blog, I had a vision just to publish my works in a platform… In some cheap manner, easy manner.. That’s all…
Then I modified my vision to reach out to as many people through my writings, thereby connecting with them and growing with them in a mutual basis..!!
Thts all..
Anyways this comment became pretty big..!!
Before signing out, just be what you are… Don’t ever care what others will say.. Those who will appreciate you might turn back later.. Maybe the one who barks at you the most can prove close to you later…
So cut all those craps..Keep writing…and enjoy life in your own way..!!
Before I forget let me begin from the middle
***It all happened cos I was willing to lose my privacy at the hope of finding my reality.***
Somewhere I associate with what you wrote in this line.
Like for you blogging to me is personal journey but i do not want make friends(as u said for these things there are social networking sites), but I placed things about me for strangers to look at it when they come on strolling, to seek things they do know themselves in specific. I want no friends..I already have them.
In that way I might be tagged as an escapist who runs away from relationships. I accept that. If i were to look for friends I have good bunch of them in real life..I run away from them because they care too much for me. Life is so strange we complain when we are neglected and we again complain when we are cared and nurtured. Once upon a time loneliness scared me, I found myself without anyone but the fact was I never reached out to them. I gave them cold vibes. Today I love my gives me freedom..i can be for myself.
You put another thing very well and clear. One need not comment just for the sake of commenting. I read your last post (the one before this) yesterday and didn't have anything to comment. On my way to office today, i was thinking of writing 'I had come but had nothing to comment' but as I visited u today there was this new post of urs and I am commenting here now.
Even in my case vistors and even my friends think whatever I write is about myself. Whether I make up a story or anything. I realized that was because mine posts are personal and the protagonist(not a proper term) is 'I'. The only post that my friends didn't believe was the one where I wrote about meeting a girl and making love with her. One of my fren called me all the way from Korea just to say the post was amusing as it came from someone who hasn't even seen a naked woman. I got emails from friends who were convinced that was a pure fiction. I doubted if my friends think I am impotent :)
Blogging to me is just fun, to post things that come to me...
By the way the only way to block vistors to your blog is to allow only members to log on. Or host your blog on other site. But that will deprieve others who would love to read your posts.
What I wrote above are only my beliefs.
I visit ppl's blog regularly not because I follow them just like to read them. As you have said ****To me, blogging is a personal journey and that doesn't have to make me feel like I'm God with a bunch of devotees.******
Keshi, you're going to drive yourself insane looking for meaning in everything. Sometimes things just are, people just do and shit just happens...
ty Aphrodite!
**well i wld reckon anyone who idolises you or follows ur words and tries to imbibe the meaning from it a follower...
I means there's a leader too.
**a friend for me could be a simple friend who i share my thoughts adnd concerns with, to someone i could depend on any time i need a shoulder to cry someone who could be my mentor if need be...someone who wdn't put on masks to please me when they actually detest me...and more..
well-said! there's actually no single definition to can be a someone u met just for few mins too, as long as he/she made u feel comfy and loved for who u r.
**blogging..ummm...i blog whenever im bugged or happy or have something i wanna share with other blokes..u cld say its at times like a silent diary of mine...
lovely! Its an e-diary for me too.
**it means above everything purity of heart and being able to be to someone unconditionally good...
Pure heart...yes thats what it is!
**freedom of speech and mind to think and say what one wants too...hail democracy :)
aha..and also to respect another's opinion even if u dun agree.
**visions..i have them all the times...sometimes blasts from the past sometimes de ja vu(s)...
wow me too! I get a vision of an accident...all the time...its freaky.
aww ty Neeku HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
** everywhere and everyone is victim of it one way or the other
I agree...politics is everywhere, even in families! :)
I know u never pretend...thats why I like ur blog alot!
for me the revelation is that ever since have been absent from this world has changed...its got split...n m cnfused..i dont know if i shud b happy/sad about my absence...its heartenin to see some great friendshsips develop n its equally dampening to see the "only-on-the-face" kind of friends too....i guess i dint do such a bad thing by being absent then..and wont mind going into hibernation again;-))....Very TRUE revelations in your post...kind of felt it in my past few days!!!
Lol,keshi...i have learnt how to talk to ppl and that there a few ppl like me out there ;)
Yes with you it will like you said with a fren who's close it matters. With someone who wasnt all that close matter less.
Its a free world. Just like what stygian sailor said about !!
ty Pinku!
**sounds like I am Ma Pinkumata...
me neither...following is like a cult thing.
**There through thick and thin, hail and sun, love and loss.
wow nice one!
**allowing thoughts to flow, unhindered.
well-said! unguarded and free.
**a good heart.
**Mine is mine. Yours is yours. Both have the right to exist. But I just pray that everyone has one after a study of the subject concerned.
very true! and that doesnt hv to divide us.
**the future...
top ans!
ty girl HUGS!
hey Mayz ty! :)
**it sounds more religious to me…but when talking about blog I would take it as friends who like readin ur blog…”follow the blog” and not the blogger
yeah u can see it that way too.
**a refelction of my self…a mirror image…someone who understands me without me even saying anything.
wow nice! thats why its so hard to find a FRIEND.
**a place where I pour out the poison of my heart.
so true! well-said :)
**making someone happy.
Neat ans! Thats what Goodness really is...
**a way I see my thoughts
interesting take on it! our thoughts are our vision!
**what does keshi mean to me?
A gentle beautiful soul, who talks to me through her words and helps me realise myself as a human being. U r beautiful in every sense of the word. Remain the same always.
OMG that really had me in awe. :):) tnxxxxxx n HUGGGGGGGGGZ! btw u too Mayz!
What does the term 'followers' mean to you?
-Specifically to blogger, it means these are the folks who are interested in my blog or follow it on a regular basis.
They should not have used 'followers' as the term. They could have simply gone with 'Avid Readers' and so on and so forth to classify the readers of a blog. Why classify them in the first place? Because, blogging has caught on and has become a good medium for knowledge, sharing and advertisement.
What does 'friend' mean to you?
-To me, a friend is like a companion in a long journey. They might get off along the way, or they might follow you to the end.
What does 'blogging' mean to you?
-It's my medium of expression. It might be the outlet for my creative juices or frustrated voice depening on how my day is going :)
What does 'goodness' mean to you?
-Having a heart that can cry at someone elses pain.
What does 'opinion' mean to you?
-Point Of View. Each of us does see, the same problem from a different angle. Sometimes, your POV and mine are a little close hence, we assume that we are thinking the same but, not really. Each of our experiences in life are different and so, our take certain things is different (however subtle, that difference might be).
What does 'vision' mean to you?
-A dream about the future. Goal setting, if talked about in corporate terms.
Trust and Honesty build the foundation for every we cannot assume everyone is honest nor trustworthy. Some, world we are living in. *sigh*
Hey I love your analogy between gardening and blogging...
Blogging to me means an expression of my thoughts and views, and a way to reach out to people. It is a platform to share views and to get to know viewpoints that would never have occurred to me. And you are right. We cannot please the entire earth's population.
What does the term 'followers' mean to you?
Someone who appreciates a thought and criticizes when needed!
What does 'friend' mean to you?
hard pen that! in simple terms, someone who can make an effort to understand me!
What does 'blogging' mean to you?
way of expression!
What does 'goodness' mean to you?
no hard-feelings!
What does 'opinion' mean to you?
a free unbiased thought!
What does 'vision' mean to you?
something beyond of appearance!
didn't know some ppl r really so weird in blogville!
have a good weekend!
OK (pushes up my sleeves and sits up) - I am gonna answer ALL of these questions!
What does followers mean to you?
Ha ha - for me, I list blogs that I like to read along the right margin of my blog, my way of sharing w/ all of you my favorite blogs. Sometimes the comments are more interesting that the post! ;)
What does 'friend' mean to you?
Someone who loves me unconditionally, but does not take me or our relationship for granted. Someone who is there for me in good times and bad - and someone who can disagree with me objectively without prejudice.
What does blogging mean to me?
Anything the writer wants it to mean. I have one blog I visit that is simply installments of a script - others bear their hearts and souls - others have humorous stories to share. I like to write whatever is on my mind -light or heavy.
What does goodness mean to me?
Kindness, generosity of spirit,
What does opinion mean to you?
I love hear all perspectives of any issue - even if I vehemently disagree. I frequent a political board on, of all things, a Prince fan site - and I love engaging in interesting debate.
What does vision mean to me?
Hmmm... this might be the most difficult to answer... in terms of the world around me... I can only draw on Gandhi - a quote that means a lot to me: "You must be the change you want to see in the world."
Blogville? I love it. I love the bloggers who post so very honestly and wear their hearts on their sleeves... capture the humor and absurdity of life... share their heartaches and victories... review concerts and movies and post great photos and recipes. Blogville for me is a wonderful magazine that covers ALL topics and interests and I love contributing.
hey Vinu tnxx mate!
**Its not something to show off, if really do have any at all..
mebbe Blogger team got this term wrong. lol! It should be something like 'readers' :)
**maybe one who gets inspired from the other person for his/her personality…in this blogville situation it might be the writings, thoughts etc that’s influencing..
ur right there...
**Hey keshi, those who had left you forever is mattering to you even if you deny that over each post.. that’s a fact u need to accept.. they are bothering you..!!
yes it does! its not their absent comment that matters to me, its their ACTION. And im talking abt a very close friend. Not irregular readers here. If u were in my shoes, u'd know how I feel Vinu. Im not begging for attention from them..I dun need it. I find it hard to u'stand HOW some ppl just DO such things.
**A friend to me someone who is there with you when you never wanted, and some one who never leaves you even if you ask him/her to…who will be there not only through words but through their mere presence..!!
yeah thats right...and if I tell u that this friend who dun come here anymore was like that before to me, wut wud u say? :)
**I never started blogging for be frank, I just thought it as a platform to represent me..thats all..maybe to write what I feel, what I think etc… and bloggers are my colleagues over here.. and the best part is some got the same frequency as yours and get along..!!
true...even I started blogging as a vention out session :) now I hv so many friends! which is a bonus.
**its just being ‘good’ to others…don’t know to define it.. anyways staying in blogville is a very personal decision.. but leaving this platform due to others is stupidity..
**Leaving because of others is not a good way I will suggest..
Just be what you are..!! Ignore other things bothering you..!!
Realise one thing, we might not get what you want from everyone you meet..
I agree. If Im leaving, Im not gonna leave cos of others. I'll leave FOR ME.
**And everyone got the right to criticise also.. But then again, we can change ourselves only.. We cant change others…!!
I u'stand that. But there's a difference between criticising the post and criticising the author.
**Build a castle with the bricks they throw at you..
That’s my policy, my opinion..!!
thats a nice one Vinu :) tnxx!
**When I started this blog, I had a vision just to publish my works in a platform… In some cheap manner, easy manner.. That’s all…
Then I modified my vision to reach out to as many people through my writings, thereby connecting with them and growing with them in a mutual basis..!!
Lovely! u met part of the greater vision in life then :) wonderful!
**Those who will appreciate you might turn back later.. Maybe the one who barks at you the most can prove close to you later…
yes, who knows...
tnxx for the encouragement Vinu HUGS!
hey ty Restless that was neat! :)
**Life is so strange we complain when we are neglected and we again complain when we are cared and nurtured
I agree...wierd ha!
yeah...alot of the time I dun care of friends comment or not. But I get certain vibes from certain ppl..I can sense animosity. And thats what im writing abt...not abt the absence of their comments in my blog.
**I doubted if my friends think I am impotent
hahahaha! so that post was true? :)
Yes Blogging is alot of FUN too.
So has Bloggign helped u feel less lonely? I hope so. HUGS!
ty Fingers!
I think ur right. Mebbe I should stop being myself then..mebbe I should quit this blogging scene ha. :)
Sid hey tnxx!
Nah it was NEVER abt u. Plz u'stand that ok. Im only talking abt few VERY CLOSE friends. :)
btw Blogville is like the real world...politics, rumors, assumptions etc etc. Sadly.
hehehe Vish :)
tnxx Cindy :)
** like you said with a fren who's close it matters
and thats the kind of friend Im talking abt.
Opinions - yes its a free world! :) but no one has the right to force their opinion on others.
hey Hemanth tnxx!
**They could have simply gone with 'Avid Readers'
I agree. Followers is such a crap term lol!
**To me, a friend is like a companion in a long journey. They might get off along the way, or they might follow you to the end
thats a very nice definition! cos a FRIEND dun always hv to be there forever. Friendship can happen even for few mins.
**It's my medium of expression.
**Having a heart that can cry at someone elses pain.
**Point Of View
well-said! thats it. its an individual VIEW.
**A dream about the future
true...its in front of ur eyes but its still a dream. good one!
hey ty Sol :)
**Blogging to me means an expression of my thoughts and views, and a way to reach out to people. It is a platform to share views and to get to know viewpoints that would never have occurred to me.
well-said! basically it's a LEARNING experience as well as a TEACHING experience :) Sharing knowledge with one another, at the same time connecting with one another.
**We cannot please the entire earth's population
lol u know I dun give a damn abt pleasing ppl!
tnxx n HUGS!
hey ty Deepz!
**Someone who appreciates a thought and criticizes when needed!
a follower means that? I thought mebbe someone who always abides by ur words...?
**in simple terms, someone who can make an effort to understand me!
wow nice one! cos u'standing someone else is one of the hardest things to do.
**way of expression!
**no hard-feelings!
**What does 'vision' mean to you?
something beyond of appearance!
aha...something that u can see but still u cant.
u hv a good one too Deepz!
hey ty Sun :)
**Sometimes the comments are more interesting that the post!
lol yes!
**Someone who loves me unconditionally, but does not take me or our relationship for granted. Someone who is there for me in good times and bad - and someone who can disagree with me objectively without prejudice.
wow nice one!
**I like to write whatever is on my mind -light or heavy.
good on ya!
**Kindness, generosity of spirit,
**I love hear all perspectives of any issue - even if I vehemently disagree. I frequent a political board on, of all things, a Prince fan site - and I love engaging in interesting debate.
thats great. The ability to stand criticism is imp. If not, there's no point being in the public and expressing ur views...and we'll never really learn.
**I can only draw on Gandhi - a quote that means a lot to me: "You must be the change you want to see in the world."
WOW very powerful quote! I hv heard that one before. That indeed is VISION.
**Blogville for me is a wonderful magazine that covers ALL topics and interests and I love contributing.
beautifully and so rightly stated! :)
ty n HUGZ!
Followers: Someone who make you think, not bad you can stillw rite better.
Friendship: A piece of cake not to melt tooo soon and stay at all times.
Blogging: Breathing in and out whenever I can.
Goodness: Before you expect from others, think what you have done to others.
Opinions: Its a form of judgemental. You agree or disagree based on situations.
Vision: Go with the flow..
well, to me it is just teh same debate as 'frienship day' or 'valentine's day'--> i mean do we need a day to prove our friendship or love? do we need a follower to know we're loved, tracked n missed?
then again, is that special day a day of commemoration, just for the sheer sake of good times?
so, a follower could just express his love for you that way..
neways, perceptions deiffer keshikins :)
n whether, as much as 'followers' is a marketing tool for blogger, it styll doesn't change the fact that there are soooo many 'loves' and 'soulmates' you have out there in this space.. :)
a friend-->
true friends means the world to me :)
and you're a cherished n lovedddd friend of mine :)yupppperz!
i lovedddd the 'kid with the fruit' pic :)
blogging is a way of expressing my soul, knowing n loving people from around the world, understanding n appreciating differences, unlearning and relearning creativity n individuality at its best :)
goodness means great friends, great love, great food, great male bodies and greatttt sex...
geee;) wait a minute i think i told you what greatness means ;)
well goodness means good friends,good love, good food, good male bodies and good sex.. :)
now, i'm a good girl, ain't i??
opinions mean accepatnce of diversity and 'variety' to me, and then deciding whether to hold on to my gut opinion, or look around and finetune/refine it..
vision means 'being able' to see things naked; right hrough all the frills..
the real person behind the mask, the real objective behind a 'so called good act'
the real meaning of a paraphrase
******the real 'hot throbbing ham' behind the 'oh so distracting bulge in his pants'
love ya keshikins:):)
nooo pic of you in this post :(:(:(
i misss that keshikins :(
'my vision'demands you to put up a sexy one in the next..
my eyes go sore without seeing you :(
i'm an ardent FOLLOWER!! ;););););)
NOWWWWW, are you pisd i'm a follower???;);)
What does the term 'followers' mean to you?
Who believe in themselves and believe in others too.
What does 'friend' mean to you?
Open-Heart person who says what is in her/his heart.
What does 'blogging' mean to you?
My service towards other in my way while learning myself everyday.
What does 'goodness' mean to you?
When someone smile because of me.
What does 'opinion' mean to you?
Expressed words.
What does 'vision' mean to you?
Picture without any written word.
Oh, wouldn't a BLOCK feature be just perfect!? :)
dont count on anyone Hemz...everyone's out to ACT.
so is there no one to be with me or no trust to be given to anyone..:(..
Hi Keshi,
I don't think you should block other people from reading your blog just because they have not liked it. As you said we have our moments and in the processs some posts may be good and some may not be good to the reader. I did not like all of your posts and I can be vocal if I didn't like it, but I am here reading your post because I have liked something. That doesn't mean I have hated you in the past. It is just the relation of a blog and its reader. I write garbage and I get eggs for that from readers but the same people do come back and appreciate better posts again.
yes, I have had a reader who cced me and wrote to many public forum of my state and community criticising me openly. But, i still see this person reading me. It is funny how he comes back again and again.
What does the term 'followers' mean to you?
Those who will choose to follow my beliefs ..and not me!
What does 'friend' mean to you?
Right now its someone with whom i can spend some good time (livin alone sucks!)
What does 'blogging' mean to you?
in my posts...i put words to my emotions..nd i read posts for fun, to learn and to share from experiences and lives..
What does 'goodness' mean to you?
Goodness of heart is what matters to me
What does 'opinion' mean to you?
Dont force on anyone, and if yours is wrong ...accept it!
What does 'vision' mean to you?
That materialize
**What does the term 'followers' mean to you?
I didnt like that term ... coz of its literal meaning ... hence i came up with an innovative (i think so) term for my blog ... "Serenity seekers" :)
**What does 'friend' mean to you?
Friend means a lot to me ... it actually does.
**What does 'blogging' mean to you?
Blogging means ... to satiate the creative/expressive side of me ...
**What does 'goodness' mean to you?
Goodness .... means not being hypocrite ... and judgmental ...
**What does 'opinion' mean to you?
Opinion ... means point of view ... which can definitely differ from person to person
**What does 'vision' mean to you?
Vision ... sounds like a company's visions ... to take the revenue of my company to 10 billion USD in next 2 yrs ;)
err.. i read it twice.. still did not understand...
u got awarded on my blog :)
girl.. you're not really having a good week are you?
Yes - i can see that road to introspection that you've taken... it's a long winding road when WE question with skepticism!!
Today - for a change, I also read the various comments left before me - 55 or so I think.
Each was quite independent - with a few shared opinions....
I think we have a true democracy going around here .. with all it's pros and cons!
Cheer up Keshi!
heyy I still roam around here yea!
I normally don't have anything useful to comment on the perfect posts!
but your blog makes excellent reading, and a good friend too!
BLogging for me is something that I do for my creative satisfaction.. I read blogs to learn from some basic lessons onlife.. to read abt smethings that happened to sme [similar to me] and hw they dealt with it.. a lot of leaning has happened in the last 1 year and I m glad every sec of my life that I started blogging :)
Followers..hmm! I guess.. first it was depressing to see just 2 followers :D for my my blog ... hehehehe! and then I thought t was a waste and well I said forget it :D
I have met some real good people who have been genuinely kind and nice to me including you :)
and no.. i will not be there with you till the end.. I can't ;) I already promised someone else :D :P :)
Keshi :) I am sure.. I can't understand the intensity of themost opinionated jack-ass shits who comment here.. to make yu even feel like leaving blogging.. i guess.. thats why i called them so 'shits' :-/ but for someof us.. wholike to read yu ... I gues su shud stay back :)
I am sincere when i say I like yur blog.. and i m not one of those who bitches behind yur back so believe me... for me yu and yur blog is cute and sweet and sincere.. even if it means... u had to bare ur soul to show us yur throbbing heart of gold.. :)
wow! I wrote that for yu :)
lov and kisses!
u take care Kesh..!
*hmm ok mebbe for some. but d u RESPECT the fact that it is not timepass for some others?*
i have no issues with anybobody's bloggin. you want to call your blog your home. i am just not attached. i can press the del button my blog without much thought.
*Then I wonder why ur a doctor?*
what does goodness have to with being a doc. esp when you in your prev posts said docs arent the nicest ppl unless they be john abraham :)
i can relate to this .... when i log into my blogspot, i do visit yours.. its been a while since i posted a funny post and hence i dint visit ... but lemme tell you one thing, when i do come online, i do make sure that i visit and read and enjoy the post...
Next time do not tell that am not visiting your blog.. I have only a few blog mates and it pains when they lose trust on my blog relationship status...
I know only two types of bloggers
The commercialisers and The relationship builders...
I was COMMERCIALISER once.. now a relationship blogger.. I am not defining my words.. cos i know pretty well that you would understand what i meant..
Kesheeeeeeeeeee! I need my funny bone back
++ cos I don't want to display 100+ followers on my profile page :).++
Excuse me Missy, like u re gonna be famous enough to have a 100 followers!!! I m kiddin, I would not put it myself, I don t have space to put it on my template ;) Plus i don t see the difference with the Blogroll, people already show u on their blog if they usually read u ;)
''What does the term 'followers' mean to you?'' So I can say I follow ur latest update on ur blog thanks to my blogroll, so i can see when there is an update to read it, does it mean i m gonna comment on all ur posts, not necessarily but I like to follow what s up in ur mind the way u write it ;)
What does 'friend' mean to you?
wow, I guess everybody have his own definition of the word 'friend', sometimes myself i m a bit naive, I trust people to easily thinking they are my friend but they re not , at least not regarding my definition of this word, but for them i m their friend ;) I have a best friend, but i m not his best friend, i m just a good friend. U can put so many adjective before the word friend, blogger friend, good friend, best friend, girl/boyfriend that the word itself got lost in translation.I still haven t find the perfect definition of the word friend, i think it depends of the other person and the way she considers u as a 'Friend' So i don t know if i have lots of friends, but i do talk to lots of 'nice people' ;)
What does 'blogging' mean to you?
writing what i can not say, what i can not show, writing what i feel, what i like/dislike, meet new people from different cultures/countries/continents! An outlet for my brain and craziness ;)
What does 'goodness' mean to you?
i dunno actually, do i have goodness in myself, maybe, well i like to please my family and friends, offer presents, Am i good for that? I can be mean as well ;( when it s deserve but who am i to say that! So i think there is some good and evil stuff in me ;)
++have been the victim of many such dirty work of ++ they are just jealous at u cause u re smart, independent, gorgeous, tough, a woman! so what, too bad for them, these dummies should not put u down!
What does 'opinion' mean to you? depends which opinion, if u say the opinion of my ex ex manager, then he can stick it to his ass...deeply, well he already have a broom stick in it but hey, the opinion of my parents and people i like have an importance good and sometimes hard to take, when it s coming from people i don t care it does not affect me much ;) And when i give my opinion, u have the choice to take it or not, i m not forcing u to take it, i take the liberty to give it that s it ;)
What does 'vision' mean to you?
It means a lot, i m still not ready to disclose everything regarding myself, I had a blog only opened to myself when i was really really down, and it feels great to write it rather than just thinking and crying on it, i did not publish it because he was too personal, and there is some issues that i have been carrying for the past 10 years and that i ll be able to talk about it freely when i ll fix them, cause i still believe i can fix them ;) but yeah writing it on blog give a different vision, and people reading my blog see me differently than people seeing me for real every day and that s what i like. I m not too sure if i answer properly this question though ;)
++ Something that irks me severely is when people comment without reading or understanding the post. If you don't have time to read my posts, don't comment.++
Why do u think I said on my blog : 'People who read it till the end and comment ;)'
I like to read books, but i don t have time or i m too lazy to, so i d rather read looooooooong post and write looooooooooooong comment, to feel less guilty regarding my laziness ;) but i only read blog i want not just because i want to comment to get more 'friends' to read/comment on my blog.
pssss: I officially tagged u for the Needs tag ;)
That blog of mine was fiction. I won't think I would discuss my sex life in such detail. My friends called me coz they knew that was fiction.Morons they know me sometime more than myself.
******So has Bloggign helped u feel less lonely*****
I don't regret loneliness, i love it. I might feel low because of my loneliness in the time to come. But it is what i want for the time being. I didn't start blogging to help myself anyway. I have been writing for a very long time, only I used to post them in hi5 but I got bored so closed my account there and switched to blogger. I get bored of things very easily. Blogging has changed nothing in me and I hope it won't make any difference. However reading blogs or sometime writing for it makes me feel good, rather than "feel good" thing its a easy way to pass my time.
Lastly now its only your blog I visit religiously. You have always something new in the closet and that makes you popular. You deserve it.
keshi ..take it easy gal ..there are good people and people ..people with and without a vision, people who can and cannot be friends .... i can't answer your questions because my opinions are almost exactly the same ...just breathe ...oh yes and ask ...i discovered that when you ask you really get things even when you ask for things you never thought u cud ask for...luv ....from the los u'l go to the his ..n i hope u never get lo again
I think I have a blog roll, I blog hop though ... so not restricted to Blog rolled bloggers.
For some odd reason I didnt add followers too.
U have this thing for freinds you know it may be ages before you talk to a friend but when U talk the next time,u start with the where the conversation last ended.
"Newest" way of expression.
You want an opinion on opinion?
Hmm once again a deep post by Keshi dear! Sorry for not being around....very busy these days coz there's a lot of work at office. :(
Now comin to ur questions which i always love to answer coz they force me to think. :)
1. What does the term 'followers' mean to you?
A. Hmm i wud say followers is a wrong term to use here coz only gr8 ppl like Buddha can hav followers. Hw m i supposed to hav followers. But yeah its more like these r the bunch of faithful ppl who like reading my blog. So its more of a feel good factor thts involved here.
2. What does 'friend' mean to you?
A. I believe in the old saying "A friend in need is a friend indeed". Thts coz when u r happy the world smiles with u but when u r sad nobody cries with u. Thts the time when u realise who r ur true friends. Ppl who stand by u no matter what!
3. What does 'blogging' mean to you?
A. Blogging for me is the freedom to express my thoughts on anything thts goin on in my mind. :) Its like oxygen for me!
4. What does 'goodness' mean to you?
A. I dunno hw to define goodness, its an inherent quality which ppl display thru their deeds. Its easy to knw who r the good ones coz u knw they will never ever bitch behind ur back!!
5. What does 'opinion' mean to you?
A. Opinion is what u think abt a certain issue. And an opinion is always relative coz we knw tht everybody doesnt think alike. So there is bound to b difference.
6. What does 'vision' mean to you?
A. Vision is the ability to see clearly wht things mean without any prejudices coz this enables one to take a sane decision else things can go haywire.
Yeyy!i always feel like i hav achieved a feat....on completing these questions coz it makes my mind clearer abt my priorities in life. :)
Hmmm... to me, my blog is where I can express my thoughts and views on various things and also get to read and share the views and thoughts of others.
I aint no saint for anyone to follow me, hee hee. Hmmm... once someone becomes a good friend here, they dont just stay inside the blogosphere, do they? I always feel its better to have a small handful set of friends, who honestly care, around to read what I write. Simple reason, its better to get different viewpoints but too much of it would not be an easy thing to handle; would only result in confusion.
take care keshi gal.. you absolutely rock here :)
U fine na dear?
Blogvillie is becomming really messy :-(
I have no idea how to free our wonderful space from fake people:-(
Anyways,u take good care of urs...
people seem to forget that they came on blogger to be real themselves...
Couldn't agree more with the starting lines,I so hate it when people just comment reading the last or first few lines or none at all,lol!
I feel the same way about the followers widget,this place ain't facebook or orkut.And to follow a blog,one can have a blogroll or reader or something like that which already exists and have been made good use of till now.
As for blogging,it's brought back my buried writing skills and I hope to move ahead soon into the literary world and will be eternally grateful for this platform.I have met many people here and though there are some losers who have troubled me now and then,there are many more who make the stay here worthwhile,and that's what matters!
Have a great weekend :)
What does the term 'followers' mean to you?
- Well to me they r my mates who like to visit my blog....
What does 'friend' mean to you?
- they just accept u the way you are....n i just accept em the way they are
What does 'blogging' mean to you?
- Technically i'd say mine is more od a dairy than a blog blog....cos i just write abt my thoughts, moods n my day to day experiences.....hoping sometime in the future i will go thru it n laugh n smile n may be cry that i was so much younger then heheh
What does 'goodness' mean to you?
- for me goodness is in the deeds one does.
What does 'opinion' mean to you?
- point of view
What does 'vision' mean to you?
- seeing is believing
*Let's draw love-hearts, not borders.
thats so sweet of u babes....
hugs mia
ty Priya that was really good wow!
**Friendship: A piece of cake not to melt tooo soon and stay at all times.
sweet :)
**Blogging: Breathing in and out whenever I can.
I loved that one! So true. the only change rite now for me is that some ppl r not even allowing me to BREATHE now!
**Goodness: Before you expect from others, think what you have done to others.
lovely! thats so true...cos alot of ppl always say WHY ME...but they dun see how many others r suffering while they only think abt themselves.
And I like the Vision one too!
*HUGZ* ty!
hey ty Jane, MWAH u sizzling 'beggar' ;-)
**do we need a follower to know we're loved, tracked n missed?
**as much as 'followers' is a marketing tool for blogger
I agree. Its a Marketing gimmick. Cos ppl love to FEEL they r being FOLLOWED :)
aww ur def a friend to me too...a true one. HUGS!
**understanding n appreciating differences, unlearning and relearning creativity n individuality
lovely definition! very true too. I love how u said 'unlearning'....thats imp. Cos learning new things can be unlearning old things :)
**goodness means great friends, great love, great food, great male bodies and greatttt sex
hahaha u nailed it with some GREAT examples there! My GOODNESS me! ;-)
**opinions mean accepatnce of diversity and 'variety' to me, and then deciding whether to hold on to my gut opinion, or look around and finetune/refine it..
if only everyone thought like u did, this world wud be war-free!
**vision means 'being able' to see things naked; right hrough all the frills..
how d u come up with these things Jane? WOW I love ur answers!
**the real person behind the mask, the real objective behind a 'so called good act'
**the real meaning of a paraphrase
******the real 'hot throbbing ham' behind the 'oh so distracting bulge in his pants'
hahahahaa good one! I love witty smart jelly beans in ur brain :)
LOL Jane I 'beg' u thee not to be my 'follower'!!
ty Hobo!
**Who believe in themselves and believe in others too.
good one! yes we've gotta first believe in ourselves to be able to believe in another.
**Open-Heart person who says what is in her/his heart.
lovely honest definition!
** My service towards other in my way while learning myself everyday.
yeah u teach us alot, thru ur great tour guide posts..I love em!
**When someone smile because of me.
awwwwww....thats right...its really hard for some ppl to make someone smile..
**Expressed words.
Simple n superb!
**Picture without any written word.
omg that is such a BEAUTIFUL n PROFOUND definition of Vision! its like that...its all graphic but its hard to express it in words. Lovely Hobo!
ty so much!
hahahaha Nora yes it wud be great to hv that feature!
Cos mentally blocking ppl is hard. There has to be a button :)
Heyyya Hemz!
**so is there no one to be with me or no trust to be given to anyone
nope thats not wut I meant. I was speaking from my recent experiences in blogville. ppl who claimed themselves as my lifetime friends, ppl who sent me constant emails, heartfelt bday wishes, promises n promises, r now trying to hurt me...hv totally dumped me. And the funny thing is I hvnt DONE/SAID anything to them. Prolly they r listening to someone else?
so wut I was saying is that not to trust ppl all that much Hemz. It breaks ur heart in the end. like it has for me. Its not worth going thru all that shit.
*HUGZ* but yes, very few real ppl exist. :)
hey Arunima ty n WC!
**I don't think you should block other people from reading your blog just because they have not liked it.
nah its not cos they didnt LIKE my posts :) I know that not everyone LIKES me or AGREES with me. There's more to this Arunima. There's abuse, there's backbiting etc....I cant go into detail for privacy reasons of those ppl.
yeah...the kind of readers u mention r ppl who r irked by wut u write cos u write something that hit them in the right spot. :) so keep writing!
hey Prakhar tnxx!
Looking good ;-) luv that pic!
**Those who will choose to follow my beliefs ..and not me!
wow different one there! but arent your beliefs YOU?
**Right now its someone with whom i can spend some good time (livin alone sucks!)
hehehe...u should live close to me then..cos I need company too :)
**in my posts...i put words to my emotions..nd i read posts for fun, to learn and to share from experiences and lives..
**Goodness of heart is what matters to me
true..HEART it is! if a heart is not good, nothing will go right for that person. cos they r never happy.
**dont force on anyone, and if yours is wrong ...accept it!
excellent meaning! its so hard for some ppl to accept their mistakes/faults/wrong beliefs gracefully.
**That materialize
profound! loved it. It is to materilaze the 'picture' in ur head...yes.
ty Prakhar!
hey Hiren tnxx!
**I didnt like that term ... coz of its literal meaning ... hence i came up with an innovative (i think so) term for my blog ... "Serenity seekers" :)
wow thats a much better one! i didnt like the term followers either hehehe. I also think since Blogging can mean different things to different ppl, any term is always gonna be hated by some person. lol!
**Friend means a lot to me ... it actually does.
awwwwwwww...nice one there Hiren :)
**Blogging means ... to satiate the creative/expressive side of me ...
well said!
**Goodness .... means not being hypocrite ... and judgmental ...
yes..and also not always expecting things to happen for SELF. there r others too.
**Opinion ... means point of view ... which can definitely differ from person to person
**Vision ... sounds like a company's visions ... to take the revenue of my company to 10 billion USD in next 2 yrs ;)
hehe yes....I rem learning abt Corporate Vision in my Marketing degree :)
hey Iceman!
**err.. i read it twice.. still did not understand
r u trying to mock me, or u seriously didnt u'stand this very simple post?
if ur just trying to piss me off, well I didnt make it mandatory for everyone to UNDERSTAND my posts. So ur alright. Ur not alone, there r many who wont u'stand basic posts!
If u really didn't understand it, well I didnt know u dun comprehend English!
aww ty Mayz I'll come ard soon,
hey Arjun ty :)
**it's a long winding road when WE question with skepticism
Besides, some ppl r out to eat me even in this post. It has actually made me qn why am I even putting myself thru that.
U hv a good weekend!
Villain ur Monk right? :)
hey its ok! I didnt mean readers like u. I meant that for few CLOSE friends...
TC n ty!
heyyy Veenz MWAHHHHHHHH n ty!
**BLogging for me is something that I do for my creative satisfaction.. I read blogs to learn from some basic lessons onlife..
true...u think like me.
**Followers..hmm! I guess.. first it was depressing to see just 2 followers
hahaha! the term sounded very poor, yes.
**I have met some real good people who have been genuinely kind and nice to me including you :)
u too Veenz, no doubt abt that. But there r some friends who's suddenly dumped me. Any idea why? shocking how some ppl do such things.
**and no.. i will not be there with you till the end.. I can't ;) I already promised someone else :D :P :)
HAHAHA ur sweet! no one can ever be with another forever. Only the SPIRIT will be carried forever in each others' hearts. And I know, ur spirit is in me already :)
**I can't understand the intensity of themost opinionated jack-ass shits who comment here.. to make yu even feel like leaving blogging.. i guess.. thats why i called them so 'shits' :-/
haha Im glad u noticed. d u see how INSENSITIVE and RUDE some ppl r. Mebbe they r brought up that way...never to FEEL...just to live life like a piece of paper. LOL!
**but for someof us.. wholike to read yu ... I gues su shud stay back :)
I know I still hv some GENUINE souls here, and ur one for sure.
**I am sincere when i say I like yur blog.. and i m not one of those who bitches behind yur back so believe me... for me yu and yur blog is cute and sweet and sincere.. even if it means... u had to bare ur soul to show us yur throbbing heart of gold.. :)
awww Im touched. hey girl, I know u really CARE. And I mean it. Ur one of those rare souls who frequent my blog. Usually I sense good/bad vibes from ppl, pretty quickly. U gave me ANGEL vibes from the start. I MEAN IT. MWAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :)
Stygian u r sound so heartless I wonder how u breathe. I dunno wut it is but r u made of flesh n blood, cos u sound like u cant FEEL at all. Its suffocating me to hear ya sometimes.
And I didnt mean to hurt ya, but thats the true vibes I get from ur comments @Stygian.
Its like u hv been heartbroken or upset with something that u never allow urself to FEEL.
Is this true? @Stygian
And Stygian no matter how much u say ur not ATTACHED, u r!
Cos zilch attachment can only be achieved by attaining NIRVANA.
Ur still here yes ur ATTACHED..ur just in denial.
Chriz cheer up!
I didnt mean friends like u. Its so hard for me to say their names out in the open. It wont be fair.
**I know only two types of bloggers
The commercialisers and The relationship builders
good one. thats so true. I hope Im not an Ad agency. lol!
**funny bone
look at ur own profile pic. and u'll get it back. ROFL!
hey beautiful Cess, tnxx!
**excuse me Missy, like u re gonna be famous enough to have a 100 followers!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! wud u believe it if I say I already hv that long a FOLLOWERS list? LOL I do!
**I don t have space to put it on my template ;) Plus i don t see the difference with the Blogroll, people already show u on their blog if they usually read u ;)
thats it!
**So I can say I follow ur latest update on ur blog thanks to my blogroll, so i can see when there is an update to read it, does it mean i m gonna comment on all ur posts, not necessarily but I like to follow what s up in ur mind the way u write it ;)
good one. thats a very sensible definition of it all.
**sometimes myself i m a bit naive, I trust people to easily thinking they are my friend but they re not , at least not regarding my definition of this word, but for them i m their friend ;)
wut a beautiful thing to say! Ur so right. I just learnt something from that..something abt me. all my life, I've been that too. A friend to ppl, who r not a friend to me. Thats the way to be. Even now, I sent an email to an 'ex' friend who dun come to my blog anymore, asking why they're doing that. Cos I hv no clue! I just wanted to do my I asked why and I wanna know. Atleast I dun think Im dead, so why do they treat me like Im dead?
**I have a best friend, but i m not his best friend, i m just a good friend. U can put so many adjective before the word friend, blogger friend, good friend, best friend, girl/boyfriend that the word itself got lost in translation.
so so true! I dun hv a best friend. Cos no one is BETTER than the other when it comes to friendship. we r all unique in our bonds. ppl put nails n bolts ard certain terms and make it all too hard for themselves.
**I still haven t find the perfect definition of the word friend, i think it depends of the other person and the way she considers u as a 'Friend' So i don t know if i have lots of friends, but i do talk to lots of 'nice people' ;)
wow Im touched by ur ans. Thats soooo true!
**writing what i can not say, what i can not show, writing what i feel, what i like/dislike, meet new people from different cultures/countries/continents! An outlet for my brain and craziness ;)
lovely and so true with ur blog.
**i dunno actually, do i have goodness in myself, maybe, well i like to please my family and friends, offer presents, Am i good for that? I can be mean as well ;( when it s deserve but who am i to say that! So i think there is some good and evil stuff in me ;)
wow another brilliant ans! so honest. Im the same...angelic and devilish, all in one. LOL!
**they are just jealous at u cause u re smart, independent, gorgeous, tough, a woman! so what, too bad for them, these dummies should not put u down!
aww..but why do good friends suddenly go silent on me, w.o. having done anything to hurt them? Mebbe some ppl at the back r poisoning their minds, but cant these friends think indepedently? mebbe Im expecting, hence disappointed.
** depends which opinion, if u say the opinion of my ex ex manager, then he can stick it to his ass...
lol lol lol!
**the opinion of my parents and people i like have an importance good and sometimes hard to take, when it s coming from people i don t care it does not affect me much ;)
very true. I think I care too much and perhaps abt every single person on this Earth, hence the HURT. LOL I better stop doing it.
**And when i give my opinion, u have the choice to take it or not, i m not forcing u to take it, i take the liberty to give it that s it ;)
**It means a lot, i m still not ready to disclose everything regarding myself, I had a blog only opened to myself when i was really really down, and it feels great to write it rather than just thinking and crying on it, i did not publish it because he was too personal, and there is some issues that i have been carrying for the past 10 years and that i ll be able to talk about it freely when i ll fix them, cause i still believe i can fix them ;)
wow u inspired me just hv such a private blog only for MYSELF. Cos I do hv some things to get over too...some deep issues that i cant say in the open.
**but yeah writing it on blog give a different vision, and people reading my blog see me differently than people seeing me for real every day and that s what i like.
thats so true! its like ppl in blogs see ur inner soul...
**I m not too sure if i answer properly this question though ;)
u did! u did VERY WELL. we r all portraying alot of the visions in our lives, thru our blogs.
**Why do u think I said on my blog : 'People who read it till the end and comment ;)'
HAHA yes, good one!
**I like to read books, but i don t have time or i m too lazy to, so i d rather read looooooooong post and write looooooooooooong comment, to feel less guilty regarding my laziness ;)
haha ur like me! There used to be a time I read books alot. and then came BLOGGER. And wooooooooosh I was so over books. LOL! Writing long posts and long comments make me feel like Im going thru a Detox process :)
**but i only read blog i want not just because i want to comment to get more 'friends' to read/comment on my blog.
me too...its hard to hv so many readers here and be in all the blogs too.
**pssss: I officially tagged u for the Needs tag ;)
ty ty ty I love that one! I'll do it week ok.
MWAHHHHHHHH hv a good one luv!
oops my reply to ya above became another post @Cess lol!
Guys I gtg now...I hv a blogless life too lol!
will come back later to reply to the rest of the comments.
tnxx n hv a good one!
What does 'friend' mean to you?
That is an interesting question for me given how I view many of my fellow Americans right now. Not everyone can be a leader or simply stand out and I include myself in this but lately it seems followers mean more a blind unquestioning mob. That is more than unlikely an unfair thing to right but its how I feel.
What does 'friend' mean to you?
Someone who will stand with you in the bad times and tell you when you are wrong or out of line.
What does 'blogging' mean to you?
For me it means an outlet to safely vent my frustrations. After coming to grips with various aspects of my life and relationships that are far from perfect I have found that I needed this just to get along.
What does 'goodness' mean to you?
That one has me puzzled. So many seem to be two-faced about those around them wanting either to hide their own weaknesses or seek a leverage over others. I often feel "goodness" is about a rare a thing as mercy is these days.
What does 'opinion' mean to you?
I'm not certain is this will make any sense but there is an old saying concerning opinions that I hold to be true. But opinions are like asses, everybody has one and often they are very messy. I try to listen to a wide collection of people's opinions whether I agree with them or not as long as they hold to some basic principles I agree with.
What does 'vision' mean to you?
Vision is often meant to me the ability to see beyond what is easy to see, or in better words to be able to see the forest for the trees.
You need to disclose yourself to uncover the truth...
The only problem with that is my cynicism being what it is few want to see the truth about anything. Worse yet to steal from a very good movie few could handle the truth anyway.
yup i understand now...i to got got my heart broken few times by my closies...they started listening to others and dumped me...may be they wer not worth it at all..but i liked ur answer ...:)..actually loved it..:)..
P.S: come to my blog tupid got suprise..
okie then, lets give this a shot :
didnt know tht had a feature like this, but if they do, i wud disrespect my readers by tagging them with tht title. Somehow followers always brings to mind mindless mass that follows someone elses ideology...i think bloggers stop and read only wht they are interested in.
2. friends ?
acceptance. no judgement. choice
3. blogging?
my brother once said that its like masturbation, only here, u wud like to get caught.
something if it exist in u, u wudnt be as aware of it as others are.
have none...iam an eternal coconut on the wall of life, not knowing which side i will roll off to...i dont even take sides ...wife hates this abt me...only certain things make me see red : hurting a child and rape...everything else seems to have justification; rite or wrong.
20/20...:)..sorry cudnt help that.
Like my last post i'll blog on this again once i m back in the hotel. Cant reply them in detail, the indonesian chicks out here on the airport r damn distracting...:D
howdy??hope u r doing fine now...any plans for the weekend??
newaz i ve had my share of bloggers who say stuff/dont say stuff/say stupid stuff n all...but i guess thts how the net works...
newaz...hope u having a great weekend..
Love ya Keshi :)
Dear u have an award waiting in my blog, pls do check :)
not active blogging since quite some time, so not read ur blog, i like it being quite colorful.
This time u are either angry or hurt, i m not sure, but nevermind.
anyway i not a friend just a fellow blogger, don't ban me[;)]
anyway, u have asked so many questions, that i have to really think hard (lazyness is something, which should be growing day by day and should never be lessened or reduced or whatever is the right word{poor vocab, u see})
(First) Friendship: should i sound like cliched nostalgic college passout, i guess No. So here it goes "friend in need is friend indeed", I have just created this one, have u ever heard it before? I want people to whom i can talk endlessly and they must be good listeners(yes, i am torturing my friends for quite long, after this treatment they have opted to get married ha ha.).
(Second) Follower: I certainly disagree with the term, followers are for gods and leaders and such people. I prefer fellow men{and women}. Waise, once in a while, i like some fans.
(Third) Blogging: let me tell u the truth, I write a blog and start jumping around, hey i have written a great piece, go and read else i will do something with you(often threatening people, ha ha). Sometimes, I just want my writing to be lost. Others I feel to burn down that fuel of creativity inside me.
(Fourth) Vision: seriously, I am short term man, i hardly have any vision, still i am trying to know as "Why?", sound philosophical, right?
(Fifth) Goodness: Its like a real democracy, let people live and aspire, don't bring them down, don't put weights on their feet. Let everyone fly, world would be a good place.
(Sixth)what was it??? errr...... opinion
I have written so much, they are just opinion, IMHO, i am highly opinionistic, that is sometimes a cause of worry, being simple is better.
followers-who wanna b wid u 24*7*365..ur fans..
friend-1 who likes u with all ur
faults,4 being u u..(i hope u get wat i mean)
blogging-talking to the whole world 2 make it happy n lively.
goodness-the 1 who places oneself in ppls shoes n den forms opinion on ppl
opinion-an idea
vision-perceiving wat eyes can't see..
ur post really made ponder over all dese definitions..
as to ur seemingly best buddies not tlkin anymore..guess its gt more 2 do wit dem tan you.
all negativity , be it hate , jealousy or watever, has FEAR as its underlyin source. no..i aint sayin dat dey are afraid of you...but of thier own demons. v all ll constanly engaged n an inner battle . der r thngs dat v need 2 outgrow , der r fears dat v need 2 master & de like.
& mayb u hv won over more demons than most ppl. so wen dey c you , dey read you...dey r reminded of thier own battles whch dey r afraid 2 fight & dat fear is camouflaged & projected as dislike or jealousy 2wards you.
i donno if ders anythn u can do 4 you...but it certainly doesn help you takin it ll personally & hurting urself.
wot i said not any fancy thoery jus so dat i can make ya feel better. i hv seen it n myself & n oters too....its never abt you , wot dey do is alwz abt or coz of themselves.
hi keshi,
first things first -couldnnt read your last two post coz of tests !
1.i was feeling the same way u were , it was like i didn't want to take part in anything of life , all i'v wanted to be was a mute spectator. but then i'v recovered from that period now & hope that u too have.
2. the post "stop signs " on your date was a fun read ,but actually , all of them should be taken really seriously .infact i hate people who eat like animals so as it is dating such lot is outta question.
what does a friend mean to you??
*someone with whom you can share whatever you feel, without having the fear of judgement ,someone with whom you are completely at ease with *
what does blogging mean to you?
*another way to express what I feel , a way to know people from world over , & also a way to vent out when i feel like bursting with anger*
what does goodness mean to you?
*now that's relative. goodness wouldn't always mean that the person in question has to be good to me. goodness for me means whether a person sticks to what he / she thinks & in his her / his behaviour towards people remains the same irrespective of the situation of course making the exception that in doing so he / she shouldn't trample over his / her morals *
what does opinion mean to you?
*opinion matters only if it's from someone I care about & am sure would never misjudge me*
what does vision mean to you?
* hmmm , vision is the way i or you see the world & its being. by the way my real life vision is pretty bad , can't see without glasses :( *
& keshi please don't leave bloggerville , it's not every day that we get to read honest posts .:) hope you get over you crisis.
bloggerville has made me realise that there are some people who are practically complete strangers for me , & have even then helped me & made me smile :)
now over 2 keshis qsts :)
well...i don fancy de term. don want anymone 2 b my follower or worshipper , b it n blogville or real life neither can i b so 2 som1. ofocurse der r ppl i lik & love & 2 whom m grateful to....dat is to it!
wld say...som1 is a frnd , wh stands by you , toh he doesn hv a clue y u r doin wot u r doin, wh givs u a hug wen u shed dos tears , he or she may nt knw y u r cryin , but knw you enuf 2 sense dat wot u need den is nothin more tan a hug. i don thnk its esy 2 perfectly understn som1 , nor is der a need to...lik i said b4 , its nt abt understdnin but knwing
when i started wit it , de only thng i hd n mind ws my need 2 express, 2 say som thngs dat i needed 2 say , of de love dat i hv @ heart. it ws purely connectin wit my own being , wit my own feelings..being myself.but nw it hs grown to include oter ppl wh interst me or wh i cld relate to.
i used to hv a big prob wit som1 readin my journals esp poems ,
it wsnt easy , i m nt a person wh wld hv written out wot matters most 4 evry1 2 read.
but life is ll abt getting out of ur comfort zones & doin thngs dat u wldnt hv done.
so blogging 4 me is growing ..richer..wiser ..happier ..
in de company of ppl lik you.
keshi , must say , every line u write keeps me in awe...m soo glad dat u exist to share ur being wit us all.
luv ya hugzz!
ok here i go..
1 .follower means to me
hnnm sounds a bit like stalker when u come to think of it.. for me in terms of the blog roll.. well its just a matter of making things a bit more simpler for me.. so tht i can actually access my fav blog's all the time..
2. a friend is :
he/she would be a person who would be able to point out the most dumbest mistakes u make.. n stand beside u n give u the shoulder to cry or the helpin hand even without u asking for it.. they would be the person who would know the deepest of ur secrets and would vouch for u.. and how much ever things go wrong wouldnt come back to taunt u with that..
i have known few ppl who have been my so called friend.. but then later on just back stabb me..n left me to bleed..
3. blogging.. its a place where i can interact with other ppl.. pour out my emotions and feelings and get different opinions and thoughts back..
4.goodness.. its so abstract... isnt it.. i think its more to do with what that particular situation demands.. or what feels right at that moment.. some rights can be some ppl's wrongs..
5. opinions..
all of us have our own faith n beliefs towards certain things.. which we tend to voice out .. all of us wont have the same thoughts or display the same kind of emotions.. n thus all our opinions differ.. but then what is important is to respect the individuals opinions.. just because he/she voices out their opinions openly , one shouldn't judge them in that way..
6. vision..
its something i can see myself doing.. or something that i could see happening in the future.. could be in the immediate sense.. or may be after a certain period of time.. it could be about anything.. or anyone that u know off..
I dont have any followers but I have some friends... I like friends and dont expect any followers. I like blogging cuz I get to speak with people all around tthe world I would otherwise never know... that a good thing.
Its nice to share opinions and visions - I like to share and I am a kind tolerabt and likeable person. Like you darling Keshi!
What does the term 'followers' mean to you?
Those person who follows your blogs and who continuously keep visiting your blog
What does 'friend' mean to you?
A person whom you can expect at the time you need them.
What does 'blogging' mean to you?
'blogging' mean sharing your views to others and to those who are really interested in knowing your views.
What does 'goodness' mean to you?
Live and let live. If you can't say anything good of others then at least don't criticize others.
What does 'opinion' mean to you?
what I found true and not what other finds true is an opinion for me.
What does 'vision' mean to you?
Once again i would like to say we should not follow other's opinion but we should believe in ourselves and our vision. What we think of person rather than what other think of that person and what he/she talks about him/her.
Hey Babes!!
i've been around here for 3yrs, as per my stat counter.. but i've really been around here for close to a year or so only and in this time i've come across people who are sweet, genuine and some who are just doing time pass!!
and honestly i dont care 2hoots for the ones who jus read, n write random comments.. just shrug them off!! hugsss!! u truly are a find girl!!!:)
now onto your que's
What does the term 'followers' mean to you?
What i've understood - people who follow my blog, either read it regularly or have read it at some point of time.... kinda like blogroll!!!
What does 'friend' mean to you?
Unconditional love/care/acceptance of me for ME.
What does 'blogging' mean to you?
Its a world of my own..where i can rant rave share write crib and just let go!!! :) My space!!:)
What does 'goodness' mean to you?
Ummm.. it means friends/people who care about You and look out for you!!
What does 'opinion' mean to you?
Opinion means point of views, each of us are entitled to our own ... sometimes we agree and sometimes we dont...:)
What does 'vision' mean to you?
To see without anything hampering the view... Seeing beyond what you expect!!!
***What does the term 'followers' mean to you?
Well, in the general sense, it means some people see me as their guide and they want to be just like me. In blogville? People who want to read my blog without missing any posts
***What does 'friend' mean to you?
It's a complicated question. Friend means everything to me. I guess I've posted a post on my best friend, it'll be something like that.
***What does 'blogging' mean to you?
Getting to know various people from various places, knowing them or to be more precise trying to know them. See if there is some great people out there. If yes, can I be one of them etc etc and of course, sharing my own views and ideas and learning other's opinion on it.
***What does 'goodness' mean to you?
Goodness mean being good to oneself and others. Being good, right at one's heart. You need not be a Mother Teresa to be good, but don't be a Osama Bin Laden.
***But disagreeing doesn't mean mudslinging that other person, does it? Disagreeing means not agreeing on the issue at hand, not the person.
I am happy to hear that from you, I do agree with this
***What does 'opinion' mean to you?
Opinions are like watches, everyone wants to believe the time in their watch is right. Very few attempt to correct the time in their own watch.
***What does 'vision' mean to you?
Having a clear goal and a clear path to achieve that goal.
BTW, don't talk about leaving blogville again. LOL.
This is the umpteenth time you are telling this. What are you going to do? Crash course on KG as I recommended?
friend....sum1 who accepts even my faults
blogging....letting out.
goodness...listening to the heart instead of the cold,calculating mind
opinion....a take on things
u got rewarded on my blog, and I will replied to your reply of my comment ;)
Hi Keshi,
First time here, I think.
Read your response to my comment on Deepsat's post on break-up lines and couldn't help but drop in to say Hi!
Hope ur good.
On the blog to me they are just people who click on the "do u wanna follow this blog " link
in real life the people who find me as a factor of their style statement tats all no one is so very dedicated these days in such things dear.
On blog and in real life friends are to me people with whom I can share anything or everything.
It is life for me now can't live without it. The community here gives me an ecstatic experience.
It is the way to get ultimate happiness by making others happy
a simple view from the other person which might or might not make an impact on you
its the thought to do good for the humanity
btw how r ur bronchi and ur bronchitis?
Hey Keshi ;)
Wow, actually it s 1.30AM and i just saw ur replied to my comment....I decided to sleep first ;) then reply to ur replied after it to not miss anything ;) Now it s almost 1AM next day ;)
Ready=> GO!
++Even now, I sent an email to an 'ex' friend who dun come to my blog anymore, asking why they're doing that. Cos I hv no clue! I just wanted to do my I asked why and I wanna know. Atleast I dun think Im dead, so why do they treat me like Im dead?++
Did u get an answer from him? Maybe, for some, now that u have LOTS of blogger friends on ur site they might feel less important, like an other 'blogger friend' it could be a reason why they don t comment on ur blog, they might still read it but not comment on it?
++so so true! I dun hv a best friend. Cos no one is BETTER than the other when it comes to friendship.++
I don t say than no one is better than the others, but my other best friend, i considered her as my best friend cause she s the one i can 99% of my secrets and the only who can support me no matter what ;)
++aww..but why do good friends suddenly go silent on me, w.o. having done anything to hurt them? Mebbe some ppl at the back r poisoning their minds, but cant these friends think indepedently? mebbe Im expecting, hence disappointed.++ As i said earlier on this comment, they might feel less special ;) or if they let u down because some people pushed them to do so, then they don t deserve ur friendship! My ex-best friend ended up an 8 years of friendship because i hang out with somebody she did not like, just once...well! shit happens! too bad for her, she s missing a hell of a thing;)
++to hv such a private blog only for MYSELF. Cos I do hv some things to get over too...some deep issues that i cant say in the open.++
U should do it, it helps a LOT, i got one, i called it my-pockets-are-full (of shit;), it was such a relieve to do it, and once i was done with some issues, i delete it which means that i mourn it;) Does not mean i won t create an other one, i still have some issues to deal with ;)
++Writing long posts and long comments make me feel like Im going thru a Detox process :)++
A detox process LOOOOL
++me too...its hard to hv so many readers here and be in all the blogs too.++
Have miss some of ur good friends blog? it could be an other reason y they don t come to ur blog anymore?
And BIM an other loooooooooooong comment to read ;)
tc and have a great sunday ;)
U should write a book, Keshi. :)
hey ty Restless!
**get bored of things very easily. Blogging has changed nothing in me and I hope it won't make any difference.
aww...I hv to agree with u...sometimes being lonely is the best thing.
*HUGZ* keep writing, I love reading ur thoughts!
aww think_tank ty!
**people with and without a vision, people who can and cannot be friends
so true! Its amazing how ppl I met recently r comforting me here when ppl who promised me the World r nowhere in this blog anymore. Its really amazing!
I agree...from Lows u get to some Highs. I learnt so much from this post...from all ur answers. I got a new Vision now :) a fantastic one! tnxx to u!
hey Steve tnxx, I'll check it out soon :)
ty Tarun :)
**For some odd reason I didnt add followers too.
haha me neither!
**U have this thing for freinds you know it may be ages before you talk to a friend but when U talk the next time,u start with the where the conversation last ended.
yes! thats the kind of friend thats very hard to come I hv realised now lol! Some friends dun even wanna talk to me anymore! I dun even know why.
"Newest" way of expression.
cute one.
You want an opinion on opinion?
hahaha Tarun! yes, but just dun be too 'opinionated'. :)
hey ty Ria MWAH!
**A. Hmm i wud say followers is a wrong term to use here coz only gr8 ppl like Buddha can hav followers.
lol thats what I thought too.
**But yeah its more like these r the bunch of faithful ppl who like reading my blog.
I guess so. I was only trying to be too arrogant lol!
**A. I believe in the old saying "A friend in need is a friend indeed".
well-said Ria! Cos now I hv realised few of my so-called GREAT friends r nowhere when I was in need. They all ran away, for their selfish motives. They r everywhere but in my blog. And they dun even respond to my emails now. Friends they r? I think NOT!
**A. Blogging for me is the freedom to express my thoughts on anything thts goin on in my mind. :) Its like oxygen for me!
aww same makes me BREATHE and keeps me ALIVE. well-said girl!
**A. I dunno hw to define goodness, its an inherent quality which ppl display thru their deeds. Its easy to knw who r the good ones coz u knw they will never ever bitch behind ur back!!
wow nice one! Goodness can be FELT yes. And rite now I feel BAD vibes from certain fake promises that ppl gave me. Goodness can be felt that way too...from ppl like u. MWAH!
**A. Opinion is what u think abt a certain issue. And an opinion is always relative coz we knw tht everybody doesnt think alike. So there is bound to b difference.
so true!
**A. Vision is the ability to see clearly wht things mean without any prejudices coz this enables one to take a sane decision else things can go haywire.
wow lovely! A vision definitely needs to be CLEAR...not clutterd with selfish and egoistic thoughts.
**i always feel like i hav achieved a feat....on completing these questions coz it makes my mind clearer abt my priorities in life.
how nice to know that Ria! I feell great reading all ur answers, cos I LEARN so much from ALL of u. HUGGGGGGGGZ hv a good one luv!
ty Arv!
** I always feel its better to have a small handful set of friends, who honestly care, around to read what I write. Simple reason, its better to get different viewpoints but too much of it would not be an easy thing to handle; would only result in confusion.
Nah Im never confused by my 100s of readers here. Cos I dun make decisions based on what EVERYONE says here. I still stick to whats right for ME. Also, having 100s of readers is not something I can hv control of, is it Arv? Its not like I can tell few ppl here not to read my blog or not to comment. My blog is a public blog, so I get readers based on what I write. And apparently I hv alot of em. :)
hey ty Akanshka!
**I have no idea how to free our wonderful space from fake people
yes! few ppl here just to pose as great buddies when they cant really be one. sadly.
ty Samby HUGS!
**people seem to forget that they came on blogger to be real themselves
thats so true! instead they ACT. sad world!
U've been alrite? btw I didnt reject any of ur comments. I nevere received a comment from u for that 'divorce' post. Send it again. It must hv got lost. It happens.
TC mate!
**I so hate it when people just comment reading the last or first few lines or none at all...
haha so true! some say things like 'LOL Keshi' for a sad post ???
**I feel the same way about the followers widget,this place ain't facebook or orkut.And to follow a blog,one can have a blogroll or reader or something like that which already exists and have been made good use of till now.
I agree! I hope Blogger dun become the new Facebook or Orkut. eeeeeeeeeks!
**As for blogging,it's brought back my buried writing skills and I hope to move ahead soon into the literary world and will be eternally grateful for this platform.
me too dahlin...
**I have met many people here and though there are some losers who have troubled me now and then,there are many more who make the stay here worthwhile,and that's what matters
I agree. I guess after writing this post, I put alot of crap off my chest. ppl who dun deserve my friendship can go to hell. :)
ty Sameera I luv ya!
hey ty Mia!
**What does 'friend' mean to you?
- they just accept u the way you are....n i just accept em the way they are
lovely! But not many ppl u'stand that concept. They think being FRIENDS is just chatting and blogging together lol!
** cos i just write abt my thoughts, moods n my day to day experiences.....hoping sometime in the future i will go thru it n laugh n smile n may be cry that i was so much younger then heheh
yes..this is my e-diary too. cos I write my most personal thoughts here..and guess wut, its public. :):)
**for me goodness is in the deeds one does.
deeds it is! alot of ppl r just abt WORDS. sadly.
**What does 'opinion' mean to you?
- point of view
**What does 'vision' mean to you?
- seeing is believing
wow nice one! seeing it is...and believing!
ok gtg.
I will come back later on to reply to the rest of the comments.
tnxx guys!
hahaha Tarun! yes, but just dun be too 'opinionated'. :)
Morning Keshi.
Well no beer this weekend :( but Chicken is on.Planning to catch up with a few friends.
this has 'aunty' written all over do realize that half of your posts in the last one month have been 'venting out' posts...venting out is a good thing if u do it once in a while...if done repeatedly then dudette u need to really take a hard look at your life and where its going...
neways miss cribbaholic...i do hope u get out of your depressed state soon :)
followers: hmm i dont really have a good answer for this one. i have many followers, or any for that matter. i took a year's worth of hiatus.
friend: it means that someone is there for you, whose got ure back. no, i dont believe in "there for you till the end of time, thing". but i do believe in honesty in friendship and honestly loving someone that you are friends with. if it ends, it ends, but till it was going, you should be honest. none of that fake friendship and saying "hi to be nice and cordial". if i dont like someone, i wont do the fake hi. if u did me wrong, i certainly wont do the fake hi and u'll get a deathly look from me. i give my heart in a friendship, but i've lost alot of friends over time, some to time and being busy and etc and some to liers and back stabbers.
Blogging: means sanity. means an outlet. if you wanna read it, read it and leave ure honest opinion. i'll take it into consideration. i like a fresh person's view on a topic. i love reading ure posts, i love that you write with ure heart and ure honesty. i do the same, when im angry and passionate about something i can write pages.. like this comment.
goodness: it means giving with a honest and a pure heart. with a "pure".... clean heart. whether its volunteering, its friendship, its whatever.
the rest i shall write about later.. but ps: i never did see ure comment on that extra physical affair thing. ANOTHER THING IS THAT YOU READ 100'S OF THESE COMMENTS AND REPLY BACK TO THEM ALL WITH A PERSONAL TOUCH.
i really admire ure dedication to this blogging world.
ty BB!
** lately it seems followers mean more a blind unquestioning mob. That is more than unlikely an unfair thing to right but its how I feel.
true...followers mean following another, never a leader to thy self.
**Someone who will stand with you in the bad times and tell you when you are wrong or out of line.
good one! not many can achieve that title..
**For me it means an outlet to safely vent my frustrations. After coming to grips with various aspects of my life and relationships that are far from perfect I have found that I needed this just to get along. helps us to breathe..
**So many seem to be two-faced about those around them wanting either to hide their own weaknesses or seek a leverage over others. I often feel "goodness" is about a rare a thing as mercy is these days.
wow thats exactly wut I thought abt it! its so rare. ppl seem GOOD at first, and then all of a sudden they start shoing their true colors..
** But opinions are like asses, everybody has one and often they are very messy. I try to listen to a wide collection of people's opinions whether I agree with them or not as long as they hold to some basic principles I agree with.
**Vision is often meant to me the ability to see beyond what is easy to see, or in better words to be able to see the forest for the trees.
wow very nice one BB! holds very true for wut Vision really is.
**The only problem with that is my cynicism being what it is few want to see the truth about anything. Worse yet to steal from a very good movie few could handle the truth anyway
so true! And look wut I get for being true and open in my blog...they call me a whinging AUNTIE!
hey Hemz ty!
**they started listening to others and dumped me
OMG thats exactly wut happened to me last week or so. Some ppl who cant think for themselves hv been listening to some empty minds, and now hv conveniently 'dumped' Keshi. I dun care. Im glad I got rid of such weeds from my blog.
hey ty Tys!
didnt know tht had a feature like this, but if they do, i wud disrespect my readers by tagging them with tht title. Somehow followers always brings to mind mindless mass that follows someone elses ideology...i think bloggers stop and read only wht they are interested in.
so true! u hvnt see this feature yet? how come?
**2. friends ?
acceptance. no judgement. choice
I agree...
**3. blogging?
my brother once said that its like masturbation, only here, u wud like to get caught.
something if it exist in u, u wudnt be as aware of it as others are.
wow so true! Am I good? LOL!
have none...iam an eternal coconut on the wall of life, not knowing which side i will roll off to...i dont even take sides ...wife hates this abt me...only certain things make me see red : hurting a child and rape...everything else seems to have justification; rite or wrong.
yes...just cos we hv an opinion, that doesnt mean we r right/wrong.
20/20...:)..sorry cudnt help that.
haha Tys u crack me up!
haha Southy watch ur step!!
hey ty Mav :)
**newaz i ve had my share of bloggers who say stuff/dont say stuff/say stupid stuff n all...but i guess thts how the net works...
yes..and thats ok. we hv all sorts of ppl on the net, just like off the net. but thats not wut Im talking abt. its abt so-called FRIENDS who act really strange all of a sudden. why do some ppl do that?
awww Caz u know I luv ya too MWAHHHHHHH!
gee wow Jeevan ty! Will be there soon ok :)
hey Chamb!
** This time u are either angry or hurt, i m not sure, but nevermind.
anyway i not a friend just a fellow blogger, don't ban me[;)]
lol no ways! ur too nice to be banned. Ur a friend too. But not a loser, like some of my close friends r! :)
**So here it goes "friend in need is friend indeed", I have just created this one, have u ever heard it before?
hahaha! no. ;-)
**I want people to whom i can talk endlessly and they must be good listeners(yes, i am torturing my friends for quite long, after this treatment they have opted to get married ha ha.).
(**Second) Follower: I certainly disagree with the term, followers are for gods and leaders and such people. I prefer fellow men{and women}. Waise, once in a while, i like some fans.
aww why not ha :)
**(Third) Blogging: let me tell u the truth, I write a blog and start jumping around, hey i have written a great piece, go and read else i will do something with you(often threatening people, ha ha). Sometimes, I just want my writing to be lost. Others I feel to burn down that fuel of creativity inside me.
true...sometimes u want ppl to read wut u wrote..but sometimes I feel no one should see wut I write :):)
**(Fourth) Vision: seriously, I am short term man, i hardly have any vision, still i am trying to know as "Why?", sound philosophical, right?
hahahaha! get glasses ;-)
**(Fifth) Goodness: Its like a real democracy, let people live and aspire, don't bring them down, don't put weights on their feet. Let everyone fly, world would be a good place.
wow nice much GOODNESS!
**(Sixth)what was it??? errr...... opinion
I have written so much, they are just opinion, IMHO, i am highly opinionistic, that is sometimes a cause of worry, being simple is better
I agree. And guess wut..some ppl wrote their OPINIONS abt ME, instead of the post! :)
tnxx Chamb u rock!
hey Anwesa tnxx!
**who likes u with all ur
faults,4 being u u..(i hope u get wat i mean)
I know wut u mean...but ppl hv become so fake these days, its so hard to find such friends...
**blogging-talking to the whole world 2 make it happy n lively.
**goodness-the 1 who places oneself in ppls shoes n den forms opinion on ppl
wow very thoughtful of u to say that!
**opinion-an idea
**vision-perceiving wat eyes can't see..
wow beautiful!
Ur answers really made me think too. Wonderful and tnxx HUGS!
ty Enchanted!
**as to ur seemingly best buddies not tlkin anymore..guess its gt more 2 do wit dem tan you.
I agree. So wise of ya to say that.
**all negativity , be it hate , jealousy or watever, has FEAR as its underlyin source. no..i aint sayin dat dey are afraid of you...but of thier own demons. v all ll constanly engaged n an inner battle .
ur right...they r all droppin out of my blog w.o. me having done anything to hurt them. So it must be something they r dealing with...its not my fault. So this wud be my last post abt em. Im getting tired of giving them attention that they dun deserve.
**i donno if ders anythn u can do 4 you...but it certainly doesn help you takin it ll personally & hurting urself.
I agree. Not worth it. but writing this post made me take it off my chest for good. Now Im free. :)
**its never abt you , wot dey do is alwz abt or coz of themselves.
well-said! I learnt something great from ur comment. ty so much Enchanted n HUGGGGGGGZ! :)
hey Truthful ty!
**1.i was feeling the same way u were , it was like i didn't want to take part in anything of life , all i'v wanted to be was a mute spectator. but then i'v recovered from that period now & hope that u too have.
awww....Im ok now. tnxx to friends like u comforting me and showing me the way. HUGS!
**2. the post "stop signs " on your date was a fun read ,but actually , all of them should be taken really seriously .infact i hate people who eat like animals so as it is dating such lot is outta question.
haha yes! And some ppl thought I was making rules!
**someone with whom you can share whatever you feel, without having the fear of judgement ,someone with whom you are completely at ease with *
**another way to express what I feel , a way to know people from world over , & also a way to vent out when i feel like bursting with anger*
**goodness wouldn't always mean that the person in question has to be good to me. goodness for me means whether a person sticks to what he / she thinks & in his her / his behaviour towards people remains the same irrespective of the situation of course making the exception that in doing so he / she shouldn't trample over his / her morals *
wow very nice way of expressing wut goodness is. I liked it alot.
**opinion matters only if it's from someone I care about & am sure would never misjudge me
true...we cant go by opinions of ALL ppl!
**vision is the way i or you see the world & its being. by the way my real life vision is pretty bad , can't see without glasses
awwww HUGS! :) But I think u still SEE alot more than others do. Ur special.
tnxx alot and good luck with ur exams!
& keshi please don't leave bloggerville , it's not every day that we get to read honest posts .:) hope you get over you crisis.
bloggerville has made me realise that there are some people who are practically complete strangers for me , & have even then helped
hey Enchanted ty sweetie!
**don want anymone 2 b my follower or worshipper , b it n blogville or real life neither can i b so 2 som1. ofocurse der r ppl i lik & love & 2 whom m grateful to....dat is to it!
**i don thnk its esy 2 perfectly understn som1 , nor is der a need to...lik i said b4 , its nt abt understdnin but knwing
so true! A friend doesnt need to understand u 100%, but being there for u is imp.
**it ws purely connectin wit my own being , wit my own feelings..being myself.but nw it hs grown to include oter ppl wh interst me or wh i cld relate to.
so true!
**but life is ll abt getting out of ur comfort zones & doin thngs dat u wldnt hv done.
so blogging 4 me is growing ..richer..wiser ..happier .
yes...and thats what happened to me too. I was a very private person...but I slowly got out of my comfort zone. cos I had to show a lil bit of who I am to see a lil bit of who u are :)
**keshi , must say , every line u write keeps me in awe...m soo glad dat u exist to share ur being wit us all.
awww u too...btw some ppl here called me a boring, whinging AUNTIE who needs to take a good look at her life! Read some comments here...u'll see how easy it is for some ppl to be RUDE to others :)
Anyways Im glad I hv sweet, caring, polite and loving friends like u. Makes me wanna continue breathing here in Blogville. HUGS n ty!
hey Ani ty!
**1 .follower means to me
hnnm sounds a bit like stalker when u come to think of it.. for me in terms of the blog roll.. well its just a matter of making things a bit more simpler for me.. so tht i can actually access my fav blog's all the time..
yeah thats right :)
** and how much ever things go wrong wouldnt come back to taunt u with that..
i have known few ppl who have been my so called friend.. but then later on just back stabb me..n left me to bleed..
omg this is wuts happening to me now! anyways Ani, we should move on. Cos we r not them. Its them who need to be ashamed of themselves. Atleast I talk in the open. They cant. cos they r guilty!
**3. blogging.. its a place where i can interact with other ppl.. pour out my emotions and feelings and get different opinions and thoughts back..
true...its a place to learn, share, connect and grow.
**4.goodness.. its so abstract... isnt it.. i think its more to do with what that particular situation demands.. or what feels right at that moment.. some rights can be some ppl's wrongs..
so true! wuts good to u may not be so to me.
**but then what is important is to respect the individuals opinions..
Spot on! RESPECT is the key word.
**6. vision..
its something i can see myself doing.. or something that i could see happening in the future.. could be in the immediate sense.. or may be after a certain period of time.. it could be about anything.. or anyone that u know off..
right..its a picture w.o. words..
awww Mutely that u r! n ADORABLE :)
**I like blogging cuz I get to speak with people all around tthe world I would otherwise never know...
ty Tejas!
**Those person who follows your blogs and who continuously keep visiting your blog
**A person whom you can expect at the time you need them.
I dun EXPECT from friends anymore...even the basic expectations r hardly met these days, so now I dun expect anything from anyone. Just this moment is all I hv with a friend.
**'blogging' mean sharing your views to others and to those who are really interested in knowing your views.
**Live and let live. If you can't say anything good of others then at least don't criticize others.
true...but criticism is WC as long as it's not ABUSE.
**what I found true and not what other finds true is an opinion for me.
so does it always hv to be disagreed with?
**Once again i would like to say we should not follow other's opinion but we should believe in ourselves and our vision.
ok so u mean Vision is like a personal belief? ur right.
tnxxx Tejas!
hey ty Aaarti! :)
** this time i've come across people who are sweet, genuine and some who are just doing time pass!!
its like the real world, cos even blogville is made of HUMANS.
**and honestly i dont care 2hoots for the ones who jus read, n write random comments.. just shrug them off!! hugsss!!
lol yes! HUGS! Some even called me a boring AUNTIE!
**What i've understood - people who follow my blog, either read it regularly or have read it at some point of time.... kinda like blogroll!!!
**Unconditional love/care/acceptance of me for ME.
true but its so hard to find such a human...
**Its a world of my own..where i can rant rave share write crib and just let go!!! :) My space!!:)
true..MY is the word! Some ppl try to change MY blog into THEIR's by asking me to get over my thoughts. wierd ppl!
**Ummm.. it means friends/people who care about You and look out for you!!
**Opinion means point of views, each of us are entitled to our own ... sometimes we agree and sometimes we dont...:)
yes...and that doesnt hv to make us hostile towards the other.
**To see without anything hampering the view... Seeing beyond what you expect!!!
wow true! and SEEING even when things r not gonna be in ur favor.
hey Aneesh ty!
**Well, in the general sense, it means some people see me as their guide and they want to be just like me. In blogville? People who want to read my blog without missing any posts
so r u my follower? :)
**It's a complicated question. Friend means everything to me. I guess I've posted a post on my best friend, it'll be something like that.
**See if there is some great people out there. If yes, can I be one of them etc etc and of course, sharing my own views and ideas and learning other's opinion on it.
nice :)
**Goodness mean being good to oneself and others. Being good, right at one's heart. You need not be a Mother Teresa to be good, but don't be a Osama Bin Laden.
haha good one Aneesh!
**I am happy to hear that from you, I do agree with this
hehe. Rem we hv had many disagreements but it was always with the issue at hand, not at the person that u r. But u asked me to go to KG class. lol!
**Opinions are like watches, everyone wants to believe the time in their watch is right. Very few attempt to correct the time in their own watch.
lol good one but I know my watch is sometimes slow and sometimes too fast :)
**Having a clear goal and a clear path to achieve that goal.
**BTW, don't talk about leaving blogville again. LOL.
This is the umpteenth time you are telling this. What are you going to do? Crash course on KG as I recommended?
did I say I was leaving before? lol I dun think so! I just said I feel like...never said I was leaving :)
ty CN!
**friend....sum1 who accepts even my faults
not really accepting the faults..but accepting YOU just the way u r, with ur faults. :)
**blogging....letting out.
Steam? :)
**goodness...listening to the heart instead of the cold,calculating mind
so true! LOVELY CN.
**opinion....a take on things
aha...and it changes from person to person.
nice one!
Cess that was so sweet of ya, tnxx hun!
hey Kay WC n ty! :)
Lovely to see u here..
hey Joyce ty sweetie, Im well now, but not 100% :)
**in real life the people who find me as a factor of their style statement tats all no one is so very dedicated these days in such things dear.
**On blog and in real life friends are to me people with whom I can share anything or everything.
**It is life for me now can't live without it. The community here gives me an ecstatic experience.
**It is the way to get ultimate happiness by making others happy
**a simple view from the other person which might or might not make an impact on you
**its the thought to do good for the humanity
awww beautiful!
hey ty Cess MWAH!
**Did u get an answer from him? Maybe, for some, now that u have LOTS of blogger friends on ur site they might feel less important, like an other 'blogger friend' it could be a reason why they don t comment on ur blog, they might still read it but not comment on it?
no I still didnt get a reply from them. And no I hvnt stopped going to their blogs until last week, when they gave me cold vibes. So I stopped now. yes I hv alot of readers in my blog Cess, but I only hv very few close friends who email me etc. And Im talking abt few such frienda. :(
**cause she s the one i can 99% of my secrets and the only who can support me no matter what ;)
haha true! I hv such a close friend too..a Turkish girl.
**or if they let u down because some people pushed them to do so, then they don t deserve ur friendship!
Amen! Im not gonna waste my time on em anymore. ty Cess!
**My ex-best friend ended up an 8 years of friendship because i hang out with somebody she did not like, just once...well! shit happens! too bad for her, she s missing a hell of a thing;)
o hell yeah! LOL she's lost big time. How cud she not see that?
**U should do it, it helps a LOT, i got one, i called it my-pockets-are-full (of shit;), it was such a relieve to do it, and once i was done with some issues, i delete it which means that i mourn it;) Does not mean i won t create an other one, i still have some issues to deal with ;)
**Have miss some of ur good friends blog? it could be an other reason y they don t come to ur blog anymore?
nope! I always find time to go to theirs. :)
*HUGZ* ty for being here for me Cess!
Bla my blog is my book :)
hey Tarun ur lookin gooood, beer or not :)
just stopped by to say hi.The pictures are very cute .
ty Choco HUGS!
**followers: hmm i dont really have a good answer for this one. i have many followers, or any for that matter. i took a year's worth of hiatus.
**friend: it means that someone is there for you, whose got ure back. no, i dont believe in "there for you till the end of time, thing".
me neither..
**but i do believe in honesty in friendship and honestly loving someone that you are friends with.
Spot on! I hate liars.
**if it ends, it ends, but till it was going, you should be honest.
yes! and these friends r not even telling me why they dun come here anymore!
**none of that fake friendship and saying "hi to be nice and cordial". if i dont like someone, i wont do the fake hi.
ur so like me! Im very blunt.
**if u did me wrong, i certainly wont do the fake hi and u'll get a deathly look from me.
haha from me too!
**i give my heart in a friendship, but i've lost alot of friends over time, some to time and being busy and etc and some to liers and back stabbers.
me too! I dun want a suga candy HI or comments. I want a genuine heart.
**Blogging: means sanity. means an outlet. if you wanna read it, read it and leave ure honest opinion. i'll take it into consideration. i like a fresh person's view on a topic. i love reading ure posts, i love that you write with ure heart and ure honesty. i do the same, when im angry and passionate about something i can write pages.. like this comment.
yes! thats why I like ya Choco. ur not here to pretend or to win readers. Ur here to be u.
**goodness: it means giving with a honest and a pure heart. with a "pure".... clean heart. whether its volunteering, its friendship, its whatever.
**the rest i shall write about later.. but ps: i never did see ure comment on that extra physical affair thing.
thats cos its in page #2 of comments. U gotta click NEWER comments link to get there :)
i really admire ure dedication to this blogging world.
aww ty! And some ppl here called me a boring AUNTI that needs to take a good look at her life! can ya believe it? :)
HUGGGGGGGGZ n ty sweetz!
Mystique Im not here to play Miss.Wife for everyone. I maybe an Aunti, Uncle, wutever u wanna call me...but u take a good look at ur own comments to ppl in their blogs. Atleast I dun JUDGE ppl the way u do.
Mebbe say something abt the post and not my personality? besides blogging is abt writing wut I feel like writing...not wut YOU wanna hear. U dun hv to NAME-CALL me for that. I dun appreciate that.
and Mystique, I dun hv to look at my life...mebbe u should take a good look at ur own self. Who taught to u to be so rude to ppl? Its so unclassy.
hey ty Expression! :)
Hi dear...
humm now this is a very apt and good post...very thoughtful and so true....
Ur blog is ur own world...u can write anything you want there dear...its ur personal space to put up anything u want...Well thats wat i feel...
Others do not have to be bothered abt anything..they can read and comment if they want if not no probs..thats my kind of policy i think...i used to get so worked up by some comments and stuff ealier, but now i really dont care...#
heheh abt the comment part, its true that i dint comment on some of ur posts, thats only coz maybe i dint get the full meaning of some posts and i felt too stupid to post a comment wen i dint understnd some concept fully...
enjoy ur world of bloging dear :)
Followers - I have this widget running on my blog but initially when I saw a follower on my dashboard, I didn't know what it was and I put it on my blog...isn't is similar to blogroll? It does really matter to me who visits my blog, that way I feel, I connect to people.
Friendship - A unique blend of affection, loyalty, love, respect, trust and loads of fun is perhaps what describes the true meaning of friendship between two individuals.
Blogging - My blog is a reflection of me....I had stopped blogging two years back due to work pressure but, I started it again coz I wanted some peace of mind, solace. Peace, I got through reading blogs and writing.
Goodness - I had read this somewhere "There are bad people who would be less dangerous if they were quite devoid of goodness". For me, goodness is doing something really kind for someone, a selfless deed.
I had to ask this to u honey.....u hav written about people bitching about u in ur previous posts....It kind of comes as a surprise to me....In blogvile, we are connected by just words, expressions, thoughts, then why do people spoil their energy in spreading rumours about others.....I mean big time losers they are.
Opinion - Opinion to me is a thought that I habour towards something(not somebody). We all are different in nature so we have different opinions, doesn't mean we think bad about people and their characters if our opinions do not match.
Vision - What I want from my life. Thats vision for me.
I hope ur feeling ok by now....these are just phases is good at times and bad at times...doesnt mean u think of giving up something.
Hugs are you was your week..?
Nice post...and great title..(as usual..) ;)
None of those revelations are inspired by me, I suppose...hehe...
happy to be in the 'safe spot'..!! :)
about the questions...
Following someone is pretty tough for me..I don't have the humbleness to follow anybody actually...They say when you follow..follow a perfect being...but nobody is I follow nobody...about the new feature on blogger..I think to follow is the wrong term...we can be innovative about [V] has used the word 'enthusiast' in place of followers..Its just much easier to keep yourself updated on several its a nice feature I think.. :)
Friends..??they me...home for for me. :)
goodness...means honesty to me...
opinion...means unfazed..fearless..expression.. :) long sightedness...deep sightedness..
Aww...I don't know about last 4 yrs...have been reading your blog for 2 months maybe..and I read it..coz I want to..coz you have that special ability to the whole spectrum of human emotions..all at once.. :)
And you have spies on your blog..?? FBI...?!! :D :D :P
..and hey..its a good thing to be on a fact you write so fast...its hard for a slow reader like me to be abreast.. :p :p
hey so sorry .. i started commenting TWICE but something came up and i didnt post the comment. do you mind if i do a post on this too and answer your questions in that post?? and i soo agree about the blocking readers thing!!
***so r u my follower? :)
In the general sense, No. I only follow myself. I don't want to be like anyone, I just want to be me.
In blogville, Of course, Yes.
Yah, everything. I've discussed things with my friends, that I had never talked with anyone else and I mean anyone.
***But u asked me to go to KG class. lol!
Haha, that was never personal. That was supposed to be a joke, I was trying to cool you down, but you took it seriously. 'N remember how you disagreed with me? LOL
***lol good one but I know my watch is sometimes slow and sometimes too fast :)
Well, try to repair it, if it doesn't work then replace it.
:D :D
omg.... who called u a boring aunty who needs to take another look at ure self..........
ure sooo opposite. lol.. atleast when i used to blog and reguarly read ure posts... u had a interesting life with drama.. boys.. break ups.. make ups.. and you spice everything up.
so rude and dont pay attention to that, its ure life, whether boring or intersting.. ITS URE LIFE.
u dont have to defend ure life. dear lord.
hey .. am new here .. cecile asked me to visit this post of yours ... specifically for the "Who is a friend ?"
Tht later ... I read your post and i found this one line worthy of being a quote :
" It all happened cos I was willing to lose my privacy at the hope of finding my reality."
I don't need to interpret it to you .. as you wrote it ... :)
As for the question that I was asked to answer ...
To me friendship is the first relationship we make and here by friendship , i do not mean the acquaintance kind .. I mean the "Your opinion on what I do and what I am like matters to me" kind .. Its not about being there through thick and thin for me ... its not about confiding completely in him/her.. its not about who I can have fun with.... or cry with my head on their shoulder ...To me it is finally about who out there matters to you and you matter to whom ... that circle of people is the circle of friends...And why you matter to them should be because of the individual that you are , complete individual .. not only the good in you but also the bad in you ... these ppl who respect tht in you and then care about what you think about them are ur friends ...Is the attachment emotional yes ... but tell me if someone looses a love they get wrecked when they loose a friend they get hurt and deeply sad but they are not wrecked emotionally....ever wondered why ??? because that relationship somewhere at a much higher level is not just about hw well u too gel with each other or have common tastes likes dislikes ... I cant define that .. but it certainly is not what i described friendship as ..
geeeeeee :)
heeee yehhh i'm the sizzling beggar ;)
heee n ya 'beg' meeeee???
geeeeee, woman jump into my IBB-invi begging bowl- as ya said, i think we could do a strip act, n make a lotta mony as sizzling beggars!!!
n i'm soooo glad ya loved my answers :)
it made my day :)
hey Enigma ty sweetie!
nah its not abt not commenting...:) and its not abt u at all. Its abt 2 close friends, who emailed me regularly etc and now they r suddenly giving me 'suck-arse' vibes haha! I dun really care anymore. Cos I've gotten over them after I wrote this post. Thank God for Blogger I can vent out shit and get over things too. Isnt it a wonderful place!
**Ur blog is ur own world...u can write anything you want there dear...its ur personal space to put up anything u want...Well thats wat i feel...
true! And Im not here to PLEASE ppl or ENTERTAIN ppl. Im here to be MYSELF. And if that makes some ppl think Im a whingy old lady, then so be it. I'll still be me. :)
tnxx for the support Enigma HUGS!
hey Diana ty sweetie!
oyeah..its upto u to add the links or not @followers. Im just 'OCD' abt my blog too u know LOL! Ignore me :)
**Friendship - A unique blend of affection, loyalty, love, respect, trust and loads of fun is perhaps what describes the true meaning of friendship between two individuals.
yes...and it doesnt hv to last forever for it to be real...
**Blogging - My blog is a reflection of me....I had stopped blogging two years back due to work pressure but, I started it again coz I wanted some peace of mind, solace. Peace, I got through reading blogs and writing.
wow nice one! Reflection is it. I love the way u said that. My blog is the mirror IMAGE of my deepest soul yes.
**Goodness - I had read this somewhere "There are bad people who would be less dangerous if they were quite devoid of goodness". For me, goodness is doing something really kind for someone, a selfless deed.
I agree..
**I had to ask this to u honey.....u hav written about people bitching about u in ur previous posts....It kind of comes as a surprise to me....In blogvile, we are connected by just words, expressions, thoughts, then why do people spoil their energy in spreading rumours about others.....I mean big time losers they are.
yes! I cant u'stand that too Diana. I mean, I hvnt DONE/SAID anything to anyone and ppl suddenly DONT TALK to me anymore?? I dun get it. Atleast they can come and tell me WHY or WHAT happened. They dun even reply to my emails anymore! So I guess some demon acting like a great friend to me is doing it all at the BACK. Im sure this person is still in my blog, PRETENDING. It seems its all abt COMPETITION...some ppl wanna stop all my friends coming here, so they can hv them in their blogs only. Its really UGLY.
Anyways, I've done my part. I blogged abt it, asking them to come n tell me whats going on..I even emailed to them. Still no RESPONSE. I know one thing. That when someone dont RESPONSE to ur emails etc, that means they r GUILTY. Cos they cant say anything, so they r silent. Let them be that way. I know that Im CLEAN. :)
**Opinion - Opinion to me is a thought that I habour towards something(not somebody). We all are different in nature so we have different opinions, doesn't mean we think bad about people and their characters if our opinions do not match.
exactly! And some ppl hv formed OPINIONS abt me based on ASSUMPTIONS thru OTHER ppl's theories. how sad!
**Vision - What I want from my life. Thats vision for me.
**I hope ur feeling ok by now....these are just phases is good at times and bad at times...doesnt mean u think of giving up something.
I agree. Im stronger, after this post :) tnxxx to ALL of my REAL friends like u here. HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
hey Zubin Im good ty and urself? :)
**Nice post...and great title..(as usual..) ;)
TY! So did u unleash ur soul after reading this? ;-)
**None of those revelations are inspired by me, I suppose...hehe...
happy to be in the 'safe spot'..!! :)
haha ur right. its not YOU at all. Cos ur a sweet-heart.
**They say when you follow..follow a perfect being...but nobody is I follow nobody...
**about the new feature on blogger..I think to follow is the wrong term...we can be innovative about [V] has used the word 'enthusiast' in place of followers..Its just much easier to keep yourself updated on several its a nice feature I think.. :)
Yes its a good feature but the term sucks :)
**Friends..??they me...home for for me. :)
lovely! but only very few ppl know HOW to be a friend. Its as rare as the rarest gem :)
**goodness...means honesty to me...
lovely! yes, w.o. being honest to self and others, one cant achieve goodness of heart...
**opinion...means unfazed..fearless..expression.. :)
spot on! and respect for other opinions...
** long sightedness...deep sightedness..
wow nice one! Long n deep...and wide SIGHT....
**Aww...I don't know about last 4 yrs...have been reading your blog for 2 months maybe..and I read it..coz I want to..coz you have that special ability to the whole spectrum of human emotions..all at once.. :)
really? wow Im stoked to hear that. ty so much Zubin HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
**And you have spies on your blog..?? FBI...?!! :D :D :P
yes lol! Im ust be quite an observed 'specimen' ha? ;-)
**..and hey..its a good thing to be on a fact you write so fast...its hard for a slow reader like me to be abreast.. :p :p
lol lol lol! I get easily bored..yes with my own posts! *rolling eyes* :):)
ty Zubin u rock!
hey ty Harini and no worries at all :)
** do you mind if i do a post on this too and answer your questions in that post??
go for it girl! I'd love to read ur answers :) HUGS!
heyy ty Aneesh :)
**Well, try to repair it,
u make me sound like a broken toilet seat @repair. LOL!
cute one Aneesh :) I'll try hard to repair it ok...with nails, bolts and plastic sheets lol! HUGS!
hey ty Choco MWAH!
**who called u a boring aunty who needs to take another look at ure self..........
Mystique did. Read his comment above ur's...
ure sooo opposite. lol.. atleast when i used to blog and reguarly read ure posts... u had a interesting life with drama..
haha yes! DRAMA = KESHI. lolz!
**so rude and dont pay attention to that, its ure life, whether boring or intersting.. ITS URE LIFE.
yes I agree. I dunno wut it is, Im never rude to ppl in blogs, but I always am the receiving end of ppl's rudeness...
**u dont have to defend ure life. dear lord.
ty Choc, wut u said means alot me...cos not everyone has the best interests in their minds for someone else. HUGS!
hey Shadows WC n ty for being here :) Cess is a sweet-heart!
**... I read your post and i found this one line worthy of being a quote : " It all happened cos I was willing to lose my privacy at the hope of finding my reality."
I don't need to interpret it to you .. as you wrote it ...
Im glad u realised wut that line really meant. It makes me feel like I've achieved alot when someone picks a line I wrote and makes good sense of it. So tnxx!
**I mean the "Your opinion on what I do and what I am like matters to me" kind ..
thats a really neat way of putting it...
**Its not about being there through thick and thin for me ... its not about confiding completely in him/her.. its not about who I can have fun with.... or cry with my head on their shoulder ...To me it is finally about who out there matters to you and you matter to whom ... that circle of people is the circle of friends...And why you matter to them should be because of the individual that you are , complete individual .. not only the good in you but also the bad in you ... these ppl who respect tht in you and then care about what you think about them are ur friends ...
wow thats a really nice meaning to FRIEND. Thats exactly wut I think it is too. They dun hv to be there forever, at all time, and know everything abt u or even understand u totally. Its abt the care, love and respect no matter what. U said it beautifully!
**but tell me if someone looses a love they get wrecked when they loose a friend they get hurt and deeply sad but they are not wrecked emotionally....ever wondered why ??? because that relationship somewhere at a much higher level is not just about hw well u too gel with each other or have common tastes likes dislikes ...
thats so true! its cos a friendship isnt based on WANTS...its just there or it's not there at all. Like u said, its at a higher level than a romance is.
ty so much for sharing ur wisdom with us here!
hahaha Jane!
*jumps in*
**i think we could do a strip act, n make a lotta mony as sizzling beggars
I'd personally go 'beg' at Richard Branson's doorstep...I think we'd be rich in 2mins lol!
for last few days, i kept reading comments praising you, and it aroused a curiosity me, so today i am here and i am also liking ur post.
Followers..i dont know much about it and dont even care:)
If i get a comment on any of my post, i like it, it may be criticism also,because i always feel that criticism will show me another perspective, so everything is welcome as long as its not a vitriolic attack,but those who do it, I know they are frustrated unhappy souls. I am very contented in life, so i never feel very bad about anybody and thats my philosophy of life...........keep all the negativity and negative people away from u.
I myself follow a rule be very genuin in ur life, so in blogs also, i dont appreciate for the sake of courtesy only.
For me friends mean somebody who is always there for u. even if we meet after 10 yrs, our feelings never change, and either of us in need, we there.but friends also have types..I have 2 one who are there in need, second who are good for entertainment, but when i finf both qualities in a single person, he/she is the best.
Blogging for me is sharing my opinion with others,and there are few things one can never say personally, can be writen here, still it cant substitute for a diary, as baring my soul may havesome bad repercussions also.
goodness is the quality of finding good in everything, and doing good to everybody.
Opinion is my take on any issue,not person, we may disagree but in civilises manner, no personal attacks.and I avoid those who do so, why bring negativity in ur life,I have so many people who love meand so i dont care about who dont and keep away from them.
For me vision is the quality to forsee and anticipate the future the way it shud be or wud be whetehr in social relationships or anything else.
hey ty for being here Renu :)
** always feel that criticism will show me another perspective, so everything is welcome as long as its not a vitriolic attack,but those who do it, I know they are frustrated unhappy souls.
I so agree!
**I am very contented in life, so i never feel very bad about anybody and thats my philosophy of life...........keep all the negativity and negative people away from u.
good on ya!
**I myself follow a rule be very genuin in ur life, so in blogs also, i dont appreciate for the sake of courtesy only.
me too...thats why I sense fake vibes very quickly and it makes me upset for a lil while...especially when friends behave that way..but I get over it pretty quickly too :)
**For me friends mean somebody who is always there for u. even if we meet after 10 yrs, our feelings never change, and either of us in need, we there.
I have 2 friends like that.
**but friends also have types..I have 2 one who are there in need, second who are good for entertainment, but when i finf both qualities in a single person, he/she is the best.
yes! I said this same thing in another blog. There r different friends for different purposes. And they dun hv to be there for u ALWAYS.
**Blogging for me is sharing my opinion with others,and there are few things one can never say personally, can be writen here, still it cant substitute for a diary, as baring my soul may havesome bad repercussions also.
Spot on!
**goodness is the quality of finding good in everything, and doing good to everybody.
**Opinion is my take on any issue,not person, we may disagree but in civilises manner, no personal attacks.and I avoid those who do so, why bring negativity in ur life,I have so many people who love meand so i dont care about who dont and keep away from them.
Good one!
**For me vision is the quality to forsee and anticipate the future the way it shud be or wud be whetehr in social relationships or anything else.
lovely! u SEE well :)
***with nails, bolts and plastic sheets lol!
Haha, is it really a WATCH??
nah Aneesh, its a WATCHDOG! ;-)
:D glad you liked it though my Di(cess) seems confused ... I have been active on blogger only since the last 2 months though I have the site since to years now ..... by active I mean started creating a network of people whom I read and who read my works ... You know what surprised me in this blog world .. so many ppl discussing about friends turning into bitches etc etc ... he he .. Made me think either i have never had friends or I just have a very special set ... he he .. I mean my group of frnds right through the 22 years of my life has 8 people and all are bloody opinionated, bloody dominant , and not to mess with them kinds(not to be read as physically) and yet we have been friends for years .. called each other names .. stubborn arrogant etc etc ... but yet we are friends we come to each other ... we hate many things about each other things that aggravate us to the extent of feeling like slapping the other person ... but I guess what people miss out and what we did not is that straight forwardness and frankness are vital and should be in both directions between friends ... how will i know smmthing i do agitates u until u dnt tell me .. and even if u do tell me i can promise I will try not to ... but i cant promise that i will not ....
and we never missed that .. even if we had heated arguments ego clashes 15 minutes everything was normal because nthing was held back .. we not only had it in us to be straight but also to take someone who is straight .... thts essential to a friendship ....
do visit my blog sometimes .. am not as good though but maybe different .. and as i said now i am here to make networks not friends and maybe over time friends ... hope u get what i mean ... Not good with twisting stuff sorry...
like u write wat u gotta write...i gotta comment what i gotta comment :P
ty Shadows :)
** but I guess what people miss out and what we did not is that straight forwardness and frankness are vital and should be in both directions between friends
I totally agree! I dun want just suga candy talk all the time. Thats not REAL friendship. I hv 2 friends who hv argued, got angry with me etc etc...but we always pick up from where we left last.
Wut I dun like is DIPLOMACY. I dun think real friends r diplomatic. :)
I'll be over in ur blog soon, ty!
Mystique ur allowed to share ur opinion, but that doesnt mean ur allowed to name call ppl. Thats when things get UGLY!
well ofrse u were referring to """VERY CLOSE"" friends....wont get into any arguments there;-))
haha Sid I didnt mean u were LESS of a friend. Just that some ppl r more active on a dailybasis with me on the net than u r. :)
Hey babe!!
I have been so busy in the last few days!! Have been reading never fear but I wanted to come back when I had a little bit more time and actually give a proper answer rather than a quick comment :) answer your questions and it was a brilliant post -
What does the term 'followers' mean to you?
A collective mindset - can be used for good or evil
What does 'friend' mean to you?
Honesty, unconditional acceptance, forgiveness
What does 'blogging' mean to you?
Sanctuary, my home, friends from the world, my venting room
What does 'goodness' mean to you?
Goodness is relative - every single person has it in them.
What does 'opinion' mean to you?
Unafraid to speak your mind, Intelligent discussion
What does 'vision' mean to you?
The power to see beyond the crap, to see the future and believe in it.
hey Silvara no worries hun. HUGGGGGGGGZ! This post was abt someone else who's not here for months now ;-)
ty for answering the qns!
**A collective mindset - can be used for good or evil
wow a very different and nice ans! My mum always say birds of the same feather, flock together. And thats so true :)
**Honesty, unconditional acceptance, forgiveness
lovely! I really thrive on that HONESTY bit. Or else I cant do it.
**Sanctuary, my home, friends from the world, my venting room
wow another beautiful ans! Its my Sanctuary, my online home too...its where my soul feels at home...its where my soul chillaxes w.o. having to think twice :)
**Goodness is relative - every single person has it in them.
Spot on babe!
**Unafraid to speak your mind, Intelligent discussion
Well-said! Unafraid and Intelligent r the keywords here. Or else, the opinion wud be trasy and abuse.
**The power to see beyond the crap, to see the future and believe in it.
Beautiful! I can SEE clearly now....
*HUGZ* lovely set of smart answers from a very beautiful soul!
im not gonna answer any questiuons here but id simply say i started blogging coz it meant easy publishing of wat i wrote but now it means a lot more!
im sure it does to u as well
n quiting it will make no sense to either of our lives!so babes plz dont even think of all this again!
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