Note: I had a very busy weekend, went to some VERY beautiful places, took alot of pics, will update in the next post or so and will get around to your blogs soon too. Also, Some people told me that they missed my long long posts. oyeah? Here I am then! ;-)Life As A Property...

What does the title mean? To me it means, that life is like a 'property' that you can 'move into' again, if you 'wish' to. Life does become old, boring, dull, monotonous, fat, sick, colorless, hence unhealthy sometimes. What do you need then? A fresh start. All we need to do is think of life as a property that you can occupy all over again...but with few repairs and renovations ofcourse. We often do that to our properties such as houses and vehicles. When your house needs a new look, a fresh feeling, you'll give it a new coat of paint...or even do feature walls. You will redo your bathroom maybe. Perhaps remove the carpets and put tiles on. With your car, you may even trade it for a newer and comfy one. If not, you may get new seatcovers or take it to a car-wash cafe for a good wash. All in all, we are talking about a new start...a fresh beginning that will make you feel alive again. Same goes to Life.
Repairs And Renovations...
You may say life can't be seen as a property of your's cos you don't really own it. But what do you really own in this life anyways? You don't own your house, car or even loved-ones. They are all temporary. So is life. You never know when you're number is up. But life as well as all your assets and bonds are your 'properties' til you're alive. So from time to time, you can choose to upgrade, renovate, repair these properties as and when required. The same applies to relationships and people. We all need fixing, repairing, changing, freshning up...all for the sake of moving on in life in good spirits and with a fresh mind.
My Life's Upgrades...
Now why did I write this post? Cos I'm getting a new lease on my life, yes I am. Be it becoming a vegetarian or starting to eat healthy and exercising or breaking up with an abusive partner or even saying NO to something you have been putting up with for a long time, changes are necessary in life to keep life fresh. But Changes don't just have to make them happen. You've got to stop and say 'hey, my life needs an upgrade...I have to make it better or healthier or happier etc'...whatever it is, it's totally upto you. No one else can do that FOR you. So, coming to myself, I'm gonna 'repair' and 'renovate' a few areas in my life too. Here is a list of what I started doing from last week. I promised myself I will stick to them no matter what:
*Eat healthier than before - no more latenight's starting to give me Love Handles eeeks! I went to a friend's place Thursday night, and a lady there told me 'Keshi you've put on a bit'...I was like 'so what biyatch?' in my head, but she made me realise I've gathered some Winter fat, snacking on icecream etc and being a couch potato cos of the cold weather in the last few months. And last night I took a good look at myself in the mirror and even though I wasn't fat, I wanted to scream imagining Big Momma's image on the mirror! *cries*. Guess what I had for lunch whole of last week...smoked salmon sandwich with cucumber and no butter...LOL yes I've become totally paranoid!
*Re-start my Exercise and Jogging routine -
couldn't do it for months cos I was down with Bronco and I was a bit lazy cos of Winter, and I already feel like I'm Pavarotti :*( *Opera music plays at the back and a huge belly is on display..and yes the head is Keshi's!*. So last week I started my usual daily 1hr Walks during lunchtime and jogging at night, kicking off my plan. yes I'm already back on track people!
*Will not complain about Blogville dramas and all that crap - I think you're sick of it by now. Well guess what? me too! :) No more whinging about useless crap, no more listening to liars, no more hanging around places where I'm not appreciated and no more throttling expectations from anyone can do way better than that!
*Will not spend too much money on clothes and shoes - I guess I have enough for now, besides my Closet and Shoe cupboard look like a Department store on their own *while kids are starving in Africa that is!*. That's not the only reason...I need to move/give away my Winter clothes and replace my old Summer clothes with new ones, so I better clean up the Closets before doing no more buying for awhile *wait til I put up my next Shopping trip pics ha? ;-)*. Spring Cleaning it is!
*Will speak softly *I'll try mate, I'll try*, and listen more than talk - even before today, I have become quieter at home and with friends. Empty and loud speech was not my cuppa anyways. I just need to
accentuate on my Listening Skills cos my mum says I'm always in another world when she talks...I kinda agree with her, cos I'm slack at listening when I'm at home...I only hear. Worse, when she asks something, I'm like 'owwww momma could you tell me the story again?'...and she loses it badly LOL!
Time To Freshen Up...
That's a load of expensive but worthwhile repairs in my life for now...I'll try to stick to them as much as I can ok...I hope I don't go 'broke' during the renovations! So tell me folks, any particluar 'repairs' you're planning to do on your 'property' soon? Whatever it is, first it takes alot of understanding to recognise the areas that need repairs, then it takes alot of courage and determination to take that first step towards real change, and finally it takes alot of hard work and dedication to stick to it til you achieve the results and to continue maintaning it *like how I felt extremely tired and hot during my walk yesterday and felt like stopping for an icecream but I didn't!*. So, all the best, stay focused and keep your lives fresh folks!
I dedicate this post and song to my dearest bro Sourish, who just quit smoking...way to go bro and keep it up! It's your life...make it happen. And you know I LOVE YA tonns n tonns HUGS!
Current Music: It's My Life by Bon Jovi
191 Cranium Signets:
Good luck Keshi Darl!!
You look lovely in any case :)
hi keshi..good that you r refreshing ur life... :)
"But Changes don't just have to make them happen." agree wit this and i need to do some changes in my life as well...
and about weight...people r telling..hey anits u put on weight la...wen i hear that..oh my god i hv to do something..:(
anyway life is short lets make it sweet..
ok sweet keshi hv a great week ahead..tcare..bye
ha glad u had good weekend mine was tragic.....:'(...
**Eat healthier than before
heheh eat fruits and live :P...
**Re-start my Exercise and Jogging routine
call me also i to am becomin lazy day by day ;)..
**Will not complain about Blogville dramas and all that crap
this is wat happen to me on the friday and sat lot of issues :'(
**Will not spend too much money on clothes and shoes
ok dont spend for urself buy me something :P..yeh ur correct abt the kids in africa..poor them..:(
**Will speak softly
i cant hear u kesh ..cud u raise ur voice pls :P...just kiddin...i suppose u hear me speakin on my blog :)...
**Time To Freshen Up
i think its time for me also to get some things straightned up as i am frustrated with the things happen in the past 48 hrs which made me think a lot...:( and had experience never to use others name in my blog :)...
good thing u made me think some points for my self too..:)..have to take up them very seriously :)..
I had myself been feeling quite disoriented from few days, usually m not like this, then one of our friend called up and after talking to her felt quite well
It is always great to try something new, something to improve our life, to rejuvenate our health.
Your promises are very good. Do step by step what you like and what you want to achieve.
You are strong, you can everything!
Thank you Keshi for inspiring people!
Happy Reinovation!!!
hope it gets u rejuvinatd...
excellent resolutions!! we all miss out on doing our upgrades! and like you say its what we can and must do!!!
so u hav put on a lil weight? ahem!! ;-)))
have a great week!
Will speak softly when I mate, I'll try.... hehe... thats gonna be something indeed.
keshi girl, glad to see you back all well and good and with your trademark long post...
upload the fotos soon ...
I promised myself:
*stop be too long with computer
*eat more raw/I know it is perfect for me/ and my dream is eat only raw
*buy something for myself/long time I didn't do it/
Today I bought jeans for myself- first time in my life I have jeans and I feel younger and better.
My mom not feel good yet, sometimes little bit. /big pain/
Thanks for your visit.
I wish you good luck!
love d analogy...
**Will not complain about Blogville dramas and all that crap
n i like this renovation d best...yeah to hell wid em...they shud not bother ya
n happy healthy livin (wonder when will i realise dat)
I should probably sit down and make a list of all the repairs that I need to make to my life and see what it will all cost. I bet the price tag will be pretty darn big.
arrey wah!
good luck!
Hi Keshi
Very nice post!
It’s nice to see you in a positive mood.
I thought I was reading a new year’s resolution. You made me wonder if I've misplaced 3 months and it is the new year. LOL
I have become a vegetarian after the tainted meat recall here in the Great White North –not quite white yet. LOL
It’s almost 1:00AM here.
Goodnight John Boy!
keshi, this ones a deep thought ... an amazing analogy ... i liked it very much !!!
now abt your chosen upgrades ...
**Eat healthier
good ... i need to get into such a routine too ... but regarding love handles ... they aren't that bad ;)
**Re-start my Exercise
cool ... you can take out an hour for lunchtime walks ... here, even if i can manage that ... the scorching sun wouldnt make it possible to even walk 100m :)
**Will not complain
Good on yaa mate ... theres no point in giving undue importance to those who dont deserve ... and you write for your own ... not to gather fans ...
**Will not spend too much money
you dont need to think about starving while shopping ... just donate the old clothes ... that evens it out .... right ??
**Will speak softly
wish you luck for your repairs ...
hv a good day !!!
yeah ur are right changes dont happen..unless..we chnge.I am also into..excerise..and jogging..Power yoga..I feel relaxed emtionally and Mentally..:) and yeah no crap thoughts..peacful sleep..
Its gr8..that we need to make time for oursleves:) love..yourself-:)
Lolz...... I laughed out loud while reading the title "My Upgrades"
On a serious note.....yes, life needs to be reinvented complete with new routines and ways of being lively!
Cheers on a good post
But Changes don't just have to make them happen.
..true true very true!!!
Happy repairing and re-leasing!!
hey keshi, best of luck with your exercising, healthy eating and stuff...and yeah the only thing constant in this world is 'change'.
Oh my many resolutions :P
I hope u kno..resolutions are meant to be broken only :P
that's why life become fresh :P
and thanksss soooooooooooooooo much for the dedication....
I love this song.... :)
Love ya
I love this post keshi!!
In healthy body lives healthy mind!!
Keep going Miss.. :)
ty LaVida MWAH! ;-)
hey ty Anits!
**and about weight...people r telling..hey anits u put on weight la...wen i hear that..oh my god i hv to do something
omg dun u hate it when ppl say that? especially when u dun look like Big Momma. Just tell em that they hv become FATTER than u lol!
On a serious note, its actually a good thing to hear...cos it makes u pick up ur Exercise routine and get back on track :) All the best hun!
ty Hemz!
**call me also i to am becomin lazy day by day
thats what happened to me in Winter...dun let it catch up with ya too much cos thats when it becomes uncontrollable.
yeah...think freshly abt those emotional issues Hemz. No point wasting time and energy on things that r not within our control. Just keep smiling and enjoying life!
Im happy for ya Southy!
When some ppl say something or call us after a long time, u get that groove back into ur life.
Good going mate!
ty so much for the encouragement Krys MWAH!
hey ty Pooja!
heyy ty Deepz!
**so u hav put on a lil weight? ahem!! ;-)))
lol wuts that supposed to mean??
hey Chriz!
**Will speak softly when I mate, I'll try.... hehe... thats gonna be something indeed
haha @trademark....awww r ya bored :(
On a healthy regime :DD
keshi.... one of your good post liked it:))
but not spending bucks in clothees and shoes...ohhhhh
how cud gals live without it?? :PPP
thats one thing even i wanna improve... talk less and listen more :DD
hope to satrt with you :DDD
hey Krys tnxx for the update on Maria..plz give her my love!
**stop be too long with computer
OMG I decided to do the same from last week! hence my absence in blogs for last 4 days...I hv to protect my eyes as well.
**eat more raw/I know it is perfect for me/ and my dream is eat only raw
lovely! its healthy too.
**buy something for myself/long time I didn't do it/
Today I bought jeans for myself- first time in my life I have jeans and I feel younger and better
awwwwwww thats excellent! How nice. I know how it feels when u buy something NEW...the fresh n happy feeling. HUGS! :)
All the best Krys!
hey ty Mayz!
**when will i realise dat
why not today?
hey Jay!
**I bet the price tag will be pretty darn big
yes, all kinds of repairs need alot of DEDICATION :) and that can be pretty expensive, emotionally!
jus pulling your leg!! ;-))
take care!!
But Jay...the rewards will be quite amazing! :)
hey Anjuli ty!
hey Bev ;-)
**I thought I was reading a new year’s resolution. You made me wonder if I've misplaced 3 months and it is the new year
lol wake up its 2009!
I dun make NY's resolutions...cos I always break em :) So this must be something real ha ;-)
hey ty Hiren!
**but regarding love handles ... they aren't that bad
really? lol but it's not a fashion yet.
Its hot over here too...I put my sunnies and joggers on, and I do my bit :) u should too. Dun let the weather come in between u and ur health.
All the best n tnxx!
Well-said Mad, we need to make TIME for OURSELVES indeedz!
**..Power yoga..I feel relaxed emtionally and Mentally
lovely! Thats wut alot of ppl need these days...mental peace.
*HUGZ* n keep up the good work!
hey ty Rakesh!
**Lolz...... I laughed out loud while reading the title "My Upgrades
lol after reading ur comment, I changed the title a lil. or else it looked like I've upgraded my boobs (with my pic next to the title). haha!
hey ty Arjun :)
thats so true Rahul n tnxx!
**I hope u kno..resolutions are meant to be broken only
now dun tell me ur bak to smoking?
*slaps bro gently*
tell me?
o btw Bro, I knew u like Bon Jovi (from ur profile)...thats why I chose this song for ya..its one of my favs too!
Thats so true DreamCatcher and tnxx!
* A fresh start. All we need to do is think of life as a property that you can occupy all over again...but with few repairs and renovations ofcourse.
Beautiful and inspiring thought.
* But life as well as all your assets and bonds are your 'properties' til you're alive.
True. And even if they are not permanently yours, as a custodian you have to take care.
* Will not complain about Blogville dramas and all that crap
Will miss that. :)
* I just need to accentuate on my Listening Skills
Difficult challenge. Needs real hard practising.
* any particluar 'repairs' you're planning to do on your 'property' soon?
Didn't realize I needed repairs. Your post was inspiring. So jogging, no-smoking, no-ranting will be a good start.
Good luck to your friend who has quit smoking. Hope he will not let external influences play around with his property.
hey ty Chakoli HUGS!
**but not spending bucks in clothees and shoes...ohhhhh
how cud gals live without it??
I only said I wont spend 'too much' on em :). ofcourse I love my shopping hehehe...
yes start with me today Chakoli...lets LISTEN more and TALK less. *MWAH*
Deepz stop pulling my leg cos Im jogging. lol!
hey Stony HUGS!
**Will miss that. :)
haha! ok I will then. especially for Stony and in total privacy...hows that? ;-)
**Difficult challenge. Needs real hard practising.
very difficult the rate I talk lolz!
**Didn't realize I needed repairs.
haha! im sorry if I made u feel like u need 'repairs' :)
**Your post was inspiring. So jogging, no-smoking, no-ranting will be a good start.
wow nice list! U smoke? and now ur really gonna quit it? and I like ur rants..plz plz plz dun stop! :)
**Hope he will not let external influences play around with his property.
Im not sure if he already broke the resolution...waiting for his ans lol!
an other great post from u as usual :)
I know have a big construction site ahead of me, it s beyond the renovation process, I recognized it, but i m missing determination , I don t have ur strengths, well i have the first 2 weeks but since the changes are not apparent enough i give up. I need some support i can t have here. I still believe i ll finish that construction site some days so still hoping.
great great post again.
not yet :P
but I don't think I will refrain for long :P
Bro thats soooooooo bad :(
Then Im gonna put up an angry post dedicated to!
hey Cess HUGS luv!
**I know have a big construction site ahead of me, it s beyond the renovation process, I recognized it, but i m missing determination , I don t have ur strengths, well i have the first 2 weeks but since the changes are not apparent enough i give up
awwwwww....thats where ur going down babez! DUN STOP just cos u dun see results in just 2 weeks????
Look at it this way..imagine u hv a garden at home...its not been looked after at all for a while...its now got lotsa weeds, the flowers r dying, the grass is longer etc etc. U think its high time u do something abt it and u start all fresh...u pull out the weeds, u mow the lawn and u plant new can u give up on ur garden within just 2 weeks? u hv to continiue watering the plants n grass, mowing the lawn often etc etc until u see the results...blooms of beauty and a healthy new garden.
wut d u need to get there? TIME n PATIENCE.
All the best hun, and only YOU can do it!
m jus too lazy tdy :P
Mayz ur not lazy..ur just finding an excuse ;-)
Hey Keshi....bestaluck with the renovations.I have to renovate on the following parts of my property:
(i) My love handles
(ii)My short temper
Hey you know Ria & me have a pact that we'r both going to work out/jog / whatever and then wear really nice sexy stuff for New Years. maybe we should now start a club or something and egg each other on. She is doing it diligently but I still find it so tough to get up in the morning and go on the treadmill
oh my gwd..
hehe i dont know what to say..
it was great to get back to ur long posts.. i love reading them .. because end of the day u make me think..
most of the time.. u end up tellin me things thats already on my mind.. and its
because i was thinking of reinventing myself or upgrading myself..hehe.. and give myself a new start.. hehe ppl have been telling that i have put on weight and i look all chubby chubby.. lol which is good i think lol..
anyways.. i am also back on my jogs n walks.. n i am such a big cheese fan.. :( i havent had a proper cheese toasts in weeks now.. oh well.. i hope i just continue.. i am back on my routine so thats good i guess..hehe yesterday i had my flatmates parents telling me that i am being very thoughtful lately.. n become very quiet.. lol.. i didnt know wht to say.. just gave a sheepish grin.. ;)
"No more whinging about useless crap, no more listening to liars, no more hanging around places where I'm not appreciated and no more throttling expectations from anyone can do way better than that!"
i sooo agree to that one dear.. because end of the day.. its not worth it all getting worked up about ppl and things who actually dont care about us.. and just.. oh well i can go on n on about it..
so the less we think about it.. the less we would be worked up..
well wish u all the best..
take care dearie.. :)
U see...Perfection can't be improved :P
jokes renovations..
1. Eat healthy...and burn the damn fat...burn baby burn!
2. Stop wasting chatting and all useless activities.
3. To be honest nd truthful in relationships.
thats it for now...
***my mum says I'm always in another world when she talks***
LOL!!... ask her to post on your blog..coz u are most focused in blog ville ..and hear everything here :P
Lovely post dear...stick to your Repairs..Renovations..Resolutions :)
Way to go,DD! (Sourish)
And really great post,Ms.Hot Mama :P
**Will not complain about Blogville dramas and all that crap
Thats a part,of life..and you don't need to make any resolution or whatever to break it!..letting your feelings out is one of the best stuff you can come up with!! :)
njoyed reading ur post.sounded lyk new year resolutions.well,best of luck 2 u!gud 2 c u lyk dis..chenz is the spice of lyf..rite?
do nethin but no *****Will not spend too much money on clothes and shoes****
Who will be my partner in such crimes then.... don leave me alone in this girl!!!
And for the rest of your refurbishing efforts.... best uv luck....
Now m thinkin maybe i shud also start losing all the fat...hmmmm!!!!
Very true!Once in a while,a new lease is quintessential.
I am gonna start working on my exercise and diet regime soon.Girl,you are so in shape!You really are paranoid in that department :P
Good luck with the changes dear.Have a great week!Muaaaaaah
wonderful to see the diva back!
with that new attitude girl you are all set for this new leg of your life
all the very best....
*Will not complain about Blogville dramas and all that crap
i'm gonna hold u to that... :P
yeah i keep renovating myself almost daily...and keep seeing repairs ever so takes a lot to keep the building (person) at the same level as one week back...not to mention how hard it is to make improvements :P
Hi,Keshi-that sounds like a lovely weekend.Good for u!
Very nice comparison-life as a property. I guess it does make a lot of sense to compare it thusly, especially when I think of changes required in both,when they get ole,boring,et al.(I'm glad u didn't mention the 'ultimate'-the house falling down,courtesy a heartache,err,an earthquake.)
Let's do it jointly-the 'Pre-New Year Resolutions'-especially,eating healthy,jogging,exercise and freshening up.i.e. we update regularly on progress in these fields.As a start,with the weather improving here(A 'low'39 deg C',with light winds)I've begun walking for 1 hr again,in the evenings.
The other resolution-to avoid the crap in blogville-*claps*-great decision.Now,you'll see extra hours getting added to your blogsurfing period.
Speak softly,listen more-hehe..anytime u need lessons,ask!!I'm 'The Observer'after all.(Except when I'm in my element at work as a Purchase Head)
Lastly,just for this nice post,have a double scoop of strawberry icecream- my treat,of course.*winks* Happy healthy eating-after the icecream,of course!
great stuff Keshi...
Life needs such makeovers now and then...
I see that you got some real good ones in there... hmmm... so no more midnight visits to the fridge?? :)
Wish you the very best in life...
take care da... cheers...
thats the spirit Keshi...
love handles-ouch-that was one topic on which me n a frn had gags every time...
And ur right, we may not make it 'all'right but we make it better always...
My life is already seeing a fresh change (as u know) so guess m okay for now with that... :)
Take care hun...
Way to go babe!its always good to remain fit. Its really nice to know tht u r cutting down on junk food. But dont go on a crash diet of sorts!! I knw u wont but still, jus a friendly advice. :) It always nice to go for a makeover in life. Gives u a direction and makes one feel gud abt urself. I m feelin gr8 and i hav bounced back in full swing. Makes me look at life from a different perspective. All the best for a new endeavor. :) *Hugs and lots of love*
wah wah !
i especially liked that you are
*saying no to abusive people*
*restarting your fitness routine*
*won't talk about crap happening in blogging world*
I too am thinking of adopting some of them ( wish me luck)
& all the best to you :D
PS : in one of your earlier posts you had written
" its better to be slow & sure rather than being fast & foolish "
I really liked that one too .
Way to go!
Good luck!
I need some inspiration to lose weight too..
Maybe tomorrow...;)
heheee...lots of changes gal..
jogging is really good...when beautiful gals jog it increases heart beat of boys which is u might be doing good 4 some boys too...
rest all is great...
once in awhile ice cream is good...tat is once in a week or so and not after every 1 hr..
ur post made me very appy 4 a while..
i was serching 4 headlines like
" No more DIAmONDS in my life"..
no problem ..will wait 4 the same in some other post..
"Changes don't just have to make them happen."
so true ...
Well the renovation i have started on is to keep my past in the back seat and work for a while to get seriously rich establish a platform for a nice family life with my to be wife ... am gin to turn 23 .. o hv only 2 years left to build that platform ..
passing ur lines....
very nice...
Well I may not comment every post...but as I said I do read them....
and when you are taking such a special step...would like to congratulate you and wishing you best of luck....
keep it up :)
**..breaking up with an abusive partner.
**or even saying NO to something you have been putting up with for a long time.
I respect you for the choices you have made,dear Keshi,you should not put up with anything that causes you to have mental anguish and that will greatly harm you.
Keshi lady, you sounded like one Mr Deepak Chopra who just changed his profession, turned a realtor and is now giving us a "real" view of the life's "estates." Very well, said.
Can I add you to my blog roll?
some nice resolutions..i will wait for another post some one month down the line on a topic 'my resolutions and its implementations'
Live life fresh..!!
Hi Keshi - Good to hear that ur moving ahead in life with a 'new you'. Dahling, evrything in life needs a if u didnt give up ur old summer clothes..u wouldnt hav space in ur wardrobe for new ones...
I think the way u were depressed few days back for those f*&*^&g people...that made u put on a bit weight (If u feel u have). But I think u look the same as u looked 4 years back (ever since u appeared on the it four nt sure though).
Nyway angel,
Stay fit....feel happy.....coz ur a beautiful human.
That beach pic cracks me up......I go regularly to the gym.....but I eat all kindda junk....
hope ur renovations work out well:)
as for me just wanna get life organised,lets c whether I can do tht or not!!!
hey SMM :)
**(i) My love handles
u CAN do it! Just that u need to START it...and then u will continue it religiously. Trust me. U just need that kick-off abt from tomorrow morning? :)
**(ii)My short temper
Im working on it eversince I was born. lol!
*HUGZ* all the best!
awww Ani great minds think alike...thats all there is to it! ;-)
** i am such a big cheese fan
uh oh Cheese aint too good on the waist tho ;-). fullcream or low-fat?
I dun like Cheese all that much living in a country thats so big on Cheese! I crave spicy stuff like hotdogs etc...thats my junk food. :(
u've become quiet? awww...but its good to be silent than talk when we dun hv to talk. dramas hv sucked my energy and made me feel negative. Im gonna cut down on wasting time getting affected by insensitive ppl. no need to give them my attention u see. they can talk talk talk abt me...all that says is that they cant survive w.o. me :)
All the best with ur exercise routine Ani HUGS!
hey ty Prakhar!
I think u r indeedz PERFECT. :)
**1. Eat healthy...and burn the damn fat...burn baby burn!
when I walk I say that in my head..'burn baby burn'. lol!
**2. Stop wasting chatting and all useless activities.
I dun chat at all. All this 4yrs I've only been blogging. I dun hv time, neither an interest in chatting!
**3. To be honest nd truthful in relationships.
thats not hard at all? :)
**ask her to post on your blog
lol noooo plz dun bring my momma here!!
*HUGZ* n all the best on ur repairs Prakhar!
ty Crystal!
**Thats a part,of life..and you don't need to make any resolution or whatever to break it!..letting your feelings out is one of the best stuff you can come up with
aww thats true...but it seems that everytime I REACT to someone's dirty deeds in blogville, someone else writes another hate post. I just dun think all this crap is worth my time and energy. thats all :)
Besides I think I've grown and hv matured enough not to let wut ppl say abt me affect me.
ty Anwesa!
I never make NY resolutions, cos to me they sound fake...cos alot of ppl break em by March. lol!
This was well thought of and came in I know I'll stick to it. ;-)
hey ty Mini!
duncha worry, I didnt say Im gonna STOP buying clothes n shoes right? lol! ;-) Im only gonna spend less money on em...gonna save some money and donate to a charity that I've always had in mind.
**Now m thinkin maybe i shud also start losing all the fat
u should...but r ya fat? I dun think so. But keep exercising to keep fit n trim. :)
hey Sameera HUGGGGGGGGZ!
**I am gonna start working on my exercise and diet regime soon
yeyyyyyyy well done! All the best too!
lol nah Im not totally in shape girl...lately I've become so slack, hence wobbly ard the tummy area n all :( I wanna firm it all up.
ty Phoenix n I love ur pic! :)
hey ty Mystique!
lol u make sure I dun whinge again abt Blogville dramas ok?
**it takes a lot to keep the building (person) at the same level as one week back...not to mention how hard it is to make improvements
I so agree! cos within a day or 2, u feel u wanna slack again. But Im not letting that happen this time. I've been sticking to my guns for the last 10 days and I know I will continue to :)
hey ty Amit :)
I never make NY resolutions cos previously I've broken em all lol!
So this time, I know Im serious abt it.
**I've begun walking for 1 hr again,in the evenings.
wow good on ya!
no more icecream for me! I've cut down on my coffee!
hey ty Arv!'s a body AND soul makeover :)
**so no more midnight visits to the fridge??
no more! I was tempted to, last nite but I stopped on my tracks, rolled my eyes and went back to my room.
hey ty Gypsy MWAH!
Love handles r a pain in the ass n!
**And ur right, we may not make it 'all'right but we make it better always
true sweetie...we've gotta make the BEST out of wut we have.
All the best with ur FRESH Uni life HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
hey thats great to know Ria. Well done!
**Gives u a direction and makes one feel gud abt urself
So true. It makes u LIVE rather than just EXIST.
*HUGZ* I wanna see ur new photos Ria :)
hye ty Truthful!
**saying no to abusive people*
**restarting your fitness routine*
**won't talk about crap happening in blogging world*
Basically im saying NO to JUNK. lol!
*HUGZ* u CAN do it too sweetie!
**" its better to be slow & sure rather than being fast & foolish "
I said that in an old post right? :) tnxx Truthful!
hey tnxx Sol!
**I need some inspiration to lose weight too
this is ur inspiration then...this very post. how abt TODAY Sol? ;-)
hey Nirmal!
**when beautiful gals jog it increases heart beat of boys which is good
lol lol lol! Men will be men. Maybe I gave some old bloke a heart-attack too?
Im not a big fan of Icecream but when I crave for it, Im uncontrollable!
**" No more DIAmONDS in my life"..
hahahaha Nirmal thats not gonna be a resolution in my life ever!
hey Shadows nice resolution focused. Good on ya!
**am gin to turn 23 .. o hv only 2 years left to build that platform ..
why d u think u hv only 2yrs left? Ur only 23 rite now and u hv a long way to go :)
hey Sambit WC n ty!
hey Ceedy that was so sweet of ya. tnxx mate! :)
hey ty Krystal!
**..breaking up with an abusive partner.
that isnt one of MY resolutions..I was just taking that as an example :)
**or even saying NO to something you have been putting up with for a long time. Blog dramas :)
hey ty Soul!
**Keshi lady, you sounded like one Mr Deepak Chopra who just changed his profession, turned a realtor and is now giving us a "real" view of the life's "estates."
thats a huge compliment WOW tnxx alot!
Life after all is abt LIVING it to the fullest, enjoying every moment and grasping every lil lesson. Alot of ppl die w.o. knowing that.
*HUGZ* yes u may add me to ur blogroll :)
ty Vinu!
**'my resolutions and its implementations'
this is it. there wont be another post on it :) when I say something, I stick to it.
hey ty for the encouragement Diana HUGGGGGGGGGZ! Ur lovely!
**like if u didnt give up ur old summer clothes..u wouldnt hav space in ur wardrobe for new ones...
very well-said! :)
yes, those negative ppl made me put on weight lol! Im not gonna let that happen again no no no ;-)
ty Akshay!
**That beach pic cracks me up
haha yes it my fav pic! I laugh so loud everytime I see it!
I used to be a gym junkie (aerobics, funk n hiphop classes) I walk, jog etc cos I love nature...its soothing to the mind too when u run in a park or near a beach...gyms hv alot of sweating ppl and yukky equipment lol! but its really good, if u can continue going to the gym.
hey ty CN!
**as for me just wanna get life organised
wut d u mean by u wanna get life ORGANISED? let us know..mebbe we can help u kick start it? :)
ye well said we need to get into our property.
Renovation brings new colors and it also freshens up
wat I am thinking to change is to
start again the jogging which I suspended due to laziness.
And to start again stealing happiness from every sad moment.
This also I had stopped coz of the things happening out there in this world these days.
happy tat u r bakk.
U posted one of my fav songs!!
And yes--I completely endorse taking charge of your life and making changes!
Keshi, My book is now in stores and I am now a published author! Most of it is based on my blog posts. I never forget kindness easily and you were one of the few people who left very positive and encouraging remarks on my blog when i first started writing.
I wanted to thank you and here's wishing you a GREAT life.
now thats a nice way to refresh your life...
i think il'l start making notes too ;)
ohh about the extra weight u 'think' uve gained, dont go the 'crash diet' way...
i dont think i need to tellya that regular exercise and healthy eating is the wayy to go....
dayumm i sound like a gym instructor now :p
about speaking softly, i dont really know how loud a person u can be...but that is not always a bad thing believe makes a good impact as long as ur not screaming ;)
blogsville drama---u know how i feel about ur going the right way!!yes IGNORE is the keyword...*smiles*
but in any case, all the very best to you on this....
Blogger ate my comment I think. So I'll write it again.
I need to do the same thing. My weight and health is no where near as good as I would like. I need to eat better and restart my running. The journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step, hopefully I'll begin soon.
why? do you want to speak softly?
we cant fight then
No, this is bullshit...
ty Joyce!
**And to start again stealing happiness from every sad moment.
oyes we hv to do that. regradless of all the crap thats happening in the world today, we hv to LIVE every moment to the fullest. Thats all the more reason to.
*HUGZ* n all the best!
aww PS this is really sweet of ya, ty n HUGS!
Im really happy for ur successful venture in publishing a book based on ur blog posts. Its just WOW! :)
Keep up the good work hun!
hey ty Pri!
I never diet...cos Im such a foodie :) Im just not gonna eat too much from now on (cos sometimes I do!)...thats what I meant hehehehe...
**about speaking softly, i dont really know how loud a person u can be...but that is not always a bad thing believe makes a good impact as long as ur not screaming
I never speak loud...just that I wanna make the present voice SOFTER and keep SILENT when I dun need to talk :)
tnxx alot Pri!
hey BB! bak from the wedding?
**The journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step, hopefully I'll begin soon.
Well-said! ALL THE BEST TOO!
Stygian lol even when I fight with ya Im soft :)
haha Fingers u and ur lies abt ur ex-GF!
yes thats BULLSHIT! :)
Go Baby Go!!! I am so happy to read this and that you are taking charge of your new lease of life.
Yes, healthier choice and exercise goes a long long way Sweetie....all the best and you can do it :D
good luck!
glad it's not me. :)
kesh come to my blog :)..
Good Luck.
I'm form the Fran Leibowitz school of thought. She said, "The opposite of talking isn't listening..
it's WAITING!"
Good luck to you keshi...
Life is always new..
Millions of cells die and are reborn everyday..
Only a "sense of continuity" called the "I" remains..which itself is another illusion..
wish you all happiness...
and yes...
I am now in the painting
just watching, watching....
Yups thats what I said sweetie.."tooo much"... its our birth RIGHT!!!! LOL.....
sure... sure I would :D
hey ty for the encouragement Shionge MWAHHHHHH!
haha Andrew tnxx!
Im seeing some chocs in the office fridge and Im dying to hv hands r going that way even w.o. my knowledge...o no I didnt touch it!
I did Hemz, u blonde lol!
hey Donn!
**"The opposite of talking isn't's WAITING!"
haha good one! How abt HEARING?
MIP so r ya in the Painting now and blogging from there too? lol!
It sure is Chakoli! w.o. craving for clothes n shoes I'd be a!
I actually think winter fat is good stuff. The more the merrier to keep warm :)
Good on ya girl ;)
I so love this song...:D
and totally agree with taking charge of your make sure you live your life well...:)
as for me...i'm gonna get fitter...the trouble is taking that first step...
Damn good on!! So much of life passes away and then we realise we need to buck up .. I was nodding my head in agreement to each word .. :D Hugzzzzz
U know what just happened?...while I was typing my last comment here, you were writing a comment on my blog!!
Um, you know Fingers is just taking the piss don't you?
**3. To be honest nd truthful in relationships.
***thats not hard at all? :)***
yes its not hard to be honest wid others...but to be honest wid yourself is what i find difficult!
Saffy its good during Winter but certainly 'excess' in Summer clothing lol!
ty CG :)
ty Suma!
yes this is my POWER song :)
**i'm gonna get fitter...the trouble is taking that first step
so make that step today?
ty Deepti!
**So much of life passes away and then we realise we need to buck up .
so true...and we dun live we mite as well start on it TODAY :)
haha yes CG!
Hi Keshi!
Life is the only 'real estate' around that adds some 'value' to it after repairs and renovation...
you dissect the statement, it will have so many ifs and buts, though..nonetheless, it hold true I think...
So all WISHES to you!! :-)
I just started (rather restarted) morning walks on Saturday after coming back from my holidays...
so Wish me too! :-)
Socio-Political has a new one, don't know if it interests you.. Have a look when you get time..I
can see you got lots to attend...
and yeah Hugs! :-)
Stephen hey WC n ty!
I know Fingers is trying to 'finger' my 'insanity'. I love it so much I wont allow it ;-)
I agree Prakhar..
hey ty Devika!
**Life is the only 'real estate' around that adds some 'value' to it after repairs and renovation...
And good luck with ur walks! Extend it to daily walks if possible :)
I'll check ur blog soon, tnxx!
first thnsg first! u luk luvlyyy in de pic.
interstin to knw dat v start changes arnd de sam time , well..i started wit jogging jus 2 weeks bak , but nt daily , nly 5 dys a week. guess wot gal..i lost a kg.
nw i suggest u don congragulate me ....i may jus wanna hv an icecream or a choc 2 celebrate it den. he he
yeah..i need 2 giv som spec attention 2 my tummy too..oh my gosh!
first thnsg first! u luk luvlyyy in de pic.
interstin to knw dat v start changes arnd de sam time , well..i started wit jogging jus 2 weeks bak , but nt daily , nly 5 dys a week. guess wot gal..i lost a kg.
nw i suggest u don congragulate me ....i may jus wanna hv an icecream or a choc 2 celebrate it den. he he
yeah..i need 2 giv som spec attention 2 my tummy too..oh my gosh!
first thnsg first! u luk luvlyyy in de pic.
interstin to knw dat v start changes arnd de sam time , well..i started wit jogging jus 2 weeks bak , but nt daily , nly 5 dys a week. guess wot gal..i lost a kg.
nw i suggest u don congragulate me ....i may jus wanna hv an icecream or a choc 2 celebrate it den. he he
yeah..i need 2 giv som spec attention 2 my tummy too..oh my gosh!
hey kesh :)
my list wld be similar to yours! esp. with all the pregnancy weight refusing to go...erm...right I can keep waiting forever to get started with my weight loss mission :P
it gets depressing to go through all my clothes...and realize nothing fits!
a very well timed post as far as i'm concerned! like a wake up call :)
I'm sure unlike me, you'll make these changes and get results! But.........wish me luck too kesh!
keshi dear
lets just say.. plainly cheese.. lol
and i forgot to mention.. yogurt..especially the greek yogurt.. yuuuummmmmmmyyyyy.. oh woow.. hnnmmm heaven.. lol
cant be too bothered about the waist line.. i know i should be.. but then what can i do.. sometimes i end up getting the cravings for them.. lol..
yehh sometimes its good to be quiet.. and just have not much to think about.. or ponder on.. its good.. not that i ever had problems in sleeping but still why take the risk.. too much tension is not good for the health as well.. :)
yup i do need all the luck as winter is setting in.. so.. i might actually become a couch potato soon..
the thing wit me is i oft mistake past for present n sometimes..vice-versa :P
but uggs for joggin!!am gonna try look needs serious repair :)
well keshi, Is it new year there?
Any chance of new year resolutions.. or may be Ramzan resolution? LOL.
it's nice to hear you r starting afresh. Guess what? You told me, life disappointed you, well, may be you'll change your opinion from now onwards.
'N don't let these be like new year resolutions which only lasts that day
Hey Keshi,
How r u dear??
I have been doing good.. Tho was missing frm bloggsville for quite smtime now.. and i surely did miss u a lot...
This is a superlative post.. love the title..
in last few weeks even iv made a lot of changes to my diet & hv been working it sure is tough to stick to it.. :(
reading this post kinda pepped me further and m going to work at it with more determined efforts..
God bless! TC
heya keshi dear...
sometimes..infact lot of times...we need to stand still and take note of all clutter that has accumulated in our lives(mentally,emotionally and physically)..and reshape our lives and start not only kickstarts our gives it the much required direction
Just like any of us...u still have things to do and miles to go:).
good luck keshi:).
babes we we still have 3 more months till the new year.....
were these yur new yr resolutions eh heheheh (just kidding)
oke jokes apart.....i am happy for the way yur shaping up yur life....i am gonna cheer for can dooooooooooo can dooooooooooooo it
btw thanks for dropping by the message......have been a wee bit busy but alls well.....have lotsa to share will do it soon :)
Keshi...I go to a park whenever I can and Jog..... gym is closer to my house... yeah I hate to have sweating people around me...thats why I go to gym during relaxed hours. My gym is small, most of the time I am alone
Good post, love, and great resolutions, spring is such a great time for a new lease on life, isn't it? It's fall here, and it has a sort of opposite affect, that sublime reconciliation with things as they are and recognition that despite our best intentions, we still need to learn to live with some flaws and quirks. Refreshing, though to get a southern hemisphere perspective!!!!
love, H
I agree 178%%%!!!
Last three months the only exercise I had was typing :D How fabulous it felt... sigh! But getting back on track now....
But that's immaterial.. there are other changes I need to make. It's scary though. And I'm poised at the crossroad, wondering "what next"
hey Enchanted ty sweetie!
**i lost a kg.
wow well-done! nah Im not gonna get u some icecream...thats like giving u bak the! So I'd rather hug ya and give u a new pair of trainers, hows that? ;-)
My tummy needs serious repairing too!
Ish u CAN do it babez! Start today....
**it gets depressing to go through all my clothes...and realize nothing fits!
o I know that feeling very well, even tho I didnt hv a baby like u did :( I was stuck in a dress 2 days ago and I was crying lol!
*HUGZ* all the best! I know u WILL do it Ish!
hey Ani HUGS!
Yogurt? omg thats 'Big Momma' in cream form! hey girl u can hv a a lil bit of it once in a while, but not every day ok? Seriously, I know that yogurt makes ppl put on weight real fast.
U know, the moment I decided not to talk too much, and I started writing one word comments, ppl r complaining that my comments r too short and that I insulted them. lol! can someone get me outta this mad mad world!
hey Krithika!
**!!am gonna try look needs serious repair
lol like my tummy needs serious renovations in toning...
good luck hun!
Aneesh these r not NY's resolutions...thats why it'll work and Im very determined.
I dun believe in NY's resolutions :)
hey Swati nice to see u bak!
**bt it sure is tough to stick to it..
I agree...when I see that hot meat roast or strawberry icecream, Im like 'who told ya I had a fitness plan ha!'!
Keep up the good work Swati!
ty Sushmita HUGS!
**sometimes..infact lot of times...we need to stand still and take note of all clutter that has accumulated in our lives(mentally,emotionally and physically)..and reshape our lives and start afresh....
so true! from time to time, we hv to STOP and check wut areas we need to improve..
And yes it gives a brandnew direction as well...well-said!
yes KP Im human too :)
that picture of "aunty" in bikini is enough to motivate me to workout even more religiously ;)
one thing that i would like to change is sleep less over weekends.. any tips? :)
hey ty Mia!
why do ppl always think that its during NY that we hv to set goals? :) I never do that.
Hence this happened out of the blue and in September, I believe Im gonna stick to it somehow.
heyya Helen HUGS n ty!
**It's fall here, and it has a sort of opposite affect, that sublime reconciliation with things as they are and recognition that despite our best intentions, we still need to learn to live with some flaws and quirks.
wow beautifully put!
Fall or Spring, just keep MOVING.
hv a beautiful day hun!
hey Maca HUGS!
**Last three months the only exercise I had was typing
guess what...its the same here lol! but hey atleast my fingers got some exercise right ;-)
yes...there r alot of OTHER areas in my life that I need to work on...serious REPAIRS n all...but Im not sure if Im ready for em yet...yeah it looks scary to even start on em!
hey Akshay!
**My gym is small, most of the time I am alone there.....
hahahaha wut is it? a remote post office? LOL!
hey Jitterz!
I love that bikini pic...when Im really sad or angry I take one look at her and I laugh like a maniac lol!
**one thing that i would like to change is sleep less over weekends.. any tips?
As for me, I cant sleep in the weekends at all..any tips? :) that maybe cos Im naturally hyper...
Jitterz when u feel sleepy, start thats a tough tip lol!
Sounds like good plans Kesh.
Jogging is great. I think I'll get back into it soon too. You always feel good after a jog, don't you?
Eating healthy is always a good plan as well. But judging by the pics, you're looking just fine ;)
I'm so with you on this one! you and me both are just so in sync it freaks me out at times!
hey AB tnxxx thats a huge compliment coming from u! ;-)
HUGGGGGGGGGZ Lisa! thats cos great minds think alike ya know? ;-) LOL!
Shakehands !
Enjoy life...
Hobo ur shaking hands only with Sourish? I had some resolutions too ya know. :):)
Thanks Keshi for 'asked-for' wishes :-)
Yes I do it the woody woody green parks here in Delhi...
and on a holiday, back home in Kerala..its a holiday altogether..though the greens are everywhere..
thanks again...i see a new one..comments there..
see you..
I say :
Nature and signature never changes.
A person should enjoy herself/himself being what he/she is.
What matters is intentions.
Shakehands !
resolutions can be set any time babes just that we need to have em right in front of us so we can dont forget em n work on em n strike em off.....
i like yur resolutions ...damn i am quite sick at that....i make resolutions n bever abide by em......
Devika I like exercising out in the open too, with fresh air...I hate gyms :)
hey ty Hobo!
*shakes hands*
lol Mia I hope I dun go down that path...I wanna stick to em.
But when I made NY's resolutions (in the past) I hv always broken em. So now I dun make NY's resolutions.
Let you determination succeed.
Let it be hard as a rock and unbreakable as a diamond :)
hey ty Aneesh!
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