1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your first thought be?
Bastard of the month, Fucker of the Century, Motherfucker of the Millenium!

That I strut my stuff on a ramp in Milan, smiling away to the cameras and stamping my pointy heels on a size 0 model's near-fossil feet while she screams and falls off the ramp like a rag doll!
3. What is the one thing most hated by you?
Heartless people posing as do-gooders.
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Nothing in particular that I wouldn't do now.

Hello I'm not a lesbian but if my best friend was a guy, yes I might fall for him, who knows. Love is not something we can put a fence around is it?
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Blessedness cannot be weighed, measured or compared. Blessed we all are, loved or not!
7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
Wait? Is he a Teller at the bank, and am I in the queue? I don't

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
Attached to a toilet seat? I'd call the Emergency! ok jokes apart, if he's with someone else already, I'd try and forget him. I aint no home-wrecker, neither am I an obsessed fatal-attraction kinda serial lover!
9. If you like to act with someone, who will it be? Your gf/bf or an actress/actor?
Act in a movie? I don't like to 'act', cos I'm too real ya know ;-). But if I was an actress, I'd like to make a movie with John Abraham and I'll make sure that movie never ends. *Bips take a break girl!*

Fake confessions, painted with pretense and demanding self-righteousness. If you screwed up, accept it or just shutup.
11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
I don't know, I'm not a clairvoyant...let time and my future experiences decide that. To me, right now is what matters.

Many, but the biggest fear is losing loved-ones...
13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Dee: Sweet!
Chakoli: Adorable!
14. Would you rather be single and rich, or married but poor?
Money or marital status don't define my life.
15. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
Say 'fuck off!' to the alarm clock.
16. Would you give all in a relationship?

17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
Only 2? LOL! o well, if you're in love with 2 people, can you really PICK? I'd just dump them both and look for a 'higher' love.

I have forgiven many people and I have asked for forgiveness too, when I was wrong. I have also realised that I'm the only one doing that all the time. Most people don't like to ask for forgiveness even when they are at fault, neither do they wanna forgive. Their ego keeps them at bay, sadly. But yes, I'd give them a 2nd chance, cos no one in this world is perfect.
19. If you get to go back in time and fall in love all over again , would it still be with the same person?
Yes...time doesn't stain true love.

20. List 6 people to tag
All the best guys! ;-)
Current Music: What Is Love by Haddaway
156 Cranium Signets:
Very interesting answers. You're better at these than I would be. I always give smart-ass answers. I know that's probably shocking huh? ;-)
Hey Chicki!
love all of your response..especially John Abraham..sigh...
hows you?
Forthright absolutely forthright..typical .but best I enjoyed:::If you screwed up, accept it or just shutup.:: just lovely
Admiration is a very short lived passion, that decays immediately upon growing familiar with its object!
nice answers Keshi ...
** "fucker of the century" ...
- wont that end up as a praise for him ??? ;) lol ...
** blessed we all are, loved or not!
- Yep !!! thats for sure ...
Great tag!
hey...nice tag and honest answers. I like it best where you say individuality shouldnt be subsumed even in love.
5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
Hello I'm not a lesbian but if my best friend was a guy, yes I might fall for him, who knows. Love is not something we can put a fence around is it?
****Thats what i feel also...:)
Thanks for tagging me, just put it up on my blog...:)
Lovely tag and equally lovely answer..but it was so long tag.. :P
but btw wat is the obsession for john..I don't understand why the guy who took gyming tips from me sis so popular :P
but seriously I loved to see that u r ready to sacrifice ur love if he is attached to the toilet seat :P oops attached to another girl :P
lovely tag sissyy...but I wud loved to see the keshi needs/wants tag :P
**Blessedness cannot be weighed, measured or compared. Blessed we all are, loved or not!
loved this answer...yeah blessed we indeed r...n all of us r loved...mayb not d way v wanna b loved n mayb not by someone v wanna b loved by...but loved v r...
thr is too much love in d world to not come to us...its jus dat v blind ourselves from it...
nice tag
attached to the toilet seat, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..motherfucker of the millenium--> way to goooo hon!
the teller n the cheque!!
woww ya got some great stuff spinning there..
lovedddddddd all ya answers, n well, liked the 'money or marital status doesn't define my life'!
I'm not a clairvoyant...let time and my future experiences decide that. To me, right now is what matters.--> ces't la voie--> live the moment n be happpppy..
mwuahhhhhhhhhhhhh :*
(14. Would you rather be single and rich, or married but poor?
Money or marital status don't define my life.)
- THE BEST reply I have ever read.
Claps !!!
was fun reading it keshi. & thnkx 4 tagging
wll do it soon. hugss!
but suddenly keshi..feel lik m not wise enuf 4 dis game of luv..m i getting paranoid? okay , my answers cld b downright stupid...haa watver, m gonna do this tag , & dis wld b my 1st tag, no 2nd ..m yet 2 do dat 1.
Intresting , Humorous and Insightful. Nice tag Keshi! Oh! by the way, I have a tag on my blog waiting to be picked up if you feel like it.
Thankee.. Ur much too kind..
Answers were definitely from Keshidom... I love ur honesty and ur attitude towards love & life...
mwaah.. :)
nice tag and great answers!! no. 19 is a bit touchy, nai?? ;-))
take care
Cool answers Keshi!! Lovd reading it!! :)
Wow, these are tough questions to answer. And your answers were like nobody else I've ever read.
aah a tag! ages since I did one! :)
and as always ur take on the questions made for a great read. Honest and bindass...as u always are!!
have a fun day kesh...
it was nice knowing you more Keshi! and that too on the front of Love, the universal :-)
the questions seemed more like that at 'Moment of Truth' in Star World last night..
but answers were more interesting...there it could be just 'Yes' or 'Know' only and for BIG money...
see more of you!
*time doesn't stain true love*
so true miss
very well done Tag.
great answers :)
well we share the same fear :(
nd what is "higher love" ?? :P
PS: What is one unique thing available only in australia nd only there?
its not a quiz..i m just askin...nd it cant be kangaroo koala etc.
hahahaha Jay yes we know abt ya sir!
Im good tnxx Lisa and urself?
I've been missing ya HUGS!
n who said yur loveless eh....babes u r so much full of love dear.....n the good part is one can feel it in yur posts....
nice tag btw....
ty CU :)
yes...I hate it when ppl try to work ard their mistake, trying to CORRECT it, rather than ACCEPT it.
u know it takes alot of more GRACE n COURAGE to say 'Im sorry, I was wrong'.
tnxx Rakesh!
And that quote was related to?
ty Hiren!
**** "fucker of the century" ...
- wont that end up as a praise for him ??? ;) lol
lol I didnt mean his 'fucking' capabilities...just his fucking mentality.
ty Lover!
ty Pinku!
yes...to me loving someone doesnt mean getting up in the morning and offering flowers at his feet in Pathidevi style!
hey Southy ty for taking up the tag :)
yes..u never know with whom u'd fall in love...its not something u can just stop.
hey Bro!
**but btw wat is the obsession for john..I don't understand why the guy who took gyming tips from me sis so popular
John comes second to my bro. I thought u already knew that dodo!
*HUGZ* ;-)
true Mayz!
**...mayb not d way v wanna b loved n mayb not by someone v wanna b loved by...but loved v r...
yes...and so many ppl dun see that....sadly!
hey Jane ty sweetie MWAH! :)
hey tnxx Hobo!
yep...such things r only 'small' matters in life...there r bigger things to see and experience in life.
hey Enchanted tnxx hun!
**feel lik m not wise enuf 4 dis game of luv..
o cmon its not abt WISDOM..its abt LOVE :)
*HUGZ* all the best, I know u can do it!
Hemanth thats a cool tag..I'll take it up soon. tnxx!
It was GREAT doing this tag! :)
ty Deepz!
oyes..took me bak in time..
ty Ravi :)
hey Steve WC n ty! :)
hey Devika ty! :)
u know me a lil bit more now rite? hope the swearing didnt turn u off..lol!
hey ty Vicky!
hey tnxx Prakhar!
**nd what is "higher love" ?
If I was in love with 2 ppl at the same time, that means its not love...just lust. So I'd dump em both and look for REAL love. Thats what I meant by Higher love :)
**PS: What is one unique thing available only in australia nd only there?
Interesting qn :) mmmmm...Vegemite? Keshi? hahaha!
aww Mia I meant Im boyless..lol!
ty so much n HUGS!
tnxx CU!
hahah...I cant ask my cousin to bring YOU for me :P ..vegemite...hmm its tricky..lets see..opal stone is also the choice given to me..
..nd i truly blv in "Higher" love :)
Prakhar ur cuz lives in Aus? so wut was the right ans btw? lol!
arre...it wasn't the quiz..i am asking for a suggestion. :D
Sorry Prakhar I didnt u'stand ya..suggestion as in? :)
Great tag.
* That's not what a relationship is about. Individuality must be preserved
To a large extent, yes. But will you not redefine some aspects of your individuality because you would love to?
In the context of the question, giving all is absurd. But giving a little voluntarily by both partners would be nice. We cannot be rigid on this.
..my cousin is comin bak from australia..nd i have tell her what i want from there...so i wanted to know..what is unique there :D...
..neways dun worry...let it be her choice..or as u said..."let the time decide"
hey Stony!
**But will you not redefine some aspects of your individuality because you would love to?
for sure! but like u said, u gotta WANT to do it...:) for the better of both.
owww I get ya now Prakhar..lol sorry abt the confusion. Its one of my 'blonde' days today.
wuts unique in Australia..Opals yes..but u wudnt like em much...how abt a boomerang?
haha, some really cool and funny answers :)
Will do some later, buzy buzy now
hey Murane MWAH MWAH MWAH! :)
Boomerang...gr8...not so blonde after all :D...wud luv it :D...luv ya!
Thanks sweetie for doing it so sooooooooooooooon !!!
first oen is just brillant... LOL...
Same pinch for...
3. What is the one thing most hated by you?
Heartless people posing as do-gooders.
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :((
Early morning you do that LOL.... :PPP
lol :P
My dream is to have a quiet afternoon reading a book and sitting out in the Sun
babez that was really awesome post..
hnnm i like all the answers..
esepcially coz i could relate to them soo well..
i liked this one in particular..
"Most people don't like to ask for forgiveness even when they are at fault, neither do they wanna forgive. Their ego keeps them at bay, sadly. But yes, I'd give them a 2nd chance, cos no one in this world is perfect."
how many ppl actually realise this.. not many.. even if they do.. they just dont go about in doing anything else..
n yup wouldn't mind falling back in love.. ;)
3..is for me lol...
lolz for 5..
attached to the toliet seat hahahahah....
9..i thought u wud name me ...:P...but john..:P..hahah
17..hahahaahha....rotfl....u pick me i am higher :P....
19..this was good love is the same all time :)..
20...omg u tagged me i am dead man now...:P...how to answer these :)...
Love is a blessing.
Spread it like an unwanted disease (Will spread faster and be deadlier).
Hey! YES I have been MIA.. But I came back to a wonderful Tag!
I like seeing the truth side of keshi. What you feel is the same I feel most of the time...
I will be coming around more to your blog and everyone elses.. I suck as a commenter these days.. Work and life is the story of my LIFE now..
Love ya chick
that was engaging..!!
loved your answers...as usual 'from the heart'
your dream was hilarious.!!
~~Blessed we all are, loved or not!~~
well said friend..!!
Nice answers,so very you! :)
Tell me something truly.. are you my other self or what? selfish people passing as do- gooders yuck...people who don't say sorry too many...swearing at my alarm clock..always...whatt?
obsessions with John Abraham...is wat your biography will be called
full on dudette anwers :)
lurrrrrrved ur anwers!!!
independnt n sensible,dat's wot u r...
Sympathies for Bips.
Anyways, I dont undersad why I did not comment on ur last post, may be I was. I had gone thru the post.
Anyways ...
Good answers,brutally honest a usual.
LOVE is so universally over-used and abused that it is as meaningless as SALE, LEGEND, or GENIUS.
1) Impossible..I know how to curl toes!
2) Threeway with MB!
3) Cruelty to animals
4) Give it away..most of it..OK some of it..no I'd prolly hoard it and die a germaphopbic hermit like Howard Hughes.
5) I did.
6) Love is a verb!
7) As long as it takes
8) Steal her from the unappreciative bastard and make her feel like Queen of the Universe!
9) MB heh heh
10) How far down?
11) In an URN
12) Falling off of a boat on a moonless night and being consumed by a Great White.
13) I don't have the heart to tag people ((buck buck buck buck))
14) Married & Rich!
15) Get 'bizzay'
16) No, I need to save a little sumthin' for me or I'll have nothing left to give
17) The nymphomaniac
18) Hmm...being passive aggressive I would let it fester and simmer for the rest of my Life or until I forgot about it which would be NEVER! HELLO!
19) Yes, in a heartbeat.
20) Monica Bellucci, Monica Bellucci, Monica Bellucci, Monica Bellucci, Monica Bellucci,
and let's see, Monica Bellucci
as always, love the honesty... :)
nice post gal...
ok u wud give 2 nd chance...wat if he commits another mistake....
3rd chance????
nice tag, and nice answers...!! :)
fuck off to the alarm clock? HAHAHA!
i liked your answers, a LOT. nice ones there. :)
I knew that John Abraham would be pictured in the tag somewhere.. Lol on the some answers and Claps on the one where you defined individuality in a relationship..
Had so much fun just reading this tag!!
Nice witty answers gurl!! Loved them totally coz they were so from ur heart and honest. :)
hey, whosoever you are! but I must say your too good. you have great blog and seems good person.
Hi,Keshi-that was as 'strong'a tag as ever.*grins*.Let me hilight some of the answers which caught my eye:
- A1:If your lover betrayed you....good lord,what nice words u've thought up.Almost scare me!
- A3:One thing hated most-heartless people posing as do-gooders..whew-that's a true one,even for me.I hate people hiding behind an aura of nicety,when,deep down,they're nursing a hatred for everyone...why not be simple,transparent on all sides?
A4:Will u fall in love with ur best friend?A:Hello,I'm not a Les*bian..ROFL-that was one spontaneous answer.
A6:Blessed we all are,loved or not!So true,again!Let's count our blessings,at all times!Love will come automatically.Hatred begets hatred,anger begets anger,I always feel.
Lastly,do you really say 'f*ck off'to the alarm clock,when you wake up??Heavens!!*shakes head*.
Overall,an interesting set of answers,Keshi-kept me engrossed.
Hi Keshi
Love the post!
I'm still very busy--it's crazy!
Am I a pervert?
Am I perverted?
A mind teaser for you.
Hi,Keshi-that was as 'strong'a tag as ever.*grins*.Let me hilight some of the answers which caught my eye:
- A1:If your lover betrayed you....good lord,what nice words u've thought up.Almost scare me!
- A3:One thing hated most-heartless people posing as do-gooders..whew-that's a true one,even for me.I hate people hiding behind an aura of nicety,when,deep down,they're nursing a hatred for everyone...why not be simple,transparent on all sides?
A4:Will u fall in love with ur best friend?A:Hello,I'm not a Les*bian..ROFL-that was one spontaneous answer.
A6:Blessed we all are,loved or not!So true,again!Let's count our blessings,at all times!Love will come automatically.Hatred begets hatred,anger begets anger,I always feel.
Lastly,do you really say 'f*ck off'to the alarm clock,when you wake up??Heavens!!*shakes head*.
Overall,an interesting set of answers,Keshi-kept me engrossed.
haha Prakhar! :)
MWAHHHHHHH Chakoli! I really had fun doing it :)
yes I say FUCK OFF to many things...even to my knee when it bruised badly the other day and the scar wudnt go away...
lolz Stygian I saw it!
o cmon Im not so demanding am I? :)
haha Vish!
hey Caz!
Well thats not such a hard dream to come true is it sweetie? or r ya really busy these days? :(
hey ty Ani!
**how many ppl actually realise this.. not many.. even if they do.. they just dont go about in doing anything else
thats so true! Even in blogville I see alot of ppl preaching forgiveness etc but when it is their turn to say sorry, they hold their tongues really tight!
*HUGZ* u'll fall in love again!
love ur attitude babes!!
hey Hemz tnxx!
**Heartless people posing as do-gooders.
why wud that be for u? I dun think ur heartless at all!
*HUGZ* now do it! :)
hey Lips WC n ty sweetie!
**Spread it like an unwanted disease (Will spread faster and be deadlier).
haha I love that one! Love really should be spread ard more often than we think we should.
hey NE I missed ya babez HUGS!
**I like seeing the truth side of keshi. What you feel is the same I feel most of the time...
We r sisters u know that :)
Take ur time...I was very busy last week too...cudnt update much.
Say Hi to Samby wherever he is rite now...miss ya both!
ty Vinu!
I so want that dream to come true!
ty Sameera! :)
hey TT tnxx mate!
mebbe I am ur other half ha ;-)
**selfish people passing as do- gooders yuck...
tell me abt it! They irk me to the core. I know so many ppl like that. There's an aunt of mine who doesnt do anything to help someone, and when everything is done by others, she comes ard claiming a good name for something she didnt do. lol!
And then there r preachers of goodwill, but with no ACTION at all. Just words u see.
**people who don't say sorry too many...
Big time losers! I know that Im quite capable of making mistakes as much as I can be brilliant :) So yeah, when I do something wrong, I do say Sorry. Just that some ppl r not brought up with good manners.
**swearing at my alarm clock..always...whatt?
lol I always swear...even at the wall sometimes!
ty Mystique!
**obsessions with John Abraham...is wat your biography will be called
haha! o cmon Im not obsessed with him...Im just in love u see. lol!
aww ty Pooja MWAH!
hey ty Tarun!
Its time for Bips to find a new BF.
**Anyways, I dont undersad why I did not comment on ur last post, may be I was.
I didnt get any comment from u in the last post. mebbe it got lost?
hey ty Donno!
that song totally rocks! I cant wait til I play it in my next post :) They sound a bit like The Red Hot Chilli Peppers dun they? WOW awesome song n voices!
**LOVE is so universally over-used and abused that it is as meaningless as SALE, LEGEND, or GENIUS.
lol I so agree hahahahahaha! The word Love has become so cheap man.
**1) Impossible..I know how to curl toes!
lol omg ur a killer!
**2) Threeway with MB!
We hv a Monica-Belluci-obsessed cutie in the house ppl!
**3) Cruelty to animals
OMG I hate that too! I usually cry when I see an animal so u can imagine how much I hate ppl who r cruel to em.
**4) Give it away..most of it..OK some of it..no I'd prolly hoard it and die a germaphopbic hermit like Howard Hughes.
lolz! why I said that I wudnt do anything particular is cos a billion dollars in my life wudnt make a PERSONAL difference in my life. mebbe I'd buy a house, but wuts the big deal abt it. I'd def give some for Charity but I do that whatever I hv rite now anyways :)
**5) I did.
**6) Love is a verb!
excellent ans!
**7) As long as it takes
really? I cant wait...cos I think u dun hv to wait when u love someone...even if u think ur waiting, thats not waiting...its love.
**8) Steal her from the unappreciative bastard and make her feel like Queen of the Universe!
LOL Donn!
**9) MB heh heh
but ofcourse! ;-)
**10) How far down?
**11) In an URN
lol lol lol help I cant stop laffing!
cmon u wudnt be that old in 10yrs!!!!!
But seriously when I read that qn, I felt I wudnt be alive in 10yrs time...dunno why...
**12) Falling off of a boat on a moonless night and being consumed by a Great White.
haha dun worry it wont happen to such a nice man like u!
**13) I don't have the heart to tag people ((buck buck buck buck))
**14) Married & Rich!
haha u confused the person who asked that qn!
**15) Get 'bizzay'
like how?
**16) No, I need to save a little sumthin' for me or I'll have nothing left to give
lolz true!
**17) The nymphomaniac
haha and I was thinking of a 3som lol!
**18) Hmm...being passive aggressive I would let it fester and simmer for the rest of my Life or until I forgot about it which would be NEVER! HELLO!
haha u seriously crack me up Donn!
**19) Yes, in a heartbeat.
so sweet!
**20) Monica Bellucci, Monica Bellucci, Monica Bellucci, Monica Bellucci, Monica Bellucci,
and let's see, Monica Bellucci
hahaha Im sure she'll take up this tag and say Donn in every other line!
*HUGZ* u rock mate n tnxx for doing the tag here!
hey ty Raysh MWAH!
ty Nirmal!
**ok u wud give 2 nd chance...wat if he commits another mistake....
3rd chance????
the 3rd chance wud be for him to see his own OBITUARY notice being prepared.
ty Vinay!
hey ty BW! ;-)
I do say FUCK OFF to my hair too...when its messy.
hey ty Anu!
John's gotta be in my blog all the time u see. ;-)
hey ty Deepti! :)
hey ty Ria MWAH!
This is to the commentor (with a Hindi name) just after Ria:
Sorry I dunno Hindi and u didnt leave a name.
I just wanna Welcome u into my blog, and tnxx for the kind words too! :)
hv a good day!
hey ty Amit!
**A1:If your lover betrayed you....good lord,what nice words u've thought up.Almost scare me!
huh why wud it scare ya Amit? isnt my BF betraying me more scarier than my swearing? lol!
**- A3:One thing hated most-heartless people posing as do-gooders..whew-that's a true one,even for me.I hate people hiding behind an aura of nicety,when,deep down,they're nursing a hatred for everyone...why not be simple,transparent on all sides?
very well-said Amit! Why PRETEND? I hate that. And its so common in blogville too, trust me!
**A4:Will u fall in love with ur best friend?A:Hello,I'm not a Les*bian..ROFL-that was one spontaneous answer.
I mean WTF, mebbe the person who came up with that qn is a bisexual.
**A6:Blessed we all are,loved or not!So true,again!Let's count our blessings,at all times!Love will come automatically.Hatred begets hatred,anger begets anger,I always feel.
Well-said! Alot of the time, we forget to count our blessings!
**Lastly,do you really say 'f*ck off'to the alarm clock,when you wake up??Heavens!!*shakes head*.
yes, I get so pissed in the mornings, cos Im not a morning person. besides Im like 'WTH why r we so controlled by TIME?'
Bev I think its time for Rehab. lol!
hey ty Gunj!
lovely tag keshi
and ur answers too were very lovely specially the one in which u put p tat u marriage and status don't define ur life.
ty Priya!
**specially the one in which u put p tat u marriage and status don't define ur life
but it seems Im the only one who believes in that :) everyone else craves for marriage and money lol!
I love the first answer best :)
Hello Keshi..:)
Lovely read and hot pics gurl!
Absolutely, it just happens and happens just like that...:)
No dear I don't really crave for money and of course marriage.
but y did u want me to read this (**sweats**)
kewl tag, thanx, will do it soon...
I can see that you have been quite honest abt it too... way to go gal...
have a nice day... cheeers...
***Attached to the toilet seat
*** Stuff him I.m gone
Again hahahahah
U know i love ur humor rte?...ROFL
I loved this one, this is one of my FAV keshi TAGS
hehe i hope so ;)
hiya....u tagged Akshay?? Akshay Varma?? thats sweet...If yes, i'll wait to read his blog......:))
every blog of yours is unique...I liked the blessing statement
Blessedness cannot be weighed, measured or compared. Blessed we all are, loved or not!
how true....
between can we speak or chat online...yahoo or gtalk..??
haha Shionge the the ans for #1 is funny, its what alot of ppl wud actually FIRST think of :)
hey ty Amy! :)
yes Southy love can happen easily too :)
hey Priya I know ur a very WISE girl..
*and of course marriage.
d u crave for it or not?
lolz Nirmal!
Its just a dark reminder! ;-)
hey Arv yes do it...waiting to read ur's :)
Mini MWAH I luv ya too!
lol yes I dun WAIT for anyone...its a waste of time and emotions u see ;-)
hey ty Bubbly!
**Akshay Varma
is he an actor? if so no I didnt tag him lol!
I dun chat at all...no time hunny :) especially with my busy blog and very famous movie-star life u see. lol HUGS!
U can always talk to me here..or email me at kajole@hotmail.com
hv a good one!
>>If your lover betrayed you, what will your first thought be?
>>"Bastard of the month, Fucker of the Century, Motherfucker of the Millenium!"
lol! this is funny....totally outright gal…
I also loved the answer to the 6th question. Blessed we are, loved or not. That’s so true.
liked reading this…
Clever... and as usual.. I can SO identify!
hey ty Diana!
yes..that'll be the first thoughts of many ppl even tho they dun wanna say it in the open. lol!
hey ty Maca ;-)
Nice tag :)
some of your answers are like the answers people in politics give.. so clever, yet not to the point. LOL
Hi Keshi,
I finally got a chance to read your blog! Very interesting and candid blog you have got here :)
hey dear keshi...i jst luvd sum Ans. n though all of dem r worth reading 4, I hv chosen a few as
"the Best"
And ya d most senti one was Ans12
I have never betrayed, came close many times. Not sure whether er in doors has betrayed me, then again I would not ask. She has never asked me whether I have. it all comes down to trust.
And a bit of wondering!.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Do come more often. Love this tag thing of urs.
Hey dear loved all your answers :)
you rock
hugz n cheers
Interesting tag .. nd some 'HOt' pics there .. to make it more interesting ;)
If your lover betrayed you, what will your first thought be?
Feeling slightly bummed out for no particular reason but that question has several levels for me since I often feel my "lover" had betrayed me but on a much longer and subtle time frame. My thoughts over it have been bewilderment over what I have done to deserve it and confusion over my inability to correct the situation for two reasons. One is six and the other is thirteen years old.
ty Aneesh!
**so clever, yet not to the point.
lol ok but where was I not to the point?
hey Shreya WC n ty! :)
hey ty Arunima MWAH!
yes I dun wanna live w.o. my mum...
hey ty Vesty!
**She has never asked me whether I have. it all comes down to trust
if u/she didnt ask, how wud u know? :)
hey Kiran ty sweetie!
aww ty Dawny HUGS!
hehe Anuj ;-)
hye BB HUGS!
** My thoughts over it have been bewilderment over what I have done to deserve it and confusion over my inability to correct the situation for two reasons. One is six and the other is thirteen years old.
I can u'stand ur feelings, cos 2 of my friends r going thru the same thing...they r hanging on to their r'ships FOR THEIR KIDS' SAKE.
Not to the point? How about 6th, 11th, and 14th?
tnxx Aneesh :)
**6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
**Blessedness cannot be weighed, measured or compared. Blessed we all are, loved or not!
I answered it the way I saw that qn. It wasnt a multiple choice qn for me to pick one of the 2 was it? :)
**11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
**I don't know, I'm not a clairvoyant...let time and my future experiences decide that. To me, right now is what matters.
Wuts out of point here? :) Again, I answered how I honestly felt abt it.
**14. Would you rather be single and rich, or married but poor?
**Money or marital status don't define my life.
I didnt choose 1 of the 2, cos to me Money and Marital status dun mean BIG things :)
Keshi Style. Wonderful! Loved it
You want to make a movie with John Abraham even after he kissed Abhishek in Dostana...
You have forgiven many ! Yeah after them cursing them with those beautiful words used in Answer 1, rite !
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