I was pondering upon Speech in the last few days. Many people are very quick in TALKING and giving judgements, but very slow in really SAYING something...meaningful speech I mean. We keep telling ourselves we are the cream of the world, the best, the reformed...but are we really? So, here's an excerpt given by a Hindu spiritual leader on Speech, that I received from a friend on email. Please read this first. After that, I've written what I derived from it.

Now, have you noticed that when you hurt someone with your words it hurts you in return? So, isn't it so much better for us to keep quiet, or say only what you must and just move on? But still we keep repeating the noisy pattern - maybe we are just trying to prove ourselves right, but in that process we only end up sounding arrogantly self-righteous and stupid.
Are words so tempting that we can't keep away from uttering them? Or is hurting someone and ourselves so addictive that we keep using verbal bullets to prove an empty point? Or do we use words to devalue someone who we know is better than us, cos that just makes us feel we are better than them? What is it in humans that makes them want to sound right all the time? But sadly for everyone's information, no one is right/wrong. Everyone is different, everyone thinks, writes, reads, comments, acts, reacts, copes etc etc differently. Someone might hurt you with their words. But then again, those are mere WORDS by them. Don't let their words affect you...stay calm, don't bend, don't break. And don't slam them back with hurtful words either. Cos Silence sometimes is the most powerful and effective form of Speech.
Silence can convey alot more than words. Your Silence can be the deafening Sound amidst their hollow Noise. Sometimes being silent is the only way you'd be heard. Silence is a higher form of speech. Less conveys more. So, TALK less, SAY more. When was the last time you engaged in empty speech or hurt someone else with words just cos you could? When was the last time that Silence(/less words) really made you hear someone else loud and clear? When was the last time you made someone feel your words than just hear?
Now, have you noticed that when you hurt someone with your words it hurts you in return? So, isn't it so much better for us to keep quiet, or say only what you must and just move on? But still we keep repeating the noisy pattern - maybe we are just trying to prove ourselves right, but in that process we only end up sounding arrogantly self-righteous and stupid.

Silence can convey alot more than words. Your Silence can be the deafening Sound amidst their hollow Noise. Sometimes being silent is the only way you'd be heard. Silence is a higher form of speech. Less conveys more. So, TALK less, SAY more. When was the last time you engaged in empty speech or hurt someone else with words just cos you could? When was the last time that Silence(/less words) really made you hear someone else loud and clear? When was the last time you made someone feel your words than just hear?
I dedicate this post to my Uncle A who's bedridden now due to a sudden illness. He is a scholar in talking less and saying more...he's always been an inspiration to me...he hardly gets into meaningless arguments, bitching or hurting people, only cos he's very wise and knows that speaking silence is often the most powerful sound...
Current Music: Feel by Robbie Williams
121 Cranium Signets:
My regards to ur Uncle Keshi. Hope that he recovers soon! What u hav said here is so true.....many ppl forget that what u say is something that will stay forever. So why not practice moderation of speech. Think before u speak and u can save urself the guilt of hurting so many ppl. U knw what talking abt being silent...i fall silent whenever i hav an argument with my guy and i see it goin no where and thats when he realises too tht v r arguing in vain!! And tht ends the fight. Someone has rightly said that "Silence is Golden"
hey ty Ria HUGS!
**i fall silent whenever i hav an argument with my guy and i see it goin no where and thats when he realises too tht v r arguing in vain
there u go! Silence makes ppl REALISE.
wishing uncle a v speedy recovery.
Prayers and positive thoughts.
ty so much Lavida!
He's still happy...in his bed..listening to the radio, watching TV, writing stories like he used to..
Contentment in any situation..just like how he used to react to WORDS from others. :)
get well soon uncle :)..
and yeh
"Silence has the loud voice"
this is quote that i follow wen i have arguments with my fellow members in my team...
**It will develop Prema (Love)
that is one truth statement...prema is the only thing thats goin around in minds wen words cant be told :)..
***isn't it so much better for us to keep quiet,
keeping numb all the time also hurts us kesh ..
*** Someone might hurt you with their words. But then again, those are mere WORDS by them. Don't let their words affect you...stay calm, don't bend, don't break. And don't slam them back with hurtful words either
is this meant for me..i think u rote this keeping me in my mind :P...
TALK less, SAY more
yes thats wat i should follow now :)...
superb post sweet heart ..it really conveys lot of message :)...lots of love :)..and i thought u wud post my poem and pic here ..tupid u dint do x-(..heheh :P..
hey ty Hemz!
This post was written with ALL in mind, including myself :) We r all guilty of hurting someone and we hv also been at the receiving end of hurtful words.
**keeping numb all the time also hurts us kesh ..
I agree. But I didnt say to keep mum all the time and become numb. Its just good NOT to engage in EMPTY speech...if u know what I mean.
**and i thought u wud post my poem and pic here .
I had that in mind...but this post had to come before that cos I just needed it here today. :)
I Hear you keshi. :D
The hubby used to hate it when I clam up every time I feel bad or angry. Now he understands it's my way of regrouping and calming myself down before I say hurtful things.
Take care honey.
heyyyyy Menchieeeeee MWAHHHHHH! I missed n missed ya!!!
So nice to see u here :)
**Now he understands it's my way of regrouping and calming myself down before I say hurtful things.
yeah we women hv that noisy habit lol!
*HUGZ* be good! :)
NOT to engage in EMPTY speech
heheh ...no ways...:)..after i find the love in me ....i wont stop talking to her :P...heeh..
**I had that in mind...but this post had to come before that cos I just needed it here today.
hehe..do it in next one tupid monkey...:P...just kiddin..:)..
Wishing your uncle a speedy recovery....
Well I actually dont speak much... I havent spoken in my blog for a year now... just started to say again... :)
hey Hemz!
**after i find the love in me ....i wont stop talking to her
gosh u sound like a scary chatterbox lol!
nice post keshi!
wishes for your uncle to get well soon.
words are like arrows, they can never be returned back. i believe in silence to do most of the talking!!
hey KK long time no see!! HOWS U? :)
So nice to see ya here!
**Well I actually dont speak much... I havent spoken in my blog for a year now... just started to say again
haha! so r ya telling me I speak ALOT in my blog...well ur right lol! But these r my thoughts...rem Im WRITING here..not TALKING. ;-)
Hi Keshz!
Aw..you take words outta my mouth!
Everybody believes in 'speaking' out wht they have to say..but yeah,the guy who said 'Speaking is silver,but silence is golden' must have been a genius!
(PS_did you turn into an alien?,mayz was desperate waiting for you to become fun,such tht you guys could elope!)
And yup..I hope you're dearest Uncle gets well real soon..he sounds like a gem of a person!
scary chatterbox...huh!...i have to tell alot abt me naa..i have to start at my kindergarten and tell her abt keshi my sweet heart :P..that i asked to marry me :P..should be a open book ...lol...
hey ty Deepz!
**words are like arrows, they can never be returned back.
well-said! Once uttered foolish and hurtful words, u can never take em back!
**i believe in silence to do most of the talking!!
true...in Silence we hv more time to think than we do in hasty TALKING.
hey ty Crystal!
**Everybody believes in 'speaking' out wht they have to say..
speaking out and telling it like it is is good for the soul. But that doesnt mean HURTING ppl.
**mayz was desperate waiting for you to become fun,such tht you guys could elope
hahahahaha okkkkkk!
And ty for the well wishes for my uncle @Crystal. HUGS!
hey Hemz!
**that i asked to marry me
u asked ur own self to marry U? lol!
typos dear...i asked u to marry me tupid...my english sucking me bad ...:(..
P.S:check the reply to ur comment in my blog :)
i used to b like dat...talk without thinkin...hurt a lot of ppl i cared abt :((
n wishin ur uncle a speedy recovery :)
**mayz was desperate waiting for you to become fun,such tht you guys could elope!
LOL...u shudnt let d trade secrets out ;)
**i asked u to marry me tupid...my english sucking me bad
Hemz u know Im not the Marrying kind...I'd rather be Marred. lol!
I agree with you on Silence.
One has to be frugal with words.
Wit is the key I think
hey ty Mayz!
yes I was like that too...up until very recently. I used to get so upset by ppl's mere WORDS...u know how I threw hissy fits even in my blog abt some ppl.
Now Im like...who cares...its their problem that they go on using lethal words, not mine :) Now Im so calm...mebbe I attained Blog Nirvana? :)
** shudnt let d trade secrets out
ty Tarun!
**One has to be frugal with words
well-said! Now that was less Talk and more Say ;-)
Hemz u know Im not the Marrying kind...I'd rather be Marred. lol
just kiddin buddies..no hard feeling..srry if been too hard on it :)..could u ever forgive me :P..
Hemz u were only kidding? shit! :):)
hope ur uncle gets well soon...
and agreed on al of that Keshi.. but when u say, u need smone who listens if not understands...which is rare today...
Hope your uncle gets well soon ... and agree with everything you say ... Apt title to the post :D
great, keshi.
Someone had famously said "A word, when spoken, is dead."
Didn't someone also say (in Urdu) "Awazon ke bazaaron mein khamoshi pehchane kaun?"
In this world where communication is the king, we all use a dead language. Sad but true.
hope your uncle recovers soon. God bless him, kesh.
Hey Keshi
My love to uncle. He will get well soon :)And yeah, I'll try speak more from now on :) Inspirational read. All said and done, very difficult when tempers are running high and bitching at its pinnacle :)
:) silence :D
well written,...some times its better to talk less and say more....each line in this post really means a lot especially the last few lines... where the silence part comes into picture.....really was true ...silence can convey more meaning.....i remember addressing a group of friends in a presentation ,where i was supposed to talk on this topic and few days later in a group discussion ...nw i am used to such things....
i pray that ur uncle gets well soon
god bless,
cheers !!
i have always tried to be silent in tense situation..but sometimes i don't hold back..some people deserve to be shown the door and a kick on the butt.I give them all the fury i have got.
otherwise i am very calm and composed persona ;D hehe
ohh...i rolled you ..i am tired of missing your posts. :)
take care miss
and rock on..
ooh u wanted it to be serious then lets run :P..hahah lol...u called me chimp...now ur goin to get one :P..
In French we have a quote :'Le silence est le meilleur des mepris'
'Silence is the best open disrespect' which means that no matter how hard people hurt u the best way is to ignore them and remain silent, cz if we answer it means that we are in some way touch by what the person say and even if we are touch by it we should not give that satisfaction to the person who hurt us. It s easier to say to act like that, and most of the time i react myself when somebody hurts me but in some occasion when i remained silent, just looking at the person, I was so proud of myself, and the person could see through my eyes that i have nothing than pity for him and that was my best revenge :)
Good post Kesh as usual :D
This is Keshi in self exploration mode.
I loved it, more because your words of wisdom perfectly serve the purpose with which you might have written it.
It's true & it happens to all of us. We need 2 learn dis art of keeping patience & calm. Silence is many a times golden.
Well, wish your Uncle a very good health and may he be well soon!!! :)
Talking abt silence, yes... thats what i say, its not necessary to talk abt the difference, shout over ppl, say unnecessary things, but the dignity is in to keep quiet. Most of the times we say a lot many things which we dont know abt!!! :)
And i agree to most part what Ria said... We shld Practice moderation of speech!!! :)
Certain people always try to dominate us. if we keep silent, in front of them, they'll always be bossy towards us. But, if we react, then they'll change.
But, most of the time, silence is best!
I have practiced it to perfection.
Talking more and talking less have got its own advantages and disadvantages... i am nor advocating any..
talking more is needed since to express yourself..silence never helps you expres yoursel..it restricts you reaching out to people..silence can be interpretated as dumbness, at times...
now talking less also got its own advantages...you speak less and you cease to hurt others less, maybe...at times, there is no point in talking much when the opposite person is not open to listen our point with a spirit..that damages relationships and peace..!!
so, if i were made to give a statement on this topic i will rather put it as 'talk sensibly'..now its upto us when to speak more or less..!!
prayers & well wishes to ur uncle .
i hv been involved n som or oter way wit most sipirtual grps here n india & sometimes takes classes 4 kids & once silence ws de topic. talkin abt silnce! it sounds ironical , but mayb its better if v r introduced to such tots at an early stage ,as v knw old habits die hard.
nice post keshi!
& blog nirvana!! m happy 4 you ....ders no point hurtin u 4 anybdy else n de world. hugss!
Yeah I am a punk,
Quick in talking, typing junk,
As here and there,
You may have seen on blogosphere.
Thankfully, my junk is just junk. Not judgemental or scandalising like you mentioned. (Unless of course its about certain SPs ;)
Its PURE junk.
I believe humans think PURE is a good word. ;)
But yeah when it comes to real meaningful things, I find myself at loss for words. So well, instead of just commenting for the heck of it, full of myself, I don't.
Maybe thats why I don't comment in lots of meaningful posts in blog world.
Maybe when I grow up.
Get well soon Uncle A
Keshi gal... just here to let you know that am trying to read this at the earliest and will be back (by my evening) to comment when I take the words in. Sorry about it sweetie...
Wow...b'ful post.
"Silence can convey alot more than words. Your Silence can be the deafening Sound amidst their hollow Noise. Sometimes being silent is the only way you'd be heard. Silence is a higher form of speech. Less conveys more." -
Lovely lines. Sometimes it is so hard to stay put when someone points the dart on us. It is an immediately counter-reaction to talk back. It requires a lot of practice, to understand the value of keeping mum. Ur uncle is in my prayers.
hey kesh!!
Prayers for your uncle, hope he recovers soon.. sounds like a very interesting person!!
yep, i firmly believe in talk less, say more... we spill words, and they cant be taken back...i read a story sometime back about how hurtful words are like nails in a picket fence, even after the nails are removed, the traces of the hole drilled still remain[which is how it is when words are taken back, yet pain remains...] :)
hope ur uncle recovers soon..
i know silence is golden.. but it needs to be used correctly and effectively.. there are instances when it would be interpreted incorrectly ..
its this knowledge to know what to speak and when to speak.. and when to remain silent..
and thus comes the differences in opinions, thoughts .. all of us are different.. and all of us thus will behave differently.. but even if the person speaks less and the actions are .. well u can uderstand..
oh well.. thts life..
When the foot slips, the wound can be healed. But when the tongue slips, the wound it causes in the heart of another will fester for life
so true...
men i wanna stop talking too..
but i am silence phobic.. cant help it
quite a wise post must say!!
well, yeah silence is way stronger than speech,but sometimes we in anger (even though it may be justified) end up intentionally hurting the other person, I do that a lot.
And the truth is that I don't feel bad when I know that he/she deserves it !!!!
that was so true!i'm deeply influenced by it.i shall try 2 talk less,say more.hope ur uncle gets well soon..
Very well written. Reminded me of how lucky I am.
I am doing good....
Ahh *smilessss* :)))))
Hey Keshi! I'm talking less by being really late getting around to blogs this week and getting way, way behind. LOL
Hope your Uncle is doing better.
I pray your uncle gets better soon Keshi. For some silence kills and others its a world full of dreams.
hey ty Gypsy!
**.. but when u say, u need smone who listens if not understands...which is rare today...
I agree. But not MANY ppl wud u'stand how u feel anyways. So its best not to say anything :)
hey ty Deepti!
hey ty Soul!
**Someone had famously said "A word, when spoken, is dead."
How true...some thoughts r better left as thoughts only.
**In this world where communication is the king, we all use a dead language.
profound! And its like we talk talk talk w.o. really thinking...
tnxx alot Soul! He's bedridden cos his right foot is in bad state...he's a diabetic too.
hey ty Preeti!
**All said and done, very difficult when tempers are running high and bitching at its pinnacle
true...when I lose my temper I can be a heartless biyatch lol! but slowly I think Im learning to be RESILIENT to hollow noises...
Vish hey dun TALK if u dun want to, but plz SAY something lol!
hey ty Solitary!
**...silence can convey more meaning
yes...silence has it's own WORDS echoing in the other person's head...
hey Vicky :)
**some people deserve to be shown the door and a kick on the butt.I give them all the fury i have got.
haha I agree. A slap or a kick or just one word will do, yes...more than uttering countless words. thats what Im trying to convey thru this post. d u know what Im saying? :)
hey Hemz wudnt a monkey's friend be a chimp anyways? :)
WOW Cess great comment there! Loved it.
**'Silence is the best open disrespect'
Spot on!
And like u said, I get easily irritated and tell ppl off. But recently I hv become less of a drama-diva lol! Rem that incident I told u abt...that happened with a friend in Blogville...he and his female friends throwing hissy fits at me? Well guess what...I cud hv easily got irritated and told em all off, in my usual style. BUT I DIDNT. I was really proud of myself! Cos I cud read their mocking comments at me (some were total profanity) but I realised that its no point TALKING with such ppl. I'd rather talk to a wall. :) So I walked away in Silence. And my quiet dignity taught me something...ignoring idiots is the best revenge :)
*HUGZ* u rock Cess!
ty Arunima!
**This is Keshi in self exploration mode
:):) thats well-spotted!
I didnt write this post just cos I felt like writing on this topic. I experienced 2 such events recently in Blogville where I cud hv exploded into a fire-ball and clashed with some ppl. But I didnt. Even I was surprised at my Silence. :) but it armed me wwih great courage and grace to ignore worthless crap.
:) tnxx girl!
hey ty Ankur!
I know ur one of those ppl who really practise this...ur a great soul Ankur!
**thats what i say, its not necessary to talk abt the difference, shout over ppl, say unnecessary things, but the dignity is in to keep quiet.
Spot on! Latelty I've seen too much of Bitching in blogville abt differences in ppl and laughing at them. So wut, we r all DIFFERENT. ppl blog and comment differently too. We dun hv the right to judge them, categorise them and laugh at them. I think thats the lowest we can get.
**Most of the times we say a lot many things which we dont know abt
So true. We just blabber just cos we CAN.
Yes practise Moderation indeedz, in anything.
hey ty Aneesh!
ofcourse we hv to speak and let ppl know wut we think abt em. but there's a limit to that too :) and thats what I meant by this post.
**But, if we react, then they'll change.
r u sure? I dun believe ppl change that easily.
ty Vinu!
Talk Sensibly is exactly what I meant by Talk Less Say More.
And yes..some ppl never get it even if u tell them a 100 times *rolling eyes*, so why waste ur breath!
hey ty Enchanted!
**it sounds ironical , but mayb its better if v r introduced to such tots at an early stage ,as v knw old habits die hard
spot on! it has to taught in childhood....like u said, once we r older, our habits r here to stay for good!
hey Stupid ty!
**Thankfully, my junk is just junk. Not judgemental or scandalising like you mentioned.
haha I agree.
We all write/comment 'junk' sometimes. Its just that some ppl choose to JUDGE that too. *rolling eyes*
And ty for the well-wishes for my uncle! @Stupid
Arv hey why d u say SORRY for not commenting? I dun like that ppl ask for Forgiveness for not being able to comment...not that i force u to, is it? :(
hey ty Random! :)
**Sometimes it is so hard to stay put when someone points the dart on us. It is an immediately counter-reaction to talk back.
I agree...its NATURAL to fight back with words. But wut Im saying is dun use too many words and harsh ones too...we all can practise moderation in speech if we try.
hey ty Aaarti!
**sounds like a very interesting person!!
oyes! he's a well-known poet, writer and famous person here in Sydney...but lives a very humble life.
**how hurtful words are like nails in a picket fence, even after the nails are removed, the traces of the hole drilled still remain[which is how it is when words are taken back, yet pain remains...]
Wow thats a neat example!!
True...the ugly scars of hurt caused by verbal bullets last a lifetime!
hey ty Ani!
**its this knowledge to know what to speak and when to speak.. and when to remain silent
very well-said! ur right...we cant keep silent for everything...there are certain times and ways to do it.
Its called Effective and Productive Silence.
Chriz lol Im not asking u to keep silent all the time!
**i wanna stop talking too..
nooooo! Read my reply just above this comment, to Ani. :)
ty Rahul :)
**And the truth is that I don't feel bad when I know that he/she deserves it !!!!'
haha I know. Im like that too...but only sometimes. There is a way and a time to use Silence to get bak at someone...not all the time, I agree :)
aww ty Anwesa HUGS!
hey ty Bhawana!
I like ur name..it means MEDITATION is Sinhalese :)
**Reminded me of how lucky I am.
wut d u mean ur lucky?
hahaha Jay good on ya!
We do TALK alot in blogs dun we lol!
hey ty Priya!
**For some silence kills and others its a world full of dreams
so true!
Depends on the individual right. Well-said!
Now that is something very true...I need to say here tat u hav brot out a point wich the world needs a lot coz everyone id damn busy in giving away there opinions.
No one reeelt bothers abt the after effects so sum silence at the tym of so much of chaos wud help.
ty Joyce MWAH!
**everyone id damn busy in giving away there opinions.
No one reeelt bothers abt the after effects so sum silence at the tym of so much of chaos wud help.
Very well-said! ppl hardly stop to think how it affects the other person's feelings.
**speaking silence is often the most powerful sound**
So true!
hey CG :)
Lovely thought Keshi.
Speech, something i have been pondering upon too.:)
Lovely post and makes lot of sense.
*HUGZ To u and ya uncle sweets*
words spoken in anger are seldom forgotten...tho i admit its very difficult to keep temper in check esp if you ae the hottempered kind...but personally after having kids, i feel i've gained patience i never knew i possessed
hope your uncle gets better soon...its tough to be bedridden :(
hmmm... well, its true and I believe that at times, words hurt ya more than anything else on this earth.
As much as we try to control it, it just happens.. someone we love gets hurt... and we try to talk more to set things right and so on...
its just something we take care of...
Have a nice day da.. cheers...
Amy its very hard to keep silent amidst chaos...but we can try.
HUGS n ty!
hey ty Suma!
ur so right...its very hard to FORGET some words uttered carelessly...
Arv ty!
did u read my earlier reply to ya?
**it just happens.. someone we love gets hurt... and we try to talk more to set things right and so on...
wut abt the ppl who hurt us and NEVER talk abt it?
its not jus dat keshi , once u see hw des ppl n so calld spiritual cirlces really r.....u wld stop hatin ppl, coz if des angels can b dis bad ...u wld knw hw normal humans wld b ...its somthn similar 2 wot happnd 2 u n blogville, wit me it happened yrs bak. once u see 4 urself de hollowness in ppls words , u wldnt wnt 2 speak lik dem either.
So true Enchanted!
**once u see 4 urself de hollowness in ppls words , u wldnt wnt 2 speak lik dem either
thats exactly wut I meant by
'ur silence can be the deafening sound in their HOLLOW noise'
:) HUGS!
All this sounds so familiar because I just made a presentation at the univ on COMMUNICATION!
Hope your uncle feels better soon.
I hv always been very miser with my words, though being naturally a highly arrogant person i have sometimes disposed a lot of words for no good, but fortunately hv only learnt something out of those stupid adventures of mine and now i m back to my usual self...
ty Sol!
yes Communication is not only abt Words...its abt Expressions thru various forms, such as Silence, Less words and more action and Body language too.
Southy I know u dun talk alot...thats good :)
we all hv said nasty things to ppl at some stage of our lives...but the best part if that we LEARN from it..like u said.
Hi,Keshi-now,that's a post right after my heart..coz I firmly believe in the dictum'silence is golden'(As my latest post says,too)
The excerpt really held my attention...specially:
*Practice moderation in speech*
Yes-even now, I find some days when extreme stress tends to cause me to speak and then regret it.Definitely planning to do something about it over the weekend.
'When you hurt someone with your words,it hurts you in return'
Yep,and,another phrase my first Boss taught me-Whenever you point a finger towards someone,remember,there are three fingers pointing back at you.So,think and then point'.
Amazing,na,these little gems of wisdom.
*Everyone is different,everyone thinks,....differently*
Again,yes-and,if we think a moment before getting angry or retorting,and put oneself in the other person's shoes,it might calm us down!
Great post!Let's keep updating in a short para regularly,on our own attempts to try and be more understanding and silent at the same time!:)
** have you noticed that when you hurt someone with your words it hurts you in return?**
True...very true...nd then saying sorry is much difficult nd probably doesn't hold be value.
well i am more silent these days so i talk ..whenever i get chance...nd try not to hurt neone!
Wishing your Uncle a speedy recovery :)
Take Care!
hey ty Amit!
**if we think a moment before getting angry or retorting,and put oneself in the other person's shoes,it might calm us down!
very well-said! Cos it gives us more TIME to think.
hey ty Prakhar!
yes...its so hard to take bak words once uttered carelessly. so its best to be silent, think abt it and then SAY wut u hv to say.
hey keshi... i hope ur uncle recovers real fast ...people like him are really rare ..i guess its not the temptation of words but the power of dem that the wickedness in each of us uses before v can stop
hey ty TT!
**people like him are really rare
yes..Im trying hard to be like him but sometimes I fail miserably..just last nite I was so bitchy to someone lol! And then I suddenly remembered this post and shut my face!
Uncle, get well soon.
And Keshi, a man is as good as his/her words.
***r u sure? I dun believe ppl change that easily.
Well, they may not change, but their behaviour towards us certainly change. That, I'm sure.
I wish speedy recovery to your uncle.
Great post! Full of wisdom.
very true---sometimes silence can be very powerful...very deafening...and not always in a positive way :(
and yet at sometimes silence can be the best way of communication....
**I like ur name..it means MEDITATION is Sinhalese :)
WAOH..Now thankyou for that Bit..I love my name too..but this info is just amazzzinggg
I meant I am lucky coz..whatever you wrote..I already apply, against all odds and feel sooo much at peace naturally
Lovieesss and dovies
Convey my regards to your uncle and I wish him very quick recovery too.
Awesome post. I am a fan of your presentation style. Your style of writing and presentation is phenomenal.I think you may be in wrong profession. :)
I agreed that we needs to check our words before speaking. But it is easier said than done. There is also a saying bullet or words once released never come back. So we need to be carefull before uttering our words.
Oh i totally agree....im one restless soul post verbal arguments..at times even if its a stranger... Hope ur uncle gets better girlie :P... talk sometimes though "more than angry words i hate this silence,getting so loud wanna talk not scream"...
wow. nice message. My best wishes to your Uncle.
And Keshi, Your blog rocks!!
I agree Hobo :)
and tnxx!
Thats true Aneesh.
hey ty Stony!
I hope I dun sound like Sri Bhagawat Gita lol!
yes Pri!
hey ty Bhawana!
**..whatever you wrote..I already apply, against all odds and feel sooo much at peace naturally
thats just wonderful to know wow! I feel honored to know someone like u.
ty Siraj and hey WC!
**Your style of writing and presentation is phenomenal.I think you may be in wrong profession
lol u said it the best! Even I feel Im in the wrong profession :(
yes..words once uttered can never be taken back...so we need to be very careful.
ty Aphrodite!
yes...sometimes when someone dun say anything, it BUGS us more :)
hey Abhay WC n ty!
U rock too! :)
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