It's Diwali and I read alot of bright, happy and beautiful blog-posts about Diwali the whole of this week. Though I'm not big on festivals, since it's a festival of LIGHTS, I wanna emphasize on the fact that lighting up our hearts and souls is what really counts, and that should be the biggest celebration. As for me, it's not in the fireworks, sweets, dresses, presents or the fun on Diwali day *to be honest if people can give some of all that to a street child or a poor person, now that would be a real celebration of 'enlightenment'*. While it's totally upto each and everyone to celebrate it their own way (I have no qualms whatsoever about it), all I wanna say is if people thought more about Love and Light on other days too (not just on Diwali), our homes, schools, offices, communities, countries, even blogville and the whole world would be a better place. But I know it's only a faraway hope...and I don't know if I'd ever see the 'light' of such a bright day before I die.
So what happens when Diwali week is over, the fun ends and there are no more lamps on your verandah? Does the Radiance still remain in your hearts and souls? I hope so. Light leads to Enlightenment. I believe we can be 'enlightened' in small ways too, in our daily words, thoughts and deeds. We are beings of light, and I believe that every life form on Earth is a passing flame...a light that graces this Earth for a short time. During that time, light up completely, burn fully and illuminate others' and your paths to the best of your abilities. That means be a guiding light whenever you can...take some sunshine with you wherever you go. Cos that's all that matters in the end.

Now here are some pics of various Lights I chose, with my own meanings of them given next to each pic. Read them, derive the meanings for yourselves and tell me which LIGHT(s) relates to you/your life the most, or share with me your own thoughts on Light. Happy Lighting-Up-Your-Hearts all!

btw I'm going to a huge Diwali celebration tonight at a friend's place (this is the friend who's in the middle of a bitter divorce right now). He's celebrating Diwali at his beautiful brandnew house that he shared with his wife and kids for 3yrs or so, cos next week he's putting it up for sale - for Divorce settlements. He tells me that he's having this party for his kids and friends, one last time before their home goes to someone else. I hope his 2 young kids will continue to see the 'light' in every situation that is yet to come in their lives.
So when the party was over, did you turn out the 'lights'?
Current Music: Boomikku Velicham Ellam (from the Tamil movie Dishoom)
207 Cranium Signets:
first when i saw the tittle i thought u wer scolding me because i dint host the party :P....
brb to comment more...updating a post :P..
I love this post about light! (and I won't misinterpret this one ;p)
Diwali or not, I think it's good to have a light shinning in our lights at all times :)
Enjoy yourself this weekend!
i updated comee sooooooon :P..
Hi keshi
A heartwarming post!
The pics were perfectly matched.
You have a beautiful religion with a culture second to none.
Nice post with a good message mate...
as for the light... it must be the ones I see in the eyes of my loved ones :)
take care mate.. have a good day.. cheers...
Nice thoughtful post Keshi.
I feel the same way about Christmas. During the Christmas season everyone talks so big about charity and love and peace and all that, but man, the day after Christmas that's all gone! LOL
wowe....soo cute the post kesh....just loved the light...:)...i am also a light to someone in future :P..heheh...
wait let me give cations to ur pics too
1.lamp of future between relation :).
2.darkness with a beam from love..
3.the light of life which wont let u down
4.journey to towards love..
5.down to earth relation :) ( hey its a star i am wishing something that our friendship lasts till feb 31st )
6.confusing but clarity
7.reflection of life
8.belief of love
9.light of dear love...( i thought it was my birthday candle :P..i thought of blewing it away :P)..heh..
loved the post dear ....simply coool..:)..
and the last one pic was awesome message embedded in it :)...coool...
and srry for ur friend...may he have gr8 time with his kids and friends ...and not for the last time he out of it and be happy again...
So true, Keshi. A Perfect post, it fills me up.
Shine your light out into the world, bless those around you by sharing your gifts, and watch the Universe glow.
We all shine together a big bright light.
Light and Love!
awww Keshi.
First of all, you look great in a saree :) One suggestion, your eye make up is cool, have a tinge of brown lipstick on :) even pale pink would look great :)
I loved the street lamp, candle and moonlight :)
Will post about my life's light soon :)
I hated the last paragraph. Reality slapped on my face very hard. Poor kids.
Lovely post Keshi :) Simply lovely :).
And no - the lights at home are on all days - not just Diwali. Candles are lit every day :) ... the lamps don't cease to burn after Diwali :)
hmmm so true.. I believe in the same philosophy..what use is a life if it cannot brighten the other lives around it... bring that smile back on...
and therefore my choice of light will definetly be the street light...
kesh did u see the link i placed...did u see the gift x-(...see it fast i am waiting..everyone taking abt ur pic only :P..
I would like to be like the falling that lights up on its way.
But there are many people who are like street lights of our colony, that fails to brighten up the path when most required.
Now the light is not turned out. The diya is still burning and burning all the negative energies that may still be inside me.
keshi dear I'll comment on this post later on..juss dropped in to sat tat i hav some probs with the moderation..i no longer am getting ny comments so plz xcuse..niways now there's no moderation so ur comments will cum as soon as posted
k cia
see u soon
i saw this movie wen it was dubbed in telugu my native language..i dont exactly remember te song but it tell to love more :)....if i am rite....its totally says to fall in love :)...
and guess wat the movie is called...dishum dishum..:P...means all fighting eheheh :P...
WOw another beautiful post...and as usual the cutemost...
what I feel is radiance never extinguishes it jus get clouded with the gloom..the agony of not being able to do anything....
I feel myself to be a up the dark sea showing the path and living alone :)
hey Hemz I dun scold u..I only FIGHT with ya! kick and slap and dance while doin all that haha!
Definitely Saffy MWAH!
The light's gotta be ON all the time :)
Hemz I cant come soon but I'll come sooner ok ;-)
Bev tnxx hun!
But I dun follow a religion..I only hv a way of life :)
ty Arv!
**as for the light... it must be the ones I see in the eyes of my loved ones
nice one :)
Keep shining!
hey Jay tnxx!
**During the Christmas season everyone talks so big about charity and love and peace and all that, but man, the day after Christmas that's all gone!
HAHAHAHA so true! During festivals all the compassion comes out and then the very next day they bitch slap each other LOL!
Its all a farce!
hey Hemz very good interpretations there!
**5.down to earth relation :) ( hey its a star i am wishing something that our friendship lasts till feb 31st )
lovely one there! til feb 31st only? why?
ty Hemz!
he's gonna hv his kids for 1 week and then the next week they r off to their mum' is gonna be like that for those 2 kids until they grow up.
ty Krys MWAH!
**Shine your light out into the world, bless those around you by sharing your gifts, and watch the Universe glow
beautifully put!
I always rem to spread some sunshine even if my life is not all that bright...
ty Preetz!
wud u believe it if I say that I hv very light lipstick on in that pic! :) I dun like dark lipstick...I love subtle, sexy, shiney shades ooh lala!
**I hated the last paragraph. Reality slapped on my face very hard. Poor kids
thats the reality of life and thats why I put that bit in this post...
tnxx hun!
ty Gauri!
**Candles are lit every day
Just beautiful!
We must always remind ourselves to light a lamp or a that we dun forget the LIGHT.
lovely post buddy :)
at times I feel like a lighthouse :D
n my light is the abstract one..
Cheers to you!!
ty Swayam!
true..wuts the point in celebrating Diwali, going to the temple etc if we cant make someone else smile...well-said girl!
**and therefore my choice of light will definetly be the street light...
U sure must be one bright lamp that gives light to others in ur life!
LOL Hemz that dog was toooooooo cute!!! I really loved it. ty so much!
Im still laffing!
Suresh but I hope ur not falling....? Even if u fall, u will rise again. HUGS!
**The diya is still burning and burning all the negative energies that may still be inside me.
No worries Joyce n ty! :)
Dishoom dishoom Hemz! :)
**:)....if i am rite....its totally says to fall in love :)...
Boomikku velicham ellam.. ...
This song basically means,
The Light to this whole world comes when u open ur eyes...
Nice ha! :)
Hemz u speak Telugu?
happy diwali keshi :)
nice pics
ty Bro HUGS!
**what I feel is radiance never extinguishes it jus get clouded with the gloom..the agony of not being able to do anything....
So true...cos no amount of darkness can diminish a flame..:)
**I feel myself to be a up the dark sea showing the path and living alone
u r definitely a lighthouse of love and wisdom...I can feel the radiance of ur heart from so far away. Cos u never hurt my feelings even from one single word on action...cos the net is an easy place to hurt ppl...but u never did. ty for being such a bright light in my life!
ty Richa :)
**at times I feel like a lighthouse :D
n my light is the abstract one
yes..Im a mix of em too. As long as we keep the light going, everything is ok.
ty Lavida MWAH! :)
Hmmm ...
For me its the celebration of chnnage of seson and then other things next.
It was terrible weather here in Mumbai for past fortnight.
Anywayshave been eating sweets for breakfast lunch and dinner for past 3-4 days.
The lighthuse snap now is my desktop wallpaper.
so don't turn off the lights/ i don't wanna be in the dark tonight...i would say im inspired ..only i was already thinking of these thing ..luv u for saying them ..cudn't c d pics btw ...disabled images on my browser to b able 2 blog
hehe keshi Tamil is my mother tongue !!:) I know the song of course :) the movie is bull shit, but songs were an instant hit. Let me tell you the crude meaning of the song directly, instead of quoting the tongue twisting lyrics and then the meaning :):)
The earth is lightened...
when you open your eyes :)
the flowers get dewdrops..
when you wash your face :)
the sea waves get white froth...
when you brush your teeth :)
the early morning showers came...
when you washed me :):):)
lingi lake lingi lakee lingi lakii lingi leee...:):)
enjoy !!:)
PS: put up chand sifaarish later dudette :) its my fav number :)
PSS: I love it when you call me Preetz :):) sawan started it :)
I am not a tamilian. But Tamil Theriyu.
No song is being displayed. Says 'Video is no longer available'
all i see is you lightin up ur page wid d pic in d saree...sigh!!!
ty Tarun!
So twas a rainy Diwali? no lamps?
**Anywayshave been eating sweets for breakfast lunch and dinner for past 3-4 days.
haha that happens every festive season! And in the end I puke when I think of sweets!
ty TT! :)
**so don't turn off the lights/ i don't wanna be in the dark tonight
yes...leave a light on for me and for u...
Preetz hell nah it wasnt Sawan, it was me who started it!
*dishoom dishoom Sawan!*
**lingi lake lingi lakee lingi lakii lingi leee.
haha ur cute! Im dancing now...I cant stop shaking mah booty for this song help!
I know the meaning...its so beautiful na! ty for translating it here so others can read it too.
Now I must find a BF to dedicate this song to me :(
Suresh refresh the page or come back later...I can see the video.'
**But Tamil Theriyu.
lol nee romba cute thamil I wrong?
LOL Mayz is that all u hv to say!!
u again enlightened me..!! thanks for the spoke lots of sense...!! the light is of no use if its only for few days..!! thanks for directing my thoughts in those lines..!!
i dnt think i can say anythin better than that
Sigh!! how stupid of me to think you dunno tamil :) yeah superb song :):)
and yeah Keshi girl started preetz :):)
first of all my best wishes for your friend and his kid and also his soon to be ex spouse. A divorce is a very bitter and life altering experience and I hope and pray for all of them to be able to find the light in their life again.
Secondly your pics and the meaning you gave each were brilliant.
thirdly...when the party is over...start planning the next one thats my motto....
the second and the last pic are my fav's
hope the light from u keeps on enlightening more...
take care miss
A very thought provoking post...And the pics wer fantastic..
btw,neenga tamila??never knew tht.. :)
Thats an illuminating post :)
In long run...I wud love to be a Candle!
njoi the celebrations :)
I think i will stop praising ur posts coz it s bcome a usual thing. I find every post of urs so profound tht i wonder if god thought of putting in all the aspects that make a person beautiful inside u!! :) U r awesome babe. Ok now coming to the beautiful interpretations of light tht u hav put up, i identify the most with,
*The bright end of a dark beginning. After the darkest moments comes the true 'dawn'...*
I totally agree with this one coz i hav been thru such situations in life. and the same stands true for
*Light at the end of the tunnel. You've got to sleep to 'wake up'...*
hi keshi gal..u luk gorgeous...n im back to work today...enjoy ur day hun!!!
Loved this post keshi! Lights are the ones give us vision, in happy moments it glows brighter. I like quite the thoughts you’re given to different lights.
I relate the candle it to my parents, to melt to give me light!
as there is always light after darkness..
so is happiness after the hardship and heartbreaks..
only if u r sad u know whats happiness feels like..
i hope ur friend get through the turmoil
happy diwali
Wowo, I love the pictures!! The 'wake up' is my favourite :)
Happy weekend Keshi and all
Beautiful post, Keshi.
I especially like that i have a role to play.
-moon ;-)
A belated diwali wishes to you keshi :) Hugs!
I am in bali, the bigman kept his promise and i am royally robbing him :D hehehe!
you know tamil.. nice song.. and you got to sleep to wake up.. nice one.. hehe.. and keshi in green saree. was that pic taken long time back?
lovely one there! til feb 31st only? why?
because there wont be a end to our relation thats y :D..
***LOL Hemz that dog was toooooooo cute!!! I really loved it. ty so much!
Im still laffing!
heheh...dont laugh make ur dog laugh now :P..
**The Light to this whole world comes when u open ur eyes...
good meaning of the song :)
**Hemz u speak Telugu?
my mother toungue telugu tupid :P...heheh...
but ur pic was awesome saw it previously in some post...put some new pics of ya in saree :)..
u noe whoz is the light of light dat alwz stays , dat alwz shines , come rain or storm , de light dat is soothing to de eyes , heart & soul...dat is you. muaaah!
luvd all de pix & perfect captions too...esp de moon & tunnel one.
I like/endorse your thoughts and views about Diwali and helping the needy.
As far as which light- Kiran itself means ray of Sun.
That is what i identify myself with.
hey keshi gal.. wish u a very happy diwali.. gr8 to know that u still rem me :)
i so agree with the post.. it is not just about the festivity.. dresses.. sweets and all..its just an occasion to cherish the togetherness that one has..which can be done anytime.. just tht we dont..
if we do have those shining light once in a while in our lives.. our mundane lives wouldnt seem so difficult to carry on..
hope u had a lovely party.. take care..
reminds me a line from a song...
" Its darkest before the dawn"...
cheers to the dawn:)
Hi,Keshi-nice post on Diwali..I wholeheartedly agree that lighting up our hearts and souls is what really counts...and,not just on Diwali,but,round the year..right?I mean,what's the point of someone being totally grumpy/idiotic/selfish,et al round the year,and,then suddenly change character only for Diwali,and,that too only because one worships the Goddess of Wealth(Lakshmi) on this day and hopes that by appearing generous,She'll make a further appearance at one's house...mean thinking,but,I've observed this..oh,well..strange are the world's ways.:)
Sad to read about your friend's party,though to call it thusly sounds really's hoping something works out for him and his family!!
About the pics-lovely ones all of them,as also the caption,specially the first one on illuminating oneself.Well,I do like to be the 'light'around,specially at work,but,seeing the behaviour of some people,I tend to wonder-is it worth it?Ah well!!To each his own,as they say..(That's got a deeper meaning,but,maybe I'll explain some other day)TC!:)
there is only one festival i love Keshi nd that's DIWALI though minus crackers....
it gives me a certain sense of pleasure, something i can't describe. Thanks for the post, we usually put out the lights after the fest is over, the gaiety disappears which shudnt :)
*when the friends are gone , when the party's over , we"ll still belong to each other" -shakira :)
Diwali is an occasion when everybody comes together & even after its long over , the memories continue to light our hearts because of the feeling of togetherness they remind us of.
Have fun.
Keeeeeessh,I never told you that I fell in love with any of your posts,did I? But trust me giirrl,I LOVEEEEEEEE THISSSSSS!
The light for me never go out..(oh yes..m
But seriously,I really liked this cncept of yours..way deep,and the intensity by which it was presented..aah!
Paat Nalaa Irik. Kadhal Sandhya rumba cute irika. Not my Tamil.
One of my cousin sister s n coimbatore. Whenever I talk in tamil with her, she says "Please don't do that.Show me some mercy. I'll forget my tamil"
Spiritual people try to walk the walk everyday as opposed to Religious people who just talk the talk on the designated days marked on the calendar.
My good-lady-wife attended a citywide Diwali celebration at our Convention Centre with our Indian friends...
who wrapped her up in traditional garb. Very cool.
The bright end of a dark beginning...I can totally relate to it! No matter how dark life seems, something will ultimately give u happiness in life!
hey keshi,
loved the post specially the pic of light at the end of the tunnel and the temple diya ..... and youre so right in saying that real diwali is about inner enlightenment...
i hope your frend and his kids get through this difficult phase ...
The falling star today. The falling star tomorrow. The falling star forever, Kesh.
I believe nothing lasts forever just like the Shooting Star. It comes and brightens up the night sky before going back into darkness again. A strange connection between darkness and light.
What's important is it lights up no matter how momentary its life may be. It is that moment that matters, defines life. Life is in that moment when it burns itself to lighten up the sky, show the pathway to a night traveler.
Loved the post.
Lovely pic lady......havnt read the post...just saw the pic n thought of complementing u....will be back for the post.....chao
So what happens when Diwali week is over, the fun ends and there are no more lamps on your verandah?
i celebrated my diwali at office. so, here i was with my TL enjoying our first cig @ work! This cute looking girl comes to us and asks "dont you guys celebrate diwali?"
my boss had an instant answer!
" diwali is all about fire and light. we celebrate it all 365 days! we light our cigs and enjoy it till the fire touched the stub!"
i love my boss for this :-)
i guez i resemble the abstract light but i dont know!
the last para was touching. wish he gets enuf strength to survive the loss.
***You have to 'illuminate' yourself first to be able to show someone else the way...
Perfect!! 'N I'd like to add, just by showing someone the way won't be enough. That person should be ready to see the way you show. Otherwise, rather than saying I can see the way, the answer would be the light is too dim.
***The bright end of a dark beginning.
I would go with bringing light within oneself.
*****A falling star that lights up the sky on it's way.
One that gives light to others even if it is falling/dying.
BTW, it is difficult to keep the light on, sometimes we switch off automatically, what we need to learn is how we can switch it on by ourselves than depending on someone else
Did I wish you diwali? LOL
Happy diwali!!! Happy?
oye, it was me who called her preetz.. himmath hein tho samne aake dishoom dishoom kar :-)
@preeti, itni jaldi side badli? :-(
just dropped in to say hello ... will come back and read the posts in leisure ... seems like i have a lot to catch up:)
take care !!
the light shines the brightest
Its important to see beyond traditions ... I like the lighthouse best...beakon of hope for a thousand ships...there are some such magnetic people who illumanate the ways of I'm still trying to illuminate myself:)
ahh divorce after kids and all...see another argument in favour of singledom :)
Abstract light in it's full glory. Brightest qualities in you 'enlighten' the gloomy corners of your heart...
- bang-on..i can totally relate to this
n as for me, Diwali is just another negative feelings or anything but just like you said, the lights alone don't count..
and yeah, gettin thru the week follown it is depressin..gotta think abt all the extra calories tat got stacked up..
Anyway, have a nice evening :)
Hey Keshi,
this is one of d most beautiful posts i'v ever cm across.. simply soul stirring.. m amazed as to how u come up with such thoughts & words.. it just goes to show what a beautiful enlightened soul you are..
m saving this post link.. would love to go over it again & again.. :)
Thanks for dis post!! :)
God bless u..
Happy Diwali....
i loved the pics... and specially the last one about friends being stars... i think they shud have mentioned true friends... most ppl i met these days are not fit to be called friends
Great post. Light up the light, and lighten everyone's plight, not only for one day but for another day after day. True enuf.
**But I know it's only a faraway hope.
No keshi, if the desire has arisen in you, I am sure it will come true
**After the darkest moments, comes the true dawn
I know, it is so true it resonates with the heart.
** You have to illuminate yourself, first to show someone else the way
Yeah, this is exactly where I am right now :)))
I love you keshu
I have gone through a lot of your earlier posts and yeah you are addictive in the most beautiful sense.
I know how you feel about ppl celebrating and sharing every day and then everyday will be Diwali.
Keshi lets start with our individual worlds and it will spread :)))
Here is a video on the significance of diwali you will like
we realize the radiance of the moon because of the night..
lovely post... :)
the "light", sometimes, stays way afer the presence has been extinguished... sometimes, it's just an illusion...
When the party is over?
Girl .....the party has only just started!
Every is a diwali, if a portion of it we sacrifice for the needy. Nalladhe oru post. Nandri, ma.
Beautiful meanings to each and every picture.
***So when the party was over, did you turn out the 'lights'?
:) That would be a bummer..
The moon that shines on a midnight sky..
Yeh Thats You.. :)
Light is The Truth..As Dark Is..!
**Do not the spirits who dwell in the ether envy man his pain ?**
May the Light Always keep shining on You..
Happy Diwali..
Heyyyy Keshi...wassup gurl. Belated Happy Diwali.Been awfully caught up in work. Very illuminating post :)
(Pun intended)
don look below :):)
hehe :) haan tune start kiya :)
hey, you listen to Tamil Songs too, heh?
Thats a beautiful song by Vijay Antony. Lovvvve it. :)
i like the light at the end of the tunnel the mostest.
and the moonlight too. :-)
i didn't party but the lights are always on. atleast i try to keep them on always!
When the party is over I make a mad dash to the bathroom.'s usually the mad dash to the bathroom that ends the party in the first place.
Come,give your share in my latest post..:)
and i have to add..earlier when i said, Diwali is just another day..i think i'm taking all the good food, clothing n shelter for granted..
at the same time, i don turn up the lights too much so even if they go off..i wont be crushed
its always nice to read ur tohts!!
I appreciate your spirit and respect the message behind this post!
Wouldn't it be so wonderful if every child had enough food to eat and clothes to wear?
I have for a number of years relinquished the idea of lighting creackers, buying sweets or new clothes on Diwali! To me its just another day minus the visit to the temple perhaps!
WOW!! Lovely post as usual...
Hey Keshikinsssssssss
i've been off teh internet for almost eight days :(
y modem gave away, n here i'm, irst thing to see what's on ya blog :D
happpppppppppppy Diwaliiii :)
n yeahhhhh, when the party got over, i keep the light burning in my heart :D cos this diwali was special, my boyo came home, n mom n him really got along WELL! waiting for my papa to come down in december, and yeah, praying christmas would be a great homecoming for my papa n my boyo!
misseeeeeeeeeeeeeees ya gurl!
sooooooooooo much, :D
loveddddddddddddddddddddddd this post on all the various lights sprucing up our lives!
if ya ask me, i did not turn out the lights like i said b4, but i did pull out the cotton plugs from my ears after all the crackers..
love n hugs...
beautiful you in beautiful blue sari!
*speechless* a perfect post :)
Hi Keshi!
i know some questions remain to be answered by me w.r.t the last post...will do tomorrow..;-))
now i want you again at the corridor..and open the CKW and Soc-pol blogs...
and let me know which you liked more...if so, why?? ;-))
Wonderful post Kesh ... just dropped in to say hello ...:D
Hi keshi, how are you? Hope you had a good time. How was diwali celebration there?
A wonderful post. Tc.
A really nice write up on Diwali , people just like the moment of bursting crackers, lighting lamps and dressing up. They forget the whole message of Diwali, which is lighting up the darkness through the year..nyway I really think for me the lamp/candle you light in your home everyday with a thank you prayer , is the most illuminating, as it makes you appreciate what you have and what you can give others
Enjoy the celebration!!
Have a great weekend and keep lighting up all that you see.
Is your religion Hinduism,Keshi?
hey Keshi,
Belated Yappiiieee Diwali !!!
V enlightened thoughts...N I "honestly" agree to each 'nd evrything...
espclly that no one lights his or her verandha after diwali is gone..moreover everyone loooooses that enthu too..
Tk Care!
You are gorgeous as always. I would love to see a full length picture of you decked out in traditional garb, I bet you are stunning. Happy Dalwai!
heyy dear I am late..sorry...
btw the post is so full of emotions...hope u njoyed the party..
I too had a rocking Diwali..I luv the fest.
very sweet post...
yes i agree, diwali is more about 'enlightenment' rather than crackers, food and lights :)
beautiful pic girl..ur looking amazing as usual....
i wouldent like to associate myself as any ONE particular light because at different times in diff situations we keep changing our roles....
sometimes im the times im the light at the end of a dark tunnel while sometimes im the flames of the resurrection of the phoenix (dont search..u dint say that..but u get the drift dont u? ;)
anyways wish ur friend a happy diwali from me and tell him not to worry..there is always light ahead :)
wish u and everyone around loads of diwali wishes and cheer!
ty Vinu!
**light is of no use if its only for few days
I so agree. And once u got the light for good, keep sharing it with others.
:) Mayz...
hehe Preetz ;-)
My Tamil is not so great...cos my first language is Sinhalese.
ty Pinku!
**when the party is over...start planning the next one thats my motto
Nice one! It shows how u CONTINUE to celebrate love n light.
hey ty Vicky!
**hope the light from u keeps on enlightening more...
I agree...when we KNOW, we should SHARE..
ty Multimenon!
hehe my mum is Tamil...and my dad first language is Sinhalese so my Tamil isnt the best :) I speak broken tamil.
Prakhar ur already a very BRIGHT candle! Just dun burn too soon :)
hey ty Ria HUGGGGGGZ!
Someone made all of us with a reason...and ur a very special girl too!
I like the ones u chose as well..they r my favs too! No surprises there :)
Keep seeing the light!
hey Anits tnxx n WB!
back to work it may be..but continue to shine :)
Jeevan hey tnxx!
aww ur parents will be so happy to read that!
*HUGZ* and I see a bright light in ur heart too Jeevan!
ty Uttsy!
yes there's light n lessons in EVERY situation...thats something I learnt the hard way...
**only if u r sad u know whats happiness feels like..
Spot on!
*HUGZ* ur a bright star in my darkest nites!
ty Murane!
ty Trevor!
we all hv roles to play, knowingly or not. :)
hey Sunita ty sweetie!
wow u 2 r gonna hv a great time ha! :)
ty Chriz!
My mum is Tamil na :)
**and keshi in green saree. was that pic taken long time back?
In May this year. I didnt dress up for Diwali this time.
ty Hemz!
I didnt wear saree this year after May...and that pic was taken in May :)
ty Enchanted MWAH!
We all r LIGHTS in Blogville...making each other REALISE and SEE the way...
Ur one of the brightest!
ty Kiran!
**I like/endorse your thoughts and views about Diwali and helping the needy.
yes..I always think when ppl celebrate with food n pressies for their families...why cant some of that be given to the needy...after all, thats what true LIGHT is. During Chrismas (and at other times) I give away alot...even my new stuff. There r so many ppl who canr eat and dress like we do even on a normal day..
**As far as which light- Kiran itself means ray of Sun.
That u r!
Keshi i first have to tell you that you looked just gorgeous in that pic and that I totaly loved this post.It is so true do we continue to keep that light burning,made me think about it a lot after reading this.I am going to make an extra efort to always keep that light shining in my heart.thank you for making me think about this.BTW Happy Diwali to you.
hey Diya ty sweetz!
Ofcourse I rem ya...thats why I dropped into find out where u were...u dun blog anymore? :(
hey ty Ani!
yes..togetherness should be an everyday thing!
ty Shoe_Girl!
thats right....darkness shall be followed by dawn..
ty Amit!
yes ur point being grumpy all the time and then suddenly celebrating Diwali! :)
I agree...sometimes ppl drive us up the walls...and at those times we cant be so sweet. Just slap em hard..that will be 'enlightening' to em lol!
ty Gypsy!
**Thanks for the post, we usually put out the lights after the fest is over, the gaiety disappears which shudnt all good things come to an end? :)
ty Truthful!
**Diwali is an occasion when everybody comes together & even after its long over , the memories continue to light our hearts because of the feeling of togetherness they remind us of
yes...but Togetherness should be an everyday Ani said. And Diwali is abt lighting up our hearts is the best way to celebrate it. :)
hey ty Crystal!
**The light for me never go out..(oh yes..m
:):) but the nocturnal SEE in darkness ;-)
LOL Suresh!
My Tamil isnt that good either...cos my first language is Sinhalese :)
ty Donn!
**Spiritual people try to walk the walk everyday as opposed to Religious people who just talk the talk on the designated days marked on the calendar.
so true!
Im glad ur lady had a good Diwali. U didnt go?
ty Ash!
yes...SOMETHING will make u SEE.
hey ty Prashanti!
The temple lamp pic is one of my favs too :)
ty Soul!
**The falling star today. The falling star tomorrow. The falling star forever, Kesh.
ur a falling star? me too..dun ask me why :)
yes its all in the MOMENTS...and thats all that matters.
aww ty Diana! :)
ty Sawan!
**" diwali is all about fire and light. we celebrate it all 365 days! we light our cigs and enjoy it till the fire touched the stub!"
haha good one!
hey ty Aneesh!
yes ur right...the person has to WANT to see the light too.
**it is difficult to keep the light on, sometimes we switch off automatically, what we need to learn is how we can switch it on by ourselves than depending on someone else
I agree. And yes, leaving the light on all the time may bring a huge Electricity bill lol!
ty Aneesh I hope u had a good Diwali too! :)
Sawan hey! :)
**oye, it was me who called her preetz..
really? LOL ok! But I call everyone like that...Hemanth is Hemz...Deepsat is Deepz etc etc. Mebbe u and I share the same trait when it comes to addressing friends :) Nice!
**himmath hein tho samne aake dishoom dishoom kar
mere ko shudh Hindi nahi aati hai...kya baat hai?
hey Hiren WB! Where hv ya been? :)
Hey Vish :) tnxx!
ty Akshaya!
**there are some such magnetic people who illumanate the ways of I'm still trying to illuminate myself
me too...we r all lighthouses to one another...
yeyyyyyyyy to Singledom! ;-)
ty Krithika!
I know..I ate too much too :( Now I hv to jog/walk like the roadrunner lol!
hey ty Swati!
Blogging brought out the LIGHT in me..thats why :)
*HUGZ* n ty for the encouragement!
hey Akshay tnxx!
ty Phoenix!
**i think they shud have mentioned true friends... most ppl i met these days are not fit to be called friends
I agree. but we cant all be friends to everyone else. Only very few will click. They will stay no matter wut. :)
ty Life!
yes...keep shining.
hey ty Bhaw!
I will check that video soon. MWAH tnxx alot!
**Yeah, this is exactly where I am right now
Lovely! Im trying my best to be that show others the way just like how they show me my way...
*HUGZ* ur a very bright star in Blogville!
ty Raysh!
**the "light", sometimes, stays way afer the presence has been extinguished...
Spot on!
**sometimes, it's just an illusion...
I dunno how to interpret that...cos if u saw a light at some stage, then it was there somehow.
Steve did u read my post? :)
ty Cyclo!
**Every is a diwali, if a portion of it we sacrifice for the needy
I agree...ppl just celebrate and waste money on crackers n clothes. if someone really knows the true meaning behing LIGHT, they'd maybe share some of that fun, food and laughter with a needy person, on a normal day...
hey Amy tnxx! :)
hey ty Trance!
**Light is The Truth..As Dark Is
It sure is..both r real...both exist..both r complimentary to each other..both r ENLIGHTENING.
hehehe SMM tnxx hun! :)
lol Preetz ok I didnt look below!
ty Karthik!
ofcourse I listen to songs of any long as the music and the meaning captures my heart...
and my mum is Tamil :)
ty Utopia!
I know u always hv a light on...
haha Grunty!
Just hv the light on in the loo!
I did Crystal :)
ty Krithika!
**at the same time, i don turn up the lights too much so even if they go off..i wont be crushed
good to know that :)
A lighthouse that takes the ships home. While everyone is busy making ships, I'm happy building a 'lighthouse'...
You read enough of my posts to know my childhood wasn't the best. My grandparents were the lighthouse for me, my siblings, and my cousins. They always were a safe harbor were you could find a food, shelter, am ear to listen to any problem, and a shoulder to cry on.
ty Joi!
ty Rakesh!
**Wouldn't it be so wonderful if every child had enough food to eat and clothes to wear?
Thats how I think abt it too. I dun like celebrating festivals all that much...cos I ask myself 'wut am I celebrating?'
ty Mutely! :)
Seems like u had a very BRIGHT n HAPPY Diwali. LOVELY! :)
**cos this diwali was special, my boyo came home, n mom n him really got along WELL!
great to know that woohoo! :)
hahaha @ear-plugs! Im terrified of the noise!
*HUGZ* hope all is well with ya hun! Keep shining!
ty Nefarious! :)
ty Devika!
ty Deepti! :)
hey ty Venus! :)
hey ty Anu!
yes..thats cos ppl get carried away with the FUN only.
** They forget the whole message of Diwali, which is lighting up the darkness through the year..
I so agree! they lose the meaning of it all.
**anyway I really think for me the lamp/candle you light in your home everyday with a thank you prayer , is the most illuminating, as it makes you appreciate what you have and what you can give others
Very well-said Anu!
hey ty Bumble! :)
hey Krystal!
**Is your religion Hinduism,Keshi?
Good qn :)
I dun 'follow' a certain RELIGION sweetie. I was born to a Hindu mother and a Buddhist father. I went to Methodist (Christian) school. My best friend is a a Muslim girl. My music mentor is a Jewish lady. My friends come from all kinds of backgrounds. religion is HUMANITY. Nothing less, nothing more. :)
ty Sach!
I hope u had a good Diwali :)
yes..ppl lose the meaning of it all in the middle of having fun. so when the party is over, all that remains is chaos.
hey ty Phos!
I hv put up so many full-length saree pics b4 :)
hey ty Priya! :)
yes we had a good time at the party...
hey ty Pri!
I agree...we r all kind of lights at some stage in our lives.
**while sometimes im the flames of the resurrection of the phoenix
Lovely! I like the way u put it.
I hope u had a good Diwali too Pri! :)
hey Starry so lovely to see u bak!
**.I am going to make an extra efort to always keep that light shining in my heart.
aww Im glad.
U know, sometimes I flicker and feel like my light is dying...but somehow, something brings my flame back to life. I hope ur flame will continue to burn too. HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
awww BB ur comment was touching! HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
**My grandparents were the lighthouse for me, my siblings, and my cousins.
Im glad they were there for u in ur DARKEST moments!
Happy Diwali dear...though a bit late...but I know wishes are never late :)
A very good message on D day ...I appreciate your thoughts dear
Hugs - May God Bless You dear
"ur a falling star? me too..dun ask me why :)"
Won't ask you why, Kesh. But I would like to know.
Remember Forrest Gump?
aha, here it is. i read ur next post first n then checked out this one. good post, yaar. u r going to b among the first people whom i'll come for donation whn i set up an old-age home in the near future. i think i already told u somewhere abt this. these days, that thought is becoming stronger n stronger.
anyways, i like this post jus because it depicts my thoughts as-a-whole. i prefer to b a "A street lamp that illuminates people's pathways" but i never know when i'll be enlightened enough to enlighten others
ty Dawny!
hehe Soul :)
why? I dunno...mebbe cos I wont be here for too long?
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