Concentrate on the word Trespass. How many times in your life have you been trespassed by someone or someone else have been trespassed by you? Many times. We all have trespassed someone else's territory, and so have we been at the receiving end of it. So what do I mean by Trespassing in this post? Following are some 'trespassed' situations I don't like to be in, but are very hard to avoid in this so-called-human-but-baboon world:
Trespass scenario #1: Territorial Pissings!
I'm talking to someone, and that someone suddenly starts a brandnew sentence *and in a higher pitch* even before I have finished talking! What's with that? Aren't humans designed to listen before speaking? A mouth and ears were given to us NOT to activate both of them at the same time. Let's admit it, it's hard to listen AND talk at the same time. Let one person finish their Say before you have your Say. Yes, one MONKEY at a time.
Trespass scenario #2: Border Security!
I'm watching something I really like on TV. Someone comes to the area and starts talking really loud to someone else, as if what I'm watching is less important compared to what they are talking. This same person when watching TV, shushes everyone else around! What's the dealio man? If you don't wanna be trespassed while watching your gunk, then please don't trespass others' gunk-watching either!
Trespass scenario #3: Illegal Immigrant!
I get into an argument with a friend (or a family member) and we are trying to sort things out. Suddenly a friend of my friend (or another family member) comes in between us, out of nowhere, with no clue about what happened or why we are argueing, and he/she takes my friend's side, just cos they are friends (or are closer)! Talk about trespassing, this is the ugliest and shallowest one - taking sides and that too without even knowing what really happened. And what can be a dumber Trespassing than that? Nothing actually!
Trespass scenario #4: Access Denied!
I have been friends with this really nice guy and I only met him recently. All of a sudden he tells me 'I LOVE U'. Whoaaaaaaa where did that come from now? I hope we are not a scene from a puke-sappy Hindi/Tamil movie where the moment a girl meets a boy it's I LOVE U 24/7. Those 3 words carry a very deep meaning so don't just abuse it just cos you're horny! If you just got to know someone and if you wanna keep that friendship til you get to know them better, take a tip: just shutup.
Trespass scenario #5: Inavsion, Tampering & Violation!
I do a professional exam or buy a house or start seeing someone or do something that comes as a total surprise to some family members. Now here
comes an Aunt out of the dense forests of mega Suspicions, and say 'omg you didn't tell me about it any EARLIER!' and stops talking to me for a while? What is it with formalities? I hate them. I don't expect anyone to tell me their every private detail, neither do I wanna tell everyone about everything I do. Don't cross the limits people!
Please feel free to add to this notorious list of Trespassing scenarios, from your own life experiences. Looking forward to reading them :).
Live And Let Live
btw, this weekend is a busy one...on Sunday, I'm taking part in a massive Charity Walk & Run, organised by my sis' company. It's to collect funds for Cancer and Diabetes it's for a very good cause. All we have to do is pay the fee and walk run walk run :) by a beautiful beach in Sydney. Can Charity get any better, healthier and hotter than this? I think not! Wish me luck anyways, I hope I'll make it
to the end and back of about 1.5hrs duration. I'm doing it out of Love...look at this Cancer-stricken lil baby with so much of hope to LIVE. Today's song is for all terminally ill people around the world. And I hope you all have a life-giving weekend too!
Current Music: Circle Of Life by Elton John (from the movie Lion King)
178 Cranium Signets:
gud one done kesh ..:)....and the dedication of the song for the people who r sick is sooo cool :)..will be bac to comment more...busy doin my post :)..
Trespass scenario #3: Illegal Immigrant!
Wooopiee! :P
I am the first person who can scream in unison fr this one,i COMPLETELY agree!
But actually,some losers are in the habit of taking a neutral or safe stand,and making two other people quarrel! Grrr!
And I agree with Hemz,this dedication of song fr the people who're cancer-struck is truly humane!
Mwah!! :)
Lol..... I liked the first pic that says "Warning......No Trespassing........."
Great to know that you are participating in a charity event!
Good luck n God Speed!
Btw.....the last pic of that little kid is very moving!
Thank God i live alone now and even in my professional life i hv a very closely held life. I dont allow anybody to trespass in my personal/professional life.
have to agree with all the do you come up with all this stuff? Really nice of you to do the walk run, I did the revlon walk run for breast cancer and also one for Diabetes before I hurt my back.hopefully one day I can do it again.good luck on the walk/run.
**Trespass scenario #4: Access Denied!
hmmm thats so true..some people say love at first sight and stuff ..its not so true...they should at least know the tastes of the u said better to shut up :P..
***Trespass scenario #5: Inavsion, Tampering & Violation!
hahahah..some do interfere in wat we do...but tey should not be puting all sorts of questions onto it :)...
***Trespass scenario #1: Territorial Pissings!
count on me ...i had so many experiences in project development meeting..i stopped talking now..they will decide i just sit silently having my coke :P...
nicely done kesh dear :)...
P.S: i posted something :P
Lovely Keshi :) scene 3 and 4 were good. I dunno why ppl butt in when they actually are not aware of the factuals... grr...
and yeah, I love you thingy is so common, say a hi and you get reply sayin I love you, say you are single still, then comes I love you.. These ppl need to be caught by the ears and hung upside down :) to increase the blood flow into their brains ( if any) and start actin more sensibly :) cheers :)
hey keshi forgot to give the link to my game in smiley have updated my post check the PS and many have posted in smiley tissues chek it out :)...and pls participate in the game :)..
Come check out my new write up! =)
nice post. The kind of trespassing you talk about happens all the time and never stops irking one.
My pet peeve is being hugged by people I barely know, I feel my body space violated and it pisses me off.
The charity run is a beautiful thing to do. good luck to you and the kid.
To quote Snow Patrol:
"Those three words
Are said too much
They're not enough"
shit ..i thot i'd get here first? how about this sleepin and somebody decides i've had enuf of sleep and whatever they want from me is far more imp? idiots ... been through a hell lot of tresspassing ...check them all of luck for d run ..hope u get lotza funds
Very funny scenarios.
1) Some people think they are the smarter ones I guess and so what they say is the only thing that matters!
2)Some people probably think that we have all the time in the world to watch TV and so if they come interrupt us, its ok but if they are watching TV, they are doing it in their super busy time, so we need to give them their time and space!
3)uggggh! Got no comments here. Its a pet peeve of mine!
4) Damn!!! I HATE this scenario and its not even funny. Its really shocking to me to see how frequently it happens. Its like that's all it is on their minds. To see if I am a good catch or not and then to try and catch me. Hate it hate it hate it!
5)Oh ya!!!! Everyone thinks its their birthright to know everything about ME first!! Maybe I should put up articles in a newspaper announcing when I buy a new dress. That way it will all be fair to everyone.
Uggggggggggggggggggggggh!! Wrote this post at a good time....when I am able to vent out all my frustrations.
nice one there!!
guess its our responsibility to guard are territories off these trespassers!!
have a good weekend!!
cool album.. [8)]
n as for ur prev post, i think holdin on to remainin silent makes us a victim of the odd-one-out disadvantage.i's not like, who cares if i'm odd bcos we're so steeped in the habit tat it starts to seem like instinct
n tresspassin..oh i got lots.
"hey u've gained so much weight" (screams out loud) for tat matter even "hey u've lost so much weight"
(which I am guilty of usin)
personally, i don like comments on physical appearence.even a cheesy top to bottom glance can get me agitated sometimes
Hey Keshi
Enjoy the weekend :)...urs start bit jealous...but it will end early too :D
good post babehhh!
Trespass scenario #4: Access Denied!
agreed, love at first sight can happen, but jumping the gun, n saying 'i love you' without any real progress is the mos pissing off thing in life..
my tresspass scenarios:
when i'm on gtalk or yahoo mess, some goose comes in saying, lovely name--> ASL please!! (Age Sex Location or AShoLe?????
i hate my alarm in the morning-- worst trespasser whn i're all CURLED up in sleep :)
always put it on snooze!
GEEEE, also hae going on na diet, with my piles issue--> no bread no chicken :(:(:(
those are my trespasser woes--> geeee,love ya keshikins:*
and have a good run for a good cause!:)
wearing sexy beach shorts eh?? :D
look out for JA lookalikes ;)
ahhh those tanning in the sun, top notch torsos!!
ooooohh good luck! what is the distance- 10K, 12 K?
1. "when will u give good news/get married/have a second/ boy baby/ die questions
2. unsought advice
3. trolls
man I am nasty and snarky today
I say :
When someone smile because of you, charity is done.
sometimes even d ppl who r close to u trespass in ur territory...m talkin abt space here...every needs his/her own...i think in my next relatinship m gonna hang a board arnd my neck "unneccessary tresspassing will be dealt wid a break-up"
Good one... how about tresspassing into someones happens in everyones life isnt it ?
In life people usually dont care about anything other than their own interests. We, humans, are so selfish in many fields that do fail to see what is good and what is wrong. Of course i dont generalize, but mostly it is so.
And weird is that most people know it is wrong.. when someone else does it but whenit concerns themselves they take it as an ok-thing.
Not only selfish we are, but such hypocrites too :(
yup trespassing is necessary sweetie... how often do we get to talk something bad about people:PP
we need peopel to criticize... be it there habiots...wont mind :DDD
hey keshi u r goin to do something good tis weekends..god bles u..tcare dear!
Thank you Keshi. This is brilliant. We trespass yet we don't realise.
Live and Let Live... the most beautiful and wonderful thought ever!!! :)
And u r supporting a great cause... cheers to u... and a great dedication too!! :)
And i think i know wat kinda trespassing u r talkin abt!! :)
Sometimes we do trespass the boundaries, knowingly, unknowingly, which shldnt be done, but believe me, sometimes we ourselves dont know what to do, and most of the times we "really" do it for others... how will u tell a frnd of urs if u r sure he/she is going out with a completely wrong person!!!
Sometimes we just have to trespass!! :)
Nice examples of tresspassing.
When talking with someone of opposite sex (some serious stuff), suddenly one Love psycho comes and stand in between and says "Mmmmmmmm. what are you both doing here. I know I know". as if we were publicly engaged in sex.
This Love psycho has lot of tresspasing problems, whenever we talk with a girl, he comes from nowhere and takes us away saying there is some urgent matter and what he have to say is some crap. Then he'll leave us alone there, just like that, and run back to the girl, to whom we were talking. Huh? All girls are his....
when we are immersed in doing serious work to meet deadlines, this guy won't like us completing in time. so what he does, comes from behind and locks the machine and says "come one, letus go for a coffee"
To get something not even seeing or just listening telling that what u want is not here and as if assure wrongly for there laziness or obstinate there first word. That’s a beautiful thing to do dear; I wish you all the best for the healthy running. Looking forward to know the event with pictures :)
There is so much I could say on this topic that I could write a full post on it. I'l just stick to the basics -
- People who presume they know what's best for me
- People who order and tell me what to do
- People who intrude on my personal time
- People who think that because I am a woman my views don't matter
- People who carry on a monologue without even once stopping to what the other person's views are
- People who try and get too close to me when hey aren't that close to me
- People who think what they think is only right/ correct and what the other's views are is all crap (Does that count as a trespasser?)
I'm just glad you got nothing against blog trespassers. ;-)
ha! ha! Trevor said what I wanted to, Keshi.
but tell ya something, humans have it in their genes - i guess there is one for tresspassing. for they don't mind barging into territories of the wild. the biggest reason behind man-animal conflict, you guessed it right, is tresspassing. why can't humans allow others some peace!!!!
walk/run/walk/run and be good.
hey keshi, best of luck for the run..waise I don't think you need to run(except for charities), you look stunning otherwise !
wow! dats a grt thng u r doin keshi...hv a grt weekend! hugs!
& u hv givn perfect examples 4 trespassin....hw do u thnk v shld deal wit dem ?
goin bak 2 ur last post..silence , is dat de best way ?
Hey Keshi,
Is it follow up of your resolutions (maintenance of your property)? :)
Very nicely presented! We are all victims of such trespasses.
Some people argue even if they are communicating same idea. They just don't listen to each other. It takes me quite some time to make them understand that they don't have any difference of opinion.
I hate people who don't listen to what is specifically asked. They blabber out entire text book in response to a simple question.
Saw this notice for trespassers -
No entry beyond this point. There are crocodiles in the river. Survivors will be prosecuted.
One of ur best posts as usual..
The trespass scenarios are fabulous,loved it.
ha ha ha....good good
u broke the poor chap's heart...u shud've said something like this...i love u too...bhaiyaa (bro.) :P
and hey next time u buy knickers do let ure aunt no well in advance :P
i dont like it when couple's fight arnd me...or heck lets keep it simple ppl raise their voice when i'm around...i'm like dude ever heard me ever...then why do i have to bear wid passive fighting!!! its unhealthier than passive smoking
Happy running :D
i hate trespassers too :D
You have summarized it so well and I have nothing left.
Trespass- what else other than our hearts Keshi right. U never know who steals it without our knowledge.
woooh.. how much could i relate to all the points... the illegal immigrant and the TV thingie so often happens..
the best way to control them is to control ourselves... can we do that? if we could succeed in keeping mum, we have got our emotions under control...
U pretty much covered all of them.
You are having a want and someone keeps banging on the bathroom door saying "Are you finished in there yet?" YES I A M FINISHED thats whay I left ... oh no I didnt did I?
Hows that for a trespass?
Hey keshi, I apologise for not dropping in any before, but i have been a silent follower :D
but this post of urs actually persuaded me to key down sumthn..
trspassing irritates me to an extent like i feel like scratching the person---
1. when sumone who has nuthn to do with sumthn, comes and gets on the head "mujhe bhi bataao" (i wanna know as well)
2. wen ppl advise without being asked--
check out sumthn tht actually happened today itself over here:
U have a gr8 blog, i dun need to say it, u know it already :D
i so totally agree with you. the people who just dont let you do a thing and keep callin you up all the time? it pisses me off like crazy..
btw, ur tagged :P
"Charity Walk & Run" it is very nice and I wish you good luck!
Great post,
I like this .."One Monkey at a time"... I take it for myself (smile)
I can tell
Love and hugsss to you, dear Keshi.
I know..once this guy(new acquaintance) comes and says..Bhawana I really love you(desperately)...and I am like Yeah I love you move on !
3,5 r reely bad atleast to me hav experienced much of it and believe me most of it comes from women.
So much of a pest like behavior u need to tell them everything about ur life and then watt they wud juss spill it of to their stupid gossip community.
Ah! tat child tats very sad reely dear.
Tata such a great job u r doing dear lots and lots of luck to u.
hehehe good post gal..i have seenlot of no 1 in ur list,,,cant listen keep on talking and talking...
and wat u r running this weeknd....
dont do this u imagine the increase in number of heart patients after ur run..
great gal..something god 4 a cause...
very thought provoking post about trespassing.
You are doing wonderful charity work. that boy seems so innocent, yet battling for his life. Wish him and others speedy recovery and healthy life. All the best to you.
charity run ... thats real nice ... hopefully the charity will conjure good money on Sunday ... God bless those kids !!!
and i wundt mind a gal trespassing my territory over scenario 4 ;)
tooooo goood
well scenario#5 is d best.
Because this is the most common thing that happens arnd us. me 2 hate such aunty's who alwaz poke their nose here n wherevr!!
N ya 1 more thing keep up the noble cause. All d best.
Keshi, I am thinking my biggest one is trespassing against my name! In other words the people that try to run it down!
And don't even know a freakin thing about me!
So my sign would read for that person.. that is when I snap!
If you mess me with, I am going to get you for the old and then new... then you will know you've been Gat! lol
well well isnt that nice.. lol nice for the ppl who are trespassing..
i always find all of these listed problems..
even today i can quote and instance..
my friend and me were talking after lunch as we are about to part for our respective lab's.. and all of a sudden this guy comes.. he's a newbie to the univ and also an indian to boot.. and see's me..and like heyyyy kavita right.. am like no.. and he was like but i did see u at the temple..i was like yeah am sure u would have.. and continued talkin to my friend.. the guy still didnt get the point and he continued talking to me...
i mean for heavens sake.. i was speaking to somebody else.. and when u dont know me.. why do u have to talk to me.. and especially calling by someone else's name..
i hate when ppl get my name wrong.. most of the time they mix it up with anita.. i mean whyyy do u wanna do that.. then it doesnt become me..
oh well.. thats how ppl are u know... i guess he just got too excited seeing another indian / asian over there in the dept..
the aunty that u talked about.. guess it generally run's with in close family friends and relations.. u have to give them a step by step procedure of what u have done.. which even u r parents wouldnt be interested in knowing.. but they definitly would..
I LOVE U babez... so will u ask me to shut up.. ;) ok ok.. i know what u mean.. but well some ppl actually think by uttering these impt words.. ppl will melt and things could happen.. problem because of this.. one never ends up knowing when a person ACTUALLY means it..
all the best for the walk sweetie.. go rock girl.. have a lovely weekend.. tc.. huggzz
wow again it s tiring to say that, and i feel repetitive but i enjoyed reading ur post.
Territorial Pissings!: sometimes u know I have a colleague at work who s doing that, I m starting to talk about my ideas, usually he is the one who wants to say his ideas first, so i ll let him talk, but if he does not have one, i m talking first, i did not even finish talkin he jumps into my idea and cut me off talkin about my idea. Haaaaa, it is at that precise moment that I imagine myself punching him in the nose.. does not change the fact he stole my idea but it feels great anyway.
Border Security! omg! today I was in a video studio doing a voice record, and we could hear people talkin next door, i came once to ask them to be quiet a bit, i came twice, and the third time, i opened the door and I said:
'could u please just shush, in case u did not get the first 2 times i am recording, i can hear u laugh from the other door, i need 10 min, 10 damn min, is it too hard for u to be quiet, do u think i m doing it for fun there... no' they will probably bitch about me after that but who cares i m not working with them!
I'm watching something I really like on TV. Someone comes to the area and starts talking really loud to someone else, as if what I'm watching is less important compared to what they are talking. This same person when watching TV, shushes everyone else around! What's the dealio man? If you don't wanna be trespassed while watching your gunk, then please don't trespass others' gunk-watching either!
Trespass scenario #3: Illegal Immigrant! hahahahahah, my favourite, usually it was when i was in fight with my mum, my bro came to back up my mum and vice versa. But i have a friend a work who used to do that, until the day i told him to fuck off, gladly i said he s friend cause he came to apologize :)
But u also have:
Trespass scenario#6: The Blind Critics, u know the kind of person who said 'oh i hate people who cut other people when they re talking' the same person who s doing it, WTF are u saying that if u can t just shut up when i m talking.
Or the bitch who said ' i m sorry y don t u live by urself if u can t share flat with people' ...excuse me! Now i m talking about my future ex-housemate, the one who is incapable to keep the kitchen clean, who leaves her food 3 week in the pan till un eatable mushrooms start growing in it, the one who leaves clothes and shoes and books EVERYWHERE in the house!! OMG i hate those damn ass!
PS: again a loooooooong comment to a looooooong post :D
PSS: u have been tagged, and i hope u haven t done this one yet, or send me the link of ur post if u have done it
I just went through the whole illegal Immigrant Trespass. They juz make it worse stepping in thinking they are smart.
Oh my my....i totally agree...I don't usually (i lecture my bosom buddies at times :P) tell people how to live life...but people somehow feel they can do tht to me...kudos girl...spending time for a great cause... :)
Very few of us are born perfect, so it would mean we are all terminally ill, some unlucky people reach termination earlier than others. Men unfortunately have less chance of survival than women, occupational and war activities the main culprits.
Women live a less hazardous lifestyle generally and live longer. 150 years ago in the western world, due to medical science, a womans average M/E of life jumped rapidly from about 50 yrs to its now 85 years, dying in child birth was the main problem.
Oh the other thing: It is much wiser to listen to the other person. you will end up being the cleverer person. That is why we were born with two ears and only one mouth.
Nice to know you are doing something worthwhile with your time away from blogging.x.
that was a funny pic..of no entry..
i just giggled a bit..:)i was at office:)
Trespassing! Interesting topic! We all want to avoid the trespassing which we dont like..but how far we are successful in it...we at time needs to face the odd situations, only that makes the normal situation more happier...if we want only the sunshine we will be missing the twinkling stars!!
yea Keshi...
how idiotic the trespassing seems...but it depends on the receiver to, be rude but don't let people trespass...sometimes they just walk over you w/o ever noticing
May I dare to say those 3 words
'Keshi is angry' :D :P
I know!! This kind of tresspassing is hell annoying..
All the best for the run. Hope u raise loadsa funds..
well,when we don't mind our business,we of luck 4 d run!!
loved this post! written very good. got me thinkin!
and yes, have a nice run :)
you're tagged.. come take a look once you're free. :)
I don't expect anyone to tell me their every private detail, neither do I wanna tell everyone about everything I do. Don't cross the limits people!
This is one that really bugs the daylights out of me. One person I'm around at work want to know every detail of my actions. Mainly its a control thing since he is a legend in his own mind type and also to look for things that can make me look bad.
Well, didnt know this varieties of Tresspassing existed.,.Cool anyhow.,.
A wonderful caring act by you for the needy !! Kudos.
Ha Ha ... funny but totally true.
Me likin dis blog:)
brilliantly thought of and very apt examples keshi..only you can think of such eccentric ideas... :)
hmm .. these are very common ones .. and I guess I would have been a part of most of them .. and sometimes trespassed too ..
but I am sure there are much severe ones too .. where people dont even think before doing it ..
what about physical trspassin? ;)
It happens rite ..
Good heavens!Keshi,this is exactly what I wanted to write about,and,couldn't find the right words for it.Trespass-yes,that's the key word.Only too often,each of these scenarious have come into play in real life,and,each time,I'm left wondering whether the trespassers have forgotten their basic etiquette,or,whether they feel everything except their own topic is of minimal importance.
Now,did you ever think of how to deal with such people,besides feeling bugged,and,yet,holding in your anger because you're too polite?
Other trespassing scenarios:Well,I think you covered most of them already,right down to the relatives saying'OMG,you didn't tell me earlier'..will think over it and let ya know later in the day!
Have a great day,a great walk-a really noble gesture-the charity walk/run..hope you click some nice pics,too.:)
Its quite nostalgic to visit you after a long time. Read your post. You have always been successful in bringing in different topics. I was on leave (week long festival) but still I am busy. I haven't written a word for a long time in spite of the fact that I wanted to write so many times....
Hi Keshi...loved that kid's pic...cant imagine, he's suffering from cancer.
Will b back to comment on the post.
rofl @ scenario no 4.
I must say that its not new to me ( I mean the pic :P) but then i lol everytime I see it :P
Good!...and for you
This is the end, beautiful friend
this is the end, my only friend, the end,
I'll never look into your eyes again...
Jim Morrison(The Doors)
u r so ryt...I get so bloody freaked out wen one of d aforementioned situations take place...all dose losers just need 2 get a life!!!
I cant remember I ever trespassed someone...nor I remember trespassed by someone...but I am sure both must have happend some day...
I aint perfect...but I m learning and growing...nd just love the idea of Live and Let live...and if you can add some happyness in someone's life...thats worth a lifetime
Nice post babes!and i hope u hav a good walk b the beach today. I had a hectic saturday and so i m at home today. :) Relaxing and rewinding b4 another long week starts. I agree we tresspass many times and if u come to India u'll feel all the more pathetic coz here ppl only feel wht they do is important and wht the others r doin is totally crap!
Oi Keshz,
Come collect your awrd! =)
The world is a magical mystery. And there are true trespasses. We all must go everywhere, freely. But with respect. Mutual respect. Otherwise the adventure turn dark.
Rock on!
hiyaaa :D
i hate tresspassing , a few years back i this ice queen who hated it if someone even touched her by mistake!!! & thank god have withered down a bit , but totally agree with you .
Its so sleazy eeaand corny of anyone to say THE WORDS within a week of meeting someone from the opp sex ( desperado!)& in very rude words - tell your aunty to take a hike how does it matter to the people who don't matter to us whether we eat potatoes or tomatoes???
A few years back my mom had gone to a clinic for her regular check up & had seen a 10 yr old girl suffering from leukaemia . The frail girl had eyes brimming with fear when she heard that she'd have to go for another round of blood transfusion. Your sis is doing a wonderful job helping those who need it the most .
all the very best :)
my love for hell is dead, hahahaha
my dear dearest...
hey ty Hemz :)
hey ty Crystal!
**But actually,some losers are in the habit of taking a neutral or safe stand,and making two other people quarrel
tell me abt it girl there r SO MANY losers like that! These r ppl who cant THINK independently.
hey tnxx Rakesh!
Southy sometimes when u live all by urself, u become ur own tresspasser...meaning, ur not allowing urself to get out of ur comfort zone...ur trespassing ur opportunities.
heyty Starry!
**I did the revlon walk run for breast cancer and also one for Diabetes before I hurt my back
Feels really great to do something for a very good cause.
ty Hemz!
**i stopped talking now..they will decide i just sit silently having my coke
lol ur like such ppl, I dun say anything anymore.
ty Preeti!
**.. These ppl need to be caught by the ears and hung upside down
Hemz I checked it :)
I did Crystal..good work!
ty Pinku!
**My pet peeve is being hugged by people I barely know, I feel my body space violated and it pisses me off.
lol I so know wut u mean. Im someone who loves her personal space and hate to be touched and smothered by unknown ppl!
ty Che!
**"Those three words
Are said too much
They're not enough
so true! :)
hey ty TT!
**how about this sleepin and somebody decides i've had enuf of sleep and whatever they want from me is far more imp?
omg I sooo know that kind...who rings ya up at the oddest of times!
haha ty Sol!
** Maybe I should put up articles in a newspaper announcing when I buy a new dress. That way it will all be fair to everyone.
LOL! I so know how u feel. Last time a relative asked me where I buy my clothes n shoes from, and followed me to the shops *rolling eyes*
ty Deepz!
we cant guard from em all the to tell em off? lol!
ty Krithika!
Abt my last u should be silent ALL THE TIME...thats not what I meant :)
**hey u've gained so much weight" (screams out loud) for tat matter even "hey u've lost so much weight"
haha I know that comment very well...the moment I put on a lil bit of weight, I hv ppl pointing fingers at me...but when they r grossly fat, I dun say anything. Its not my business is it. ppl love to get personal and its ugly!
**personally, i don like comments on physical appearence.even a cheesy top to bottom glance can get me agitated sometim
hehehe...I know...some ppl r just too curious! Ignore em.
hey ty Prakhar! :)
hey ty Jane MWAH!
**when i'm on gtalk or yahoo mess, some goose comes in saying, lovely name--> ASL please!! (Age Sex Location or AShoLe?????
hahaha I know that one! Bloody irritating ha!
**i hate my alarm in the morning-- worst trespasser whn i're all CURLED up in sleep :)
always put it on snooze!
LOL I cuss at my clock!
**GEEEE, also hae going on na diet, with my piles issue--> no bread no chicken :(:
awww...saddest trespassing of personal fun :( but its all for the good yeyyyyyy! :)
Hey Jane...
**wearing sexy beach shorts eh?? :D
look out for JA lookalikes ;)
ahhh those tanning in the sun, top notch torsos
I had a fainting spell lookin at some really HOT BODs yday!
haha Lavida in Keshi's posts u r allowed to be NASTY! :)
**1. "when will u give good news/get married/have a second/ boy baby/ die questions
omg can they get any more personal than that!
**2. unsought advice
lol tell em 'I didnt ask for ur advice'. But I know this one very well...ppl come and give me Marriage advice, House buying advice etc when I didnt even ask for it. Wuts with that? Mebbe they r constantly thinkin abt bonking and buying!
**3. trolls
omg tell me abt it! I remembered em when I wrote this post but I was so darn pissed with em, I thought they r not worth my blog space. lol!
And o, it was a I0km run/walk. :)
Hobo thats true too :)
ty Mayz!
**sometimes even d ppl who r close to u trespass in ur territory...m talkin abt space here...every needs his/her own...
very true! Family n friends can do that to ya all the time.
**i think in my next relatinship m gonna hang a board arnd my neck "unneccessary tresspassing will be dealt wid a break-up
HAHAHAHA good one! In my case, I hv stopped hvn a r'ship to avoid all trespassing LOL!
ty CU!
** how about tresspassing into someones happens in everyones life isnt it ?
yes it does! The worst part is when they tell u abt it and try to chase u like crazy!
Lena ur absolutely right sweetie! We humans r a selfish and biased bunch of hypocrites!
**And weird is that most people know it is wrong.. when someone else does it but whenit concerns themselves they take it as an ok-thing.
so true! And thats WHY the trespassing often happens.
Like some idiot comes and tells me what I should write in MY blog!
ty Chakoli!
**yup trespassing is necessary sweetie... how often do we get to talk something bad about people:PP
who said Trespassing was abt Criticism? :)
**we need peopel to criticize... be it there habiots...wont mind
ofcourse we do! But Trespassing happens when ppl cross the limits and force their opinions on others.
hey ty Anits, it was AMAZING!
ty Life!
**We trespass yet we don't realise.
yes...we r all in it :)
hey ty Ankur! :)
**how will u tell a frnd of urs if u r sure he/she is going out with a completely wrong person!!!
U can tell ur friend...there's nothing wrong with telling them. But TELLING then is all u can do. DECIDING to be with that person or not, is their choice, isnt it. If u DECIDE for them, that'll be TRESPASSING.
**Sometimes we just have to trespass!!
I dun agree...u can always tell things to ppl w.o. TRESPASSING.
hey ty Aneesh!
**When talking with someone of opposite sex (some serious stuff), suddenly one Love psycho comes and stand in between and says "Mmmmmmmm. what are you both doing here. I know I know". as if we were publicly engaged in sex.
I know so many ppl like that..ppl who INTERFERE and INTERRUPT.
Serious losers!
hey ty Jeevan HUGS! :)
hey ty SMM, some very good points there!
**- People who presume they know what's best for me
OMG I come across so many ppl like this every single day. ppl who want me married, ppl who think I should go out with them, ppl who think I need a different life, ppl who think I must buy a house, ppl who think my life is boring, ppl who think I need a change, ppl who think my blog needs a change etc etc. *fuckers*
**- People who order and tell me what to do
I know alot of ppl like this too. Keshi u should do this, Keshi u should do that etc etc! *losers*
**- People who intrude on my personal time
yes! some of my friends/relatives call me up, come home etc w.o. even asking me if they can come over...there r times I dun want anyone to be ard me...and these ppl come n spend hours scraping off the last bits of cranium I hv left!
**- People who think that because I am a woman my views don't matter
tell me abt it there r so many MEN like this still ard! Read Sol's latest post in Psychobabble, especially the Comment section!!!
**- People who carry on a monologue without even once stopping to what the other person's views are
Plent of such trespassing dick-heads!
**- People who try and get too close to me when hey aren't that close to me
there r some morons who dunno what PERSONAL SPACE is. Next time, give them a sign reading 'Trespassers will be shot'. LOL!
**- People who think what they think is only right/ correct and what the other's views are is all crap (Does that count as a trespasser?)
This is the problem of the whole world today. The reason behind all wars. TRESPASSING and lack of RESPECT.
hey Trevor WC n ty!
**I'm just glad you got nothing against blog trespassers
haha no ways! Lovely ppl r WC here :)
hey ty Soul :)
**humans have it in their genes - i guess there is one for tresspassing. for they don't mind barging into territories of the wild. the biggest reason behind man-animal conflict, you guessed it right, is tresspassing. why can't humans allow others some peace!!!!
very well-said!
Like I said in my reply to SMM, the reason behind all wars in this world today is TRESPASSING and lack of RESPECT. Sadly its a HUMAN trait...a GENETIC tendency I guess.
aww ty Rahul! :)
ty Enchanted!
**silence , is dat de best way ?
not always...both WORDS and SILENCE should be used EFFECTIVELY and at the right TIME. :)
hey ty Stony!
**Is it follow up of your resolutions (maintenance of your property)? :)
wow u remembered that? :) yes ur right hehehehe...
**It takes me quite some time to make them understand that they don't have any difference of opinion.
HAHAHAHA so true!
**I hate people who don't listen to what is specifically asked. They blabber out entire text book in response to a simple question.
LOL I agree. Just ans to the point ha! I know a person who'd write and entire book in place of a one word ans!
**No entry beyond this point. There are crocodiles in the river. Survivors will be prosecuted
hey ty Mirage! :)
hey ty Mystique!
I hv a relative who wants to know EVERY bloddy thing abt me! She even buys what I buy, wears the same clothes etc etc.
**then why do i have to bear wid passive fighting!!! its unhealthier than passive smoking
haha true! when a couple argues, I ask both of em to shutup and take one of em for a drink :)
ty Vish!
dun hate em all, cos sometimes we all r trespassers too :)
hey ty Priya!
**Trespass- what else other than our hearts Keshi right. U never know who steals it without our knowledge
hehe true...
ty Chriz!
**the best way to control them is to control ourselves... can we do that? if we could succeed in keeping mum, we have got our emotions under control...
but we cant always keep quiet...if someone is trespassing, we must be able to tell em that and THEN keep quiet :)
ty Tarun!
No there r many other trespassing some great comments here like SMM's.
Sorry Mutley i didnt quite get that :(
hey ty Richa!
**1. when sumone who has nuthn to do with sumthn, comes and gets on the head "mujhe bhi bataao" (i wanna know as well)
lol inquisitive lil nothings!
**2. wen ppl advise without being asked--
I so know this category! Next time Im gonna tell em 'I didnt ask u for any advice did I?' :)
ty Harini!
**the people who just dont let you do a thing and keep callin you up all the time?
omg my mum has this problem! She has a friend who rings her up like 6 times a day! And my mum gets faintish just by talking to her LOL!
hey Maria ty sweetz HUGGGGGGGZ! :)
hey Bhawana ty!
**I know..once this guy(new acquaintance) comes and says..Bhawana I really love you(desperately)...and I am like Yeah I love you move on !
hahahahaha good one girl!
One guy told me 'Keshi I love u'...I told him this, I really did:
'do u love me or my top?'
And after that he never bothered me.
hey ty Joyce!
**So much of a pest like behavior u need to tell them everything about ur life and then watt they wud juss spill it of to their stupid gossip community.
yes! Most Women r very curious.
hey ty Nirmal!
**dont do this u imagine the increase in number of heart patients after ur run
lol! And I had dizzy spells watching some really HOT TONED BODS!
hey ty Kiran HUGS! :)
hey ty Hiren!
**and i wundt mind a gal trespassing my territory over scenario 4
lol awww...
hehe ty Iceman!
hey ty Arunima!
I think we Desi girls know what it is to be brought up in CURIOUS families lol!
hey ty Ne MWAH!
**If you mess me with, I am going to get you for the old and then new... then you will know you've been Gat
LOL! I know wut u mean...there r many ppl who wanna bring my name down too..ieven in Blogville. Sad lonely lot!
hey ty Ani HUGS! :)
** i was speaking to somebody else.. and when u dont know me.. why do u have to talk to me.. and especially calling by someone else's name..
haha I know that kind. They always INTERRUPT. losers with no manners at all.
**i hate when ppl get my name wrong.. most of the time they mix it up with anita.. i mean whyyy do u wanna do that.. then it doesnt become me
yes..thats something I cant stand! next time dun ans...cos its not ur name u know. :)
hey ty Cess! :)
**it is at that precise moment that I imagine myself punching him in the nose.. does not change the fact he stole my idea but it feels great anyway.
hahahaha! PISSINGS indeedz ha!
** they will probably bitch about me after that but who cares i m not working with them!
yes...Im sure alot of ppl wud hv bitched abt me afterwards too, but who bloody cares! :)
** But i have a friend a work who used to do that, until the day i told him to fuck off, gladly i said he s friend cause he came to apologize :)
LOL Cess good one!
**Trespass scenario#6: The Blind Critics, u know the kind of person who said 'oh i hate people who cut other people when they re talking' the same person who s doing it,
So true! I know that kind too.
**Or the bitch who said ' i m sorry y don t u live by urself if u can t share flat with people' ...excuse me! Now i m talking about my future ex-housemate, the one who is incapable to keep the kitchen clean, who leaves her food 3 week in the pan till un eatable mushrooms start growing in it, the one who leaves clothes and shoes and books EVERYWHERE in the house!!
will come ard to TRESPASS ur blog soon ;-) HUGS!
hey Amy!
**I just went through the whole illegal Immigrant Trespass
It isnt such a great feeling, so let me give u a HUG! :)
hey ty Aphrodite!
**I don't usually (i lecture my bosom buddies at times :P) tell people how to live life...but people somehow feel they can do tht to me.
I know soooo many ppl like that! Who come n tell me how I should live MY life.
*rolling eyes session*
ty Vesty!
Some great stats there....tnxx!
**Oh the other thing: It is much wiser to listen to the other person. you will end up being the cleverer person. That is why we were born with two ears and only one mouth.
So true!!! :)
lol Mad!
ty Sri!
yes I did say we cant avoid such situations. :)
**we at time needs to face the odd situations, only that makes the normal situation more happier...if we want only the sunshine we will be missing the twinkling stars!!
ty Gypsy!
**but it depends on the receiver to, be rude but don't let people trespass...sometimes they just walk over you w/o ever noticing
yes, if u LET em.
ty Urv!
hey Im not angry...just a lil pissed. ;-)
ty Anwesa!
**when we don't mind our business,we trespass
so true!
hey ty BW!
Will come ard soon :)
ty BB!
**One person I'm around at work want to know every detail of my actions. Mainly its a control thing since he is a legend in his own mind type and also to look for things that can make me look bad.
do one thing mate...CONFRONT him in a good way. Sometimes we've got to tell ppl how we feel and then it'll never happen again.
ty Prashant!
**Well, didnt know this varieties of Tresspassing existed
so u never associate humans? lol!
hey Akshaya WC n ty! :):)
hey ty Phoenix! :)
hey ty Anuj!
**what about physical trspassin?
that wud be a CRIME!!!
hey ty Amit!
but there r worse trespassing cases such as rape, murder and abuse!
Restless hey WB! :) So nice to see ya here again.
Did u hv a good break?
Write when u feel like writing. HUGS!
hey ty Diana!
ty CN! :):)
LOL @ that pic!!!!
Rosa tnxx!
Its not yet the end for me tho :)
haha CN yes ur right!
hey ty Prakhar!
no one is perfect...we all hv trepassed or hv been trespassed at some time in our lives.
ty Ria HUGS!
I hope u had a good relaxing wknd sweetie. :)
**I agree we tresspass many times and if u come to India u'll feel all the more pathetic coz here ppl only feel wht they do is important and wht the others r doin is totally crap!
lol I know the drift...cos I come from Sri Lanka.
The 25yr War in SL is due to the lack of RESPECT and TRESPASSING.
another one Crystal? OMG! :)
hey ty Rex!
**We all must go everywhere, freely. But with respect. Mutual respect. Otherwise the adventure turn dark.
very well said! RESPECT is a must.
ty Truthful!
yes I was like u too..the Ice Queen lol!
Its not just my sis..its her Company...and there were like 3000 runners yday :) Raised alot of funds from the entry fee and the stalls too.
Hey Clover!
**my love for hell is dead, dear dearest...
Reading things well in advance is a gift of God and i have that in good amt fortunately, so when i m not allowing them to come through it means they r not meant for me.
ur list of trespassing is very interesting..guess it happens to everyone arnd here... ve u been..i ve been really busy..n gonna b dead busy till the 20th atleast...good to knw abt the charity thing..i myself am plannin to a part in the Airtel half marathon in delhi in november ...
Here in our family.....we have certain 'elders', who have to intrude into our family matters and give their 'valuable suggestions' about anything and everything we do.
And even if u DO NOT need their SUGGESTIONS, they would deliberately poke their nose into our affairs.....things like......Ur daughter shouldn't get into such a profession, Ur son shudn't be talking to such n such guys, Ur daughter shudn't be wearing that, U shudn't be investing in this...blah blah..the list has no end to it.....
I mean why cant they get a life...even if they are 'ELDERS', why do they tresspass into my personal life.
There's this aunty of mine(super bitch) who has to complain about anything and everything that I do. I hope people like her die soon.
Wow!!! its been so long since I've been here ...and you've just written so many posts....give me a few days time and let me go through everything.
Loved this post...its something so true to life, reality checks. Most times I feel like saying buzz off mister/ma''s my life. But like your line" Live and let live" I turn the other way...soemtimes I just shut off....
It happens even in situations of child upbringing. Many people mostly elders, tend to butt in and tell us how to bring up our kids, without even thinking if we even need any advice.
And how was the run???? This song is so perfect and so beautiful.
tresspassers..!! you are never gonn aget a relief..the only escape is to develop a strategy for those guys.gals..
and yeah a customised strategy will be required..!!
and regarding tht 'run-walk' thing..!! great go, friend..u r spirited..!!
hey Southy!
**so when i m not allowing them to come through it means they r not meant for me.
very well-said. I like ur take on that :)
ty Mav! :)
hey good luck with the Delhi marathon!
lol Diana HUGS!
ur aunty sounds like an aunty I know. :) tho I dun say anything to her face to upset her, one of my other cousins was abt to call her BITCH and I stopped her! lol!
**I mean why cant they get a life...even if they are 'ELDERS', why do they tresspass into my personal life.
I u'stand u...cos I come from a very conservative family too...where ELDERS think they r the SMARTEST when its not always the case. I dun like getting advice that I didnt ask for!
hey ty Prats :) HUGS!
**It happens even in situations of child upbringing. Many people mostly elders, tend to butt in and tell us how to bring up our kids, without even thinking if we even need any advice.
omg I so know that...cos some of my cousins r getting such UN-ASKED advice on how to bring up their kids. Its revolting!
Next time ask em to back off.
hey ty Vinu!
**yeah a customised strategy will be required
lol good one!
"Aunt out of the dense forests of mega Suspicions" - loved this phrase. everyone had such relatives, right?
anyways, frm ur penultimate post, it seems that u enjoyed ur charity walk/run. quite good.
n btw, the situation u mentioned r so pissing to read even though i've been in many of these situations. brought a lot of memories back
haha Satish yes we all hv such AUNTS in our families :)
Hi Keshi!
Tresspassing...we were on this topic earlier --
Tresspassing is becoming a way of life...but the fun is there is no anti-tresspass board anywhere...nor the tresspasser is aware....
good post...and nice to know your charity moves :-)
hehe ty Devika :)
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