you made me cry with tears
with the words of cares
you made me laugh
without a faugh
you make me happy
making me forget the crappy
you showed me the way to love
now i have to find the dove
today you gave me a lot of smiles
which I am carrying for miles...
This beautiful and touching dedication to me was both written and created by my dear friend Hemanth, and was posted over at his blog a few weeks ago. To be honest, I was really moved by his words and the picture he did especially for me...cos it only goes to show how much time, patience and effort he put into this to express how he feels about our friendship here. Thanks Hemanth this means alot to me HUGS! It just shows how much you truly care. You're not just words're a genuine mate. Thanks for being in my life!
The Change In Me Is Progress...
In Blogville we come across all kinds of people, some stay with us and some drop out half way...that's life. What we have today may not be what we have tomorrow. Change is inevitable and must be prepared for. Some people tell me that I have changed. But I'm still here, doing my usual thing...where are you? On the net, its so easy to disregard people and chuck them away from your life as if they don't mean anything to you. The truth is, I have been there for these very people at their very beginning...when they had no one around them. But I'm not asking for anything in return for that. All I'm saying is, that on the net, its so easy for some people to cross people off their lives like they meant nothing to them...cos it only takes a button-press (delete) to do that. But I wonder if the mind can delete people that easily. The mind is something that's not very easy to control like your blog or cannot be programmed to do certain things and never look back. The mind is a never-ending road...a picture that can never be erased. So yeah, I may have changed...progressed to a higher level to be able to control the hurt such people cause be able to control my mind to the best of my abilities, so that I can live my life peacefully and get on with it without stagnating in one place.
The Only Human Institution Which Rejects Progress Is The Cemetery...
When people tell you 'you have changed!' what does it mean? I change for the better, for peace of mind, for being in control of my feelings, for the well-being of everyone and for eliminating unhealthy habits from my life. Thats the kind of CHANGE I seek all the time...healthy changes to the body and mind. To be honest I have indeed changed in the last few months. Now I'm far more careful when it comes to trusting people on the net, I don't go behind people trying to explain my feelings anymore, I have less expectations from people, I don't call someone a FRIEND that easily anymore, I'm no longer into giving any more than what people really deserve, I'm quieter and more at peace with myself and others than I was before. And yes, to you it may seem like I have changed for the worst...but for me, I have changed for the best. I have 'progressed' and have 'grown' in many many ways. You may throw stones at me and tell me that I've become someone else etc etc. Before you accuse people of treating you strange, please stop and take a good look at your own self...when someone changes for the worst, the best I could do was change for the best...for who can refuse peace of mind and progress of the soul?
Not me. Change is not always can be backward too. When someone changes for the worst, another will gain from it and they will move forward. Soul progression is something I take very seriously and aim to achieve to the best of my abilities...
The Change In Me Is Progress...

The Only Human Institution Which Rejects Progress Is The Cemetery...

When you are no longer able make a person understand you or are not able to change a situation, you'll be challenged to change yourself...and you will. That's what happened to me.
Let There Be Change...

Current Music: Don't Dream It's Over by Crowded House
156 Cranium Signets:
Who says you have changed? I find you the same as what i found you here last time :)
A very good and real post Keshi. I can identify on certain aspects more in real life.:)
***On the net, its so easy to disregard people and chuck them away from your life as if they don't mean anything to you.
I think i have to agree with you that a delete button may put the person to be dismiss in activation. But yet the mind just can't erase what you have done. And also your own convictions will not let you be at ease. Lest its done for a good purpose to start with.
It is bless to have such great friend as Hemanth is. Beautiful dedication!
Thank you Keshi for sharing your reflection about The Change.
You're right. Great post from title to the and.
To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly" - Henri Bergson
Lovely post Keshi :)
And yes, I do too firmly believe that if there is one Constant in life - It Is Change :).
I'm really glad and happy for you that the changes that you've brought about in yourself and your attitudes - both towards yourself and towards the people around you - have attuned you more to your inner self and that in the process, it has brought you more peace and quietude.
Hugs :)
I am all for Change Keshi! I have changed a lot also.. I am doing the laying low thing and I am enjoying my life.. Yes people come and go but true friends are there always!
I had to put a lot of things in prospective to make sure I am doing what Ne needs and NO ONE else.. and it is truly freedom!!
I am the butterfly that left that Cocoon and I am becoming brand New.. So I am joining ya Chick!!
Love and hugs!!!!!
On the net, its so easy to disregard people and chuck them away from your life as if they don't mean anything to you.***Actually ppl do it so very often in person as well thats why i have stopped giving anybody that occasion to fuck me, be it net or in person.
As far as when ppl say oh u hv changed a lot...i think it happens when they themself change their focal point and then just dump it on us for the change in view.
dat was a cute poem...bless him!
& yeah..change is inevitable... not to ,is death .u said it all keshi , ders nothin 2 add.
abt my changes ....i can write an epic on it mayb....aint every moment a change perceptions abt myself , oter persons , thngs , situations hv all undergone a lotta change.i donno weter de change ws for gud or bad...but i happy abt hw evrythn hs turned out & hv no regrets.
i feel a lot happy abt ur changes, sometimes u hv 2 turn into a stranger to others , so that v don turn into a stranger to ourselves.
hugggsssssssssssss sweetie!
Hi Keshi
I'm in tears and speechless. Forget the global meltdown; I’m having a personal meltdown.
A beautiful post written from the heart, I loved it. I’ve been around this blog for a while, and I say you have changed; you can see life in clearer perspective . You are also a very good writer who is wasting valuable talent writing this blog. In fact, keep wasting it for we’ll all gain by reading your wonderful words.
kesariya: for a moment i thought you wrote that poem..i was almost going to call you tagore ;)
"On the net, its so easy to disregard people and chuck them away from your life as if they don't mean anything to you."
-- thats by design, isnt it. If I dont blog for an year or two without any notice, you might feel curious to know once twice or maybe thrice. after that you wouldnt care. Thats how it has been designed.
oh that was such a swt dedication from hemu...god bless him!! :)
change...well u r right...change is inevitable...ppl, things, feelings...well to me they r like seasons...just dat every new cycle is wid a new person...mayb i've jus been unlucky as far as judging ppl is concerned...
blogging is as real as d ppl in d things happenin here...good bad or ugly is d same as wat happens in real world...
Such a nice post Keshi ... It so true when they say nothing in life is permanent and Change is the norm of life.
I am sure change is always for the better :)
How have I changed... I have stopped trusting people blindly and taking people on face value. One more major change is ( though its not complete yet) is I am learning to let go :)
Nice post on change. I am glad you have also become careful with people. It is necessary at times.
I changed in many ways over the time. I don't let ppl hurt me anymore!
Take care
i changed my underwears was their washing day..are u angry for that :O
u havn't changed at all ..and nor my relation with u wll ever change...
love ya
:'(...u made me all tears tupid pellow...u put up the poem and the pic :D...thats soooo u soo much kesh...u made my day rock ...
and abt the butter fly will be rite bac with my debating thing :P....
P.S: let me open my internal chat and send the link to all people in my office..including my boss :P..
the only thing constant in life is "change" kesh and i've always believed and life has shown me time and again how right my belief is that a true friend is one who will grow with us and not grow apart...and if they do grow apart, maybe that's best for them and us.
that's the way life's meant to be. we prioritize things..people...feelings according to the circumstances we are the changes in our lives and ourselves.
and although I know and believe in the above...i won't deny that everytime I lose a hurts just as much. But again I know life will move on...for me...and for them...
hmmmm... and it is nice to see u found a friend in hemanth whose lines are touching indeed!! :)
my wish for u is to always have friends who make u feel special around u :).... *hugz*
glad for u grl...
and change we may , change we shud...
This post is superb. So much in this one. Hemant's poen for you is brilliant. You are lucky to have such good friend.
woooooh finally hemu's words are posted... cool.. yes it inded reflects what you said in my comment page kesh..
awesome kesh
really good
a butterfly emerges from a cocoon....the initial few para's wre really good ...the things u mentioned abt change n all .....
poem from hemant was really great....rhyming pattern was great... i cant imagine something like laugh - faugh ,happyt - crappy and love - dove .. :p
*** its so easy for some people to cross people off their lives like they meant nothing to them...cos it only takes a button-press (delete) to do that. But I wonder if the mind can delete people that easily.***
This really touched a chord.
Delete the emails, change your URl, delete mobile number, change cities and hope that it'll all be peaceful after that. Damn! the mosaic of broken memories that has no ' delete' button still continue to haunt you.
I guess its still forgivable to outgrow people but to tick them off your lives and continue walking without looking back must be needing a cold cold heart.
You write well.
first off, a really beautiful dedication!
secondly, i read teh last post, but didn't get around to commenting :( life sucks here keshi momma- i don't see teh light yet, though i know it has to be there somewhere..
And, as for change, i 'm looking forward to a refreshing break..
I'm Really glad ya've changed for the better n the best--> sometimes, we just come to peaceful n tranquil realisations that make us betta people, having a strong grip on ourselves n our lives..
but if there's one blog that i come to for feeling happy, for smiling, for feeling warm, it is yours, n i dun come from the blogroll!
here's my dedication to ya..
ya spread the cheer
just like a chilled pint of beer
ya make ma withered heart bloom
even when i'm a room of gloom
ya make me come here to get a taste of the real
even when ya're talking of something surreal
ya give people that extra dash of courage of confidence
when they're down n emotionally dense
even when ya get funny n scandalous
ya get us to gape at your audacity n love n appreciate ya nonetheless
i love ya sex n the city jibes
no wonder ya're blessed with good vibes..
i love the cleavage n the flesh thighs,
but it's hard to notice them when I'm distracted by your banging tresses and those big, black eyes
ya're the raunchy cat-woman
only ya dun wear a mask, ya're for real,keshi- the wonder-human!
Truly amazing post keshi...I have been reading through the last few posts and as luck wud have it,the power switches off in the CC as soon as it reaches the fag end..
Just into ur blog now and I kinda feel this post was very truly meant for sumone like me..truly amazing style,accounting the hard facts of life and am just in awe..
I am addin u to my floaters..
cheers.. :)
Dear Keshi, "be the change you want to see, "
I want to apply this in my life.
There are so many times I expect my family members to change for good, to give their 100% to what they do, be regular with their exercise and all but it never happens
However, when I give my 100%, I am concerned for them but don't get entangled with their issues and make myself miserable.
I just want to continue with this and then hoping that they would then see me as an example and pick up things..
Sorry for getting personal, Keshi, but I think you are hurt. But that's all right. Hurt we all are, sometimes or the other, by someone or the other. Not that we deserve it all the time. But we learn and grow.
You remind me of the lines of that edgy but legendary Nietzsche: No price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.
So, don't lose yourself amidst the tribe, among the crowd. People will come and go. Nothing, they say, lasts forever. Don't allow anyone to make you lose your soul. Ever.
as they say, change IS the only constant. it's good to change... and sometimes, good to be wary of ppl as well.
but u know what... those things are still superficial... your honesty remains the same. and i guess so does your soul. and that's what matters most.
yeah, changes.
sound so ironical, i mean i am going through all of that, not suddenly but deliberately.
Poem and image is quite beautiful. You are lucky to have such nice friends.
Keshi, after all that fights and disappointments u had in the recent past with certains friends of urs, I have been observing U thoroughly...and....U HAVE CHANGED.......but.......U HAVE CHANGED FOR GOOD.
Everytime, when life tends to be uncontrollable, we all find ourselves head to head with a possible and inevitable change again. Change is essential to our survival. Change is going to happen. In fact, it happens every day, maybe it is too small to see, or perhaps we would rather not see it.
There is a price for a new change but to be evolved as a person at the end, the new life journey could be PRICELESS. In ur case, am sure u must be liking the person that u r now. The peace that u have in ur mind is definitely priceless. Isn't it?
Stay Happy. Hugs.
@ Hemu - Nice poem yaar. Ur really sweet.
I like the title. You know why? Because, a butterfly is a symbol of metamorphosis that is change.
Change, the only thing that is permanent in life and most absolute!
Good post Keshi!
Take care
keshi, u r simply awesome in this post just as hemanth was with his poem. u r lucky to have friend like him.
wht can i say abt this post? it's simple n awesome, at the same time. i would love to have all these posts of urs compiled into a book. it makes a good psychology book or a book into the inset of human mind.
wht all u wrote abt the frndships on net is true to the core. it's as simple as pressing the delete button, as u said. but believe me, i got some awesome friends, thanks to the world wide web. guys, who call me when i sound depressed in my blog, and girls, who send me those sweet invitations to their marriages. sometimes, i feel that this virtual world is far more better than the real one.
change is inevitable...
change is good....
babeh.. not much choice in that too!!
you can anticipate it....but planning ... well it's worth a try!!
... oh yeah and the butterfly bit - that's the's nice t be an optimist!!
lovely dedication ;)
this post reminds me of book "Who moved my cheese"
Hi Keshi...
That was a beautiful dedication from Hemu... nice one...
You are right mate... our mind cant simply erase anyone or anything out though we can forget it for a long time...
I can see that you are taking these changes in a good spirit and thats a good sign...
Keep smiling Lotus...
Last week I discovered an unrepentent plagiarist who had copied and pasted one of my posts.
I remember staring at the page and my mind just sort of went blank...I wrote this..where is my name?
It soon became evident that she didn't get it..her commentors congratulated her on her posting and she said thanks...which is mind-boggling but I believe they just think that that is what you do out here. You find stuff that you like and share it.
I also find myself in proximity to a f*cker who spammed me once...I see him in the comment section of several amazing writers who I suspect have no idea what a little f*cker he is.
The first time all I did was threaten to hop on a plane and go and beat the living crap out of him. Now I'd prolly just write something really nasty about him in front of all his unsuspecting cohorts. Meh.
I can't very well let a couple of assholes ruin the whole blogging experience now can I?
when i started reading this article suddenly q came in my mind...change for what?..and u have described abt. it....we will have to make ourselves more stronger in terms of emotions...
i am very much agree with ur views...if someone argues with me and even he is wrong...i simply tell u r right..and that makes sense in this type of situation.
Nice poems by Hemant and Jane. Change you may, so long as these perceptions don't change. :)
Your post makes lot of sense.
* the best I could do was change for the best...
Great! Keep it up.
I wonder how it would be like if two close blogmates conversed something like this -
"Hey, I think I have been at your blog long enough to feel bored. I feel the need of taking a break from you. Hope you understand."
"Go on, buddy. And don't carry any guilts. Thanks you didn't disappear without leaving a word. Be back when you need me."
Isn't it better than fault-picking, arguing, justifying your parting to the whole world before and after you part?
Keshi, wow! This post and the 'too short to be small' show a different side of you. But, I have to appreciate your effort. You have written about some things that are rather hard to pen down and even more hard to move away from. Kudos to your strength :)
some one had said 'there is nothing in this world that doesn't change. The only thing that doesn't change is the fact that there will be change'
'N this is such a nice post and what you said is correct. I can sense the change in you, through your posts, through your comments.. Yes, you've changed and what more? certainly in a better way...
Changes that took place in me?
what you've done now, I've done years ago. Not that I'm something special. But, I experienced what you mentioned here, in real life, way back. I, thought about it a lot, couldn't find a solution, asked help from god, didn't get it, expected good if I give good, but experienced something opposite, So, I changed... Now I'm content and satisfied. Obviously, there are time when I feel, but I can soon make it up with the new Aneesh than what I could've done with the old Aneesh.
Hi Hi, may sound philosophical.. but its true.
nice post. And its totally okay to change. We all do. We learn from our experiences and change ourselves accordingly
we all change...we have to...our very body is completly renewed in the cell level every 7 years...u are not even the same body u were 7 years ago...
personally iam going thru a radical phase in my life...its exciting...maynot be for the people arnd me...but the closer i get to the big end, the clearer i seem to be getting..
we meet so many along the all serves a purpose i guess...its all like mirrors ..
hi kesh,
yup there is one person who ws a mystery while I was with her and when we departed she still is a mystery, she never tried to call up nor was interested I guess. But my friendship towards her is still fresh as first rain. missing her and hoping her come back is not far..
*** cannot be programmed to do certain things and never look back.
I agree.
People don't change..their attitude towards a certain person/thing changes!
And change is can't stop it from coming on you,can ya,dearie? :)
And the people who sincerely love you ,will always do..whether you change or you don't! Muah..
And besides..just like the title of yr post is..a butterfly changes from its larvae..and pupa form to look've ever seen a butterfly whose UGLY?
So therefore,my dearesst it up! :)
Nice post hun!but u know something we can never change the real person inside us. No doubt we try to mold ourselves into new situations but still its not possible the change the real essence thats within us and thats what makes us unique and different. Thats what makes me happy that i m me and nobody else!! :)
changes are necessary and if these changes are not there then the spice of life is lost..
I can't recall any such change but i wud surely say tat while i am growing i have experienced a lot of changes which i too don't remember..sum for good sum had bad results too.
this was a cool post dear
OMG....Keshi the diva has become Keshi the preacher.
Good dat u r floating +ve thoughts all around.
N ya u r very lucky 2 have so caring n dedicated frenz like hemu.
Keep up d gud wrk sweety;)
i am going into a cocoon, lets if i come out of it at all. what if i am attracted by the cosy warmth of the cocoon?
u never changed for me from the beginiing till now ...we will still keep fighting over the issues :P...heheh...u will never change for me sweetu :)..
**It is bless to have such great friend as Hemanth is. Beautiful dedication!
thnks for those sweet words buddy :)
**dat was a cute poem...bless him!
thanks for the blesses man ...:)..
**oh that was such a swt dedication from hemu...god bless him!! :)
wow man everyone is blessin me soo much :)..
**it is nice to see u found a friend in hemanth whose lines are touching indeed!! :)
thnks sooooooo much ishita...loved ur comment :)...u made me teary :'(..
loaded post.. :)
change has nothing to do with anyone or anything other than ourselves
So when we try to make a person understand or try to change a situation..-we're only trying to change ourselves!we're trying to change the judgments we'd made.All because we're afraid of getting hurt one more time
as to what I meant in my previous comment..I said i can only die physically n it's important tat people remember it cos hey! am still going to be around trying to haunt those guys ;) in a good way though :) hahaa
**Hemant's poen for you is brilliant. You are lucky to have such good friend.
we both r lucky to have each other...i am sooo much lucky to have keshi as my friend :)..
**woooooh finally hemu's words are posted
hehe yes they r and thnks buddy :)..
@The Solitary Writer
**poem from hemant was really great....rhyming pattern was great... i cant imagine something like laugh - faugh ,happyt - crappy and love - dove .. :p
thnks buddy ..:)..
u dont think just comes out wen u r friend is in ur thoughts :)...try it once..:)..
@jane jeyakumar
**first off, a really beautiful dedication!
thnks man :)...
and ur dedication is too cool too :)...
and my biggest change has been: am trying to start getting realistic about human nature.but that's so barring pride n prejudice fantasies ;) ;)
well firstly a BIG HI!!!
I know I have been away a frightful time... but then maybe u can take a guess...
how have u been?? I'll go thru ur posts one by one!!
had a word with loon gal... poor thing she had to try real hard to get thru to me wot wid my phone conking off in d first week.. and den der being zero coverage in the classrooms!!
hope to meet her soemtime soon!!
@post: honestly, keshi we all change!! as we experience life and learn from our mistakes and of those around us, we tend to adapt!! dats human nature... as for d internet thingy u mentioned!! am not so sure.. for me i fnd a hell lot of frnds thru d net!! so... u knw wot am talking about!!
but yeah, if being guarded ensures dat emotional predators are at bar.. den stay dat way.. those unworthy of our time and emotion shudn't be allowed widin a 100 m radius.. i guess der shud b a law on this!!
gng ahead, I must confess. I'm always in awe as to how you write...
have had so mane of Qs!! like how do u manage to write so frequently? how to maintain such a good quality everyday? how do you write such an awful lot on a topic which wud inspire and ordinary bloke to write may be about 50 words??
may be i know a answer to this question.. but I really marvel at you, as a blogger!! and in real life... hehe no comments!! keep guessing beautiful!! :)
jeez!! don't u sleep??? :O
wot time is it der??
ah quite true!! i was still calculating ur time based on India :P
lolzz.. really silly of me!!
aww ty Sunita!
That means alot to me...cos I hvnt seen u in ages and for u to come n say that Im still the same, means that u hvnt changed one bit either. HUGS!
ty Amy HUGS!
**But yet the mind just can't erase what you have done. And also your own convictions will not let you be at ease
yes...ppl hv taken me off their blogrolls, put me at the bottom of their lists as if Im some dust etc etc...but Im sure their own actions must speak for themselves :) for they know who was there for them when they needed a friend the most.
ty Krys!
**To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly" -
thats a great quote abt Change! Loved it. Yes Change is discovering yourself more and more...
hey ty Gauri!
yes Change is the only Constant in life. And ppl tell me I hv if they hvnt.
**have attuned you more to your inner self and that in the process, it has brought you more peace and quietude.
yes! it liberates ya..
My pretty lil butterfly Ne MWAHHHHHHHH!
**Yes people come and go but true friends are there always!
well-said! All the fake ones drop out half-way...
**I had to put a lot of things in prospective to make sure I am doing what Ne needs and NO ONE else..
very well-said! do wut YOU need to do cos ppl will never u'stand how YOU feel...they'll say this and that, but eventually it's YOU who know your feelings the best.
Fly away beautiful away in freedom...HUGS!
ty Southy!
**Actually ppl do it so very often in person as well thats why i have stopped giving anybody that occasion to fuck me, be it net or in person.
thats the best way to CHANGE towards ppl like that...stop giving them the chance to mess your head n heart. I hv done the same thing now Southy...I dun let emotionally-handcapped babies use me to suit their mood. I dun respond to such ppl anymore neither do I feel sorry for em anymore. Thats a very good CHANGE in me.
**As far as when ppl say oh u hv changed a lot...i think it happens when they themself change their focal point and then just dump it on us for the change in view.
Spot on! They hv changed drastically so they cant accept that fact and they blame it on others. Ur right!
ty Enchanted HUGS!
yes every moment includes a change...every second we r evolving, body and mind.
**sometimes u hv 2 turn into a stranger to others , so that v don turn into a stranger to ourselves.
beautifully put! I loved it. Such great wisdom! I can so identify with that cos I had to get a grip of myself before I turned into dust at the 'feet' of others.
hey ty Bev MWAH!
**I’m having a personal meltdown.
why wut happened luv?
Im glad u notice the changes in me :)
**You are also a very good writer who is wasting valuable talent writing this blog. In fact, keep wasting it for we’ll all gain by reading your wonderful words.
aww ty! but I dun see it as wasting...cos Im also learning from my own posts..they r eye-openers to me too sweetie.
*HUGZ* I luv ya!
ty Jitterz Tagore! ;-)
**thats by design, isnt it. If I dont blog for an year or two without any notice, you might feel curious to know once twice or maybe thrice. after that you wouldnt care. Thats how it has been designed
no I didnt mean that 'I' would do that to my friends. All I said is that some ppl find it so easy to delete ppl off their if they mean NOTHING to them. But I know I cant do that. Not to u anyways!
ty Mayz!
**blogging is as real as d ppl in d things happenin here...good bad or ugly is d same as wat happens in real world
I agree..we all show our true CHARACTER in blogs. For wut some ppl hv done to me in blogs, I dun ever wanna meet em in real life tho!
ty Deepti!
Change can also be for the happens sometimes. As long as we some out of it, its all good.
** have stopped trusting people blindly and taking people on face value.
Good on ya! Me too...I dun tell all to everyone anymore neither do I listen to lies anymore. Cos I did trust someone and listened to all his made-up shit and screwed up r'ships with some others. It was so wrong and I dun think I'll ever trust ppl that way again.
**One more major change is ( though its not complete yet) is I am learning to let go
Letting go is not that easy but if u try and practise it, u CAN do it...and its such a great feeling to be able to let go and not hv any regrets...
ty Deepz!
**I changed in many ways over the time. I don't let ppl hurt me anymore!
Good on ya! I still get hurt easily but I hv learnt not to depend on others for my emotional wellbeing. Now I get over things pretty soon :)
aww ty Bro HUGS!
**i changed my underwears was their washing day
LOL so was ur undies worn for half a year til yday? ewwwwwwwwwwwww!
*faints 100 times!*
ty Hemz! :)
lol rem our lil fight over this last week?
**let me open my internal chat and send the link to all people in my office..including my boss
omg wut ur boss?? is he a blogger too? LOL!
ty Ishi and ur one friend who has never CHANGED her affection towards me. HUGGGGGGGGGGZ ty for being such a lovely butterfly in my life!
**a true friend is one who will grow with us and not grow apart...and if they do grow apart, maybe that's best for them and us.
I agree...let there be change, if it's meant to be that way.
ty Gypsy!
**and change we may , change we shud...
spot on! Change we shud!
hey ty Kiran :)
yes Im lucky!
ty Chriz!
yes finally its here and Hemz is so happy :):)
hey ty Stephen :)
Isnt Hemz a great poet!
ty Shoe_Girl!
**Delete the emails, change your URl, delete mobile number, change cities and hope that it'll all be peaceful after that. Damn! the mosaic of broken memories that has no ' delete' button still continue to haunt you.
well-said! Cos the mind is not a machine we can just switch off.
**I guess its still forgivable to outgrow people but to tick them off your lives and continue walking without looking back must be needing a cold cold heart.
believe it or not, some ppl do it on my face. Its shocking.
hey ty Jane ur dedication touched me sweetie! *HUGZ* :):) How can u write like that wow!
**life sucks here keshi momma- i don't see teh light yet, though i know it has to be there somewhere..
Jane girl sometimes that darkness becomes our light...
**And, as for change, i 'm looking forward to a refreshing break..
U so deserve it!
**I'm Really glad ya've changed for the better n the best--> sometimes, we just come to peaceful n tranquil realisations that make us betta people, having a strong grip on ourselves n our lives..
very well-said girl!
**but if there's one blog that i come to for feeling happy, for smiling, for feeling warm, it is yours, n i dun come from the blogroll!
awww :) Im glad u feel that way abt my blog. That means alot to me.
Totally loved ur verse for me! It had me smiling rite throughout :):)
**ya give people that extra dash of courage of confidence
when they're down n emotionally dense
I feel good that ppl do actually feel that way reading my posts. Im really happy!
**even when ya get funny n scandalous
ya get us to gape at your audacity n love n appreciate ya nonetheless
lol Im glad again.
**i love the cleavage n the flesh thighs,
but it's hard to notice them when I'm distracted by your banging tresses and those big, black eyes
**ya're the raunchy cat-woman
only ya dun wear a mask, ya're for real,keshi- the wonder-human!
aww we r all wonder-humans, like Jane is! MWAHHHHHHHHHHH ty so much!
God bless ya gal!
hey Multimenon WC to my world and TY!
**I kinda feel this post was very truly meant for sumone like me
Im glad u cud identify with it :)
we all go thru changes and we all need a breather every now n then from the ppl we call LOVED-ONES.
hey ty Bhawana!
yes I can see that ur the Change u wanna see...ur a GREAT gal for sure!
**There are so many times I expect my family members to change for good, to give their 100% to what they do, be regular with their exercise and all but it never happens
omg how did u know wut I was thinking!!! cos this is the same issue I face every single day! Im so glad u mentioned this. It just makes me feel Im not alone.
**However, when I give my 100%, I am concerned for them but don't get entangled with their issues and make myself miserable.
good on ya! Thats how I am too...sometimes I get relaly tired from the ppl ard me..their wishes n dreams r so different to mine...they think Im mad but I think they r mad :). So I try hard not to get entangled in their issues but its really hard...but I still try to preserve myself.
**I just want to continue with this and then hoping that they would then see me as an example and pick up things..
I think the same! I hope one day, if not now, they'll understand me and what I was telling them abt...
*HUGZ* ur so very special ya know!
hey ty Soul!
yes the power of hurt can go a long way...and thats the change in me :) and its not bad at all.
** No price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself
yes I agree. but changing doesnt meaning losing means DISCOVERING myself.
hey ty Raysh!
** those things are still superficial... your honesty remains the same. and i guess so does your soul. and that's what matters most.
yes I agree.
Thats what I said to Soul too. That changing doesnt mean Losing means Discovering myself more n more.
hey ty Chamb!
**not suddenly but deliberately.
u were challenged to change urself cos u cant change someone else or a situation. so u changed urself. thats what happened to me too.
hey ty Diana HUGS!
Im glad u think I've changed for the GOOD :)
**There is a price for a new change but to be evolved as a person at the end, the new life journey could be PRICELESS.
very well-said! u lose something but u gain something more valuable.
ty Trevor!
**Because, a butterfly is a symbol of metamorphosis that is change.
yes...isnt it amazing!
ty Rakesh!
**Change, the only thing that is permanent in life and most absolute
it sure is absolute.
hey ty Satish!
**sometimes, i feel that this virtual world is far more better than the real one.
I agree...but its no different to the real world. Everything thats in the real world is also here, good and bad.
btw I didnt mean that I cud delete net friends just like that...all I said was that SOME PPL seem to be able to do that. And its really shocking and sad.
hey ty Arjun!
**you can anticipate it....but planning ... well it's worth a try
Im not planning anything :) This is what I hv BECOME, w.o. even planning.
ty Vicky!
**"Who moved my cheese"
I hvnt read that it abt Change?
ty Arv!
** our mind cant simply erase anyone or anything out though we can forget it for a long time...
yep..cos the mind is a KNOWLEDGEbase...once u KNOW, u cant UN-KNOW.
hey ty Donn!
Im so glad its over...that person who copied ur work needs a Cranium-refill. *rolling eyes*
**The first time all I did was threaten to hop on a plane and go and beat the living crap out of him. Now I'd prolly just write something really nasty about him in front of all his unsuspecting cohorts.
:) yes it happens...thats teh Change in ya that takes place with experience and exposure...we handle things better the 2nd time ard.
**I can't very well let a couple of assholes ruin the whole blogging experience now can I?
Very true! dun let the rains dampen ur spirits.
ty Rakesh! be emotionally stronger, Change is a must.
**if someone argues with me and even he is wrong...i simply tell u r right..
hehe nowadays I do that point argueing forever. It just goes to show ur mature abt it and that u can handle any kinda criticism in a healthy manner. Good on ya Rakesh!
ty Stony :)
**Change you may, so long as these perceptions don't change.
I agree. Change doesnt meaning changing myself...its discovering myself...discovering hidden possibilities and qualities in me.
**Isnt it better than fault-picking, arguing, justifying your parting to the whole world before and after you part?
true..its much better that way. but how many ppl really do that?
Instead they go ridiculing their own mates under Anony form :):) And dun even accept their mistakes!
hey ty Hemanth n WB! :)
Aneesh ty so much!
Im glad u notice the changes in me too :)
** I, thought about it a lot, couldn't find a solution, asked help from god, didn't get it, expected good if I give good, but experienced something opposite, So, I changed... Now I'm content and satisfied.
lovely! how many ppl can really say that with a brave face? Not many. So ur really very special Aneesh cos I can sense the changes in u thru ur words.
u r what the world needs to be. So many ppl r greedy, selfish, jealous and emotionally needy all the time. if those ppl can stop and read wut u wrote here and think abt it seriously, how beautiful a world we'd all hv!
*HUGZ* kudos to ya Aneesh!
ty Ash yes its a learning process!
ty Tys!
My body is not wut it was 7yrs ago? :( yes, come to think of it I've gotten fatter! *cries*
**...but the closer i get to the big end, the clearer i seem to be getting..
lovely! its like a journey with a mission...slowly ur reaching the destination.
All the best for everything to come Tys!
hey ty Aiz!
**But my friendship towards her is still fresh as first rain. missing her and hoping her come back is not far happens..ppl come n go...but the bonds r still brandnew..
aww ty Crystal HUGS!
**People don't change..their attitude towards a certain person/thing changes!
I agree...the soul keeps learning but its like discovering new qualities to it...its not losing itself.
True friends will never leave u...thats so true!
ty Ria!
**but u know something we can never change the real person inside us
I agree. Ppl dun change, attitudes and the way we handle things change. The soul stays the same.
Its like learning, we find new qualities thats hidden deep inside our soul. They hv always been there, sleeping tight...but certain situations and ppl in our lives, bring those qualities in us to the top.
hey ty Joyce!
Changes r a must for Progress n Survival, yes.
hey ty Arunima!
**Keshi the diva has become Keshi the preacher.
:) I hope to practise my preachings too hehe..
hey Stygian long time no see! U ok?
**i am going into a cocoon, lets if i come out of it at all. what if i am attracted by the cosy warmth of the cocoon?
U wont be attracted to it for too long...u'll be suffocating and wanting to spread ur wings..cos u'll be growing and wanting more SPACE...
Hemz lets fight...dishoom dishoom!!!
hey ty Krithika!
**change has nothing to do with anyone or anything other than ourselves
ofcourse we CAN only change ourselves...we cant change others. But Change in us does hv something to do with others and situations. Its cos of bonds and situations that we CHANGE..isnt it?
**So when we try to make a person understand or try to change a situation..-we're only trying to change ourselves!we're trying to change the judgments we'd made.All because we're afraid of getting hurt one more time
not really..if someone hurts u intentionally, and if we try to tell them how we feel, that doesnt mean we r trying to change the judgements does it?
But changing after that does mean we r protecting ourselves from getting hurt again...we r only learning to let go and not dwell on things...
**am still going to be around trying to haunt those guys
haha Krithika!
hey Krithika!
**am trying to start getting realistic about human nature.but that's so barring pride n prejudice fantasies
hehehe :)
Human nature is nothing more/less than animal nature...the only difference is 'supposedly' we hv more cranium!
heyyyyyy Sam WB HUGS! :) So nice to see ya!
So r u living close to Cheesy? Hope ur hvn a great time in London.
I know wu t u mean...even I cant delete ppl off my life just like that. All Im saying is that some ppl seem to be able to do that. And its really shocking.
yes Im changed now...I hv discovered a new ability in that wards off all liars and fakesters.
ty for the compliments Sam...ur making me blush now hehe. TC hv fun!
LOL Sam Im not in London, its u who's there!
Its only 12:15pm here :)
**i was still calculating ur time based on India
lolz Sam!
I use to think I could deal with change. I felt confident and string that whatever came at me could be handled. Boy did I really overestimate myself on that one. I still understand change will happen but more and more I find myself left behind not truly understanding what is happening. In other words I'm feeling old lately.
ty BB!
**I still understand change will happen but more and more I find myself left behind not truly understanding what is happening
Change cannot be just happens. This post was written after I discovered the changes that had taken place in me.
All the best mate!
at times i hate change...esp when it comes to parting with people...there should be an exception...:(
hi keshi dear..i m bck..hru..missed ur post for many days..u r stil d same...b yourself k? coz u r the best!
tcare hun
Hugs :)
Yes i seriously found no change and mind you i read a lot of your previous posts and then saying it. Actually like the bigman said that if people change their own point of view and look at you and find the difference how can you know about it.
enlighten yourself :D
take care
ty Mariner!
**esp when it comes to parting with people
yes its very hard...but such is life :(
hey ty Anits MWAH! :)
I agree Sunita...ppl change their attitude towards me and then blame it all on me :):)
hey ty Vicky! :)
Cha Cha Changes?
David Bowie!
**Poem and image is quite beautiful. You are lucky to have such nice friends.
thnks soo much for those words man...not she i am lucky to have her as my friend :)..
**@ Hemu - Nice poem yaar. Ur really sweet.
diana dear thnks soooo much lots of love :)..
@satish bolla
**keshi, u r simply awesome in this post just as hemanth was with his poem. u r lucky to have friend like him.
thnks man....oye everyone saying she is lucky...i to am have her :P...
**lovely dedication ;)
thnks man
**That was a beautiful dedication from Hemu... nice one...
thnks mate...:D...
**Nice poems by Hemant and Jane
thnks man :)..
**N ya u r very lucky 2 have so caring n dedicated frenz like hemu.
my god...i to am lucky here..:P...
thnks arunima ..:)..
i used to diffrent dont confuse it to be diffrent guy :P...i forgot to change my id half the way i posted my commnts..dumbo me...
so wen do u want to fight ...:P...take one dishum...:P...and another one dishum :P...
WB Steve!
DB indeeds ;-)
Hows ya?
hey tnxx Hemz ;-)
so many ppl liked ur poem. Good on ya!
Hemz we r all lucky to hv u in our lives too..cos ur like a kid brother to me...the sweetest and the best one to fight with. LOL!
*pinches ya*
sweetest and best one to fight....hey i am hotest and cutest too :P...hahah....
u calling me little bro now..tupid monkey :P...go i wont call u sis :P...heheh...
Everyone changes Kesh - as life and it's experiences mold us.
Change can be good or bad but as you said - it inevitably happens to all of us.
We got to roll with the punches, dance with the new tune and just live life.
I totally agree with you on change. When want the other person to be same, if not them worries remain unless we change mind. I come across more like things said to be inevitable and the experience at life changes the direction of winds. Thus we feel the same wanted, but in the run we reach more destination and travel continues in the process we hardly thing of late or so even forget. Truly one thing is uneasy to forgive the relation as anything.
lovely dedication from ur friend :)
haha Hemz why am not a sis to ya?
hey Silvara HUGS!
**We got to roll with the punches, dance with the new tune and just live life.
very well-said girl!
hey ty Jeevan!
yes..if others dun get it, atleast lets change ourselves and move on...
u dint call me cutest so i dont call ya sis
For God's sake, change, Keshi. Change because you want to grow. Not because others want you to. And that's what I meant when I said "don't lose yourself."
Babez that was such a lovely post.. huggzzz..
And must say both Hemu and Janeyy have given u lovely dedication.. which is truly deserved.. it was very touching.. and just lovely..
I could so relate to this post.. it happens.. sometimes our circumstances change .. and so do we.. and due to which the ppl in our lifes actually move on.. or rather we do.. Like you said changes are inevitable.. but then you cant just delete them from your life.. you always have the memories of all the times that you have had with them.. even if the level of relationship that you share with them is not the same.. you still have those memories... which is going to last forever..
The only point being.. how many ppl actually understands that the changed you.. is actually changed for the better.. and has got nothing to do with them..
I didnt call u cutest cos ur CUTER than CUTEST Hemz!!! :)
I agree Soul n tnxx! :)
ty Ani HUGS!
yes both Hemz n Jane made me al teary :) so sweet!
** how many ppl actually understands that the changed you.. is actually changed for the better.. and has got nothing to do with them..
sorry I didnt quite u'stand wut u said there Ani...elaborate plz :) tnxx!
change it's for better or worst.
i really wish i haven't met certain people. but it's done...
hey Keshi
Am back. Had fun with sis :) and I don care if you change or not, I believe in friendship, no matter we know each other hardly well, no matter we ve never seen each other, no matter our backgrounds or differences, even if you say " owwww buzz off pre", all you d get in return is "sorry mate, you are stuck for life :)"
i didn't mean that abt ur DELTE button thing. i meant what u meant. tc
buddy, friendship is mutual, right? so if i wish her, i wish u too. btw, r u frm andhra? jus asking, because of ur surname. haven't met many male bloggers frm AP here.
hey Dal HUGS!
yes ur right...change can be either way!
hahaha WB Preeti u r so cute HUGS!
**" owwww buzz off pre",
awww d u think I'd say something like that to someone like u? Not even if u tell me to shutup. LOL!
yes ur stuck with me too Preetz!
oh ok Satish :)
ofcourse we CAN only change ourselves...we cant change others. But Change in us does hv something to do with others and situations. Its cos of bonds and situations that we CHANGE..isnt it?
here's where I disagree- the concept of bonds n situations is different as far as im concerned..wat i mean is, we can change our equations with regard to these (bonds n situations) whenever we like..or sometimes we're made to change the equations
(yes, we usually don't but we can!)
therefore, it only goes to show tat change has nothin to do with anyone or anything arnd us
not really..if someone hurts u intentionally, and if we try to tell them how we feel, that doesnt mean we r trying to change the judgements does it?
if someone hurts us intentionally, we should know better and keep ourselves from tellin how we feel.we're gonna get hurt anyway! wats the point in making it known?
btw, if u still disagree..then I think we have completely different ideologies :)
Hey Krithika ty!
**or sometimes we're made to change the equations
changing the equations end up creating change in us, doesnt it?
Anyways I think we should agree to disagree here cos both of us hv different views on this :)
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