This is a home for my heart...a distant refuge for my spirit, away from the madding crowd and the masquerades that we live. This is where everything is unveiled and nothing is compromised.
We humans are pretty pathetic at remembering what we ought to remember, but we are quite good at 'regurgitating' what we shouldn't. In other words, we forget what we must not, but we can't seem to forget what we should. What's the dealio people? Maybe our memory cells are controlling us like puppets on strings? Maybe we retain more of what we shouldn't in comparison to what we should. Think about it. We remember the hurt more than we remember kindness. We remember the evil done to us by someone more than we remember goodness. We remember the tears more than the laughs. We remember the cuts more than the caresses. We forget the good people on this Earth but we can't seem to forget the baddies.
I Remember... Why am I saying all this? I realised that people choose to forget or choose to remember, depending on what suits them the most.Selective Amnesia it is. Here are some real-life experiences that I've come across:
*Some people want me in their lives, for certain times only and then they choose not to remember me at all...
*Some others forget all the GOOD TIMES we've had over one small dispute...all cos they choose to forget those good times in the heat of the moment and choose to stay that way...
*Some people choose to remember past conflicts even when others have moved on...
*Some others choose to forget the hurt they caused others, but choose to retain that hurt as something done upon them...
*Some people meet new people and choose to forget the old friends just cos they can...
*Some walk around as if they can't remember who they are or anyone else that has been there for them when they had no one else...
*Some people really forget their old routes pretty fast but choose to remember the new routes cos it's easier to do that than accepting their amnesia...
Forgetting To Forget... While I wanna forget these people, my selective amnesia seem to manipulate me to remember them somehow. However, I haven't also forgotten the good either...the good times...the good people...the memories of fun, love, laughter. That's a relief. Cos not many people remember the good times. But I choose to remember them...cos I can. We must remember the good times and kind deeds...remember an old friend who was there for you, remember someone who helped you when you were in need, remember the old as well as the new...remember them and remember YOU. If we can remember the bad, we CAN choose to remember the good too.
So, what do you remember today, and in that process what have you forgotten?
Something To Remember... btw Sawan who is new to my blog, has already awarded me with such a cool award. Thanks alot Sawan, it means alot to me! Cos you chose to remember the good in my blog :). I must say you're pretty skilled at creating unique awards. Keep up the good work and hey you made my day! Also, I know I got many awards from others here and no I haven't forgotten them :)...just that I didn't have time to put them all up in my blog cos there were so many! So I wanna take this opportunity to thank each and everyone who has given me an award before (Sourish, Mayz, Crystal, Deepti etc etc) HUGSyou are not forgotten!
What I've Forgotten... I have been tagged by a zillion people on zillion and one tags, and now I can't remember who they were and what those tags were LOL! I can remember Cess, Hemanth, Busy_Writer, Beach_Bum, Harini, Comfortably_Numb, Preeti and Mayz who tagged me recently but I can't remember the others :(. So please remind me about the tags you tagged me on long time ago that I may have forgotten. Thanks!
Now, will you remember me some day when I'm not here anymore? What will you remember about me? We can't always be together forever but we can remember each other. I know I will remember you...I know I will somehow choose to remember you.This song was recorded escpecially for me by a dear friend...he's far away now and I haven't seen him in many many years...but I still remember him. Now I dedicate this song to all of you here....
I will be walking one day Down a street far away... And see a face in the crowd and smile Knowing how you made me laugh Hearing sweet echoes of you from the past I will remember you... ... ...
hey kesh nice to remember all the friends :)...and congrats on the new award :)... u dont remember all the tags given to ya :P..either do i ...i have atleast 20 or 30 tags to complete :P..heheh...
**So, what do you remember today, and in that process what have you forgotten?
i remember all the good times which i had with all my dear friends...they r soo special for me ...they never let me down...and one friend have to mention its hemz the other person in me whom i became a friend lately and never to forget him because he always cheers me up so much :)..
**will you remember me some day when I'm not here anymore? What will you remember about me?
if u say that one more time i am goin to book a ticket to aus rite away to slap u ..tupid pellow...
wat will i remember abt u means there is lot we had...we fought a lot...i remember all the moments we had those funny arguments and laughed abt them and i shall remember the mails which u sent me ..that i always read..which brings up the spirit in me :)...
its a beautiful song keshi just loved the lyrics...may u see ur friend soon :)..
For the most part people are so negative and they seem to always be looking for the bad in everything. That's probably why they also remember all the bad stuff and forget the good stuff.
Aw,my dearest Keshi! :) You needn't WRITE and SHOW tht you remember us..we know you do! And after bein' old at yr blog,and being (in the process of) good friends with you,I ain't gonna forgt you! :)
**and one friend have to mention its hemz the other person in me whom i became a friend lately and never to forget him because he always cheers me up so much
thats nice. And even if u 2 part some day, dun FORGET the GOOD he did for ya.
**funny arguments and laughed abt them and i shall remember the mails which u sent me
aww HUGS!
guess wut I will rem abt ya...I will rem how GREAT a poet u r and how funny a guy u r. U r awesome Hemz!
**You needn't WRITE and SHOW tht you remember us..we know you do!
Nah I really need to write and tell u abt it. Cos so many hv FORGOTTEN me. So I dun want you and others here to ever get that feeling from me. Thats why this post is gonna be a reminder for it some day :)
Great post Keshi. Thought provoking with a lot of meaning and lesson to be learnt. How does this award thing work? I would also like to give it to my blogger friends but don't know how to.
***Hemz I was abt to add u into the World's Most Frequent Missing n Returning Persons knowledgebase
wow there really something like that...then i will be in top 10 most wanted people :P..heheh...
**I agree! I was just gonna go to Heaven for a break
heheh have a kitkat :P...ooh i to love to go to heaven for ramba urvasi i cant use lappy of indra ..he wont allow me...becuase he wud be busy chating with with his ....yama wud be cool :P...
Keshi I am really touched. I got buffalo skin, with a horse hide covering my heart, not moved to emotions much, but I could relate myself to this post. I never make friends easily. But once I do, man, you are stuck for life (and death, in case I too land up in heaven :)). I am still in touch with my third standard friend in Goa, its been ages since we met, dunno if you ll believe but we still write post cards to each other. I hate solitude and yeah, anything for friends (you included in that list else I wont be here always ) :):) love ya keshi, HUGS one thing i always remember: never take things too much to heart. it hurts. one thing i always forget: I try my best to forgive ppl who cause immense pain, but somehow, even after their apologies, things never fit back as they used to.
hmmm.. i agree to all of it... but sometimes how can you for get the unjustified wrongs that are done... forgive and forget only works for people who value ur forgetting and forgiving... not to people who act as is they didn't ever know you... and its upsetting...
It took me bac to ppl who were nice with me but dun rly need me des days..but even then,its a relity check on what relationships mean to you and to the other person..
Selective Amnesia: memories of an unexpected action lingers longer than an expected one.
I Remember...: I would say humans are intelligently cunning. They beautifully fake Selective Amnesia.
Forgetting To Forget...: You chose not to fake. Happy that there are still good people around :-)
Something To Remember...: I am in Cloud 9!
What I've Forgotten...: You are but only a human!
I will be walking one day Down a street far away... And see a face in the crowd and smile Knowing how you made me laugh Hearing sweet echoes of you from the past I will remember you... ... ...
Remembering bad things and forgetting good ones are sometimes self inflicted tortures. I will tell you a small but true story.
A young software engineer had bad childhood days when his parents fought with each other. Despite their differences with each other, the parents brought him up very nicely giving him up the best and sent him to US and made him a software engineer. Today that child remembers how his parents quarreled (and how difficult was it for him growing up) rather than remembering the hardships they had undertaken to give him the best.
Keshi.. would really like to get to know you better! but if you cant cpoe with me, i will understand. i visited your previous post at 168 comments.. my! my! my! i think that answers your searching question! you are certainly popular! as to will you be remembered if you go? it all depends where you build.. if you build away from youself you will be remembered. maybe you know what i mean. i think you do. on my side i do charity work. (into street kids) this gives huge satisfaction, as well as a living legacy! ps Amy Grant. Pray tell.. love Tiff
I hav no need to take special tym and remember u u r a part of ma as all other blogger buddies...
the thing tat makes u special r ur posts..they r so very niice..and one more thing I have never ever seen the element of pride in you and I admire u for that...
Thats a really nice post, Keshi. Have been following ur blog even after I came back home from the UK but haven't been commenting. Also good to see one of your classic pictures again. That reminds haven't been putting up any ahemm... 'nice' pictures of you for the pervs here.
>>people choose to forget or choose to remember, depending on what suits them the most.<<
i so agree, like people forget just how much we have done for them but they will definitely remember when we have not been perfect in whatever thing that we are supposed to do.
sometimes i wonder why do people be polite... then can easily say im selfish and care only about me.. and u r just some slave... i think it would be much better instead of pretending to be a matured civilized adult
For ppl its jus a matter of forget things when u dont want to put in efforts. And then remember things when u want to!! Hw convenient and easy. Anyways i wud always remember havin found someone who's miles apart and yet thinks so much like me. I do plan to meet u someday coz its a long life and anything can happen. :) And u will always b remembered for the beautiful posts tht u hav written. :)
Keshi, You hit the nail on the head with this one.. we choose to remember or forget.People conveniently forget the freedom to choose and dwell on things or memories which make them sad or angry. If they realize they have the power in themselves to make life better, the world will be a much better place.. Missed a couple of posts due to craziness in life right now.. will be ard more often..
I remember TO MUCH! I think that is a problem... Ya know I hate to be like ummmmmm Crazy or so out of it when I say this but I remember to NOT remember LOVE SOMETIMES! I don't know WHY! Maybe some things are meant to forget.. But I always remember true Friendships.. and people that tell me they LOVE ME! (whether they remember or not) LOL!!!
Gosh Now I forgot where I was going with this...
Congrats on your awards! And you are something to always remember!!!
**one thing i always remember: never take things too much to heart. it hurts.
I agree...somehow me being very sensitive, cant help taking things to heart. Its not something I can control immediately but Im working on it.
**one thing i always forget: I try my best to forgive ppl who cause immense pain, but somehow, even after their apologies, things never fit back as they used to.
Agreed. The power of hurt is so strong it scars the r'ship.
When friends treat me like Im nothing, I can never get that fresh feeling abt them again. Its not something I CHOOSE to just happens.
**and the bad times cause they teach a lot and help make me a better person...
true...we've got to derive lessons from it all.
but wut I cant u'stand is why humans focus so much on the bad than on the good? I mean when a friend falls out with ya, he/she immediatelt forgets all the GOOD TIMES and concentrates on the one BAD thing that happened. Or r such ppl not real friends?
** but sometimes how can you for get the unjustified wrongs that are done...
I didnt say u must FORGET them :) we really cant FORGET anything. We just CHOOSE to FORGET.
**forgive and forget only works for people who value ur forgetting and forgiving... not to people who act as is they didn't ever know you... and its upsetting...
I agree. So many ppl ACT as if they r so pure and walk ard like they deserve to be asked for Forgiveness from them, when in real they r the ones who should say SORRY. But thats the way the world is...sadly.
**It took me bac to ppl who were nice with me but dun rly need me des days..
oyeah I know alot of ppl like that. These ppl needed me when they had no one, now they PRETEND like they DUNNO WHO KESH IS. Selective amnesia u see. They find new ppl and they forget the old.
**but even then,its a relity check on what relationships mean to you and to the other person..
So true! It only proves that nothing is forever. And it only makes ya stronger.
**Today that child remembers how his parents quarreled (and how difficult was it for him growing up) rather than remembering the hardships they had undertaken to give him the best.
Yes..if only he CHOSE to remember the GOOD things his parents gave him in life, he'd be a happier person!
**some people forget all the times u stood up for them and supported them.... jst cuz for once, u didnt agree with their actions
Very well-said!
Even in Blogville, ppl just need u for something and then they act as if they dunno u at all..all cos of one small argument or something. Worse, these r some of the ppl I stood up for when they came asking for my help!
**the thing tat makes u special r ur posts..they r so very niice..and one more thing I have never ever seen the element of pride in you and I admire u for that...
ty MWAH!
I dun take pride in being proud ;-) why should I be proud when Im the same as everyone else is. And I know ur one friendly girl too...a very special one!
I will always rem ur great wisdom, laughter and cheeky smiles in those photos u put up. Ur a great gal that I will never forget even if u ask me to forget ya at gunpoint. LOL!
**like people forget just how much we have done for them but they will definitely remember when we have not been perfect in whatever thing that we are supposed to do.
so true! u do so much good to someone but all of that good evaporates into NOTHING, just cos of one small mistake or an argument! Strange world ha. Years of smiles can be destroyed by one second of tears.
**sometimes i wonder why do people be polite... then can easily say im selfish and care only about me.. and u r just some slave... i think it would be much better instead of pretending to be a matured civilized adult
very true! Why cant they just say 'Im a selfish coward' instead of pretending to be good humanbeings and then letting ppl down!
And I will always rem ya for the true WARMTH u gave me, when most ppl here r so fake...even the oldest friends here act like strangers now and ticked me off their lives. But u were and are always there for me. So I will always rem ya for that true WARMTH Ria. u hv wut it takes to be warm!
**so forget things when u dont want to put in efforts. And then remember things when u want to!! Hw convenient and easy
yes! Its all abt convenience and ease. Sad n disgusting ppl. thats all.
**We also hear what we want to hear so that makes what do remember even less correct
very well-said girl!
Selective Hearing it is. Its so true...cos I hv noticed that when Im trying to explain something to another person, all that person ever does is try to explain HIS point. So nobody gets anywhere! *rolling eyes*
Yeah my memory is selective now with kids, job, wife, and frankly old age. But I do remember if you will that as a kids and up to my thirties my memory was excellent to the point I didn't need to write down shopping lists or phone numbers.
But as for remembering its easy for me to remember stuff about my kids, and as for forgetting. That's a very long list with many things I like to wipe from my mind.
**But as for remembering its easy for me to remember stuff about my kids, and as for forgetting. That's a very long list with many things I like to wipe from my mind
me too! I wanna FORGET a particular day in my life forever...want to imagine it never happened...but I just cant seem to forget it. :(
aww Amy thats such a beautiful thing to say. ty n HUGGGGGGGGZ!
All I can say is the same goes to ya...I dun think I can ever forget someone like u cos u r so VERY SPECIAL in ways that I cant finish telling. U hv that warmth n touch that not many ppl hv.
So even if I end up getting Dimentia some day :), the AMY block of memory in my brain will be very much alive!
:)yeah i'll take the amnesia u take the dimentia...:P
ty for the compliments! I feel great to receive it from ya tho I know I can never beat ur swt-hrt Priyanka Chops! lol!****well she is not the only sweetheart...:P and dont forget i like her more not for her looks but her voice...sigh*** why do u hv to remind me abt her...ahem ahem...:) And u, well like i said out of all ur snaps this ones special, very special...:)
selective amnesia: "Some people meet new people and choose to forget the old friends just cos they can"..why does this happen:( and the sad part is even if you remind them of old time they tend to ignore you..:(
beautiful post, really...u knw wat I think is tht u can't erase a memory so rest assured thr is absolutely no chance of me forgetting u or for that matter ur lovely,thot provoking posts...must tell u dis though, d way u write is like u read all our thots n den put it in ur post...brilliant:) btw...yesterday had a get together wid coll frnds after a long time n ryt now am reminiscing all dose moments tht v shared n made precious!!! tk cr:)
**I agree...but isnt both good and bad actions unexpected most of the time?
maybe yes. at least the level of surprise is different or thats what i think. if the surprise is good, we tend to believe that we somehow deserve it and if its not then we definitely dnt deserve it! Now, when we start believing that the surprise is deserving, it doesnt serve the purpose of the surprise :-) and hence in the end, good things could be considered as Expected!! ;-)
**Some people really forget their old routes pretty fast but choose to remember the new routes cos it's easier to do that than accepting their amnesia...
It hurts...and i know how..but you know what, if we dwell on such people we hurt more rather than getting upset over them forgetting us... So its better we remain true to ourselves and do what we can best...that is remembering to remember...
I cna't forget my friends so easliy..I might not talk to them or meet them often...but nothing can make me forget them...its not difficult, cos making friends is a lifetime membership.
hullo! was away for a while. and naaa i don't like forgetting people unless ofcourse tis one of those unplesant experinces and even then i never ever forget.
Thanks baby!u knw something i m glad tht i came here else i wud hav missed out on meeting someone like u, who's jus so forthright and loving. I never thought tht i wud come across someone who is jus like me. :) I m glad i met u and i will always thank god for that.
Lovely post. Nothing more to be said on the topic of this post for you've covered ALL the bases, practically nailing the eccentricities of human nature itself.
We remember what we should forget and forget what we should remember !! Brilliant ... and so true !
Hi,Keshi...lovely post!I do note this about people, sometimes-their remembering what they shouldn't and forgetting what they should not...and,I put it a step below what I term as 'strategic incompetence'(Showing oneself as not knowing,so that someone else does your job)... --- But,then,overall,I guess that's what makes life interesting-reading the nature of such people(As you've done so well,right from people who choose to remember you only at certain times,some who choose to remember past conflicts,etc). --- Finally,of course,I know,you cannot really do anything about such people,except file away their idiosyncrasies in that window of your mind for future reference.Right?:)
My lovely Keshiroo, what I say is true, I'll never forget you, until I'm 102, and my skin is see-through, my veins bright blue, and I forgot all I knew, what are ya gonna do?
people forget about their parents and we think abt that they won't forget us... lol
world is a crooked place..and this wonderful gift of forgetting was given to forget the miseries..but people have redefined the term miseries..and they thing we are miserable :P
First of all, i will remember you as a girl who got lots of positivity stocked within, at many a times,had raised my spirits..!!
regarding the post, its so true..if not intentionally also we all forget to do things which should be remembered..!! One who succeeds in forgetting things to be forgotten and remembering things to be remembered will be the happiest man,i guess..!!
ohh keshi human do hav selective amnesia for sure...I personally can show u so many who dont rember me at all, hav forgotten all wat i hav done for them sacrificing many of my things, some rember only the angry words i hav said and all.....well i guess i have learnt a little bit to lill with such things even though it hurts a lot at times.....
I'll remember the way you wrote about each and every topic in the whole wide world!
I'll remember the way you made each and every one of us feel so special .. by giving personal attention and replies :) Its not only about the time ... its about the patience and the passion you have (/had).
I'll remember your thought provoking, intriguing and sexy posts ...
I'll remember whatever little we shared ..
I'll remember the bond we made on e-mails and comments...
I'll remember how you were always there to check on me if I disappeared for long!
omg there;s so much to write!!
Hope you been good Keshi :) Wishing you a happy festive season :) May your life be full of prosperity, joy, peace, happiness, success, health and wealth!
I am not the one to forget the old, it’s like looking back the step we climbed on and remember those lift us and left now. To remember I have too much, and my every movement is thanked to someone taking care and few are those I comes across in life to turn special certainly remembered there existing moments. Keshi, I remember for vivid. How could I forget the energy spiriting heart of courage, Smiles and hugs giving by u dear? Something to remember and little forgets too remember this post!
awwwwwww Donn u had me smiling right throughout that sweet, funny, clever and affectionate lil verse for me...HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ ty from the bottom of my heart!
**I'll never forget you, until I'm 102, and my skin is see-through, my veins bright blue,
lol I cant imagine u at 102 cos I always see u as this hyperactive, super brainy, handsome Canuck that I missed out hitting on just cos he's married!
**it’s like looking back the step we climbed on and remember those lift us and left now. To remember I have too much, and my every movement is thanked to someone taking care and few are those I comes across in life to turn special certainly remembered there existing moments.
Spot on! Many ppl FORGET that.
I know ur someone who wont forget me cos ur someone I cant forget either..ur genuine heart knows exactly wut u must rem and wut u must forget. Ur special. MWAH Jeevan always be that way!
Now, that was a touching post!!! You brought back lot of nostalgic memories...
Remembering bad is not so unusual 'coz the bad's what hurt us and what hurt us we'll remember. But, I guess we'll remember the comforts that stand out. If we take our life, I think, good take over the bad. The number of good events will be way more than the bad events and that's why this happens.
But, if you take the life of a person, who were living in a situation similar to hell. if, someone had done any good to him, I'm sure he'll never forget 'coz that happens rarely for him.
But, we need to appreciate the good as well as the bad, like you said...
//We remember the hurt more than we remember kindness. We remember the evil done to us by someone more than we remember goodness. We remember the tears more than the laughs. We remember the cuts more than the caresses. We forget the good people on this Earth but we can't seem to forget the baddies. // How True! :) *TOUCHED*
OH GOOD GOOD atleast someone will remeber me!!! LOL
you know keshi, its like blogville n we all who form this small cozy family here - we may not remeber each n every post written by the other but we do remeber the person... lurrrved this one and i have a lot of catchin up to do... missed so many!!! damn the work
Hey, you didn't read my comment. LOL. Well, the thing is, for most of us, good takes over bad, which means if we take the number of good incidents and bad incidents, certainly bad incidents will be only a few. But, good incidents are a lot. So, its normal that we don't forget the bad. Now, consider the other case. Think about a slave, who right from his birth, don't know what good is. If anyone do a good to him. Trust me, he'll never forget it, but he forget a lot of bad things happened to him... 'coz for him bad precedes good. It's like buying a car, if we are born with a silver spoon, you get bored with it soon and look for a new car each year. But, if we had worked hard enough and waited too long to buy one, I'm certain that before losing it or buying a new one, we'll think a hundred times. :)
***but when it comes to friends, no matter how much good u do to them, one small dispute makes em CHUCK ME AWAY from their lives. Why is that?
I don't think they can be called FRIENDS!!! A better term would be leeches who suck away all you can give and later spit on you 'coz you just disagreed. But, they are not ashamed to come back and ask for help again!! How pathetic!!
buddy, i like this. on a more funny note, even am one of those people u mentioned. i never remembered wht i studied the day before but i always remembered the stories of movies i've seen in my childhood.
ok ok, i know it's stupid. can't find words to praise this one, yaar. so am blabbering all nonsense
Music seems to adore me as it keeps reaching my and cars...friends I cannot be without...poems, life, ocean, people...these are some things I simply love. This is my personal e-diary...if anything I blurt out here hurts anyone, my sincere apologies in advance. What I write here are my deepest thoughts that I hardly discuss with people close to me in real. These are my conversations with my mind and the walls who sometimes have better listening powers than humans. But ofcourse I value everyone's views and I intend to grow from them, so you're most welcome to express yourselves here.
Life is too short so I try to 'live' longer every day...and yes one day at a time.
Knowledge is power hence people have been the source of that power in me...I thank them always.
174 Cranium Signets:
Hi Keshi
Another great post! You're on the money with this post!
If only I could remember what you wrote.
tnxx Bev!
**If only I could remember what you wrote.
that wud take a SUPER brain to rem ha! LOL!
hey kesh nice to remember all the friends :)...and congrats on the new award :)... u dont remember all the tags given to ya :P..either do i ...i have atleast 20 or 30 tags to complete :P..heheh...
**So, what do you remember today, and in that process what have you forgotten?
i remember all the good times which i had with all my dear friends...they r soo special for me ...they never let me down...and one friend have to mention its hemz the other person in me whom i became a friend lately and never to forget him because he always cheers me up so much :)..
**will you remember me some day when I'm not here anymore? What will you remember about me?
if u say that one more time i am goin to book a ticket to aus rite away to slap u ..tupid pellow...
wat will i remember abt u means there is lot we had...we fought a lot...i remember all the moments we had those funny arguments and laughed abt them and i shall remember the mails which u sent me ..that i always read..which brings up the spirit in me :)...
its a beautiful song keshi just loved the lyrics...may u see ur friend soon :)..
love ya ...a big hug :)...
For the most part people are so negative and they seem to always be looking for the bad in everything. That's probably why they also remember all the bad stuff and forget the good stuff.
Aw,my dearest Keshi! :)
You needn't WRITE and SHOW tht you remember us..we know you do!
And after bein' old at yr blog,and being (in the process of) good friends with you,I ain't gonna forgt you! :)
hey Hemz ty!
**and one friend have to mention its hemz the other person in me whom i became a friend lately and never to forget him because he always cheers me up so much
thats nice. And even if u 2 part some day, dun FORGET the GOOD he did for ya.
**funny arguments and laughed abt them and i shall remember the mails which u sent me
aww HUGS!
guess wut I will rem abt ya...I will rem how GREAT a poet u r and how funny a guy u r. U r awesome Hemz!
Ur spot on Jay!
Most of the ppl rem the BAD cos they think its cool lol!
aww ty Crystal MWAH!
**You needn't WRITE and SHOW tht you remember us..we know you do!
Nah I really need to write and tell u abt it. Cos so many hv FORGOTTEN me. So I dun want you and others here to ever get that feeling from me. Thats why this post is gonna be a reminder for it some day :)
**guess wut I will rem abt ya...I will rem how GREAT a poet u r and how funny a guy u r. U r awesome Hemz!
gr8 poet who me :P ...hahah..just a budding poet :) is full of tragedies...just staying funny and making people smile makes it much better :)...
awesome...:O..:P...yest i had argument with pj with the same thing
love ya kesh...i will forget u wen i am dead..because i will be with u in hell bloggin with yama :P...
a big hug to u :)..shit..they should give me a smiley to big hugs :P..
love ya again :)....
And ofcourse I'll rem how u disappeared all the time and how I got bored with it all @Hemz
** will forget u wen i am dead..because i will be with u in hell bloggin with yama
but I will be in Heaven woohoo!
**And ofcourse I'll rem how u disappeared all the time and how I got bored with it all
yeh as missing persons in the world :P..hahah...dont get bored with me soo soon ..more to come..:)..
**but I will be in Heaven woohoo
then u will be single again :P...there wont be much people to hang around there..because no one is perfect without making sins ..
Hemz I was abt to add u into the World's Most Frequent Missing n Returning Persons knowledgebase!
**then u will be single again :P...there wont be much people to hang around there..because no one is perfect without making sins
I agree! I was just gonna go to Heaven for a break. LOL!
Great post Keshi. Thought provoking with a lot of meaning and lesson to be learnt. How does this award thing work? I would also like to give it to my blogger friends but don't know how to.
***Hemz I was abt to add u into the World's Most Frequent Missing n Returning Persons knowledgebase
wow there really something like that...then i will be in top 10 most wanted people :P..heheh...
**I agree! I was just gonna go to Heaven for a break
heheh have a kitkat :P...ooh i to love to go to heaven for ramba urvasi i cant use lappy of indra ..he wont allow me...becuase he wud be busy chating with with his ....yama wud be cool :P...
Keshi I am really touched. I got buffalo skin, with a horse hide covering my heart, not moved to emotions much, but I could relate myself to this post. I never make friends easily. But once I do, man, you are stuck for life (and death, in case I too land up in heaven :)). I am still in touch with my third standard friend in Goa, its been ages since we met, dunno if you ll believe but we still write post cards to each other. I hate solitude and yeah, anything for friends (you included in that list else I wont be here always ) :):)
love ya keshi, HUGS
one thing i always remember:
never take things too much to heart. it hurts.
one thing i always forget:
I try my best to forgive ppl who cause immense pain, but somehow, even after their apologies, things never fit back as they used to.
btw keshi, this is my favorite song till date. loved listening to it (already done thrice :))
i remember that u owe me Aus $1000 :P
hmm i actually try not to forget...the good or the bad...
the good because it brings a smile
and the bad times cause they teach a lot and help make me a better person...
nicely said!!!
i will always remember keshi as the one who spoke from her heart!!
amazing post keshi!
hmmm.. i agree to all of it... but sometimes how can you for get the unjustified wrongs that are done... forgive and forget only works for people who value ur forgetting and forgiving... not to people who act as is they didn't ever know you... and its upsetting...
another rocking one..
i am amazed at the unique topics i find u discussing every time i visit.
*use slide to show your blog awards.*
take care
i agree about the whole remmem and unremmem here...
its hard usually yet too easy at times...
Hey kesh..thnks for this post now. :)
It took me bac to ppl who were nice with me but dun rly need me des days..but even then,its a relity check on what relationships mean to you and to the other person..
great goin .. :)
cheers.. :)
Selective Amnesia: memories of an unexpected action lingers longer than an expected one.
I Remember...: I would say humans are intelligently cunning. They beautifully fake Selective Amnesia.
Forgetting To Forget...: You chose not to fake. Happy that there are still good people around :-)
Something To Remember...: I am in Cloud 9!
What I've Forgotten...: You are but only a human!
I will be walking one day
Down a street far away...
And see a face in the crowd and smile
Knowing how you made me laugh
Hearing sweet echoes of you from the past
I will remember you... ... ...
i dedicate it to u as well :-)
congrats on d looks really cool!!!
totally agree u r totally addictive :)
Remember I can't but forget I can't too.
I will remember you because I can't forget you.
I regret that I can't forget. Sounds conflicting. That's the tragedy.
I must admit, Kesh, I was about to write on this. Great stuff. It has been a pleasure reading your blog.
What a wonderful post :)
I've been seeing your blog for some time now, i think it's a good one
Keep writing Girl!
oh by mistake i left a comment with my other id- fitnesolution...
Today is Diwali, and I'm radiating light on you whether you like it or not.(hmmm, moi sounds bossy here)
Shine on, Keshi!! You are the pearl amongst us :)
u put a positive spin on every darn thing!!! so how can i forget u? :)
lol i will remember you keshi :) as an fellow alien :D what will you remember me as?
true insights!
Some people choose to remember or forget depending upon circumstances
Remembering bad things and forgetting good ones are sometimes self inflicted tortures. I will tell you a small but true story.
A young software engineer had bad childhood days when his parents fought with each other. Despite their differences with each other, the parents brought him up very nicely giving him up the best and sent him to US and made him a software engineer. Today that child remembers how his parents quarreled (and how difficult was it for him growing up) rather than remembering the hardships they had undertaken to give him the best.
Hi Keshi...
well I did think of something this morning... I was standing out on the balcony, breathing in the cold fresh air...
my thoughts drifted to the nearby lake that I had visited yesterday... I soon found myself looking at the imaginary lotus :)
I can see it shining bright in full blossom... and I would remember it that way always...
take care da... cheers...
our memories serve our baser selves... remembering only that which is vital... vital to whom, you may deign to ask....
now that's the tough one... i can't seem to remember!!
Cheers Keshi and have a blast..!!
Wishing you a happy diwali..a festival of lights...may all the bulbs in your memory light up this coming year
Keshi.. would really like to get to know you better! but if you cant cpoe with me, i will understand. i visited your previous post at 168 comments.. my! my! my! i think that answers your searching question! you are certainly popular! as to will you be remembered if you go? it all depends where you build.. if you build away from youself you will be remembered. maybe you know what i mean. i think you do. on my side i do charity work. (into street kids) this gives huge satisfaction, as well as a living legacy! ps Amy Grant. Pray tell.. love Tiff
aww thats an awesome post..
yup forgetting things is selective.. it depends who u wanna forget and what u wanna forget..
hnnmm ppl ppl ppl.. what can we do.. we cant leave them.. can we.. hehe
btw happy diwali..
some people forget all the times u stood up for them and supported them.... jst cuz for once, u didnt agree with their actions
I hav no need to take special tym and remember u u r a part of ma as all other blogger buddies...
the thing tat makes u special r ur posts..they r so very niice..and one more thing I have never ever seen the element of pride in you and I admire u for that...
Thats a really nice post, Keshi. Have been following ur blog even after I came back home from the UK but haven't been commenting. Also good to see one of your classic pictures again. That reminds haven't been putting up any ahemm... 'nice' pictures of you for the pervs here.
Oh an d I like to add one, *Conditional Amensia* u know people remembering you only if ... things happen.
I always have believed that friendship is a ways and friendship has to stand the test of time.
Often people just drift apart.
I know exactly what u have said.
My nephew Aaryan celebrates his first B'Day tommorow, and then there is Diwali too.
Wishing you best of all Diwali Greetings.
>>people choose to forget or choose to remember, depending on what suits them the most.<<
i so agree, like people forget just how much we have done for them but they will definitely remember when we have not been perfect in whatever thing that we are supposed to do.
sometimes i wonder why do people be polite... then can easily say im selfish and care only about me.. and u r just some slave... i think it would be much better instead of pretending to be a matured civilized adult
For ppl its jus a matter of forget things when u dont want to put in efforts. And then remember things when u want to!! Hw convenient and easy. Anyways i wud always remember havin found someone who's miles apart and yet thinks so much like me. I do plan to meet u someday coz its a long life and anything can happen. :) And u will always b remembered for the beautiful posts tht u hav written. :)
to remember you someday...first i hav to forget you someday...that ain't gonna happen :)
you have made a little place for both brain nd heart !!
"bhool na jaana tum se kahun to" :D
We also hear what we want to hear so that makes what do remember even less correct : )
You hit the nail on the head with this one.. we choose to remember or forget.People conveniently forget the freedom to choose and dwell on things or memories which make them sad or angry. If they realize they have the power in themselves to make life better, the world will be a much better place.. Missed a couple of posts due to craziness in life right now.. will be ard more often..
I remember TO MUCH! I think that is a problem... Ya know I hate to be like ummmmmm Crazy or so out of it when I say this but I remember to NOT remember LOVE SOMETIMES! I don't know WHY! Maybe some things are meant to forget.. But I always remember true Friendships.. and people that tell me they LOVE ME!
(whether they remember or not) LOL!!!
Gosh Now I forgot where I was going with this...
Congrats on your awards! And you are something to always remember!!!
Love ya sis!!
Hi Keshi....first time commenting on your blog....i've read very few of your recent posts but i already admire you :)
What you write here is very true - its all about what we choose to remember and/or choose to forget....whether its people or experiences....
Will visit you often now :)
ty Kiran!
**How does this award thing work?
It doesnt hv any rules...just pick/create an award and give it to anybody u like (in ur blog) :)
Hemz there's no such KB, I created one just for ya!
**i to love to go to heaven for ramba urvasi i cant use lappy of indra ..he wont allow me
who r these ppl? ur ex-GFs? LOL!
hey ty Preeti!
So I managed to make u all senti..yeyyyyyyy!
**one thing i always remember:
never take things too much to heart. it hurts.
I agree...somehow me being very sensitive, cant help taking things to heart. Its not something I can control immediately but Im working on it.
**one thing i always forget:
I try my best to forgive ppl who cause immense pain, but somehow, even after their apologies, things never fit back as they used to.
Agreed. The power of hurt is so strong it scars the r'ship.
When friends treat me like Im nothing, I can never get that fresh feeling abt them again. Its not something I CHOOSE to just happens.
Glad u like this song. HUGS!
ty Mystique!
And thats all I owe ya? How sad. :)
**the good because it brings a smile
I agree...smiles that come from sweet memories.
**and the bad times cause they teach a lot and help make me a better person...
true...we've got to derive lessons from it all.
but wut I cant u'stand is why humans focus so much on the bad than on the good? I mean when a friend falls out with ya, he/she immediatelt forgets all the GOOD TIMES and concentrates on the one BAD thing that happened. Or r such ppl not real friends?
ty Deepz!
**i will always remember keshi as the one who spoke from her heart!!
awww...u mean one who WROTE from her heart? :)
I will always rem Deepz as a genuine mate...a gentleman...and a true KNIGHT. rem that post? ;-)
Elithraniel ty!
hey Swayam WC n ty!
** but sometimes how can you for get the unjustified wrongs that are done...
I didnt say u must FORGET them :) we really cant FORGET anything. We just CHOOSE to FORGET.
**forgive and forget only works for people who value ur forgetting and forgiving... not to people who act as is they didn't ever know you... and its upsetting...
I agree. So many ppl ACT as if they r so pure and walk ard like they deserve to be asked for Forgiveness from them, when in real they r the ones who should say SORRY. But thats the way the world is...sadly.
As long as u do ur part, its all good. :)
hey ty Vicky! :)
**use slide to show your blog awards
I appreciate ppl giving me awards but I dun wanna display them on the sidebar. I dun feel thats me. U know wut I mean nah? :)
ty Gypsy!
Its so HARD to FORGET but its so EASY to pretend like we cant REMEMBER. :)
ty Multimenon!
**It took me bac to ppl who were nice with me but dun rly need me des days..
oyeah I know alot of ppl like that. These ppl needed me when they had no one, now they PRETEND like they DUNNO WHO KESH IS. Selective amnesia u see. They find new ppl and they forget the old.
**but even then,its a relity check on what relationships mean to you and to the other person..
So true! It only proves that nothing is forever. And it only makes ya stronger.
hey ty Sawan! :)
**Selective Amnesia: memories of an unexpected action lingers longer than an expected one.
I agree...but isnt both good and bad actions unexpected most of the time?
**I Remember...: I would say humans are intelligently cunning. They beautifully fake Selective Amnesia.
I so agree. They CHOOSE wuts CONVENIENT to REMEMBER and to FORGET.
**Forgetting To Forget...: You chose not to fake. Happy that there are still good people around :-)
**Something To Remember...: I am in Cloud 9!
:) u really deserve the joy!
**What I've Forgotten...: You are but only a human!
tnxx for the return dedication Sawan and tnxx again for the lovely award!
ty Mayz!
And nothing on the post? :(
hey ty Soul!
**I will remember you because I can't forget you.
awww :) I cant either. Cos my mind will always CHOOSE to remember ya.
Soul we r caught in a 'tragic' trap LOL!
hey Warmsunshine WC n ty! :)
hey Kiran its ok...I knew it was u. :)
hey ty Saffy HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
**Today is Diwali, and I'm radiating light on you whether you like it or not.(hmmm, moi sounds bossy here)
lol u r cute!
Happy Diwali to u too Saffy doll, shine on!
hey Krithika!
**u put a positive spin on every darn thing!!! so how can i forget u?
:) HUGS!
o well, not that everything in the world is positive anyways...just that I CHOOSE to concentrate on the positive things :)
I cant forget u either...cos ur so sweet!
hey Vish ty!
**i will remember you keshi :) as an fellow alien :D
LOL o yes!
**what will you remember me as?
I will rem Vish as the very bright 16yr old that I first thought was 61yrs old only cos his wisdom was so great!!
ty Vanilla!
**Some people choose to remember or forget depending upon circumstances
spot on! They CHOOSE to remember/forget whoever/whatever that SUITS them during that time.
ty Suresh yes its self-inflicted torture!
A great example there.
**Today that child remembers how his parents quarreled (and how difficult was it for him growing up) rather than remembering the hardships they had undertaken to give him the best.
Yes..if only he CHOSE to remember the GOOD things his parents gave him in life, he'd be a happier person!
aww Arv that was very sweet of ya!
u remembered me...and that means alot to me. HUGS!
I will always rem Arv as the very warm, cool, calm and awesome friend that I met online, who is always there for his mates.
hey ty Arjun!
**our memories serve our baser selves... remembering only that which is vital... vital to whom, you may deign to ask....
yes ur right...eventually its selfishness that controls our memories too.
I wonder if we can ever be memory-free :)
Happy Diwali to u n SMM too!
hey Tiff tnxx girl!
**on my side i do charity work
I do that too but they'll never remember me cos they dun blog hehehehehe...
*HUGZ* ur terrific!
ty Ani!
**yup forgetting things is selective.. it depends who u wanna forget and what u wanna forget..
yes...its always the case. I hv noticed that too many times in Blogville now lol!
Happy Diwali to u too hun!
ty Ash!
**some people forget all the times u stood up for them and supported them.... jst cuz for once, u didnt agree with their actions
Very well-said!
Even in Blogville, ppl just need u for something and then they act as if they dunno u at all..all cos of one small argument or something. Worse, these r some of the ppl I stood up for when they came asking for my help!
aww Joyce HUGGGGGGGGZ ur so sweet!
**the thing tat makes u special r ur posts..they r so very niice..and one more thing I have never ever seen the element of pride in you and I admire u for that...
ty MWAH!
I dun take pride in being proud ;-) why should I be proud when Im the same as everyone else is. And I know ur one friendly girl too...a very special one!
I will always rem ur great wisdom, laughter and cheeky smiles in those photos u put up. Ur a great gal that I will never forget even if u ask me to forget ya at gunpoint. LOL!
ty Guns!
Long time no see...did u get married? LOL!
**That reminds haven't been putting up any ahemm... 'nice' pictures of you for the pervs here.
arent these pics perv-worthy? :):)
hey Tarun Happy Diwali to u and Happy 1st to Aaryan HUGS!
**Conditional Amensia
I so know such ppl...they tick u off their lives when they meet new ppl. Big time losers...thats all I can say.
ty Phoenix!
I think u u'stood this post very well.
**like people forget just how much we have done for them but they will definitely remember when we have not been perfect in whatever thing that we are supposed to do.
so true! u do so much good to someone but all of that good evaporates into NOTHING, just cos of one small mistake or an argument! Strange world ha. Years of smiles can be destroyed by one second of tears.
**sometimes i wonder why do people be polite... then can easily say im selfish and care only about me.. and u r just some slave... i think it would be much better instead of pretending to be a matured civilized adult
very true! Why cant they just say 'Im a selfish coward' instead of pretending to be good humanbeings and then letting ppl down!
And I will always rem ya for the true WARMTH u gave me, when most ppl here r so fake...even the oldest friends here act like strangers now and ticked me off their lives. But u were and are always there for me. So I will always rem ya for that true WARMTH Ria. u hv wut it takes to be warm!
**so forget things when u dont want to put in efforts. And then remember things when u want to!! Hw convenient and easy
yes! Its all abt convenience and ease. Sad n disgusting ppl. thats all.
aww Prakhar that was so touching. ty n HUGZ!
**"bhool na jaana tum se kahun to"
did u say u cant forget me? hehehe...
I cant forget Prakhar cos he's stolen a piece of my heart and now lives in it quite happily :)
ty Pecos!
**We also hear what we want to hear so that makes what do remember even less correct
very well-said girl!
Selective Hearing it is. Its so true...cos I hv noticed that when Im trying to explain something to another person, all that person ever does is try to explain HIS point. So nobody gets anywhere! *rolling eyes*
hey Anu ty! :)
** If they realize they have the power in themselves to make life better, the world will be a much better place..
That power is often UNUSED.
ty Ne!
**but I remember to NOT remember LOVE SOMETIMES!
so u remember to forget love sometimes? :)
I do that too..I CHOOSE to do that cos sometimes it hurts to remember.
I will always rem ya cos ur special and hv never hurt me even with one single word/gesture so far. HUGGGGGGGGZ!
WC Shachi n ty! :)
**its all about what we choose to remember and/or choose to forget....whether its people or experiences....
yes...ppl or experiences, we CHOOSE who/what we wanna keep in our memory.
Yeah my memory is selective now with kids, job, wife, and frankly old age. But I do remember if you will that as a kids and up to my thirties my memory was excellent to the point I didn't need to write down shopping lists or phone numbers.
But as for remembering its easy for me to remember stuff about my kids, and as for forgetting. That's a very long list with many things I like to wipe from my mind.
***Now, will you remember me some day when I'm not here anymore? What will you remember about me?
Yes i am certain that i would remember you when you are not here anymore.
Your blog and personality is unforgettable.
hey BB!
u rem ur kids cos u love em so very much :)
**But as for remembering its easy for me to remember stuff about my kids, and as for forgetting. That's a very long list with many things I like to wipe from my mind
me too! I wanna FORGET a particular day in my life forever...want to imagine it never happened...but I just cant seem to forget it. :(
aww Amy thats such a beautiful thing to say. ty n HUGGGGGGGGZ!
All I can say is the same goes to ya...I dun think I can ever forget someone like u cos u r so VERY SPECIAL in ways that I cant finish telling. U hv that warmth n touch that not many ppl hv.
So even if I end up getting Dimentia some day :), the AMY block of memory in my brain will be very much alive!
*HUGZ* luv!
crap, forgot what I was going to say... I am at the point in life where I am constantly walking into rooms and forgetting why...
haha Phoso! o cmon u aint that FORGETFUL yet :)
Sometimes i so much wish that i had selective amnesia...a lot of my miseries wud hv got solved...Sigh
Btw the last snap of urs which u hv modified into b/w, i still rem the original one and so far its one of my fav snap of urs...:)
Happy diwali keshi...Hugz
Southy I know its very hard to forget some things that happen to us :( I wish I had Dimentia lol! but its not a joking matter, I know.
ty for the compliments! I feel great to receive it from ya tho I know I can never beat ur swt-hrt Priyanka Chops! lol!
:)yeah i'll take the amnesia u take the dimentia...:P
ty for the compliments! I feel great to receive it from ya tho I know I can never beat ur swt-hrt Priyanka Chops! lol!****well she is not the only sweetheart...:P and dont forget i like her more not for her looks but her voice...sigh*** why do u hv to remind me abt her...ahem ahem...:)
And u, well like i said out of all ur snaps this ones special, very special...:)
i remembered you anyway :)
selective amnesia: "Some people meet new people and choose to forget the old friends just cos they can"..why does this happen:( and the sad part is even if you remind them of old time they tend to ignore you..:(
Thank you Keshi.:)
You warmed my heart.
Happy Diwali Sweety....Will come back for the post.....
Wow! you just shared the reality of some characters - very strange and dangerous!
I would say keep a safe distance
Loads of love n hugz
they r not my ex gfs.....:P...they r gfs of indra :P...not mine :)...
Happy Diwali kesh..
beautiful post, really...u knw wat I think is tht u can't erase a memory so rest assured thr is absolutely no chance of me forgetting u or for that matter ur lovely,thot provoking posts...must tell u dis though, d way u write is like u read all our thots n den put it in ur post...brilliant:)
btw...yesterday had a get together wid coll frnds after a long time n ryt now am reminiscing all dose moments tht v shared n made precious!!!
tk cr:)
So true!
Its always so much easier to forget than to remember.
I'll remember you Keshi. I'll remember your beautiful smile, and even more I'll remember your kind heart.
I remember you, Keshi.
**I agree...but isnt both good and bad actions unexpected most of the time?
maybe yes. at least the level of surprise is different or thats what i think. if the surprise is good, we tend to believe that we somehow deserve it and if its not then we definitely dnt deserve it! Now, when we start believing that the surprise is deserving, it doesnt serve the purpose of the surprise :-) and hence in the end, good things could be considered as Expected!! ;-)
You were so so right when you said "may be our memory cells are controlling us like puppets on strings." I always wondered why.
But then, I found the answer. Life would be so barren without memories. What do I have but for my dear dear memories?
**Some people really forget their old routes pretty fast but choose to remember the new routes cos it's easier to do that than accepting their amnesia...
It hurts...and i know how..but you know what, if we dwell on such people we hurt more rather than getting upset over them forgetting us...
So its better we remain true to ourselves and do what we can best...that is
remembering to remember...
I cna't forget my friends so easliy..I might not talk to them or meet them often...but nothing can make me forget them...its not difficult, cos making friends is a lifetime membership.
And I love you for playing this song...lovely.
how to pick and create one is my question keshi. Is there a web site from where you pick and create one?
****"bhool na jaana tum se kahun to"
did u say u cant forget me? ***
no I asked u..not to forget me!! :D
Happy Deepawali..May this festival of lights bring you the happiest and brightest moments you wished for :)
hullo! was away for a while. and naaa i don't like forgetting people unless ofcourse tis one of those unplesant experinces and even then i never ever forget.
We choose to remember what we subconsciously know we can deal with...
Thanks baby!u knw something i m glad tht i came here else i wud hav missed out on meeting someone like u, who's jus so forthright and loving. I never thought tht i wud come across someone who is jus like me. :) I m glad i met u and i will always thank god for that.
Hi Keshi,
Lovely post. Nothing more to be said on the topic of this post for you've covered ALL the bases, practically nailing the eccentricities of human nature itself.
We remember what we should forget and forget what we should remember !! Brilliant ... and so true !
keep rocking .
was on a holiday.. me back.. a lot of people, even we do become like this on most occassions.. human tendencies ...
Hi,Keshi...lovely post!I do note this about people, sometimes-their remembering what they shouldn't and forgetting what they should not...and,I put it a step below what I term as 'strategic incompetence'(Showing oneself as not knowing,so that someone else does your job)...
But,then,overall,I guess that's what makes life interesting-reading the nature of such people(As you've done so well,right from people who choose to remember you only at certain times,some who choose to remember past conflicts,etc).
Finally,of course,I know,you cannot really do anything about such people,except file away their idiosyncrasies in that window of your mind for future reference.Right?:)
love you :) pray from me friday :) surgery :(
I remembered it is time to read Keshi's blog... I forgot to make a dental appointment. :)
My lovely Keshiroo,
what I say is true,
I'll never forget you,
until I'm 102,
and my skin is see-through,
my veins bright blue,
and I forgot all I knew,
what are ya gonna do?
people forget about their parents and we think abt that they won't forget us...
world is a crooked place..and this wonderful gift of forgetting was given to forget the miseries..but people have redefined the term miseries..and they thing we are miserable :P
btw how was ur diwali???
I don't know how you do it Keshi, but your posts are always poignant.
We really do forget things we should remember, and can never shake the memories that we need to let go of. It's too bad.
It must just be another human quirk, eh?
hey...lovely post...
I would always remember you as a positive person with a lot of love to share with everyone.
First of all, i will remember you as a girl who got lots of positivity stocked within, at many a times,had raised my spirits..!!
regarding the post, its so true..if not intentionally also we all forget to do things which should be remembered..!! One who succeeds in forgetting things to be forgotten and remembering things to be remembered will be the happiest man,i guess..!!
oh btw did i gave u any award...I forgot..I havn't seen it on ur display ... :P
ohh keshi
human do hav selective amnesia for sure...I personally can show u so many who dont rember me at all, hav forgotten all wat i hav done for them sacrificing many of my things, some rember only the angry words i hav said and all.....well i guess i have learnt a little bit to lill with such things even though it hurts a lot at times.....
I'll remember the way you wrote about each and every topic in the whole wide world!
I'll remember the way you made each and every one of us feel so special .. by giving personal attention and replies :) Its not only about the time ... its about the patience and the passion you have (/had).
I'll remember your thought provoking, intriguing and sexy posts ...
I'll remember whatever little we shared ..
I'll remember the bond we made on e-mails and comments...
I'll remember how you were always there to check on me if I disappeared for long!
omg there;s so much to write!!
Hope you been good Keshi :)
Wishing you a happy festive season :)
May your life be full of prosperity, joy, peace, happiness, success, health and wealth!
I am not the one to forget the old, it’s like looking back the step we climbed on and remember those lift us and left now. To remember I have too much, and my every movement is thanked to someone taking care and few are those I comes across in life to turn special certainly remembered there existing moments.
Keshi, I remember for vivid. How could I forget the energy spiriting heart of courage, Smiles and hugs giving by u dear? Something to remember and little forgets too remember this post!
hey ty Southy!
from ALL of my pics? WOW how come? :)
ty for remembering me Stygian!
hey Mariner!
**and the sad part is even if you remind them of old time they tend to ignore you..
cos they dun wanna be reminded...cos of the ego...selective amnesia works that way.
*HUGZ* Amy!
hey Diana ty sweetie!
Enjoy ur Diwali break :)
hey ty Dawny! :)
haha ok Hemz!
I got ur email..I wasnt ard today cos Im far away from home today..holidaying with my aunt n family :) Im online now for a short while..
hey ty CN! :)
**, d way u write is like u read all our thots n den put it in ur post.
awww how sweet of ya to say that. HUGS!
I'll always rem ya as the cute guy with a big heart.
true CG, its all abt CONVENIENCE!
awww tnxx Nadine HUGGGGGGZ!
I'll always rem u for ur beautiful face and that beautiful HEART!
And I will always remember Grunty boy HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
very well-said Sawan!
Thats why when we dun ask WHY when good things happen. And when bad things happen we ask WHY!
ty Soul!
** Life would be so barren without memories. What do I have but for my dear dear memories?
ur spot on! Life is all abt living with old memories while making new ones.
hey ty Prats!
yes ur right...we may not meet/see em all the time, but they r in our hearts and heads all the time!
hey Kiran u can create em urself or pass an already given award taken from other blogs :)
hey Prakhar I just wont forget u ever! *HUGZ*
hey Utopia WB!
** unless ofcourse tis one of those unplesant experinces and even then i never ever forget.
I agree...even then we really cant FORGET!
ty Vinesh!
**We choose to remember what we subconsciously know we can deal with...
so true! the rest we try to forget but we really cant. :)
U r truly my long lost sis!
hey ty Adisha! :)
So dun forget to rem wut u must some day...HUGS!
Human tendancies indeedz Chriz!
WB :)
hey ty Amit!
yes..we cant do anything abt such ppl cos sometimes we r also like them :)
Kaylz HUGGGGGGGZ! Do TC hun!
hey Sun!
**I remembered it is time to read Keshi's blog... I forgot to make a dental appointment
haha such a smart one there!
awwwwwww Donn u had me smiling right throughout that sweet, funny, clever and affectionate lil verse for me...HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ ty from the bottom of my heart!
**I'll never forget you,
until I'm 102,
and my skin is see-through,
my veins bright blue,
lol I cant imagine u at 102 cos I always see u as this hyperactive, super brainy, handsome Canuck that I missed out hitting on just cos he's married!
MWAH I'll never ever forget my best mate Donno!
hey Bro WB!
I was so busy today....Im far away right now...with my aunt from NZ and family. Diwali was good :) And ur's?
**people forget about their parents and we think abt that they won't forget us...
haha so true!
AB it sure is a HUMAN trait! :)
aww ty Pinku HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
yes Im amazingly positive even amidst the most negative things that happen to me!
aww ty Vinu HUGZ!
** all forget to do things which should be remembered
I so agree! ppl must realise that for their own good some day!
Bro i did mention ur award in this post...did u notice it? :(
I will put it up some day soon ok. HUGS!
ty Enigma!
ppl r always like that...they forget the GOOD easily but rem the BAD all the time! I wonder why.
awwww u made me all teary Cheesy MWAHHHHHHHH! tnxx hun that means alot to me to realise that someone here truly cares abt me so much.
**I'll remember how you were always there to check on me if I disappeared for long!
Cos ur a very special FRIEND...someone who never really left my side even when u were gone.
No my heart can never forget YA!
Hope u had an 'enlightening' Diwali too sweetie MWAH I luv ya!
awww very well-said Jeevan!
**it’s like looking back the step we climbed on and remember those lift us and left now. To remember I have too much, and my every movement is thanked to someone taking care and few are those I comes across in life to turn special certainly remembered there existing moments.
Spot on! Many ppl FORGET that.
I know ur someone who wont forget me cos ur someone I cant forget either..ur genuine heart knows exactly wut u must rem and wut u must forget. Ur special. MWAH Jeevan always be that way!
Now, that was a touching post!!!
You brought back lot of nostalgic memories...
Remembering bad is not so unusual 'coz the bad's what hurt us and what hurt us we'll remember. But, I guess we'll remember the comforts that stand out. If we take our life, I think, good take over the bad. The number of good events will be way more than the bad events and that's why this happens.
But, if you take the life of a person, who were living in a situation similar to hell. if, someone had done any good to him, I'm sure he'll never forget 'coz that happens rarely for him.
But, we need to appreciate the good as well as the bad, like you said...
HI Keshi
What a post ?!!!!!!!
Awesome :)
We shall remember....
//We remember the hurt more than we remember kindness. We remember the evil done to us by someone more than we remember goodness. We remember the tears more than the laughs. We remember the cuts more than the caresses. We forget the good people on this Earth but we can't seem to forget the baddies.
How True! :) *TOUCHED*
atleast someone will remeber me!!! LOL
you know keshi, its like blogville n we all who form this small cozy family here - we may not remeber each n every post written by the other but we do remeber the person... lurrrved this one and i have a lot of catchin up to do... missed so many!!! damn the work
ty Aneesh!
Im saying the same thing....but my qn is WHY do we rem the hurt/bad more than the good?
hey Marutham ty! :)
Div HUGGGGGGGGGZ! Missed ya hun. But I received all ur sweet emails ty! :)
ofcourse u will NEVER be forgotten by Keshi!
***WHY do we rem the hurt/bad more than the good?
Hey, you didn't read my comment. LOL.
Well, the thing is, for most of us, good takes over bad, which means if we take the number of good incidents and bad incidents, certainly bad incidents will be only a few. But, good incidents are a lot. So, its normal that we don't forget the bad.
Now, consider the other case. Think about a slave, who right from his birth, don't know what good is. If anyone do a good to him. Trust me, he'll never forget it, but he forget a lot of bad things happened to him... 'coz for him bad precedes good.
It's like buying a car, if we are born with a silver spoon, you get bored with it soon and look for a new car each year.
But, if we had worked hard enough and waited too long to buy one, I'm certain that before losing it or buying a new one, we'll think a hundred times.
Good one Aneesh. I agree :)
but when it comes to friends, no matter how much good u do to them, one small dispute makes em CHUCK ME AWAY from their lives. Why is that?
***but when it comes to friends, no matter how much good u do to them, one small dispute makes em CHUCK ME AWAY from their lives. Why is that?
I don't think they can be called FRIENDS!!!
A better term would be leeches who suck away all you can give and later spit on you 'coz you just disagreed. But, they are not ashamed to come back and ask for help again!! How pathetic!!
buddy, i like this. on a more funny note, even am one of those people u mentioned. i never remembered wht i studied the day before but i always remembered the stories of movies i've seen in my childhood.
ok ok, i know it's stupid. can't find words to praise this one, yaar. so am blabbering all nonsense
I so agree Aneesh..they cant be friends...just enemies disguised as friends.
hehe Satish good example there :):)
I would quoe what Khalib Gibran said:
Forgetfulness is a form of freedom. Remembrance is a form of prison.
I so agree Addu! :)
We forget only when we get old, but some forget when they reap the harvest and leave half way.
ty Priya!
**some forget when they reap the harvest and leave half way.
very well-said girl!
Some friends here reaped the best outta me and now pretend like they dunno me at all. :) such is life.
YES! you remembered mine. :D Lol.
I'm sorry i haven't been reular here.. read most of your posts now, but cause of lack of time..i can't comment on all of em. you understand, right? :)
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