btw I might take some time to reply to ya cos ya know, I'm quite 'busy' with Beckz and trying hard not to answer Victoria's desperate where's-my-man phone calls, excuse me stick-thin-posher leave me alone plz *time to try the Lost & Found number?*. btw I do have an appointment with Madge who wants some fashion tips from me...Miss.Paris Hilton reckons she'll join too, along with Britney who needs some 'panty' advice *to keep them on that is*. Angelina Jolie wants to have coffee with me *sans the suga and milk I guess* but I declined due to increasing paparazzi dramas infront of my house...o well won't people leave me alone! I guess the next stop is rehab then...maybe I'll catch up with Amy Winehouse in there, how nice *if she can keep her bat-wings-like eyelashes and beehive hair off my face that is*. LiLo came to check on my vanity bag but I didn't allow her to, only cos she was looking for drugs duh! Mick Jagger reckons I'm his special guest at his 69th bday party...69? okayyy!! I'd also have to stop at Kiera Knightley's to show her my fleshy figure and ask her to eat something, atleast once a year? Anyways, I gtg now...too much fame is killing me man LOL! Au Revoir, see you at the Fan Club or perhaps at Rehab! (click on pics to see an enlarged and a clearer view)

Paris Hilton going crazy over Madrid Hilton aka Keshi... Beckz hunny 'carry' me yes!
Handle with 'care'!
Didn't know DaVinci too had an obessesion with me...o look Mona Keshi has brows!
Someone goes berserk with crayons on THE famous me...
While u wait, enjoy my smile...
Posh says 'have you seen her?'...plz say NO!
I don't have a royal ass but I can 'buy' you happiness...
Fashionista 'under' cover!
Will only be found having brain orgies!
Portrait of a maniac!
Easy girls easy...I'm not bisexual yet!
Ogle 'it' like Beckham!
Angi hey I'm not for adoption!
Now showing at cinemas 'Australian Pie Keshi'
Horny Santa Club
I see you see me...
I was once Mona Kesh, now what?? Gimme a break mofo!
While u do that, redo my lipstick plz!
A legal blonde with an illegal blonde
Paint my imagination...
I have some animal fans too yeyyyyy!
Is this building going to have boobs? WTF.
Girl r u planning to watch TV or get electrocuted?
oii Men, my home address is!
Have u seen her? She has slapped alot of celebrities lately, in her drunken frenzy of fame!
Woman wut u doin with ur ass on my pics? Try Lesbiana plz! It's in Greece btw.
My Diva Rights says that this pic is a lil too high? *bats eye lashes*...correct it plz!
That's a cute it a Keshorghini?
Madge put ur tongue back in cos I aint no Britney!
Paris ur still on about me? wow u need a cheeseburger dahlin!
ewwwww stop fornicating me man! Who r ya, 'jockshashon' of the year?
Guys you gotta listen to this AWESOME AWESOME song....perfect mix of rap and indie rock. And have a good weekend's a long weekend over here in Down Under. And hey consider yourselves it if you like to :). See yous later!
Current Music: Violent And Young by Iglu & Hartly
286 Cranium Signets:
hahahahahahahahahahahha.....rotfl....ur kiddin me keshi...its all of u...i am falling on the floor now
U take care of Beckz i'll take care of victoria...:D
**Someone goes berserk with crayons on THE famous me...
this is good its simple and good and cute :)..
**Will only be found having brain orgies! u jumped into harry
**Easy girls easy...I'm not bisexual yet!
hahahahahah..ur kiddin me lol..:P..
**Now showing at cinemas 'Australian Pie Keshi'
so american pie is gone and new movie aaa..:P..
**I see you see me...
this is beauty ..loved it :)..
**My Diva Rights says that this pic is a lil too high? *bats eyes
loved the smile in the pic :)..
**it's a long weekend over here in Down Under
yes here it is for MTV rodies down under lol :P....
is this tag..i want to take it up lol..:P..jsut kiddin...
Someone goes berserk with crayons on THE famous me n d vogue one...
awesome website...i cant resist checkin' it out myself...
LOL!!! this is crazy!!!
the monalisa or shall i say, keshilisa looks really funny!!
have a great weekend!!
Those are awesome! I think my favorite is the Mini Cooper! Mostly cause your hot and sporty too. LOL ;-)
These are sooooooooo awesome!! I wanna get some for myself too!!
hahaha...that was awesome...some of em really suited u thou...esp d paris hilton n d portrait...wish i had that CD and portrait *sigh*
btw i posted smthn on d same lines tdy...smthn to do wid my pics
Awesome!!! your the glam doll no doubt ;)
lmao...u r de rockstar keshi!
luvd ll de pics , esp de crayons one.
i wanna do dis tooo..okay only aftr de oter tag.
I think one snaps missing. John jacuzzi and Keshi. (not necessary in the same order)
the snap in which u r featuring on Vogue is too good to be true.
U make Charlize Theron look pale there ... (she is on the opposite page in the Bulgari perfume ad).
Hemz r ya still rolling on the floor laffing? Hows the floor now? LOL!
Southy d u v a thing for Posher?
Hemz why dun u just say u like all 30 of em? LOL!
ty for the sweet picks...I like em too :) especially the Diva one...
yes I'd like to see ur post on this now??
Pooja go do it for fun :)
and tnxx!
hi Deepz :)
Keshi Lisa or Mona Keshi or Mona Mona, I look so funny in that pic hahahahahaha!
ooh lala the best comment Jay MWAHHHHHHH! ;-)
hey Sol tnxx!
I'd love to see ur's too :)
hey ty Mayz!
**esp d paris hilton n d portrait...wish i had that CD and portrait *sigh*
which CD?
Deepti all girls r glam dolls right? :) MWAHHHHHHH n tnxx!
Enchanted ty sweetie!
Alot of ppl liked the Crayon one...I hated it lol!
Hey do the tags in any order u prefer...HUGS!
hey ty Tarun!
**I think one snaps missing. John jacuzzi and Keshi. (not necessary in the same order)
haha sadly John had to take a back seat...only cos Becks is a bit busy with me these days.
**the snap in which u r featuring on Vogue is too good to be true.
U make Charlize Theron look pale there ...
wow I didnt even notice that it was Theron there! ty Tarun :)
isnt that a CD in paris hiltons hand??
It is Theron right ... ?
Who the ape glued to u in the last snap?
haha Mayz u mebbe right! :)
I thought twas a pic..
Keshi & jolie..what a two in one combo !!
Real fun with the pictures
haha Tarun his pose is like an ape's, yes!
I hv no clue...he cud be the guy next door who fantasises abt FAMOUS ppl? ahemm! ;-)
yes that is Theron on the bak cover...she's hot.
Yeah Theron hot for sure.(feels mouth drying she is as hot as red chillies and black pepper)
Teron Catherine Zeta Jones (curses Micheal Douglas) are two of the ever lasting crushes.
hey ty CU but I aint no adopted baby of Angi ok! ;-)
Tarun both Theron and Jones r hot...
MD as a suga daddy is not bad at all ;-)
dun worry, u wont u'stand women's psychology lol!
Hi,time permits come over to my blog,new post up.tks
hi,thats the speed of Keshi..type Mamallan on google & see
Yeah damn tough for a man to understand woman thats why perhaps since pre-historic times,cave men preferred hunting to staying in the caves, I think they would have thought that hunting was a simpler task.
No offenses.
niiceeee verry nice
CU tnxx! :)
hahahaha Tarun I agree with that!
hey Lavida ty sweetz!
simply the best keshi...
loved those snaps...
now its my time to have fun..
omg ...i am a friend of a celeb ... Keshi will you oblige me with one photograph with you ?? please ... please ;)
my fav is ur portraits in diff shades of crayon ... :) it looks awesome !!!
u worried abt the floor tupid not me lol...u want to se mine now...will do it soon to entertain u lol..:P...anyways ...i am not that hot :P...
aw hahaha
this is a kewl site... would check it out soon...
love the Angie pic :P
take care, have a nice day... cheers...
ha ha ha....ha ha ha...
really nice ones...the pics and the one liners...
i like it!! gona do da same... lets start a self- obssessed club! :P
lol :D :D :D
Hi,Keshi...I remember you did something like this sometime back,wherein you were the cover girl on many mags.:)This site seems to have gone a step better.:)Quite believable,some of the pics.haha!!Don't ask 'which ones?':)Keep guessing.
Which ones did I like most?let's see now:
- Keshi on a dollar bill.Why?Wow!People might not want to let go of their dollars!!Might even solve the current economic crisis in the US of A.Mr. Bush,you listening?
The other nicer ones:
- Keshi on Vogue!
- Keshi in an art museum(saying Easy girls easy...I'm not bisexual yet!)
-Keshi in someone's eye(Apple of someone's eye,should I say?ahem!)
The rest were equally good!Great fun,especially on a holiday.Tks and TC! Let me visit photofunia now.
wow..u seem to have had a good time at the site...awesome pics...looking really gorgeous :)..howdy?
Yes smart and fashionable...thats what i like...:)
Haha super duper cool indeed.. :D :D My pick would be the one in crayons.. Looks Gooooood.. :))
hey...this post drives me crazy.
interesting idea i mus say.
& 1 more thing...u did did photofunia thing 2 perfection:)
Keshi...all of them look so real.......
It's a harmonic convergence of modern technology & a beautiful, savvy, woman with moxy and style.
Is that site fun or what?!
..and what a great song eh?
super cool pics,Keshi. is all over you. Mayb you can turn out to ber her BFF!!!
My fav. was Keshi on Vogue! You beat Aish with ur look, young lady.
visit me at
New blog!!
I feel sorry for John Abraham.
Hello Keshi,
my name is Vinay Prajapati, I am from Lucknow, India. thanks for visiting by blog... hope you will learn some hindi to read my poems.
you can visit my wordpress blog for some english work too. I hope I will see you there...
Vinay Prajapati NAZAR
about NAZAR: this is my pen name
The one at the bus stand is Real SuperStar pic :)...nd the crayons one is the best...u beauty!
not for adoption..supr glam... i felt like drooling over it like those girls
OMG!!! These are sooooooo cool!!! Loved them all!!
haha... autograph plz, ma'am! :)
love the song... ! :)
Way to go Keshi Kins...
this one reminded me of the Lays Chips ad tht used to come some years back and had a tag line tht said Once you pop u cant stop...LOL
I will try this soon but i don have a face like urs man...
My fav one is the one with the kitty's lookin at the TV..Hi hi hih
Lol lol lol!!!.........
LOOVVVEED this effect!!..gotta check this site SOON!! cant stop it!!..:D :D
mwwah!!!> dear famous diva!! ;)
PS_is something wrong with Paris? =D
OMG!lemme tell u u look every bit a celebrity. And see my vision i already cast u in Tomb Raider! ;) U rock babe!! Awesome pics. *Muaahh*
u are on vogue.. oh wow oh wow.. yipppeeey yaaaayyy can i have ur autograph please..
but seriously that was soo coolll reallyy.. its soo much fun.. yup will try to do it soon.. hehe :)
hnnm becks got u on his phone..
u know what was missing.. john abraham.. man that would have been like the perfect picture..
woah Keshi..
like u rock, u r all over the place...
hey i know a celebrity now ! :) loved the huge posters snaps.. and im trying it out
hahahaha... whoa, that is quite interesting!!!
now, the best has to be being the pic on beckham's ...:D
I just mite chk out the site!!!:P
how u doing shuga??take care!!
Keshi, Keshi, Keshi, Keshi and more Keshi everywhere. Why call it Posh, Dosh & Kesh? Call it Kesh, Dosh & Posh instead.
//'Australian Pie Keshi'
For a moment I thought it was some weird pic in which the person sitting right under the centre of the screen has his brains open, for some surgery or something like it.
Was about to comment about it with the above notion framed as a 'why'.
Then looked closely, keeping screen brighthness and contrast to the max. Only then did I realise that what looked like head and neck of the sitting person were popcorn bucket and hand of the standing person! What looked like brains tyrned out to be just popcorn!
//I have some animal fans too yeyyyyy!
Three cats. Gonna replace three bears of Goldilocks
//Easy girls easy...I'm not bisexual yet!
They know you are not bisexual. Yet!
//Horny Santa Club
Oii! Looks more like grim reaper! I'm scared! Maybe its cos the preset shape of the santa cap does not fit your head. So it looks like the hollow hood of grim reaper.
Anyways why is that lady licking fur? I cant tolerate hair on my tongue! Yuck.
//That's a cute it a Keshorghini?
Kesh'orghi'ni? As is - brain orgy - that you mentioned earlier?
//Is this building going to have boobs? WTF.
Is this building going to have bombs? WTC.
Girl r u planning to watch TV or get electrocuted?
In my browser, only the below part appears together
//Girl r u planning to watch TV or get
This makes one wonder if Keshi could actually write such a thing on her post, near such an oomph laden pic.
Then one sees the word 'electrocuted' down somehere after the pic and everything falls into place.
"love is the one who masters all things."
Mawlãnã Rumi...for you...
wouuuuh i like lots of them
++Paris Hilton going crazy over Madrid Hilton aka Keshi...++ because u outlook her, with ur Dark hair, peach lips so much cooler!
++Someone goes berserk with crayons on THE famous me...++ Like the pic u put for this one
++I don't have a royal ass but I can 'buy' you happiness...++ U are so much worth than a 110 dollars sweetie!
++Fashionista 'under' cover!++ "The new generation of Gorgeous, Single and Independent women' this is the title of the Vogue right? :)
++Angi hey I'm not for adoption!++ He might even lick the poster, he s already in love with ya Dahlin!
I could not choose one, i give u my favorite one:)
Take care
Now that was hot!
Cool pics :)
Vinu hey bring it on ;-)
hey try Hiren!
Ur not just a friend of this celeb..ur my Sat nite Date. lol!
Hemz u say ur not THAT how hot r ya? lolz!
hehe Clover ;-)
ty Arv!
**love the Angie pic
so ur a fan of Angi...time to change ur likings...cos there's a new chick on the block and her name is Keshi. lol!
hey ty Mystique!
ty Ash :)
** lets start a self- obssessed club
wut d u mean START? I've been on it for a very long time now!!!
lolz Vish!
Amit tnxx! :)
so did u try it out too?
**People might not want to let go of their dollars!!Might even solve the current economic crisis in the US of A.Mr. Bush,you listening?
Im good ty Mav and urself? :)
hey Southy!
**Yes smart and fashionable.
Posher is a mega fashionista yes...even tho she eats very lil :)
but ya know..I like the way she carries n happening...besides she brings out some major trends with hair n clothes...and God she has the best bod on Earth to share her bed with! ;-)
Jealous we r!
Urv hey tnxx!
Alot of ppl liked that pic :)
hey ty Arunima! :)
why dun u do it too?
aww ty Diana HUGS!
Donn help I cant get over this song!!
**It's a harmonic convergence of modern technology & a beautiful, savvy, woman with moxy and style
wow I take that as the best compliment ever! thank ye MWAH!
Wow lovely website that allow such moment of wonderfulness....
:) Beautiful innovative SHots Keshi..;)
hey ty Random!
** is all over you. Mayb you can turn out to ber her BFF!!!
only if she promises to wear undies.
**My fav. was Keshi on Vogue! You beat Aish with ur look, young lady.
wow ty! ;-)
Pooja I almost turned les seeing ur glam pics lol! WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
ty for doing it babez!
hey Stony tnxx!
Where's ur fav btw ;-)
**I feel sorry for John Abraham.
dun feel sorry for him...cos Im only taking a much-needed break from him...and Beckz is my therapist u see. ;-)
hey ty NAZAR! Lovely to meet ya.
yes I'll hop ard to ur English blog soon.
tnxx n hv a great wknd!
hey ty Prakhar! ;-)
**The one at the bus stand is Real SuperStar pic
I must be blonde today too cos I dun see no bus-stand pic :(
haha TT! ;-)
hey ty CG!
why dun u do some too? :)
hey ty Raysh! ;-)
why just autograph, drop in for coffee hun!
hey ty Mini MWAH!
I cant stop helppppppp! lol!
**I will try this soon but i don have a face like urs man...
u may not hv MY face but u hv YOUR hot n ravishing face dun ya! HUGS do it now! *says that at gun point*
Crystal haha I knew u'd like it too!
**is something wrong with Paris
yes...she's addicted to boys. lol!
hey ty Ria MWAH!
** And see my vision i already cast u in Tomb Raider
Angi will cry, duncha think? lol!
Why dun u do this too? I'd love to see ur pics :)
hey ty Ani!
why dun u do it too? plzzzzzzzzzzz?? :)
**becks got u on his phone..
u know what was missing.. john abraham.. man that would have been like the perfect picture..
there were no Indian celebrity pics there, sadly. I wish I had one with John too!!!!!
I sure am Gypsy! ;-)
haha Anu plz put em up in ur blog..I'd love to see ya!
hey ty Aaarti! :)
**the best has to be being the pic on beckham's
aha...he's got his HEART set on moi! ;-)
ty Soul!
How abt
Kesh Posh Dosh Mush & Lush
Stupid hey lol tnxx!
**What looked like brains tyrned out to be just popcorn!
haha WTF r ya cross-eyed?
**Three cats. Gonna replace three bears of Goldilocks
me the meanest cat ha ;-)
**They know you are not bisexual. Yet!
lol I put that word on purpose and u got it right!
The funniest one da vinci code and best wth beckz.
lol keshi this is some art cool way nice to see ourselves everywhere hey u missed ur pic wth John Abraham lolz
**Anyways why is that lady licking fur? I cant tolerate hair on my tongue
me neither...but thats not me who's licking hair so Im ok. ;-)
**Kesh'orghi'ni? As is - brain orgy - that you mentioned earlier?
yeah but this is an auto orgy lol!
**Is this building going to have bombs? WTC.
haha good one Stupid!
**This makes one wonder if Keshi could actually write such a thing on her post, near such an oomph laden pic
lol lol lol! It just worked out that way...fantastic!!
Rosa hey WC n ty sweetie!
aww Cess tnxx hun!
ur lookin absolutely gorgeous in that pic in ur post today!
**++Fashionista 'under' cover!++ "The new generation of Gorgeous, Single and Independent women' this is the title of the Vogue right?
aha single and dangerous! ;-)
hey ty Sameera!
why dun u do it too? :)
I have a new celebrity idol Down Under now and she is non other than Keshi Baby :)
do it?
haha Priya ty!
u know one of my friends here really believed that I was in Vogue. *rolling eyes*
**hey u missed ur pic wth John Abraham
thats cos I hv a part-time lover and his name is Beckz ;-)
haha ty Shionge MWAH!
Have a good weekend too Keshi.
I like the way she carries n happening..***Yeah thats why i like her too...:)
besides she brings out some major trends with hair n clothes...and God she has the best bod on Earth to share her bed with! ;-)
Jealous we r!****Don't be jealous u got much better bods to choose at down under, last time i saw the indonesian chicks going crazy over the aussie surfing team in denpasar...:)
That's a cute it a Keshorghini?
I like it. Very innovative.
I wish all owners of the vehicles having the same.
This will reduce car theft too.
All pics are the best.
My favs are
I don't have a royal ass but I can 'buy' you happiness...
because you look fantastic with this glasses
and I want .. happiness... never too much happiness, right?
paint my
you will receive grat portret
and who knows...
maybe painter is famous and super man.
Thanks for ask about Maria, Keshi.
She is little bit better.
I send to her some pics
using this link.
She laught much today.
Love & hugss
hahahha =) seriously.... rotfl... you look so hot ;)
no seriously youv'e got gorgeous eyes... (i am sure get that alot !)
but honestly your kohl smoky eye make up is hot.... you look really gorgeous Keshi =)
the best one I liked is the one with Posh... and the other one is the art gallery one with three different color... they look so realistic...
Awesome ones baybee! you've got pretty potent eyes there
i am 98.6 degrees hot...not more then that
hehehe gal tat was a great work...and u never know ur snaps will be in all those places in future..
coz people who r close to NIRMAL will be a celebrity future..
Hi Keshi
Very nice, very funny post.
I'm up late packing my bags.
Goin' ride the rails.
Goin' to hike it down that lonesome trail.
Goin' to be dragging the line.
Eating cucumber sandwiches.
You’re right about me going to rehab!
Have a great weekend!
that's wat I call..Craziness at it's best....
i loved each and every fotografs :P...
I kno u r ur foto gonna come kool..and it's obvious :P
but I enjoyed :P
than animal was awesome :P
lovely pics!!! :) that was my BLONDE moment..i thought those mannequins are real ppl...nd waiting for a bus :D
**While u wait, enjoy my smile...**..i was talkin abt tht pic :D that was my BLONDE moment..i thought those mannequins are real ppl...nd waiting for a bus :D
**While u wait, enjoy my smile...**..i was talkin abt tht pic :D
u too Amy!
hey Southy!
**Don't be jealous u got much better bods to choose at down under, last time i saw the indonesian chicks going crazy over the aussie surfing team in denpasar
I know..I live in the land of HOT MEN woohoo! ;-)
hey ty Hobo! :)
**I wish all owners of the vehicles having the same.
This will reduce car theft too.
how? lol!
aww ty Krys!
**because you look fantastic with this glasses
and I want .. happiness... never too much happiness, right?
good one girl!
**paint my IMAGINATION
it goes to the next line...hope u saw that :)
*HUGZ* n kisses to Maria!
**I send to her some pics
using this link.
She laught much today
haha Krys good one!!
hahha... hilarious... ROFL!!! :D :D
this is so so so sweet keshigirl!!!
and u deserve to be there....
wow loved some of the pics absolutely!! :D
and the last one, just super sensous!! :D
i had 2 holidays on 1-2, and now today working for a weekend again!!! :D
have a good weekend u too....
hey ty Neeku, u hv pretty eyes too! Most girls do :)
**the best one I liked is the one with Posh... and the other one is the art gallery one with three different color... they look so realistic
gee wow Im stoked ;-)
hey ty Maca!
I'd love u to do this too :)
heyya Hemz :)
**i am 98.6 degrees hot...not more then that
thats pretty SMOKIN to me!
ty Nirmal!
**coz people who r close to NIRMAL will be a celebrity future..
why FUTURE? I was a celebrity in the PAST and the PRESENT too!!!
hey Bev lol!
**Eating cucumber sandwiches
thats it! u'll meet me in Rehab..I was there long time ago!
awww Bro u like the kitties? they r so cute ha!
they're prolly saying 'meowwww she's somethin!'
ty Pinku!
haha Prakhar!
I was thinking I had a supa blonde moment (rather a DAY) but its u now lolz!
cos I aint seeing any BUS babeh!
Lovely to hv ya bak Ankur HUGS!
Hows u now? Hope all is well with ya.
**and the last one, just super sensous
tho he's trying to climb on me...wut does he think I am, a tree?
hey Keshi.. i m here after ages.. and man! WHAT A FUN POST! i loved this one..and ur answers in the one before this..
hmm..In most of them..the GLAM is drippin all over.. ;)
but made my day.. :)
hey,evn i had gr8 fun wid photofunia...thanx 4 d nice post..
LOVED it!!! You look like a star in each of them!!!
Hot Kesh...very hot :)
and love that lesbian one...for obvious reasons...:D..:P
friggggyn good momma!
n ya're like having madge hilton jolie posh beck eat outtta ya handsssssw!!!
n i'm ALLLLLL over the floor, just laughing at those darnnn funnny lines
--->jolie, i'm not here for adoption, that too, right on her tummy!!!
-->magde, stick that tongue back in, haaaaa, i'm not britney!!
-->mona keshi---> bwuahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..
ya know YA JUST MADE MY DAY,. i laughedddd n laugheddddddd n laugheddddd...
loved teh pics!
ya're one hawtttt woman with a wit thatmakes me gooo all bonkers!!!
loved the monakeshi and the jolie-->not for adoption the best!
ya rock keshikins!
mwuahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :*
haha loved the idea...and u looking too cool ;)
i think im going to take this up myself...nice way to waste my time constructively :p
this is so cool! Moi's gonna check out the site too. But seriously, you're a big star now!!
hey WB HDWK MWAH! :)
haha Zubin Im glad I made ur day. U wanna do it too?
Thats great to know Anwesa, tnxx hun! :)
pretty smokin huh...then u should have seen me wen i got a fever of 103...damn hot i was ..:)..
hey Silvara ty sweetie! ;-)
make sure u go watch AUSTRALIAN PIE KESHI ok..its showing in Melbourne too!
**and love that lesbian one...for obvious reasons
obvious as in? plz elaborate..
Yes..yes..I wanna do it..make it a tag..and then tag me.. :P
Am totally gonna do it.. :D
aww Jane Im glad I cud make ya laff. That wa smy intention..HUGGGGGGGGZ! :):)
**n ya're like having madge hilton jolie posh beck eat outtta ya handsssssw
lol I so wanted to do that!
Why dun u do this one too? Wud love to see ya in these pics.
Mona Keshi is very pretty ha lol!
hey Pri go for it hun!
**nice way to waste my time constructively
haha very true!
Saffy yes go do it! :)
All the girls hv tried it a 100 times already lol!
Whoaaaaa Keshi gal..... its Keshimania / Keshification all the way! fav pic....that of the mini cooper! Coz its ma fav car ;)
Cheers as always!
Tag or no tag..still gonna do it...
elaborate..?? Are you kiddin me...!! My brain is like.. Joey's (from friends) right now... :p
..and not two..but three to imagine.. LOL.. :P
Loving it..:d :p
hey Hemz!
**pretty smokin huh...then u should have seen me wen i got a fever of 103...damn hot i was
so did ur Smoke Alarm go off when u had fever??
Zubin I tagged yeah bring it on hunker ;-)
hey Rakesh tnxx!
**its Keshimania / Keshification all the way!
I actually like that word Keshification :)
**mini Cooper
totally cool ha!
we dont have smoke alarms in india
hey Zubin!
**and not two..but three to imagine
yep I got it from the start...I was just trying to get ya to say it..lolllllllz!
Well..right now..I hv gotta leave for office..will do it as soon as I get back.. :)
**we dont have smoke alarms in india
haha Hemz I didnt that case did ya hv to ring the Fire Brigade when u had fever??
Take ur time Zubin and do let me know when u DO it ;-)
hv a good one!
people of d world...behold, the one ..the only....Keshi, d latest entrant to "world celebs" club:D
haha CN tnxx! :)
u look hottie there man.. i'm turning into a les lolssssssssss
@ southy..
dare u take care of victoria u have me to take care of first.. lolllllssss
hahaha Uttsy MWAHHHHHHHHH!
I nearly turned les abt 4yrs ago...after I saw ur pics. LOL!
Southy is hitting on Posher...poor Becks ha!
This is FUN! :D... and u look fabulous in the pics :) ... u added the *zing* into these frames!!!
Keep smiling kesh :)
baqbes u rock blogville with these pics hon....
awesome tag n i like keshi in glamour lights n camera heheheh
will surely take up this tag once am a lil less busy.....for now am enoying yur pics hehehe
yur such a cutiepie....
Atleast we can be famous like this.
Well my choice is.....
"Mona Keshi "
Well, like mona lisa, mona keshi has also some undefined and unidentified expression in her face
Unique. Keep up the good work.
Wow... That very imagination and wonderful while ur usual humor adds hot and sweet. I like the dollar, the artist and vogue! Lol...
The Music rocksss dear! like more
Very cool pictures Keshi!! smile
Big sister is watching us from every corner :)
i think this is my 38476th visit :P
awww thats sad..
oh well.. we can settle for beckz for the time being..
its ok..
well i will surely do it soon.. :) hehe i cant wait to be celebrity now.. :) giggles
feel like am back in my school days.. lol
i did it toooooooo!!
it was great fun!!
Wohooo i gotta try this when I ahve some vella time :)
LOL. That was good fun ! :) Thanks for the site. Will try it some time soon :D
Keep rocking !! ;)
Really marvelous pictures ...and nice to see you again
I guess I can recognize you at a public gathering now :P Cheerios! :)
super sexy & supercool are the first words that came to my mind when I read your post :D
loved every bit o' it , keshi on jolie's shirt , mona keshi , keshi as claus , keshi on vogue (wah famous !) , keshi's pic held by miss richie , am dying to try it out :D .
{yup posh does look like a stick ) best of luck with becks
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