My ans: An old friend once wrote a very ugly letter to me just cos I told him to get his act together...and since that day my heart has been scarred beyond recognition cos the words were so harsh. Later on, he said Sorry and I forgave him, but those words don't seem to fade away. *now is there plastic surgery for a broken heart?*
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?

3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
My ans: Expecting the relationship to work without really making any efforts to make it work, and expecting all their problems to be solved once they have someone by their side. *get real people...you'll be in a r'ship with another human, not with Saint Theresa!* *rolling eyes*

My ans: Cloves *I like the smell of it but don't like it in my food*
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
My ans: The inclination to get up and take a break from the PC every 30mins or so!

My ans: My mum's Cooking is a bigger barrier than the Great Barrier Reef when it comes to toning myself faster! She cooks so well and I wanna eat more and more, and then I get love handles! *angry bitch face*
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
My ans (never ask a Woman): How 'old' are you, are you a 'virgin', why are you fat, no wait are you pregnant? *please have your Eulogy written and your coffin ordered before you ask these questions!*
My ans (never ask a Man): Am I your first? *but if you are his first, please kill him...no rather kill yourself!*

My ans: Puddings *yum I'm getting dizzy right now cos mini puddings-with-wings are flying around my head!*
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
My ans: My belly! *cries* *is there any human-belly ironing services available?*
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
My ans: **too bad Keshi I have more than ONE thing to mention here!* My dear family please have a rocking funeral with GNR music on *crank up the volume for 'sweet child o' mine'*, then have an acoustic guitar session for me *the coffin can get a lil lonely & boring ya know*, dress me up in my black halterneck and blue jeans and my white-stone earrings *earrings is a must even if you choose to leave me naked ok!*, do my hair please *incase I meet a hunk in my departure lounge on the way to heaven*, later on cremate me *gently please gently!* and then throw my ashes into the blue blue ocean...and say 'Goodbye Keshi girl!'. But if you wanna make a grave for me with my ashes in it *incase you're sea sick*, you may do so people *see I give you a choice even in death!*...and since Music is my life, have the following words encrypted on an iPod shaped grave please 'she came, she saw, she died laughing'. haaaaaaha isn't life funny, part-time shit! :)
Current Music: Part-Time Lover by Stevie Wonder
177 Cranium Signets:
hmmm....should i answer them now ...or later :P..and wer is the poem i rote for u ...u promised the display huh !...
Whenever u like Hemz.
**and wer is the poem i rote for u ...u promised the display
its in my heart...besides so many ppl saw it in ur blog right?
very interesting post.
ty Vasanthan!
why is it so interesting?
i want u to put it on ur blog to....it took 4 hrs to rite the poem and u dint have time or place to put in ur blog tupid :P...u said u wud do it this week..i thought wen i come bac i wud see it :P..i cant see ur heart now...i can see it on ur tshirt ..:P..
and for the answers here they go :)..
1.What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
Back stabbed by some dear friends and i cud not get out of it for some 8 months...
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
i was always a open book and they say i am kid i dont really dont know wat people dont know abt me ...my friends know evrything abt me...hmmm..let me think...they cant guess that i am cute :P..lol..
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
have to get into one to know about this :)..may be future i cud answer this..
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
chilli ..like penelope in women on top :P..
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
A kiss from a lover :)..
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
my laziness and the junk foods and my moms cooking (best cook for me )..:)..
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
woman: wats ur age...?
man: wats ur pay :P....haha.
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
choco pudding yummy :P..
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
my anger keeps growing decresing my happiness(but now it will reverse)
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
keep my blog updated as if i am blogging from hell :P..and dont worry..keshi is there with me in hell to ..were i am having fun :)..
i am kiddin yaar...i am just pulling ur legs...dont take to much....its ur poem its ur wish..do watever u want with it ..done get angry one me now :(...heheh :P..
ty Hemz for answering all the qns :)
**wats ur pay
how d u feel when someone asks u that qn? Just curious.
**my anger keeps growing decresing my happiness
as soon as u get angry remind ur self its only making u get older...then u'll calm down :)
**blog updated from hell
wow sounds hot!
Hemz relax...Im not upset. Just annoyed hehehe. Im ok now.
***** cant see ur heart now...i can see it on ur tshirt
wow I didnt know u judge ppl that fast...just cos of something u wrote that didnt get displayed in my blog? Im in shock.
my god my meaning was not that....it was i cant see ur heart to naked eye..u displayed it on tshirt it was cool...it was not judge ur heart ...my god please forgive me :(...
Hemz Im over it :) r ya?
*****wats ur pay
how d u feel when someone asks u that qn? Just curious.
depends on the age of the gal asking me...:P...
P.S:please i dint mean hard on any comments..i was just kiddin on the poem..dint mean in any hardway to make u annoyed hope u understand my feelin...sometimes i am stupid pls forgive me..
Hemz stop it...Im so over it and u need to get over it too plz! :)
btw u said
**woman: wats ur age...?
and now u say
**depends on the age of the gal asking me
so how r u gonna know the age? lol!
age ....huh!...yeh its difficult to know the age of the gal asking..so its difficult for them to know my salary hahah...:P...
1. What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
I hate when People backbite. Someone whom I really consider my friend, goes abt tail carrying. two faced bitches.
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
That I am a vegetarian. I know so much abt non veg that it wont be possible for them to believe that I am a veggie :)
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
They seek the covers of friendship to get their hormonal feelings satisfied. A friend is a frined, nothing more, a crush is a crush nothing more, clearly defining relationships is really important.
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
err... never been inside the kitchen much :)
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
My sister. She s away at boarding now. Darn I miss her loads :(
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
I have tried everything under the sun to look chubbier and non skinny :( nothin really works...
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
Woman: are you a virgin?
Man: Are you earning well?
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
I am a LAYS addict. Coffee addict.
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
err.. will get back to this one later :)
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
I dont want to be burned I want to be burried, and only people really sorry for my death attending my funeral.So keep off all you society slaved morons:)
Loved doin this keshi
thanks :)
i turn back and find that there were many instances when i got really hurt by my friends.. but it has never hurt me for a longer period.. the relfex time to come back to normal has been amazingly quick...
so never been hurt properly is the answer
2)most people wont guess about me..
people when they see me , they think that i am a sweet, soft spoke, calm, cute professional guy.. but once the mouth starts talking, their faces say it all. total disbelief....
a small body with such a broad bass voice and such a crazy attitude like that of jim carreys'..
3)mistake in relationships..
obsession and possesiveness.. lack of trust
4)my watch..
i never wear a watch.. but i still keep it
5)raw anger
am happy that i do not have it anyway
6)i fail to gain weight.. 55 kilograms
7)never ask a woman
do you love me?
never ask a man:
do you love me?
asking this question and getting the answer is not worth it..
8)i cant say no to
litchi and custard apple
9)my humor cells are growing i guess..
and i cant dance like how i used to..
10)kiss me and cry for me...sing for me..
Keshi ..... I loved the last picture, the tombstone with the "fatal error" line...... awesome!
btw..... here r my thoughts....
1. What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
I've long past the stage of getting hurt with people's comments!
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
That I'm a brat! Thanks to my sober, innocent looks!!! ;)
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
Lots of needs, wants and too little gives!
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
I dare not cook! And worse still, I dare not eat what I cooked!
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
I'm too lazy!!!
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
Thankfully, I face neither problem!
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
I dare not ask a woman whats behind her thought process!!! On second thoughts, a Nobel prize awaits me if I prove to have understood a woman! Lol..... U wanna kill me right?
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
Chocolates! I loooooove chocolates
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
Buckets of Beer for me! ;) A bottle after another bottle after another ..... ;)
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
Go have a ball and shout "Phew, Thank God!" ;)
1. What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
Every now and then , my feelings get wounded...But not so surprisingly, they get healed Instantly.
Some how grudges don't like me !
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
A lot of things : that I am very shy!, And too confused to be displaying my confusion!!
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
I guess expectations, demands..., I think your answer is the Ultimate!
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
Naah no clue
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
Good food habits and a disciplined schedule.
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
that ways I am perfect!
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
How much do you love me?
Do you need me ?
Goes for both..I mean they are plain stupid questions..
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
Coconut water and Jackfruit(Kathal with paronthi)
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
I guess the act of giving...like when you give, you somehow keep on getting more so you become capable of giving more to other!
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
oh keshi, i have given this a thought many times, I will soon come up with an answer and let you know before I die :))))
It was fun
#1 someone once told me that I was stupid and worthless
#2 what I do for a living
#3 expect it to work w/o any effort whatsoever
#6 over eating
#7 are u a virgin, when will u have kids/boy babies/ how many kids will u have/birth control
#8 chocolates, rasogulla
#9 Love
Good one, Keshi. Might take a dig at it later. I can't get very introspective at work. :-)
Btw, i've blogrolled ya.
wow fighting scene..i love fights :P
khikhikhi...hemu n keshi...do t
and abt the post...ur funeral to do list is so long :P
my answer're follows
1.What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
DUMPED :( I hate being dumped :(
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
that m too agresssive and impatient .lol..
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
Expect too much outta it...
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
I use all the things in my kitchen and don't buy anything that I don use while cooking
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
m getting bulkier day by day...m food habits have gone haywire :P but who needs extra energy now... m still single ;)
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
my love for food..I love foods...they are best creation by the almighty and i thank deeply to the first apeman who invented fire and the procedure to cook :P
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
woman: what's the color of ur underwears..??
rest all question they answer with increased faith for u...this ques's answer.. u will have to determine urself by increasing her faith for u to maxima :P..then also she will not answer but u will get the answer...but since she ain't answering and u r gonna determine .. why wasting time to ask it :P
man: Don ever ask me...mmmmm...u can ask me anything and I will answer all those depending upon the faith... and the underwear's answer is blue :P..this i can answer even without being asked :P lol
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
Hash in a Hukkah...it's hard for me to refuse...apart from zillions of food items I love :P
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
my sense of humor
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
Give people a sumptuous treat :P
and do keep my mp3 plugged in...may be clinically dead ain't being actual dead :P...lol
hey babes!!! How have you been?
Sorry for no touch for so long ;-)
#1. One thing someone has done to hurt me… Well my now room mate who once use to be my best friend did hurt me by not understanding something very minute about religions. She won’t ever understand why I don’t believe in distinguishing on basis of religions!
#2. One thing that most people won't guess about me is that I would cry the very next moment if left alone.
#3. One mistake people most often make in relationships is becoming blind. They love blindly but in rules, they care expecting back more…
#4. One spice would be cloves only
#5. One thing that I don't have that will increase my energy and reduce stress should be the willingness to keep myself healthy and going.
#6. One reason I fail to lose weight is that I am a HUGE HUGEE HUGEEE FOOD-A-HOLIC!!!
#7. Totally agree to your questions! *same pinch*
#8. One food I cannot say no to is biryani!!! Even soups… Sundaes ;-) And the list goes on…
#9. One Thing that keeps growing as I use it is my advice box (suppliers: friends and family)
#10.One Thing that I want my loved-ones to do when I die? Shout out saying how much they loved me.
hi kesh...howz it going? :)
will take up these questions in my blog ok?...coz I don think i could keep it short :P ... uhm clear maybe but not crisp!!
I totally agree with ans no. 3 ... relationships require constant effort and not just a one way effort...a mutual effort! Afterall it takes two to call it a relationship....
oh u like puddings :) ... i make a pretty decent caramel custard pudding :P... mebbe if and when we meet, this cld be one of the things i'd have on the menu!
and ... he he he...@ the tummy increasing ... i may giggle and laugh but oh God I know how much I need a tummy ironing gadget right now!!!!
i pod shaped grave?! now that's an innovative suggestion but on a more serious note... talking abt death *sigh*...is one of my biggest no no's...call it my own crazy superstition!
U tk care and oh yes, I finally got a post up on BUF too besides my own space :) ...
1. best frd dated my crush :(
2. that i am supershy, deep inside.
3. get bored too soon.
4. chilli poweder ;)
5. the discipline to date a new girl every other week.
6. None. I have a perfect control over my weight B-)
7. "how did you do "it" during your first time"
8. ice-creams.
9. my hard-earned muscles.
10. feel sad for more than a week atleast.
Interesting questions and answers!! Lemme give it a shot ;-))
1. What is the one Thing someone has said to you that hurt your feelings the most?
Someone once made me feel worthless. That was bad!!!
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
I am sensitive!!! ;-))
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
Ting Ting Ting!! It is bed time!! thats where it all goes wrong!!!
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
Cloves!! Same as you!!
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
A time machine!! Seriously, I badly need one!! ;-))
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose weight?
Just can't stop eating!! ;-))
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
to a man: how do you do
to a woman: will you do
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
Bengali sweets and Bakhlawa!! I have a sweet tooth!!
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
I laughed first and then thought seriously! I think its experience and knowledge!!
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
No tears from me. Let them smile so that when I look up from hell or down from heaven, I feel contended!! ;-))
Have a great weekend!!
1.What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
# I think that must've been way back when I was a kid coz after that I thought that i shouldn't get hurt about something which isn't true ( but it still happens sometimes)
someone had said " you are selfish & cold coz' u don't bring good tiffins " ( i used to get delicious paranthas for tiffin mind u )
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
# That I can sing ( this is my first public confession)
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
# they forget who they are ( i'm not talking only about the bf - gf relationships )
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
#oh god I'm completely clueless about this one . but i guess the ans would be chilli powder.
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
#hmmmmmm an energy drink ??
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
# By some divine rule , the maximum that i can gain in a year is 4kgs ( its true ) no im not 84 kgs. but that has been the rule since the last 7 years.
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
# I'm not sure about this one
woman ----> will u marry a virgin??
man----> are u a virgin???
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
# It has to be coffee , ahhh just thinking about it makes me go mushyy.
& Pizza ( yummy to the power infinity) & I have an insatiable sweet tooth :)
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
# Happiness & positivity , smile & the world will smile.
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
# I want them to call up my friends & at least tell them that I'm no more .
//* there , did it :) *//
#1. sum1 did a disappearing act:(
#2. that beneath the funny exterior lies a pained soul:(
#3.change persona...hv frnds who hv dun dis , all I say is tht loving means accepting the person tht u r!!!
#4.don't cook but I like most spices:)
#5.exercise routine:(
#6. fail to gain weight coz of irregular eating habits:(
#7.thr r some very stupid questions in a relationship of the like of "how important am I to u?" n "how much do u love me?"...strict no-no, for starters both love n importance are qualitative entities which can hardly be measured:D (fo rboth sexes)
#8.chocolate cake/fudge, biryani:D
#9.sarcasm within me
#10.don't make a hullabaloo, remember me for my goodness and forgive n forget all my shortcomings:)
Tad longer. I would love to comment though. Might just take a bit of time.
Will get back soon. Good questionnaire though.
nice post, candid answers....I think I will take it up as a tag and ans on my own blog, otherwise I might clog up your comment space...
Heyyy Kesh,
I am back. With some answers for your TEN (COMMANDMENTS!!!).
#1: That silence of someone did hurt. Words would have been better.
#2: The darkness inside me.
#3. Your answer is mine.
#4. Asafoetida
#5. Sleep. I wish I could catch a li'll more.
#6. Come on. Ask me, how do you manage not to put on additional kgs. I can show you the way.
#7. I don't ask questions unless I am asked to. Reason: I hate to answer questions myself.
#8. Tea. Anytime. Anywhere.
#9. My loneliness.
#10.I am not sure. I guess, I will die an anonymous death.
1. What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
Oh!there are a lot of things.But then the girl whom i liked telling me,i live in a fantasy world.
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
I am 17 :P They always get my age wrong :P
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
They think about what the society may feel and not what they feel.
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
Oh must be the chillies.I surely will need them,when i get too pissed.Who ever the person he can get the coffin ordered :) note that is a he :P
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
Easy.Having a room in school,where we can go and sleep,if we get bugged with class :P
. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
LOL! now you are have made me remember i have put on a little weight cause of excess eating :P time to get playing :P
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
Pass :P I think i will go with your answers :P
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
Not fair!not fair! I am a foodie! yum yum yum....anything choclately or strawberry! And well anything veg :D
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
Brain,rather the ability to think :D
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
Publish my poems :)
1.What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
I made myself immune to the hatred and uncouthness I received from some good friends..things that really hurt me are the times when I get onto my mom,and gt her totally pissed off...intentionally.
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
I'm hell patient..which I generally don't seem to be.People consider me really ruthless and dead to kind words..jus b'cos i dont always speak out my emotions.
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
They expect too much out of their partner,even when they put in just half of themselves!
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
I cook my life..sometimes I feel the anger inside me unwanted,but then I realize its tough to live without anger inside me! :D
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
Heck...if i got it,I would immediately reduce 10 kilos..I SWEAR!
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
Less of exercise,and food metabollism (lol) I tend to let the food I eat pile up,and i dont work it out,even tho I eat normal.
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
Woman: Still a virgin? Whats your age? That blouse makes you're neck look like the Grand Canyon!
Man-You're vest is sticking out of your shirt.
Plug your underwear in,dude!
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
Love n Friendship! :)
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
NOT CRY!..send me away each kissing me away to death! :D
*gosh..I'm so senti at times! :D*
I'll come back to answer the questions...this one needs some thinking but lovely questions.
Funnily, the last question was answered by me just a few years back, and it still holds.
I'll write it down
wow this is an intresting post..
hugggzzzz :) hehe
so here i go now..
1. well i dont like when ppl misintepret what you say and because of that they form there conclusions and bitch about u to others.. why cant they just come up and clear things then and there.. than carrying the grudge which is quite unnecessary in the first place.. because of which ppl end up doing things.. and u get hurt.. and like u said.. even when u forgive them.. the hurt and the scar just doesnt go.. its there..
2 . i'm quite shy and reserved.. and i sometimes feel things about the person i talk to.. well i am not psychic.. i dont think i am one.. but i dont know sometimes.. i have strangers coming up to me and telling stuff which they think i will be able to understand and help them out with..
3. guess should agree with u on that one..expectation.. its a two way thing.. it shouldnt always be one person who is putting the effort and the other person taking it.. it should be equal.. or more impt there should be that understanding about things.. for them to have that healthy relationship.
4.Cardamom/ cloves.. well depends.. hehe
5.hnnm giving myself a break.. tryin to do something really worth while than moaning.. lol
6.well.. i love food.. am an foodoholic.. so never works.. even when am fasting.. all i can think of is the food i will eat once i am done with the fasting.. :).. oh yeh mom's cooking.. hnnm missing her now :( sob sob
7.woman: whats u r weight / r u a virgin/ how old r u?
man: how much u earn ? ( i know few of my friends who dated ppl based on their income )
common question : do u think about ur ex???
8. chocolates.. yummyyyyyyy especiallyy dark choco's yum yum..
9.yup should agree with u on that one.. my belly.. sob sob..
10.hnnmm dont know never thought about it.. i know i would love to be remembered from time to time.. but what how.. hehe dont know..
that was my take now.. :)
hi.. firstly, though ive read ,your previous posts i havent commented.. will do so soon :P
and bout the questions, you know me :P, ill do it as a tag :D
loved ur last answer, the words 'she came, she saw, she died laughing' applies to me too .. lol the ipod tomb was hilarious!
hi keshi,
I really wonder from where you get such questions to ask!!
my answers:
1. The way a teacher made me cry.
2. That I will dance and sing when no one is at home. ;)
3. They dun listen and just go on and on talking.
4. Fenugreek seeds
5. a kick starter to make me start doing things.. after that I'll take care LoL
6. my mood swings.
7. woman and man: about their hair/hair style!!!
8. I cannot say No to Mushroom curry.
9. My blog. :D
10. To publish my blog as a book.. (may be)
much luv,
1. Since I havent done a world of good to every one I have ever met,I think I have screwed up my own "feelings" more than anyone else.
2. I am serious (when I joke).
3. People turn tacit and dont often convey what they necessarily have to.
4. No spices for me.
5. Yoga/morning walks any damn physical activity
6. Ya, Moms food has to be it.
7. Hows ur (babe looking) friend of yours?
8. Do you earn enough?
9. Grey Cells.
10. Let my soul rest in peace.
1. Said/ done by my sister. Would not like to go further in detail.
2. Too personal
3. Taking others for granted.
4. I use most of them
5. more party time.
6. my sweet tooth
7. What is your weight?
8. deserts
9. love, friendship, care
10. Not shed a tear.
1..someone very close to me said"Why should I make you happy"that really hurt me and has stayed in my mind.I don't think I can ever forget that because i love this person.
2.I do not have a lot of friends.I am home most of the time because I hurt my back.
3.people always make the mistake of thinking they can change the other person.I know from experience that it does not work.
4..I ahave a bottle of cream of tarter,which I have never used but am afraid to throw out incase I need it.
5.peace of mind.
6.I cannot work out a lot.
7.never ask him if he will ever cheat on you.
8.I cannot say No to indian sweets.
9..don't have an answer
10..I want to be cremated also and my ashes strewn all over the fields.I do not want any one to cry,I do hope I would have left behind some good memories that people can look back on and laugh.
I'll write a post to answer these.. :)
y do u come up wid posts dat make me think so much :((((
i hate thinkin...ok after much searchin i was able to borrow some thoughts on rent...
so here r d ans
1. What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
when someone said she loved me...n i started lovin her back only to realise she was jus playin a game
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
hahahaha....i soooooo wanna write a really interstin ans here...but i guess even kids read this blog
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
ah kitchen is outta bounds for me...i boil water thou...dnt think dat needs any spices
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
pamela anderson :P
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
m jus too lazy...thr i have said it in d open...damn!!!
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
Woman: r u married?
Man: how long u been married?
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
chickennnnn :D
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
keshi not stop askin such questions...i told ya earlier even kids read this blog
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
not miss me
that was nice...whr is d next lot???
1. Too many to mention mostly nasty letters and emails from 'friends'...yes I wish there was plastic surgery for a broken heart...
2. I think people think I am thick skinned but I am actually v sensitive and easily hurt
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
wanting to change the other person into the vision they have of him/her in their head
no time to do the rest but I loved your answers
Anothr gr8 Keshi ppost which makes one think
well here are my answers buddy
1. What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
One of my friends who claimed to care for me (still does, URRRGH)... tried to manipulate my feelings for him after he came to know that I kinda liked him n stuff. Whr r all the good men ... diammmmm!!!
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
That I can be weak too, tht as much as i look like i am storng enough and can deal with most things - i cry myself to sleep evrytime i am hurt.
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
Not being truthful to themselves... unless u can answer your ownself n your own doubts truthfully, you will never be able to be truthful to the other person and truth is all that matters in a relationship.
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
saffron - use it only whn makin special rice dishes... and on the occassion of tikka to put it on my bros forhead but i keep it cuz it can be used on face n in milk for fairness...LOL...tho i have nvr used it for tht very purpose... hi hi ha ha hah
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
Cofffeeee... my client site sucks big time n I don have a coffee vending machine at my disposal... U know Keshi - it used to be my motivation to leave my seat once every hour... not anymore thou :(
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
I am foodie, to fond of too many food items so cnt control my bingin habits u know
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
thts sumthn i really cnt answer but wud like to know wt evryone has to say so that i can use it as a medicine for my foot in the mouth syndrome...lol
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
Coffee and Chocloate Brownies, Momos and fruit beer, mom made rajma chawal and chole puri, yummmmmmmm!!!!
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
Friendship - true one i mean... the more u depend on a frnd and ur frnd on u, the more u r thr for each other, the stronger it becomes, isnt it?
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
I want them to donate all my donateable organs to someone who needs em... m not tryin to be a saint here, but i just feel tht ways.
And i wan my grave stone to say - "A human rests in peace here"
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
My ans (never ask a Woman): How 'old' are you, are you a 'virgin', why are you fat, no wait are you pregnant? *please have your Eulogy written and your coffin ordered before you ask these questions!*
My ans (never ask a Man): Am I your first? *but if you are his first, please kill him...no rather kill yourself!*
lol! man ur sense of humor rocks...
1. Took me for granted.
2. That I am hurt.
3. Ignoring what is available, resenting what is not.
4. No idea. Can think of Old Spice.
5. Flavour/ taste get the better of me.
6. Singing.
7. Tell me how much you love me. [This leads to misleading answers, though they invariably make you happy.]
8. Alcohol.
9. Knowledge. [Tricky question:)]
10. Not to remember how bad I was.
* where I'm in a terrible car accident and dying on the spot after my car falls off a very high cliff...I don't know what that means though...does anyone know?
It means (1)whatever "premonitions" came true were mere coincidences and (2) right since your childhood you may have been extremely ambitious (and maybe reckless) but fearing roadblocks.
* My dear family please .......
How will you blog without a laptop?
Hi Keshi
1. 'You’re like a zombie in bed'--not really. I just thought it sounded good.
2. Who I am cause I don’t know either.
3. Getting into a relationship in the first place.
4. Any spice that’s really, really, really hot, but not really, really hot.
5. Enough coffee or a kid—no, kids rob your energy.
6. Lose, cause I've been to too many funerals where I ate the goodies after.
7. Are you a virgin?
8. Anything that even closely resembles a cake.
9. A penis
10. It's party time--she's gone, gone, gone.
1. I had friend once tell me that she didn't think I was trustworthy. I still have no idea where that came from given that I already knew her deepest, darkest secrets and will take them to the grave with me.
2. I'm extremely competitive. And down right ruthless about it unless I make a conscious effort not to be.
3. Thinking that their boyfriend/girlfriend will change at some point.
4. I pretty much use what I have. I don't have many spices though.
5. The inclination to get up early and do some stretching and other exercises.
6. See #5. LOL
7. Never ask anyone how much they make for a living.
8. Cookies
9. You're brain. Use it or lose it!
10. Throw a big party.
** there are times when my dear and near ones dont trust me..tat hurts like a hell
** i m mature....
** first 2 months..lots of attention
next 2 months..sometimes ...
next 2 months... no time sweethrt no time..
after that...thinking wat went wrong in that relationship...
** no idea, actually i just started cooking..
** stress..i dont kow..will try t answer during my assignment time..
** ohh..i m perfet by weight gal...
** do u love diamonds? damn every gal loves it....
** fish fry.
** my foolishness as i use my brain..heheee
** i dont want them to cry and say "Nirmal was a great fellow".. crap tell that now to all gals around u now..
.... and gal where are u going dressed like a diva...on a date..gal u will give hard time for guys around after u r dead too...
#..recently by best friend..sid sum bitching abt ma character ..i was reely hurt.
#..tat I am reely very sensitive..
#..tat the other person wud adjust or accept their ways of life and we personally needn't...this ruins the relationship.
#..yupp its clove ..i eat it every now and then..
#..hmmm its getting up frm the couch and going to the open to take sum fresh air..
#..its lazyness to do exercise..i just get up brush ma teeth and sit near ma pc ..lol
#.. donno reely i can ask anythng to nyone so donno...lol
#.. food..pakodas with ketchup..and drink..black coffee lol
#... brain.. the intellect..and rest all dec ..lol
#..I wan't them to bring bakk all ma crushes to the hospital bed and make me meet them..then i wud also like them to be happy and not sad..i'll try to make them happy if they r not..
Expecting the relationship to work without really making any efforts to make it work, and expecting all their problems to be solved once they have someone by their side.****Totally agree on this one...
Btw my ans r up...:)
im so sorry that i have ot been here keshi but you know what...Alot has been going on i am feeling very depresseD! I WANT TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you alo t keshi and wish i could get here more...i will email you more soon ok? LOVE YOU LOADS!!!!!!! i am too depressed to answer these :(
I can't answer as good as you coz you cracked me up Big Time Sweetie and I luv it...me gonna have a good weekend for sure after reading this hehehehe...
Luv you to bits & pieces :D
keshi buddies i posted something smilar to this :)..
hope u wud come up wen u have time..i know ur busy as its weekend :)..
1 ) that i immature/uncaring and an idiot -- thats no funny. it was serious.. it hurt me big time.
2) that I m more sensitive to harsh words that I put forth.
3) expecting too much and taking the beau for granted.
4) cloves it is!
5) to take a break and talk about my problems. I don't TALK about it!
6) I m a compulsive/emotional eater. Mood swings tend to make me feel like eating. And I never lose weight coz of that.
7) Never ask me, 'why m i so FAT' i hate that qs. Why m i so juvenile. :-/
8) Bread roasted in 'ghee' with Jamand butter. I ate it just now.. i want more!
9) my freaking butt and thighs :-/
10) to remember me. I wish to be remembered, I am scared that I will be forgotten too soon. I know it will happen, but still it makes me feel real sad
loved your answers to Keshi :)
thanks.. this post made me think a LOT>
This one is tough! I have to ponder for a long time over these questions.. Let me attempt to answer them, but keshi, I don't think mine can beat yours!
1. What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
when one thinks i'm bullshitting when i'm actually trying my level best to explain myself.
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
i ain't a nerd/geek [studying for PhD doesn't help here]
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
Thinking that the other person will be thinking what we are thinking [am I making any sense?]
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
I'm clueless..
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
I'm still looking for the reason. Maybe will bug my trainer for the answer! :-P
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
Have you ever slept with your ex?
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
Ice-blended coffee
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
My credit card limit
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
No one should cry. Ammu is in a better place now.
YYou gave the answering in interesting and fun throwing keshi. Now let me try.
1. What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
I have the one in myself to hurt, so is anyone needs? But is the silent thing I hurt through understanding the pain and suffering of my parents, esp. my mother which I have given.
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
The reason behind my smiling, and sometime that’s the reflections of my imagine world, where romance and wishes exist ;)
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
Not conceding one another and accept to live within.
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
I like pickles which I won’t use usually, and ask for when the bottle is empty.
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
Few encouraging words from others sets free the harder moments and to move further. Add for positive circumstance.
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
Lack of walking… and adjustment in diet!
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
Enquiring about another girl and there age.
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
Brown chocolate cakes and my fav are the birthday cakes which have more cream
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
Interest, I am nothing a person without it and everything I live and learn is because of this.
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
Anyhow we are going into depth as ashes or bury, before that I have something to do with my wish. I have decided to give my body to the medical research as if anything could help on the MD disorder, instead of organ donation which is nothing going to be useful to anybody. I hope my loved ones understand my wish to exist and I want to exile from the usual custom.
Here I go Keshi
1.What is the one thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
When someone I considered one of my closest friends bitched bigtime about me to and I came close to losing alot of friends. Also showed me who were my true friends.
2. What is the one thing that most people won't guess about you?
That I am married. Guess its probably because I don't wear any of the traditional signs of a married woman nor do I keep blabbering on about my husband and inlaws and because I keep laughing and talking, not maintain a dignified exterior :P
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
Getting into one just for the heck of it or because they are in love with the image they want the other person to be, and don't love the person for what he/ she actually is
(Ooops that's two mistakes)
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
Ummmm...hing (do know what's the English name for that)
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
A jacuzzi/ spa/ personal masseur
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
Getting on the treadmill...I keep postponing it to tomorrow and eat today cuz I'm going to get on it from tomorrow :P
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
Man: Whom would you choose between your mother and me?
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
Chocolates, Pepsi and Mutton burra kababs (Three things. Anyway what's one or two extra between friends :P)
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
Hopefully my patience
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
Mourn for me a for a day and then have a big party with lots of good food n music to celebrate the person that i was and the good memories. Also donate whatever body parts can be donated (That's the one thing I have told Arjun actually)
**Sorry couldn't restrict myself to just one **
1. What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
well thats a tough one to answer..because when ur hurting, it always feels like there could be nothing worse...and the next time around, u feel 'last time it wasent THIS bad' :p
but then again,there is this one thing i can never forget and that undoubtedly hurt me the most---hurt me soo much that i run away from it all the time....and thats what probably is stopping me to go thru it all over again by saying it on here :)
im sorry...
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
umm that im a devil in the disguise of an angel ;)
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
they think they know almost everything thwre is to know about each other...but sometimes they may be just so totally wrong....
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
it HAS TO BE the 'spice of life' ;)
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
i often waste my energy throwing tantrums and that gets me totally stressed out...
so a lil patience is what i need :-/
6.What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
sigh! just when i get all geared up to diet,somebody tells me im perfect the way i am...and i almost always get about believing it...and then the diet becomes 'history' *rolling eyes*
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
well i guess u need first hand experience to answer this...so i guess il'l pass this one...
ive never asked anyone anything im not supposed to ask :)
and its a good thing that its pretty much the same the other way around too....touchwood!!
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
(i havent met one i havent liked)
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
sense of humour ;)
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
smile and remember me :)
nice post dear...it was fun answering these questions...
umm.. if you die in a car accident, you wouldn't be dying laughing...
listen girl... u freaked me out with that one! :-(
Hi Keshi!
So you having fun here...:-))
i will join on Saturday/Sunday..just saw you at deepsat...
coming back agin to read and comment!
hey how r u ??
1)speaking behind my back,....i have been at the recieving end for the wrong reasons,,i has hurt me at times.
2)that i write poems and stories...no one in my family knows it and not even my best friends knew abt my blogging and the writer in me:p
3)hmm cant answer ... coz i have to get into one to answer this ques
4)cloves :p i dont like in my food just like u :p
5)a good sleep lol...too much studies and work bugging me
6)my momma's food for sure and i love cooking...and i am the only one who eats whteva i cook lol..my weight is 76...not that high ..i guess so
7)woman...r u a virgin,Are you free ?? :p
man: whats ur salary.
8)hmm cadbury chocolates...i just love em
9)interests for sure
10)dont cry and do remember me ..and always smile :p
good post keshi
have a great weekend
btw blog updated
Hey Keshi :)
Enjoy the weekend...will post my answers later...busy!! :(
Hi,Keshi..nice questions,nice answers,too!:)
Let me see now:
1. One thing that has hurt my feelings the most?
This college friend of mine,who was quite close.After we joined different companies in different cities,he insisted on me keeping in touch with him via letters,not understanding that I was busy learning the ropes at my first job.He finally wrote a rude letter,saying that I did not appreciate friends,etc!After that,I never got in touch with him,even though other friends tried to patch us up!(Ouch,that was a sad memory)
2.Thing people won't guess about you?
That I am also sensitive.(Well,only my good blogger friends know this*winks*)
One mistake people make in relationships?
Keep their egos at an all time high,not caring for the other person's emotions.And,then,they're shocked when the pack of cards castle crashes.
Spice in cupboard...
Paani puri masala(I never used it,but,I know-the day I throw it,i'll feel like enjoying the delicacy the same day)
One reason you fail to lose/gain weight?
No reason-I know the trick to lose wt,when I want to.And,gaining is as such easy.
(Humour answers,these,ok?)
One question-never ask a :
Man: Are you really so stupid?(And,of course,the other one,which a woman shouldn't ask a man:(which I said on Sol's post,some time back)-'Is it in?')
Woman: Are you forty plus?
One thing you can't say no to:
Bikaneri Sev
And,sweet: Kaju barfi.
Our thing that keeps growing...
(First,sidey smile comes to face,but,composes self):
The brain-it has an endless capacity to absorb,but I feel I don't allow it to use itself to full capacity.
One thing..loved ones to do when you die:
That's a toughie.Let's see now:
- Forgive me for the times I ignored them,fought/argued with them,distanced myself from them(Literally)
- Speak of me with a smile even after I die!
Whew-that was tough..And,fun,too!Tks,Keshi.
Now,from your answers:The most interesting:
I learned that you're psychic..wow-now,tell me-when are we,as in we 2, or,some of us BUFers meeting?:)
Re. your premonitions-believe me,they're just signals to you to be careful-think over it-the day of the premonition,were you about to take a 'different'step at work/home?
1. What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
Expecting things from me, and when they didn't get it, being downright nasty and rude.
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
Actually, most people say my eyes speak , and they can see through me...but what they can't see are my moods when i'm
sad. I dont let my feelings show and spoil the mood of the surroundings
3.What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
Expecting a lot from the partner and then trying to change them if it doesn't suit their sensibilities
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
The star anise...I'm so possessive about that...love it but use it very less...but will never throw it away.
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
The ability to let go of my responsibilties, and chill out. I act as if the whole world needs me and it might just dissolve if I didn't
help :(
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
When I was younger I failed to gain weigth 'cos I was always restless, and always on the move (literally), now when i'm much
older, I can't lose weight 'cos I love the feeling of eating, and i'd rather die fat and happy, and not thin and depressed and
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
Are you a virgin is surely not going to give you answers, but most certainly a sock . And have you ever tried asking a guy, why
he has a paunch????, see him tuck his tummy in, before you say why?????
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
Jamoons and icecreams and apple pie...and...oh my God!!! Now I think you know why I can't lose weight either.. :(
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
Love this one...years back on telling my sons what I wanted them to do, they answered me with a " when ar eyou going to die"
they were all of 4 and 1....and I coulndt help laughing away...innocence!!
When I die, I dont want any of the ceremonies, or the garish stuff people do, donate my eyes, my kidney and whatever can be used, without delay, dress me up in jeans and a green t-shirt, I want
all my friends and family to party...in my own house, with chaats, as the top menu. Down a few tequila shots and do the jive (
cos I love jiving). stay up late, sprawl out on my living room floor, and drink coffee the next morning before they leave. My
ashes should be taken up by road( not air!!) to the Himalayas, and sprinkled all over, and see if they can aim into the Beas
river...mm divine...thats what i'd want...My loved ones to be happy even after I go away....
cos i'm sure, i'll stand at the peraly gates, and make Yama's life miserable if I see them cry down here...
Hi Keshi popping a hi your way. *HUGZ*
1. What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
Don't remember...can't remember...life is too short for any grudges :)
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
That m a good dancer...all this fat is quite misleading! :D
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
They dun work on it..when it gets old..its all rosy in the beginning...
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
I have to ask my cook :D...but m a decent cook too ..i try to use each nd everything available in the kitchen :D
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
A few close frends...but tum ho na :P
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
Lack of exercise..nd somethin to do with my body...it takes every gram of fat avlbl in anythin.
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
Man: What is your age? (Well we are also sensitive abt it...specially when m growin old every year :( )
Woman: Shall we go shoppin? (I know...its for man's own good :D)
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
Gajar ka halwa :D
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
Cry a little..nd remember the good times we had :)
1.What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
that someone believing others perception and tales of me rather than taking a chance to believe me and my personality. :(
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
that i am not all that innocent?
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
Forcing change on the other party according to their own demands, wishes, time and desires.
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
I am not sure. I hardly cook! there is this thing that my mum puts in this rice that she cooks. hates it when i accidentally bites into it..EEKS! not sure what is it called.
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
smaller hips? ..:)
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
I allow my weights to be white elephants after a while. and i love food. my family cooks too good.:)
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
Woman: How heavy are u?
Man: Does she look better than me?
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
Chocolates, ice cream etc. Magaritas...
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
My brain and stress level.
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
To believe in their hearts and minds that i have always loved them with all my heart. and that i am not just an ordinary girl but an extra ordinary one...
Well i would like the signature Joker line on my grave- Why so Serious????
Hehe nice loved the answers....
1. What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
Someone who is really close to me has acted in a manner I cannot disclose here, which hurt me the most and what worst? He had never changed!!
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
I can be really rude.
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
They change when they are in a relationship.
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
I don't know, I don't handle kitchen, my mom do :)
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
Nothing. Yah, honestly. I too, sit infront of pc a lot, but when I feel like I need to take a break, I will, no matter what.
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
Mmmm? This, I eat only enough food and rarely do I go for restaurants outside. So, I have never put up weight.
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
Woman: R u a virgin?
Man: Can I trust you?
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
Nothing. Honestly, I can say no to anything, I am not addicted to anything.
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
My mind.
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
I don't care what they do after when I die, what matters to me is what they do when I'm alive
1) In totaly insensitive to remember even if anybody scolded that badly..either I will forget or act like that I have not heard it.
2) I am not that good as I look
3)Expecting too much..forcing others for their wish
5)MORE MORE Money!!!
6) No sexy girl friends to impress or .........
7)Women : Salary
Man : R u able to satisfy your wife?
9) My brain power
10) Love me and belive that I loved you all ppl very much
Too many questions - it's the weekend. enjoy yours!! the leaves are incredible here and the weather is beautiful and i have to work in 18 minutes.
1.What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
cant think of any. Most of the nasty things people have said had a reason and a cause, so it didnt cling.
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
That Iam quite and shy.
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
Expectations and disappointment when those expectations are not fulfilled. Its ironical.
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
rosemary. Have never used it but its always there. I think I just love the concept.
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
A proper vacation.
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
lack of motivation.
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
woman: how come u r not married yet?
man: how come u r not married yet?
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
fried fish
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
My rage. Once angered I go beserk. It leaves me completely weak in the end.
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
get on with their life. Hopefully to remember me with fondness.
***she came, she saw, she died laughing'
too good...
awesome answers... :D
Too busy dreaming about staring into those mystical Keshi eyes to answer any questions now...
Hi Keshi!
Its been nice/fun to know yours views and those of many of the commentators here...Infact after a days sleep, my 'tamed' mind (you would know the person I'm) is back...
I do not know how true I may be , yet..
1.What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
Now, there's no one who can hurt me, other than myself. In the past, someone calling me "insane" ...because he/she was right!!
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
can't say...May be that I'm fun loving...
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
all of them
wait, may be kuskus to single out
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
the will to meditate..they say it does work.
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
i am a perfect figure - not me, they say ;-)
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
Woman - if she likes her husband or her father more...
Man -- they are good liars, so ask anything...it doesn't matter
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
myself, my age...
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
just to burn me, with my belongings...including my blogs.
you are gonna have a tuff time replying to all these comments.. haha.. come back soon keshi.. i have a video in my latest post.. a movie... check it out
Am always late with my comment here :(
Will jot down the answers tonite...
1. it's strange that ppl closest to u hurt u the most. anyway, can't say what it was here.
2. that i'm really really moody.
3. expect too much. from others, themselves as well as from the relationship itself.
4. nutmeg.
5. the secret to nirvana..?
6. fail to lose: FOOD. fail to gain: good genes.
7. aah... i dunno. don't ask me my weight!
8. cheesecake. and moong dal halva.
9. my blog??
10. i would like them to say "well lived". to do? well... make sure i'm dead. whatever they do after that is okay.
ohk ...i'll answer dem nxt month keshi ...will do?
1.What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
-- Wen dey over expect..
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
-- My intense love for knitting
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
-- no idea
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
-- cant say
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
-- I POD...will get it soon:P
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
-- gain in my case, well biggest issue for me is eatin itself, i feel its d most borin activity on earth
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
-- woman..wat's ur age??
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
-- chocolates ofcourse!!1
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
-- i never thot abt it
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
-- to remember me n my poems
hahaa..the coffin bit was hilarious but weren u jokin?
and here i go..
1. What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
it was me..i called this person real nasty names and she forgave me
2.What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
tat i pretend to be ignorant but mostly it's because i wait for the right time..not to say tat my timing is spot-on
3.What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
no mistakes as such..if they dont work then respective patterns dont match.tats all
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
I dont know..wow! My mom's gonna be so proud
5.What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
when it comes to my body, i expect miracles to happen overnight
7.What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
Questions abt family..strictly forbidden
8.What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
my eating pattern truly has a lot to do with my mood
9.What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
hey common..sounds like a psychoanalytical qsn
10.What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
remember tat i wouldn have been gone :)
Okie here come my answers:
1. What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
A. My colleague from my previous company who i thought was my best friend, back stabbed me when i was least expecting it. Had never thought of such a thing happening to me. Now i m wiser though.
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
A. That i m a loner.....i m a very social person but i love my solitude and i need to be by myself at times and thats something tht can confuse many ppl coz social ppl r not supposed to love solitude. :)
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
A. Taking a relationship for granted and expecting things to happen on its own is the worst mistake that ppl make while being in a relationship. They forget a very important phrase that "a relationship is like a plant, th more u water it, the more it grows"
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
A. I would say cinnamon. I dont like it in my food except for the flavor that it provides.
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
A. I think having more water, i dont touch the bottle even if its on my desk. I dunno i never remember tht i need to hav water. I feel it breaks my rhythm of work!
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
A. Well that would coz i m a foodie. I love food....and at the same time i m blessed with good genes to gain weight easily!
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
A. To a woman: Never ask her age, weight, and if she has a bf!
To a man: Never as him abt his past affairs. (makes them really uncomfortable)
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
A. Can't say no to sweets!i dont hav a sweet tooth but a sweet jawline. :)
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
My age!i dont want to grow old!! :(
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
A.To remember me as the person i was and not to cry much coz i hav had a good and satisfying life.
1.What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
my brkup wid my first girl...horrible memories of tht one
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
Really cant put a finger to it...i'm quite the open book
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
Not trying to understand their spouses, taking happiness for granted
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
naah use all...but least used is javitri and jaiphal (only in puddings)
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
ability to focus on work :P
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
a non disciplined routine of hitting the gym
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
woman: don't really know...i've had the knack of asking everything :P
man: 'do u remember wat day it is today'
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
all...i cant say no to nething
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
shoot a few bullets into my body and make it seem like i died in a battle or something... :P
or...actually donate all my organs...rest they cud feed it to a hungry lion or dogs or watever dont really care
Hiiii Keshi....Am back with my answers....
1. What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
Ans. When I got my hike recently, a collegue of mine told me that I was the last person who deserved it.......that has hurt me the most...so far.
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
Ans. I can really get wicked at times but then people cant make it out coz I always kleep smiling.
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
Ans. When the relationship gets old, people take people for-granted. That mistake proves fatal most of the times. We only realise it once we have lost or damaged the relationship.
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
Ans. Dried chillies.
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
Ans. My answer is same as urs. Once am infront of the PC, I simple dnt get up...even if I have to go to the loo.
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
Ans. In my case, its LOSE......Even if I shed some fat, I hog back-to-back 24/7 and then I gain whatever I have lost. If I dnt eat, I feel am empty inside...theres a constant wish to binge.
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
Ans. To a woman- Whats ur age??
To a man - whats ur pay? How much have u saved so far?
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
Ans. SWEEETSS - Kaju barfi, Jalebi, Rasagulla, Sandesh, Rabdri, Kheer, Sahi Tukda......I can live on them.......I have done this many times.....ate 5 kilos of kaju barfi in a single day.....
Keshi, Have u tasted gol guppa or puchka in India?
I cannot live without gol guppa.
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
Ans. Same answer as urs.....I have lost seven kgs in nine months but my belly fat is as it was nine months back....I didnt have this problem earlier, whatever I do, I just cant get rid of it.
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
Ans. Place white roses n lilies on my grave everyday.
Enjoyed doing this Keshi.
Hemz, both age and salary r sensitive topics for both genders I guess.
ty Preeti great answers!
if u wanna put on some weight, try being a couch potato like me ;-)
**I dont want to be burned I want to be burried, and only people really sorry for my death attending my funeral.So keep off all you society slaved morons
haha good one! I know so many ppl who attend funerals as a DUTY.
Chriz wow I cudnt guess that abt u at all!
**do you love me?
I know..its such an annoying, desperate and shallow qn.
Ur answers were great, ty!
hey Beer-loving Rakesh ;-)
**I've long past the stage of getting hurt with people's comments
Im glad. Its a long process and I think Im slowly getting there too.
**nobel prize
Nah I wont kill ya...even I cant u'stand myself sometimes lol!
hey ty Bhawana I loved ur answers!
**I guess the act of giving...like when you give, you somehow keep on getting more so you become capable of giving more to other!
Spot on! If a soul can REALISE that, then that soul is at a very good place...
I love coconut water and jackfruit too WOW!
ty LOVELY Lavida!
**someone once told me that I was stupid and worthless
1 or 2 ppl hv told me that too...I was really hurt back then...not anymore. cos now I realise that I must hv some WORTH more than em, for em to say that to me. HUGS!
no worries Trevor ty! :)
haha Bro I loved ur answers!
U dun need energy now just cos ur single? Why, when u get married d u intend to carry ur wife on ur back everywhere u go?
**may be clinically dead ain't being actual dead
LOL good one!
aww Sachi I love Biryani too yumm!
**One thing that most people won't guess about me is that I would cry the very next moment if left alone.
I kinda guessed that abt u anyways :)
*HUGZ* n ty!
hey ty Ish! :)
yes u may do it as a tag later on.
all girls need belly ironing every now n then!
hey ty Jitterz!
Ur friend dated ur crush? wut a loser!
**"how did you do "it" during your first time"
haha! wud anyone really ask that?
ur super shy? Now I'd never hv guessed that abt ya. Im serious!
hey ty Deepz great answers there!
**to a man: how do you do
to a woman: will you do
HAHAHAHAHAHA @#9! I really didnt think abt it that way until u said u laffed at it..OMG!!! :):)
hey ty Truthful!
wow u can sing? u should sing for us in ur blog :)
**Happiness & positivity , smile & the world will smile.
Spot on! Happiness n positivity can only GROW, if u give it a chance. *HUGZ*
ty CN, ur answer to qn #10 was touching!
** that beneath the funny exterior lies a pained soul
I sorta guessed it anyways...r ya surprised? *HUGZ*
I love Biryani too!
No wurries Soul ;-)
k Pinku :)
Soul ty, honest answers there!
I think everyone has some Darkness in em that ppl wont guess abt em...wut say?
**.I am not sure. I guess, I will die an anonymous death.
aww...wut abt ur loved-oned?
hey Vish yes I can see ur brain gros by the minute :) Ur superb!
**They think about what the society may feel and not what they feel.
So true! very well-said.
U've put on? so Vish is no longer 17? ;-)
ty Crystal I do know ur quite a patient girl...how u may ask? Cos I do rem I lost it with ya couple of times in some posts but u never gave up on me...u had so much patience and genuine friendship towards me. ty n HUGS!
**Man-You're vest is sticking out of your shirt.
Plug your underwear in,dude
LOL too funny!
Im supa senti too :)..even tho I want my funeral to be a happy n fun one with GNR music, I know my mum will hv such a big drama one *rolling eyes*
hey ty Prats :) take ur time.
Ani u will always be remembered by me sweetie HUGS!
I dun like it too...I like the smell but not in my food :)
**why cant they just come up and clear things then and there.. than carrying the grudge which is quite unnecessary in the first place
I so agree! worse part is, these ppl who really r at fault choose not to say SORRY.
hey ty Harini!
Yes I really want that line on my grave...cos Im always laffing :) especially at how serious some ppl take life, when its the funniest thing on Earth. lol!
hey ty Aiz!
lol u dance behind closed doors? aww...
**a kick starter to make me start doing things.. after that I'll take care
haha good one!
Ur GREAT work in ur blog will always be remembered by many, even if there wont be a book. HUGS!
hey ty Tarun!
a serious joker ja ;-)
**Grey Cells
I thought they die as we age?
hey ty Kiran!
yes LOVE grows as u use it!
**What is your weight?
I hate that qn too...I hv a cuz who rings me up from overseas to ask me that! *rolling eyes*
*HUGS* even my sis and I hv had times when words uttered were too harsh to forget...
Starry HUGS I loved ur answers hun!
**"Why should I make you happy
OUCH! that wud hurt alot! And it hurts more if it was uttered by someone we cared alot abt. HUGS!
I dun hv MANY friends too...only few close ones and I hv a huge family...
As humans, most of us lack peace of mind...strange ha.
*HUGZ* u will always be remembered and loved by Keshi..plz know that.
no wurries Zubin! ;-)
HAHAHA Mayz sorry abt the R-rated qns! didnt realise it until now LOL!
**pamela anderson
really? wud cud she possibly do to ya that wud reduce ur stress levels??
And how can u asked ur loved ones NOT to miss ya??
hey ty Emma!
yes, alot of ppl think Im thick-skinned too but Im really very sensitive...like u.
**wanting to change the other person into the vision they have of him/her in their head
So true! Its always the case. It seems alot of ppl r looking for their twin to marry!
hey ty Div HUGS, great answers there!
yes ur right...ppl think that I'd be strong in ANY situation...but I can be eak too, cos Im human.
yeah we dun use it much either, tho we hv it in the cupboard...:)
I dunno if Friendship grows by using it, cos its a 2-way thing isnt it? wut if the other person isnt feeling the same way?
** "A human rests in peace here"
Loved it! Finally we get some real REST ha.
LOL Phoenix tnxx hun! ;-)
hey ty Stony neat answers!
** Ignoring what is available, resenting what is not.
So true! Alot of ppl focus on whats MISSING, not on wut they already HAVE.
Nice one :)
I dun think premonitions r coincidences, cos MOST of em happened to the exact detail too!
*** My dear family please .......
**How will you blog without a laptop?
In heaven u mean? o well, I wont be blogging from there...unless God decides to get broadband. lol!
hahaha Bev I loved ur answers!
**Getting into a relationship in the first place
LOL good one!
hahahahaha u crazy zobie in bed ;-)
*HUGZ* ty for the smiles!
hey ty Jay!
yes it wud hurt alot of if someone close told me that they dun trust me.
** Never ask anyone how much they make for a living.
its too curious a qn ha :)
LOL great answers there Nirmal!
*Im mature
r ya? oh ok :)
**my foolishness as i use my brain
Loved it!
where am I going all dressed up? hunk-watching has just been shifted to a new location and thats Heaven...so I better be dressed to kill right? urrrggg not kill I mean...I know they r dead already lol!
ty Joyce really sweet answers!
we all know the feeling. HUGS! :)
**I wan't them to bring bakk all ma crushes to the hospital bed and make me meet them..then i wud also like them to be happy and not sad..i'll try to make them happy if they r not..
OMG considering the many crushes u hv, the hospital wont hv enough space to cover em all LOL!
ty Southy :)
Kayz wuts wrong?????
Dun say such things plz.
hey ty Shionge LOL!
tnxx Hemz! :)
gtg now..will come bak later on to reply to the rest of the comments.
tnxx all!
awwww thank u babez.. huggggzzz
well like cardamom i have a problem with rasins.. well i can eat them otherwise.. but when i find them in my payasam or cake..i dont know dont like them in it.. hehe but i dont mind the nuts ;) now now.. i meant cashew and almonds..
and about apologising.. dont know why ppl think that the world will come to an end.. if u say sorry.. all it means is that u r wanna make amends.. and bridge the riff.. nothing else.. oh well they find it difficult to say the 5 letter word..
how is the weekend going on..
1. I have this cousin who keeps throwing up the fact that she has a mom in my face every time. I should have gotten used to it by now,.. but it’s a reminder each time
2. I’m short-tempered :D
3. They expect change from their partner… which is a BIG ‘no no!’
4. Some kind of dark cumin :D
5. The ability to eat without gaining weight… SIGH!
6. If only I knew… :D
7. Are you a virgin? :D
8. Potato chips :(
9. Curiosity
10. Live their lives vicariously for me
Boo! how been yew my Keshigirl???
I always save up answering your blog for he last coz I like going back to read every post I missed in between
Damn! Wish I could blog everyday :( But College is like 44 miles away and I'm killed between that and the sadistic assignments they bestow upon us... BLEAGH!
1.What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
“Is that hair sticking out of your left ear?”
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
I’m dyspeptic and sometimes get belly aches.
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
Discussing ear hairs.
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
The ability to walk.
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
An incurable emaciating disease – but I could eat anything I wanted if I could just walk to the kitchen, so there's an upside...
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
“Is that hair sticking out of your ear?”
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
A good essay question.
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
Crossword puzzles.
heyya.........I'm back to blogging!
Check out my space.....
Right now it's kind of rush hour for me so I'll check out the post soon!
Happy blogging!
ty Veenz!
hey ur not the only one..even Im quite sensitive. u must know that by now? lol!
**Bread roasted in 'ghee' with Jamand butter. I ate it just now.. i want more!
there's the reason why ur prolly not losing weight easily...not cos ur lazy or not determined :) Ghee is quite fattening girl.
u wont be forgotten by me..never! u hv always been a very genuine mate to me..and to me, that means ALOT. HUGS!
aww Ammu I loved ur answers..so honest!
**when one thinks i'm bullshitting when i'm actually trying my level best to explain myself.
omg I soooo know that feeling and I LOATHE it when it happens! One day I was trying to say something quite serious to my sis and she made fun of me and laffed...I was so sad that moment I decided NEVER to talk abt it with her again...to date, I hvnt brought that topic up again...its been 5yrs now.
**Thinking that the other person will be thinking what we are thinking [am I making any sense?]
Yes I know wut ur saying. Alot of ppl make such ASSUMPTIONS.
*HUGZ* u will always be loved and remembered by KESHI.
Jeevan ur answers touched me!!
**Interest, I am nothing a person without it and everything I live and learn is because of this.
Spot on! Very clever answer there.
**medical research
how very generous of ya! Im still thinking abt donating my body for reasearch cos Im scared of ppl cutting me up..yes even after death lol!
hey ty SMM I loved ur answers girl!
I so know wut u said abt r'ships...ALOT of ppl just get into one cos its the NORM.
**Man: Whom would you choose between your mother and me?
good one! believe it or not, I know alot of ppl who ask such qns!!!
yes thats what I want my family to do too...after Im gone. I want em to celebrate my LIFE...but I guess I wont get that kinda funeral...with my mum being such an emotional drama queen!
SMM dearest if I cud get bak to my Exercise routine after a long lazy break, u CAN too. Now I cant stop exercising! :):) It feels good, I hv lost some weight and I feel so motivated. I want u to start TODAY...?
*HUGZ* all the best hun!
aww ty Pri HUGS!
**sigh! just when i get all geared up to diet,somebody tells me im perfect the way i am...and i almost always get about believing it...and then the diet becomes 'history' *rolling eyes*
LOL! I know that feeling. My mum says that to me all the time...why r u exercising so much and cutting down on rice etc...u look fine to me! *rolling eyes*
**sense of humour
TOP answer!
*HUGZ* u will always be remembered by me Pri!
ty Vinesh!
** if you die in a car accident, you wouldn't be dying laughing...
who knows..I cud be :) mebbe at first I'd be very scared...and later on when I know I dun hv a chance of surviving, mebbe I'd just laugh.
I dun take life that seriously :).
hey Devika ty! :)
hey ty Solitary!
I hate back-biting too...trust me, ALOT of ppl hv done that to me, even in blogville. Im so bored by such ppl now they dun affect me anymore :) I sympathise with their fragile minds.
So u need some sleep? why dun u take a day-off and sleep the whole day? :)
**Are you free ??
omg I so know that qn and I HATE it!!
hey Prakhar I had a very busy wknd :)
How was ur's?
ty Amit! :)
**He finally wrote a rude letter,saying that I did not appreciate friends
Whats even more shocking than that is that there r actually ALOT of ppl like that in this world!
I know ur sensitive Amit :), like me.
**The brain
I like that ans! but I read that our cranium shrinks as we get older :(
When r we BUFers meeting? let me look at the crystal ball now ;-) mmmmm...mmmmm....I can see few ppl meeting in Dubai/Sydney in the FUTURE.
MOST of em come true and in full detail too!
hey Prats really great answers!
**The ability to let go of my responsibilties, and chill out. I act as if the whole world needs me and it might just dissolve if I didn't
Same here...Im so OCD abt my responsibilities! Cant u see from my comment-replies too? LOL!
Wuts Star anie and Jamoons?
**losing weight
well if ur happy with ur weight, who cares wut ppl say/think! :)
Ur ans to qn #10 touched me! Ur sooo like me in many ways. I love staying up and chatting too. And ur kids r really CUTE :). U sound like a really warm and loving mum. Im sure u'll get to live with ur kids for many many more years to come. HUGS!
Hi Amy! :)
ty Prakhar!
**Don't remember...can't remember...life is too short for any grudges
remembering something doesnt mean ur holding a grudge is it? :) I find it hard to forget unless I start suffering from Dimentia or something hehehe...
Wow ur a good dancer? I really wud love to see some Moves. :)
yes I guess both men and women r sensitive abt AGE as they grow older.
hahaha @shopping qn!
And u will always be remembered by Keshi HUGS!
Some really neat answers there Amy TY!
**that someone believing others perception and tales of me rather than taking a chance to believe me and my personality
happens all the time ha...stupid world we live in!
**wuts ur weight
omg I hate that qn even if I hv a normal weight for my height. Some ppl ask dumb qns..as if they live thru my weight!
**smaller hips
I wish I had smaller hips too tho mine r not very big...but they r voluptious :)
**brain n stress levels
smart ans!
Amy ur one girl I will NEVER forget no matter what. HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
hey Chag ty!
**Why so Serious????
haha I love it! yes why so serious in a life that can end in a second!
:) good one!
ty Aneesh!
**I can be really rude.
not that I cudne guess that. LOL!
**my mind
nice one.
**I don't care what they do after when I die, what matters to me is what they do when I'm alive
now look who's not sticking to the point and answering like a politician!!! :)
hey ty Sri!
So ur a BAD guy that looks GOOD? :)
wut! u keep sunglasses in ur Spice cupboard and use it as a Spice?????
hey Bumble no wurries mate! ;-)
hv a good one!
hey ty Tys and how r ya? :)
**That Iam quite and shy.
really? now that I cudnt hv guessed at all!
I hv a lil bottle of rosemary oil in my bathroom cupboard...its sooooo fragrant!
wow u can get that angry?
Tys u'll always be remembered for ur wicked sense of humor..I LOVE IT!
hahaha Iceman Im glad u like it!
haha no worries Phoso ;-)
hey Devika sweet answers!
I believe that we still do get HURT...we cant be human if we dun feel HURT, wut say? Ofcourse after a while we make up our mind, but initially we do get hurt by wut ppl say/do.
haha @they r good liars!
**myself, my age...
Loved that one :)
why d u wanna burn ur blog too? awww..
Chriz wut tough time? :) Im doing just fine.
ok I'll come ard soon..tnxx!
No wurries Diana! :)
heyyy Raysh tnxx hun!
Im can be quite moody too...my blog profiles says that too ;-)
**the secret to nirvana
hmm I wish I learnt that early too...cos Im really bored with this think called life. Sometimes Im thinking wut the hell is this all abt!
Im sure u hv great genes ;-) show me ur pic I wanna see ya!
*HUGZ* I know u live life well babez!
TT next month? lol ok!
aww Joi sweet answers ty!
get ur iPod soon! Life it soo short not to hv one :)
lol @the most boring thing!
*HUGZ* ur poems r the BEST!
hey ty Krithika!
abt the coffin, I wasnt joking..lol!
yes, like u, I expect Miracles with my figure and weight :):)
u dunno any Spices at all? LOL!
**remember tat i wouldn have been gone
wut d u mean by that?
Ria I loved ur answers!
Again u sounded soooo like me :)
**A. That i m a loner.....i m a very social person but i love my solitude and i need to be by myself at times and thats something tht can confuse many ppl coz social ppl r not supposed to love solitude. :)
OMG this is me too! wutever it is, wherever I go, no matter how many friends I hv, I always value my Solitude.
**A. I would say cinnamon.
me too! I dun much like it in my food.
**A. To a woman: Never ask her age, weight, and if she has a bf!
Good ans! Some ppl even ask me WHY I dun hv a BF! *rolling eyes*
**My age!i dont want to grow old!! :(
I wish I cud stay like this forever! :( I tell my mum that when I hit 40, I'd kill myself. lol!
**A.To remember me as the person i was and not to cry much coz i hav had a good and satisfying life.
I will always rem ya Ria cos u r my sweet twin HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
hey ty Mystique! :)
**javitri and jaiphal
wut r they?
**ability to focus on work
**all...i cant say no to nething
wud u say YES to cow tongue? yes its a delicacy! :):)
**shoot a few bullets into my body and make it seem like i died in a battle or something... :P
hahahaha good one!
**actually donate all my organs...
wow nice one! Im an organ donor and its certified on my drivers licence...:)
hey ty Diana :)
Wut ur colleague said to u was very rude! he/she must be jealous of ya. yes it hurts but ignore such losers.
**Keshi, Have u tasted gol guppa or puchka in India?
no :( Sounds really yummy!!
My belly is in a Shaping process now. The trick is to walk/run everyday atleast for 45mins. Can u do that Diana? if u can, Im sure u'll lose it quickly.
**Place white roses n lilies on my grave everyday.
*HUGZ* n ty!
hey ty Ani!
I was very busy in the weekend...my fav aunt is down in Sydney for a 2-week break...she came on Sat. So we were very busy with her :) How was ur's?
Im a big NUT fan too and a nutcase too lol!
yes...some ppl find it so hard to say SORRY cos they r so up themselves.
hey Maca HUGS!
I didnt quite u'stand ur ans to qn #1...wut d u mean mum in ur face?
**Potato chips
stop eating that crap! I hate em anyways and thank God I hate em lol!
nice one!
hey dun worry abt not being able to blog regularly like we do here :) I know ur at College. Thank God I wasnt a blogger when I was at Uni LOL!
*HUGZ* all the best luv!
haha ty Paul, witty n clever answers there!
**Discussing ear hairs.
I see a ear-hair obsession?
LOL I got it!
btw I didnt know Viagra was a spice?? ;-)
**Crossword puzzles.
haha nice one!
hey Stranger WB! :)
Hey that was so sweet of you to say such a lovely thing, cos that is what we parents always wish for :) *Hugs*
And Star anise is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_anise
Beautiful to look at!! and Jamoons are the Gulab Jamoons...the melt in your mouth round sweet dipped in sugar syrup..
You can see how it is made here :D
Sorry for taking this much of space on the comment section...
Ty Prats! :)
I checked out Star anise..seen it before but never used it or ate it before wow!
**Gulab Jamoons
omg I know em and I love em! when u said Jamoons alone I didnt know wut it meant...cos I used to call em Gulab Jammus lol!
No worries abt space at all..use it at ur discretion :)
hehe so am i so am i..
a biggggg nutcase and a nut fan.. lol
hope u had loads of fun then..
over here.. am plannin to do a research on the weather.. but to no luck.. oh well.. am sure.. i will figure it out sometime soon..
You have a very good memory keshi,
You do keep almost all in your mind to give it back in time...nice. :)
But the answer was honest, I don't care what they do after I die, I don't have a preference on cremating or burying or whatever.
But,your qn I guess was a direct yes or no.
ty Ani :)
we r NUTS in crime! lol!
Aneesh tnxx!
so u dun mind being BBQd? lol!
Hey Keshi!!
Been away for a bit due to training and other unmentionables but back now!
Love this post - you always have such thought-provoking posts that get everyone involved. Don't know what's more fun - reading the post or the comments!
Anyways - I'll answer the questions as well...
1. What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
When my best friend copied some work off me and when we caught for plagiarism, she put all the blame on me. I nearly got booted out of uni!!
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
That I can throw a pretty good tantrum. With the throwing and pouting and stuff :P
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
Unrealistic expectations and underestimating the value and strength of trust.
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
Basil. I have no idea why but I am sure I'd need it for some obscure recipe I was making to impress Evs with my (lack of) culinary skills and wouldn't have it.
What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
Unlimited sex!
Best way to get rid of stress guaranteed! :P
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
Hhehe...Oh I know this one. Lack of willpower against all things chocolatey. I just had a Ferrero just then. See!!
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
Was I as good/sexier/funnier/hotter as him??
You're just playing up your own insecurities. Just let it go.
8. What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
See Q6. above.
Also coffee. The perfect combination.
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
My mind and knowledge.
You're always learning something new.
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
Live life to the fullest. Tell each other that they love them. Don't be afraid to take risks, fall in love, make a decision.
Most of all - be happy.
hey ty Silvara HUGS!
**When my best friend copied some work off me and when we caught for plagiarism, she put all the blame on me. I nearly got booted out of uni!!
Wut a bitch! I'd hv slapped her infront of the lecturer.
**That I can throw a pretty good tantrum. With the throwing and pouting and stuff :P
haha I knew that already! ;-)
**Unlimited sex!
but wudnt that stress u more, physically I mean?
**Lack of willpower against all things chocolatey. I just had a Ferrero just then. See!!
*sigh* :( me too!
**Was I as good/sexier/funnier/hotter as him??
omg I so know that qn! suxx.
**My mind and knowledge.
nice one!
**Live life to the fullest. Tell each other that they love them. Don't be afraid to take risks, fall in love, make a decision.
beautiful! *tearz* HUGS lovely gal!
1. What is the one Thing someone has said(/done) to you that hurt your feelings the most?
Ans: My Uncle when he said seriously "To know whether u have a dirty mind or not, we should install a secret camera in ur bathroom"
2. What is the one Thing that most people won't guess about you?
Ans: I am really not that confident as I seem.
3. What is the one Mistake people most often make in relationships?
Ans: Pushing hard and being impatient and rushing to conclusions too fast.
4. What is the one Spice in your cupboard you seldom use but if you threw it away you think you may need it?
Ans: I never cook. So this question s irrelevant
5. What is the one Thing you don't have that will increase your energy and reduce your stress?
Ans: My Girl Friend near me. In the last seven months we had met five times. She s my inspiration for the blog. But because we dont meet regularly, I waste energy and have stress thinking too much, I presume
6. What Is the one Reason you fail to lose(/gain) weight?
Dont need to gain or lose weight. For my height, I have the correct weight
7. What is the one Question that you should never ask a woman(/man)?
After knowing that you have hurt her, "Did I hurt you?"
8 What is the one Thing (food/sweets/drinks etc) you can't say No to?
Mango Pickles for lunch.
9. What is the one Thing that keeps growing as you use it, when all other things keep decreasing when used?
10. What is the one Thing that you want your loved-ones to do when you die?
To remember me
hey Suresh WC n ty! :)
**Ans: My Uncle when he said seriously "To know whether u have a dirty mind or not, we should install a secret camera in ur bathroom"
LOL r ya serious?
**Ans: I am really not that confident as I seem.
All of us r less confident than we SOUND. :)
**Ans: Pushing hard and being impatient and rushing to conclusions too fast.
very true!
**Ans: My Girl Friend near me. In the last seven months we had met five times. She s my inspiration for the blog. But because we dont meet regularly, I waste energy and have stress thinking too much, I presume
so ur peace of mind is 'external'? :)
watch out then!
**To remember me
aww we all wanna be remembered but sooner or later we'll be forgotten....
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