I think, Life is too short..
**to worry
**not to make the best and the most of everything that comes your way
**to live cheap
**to put off what can be done today
**to hold grudges
**to be someone else
**not to smile

**not to make the best and the most of everything that comes your way
**to live cheap
**to put off what can be done today
**to hold grudges
**to be someone else
**not to smile
**to constantly point fingers at others
**not to be able to let go
**to long for the future while the present is getting wasted
**to whinge everyday
**not to forgive
**to diet :)
**to be mean and vengeful
**not to give
**to be unhappy when you CAN be happy
**to forget your loved-ones amidst your busy life
**to always go by rules
**to wait for things to happen
**not to count your blessings
**to long for the future while the present is getting wasted
**to whinge everyday
**not to forgive
**to diet :)
**to be mean and vengeful
**not to give
**to be unhappy when you CAN be happy
**to forget your loved-ones amidst your busy life
**to always go by rules
**to wait for things to happen
**not to count your blessings
**not to see the good in people
**to stay angry for too long
**to stay angry for too long
**to engage in empty speech such as defaming people and spreading rumors
**not to see the bigger picture
**not to see the bigger picture
**not to LIVE
Im sure many of you here are well aware of all that already, and are living life to the fullest, for today and to the best of your abilities. As cliche as it may sound, life is indeed quite short...I believe in that quote. Why? Well, I didnt know one February morning I'd find my 44yr old dad not waking up at all...I didn't know my cheerful friend Dan had committed suicide at the age of 25 one Tuesday afternoon, until I received that dreadful call from another friend...I didn't know Janice my blog friend would die during childbirth and that we'd never chat again...I didn't know that I'd never see my granma again after I kissed her sweet face Goodbye in Auckland few years ago...I didn't know my 2 dear uncles in their early 40s working as Police officers in wartorn Sri Lanka, would die from LTTE landmines...I didn't know my aunt M would die of Cancer all of a sudden at the age of 45, leaving her 3 young daughters behind. Yes I didn't know...but now I do. And you know, Life is really short...too short to put off Love, when you can give, share and spread it right now. (thats me with my darling granma on my last visit to NZ before she died)
And now it's your turn to fill in the blanks. Take it from your personal experiences and observations, and share them with us. Life is too short to (/not to)....? And also, do tell me which one(s) in my above list appealed to you the most. Thanks in advance. Happy LIVING guys....yes live, don't just exist...go tell your loved-ones today that you love them and care about them...put that old grudge in the bin...stop wasting time finding faults in people...patch up...make the most of this one life that you've got...have fun...be an inspiration to others. I dedicate this post to my dearest granma...I hope you're in a happy place Ma, MWAH!
Current Music: The Reason by Hoobastank
Im sure many of you here are well aware of all that already, and are living life to the fullest, for today and to the best of your abilities. As cliche as it may sound, life is indeed quite short...I believe in that quote. Why? Well, I didnt know one February morning I'd find my 44yr old dad not waking up at all...I didn't know my cheerful friend Dan had committed suicide at the age of 25 one Tuesday afternoon, until I received that dreadful call from another friend...I didn't know Janice my blog friend would die during childbirth and that we'd never chat again...I didn't know that I'd never see my granma again after I kissed her sweet face Goodbye in Auckland few years ago...I didn't know my 2 dear uncles in their early 40s working as Police officers in wartorn Sri Lanka, would die from LTTE landmines...I didn't know my aunt M would die of Cancer all of a sudden at the age of 45, leaving her 3 young daughters behind. Yes I didn't know...but now I do. And you know, Life is really short...too short to put off Love, when you can give, share and spread it right now. (thats me with my darling granma on my last visit to NZ before she died)
And now it's your turn to fill in the blanks. Take it from your personal experiences and observations, and share them with us. Life is too short to (/not to)....? And also, do tell me which one(s) in my above list appealed to you the most. Thanks in advance. Happy LIVING guys....yes live, don't just exist...go tell your loved-ones today that you love them and care about them...put that old grudge in the bin...stop wasting time finding faults in people...patch up...make the most of this one life that you've got...have fun...be an inspiration to others. I dedicate this post to my dearest granma...I hope you're in a happy place Ma, MWAH!
Current Music: The Reason by Hoobastank
218 Cranium Signets:
As they say Death is the only thing which is certain..inspite of it when it does happen,the pain is unbearable..
As of life & living, its best one enjoys it as if theres no tomorrow,of course without hurting anyone.
touching post
ty CU!
And ur right...as they say, the most regretful tears are shed at the graves.
So where's ur 'Life is too short...' line? :)
how i wish death could die so that life conquers ever... touching read dear.
Life is too short to
not to forgive
hold grudges
these appealed to me the most.
ty Preeti!
**not to forgive
**hold grudges
I wrote those cos I throw hissy fits at some ppl but I forgive pretty soon...and I cant whinge abt it for too long..cos if I did, it gives me a headache :)
hehehe I threw that in cos Im such a foodie :)
How abt ur own LIFE IS TOO SHORT lines? Wud love to know.
touching post ... thats all i can say !
how sweet of a post for a dedication...
yes life is too short and we have too much of hatred, pride, jealousy in this short span
we hurt others too with our silly remarks...
we all should have the burden to spread Joy and happiness...
A little change in ur style of writing keshi.. and I loved this one too
Great post.
Tell you what, Kesh?
Life is never too short to die for someone.(In fact, I would love to die for more than one. But God has given me just one.)
As Sarah Teasdale says:
When I am dying, let me know
That I loved the blowing snow
Although it stung like whips;
That I loved all lovely things
And I tried to take their stings
With gay unembittered lips;
That I loved with all my strength,
To my soul's full depth and length,
Careless if my heart must break,
That I sang as children sing
Fitting tunes to everything,
Loving life for its own sake.
By the way, is Trevor anywhere near?
Indeed Keshi, life is too damn short for all those trivial things to be thought of or done!
It matters to live well and live contented more than ever!
Birth and Death being the only known certainties, one needs to look beyond and associate with the inner self to help transcend the material realm!
Good post...... quite touching rather!
Aw gosh,Kesh!
That made me sentimental..
I live with the line ***....yes live, don't just exist...
And please,be happy..'cos we're all here to love you ! :)
A very beautiful and genuine post baby!u right in saying tht v all know that yet v take things for granted. I think i need to write a post on this coz a small reply to ur post wont do. And now abt the ones i loved the most:
Life is too short..
**to hold grudges
**to constantly point fingers at others
**not to be able to let go
**not to give
**not to see the good in people
**not to LIVE
And i think the last one sums it up!! :) Too good hun! *Hugs*
beautiful post!!
indeed life is so short to do so many things that one can do.
I agree so much that "life is too short to be unhappy when you CAN be happy and to worry!!"
Life is too short
//to DIEt :)
See the caps above? DIE-TING: the glamouraised ting-ting la-la way to Die.
Hmm maybe if life would become too short to overeat (not enough time from other activities), then we would not have to bother about dieting eh?
Maybe my life is too short to waste on thinking about what its too short for. (Ah look at the trite excuses this fellow comes up with)
But yeah its not too short for wasting endless hours on blogging it seems. So I'm off to bog now....
May your far away near ones souls rest in peace and happiness.
it was a sincere post..and i m sure grany will be happier..
and yes u r so true..not only life is short but it is also beautiful to be wasted with vengeance or hatred...
love and be loved...
there is so much to life that we miss...n wish had done when d time passes...
n yet....
i think m not gonna say anythin else on this post...this was way too touching!!!
Oh Keshi.. i loved all of them... but "not to smile" was the most hard hitting... when did we ever forget to smile? And why???
u leave me stumped woman!! Great post!
um... ok here i go..
Life is too short
to be society conscious ( society comprises of me and only me- that shd be the attitude).
to do some kinda social service.
to bring a smile upon the less fortunate.
to miss out on certain movies( god, am a movie freak )
to wake up and see the sunrise(err.. I wish i manage to see one soon :))
to buy loads and loads of shoes( i love shoes slippers, would appreciate a pair from Aus :P)
to make my hair long :( I really crib abt not having long hair, like the sunsilk or pantene dudettes :)
tats all i can think of now :) cheers :)
Hey Keshi,
How r u? :)
Its rather strange that Death reminds us of the worth of Life.. but we always forget to take lessons..
My cousin's death a couple of years bak made me realise how careless we are towards life and the people who are a part of our lives...
Guess you'v put down all the 'Life's too short' things.. cnt think of ne other as of now... :)
I was actually gonna do a post on my maternal grandmother now... Its her 70th b'day and she died about 4 yrs ago.. I miss her terribly.. :(
nice post!!!
**to be unhappy when you CAN be happy
this appeals me most:)
I am too goosebumped right now to write a comment. Will come back later
Awesome darling..
You are my girl!
This is a serious one, i'll come back on this in peace....
life is too short to cry over what happened in the past...we need to move on
life is too short ....to yell at people
life is too short .....to not to travel around the world!!!!!!!
The one I loved besides many others was-
to live cheap ( Totally endorse)
The one I do not agree-
to diet
Nice Post.
grandma looks super cute....for once Keshi fails to steal the limelight :)
Loved your Life is too short to hold grudges best.
Grudges, resentments and pent up feelings of revenge make the world a very sad place.
Your list says it all, cant think of anything to add.
hello buddy, am back. but only after, hmmmm, a week, i suppose. anyways, good to see something inspiring frm u(as always).
anyways, i like the "to hold grudges" one. true na? n i wanted to add something els:
** to wait for love when u cannot get it.
n may ur grandma's soul rest in peace along with all the others u've mentioned
Too short to be small - very accurate.
Thank you for inpiration!
Life is too short not to see the bigger picture**not to LIVE-
my fav.
Have a successful day, Keshi!
life is too short to spend too much time planning on the future :)
KEshi! I dnt knw...but as if I HAD to read this TODAY!
Life is too short...to just let go :-)
Life is too short... for a lifetime of love... and for petty issues... wasting it is...**sigh** a disaster!!
One of our family friends daughter died last wee... she was around my age [ mentally -not -well ] but a very nice girl !! she died on the way to the hospital!! it was a MAJOR shock to all f us!
Last week, another family friend - uncle went for his chk - up after feeling not-well.. he underwent a major by-pass surgery [ due to major blockage ]
So I learnt my lesson!! and I want to remember it for life!
life is too short
to be someone else
to always go by rules
not to smile
to constantly point fingers at others
not to be able to let go
most appealing for me:)
my side:-
life is too short
to put off dreams,go chase them
to practice hate,love is d answer
ah! till we understand tat its tym for our death and so the same thing continues...
life is too short 4 hatred.this is my funda.4m ur list,i liked,lyf's 2 short 2 b angry 4 long.i pray 4 d souls of the departed n wish u best of luck 4 lyf.
everything strucked to core..!!
but i loved these two the most..!!
~~to be unhappy when u CAN be happy
~~to wait for things to happen
And few more to add
Life is too short to
1.keep a distance with your once
best friend...
2.keep on postponing
3.take time for decisions
4.take time to experience what you
It is a fact-how people just go.
When dad passed, I dunno why out of his collection of books I chose to read "Osho-death, the greatest fiction."
It helped me to live better and understand .
Recommend u the same.
Take care...
Life is too short to die..hate..loathe
Life is too short not to live..
From the list, I liked the first one.. to worry, 'coz that's what most people do now a days.
Life is too short to carry the baggage of unpleasant past
The one that appealed me the most - "Life is too short to be unhappy when you CAN be happy"
Happy LIVING to you too.
Loved the inspiring post. This is a list we all know we should follow but we forget to.
Life is too short to look back!
too short not to be aware of the person who cares for you..
lovely post keshi,
u are soo rite..
the worst tears are shed at the graves as some1 said here...
life is too short... and the way u express it seems too short too... i was a lil upset when the post ended... just felt like keeping on reading forever...
life is too short yes...but well we are here,so let us do what we have to do...
the light shines the brightest
**not to give
**to be someone else
**not to see the bigger picture
these reminders appealed the most.
Ohkay babes you are making me think :))
Life is too short to blame it.
Life is too short not to meditate
Life is too short not to be a blessing to this world
Sending you showers of Love. Get drenched! mwah
Hey Keshi,
Very well written....
My take: Life is too short
**to wait for things to happen
**not to smile
**to live cheap
**to put off what can be done today
**to forget your loved-ones amidst your busy life
**to always go by rules
Keep Rocking,
Tejas Lakhani
Very touching post.
True life is too short.
I will take a print out of this post n paste it infront of my bed...so that I wake up everyday n read this first thing in the morning.......
Well ...
Life is too short to take a short cut.
Thinking of adding a few more but on topics like these it is very tough to to stop at one point.
I guess, Life is too short to not loose yourself.
As always, a beautiful post Keshi..
Life is too short
**to be someone else
**to diet (of course :D)
Hmmm.. Life is too short not to love and be devoid of love..
For me forgiveness and forgetting go hand in hand.i can't forgive someone if the thing he/she did i can't forget.
I love one girl and I can't move on
as if i do that then i wasn't in love at all.(That's my thinking.)
i have grudge against one person only and i will have revenge..not now..soon when i will fulfill my responsibilities and have nothing to worry about.
i love my mom,sister but i just don't say to them...
REst is the same as you said...
Life is too short to fulfill all my fantasies ...but cryonics will provide answer to that.Hopefully by 2050. :D
take care
grat post..i like your thinking miss
My top four ... no 5 I am gonna cheat!!
*not to smile
**not to be able to let go
**to always go by rules
**to stay angry for too long
**to wait for things to happen
"Life is too short to let the past cloud our future!!"
Very sweet post Keshi.. and ur Granma looks like an angel in this pics .. all grannies do i guess...
too short
to diet :)
to keep visiting hospitals :) (dont ask)
to worry
to judge
to not move on
to not appreciate all forms of beauty
to not love
Life is a Garden
Now that, statistically speaking, I'm down to about 8,000 days, so I try to make the most of being aware that
A I am alive and
B if this is my last day did I remember to tell everyone that I loved them?
I love you.
so true Keshi...
the best one i liked in ur list,
life is too short
to diet :) ha ha!
My list would be like urs for the most part, but mainly
Life is too short...
to waste time in anger and grudge
to be lazy
to not pursue your dreams
to not be happy
ya keshi keeping grudges is painful..
it hurts..:(
forgive forget and let go:)
Beautiful post Keshi I like "life is too short not to count your blessings"It is so easy to always complain abot things we dont have or about life in general when thngs go wrong, but if stop to count our blessings we can see all the good things we have in life.I ave to add this to your list
Life is too short to dwell about the petty things in life."
Beautifully written and how very true...
I'm sure your grandma is proudly looking down at you and smiling t your post..
well done
great post
Death.. kind of puts things in perspective though.
And keshi girl.. the much awaited trip to down under is finally happening :D
Life's too short to not catch up when i'm there..
On the rocks.. what say?
they say
live like there is no tomorrow why mop fret grumble or waste time away when every moment counts? :P i applaud your views keshi...
babes i was touched by this post n i must say i agree with most of em....
its like u have reenforced the 'living life to the fullest' motto back in me...
a wish straight from my heart hope God showers his choicest blessing on ya n u keep smiling n make others smile too....
take care gal n hey thanks for all the miss u messages.....sure did make me feel loved n missed....i will catch up on yur other posts shortly....but for now a big warm hug
I think at some point in my life all the points u made appealed, appeals or will appeal me.
It s easier to say than to actually do it, and even though i m aware of them sometimes i don t make that step further to go forward.
Sometimes like today i m in a bad mood and what the hell i don t even know y i am in a bad mood and i m just wasting time! I guess there is better days than others. I ll try to smile tomorrow :)
PS: it was touching that u shared ur experience with us, u touched my little hidden heart :)
HON! Your post really hit home for a lot of people including me.. Life is JUST TO SHORT!
For a lot of the bullshit that goes on.. I am trying my best to love the way I want to be loved in return.. treat people the way I want to be treated.. and close my eyes and just dream!
Lovely pic of you and your gamma!
Really touching post.. I am so sorry about the passing of your aunt,uncles and grandma. I think life is too short to hold grudges.. if you let grudges consume ur life , ur missing out of everything thing else that makes life so very special..
I think life is too short not to tell loved ones people the phase "I love you".. people take those 3 words for granted, but sometimes words are clearer than actions :)
** crying
** bitching
** hating
for you...
** just to love DIAMONDS..
Life is too short to LIVE
Hi Keshi,
God bless their souls...
well, to me, Life is too short to...
nothing. You feel it, you live it... going with the heart or mind as time demands feels just good. what do you think?
take care hun.. have a nice day.. cheers...
Hi Keshi
I'm back to write at least one post if not more. Still busy though.
My new post will be up in about 3 hours - midnight our time.
ty Hiren!
hey ty Chriz!
**we hurt others too with our silly remarks...
so true. Even in Blogville ppl wont let others be. They just comment passing hints at ppl, trying to get at them. I wonder why they cant just let go.
hey Soul!
**Life is never too short to die for someone.(In fact, I would love to die for more than one. But God has given me just one.)
wut d u mean by that? dying for the country?
Lovely verse!
ty Rakesh!
**Birth and Death being the only known certainties, one needs to look beyond and associate with the inner self to help transcend the material realm
Well-said! but alot of ppl just EXIST. they can only preach but can never act.
Crystal I am HAPPY...cos of life being really short :)
hey ty Ria!
****to constantly point fingers at others
yes..cos I see alot of ppl ALWAYS trying to find faults in others...they cant seem to give up...so they yak yak yak, whining abt how ppl hv changed, how ppl should blog, how ppl should be...instead they should take a good look at their sorry selves.
ty Deepz!
**indeed life is so short to do so many things that one can do.
yes...if ppl can stop WHINING for a while, it'll do alot of GOOD to their own lives.
hey ty Stupid!
hehehe @DIE-t.
**Hmm maybe if life would become too short to overeat
I agree!
**Maybe my life is too short to waste on thinking about what its too short for.
If we dun think abt it, then it may be too late some day.
**But yeah its not too short for wasting endless hours on blogging it seems. So I'm off to bog now....
bog or blog? lol!
ty Bro!
**not only life is short but it is also beautiful to be wasted with vengeance or hatred...
yes...WASTED is the word. Alot of ppl hold GRUDGES in their minds and boil n burn in hatred. Sad lot. One day when its too late, they may realise.
hey ty Mayz!
**there is so much to life that we miss...n wish had done when d time passes...
agreed. thats cos we take life n ppl for GRANTED.
ty HDWK!
**when did we ever forget to smile? And why???
yes...ppl r FROWNING everywhere...just cos they r UNHAPPY ppl full of shit.
hey ty Preeti neat list!
**Life is too short to be society conscious
good one! Cos we r all slaves of Society soomehow.
**to do some kinda social service.
to bring a smile upon the less fortunate.
u mean life is too short NOT to do these things right? I agree.
**not to miss out on certain
**not to wake up and see the sunrise
**not to buy loads and loads of shoes
**not to make my hair long
hehe very cute ones :) we all hv dreams n wishes...yes, go make em happen! for life can be really short.
I think the question Kesh, is why don't we all subscribe to that thinking? Why don't we live life to it's fullest?
All of us will agree with you, but why won't we all actually put our money where our mouth is?
hey ty Swati!
**Its rather strange that Death reminds us of the worth of Life..
yes...its human nature not to appreciate something until its lost.
**My cousin's death a couple of years bak made me realise how careless we are towards life and the people who are a part of our lives...
very true...it just hits u hard and makes u realise how much we take ppl for GRANTED.
I read that post and I cried.
hey Kunjal tnxx!
yes...ppl just put on broody faces when there's nothing to be sad abt. And there r so many less fortunates in the world who r always with a SMILE on their faces!
hey Bhawana :)
no worries Southy take ur time.
WB Ash n ty!
**life is too short to cry over what happened in the past...we need to move on
ur so right! tho its sad, its best to move on..cos life is not a bed of roses all the time. And by being sad for too long, ur wasting TODAY.
Glad to see your blog is still up and you're still writing.
Anyway... I'm back with news so swing on by!!
Take care and have a great day!!
ty Kunjal!
**life is too short ....to yell at people
I agree! be pleasant and stop picking on ppl.
**life is too short .....to not to travel around the world!!!!!!!
yes...I wanna see some places before I die too..
ty Kiran!
yes...I dislike cheap living...ppl who dunno how to live life RICH.
**The one I do not agree-
to diet
hehehe...ok its alright to be health-conscious, but life is too short to miss out on good food. hows that? :)
hey ty Pinku!
My granma, tho looks old and tired in that pic, was one of the most beautiful women in her younger days. And I think she passed her wicked sense of humor to me..cos she was one good joker! :) besides, her English language fluency was TOPS. there's more...she had the BIGGEST heart ever! She had 7 kids and that wasnt enough...she adopted a lil girl as her 8th and now she's doing so well in Paris.
**Grudges, resentments and pent up feelings of revenge make the world a very sad place.
I so agree! Talk abt grudges, there's so many in Blogville too.
hey ty Satish and WB! :)
**to wait for love when u cannot get it.
I dun WAIT for anything...if I hv to wait, then thats not meant for me. I see alot of ppl WAITING for something in life...in that process they forget to LIVE.
It is too short not to tell you this Keshi that I've 'crossed path' with you through this wonderful world of blogging, to tell you I've gained wisdom & strength through your blog and most importantly to be able to embrace friendship with you across the mile.
I know one day we'll meet coz life is certainly too short not to catch up :D
Love you my dear friend :D
hey ty Krys!
yes...alot of ppl live it SMALL...thats why.
:) HUGS!
hey ty Pri!
**life is too short to spend too much time planning on the future
good one!
Thats why I always say this:
As I plan my life, life has its own plan for me.
hey Veenz HUGS!
We get all 'reminders' every now n then...mebbe some angelic intervention?
**Life is too short... for a lifetime of love... and for petty issues... wasting it is...
I so agree! Very well-said girl. Its not worth it. Cos we never know when a loved-one or our number is up.
Im so very sorry to hear abt ur family friend. Thats so sad! She's so young too. There u go...
Life is too short to think it's too long.
Abt ur uncle...I hope he gets well soon. Im sending lots of positive vibes his way!
hey ty CN!
yes...alot of ppl cant LET GO...they still whine abt others NON STOP! Its shocking to see em venting that way.
**life is too short to put off dreams,go chase them
Good one! Get it all happening yes.
**to practice hate,love is d answer
ty Joyce!
**till we understand tat its tym for our death and so the same thing continues...
yes..sadly! alot of ppl will only realise it when they r way too old or are near-death.
hey ty Anwesa!
**life is too short 4 hatred
spot on! as humans we all hate something/someone at some stage...but its not worth carrying on with the anger and hurt..just learn to let go. cos tomorrow they or we may not be here.
ty Vinu!
**1.keep a distance with your once
best friend...
OMG this is so true! Some ppl all of a sudden act like they NEVER knew u. If they really stopped to think, then they wud realise that when they had no one, this person was there for them..
**2.keep on postponing
yes..do it now!
**3.take time for decisions
Im usually quick in deciding something :) I hate delaying things.
**4.take time to experience what you want
exactly! Be yourself, do wut u want and enjoy life!
hey ty Gypsy n HUGS!
I'll try to get that book. Sounds like a great one.
ty Aneesh!
**Life is too short to die..
how d u mean?
**to hate..loathe
Good one! no point boiling in anger and holding grudges til eternity.
hey ty Stony :)
**Life is too short to carry the baggage of unpleasant past
well-said! Take a load off and be free.
ty Southy!
**Life is too short to look back!
its ok to look back but dun DWELL on it.
ty Aiz HUGS!
**too short not to be aware of the person who cares for you..
very well-said!
ppl often disregard the good ppl in their life, all cos their conscience is fogged up by their EGO.
aww ty Mohak!
**and the way u express it seems too short too...
cos I hv many REAL experiences with deaths of loved-ones..thats why.
**i was a lil upset when the post ended... just felt like keeping on reading forever...
HUGS n ty! That means Life is too short to stop reading this post? :)
TC mate!
hey ty Vish!
**life is too short yes...but well we are here,so let us do what we have to do...
yes..thats what Im doing :) reminding ppl.
hey Bhawana tnxx!
Yes..alot of ppl live a life of ANOTHER...cos they r too scared to be THEMSELVES. U chose some nice ones in my list!
**Life is too short to blame it.
I agree. Good one there! Dun blame life...blame yourself and just get on with it!
**Life is too short not to meditate
cute one...and that really makes one grow spiritually.
**Life is too short not to be a blessing to this world
yes..be an inspiration no matter what ppl say.
ty Tejas!
**to always go by rules
I put that up cos most of the time we r pleasing others...its best we come out of the closet and just be OURSELVES. :)
hey ty Venus!
hey Diana HUGS! :) tnxx hun!
This post is also a REMINDER to me whenever I fail to live upto it.
hey ty Tarun :)
**Life is too short to take a short cut.
very good point! I really like this one. Cos sometimes we try the EASY way out, when the HARDER way out is the BEST one for our soul.
**I guess, Life is too short to not loose yourself.
Yes..sometimes we do lose ourselves...but we must somehow find ourselves back.
Good ones there...keep adding more :)
hey ty Urv!
**life is too short to diet
funny how u picked that one up as one of ur favs...cos here's one especially for u Urv:
Life is too short NOT to eat Palmolive.
** Life is too short not to love and be devoid of love..
beautiful! alot of ppl FAIL to love tho they keep saying we must love. Cos they dunno how to love but preach.
hey ty Vicky :)
**i can't forgive someone if the thing he/she did i can't forget.
I agree..I think forgetting is hard but when we say we forgave someone, its not complete if we cant forget.
**I love one girl and I can't move on as if i do that then i wasn't in love at all..
when we love someone truly, the love never dies, even after going separate ways..so ur right there.
**i have grudge against one person only and i will have revenge..not now..soon when i will fulfill my responsibilities and have nothing to worry about.
omg u sound scary lol! here's the best revenge u cud take on that person...BE HAPPY NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY ABT U. :)
**i love my mom,sister but i just don't say to them...
u should..if ur not very good with words, atleast show em u love and care..mebbe buy flowers, help with the cooking and cleaning? :)
**Life is too short to fulfill all my fantasies
Thats a brilliant one! I hope everyone will read that one.
Cos we think we can have it all, have all our dreams come true, have everything the easy way in this life...but no we cant hv it all. Cos like u said,
Life is too short to fulfill all our fantasies!
hey ty Deepti HUGS!
My granma was a real angel in life too...she helped so many ppl...adopted a poor girl even when she had 7 kids of her own. She had the biggest heart ever!
**to stay angry for too long
yes..I put that one in cos I calm down real quickly..after a huge tantrum tho lol!
**"Life is too short to let the past cloud our future!!"
beautiful! yes its ok to remember, but dun DWELL in the past.
*HUGZ* n ty!
hey ty Lavida!
**to keep visiting hospitals :) (dont ask)
awww I think I know why tho. HUGS n all the best!
**to judge
Good one! d u know some ppl r still labelling me as this and that in other blogs, even after i hv stopped all communications with em? seems like they cant get over me. *rolling eyes*
**to not appreciate all forms of beauty
Thats a BEAUTIFUL one itself! so true..we fail to see the true beauty in many ordinary things.
OMG Donn u made me all teary! HUGS I love ya too mate and u know that anyways :)
Ur one UNIQUE friend I came across this cyber space that I'll never forget. Cos u've got style, enough intelligence to donate to so many poor souls, charisma, charm, wit, love and most of all ur a GENUINE humanbeing. Im privileged to know ya.
And Donn...
**Now that, statistically speaking, I'm down to about 8,000 days...
lol dun count ur days like that! who said u hv only 8000??? awwww...
hey Jira tnxx!
lol I hate diets and dieting..never tried em and I dun think I ever will! *rolling eyes*
**to waste time in anger and grudge
very true...often we dun realise this until its too late for us.
**to be lazy
I agree..but sometimes Im the biggest lazina :)
**to not pursue your dreams
spot on!
**to not be happy
I agree...even amidst sadness, u CAN be happy.
ty Mad!
yes it hurts to keep grudges..
**forgive forget and let go
the best policy in life!
Hi kesh :) ... a beautiful post!
Not every day is going to be perfect and we certainly are not perfect...there will be happy days and sad, busy days and dull, ppl who love us and those who hate us...life's meant to be like this...up and down and us oscillating in between :)
the one thing to remember is that nothing is certain...bad days won't last...good days won't either! The only thing certain is death...there's so much finality in death...no amount of tears and regrets can bring back ppl we've loved and lost...
More than regret I think I look at the mistakes I've made to learn from and not to repeat...Life's too short yes to live with regrets and dwell on our mistakes...
Everyday I am learning...
hey ty Starry HUGS!
often ppl FORGET to see what they ALREADY have...instead they r so sad abt something that they can never have.
**Life is too short to dwell about the petty things in life."
So very true! Just get on with life...there r so many ppl worse off than us.
hey Stranger WC n ty!
My granma lives on in my heart. She's the best woman I've ever known!
hey Jono!
**Life's too short to not catch up when i'm there..
haha good one!
when r ya coming?
ty Phoenix!
yes every MOMENT counts..alot of ppl dun get it tho.
hey Mia WB HUGGGGGGGGZ! :) Lovely to hv ya bak.
Sometimes even I get really low and do the opposite..I hope this post will remind me to bounce bak in style :)
wuts wrong? why r ya in a bad mood?
**It s easier to say than to actually do it
I know...thats why I wrote this post so it'll be a reminder for me next time I whinge :)
TC hun!
hey ty Ne MWAH!
yes alot of bullshit is going on everywhere..its time some ppl stop the constant bickering too.
**treat people the way I want to be treated.. and close my eyes and just dream!
lovely! I hope ALL ppl wud really treat others the way they wanna be treated. Cos I see alot of selfishness and bitchiness everywhere.
hey ty Anu!
yes there's so much more to experience in life than GRUDGES :)
**I think life is too short not to tell loved ones people the phase "I love you"..
beautiful! I always tell my mum that I love her...and I hug her each time too :):)
hey hot n happening Nirmal! ;-)
** crying
** bitching
** hating
I agree totally! Stop wasting time ha.
**for you...just to love DIAMONDS..
hahaha! ok here's one especially for ya my darling Nirmal:
Life is too short to be so stingy.
hey keshi
i keep telling thought flow and word flow hardly meet. thanks for making out what I felt like tellin from my previous err.. gramatically crap of a comment :):) and australian shoes, do i get them or not :P ??? hehe :) cheers :)
hey Darsh lovely to see ya here after a long time :) hows u?
**Life is too short to LIVE
how d u mean? If life is too short to LIVE, then should we just exist? I think not.
Or did I just get ir wrong?
not to see the bigger picture, to put off wat can be done today- completely agree
n diet? sometimes life can be brutally cut short if we don't but surely, I'm NOT ALLOWED to say tat especially now
ty Arv!
**Life is too short to...nothing.
**You feel it, you live it... going with the heart or mind as time demands feels just good.
So thats NOTHING? the feelings, the living, the heart and the mind, the demands...all of that is nothing?
hey WB Bev! :)
HUGS I missed ya!
hey ty AB!
**All of us will agree with you, but why won't we all actually put our money where our mouth is?
I agree..its hard to follow em. I think thats cos ppl always like wuts EASIER and CHEAPER.
hey Bumble so lovely to hv ya bak mate. HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ! :):) Im so happy!
aww Shionge life sure is too short NOT to catch up with someone like u MWAHHHHHHHHHHH! :)
**to tell you I've gained wisdom & strength through your blog and most importantly to be able to embrace friendship with you across the mile.
me too...from ur blog and from knowing someone as special as u r!
tnxx mate!
Nov 24 - 28. Will be in Sydney on business. Plan to take the weekend off to visit Melbourne.
hey ty Ishi MWAH!
True...nothing is certain, not even family and friends.
**Life's too short yes to live with regrets and dwell on our mistakes...
I so agree. Good one there Ish! ppl should learn to forgive themselves as much as they should learn to forgive others.
hey Preeti its ok abt grammar and spelling mistakes..I make em all the time cos Im in a hurry when I comment lol!
**and australian shoes, do i get them or not
ooo ur an Aussie shoe lover..cool! :)
ty Krithika!
**n diet? sometimes life can be brutally cut short if we don't but surely, I'm NOT ALLOWED to say tat especially now
lol why not?
oh ok Jono tnxx!
My cuz is coming here on the 15th of nov and will be here til the first week of dec...and Im planning to take her ard..dunno where she wants to go yet. So I'll let u know ok. I mite even be travelling interstate.
Lovely to hear abt ur trip! :)
**not to smile
**not to forgive
**to be mean and vengeful
**to stay angry for too long
also..Life is too short..so leave your mark on it..
Luvly post Keshi!
A Big Hug!! :)
I totally agree with you: life is too short to be angry and the like for too long. We should live life to the fullest each day :)
But still I need to growl a bit: my internet connection these days is too unstable! Why fix something if it aint broke?
I'm perfectly happy with a strong and stable cable.
So much for the fickle wireless....
Life is too short to miss out on chances to meet people and just to say a small "Hi"
Hey BJ how are u? a Small Hi ...
I think I exactly know the reason but I am cheerful sinces morning.College starts after lunch today.
Life is the span between birth and death. What it becomes is all in your hands and head.
life is too short..
to be covered from head to foot (bikini ad punch line)
to stay away from keshi's posts..
to get bogged down n depressed..
to cry over spilt milk..
to have just one LURVERRRR- INDULGE..;)
not to give and get UNADULTERATED LOVE atleast once..
to spend on long-drawn, multiple cosmetic surgeries..
to get weighed down by ego, mistrust n jealousy..
to keep thinking and never get to the doing, unless ya're a writer or a schizophrenic..
to work 24*7, unless ya're FTV's Michael Adams ;)
to cut it further short with Drugs..
beeen sooo jobless keshikins that I'm almost going mad with the wait, for the job!
But yeah, came online, n well,talk abt timing, this post hit the nail on the head: reading this post, i know that life is too short to get bogged down by this bad phase i'm going through :)
loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee n hugsssssssssssssss :)
live is too short...
to miss out on keshi's taut n fleshy thighs..mwuahhhh :*:*
n death n disease makes us come face to face with how much time we actually have..
n ya granma is in a happpppy place, jus like ya papa is too :)
give, share, live n let live!
i second that :)
n i sooooo loveeeeeeeee this song :)
I;m smiling now :)
n the reason is you :)
to be someone else ...
that is my pick ..
good thought dear .. and am sorry fo so many untimely losses in ur family
Not everybody has the previlige of dying for the country like the soldiers do. I wish I were one, Kesh. But we all work for our respective countries, don't we? I guess we should give it our best.
So far as "dying for someone" is concerned, it could be anyone/anything/ any cause you love. And, it is not always dying in the strict sense of the word, I guess. Most of the times, it is living for that cause. Did I sound confused?
Keshi di,,,,this touched me...inspiring ....I had always thgt I was living life too much to the fullest but now I knw :)
BTW, I dun wanna a lose a good sis as u so plssss keep in touch:P
Very touching post Keshi. May the departed souls rest in peace. I agree life is too short, let us patch up with all and give everyone unconditional love.
Thanks for waking a blurred thought.
Sweet post... May all the departed souls be in peace and smile down with sunshine upon those who love them...
yup life is too short..
to hold grudges..
to be someone else..
not to forgive..
to be mean and vengeful
to be unhappy when u can be happy
forgetting loved ones
not to see the big picture
i think should also add taking things for granted..
coz end of the day.. thats what happens.. and in a single stroke things change.. its because we take them for granted..
death is a part of life.. i wrote something on lines of death when i lost my gran last year.. and that was with in a month of me coming here..
here's the link
am sure she's in a happy place.. and they must be having a ball of a time..
not that way Keshi...
You feel it then you live it.. whether it is missing someone or crying or smiling or whatever the emotions be...
there is no real truth behind letting something go away...
You got to live with all that you feel every day, every moment.. no matter what it is...
makes sense?
nice post
Very thoughtful post indeed Keshi...I would say that life is too short not to live every moment of it to the fullest
Sorry to hear abt ur uncle and grandma:).
Death is inevitable!
Life is short...
**to wait for things to happen
u just have to work at it mate:).
good post:)
Sorry to hear abt ur uncle and grandma:).
Death is inevitable!
Life is short...
**to wait for things to happen
u just have to work at it mate:). thanks for reminder:).
good post:)
We all the the value of life and the lack of time in it. But in our daily grind,we tend to forget.
You post helps to recollect some of the basic truth about life and how to live it.
Very Touching Post
My dear Keshi u hv done it again.
"Awesome post" as usual.
I am very emotional by nature n believe me every word of it as if touched my heart.
Well done sweety;)
>>**not to forgive
well that fills d blank according 2 me.
Life seems pretty long actually. I'm 37 and I'm not even (theoretically) half way through and its going on for ever. I don't actually think it matters if you have a short life or a long life ...well it matters to those that will miss you but not to the dead person.
I would like not to hold grudges but I find it hard not to. Especially if people have hurt you and will not say sorry, how do you stay friends with them?
Beautiful picture with ur grandma. We don’t know why our loved ones left us, I miss my uncle so much and overall night gone everything before thinking the reason, alike my grandma who was strong enough until the minutes before her last breath. Thus inevitable, let live till visible the end.
I think this goes with me
**to always go by rules
**to diet :)
**not to count your blessings – because its countless blessing I get :)
kesh my sweeet little heart ur ....wat a wonderfull post u had made here ...
u deticated this post to all the people who left u ...i am not goin to leave u for this life...and after death also i am goin to follow..:)..and in the previous post the pics wer awesome and loved ur shirt :)..
because im pretty young now :P so i can safely say i'll live even if I dont diet :)
Hi,Keshi-another lovely post..each point in the list,reminds me of the first line,'life is too short'...yep,right from 'to worry to 'to be mean and vengeful' to 'to be unhappy when you CAN be happy'(Those were my favs,btw.And,the funniest was 'to diet'..now,don't tempt me to stop my diet!)..let me add:
Life is too short:
**to not smell the flowers in a garden in the morning.
**to spend it all trying to show oneself as 'one up' on one's rivals.
** To not begin each day with a prayer.
Hey,maybe u should've made this a tag..:)
Re. people who passed away,well,even I've seen so many loved ones pass away(Just like you have) that I hope I don't see any reminders of life being too short,by any more of them passing away in the next few years to come!May everyone I know and,whose a-live-liness I cherish(Including my blog pals,naturally!)live long,longer,longest!
Hey keshi!!
That was a beautiful post.. may they all Rest in peace!! a silent prayer!! :)
well, i couldnt agree with you more.. i completely believe in "life is too short to be waster'
life is too short
- to fight
- to keep saving and not enjoying
- to put away dreams and say tomorrow
- to remember a friend and not call them cos ur busy
- to say "Not now, maybe later"
- to take anything/anyone for granted!!!
psst.. love the song!! absolutely loveee it....
i love you & your blogs .it's like whatever i've been thinking it's there in your blog .
life is something which has always been there with us like a shadow . we may say life rocks ,life sucks ,life roars , life's mild , f***ing life , but life is what i live on .
& now for the list
life is too short to :
1. be grumpy
2. frown &wait for your friend to call you , when he /she might be thinking the same.
3.hold on to something that has long left you.
4. not wear scarlet nail paint thinking it might not match u ( at least at home)
5. not speak up when it is most needed ( coz u might think that no one will hear you whatsoever)
6.think that people around you are bad ( coz that"ll just add to one's mental stress )
:) gr8 post keshi
Great Keshi!
David Santos
ty Prakhar!
I hate being angry for too long...Im quick-tempered but I calm down pretty soon too :) Thank god for that!
**Life is too short..so leave your mark on it..
Very well-said!
I dunno wut kinda 'mark' I'd leave if I die tmrw but I know I lived to the very best of my abilities :)
hey Saffy MWAH! :)
**Why fix something if it aint broke?
hehe I agree...is it getting slower? too much downloads? ;-)
hey Tarun nice one...HIIIIIIIIIII! :)
Good luck with College!
ty Che!
**Life is the span between birth and death. What it becomes is all in your hands and head.
Im not really sure if its ENTIRELY in our hands tho...
chillax..everything will be alright.
**life is too short..
to be covered from head to foot (bikini ad punch line)
lol hahahaha! It should go like this too...
Life is too short to wear a burkha.
ok no offence to any religion. Just a joke only! :)
**to stay away from keshi's posts..
**to get bogged down n depressed..
I agree...but its so easy to feel sad n depressed...Im like that too...but I bounce bak pretty fast too :) talk abt a bipolar babe ITS ME!
**to cry over spilt milk..
I agree..nice one there!
**to have just one LURVERRRR- INDULGE..;)
lol u kinky jane babe! I dun even hv one hahahaha!
**not to give and get UNADULTERATED LOVE atleast once..
**to spend on long-drawn, multiple cosmetic surgeries..
haha yes!
**to get weighed down by ego, mistrust n jealousy..
Loved this! There r some ppl who dun even realise this..thats the sad part.
**to keep thinking and never get to the doing, unless ya're a writer or a schizophrenic..
lol ur funny!
**to work 24*7, unless ya're FTV's Michael Adams ;)
**to cut it further short with Drugs..
haha! :):)
tnxx hun some really nice ones there!
**live is too short...
to miss out on keshi's taut n fleshy thighs
lol I laffed so much at that line!
Jane luv ty!
**n death n disease makes us come face to face with how much time we actually have..
thats so true! my gone loved-ones r THE REASON for me to change.
And all of u here too..who r so full of wisdom n love.
ty Shadows!
yes..untimely, hence too SHORT.
ty Soul!
** Most of the times, it is living for that cause.
I u'stand it now :) yes...I know wut u mean...I hv been and am in such situations too...where Im dying yet living for someone else.
hey ty Meghna HUGS! :)
I will keep in touch for sure awww...
ty Kulz!
we all forget this all the time...so I thought I'd give myself a reminder too :)
aww ty Anks HUGS!
**and in a single stroke things change.. its because we take them for granted..
so true...thats why they dun care abt old friends and act as if nothing wud affect them.
Im sorry to hear abt ur granma...will read it soon. MWAH!
ty Arv!
**there is no real truth behind letting something go away...
Nah I believe there's truth in letting go...cos I hv been able to let go of alot of things. mebbe not alot of ppl can do it, but that doesnt mean all cant do it.
**You got to live with all that you feel every day, every moment.. no matter what it is...
yes but that doesnt make it NOTHING?
WC Vasanthan n ty!
ty SMM!
**...I would say that life is too short not to live every moment of it to the fullest
lovely! very true.
we keep thinking that we'll be happy SOME DAY but in that process we r missing out on being happy in this very MOMENT.
KP I agree we hv to WORK at it!
hey ty Neo and WC!
**We all the the value of life and the lack of time in it. But in our daily grind,we tend to forget.
Spot on!
hence this reminder :)
ty Arunima HUGS!
ur like me then...quite emotional :)
**not to forgive
yes..cos too many ppl hold grudges and r too stingy to forgive hehe..
I'd also like to add this here:
Life is too short not to say Sorry.
ty Emma!
**Life seems pretty long actually. I'm 37 and I'm not even (theoretically) half way through and its going on for ever.
:) it may SEEM long Emma...so embrace it, cos looking ard I see how many ppl die every single day, both young and old...even tho they r total strangers to me. And next time, it cud be someone I know.
**I don't actually think it matters if you have a short life or a long life ...well it matters to those that will miss you but not to the dead person.
ur right..it doesnt matter if we hv a short or long life...but it does MATTER...for ppl who r left behind. What really matters is how LONG we lived in terms of joy and fulfillment of life...not in terms of years.
**I would like not to hold grudges but I find it hard not to. Especially if people have hurt you and will not say sorry, how do you stay friends with them?
o I know alot of ppl like that! ppl who hv hurt me with every intention to do so, and then keep quiet like they hv done nothing wrong. They should be saying Sorry, but they make it look like that Im the one who should be saying Sorry to them! Pathetic ppl.
The problem is not woth u..it's with them. they're the ones holding the grudge.
hey ty Jeevan!
** miss my uncle so much and overall night gone everything before thinking the reason, alike my grandma who was strong enough until the minutes before her last breath
HUGGGGGGGGZ! I know how u feel..its shocking when seemingly healthy ppl die all of a sudden.
hey Hemz WB!
where d u disappear to all the time? dun do that again ok. :)
**i am not goin to leave u for this life...and after death also i am goin to follow
lol ok that sounded a bit freakish!
haha true Krithika, when ur young u can do anything :)
hey ty Amit HUGS!
dieting is ok...but not over-dieting. cos life is too short to miss out on good food ya know! imagine we r not here tmrow...how sad we'd be in heaven having missed out on that choc pudding lol!
**to not smell the flowers in a garden in the morning.
lovely! we all must make time to enjoy nature.
**to spend it all trying to show oneself as 'one up' on one's rivals.
so true...the nastiest one ha!
** To not begin each day with a prayer.
lovely! start the day with good vibes yes.
ty Aaarti HUGS!
**- to fight
so true! but as humans we do fight every now n then, but we must know when to stop and to move on...its not worth keeping grudges forever.
**- to keep saving and not enjoying
so very true! I always tell this to ppl I meet :)
**- to put away dreams and say tomorrow
spot on!
**- to remember a friend and not call them cos ur busy
very true! Some of my old friends here in blogville hv crossed me off their blogs etc...why? Cos they themselves hurt me and are now in denial. Can u believe it? :)
When they had no one in their blogs at the start, I was the only one ard. Now that they hv many ppl ard them, they dun need me. Fair enough ha :)
**- to say "Not now, maybe later"
I agree...we'll never know when we'd regret that!
**- to take anything/anyone for granted!!!
Very well-said! Cos tmrw never comes.
*HUGZ* and yes this is one of my fav songs too...I want this to be my funeral song :)
ty Truthful HUGS!
Im glad we think along the same lines :)
**but life is what i live on
I like wut u said there.
**1. be grumpy
I agree...why be grumpy when u CAN be cheerful.
**2. frown &wait for your friend to call you , when he /she might be thinking the same.
so true! Everyone expects the OTHER to take the first step.
**3.hold on to something that has long left you.
yes...go DO it NOW.
**4. not wear scarlet nail paint thinking it might not match u ( at least at home)
hehehe cute one!
**5. not speak up when it is most needed ( coz u might think that no one will hear you whatsoever)
well-said! talk when u MUST.
**6.think that people around you are bad ( coz that"ll just add to one's mental stress )
true...see the positives in everyones.
ty so much that was a neat list!
G'day Dave HUGS!
What a wonderful post, filled with emotion and it touched me. Thank you for sharing from your heart.
Life's too short to not tell the people you love that you love them.
Hmmm... according to me life is too short...
...not to make the best and the most of everything that comes your way
I am a guy who likes to live every moment of life to the fullest possible... I never think about death...let it come when it comes... so be good, do good and say good always... that's the way I like to be...
Nice coincidence... I have posted a post on same lines as your post....
Didnt read the previous post but saw the pics... Good job!! Way to go Gal!!
ty Nadine HUGS!
**Life's too short to not tell the people you love that you love them.
so very true! say wut u hv to say TODAY.
hey ty KK!
**I am a guy who likes to live every moment of life to the fullest possible...
way to be!
**I never think about death...let it come when it comes
yes but that doesnt mean we should talk abt it is it KK? :) that'll be like living in denial.
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