I was tagged by both Aneesh and Zubin on this Movie tag. Now I do watch alot of movies (English, European with subs, Sinhalese, Hindi, Tamil etc) but not many get registered in my brain only cos most movies are total gunk...pure waste of time. I prefer low-budget movies with real-life stories than blockbuster hits that are formula movies *girl meets boy and falls in love, girl's parents don't like the boy, a villain tries to kill the boy, boy somehow wins, and in the end the whole family is dancing the Macarena WTF*. And then there are other movies where everyone lives in big houses, cars galore, girls look so pretty with stay-put lipstick and frozen mascara even when they are crying their lungs out or are totally drenched in the rain? What about the movies where millions of dancers suddenly come running out of nowhere when a song is up? Where do these people come from?? Then there are old Sivaji movies (2nd pic here) that
my mum loves...she tells me she fell in love with Sivaji's acting skills. In my opinion, Sivaji takes about 15mins and 100 muscle movements to say just one word? But ofcourse he was a great Tamil actor in his era, no doubt :). So, most of the time I watch movies just to relax, laugh *even when it's supposed to be a serious movie*, and learn about other cultures, lifestyles, music, dance, colors, costumes and people's life experiences. And only very few movies manage to grab my attention and stay in my head and heart for a very long time...movies with substance that have a touch of reality and manage to portray human emotions and experiences in a clever and effective way. Now here goes the tag:
1. Name 5 of your all time favourite movies
Couldn't even think of 1 fav so how can I think of 5? Basically I don't have favs when it comes to movies...just good movies that made a difference in my thought process. So here I go:
1. The Pursuit Of Happyness
2. The Bridges Of Madison County
3. The English Patient
4. Forrest Gump
5. Surabhi Dena (Sinhalese)
2. Name one movie which you recommend as a "must see"
Water (Hindi). If you haven't seen this one yet, it's about an 8yr old child bride (Chuyia) turned widow who is sent away by her family to a Hindu widow ashram to spend the rest of her life there. Little Chuyia is a bundle of joy and her innocence even at the hands of cruel and meaningless tradition is an ultimate tearjerker. Actress Sarala Kariyawasam who performs Chuyia's role is a Sinhalese girl from Sri Lanka...and she had learnt Hindi just for this movie and her acting skills are just amazing! btw the cast also includes John Abraham *cough cough* and Lisa Ray. You've got to see it to know why it's such a magnificent movie.
3. The one and only one movie that you've seen the most number of times (watching on TV won't count)
I can't watch a movie again and again...how boring! Although I used to do that when I was quite young, dumb and lovelorn *eg:Titanic, Ghost*. But I have seen Water about 4 times...only cos I never get bored of watching it...it's a very real and heart-breaking story of many Indian females.
4. Which movie comes to your mind first, when you think about the funniest movie?
Too many of them that I like! Cos I love watching Comedies - it's my fav genre. All Austin Powers, Jim Carey and Ben Stiller movies *love these guys!* and the National Lampoon's Vacation Series. You've got to watch em!
5. Which movie made you really emotional?
The Beaches...too real and heart-breaking. Also, most Hindi/Tamil/Sinhalese movies are major DRAMA *rolling eyes*, and mum and I end up crying like we are in a funeral and then we both burst into laughter looking at each others' pathetic faces! 2yrs ago I was flying back to Aus from NZ, and was watching the Hindi movie Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak inflight and guess what happened...I started crying like I just got shot LOL! It was such an emotional movie and I was a big fat cry baby on air!
6. Which movie series do you think was as interesting as the first part in the series?
I don't like watching sequels all that much, cos the 2nd part always ends up being a try-hard crapster...something like a plastic-surgery version of the original one? But the sequels of Comedies such as Austin Powers, Father Of The Bride, Meet The Parents, Ace Ventura and National Lampoons are brilliant!
7. Which movie, according to you, didn't live up to your expectations, after all the hype you've heard?
Many actually. One that comes to my mind is the Hindi movie Guru. So many friends asked me to see it. And when I started watching it I got dead bored within the first 40mins or so, and I was wondering why the hell I was still watching it *I must have been in a boredom trance*.
8. Which movie, really surprised you?
13 Ghosts. WTF was that about? The ghosts looked so pathetic I had my fear of ghosts cured just by watching it! Have you ever felt sorry for a ghost? If not, watch this movie. They looked like they needed a serious mental restoration, rather be sent to a Metal factory so they can remove whatever the gunk that's on this head!
1. Name 5 of your all time favourite movies

1. The Pursuit Of Happyness
2. The Bridges Of Madison County
3. The English Patient
4. Forrest Gump
5. Surabhi Dena (Sinhalese)
2. Name one movie which you recommend as a "must see"

3. The one and only one movie that you've seen the most number of times (watching on TV won't count)

4. Which movie comes to your mind first, when you think about the funniest movie?

5. Which movie made you really emotional?

6. Which movie series do you think was as interesting as the first part in the series?
I don't like watching sequels all that much, cos the 2nd part always ends up being a try-hard crapster...something like a plastic-surgery version of the original one? But the sequels of Comedies such as Austin Powers, Father Of The Bride, Meet The Parents, Ace Ventura and National Lampoons are brilliant!
7. Which movie, according to you, didn't live up to your expectations, after all the hype you've heard?

8. Which movie, really surprised you?

I tag anyone who wants to do this. Thanks Aneesh and Zubin, I had fun doing this tag!
Now, this song is one of my fav movie songs...it's a Hindi song from the movie Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (with SRK and Kajol, 2 of my fav Hindi actors). I dedicate this song to Hemz who's looking for love and is not feeling so happy at the moment...mate, Love is to be felt in your heart and no, you can't hurry or force love either. I have loved, have been heart-borken, have been told that it wouldn't work after years of dreaming, gone home in tears, watched how my solid dreams burnt away into mere debris, but all that time I had someone by my side and someone to love me...and that was myself. So Hemz, love yourself first, be your

Current Music: Tujhe Yaad Na Meri Aaye (from the Hindi movie KKHH)
141 Cranium Signets:
I second on u on water, its a brilliant movie...
Life is like a movie...each of us have to play our roles somehow, and it's an individual performance.****Absolutely true&i just wonder what all's still left...:)
hmm i agree with most of ur categorisation....:)
Love Forrest gump & the English patient... good ones mate...
have a nice day... cheers...
Hi Keshi,
Hope you remember me, finally i have some time to read some blogs.
You really reviewed lots of movie, I only get to watch movies once in a while but most of the time will just catch up if its playing in TV.
You have another blog "Between Friends" too?
All through life, all through temporary bonds and dreams and everything else, we only have one thing permanently with us, and that's ourselves.
This was profound Keshi!
Water is a fantastic movie. Have u seen Deppa Mehta's 1947 Earth, based on Ice-Candy Man? Its an equally moving story on people affected by India-Pakistan partition. If u get time, watch that.
Guru was a very slow movie. n ya Meet the Parents was funny in the first part, the second part was not that interesting....
Nice tag gal.
wow immaculate timin to do d post keshi :)
have seen water...somehow really serious movies put me off...
I lurrrrve Forrest Gump.. Its one of those movies I could watch over & over & over again...
Water is a beautiful movie.. Apart from the movies you mentioned I would say Alaypayuthe (or Saathiya in Hindi) by Maniratnam was also very real.. For once, they show us that getting married and being in love was romantic but the actual marriage demands total trust, security and compromise.. Connected with this movie on so many different levels.. I told my parents about the DH around that timie and for all their worries about how we will survive an inter-religious marriage, I airily told them, we will manage.. Amma took me to this movie and I came out realizing getting married was a whole other ball game..
Nice tag girl.. HUGZ
Man needs woman to complete him as a person and vice-versa and that is what we call "looking for love"
i meant "haven't" seen water :)
I wonder why Cast Away isnt in this list.
Bollywood movie are going abd to worst.Every new movie is hit a rock botom, first there were needles in eh hay-stack and now the Hindi movies are justa kneedle-stack.
*Creativity is slave to commerce.*
(Hindi) Movies are only made these days b'coz they are commercially viable.
Movie down south are better at least they explore the creative expert.
Only people who arent cribbing are Dress Designers...
How did u miss out these?
* Godfather
* Shawshank Redemption
* Ronin
* Heat
* The Green Mile
* An Unfinished Life
* Troy
* Twelve Monkeys
* Road to perdition
* A few good Men
* Men of Honor
* Braveheart
* Crimson Tide
* Philadelphia
* Finding Neverland
* Legends of the Fall
* Schindler's List
* Goodwill Hunting
* The One who flew over the Cuckoo's nest
* Pappion
* The Usual Suspects
* Seven
* Dances with the Wolves
* Notting Hill
* Rainman
* Scarface
* The Pianist
* A Beautiful Mind
* Apollo 13
* Good Morning Vietnam
* Step Mom
* Saving Private Ryan
* Platoon
* Psycho
* House of a thousand Corpses
* The Departed
* The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
* Citizen Kane
* The Beach
* Catch me if you can
* Day of the Jackal
* Hannibal
* Silence of the Lambs
* Seven years in Tibet
* Great Expectations
ty Southy!
Isnt WATER a brilliant movie.
**Absolutely true&i just wonder what all's still left...:)
d u mean wuts left in life?
ty Aphrodite!
hey ty Arv :)
hey Veni WC n ty!
nah I dun watch alot of movies...I dun hv the time :) Im not so much of a moviebuff hehe...
The other blog is a group blog.
hey ty Diana!
**Have u seen Deppa Mehta's 1947 Earth, based on Ice-Candy Man?
I hv heard abt it...but didnt get to watch it yet. Now that u reminded me, that'll be my next one :)
*HUGZ* enjoy the holz!
ty Mayz!
**...somehow really serious movies put me off...
Comedy is my fav genre :)
hey ty Dee!
I think I've seen that one long time ago...was it Shalini who acted in it?
yes some movies make u REALISE alot abt life. Im glad this movie helped u to understand wut Marriage really is.
I meant which role is left?:)
hey Hobo!
**Man needs woman to complete him as a person and vice-versa and that is what we call "looking for love"
yes but that Search shouldnt make u MISERABLE.
Mayz, Water is not a scary or serious movie...its got a touch of class and reality in it. Its basically LIFE.
Watch it.
ty Tarun!
**Cast Away
I love that movie :)
***Creativity is slave to commerce.*
I agree...its all abt big bucks, sadly.
Bolly movies aint all that bad...some movies are really worth watching.
hey Rakesh!
How did I miss those GREAT movies? o well, mebbe cos I cud only mention 5 of the best? :)
And some of the ones u mentioned, I hvnt even seen hehe.
I loved that one! Tom Hanks did a top job with his acting in it!
Southy life brings in many new roles every now n then...u just hv to wait n see. :)
Thats what i m doing babes...:)
I love drama movies more than romantic ones because ther is always so much suspense.BTW I liked the english patient also.how are you doing,have not been too well so have not been blog hopping much.
i gotta take this up too... hey good choice of movies.. i loved water...
Good on ya Southy!
Starry WB n HUGS!
Not well..why? plz TC!
Drama is better than Romance yes...Im getting bored of puke-sappy shit! :)
hey Gypsy!
good to know u liked WATER too...means we hv the same taste in movies :)
u make me cry now tupid pellow...:'(...no one ever dedicated something in my entire 24 years life.. u really mak me cry now...:'(...and its soo sweet to know wat u rote abt the things ..so i am really trying hard to come out of the crap role and be the hero now...the other role was totally frustrating all the time..getin pissed of easily :'(...but ur sooooo sweet that u rote abt me here...no one ever rote abt me yaar..i am really crying...i have these tears of happiness flowing on my cheeks..:)..
ur real sweet darling love u soo much kesh ....lots of kisses for the tall lady :)...thnk u sooo much ..u really made my day :)...love u once again :)...
Hemz hey HUGS! :) Glad to see ya bak.
Hey stop crying now! Goshhh this is not that sad scene in DDLJ lol!
Im glad u like the dedication...d u like this song?
Now stay happy n well.
i do love the song kesh..its sweet..:)..and ok stooped with the tears in my eyes :)...but to be frank i am really touched..and everyone in my office is reading this rite now...i want to make them see that i have a frnd who dedicated something for me..no one has ever done..love u lots kesh ...thnk u soooooooooooooooooooooooo much :)..
hey i am so curious. How does this whole tag thing work?
Hemx ur sure no one has ever dedicated anything to u? wow! :)
**and everyone in my office is reading this rite now
omg! *blushes*
A person need Roti, Kapda, Makan and Love in life to call it complete.
If any one is missing life is MISERABLE.
hey Kiran!
Tag means someone gets u to do a post that goes ard like fever lol!
Now if I said Kiran ur tagged on this Movie Tag, u gotta do this post on ur blog with ur answers. Thats all there is to it :)
btw ur tagged! ;-)
Hobo I agree but Im not miserable abt someone I hvnt found yet :) mebbe I can be miserable abt ppl I hv lost in my life, but to be sad and broody abt someone I never met is not how I'd live life.
i am sure...they dedicated me only tags :P...and in real world they deticated me som scolds..:P...
one gal already is saying wow u have a wonderful friend...do u want me to send all the replies i am getting then u wud be surprised :)...
and its hemz..not hemx ..like in a porn star :P...:P
ROFL I made it Hemx on purpose!
LOL @porn star!
*tickles Hemz til he becomes Hex*
dont tickle soo much tupid ..i may die out of laughing..:P....
i sent a mail to u ...and guess wat i asked u
Is what I get from u every time is the courage to live for myself. I love movies and good ones are worth watching, but the chances are left little to get them. I know water is a good movie, but not seen so far, hope I watch it soon. some said guru is a inspiring movie, for me it seems no feel.
hey come tk part in my latest post
you're right, kesh. life is always a solo performance.
about movies. can name a few, i guess.
watch (if you have not, i mean) Into The Wild. you will never regret watching it. it is about THE search in life. i just loved it.
for sheer passion, Revenge. Kevin Costner, Madeleine Stowe and of course, Anthony Quinn. the climax is so silent and beautiful.
for that spirit of human life, Million Dollar Baby and you named it too Forrest Gump. masterpieces.
loved Russel Crowe mouthing some great lines in Gladiator. Like this one: Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back. The Brave One featuring Jodie Foster with some heavy duty dialogues. Sample: When you love something, every time a bit of it goes, you lose a piece of yourself.
must have watched Gandhi a dozen times. Swades, at least half a dozen. and yes, Sholay always.
and, there are more then...
Hmm I was surprised not to see a single world cinema movie in your list. there are so many good european movies...
I should see water one of these days :)
Nevere ever seen any of the movie u mentioned Keshi :)))
somehow even i like real life stry...but never wtached those.... :DDD
WOW! thanks for doing the tag
I have seen the 1st and 4th in your all time favourite.
Now, I'm going to see 2 and 3.
I got a variety of movie list from here, gotta watch those I didn't watch :)
Wow! SRK and Kajol was my favourite too :)
'N KKHT is Kajol's best that I liked, she had acted brilliantly both as an energetic,excited teenager and as a matured lady :)
nice movies there Keshi :)
and that song from KKHH is really awesome ... song with deep feelings and meaning ...
modified d poll a lil..no more tag :)
i liked d list of movies u presented.. there were few i missed.. but thanks to ur blog i will watch them.. nice post..
I ll chk out water soon. Cheers :)
water is really a beautiful movie..
and they faced so many problems while filming it as well..
and even the cast was changed.. oh well..
hehe i do agree on ace ventura.. hehe especially when j carrey tells everyone that the lady cop is not a lady but is a guy.. hehe
n k2h2 is just amazing.. well they are one of the best actors that bollywood has got.
Hey Keshi!
I lourrved Water as well!!..one gem of a movie! :)
Btw,check out the sudden outburst of madness on my blog!
These days i am watching movie on recommendation....so can you recommend one movie to me(other than the one's mentioned in this tag)..I recommend AMU and In the name of Father (in case you have seen either one)
hi,keshi..nice 2 see u watch many hindi moviz..well,most of it is crap,lol.
Hey Keshi.. I too don't like melodrama in movies.. But you know what.. Even those kind of sing dance movies are required.. For the masses.. coz the common man goes to the movies to sing, dance, laugh, cry.. To see Shah Rukh romance pretty ladies in his arms..
Hmm.. I loved The Pursuit of Happyness.. Also Forrest Gump.. Both are great actors..
Have u seen The Shawshank Redemption ?
PS: Did ya get the tattoo?
And yeah I have not watched Water. Neither plan to. Cannot see John Abraham attempting to act *cough cough* :P
"Sivaji takes about 15mins and 100 muscle movements to say just one word?"
Omg!! So well put! :D My dad is is big fan... but I've always felt that he overacted...
Hi sis.............
Juz dropped in 2 say HI!
///2yrs ago I was flying back to Aus from NZ, and was watching the Hindi movie Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak inflight and guess what happened...I started crying like I just got shot LOL!///
this one really had me in splits :D
nice list of movies dear :)
ive watched almost all of them...
btw the name of that 5 yr old widow in water is 'chuhiya' which means 'mouse' (female mouse) in hindi :D
just thought u would like to know....
and u know what, was reading the entire post as a fun read...but the last part suddenly hit me and right in the face...
spot on girl! i totally agree with u :)
and thats the best and strongest thing ive heard from someone in ages....
ive heard it many times before but i dunno why the way u put it had such a powerful impact...probably its because uve gone through it urself....the lessons are best given by the ones who live them...
luv u girl
u rock!!:)
firstly,i love the song!!! like totally totally..soo love it :D
and well ive watched so many hindi movies but havent cried even once!!! i get really emotional but cant cry :P
and loved the pictures uve put in between :) i thought of putting pics of the movie, but after the previous post, i got sick of uploading pictures for ages, i completely forgot about it and just posted it... really nice way youve done it, with all the extras.. makes me want to redo mine :P
all the movies you mentioned are good ones..
nice tag, keshi..!!
Great selections Keshi.
(Hobo I agree but Im not miserable abt someone I hvnt found yet :) mebbe I can be miserable abt ppl I hv lost in my life, but to be sad and broody abt someone I never met is not how I'd live life.)
Miserable about ppl a person lost in life is Love...
Nice choice babes! I m glad u took up this tag. Qayamat se Qayamat Tak is one of the best movies full of innocence and love. I had cried while seeing it too! So u r not alone. I really wanna see Water sometime soon. Btw u dint like Guru mebbe coz it was a sort of Biographical movie of Late Dhirubhai Ambani who was the head of one of the largest companies of India, Reliance. So thats y i suppose u cdnt correlate the two. I love most of the Jim Carrey movies coz he's jus so funny! :P Be it Ace Ventura or be it Bruce Almighty. :) I used to be a fan of this song from Kuch Kuch Hota Hai when i was going thru heart break. I must hav cried tonnes of times while listening to this song.
Hmmm..Water seems like a good one to catch.:)
***13 Ghosts. WTF was that about? The ghosts looked so pathetic I had my fear of ghosts cured just by watching it!
LOL I totally agree with ya on that!:D watched it.. Lame seriously!
***Love is to be felt in your heart and no, you can't hurry or force love either. I have loved, have been heart-borken, have been told that it wouldn't work after years of dreaming, gone home in tears, watched how my solid dreams burnt away into mere debris, but all that time I had someone by my side and someone to love me...and that was myself
thats awesome sharing gurl!:D
hey u see shivaji ganesan movies...isnt he great keshi.....even my mom loves sivaji movies,,,,
even i liked water and guru....i wud love to see pursuit of hapyness one more time and forrest grump rocks as usual coz of my fav tom hanks
blog rolled u
**The ghosts looked so pathetic I had my fear of ghosts cured just by watching it! Have you ever felt sorry for a ghost? If not, watch this movie.
I have to see Water..... I had the DVD but someone took it and never gave it back.....
i got educated over books and movies...there's something to be learnt from each one of them...even if its just global geography for some of them :P
being a movie buff i could go on and on...
some movies i recollect on the spur of the moment in random order:
1. the man who would be king
2. jumanji
3. court jester
4. sin city
5. pulp fiction
6. die hard series
7. inside man
8. bourne series
9. all super hero/comic book series
10. the green mile
11. hannibal lecter series
12. braveheart
13. something about mary
14. breakfast at tiffany's
and countless others...wat would my life be...if there werent movies
and hemz...dude no cricketer not even tendulkar or lara could manage a perfect form all throughout...keep playing the game...sooner or later you'll get your strokes right and be hitting sixes :)
Nicely done!!
***Sivaji takes about 15mins and 100 muscle movements to say just one word?***
Top 5?
I have too long of a list so I can only do it by categories..
Top 10 War Movies;
Apocalypse Now
Full Metal Jacket
Breaker Morant
Saving Private Ryan
Lions For Lambs
The Thin Red Line
Charlie Wilsons War
The Kingdom
Jacob's Laddder
Must See..
Quest For Fire
I saw JAWS 8 times at the theatre when it came out
Funniest movie goes to either of Monty Python's
Meaning Of Life
Holy Grail or
Life Of Brian
Once Were Warriors
Schindler's List
The Departed
Romeo Is Bleeding
The Godfather Part 2 is actually better than the the first
10f*cking000 BC
and if you saw my review you know that I would take matters into my own hands if I ver met the Director
Surprised that I liked it?
The Queen
I think i must invent a new award for the best TAG response...LOL
I swear girl... me is so feelin guilty now cuz i am supposed to do the same one n I am tagged by 3 ppl... i hvnt even strtd :(
But well done..CLAP CLAP CLAP
Forbidden Kingdom
Band of Brothers (miniseries)
Iron Monkey
The New Shaolin
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
No Reservations
We just saw water and I really enjoyed it. It was a good movie.
water...too gud
love d comment about bcum ur own frnd*brilliant*
a lovely tag re simply loved the way u put tat...at sum places it was fun reading it.
hehehe Hemz...
that was such a sweet gesture in ur blog. Love ya mate!
ty Jeevan! :)
Guru is an inspiring movie yes, but IMO it was filmed in such a boring way...
Mayz I did and now wut happened? :(
hey ty Soul!
Some really great movies mentioned there. The Wild..I gotta see it.
I hv seen Million Dollar Baby...loved it!
**Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back
profound! thats true...I guess we all live life smiling at death anyways..cos u never know when it'll claim its latest anyways. :)
**Swades, Gandhi and Sholay
see em..great movies!
ty for the lovely suggestions Soul!
hey Che!
** was surprised not to see a single world cinema movie in your list.
arent Hindi/Sinhalese movis World Cinema too? :):)
I hv seen many French, German and other European movies...cant rem most of em..mebbe cos they were not that striking a story hehe...
tell me some to watch...
Vish u've got to.
Also tell me some of the movies u like..
Chakoli u've never seen any of the Hindi ones I mentioned either? WOW!
hey Aneesh :)
yes u've got to see The English Patient...
**'N KKHT is Kajol's best that I liked, she had acted brilliantly both as an energetic,excited teenager and as a matured lady
so true...she's such a bubbly and energetic actress with many skills.
ty Hiren!
** song with deep feelings and meaning ...
yes...I really love the opening few lines of this song...takes me to another world.
And I hv often cried listening to this song :)
why not Mayz?
hey Saurabh WC n ty! :)
hey ty Ani!
**and they faced so many problems while filming it as well..
and even the cast was changed
yes I read abt it...apparently Deepa Mehta got death threats too.
yes I luuuurve this song so much!
Crystal ty sweetie!
ty Prakhar!
so u've seen all the movies I've mentioned here? WOW ur quite the moviebuff ha :)
**AMU and In the name of Father
interesting! ty.
hv u seen 'The Bridge on the River Kwai'?
If u like war movies that is. This movie was dad's FAV...I used to sit n watch it with him so many times :) Its a good one.
ty Anwesa!
yes I do watch ALL kinds of movies from ALL over the world...:)
Not all Hindi movies r crap...there r some pretty good ones too.
hey Urv nah I didnt get that tat yet...scared of it all lol!
**.. But you know what.. Even those kind of sing dance movies are required.. For the masses.. coz the common man goes to the movies to sing, dance, laugh, cry..
I agree totally! My mum always says that...movies r to relax, so it's good to see some UNREALISTIC shit. lol!
**To see Shah Rukh romance pretty ladies in his arms..
haha yes! thats why I love SRK...he just takes u into a dream world And boy he knows how to cry!! :):)
**Have u seen The Shawshank Redemption ?
Many ppl suggested this one...so Im gonna see it next.
Hey Urv...
** Cannot see John Abraham attempting to act *cough cough* :P
lol aww dun be so mean to mah John!
haha Maca!
**My dad is is big fan... but I've always felt that he overacted
omg so true! He totally OVER-ACTS...thats why I said that too :):)
by the time he says a word, I can go to the kitchen, prepare dina and come bak w.o. missing much of the movie!
hey Stranger hows ur break going? :)
hey ty Pri LOL!
**'chuhiya' which means 'mouse' (female mouse) in hindi
awww how cute!
**probably its because uve gone through it urself....the lessons are best given by the ones who live them...
true Pri...wisdom cannot be taught, it can only be learnt thru experience.
hey ty Harini!
yes this is one of my fav songs that makes me cry each time I listen to it...
** i get really emotional but cant cry
really? I cry for the slightest thing...even when i see an abandoned animal :)
U did this tag equally well sweetie! *HUGS*
hey ty Vinu!
ty Priya :)
ty Hobo!
hey ty Ria!
**Btw u dint like Guru mebbe coz it was a sort of Biographical movie of Late Dhirubhai Ambani who was the head of one of the largest companies of India, Reliance
yes...I somehow watched it to the end...but the way they filmed it was boring to me. But yes its an inspirational movie for sure!
yes this is my 'heartbreak' song too...and like u, I cry everytime I listen to it..
hey ty Amy HUGS!
lol u saw 13 Ghosts too? I wish I cud hv warned u not to!
hey ty Solitary!
**hey u see shivaji ganesan movies...isnt he great keshi.....even my mom loves sivaji movies,,,,
hehehe yes...he's my mum's FAV actor ever! She has all his movie DVDs and songs too...omg! :):)
but jokes apart, some of his movies r GREAT. I watch em with mum. Hv u seen Bandham? Its my fav Sivaji movie. I cry each time. *rolling eyes*
Akshay lol tnxx!
U should ask that person to return the DVD or get slapped. :)
ty Mystique!
**there's something to be learnt from each one of them
agree totally! Even if it's a boring or a crap movie, there's always something to learn from em.
Nice list there!
**pulp fiction
Love the soundtrack! :) My last post's Surf Rider was from this movie.
True blue Aussie Mel Gibson rite!
**something about mary
hilarious movie that I really liked!
**breakfast at tiffany's
Good one there!
**wat would my life be...if there werent movies
Spot on!
**and hemz...dude no cricketer not even tendulkar or lara could manage a perfect form all throughout...keep playing the game...sooner or later you'll get your strokes right and be hitting sixes :)
very well-said! And ty for those caring words for Hemz.
haha Lavida dun u think so too!
hey ty Donn!
I know ur a massive movie-bug ;-)
great one!
**Saving Private Ryan
loved it!
**Quest For Fire
Gonna get em next time. tnxx!
**I saw JAWS 8 times at the theatre when it came out
lol I rem Jaws...I used to be frightened by a blue-screen effect? *shakes head*
**Monty Python...
lol good one!
**The Departed
Terrific movie!
**The Godfather Part 2 is actually better than the the first
mebbe...but I never liked Godfather movies cos they r so eerie and bloody.
**10f*cking000 BC
and if you saw my review you know that I would take matters into my own hands if I ver met the Director
HAHAHHAHAHAH I cant stop laffing! Wasnt it Gerard Butler in it? aww I like him tho ;-)
**The Queen
never heard of it. Makes me wanna see it now.
tnxx mate!
hey ty Mini MWAH! :)
**I think i must invent a new award for the best TAG response
cmon do it now!
hey ty Phoso!
Some neat list there...hvnt seen some of em.
**My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Loved it! Cud relate to so many 'family' scenes in it LOL!
hey thats great Pecos :)
hey ty CN!
yes...ourselves r the only PERMANENT friends we really hv.
hey ty Joyce!
Hi,Keshi-that was one nice tag- I might take it up one of these days.:)
Incidentally,thanks for adding to my list of ' to see'movies.I've seen maybe just 2-3 of the ones on your list,like,one of the National Lampoon, then,KKHH.
LOL at the' btw the cast also includes John Abraham *cough cough*'
Ah,so he's not The Star of the movie.:)
Speaking of comedies,try and see these:
- Cheeni Kam
- Jaane Bhi Do Yaaron(If you don't mind seeing an ole movie)
English comedies:Try Carry on Doctor(If available)-but,leave your brains outside the video room,if you want to enjoy it.haha!
My list is on keshaaayyy...:)
thnks soo much for those encouraging words u have given..:)..
*** hemz...dude no cricketer not even tendulkar or lara could manage a perfect form all throughout...keep playing the game...sooner or later you'll get your strokes right and be hitting sixes :
:D...i will try to be cool and calm :)..and be wat i am ...i will wait for the rite time to strike out :)..
thnks once again for those kind words :)..
:D...did u like the poem..i took 2 hrs to make it tupid :P...
hey ty Amit!
I gotta get the ones u mentioned :)
**so he's not The Star of the movie
sort of...there's no main star in it, except the lil girl...
yes do this tag!
Nicely done Southy!
Hemz Im glad u said u'll wait for the right time...:) everything has a perfect time for em to happen.
2 hrs Hemz? wow!!!! no wonder its brilliant!
yes ofcourse I LOVED it!!! ty so much for making me feel so special. Im blessed with good n honest mates like u!
hey can u gimme ur email id...need to send ya smthn
yes Mayz..its kajole@hotmail.com
omg u have every dvd of sivaji's movie
havent heard of bandham ...but i guess his first movie called parashakti was great...wud love to see it..
hey btw u seem to be a person knowing tamil lol
otherwise how wud u see sivaji movies....
i really wanna see water but its difficult to get that cd atleast from the place where i live....
Nice tag. Some of my favorites were there too.
hey Solitary my mum is Tamil and she's the one who has all the Sivaji DVDs..not me. lol!
hey ty Lover!
lol..It was too funny not too...:P
LOL! thinking of it makes me laugh really..
hahaha Amy!!!
It was such a dumb movie...actually it redefined HORROR movies..it gave itself a new genre called DUMB HORROR.
The Bridge on the River Kwai .. I haven't seen it .. will watch it soon...hv seen most of the movies you mentioned .. Surabhi Dena & The Beaches i haven't seen..also the vacation series...not quite a movie buff now :D
Prakhar River Kwai is a war movie..
**Surabhi Dena
Is an award-winning Sinhalese movie done in the 90s...u gotta watch it to know wut I mean.
missed ya keshikins..
haven't been here for a while!
loved all the movies in ya list..
now i gotta watch WATER! (now , john made ya watch the movie, n ya ended up loving deepa mehta, is it?;))
LOL at sivaji** 15 mins and 100 muscle movements--> bwuahhhhh!
kkhh is my all time favorite movie--> diehard romantic that i'm--> n yeahhh, when we have ourselves through nthrough, nothing can destroy us..
Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak
--> buhooo, me loveee the movie! totally!
loved all the sequel movies ya mentioned--> spl mention: father of the bride :)
loveeeeee :*
Hmm well on the top of my head ill recommend few movies but you might have seen them
City of God
Cinema Paradiso
Blue, Blanc and Rouge trilogy
Wild Strawberries
Summer Interlude
Hotel Rwanda
Welcome to Sarajevo
Hi Keshhi!
Reached her late this time..some few to cover..even this one I'm yet to read...
will come again to read!
hey ty Jane!
haha so u watch KKHH how many times A DAY? ;-)
wow ty Che, I'll try to get em asap!
hey no worries Devika :) take ur time.
Hey..how are you? I am so sorry being so late in commenting on this..(I had read it but couldn't reply)..I hate my new schedule.. :(
Love the way you have done the tag..thanks for doing it. Though one thing is pretty obvious from this...If we ever go out on a Date..:p we are going to have some serious trouble deciding which movie to watch.."different tastes"..sigh..:D
But I'll let you decide at that point in time..(the gentleman that I am) :p
I haven't read your latest posts..I'll do that ASAP...(Damn!! you are so fast..) :p
hey ty Zubin! :)
no worries...take ur time.
Abt deciding which movie...yes I'd take u first and then u take me to see ur choice. hows that? :)
Hi Keshi!
I like you for the genre of movies you like...and I am no avid fan of reel life except when it shows real life..
yeah Water I've seen and liked...
enjoyed reading and I like your post dedication note to Hemz. :-)
hey ty Devika :)
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