Wednesday, May 4

Lets get personal!

1.Where would you take your Date the first time around?
2.Which movie would you watch at home with someone ur madly attracted to?
3.How would you tell someone you really want to go out with?
4.What do you usually wear at home?
5.Which song would you choose for your wedding?
6.What would you cook for your family on a weekend?
7.What would you wear for your best friend's engagement?
8.What do you think is the most sensual surrounding to surprise your partner?
9.What is the first thing you do every morning?
10.Who's voice haunts you with passion?
11.What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep?
12.What is your favourite food?
13.What do you consider as true happiness?
14.What's your favorite shopping mall?
15.Have you ever fallen in love at first sight, if so who and why?
16.What's your idea of a romantic night out?
17.When you're upset with someone at home what would you do?
18.Describe your life using a car - what car would it be?
19.What are your best memories from about 10years ago?
20.If you were to die today, what would be the song you'd want to be remembered with?

38 Cranium Signets:

Jim said...

DAMN U Kesh,
u posted a quiz too
any way visit my foto quiz


Keshi said...

o cummon saby dun be such a bore...just answer dun pick on me ok :(


Jim said...

DUMMY!..dat was not me
my conterpart is juliamumbai

i will open out laterr
after the rest of the guys have told

my seniority (age)allows me dat privilege

Jim said...

OK..since u did me the honours of posting yr entry for the foto quiz

will answer only one to start wid

i have to answer in the pst tense though

i took Maria to Juhu Hotel a restaurant facing the sea which i cudnt really afford at dat time

so i did the ordering
'2 coffees please and send the bill we are in a hurry'

Anonymous said...

1. For a nice cup of home made tea in my beautiful English Tudor in the backyard covered with red japanese maple and 20 feet stream flowing into a pond with promelia's and bamboos around.

2. Captain Corrili's Mandolin

3. send a message in the bottle covered with hayes n' a red rose bud

4. Banana Republic plain lime green, sea green, white pajamas with a black, white or an olive sleeveless T-shirt

5. same as Muriel chose for her wedding j/k...would be 'dulha tu dulhan mein ban jayunga'

6.garlic pasta with a lil kick in it served with any good italian merlot, fresh peaches from my trees crushed with walnut mixed in plain yogurt and sugar. cinnamon/lemon tea later in the garden with barbequed marsh mellows.

7. his clothes lol

8. erotic sensual massage.

9. look outta window on 100's of roses in my lawn, the trees..just nature

10. the sound of water running

11. think of many things around me, the loved one's, nature, my dog, my cars, etc..etc

12. the satisfaction within

13. Italian

14. Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills

15. Yes, my little cocker spaniel

16. gossip while we eat this breathtaking delicious italian salad at 'Bella Sierra' in Los Angeles, fly over to San Francisco witch is only 40 mins away to this really romantic restaurant, enjoy merlot and dinner later,..walk hand in hand on the shore and sit there hand in hand for hrs n' hrs listening and watching the waves dance around.

17. I refuse to talk to anyone.

18. I love cars. have a Jaguar that i love driving during the weekdays at office or to a wedding etc, have a mustang sobra convertible that i often drive on the weekends.

19. none-weren't the best days of my life.

20. Ae ajnabi tu bhi kabhi awaaz de kahin se..


Jim said...

i wud watch ITS A MAD. MAD.MAD. MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD wid u

Jim said...

i already booked 2 tickets

i also booked all the other tickets so dat no wise guy wud say 'HEYYY OLD MAN arent u a little too old to be doing dis ?'

Jim said...

i wear just my VIP's
its too damn hott in May and i dont have AC

and if anybody knocks at my door
i wear a towel

was forced to by my maid servant who told my wife dat i shud do so,
its very disconcerting for her, she is not married and is verrry pretty

Jim said...

... and it shows

Jim said...

its gotta be ..


Jim said...

any trouser wid a BLAZIER
dont own a suit

a cozy cottage by the sea
lights down low
and the Everley brothers crooning 'DREAM, DREAM, DREAM'

then after the night is through
i wud wake up first and make breakfast in bed for the love of my life

and her sleepy voice wud triger my passion again

and we wud make love again, and again and again till we drop of to sleep after sheer exhaustion

dat answers questions 1 to 11
i am exhausted more laterrr

Jim said...

and heyyy STUD,
english tudor
and captain's mandolin
wateva these may be

dat dont impress Kesh much

Keshi said...

thanks Stud that was soooo sweet - u seem to like Italian culture too :) n u sound very anna-ish lolll goshh u do!

Saby that's so wickedly romantic...the dream dream dream song! Thanks for all the humor and answering most of em - ur a sport :)


Jim said...

my favourite food is drink
am on a liquid diet

true happiness is where i am today
lost all my inhibitions dat crippled me as a child as a good catlik

now i am open to suggestions
i stopped seeing tings as good or bad

bad is when i hurt another intentionally

rest all is good

Jim said...

and i didnt mean to hurt STUD
on the contrary i did him good

by my valuable advice

Jim said...

u sure are crazy
u dont shop for love in a shopping mall unless ur lining up dat girl on the counter

fallen in love at first sight??
i do it all the time
and not by sight alone
fallen hopelesly in love wid SEBIA for reasons i cant state here- she warned me to be on my best bahaviour or else!

then there's TANVI for the obvious 2 reasons

and i cud fall in love wid PRITI too, if only she wud shave off her moustache

Jim said...

and sumting tells me
i shud do all the other questions too b4 u block comments again
besides i got nutting better to day

coz my wife packed off the kids and took off to her mom's place

coz i keep on saying WTF all the time and my kids are starting to use dat lingo too

Ok.. now lemme continue
DAMN i forgot wat i was going to say

sandeip said...

2.fatal attraction?
3.its the way u make me feel......
5.i've been waiting for a gal like u.......(code red/asha)
6.a dish fit for the gods?
7.suit?(i dont have a good dress sense)
8.moonlight;trees,and a lake beside......
9.wake up......
11.switch off the lights!!!!
12.if music be the food of.......(catch my drift!!!!)
13.melancholy(u have to see its beauty to know its joy)
14.i hate malls.and shopping.
15.yes.becaus i fell in love. talk and talk.and maybe walk........
17.stay silent in hindi!)
19.i had nothing to forget.and that was bliss.
20.i want to break free....

Mia said...

1)Thats hard...depends on the guy, but somewhere we could sit and talk, coffee, dinner...
2)9 1/2 weeks
3)I'd just tell them
4)comfy jeans, shorts and tshirt or tank top.
5)Mmmm...dunno if I want to get married again. but I'd say I love you by faith hill.
6)bbq'd burgers
7) depends on the affair
8) a bedroom
9) wake
10)a child calling out a name in a horror movie. lol
11)close my eyes?
12) italian
13) to me...its when everyone's happy.when the jobs going good, my healths good, the kids aren't fighting, my bills are caught up.
14)Market Mall
15)yes, a guy named Mark, he was mysterious, cute and older (I was only 16)
16) quiet night, candle lit bath...
17) Clean, clean and then clean...they will know Im pissed, and my house will get clean.
18)an suv...spacious, practicle...I know that was boring.
19)ohhh too many to mention
20)She's always a woman - billy joel
She can kill with a smile
She can wound with her eyes
She can ruin your faith with her casual lies
And she only reveals what she wants you to see
She hides like a child
But she's always a woman to me

She can lead you to live
She can take you or leave you
She can ask for the truth
But she'll never believe you
And she'll take what you give her as long as it's free
She steals like a thief
But she's always a woman to me

Oh, she takes care of herself
She can wait if she wants
She's ahead of her time
Oh, and she never gives out
And she never gives in
She just changes her mind

She will promise you more
Than the Garden of Eden
Then she'll carelessly cut you
And laugh while you're bleedin'
But she'll bring out the best
And the worst you can be
Blame it all on yourself
Cause she's always a woman to me

She is frequently kind
And she's suddenly cruel
She can do as she pleases
She's nobody's fool
But she can't be convicted
She's earned her degree
And the most she will do
Is throw shadows at you
But she's always a woman to me

Anonymous said...


who spiked your cornflakes?

Keshi: and you sound such a babester, keshisterness so, come back to me like the sweet memory of lover past :)

Jim said...

dis healthy Miranda has gotten me in to a lot of avoidable trouble

mistook her for Burfica

Burfica didnt take too kindly being called healthy

Jim said...

when im upset wid some one at home
it is bound to be Maria

coz she spiked my cornflakes wid bhang and i wud freak out on Fira and WORDY and STUD and SEBIA

i once told her dat i love her coz she looks like my mom

Jim said...

and if u cot me driving a car
i stole it from Fira

he loves his car like he does his g/f

and he trusts her
the poor sucker

Jim said...

10 years ago ??

DAMN i dont remember wat i had for bfast dis morning until STUD reminded me

and pleeez dont talk of dying
i want to be around for a lott longer

girls in my days wudnt let u go further than necking in the park in the dark

OK, if u want a song for my funeral make it 'O WHEN THE SAINTS GO MARCHING IN' as only Louis Armstrong can sing it

Keshi said...

loll thanks Saby - ur damn funny!

annonymous prtasit get a life - Priti cutey is mine!

deipsssss so sweeeeeeeet! U dun like shopping? haaaaaa! Then u'll hat eme when ur in Sydney - lolll! Thanks for answering I had so much fun reading it :)

Miranda thanks soooooo much - some very sweet answers - I luvvvvv that song by Billy! Great to know someone else who shares the same taste in Music...hugggz n thanks!


Keshi said...

My answers :)

1.Where would you take your Date the first time around?
-I'd hope he would take me somewhere nice but if I was given the choice, I'd take him to a place called Manly Beach here in's a beautiful Beach with bush-walking tracks...I would just want to sit on the sand, watch the blue sea and talk to him...

2.Which movie would you watch at home with someone ur madly attracted to?

3.How would you tell someone you really want to go out with?
-I have never asked a guy before - guys have asked me and what they usually say is do you wanna go out with! I think it would be nice to say something more, I want to spend more time with you than I usually you think you feel the same?

4.What do you usually wear at home?
-shorts, track pants, short skirts that mum wont let me wear when I go out and t-shirts :)

5.Which song would you choose for your wedding?
-From this moment - Shania Twain or
-Cant help falling in love - Elvis Presley

6.What would you cook for your family on a weekend?
-Spaghetti or
-Sri Lankan rice and curries

7.What would you wear for your best friend's engagement?
-My best friend is a Turkish girl...guess I would have to wear a nice sexy mustard strapless dress...

8.What do you think is the most sensual surrounding to surprise your partner?
-scented candles lit all around the bath tub n fresh petals in the tub...waiting for him to arrive :)

9.What is the first thing you do every morning?
-wake up, look myself in the mirror...

10.Who's voice haunts you with passion?
-Hoobastank's lead vocalist's

11.What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep?
-chat to mum till I fall asleep...

12.What is your favourite food?
-Thai tom yum soup/Italian pastas/South Indian curries with all the spices yumm!

13.What do you consider as true happiness?
-being able to be yourself

14.What's your favorite shopping mall?
-Westfield shopping mall Syd

15.Have you ever fallen in love at first sight, if so who and why?
-many times because of course the guy was cute :)

16.What's your idea of a romantic night out?
-lying on the fresh grass, watching an outdoor movie in the botanical gardens while the stars are shining down on us...

17.When you're upset with someone at home what would you do?
-take my car keys and leave...

18.Describe your life using a car - what car would it be?
-hmmm maybe a Holden Barina :) dun take much space, chic n trendy...hehehe...

19.What are your best memories from about 10years ago?
-school as a enjoyed being a student and being one of the best too. i have too many memories with school mates...the best was how everyone used to write love letters loll even if they didnt have boy friends!

20.If you were to die today, what would be the song you'd want to be remembered with?
-The Reason - Hoobastank

Jim said...

i have known u for 35 of my 54 years, so i dedicated my new post to u on main page IMNUTSINCAPS

OOOPPPSSS!..... i just told yr age

Kerry M. Conway said...

Keshi, love- *Mauhz* Sorry i haven't stopped in in a tad, busy.

--pearl-- said...

1.Some quiet place wher its only me n him wher we can sit for hours n talk n talk n talk.
3.ill prolly wait for d rite tyme n tell him...unless he asks me out himself soon enuff :)
4.shorts/mini-skirts n comfy tee's i dunno
6.cook? lol i dunno hw to :P lonnng way to go...wear sumthin in fashion at dat point of tyme.
8.o0ooo keshu we r almost da same wit this one..only i would add sum real nice soothing,romantic music to it :)
9.think abt sumone really special.
11.think abt a special sumone :) (again! lol)
12.fav food..nuffin as such..sumtymes its pastas n mac n stuff sumtymes chinese..thai..depends on my mood.
13.wen everything(or almost everythin)in life goes d way i planned it or want it to go as long as its shoppin..i can shop anywher..well almost..i need a rich hubby :),no.crushes,yes.i dont belive dat you can fall in love at first site..u need to knw that person to love him/her.
16.romantic nite out?uhmm tough one..n i guess ther could be lotsa diff things that could b romantic.mayb a nice candle lite dinner followd by a long drive...den to da beach n sit ther under d starlit sky in each othaz arms. you dont wanna knw....
18.prolly sum convertible..adjustin to diff,cute, ..dunno
19.from abt 10yrs ago..i was a kid dun really remember a lott of it..though all da memories were good:)...well..almost all :)
20.gotta abt Because you loved me-CELINE DION .
man keshu i sux at this..oh well i tried...hope u have fun readin em!
luv ya:)

firacub said...
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firacub said...

1.Where would you take your Date the first time around?
By the riverside and talk my heart out with the sound of the flowing water in the background.

2.Which movie would you watch at home with someone ur madly attracted to?
Ek dooje ke liye.

3.How would you tell someone you really want to go out with?
Ask her out for coffee...

4.What do you usually wear at home?
Pyjamas and a tshirt

5.Which song would you choose for your wedding?
Moment-Kenny G

6.What would you cook for your family on a weekend?
ahem.. ahem.. Would making ommelette and tea qualify???

7.What would you wear for your best friend's engagement?
For the marriage-ethnic would do, Reception- a formal suit.

8.What do you think is the most sensual surrounding to surprise your partner?
A small cosy hut in the woods with nothing but the nature surrounding us. The trees, the birds and that blissfull cool breeze...

9.What is the first thing you do every morning?
Check my watch to see if I have some more time to sleep :p

10.Who's voice haunts you with passion?
Aaliyah- man does she sound chik or what!!!

11.What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep?
Buzz muh friends.

12.What is your favourite food?

13.What do you consider as true happiness?
Living upto the expectations of muh parents.

14.What's your favorite shopping mall?
DT n Metropolitan Mall - Gurgoan.

15.Have you ever fallen in love at first sight, if so who and why?
Happened a coupla times. The reason, beauty at its simple best.

16.What's your idea of a romantic night out?
A candle light dinner at the seashore. The waves playing the music and moonlight adding that special touch.

17.When you're upset with someone at home what would you do?
Grab muh keys and burn the roads.

18.Describe your life using a car - what car would it be?
Ford muscle. Brute power at its best.

19.What are your best memories from about 10years ago?
School days. Thats the best part of my life.

20.If you were to die today, what would be the song you'd want to be remembered with?
My Immortal - Evanescence


Anonymous said...


scented candles lit all around the bath tub n fresh petals in the tub...waiting for him to arrive...........for an erotic sensual massage?

Lets get personal


Jim said...

those scented candles were 4 me

Jim said...

dis is beautiful ....
visit here

Jim said...

heyy guys,
its another QUIZ

y did u marry/ will marry the person u married/ will marry?
its a quiz on my main page IMNUTSINCAPS

Jim said...

heyyyy Kesh,
how can u hate polly tics ?!

if we gotta change the world
u must enter polly tics

these neta log decide how much tax we pay
they make laws dat dont permit same sex marraiges

so i cant marry my annony mouse lover

Jim said...

the neta log in the west censored dis song a while back (says DLAK)

This day in music history.
May 8, 1954, The BBC broadcasts the Johnnie Ray cover of the Drifters "Such A Night." Afterward they receive so many complaints about the song being suggestive that the the song is black listed.

Banned from being played on the BBC. Reading the lyrics today its hard to see what everyone was upset about.

T'was a night mmmmm, what a night it was It really was such a night

The moon was bright, Oh how bright it was It really was such a night

The night was alive, with the stars above mmmm When she kissed me, I had to fall in love It was a kiss mmmm, what a kiss it was It really was such a kiss How she could kiss, Oh what a kiss it was

It really was such a kiss Just part of her lips, could set me afire I I I reminice, and I feel desire I gave my heart to her in sweet surrender

How well I remember, I'll always remember Oh that night, Oh what a night it was It really was such a night

Came the dawn and my heart and my love And the night was gone But I'll never forget that kiss in the moonlight

Such a kiss oh such a night I gave my heart to her in sweet surrender How well I remember, I'll always remember Oh what a night, Oh what a night it was It really was such a night

Came the dawn and my heart and her love And the night was gone But I know I'll never forget her kiss in the moonlight Such a kiss oh oh such a night Now she's gone, gone, gone

Yes she's gone, gone, gone Came the dawn, dawn, dawn And the night was gone And my heart was gone And her love was gone And before that morn

Oh oh oh oh such a night

firacub said...

Hey Keshu,
Where have you dissappeared mate???
