Thursday, July 21

I just called to say...those 3 words...

Have you ever noticed that the most simple yet vital feelings are the hardest to express verbally? Such as 'I understand you'. People carry alot of self-importance and a major ego that it's really hard for them to say these simple words, even to a loved-one at a time they really need to hear that. 'Please take care' might help someone think twice before they do something crazy all because you said it, but do you use it often? When you are missing someone, how often do you really say 'I miss you'? I bet you never really do, as a guard against sounding weak and mushy in front of that person. What about 'Let me help'? When you know someone is struggling with some problem, you don't want to say this because you just don't want to get involved. Better stay away than be sorry, right? One day I heard someone say 'Please forgive me' and I felt that it was truly heart-felt than just saying I'm sorry. You do love your family don't you? So did you ever walk up to your loved-one and say 'I value you'? I'm sure most of you didnt because it sounds so silly to do that, when you know deep down that you already do! 'I'll be there' are 3 words that a friend would want to hear from you when everyone else has turned him/her down. Did you ever use those words? What about 'You are right'? Does not give you the winning edge right, so why say it? How about 'I admire you'? Simply no, because that makes you feel like you lack something! Last but not the least don't put off that 'I love you' either, because as silly as all these 3 words sound, they will set you free from the ego, selfishness, pride and perhaps save you from shedding a sea of tears some day...

42 Cranium Signets:

Tanvi said...

hey keshi! thatz so true..sometimez we juz dun say these thingz but we noe that we need to...sometimez we juz think that the other person already noes that and that keepz us from expressing it....i admit i'm like that..i juz dont say wut i feel..i should do that more often..n if ur on the receiving end then those wordz just mean so much to u..itz amazin how much of a difference it can make when u actually say those wordz...thatz my new tell my loved ones how much i admire them..

PS: did i tell u that i love you?

:) said...

one more is there "i adore u" ...
yes thats rt we seldom use these words.. which means a lot if spoken by heart..
as usual very nice post keshi..

n yes.. i admire yr writing skills:)

Keshi said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ MUAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Tanvi! That was so sweet!!!! And heyyy have I told you lately 'I VALUE YOU' as an amazing friend Tanvi and that 'I MISS YOU' already even b4 u leave to India and that 'I ADMIRE YOU' as a person with that sweet nature abt ya and that 'YOU SIMPLY ROCK' even though I dun say it often....muahhh!

I on the other hand am very expressive...I say things often and sometimes my friends wish that they could be as open as I am...but I also wish I wasn't this can be a pain in the butt :) especially when some people don't respond the same hurts...

Thanks sweety pie!

Keshi said...

aww Pari that was awesome n thanks! Huggggz too n I simply adore u too - u have a very beautiful heart, did u know that!

Please come up with more of those lovely 3 words all of u, thanks!

Pari here's one especially for u - 'You are beautiful'....


Tanvi said...

good lord keshi! dun make me cry now! lol that was like the sweetest thing neonez said to me..u were rite it makez us feel a bit too special..hehe thankz! YOU'RE THE BEST! (i hope that countz as one)muaaaah!

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

I do say...Take care instead of saying Good bye's...

I understand you & you are right is often used when Im making my clients understand how thick headed they are.

I miss you hmmmm...might send wrong signals if I keep on saying to my female friends(I remember saying this to one lady on SMS, after tht she became so crazy tht I was forced to change my cell no.)....guys, I'll never say that...last thing I wanna hear from them is I'm GAY, which I'm not.

Please forgive me Only once to my ex during the relationship...I knew I had screwed it was obvious

I value you...never

I admire you When I meet some cute chic and the only way to make her talk...You know the secret, chicks are flattered...actually fall for this. Awesome words....

I love you Quite many times during the relationship :)

As always, nice post Keshi!!

Keshi said...

smart answer Z000nie ;-) 'I miss u' got u in trouble? whoaaa u obviously said that to the wrong person lol! Otherwise u wouldnt be changing ur cell number?? :)

One must remember that these 3 words need to be said to those who really deserve it...not just because u must...if u do that for the sake of it, u lose the value of those words n u could end up in trouble...

lol @clients n @chicks

Z000nie that's so sweet that u used to say 'I love u' often to ur ex-gf...not may guys do that though...

This is especially for u Z000nie...'You're simply brilliant'...


Keshi said...

Tanvi u deserve every bit of it...I aint saying it for the sake of it...u have really changed the way I used to approach certain things...u have really made a difference in my life just by being you...isnt that amazing! And YOU'RE THE BEST too :) thanks!


Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

I think it shud've been I miss your SMS

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Oh boy...
and thanks for calling me brilliant
No one ever called me now me throwing party for myself....



Thanks anyways

Tanvi said...

lol keshi..u noe how to put me in an awesome mood don't u..thankz hun! i'm gonna miss u tonnez!

Keshi said...

hehe Z000nie...yep it should have been 'I miss ur SMS'...gosh lol!

U r truly brilliant...the way u write, the way u got a knack for educating people, ur sense of humor, ur knowledge, ur wisdom, ur patience with anonymous rats :), ur popularity with the ladies, ur manners etc etc...u got to be brilliant now to be all that dun u??

n I aint trying to suck up to ya Z000nie...hehe...dun even go there Eyezz n Tanvi :)


Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

You made my day already Keshi...
That was so sweeeet of you :)

Btw, you have a very good heart (Think I mentioned this previously too...anyway Im shameless to repeat it again

God bless you

Keshi said...

I do Z000nie? aww that's such a beautiful thing to say, especially that coming from a guy...thanks so much! huggz too :)


Day Dreamer said...

goodday mate....howz u??

Keshi said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww NV is bakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! Goodday mayte!!!!!!!!

W E L C O M E B A C K N V!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Missed u heaps n heaps n heaps! So good to see u here!! Hows ya????


Keshi said...

@NV guess ur bloggy is still on anasthesia :) activate it man!

How was Perth and most of all, how ARE YOU mate?


Keshi said...

And I have a complaint on ur first day conveniently iggied mah emails n offies??? good on ya mayte!


--pearl-- said...

lol...looks lyke im a very expressive person..i do use those looks like ive used all those!! uhmm tho more den i value u ..i would use..ur soo precious or sumthin...

ufff..but yeh kesh..its kinda a pain in d ass to b soo emotional!! ask me abt that one :)

messys musings said...

whoa keshi wat a lovely post...

'i understand u' to some of my frnds

'please take care' whn someones going aay for a while

'i miss u' whenever he isnt around and i use this often to my frnd whos in australia

'i value u' never used this

'let me help' yeah many times in the day

'please forgive me' only whn i sing this song (oh i love htis song)...but i say 'sorry' if ive screwed up somewhere

'i'll b there' not much

'u're right' many times..even whn i m blogging

'i admire u' naah not for me

'i love u' everyday :)

je t'aime to u sweety muahhhhhhhh

Keshi said...

told ya na Pearly that u n I r alot alike...hugggz! Something especially for u...'You always shine'...

Eyezzz aww u French babezz, thanks! Something for u now hunn...'You're simply mesmerising'...

Ich liebe Dich ALL! :) :)


Day Dreamer said...

lolll sorry was really busy....

cya around


PuNeEt said...

WoW..:-)> good 1 Keshi...
You made me think about my relationships with my friends and loved ones...
Off late I've started expressing a lot... coz I feel if I don't say today then tomm I dont know if I'll get a chance or not... and if I can't express it with my loved ones... I wont be able to do it with anyone...

I understand u - i've to keep saying this to my boss n seniors ;-))

Plz tk cr: I alwayz do say that

I'm Sorry: When I'm really sorry abt not to every1

Let me help: I generally dont say this... infact I directly get involved...

Please forgive me: A lot to my GF ;-)...

You are right: Most often...

I miss u, I value u, I'll be there, I love u: To my very close friends...

:-)) Cheers

Keshi said...

Display good one! Thanks for visiting :)

Oh ok u big fat busy body NV (ofcourse stuck in a lean shirt)...duh!

wowww Puneet u seem to be a real sweet guy...all the people who know u personally r damn lucky! Here's one especially for u...'you're extremely sweet' :)


Autumn Storm said...

We have seen these sentiments before, but the way you have set then out cuts to the chase. Outstanding. Thanks for reminding me.

PuNeEt said...

hey Keshi... thanx a million for that... u made my day...
You are so Caring and so clear in your thoughts... I really appreciate that and I admire u for that :-))

I dont know whether people who know me are lucky are not...but I'm surely lucky to have them...

Smilz forever :-)))

messys musings said...

lol keshi je t'aime is the only thing i know abt french...

--pearl-- said...

awww keshu datz choo chweet of ya...hugzzzz!! luv yaa :)

Kroopa Shah (Kr00pz) said...

Have you ever read Nicholas Sparks 'Message in a Bottle'? I am not talking about the movie (its actually based on the book) but the book is fabulous. It makes you realise the importance of telling someone how you feel about them before its too late. Do read it if you have the chance. Its a romance novel. But its beautiful, read it if you can.

Dewdrop said...

Yet another wonderful post from an equally wonderful person!

The 3 words that I've been using lately are..
I am tired, Leave me alone, You did it, Go to hell, Try to relax
Why should I?, I'll do it, Don't do it, Give me five, I said no,

and not to forget 'I love you'

And my 3 words for you, Keshi are
You're the best

Manish Kumar said...

great post Keshi!
so true still we don't do it!
Also enjoyed Arjun's comment a lot
U have got great sense of humor Arjun!

Am I doing right Keshi :)

firacub said...

Hi Keshi,

Excellent post Keshi. However, for people like me words do count but the actions speak more. O believe that if you really love someone then your mere touch is enough to tell him that "I love u". When he leaves and looks in your eyes, they do tell him to take care. When the person u love comes to you, then your embraces makes him feel loved are cared for. Words dont always make you feel good. What you do for the ones you love is what counts.

Words give us much solace but can never replace the value of actions and the emotions that are conveyed by their means. Thats how I feel about love and my loved ones....

Peace Forever,

firacub said...

oh and O almost forgot..

Muh 3 words for you...

I like you... ;)


P.S: U lazy bum.. I am still waiting for da email.

Keshi said...

hey thanks Autumn! One for u...'You're pretty smart'...

Pithaly timing is imp...I thought u'd have guessed that anyways :) One for u too..'you're highly addictive'...

aww thanks Puneet! Well I'm lucky to know you, that's for sure!

haha Eyezzz...that's all I know in French too...Ich liebe Dich is I LOVE YOU in German.

hugggggz Pearly! Luv ya too muah!

Thanks Kroopa that's a must-do in my list of things for the next few weeks...I heard abt this book b4 I cant wait to read it- thanks heaps for reminding me! One for you Kroopa...'Forever you glow'...

aww Dewdy I dun deserve such high compliments...I know I'm ok but certainly not the best :) but thanks for letting my spirits soar high for few mins...hugggz! Well with the words u have been using lately, I have a few to relate to as well...I must say I use 'go to hell', 'why should I', 'oh forget it', 'this world sux' and 'leave me alone' alot...that's when I'm totally pissed...but I guess u use the sweet ones equally when necessary and for the right person. Thanks for reminding me abt the not-so-happy 3words too :) One for u sweet Dewdy...'You're timeless grace'...

whoaaaaaa Gomess u just held me up there with a river of tears!! That was soooooo poetic n sooooooooo sweeeeet! I'm not sure if u really mean it though...hehehe...but thanks for those very lovely for u, 'You're forever young'...

awww Avik u made me cry there! So sweet...I cant believe I'm getting so many nice compliments from all of u but I dunno if I really, truly deserve em...but thanks anyways! One for u Avik...'You radiate charm'...

Julia lol! I gladly accept that too :) Criticism is my strength...hehe. You got a point that words can be faked and feelings cant...but Words is a means of communicating those feelings, isnt it? That's what I meant by saying it to the people who deserve it...not just to anyone and everyone like u do! lol! One for u Juless...'You're irritably funny' :)

hehe Manish thanks heaps! Yep ur just doing great :) One for u...'your simplicity's admirable'...

muahhh Fira thanks for that long lecture lol! ok ok I know that words dun do much justice, that actions do better...but in this post I'm only talking abt words...our thouhgts shape our words...n our words shape our actions...that's what I yeah, u must convey in words and deeds, what u feel as thoughts... :) But yeah u really said that well....u got to show that you love someone than just saying it...thanks! Yep I should write to u :) I promise I will soon ok. And one for u buddy...'Your friendship's priceless'..

Thanks all!

Jim said...

, , ...not just to anyone and everyone like u do! , ,

was born a xtian
a damned PADRE poured water on my head, when i was just a baby

now, i gott hooked on to Jesus
He speaks to me

, , He says 'fuck religion'
just love another as i love u
, ,

which means i gotta love BHAALU too
Man! dats the tuffest ting to do

Jesus was hated by the ppl of His times, He was MADINCAPS too

He demanded the most absurd tings
no wonder they crucified Him

Keshi said...

LOL Saby love thy neighbor ha? That means u have to love ITCC too - howzz that for a challenge?


tulipspeaks said...

Nice post Keshi :)

Thanks for visitng my blog..

I found a lovely blog here and i wish to link to it from my blog. Hope you are okie with it :)

Dawn said...

Amazing post!!! I often do remember to say these..probably that's why am so lucky to have so many lovely I do remind them...I need them even if they don't :)

Good tips for those who are still in limbo..!
Keshi..good one!!!

Justin Thyme said...

Great posting Keshi! Although there are some things that can sometimes go unsaid between lovers or families or friends, that does not necessarily mean that they SHOULD go unsaid or be taken for granted. Keep up the great work (and thanks for your kind comments on my blog)!!!

Keshi said...

thanks Dawn! 'you're simply inspirational'...

thanks Justin, that's so true...people always take their loved-ones for granted. One for u...'you're magically unique'...


Justin Thyme said...

and "you're the bomb!"

Keshi said...

hey thanks Justin that was overly sweet lol :)
