Friday, May 18

Another Brick In The Wall

I have been tagged by a sweet gentleman, he's all the way from Florida and his name is Charles. It's a tag on Education. So let's fulfil his 'academic' spell on me. Diving in mate, SPLASHHH!!

What was the name of the teacher that was most influential in your life from grades K through 6?

I'd say the top teacher here would be Miss.Ingrid Martenstyn, among some other great teachers ofcourse. She was unbelievably kind and strict at the same time. She stood out from the rest cos something wierd happened when I was in Year 3 and that stuck in my head for good. I was always one of the best students in class (not bragging here) and almost all teachers knew that. And Ms.Ingrid was my Year 3 class teacher, and she too appreciated my work and my good behavior etc. I was also the class monitor then hehe. But one afternoon I got so chattery during class (yakking away with another girl and we were only 8yrs old LOL!), Ms.Ingrid punished me and my friend. She made us both go to the front of the class and stand facing the window (and our backs to the whole class). Outside the window, far away, I could see the ocean. I actually enjoyed that 20mins or so :). But what struck me most was the lesson I learnt out of that experience. I was not the kind who got punished in school...I was always great with my work and with the teachers. So when Ms.Ingrid punished me that day for the very first time, I learnt that no amount of good work can save you when you are in the wrong (as heart-breaking as it was for the 8yr old me back then, I had to accept it with dignity). When you do something wrong, you must pay a price for it no matter how good you may have been in the past. That lesson stuck in my head for good and I'm glad about it. Thank you Miss.Ingrid, you taught me to accept my faults with grace.

What subject did you favor in High School?

I was to become a doctor you know...yes that was my dream. But thank God for the greater benefit of the humankind, I didn't become one. Let me tell you why. Since I wanted to become a doc someday, like a big-fat doc in the making, I joined the Biology stream in High School. The first lab practical was to do with dissecting roaches and some were all over the place, having escaped out of their jars. Well guess what, that was the last day of my Medical career cos I ran out of the lab screaming (I'm traumatised by roaches, I can't stand them). Yes a roach changed my entire career (some of you already know of this quite tragic story). I then joined the Maths stream and eventually became an IT Consultant. My fav subject in H/S therefore was Applied Maths and I topped it in HSC - don't ask me how and no tuition will be given.

Did you attend a university and if so, did you attain a degree?

Yes and Yes. I went to UNSW (University of New South Wales, Sydney) for both my Bachelors in Comp Sc and Masters in Commerce & Economics. I have 2 degrees to my self-worth hehe.

Do you learn best through books, by watching, or hands-on?

I hardly read books these days. But I did learn alot from books back in school. I used to read alot of classics as a requirement for literature readings and began to love them alot. I learnt so much from books like Pride & Prejudice, Sense & Sensibility, The Class, Little Women, Great Expectations, David Copperfield, Wuthering Heights etc etc. I believe some of the books we read as kids have so much input into character building and foundation. I also learn by watching things and people around me - it's ntaural I guess. And I also learn from experiences in life - that's my biggest teacher.
No amount of academic qualifications can teach you about life like experiences do. I believe both cognitive and behavioral learning happens best through experiences.

Has education been an on-going process for you?

For few years it was on-going but now all my academic needs have being fulfilled - however I believe Learning never ends. It's a continuous process till death.

Everyday there's something new to learn.

How do you feel about that?

How do I feel about Education? Well it's required for doing well in career but not necessarily for doing well in life. To do well in life, you need to be able to Learn from experiences. And if you can't do that, no amount of education can help you to lead a satisfied life. As you can see there are so many 'educated' people around but not enough sensible people around.

What seven people are you tagging to do this?

Anybody who wishes to educate us on them may take this tag up :).

Thanks Charles it was fun doing this tag. Hope you enjoyed reading my answers too. I'd like to end this post with 3 clever quotes on Education.

Education is one of the few things a person is willing to pay for and not get.
by William Lowe Bryan

Education is one of the chief obstacles to intelligence and freedom of thought.
by Bertrand A. Russell

Education is what remains when we have forgotten all that we have been George Savile

Current Music: Another Brick In The Wall by Pink Floyd

88 Cranium Signets:

Menchie said...

I was going to be a doctor too but thought that my dad was so strict and had this rule about no boyfriends until you finish school and I did the math on that if i took up medicine...go figure! LOL!

Seriously, I get faint at the sight of blood.

But whoa girl! you're good at math!!!

Anonymous said...

education is noing
how much u dont no
-author unknown


tulipspeaks said...

awww.. thanks for educating us on you darling.


u know..i wanted to do medicine too. actually i still want to. :(


Vivhyd said...

Well good to know about your Educational background..

You reminded of my school experience.. ah we all have our favorite teachers isnt it? and the punishments.. hehe.. that too they would be very innovative at ways of punishment..

Math loving gal? hmm.. cool!

Jay said...

If it weren't for my overall lack of compasion and insensitivity I would have gone to med school. LOL

Okay, actually I considered med school at one time but decided I wasn't interested.

I only have one little old bachelor's degree. Maybe I should go back and get my master's to keep up with you? ;-)

Parag said...

The best thing that Education does is changes the perspective with which we look at life..
Now to your questions ..
The most influential teacher in my life was a person by the name Brother Conrad D'Souza (I used to study in a convent school).. He spent a lot of time teaching us things that were not a part of syllabus.. Which developed a further probing habit in me.
My favourite subjects were Mathematics and Science.. Though I also like History.. especially European history..
I studied Civil Engineering and then went on to do a MBA in marketing and finally work in a financial job !!
I think you learn through a mixture of Books, Watching and experience..
and of course, Education is an ongoing process.. There are also things that we learn from our children.. Hence the phrase "Child is the father of man".. Experience remains the best teacher

On 3 quotes on educations.. here goes

"Highest result of education is tolerance" .. Helen Keller

"Education consists of mainly what we have unlearned" .. Mark Twain

"History is a race between education and catastrophe".. H G Wells

Nadim said...

you know, i am wondering, if some day, somebody will tag you with something called 'Tell us your real age Tag', would you take it? Just wondering. Cos you see, some (all) women have this thing abt age!

anyways, well done tag. Not the most interesting (for the simple reason that education is boring, sex education being a exception.) but knowledgeable!

My prayers are with prachi and her family. Its high time God prove his existence!

Aditi said...

hmmm... my plans to be a doctor ended on the realization that i couldnt stand sight of my own blood forget other ppls

Anonymous said...

my best education was the one i received through ragging

i was a skinny kid and (still am)

then i was ragged
physical and psychological

i was stripped and made to look at my self in the mirror

this is u i was told

then my cherished beliefs and values were questioned

i was destroyed
my ego was destroyed

i had to reinvent my self

but i survived and learned to accept my self for what i am

God did not make me a hunk
but He made me unique

i learnt to love my self
then i exposed my self on blog

and made a lotta good friends
one blogger came all the way from US to meet me

we had been net friends for a year
we had a lovely time in GOA

Jim said...


sex education u will find on SEX COUNSELLOR, one of my many blogs

Jeevan said...

Even I am quite student, sometimes I too got slaps form miss for chatting with friend.
I should thank to roaches for sending you here, if u have become doctor u would be busy and where the time to blog:)

Being not crossing high school, felt like I have started learning life after become a blogger… and different experience on reading newspapers, magazines.

lee said...

Oh, come on, keshi! I CAN'T BELIEVE that you would ever get in trouble for talking too much! (Of course I'm joking :) ;) ).

Jewel Rays said...

I love this post Keshi. Got to know u alittle more there.

***When you do something wrong, you must pay a price for it no matter how good you may have been in the past. That lesson stuck in my head for good and I'm glad about it.

Amazingly said Keshi and true.

***Well it's required for doing well in career but not necessarily for doing well in life. To do well in life, you need to be able to Learn from experiences.

Agree with u.:)

Kavi said...

Applied math !! I was light years away from it !! :)

Looks like you've had a very interesting journey !!

Autumn Storm said...

Nicely done, Kesh. :-) Hope you have a nice weekend.

Jim said...

KESHI is 40
give or take 20

i wish she were older
i dig mature women

Keshi said...

Menchie LOL ur dad!

Blood...omg I scream like a maniac when I accidentally cut myself. Not cos of the pain but cos of the blood.


Well-said Anony!

That means Im pretty educated LOL!


Ammu u can do it...its never too late to study.


Viv :) ty!

yeah all those fav teachers and punishments and how abt the silly hissy fits with friends? LOL!


LOL Jay Im glad u didnt become a doc then.

na na dun do ur Masters if ur really not keen abt it. It drained me big time.


Parag wow ur academic background is impressive!

**He spent a lot of time teaching us things that were not a part of syllabus.

Thats a real teacher then.

I agree with all those quotes. Lovely!


Nadim age is indeed a secret when it comes to women :). Its a bit like how men r secretive abt the truth hahaha!

but why r u bothered abt Age? Does it matter how old a person is? Just asking for ur opinion :)

sex education was yukk...I mean bakk in school. One of my friends passed out when they showed slides of Male sex organ. ROFL!


:) Aditi Im alot like u too.


Anony it happens na...when ur faced with adversity/challenges, thats when u truly 'educate' urself. ty for sharing ur experiences with us!


Jim is that blog still on?


Jeevan ur sooo right...blogs educate us alot on life!

**I should thank to roaches for sending you here, if u have become doctor u would be busy and where the time to blog

lol ok!


hahahaha Lee!


ur great for deriving the best parts of this post Amy. HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ!


LOL Kavi u dun like Applied Maths is it?


Autumn hugggggggggz!


Jim Im 40? LOL hell nah not there yet!!

U like older women? Then why dun u date a 100 billion old mummy from Egypt? They wont leave u either LOL!


Anonymous said...

Masters in Commerce & Economics??
woooow hooooo!!
keshichan is sooo intelligent!
i love wuthering heights too :)
where is our Heathcliff??

Keshi said...

Niki our Heathcliffs have jumped off the cliff.


Margie said...

It's great you had a teacher who taught you to accept your faults with grace.

I always enjoy learning more about you Keshi....thanks for sharing this....

So you ran out of the lab screaming...haha....I can just imagine you doing that!
But, if you had become a Dr. you would have been a great one!

Good night Miss Chatty.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Oh,thanks for the sweet visit made me smile!

Lots of Hugggggggz!


Keshi said...

Margie how lovely to see ya here! HUGGGGGGGGGGZ girly. Hows everything at ur end?

**But, if you had become a Dr. you would have been a great one!

tnxx for having faith in me Margie :) ur so sweet.

Im so chatty lol yeah!

Nitey nite swt hrt!
TC n be good now ;-)

di.di said...

love that old song fr Pink Floyd!

SamY said...

** I was also the class monitor then hehe

OH NOOOO! What a disaster :( ... NUTTY a class monitor :-o ... now I believe in god for having saved ur classmates :p

** (and our backs to the whole class).

if it were today, none of the guyz in ur class wud have proly been attending to the teacher :D

** I'm traumatised by roaches, I can't stand them

me neither ... I just can't stand em ... ewwwwww ... I can't do a thing until I get em out of sight

Margie said...

All is wonderful at my end...thanks for asking....and caring!

Tonight we went to a baseball banquet with our was very special, but made me sad was his last one...I had to hold back the tears.

Nitey night...I'm soooo tired!
I know I'll sleep well!

More hugggggggz for you!


Neihal said...

thats why I like reading tags, they tell us so much. :D

Vishesh said...

:) cool one...i need no education...;)

we learn a lot away from bokks as we from them...

i hate to read anything my skl text books...i usually grasp a lot when the teacher is teaching...and i don't read anything more than once...very rarely..

Anonymous said...

***I learnt that no amount of good work can save you when you are in the wrong
-> nice one :)

***No amount of academic qualifications can teach you about life like experiences do.
-> i totally agree with you on this one... i do not believe in formal education... formal education does not teach how to be a good person :)

***there are so many 'educated' people around but not enough sensible people around.
-> true again... have been looking for 'em since ages... found just a handful of 'em...


trinitystar said...

Keshi you can find all these strage and wonderful animated photographs at

not read your post yet, shall be back later in the day to. :o)

Priya said...

Education is just a set of books and to learn more, every step of our life we deal day today gets educated more...

Anonymous said...

Thanks keshi, now i have to have Pink Floyd playing all night, in the middle of a live version of the Dogs of War.

So very true you get more out of just living than sticking your head in a book, academics has its place, but it s nothing to a rounded education in the school of life:)

"Everyday there's something new to learn." well said

Priyanka Sarkar said...

WOW KESHI!!!shall i say im impressed??!!!:)
well i truly am....
hey n i completely identify with ur third std punishment bit.....i rembr a similar situation in 2nd std....prob tht was th ONLY time i was punished(wat a nerd...aint i??;)))...n trust me i still remember how much i cried tht day on my way back from school....hehe

ketki said...

it was nice knowing!

St. Dickeybird said...

Hahaha, I love how people's paths veer over such minor experiences!

I'm probably copping this for Monday, unless something really surprising happens.

Don't know if you celebrate Victoria Day down there, but if you are have a good one. In fact, have a good one or two whether you're celebrating or not!

FH said...

Nice MeMe!! Trisha loves to be a doctor,already dissected Rabbit and a Piglet and loved it!;D Anatomy and Physiology is her fav subject.
You talked too much in Elemenatary school to!Haha!!
Two degrees,not bad.I almost got the second one,but didn't.
Have a great weekend Kesh,see you on Monday:))

Impressionist said...

U were a topper at math :|
I failed in maths 3 times in my 12th and wasted 2 yrs, thankfully i don't have maths now in my BCA :D
**Pukes thinkin bout math**

peace & love

Mr. J said...

You didn't become a doc ha?? I hate docs as a thumb rule, but i'd have tried my best to fall sick if only the doc was you.

Damn those stupid roaches.

There's still time y'know. Become a doc pppppplllllllllzzz...

DEEPA said...

hey ..u are a brilliant student man ...topper ...

i never ever got maths rite ....very very bad on my part...

K M F said...

I agree with all those quotes. Lovely!

Helen said...

**Well it's required for doing well in career but not necessarily for doing well in life. To do well in life, you need to be able to Learn from experiences. And if you can't do that, no amount of education can help you to lead a satisfied life. As you can see there are so many 'educated' people around but not enough sensible people around.**

Loved that quote, Keshi, I have always been very devoted to "education" but there are so many types of intelligience we stifle others when we insist on one type of learning to prove intelligience.

Michelle said...

my fav teacher was my 10th grade math teacher even tho i hated math lol..i LOVED HERR cuz she was so encouragin!! and science was NEVER my thing

KK said...

Awesomely done tag... liked the way you had written it... I agree with you on learning from experience... nothing can teach you like experience...
BTW, I have a new post in my blog... stope by whenever you can...

Charles said...

Well done, Keshi, funny as well.
I find it unfortunate though, the flip side of your lesson. That we are taught to isolate people for undesirable behavior, instead of teaching what was desired, we teach to cutoff the person. I think it would be better to let the person know how it was offensive, ask that it not happen again and forgive them. Instead of creating outcasts, we could be creating better people as friends. That occurs so early in childhood, before one has the ability to descriminate as to why, it becomes an automatic response, which is never unlearned. It may have taught you one lesson, but it likely taught everyone else something else entirely. Thus we get people like G.W.B. (the most prominent jerk I can think of), stubborn in their ways, and not even knowing why (in his case not capable of thinking his way out of it.)

Amey said...

You took Bio? I had enough of bio after I finished school, and so had to take it again in grad school :(

Harmony said...

hi keshi how are you--well its nice post again(reflct ur behaviour).
Prachi looks sweet too.bye.

Harmony said...

and yes i will def. pray for Prachi-.

Mona said...

KESHI! This is the most wonderfully well done meme that I have ever seen!!!

& yes Charles is the sweetest gentleman around & also the most honest & forthright & the righteous person I have ever met! He is so much like you!

" no amount of good work can save you when you are wrong" .. Golden words those! Do you realise that we also LEARN from our mistakes besides paying for them...just as you were learning from your's.

& What a coincidence...crawling cockroaches & my frog jumping out half dissected at my face made me give up science forever too!! LOL

Those Quotes at the end were an ingenious idea!

Łóòň Ġãĺ said...

ooo that was a very educating post about you Keshi hehe .. it was great knowing about you :D

Btw herez another one I keep reading on people's shirts:

I was born intelligent


Peter said...

Fantastic job!!! Extremely good!

How much time do you spend on producing such good stuff?

diyadear said...

that tag surely brought out many nice things from u.. glad to know abt ur education.. n nice song to back up the post :)

oceanic mirages said...

An enjoyable read, ummm=) Well i prefer to stay at a mile's distance from maths...Gosh how do u people manage to top...hats off to u...

krystyna said...

Hi Keshi!
Thanks for sharing this great post and beautiful photos. It is not surprise to me your high education. I knew it. You are so smart.
Love your lesson:
When you do something wrong, you must pay a price for it no matter how good you may have been in the past.
That lesson stuck in my head for good and I'm glad about it. Thank you Miss.Ingrid, you taught me to accept my faults with grace.

Anonymous said...

your comments on class are so tasteless. my family could afford my education, from what i can see yours didn't even give you a healthy sense of self. i don't know what bubble you are lost in but i have grown up travelling the world and having fun. my father is too much an honest man and hence his situation now. i decided to have the brilliant idea of following my dreams and hence mine. not my intention to insult anyone but you keep on coming up with absurd ideas.

Dawn said...

OMG even I wanted to b a fact I gave the entrance guess what...even though I had good marks preference was given to schedule castes n I was in waiting list...tht was it for me :)
great to know everything abt u on education :)
Cheers n hugggggggzzzzz

WithinWithout said...

So roaches did you in, huh? Seems you dusted yourself off and did quite well with two -- count 'em, two -- degrees.

Super informative, Kesh. Thanks. And certainly agree about education in school vs. experience...

AVIANA said...

Hey Chica!

Thanks for stopping by! yea me and roaches don't go well together.

don't feel bad about med school. i went to college and took and flunk calculus literally 3 times..simply because i was following one of my parents dreams of becoming a doctor...the professor took pity on me the last time i took calculus and let me pass with a C....

Jay Noel said...

That must be the 20th story I've heard about dissecting something making someone decide to not pursue medicine!

Vest said...

Keshi. unless we go through the organised compulsory curriculum of a school and college we can't get the legal qualification to enter a profession. In order to be a dentist we must first know what a logarithm is, and in order to be a horse doctor you have to learn Latin. The idea is that any person who has tackled a Latin irregular verb has no trouble with the inside of a horse.

Alex said...


"Education is one of the chief obstacles to intelligence and freedom of thought.
by Bertrand A. Russell"

I liked this one. :)

Anonymous said...

awwww lololol
u mean we will never find Heathcliffs for the rest of our lives?? *tear*
keshi-chan, he might be around the corner!!
god bless keshichan & me...

Life said...

yooooooooooo i have done PHD :) but in what?? In keshi education.......i know everything ..hee hee......

it was fun reading keshi!

Take Care

Akash said...

I dont know why...but who ever you ask ( kids) those days and even nowadays everyone wanted to be a one tells me that he/she wanted to be the normal person who runs a corner shop...or person who works for council...list goes on....
guess what...i tooo wanted to be a doctor.....
Take care

Steph said...

I wanted to be a proctologist but heard it's an occupation propulated by arseholes. *Boom-tish*

jac said...

I was thinking what if you come a doc
....that too my doc.

Sharda said...

Got to know more about you.It was fun and interesting to read your answers.

The Phosgene Kid said...

All that beauty and smart to boot!

My favorite teacher was my fourth grade teacher - I had a real crush. The funny thing is that we all met up last year and had a nice visit.

Blessed said...

Hi Miss Kesh! I am alive and well. I was on vacation at the beach.
I am home now. Guess you could say I am physically here but my heart is there.
I love going to the beach.
Had so much fun.
Miss my biker friends more than I can say.

Very interesting post!
You wanted to be a doctor once??
Wow. Lot of schooling for that. I
wanted to be a journalist/broadcaster and then a social worker. I am none of these things. I'm just a administrative assistant for 4 retinal surgeons.
Really a peon job HA HA! But it pays the bills!

Good to be able to visit your blog!
Blessings my dear!

prithz said...

Well done keshi!!!

Long time since i dropped by here! Sorry abt that! Hope you are doing good :) take care girl!

Anonymous said...

Success is never permanent, and failure is never final.

More quotes from Mike Ditka

radiohead said...

hey keshi .. hwz u mate ? :P

aah .. we dont need no education .. pretty apt :D

guess wat .. m in ANU rite now [;)]

cheers !!

Rani said...

very true, that no amount of good work will save you when ure in the wrong -- haha, experienced that once or twice in my life. although having a clean resume and a good record does come handy in the AMOUNT of punishment you recieve. that i learned as well.
biology was my favorite subject too =)..
-- wonderful degree's to have, though i never woulda thought a fun girl like u would have such "boring" degrees. haahaha pardon me for that comment, but computer sci and commerce - boring for moi!! hehehe...

Jim said...

since every Tom Dick and Johnny is tagging u

i might as well too
your time starts now
no cheating

1. How old will you be in five years?

2. Who did you spend at least two hours with today?

3. How tall/short are you?

4. What do you look forward to most in the next six weeks?

5. What's the last movie you saw?

6. Who was the last person who kissed u?

7. Who was the last person to propose to u?

11. What were you doing at 12am last night?

13. When is the last time you saw your mom?

20. Where would you go if you could go anywhere?

21. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years?

24. What was the last thing that REALLY made you laugh?

28. Do you sleep with or without clothes on?

gautami tripathy said...

Education is never ending. Each moment teaches us.

Anonymous said...

My blog passed away peacefully yesterday in her sleeep :D
can i hav your email id?
or better, send me a mail
before i leave from here... just wanted to say you a huge thanks for everyting....
hugsss for you........
may all your dreams come true sooooooon.....
it has been wonderful knowing you :)!

Shionge said...

Well done Keshi for achieving so much and trust your intelligence for sure kekekek....

I love to study and I achieved my bachelor when I was 39 years old and trying to aim for Masters but felt daunting.

I wish to do as a mature/old student when my kids are much older.....learning never ends ya!

La vida Loca said...

I agree no school can teach you the way life does :)

Sugarlips said...

I was going to be a doctor Keshi BUT everytime I visit someone in the hospital or doctor the whole atmosphere makes me giddy soooooo you know rest of the story :)

Stay Beautiful...!

Sujit said...

thats nice..! :)... i too had a dream of becoming a doc.. but then in high-school everything changed... :).. as you said its good for the man-kind.. hehe..

Gledwood said...

I love the Pink Floyd vid. Hope you don't mind I purloined it for my video blog I just started. Of course I gave your link back. Wow at least you got an interesting tag. I got one about restaurants last week but I still cannot think of any five I'd actually recommend!

Keshi said...

I agree Diva.


Samy lol imagine the clas monitor being punished!


awww Margie hugggggggggz!


they def do Neihal :)


Vishesh ur a very intelligent boy...u dun need teachers to teach ya.


ty DJ :)


Trinity ty so much!


Very true Priya.


Aidan :)

** but it s nothing to a rounded education in the school of life

Spot on!


hey Priyanka ty! I love ur name.

**i cried tht day on my way back from school

awwwwwwwwwwww...its heart-breaking to be punished...I know the feeling LOL!


Ketki ty!


Keshi said...

Dickey yes minor experiences can result in major changes in life :)

**Victoria Day

I dun think we celebrate that over here mate. Anyways hope u have fun n ty!


hey Asha good on ur lil girl!

**You talked too much in Elemenatary school to!

lol yes!

I went to Uni for 5yrs at a stretch...did my Masters straight after my Bachelors. So no more studying for me!


heyy Jeev!

**Pukes thinkin bout math**


I love Maths....I guess I had natural skills for it. I always (I mean every year) topped in class and got the Maths prize every year.


lolz Johno!

**but i'd have tried my best to fall sick if only the doc was you.

o well I dun need a MBBS for me to treat ya do I ;-)


Deepa dun feel bad abt it..I may be good at Maths but Im not too good at Sewing...I actually suck at it.


Helen ty!

**but there are so many types of intelligience we stifle others when we insist on one type of learning to prove intelligience.

Spot on!


Really Michi? I thought u must be really good at science subjects.


Keshi said...

KK ty n I will check ur blog soon :)


Charles ty!

**It may have taught you one lesson, but it likely taught everyone else something else entirely.

I agree. I dun like 'punishing'. It makes u feel that doing something wrong (even tho u didnt mean to) needs to be equally tormented for.


Fleiger yes lol!


Pankaj ty!


ty Mona! Yes Charles is such a great influence on me.

**crawling cockroaches & my frog jumping out half dissected at my face made me give up science forever too

ROFL! :):)


heyy Cheesy!

**I was born intelligent

:) good one.


heyy Peter WC!

**How much time do you spend on producing such good stuff?

not much actually...max 30mins per post.


Diya ty :)


Deepthi ty!

abt Maths...I guess we r all born with some skill in some subject :)


Krys ty so much HUGGGGGGGGGZ!


Keshi said...

Anoy heyy!

**your comments on class are so tasteless.

WTF is this abt?

**my family could afford my education, from what i can see yours didn't even give you a healthy sense of self.

tnxx for that info abt my family that u DONT even know. But from ur cowardly comments, I now DO know UR family. They are the ones who cudnt give U a sense of self. Cos u r hiding ur real self even in blogs.

**i don't know what bubble you are lost in but i have grown up travelling the world and having fun.

I can reallt see that u DO know how to have fun. DUHHHHH!

**my father is too much an honest man and hence his situation now.

?? U seem to be hallucinating. I dun have a frikkin idea wut ur talking abt here. R u in the wrong blog?

**i decided to have the brilliant idea of following my dreams and hence mine.

Good luck to u!

**not my intention to insult anyone but you keep on coming up with absurd ideas.

Such as? Even if I did, who asked u to follow my ideas?

I seriously think ur in the wrong blog. Do find ur way to the right blog next time.


hey Dawny huggggggggggz!

**even though I had good marks preference was given to schedule castes n I was in waiting list

really? Thats sad. Do they still have that caste system in India?


ty WW :)

2 degrees one after the other wasnt very easy to do...but somehow I did manage em while working as well.


Lisa heyy!

**i went to college and took and flunk calculus literally 3 times

hehe u reminded me of my Calculus days at Uni. I hate to say this to u but I was very good at Calculus too.

we always try n follow parents' dreams. Instead we should really do what we like to do.


hehe Phoenix :)


heyy Vest!

**The idea is that any person who has tackled a Latin irregular verb has no trouble with the inside of a horse.

I totally agree :)


Keshi said...

ty Alex I liked that one too.


Niki I might finally find my Heathcliff when I in a coffin like Catherine was...


lolz Vikas ur so sweet!


Uknown WC!

** one tells me that he/she wanted to be the normal person who runs a corner shop.

I know :):) I guess cos parents want their kids to hold higher positions in society and we too get carried away by that.


HAHAHAHAHA Stepher good one!!

And I dun wanna show my arse to anyone anyways...


Jac Im still a doc..Im a hunkologist LOL!


ty SM!


awww Phos how cute! :):)


hey WB Blessed I missed ya HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ!

So u had a good beach break ha? Good on ya!

** I'm just a administrative assistant for 4 retinal surgeons.

well thats still great.

we dun always end up doing wut we dream of. At one stage I wanted to become a dancer/model/actress too :)


hey Prithz ty Im pretty good...and urself?


Anony heyy!

**Success is never permanent, and failure is never final.

thats a good one.


Anuj ur in Canberra? O WOW! :)

Next time Im there I'll come n see ya.


heyy Chocolte!

** though i never woulda thought a fun girl like u would have such "boring" degrees.

I agree :) My first one is boring..but Im so good at it LOL! But my Masters was pretty interesting...cos the Major was in Marketing hehe.


Keshi said...

Jim I shall take up that tag soon :) ty!


So true Gautami!


awww Shammu where r u going???


Shionge thats great...and age should not be a barrier for studies. btw I did both my degrees one after the other so I finished off my studies pretty young.


true LaVida.


lolz Suga!


haha Sujit!

btw did u ring me like 2 weeks ago? There was an unclear msg on my voicemail...I wasnt sure who it was...was it u?


Gledwood hey no worries mate!

** got one about restaurants last week but I still cannot think of any five I'd actually recommend!

lolz just say none r worth recommending :)


Vishesh said...

thats where the catch is...i learn more by hearing than reading....infact i dont read books i listen to them...i listen to the author...they have a image and a voice...blogs are the same too...if your voice sounds nice only then will start text books dont have voices...even sci-fi are the same...i admit i am not being to imaginative there....but i will rather watch a sci-fi movie where there is some kinda form.....

Keshi said...

Thats so true Vishesh!


Unknown said...

Was born dumb...
Education has made me only dumber!

Keshi said...

lolz Iceman dun be soo harsh on urself. I dun think u r dumb. In fact ur very smart.
