Monday, May 7

Losing It

Monday question:

What's (are) the most important thing(s) that you ever lost?

My answer:

**My dad. Losing a loved-one is equivalent to losing a big part of me. It's the biggest possible loss for me. Nothing can replace the loss and that's what makes it a huge void when having to live without them.

**I lost contact with a good friend back in school. Shari used to be my Kindy friend. We giggled all the time and used to play all the time. She's a girl who could never stop laughing and she cracked me up just by looking at her laughing.
Last year I got in touch with a another friend from school, after many many years. She told me that Shari had died 3yrs ago during child-birth. Losing touch can be a big loss later on.

**I have lost faith in human beings due to some experiences in my life. Though the people involved are no longer in touch with me, the lasting effects can haunt me from time to time.

**I lost my sanity long time ago. But this is the only loss I don't complain about. Cos I believe every person should lose his/her sanity a little to understand what Life really is.

**Can't say I have lost hope totally, but from time to time I do. And the future seems scary.

**I used to have a bad habit of going behind people to convince them and to make sure they are ok - people who really didn't care about my feelings at all. I have lost that habit now and I'm very glad about that too.

**I lost a gold bracelet that my mum gave me as a gift long time ago. The sentimental value of it is what I care about. Whoever who stole it, I hope you get a conscience.

**I've often lost my way but I have always found it back. I believe my intuition is the only real compass I own.

**Used to own something called innocence and it was very very precious. I lost it as I grew up and the world isn't really a very pretty place. Happiness never lasts cos darkness comes to kick your ass. The only way you can survive is by being the happiness yourself.

So tell me...what important things have you ever lost (weight, wallet, virginity, Mother-In-Law all inclusive) in your life?

Current Music: Fade To Black by Metallica

118 Cranium Signets:

Anonymous said...

ewww i cant say that in public.
it seems really sad, keshichan!!

Impressionist said...

I lost my Sony W550i last week :((
I lost love loong back when i was in 12th itself :(
I've lost interest in studies :P
thas all i guess.
im sorry to hear bout ur dad

peace & love

Charles said...

Hi Keshi,
I found your blog through TopCat's Open Window. This is a very thoughtful post.
I once lost my conception of who/what kind of person I was, through stupidity, by doing what I should have known better than to do. It caused me to lose a lot more than just that. Lost relationships with a best friend, my life's longest love, eventually other parts of my life.
Well, you come into this life alone, and you leave it alone. The only thing you can do is try to make the best of it, and hopefully leave the world a little better than what you got.

Anonymous said...

Of all the things ive lost i miss my mind the most. Sanity is over rated anyway.

"**Can't say I have lost hope totally, but from time to time I do. And the future seems scary." there is a lot to be hopeful about, adversity just means chalenge to overcome.. Keep positiive life will work out;)

Sujit said...

i lost many friends.. but still try to keep in touch by hunting them.. nice monday morning refresher:)

Neihal said...

Innocence is what comes to my mind. Freinds. lots of them, coz I was too busy with my life to keep in touch.


Vishesh said...

**I have lost faith in human beings due to some experiences in my life. Though the people involved are no longer in touch with me, the lasting effects can haunt me from time to time.

**I lost my sanity long time ago.

**I used to have a bad habit of going behind people to convince them and to make sure they are ok - people who really didn't care about my feelings at all.

it still goes on and on...people tell me i am a big bore and one understands that i follow them because i like hurts...esp.when they have acted like they understand you...

**Used to own something called innocence and it was very very precious. I lost it as I grew up and the world isn't really a very pretty place. Happiness never lasts cos darkness comes to kick your ass. The only way you can survive is by being the happiness yourself.

learnt that the hard way....

..... i think there is a song called so much for my happy ending by avril...i used to like that donno why...

ToOothlEss WOndeR! said...

i've lost a lot of things :
a lot of pencils, toys, a girlfriend (to a friend - baastard! :) )
but if losses are guaged on connected regrets, i guess i haven't really lost anything much.
and i've come to realise that death is just another phase of life.

Aditi said...

currenly i feel like i have lost faith.. hopefully its transient and the faith will return..
amongst material things.. i lost a watch that my grandfather had gifted my gramma who in turn lent to me.. it got stolen from my dorm room..
and a ring that my gramma had gifted me...

Unknown said...

You can lose nothing! For you don't have anything to lose in the first place!

Thats the best I can relate to!

Kay Vee said...

i relate to so many of the things u put down here keshi. tho i have a feeling maybe i haven't seen unpleasant things in that great a degree as u have...

**I have lost faith in human beings due to some experiences in my life. Though the people involved are no longer in touch with me, the lasting effects can haunt me from time to time.

this sux naa...ppl dont even know how they hurt us wen they do some really stupid things! and worse is, our experiences with just one person can make us view the world differently! but its not the end of the world... :)

**I used to have a bad habit of going behind people to convince them and to make sure they are ok - people who really didn't care about my feelings at all. I have lost that habit now and I'm very glad about that too.

i am so glad i am losing this habit now...i used to do the same things and then i was shocked one day that the ppl who i cared abt so much spoke against me behind my back!

**I've often lost my way but I have always found it back.

i always seems to get lost. i am always unsure and unknowing of who to trust and who not to. but if theres anyone i know who will be with me and for me, then its my family! :D

**Used to own something called innocence and it was very very precious.

oh still sad about this one thing. life as a child used to be nice, without worries... at times i wish i was in the land of peter pan or something-never to grow up! lol!

take care keshi, dont lose hope.

and i so agree with u abt the "we have to be our own happiness" thing! *hugs*

Nadim said...

happiness, hope, innocence, love, faith, mind... myself....

Shionge said...

You have summed it so well Keshi that I must say like you...losing my Dad is losing a big part of me too :( That is why I treasured people around me more than ever and not harbour any ill-feelings at all.

Still, don't lose faith & hope my dear are so fill of self-confidence :)

Anonymous said...

i lost lots of jewelries esp pears.
i lost most of my old old friends...
i lost my dad...i lost the "bloom" 7 yrs ago,but not its back,LOL!

Anonymous said...

Hugs Keshi.

I lost Prem, as you know, and lost a huge part of me that I'll never get back even if I wanted.

I lost my innocence then too, and now realise how cruel some people, and life can be.

I lost hope, but then Krishna came along, and I'm still in the process of getting it back...

I almost lost myself, but as you would have read on my blog, think I found it in the nick of time.

Oh Keshi.

Take care,hugggg.

Shruti said...

hmm, i lost contact with most of my school friend,and the biggest regret is with one of fren i loose contact and afterwards i came to know that she lost both her parents and brother in an accident and since im searching her able to make contact..but of no use..

Cazzie!!! said...

Lost onebest friend and trying NOT to loose people...get out there and donate to the Bone Marrow Donor may just save a life of a person who is your age!!! It is only a blood sample initially.

lee said...

keshi - I put a collection of favourite photos of my son in an album to take on a trip to show his great-grandmother, but it became lost on the trip - sounds silly, but I often think about those photos and wonder where they ended up and if someone just found them and threw them away. I lost the love of my life. At the moment I've lost myself.

deepsat said...

you might loose virtues and things but don't ever loose yourself! thats one thing if lost you will never get it back.

take care!!

Vest said...

I was 3 and a half years old, and it was my brothers birthday on the Christmas day my dear Daddy died, In 1930, during the great depression, I am the surviving family member. Dad was only 40.

Die Muräne said...

I lost many things in my life. But I think losing my dad was the worst. Hurt my soul.
But fortunately I never lost my trust in life

Azuka said...

Let's see. Perhaps losing childhood?

Sig said...

Hey Keshi...

I have lost a lot in my life..some life-changing - others small things that never seemed important at that time but now I wish I had it/them back.

I in friendship and the kindness of humans after a lot of bad experiences.

I lost...the trust of my parents through so many things...some that they believe are unforgivable mistakes...some I know are unforgivable mistakes.

I virginity to the man I love and am now marrying. It was the right time for us and nothing can bring that moment back. It's a strange thing - once it's gone you wonder why it was a big deal in the first place and yet you know you'll never be the same again.

I lost...a life inside of me.

I lost my innocence a long time ago but I still believe in miracles and fairy tales. Go figure.

I lost myself until I found Evs but he doesn't complete me in the way you would think. He showed me that it is only I who complete myself. I'm still looking for the path but at least the direction is somewhat clear now.

Unknown said...

soory for ur dad my consolences woth u
I have lost Hope
and bcos of both am losing my career my life nice post very very very well wriiten u r beauty widd brains

Princess said...

many losses have been there but i have never lost my hope in God and myself.

good post... but nothing optimistic..
try writing what all u hv gained next time...

much luv,

Mona said...

this is such a wonderful post! Yes losing it sometimes means gaining valuable insights... as they say to gain something, you have to lose some...

Helen said...

Hey Keshi,

Just lost my grandma last fall, and my unborn babies this spring : (these things are meant to be, I guess, but still it is hard.

I have lost contact with many dear people, and just don't know how to pick up the phone and call and let old hurts slide off my heart.

Whooo, and my innoncence and sweetness that used to be very intrinsic. I feel so hard and jaded sometimes.

Material-wise, I lost a pearl necklace my grandma gave me as a girl. Irreplaceable.
Thought-provoking post, Keshi.

krystyna said...

I can tell, that your loss are very similar to my.
I lost my dad too, but he wasn’t as great as yours ( it is very sad to tell me). But I loved him.
Have a wonderful day!

St. Dickeybird said...

I lost an old friend. If i'd known she was dying, i'd have been nicer to her in her last years. As it was, we just thought she'd become mean.

FH said...

I have lost some good friends in India,out of touch I mean.
Lost trust in people when they treat you less than human just bcos you are not from their family.
Lost my fav watch in Disney World and they wouldn't let go back to look for it!:(
Lost my privacy but gained lot of blogger friends!;D

gautami tripathy said...

My father..I lost him 5 years back on Buddha poornima day.

I kind of think of him everyday and miss him. Somedays more than others..

Can the ever go away?

Alex said...


I have lost some parts on my bones. :P [Had fractures]

smrtnhuggble said...

lost of some of the similar things like you
lost my grandpa couple of years ago
lost a friend who died of cancer
lost touch with some really good friends i spend alot of time laughing with
lost faith in humans definitely due to repeated bad experiences
- i still make sure some people are ok and take care of them indirectly - these are the ppl that could care less if im alive or dead
i need to loose that habit
i lost all trust in anyone. there's very few people i trust, when i saw few i mean 1 or 2.
i have lost my purse once, on a lighter note, it was stolen.
i have lost a love once...
hmm thats it.
and sorry about the loss your family is suffering through..

smrtnhuggble said...

oh yea.. i lost my sanity LONNNG TIME AGO. and yes i agree, everyone should loose their sanity once in their lifetime to xperience life in general

Globescoper said...

Hi Keshi

Although I don't remember them, I lost my mother and father.


gP said...

I lost direction and with it lost my life long time a go. Now I'm just jumping from timeline to timeline trying to figure out who am I.

messys musings said...

i lost my papa too
i lost my best years of my life wasting time :p
i lost a chance of going to sydney!.. (mayb someday)
i lost touch with a very dear friend of mine... i wish i meet him someday

hugsss keshi lovely post

AVIANA said...


i've lost alot of things in my life...however i would rather talk about what i have gained in life..

-thanks to having an sociopathic asshole of a boyfried...i gained stronger sense of self

-thanks to being poor..i gained the title of a hustler...i'm always hustling for money and not worried (for the most part) of being flat broke on the street

-thanks to unhappily living my life solely for my parents dreams i've gained the guts to live out my dreams

-thanks to your comment on losing your father...i have gained humbleness to call my father with whom i don't have a good relationship with...


Jeevan said...

Lost contact with school friends is something we really miss the joy. It’s the time for the friendly relation to share and understand others and it’s a healthy relation too.
In my life I miss my uncle Syam, Independence (I think that very important for all), I feel like I am very little aware of society, I lost the hope of enjoying the normal life. If my comments make u feel, sorry:) Hugssss said...

I loved your list! Very thought provoking.

I found your blog on Nabeel's Cosmos:-)

Kavi said...

I recall a cliched proverb..

if wealth is lost nothing is lost
if health is lost something is lost
if character is lost, everything is lost !

Well, i have lost loads of wealth. Some of health. The character i am struggling with !

Losing an age of innocence perhaps has been one of the biggest nostalgic thoughts !

Łóòň Ġãĺ said...

Am sorry about ur dad and ur friend.

- I lost contact with a few friends.
- I lost my very sweet mobile phone and very precious text messages inside it :(
- I lost some weight (part of which am gaining back LOL)
- I have lost faith and trust in guys.
- I have lost my innocence too.
- I have lost a LOT of my rings :(
- I seem to be losing hope as well ... and the future seems scary indeed!
- I have lost my bad habit of nail biting :D
- I haven't lost my virginity yet ;p;
And errm this is what I can think of now.

starry said...

Well Keshi I lost my best friend in the whole world my mother and also my father. I lost my best buddy my friend I left behind in India many years ago. To a certain degree I lost my freedom when I got married.I am not that care free and fun person anymore.I cannot be myself. My children are out of the house in school, so in a way I have lost them too.I have lost my faith in God or more disillusioned i should say when I look around me and see whats going on in this world. After my back surgery I have lost the ability to do as I please, I have to always be cautious about hurting my back, but I have won more things than I have lost.

Romeo Morningwood said...

I've lost my marbles!

Oh well, sanity is highly over-rated and I seem to be functioning well enough without it.

I lose my keys and my wallet everyfrickinday!sometimes more than once a day!!

I was glad when I lost my virginity, wasn't doing much with it anyway. If I could do it over again I would get a pro and do it right.

Anonymous said...

it makes me sad you feel this way about some of these things.

SaffronSaris said...


KK said...

I lost innocence... and lost a lot of friends as I traveled through my life...

Amey said...

You lost "innocence"? Hmm... didn't think so. [And did think that was euphemism ;)]

George said...

I have lost a lot of my faith in humankind and the ability for us to live in peace. I have lost any trust I have had in governments who have agendas that we know nothing about. I have lost faith in us for not doing more to protect the world that we have so screwed up.

2lrbl said...

I lost my arrogance on things I was good at... I still miss it, it has been replaced by an understanding I guess....

I keep losing the 'fight' in me occasionally...

Menchie said...

Nothing can really replace the loss of a loved one.

Most of the things I have lost are material things and am glad to realize it didn't really make me upset for long.

One thing I've lost which I am proud of is the desire for other people's approval. As I've matured, I realize the only approval that really matters to me are those of my loved ones -- other than that, people can pretty much think whatever they want and I really don't care because they don't know me.

fergal said...

in recent years i think i lost some quite large amount/s of my senses of optimism, adventure, spontaneity, wonder, inquisitiveness, "unorthodox-ness" .... or at least i have been in danger of losing those as i became entrenched in a job/career/lifestyle rut; BUT i think that is now in the process of changing, as i make plans to make some life changes & live abroard again .... ;-D


Keshi said...

Wut d u mean Niki? :)


heyy Rajeev!

** Sony W550i

OMG :(

**I lost love loong back when i was in 12th itself

I've lost many LOVEs but then I have gained strength from it all.

Studies...I know wut u mean hehe.


WC Charles!

**Well, you come into this life alone, and you leave it alone.

I agree.

We all have lost loves, friends, loved-ones etc etc. But it only makes us all stronger...



Aidan I like that u lost ur sanity :)

** adversity just means chalenge to overcome

Spot on!


Sujit some lost friends will be found..if it's meant to be.


Anonymous said...

hi Kesh,
Good to see you:)
I never really left. Just closed up. I don't blog 'diligently' anymore... It is more of a spontaneous/impulsive/buffet/dutch treat/meanie blogger system now :D LOL.
I hope you are doing well.

cheers mayt!

Keshi said...

Neihal I know wut u mean.
Im guilty of the same.


Vishesh u share alot of the losses with me.

I used to be like even 200 times to make sure that other person is ok...but those ppl prolly laughed at me back then. Now I dun bother at all.


hey Toothless!

**a lot of pencils, toys, a girlfriend (to a friend - baastard

and u forgot to mention ur TOOTH. ;-)

btw I have accepted my death...that I will be gone too. But it's so much more different when it comes to dealing with someone else's death.


heyya Aditi we all lose Faith every now n then..but Blogville made me believe there r great human beings still ard.

**lost a watch that my grandfather had gifted my gramma who in turn lent to me

awwww...someone stole insensitive can such ppl be.


hey Iceman!

**For you don't have anything to lose in the first place

I dun quite agree...cos if we dun have anything to lose, why do we live this life for? :)


Keshi said...

heyy Trinnie ty!

**i was shocked one day that the ppl who i cared abt so much spoke against me behind my back!

I so know wut u mean. But Im not 'shocked' anymore...cos there r some real sad ppl out there. Dun let em get to ya Trinnie.

**but if theres anyone i know who will be with me and for me, then its my family

I know. No one else wud really stand by u in tough times.

**at times i wish i was in the land of peter pan or something-never to grow up

Im always in fairytale land lol and then reality comes n kicks me in the butt.


hey Nadim!

**happiness, hope, innocence, love, faith, mind... myself....

Nah I dun think u lost ur self yet Nadim. When u lose ur self, u dunno who u r...and u wudnt wanna call urself Nadim, wud u? I believe u still have ur self and I like who Nadim is.



Raghav said...

"i didnt lose my mind it was mine to give away"
.....they dont seem to agree though

Raghav said...

"i didnt lose my mind it was mine to give away"
........they dont seem to agree though

Trée said...

I lost some good blogger friends that just stopped blogging and slipped away. Amazing how attached we can get to our online friends and how hurt when one day they just aren't there anymore and probably are never coming back. I also lost a banana one day on the way to school. Never found it. I think a cow ate it. Never have like cows ever since. :-D

Keshi said...

Shionge so many friends here have lost a parent or even both. Its the biggest loss.


Im sorry abt ur dad Ghee.

**i lost the "bloom" 7 yrs ago,but not its back

wut d u mean BLOOM? :)


Geet I know...Prem must have been a great person to be with. Im so sorry!

Im glad u found the once lost hope in Krishan. I wish u both the very best for life!


heyy Shruti!

**she lost both her parents and brother in an accident

omg thats terrible. I hope u track her down soon, good luck!


hey Caz ur doing a great job girl..Im so proud of ya. Ur someone who really goes out n does the work. HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!

** people...get out there and donate to the Bone Marrow Donor Registry

I hope alot of ppl will read that n respond.


AnonymousBlogger said...

You and HE provide me with more thought-provoking posts than anyone else.

What have I lost? Nothing of significance yet. In some cases, I never had what I wanted in the first place, so I could never truly lose them.

Little Miss Muffet said...

i think i lost my ability to burst into giggles all the time..and i feel that it is a reflection of the toll growing up has taken..i miss it :(

Keshi said...

Lee hows ya?

**but it became lost on the trip

OMG thats so sad! I wud have cried for years if I lost my old family pics...they r so precious and can neva be replaced. Lee did u put up a Search for it?

And nah u havent lost ur self me ur a level-headed chick who knows who she is.


heyy Deepz!

**thats one thing if lost you will never get it back.

I totally agree!


heyy Vesty!

**it was my brothers birthday on the Christmas day my dear Daddy died,

awwwwww thats so very sad. HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ Im so sorry.

And my dad was only 44 when he died.

but with all our dark experiences, we become better n stronger ppl...dun we Vest.


Murane HUGGGGGGGGZ! Im so glad that the loss of ur dad didnt take away the trust too.

but Im so sorry abt ur dad!


Azuka thats a big loss.


Sugarlips said...

Keshi I lost my dad too and I miss him immensely and I can feel your pain.

I lost a friend and never got in touch with her again...Miss her a lot sometimes...but I'm also grateful for the things I have in my life...Good and love :)

Stay Beautiful...!

Keshi said...

Silvara heyy!

**I lost...a life inside of me.

why? I dun think u've lost life inside of u Silvara. U r such a lively n positive girl and someone who is abt to get married...u should have more life than most ppl put there. U know what I mean dun u?

Parents can b unforgiving sometimes...especially Desi/Sri Lankan parents. And growing up in a country like Aus while parents still hold on to traditional values make it so difficult for kids.

Anyways u do what u think is right for u...that way u wont regret anything. Like Evs told u, only u can be ur happiness. HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!


Howdy Protege?

** have lost Hope
and bcos of both am losing my career my life

thats not a very nice situation to be at. But believe in Sunshine after rain...u'll be right. I wish u good luck mate!


Princess my dear losses cant be too optimistic...most of em atleast.


Mona I totally agree.

**Yes losing it sometimes means gaining valuable insights.

even if at first it seems so difficult, later on the golden lessons will be learnt.


Helen Huggggggggz Im sorry abt ur granma! My dearest granma passed away in 2002.

**and just don't know how to pick up the phone and call and let old hurts slide off my heart.

I know wut u mean. I have a few ppl like that in my life too. But I just dunno how to kill the hurt for good either.

I feel jaded too..sometimes I feel like this life is just a very tiring walk that will somehow end sooner or later. and whats the point ha :)

Pearl-necklace...omg thats sad. I lost a precious ring too..the very first ring I made for myself from my very first pay.


Krys HUGGGGGGGGGGZ and Im so sorry abt ur dad!

why d u say he's not so great as my dad? Every dad is SPECIAL in their own ways. I believe in that. Im sure ur dad was a great man Krys.


Keshi said...

Krys I hope u didnt mind me saying that abt ur dad. I know I dun even know ur dad, but I know one thing...he made u...the Krystyna I know. So he has to be SPECIAL for that, if not for anything else.



Keshi said...

Dickey hello hello!

**If i'd known she was dying, i'd have been nicer to her in her last years.

awww we always think like that ha. I mean when someone is dying, we r all so nice to em. Else it's all abt settling scores. Sadly thats human nature. Im glad u cud be very honest here.


Asha thats true...when losing faith in ppl u can also lose trust with it.

**Lost my fav watch in Disney World and they wouldn't let go back to look for it!:(

I'd have blasted em n gotten in somehow.

**Lost my privacy but gained lot of blogger friends

thats a real good one!


Gautami I agree...they dun ever go away. They live in our memory forever. Im so sorry sweetie HUGGGGGGGGGZ!


heyy Alex!

**I have lost some parts on my bones.

hehe nice one. I'm so freaked out abt health-related losses.


Choco u have lost similar things. HUGGGGGGGZ!

**i lost all trust in anyone. there's very few people i trust, when i saw few i mean 1 or 2.

I know wut u mean here. I dun trust anyone 100% these days. Mebbe just 1.


Bev I rem u saying that to me...HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ! I cant imagine that pain. Im so sorry Bev!


Ghosty I can be quite daunting ha.


m000nie HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ! Im so sorry.

Abt Sydney...when were u gonna be here?


Keshi said...

Lisa I admire ur optimism.

**thanks to having an sociopathic asshole of a boyfried...i gained stronger sense of self

lol! I guess I should thank my psychotic ex-BF too cos now I know what fake Love really is.

**-thanks to being poor..i gained the title of a hustler...i'm always hustling for money and not worried (for the most part) of being flat broke on the street

it teaches u how to manage with wut u have.

**-thanks to unhappily living my life solely for my parents dreams i've gained the guts to live out my dreams

OMG I so can identify with this one.

**-thanks to your comment on losing your father...i have gained humbleness to call my father with whom i don't have a good relationship with...

thats just awesome! HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ Lisa that was a lovely comment!


Jeevan heyy!

** feel like I am very little aware of society, I lost the hope of enjoying the normal life

that really made me very sad...for u...Im so sorry Jeevan, HUGGGGGGGGGGZ! U r such a strong person and I think u r coping really well. Im very very proud of ya!


Javagirl WC n ty! :)


Keshi said...

Kavi heyy tnxx!

**if character is lost, everything is lost !

I totally agree.



**I have lost faith and trust in guys.

I agree..I dun trust MOST men...they r so fake. I mean so many GREAT men r ard until
it comes to a real r'ship!

Im sorry abt ur mobiel fone awwwwwww...I know I'd cry heaps.

Virginity...ahemmm...lets wait for the right guy ha :)


Starry I rem u told me abt ur mum n dad..Im so sorry! It must feel very lonely to have lost both the parents. I cant even imagine my world w.o. my mum. If she dies, I think I'll slowly die too. But u have a family Im sure u r busy and coping well. HUGGGGGGGGGZ Starry!

**To a certain degree I lost my freedom when I got married.

I know wut u mean..even tho Im not married. I have married friends who always say this to me. I dunno wut I'd be like if I get married. Im such an independent person so being married cud be like jail to me :)

Anyways u have got ur priorities right Starry...u love ur children and ur a great mum. U may have lost few things down the line, but u have certainly gained more precious ppl in ur life.



HE heyy I found ur marbles...they were in my pocket.

** If I could do it over again I would get a pro and do it right

LOL how d u mean?


Rick ty n hugggggggggz!


Huggggggggggz Saffy!


Jewel Rays said...

Hello Keshi.

As i read some of these losses i saw some of me inside.

And i like that metallica song. The guitar intro was so relaxing.


Keshi said...

KK I know wut u mean...

And hows u?


hey HP fan!

**You lost "innocence"? Hmm... didn't think so. [And did think that was euphemism

This is what I found in WIKI:

--euphemism is an expression intended by the speaker to be less offensive, disturbing, or troubling to the listener than the word or phrase it replaces, or in the case of doublespeak to make it less troublesome for the speaker.

so u think its euphemism? LOL!


I totally agree George!


nlonve WC!

**I keep losing the 'fight' in me occasionally...

I know wut u mean here.

but I still have my arrogance in me :)


Menchie I agree...ppl cant be replaced, hence the biggest loss.

**One thing I've lost which I am proud of is the desire for other people's approval.

I agree. I have lost that one too and for good. to hell with what ppl who dunno me think abt me!


heyy Fergal!

**in recent years i think i lost some quite large amount/s of my senses of optimism, adventure, spontaneity, wonder, inquisitiveness, "unorthodox-ness"

I agree...studies, career, rat-race etc can make us change. At one stage I was like a robot...when I was at Uni.

I hope u find em all bakk when u move overseas.


Keshi said...

Soj WB! Great to have u here again.

So ur a meanie weanie now? awwwwwwwwwwwww u break my heart! :)


hey Raghav!

**"i didnt lose my mind it was mine to give away"

I guess ur right there!



I missed ya. And I havent been ard ur blog either :( Im sorry...been exteremly busy at work and I dun get to go to all the blogs anymore...cos of time limitations.

LOL @banana. Was it when u were at the bridge? I wasnt the cow who at ate it :)


AB ty!

**I never had what I wanted in the first place, so I could never truly lose them.

that made me feel sad for ya...tell me what u mean by u never had em?


Miss.Muffet in that case Im a kid stuck in an adult's body...I giggle all the time :):)


Suga hugggggggggz Im so sorry!

I know...we have to be grateful for the gains.



Im glad u like the song...yeah the guitar inro is so soothing. They feed my deepest emotions.


Vishesh said...

lol :) do you believe in coincidence??

Keshi said...

:) or it may be the Cancerian thingy.


Vishesh said...

i am finding more cancerians and people of my age now..then ever in my life....something crabby is up...

Keshi said...

Must be Sebastian :)


Unknown said...

**if we dun have anything to lose, why do we live this life for?

You mean to say, we live life to lose everything we have?

As in, we are born with a lot of things, and as we grow old & die, we lose everything we have?

Dint' quiet what you wanna say!

Chamendra Wimalasena said...

the need for attachment

Keshi said...

hey Iceman!

**we lose everything we have?

thats what i meant...we do have some things that we lose along the way...and finally it's life.


hey Evil!

**the need for attachment

I havent lost that altogether but I can say I have lost ALOT of it.


Autumn Storm said...

Exemplary of what has made your blog a must-read for so many of us.

This one got me thinking, for though I have, as we all have, lost, in so many of the cases I have gained from it too, and so I that sense of loss is not overwhelming. I think of my brother mostly, of losing out on seeing him grow older and watching him with his daughters, and of all the good times we undoubtedly would have shared along the way.
Perhaps the one that occupies my mind the most is loss of opportunities or the thought that I might have filled the years with more.
When I think of loss, it relates more to the future, there are things in my life now that I fear losing and that takes precedence over anything that I have already lost.
One of my greatest and most familiar fears is that I'm somehow now where I am supposed to be, skirting on the outside, never completely living the life I was meant to. I can throw all sorts of rationalizations at that, but it's a fear nonetheless.

Wonderfully thought-provocative post, Kesh. Happy day to you, x

Keshi said...

heyy Autumn hugggggggggz!

**I think of my brother mostly, of losing out on seeing him grow older and watching him with his daughters, and of all the good times we undoubtedly would have shared along the way.

I shed a tear reading that. Im so sorry. I cant even imagine wut ur going thru...having lost a brother. It must be so very hard. It's abt the stolen moments...the moments that wud have been. I so know wut u mean there Autumn.

**When I think of loss, it relates more to the future, there are things in my life now that I fear losing and that takes precedence over anything that I have already lost.

I didnt think of it that way. It's pretty interesting what u wrote. I guess I didnt worry abt my future too much cos the present itself is gory to begin with.

tnxx Autumn u got me thinking.


Anonymous said...

**Used to own something called innocence and it was very very precious. I lost it as I grew up and the world isn't really a very pretty place.

i agree on this one

Keshi said...

ty DJ!


Anonymous said...

Please read this post :)

Poo said...

In short whatever was precious to me ..I have lost all that!! and now i am scared of everything :))

tc dear

Poo said...

I lost myself !!! I lost faith in God but i still worship him. I Lost trust in Friendship. I once lost the trust of my mom and dad ...Glad its not like that anymore.

I lost my Brother who was the most dearest of all in this whole world :)) I still talk to him :))

Priya said...

Lost my mom and my best friend.... But I have my angel now:))

When I feel everything is clsoe to my heart, I don't feel I lost anymore now.

Jim said...

, u cant loose nothing
coz nothing belongs to u


your dad, your friends, your sentimental feelings are transients, MAYA if u may call it

suggested readibg:

Jim said...

, Hey GOD

i got some questions that need answers

Why the fuck does Keshi always loose her man !

she lost her dad
she lost her friends and janice
she lost D'Arcy
she lost her necklace

if u r God why dont u do your job !
one thing she wants to loose
u dont let her

.. her virginity
(or is she bluffing?)

KK said...

I am good... hows u?? wassup there?

Priya said...

Wonder where my comment is floating around girl...

Amey said...

I thought "losing innocence" was an euphemism for *ahem*

Let's not continue on that track, as I think I will be the one in trouble there ;)

J said...

lost my sleep due to a surge of bugs in my apartment.. now they will *lose* their lives :D even steven :)

ann said...

my husband (to another woman)... and I miss him terribly

ann said...

I have also lost too many friends too young to die

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

I lost the ability to let go. Don't think I can ever regain it. :(

Anonymous said...

Another beautiful post K.

On Friday I lost my car keys at uni and had to wait around for help to arrive. The result was lost time and new found frustration.

I've been fortunate insofar as losing loved ones - touch wood.

I can't say that I've ever lost hope.

Sometimes I lose interest in my uni work. But never my crafts.

I've lost a friend or two along the way - but only to overseas countries, so really, all I've lost is seeing them face-to-face.

That's about all I'm prepared to share online :)

Innocent Devil....Yet not so innocent ;) said...

Keshi awesome blog.... Well i regret losing my sweethearts mobile a lot.... It was too dear to him..Though he says it was more precious than me to him...i regret losing it a lot...
My sweetheart says he loves my innocence so guess havent lost it still.
But yes one more thing i regret losing is the faith of my parents. But i no in the times to come they will understand i was not wrong.

Dawn said...

Dear…reading wht u hv lost reminds me that I will hv to agree with 2nd , 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th one I hv lost many ear rings :D… 8th yes always ;)
Hope is something I cannot loose as loosing that means a plain death of Dawn 
Yes recently I hv lost weight, n rest in next …lol
Cheers n huggggz dear

Keshi said...

ok Anony tnxx!


Poo babez u have lost a great deal....Im so sorry abt ur brother...I dunno how u cope. All I can say is Death of a loved-one is something that changes us forever...its like that for me. If my dad lived and ur brother lived, Im sure we will be different ppl. I guess thru their deaths we have learnt alot...we have become ppl who feel for others...cos we have known the pain. I think thats a big gain altho the loss is irreplaceable.

HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ Poo TC of ur sweet self. I dun want u to lose it.


Priya u lost ur mum? Im so sorry HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ! It must be very hard to lose a mum. I cant even imagine that cos my mum is my whole world. If she's not ard, I'd not have anything.


Jim I know that.

**u cant loose nothing
coz nothing belongs to u

I agree...but when u still have life in ur MAYA body, it's very hard to live thinking nothing belongs to u. ppl buil dtheir lives ard things, r'ships, dreams etc etc. They somehow seem like their belongings...or else in life there wud be nothing to look forward to. Its that perception of life that's hard to break away from. If ur to break away from that and live w.o. any attachments then thats when u attain Nirvana.

**she lost her dad
she lost her friends and janice

I cant still believe Janice is not ard.

**she lost D'Arcy

small LOSS, Big GAIN :)

**she lost her necklace

LOL not necklace u dummy. Bracelet.


nenenenene keep guessing ;-)


I dun wanna lose faith in Him but looks like thats thinning very fast too.


Keshi said...

KK thats good. And Im good too. Lots of work here too and Im blogging LOL! Last nite I left work at abt 7:30pm. How abt u?


Priya its up there :) tnxx!


hey Fleijerrrz ;-)

**I thought "losing innocence" was an euphemism for *ahem*

LOL I got ya now. Nah u got me wrong :) By Innocence, I meant childhood innocence.


hey Jit the bug-killer!

**even steven



Ann awww HUGGGGGGGGGZ! I hate it when ppl die too young.

**my husband (to another woman)...

hun I never knew ur husband but I hope u dun mind me saying this abt him...if he left u for another woman, then was he really worthy of ur love Ann?


G'day Ipanema!

**I lost the ability to let go.

I've actually gained it. I used to be so clingy n hooked on ppl, things, dreams, arguments, being right etc etc. Not anymore and I feel happier now.

Best to let time n nature take over...then u learn to let go.


Nora I hate it when I lose keys. It happened to me last nite!

I hope ur luck always stays with ya. TC n huggggggggz!


heyy JaanKi!

**.... Well i regret losing my sweethearts mobile a lot....

lol! well Im glad he didnt fight with u abt it.



Dawny hugggggggggz!

**Hope is something I cannot loose as loosing that means a plain death of Dawn

I know...I do lose it sometimes but then I can hope for Hope cant I? :)

Losing weight is great sis! I wanna see a new pic of u :)


Anonymous said...

i loved the post :)!
so many things i have lost..
2 f my close frends pased away last year.....i havnt gotten over that..
i hve lost the innocence..
i hav lost the power to dsitinguis b/w dreams n reality!
but i stil hav memories, hope and faith with me!
takecare!hop lifes al great with u!

Trundling Grunt said...

I have lost the following, in no particular order:
Weight in the past year
Several friends to the grim reaper - one when I was a child which I still recall. The hardest was someone that I waited too long to get back in touch with.
My nerve
My innocence, in so many ways. Some were quite enjoyable, some quite revealing.
Large amounts of hair, 4 teeth, a bit of surplus vein, and the side wall of a sinus.
And my memory.

The Phosgene Kid said...

My hair. I miss it when it gets cold out.

Keshi said...

Shammu Im so sorry abt ur friends....I know it takes a very long time to even come close to coming to terms with it. HUGGGGGGGGGZ!

Sometimes I get lost between dreams and reality too. Good one there.

**but i stil hav memories, hope and faith with me!

Thats the way to be!


Trundz wut were the enjoyable losses of Innocence? :)

**and the side wall of a sinus.

I didnt quite get that.


aww Phos :(


Chamendra Wimalasena said...

True :) it aint the loss of it but i suppose the lack of want for it. Time changes things and life is ever chnging :D neways it stopped raining here a few days ago and its back to the blazing heat in col.. such a pain.. today is looking wonderfully gloomy :D Lets hope i didnt speak too soon :D lol ;)

krystyna said...

Hi Keshi!
I must tell you:
KYAVSW- Keshi You Are Very Smart Woman.
I will remember your smart response!

Keshi said...

Evil ur right. The WANT it is.

Rain in Col has caused alot of floods this time ha...I heard.


ty Krys hugggggggggggggz!


KK said...

you say 7:30pm late??? I am leaving at 12 midnight or later than that :(

Jay said...

I lost my father 10 years and four months ago this weekend.

SamY said...

1) temper :( tops my list ... been working at it for ages

2) pleasant dreams ... dun remember having one lately

3) childhood :) ... u know y ;)

4) mind a few years back ... thanks to near and dear ones I survived

5) offlate too many things in life to quote

still havent lost my will to live (not survive) :)

Keshi said...

KK I answered u in the other post LOL!

I'm pretty early to work. thats why 7:30pm is quite late for me :)



Memories never gets old ha.


Hello Stranger! How busy have ya been lately ha. HUGGGGGGGGGZ nice to see u again.

**mind a few years back ... thanks to near and dear ones I survived

I've lost it for good and nah I dun want it back.

Abt life...Im not sure...arent we all living it cos we r already here. No one wants to kill emselves just for the heck of it. I hope u dun lose that will to live. **hugs**


My Unfinished Life said...

i lost my shyness...and it was the best thing i ever lost...

Shiva said...

The most precious thing I have lost is my innocence. And, there is nothing I have not lost.

diyadear said...

i lost my indipendence when i came to Us boo...i hate bein a dependent.. :(

Keshi said...

Star hey losing shyness can also be good for ya...


hey Shiva!

**there is nothing I have not lost.

Have u lost ur self-confidence, dignity, humanity? I hope not :)


Diya thats's not easy being dependent on others.


Enigma© said...

Very nice post Keshi!! Wud love to write a lot abt this.. I lost many things in my life.. Things.. My watch, mobiles, damn many things.. But these material things never carried any regrets. But i lost my Love, my first love.. In my 12th. May be tht is very tenger age for the thing called love.. But i still cant forget her.

One of the guys mentioned he lost his love to his best friend.. Yeah i too lost a girl of mine to a best friend n tht's wat i cal him.. BAstard. But losin the girl didn't hurt me as much as my friend ditchin me hurt.

Life, i almost lost hope. But try to regain in n try to pacify myself that there's goin to come gud times ahead which actually never came n things got worse. But i still try to live wid them.. With all the things i have..

Many things relate to me.. Usually i never read all the comments to ur blogs cuz they're always a 3digit number. But today i've been goin thru almost all the comments.. Everyone of us loose some or the other thing.. Watever it is.. This.. i can say is one of the best posts i read.. Thanks for that.. Made me go Nostalgic..

Keshi said...

Enigma heyy!

Im sorry u lost ur gal to a friend...rather Im sorry u lost ur friend. But r they both worth ur tears? I dun think so.

**.. Everyone of us loose some or the other thing.

So true! The comments here made me realise that Im not alone.

ty for sharing ur thoughts too!
