Everything in life is temporary.
*Your looks wont be the same in 5yrs time
*Your yesterday's friends may not be here today
*What mattered to you last year may mean nothing to you this year
*You are not the person you were 10yrs ago
*You no longer believe in the same things you did ages ago
*People who were walking together with you may not be present in your life anymore
*Your job profile would have changed
*Your blogroll may have new names and the old ones must have been shed
*Your closet has a new dress/shirt/shoes
*Mum's making a new dish tonight
*Your Facebook account gets uploaded with new photos
*What you couldn't live without yesterday may be the very thing you're avoiding today
*You decide to take a new path in life
*The good times always seems to be in the past
*Old memories fade away as new ones are being made
*Someone you wanted so much in your life may no longer be your priority
*You replace your car tyres
*People no longer send hand-written letters
*You may have known someone called Keshi once upon a time...
Yes everything and everyone changes...and as things change around us, we too change to suit the circumstances...to fit in, to survive and to move on. Has anyone tried to live in the past? Past is a very big part of our Present...yet we cannot live in the Past. We just have to buck up and step into the Present, or else our Past may start to consume us. So, are you still clinging on to your past, that past love or that past beauty you possessed or that friend who was once in your life? Once you 'know' something(/someone) it can never be forgotten. But there's a difference between remembering and regretting. Do not regret. If something is no longer with you, it never was meant to be. If someone no longer wants you in their life, so be it. For nothing stays the same in life...not even you. You only have this MOMENT....so enjoy it. For there'll be a day when no more changes will take place in your life...when you won't be able to say or do anything, or even complain...and that'll be the day you breathe your last breath. So before that day comes around, live life to the fullest...get over petty issues...rise above all...be a trendsetter, not a follower...try to be kind, not superior...be happy anyways...be thankful for what you've got...share what you have more than others...put a smile on someone's face...be humble...help one another...be there for your mates...get over silly issues etc etc. Cos these are the changes you CAN make for yourself amidst the uncontrollable
changes that Time does to you. Yes there are some changes that's within YOUR control too and that's what they are. Implement some changes in your soul...color the plain corners in...give it life and shine. Cos only you CAN do that CHANGE, and that is the only CHANGE in life that's within YOUR control. The rest don't matter much anyways.

*Your yesterday's friends may not be here today
*What mattered to you last year may mean nothing to you this year
*You are not the person you were 10yrs ago
*You no longer believe in the same things you did ages ago
*People who were walking together with you may not be present in your life anymore
*Your job profile would have changed
*Your blogroll may have new names and the old ones must have been shed
*Your closet has a new dress/shirt/shoes
*Mum's making a new dish tonight
*Your Facebook account gets uploaded with new photos
*What you couldn't live without yesterday may be the very thing you're avoiding today
*You decide to take a new path in life

*Old memories fade away as new ones are being made
*Someone you wanted so much in your life may no longer be your priority
*You replace your car tyres
*People no longer send hand-written letters
*You may have known someone called Keshi once upon a time...

Current Music: True Colors by Cyndi Lauper
112 Cranium Signets:
I agree totally that one cannot cling on to the baggage of past and live in the past.
But I have a worst fear... that whether my present which is the best periods of my life will become a past in the future that I may have to forget. That's something that torments me a lot
**And U may forget Keshi in the future**
Well, I hope not so
** Your yesterday's friends may not be here today**
This brought tears as we lost a degree friend yesterday morning.
errr yep!
I am BAAK to singapore!
I loved reading this post and more than the post i loved the song...:)
The points you've mentioned here has been the mantra of my life so far, ofcourse its very difficult to impliment all that but it is certainly the best way to be, if one wants some peace of mind.
Even I was thinking about the same thing last day, had a small post on that too :). But you have put it in a beautiful way.
Nice post babes..
here is something more of that spike in my thought...
Change is not just meant for living beings,
"For there'll be a day when no more changes will take place in your life...when you won't be able to say or do anything, or even complain...and that will be the day you breathe your last breath"
I don't think you can avoid change then also, even after our last breath. You will be part of another change. You will be part of a change for other people.
of course, right now we complain a lot about of the changes in our life. As with any living being, we are prone to change one way or the other. Regardless of whether that change is related to physical aspect or something else.
the song is so beautiful it filled my heart with happiness..
***You may have known someone called Keshi once upon a time...
its not once upon a time...she will always be in heart :)..
***You are not the person you were 10yrs ago
this one i dont know...people say i should grow up :P...
***Your yesterday's friends may not be here today
well it depends on how they take our relation:)..
***People who were walking together with you may not be present in your life anymore
that wud be a very sad thing...:(...
***Old memories fade away as new ones are being made
memories which are faded will never be memories...
***People no longer send hand-written letters
i love to do this no one gave me address..:P..
**For there'll be a day when no more changes will take place in your life...when you won't be able to say or do anything, or even complain...and that'll be the day you breathe your last breath.
these words struck me really hard :(...i need the change to...i should contact obama for the change policy :)...
**Implement some changes in your soul...color the plain corners in...give it life and shine. Cos only you CAN do that CHANGE, and that is the only CHANGE in life that's within YOUR control.
this is something....i really need to do now...i need to color my soul a lot :)...
thnks for such a wonderful post sweets...and a Wonderful good mornin to u after soo many days :)..
You know Keshi, you are so wise & know so much about life.
Sometimes I am just in awe of what you write!
Wonderful post!
The one thing I tell myself each & every day is to just live in the moment as it could be my last!
One just never knows.
Yes, we have to live life to the fullest & be kind & happy for what we have.
I'm glad I know you Keshi...a kind & very caring person!
You have impacted very much on my life...a very good impact!
Ur a beautiful person...more beautiful on the inside than the outside and how can that be possible...just look at you!
But it's true!
Thank you for this wonderful post!
It was very special!
HUGS to an Angel!
Oh, I forget to mention...I love the song!
I always forget about that, don't I?
You always play the very best songs.
Thank you, hun!
Lovely post Kesh....we all know that change is the only constant in life. Everything else is dynamic. People who were once an integral part of my life are not, we have moved on, things have changed, people whom I hardly knew once are today among my close friends.
All we have are memories.
now isn't that the truth :)
As you said everything is temporary. You only have this MOMENT....so enjoy it.
Keshi girl, I wonder, are you becoming Keshianandamayi!!!! Sometimes Yes I guess!!! Beautiful, philosophical and truthful writing.
You may have known someone called Keshi once upon a time........
Yes, Whenever I see a rainbow, I will remember…..because you are one among the people in this blogville who coloured every soul with different colours like a rainbow.
very true and very well written, makes one wonder if we are really ready to accept the change !! :) nice post
that was a scary post and scary thought. there is a old saying the only thing that is permanent is "change". how true. what hurts more is losing or parting with friends. Living alone, away from family, they are the family now, they mean so much.
living in today is what we always do, we are smiling for what we have today, or couple of time we go into nostalgia zone and enjoy old things.
but i am game for new always, but nothing abrupt as such, can't bump into anything just like that, personal choice, offcourse.
>>>put a smile on someone's face
Let me quote this one: Why so serious, let put a smile back on your face.(sorry for repeating thing one, but that is one of my fav from the movie.)
Nicely written keshi...
Everyone needs to realize this ...
we usually regret our past or keep worrying about our future and forget about our present...
As they say nothing lasts forever :) !
I am so so so glad tht i had 5 minutes and of the 2 blogs i read, one was yours
guess its not sumthin i din know, but somethin i needed someone to remind... thnks for like puttin it up exactly when i needed it keshikins :)
but sometimes i wonder, how u decide when to move on n when to stay... how to decide if sum1 is a real frnd or just using you... how do u decide tht u need to rise above urself n be thr or move on n stop hurting...wat do u say?
i wish atleast somethings wud stay the same... i wish cud do somethin bout it...cuz thr r few ppl who can nvr be relaced.
now thts a moral science lesson if there ever was one:D
more seriously...u r absolutely right, as always i.e....live for the moment...
thrs dis wonderful line in the movie Kungfu Panda..."yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery...today is a gift and so its called the present"
WOW. Such words of wisdom from you are really most welcome. Change is the way of life. I agree that life is too short so why all this bickering & biting? Why not be happy and make others happy too. It does not mean that you donot have principles or your own individuality but all it implies is that use your strengths to make the place you are in better for living.
Kindly see my reply in your post regarding Sri Lanka situation.
Take care
PS : I donot agree with " once you knew Keshi..." I will always remember you as a good cheerful girl.
Well said Keshi and yes nothing stayed the same anymore.
But having said that, I never want to change my values :)
dun live outta baggage- cos you only get crumpled and remain folded..
walk outta your past luggage, n run free..
i started believing in that as well keshikins :D
yaaaaaay :)
n yeahhh, i think i look way BETTER than i did 5 years ago :) geeeeeeee..
AND5, 10 , 15 , 20 , 30 , 40 years ahead, for better or for worse, i know life is gonna be ryte there- just the way Mr. God, who visited you last, planned it!
yup..everything in life is temporary except 4 change..but that is what makes life so interesting..inne? :)
Keshi when I read your post, all my heart was saying this is the fact that I am reading here.
My past is past - I always cherish them...remember and feel good being in that past...yet that's my past.
My friends...yes, as I am moving in life...my friends are also moving far but good thing is its the distance and not in the heart!!
Change is good and its always good if we prepare ourselves for this so that it doesnt feel that bad for us to cope up with reality.
Very touching yet factual post dear
Hugz to you
I wrote a comment, but it gave some error...
To me, the past is the foundation of my present moment...making me believe that the present is real.
seen seperately -- past and future are an illusion.
And Change -- I am not much for it, if its not for the common good...
But then, changing a value that i hold close is very difficult.
The Changes that Time brings -- we are all subject to it, no fighting against...But that doesn't mean one sheds memories.
I see a repetitivesness coming in Keshi...I like the first photo there :)
Once again you outdo yourself with your thought provoking post. Thank you - change has always been a challenge for me but it is getting easier.
very true..this post is one of my favs amongst all your posts till now :)
reverting back to the topic , on second thoughts, its not only about regrets...sometimes remembering ur past fondly a lil too often also stops u from enjoying ur present...
sadly memories dont have any limits...they cannot be replaced and they come rushing to you in the weakest of moments and leave u with smiles u yearn to have back for reasons which have long gone away from ur life...
but i totally agree with u on the fact that its only YOU that can bring about the necessary change in ur life :)
once again, great writeup!
Life is STILL beautiful isnt it ,despite the good,the bad & the ugly memories
good post keshi
no matter how well you know something... there comes a time when it feels good to be reminded about it again...
you did it today... thanks Keshi... :)
yeah point, but its gonna be though ,really.
some of the changes mentioned in your list can be avoided ... especially the last one :)
and yea I totally agree with you ... "Color thy soul" ... thats the mantra for sure ...
take care mate
i very much expected you to be in manglore on the day of attack.. shit man you missed..try to be in such locations from next time.. lolzz
kesh dear,,
my blog conked...
doing some repair work.. cant post from my blog id for next 72 hours
commenting from my mail account cos i am doing some repair work in my page
Oh yes, every thing is life is temporary, life included. The scriptures have hence always taught us to stay dissociated from material things! Good post Keshi!
I loved the title of the post.
Yes, change is inevitable and the only thing constant. But then some smart folks also say, the most things change the more they remain the same. :p
I sometimes hate the changes that life brings to people.
But sometimes that's what adds to the spice. Right?
"When I am dying, let me know
That I loved the blowing snow
Although it stung like whips;
That I loved all lovely things
And I tried to take their stings
With gay unembittered lips;
That I loved with all my strength,
To my soul's full depth and length,
Careless if my heart must break,
That I sang as children sing
Fitting tunes to everything,
Loving life for its own sake..."
This is how I live, Kesh.
I dont care what I lost. Even if I have, I love what I lost. I don't regret. There is no time to regret in this life. Life is here in this moment. I can't even see the thing called future. Who cares what's in store....
*You may have known someone called Keshi once upon a time..* Ha ha ha!
Yes we can.
Change is always good, Keshi. Got to take whatever it is life gives us and move on with a smile on our face! No point in regretting anything but got to take care that we don't make the same mistakes we did in the past!
Forgiving and forgetting is hard for me but staying away from what hurts us is probably bit easier.
Have a great day today, hugs! :)
I always remember my past because its my birth-place.
Yup Keshi, as they say - The only thing permanent in this world is change...
love the song! :)
and yes, everything IS temporary... even ever-lasting friendships change... not always for the worse... sometimes, friends grow together.. and the friendship becomes all the more beautiful :)
**Once you 'know' something(/someone) it can never be forgotten. But there's a difference between remembering and regretting.
well yesh and the thing tat comes into my mind is
then what is all this
"I don't care" and all
we all reely care sumwer in the bakk of our minds na?
yesh we do
and agn
ur posts come like revelation(s)
The past changes could even happen whenever new things added to life to feel better than before. Accepting what happens, we are the happier person in life. Courage is what you bring again and again here dear. :)
:D :D :D :D :D
Very true.Well said!
Beautifully written babe!i know i say this everytime i see such a nice post. U jus know how to put things down in simple terms. I so agree with wht u hav said. And i know one thing i will never forget u Keshi!! Coz u hav touched my soul in a special way and not many ppl can do that. :) *Hugs*
the only thing that is ever constant is change... and change is something i cant deal with ... but i try bcz like u said change is in our control that is the least i can do..
wow keshi that was cool. btw i was thinking about the same kinda thing.
watever is there it is in this moment itself .
* you may not be the person you were 10 years ago.
people may not write hand written letters anymore*
true .
i dunno exactly what s ur current job Keshi but if there is one thing u re good at it s driving people to the top, make them believe they can achieve something, u should be a motivational coach darling!
hope u re doing all right
u take care
Hi Keshi,
One should unclutter one's soul... one should look forward and ... the life goes on and on.
Can you email me on your ideas about the forthcoming post?
wonderful post Keshi...thanks for re-enforcing this thought in r heads once again....
i must say i read this post...perfect timing...thanks for sharing.....n hey u dont seem to visit my blog off late...not that i have been updating a lot either but there is never a post when u dont comment...miss u...
Good morning Keshi babes!
yeah,i definitely agree..living in the past means living in the shadow.there must be changes every now and then.changes for the better is more significant,if i may add.and in the future,i would always recall that I had once met a very smart,witty,compassionate,a good writer and gorgeous Keshi... :)
BTW,mind to join my contest for my Bday?just for fun and i will appreciate it!
This is my blog
lots of hugs!!
Suresh tnxx!
All my fears r dead now...cos wuts gonna happen will happen no matter what :)
And Im really sorry abt ur friend. Thats awful. *HUGZ*
hey Steve!
aww ty Southy n WB! :)
Missed ya!
ty Vaisakh!
**I don't think you can avoid change then also, even after our last breath. You will be part of another change. You will be part of a change for other people.
mebbe...but so far we know that Death is quite final. Wut happens after that is to be known only after we die :)
ty Hemz!
**its not once upon a time...she will always be in heart
yeah thats what many ppl said before :)
HAHA @Obama!
ty Margie HUGS!
but all my wisdom doesnt mean I know everything or that I can handle anything in life...when i write these kinda posts, its always for me too...reminders to myself :)
ur an angel and tnxx!
yes Margie I love this song too :)
true SMM...in memories they shall live.
ty Lavida :)
aww ty Maddy!
**Keshi girl, I wonder, are you becoming Keshianandamayi
HAHA no ways! When I write these kinda posts, its always a reminder for me too...I like to jot down my thoughts instantly cos soon I forget em and I might be brooding ya know ;-)
ty Moi!
Whether we like it or not, sooner or later we hv to accept the changes :)
ty Anuz!
**there is a old saying the only thing that is permanent is "change".
even change isnt really permanent...cos wut happens when we die?
ty Charmed_One and WC!
**we usually regret our past or keep worrying about our future and forget about our present
Spot on!
Cos nothing lasts forever, even cold November rain...
ty Div! :)
**but sometimes i wonder, how u decide when to move on n when to stay... how to decide if sum1 is a real frnd or just using you... how do u decide tht u need to rise above urself n be thr or move on n stop hurting...wat do u say?
Stopping to hurt is not something u can DECIDE upon Div. Its something that should run its natural course and stop on it's own. ppl try to stop it way before it's time, and thats when they get hurt even more. Just let all ur tears run...let the pain live its life...and then one day, u'll find it gone...gone for good. And on that day u will know u hv moved on.
**i wish atleast somethings wud stay the same... i wish cud do somethin bout it...cuz thr r few ppl who can nvr be relaced.
yeah like loved-ones...I know, ppl r the one thing thats irreplaceable!
ty CN!
**..."yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery...today is a gift and so its called the present"
yes thats very true!
ty Jack!
**It does not mean that you donot have principles or your own individuality but all it implies is that use your strengths to make the place you are in better for living.
ur spot on!
Hey Jack :)
**PS : I donot agree with " once you knew Keshi..." I will always remember you as a good cheerful girl.
aww ty!
hey Shionge!
**But having said that, I never want to change my values
totally agree!
aww ty Jane!
I agree..take a load off and set urselves free!
**i think i look way BETTER than i did 5 years ago
LOL me too! but I dunno if I'd like my looks in 10yrs times :(
God plz send me a moisturising kit!
yes Trinaa true...so why r ya leaving now? looking for change? :)
hey ty Dawny!
yes I hv moved on alot too..there were some friends in my life that I beasically cudnt live w.o. Now I live w.o. them and I dun even feel sad!
ty Devika!
The first pic was one taken by a friend in Japan, during cherry blossoms season :)
**seen seperately -- past and future are an illusion.
wow nicely put!
**But then, changing a value that i hold close is very difficult.
I wont change my VALUES for anything!
**The Changes that Time brings -- we are all subject to it, no fighting against...But that doesn't mean one sheds memories.
when memory cells die, we r shedding em Devika :)
**I see a repetitivesness coming in Keshi.
how d u mean?
ty Terry!
Change and Challenge r shadows of each other. Embrace em when they arrive!
hey ty Pri!
I agree...we may not be able to stop memories from crashing down on us, but we CAN decide upon how to keep ourselves happy.
It is beautiful yes @CU
Just that sometimes we give too much imp to our past.
Im glad Arv :)
Harini its very tough..thats why I write these kinda posts again n again, to remind myself too :)
ty Hiren!
**some of the changes mentioned in your list can be avoided ... especially the last one
haha but its not a conscious choice u can make. It just happens over time, sadly :)
hey Tam!
**i very much expected you to be in manglore on the day of attack.. shit man you missed..try to be in such locations from next time.. lolzz
wuts ur problem? and u think wut u said is funny? maybe u should go to Joke College before u try to crack jokes.
Lame as! *yawns*
Chriz hey wut happened OMG!!!
Did God do it? :)
Jokes apart, how did it happen?
ty Rakesh!
**scriptures have hence always taught us to stay dissociated from material things
yes tho its hard with my love for halter neck tops lol!
ty Julia!
** But then some smart folks also say, the most things change the more they remain the same
hmmm Im not very sure abt that :) How do they mean?
ur spot on Crystal! SPICE it is :)
or else our lives will be like a colorless n tasteless soup!
aww thats some beautiful sentiments to live by Soul!
**I dont care what I lost.
but I do CARE...cos some things r too precious to lose but Life's nature is so...and I hv no choice but to accept it. But I do CARE.
eg: My dad
hehe Tarun some Obamaisation there?
ty Asha HUGS!
**Forgiving and forgetting is hard for me but staying away from what hurts us is probably bit easier.
I agree totally! I hv learnt to stay away from ppl n things that cause me HURT..its easier than forgetting. Well-said!
aww Hobo...
ty Rakesh!
true Raysh...u wudnt believe this but Im now living w.o. my once best friend...she doesnt even talk to me anymore...no we r not angry at each other...she CHANGED her religion into something else and now dun talk to anyone outside that religion!
Never in my life did I think that she'd be CHANGE like that. But she did.
aww ty Joyce!
Its a revelation to myself too..as I write I REALISE. Thats why I write :)
yes Jeevan ty so much!
Vish hey :)
ty Sameera!
aww tnxx Ria and u too!
Some ppl r easy to forget, and some can never be forgotten. u r in the latter!
Phoenix yes some things abt us can be changed by us...
ty Truthful! :)
ty Cess!
** u re good at it s driving people to the top, make them believe they can achieve something, u should be a motivational coach darling!
haha no ways! Im the one who needs a Life Coach more than anyone else. Thats why I write these posts...so on my worse days, I can come n read my own positive thoughts :)
ty Prabir!
**One should unclutter one's soul...
well-said, as usual :)
I will email ya soon ok.
ty Mia!
aww i was a lil busy in the last few days so cudnt get to ALL my fav blogs, but I came to ur's today :)
hey tnxx Ghee!
I will come ard soon :)
The only cells that are the same are the ones in your brain and your eyes.
Who wants to stay the same anyway? Don't you want everything to keep getting better and better?
I do.
I must admit that I find myself clinging to the past far more now than I did just a few years ago. The crazy thing is that I do find myself lamenting about the "what if's" which I know isn't healthy.
Hi, Keshi-that's sooo in concurrence with what I think and feel!!No point in worrying about what I will be five years hence, no point in crying over whatever bad happened in the past..what's very much a reality is the future, and that's what needs to be thoroughly utilized to the fullest extent-be it at work, at home or with family/friends!:)
gud mornin sweets..
**yeah thats what many ppl said before :)
i am not one of them ...and i never forget u...well not even once :)..
This is one of the nicest posts I've read in a long time! Very positive Keshi.
You spoke for all Keshi:)
A very very thought provoking post buddy... I needed that. Thanks...
Peace. Be well.
People who were walking together with you may not be present in your life anymore... Beautifully written.
the world today needs more messages like wot ur trying yo say..And the fact that u say it so effortlessly...
Totally agree...!!
ok so yest i had a tiff with a someone...evening i was having a talk with self...and i was talking to myself about conviction...
btw i give good pep talks...atleast to myself...
neways so the only way to live a happy live is to believe in yourself...coz only when u believe u can be happy u will do things that will make u happy...the fuck ups of the past should not be let become a mental stumbling block...
its tuff though...i think in all i do...'living the life' is the toughest of all things
tnxx Donno, BB, Amit, Hemz, Star, Priya, Kartz, Nora, Nikhil and Mystique!
keshi, that was my motto. u stole it..... :(
hehe Satish we can share it? :)
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