And The Dewdrop Shall Fall...
Something died in me. Watching how the treacherous weekend bushfires wrecked so many lives of so many people here in Australia, I realised how fragile we are at the hands of Nature. We say we have the power, but we really don't. I sat on my couch and watched on TV how so many people lost all their belongings, houses and businesses, and how over 100 people lost their lives just like that. I was just a spectator of it all...I felt useless cos I couldn't do much to wipe their tears or to stop the fires. It all happened as it was planned by Mother Nature...some things are just meant to happen, and we have no power over them. So many friends from around the world called me, emailed me etc asking if I was ok...but I was nowhere close to these fires. I was safe and sound. But I was really broken inside. I could assure them that I was ok, that I hadn't lost my home or my life or any loved-ones. I'm ok...but someone else isn't. And it breaks my heart. But something set me free watching it all. I felt that if someone else could lose so much and yet survive, I can too. After all, life is just a flickering never know when it will all end. What matters is that you keep going somehow.
True Freedom Comes With A Heavy Price...
The extreme heat over the weekend drove me to do a very brave thing...I cut my long long hair! Yes someone needs to give me a Bravery award for this cos I was very reluctant to get rid of my long hair, but I did :). It set me free somehow. Have you ever lived with something that you couldn't live without at all? Have you ever said goodbye to something you loved so much, something that you held very close to your heart? I didn't even think twice, I just walked into my hairdresser's, asked her to cut my hair in layers and much shorter than I expected to and voila 2/3 of hair was gone! And I felt just fine. Living without something you once were very close to opens up a fresh new side to teaches you to live with courage and strength like never sets you free. It's hard at the beginning, but eventually you'll see that life has a way of teaching you how to be courageous, and for that you have to lose somehow. And it's life's biggest losses that find you your biggest strengths.
Angel Brigade...
Also I wanna thank Cess, Enchanted, Margie, Anuz, Mayz and Hemz for being my angels in the last few days. I also wanna thank Ria and Sunshine Girl for making me smile through their amazing post dedications to me. THANKS n HUGS I love you all! Cess, Hemz, Mayz and Anuz thanks for being so concerned and for all the very sweet emails...just goes to show how much you truly care. btw I will reply to all your comments in the last post as soon as I get some time. I'll also reveal my next flatmate in my next post. And sorry I haven't been around Blogville lately...don't feel upto it somehow...hopefully I will be back soon. Thanks All!
The Gains In Losses...
This post is dedicated to all those who lost lives, homes, businesses, belongings and everything they ever lived for in the horrendous bush fires in Victoria and NSW. Now that you've lost something so precious, you'd have found something else that's even more precious. And that will be your WILL POWER and COURAGE to go on, like never before. And that is all we really need to survive. Cos everything else in life, including our lives is for rent...nothing I have is truly mine, except my instincts, conscience and will-power. God bless you all!
Current Music: Life For Rent by Dido
167 Cranium Signets:
u have no idea how much has gone's devastating. am donating blood tomorrow and volunteering on saturday at the worst hit sites.
love the new look tho - suits u totally :)
am i first to comment :p heheh..
i to saw the fire sweets it happened just like that :(..and i had no words to say :(...mother nature was angry without a reason :(..
u had a hair cut :p heheh..i was thiking of having one to my hair grown so much now :P..
i told u ..u never have to thank me for anything...i am ur frnd and i will be there for u ...
thats soo sweet to dedicate to all those people :)...
gud mornin sweets ...
ooh shit i was not first to comment :P..heheh...
:( violence/war like situations make me sick in d stomach... :(
and yup Kesh.. i did the same, some months back.. cut my knee length hair to shoulder length.. just walked into d salon and snipped it off... freaked out a month after.. but thats me.. doing away with things that i hold dear to and worrying wen thats gone :(
oye i forgot to ask dint i dedicate a post reply to u and dolls :P heheh...just kidddin sweets ...i am happy to see ur post and the smile on ur face :)..loads of love..
Hi Keshi! Bush-fire in your place: I too read in the papers and saw the pictures. It is incredibly sad. Hope things get back to normal soon. Though for a few it will never be same again.
The hair-cut looks good. One must keep experimenting with her looks. I think it is a must. As you rightly said, it opens out a new side of you.
New flatmate: Yeah, lets get to see him (or her?)soon.
BTW, what's the plans of our lovely girl for the Valentine's day? Hope you have a great time...
So horrible about the deadly wildfires there, Keshi.
It's so sad!
Glad you are ok....I did not watch any TV this weekend so did not know of the fires till just a little while ago when I watched the local news.
I know how much the tragedy of mother nature must have affected you.
The loss of lives is so devasting!
Got ur hair cut...adorable!
I cut my hair once when it was very long and donated it to make wigs for cancer patients.
I felt like you did...I lost something and found everything.
I did not really miss my hair and I felt so good that I was able to help people by the giving of my hair.
Take care, Keshi.
You know I keep you close at heart!
Love ur look.
U look lovely
Reading your posts makes me wonder at times, how could someone be so philosophical yet real at the same time. Your optimisim kinda rubs off on all of us I guess, that's why we keep coming back to your blog :)
All this loss of life is really sad but it does make you resilient and strong. Hope everything gets better. Take care.
I like how you find the silver lining.
Great gesture, Kesh.
So much of sadness and -ves around :(((((
Well .. we are helpless at the hands of the nature and the creator .. had he given us all the power to control things we would have messed around even bigger ..
and may be its true .. this is a place of mysery or may be mixed feelings .. its definitely not a 'HAPPY HAPPY ONLY' place .. and may be the idea is to balance the happy and the sad ..
God bless everyone !! :)
Does Anuz refer to me or someone else .. I am just confused !! ;)
cheers n take care honeypot :D
not much one can do wen it's written...beyond our control, but yes wht v can do is learn from these calamities and try n live a better life coz u r nvr sure wen it will be cut short!!!
Hi Keshi
Fire can be our friend and our worst enemy. It's sad to see all the lives lost and others left in shambles.
I must say that’s it’s a brave thing you did getting your hair cut off—I can truly relate to it. :)
I’ve been busy lately, trying to keep things intact.
such a bad thing to have happened. I read that the officials susect the fires were puposely planted..such a disgusting thing to do....
the new hairstyle totally suits you :)
Hey K
Wise words girl!!!
I had no clue 'bout the bush fire....been a while since I caught up on the latest happenings...But the loss and the stats are staggering!!! Hope everything turns up well!!
Though...if it means look cool in the short hair....anyways long hair according to me is a you are better off this way!!
Take Care...Miss you!!
keshi, let's pray to GOD asking for the well being of all those who lost their homes n family in the fires. hearing abt the heat wave in AUS on news channels.
n if i were u, i won't feel bad to have my hair cut. jus coz am already losing too much of it... :(
When I saw news of fire on TV, you may not believe but your name came in mind to check if all is OK with you. I had no means of contacting thus waited to be here to ask you. You are right. Famous saying " Man proposes God disposes " is very true. We are nothing but puppets in the hands of God. I have had few incidents in my life which taught me never to be so sure what is next. However one should go on doing his / her bit and leave the rest to God. I feel sorry for those who have suffered and can only pray for their relief.
One needs to have courage to do something not done earlier. I am sure your new hair style would definitely suit you.
Take care
Silly me had no time to reply to your last post. :(
So my chance to become your new flatmate evaporates! :-(
Anyway. This was a wise post! Your hairstyle looks fab btw!
The best and worst bit about life is..... even when everything fals apart...we still build it all from scratch
been watching the news about the must be terrible, lives, dreams, hopes all going up in smoke...but u guys will beat it...iam sure of that
Like you I was equally heartbroken each a catastrophe hit and we are so helpless and only that mother nature would 'hold her hands' and be kind.
Like you, I went to cut my long hair too with no regrets coz the regrets came back later *sob*
:) Just kidding!
Mother nature seems to be pissed off. If its heat wave in Australia somewhere else it was extreme snowfall. Now who would analyse where have we humans gone wrong.
long-Keshi has become short-keshi. Hmm.... doing injustice to ur name by cutting your hair short :)
Yeah and no one can kill the willpower and courage without your permission.
I too read about the fires in the paper, it's really sad.
Like the new look, and as they say 'change is the only constant' constantly keep changing :))
cheer up!!
Dear Keshi,
I read the news in the papers here --
Happy to see you back to blogging, Keshi..
how could I keep off from you? I might just pour out, when I am bad -- please don't take it seriously, dear
I am off at mine for a while...not too well.
Its sad to know abt this fury of mother nature.
I wish wellness & peace of mind for those who suffered.
P.S Well the new look suits u...u look smarter.
My condolences to all those who have lost their dear ones in the catastrophic fires. I have been following the news for sometime now and I am at a loss for words!
If life's biggest losses help realise our biggest strengths the narrow escapes or cushions help us realise the importance of every moment ...
I hope everyone effected finds the courage to take it in their stride and go on to live a happy life ..
A prayer for the souls departed :(
you cheer up soon gal... take care... cheers...
Sad tht bushfires need to be wreckin havoc..but then,thats nature way of conspiring against humanity for all actions that have been started upon by ourselves..
It still is a bad thing tho.. :(
U look like a super star wid the new hair-do..Needn't I mention tht coz u already are one.. :D
Take care sis,coz I care...
keshi as always, that is one reason i like you so much, their is a popular saying that people who feel sorry in other sorrow are genuine people. my sympathy for everyone in that fire.
One cannot do anything, atleast nature punishes people very very badly, but i strongly believe its mostly human, who are actually responsible for all those natural calamity in some way or the other.
I dont cut my hair, although all chics in delhi want me to get them cut, but, i wont let them feel good abt themselves(devil laughs HAA HAA) :D
btw, where is "before and after snaps"
Margie said, she donates here hairs? thats a good thing, but i am sure that cannot be done in india, i wish i could donate something like that.
Hope all the people who have lost loved ones and homes in that fire find the strength to move on with life..
U too take care girl...
*it's life's biggest losses that find you your biggest strengths.
the above line is sooo trueee...
BTW nice hair style .. good you got it .. looks great :) ....
My favourite flowers again on this post (in the last pic).
Well, yeah, as I believe one should be optimistic and thank heavens and Almighty whatever good or bad comes your way.
As a great poet once said, If things happened the way you expected goos, if it didnt happen the way you would have wanted, even better.
Translated from Hindi the actual saying bein, Mann ka ho to accha na ho toh aur bhi accha.
Keshi! I so hate being out of loop and not able to float around here like I used to be.
Your Post title is something that I have felt over the past few weeks about my friend Paul... I have felt so lost, but I ended up finding myself in a life if Chaos. Even if I don't get to comment like I need and want to at least I get to read your heartfelt posts.
I'll have internet at my apartment this week. So I can read it on a real PC instead of on my phone. lol!
Keshi, in the emails you send to me you always end by telling me to take care of myself.. So I am leaving you with the same thing.. Take care of yourself... and if you don't feel like posting or commenting... Everyone knos you are going to get back to it soon..... Be good Keshi... And My prayers go out to everyone that is facing tragedy's.
so is full of ups and downs but what matters is the strength to survive it all. Life is so fragile. sometimes i feel that we get perturbed over so many small things and there are people who overcome greatest of tragedies. hats off to all such people and keep the faith alive
Although personally I have been lucky so far, I do feel so sorry for Indians and others who went thru' and are going thru' terrible times.May God bring us all peace!
Great post Keshi.
Sometimes mother nature is unpredictable and the loss is so bad.
New look is pretty cute.
i was seein that on was horrible...cant even imagine d kinda pain those ppl must b goin thru...i really pray to god to give em strength at this time...
ah ha...i sud hardly see d difference in ur pic...mayb i was too busy "uhmmm" to look at ur hair...
but u kno i cry everytime i get a haircut...coz i always grow em n d damn guy cuts em exactly d opposite way i tell him too :(
i dint knew a thing about the fires..guess am not updated about the happenings down under....
a sincere prayer for those who have lost something or the other in the fires....
and thank god that you are safe!!
yeah keshi..its in the losses we find the gains!!
and wlecome to the club...i just cut my hair off in november, u remeber i wrote a post on that and how rfreshing it was for me!!!!.....
Seriously cant imagine wht all those ppl must b going thru!its like a moment ago u had everything and suddenly everything is gone....and still worse, u dont hav any ctrl over it!! :( I dunno why mother nature thinks of such ways to show her superiority over mankind. We all know tht no matter hw much ever science progresses there r a few things tht can never be controlled. Anyways, good to c ur new look, u r looking gr8 in it.
Yeah, i used to think at one point of time tht i can't live without friends....i used to fear wht will happen if they abandon me, wht if i lose them!? Not many ppl hav ditched me and left me in the due course tht now i m not afraid to b alone in life. Coz i hav realised tht we hav to walk alone in life! And thts the reality.
Those fires are just so horrible. I can't believe how fast they move and how much destruction they have done.
Got your hair cut? Wow! Of course, you're gonna be super gorgeous with long, short, medium even NO hair! LOL ;-)
Hi Angel heart. Hi Kesh. God bless you for your empathy.
By the way, I am back and you look great with the new haircut.
Sorry, never knew about the fires.It is really sad, reminds me of the California fires, so glad you were not close.Yes it does take a very brave person to give up something they love .I think you look really cool with your short hair.sorry I have not been feeling too well so have not been around blogsville much.take care Keshi.
Oh yeah - was watching the fire rage thru. My word... Nature...
Hope things return to normalcy at the earliest...
Of losses and gains... Do u ever realize that, come what may, we always gain. Yes, we do. The avarice human mind blinds us from noticing what we gain amidst all material loss. The word you are searching for, my friend, is experience
Neat make over, there. :)
Take care.
Peace. Be well.
I realised how fragile we are at the hands of Nature.
Maybe it would be best if more people came to that same understanding. Saw a tornado lift up a medium sized plane, it was empty, and slam it back into the ground. the sight left a big impression on me.
And sorry I haven't been around Blogville lately...don't feel upto it somehow...hopefully I will be back soon.
Don't worry about it, life is like that and its tough sometimes to make sense of basic things around you much less trying to make sense of other people who can overload you. You need to decompress and refresh the spirit.
ive seen the news and really,it was depressive and heart aching scene.i wish all the victims get the appropriate support from their love ones and from the government as well...time will heal the wound...i hope they can recover soon from the damages...
Keshi-yes,nature's fury can sometimes be totally unexplained..specially when disasters like the bushfires happened..I prayed for all those who lost their houses, belongings and,most heavy loss-their loved ones..can totally understand your emotions.
I also read in a local paper that they're investigating whether the cause could have been arsonists....I just cannot imagine any humans wanting to provoke nature in this way..but then,when we've seen terrorism of the Bombay attacks kind, anything is possible!
hi darl...thank god u r ok... oh god.. tcare my dear
towards world peace!
With her new haircut, Kesh now is a rock star.
By the way, I am so touched, lady. Thank you so much.
Hi Keshi
I can understand that strange feeling one gets from things like these. We realize that suddenly, the world isn't revolving around us anymore. I mean, the most important thing to us our own selves, our possessions, loved ones. We find... we are really not that big, are we? And maybe that sets one free... that vision... that acceptance of reality.
My heart goes out to those who lost their loved ones. May the departed rest in peace. Amen.
Nice post kesh .. hope god gives them the courage to pick themselves up and rebuild their lives .. hugs
poppy-doll, are you okay? are you safe?
saw the news report on TV, terrifying, the fire!!
My thoughts are with you and the people.
Awfully swamped right now, will come over whenever I have a breather.
You take care and stay safe, okay?
Praying for all those who suffered losses:-(
I changed my blog template a few days back....I really love dmy old template a lot.But had to change it coz it was not supporting new blogger layout:-( I still regret it sometimes though I have started liking the new template.Life's like that...Its really difficuilt to let go of things u love!
That's noiiice, Babeh!
hope u find a way to do something in ur own way to those in tears...losing something dear one makes u too back to blogging after a loong loong time
u actually look good with this lenght of hairs :)
m glad ur ok! loads of prayers 4 d affected..thats abt all i can do from this distance :(
ha it was indeed sad...But its becoming blase,we are getting used to it....when something is blocking the sun,we can't push it,so we adjust...who can kill that which is alive?
The one above just watching?:(
"Living without something you once were very close to opens up a fresh new side to teaches you to live with courage and strength like never sets you free."
Keshi , may a times i wonder , do u take lines directly from my life and put it in ur blog , or is ur life too similar to mine...
anyways it was briliant..
fires are scary! a prayer to all those whose live n n hopes got burnt in those flames..
n yaaaa CUTTT Ya hair- that's brave..
n i'm sooo glad you did it- yehhhh hair cuts are sooo feel-good, n you look liek a HOT woman in layered tresses :)
keep teh smile keshikins :*
ya're an ANGEL!
I had seen the fire on TV....Glad to know that ur alright gal.....I personally feel this is the way mother nature pays us back for the harm we did to her....
When many of them lost there belonging and loved ones, losing of hair sounds nothing more isn’t? i wish those fires drive out soon, before its advance.
hmmm the bush fire is bad.....its a every summer story inne....i feel bad too...
n hey sweety with regards to your hair....did u get the OMG momf reaked when i got my hair cut eheheh....anyways its lookig good n layers i like....
take care gal....hugs
I did that and donated my hair. Now I try to do it every few years it is great.
Hi Keshi,
As usual, a wonderful post.
Good to know you are doing well.
I've always had long hair, and recently cut them short - they are shoulder-length, and grow back fast, but I still dont have the courage to cut them really really short :)
The new style looks fab on you!
Hello……. !
Very cute all these pictures... Great……. may god bless you !
gud mornin sweets...hows the it heating up...:)...and i am soo excited now...i got so many new dresses to wear :)..
Howz you, Kesh?
where are uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
sweetssssss misssin uuuuuuu
Hey Keshi! How's everything? Hope you're doing well. =)
beautiful post and you have written it so well that it touches one corner of our life, "loosing something & finding everything", marvelous!! :)
Where's you all day, Kesh? Just saw you once on the visitor's widget on my blog. Busy busy?
Since this is the only way I can be in touch with you, that's why I am here. Howz you?
happy to read tat ur ok!
kewl pic !
I heard in the was set by someone:(. it's devastating. It was nice of oz team to donate their match fee and raise money for this unfortunate event.
We have many friends affeted by this devastation..and my husbband has lost up to 5 work is unfathomble. The best thing people can do is to give donations to the Red Cross Bushfire Appeal..the survivors and theirt families need the money to rebuild their lives..and they will take a life time to heal.
just came to know abt the fires....that's so sad!! we admire nature, and are wonderstruck by how beautiful this world is.....but in its wrath, it is truly devastating. take care...
Hi Keshi
Just dropped by to say bye.
It's been a nice run, but good things must come to an end.
I hate saying bye, so let's say so long for now.
I hope to return to Blogville in the future.
Thanks for all the great posts!!
My blog will remain and will be active so I can return.
tnxx Silvara!
Stay safe ok. And I love the way u reach out to those in need.
Hemz hey!
get a crew-cut...looks good on guys :)
hey Rat!
** doing away with things that i hold dear to and worrying wen thats gone
I dun worry anymore...cos I know I cant do anything abt it after its gone :)
wud love to see a pic of ya!
Hemz I think I emailed ya abt it :)
ty Kulz!
Yep we all need changes every now n then :)
hey Kulz..
**what's the plans of our lovely girl for the Valentine's day?
Im gonna play a MJ cd, crank up the volume and dance by myself. cos ya know, Im my own lover LOL!
Margie hey ty sweetie!
**I cut my hair once when it was very long and donated it to make wigs for cancer patients.
ur an angel, didnt I tell ya that b4? Not many ppl can part with something they hold so dear. Only angels can do that kinda thing.
ty Lavida :)
ty Rakesh!
**All this loss of life is really sad but it does make you resilient and strong
definitely! And we've just got to realise that and embrace it.
tnxx Trevor!
**I like how you find the silver lining.
we've just got to.
hey Chakoli!
ty Anuj!
**had he given us all the power to control things we would have messed around even bigger ..
I agree.
Anuz is another friend here :) but ofcourse ur one of my angels too..u know that duncha?
ty CN!
**wht v can do is learn from these calamities and try n live a better life coz u r nvr sure wen it will be cut short
very true! over n over again, alot of ppl forget to do that tho.
hey Bev so u cut ur hair too?
hey ty Prashanti!
yes some fires were deliberately lit by happens every year during the extreme hot season. SADLY some ppl dun respect lives n properties of others.
ty Akshat!
**anyways long hair according to me is a drag..
I agree...I cudnt do much with my long hair..twas usually the same old style hehe...
ty Satish!
**jus coz am already losing too much of it...
awww...but dun worry Satish, men can easly get away with being bald. :)
There r women n children who r bald cos of Cancer and other illnesses, sadly.
ty Jack!
Im ok...but so many ppl r dead.
**One needs to have courage to do something not done earlier
I agree. And we find that Courage only when we DO something that we didnt do before.
ty Crystal! :)
ty Shoe_girl!
**even when everything fals apart...we still build it all from scratch
spot on! its called SURVIVAL of the fittest.
ty Tys!
Yes we will beat it, together. Aussies hv a great gift of Optimism and a huge compassion towards one another. That attitude helps to rebuild everything from scratch.
haha Shionge awww...dun u like ur new haircut?
ty Suresh!
**doing injustice to ur name by cutting your hair short
hehe..true..but I still hv hair. lol!
hey ty Rahul! :)
hey Devika no hard feelings. tnxx! And be bak soon :)
hey ty Arunima! :)
aww ty Rakesh!
hey ty TR!
** the narrow escapes or cushions help us realise the importance of every moment ...
I so agree! well-said.
ty Arv!
aww ty Nikhil! :)
did u hv a good bday?
hey Anuz :) tnxx!
** dont cut my hair, although all chics in delhi want me to get them cut, but, i wont let them feel good abt themselves
lol ur mean!
**btw, where is "before and after snaps"
u want to see em? ok soon u will :)
ty Charmed_one! :)
Good one Tarun n tnxx! :)
ty Ne MWAH!
I know u care. It doesnt matter that ur not here in every post of mine. Thats not wut friendship is abt. U hv already taken a place in my heart and to me, thats all that matters :)
ty Ranjana!
**Life is so fragile. sometimes i feel that we get perturbed over so many small things and there are people who overcome greatest of tragedies
ur spot on!
eg: ppl whinge and complain abt trivial stuff when there r kids suffering from Cancer and smiling thru it all.
Some ppl need a reality check!
ty Asha!
ty Priya! :)
ty Mayz!
**i sud hardly see d difference in ur pic...mayb i was too busy "uhmmm" to look at ur hair...
LOL where were ya looking??
why duncha grow ur hair? it looks sexy on hunky tanned Indian dudes ;-)
ty Sushmita!
I so rem that post of ur's :)
ty Ria!
**We all know tht no matter hw much ever science progresses there r a few things tht can never be controlled
very true!
And like u said, I used to think that I cudnt live w.o. some friends...but now Im living w.o. all of em and Im fine :)
*HUGZ* u always raise very interesting points in ur comments Ria!
ty Jay!
**Of course, you're gonna be super gorgeous with long, short, medium even NO hair!
LOL haha! mebbe my next cut will be the super bald Beckz style?
WB Soul n ty! ;-)
ty Starry!
get well soon sweetie HUGS!
ty Kartz!
**The avarice human mind blinds us from noticing what we gain amidst all material loss. The word you are searching for, my friend, is experience
spot on!
ty BB!
** Saw a tornado lift up a medium sized plane, it was empty, and slam it back into the ground.
omg thats so very scary!
aww ty Ghee!
ty Amit!
**I just cannot imagine any humans wanting to provoke nature in this way..but then,when we've seen terrorism of the Bombay attacks kind, anything is possible!
yes...we share this world with alot of losers too. unfortunately.
ty Anits!
hehe ur WC Soul :)
ty Sunshine_girl!
**. We find... we are really not that big, are we? And maybe that sets one free... that vision... that acceptance of reality.
as usual, u make real good sense! If there were more ppl like u in this world, it wud be a much better place to live.
ty Deepti n HUGS!
aww tnxx Saffy HUGS!
ty Akanksha!
** I still regret it sometimes though I have started liking the new template
aww cute! why d u think I never change my blog template? LOL!
haha Soul wut's so noiiice this time? ;-)
hey Dinkan WB! :)
tnxx Archana! :)
And its comfy too.
ty Trinaa!
thats true Vish.
**....when something is blocking the sun,we can't push it,so we adjust...
I agree...I may get used to it bu the pain never reduces.
I dunno if He's watching anymore Venus...sadly.
ty Karthik!
**do u take lines directly from my life and put it in ur blog , or is ur life too similar to mine...
:) mebbe I've lived similar experiences in life Murali. Thats why.
aww ty Jane :) HUGS!
wut abt u, did u get a hot new haircut recently?
ty Diana!
**personally feel this is the way mother nature pays us back for the harm we did to her
I agree...but bushfires hv been happening for so many years...even before all the damages were I wonder.
true Jeevan. Some things r too big a loss.
hehe Mia yes alot of ppl were shocked to see my long long hair gone...but they liked the change :)
how very generous of ya Pecos!
aww ty Sachi!
** but I still dont have the courage to cut them really really short
u dun hv to cut it if u dun want to :) do it only if u really want to do it.
ty Susan!
hey Hemz!
**i got so many new dresses to wear
u meant shirts right?
Im good Soul. I was too busy cudnt blog at all.
Hemz I was gone only for abt 24hrs and ur searching for me? LOL cute!
hey Tanviiiiiiiiiiii! :) Im good darl tnxx and u? So nice to see ya here after a long time!
Im still here, yes, can ya believe it? LOL!
*HUGZ* hows life treating ya?
hey ty Moi :)
aww Soul u too were lookin for me yday? I feel loved n cared for :) tnxx guys!
I was extremely busy yday thats why.
ty Amrita!
KP tnxx!
only some fires were deliberatley lit by arsonists. The rest were natural bushfires.
Im so sorry to hear that Caz! *HUGZ*
yes our whole family donated to Red Cross. Thats the least we cud do!
ty Random!
**we admire nature, and are wonderstruck by how beautiful this world is.....but in its wrath, it is truly devastating.
yes! rem the Tsunami?
nooooooo Bev u cant leave me! :(
Just read ur email and was happy (as always) to hear from you.
Wish we did not live so far away :(
But always close at heart...that's how it is....not a day goes by that I don't think about you.
I'm taking care of the knee pain...saw the Dr. today.
I shall prevail!
I'll email you later about the results...(need to call my sis now and will be on the phone for a few hours.)
Oh, don't be too sad about Bev...she'll be back.
Sorry I never went to visit her.
Wishing Bev all good things in her life!
Lotsa HUGS to you, Keshi!
Take care, Angel!
I couldn't believe when i saw that news on bbc, especially when the authorities said , some of which were triggered by arsenists...what kind of sick mentality wud provoke to do an act like that...May the victorians know that they r not alone in this moment of extreme grief.
i look like a mohican wid long hair :P
Mragie email me abt ur knee, ur sis and how ur day went ok? HUGS n tnxx angel!
And abt Bev :*( @Margie...
aww ty Southy!
unfortunately we hv to share this Earth with morons too!
Mayz grow it n show us :)
"I'm ok... but someone else isn't. And it breaks my heart."
Beautiful words from a beautiful soul. x
Nora I think I feel too much...cos sometimes I cry, no all the time! :)
Losing something & Finding everything - that is a very nice title. And Yep, intangible strengths have to be counted upon during times of crisis. Beautiful post.
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