Expand Your Lives!

Locks Of Love...
Now, my friend Anuz wanted to see before and after pics of my hair revolution. So here they are Anuz, especially for you! See how long my hair was, and see how short it is now. My hair was actually longer than this, cos this long-hair pic was taken last May! Yes it was hard to say Goodbye to it but I just had to find innovative ways to learn to Let Go, and I did :). Some people may say for goddsake its just hair Keshi, but we all have an emotional attachment to the way we look and to our identities. So yeah, I can honestly say it was hard to say Goodbye to my long hair but I thought about all those women and kids without any hair at all (be it from Chemo or illnessses). And where I cut my hair, they take long hairs and donate to wig-making. What a wonderful way to GIVE love.
I'm Gonna Be A Mum!
No I'm not pregnant, neither am I planning for it hehe. There's this dream of mine that I wanted to come true for ages and didn't really find time to see it shaping into reality...and now the time has come for me to make it real. I'm gonna be adopting a little 4yr old boy all the way in Sri Lanka, yes! (sorry I cannot give too many personal details about him or show you his pic due to privacy reasons). This little angel has stolen my heart completely, for even after I looked at his sad big eyes on a certain site's database and switched off my PC, he still hasn't left my heart. 2 weeks ago I saw his photo for the first time and the moment I set my eyes on him, I wanted to give him a life, a childhood, a reason to smile that he probably never experienced before. The website stated his hobbies as 'playing with my toys' and instantly
hot tears welled up in my eyes. He's from a very poor and war-stricken family that often go to bed hungry, and the money that I donate to him every month is apparently more than enough for him and his whole family to survive. Yes, we are so much more luckier than many people out there. Have you ever given it a thought? I hope so. I'm not rich neither am I free of worries or troubles (I have plenty though I don't mention them here, and yes I sleep on a bed of thorns), but I think I have been blessed with many things in life that I'm able to share them with a less fortunate person...with someone who perhaps don't have a safe and happy childhood like I did. I feel alot of people, including my loved-ones, are mangled in their own selfish Wants that they forget to appreciate what they already have...so they whine, kick and cry over what they don't have. They fail to see how many others in this world live without even 1% of what they posses. And that's what makes me wanna be different...different to what the people I know
are seeking from life. Sometimes their endless Wants choke my spirit. You don't have to have a million dollars to share with someone else...sharing only requires a feeling heart, and even $10 would make a difference in someone else's life or day. And what's the point in achieving many things in life, having endless assets and having loads of fun if we can't share? So if all goes well, from next week I'll be that little boy's 2nd mum :). And some day I hope to go visit this wonderful boy and his family in Sri Lanka...cos I wanna do one more thing, and that is HUG him with all my heart!

I'm Gonna Be A Mum!

(please note: This post is not for me to gain praise. By writing about my work towards the needy, I intend to make a positive change in others who may read this. That's my soul intention of letting you all know what I do on the sidelines of my life. Don't honor me for I'm only a small fish in this big ocean of life...if you really wanna make a difference, take a step ahead and help someone in need. Thanks all!)
Current Music: Bed Of Roses by Bon Jovi
192 Cranium Signets:
Oh keshi..that is soo soo soo nice of ya..That prolly gives ppl arnd more than a big measure of what a big heart you have got..It takes a lot to be doing something this and rite now,I am short of words in letting u know how much proud I am of ya.. :)
congos to the new flatmates too though this one has really taken me to a different level.. :)
Take care and all the best wishes... :)
oh wowiee..I was first??Yay!! It cudn have been a better beginning for me today..
Thanks a lot...for the sake of dis earth,we need more and more of ppl like ya.tho,right now am jus helpless,cant even do my bit.. :(
Anyways,nice.. :)
i second memon...we all r so proud of u...jus goes to show how nice a person u r...helpin that lil boy smile...fulfillin his dreams...like menon m fallin short of words...u deserve a standin ovation for this...
do put up d pics wheneva u get d permission...
n btw fridge??? i dont c a fridge...guess m jus too blinded by d magical clothin :P
That is a blessing that you are about to be a blessing to someone!
Man Keshi G-d Bless You Sis! That made my heart dance to read that! Also your Apartment is getting full.., I need to come over for a party! lol
U do have some long hair! do you miss it??? I missed mine and I grew it back and I am ready to let it go again! summer time is coming!!
Again, G-d Bless Keshi!!!
hey keshi,
This is soooo nice to know. I am really proud of knowing someone like you. I really hope that you go to SL and get to meet the boy!!!
Congrats for the new flatmates , the intruder and the good news abt the kid:)
I like this new hair style...:)
Your posts uplift my mood, Keshi :)
And Good to see the cheery you, :)
thanks and wishes,
A small drop constitutes things on the macro scale..So whatever effort that is taken needs to be appreciated..And I dun think its wrong to say it again..again,on how much proud we are,of ya..This aint praise but the expression of gratitude from the deepest corners of my heart..
You have a lot of readeers for whom you are a source of inspiration..You set the example and ppl like me,follow..and I ges wen the tym cums,I ll do all I can to make another person smile.. :)
I can't help but praise . I'm so awed by this act of yours . :)
kudos keshi .
ps- waiting (very eagerly) for the guest posts.
Let me say it again. Hi Angel-heart. Hi Kesh. You did a great thing.
If you remember, you had posed 10 questions in one of your posts on December 17 and one of them was: How do you see me in future? Look for what I wrote.
Long hair or short, you rock!
Heyyyy, Kesh. Goood to see you. And thanks a ton tonna ton for making me barge into your flat. INTRUDER, eh!
So what do I do now? You don't have my mail ID either. How would you mail me, eh!
Will wait for info from your side. Thanks a world again. I felt honoured.
Yay! I'm in...
And what a coincidence Kesh, I did the same thing last week :) You know, after adopting that little girl, I've been thinking - Did I do this for that girl I adopted or did I do this for myself? I can't stop thinking whether I'm selfish to be doing this for satisfying my urge to be good. Coz. Giving money is the easiest thing I can do right now. And even while writing her letters and stuff, I think I might be doing it more for myself. I'm now really challenging myself to do some good which involves me sacrificing something really dear (But too personal to talk about here)...
Take care...
Btw, my email account mentioned in my profile is acting crazy these days. How do I send you my another email address for the joint post?
PS. Love that song :)
Woo-Hoo! I'll box up my stuff and move in immediately. Of course while you're out I'm going to set up a few strategically placed webcams. For your protection, of course. LOL ;-)
You are saying exactly what my parents have taught me ever since I was a kid.
"You don't have to have a million dollars to share with someone else...sharing only requires a feeling heart"
And that's what I have been doing ever since. We can help out people in a lot of ways. Not just by giving them financial aid. Being along with them, guiding them.
My dad is always so short tempered , but has helped so many people and families in his life. And people respect him for. He is the one who taught me a lot of lessons in life and inspired me to do a lot of things.
And I have decided that after i settle down, i will adopt a baby gurl. Watch, care and support her as my own while she grows up.
its not just a dream or fantasy , its my decision.
go keshi!!! that's so nicee of you :) and yes it'll inspire many to do such positive things
Hear ye hear ye..."I AM KESHI'S NEW FLATMATE!!"
Thx Keshi for choosing me!! Now, I am jittery of writing a post that meets ur standards...shall give it a shot!
About ur son-to-be...many people speak a lot...but you have proved that actions speak louder. truly proud of u. And he is a lucky kid indeed for getting a mom like u.
you are doing something really remarkable and extraordinary .
god bless you Keshi
*ahem* And someone was asking me abt being single for V-Day? ;) Congrats to u, the winners and the lucky loser... ;)
And please, what was the reason for you to write that note at the end? Duh! :P
Anyways, I believe in good karma... So, things that go around, come around. To make a difference, *be* the difference.
I wish you well.
PS: U on orkut/facebook..?
PPS: And hell yeah! Me single. :) For that matter, u r too. ;D Of course, provided Auntie B hasn't gate-crashed anything yet.
hey keshi,
sorry abt ur long hair! i can understnd... ;)
congrats on finding ur new flatmates!
and abt u helping the needy, it was really wonderful of u.. I need to say thanks to u as u have done a gr8 job!!! i wish u gud luck in achieving wht u have thot!!
*tips his proverbial hat*
Wow! Six is sexy Babey! ;)
With my name on your blog l am feeling like a celebrity, still dont know how to handle these paparazzi(please please no cameras, haa haa).
Thanks for sharing the pic, they are still longer than mine, I thought I will win "long hair contest", but i guess i need to put some more fertilizers to compete with you.
I had a desire, which I generally dont share, for the fear of reaction and much worse that if it may not come true and i will feel disheartened. Instead of having own kids, i really wanted to adopt a needy kid and raise it, but I am not sure, that if I will be able to do that.
Btw, that is a great thing u have a done, I wish i had such a huge heart.
As I prize I must offer you matrimonial services like aunt B and find u a suitable tamil match(LOL, I was just kiddin! , dont ban me from the blog.*you must be rolling your eyes by now*)
Oh Keshi, you brought tears to my eyes!
Someday you'll get the meet the little guy and give him the biggest hug!
You are doing such a good thing!
Congrats to all the winners that were picked as your flatmates.
Wow! big difference in your hair length and I'm glad to know where you cut your hair they donate to wig making...it's a wonderful thing!
Lotsa HUGS to you, hun!
I'm off to bed...nitey nite!
Hey Keshi..
I am fine :)...back from the break...how are you?...lukin luvly in the new look :)
So proud of you ... I bet this will make everyday of your life a beautiful day!
Oh, great song too!
Oh Keshi..your Heart of Gold melts my heart :D
I cant wait for the group post :P
Am happy for ya and may God bless ya gal :)
take care lotus... cheers...
Keshi...I dont know why but my heart always said one day you will do what you have said here about the kid...!
All I want to tell you is God Bless You and give you courage and strength to take care of this child and let him have a good life - which I am sure you will make sure :)
Luv u dear!
Cheers n Hugz
Hmm.... at last my prayers are answered.... thank you God for giving me this opportunity!
And I am proud really to have such a friend. Here is wishing you and your child a bright and good future.
I know of a childless parents who couldn't conceive kids for the last nine years. Wife wanted to adapt a kid. Husband and the family members discouraged her saying a lot of negative things. And she gave up her dreams. No one seems to understand her.
a friend of mine also contributed his long maine of hair to lock of love. excellent!
hey..could you write about the adoption process and suggest guidelines. I am interested in adopting.
congrats to all the 6 new flat mates :)..and of course the intruder...thats a beautiful post u have ritten :)..the song is soo sweet for the post...loads of love...
Congrats on the motherhood Keshi :)
A really sweet thing you doing there :)
N goodness you got yourself six new flat mates huh :) ... god save you :P ..
Oh, you are so, so special to give that little boy a second chance at life. Love you. x
u r one helluva woman!!! huuuuuuuuugggzzz to u! :)
Oh Keshi, you made me so proud of you today. He will bring joy to your life, I believe that and vice versa!
Good job sweetie, bring in a sister for him too. Girls need us more than boys in Asia, remember that always! Hugs to you! :))
Says hi to all the 6 guys + the intruder.
If I were to suggest, I think u should be hoping next flight to Colombo.
It is a great gesture.
I know u aint one bit boastful at all (especially is it is not John Ambraham :D).
I salute u, it is great gesture.
We all have wants but few have the will to give and share.
I am honoured to read what u plan to do.
hey keshi,
i want to adopt..ya..
its a way to be grateful to humanity.one of my neghbiur adopted a baby..girl..i could see the 1 yr old to be thankful in its eyes.
Ths nice ya..you are able to do it..are ppl in ur family..supporting it.
Congrats to all winners. Love your hairstyle and looks nice on you. I am sure you will enjoy that sweet trip to see that little heart..
Ohhh...*tries to blush and smile at the same time*-what a thrilling post to read at the end of the week- just what I needed,frankly,after a tiring week..looking forward to the 'flatmate topic',Keshi!!:)(PS I checked gmail twice today,to see if there's a mail there..LOL)
The 'before and after' of Keshi's hair also made me grin..well,u're right- hair's as much a part of a person as any other-so, losing it must've been a bit painful(Like the time I shaved my moustache nearly 10 yrs back after a dozen deliberations...ROFL..must post about that someday)
What a lovely thought- adopting a 5 yr old kid..I love your kind soul!And, I so agree-when God has given us enough to keep us happy,it always feels good to share it with the less fortunate!That reminded me of a small 'diary'which our sponsored child sent to me,and,it was,perhaps the only thing last yr that brought a tear to my eye...it had a pic of him happily reading a paper, his ambition to be a doctor,and so on...written in such an honest tone that I was left speechless!Maybe that deserves a post,too!!:)*smiles*
Tks again for the pleasant surprise.
love you even more now ... its a proud feeling to call you my friend ... god bless yaa !!!
and abt ur haircut ... i can truly understand ... i once had kept a french beard for about 6-8 months ... but when i had to get rid of it ... it was a horrible feeling something akin to getting stripped off :)
u take care mate ... was really proud to read this post.
Wow!i cant believe my eyes.....and i really dunno how to react!! :) I won....Yeyy!U made my day babe. I cant believe u chose me from the teeming millions who comment on ur posts. ;) Thanks a ton sweets and i shall wait for ur mail. I knw its gonna b great fun!! :P
And for what u hav done....i hav only one word and that is "Overwhelming".....tht was wht u felt when i read abt u adopting a child. Thts the best tht privileged ppl like us can do, to do our bit. I love u for being the human being tht u r hun!! *Hugs*
Hey Keshi :)
it was really heart warming to know about the little boy :) i do pray your message gets across to many people. it's one thing we bloggers are good at: we can make ppl think if we want to.. and my dear, you did a marvelous job doing that :)
may God give you the strength and resources to give that boy a new and better life.
lots of love!
u have a beautiful heart keshi :)i have always thought of doing something but never actually got to it..i mean ive done a bit here n there but theres so much to do! jus to let u know, i;ve been around, n i keep checkin ur blog every nw n then :) loved ur new haircut :)
i'm stunned by your personality :)
Wishing you a happy friday & a good weekend!
HUGS to a very special person that always make my heart smile!
Nikhil Im not the only one...so many ppl ard the world sponsor children who r in need...in need of our help.
tnxx for ur encouragement! Now I'll do my job even better :)
yes Nikhil ur the first in this post and I take it as a great blessing to start my journey with my first child :) TY!
**for the sake of dis earth,we need more and more of ppl like ya
o cmon...there r loads of such ppl...just that we dun hear abt em much...cos this world only seem to focus on evil these days, sadly.
ty Mayz!
no need to be proud of me...its only a very small gesture cos there r still so many needy children in this world :(
**do put up d pics wheneva u get d permission...
I will do my best there! Cos I do wanna show u all his cute lil face...I LOVE HIM already!
**i dont c a fridge...guess m jus too blinded by d magical clothin
hahaha Mayz!
ty Ne MWAH!
**Also your Apartment is getting full.., I need to come over for a party
aww u hv to drop by! That wud be the awesomest day in my house! LOL!
Abt my boy...he's gonna be just fine...and Im gonna tell him abt all of u too...he has alot of aunts and uncles now!
ty for the encouragement Prashanti!
I really wanna go visit him some day...he's only 4. At first I thought he was 5 but they confirmed to me just now that he's just 4. Such a baby!
Southy tnxx!
Did u not read the rest of the post? :)
hey ty Devika!
All's well that ends well right? :)
keshi gal...first of all...really respect ur decision. Not all can do it..god wil bles u always...wish u all the best mummy!!! im to happy n proud to knw a person like u... im not simply praising..but im amazed wit a good hearted person like u!
tcare always anits
aww tnxx Nikhil, its really too much to take lol! Im not such a saint...Im just trying to do what I CAN do. :)
**A small drop constitutes things on the macro scale
I agree...and I hope this child will see things that he DESERVES to see from whatever I can provoide for him, as long as I can.
And Im sure u will DO ur bit when ur Calling beckons. Im sure of it.
ty Truthful :)
The joint post may take some time...cos I hv to come up with a novel idea, email them, wait for them to write their posts and then merge em all into a post etc. So yeah, it will take some time.
Soul yes I rem ur reply to that! How true ha? :)
TY for inspiring and encouraging me here...I guess everything u guys tell me here brings out a new side of me too. It truly helps.
Soul the Intruder! ;-)
I will email ya soon ok.
WOW Rakesh thats a great move!
** I can't stop thinking whether I'm selfish to be doing this for satisfying my urge to be good.
why? its not abt praise, its abt providing possibilities for that child. and if u feel HAPY by doing that, thats not something wrong either. u r entitled to feel happy abt it.
I will email u soon ok, tnxx! :)
haha Jay come on over!
**Of course while you're out I'm going to set up a few strategically placed webcams. For your protection, of course
I so know that u truly CARE abt me!
ty Vaisakh!
I think ur dad is like my dad..always helping ppl. He used to help so many ppl that when he died, 1000s came to his funeral!
** We can help out people in a lot of ways. Not just by giving them financial aid. Being along with them, guiding them.
I agree. By being there for someone who needs ya, by sharing knowledge wisdom n time, by reaching out...there r so many ways to HELP n SHARE!
And Im sure u will abide by ur DECISION some day :) Good luck!
Elithraniel tnxx!
yes inspiration can be infectious :)
hey Nita WC to my home! ;-)
**Now, I am jittery of writing a post that meets ur standards...shall give it a shot!
hey everyone has their own style and skill when it comes to blogging. And I really admire the way u write...I dun think I can write like u either :)
Abt my boy...I cant wait to hear from him!
I just got the confirmation...yeah Im officially his mum now :)
aww ty Vaisakh!
Many ppl r doing it btw, not only me :)
Kartz Im as single as a one-way ticket lol but Im a mum already! :)
**what was the reason for you to write that note at the end?
I just wanted to emphasise on wut my purpose in blogging is...
Kartz btw Aunty-B has been blocked. LOL!
hey ty Swetha!
aww Trevor :)
Anuz u can keep that prize ok! *ROFL!*
**With my name on your blog l am feeling like a celebrity, still dont know how to handle these paparazzi
hehehe...just flick ur hair and smile to the camera! ;-)
why d u fear other ppl's reactions? do wut u like Anuz. My family dont even know I sponsored this kid...when I get the pics n letters from this lil boy, I'll show em to my mum, sis and others...Im sure they'll love him too. Bit if they dun, I still dun care. Cos this is MY DREAM and that lil BOY'S DESTINY. The rest dun matter to me.
ty Margie!
The snipped it off and I heard it all fall on the ground...I loved the feeling of letting go. ;-)
I emailed ya..read it when u hv time. And yes Bon Jovi is my first love! :)
Hobo hey tnxx mate!
*shakes hands*
ty Prakar so how was ur break? :)
Shionge HUGS!
ty Arv!
ty Dawny!
**I dont know why but my heart always said one day you will do what you have said here about the kid
awww...and u know why...cos I wrote abt doing this long time ago. maybe that post is in ur head? :) ty for the great encouragement n HUGS!
yeyyyy Suresh!
The many coconuts u broke at the temple worked right? LOL!
**Husband and the family members discouraged her saying a lot of negative things.
Thats a noble act Sun!
ok Just_Call I'll email ya soon.
Hemz tnxx!
hey Charmed_one tnxx! :)
yeah the more the merrier..hehehe..
ty Nora!
nah girl Im not special...just that I thought HARDER than some others do :)
Trinaa thats cos I dun complicate things...helping someone in need is as simple as eating my lunch right? :)
aww ty for the well wishes n the blessings Asha! Im stoked.
**He will bring joy to your life, I believe that and vice versa!
yes..cos he already did :) I only got the confirmation today and Im now his mum hehe. And I cant express the happiness Im feeling right now!!!
aww ty Tarun! I feel happy with all ur blessings n encouragement.
**We all have wants but few have the will to give and share.
I agree. But it took a long time to arrive at this step. I had this vision 5yrs ago...and only today it came true!
Tarun u should see him...he's only 4, tan, big naughty eyes and he's not even smiling at the camera..he has a quizzical look...such an interesting pose! I love him already.
ty Crazy!
**Ths nice ya..you are able to do it..are ppl in ur family..supporting it.
no one knows yet. Im gonna show his pics to them when they arrive in the mail. They dun need to SUPPORT me...Im self-made and I make my own decisions :)
hey ty Priya! :)
dunno when I can go to SL, but I know I WILL.
hi keshi...i hv wrote abt u in my blog ;)
hey Amit yeyy yeyy yeyy! :) Imagine living with Keshi? Im sure u'll go crazy lol!
**PS I checked gmail twice today,to see if there's a mail there..LOL)
haha stop doing that. I'll only send u an email after a couple of days...cos right now Im really busy and I hvnt even come up with an idea for the joint post. So relax Amit LOL!
aww u hv a sponsored child too? I'd love a post on it. I always knew u had a very kind heart Amit. I think u should write abt ur experiences with ur child and share it with the world...we need to wake the dormant compassion of this world.
ty Hiren!
no need to be proud of me...cos there r so many ppl doing this same thing :)
ty for the encouragement tho!
ty Ria and yes ur finally in my house! Something I always wanted :):)
I'll email u all in a couple of days ok!
thats the same feeling I got this morning when I received the confirmation! yes Im his 2nd mum now :) FROM TODAY!
aww ty Sunshine girl!
**. it's one thing we bloggers are good at: we can make ppl think if we want to..
yes thats so true!
I hope more ppl will reach out to more needy kids ard the world. Its only a very small fraction of our monthly earnings...but its their whole life!
hey Angel WB! I missed ya girl. Hope all is well with ya.
**i mean ive done a bit here n there but theres so much to do
I agree. I hv done some charity too but I still felt that twas not enough. I had to give more...do more...so this is my new step. I hope I do more n more in the future. Cos like u said, there'll always be MORE TO DO.
Bla hey no need to be stunned..its really nothing, cos so many ppl do it :) I'd really be totally content if I cud visit some hunger-stricken places in the world and spend some time with those ppl...to experience their lives. I think that time will come for that too...some day I hope.
HUGS Margie u hv a great time at the game now! :)
aww Anits Im touched. TY n HUGS!
I need all ur blessings...thats why I wrote abt it :)
Some day soon I hope I can show u his pic too.
Anits wut OMG! :) ok I'll come ard now!
Thats such a kind and thoughtful gesture Keshi...Personaly, I cannot imagine doing something like this coz perhaps I dnt have the guts for it...Kudos gal...
The last post regarding Chriz and U was so damn funny...cant wait to read about ur flatmates.....
Take care.
In your email I could feel your elation....OMG....I'm so very happy for you Keshi...ur a mum!
Yeah, wouldn't it be so cool if we were at the game together except my most excellent baseball player of a son might have his game suffer as I do believe his eyes might be on you....hahaha!
Rejection was because the blood. The seniors were of the belief that the child may have come from some bad blood etc. Its disgusting..
ty Diana HUGS!
** I cannot imagine doing something like this coz perhaps I dnt have the guts for it
I felt like that before...but the guts and everything else will come when the TIME is right :)
til then dun worry abt it girl.
Margie yes Im so excited! Cos I was never a mum and I feel this boy will give me Joy as much as I'd be able to give him joy.
He's a big addition to my life's beauty. OMG he's only 4, such a small teddy bear! :)
**my most excellent baseball player of a son might have his game suffer as I do believe his eyes might be on you
HAHAHAHA! well u hv a very handsome son...I might not follow the game, I'll just follow him lol!
Suresh thats a very mean thing for them to say abt an innocent child that they hvnt even met.
I guess if ur friend believe in wut these ppl said and didnt go ahead with the adoption, then its not her calling. Cos we cant do something just cos someone else is doing it. There has to be a real interest and a genuine FEELING towards the deed. If not, its best they dun do it at all.
**Well u have a very handsome son...I might not follow the game, I'll just follow him.lol!**
Now that really made me laugh as there are so many girls at his school who go to the games and do just that...just there to keep their eyes on all the good looking baseball players.lol!
When we were at a game last fall a girl came up and asked me if my son had a girlfriend.lol!
Keshi, I know how much joy that precious little boy will give you and you'll give him so much joy also as him most caring & wonderful mum!
A huge addition to your life's beauty!
Yes, indeed!
It's just wonderful!
I wish so much I was there to give you a huge HUG of congrats.
That will have to do!
haha Margie I know ur son is a good sword ;-) I hv seen him. Lucky girls who get to see him in person! IM SO JEALOUS!
It's a good Friday for you, isn't it, Keshi!?
I can feel your heart is colored with love!
Oh, I'm so very, very sorry you won't get a peek at the handsome baseball player! lol!
Oh, he once saw a picture of you and I think he said, WOW!
Keeping the HUG-a-thon going then.
We are kinda silly, huh?
But I like it!
I need to go make some hot cider for me & hubby now.
Probably be back one more time,
ty ty ty Margie luv!
I know he said WOW...u think I can forget that easily Margie? LOL!
yeah I know we r the silliest pair on Earth..one with blonde hair and the other with black hair. HAHA but I love WE! :)
Hv a great time 'cidering' with ur hubby! ;-)
tata luv!
ROFL-Keshi-me go crazy?I'm sure it'll be the other way round(No pun intended..LOL!)!!:)
Okies,won't check my ayeayealatgmail a/c after checking right now.
The sponsored child-yes-I'll surely do a post on that..he deserves it.
gud mornin sweets...how is the sunshine today...i just emailed u ...waiting for the reply...
ty Amit!
stay tuned..I'll send u a mind-boggling topic lol!
hey Hemz I just replied. relax :)
oh Keshi girl.. how much i love u...
only if i had been a guy!!i wud certainly be on my knees tomm and propose u to marry me.. then we can take care this kid together... :-)
Love u babe...send him a hug from me..
Congrats for your new flatmates...
hope to get a new hilarious post soon :D :D
u had looong and beautiful hairs... thats sweet :)))
I guess we both are working with telepathy... infact today only I was thinking of adopting a baby... :D :D hahahahhahahaha ..
but a good deed... and keep it up :D
aww ty Rat and I'd gladly marry ya! :):)
**only if i had been a guy!!i wud certainly be on my knees tomm and propose u to marry me.. then we can take care this kid together
unfortunately there r no such guys in real life...Most r either after looks or after a nanny. And most r pathetic liars.
Chakoli u too? WOW nice one girl! So r u really gonna do it?
hey did someone leave a comment JUST NOW? cos I accidentally DELETED it ooops! So cud u pls leave that comment again. tnxx and Im really sorry!
wer is my reply :P...heheh..no u dint del my comment for sure :)..
I did. I did. I did. And I deleted it too. Oooops!
Wow Keshi....I am so proud of you. So when is this lovely new member of the blogging family joining you and when do we get to meet him?
I hope he's naughty and drives you up the wall :P :P
And I'v not had a chance to be your roommate yet...next time maybe. Not been able to audition the last two times you see
Hi Hun
I just came back to say "have a simply wonderful weekend."
It's snowing here now and I just know we are going to freeze at the baseball game.
We are bringing Jake so I'll just have to snuggle up to him and have his warm fur keep me warm.
It's going to be a very wintery day on Sat...
Well, till we talk again take care and know that you are loved!
Oh, if you have flowering trees in your yard, may they drop thousands of petals to make a silky carpet for you to lie on!
(the poet in me could not resist saying that.)
Sooperb! I am so proud of you gurl....
Keep up the good work...and be blessed always!
Hugz :)
wow 8 people, that's quite a number!!
And indeed you have done a noble job by bringing a smile on a babies life, you rock gal!! cheers
Without a doubt, your hair is much better now than before. I love it.
Good on you for your humanitarian work! If everyone did what you're doing, imagine the number of kids that could be helped.
I was reading ur blog posts and found some of them to be very good.. u write well.. Why don't you popularize it more.. ur posts on ur blog ‘Viva forever...’ took my particular attention as some of them are interesting topics of mine too;
BTW I help out some ex-IIMA guys who with another batch mate run www.rambhai.com where you can post links to your most loved blog-posts. Rambhai was the chaiwala at IIMA and it is a site where users can themselves share links to blog posts etc and other can find and vote on them. The best make it to the homepage!
This way you can reach out to rambhai readers some of whom could become your ardent fans.. who knows.. :)
Its very nice of u to adopt a boy from SL keshi. Reading dis post brought tears to me.
Its my heartiest wish to give life to as many as kids.. Not now, coz I'm still studying..So, after I graduate.
I'm so happy for that boy. Bless u gal.
u hv something on my blog.. http://silhouetteinthemirror.blogspot.com/
I am not going to praise you!!
I am not going to say,WOW! you are doing a spelndid job!
I am not going to say,you are one in a million,
I am not going to say,you are so sweet,
I am not going to say,you inspire lot of people by your gesture.
I am not going to say,
I am not going....
I am not...
I am....
Yes Keshi girl.....By this you are removing the feeling of "I" from everyone of us atleast for this moment.
Need I have to say Thanks girl??? I won't becasue I know a beautiful soul,so NO. Keep it up!!
Give him tight hug on my behalf when you see him in person..
Coming to your new flatmates.....
"Big Brother" concept on the net!!! What an idea!!!! Hope you have fixed enough camera for us to see it LIVE!!All the very best
firstly, im soo very much looking fwd to ur story..considering the last one was a riot im sure this one will be equally good or maybe i should say 6 times better :D
as for ur haircut, u looking glam as usual dear and theres no doubt about that...besides im sure ul get a lot of blessings from those hair recipients ;p
ahh and lastly but most importantly i have to tell u that im really proud of you and u deserve one big hug from me for that genuine gesture :)
Hey K!!!
I am so late to comment!! :(!!
But I guess it's better late than never!! :P
Hey that was awesome...I am sooooooo proud of you!!!...Touche!!! Kudos!!!
K you on orkut??? or fb??
Take Care
i made a mental note to praise ur new hairstyle but the last para stole the thunder! i'm certainly proud of u! god bless u dearie.
Happy Vday Keshi!Cheeries!
nice to help people who are less fortunate than we are(especially kids)..good job keshi..I am proud of you!
congrats to all you new roommate...I hope..u dont give my room away to anyone else....
Thats such a sweet gesture sweety!I admire you all the more after i read that!
The kid is sure lucky that he'll be getting someone like uoy to look after him!
Happy Motherhood!
Love ya
And a big hug for the kiddo too!
Hi, Keshi... fantastic posting. Congratulations.
Happy Valentine`s Day.
tat was inspiring gal...
Keshi that is so nice of you to adopt a child.yes we often complain about the stupid things that happen to us and this is a reminder to us to start thinking about other people in thisw world who are not as fortunate as we are.I admire you.and congrats on the new flatmates.have a good weekend.
new flatmates...now this will be one interesting rendezvous:D
awesum stuff Keshi...as I tell u often, u r an inspiration!!!
no greater joy in the world than to bring about a positive change in someone else's life!!!
:) very sweet...
wow dear..
you are so kind.i am too selfish,
always complaining about this and that.
i appreciate what u are doing at such a young age.
take care and hugs
congratulations to the flatmates
hey keshi..I am so proud to be a friend of ours..I think if only a fraction of the expatriate population of the World does this small gesture..then I don't think we will necessarily have to beg to the foreign countires for aids and all.
btw. I am also working on a social initaitive wid some friends..hope fully very soon something fruitful will emerge.
Keep up the good work..you are inspiring a lot of others!!!
Did I complement you on how beautiful you are looking in the new look...well I just did :)))
100% right Keshi .. sometimes its not money ... a smile of compassion helps ... I reckon if everyon gave one £1, $1, it could help the unfortunate ones in this world.
I think people do want to help but really do not know how to.
hugs for you
Hey Hemz :)
haha its ok Soul :)
hey SMM tnxx!
**So when is this lovely new member of the blogging family joining you and when do we get to meet him?
aww he already joined my life...from yday :) I hope I do get permission to put his pic up on my blog so u all can see him...he's really nuaghty looking, lol thats why I chose him!
aww Margie I wish both Jake and u r over here in Syd!
**if you have flowering trees in your yard, may they drop thousands of petals to make a silky carpet for you to lie on!
wut a beauuutiful wish to make for someone! ur wonderful Margie HUGS n ty!
ty Shachi! :)
hey ty Moi! :)
hey ty AB!
I agree...I wish more ppl wud do this kinda thing.
hey ty Ray!
I usually dun post anywhere else than in my own blog :)
but tnxx alot for ur great encouragement!
Vani tnxx and I know u will do it some day. All the best hun!
Trinaa u made my day dahlin tnxx MWAH!
hey ty Maddy! :)
**By this you are removing the feeling of "I" from everyone of us atleast for this moment.
lil by lil we all hv to aim at that right? ty so much for the encouragement Maddy!
yes Big Brother in Blogville haha!
aww ty so much Pri HUGGGGGGGGZ! :)
I cant wait to talk to the lil one....
hey ty Akshat!
I dun do orkut but someone copied my pics and created fake profiles there.
I hope ur hvn a good wknd Akshat :)
aww ty Ammu HUGS!
He's a 4yr old Tamil boy...
ty Amy!
KP tnxx and nah ur room is locked until u come home ;-)
aww ty Akanksha!
Im a mum w.o. a dad hehehehe...
ty Dave!
hey tnxx Nirmal :)
hey ty Starry!
I think u all contributed to my decision here...over the years, being in Blogville has 'cleaned me up' big time. I was so rusty when I came here. But my love and personality grew from knowing u all and ur lives etc. I became NEW n FRESH.
so TY!
CN ur right, there's no other JOY greater than that!
:) Archana...
ty oo7!
hey Im sometimes very selfish too. Just cos I adopted a kid doesnt mean Im a saint lol!
aww ty Rahul, especially for the compliments ;-) Coming from u, it was special!
**I am also working on a social initaitive wid some friends..hope fully very soon something fruitful will emerge.
Now thats a great job. I wish u all the best in it! And do keep us posted on it ok?
hey HUGS Trinity n tnxx!
**I think people do want to help but really do not know how to.
I agree.
sometimes its the other way around tho..there r many ways to help but ppl just dun make that first step. maybe they feel scared or dun trust enough to help a total stranger. I was like that...but I came out of it all.
that was cooll.. so new flatmates... and me gotta pack my bags? anyways all packed.. so anytime before ya kick me out... i prefer non violence ...
cool :)
its certainly not just words of praise... but its a lovely thing thta u decided to do...
I have been tryin to do something similar for quite some time now...
I first wanna settle down and waitin for hubby to get a job etc so that i can adopt a child's education and stuff...
Keshi..i am speechless. I want that compassionate heart of yours. Kudos of being a builder of a young life and MUm.
hey Kartz thats cute smile :)
haha Chirz Im a great fan of non-violence too so duncha worry...I wont KICK u out, instead I'll KISS u out ;-)
hey Rahul :)
aww thats really very kind n compassionate of ya Enigma!
hey Amy tnxx luv!
every one of us has that kind heart...sometimes we just hv to dig deeper to find it.
u know u hv it too Amy...cos I know wut a great soul u r.
Keshi...so what's the name of our newest member? You have to put up a post of his antics soon :)
SMM according to the authorities I sponsored the kid from, making his personal details public is not allowed. But I can ask them later on, if I can put up his pic in my blog etc...although Im not sure if its the right thing to do, by him I mean :(
but I really do wanna share his details with u all...cos this is a first time for me to hv a connection with a child (total stranger) in this manner. And its a magical journey for me...it feels so unreal! Its an absolutely FREEING experience for my soul too.
I'll see wut I can do ok.
tnxx for ur encouragement luv!
I read this post, Keshi. Sorry that I didn't write comment. This week I was sick, so I only read your post, than I forgot to come back. Thanks for reminder.
I am proud of you!!!Definitely.
You are smart woman, you will be great mom. I think that all kids are our. When I was in your age I thopught about adoption too. But I had a problem with my health. Than I had my own 2 kids.
I wish you good luck!!!
About the only thing I can write is that your inner beauty outshines what I see with your pictures.
This post is not for me to gain praise.
Never thought that for a minute. In fact it would be good if you did write about your efforts to help others.
I feel alot of people, including my loved-ones, are mangled in their own selfish Wants that they forget to appreciate what they already have...so they whine, kick and cry over what they don't have.
One of the many things that baffles me is how many people just want things for no other reason that they think their lives will be improved by owning a bigger house, fast shiny car, or a mega-sized television. A certain amount of material desire is okay but for us in the Western world it has gone out of control. So much that we brazenly overlook those who don't even have the basis needs to live since it might prevent us from fulfilling our own selfish wants. I look forward to hearing more about your efforts.
I must add that I'm doing a little volunteer work with kids at a school close to my job. Its called "Lunch Buddies" and all I do is have lunch with a kid that is without a grownup that he or she can talk with and feel like someone cares. It ain't much but its a start.
keshi, no words for this post. it all started in a happy n carefree note and ended on a humanitarian note. may this post bring some change in at least a couple of people. may GOD bless u
Okay so don't tell us his name then...just tell us about him. And howz it been on your and your family?
hey ty Krys for ur sweet encouragement!
aww ty BB!
I know that u always, I mean ALWAYS, understood wut Im trying to say. Im VERY lucky to hv ya as a mate here.
** I'm doing a little volunteer work with kids at a school close to my job. Its called "Lunch Buddies" and all I do is have lunch with a kid that is without a grownup that he or she can talk with and feel like someone cares. It ain't much but its a start.
Wonderful! Its not the size of the job that matters, its how much it makes the other person's life better that matters. And Im sure those kids' lives r a million times better to hv someone to talk to n hv lunch with. Its the simple things like that that r the BIG things in life.
Im v proud of ya BB.
Satish Im glad I cud do that too :) really glad hehe.
SMM Im waiting for to receive his portfolio in the mail.
Abt my family..they dun even know, not yet :) When I receive all his details n pics, I will show it to em. I know there'll always be ppl whose ideas dun quite gel with my ideas, but it really doesnt bother me. Cos this is my money that Im spending, my dream that Im realising and an innocent child that will be smiling.
That will do for me :). The rest dun matter.
Guess what?
I went to visit a Indian-Sri Lankhan family and they had a painting of a woman ...which reminded me of you so much.I know I have seen your pics in this blog... but still..that's what I imagine u look like- slender but not bony, great smile, really big eyes and lovely hair...
awww sweettie a kiddoo.. aww that lovely.. i love kidddssss...
yaaayy u r going to be a mum.. congrats.. it is a big responsibility.. :) so good luck.. am sure u will be just great..
hehe and 6 flat mates.. hnnm wonder whats happening in keshi land now.. ooooo cant wait.. :)
aww Lavida HUGS! u thought of me? that means alot to me.
** u look like- slender but not bony, great smile, really big eyes and lovely hair...
hehe close...HUGS n ty sweetz!
yes Ani Im a mum now...altho Im not anywhere close to the kid, I hope to be of some help to him in any possible way I can from here.
lol me and my flatmates ha! :)
wow keshi..
i love you and even more for wat u have decided to do :)
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