Now who wants to have some fun with me? It's frikkin Wednesday and when the week seems to be going so slow and you feel like killing a work-mate and going to jail instead of working, what do you do other than play a nice little game to perk you up, right. So here it goes:
SCENARIO: Imagine you're stuck with me in a jungle after a plane-crash (and yeah I'd look like this even after a plane crash, cos as it crashes I'd try my best to hold my hair, put some lipstick on and crash in style aha!). Apparently you and I are the only survivors ***eerie jungle sounds follow***. None of us are badly injured but we are lost in the dense forest and it seems like we are going to be spending a few nights by ourselves before Help arrives (without food and water in sight). Now there's one more thing you need to know.
You just get to know that this is Keshi the Blogger after all, and I get to know you're that Blogger I used to know as well...and we are thrilled to find that out about ourselves and since we always wanted to meet, this becomes our opportunity to catch up as well (and yeah it takes a plane crash for you to catch up with Keshi!). Amidst our doomed flying encounter, we are thrilled to find out that atleast we are blog-buddies keeping each other company (no need to even give each other a self-intro cos we already know a bit about each other).
QUESTION: Now since I know you fairly well and you know me well too (well enough to know that I'm not Ted Bundy's cousin sis and you're not Jack The Ripper's reincarnation), how would you cooperate with me and get us out of here? It doesn't have to be a long answer, just tell me how you'd work with me to get out of this jungle and get help for us. It would be great to know what we'd do if we met each other for the first time in a situation like this. And please be honest with your answers cos in the jungle we can't lie...scary ha!
SOME GOOD-TO-KNOW FACTS: The jungle is a mysterious
place...there'll be dangerous animals as well as unexpected encounters with the weather, and you may even fall into traps that you've never known of. Also you'll be dealing with a manaic girl who can't go past a single day without her toothbrush, a bodywash, coffee and her eyeliner (Excuse me, is there a Coffee machine in the Jungle?). Man I need fresh clothes and my Deo as well (looks like this is not gonna be much fun as I expected it to be urrrrrrggg!). btw I'm terrified of creepy-crawlies and I loathe mozzie-bites with a vengenace! Anwyays, deal with it now that you're stuck with me hehehe. And don't be sad if I eat all the food you find, and say Sorry afterwards. Beware of this girl, she takes pics even if she's in the land of nowhere (see my glamor pics on the right taken on it's not a Bolly flick, it's just a love of nature aha!). To be lost in the jungle with Keshi is actually scarier than the jungle itself! Ok, so once you write your answer, I'll tell you how I'd work with you to get out of the mess we are in (for the Winning answer only). After all, it's a team effort right! (you might have to try a little harder to get me off the trees first for me to be in the team - no I'm not a Baboon lol!).
This post would reveal how well we know each other, and how we'd use that to get out of a situation like this. I'd pick out the best answer and update this post with it AND my answer at the end of all your entries. Thanks in Advance guys! btw, I have been tagged by some of my friends here...I love that particular tag, I'll do it next I promise. Til then, take care, tata and don't forget to have fun in the jungle now! Now bring out your survival instincts and make the best use of em! ***Hyenas' cries follow*** (now that's not much fun I know, Keshi runs like a maniac!).
SCENARIO: Imagine you're stuck with me in a jungle after a plane-crash (and yeah I'd look like this even after a plane crash, cos as it crashes I'd try my best to hold my hair, put some lipstick on and crash in style aha!). Apparently you and I are the only survivors ***eerie jungle sounds follow***. None of us are badly injured but we are lost in the dense forest and it seems like we are going to be spending a few nights by ourselves before Help arrives (without food and water in sight). Now there's one more thing you need to know.
QUESTION: Now since I know you fairly well and you know me well too (well enough to know that I'm not Ted Bundy's cousin sis and you're not Jack The Ripper's reincarnation), how would you cooperate with me and get us out of here? It doesn't have to be a long answer, just tell me how you'd work with me to get out of this jungle and get help for us. It would be great to know what we'd do if we met each other for the first time in a situation like this. And please be honest with your answers cos in the jungle we can't lie...scary ha!
SOME GOOD-TO-KNOW FACTS: The jungle is a mysterious
This post would reveal how well we know each other, and how we'd use that to get out of a situation like this. I'd pick out the best answer and update this post with it AND my answer at the end of all your entries. Thanks in Advance guys! btw, I have been tagged by some of my friends here...I love that particular tag, I'll do it next I promise. Til then, take care, tata and don't forget to have fun in the jungle now! Now bring out your survival instincts and make the best use of em! ***Hyenas' cries follow*** (now that's not much fun I know, Keshi runs like a maniac!).
Current Music: I Need A Hero by Bonnie Tyler
136 Cranium Signets:
I think we're gonna do the kon tiki thing, make a Tom Hanks style raft and hook Wilson to the post and make a row for it. Until then, we can be all about getting the vines and Fed Ex packages together while subsisting on coconuts and discussion of what to blog about next - all the while, playing in the trees and bemoaning the lack of a digital camera as well.
Well this really won't be so bad because I'm a natural leader and always stay calm cool and collected at all times.
I would allow you to go through the dead people's luggage, and yours, to get all the personal items you need. Of course, you have to carry whatever you bring, so don't forget that. Well, I'll help with some of it, but not all.
I'll make some weapons out of the pieces of the plane and gather some of the equipment that I think we'll need. I would gather the food, but I'm afraid animals will pick up the scent and stalk us.
So, I'll have to go out and kill whatever we eat. Don't worry I'll eat mine raw on the spot and then bring your food back to you and cook it.
When you are bathing in the river that we will be following I will resist the urge to sneak a peak. No matter how much I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to look, I won't. I want you to know that you can trust me.
At night I will keep you warm without copping any feels. Again, this shows my AMAZING will power. I will not sleep, that way you will know that you are safe since I'm keeping an eye out for any threats and you will be able to get some sleep in peace and quiet.
Of course, lying there holding you to keep you warm, looking at your amazing beauty that really comes through in the soft glow of the fire that I built, it will be tempting to kiss you. But I can't take advantage of the situation. It would be unfair and I would feel guilty.
Finally, after a few days, when you don't think you will be able to go any further I will simply pick you up and carry you. Again, making sure not to cop any feels. I will carry you for two full days until we finally emerge from the jungle and find a Starbucks to go in and use a real bathroom and get some coffee and maybe a nice piece of cake or a big cookie.
Afterwards we will be able to get hotel rooms .. separate of course ... we will get cleaned up and buy new clothes and catch up on needed sleep and read some blogs, of course. Then, on our last night in town, before we fly own to our final destination, we will have a wonderful dinner at a fancy hotel. While eating dinner you will thank me so much for saving your life and I'll be all modest and shit. Then you'll lean over and give me the greatest, most sensual, sexiest kiss in the history of the world.
About a year later we'll get married.
Hi Keshi
Just enough time to say "hi" and
"bye", as I'm heading out to a movie with a friend.
Should be some interesting answers on this post!
Cu Later.
Sending you HUGGGGGGGZ!
Happy Wednesday!
Hi Keshi
Why do I think I've already seen the movie?
'Sit right back and you’ll hear a tale'
‘Blue Lagoon’ No, I’m not even going to go this route. LOL I’m getting visions of Tarzan and Jane.
If we were stuck with each other after a plane crash, one of us may have to eat the other to survive—it has been done in the real world. (That was one hell of a sick line!)
Since I’m about 10% Indian, I would likely send out smoke signals. Not to get rescued, but to order pizza. Then, I would see if they can get it to us in 30 minutes.
As for coffee, I never leave home without it—oh, sorry, that’s my American Express card. (You may not get this line because it’s referring to a commercial aired in the States.)
As for getting to know each other, you may be surprised to know that you may have seen my work before we met on the blogs. It likely made you sick. LOL
No men, but we do have baboons. Hmmm. Might not be different.
I just remembered we won't have to chomp down on each other because we can eat the dead people. (This is very sick.)
Keshi..From now on I will make sure I carry extra toiletries and somethng to kill the creepy crawlies because incase i am lost in a jungle with u ,I can lend you some stuff and you won't feel to bad, BTW will carry some instant coffee too. Keshi i would love to meet you someday.I think you are cool.
I actually had dreams of being stuck on a desert islands (one quieter than in LOST, that is) and get to know stranger. Nothing bad eh, just intellectually :D
I wonder if I'd freak out.
Well Firstly, it would be awesome to realise i know you! Keshi! would be a total of wowies and happiness for a while and that the reality hit us.
Hmm..For one thing, something i can't help but think i would love to do is find coconuts, drink them with u. use them as Coconut boobies. Scrap some leaves. And do a hula skirt for both of us. Search for some flowers (am sure they have some) and make those round head accesories 4 us. collect shells and make a long necklace to dress us. This would not be the first thing i would do when we realise we have be stranded. can't help but say it before anything else. something i would do next after planning to look for resources with ya. and yeah log woods for fire, rocks to start a fire, available food, any fruits.
AS for da creepy crawlies. I think i can take care of that for u. =)
And the food. I know that you will never eat all the food up without thinking of me and my share. you will definitely keep some or even sacrifice some if there is not enough. given ya heart keshi. thats undeniable. *hugz*
As for clothes, hula and coco nuts could save the day. wear and tear. each time it tears we make new ones. like adam and eve. hehe! except we are both straight.. girl fun comes into to make things fun and nice. and talk talk talk all day long about our blogs. what we really tot of each other. the reality of our lives. and hopefully the phone camera works. we could snap snap snap!
and of course, i dun think u will complain much. more like u would probably just scream when frustration gets too much and just try to adapt what u can for now.
And if any of us are wearing bright colour like red. We would find a stick and hang it so any helicopter or plane or ship can save us. plus the fire fumes.
And while waiting, we gonna do girl fun. talk , get personal and set up our little mini temp house for the both dolls. US!
haha..this is fun. i enjoyed picturing this up.
and after that..we will be closer than eva. or find out we don't really like each other. honestly, after going through so much and building a bond, seeing each other in shit's light and helping one another survive. We are gonna be a blast. and friends for real. wow..i am savouring at the thought much.:)
Oops pretty long eh..:P
one thing i forgot to add. to draw BIG TIME LETTERs "HELP" on the shore. at the farther end. so water won't wash it down.
Because of the shape I'm already in, the difference in my functional capacities before and after the crash would be about equal.
I don't weigh much anymore; maybe I'd suggest that you use me to pole your raft along toward the nearest Toothpaste Etcetera.
Wilson I love @Bumble!
**and discussion of what to blog about next
LOL that wud be done for sure!
**bemoaning the lack of a digital camera
we mite find some in the wreckage...
tnxx Bumble that was sweet!
Jay that was sooooooooo darn sweet! Ur all out to protect me....awww how very kind of ya!
And u r so smart Jay!
**I would allow you to go through the dead people's luggage, and yours, to get all the personal items you need.
I didnt even think abt the dead ppl's shows how dumb I am.
** I would gather the food, but I'm afraid animals will pick up the scent and stalk us.
I didnt think abt that! See, ur basically stuck with Miss.Clueless. And Im learning so much from ur!
** I'll eat mine raw on the spot and then bring your food back to you and cook it.
u can eat raw meat? I'd def want it cooked but how :(
** No matter how much I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to look,
lol hahahaha ur so sweet Jay! I'd let ya look cos I trust ya too...cmon we never know if we'd see the dawn of tmrw, so why not ha :)
**Again, this shows my AMAZING will power
ROFL @Amazing! u gotta hv that kind of will power not to do the wrong thing...ur spot on!
**I'm keeping an eye out for any threats and you will be able to get some sleep in peace and quiet.
u r too kind! Im not sure if I'd sleep tho cos Im scared of the bush lol!
**But I can't take advantage of the situation. It would be unfair and I would feel guilty.
awww...wut if I stole a kiss from ya? LOL Im naughty as hell sometimes! yeah I know, i'd still feel very guilty so I'd refrain from it.
**I will simply pick you up and carry you.
u really wud? Now thats a serious Hero! :)
**days until we finally emerge from the jungle and find a Starbucks
LOL nice one Jay!
**Afterwards we will be able to get hotel rooms .. separate of course
u r such a nice guy...too decent.
**I'll be all modest and shit.
lolz Jay!
**give me the greatest, most sensual, sexiest kiss in the history of the world.
ok I need a cold shower now. LOL!
**About a year later we'll get married.
awwwwwwwwww that was such a neat end! Wut a great way to end it. ty so much.
hey Margie enjoy ur movie hun! HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
hahahaha Bev!
**Tarzan and Jane
me too! LOL!
**one of us may have to eat the other to survive—it has been done in the real world
ewwwwwww no ways! I'd rather die. LOL u sicko!
**Since I’m about 10% Indian, I would likely send out smoke signals. Not to get rescued, but to order pizza. Then, I would see if they can get it to us in 30 minutes
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I cudnt stop laffing! U r too funny! :):)
btw since when were ya 10% Indian? LOL!
**As for coffee, I never leave home without it
mebbe we can try the aircraft's kitchen? if it's still in one piece that is..duh Keshi!
**you may be surprised to know that you may have seen my work before we met on the blogs.
yes! i'd be in sheer TRAUMA when I get to know it's Bev that I've got to deal with LOL!
**No men, but we do have baboons. Hmmm. Might not be different.
hahaha! mebbe we can find a few to date while we wait for Help.
**I just remembered we won't have to chomp down on each other because we can eat the dead people
::Keshi vomits violently::
lolz u r seriously funny Bev tnxx for that!
hey Starry tnxx hun!
**..From now on I will make sure I carry extra toiletries and somethng to kill the creepy crawlies...
awww how sweet is that! U r soo caring n thoughtful. MWAH!
I'd love to meet ya too hun...u'd be SUPERB company for sure!
Zhu it wud be great to meet some Jungle ppl...such as certain tribes...wudnt that be neat! :)
Amy I'd so love to be lost with ya! I'd just say 'wow Im so glad Im lost' cos its with u! U'd be GREAT company..I know that for sure.
** would love to do is find coconuts, drink them with u. use them as Coconut boobies. Scrap some leaves. And do a hula skirt for both of us
thats so sweet! I'd love that. But I got one problem...Im already DD..lolz! If u try a coconut-shell-bra on me, I'd look like Dolly Parton. LOL!
**. and yeah log woods for fire, rocks to start a fire, available food, any fruits.
ur quite ready for this arent ya Amy. Very clever!
**AS for da creepy crawlies. I think i can take care of that for u
aww tnxx hun! Im terrified of em.
**you will definitely keep some or even sacrifice some if there is not enough.
u guessed that right :) I was only jokling before. HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
**except we are both straight
hahaha yes!
**and hopefully the phone camera works. we could snap snap snap!
that wud be neat! I'd take alot of pics of ya cos ur photogenic to the core!
** u would probably just scream when frustration gets too much and just try to adapt what u can for now.
thats so true..I think I'd be alright...given that ur with me too.
**We would find a stick and hang it so any helicopter or plane or ship can save us. plus the fire fumes.
definitely! good one.
** get personal and set up our little mini temp house for the both dolls. US!
wud be FUN!
**after going through so much and building a bond, seeing each other in shit's light and helping one another survive. We are gonna be a blast. and friends for real.
I love finale! U summed it up so well Amy. MWAHHHHHHHHH!
Well it's your lucky day. As an avid amateur biologist I am well equipped for preventing any serious bites and stings from the creepy crawlies. I'll get you settled safely up a tree lined above and below your position to prevent snakes and insects from attacking you, I will then quickly tame some ungulates or pachyderms to help me cart all of the items that we'll be needing from the scattered wreckage.
Having watched MacGyver and countless survival shows I'll know exactly how to whip up a weather proof shelter and jerryrig some electrical appliances from the plane's batteries and assorted generators. After making a radio out of remnants from broken cell phones and hairdryers I'll send out an SOS with a reasonable estimate of our position which I shall deduce from the time travelled and average rate of speed of our model of aircraft.
So while we're waiting I'll fix us a scrumptious, nutritious, meal from local flora and fauna (you won't even have to watch or break a nail) while you take a long, hot, bath in the tub that I made out of the inflatable escape thingamabob.
After we've eaten and I've cleaned up the dishes, we'll start in on all those cute, little, bottles from the trolley and play with the Karaoke Machine that I made out of the captain's mike, the radar screen, and an mp3 player. Then we can watch the onboard movie on a huge sheet that I have sewn together from all of the comforters that they hand out.
Once you are snuggled up in the hammock off the ground I'll stay up and make sure that the natives don't kidnap you and try to sacrifice you to Kong.
The next morning I'll make some coffee and breakfast and then clean up just before the Rescue Team arrives.
Hope you like camping?
**. to draw BIG TIME LETTERs "HELP" on the shore
indeedz...I'd be writing it over n over again in one day..LOL!
tnxx hun!
And dun worry abt ur ans being long...I loved it!
heyy HE tnxx! :)
** I'll get you settled safely up a tree lined above and below your position to prevent snakes and insects from attacking you,
aww how very prepared! Im impressed.
**I'll know exactly how to whip up a weather proof shelter and jerryrig some electrical appliances from the plane's batteries and assorted generators.
thats pretty smart WOW! I felt so blonde reading ur comment...
**After making a radio out of remnants from broken cell phones and hairdryers I'll send out an SOS with a reasonable estimate of our position which I shall deduce from the time travelled and average rate of speed of our model of aircraft.
ok Im totally blonde! WOW that was awesome HE!
**play with the Karaoke Machine that I made out of the captain's mike, the radar screen, and an mp3 player
LOL cool!
**Then we can watch the onboard movie on a huge sheet that I have sewn together from all of the comforters that they hand out.
hahaha Nice!
**I'll stay up and make sure that the natives don't kidnap you and try to sacrifice you to Kong.
LMAO @Kong!
LOL HE I love camping, getting lost and even living in a lonely Island with ya...ur just SUPERB! TY. :)
aww Paul I'd still love to be lost with ya...ur so intelligent and just to hv ur company wud be a GREAT BLESSING for me!
**maybe I'd suggest that you use me to pole your raft along toward the nearest Toothpaste Etcetera.
I'd never use u to pole my raft...NEVER. Instead I'd be ur raft if the need arises! I'd give my life for my friends, I swear.
no offence at all, but looks like someone's looking for an alternative career change in (h)(b)(et al)ollywood as a scriptwriter. Further lookin' the ever growing response list, you've got some serious competition.. :D
lols Apurv!
Anyways u not taking part in this 'drama'? :)
after the initial ranting and raving and kicking the crashed plane couple of times, I will cool down and acknowledge ur presence...
I will then proceed to make the best out of the situation by play acting Rambo ...which will include painting streaks of black paint on my face with ur mascara...
Since I cant bear to kill anything to eat it ( I like my animal to come in packets), i will proceed to use my mallu skills to plant a paddy field and get coconuts to make some excellent mallu dishes...
as for being lost, u dont hve to worry abt being found , becoz whn my wife comes to know that the crash left only u and me as survivors, we will be found extremely fast....
And Amy, I meant 'I love THE finale'...I missed the word THE before. Sorry :)
Stop kicking Tys Im here...calm down. Lets hug LOL!
**...which will include painting streaks of black paint on my face with ur mascara...
hahahaha! like I'd give u my mascara for that! :)
** will proceed to use my mallu skills to plant a paddy field and get coconuts to make some excellent mallu dishes...
thats VERY creative!
**becoz whn my wife comes to know that the crash left only u and me as survivors, we will be found extremely fast
ROFL! Nice one! :):)
ty so much Tys! It wud be a pleasure to be lost with ya ;-)
I'd use every opportunity available to have sex with u! rest all comes next!
r u being serious Iceman? LOL thats such a GUY thing to say but I love ur HONESTY dude ;-)
btw, we mite hv to find some food n water first lolz!
Since I'm my only workmate, I guess it would be suicide. Ah well...
As someone trained in basic emergency medical skills I could take care of any minor to moderate wounds. I could sharpen a spear and go spearing fish. I don't know that I'd be very adept at spearing other animals. I failed at all those childhood survival things, such as boy scouts, girl scouts, cub scouts and brownies. So the only knot I know would be the Half Arsed Knot. Yeah...we're screwed! Actually I'm pretty good at improvising. And I could make a volleyball named Wilson for a friend to keep us company. I'm good at playing with imaginary friends.
interesting post and comments too ;)
waiting to read the award winning one...
take care dear!!
the jungle can be pretty wild ;)
I knew we were holding hands when the gush of wind pushed a parakeet to our plane and the pilot being heartbroken at seeing a dead parakeet, he planned to finish the lives that would live at the cost of the parakeet's. He took us all down shouting 'Long live the parakeet'. I saw the dreadful Keshi eyes and the dumbfound look on her face, who the hell is flying my plane and her belief was strengthened to the core that 'Men were a Baboon'.
To the fear of a free fall we kept talking to one another ..human to human ..eye to eye .. and we ranted why were there any baboons at all on the planet. n WOOOF !! we didn't knew what happened but it felt like Heaven n Hell stood right in front of us, and keshi asks me politely 'Which way you goin mate?' ..and Anuj goes 'What the heck, you are being polite at the gate hun .. your cutting my chances duh!!'
One more push and the plane fell down the tree, I jolted me and I opened my eyes to see if I was in Heaven or Hell .. Neither declared the instincts and I was ALIVE .. Yeaaaaah I am still ALIVE went Pearl Jam.
All music came to a halt and he shouted his vocals out 'KEshiiiii Where the hell are yaaaaaa?'
**TBC (to be contd.)hands over our heart**
Me and you on a deserted island? Eerie jungle sounds? No help coming? I guess that would be the sexiest thing ever. :)
I knew we were holding hands when the gush of wind pushed a parakeet to our plane and the pilot being heartbroken at seeing a dead parakeet, he planned to finish the lives that would live at the cost of the parakeet's. He took us all down shouting 'Long live the parakeet'. I saw the dreadful Keshi eyes and the dumbfound look on her face, who the hell is flying my plane and her belief was strengthened to the core that 'Men were a Baboon'.
To the fear of a free fall we kept talking to one another ..human to human ..eye to eye .. and we ranted why were there any baboons at all on the planet. n WOOOF !! we didn't knew what happened but it felt like Heaven n Hell stood right in front of us, and keshi asks me politely 'Which way you goin mate?' ..and Anuj goes 'What the heck, you are being polite at the gate hun .. your cutting my chances duh!!'
One more push and the plane fell down the tree, I jolted me and I opened my eyes to see if I was in Heaven or Hell .. Neither declared the instincts and I was ALIVE .. Yeaaaaah I am still ALIVE went Pearl Jam.
All music came to a halt and he shouted his vocals out 'KEshiiiii Where the hell are yaaaaaa?'
**TBC (to be contd.)hands over our heart**
'Keshiii where are yaaa' .. and she coughs and calls out 'mate my eyeliner is missing ..m so screwed'.
'Keshi ur eyes look fine', we need to get outta here. All the dudes and the chicks are dead, and so is the baboonish pilot. 'wait, lemme pick my mumma's bag how Indian moms are they would pack some food for you even if ur hitting starbucks already' .. ohh ur hit and bleeding .. and he finds the first aid box, cleans her up and does all the dressing n all, and keeps the first aid in this mumma's bag.
'Now here is the plan keshi.. remember jungles are full of paths that are more like a maze, you follow one thinking that you will get out and you end up going deep in the jungle'. 'What are we going to do then ..baawaaaaaaa' keshi says.
'We will find the river'.
'The river, you freaking outta your mind, I am in no mood to play wet games anuj' keshi frowns.
'Oh you haven't seen any of those how to get out of a jungle shows on discovery hun. A river is your best bet in a jungle, cause they flow and they lead you to a city or a town, thats the only way we can get out of here'.
'This planet earth book says there aren't no alligators either on this part of earth, we will be safe honey'.
And set out to search a river, its important to hear the sounds in the jungle, the sound of running water. They picked up some long boots and anuj even wore a gals one (no not cross dressing) there weren't any mans available, they were all fuckin rockstars on the plane, only sneakers huh!!
'Why long boots?' keshi asked.
'Oh could possible save us from the little creepy ants, spiders and snakes'.
They catch up on to a running stream and follow it to lead them to the river, and there it was one little river flowing dwn the jungle. They got in to the shallow water not too deep and started walking along it.
'It is a test of time and perseverance, we dont find anythings in a day or too, we'll build a raft to pace up' he told her. Soon night fell upon them and keshi seemed too tired to walk, they climbed on to a tree which has enough space for the two, he gave her some food, a blanket and let her sleep.
he woke her up early morning so that they didnt waste much time in sleeping. He had a lighter wid him so fire was not an issue, he took some wood lit a fire and took some water from the river, boiled it and prepared some instant coffee (he had the small nescafe sachets). Keshi was all fresh and ready to go. At the corner of the river they could see a lot of light, and he knew that atleast there wasnt a dense forest ahead, they walked and soon got in to a open landscape. IT was evident that since there were no trees no, some village or town would be closeby. They kept walking on a path, through the ladscape.
After a long tiresome journey they came acroos a little boy and they told him they were lost. THe angle that he was, he took them to his home, we gave the family some money for helping us stay for the night. The family guy told them he will drop them to the nearest bus station, where they could reach the city.
In the city, keshi went all crazy 'I want to go back to the jungle mate life is like shit' ..'the pom pom pam pam of cars in a hurry, the mayhem, and then the staring crowds .. The jungle aint got a beach I knw but I will be fun in the jungle too'.
Keshi kept blaberring, but he took her by hand and lead her to the nearest cafe.
She kept blaberring in the cafe too .. this time for her eyeliner that was lost!!
GAWWD wat a day. :D
(famous writer and story teller)
//how would you cooperate with me and get us out of here?// cooperate?! are you nuts, I am scared of the jungle more than you...bugs and the humidity...aaaaaaaaaaa.
But to be a sport, why do even wanna get out of the jungle. we can settle there....i mean like the mighty Tarzan and Keshiroo.
First of all we need water...hence we will work to find water or find a river! which would be easy through the sound. (When we find river...u can dip and brush ur teeth and all.) if we find river then its good to find a way out. BEcause either we vote to walk along the river OR we make some fire through the clearing and they will find us.
or we can just wait near the plane until they rescue us. And finish all the liquor and food in it. Airplane food is better than eating grubs. :D
am a fully trained survival expert and have worked as a butler, so I cant imagine any problems. I would build a bar, raid the airplane duty frees and make cocktails...
I'm in no hurry to gonna enjoy my picnic till some copter/plane comes to pick us up....I don't love my office that much you know !!
firstly rummage through the stuff strewn around... there's gotta be a little of everything.. stuff them all into a couple of rucksacks or backpacks... one for you and one for me... now, while we rummage gotta look up stuff like canned or packed food, soem alcohol if any survives (to light a fire lady!!) matchsticks, lighters, knives, forks.. whateva seems necessary.. now u take care of ur cosmetics, i ain't gonna be bothered by that lot!!
moving ahead.... chk whether the comm sys on the plane can be repaired... if it can... do so and await rendevouz... hallelujah.. we are saved... chk for mobile telephony out there if any unit survives... and den hit the cockpit again, they always have maps.. we'd need that!! now time to be columbus in the jungle..
assuming no channel of communication... we use the sun as a compass.. and start making our way towards the nearest town... while trying to kill the wild animals seems the need of teh day to survive, easier said than done.. so will think abt as we reach there... and i'm sure this won't be the amazon/congo that we'd be lost for ages :P
btw, i sure do hope u haven't cleared ur credit card bills for the month, for then the bank fellas will surely track us down!! :P :D ;)
and wot else?? there r other stuff that can happen in the jungle.. so take an educated guess beautiful, for i'm not gonna say a word!! ;)
I like the idea.. but not the idea of 2 girls :(
I wish you would turn into some guy [ ok not some.. but tall dark and good looking guy] and we can run around the woods.. romantic affair :)
OK anewayzz as we donot have the option of transmogrification as Calvin has.. we will definitely deal with the situation in the girly manner.
As we both have lot in common-
-need new clothes
-need deo
-need bath
-ok I can go w/o brush :)
-i hate all slimy things
-abhor all crawling stuff
-cannot stand anything that leaves a mark on the dainty skin :)
So we will have to do some real thinking plan strategically..
So your attire right now is not fit.. so we will hunt for total cover-up type dresses from the bags .. like stuff that really covers every skin.. except for the nose and eyes part..
We need to first understand where the heck we are right?
So we look around.. we get confused.. we won't know which direction to go.. we need to find the river or water stream.. and follow it.. that helps.. I have heard :)
So we do "pickie-packie-pickie-poo" and choose a direction.. we walk on and I am +ve because of your luck [mine sucks] we will reach the river.. where we will camp.. We will have hut kinds made of xtra dress we took, wash in the river.. find sme herbs to eat..and use towels to catch fish. Well I don't know the other way see!
Cook it.. [because I will remember to take a match along] eat and talk.. because in the night we will be too afraid to sleep!
And for days to come we will fllow the river and find the way out :)
If I had the option to become spider-women.. I will fly with you to fairy-land.. :D
but alas! I won't get kissed for the good deed.. would I?
love and hugzz!
I warn you.. if I am not chosen as the winner his time...I and you really will get stranded :)!
[pun intended]
You sure know how to tease Sweetie :)
Yo, love that skirt you wearing...very nice :D
What a pleasure in a tragedy keshi, its surprise meeting you in this lonely and silent presenting movement of only nature’s voice. I feel how precious you must be so I needed a crash and to survive rarely to see you (inside the mind I was telling “be happy as much u can, the moments spending with her”). I know you are a maniac ‘who can't go past a single day without her toothbrush, a body wash, coffee…’ but I never want to miss the opportunity being with you and also not interested to get out of the jungle and I was trying to change the direction that wont reach out.
I decided at a situation not to cheat a friend who trust in the team that we put together finding the exit of this jungle. We crossed small streams, climber trees to secure from dangerous animals and laughing for the monkeys’ act of stealing keshi’s costly shoes hehe… every seconds was like walking on heavens holding you hands and roaming everywhere on the jungle and turned small kids, just teasing, sharing jokes, showing affection in where we all have done only in blogging and its beautiful when I feel alive. It was end only after the security guards find us.
wow I wonder when imagining:)
Ha, Keshi, babes, the first order of business would be to find some coconuts. We'll take the meat, grind it fine, then squeeeeze it through a random tank top to extract the oil, then on a small rock with a concave depression we'll mix the oil with a bit of soot to make eye liner.
There. We can face anything as long as we have beautiful eyes. The rest is just trivial.
I will hug you first, then if you start crying or get depressed, I will slap you good and proper to wake you up. Then I may not know how to get out of the jungle but will definitely collect "Ghaas Phoos" and feed you until we get out!;D
First you would be allowed to leave and search for some fruits and stuff for a nice meal. If the food you cook is okay, I would treat you good.
Before it becomes dark you have to bring some wood and make a nice fire for us.
Meanwhile you work and cook, I would think about things and so :)
Maybe I could go fishing a little bit. I like fishing.
I'm sure we'd be a good team in the jungle. That would be fun like that :)
After a small prayer, as a token of thanks to god, for choosing me to help you get out of the jungle, we'll start moving. Now the fact that every hour you'll be taking a break to get your "make-up" in place will irritate me.
So when the fourth time you take out your lipstick and eye-liner I'll come to you
Me(Politely):- "Keshi dear, can I
borrow your make-up kit for a minute?
You(Surprised):- But Y?
Me(Insisting):- Just like that.
You(amused):- Okay I don't mind..
Me(smiling):- Thank you so much...
And thn I'll start running....
and you'll start chasing me to get your stuffs back.... :D :D :D :D
I'll run till we reach the end of the jungle or till you catch me.
Second one is never gonna happen...
so safe and one piece we both will be out of that scary jungle.....
God forbids if you are out of breadth in between....don't worry...I'll wait on the highway outside the jungle.....till you come [:)]....i mean at max for 2 days i'll wait :D :D :D :D :D
If you're not able to make it in those two days....I'll go to the nearest cyber cafe....and I'll inform all your blog friends that "Keshi is LOST"..... :)..."KESHI IS LOST IN THE JUNGLE"....."THE SCARY JUNGLE"....... :)
Thanks Keshi, I like you too. Your blog is mostly fun, plus now and then you do posts that show your spirituality and your social justice concerns, so all of that comes across.
when you ll be trying to figure out who this "drunken just out of college racist kid" is i would walk around the jungle asking every thing i come across,"why is all the rum gone?"
do you devour man flesh??
don't eat me please
nice post
n jus in case ure stranded with me...m gonna cry cry n cry...coz i am v scared of jungles!!
so ull b d 1 to find a way out!!
hard luck inne
jus pray m not d 1!!
nice pichaz!!
Wot luck! I watched all the first series of 'Lost'. I know exactly what to do!
Most important of all, we must avoid the tropical polar bears and the nutters on the other side of the island, who will be attracted to our crash site. So we'll head inland; with a rucksack of goodies from First Class, natch! We were lucky to escape injury but the jungle undergrowth can be treacherous, so I'll carry you.
(Fortunately I've been blessed with the physique of a Trojan hero and enough stamina to run from Marathon to Athens in about 3 hours, without dying)
Ooh, listen! Can you hear that, Keshi? A waterfall! Now we can get out of our dirty clothes, take a shower and... Look over there! A 'yucca elata'! The sap produces a fragrant soap when mixed with water. Wot luck!
After I've scrubbed you from head to toe, I'll hack down some palm fronds to fashion a jungle skirt for you while your clothes are drying. I'll measure you for a top later but first we need a fire, the night's drawing in. I could do that friction trick with sticks but it'll be quicker if I use the lighter I took from the aeroplane.
There's something missing... wait a minute. What's that over there? Wow, this place has everything! Yes, it's 'chicle-zapoti'! A chewing gum tree. Squeeze the juice from the leaves, dry it, chew it and, hey presto, minty fresh breath!
So, here we are at the end of our first day, watching the sun go down over the ocean beside a roaring fire, eating posh nosh from First Class and sipping champagne from coconut cups. And you're thinking "maybe we'll be rescued tonight", and I'm thinking "tomorrow we'll go fishing", then you say "Tobez, what about these pesky mossies?"
No problem! The last time I was in a jungle (Belize, but that's another story), I was the only person not pestered by bugs. Perhap I have anti-bug stuff in my sweat. Lucky for us! Lie down, Keshigirl, and I'll flick some droplets from my body onto yours...;)
I did not read the post, was busy looking at u :-) u look so so content with urself...
Do u know how lovable u are Keshi :-)
Hugs, Kisses and Smiles,
no need to go look for help keshi...will chill there have lot of drinks and njoi until some tribe or some help comes over way.......if not will be chillin there for ever.......lolz
I would be concerned about both of our safety, firstly. After that, I would be devising some kind of plan to get outta there and listening to what you think as well. I tend to take over, though, in those kinds of situations. So, please forgive me if I'm a bit overbearing.
u r talkative..thats good. We can walk and not know the effort it took. Entertainment is at hand :)
Next up is looking for a water source...and hopefully follow it to civilization.
Too simplistic..since this is hypothetical..i live in la la land.
We couldn't leave - it is our duty as the only two humans there to repopulate the forest!!
LOL Judge tnxx!
**I could sharpen a spear and go spearing fish.
how very clever!
** So the only knot I know would be the Half Arsed Knot.
LOL I think know that one too even tho I've never been a scout :)
We r screwed indeedz...but I'll somehow find a way...duncha worry ok ;-) I'll take u home somehow.
** I'm good at playing with imaginary friends. too actually. they r better than real ppl.
hehe Pri tnxx!
Anuj lol ur so sweet! U wrote a whole story on it..I like it :) tnxx alot!
**pilot being heartbroken at seeing a dead parakeet, he planned to finish the lives that would live at the cost of the parakeet's.
k so a lunatic was flying us all? great!
**'Long live the parakeet'
come to think of it, it looks like Pet Detective (Jim Carey) was the pilot? LOL!
**'Men were a Baboon'.
hahahahahaha good one!
** keshi asks me politely 'Which way you goin mate?' ..and Anuj goes 'What the heck, you are being polite at the gate hun
hahahaha too funny Anuj! u know me too well ha.
**I am still ALIVE went Pearl Jam.
u wudnt believe this but I mite be listening to that on my iPod as I crash-land.
ty for that great Opening chapter! Im loving this mate ;-)
hey Bla!
**Me and you on a deserted island? Eerie jungle sounds? No help coming? I guess that would be the sexiest thing ever
awww :):)...yes it's a sexy scenario but I dun think we'll feel that sexy when it REALLY happens...LOL!
tnxx Bla!
Chapter 2 by Anuj yeyyyyyyy!
** 'mate my eyeliner is missing ..m so screwed'.
hahahahaha! stop teasing me now LOL!
**and so is the baboonish pilot.
ROFL! ur cracking me up Anuj!
**you how Indian moms are they would pack some food for you even if ur hitting starbucks already'
HAHAHAHAHHA! OMG Im laffing so hard here!!
** A river is your best bet in a jungle, cause they flow and they lead you to a city or a town, thats the only way we can get out of here'.
smart-arse! ;-) ok lets go!
**They picked up some long boots and anuj even wore a gals one (no not cross dressing)
**there weren't any mans available, they were all fuckin rockstars on the plane, only sneakers huh!!
hahaha like Cobain! good one.
**'Oh could possible save us from the little creepy ants, spiders and snakes'.
nice one there! :) Im happy.
** he gave her some food, a blanket and let her sleep.
awww how sweet...
Loved that Chapter too WOW! Ur pretty good at story-writing Anuj!
After a half day just idolising the Keshi, I would try the dream method we would both fall asleep and dream ourselves back to civilisation.
However all the dream would reveal is where my GPS system was in the plane along with my always charged sat phone so I could contact help and get you back to your coffee and mascara.
..........and they lived happy ever after.......
I vote for staying on the island and enjoying it, until someone comes to rescue us. Hopefully it doesn't turn into something out of LOST. I hope it's just very relaxing and enjoyable. I'd be with Keshi, so how could it not be?!
Chapter-3 WOOHOO!
**had the small nescafe sachets
Anuj ur so caring!
**he will drop them to the nearest bus station, where they could reach the city.
o Anuj I dun wanna go bak now...LOL! I love this adventure...
**In the city, keshi went all crazy 'I want to go back to the jungle mate
OMG I really didnt see that coming and I wrote that above line..LOL u know me too well!
**She kept blaberring in the cafe too .. this time for her eyeliner that was lost!!
hahaha me chatterbox I know! aww Anuj u r sooooo sweeeeeeet! I loved it. U wrote it so beautifully it was so graphic. I LIVED the experience thru ur story. Very well done!
tnxx n HUGGGGGGGGGGZ u famous story-teller!
hey Ghosty tnxx!
**cooperate?! are you nuts, I am scared of the jungle more than you...bugs and the humidity...
**we can settle there....i mean like the mighty Tarzan and Keshiroo.
LOL why not ha! but I need my car...:):)
**hence we will work to find water or find a river! which would be easy through the sound
clever boy :)
**or we can just wait near the plane until they rescue us. And finish all the liquor and food in it. Airplane food is better than eating grubs
lolz good one Ghosty!
tnxx alot for taking part HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
LOL Mutley u crazy man!
ty so much for taking part :)
tnxx Gonecase!
**am gonna enjoy my picnic till some copter/plane comes to pick us up.
gosh guys r crazy LOL! but I wanna go home!!! :):)
heyyy Sam ty!
**now, while we rummage gotta look up stuff like canned or packed food, soem alcohol if any survives (to light a fire lady!!) matchsticks, lighters, knives, forks
smarty pants! good one.
**chk whether the comm sys on the plane can be repaired... if it can... do so and await rendevouz
thats a good start Sam! And I'll be screaming thru it to the other side saying 'GET ME OUTTA HERE U MOFOS' lol!
** den hit the cockpit again, they always have maps
well-done! Thats a very smart one.
**we use the sun as a compass
u always hv good options...u r very wise Sam.
**i sure do hope u haven't cleared ur credit card bills for the month, for then the bank fellas will surely track us down!!
hahaha good one! So b4 I travel overseas I'll always leave my credit-cards maxed out..that way I'll be saved wherever I am. good idea Sam! :)
**there r other stuff that can happen in the jungle.. so take an educated guess beautiful, for i'm not gonna say a word
nah I cant guess..Im so tell me Sam?
hey Veenz tnxx hun!
**I wish you would turn into some guy
lol gee tnxx I feel great hearing abt ur wish!
**i hate all slimy things
-abhor all crawling stuff
wow this is gonna be fun...too creepy-crawly haters lost in the jungle. We'll never get out LOL!
**except for the nose and eyes part..
good one...
** we need to find the river or water stream.. and follow it.. that helps
**we walk on and I am +ve because of your luck [mine sucks] we will reach the river
o nos girl! Im so darn unlucky u hv no idea! ok lets just sit n pray and cry real loud. LOL!
**and use towels to catch fish
thats VERY clever Veenz!
**If I had the option to become spider-women.. I will fly with you to fairy-land
aww thats so sweet!
And if I were Wondewoman I wudnt be flying in jets anyways LOL! I'd be just cruising freely up in the sky spotting n saving ppl in trouble :)
** if I am not chosen as the winner his time...I and you really will get stranded
haha gotcha hun!
ty so much n MWAHHHHHHHHHH! A girly kiss..not a les one so chillax LOL!
aww ty Shionge! :)
its a khaki skirt...
heyyy Jeevan hows it going mate?
** I feel how precious you must be so I needed a crash and to survive rarely to see you
awwwwwwwww...u broke my heart with those words..cos its so sweet of ya to say that! ***HUGS***
** but I never want to miss the opportunity being with you and also not interested to get out of the jungle and I was trying to change the direction that wont reach out.
LOL u naughty Jeevan! I mite be trying to do the same with ya...haha!
**We crossed small streams, climber trees to secure from dangerous animals and laughing for the monkeys’ act of stealing keshi’s costly shoes hehe
lolz good one!
**showing affection in where we all have done only in blogging and its beautiful when I feel alive
how sweet is that! U r so loving Jeevan.
**It was end only after the security guards find us.
haha cute!
tnxx alot Jeevan u r brilliant! Wud love to get lost with ya some day :)
heyya Helen babez!
**We'll take the meat, grind it fine, then squeeeeze it through a random tank top to extract the oil, then on a small rock with a concave depression we'll mix the oil with a bit of soot to make eye liner.
wut a smart girl! WOW I never knew that. ofcourse ur the genius!
**We can face anything as long as we have beautiful eyes
so true...I think ur my best bet to get lost with. :)
hey Asha tnxx!
**then if you start crying or get depressed, I will slap you good and proper to wake you up. Then
lol awwwww...::sobs::
wuts Ghaas Phoos? me!
Murane ur such a GUY! LOL! nah I wont find any food by myself, u better tag along or else I'll eat u up! hows that? LOL!
aww Ali tnxx!
**Now the fact that every hour you'll be taking a break to get your "make-up" in place will irritate me.
lol no no Im not such a makeup freak. Chill! :)
**And thn I'll start running....
and you'll start chasing me to get your stuffs back.
hahahaha too funny!
**....don't worry...I'll wait on the highway outside the jungle.....till you come [:)]....i mean at max for 2 days
ROFL! I cant stop laffing!
**....I'll go to the nearest cyber cafe....and I'll inform all your blog friends that "Keshi is LOST".....
good one hahahahaha!
u r too funny Ali. ty so much! :):)
aww Paul HUGGGGGGGGGZ n tnxx!
I'd do anything to get lost with ya..ur a TERRIFIC person u know!
heyy Stygian LOL WC!
awww...I'd never say'd be a pleasure to chat with ya and even fight with ya in the jungle :) that mite actually cause some noise and the tribe ppl mite find us...wut say? ;-)
hey Gunj tnxx hun!
**...m gonna cry cry n cry...coz i am v scared of jungles
goshh I've got someone softer than me to handle? LOL I cant believe that!
ok ok I'll get u out somehow...duncha worry now. But can u atleast do this for me...and that is protect me from creepy-crawlies plzzz?
it looks like we wont make it out girl lol!
hey Tobez ty! :)
**So we'll head inland;
clever move!
**with a rucksack of goodies from First Class, natch! We were lucky to escape injury but the jungle undergrowth can be treacherous, so I'll carry you.
awwwww u serious? how sweet is that! I dun mind being carried by ya ;-) LOL!
**(Fortunately I've been blessed with the physique of a Trojan hero and enough stamina to run from Marathon to Athens in about 3 hours, without dying)
whoaaaaaaa HOT stuff! I so wanna get lost with ya now! **prays for it and on her knees***
**Ooh, listen! Can you hear that, Keshi? A waterfall! Now we can get out of our dirty clothes, take a shower and...
**Look over there! A 'yucca elata'! The sap produces a fragrant soap when mixed with water. Wot luck!
wow! Lucky I hv u to recognise!
**After I've scrubbed you from head to toe, I'll hack down some palm fronds to fashion a jungle skirt for you while your clothes are drying. I'll measure you for a top later..
**but first we need a fire, the night's drawing in. I could do that friction trick with sticks but it'll be quicker if I use the lighter I took from the aeroplane.
aha :)
**Yes, it's 'chicle-zapoti'! A chewing gum tree. Squeeze the juice from the leaves, dry it, chew it and, hey presto, minty fresh breath!
u serious? there's such a tree? ok I feel MASSIVELY blonde now.
**And you're thinking "maybe we'll be rescued tonight", and I'm thinking "tomorrow we'll go fishing",
LOL ur cute!
**I was the only person not pestered by bugs. Perhap I have anti-bug stuff in my sweat. Lucky for us! Lie down, Keshigirl, and I'll flick some droplets from my body onto yours...;)
HAHAHAHAHAHA good one! I dun mind getting some of 'that' on me ;-)
loved it Tobez MWAHHHHHHHHH!
hey Anjuli tnxx hun!
** u look so so content with urself...
Im actually quite the opp :)
**Do u know how lovable u are Keshi
me? awww..not as much as u r sweetie! HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
hahaha KP!
**will chill there have lot of drinks and njoi until some tribe or some help comes over way.......if not will be chillin there for ever.......
u crazy man get me outta here! :) KP we can play some Cricket in the jungle..wut say? LOL!
hey Grunty ur a VERY smart guy. And I know that u'd definitely work out a master plan to get outta there. I hv 100% confidence in ya.
**. I tend to take over, though, in those kinds of situations. So, please forgive me if I'm a bit
I dun mind at all. I suck in Jungle so u'd hv to take the lead anyways.
hey LaVida tnxx!
**thats good. We can walk and not know the effort it took. Entertainment is at hand
yeah Im pure Entertainment but if I'm just coming out of a Crash, I'd be pretty! So dun count on it girl.
**i live in la la land.
LOL LaVida!
hey Phoso!
**it is our duty as the only two humans there to repopulate the forest!!
LOL hahahahaha u sexy beast! ;-)
Simon aww ty!
**However all the dream would reveal is where my GPS system was in the plane along with my always charged sat phone so I could contact help and get you back to your coffee and mascara.
**..........and they lived happy ever after.......
sweeeeeeeet! :)
heyy AB hows u?
** I hope it's just very relaxing and enjoyable. I'd be with Keshi, so how could it not be?!
awww ty so much! I'd not be bored at all either...cos its AB Im with WOOHOO! :) Finally I get to see ya too hehehe.
hey keshi...the song had me tapping my feet :D
and if you are planning to get lost in teh jungle, carry a sleeping bag, a mozzie repellent, a match, a...ummm...looks like a parent talking...
and take care of the jungle casanovas :)
TA thats some pretty good advice there! tnxxx :)
HAHA @Jungle Casanovas! u mean the 'Baboons' right? ;-)
For once, I'd relish getting away from the city into the jungle. Mabbe do some trekking and hiking and breathing in clean unpolluted air and not hearing horrible mobile phone ringtones ;p
o me too Saffy I'd love it...but this situation (plane crash) wud make me a bit sad and disoriented...but I'll somehow SURVIVE.
This being a plane crash once the initial situation had been assessed I would have to check you for injuries, which would require you to remove most(all) your clothes. Sorry, but finding out about hidden injuries later could hamper survival. And to make thing easier you might as well check me out at the same time.
After we rummage through the luggage for supplies, food, and water some form of shelter would have to be found or made to stay warm and keep the various jungle animals at bay. Fuel for fire would easily come from the plane wreckage and at the end of our first day we would sit by the fire looking into each other's eyes. Even with the fire it would be best if we slept next to each other to conserve body heat and keep each other close.
The next morning we would have to get some idea of our location and whether it would be best to try and walk out, if civilization is very close, or just to sit tight if we were really out in the boonies. Since we were out in the deep jungle it is far more practical just to sit tight. That would require close cooperation and team work. After several days of staying alive we would have forged such a team that once the rescue team arrived we would have setup a serious jungle retreat. Upon our return to civilization we take it upon ourselves to check each other out again, for purely health, reasons in OUR private room.
This being a plane crash once the initial situation had been assessed I would have to check you for injuries, which would require you to remove most(all) your clothes. Sorry, but finding out about hidden injuries later could hamper survival. And to make thing easier you might as well check me out at the same time.
After we rummage through the luggage for supplies, food, and water some form of shelter would have to be found or made to stay warm and keep the various jungle animals at bay. Fuel for fire would easily come from the plane wreckage and at the end of our first day we would sit by the fire looking into each other's eyes. Even with the fire it would be best if we slept next to each other to conserve body heat and keep each other close.
The next morning we would have to get some idea of our location and whether it would be best to try and walk out, if civilization is very close, or just to sit tight if we were really out in the boonies. Since we were out in the deep jungle it is far more practical just to sit tight. That would require close cooperation and team work. After several days of staying alive we would have forged such a team that once the rescue team arrived we would have setup a serious jungle retreat. Upon our return to civilization we take it upon ourselves to check each other out again, for purely health, reasons in OUR private room.
Loved it BB ty! :)
**I would have to check you for injuries, which would require you to remove most(all) your clothes.
hahahaha really BB? I didnt know that u were a ok agreed. But on one condition...when I strip, u hv to close ur eyes...u can only 'feel' any injuries but u can never 'see'. Hows that? LOL!
**And to make thing easier you might as well check me out at the same time.
hahaha good one! I dun mind that at all ;-) WOOHOO!
**After we rummage through the luggage for supplies, food, and water some form of shelter would have to be found or made to stay warm and keep the various jungle animals at bay. Fuel for fire would easily come from the plane wreckage
**and at the end of our first day we would sit by the fire looking into each other's eyes
lol is this some sort of Jungle love game?
**Even with the fire it would be best if we slept next to each other to conserve body heat and keep each other close.
aha oyeah ok lol! :)
** That would require close cooperation and team work.
I'd like to know HOW sir? :)
**After several days of staying alive we would have forged such a team that once the rescue team arrived we would have setup a serious jungle retreat
** Upon our return to civilization we take it upon ourselves to check each other out again, for purely health, reasons in OUR private room.
hahaha ur too cool BB! Nice one!
loved every word u wrote..tnxx! Im praying that I'd get lost with ya soon ;-)
Hello Miss Kesh!
Just wanted to say Hi
and let you know that I'm alive.
Sorry I have been a bad bloggy friend.
Hope you are well!
I am great today u? and i cant think right to answer that LOL!
Blessed MWAHHHHHHH! I hope u've been well sweetie. nah I dun hold grudges for not turning up on my blog...LOL cmon u know me better!
lolz Kaylz its ok hun!
Im good n u?
smiles...:) Thanks Keshi. Glad you loved it.
And hey its ok to look like dolly parton with me.;) its only me seeing. heheeh.. ya know they big coconuts. we could scarp out da flesh and give more room. heheha!:P
*HUGZ* or we could do a leafy tube top for u.:P
gosh i am so drama..hahaha.
I had fun in this post keshi. thanks.
It would be fun to get to know ya for real sweets!
have a good day ahead aites. :*
I would stick out my thumb and hope a car came by? LOL!
lolz Amy yes Im DRAMA too hahaha! U know Im a born drama queen. :)
Btw I asked this same qn from my mum last can u believe it I took it so serious! Her ans was this:
"Getting lost with u? I'd dread that. But anyways, I'd go screaming ard for help!"
Can u believe my mum said that! She's no different from me ha. ROFL!
tnxx Amy I'd love to get to know ya for real too! Imagine we lived close by to each other..awww..
HAHAHA CrazyMe u sound alot like me girlfriend!
btw u can do that while Im looking for a bathroom in the jungle!
i carry a satellite phone with me whenever i leave for the jungle... :))
so chill... one phone call and there comes the army on a rescue mission... and later i can write a two-line post on my blog about the scary adventure :))
btw, the army does not accept credit cards for deo purchases... would u mind paying in cash???
LOL DJ nice rescue plan!
** one phone call and there comes the army on a rescue mission
what if we r in a mobile blackspot and I presume most jungles r. lolz!
I have no idea. I'm sick and brain dead, but others had great answers.
no worries Nadine.
Hi Keshi
After a day of wind, snow, trees falling, Internet down, Blogger down, power outages, and all, I have come up with the perfect joke for this post.
But first, I do have Indian in me. It dates back to my triple-great grandfather and his North American Indian wife. I'm 1/2 first generation Canadian. That means I'm a half-breed. My mother was English with Scottish parents and my father had Scottish and Canadian parents.
Joke: If we were stranded after a plane crash, we wouldn’t have to try to save ourselves cause Jehovah’s Witnesses are sure to find us.
OMG Bev ur a frikkin cultural fruit-salad! LOL nice mix tho :)
**If we were stranded after a plane crash, we wouldn’t have to try to save ourselves cause Jehovah’s Witnesses are sure to find us.
hahahahahahaha I cant stop laffing!
That was classic!
HeHeHe .. *GRIN*
Babes!!!! You've been tagged, and I would love you take it up....check my post for how to's
hey Anuj :)
k Prats will check it out soon, tnxx!
k entries closing shortly...:)
And the winner will be announced soon woohoo!
Damn am late:-(
gosh i missed this!
I'll tell you what Keshie... it would probably take a plane crash for me to admit to another blogger IRL who I was. ;)
How would we work together? Hmmm... like fire and ice... like water and oil... like chcolate and toothpaste I suspect! ROFL
No, I reckon for the first 3 days I'd be all upbeat and like "yeah we can get out of this keshi!", meanwhile you'd be like "this eyeliner pen is down tho the last inch... you better make it snappy boy!".
Then I'd start to get all despondant and depressed and at that moment you'd suddenly transform into some hunter/warrior jungle princess and tell me to stop my bloody moping and get on with it.
After that setback we'd both pull apart the plane wreck, me using the electrical parts and 1st class bathroom facilities to create a makeshift jacuzzi. You would then discover the first class liquor store in the wreckage, and a lifetime supply of air stewardess industrial strength makeup.
At this point, and after 15 vodkas, we'd seriously question the merits of returning to civilization!
hey kesh...sorry cudnt post ystrday..wanted to..but cudnt..was totally down with fever n cough n cold...thot of doing it today.but i gues i missed the bus..damn the internet wasnt working in the morning ... :)
that's why i mentioned a satellite phone... that's not an ordinary cellphone... :)
Oh, I missed this post but I wanted to tell you that I love those photos. LOVE. THEM!
When I dragged that whimpering woman from the wreckage I left behind over a hundred deceased passengers in the crashed plane that was to take us to Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea. We had flown from Sydney Australia and our journey recorded , so rescue would be inevitable but not necesarily speedy.
I gazed at the frightened person and tried to explain our present predicament and also how to stay alive by being positive, and without the immediate chance of rescue we must remain calm and seek a supply of food and water, we returned to the plane and searched and found dozens of misc bottles of soft drinks and canned food tins of biscuits. We decided the interior of the plane would provide shelter from the elements and the two pistols I found in th cockpit would help to keep at bay any marauding PNG Head hunters or wild beasties.
After resting awhile we decided it would be in our best interests to remove the deceased from the plane as soon as possible to a clearing fifty metres away and despite her fragile figure this young lady was as fit as any guy and under all that sweat and grime probably worth more than a second look. I was 3 pm when we had finished moving the bodies, we had covered them with palm fronds and vegetation preparing to burn them, when suddenly it rained real hard, we then stripped to our bare essentials and had our first jungle shower, then a search of the passengers bags revealed clean clothing flashlights towels and other essentials.
By 5pm it was dark and we lay opposite each other on a row of three seats covered with sheets from first class accomodation. I woke at 1am bursting to go, as I Peed outside of the door I heard voices and they seemed to become distant as if the were moving away, I yelled out and heard all manner of jungle noises, slammed the door and woke sleeping beauty from her snoring slumbers, her half naked body showing lines of perspiration; she patted herself dry with a towel from our pile of essentials and said "I could really go a cup of coffee" " The barista is dead" I replied and there is no hot water, she replied, "You can build a fire at first light and make coffee from pots and coffee in the galley. It was nearing first light and Isuggested it would be a good idea if she dressed herself as Iwas becoming a bit agitated at the sight of her pert little wobblies and by the way I am Vest and you are sweet vision of loveliness? 'Keshi' she replied. "Crikey we are near neighbors and bloggers too. what a surprise" said I, and thinking thats going to stuff .up our romp in the jungle, she knowing all about me.
Time passed and rescue never came despite finding mirrors to signal to aircraft, some how the mirrors got lost, and it seems ages since the first of our three sons killed his first wild pig with a bow and arrow when he was ten years old. Keshi never ages and I seem to become younger as the years pass, then all of a sudden I hear a 'Bump' and a voice saying "You may now unfasten your seat belts, passengers for Port Moresbywill exit the plane in two minutes " .
Vest replied "F*%@K it.
Amazingly I think I have won!!
I MIGHT actually write a full story on this.
A person should never come face to face with fantasy.
Wow!!! that was something really cool reading!!! I would love to meet you someday...! I would love to go through such an expedition ;)
Liked your pics too
Huggzzz and cheers
no worries Craziezt :)
Its ok Dalicia.
lolz Boy!
**"this eyeliner pen is down tho the last inch... you better make it snappy boy!".
hahahaha! u know me too well boi o boi.
**At this point, and after 15 vodkas, we'd seriously question the merits of returning to civilization!
u got that right! I mean who wants to part from Boy ha? ;-)
tnxx that was sweet! U missed out on being on the competition tho but thanks alot for taking part anyways!
Mav no worries mate hehe.
tnxx DJ so thats what that u meant. :)
aww no worries Nora...tnxx n HUGGGGGGGGZ!
hey Vesty! :)
**that was to take us to Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea
ur scaring me Vesty cos I hv really been to Port Moresby a couple of times on holz. How did u get that right? WOW!
**and the two pistols I found in th cockpit would help to keep at bay any marauding PNG Head hunters or wild beasties.
clever stuff!
**and under all that sweat and grime probably worth more than a second look
LOL Vesty!
** we then stripped to our bare essentials and had our first jungle shower, then a search of the passengers bags revealed clean clothing flashlights towels and other essentials.
sounds good! :)
** Isuggested it would be a good idea if she dressed herself as Iwas becoming a bit agitated at the sight of her pert little wobblies and by the way I am Vest and you are sweet vision of loveliness?
**'Keshi' she replied. "Crikey we are near neighbors and bloggers too. what a surprise" said I, and thinking thats going to stuff .up our romp in the jungle, she knowing all about me.
**and it seems ages since the first of our three sons killed his first wild pig with a bow and arrow when he was ten years old.
awww so we ended up living cool Vesty!
**all of a sudden I hear a 'Bump' and a voice saying "You may now unfasten your seat belts, passengers for Port Moresbywill exit the plane in two minutes " .
Vest replied "F*%@K it.
HAHAHA great Ending! u r so clever Vesty. Pity u were a tad late to enter the competition...cos u'd hv been fierce rivalry to Anuj!
TY so much...Im smiling alot now :)
Mutley awww...:)
Steve WC!
Im looking forward to that :) tnxx!
hehe TY Dawny and I'd LOVE to meet u too!
Well, I guess we should start learning language of Orangutans and creepy creatures. They would be happy to see 2 bloggers in a jungle and may ask us to reach them the same. it could be a formation of all new society! Then someday we will find monkeys inventing their own internet and then we can catch up with humans.
And trust me you won't have to be without toothbrush, coffee and cosmetics. I'm an engineer so will try to create a TB from thorns :D And I will carry some cosmetics and coffee while taking a plane. After all, who knows when my plane will crash and I will catch up with a beautiful women? LOL
Sorry am late!:(
Btw,you look so cool in that skirt Babes!
Keshi: At least I got you into the sack and from what I remember it was great, xxx.
I played it by ear.
lol Mayur tnxx!
that Toothbrush idea was a good one!
tnxx Sameera HUGGGGGGGGZ!
haha Vesty u naughty man!
k Whitesnake let me check it out :)
There might not be any jungle left by the time I'll gather enough money to sit in a plane :D LOL.
Guess my brain is flowing with ideas on Jungle boogie. Infact, I have joined classes on how to produce cosmetics from tree leaves. I'm reading stuff on how to protect yourself from wild animal in the jungle and how to hunt most delicious species and cook them etcetera. I guess spending life there won't be bad either. What say? I would like to see my kid to be the king(Err.... prince) of jungle. LOL
I would love meeting you Keshi. Your pics and the stuff in the blog is simply gr8. How about a coffee together? :D
hahaha Mayur ut funny!
aww ur so sweet..taking lessons n all LOL!
** I would like to see my kid to be the king(Err.... prince) of jungle.
so basically ur saying u'll father my kids? LOL nice try Mayur!
Loved it...I'd love to be lost with a hunk like u too ;-)
Hi Keshi,
Just dropped in to say Hi. I juz started blogging and the first blog I went through was yours. I work for a software/telecom company based in mumbai and work on a blog engine project which is an integration of all the indian blogs in the world. I got to know about you from the same. Check out my website . It's in the development phase and will require some time to be fully functional but do let me know your reviews on the same.
Well, it would be a nice time together in a jungle. I know we will have to compromise with most of the luxaries but that's how most of the people in India live. Anyways, What do u do?
It's just and not
k Mayur tnxx, I will check ur blog soon. :)
** I got to know about you from the same.
from where?
Hi Keshi,
I told you about my blog engine which integrates all the blogs over the internet.
I was searching for some nice blogs over there and got to know abt u.
Sweet Keshi,
14. What would make you think someone is a bad (i prefer to insert "weird" to replace "bad") person?
When she had all the time in the world to blog about things in over 5, 000 words, but ignored to even acknowledge the receipt of the very important mail you sent her to oblige to read through your document, because you respect her intellectual abilities.
Have a beautiful weekend.
Cheers and God bless.
oh ok Mayur tnxx! :)
hey Ori!
**When she had all the time in the world to blog about things in over 5, 000 words, but ignored to even acknowledge the receipt of the very important mail you sent her to oblige to read through your document, because you respect her intellectual abilities.
How d u know if I ignored it or kept it for wknd reading to reply to u later?
Besides writing posts on my blog (whether it's 20 or 200000 words long is purely upto me isnt it? Its my daily source of THERAPY, if u didnt know. Dun assume I just blabber here just cos I hv nothing to worry abt in life. I HV ALOT TO KILL MYSELF FOR. I come here for peace of mind and to interact with some awesome ppl here that calms me down and make me 4get alot of things in my life.
Im surprised u said such hurtful things to me!
That was a bit rude Ms Osinachi! I think you should apologise to Keshi, asshe is so sweet!!
tnxx Mutley HUGS!
hv a good one all of u!
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