So I was thinking...people have dreams, hopes, goals...some people sacrifice all their dreams for others...some people sacrifice others to achieve their dreams. It's an individual choice we make. Anyways, a good friend in my previous post's comment section said the following to me: "Keshi, you seem to be drifting through life with no anchor to weigh you in. I would not want to venture to intrude into your life, but have you not gotten the most out of drifting for so long? You seem to be just reacting to the events that unfold in your life and this has caused you to have a mixed reactions, some bitter and other sublime. I want to know more of Keshi, the survivor or the overcomer". That was a wonderful and genuine revelation about my life. Thanks Mel for 'seeing' me so clearly :)...shows how observant and wise you are. What Mel said there about my life was very accurate...I don't have many dreams...there may be a million dreams in my heart, but I know that most of them would never take shape in real (not being pessimistic here but rather being realistic). How many of our dreams really do come true? The life-long dreams and goals of mine have already been achieved...such as good education, career, financial freedom, having my own car/assets/freedom etc. Having achieved all of them, I realised that none of that is what Contentment really is. None of that truly makes me happy or have put me in a place where I can get up and say 'This is it, I can be happy now'. Through all those years, like Mel said, I have always had some kind of 'anchor' to weigh me in...but not anymore. Cos I realised, knowing my destination, planning to reach for it, having a clear map and something to back me up, was boring me...that was making my life very dull. I wanted to set myself free from being 'conditioned' to always chase a be unafraid of drifting through life without an anchor to weigh me go with the flow without always wanting to see a distant destination. Life can take me to strange places and I really have no control of that...but as long as I keep drifting, I'll always be content with anything that comes along. The pursuit of happyness lies in the journey..not in the destination or knowing the destination. I don't want to be bound by the chains of so-called goals and destinations of life - I have been there and I have come to know that I wanna burn fully, not conditionally. Even in the depths of despair and in the seas of the unknown, you
can be's a choice, and it should not be an obligation. I just want to live one day at a time and not live by plans - just burn free and fully this moment. Cos there'll always be someone out there who won't even see the dawn of tomorrow.
Thanks Mel for being the source of inspiration behind this really made me think. ***HUGS***
Guys I'm so busy at work these days...will be coming around to your blogs ASAP. Til then, keep smiling, keep's ok to dream, and it's great when your dreams come true...but life is so full of surprises and there's always a good chance that dreams you've often dreamt of don't come true in life or even if they do, they wont bring you the happiness you expected..but some dreams that you've never dreamt of can become a reality in your have the doors of your hearts open and drift along in joy, not in chains.
Current Music: Burn by Tina Arena
110 Cranium Signets:
They tried to make a sequel - "The Ditches of Madison County", but it went straight to video and then straight into the 99 cent video bin.
Great post and hey sent you email :)
he 'conditioned' world may see this woman as a betraying wife and mother to her own family, but I see her as a very brave woman...someone who fell madly in love with the man of her dreams and she is also someone who let go of it and lived with the haunting memories of it for the sake of her family...someone who took that step somehow...someone who didn't follow rules when she fell in love, yet someone who followed all the rules for the sake of her family. Isn't that a true character of GREAT strength, to sacrifice all her dreams to stand by her family.
So I was thinking...people have dreams, hopes, goals...some people sacrifice all their dreams for others...some people sacrifice others to achieve their dreams. It's an individual choice we make.********
In my observation 9 out of 10 ppl think haywire when they r on either side of such a relationship or even a close spectator to it....sigh, individual choices i guess...
I'm too existential to talk about contentment, but I do believe in the hope of love and the magic of being in great places with great conversation.
That said...
good luck in all of your further pursuits of the good life.
Another great post Keshi.
People get caught up living the life they THINK they are supposed to live or the life they keep being told they should try to live. Screw that. Drifting isn't really all that bad at all.
Great post, hun!
I loved it!
Thank you!
Keep smiling, and be happy!
Oh,I just adore that movie,' The Bridges of Masison County'
Ive got you beat as far as watching it...about 8x's for me! Lol!
Gotta run, as I'm making blueberry muffins!
P.S About the email....
I had two similar was closed down by my provider.
I'll send you an email later tonight, and that address is good...ok!
you have it in you keshi..the way you go about..Conditioning is one thing which one should honestly unshackle and you have expressed it so warmly..have a great time till we meet again in blog soon
No connection with your post. But thought of you when I saw this. The main character (bruno xavier) was born in Ethiopia to SriLankan parents and now lives in Sydney. See the connection? Quite a funny one:
Hi Keshi
The post is very touching. I always like it when you express your feelings in and out of the 3rd person. You characterize Keshi, and then change back to 1st person in the next sentence. This is hard to accomplish without losing your reader.
You will find that anchor, and Keshi will live happily long into the future.
The movie is very good. I have watched it twice. It’s the type of movie that needs at least 2 viewings in order to capture the true emotion.
A 'set free' post. beautiful post expressed there Keshi. I agree with ya.
***It's a choice, and it should not be an obligation.
I think this statement speaks so much. There are time we ought to live for ourselves rather than other people's perceptions.
Love tat statment of urs much.
Thanks Keshi. *hugz*
All da best to u too!:D
Very nice posting Keshi
When I looked at the posting it was too long but once I started I didn't realized when I reached the end.
Also some of my question were answered too in the post.
Lovely post kesh!
btw u have an award at my blog! :)
Was quite nicely written and by far quite far from emotions and true to life. Having said that mate you done good to really know how you want to live. Sadly, many still don't know they are flummoxed if they are let to handle things by themselves, aspirations, commitments blah blah are some of the other 'earthly' things that keep the person grounded forever but for now know be your own rudder and sail free and importantly enjoy and feel certain that you lived your life per your needs. Keshi, I have realized that a million people around would have a million other/countering thoughts of you, as long as we don't get carried way into their ways of thinking just to please them and finally get to a point where you don't belong no where, I think that feeling should be miserable. Look what we are doing to the children around us in the name of competition the kid has to get lost within million pages of texts which mean nothing to him but most for the parents.. That is what we have made ourselves by volunteering into the rat race and chasing that never existing dream and looking to the right and left fellow rats and setting the quality of life parameter based on them.. Sometimes I wonder if we ever have to do all this... Can't life be simpler? Should everyone be a Number 1 person and only then we accept them? I might have digressed quite a bit and taken up your space... sorry abt it.
So be your ruler, define your own boundaries, never fear to fail and enjoy life - simple motto's of my life.
halo babe...touching post! you r always special...nice knowing u keshi...quite busy now..tcare gal hugzz
every man and woman has the right to the pursuit of happiness
- American Constitution
me too
and kESHI
but Keshis mom said be a virgin bride
hey nice post..well i can agree that the ovie is ver romantic and many of us dream about taking such steps in life.
will we all ever know what contentment is? i guess once some goals are over we will always hav some other coming up.
Hi Keshi,
What can I say? Thanks for making my remarks in your comments section the inspiration for this post. I will not disagree with you if you think that drifting is the thing in life. We choose our own paths to our own destinies. In the end, we will just come face to face with our own destinies. Whatever will make us happy, so we do in our lives. It's just that I can't see the end of all these. I must admit that I am anchored in a definite purpose for my life and I'm pretty much content with that. I just can't seem to see the very end of drifting. Where will it lead? I'm just asking my friend. Thanks for the deep and intelligent post. God bless and have a wonderful and peaceful day always.
I love your honesty. I love how real you are and willing to express yourself so freely in your words.
hey keshi, i agree when you say some ppl sacrifice their dreams for others and some sacrifice others for their dreams...
why then do we judge them? in our world, we don't really get much of a choice, right? the 'conditioned' world as u call it has truly defined the black and white in all its righteousness...
on another note, do u enjoy being a drifter?? coz, if u do.... enjoy that too while it lasts... it will end someday na...
Goals, targets, ambitions. Good for some perhaps, but nothing wrong with drifting along with life. Family and being reasonable content is important. The rest just happens. So don't be tempted by speed dating, haha.
Well, you saw my own little hopeless dream on my blog today. If I make it, you can come too! :)
Ahhh... Laird Hamilton ( he's the bloke on that wave )... now there's someone who never drifted! If he did he wouldn't have starred in on of the 21st century's most iconic images.
I dunno about you, but I need a special porpoise... something to aim for... a milestone. Earlier in life I didn't have any big ones, but the older I get, the higher I seem to aim.
I hope you find some meaning Keshi, and something to drive you on. I reckon it's important. My two cents. :)
hey Kesh, m back and back for good :)
I really love the movie that you mentioned , keshi.And part of my enjoyment of it is that I am torn both ways -I don't agree with the playing up she did, but, at the same time,the fact that she doesn't get out of the car and go with the one she adored just killed me.Sometimes, when it comes down to relationships, it's not always possible to choose our own happiness above that of others.This type of thing is fine in a movie -but in real life if a husband or wife cheats (and ends up leaving or not)it's devastating. That's real life.
"...some people sacrifice all their dreams for others...some people sacrifice others to achieve their dreams."
very well written keshi....I always believe do what u fell is matter what u do keshi...there will be people criticizing you...u always cant satisfy people...there will be few of those....." 'The Bridges Of Madison County" this movie u certainly saw it from different perspective its good. "Clint Eastwood" is one of my fav.....i loved some of his old movies....i know where this movie was shoot...i been to this madison county...its in good old cowboy
I love some of those movie with simple concept......
good post....
mel certainly did good observation!
keshi..take ur time..njoi the work.,..btw what do u do at work...write post on it in the
I don't agree with what she did in that BOM movie. You get out of the marriage first and then "pursue" whatever, cheating is not good at all.I am sure she suffered with guilt for the rest of her "marriage"!:P
I saw that Will Smith's movie, loved Will's son. He is talented and so cute!
I am happy right now, and yes! I pursued my happiness too by closing the comment for a while, taking time to detox and will enable again in Feb! Hahaha!!
Aparently it was a book first... probably got on Oprah's book club, that type of thing...
what a title! v evocative
ps I heard they tried to put out a prequel too: called the Tunnels of Madison County but that went straight to DVD (it was made a few years after the sequel)
Hi,Keshi-I've not see this movie,but,it sure sounds interesting,from your description.
"some people sacrifice all their dreams for others...some people sacrifice others to achieve their dreams."
Nice thoughts-though,of course,thinking about people I know,I'd put the balance more towards the second type of people..the first type are the ones most'in demand' where I'm concerned,but,sadly,they're few and far between.Anyway...that's the challenge for me,in life-to see through the second type,and still come out a winner.hehe.
Happy busy week to you.
Oh,yes,and see my previous post-there's a tag waiting for you to do.
Keshi..First i want to wish you a wonderful and happy year.I missed reading all your posts.I think you are a wonderful writer and knows how to express yourself so clearly. I think we all have dreams and sometimes it does not come true and sometimes we hide behind those dreams not wanting it to materialize because it would be disruptive. I love these lines because it holds true for me." The pursuit of happiness lies in the journey..not in the destination or knowing the destination."
When I was a kid my aspirations were fulfilled with each passing year. My goals were very simple; pass the bl***y exams, don't talk to so ans so and such!
When I grew I found out that, with every passing year the weight of my own dreams were crushing me; Out of the 10 things, I would be able to fulfill 2-3 and it added up each time!
So to give you an epitome of my thoughts, [which have stark resemblance to yours, aheemm! the femme factor can't be missed] I will never be able to fulfill my dreams [ I am not being pessimistic...ahh well you can say a little realistic here]. And now I have started to take it off my shoulder and started to deposit it onto notepads with a foot note that says -
* Will get this done, soon after I find out what I REALLY want!
Beautiful post Keshi hon!
Suddenly, I so very much look forward to your posts ;)
love and hugzzz your style ;)
reading what you said about dreams, i got reminded of something very inspirational that i read on a blog. in fact that is what stays on my mind these days and makes me want to go all out make my imagination come true...
a blogger called Noga Zohar wrote-
"Just so you know..
Dreams don't come true
Dreams are true."
Has brough more questions than answers for me.
That was such a beautiful post darling,really touching!
Not all would have taken that thoughtful comment in such a positive way,let alone write about it in such a constructive manner.
Good luck in pursuing your happyness and may God be with you always!
Love ya!Hugsssss.Keep rocking always,no matter what :)
YES, it's a GREAT movie!! : )
I, too, have an affair with Mr. Coffee ; )
I savor each moment I have with him...and linger over the taste of his body...
I like mine BOLD, STRONG, DARK, with a touch of sweetness, and a hint of spice ; )
Don't work too hard!!
*We're doing "deficiency" notices...yuck!
Hugs & Blessings
Great post and well said the last paragraph!!! very true
Take care
Cheers n hugggzzzzz
Girl...this is why I love your soaring soul to bits.
You have a way with words...when it comes to entwining them into little quilts of warmth and hapiness all around you and us as well.
This was a great post.
The giving and receiving of pleasure is a need and an ecstasy.
Gibran, Kahli
I like your view of 'drifting'.
Even thought I reached many targets in my life... after all I'm still a drifter. And I like it :)
But sometimes it's hard to be a drifter and be together with people who are not. It makes them feel insecure. So (even thought I'm not sure if its right) often there's a need to find balance.
I agree! You dont have to have a goal all the time, and always try to achieve something because you lose the essence of the present moment then.. however, I think in general there needs to be something that drives you.. its a tricky balance that most of us cannot achieve, between just being and trying to get more...
hehe Phos tnxx!
Kaylz tnxx!
aha Southy tnxx!
tnxx Bumble!
** I do believe in the hope of love and the magic of being in great places with great conversation.
Lovely thought!
aww Margie so that was ur inactive email addy...I get it now :) tnxx!
**Ive got you beat as far as watching it...about 8x's for me
LOL! We should watch it together n cry together too :) I do that with mum..we both watch movies together and when its a sad one, u should see both of us crying n then turning towards each other and bursting into laughter LOL!
u hv a good day hun! BB muffins? YUMMMMMMMMM!
ty CU!
**..Conditioning is one thing which one should honestly unshackle
yes..Im tired of being 'conditioned' eversince I was born. Arent we all chasing somebody else's dream, be it parents' or society's? :)
hehe Suresh I saw it...tnxx! LOL!
Jay oops I nearly missed replying to u there...sorry!
**People get caught up living the life they THINK they are supposed to live or the life they keep being told they should try to live.
Bev hey tnxx hun! Ur a fantatstic writer urself...I love reading pieces of ur FANTABULOUS mind!
**You will find that anchor, and Keshi will live happily long into the future.
aww tnxx! but I feel so light n happy w.o. knowing wut that anchor is :-)
ty sweet Amy!
**. There are time we ought to live for ourselves rather than other people's perceptions.
as usual u nailed it! BRILLIANTLY STATED THERE. Thats exactly wut I meant by this post. tnxx n HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
hey Ali tnxx mate!
**but once I started I didn't realized when I reached the end.
aww that made my day :)
hey Jeevy tnxx...that was so sweet of ya!
Vik u nailed it! Fantastic analysis of my post...WELL-DONE and TY!
**for now know be your own rudder and sail free and importantly enjoy
thats all that matters.
And ur right abt parents wanting their kids to be teh TOP always. While I was one such kid, my parents didnt force anything on me...luckily. But I see how parents nowadays try to achieve THEIR dreams thru their KIDS. I say let the kid be who they wanna be...never FORCE em to be someone that YOU want em to be. Let em be THEIR own person.
U said it beautifully and tnxx again!
ty Anits MWAH!
hey Jim tnxx!
**but Keshis mom said be a virgin bride
LOL u ok?
Hey Keshi! I loved Bridges -- the book and the movie.
I can empathize with you on how you're feeling. Sometimes I think, I've got the family I wanted and a nice job -- all the other "wants" are just material things. So what's next? Maybe I'm thinking too hard that I don't have a what's next. Maybe, like you, I don't necessarily need a specific one just yet.
tnxx Enigma!
**will we all ever know what contentment is? i guess once some goals are over we will always hav some other coming up.
So true! Thats exactly wut I meant...contentment isnt a's a journey.
hey tnxx Mel!
btw I didnt mean just going aimlessly in life :) wut I meant was just be ur own person...dun be always CHAINED by dreams and goals. And sometimes we tend to follow OTHER ppl's dreams and we dun even realise it.
**It's just that I can't see the end of all these.
Do we ever see the end of anything? :) Cos when we do see an end of one thing, there's another new beginning waiting to be discovered...
Anyways good luck with ur dreams n goals Mel! HUGGGGGGGGZ!
ty Nadine n u too hun MWAH!
hey Anks tnxx!
** in our world, we don't really get much of a choice, right? the 'conditioned' world as u call it has truly defined the black and white in all its righteousness...
yes I agree...we r always chasing the 'Society's' conditional dreams.
**on another note, do u enjoy being a drifter??
yes I the max :)
**coz, if u do.... enjoy that too while it lasts... it will end someday na...
true! U never know when I'd be bound again by another 'condition'...
Hiyya Andrew!
**Family and being reasonable content is important
true...and thats what i meant :)
call my love-life 'slow-dating'...LOL!
aww Stace I'd love to go with ya!
I think thats where my real purpose is too...
hey Boy!
**! If he did he wouldn't have starred in on of the 21st century's most iconic images.
LOL true :)
**I dunno about you, but I need a special porpoise...
ur right..we all need some 'purpose' in life..but do we really find that purpose like we think we do?
tnxx mate!
hey Ashu WB! :)
hey Lee tnxx!
**I don't agree with the playing up she did, but, at the same time,the fact that she doesn't get out of the car and go with the one she adored just killed me
I agree...I mean the fact that she didn't go with him is what makes this movie so special.
hey KP tnxx!
** been to this madison county...its in good old cowboy state
really? WOW!
LOL Im a programmer...a girl 'programmed' to achieve the high dream of the society..but she's bored of all this now :)
hey Asha tnxx!
**You get out of the marriage first and then "pursue" whatever, cheating is not good at all
I dun agree with what she did too but she didnt leave her family did she? :) Sometimes things happen between ppl...things that r beyond control. I dunno...I just felt she was a very bored house-wife..did u notice how boring her husband was LOL!
**I pursued my happiness too by closing the comment for a while, taking time to detox and will enable again in Feb!
really Asha? wow good on ya..happy DRIFTING ;-)
Thanks for what?hot
never be afraid to swim against the stream - it's harder work but you'll get to where you want to in the end :)
I was wondering...sometimes things like this happen, two people just click...just like that...and nothing has to be seriously wrong in the relationship for it to happen, right?
I wrote about just such an event that happened to me.
haven't watched the movie...and i think i should now...:)
did i tell you , i love visting here because i automatically raise the volume on my speaker and listen to te music...and yes, sometimes i forget to read..
:(..and then i return and i listen...and... :)
you know its nice to live teh moment, but it is also nice to add one more thing you've never done before...sort of adds fun and gives you a lift...:)
inspiring post - i have a little anecdote for you -
Hope lies in dreams, in imagination and in courage of those who dare to make dreams into reality" Jonas Salk
I agree with you- was grounded, anchored and almost in tune with everything that everyone wants from you - settled life - i felt strangled - felt something missing - felt an urge to break free and did just that recently....
floating again in neverland in my dreams :)
Hi Keshi
I was hoping to get on here sooner, but we're very busy.
I wrote a post on happiness for you to read.
Hi Keshi!
As always very smart post! Thank you!
I watched this movie a few times too and like it. But I'm not sure (only not sure, maybe it was good))if it was good to be in love for this short time.
Specialy I like your last sentence, and I put it on my blog.
" Life is so full of surprises and there's always a good chance that dreams you've often dreamt of don't come true in life or even if they do, they wont bring you the happiness you expected..but some dreams that you've never dreamt of can become a reality in your have the doors of your hearts open and drift along in joy, not in chains".
Have a wonderful, lovely and happy days!
Hv u heard from annie offlate?
firstly lemme say hi and ask u why u not reverting my mails :(
**The pursuit of happyness lies in the journey..not in the destination or knowing the destination.
absolutely right :)
how r u n as usual nice post :)
Hi Keshiroo, How are you?
""The pursuit of happyness lies in the journey..not in the destination or knowing the destination.""
So very true!! and i have already strted my journey. happiness is something that we can only pursue.
My inlaws are coming here Feb 1st week, that time they are going to get my wedding photo's and CD's will def mail you once i get them. :)
How are things at ur end?
Love Poo
Dreams... are a beautiful mix of imagination, reality, expectations.. and emotions!!! so iblv one should dream.. if you don't... then I dunno.. in my book something is wrong somewhere... take care!!!
As for being happy... i sing just one song for such moments.. "Don't worry, be happy!!!" :D
Lovely post Keshy
How is everything with you today, Keshi?
Good, I hope!!
I still have some bluebery muffins left...wish I could share one with you, and a nice cuppa coffee!
Well, I'm off to beddie bye!
Nitey nite, hun!
Cudn't agree more.Good!Thoughtful..
Lovely post as usual Keshi, mwah :)
nice post Keshi. reminded me of a similar something that i had posted a long long time ago..."i no longer strive, i just flow along." those were my exact words then. and not a lot seems to have changed in my life's philosophy ever since.
its our hopes and dreams that allow us to be who we are! dream on babe, and yes keep the doors to your wonderful heart open.
Dear Keshi,
Sorry for a long absence, I'll be updating my blog soon just wanna let you know that I appreciate your lovely comments and yes I missed you too :D
Been out of action due to a hand injury while having our holiday in America.
Just wanna let you know that this is a lovely post about pursuit of happiness....been through the car accident in the States that was not fatal but makes me realised that family is more important than anything else.
To me, Happiness to be alive and be with my family :)
Luv you pal, take care and thanks again for being so patient with me. I'll post my new entry tomorrow...take care pal!
Beutiful. Just beautiful.
This year has been insane. Crazy. And its only just started!
take care, keshi.
hey girl,
hows u?..on ur blog after a long time...
"LOL Im a programmer...a girl 'programmed' to achieve the high dream of the society..but she's bored of all this now :)"
ok...sorry keshi...u cant write post on what u do at work....b/c we all are bored with this software job....write post on something know we all do it for the "money" we all gotta party aint it?
a marriage is over
when the mutual love is over
the paper dont matter
till death do us part is romance
and a promise hard to keep
a kiss is fake when there is no love
love making is fornication when the couple dont love each other
find another lover
when the love has died
dont sacrifice your happiness for your kids or WHAT WILL THE NEIGHBORS SAY
u have only one life
live it
Beautiful post, Keshi, and what lovely words of wisdom from Mel. Can you tell us about the 'absurd dreams'?
Did you read the book? The movie was good, but I enjoyed the book sooooooo much more! :)
Anyway, I pretty much live life the way that you do...drifting and seeing what comes my way. I have experienced so many unexpected blessings and surprises by living this way. But I have to admit that there is one dream that I continually reach for and do so hope to reach that destination soon. As for the everything else in my life...I love living in complete freedom! It is as you say, though...sometimes we have to CHOOSE to enjoy life. I can forget that sometimes and find myself drifing into emptiness but as soon as I realize that I falling into that trap, I take a look around the bend and see something great coming up ahead of me that I couldn't have even planned.
I admire you so much! Don't ever change that great outlook on life! ;)
oh ok Gledz tnxx! :)
hey Amit hows u? :)
**that's the challenge for me,in life-to see through the second type,and still come out a winner.
I'll check out the tag soon...soooo busy here :(
hey Starry MWAH! I missed ya..
How hv ya been?
aww Veenz that was so beautifully put...LOVED IT!
**When I grew I found out that, with every passing year the weight of my own dreams were crushing me
thats exactly wut Im trying to say..u were spot on!
hey Trinnie!
**"Just so you know..
Dreams don't come true
Dreams are true
BEAUTIFUL! thats so true and I always used to say that...that dreams r dreams...let em be...dun try so hard to make em somethign else...some dreams r just beautiful as just...DREAMS.
ty Lavida!
aww tnxx hun @Sameera.
heyya Coco! :)
Dawny ty MWAH!
Hey Cinderella hows u? Missed ya girl...
and tnxx!
I wouldn't maybe say your drifting through life... you seem to enjoy it a lot and looks like you are quite curious in a good kind of way.
Oh, this is too existential for me!
TQM ty!
I agree Murane...
**It makes them feel insecure
so true...I hv experienced that. Its like they dunno how to be comfy with a its really their problem :)
true SS, tnxx!
** I think in general there needs to be something that drives you
and that drive is living LIFE itself..atleast for me :)
hey Menchie tnxx hun!
**So what's next?
exactly! Its like once u achive one goal, u look for another..its a hunger...
hey Southy!
**Thanks for what?hot
tnxx for the comment :) thats what I meant.
yes Silvara, ty sweetie!
k BB I'll check it out soon, tnxx!
aww TA that really makes me glad :)
hey Ceedy tnxx!
** i felt strangled - felt something missing - felt an urge to break free and did just that recently....
Hey Bev tnxx! I'll read it sometime today...Im so very busy too :(
hey darling Krys ty n MWAH!
Southy yes...she keeps in touch with me via email..and she started a new blog n already invited me in. She's doing well.
hey Uttsy long time...hows u?
**firstly lemme say hi and ask u why u not reverting my mails
which mail? I think I replied to all the email I received from u as far as I know...ard Christmas/New year. So either you/me hasnt received the email/reply ur talking abt...
Anyways I thought u hv been very quiet lately Uttsy...maybe its ur work...same here...very busy these days.
no worries..take ur time with the pics..I can wait :)
btw, Im doing good...hows Prachi? And where d u live now?
hey Sam tnxx!
I agree...there has to be a drive in life..but that drive doesnt hv to drive u nuts..LOL thats wut I meant :)
ty Deepak!
Margie Im so busy with a new project these days :) Hows u?
aww I'd love some muffins rite now...cos I badly need a coffee break!
Mez ty!
hey Caz tnxx hun!
hey Nachi tnxx my friend!
**..."i no longer strive, i just flow along
thats so beautifully stated...TY!
OMG Shionge HUGGGGGGGGGGZ n WB! U were in a car accident? WHEN? U ok now? OMG. TC hun!
But Im so glad ur bak from ur holiday safe n sound. MWAH!
I missed ya so very much...btw, all ur family n friends r ok?
hey Phishez tnxx!
Its pretty insane over here too :)
Kalpz tnxx hun!
heyyy Ekta long time...hows ya? :)
hey KP tnxx :)
**....i know we all do it for the "money" we all gotta party aint it?
hehe yeah..
btw d u want me to write a C# post next? LOL!
I agree wut really makes u happy, not what makes others happy...
hehehe Helen ty my dear!
Absurd dreams is all I've got hun ;-)
heyyy Outdoorsy MWAH!
**I can forget that sometimes and find myself drifing into emptiness but as soon as I realize that I falling into that trap, I take a look around the bend and see something great coming up ahead of me that I couldn't have even planned.
I totally agree!
no I hvnt read the book but I want to...must be a great read.
aww tnxx Zhu! :)
thats a very truthful post keshi ..
sure we'll have dreams ..rather at d moment m goin through a phase where a lot of decisions are to b made .. having come at the final years of this educational course .. i am not vry sure if i want to pursue education further or want to join the job .. or is there nething else tht i wud like to do ..
there no long term plan .. n sometimes I really hate myself fr procrastinating over imp things ..
bt keshi .. m sure ur dreams will come true sooner or later .. jus keep d faith :)
hey Anuj tnxx!
I hv often felt like ya..
** n sometimes I really hate myself fr procrastinating over imp things
is it IMP to YOU or someone else? As long as u follow wuts IMP to YOU, thats all that matters :)
Good luck in everything u do Anuj!
"The pursuit of happyness lies in the journey..not in the destination or knowing the destination." Well said keshi!! You have brought a new way where the real happiness lies, which I truly agreed.
ty Jeevan!
Im happy in this 'moment' and thats all that matters. And thats what I meant by those lines :)
Excellent post, Keshi. Thats the way to be. Live in the present, hope for the best but be prepared for the worst too. And yeah, dream on....
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