...for reasons that only my heart seem to understand. Why do most people 'choose' to look down upon the disadvantaged man? Sometimes even the purest of minds lack compassion. I'm not saying that I would blindly love and feel sorry for any being out there and that I'm a Mother Theresa in jeans. All I'm saying is when it's your family and a good humanbeing, and when that loved-one loses his way for a little while, why can't people just understand that he needs a little time and a little help to get by until he's back on his feet again? And why can't people give that kind of help to him without expecting something in return and without spewing it on his face til the day he dies? Why can't people just understand that we all go through troubled times and that it can happen to them too? Why can't people just chuck him out of their house without keeping him there and torturing his mind for giving him shelter? Why do people pick on him when he's even paying rent for the small space he's occupying with the little money he earns? Can a sister treat
her own brother worse than she'd treat her pet dog? How can people do that kind of thing to a good man..to a man who has helped everyone long time ago when he could afford to? Why can't people help him without scarring his heart with the footprints of their ego? Why do people hold on to old grudges and never learn to forgive and move on? Why do people just find faults even when he goes to a movie or drinks a beer, as if he doesn't deserve to enjoy life just cos he's not as rich as they are? Why do people point fingers at a person who had done so much in life but is facing some difficulties right now? Why don't people trust in this man and give him some time to get back on his feet again? Why do people go to the temple every week yet turn out to be so unforgiving?
Last night I prayed. I prayed that some people open their eyes and hearts. It's no point helping someone if you want to complain about it too. You might as well not help at all. I don't like half-arsed jobs...either my mind is fully set on something or it's not there at all. Last night I realised. I realised that people are really not what they appear to be...they carry deep-rooted issues and they show it in their actions, not in their sugary words. Some people who claim that they love helping others fail badly when they really have to do it without feeling egoistic about it. Last night I told. I told such people that they need to either help someone without whining or not help at all. Helping someone shouldn't be a chore, it should be a gift you give from the heart to the other person. Last night I fell. I fell out with one of my cousins in NZ cos all she could ever think of was 'her' house, 'her' parents' money spent on that little space that he occupies now and 'her' this and that...she didn't like him living there cos apparently it's getting messy blah blah blah. Last night I figured. I figured out that to some people, buildings and money matter more than a humanbeing. Last night I whispered. I whispered a little prayer to keep me compassionate towards
people who deserve it and never to remind them that they are being helped...never to seek recognition for what I do to others. Last night I cried. I cried for my uncle..I cried for the way this world is and for the way some people treat their own. I cried for you and me. If we can't help each other, what's the use of this life? Sometimes we all need somebody to lean on, and sometimes we end up being the pillar for someone else to rest against when they're weary of their walk...help them, but don't ever hurt them in return. And if you can't help, don't help half-heartedly either. A tree never asks for anything in return when you sit under it to get some shade...
Current Music: Lean On Me by Bill Withers
112 Cranium Signets:
I don't know. Sometimes I think people are naturally not very compassionate. I think it takes too much effort for most people to be compassionate and they are too lazy to do anything about it.
Beautiful post, darlin'!
So heartfelt and full of love!
It touched me so very much!
It shows how very special and caring you are!
I really loved it!
Well, my hubby is watching a football game, and wants we to join him!
So, gotta go!
Have a good day, hun!
And, we will talk soon. ok!
Everything that you emit is never short of being beautifully narrated. Bless you.
when u give without expecting anything in return
u will receive ten fold
Joyce Meyer
Join me too Margie
for a cup of coffee
ahhh babe - i know ur hurting but as long as there are kind-hearted people like you in this world then anyone who is unfortunate will have someone to help them.
i don't think people realise how little effort it really is just to make a bit of a difference....
HUGZ babe :)
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Another Indian student shot dead in US university
Abhijit Mahato was found dead inside his apartment (Agencies File Photo)
WASHINGTON: Yet another Indian doctoral student has been shot dead - the third in a month - on a US university campus, raising questions about the safety of the American university environment. The bullet-riddled body of 29-year old Abhijit Mahato was found inside his Anderson Street apartment in North Carolina's Duke University on Friday, nearly
Crying only makes you more human. I wish we would cry more instead of being indifferent. You have a beautiful soul.
u guys must visit Joycee
she is sexy at 64
i am smitten
I visited her at bandra kurla complex yesterday
her hubby Dave was there
Joycee is good funn
she did a robot dance
Delirious was cool
and Hillsong from Autralaya
but the local talent singing in hindi was better
I had a good time
I shouted
, , Oh come on Joycee
Jesus is not the only God , ,
she wanted the whole of Mumbai to accept Jesus as the only God
I was almost lynched
if looks cud kill
i wud be dead
a 100 eyes were staring at me
Hi Keshi
Very moving post!
Very heartfelt!
If at all possible, I try not to be on the computer on a Sunday evening. However, we received word that a friend died today. So, I’m emailing some other friends the news.
Life is too short to hold grudges, but it’s not too short to be kind to other people.
This past week, we went to see an old friend. He lives in a one-room flat. The place was dimly lit with two small lamps. I asked him if he would like us to get him a larger lamp. He said he wanted one but was afraid to ask anyone. We bought a lamp and set it up for him. It brightened the room like daylight. As tears came to his eyes he said thank you. I felt joy in my heart because we were able to help him.
Life is about living, not about death. When we do a kind act for someone, the joy it gives helps us to jump our own hurdles.
A tight squeezing huuuuuugggggg....
awww you are making me cry :(
well..sometimes lifes just not the way its suppose to be...and u cant do anything abt it..but just pray for it to get back to normal...well at times we have to learn to take such situations in our stride..bcos wen we do so...at times a way to tackle such situations also appears on its own :)....newaz...replied to ur comment on my blog..check it out :)
A tree never asks for anything in return when you sit under it to get some shade...
what a perfect example.
Sometimes I am as a tree. I said "sometimes", because there is a time when I need a shade from tree too.
A few months ago my great friend asked me:
-Why are you so naughty today?
-I am frustrated,...bla,bla..., I said ... not polite.
- Youuuuuuu? - she was in a big shock.
- I don't understand Why Everybody(family, friends) think that I'm Mother Teresa?
and I never have problems. When I am in trouble nobody wants to help me, nobody understand me. I need psyhotherapy.... I grumbled.
My friend answerd me:
Because you are Special.
Why I want to share this?
Maybe there is little answer:
"On a gloomy, rainy morning, it came little eight-year-old Tommy's
turn to say the blessing at breakfast. 'We thank Thee for this
beautiful day,' he prayed. His mother asked him why he said that
when the day was anything but beautiful. 'Mother,' said he, with
rare wisdom, 'never judge a day by its weather.'"
- Author Unknown
Thank you Keshi, you inspired me!
I love this song.
Lean on me when you're not strong
I'll be your friend.
Sometimes in our lives
we all have pain
we all have sorrow.
U cud be right Jay...ppl r too lazy to make that extra effort, cos being mean is so much more easier than being kind.
hey Margie tnxx hun!
Enjoy the Footy with ur hubby :)
aww u too Vesty tnxx!
Jim thats right...but even if I dun receive anything un return, Im so happy helping someone out and seeing the joy on their faces. Thats the HIGHEST reward.
'never judge a day by its weather.'"
never judge a book by its cover
that applies to women too
most elderly women appear to be prudes
but u will be surprised
ty Silvara MWAH!
**i don't think people realise how little effort it really is just to make a bit of a difference
Spot on! Thats wut I told my cuz...just not to concentrate on what's THEIR's...to concentrate on what HE is too.
True, I agree Zhu!
Jim who is Joyce?
Bev Im so sorry to hear abt ur friend's passing. HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
Life is short but ppl hv very tall egoes. Helping someone is not such a big deal...if u hv the heart for it.
Wut u did to light up ur friend's home is admirable. Im sure it lit up his heart too. HUGGGGGGGGGGS u rock!
One more thing Bev..
**When we do a kind act for someone, the joy it gives helps us to jump our own hurdles.
very well-said hun!
Kaylz I've been crying alot since last week...some ppl's words really make me sad.
ty Mav!
**at times a way to tackle such situations also appears on its own
aww tnxx Krys MWAHHHHHHH!
**'never judge a day by its weather.'"
WUT A BEAUTIFUL QUOTE! It goes very well with this post. Rite now my uncle is being judged by what he's going thru at the moment...I can already see the 'weather' of his life is soon changing...he's in for good times!
ty for the encouragement swthrt!
I often ask myself too:
Why people do that....?
How can people do that...?
and I pray:
Please, Lord, open my eyes and heart,
I want to see more than my physical eyes can see.
I'll be pray for your uncle.
Joycee is Joyce Meyer, evangelist like Benny Hinn and Billy Graham
they want to make the hole world christian
Brilliant read....i believe compassion is lost among all other judgements.
good to you exist.
once again Great read!
//Kaylz I've been crying alot since last week...some ppl's words really make me sad.//
awww so have I but, not for the same reasons.......:( some people just arent too nice :(
I'll be pray for your uncle.//
Me too...:)
Krys ty for being the kind n caring soul that u r! yes everyone must try to see beyond wut the naked eyes can see...
My uncle, he's doing fine...after a long battle, God finally looked his way and now he's just settling down..and some ppl cant even give him some time to rest and enjoy the lil break he got after such a long time. He'll move out soon...I'll go to NZ then and help him move and set up house - yeyyy I cant wait. :)
oh ok Jim tnxx! And good luck to Joyce lol!
heyy Blade WC n ty!
**....i believe compassion is lost among all other judgements
yes ur right...ppl 'choose' to judge b4 looking inside their hearts to find compassion...
Kaylz alot of ppl r not nice...Im talkin from experience...I hvnt had a great easy life either...but I believe in myself and I know that there r few nice ppl out there...so that should be enuf to make me happy :)
aww tnxx Kaylz!
I always pray for ya anyways...
hey...thanx for the reply on my blog...if im in aussie land sometime...do v get to go out??lol...
oha keshi I know I am always in your thoughts and that really makes me happy :)Yeah I realize that keshi that is why I don't take it personally(most of the time) when they are rude! because most of the time they are like that too everyone :)
::sends hugs and kisses keshi's way::
::love ya hun::
u there on gtalk/msn or anyother msnger???n when does the soda blog start??
lol Mav yes we can go out.
The Soda blog was a joke Mav haha! :):)
I dun do msn..I dun like chatting...I only like watching Cricket with ya next time there's a Aus/India match...u game for it? LOL!
very well-written keshi!
damn...n i thot i cud share tequila word with u there...lol...well i ll b working with unilever soon..so all ur lakme n ponds stuff will be with me :D...n the next ones in adelaide..im gonna b down south in TN..not even home...n shifting blogs can be tiresome..so gimme a chat id if u can
very nice and moving post Keshi..
yes,sometimes we need somebody to lean on.
i keep this in my mind:
do to others as what you want them to do to you.
keep on being a compassionate woman.
im on your side..
Happy Monday !!
Really beautiful post Keshi!
Maybe another stone which could wake up some people.
I also try to do my little deeds.
In my family, at any rate, there are both unrealistic expectations and impatience which create this kind of scenario. My father is handicapped and my mother runs out of patience and yells at him. But when she had surgery and both my brother and I were there for a while, she wouldn't let us help cook. She kept coming into the kitchen and starting to do the work herself. She has unrealistic expectations both of herself and others around her.
Family dynamics, especially in dysfunctional families like mine (and I've seen far worse even) can be very tricky. Everyone has their issues and adgendas. And sometimes we snap at people we care about because of old, stressful things that have been there a long time.
I couldn't live with my parents--we'd probably kill each other. But I do try to help from my own vantage point as much as possible.
Take care.
Hi Keshi,
We all learn that life is not fair. We go through different phases in our lives and that's what's going on with your uncle too. You must love him that much to be bothered by what's happening to him. We can only pray for others that life's blows would be softer on them. And we can also pray for ourselves so that we may be strengthened to be able to bear the burdens that will come our way too. Thanks for the interesting post. God bless you and your family. Have the best time of your life always.
i dunno wot to say.. feeling a bit numb.. and kind of reflecting back on certain past experiences!!
so sad yet so true... but we couldn't blame them if they choose not to help...it has to be the their choice. we have no right to make that choice for them... and there is no point helping if you're sincere...
Your story is heartful...after reading my eyes filled with tears
thing is that we all love saying beautiful words about giving without expecting anything in return. If you ask people almost everyone will say that the true love, friendship, relationship is always unconditional.
But the truth is we all hide behind these beautiful words said by someone wise once.
Human beings lack on strength - they are not ready to compromise when it is about their own well being and thats so much sad.
Once someone cant be helpful for them they get rid of such person. I dont say everyone does but the majority of people because thats in human nature.
Your post was so much touching and strong that i believe everyone who read it will think about it and maybe we all will remember these words once something like that would happen to us :)
Lets pray for the inhabitants of this planet for having more humanity and love and less selfishness and hate.
Cheer up dear girl. Sending lots of love and hugs your way...
its in the nature of the world to kick a person whn hes down...the question is , is there something u can do for him?
compassion, love, tears and prayers mean nothing if it lacks action...
i agree with jay, it takes effort to be kind
Keshi I hope your uncle is doing well .. last time I remember you writing tht he was not okay ....
You are a very compassionate soul Keshi ... hugggss
difficult questions tht u put up there ...I go thru them often without any answer ... this is something tht I had posted some times back
old blade sheaths
Cleaves thin air
Pieces of salt
And sand ….
Eddying to shores
In calm representation.
“Is it fair?” He questions
“Was it fair?” I enquire
Who are you?
I don’t have an answer
Few remember me
I remember even fewer
To hearken to deeds
What futile aversions ….
Take care
I know that I would be a liar if I said that I always looked at people's problems with compassion instead of judgment, but I do my best.
Reading your post makes me realize that at times I need to be better at that...
Thanks Keshi
Well written and I think I will say not many in the world are compassionate or for that matter willing to remember the past. So there in lies the dilemma. So naturally people get treated badly, more old age homes and more time invested on themselves, the money they can make. I think you wrote it wonderfully.
Keshi, I somehow knew this post was about your uncle the moment I started reading.
I love what you wrote and how you wrote it. You truly have a beautiful soul. Thinking of you and your uncle. x
The minute they help someone, most people get into the "feel like god" syndrome. Thats why they get so uptight and self righteous.
Hey arent you going to congratulate India on the win?? The ozz's didnt expect to be crapped so soon eh?? what say kesh???
By the way the photo on the previous post was practically asking me "Cholie ke peeche kya hey!!!"
Now how naughty naughty of me
keshi,the wheel keeps going...and people who can see themselves are the onces who matter....when i say see,i mean feel their deepest emotions...one thing,everyone thinks they know everything,but for one moment no one asks what a child will ask....ask that and you can conquer the world.....just ask your self..."why is the flower pink?"....
This is so poignant, Keshi, you write beautifully and always from the heart.
God bless u..
why does one to go thru all such pain.
Hey girl, how hv u been? Just dropped by to say HI to ya. Been very busy, so hvnt been able to read much of your so interesting blogs for a while now. U take care. I'll catch up soon. Hugs & Cheers!! Muahs!!!
Some people are just selfish. They take whatever they can and in return, give nothing. Life is cruel Keshi and scary too. Take care sweets.
People always take advantage when you are down. It doesn't matter if its your blood Keshi coz humans are arrogant.
You have the most beautiful soul Keshi, and dont you dare think i was ignoring you. I have been watching you all this while.
That was so touching and lovely sweetie!People who think like this are so rare and I'm glad you are such a person!God Bless your beautiful heart.Wish your Uncle will be fine soon.
Take good care.Have a wonderful week ahead.Hugsssss
I don't know, Keshi, we can't demand empathy out of others, we can only empathize with the downtrodden and help when we can. "For what profiteth it a man to gain the world and lose his soul?"
We're tested at nearly every turn, maybe this is the year you turn your empathy into firmly committed action. Not everyone is blessed to feel as intensely as you do, my friend.
love your blog...let me know what u think about this post about the King THANK WE FREE
Keshi that was some post love!!
You are a caring and wonderful person and it shows through every word.
Compassion is not a natural reaction to a lot of people, in fact not correctly defined by a lot either.
However the compassionate amongst us have so much extra work to do to combat those who aren't.
Never let the negatives change you Kesh, fight for the right to do what your compassionate heart feels, whatever the situation.
Girl you totally spoke my mind out here. I dont know what makes people make it evident that doing an act of kindness towards soemone.
If show-off is the entire motive behind it all, then why go for it on the first place ???
Its shameful.
When someone is looking for your help, if you are not ok extending him the help he/she seeks then I think its better being frank about it, rather than doing soemthing and reminding the person his/her whole life that that day that evening I had done an act of kindness towards you. Dare not forget that.
We proudly potray that we are all compassionate human beings, yet we react like this when we get a chance to exercise our compassion.
Time has come we need to peep into ourselves and ask, how would we like to be treated when we need someone tomorrow taking into account the way we have turned down someone who needed us.
Maybe then the world can be a better place.
You take care girl.
Your heart of compassion came shinning through in this post Keshi. Your love for others and in helping them is spot on.
ty Radha!
oii Mav I dun chat at all lol! Im telling u the truth. My only online life is my blog.
hey Ghee ty!
**do to others as what you want them to do to you.
spot on!
Happy week ahead dahlin!
hey Murane ty!
**Maybe another stone which could wake up some people
true. Im not a big charity-worker but Im doing my bit too :) just like u.
Judge WC n ty! :)
**Family dynamics, especially in dysfunctional families like mine (and I've seen far worse even) can be very tricky. Everyone has their issues and adgendas
I agree. It depends on each personality and their experiences too.
tnxx for sharing ur experiences with us!
ty Mel!
**You must love him that much to be bothered by what's happening to him
yes...Im doing my best to get him out of there.
trust me, I hv been thru hell too. ppl who hv helped me in the past hv spewed it all on my face...with very mean words too. Now I hv given every cent of their money bak (I borrowed some for Uni fees), all from my own savings after starting to work - Im glad I cud do that. After that only they shut their mouths. :)
So u see how money can make ppl act like losers.
hey Diva tnxx!
**it has to be the their choice. we have no right to make that choice for them
I know that we cant force anyone to help others. It has to come naturally. In that case I think it's best they dun help at all. I just hate ppl who help and complain abt it too.
WC Raghu n ty!
aww I hope ur not crying anymore...
hey Lena WC n ty!
yes...some ppl r only just good at words..not in their deeds.
**Lets pray for the inhabitants of this planet for having more humanity and love and less selfishness and hate
I pray for that every single day :) tnxx hun!
hey Ash MWAH n tnxx!
ty Tys!
yes I agree..its human nature to kick the person who's down. but am I not human then? :)
Abt my uncle..yes Im in the process of getting him out of that place. Even the money I send him has been kept by someone else..I just heard. can u believe that? These r well-off ppl Im talking abt!
**compassion, love, tears and prayers mean nothing if it lacks action...
Spot on!
WOW Alok that was profound! ty so much for that.
yes...ppl r careless, selfish and penny-pinching. They dun see the sadness in another man's eyes.
hey Mormon tnxx mate!
**Reading your post makes me realize that at times I need to be better at that...
aww how nice is it to hear that! HUGGGGGGGZ!
Vik u made perfect sense there...tnxx!
Nora hun WB n ty MWAHHHHHHHHH!
hey Sanjeeeeeeeeee-va :)
**The minute they help someone, most people get into the "feel like god" syndrome. Thats why they get so uptight and self righteous.
so true! The EGO settles in.
I dun u'stand much Hindi...plz translate :)
First of all I pray for ur uncle and hope things get better!
I am yet to understand this world and someof the people....I dont understand why people dont understand being decent human being and help person in tough situation without expecting anything in return!
Dont worry keshi
I believe in this
what goes around, comes around
aww Vish as usual ur so full of wisdom.
I believe that a human's heart wud be so empty if he/she cant 'see'/'feel' beyond what the naked eyes/skin can see/feel.
TY so much!
ty Peter!
FJ ty!
**why does one to go thru all such pain.
I guess we all need to go thru tough times to know what life really is. I hv been thru pretty rough patches in my life...and I thank God for em cos Im what Im today cos of those times. My uncle had a GREAT life before all this...now he's facing some times no one wud hv ever imagined. But I believe he'll live a GREATER life next...cos this bad period is gonna be over soon and he'll be RICHER for having gone thru it all.
aww Priyanka I hv been missing ya! Hope all is well with ya. tnxx for dropping by n MWAHHHHHHHHHHHHZ! :)
U look lovely as usual!
Asha tnxx hun!
**They take whatever they can and in return, give nothing.
yes and Im shocked at how they can take a poor man's money too..in such a greedy way!
yes ur right...life is cruel n scary sometimes!
ur right Priya...some humans r plain SELFISH.
Aakash u too! HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ n ty! :)
So u've been ard? I thought u were on holz or something...so hows u?
u too Sameera, tnxx n HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ luv!
Helen luv ty!
**we can't demand empathy out of others, we can only empathize with the downtrodden and help when we can.
I so agree. That makes me sad tho....cos Im not asking for their money or their home...Im just asking them to find their compassion deep within em...it's a treasure they'd find for themselves.
Torrence WC n ty!
k will check it out soon.
aww ty Simon! I believe u r one of those rare compassionate souls too. I can see so much goodness in ya!
**Compassion is not a natural reaction to a lot of people, in fact not correctly defined by a lot either
I agree. Thats what Helen said too. I think Compassion truly sets ur heart free. So if these ppl can find their compassion, IMO they'll actually be alot happier.
ty so much Cinderella!
Suddenly I remembered how compassionate u were to ur relativies...rem u told me a story abt em living in ur place. Thats what I call TRUE HUMANITY. U and ur dad r gems!
**Time has come we need to peep into ourselves and ask, how would we like to be treated when we need someone tomorrow taking into account the way we have turned down someone who needed us.
Spot on! beautifully stated.
ur's too Nadine...ty n MWAH!
KPS WC n ty!
** dont understand why people dont understand being decent human being and help person in tough situation without expecting anything in return
I cant u'stand that too..mebbe cos I was born to be sensitive towards others' feelings.
God bless ya! u hv a beautiful soul.
aww that was KP :) I thought u were some newcomer here LOL!
It's almost as thought the more that people get caught up in materialism that fellow man takes a back seat. Once upon a time people had to rely on others more and and now it seems to be "every man for himself". And woe it is to the person who actually needs true help and support.
A beautiful post from a beautiful person Keshi :)
u made me cry! :( very touching! u hv a good day! god bless!
Lee thats so true! U nailed it.
tnxx hun!
ty Miladysa n u too MWAH!
awww Anits...
We got to take care of each other. BTW I didn't know Mother Theresa wore jeans. I always thought she was kind of hot, in a geriatric kind of way.
LOL Phos this Mother Keshi wears jeans ;-)
Guys guess wut, that cuz of mine isnt talking to me anymore :( Just cos I told her not to complain abt helping him and not to help if she dun wanna...
wut a weird world this is!
ChaRITY compassion pity humiliates the recepient
he she will hate u for it
when u give
give coz u love that person
or dont give at all
if u give out of charity
do it annonymously
I agree Jim. But its my cuz who's not talking to me now, not my uncle.
good writeup kesh, but the world arnd us wont change....finally its upto us how 2 adjust to the world s ways............
That's just so sad. Families should stick together but the reality is not always like that. Too bad about your cousin keshi.
I agree Ashu. We cant change the way the world is, but we can change individually...that'll help somehow :)
tnxx hun!
Menchie thats what I mean...families should be there for each other. and my uncle isnt a lazy person either...he's agood guy who had a great life. Just that right now he's a bit down...it can happen to anyone. But I know he'll be living that good life again...soon it'll happen. I can see the signs..
beautiful Keshi !!
I'll remember tht too .. :)
Some people who claim that they love helping others fail badly when they really have to do it without feeling egoistic about it. Right said keshi!!
I come across in character like them in some situation in my life. Those times I feel to express that helping is helping and we no need to see any other thing.
We all have selfish genes, Keshigirl. But some people haven't learned to control those primitive instincts. My sister was blessed with great beauty and she thinks this makes her better and more deserving of life's rewards than other people. Lol!
ty Anuj...u r already VERY compassionate. HUGGGGGGGGZ!
Jeevan I hv experienced that too..in my life...where ppl hv spewed it all on my face.
hey Tobez long time...so nice to see ya here :)
**primitive instincts
spot on! Primitive is the word!
LOL @ur sis!
Nothing new I guess, This just happens everywhere. People never forgive and they never the good things.. they remember the bad things.
Sometime I do expect somethings. I help full-heartedly but then it all goes off in the sky when I am on the wrong side.
There is another point there, no matter how good you do, you should also have the heart to accept the mistakes or the people who are trying to point it out.
Suddenly I feel very sad Keshi.
Then I look here and I feel warm and compassionate.. may be I will cry, may be I will just shed a tear too!
For you, your uncle..and for your never ending compassion.
I wish I could be so good hearted too.
U dun hv to wish u were good-hearted...U R already that n more! Look at ur comment...it speaks COMPASSION.
thanks Keshi...
you are lovely.. I kind of get up to your posts daily ;)
aww wut a beautiful thing to say Veenz!
Hi,Keshi-just one answer?It's the usual thing-ego,superiority,the feeling that you're one up on the other person-even if he/she is from the same family.Sigh!
:O where's my comment disappeared? :( :( :( :((((
true Amit, tnxx!
aww Cheesy :( where is it?
Keshi baby, your LAST NIGHT has made me cry tonight. This is exactly how I think. But it seems there r only a negligible few who tries or acts to be helping but in return talk about it to an extent that the person upon whom the favour is bestowed, feels burdened with it. Its sad.
aww HUGGGGGGGGGZ Priyanka! Dun cry now. I know how u feel...its a CRUEL world out there.
but as long as u and I think properly and do the right thing, we dun need to worry abt the mean ppl.
tnxx hun!
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