All the men I meet seem to be Baboons who just want to mate. HELP I'm surrounded by baboons! A Human and a Baboon can't get married right? See the 1st pic of a Baboon and the 2nd pic of myself...quite different from each other right? So the 2 cant ever date, get married and have kids. Anyways, I'm sick of it and I'm so sick of hearing that 'I like you' phrase and not being able to say 'I love you'. And I'm sick of men acting like they are clueless, when they are actually wondering when their next mating experience would be (see 1st pic). Most men are afraid to fall in love, they are afraid to commit, they are only after a good time and that's about it - you know, like Baboons. And the 'nearlythere' men (the non-Baboons) I meet are already taken or are after a much younger woman (must be after a schoolgirl?) or are Mummy's boys or are losers who are driven by conditions. That's as shallow
as it can get. I'm throwing up as I'm thinking about it ***throwing-up sounds follow...***. I've made up my mind, I'm gonna be single in this life and boy o boy am I not glad about that! Even if I meet a Human male some day, I'll shoot that 'he-may-be-the-one' thought immediately and bury it in it's untimely grave, before I find out that it's just another Baboon after all. So yeah, I'll never get married in this life, I'll never call someone my husband, I'll never be a mother, I'll never never never never never (in Neverland now!)...unless God re-designs the Male species' brain (i.o.w upgrade it from Baboon brain to Human brain). Guys, please refrain from telling me that I'm not looking in the right places (I wasn't looking in the bins or the zoo anyways) or that my man will come along some day aaaaarrrrrggggggg! (not that I plan to get hitched when I'm 100yrs old or when I'm on a table at the Mortuary). I promise, if any of you say that to me, I'll stop blogging for good (not a threat, but a true feeling inside of me) LOL! I just hate those lines with a vengeance. Besides, I don't go 'looking' for men anyways, I'm not that desperate. These are men I happen to meet (yes I know I feel cursed, rather doomed). And I believe you guys are the only people who can truly understand me, so please don't say such ridiculous things please please pleeeeeease! Guys, I'm not sad or angry, just a little baboonified ahemm!. Anyways, sometimes I just wish I was a Baboon would have been alot easier then! ***pictures a Baboon Wedding***. Seriously I don't wanna even speak to such men's insulting my intelligence. Next time I sense a Baboon-in-the-making, I'd just drag him to the zoo, give him some grass and make sure he stays there. And this last pic resembles how some men act as if they don't understand anything about love awwww how ass!

Current Music: It's Raining 'Baboons' by The Weather Girls
155 Cranium Signets:
u dont have to be married to be a mother silly
its time u have kids Keshi
u will regret it later if u dont
I proposed to a lady
she said I LIKE U
she didnt say I LOVE U too
women too dont want to be hitched
choose a man with wit and charm
and high IQ and EQ
age dont matter
choose me
u have a womb that needs to be filled
u have beautiful milk containers
u may adopt a child
but those boobs wont fill with milk
and u wont have the pleasure of suckling your child
it is Gods design for every woman
dont mess with Gods plan for u
the most beautiful picture is that of a child sucking on your tit
while his tiny other hand plays with the other tit
and the ectasy on the mothers face
u r missing all this Keshi
Keshi, it can seem that way sometimes. goodness knows i've come across a lot of jerks during my dating years (i sound sooooo old!). hang in there. :D
Menchie and child
ha ha ha...that was so for the laughs...nice pics by the way...well jims second comment goes for me gonna go get some sleep now.. :D
While we were sitting around the dinner table on Christmas Eve, we got onto the topic of my blog. My siblings have read it and commented occasionally, but I don’t think my mom has ever read my blog. When I had asked her why not, she made comments like, “I don’t like blogs.” But that evening, she told me the real reason why she hasn’t read it—she thinks that the pictures I posted are inappropriate. She is ashamed that I have made them public and refuses to look at my blog because she can’t stand the thought of others seeing things that should be “private and sacred.” Another person at the table remarked that “anyone could take those pictures and put them on a porn site.”
Those pictures. What are they referring to, anyway? I they assume mean the picture of me and Zari immediately after the birth, and the three nursing pictures I have posted.
I agree that birth is a very private, sacred event. That’s exactly why I chose to give birth with no one but my husband in attendance, and even he remained in the other room until I called him in at the very end. But sharing my experiences does not detract from the beauty of the experience. I want others to read my story and know why I chose this path.
In addition, I find the picture of me holding my freshly-born daughter incredibly beautiful and inspiring. Whenever I look at it, I feel the elation and joy all over again. To say that this picture is degrading—simply because there is nudity—is like equating Michelangelo’s “David” or Mary Cassatt’s “Mother and Child” with an x-rated video or centerfold. Nudity does not pornography make.
For being completely naked, I expose remarkably little in that picture. All you can really see is one breast, camouflaged by blood smears. Everything else is covered by the baby or in shadow.
And don’t even get me started on breastfeeding being considered objectionable!
I am sad that my mom cannot see beyond the images. I don’t think she has ever read my birth story, and I wonder if she ever will. This blog contains intimate, heartfelt posts about things that are the most important to me--things that are part of my core identity as a woman and a mother.
So, dear readers, would you be ashamed if your own daughter posted similar pictures? Please share your thoughts.
Jim I aint looking to get stop pouring in those booby comments.
I agree even some women dun wanna be hitched...but how many women hv u said I LOVE U to? LOL!
btw ur stick with her Jim!
Nah Menchie u aint old.
and tnxx MWAH! :)
Ban the bottle
promote breast feeding
hi again Jim!
**choose a man with wit and charm
and high IQ and EQ
so u want me to marry a suga daddy?
LOL Mav tnxx!
go get some good sleep now...nitey nite!
Jim u just wanna see boob pic..duh!
**Ban the bottle
promote breast feeding
Jim this post isnt abt the goodness of breast-feeding against bottle-feeding.
Not to bring you more dire news but even now I teach my five year old daughter that MEN ARE PIGS, or baboons. But given some of the guys I have been friends with I would have to go with the pig example because I consider baboons a higher life form. Oh yes, I am guilty as well but for better or worse I did settle down.
Is somebody having a bad day? LOL
I'd be a good husband, but a shitty father. I don't want kids. Women don't want men who don't want kids.
Oh well.
You crack me up!
**A human and a baboon can't get married right?**
You are right on that one!
And I'm not going to say one word about the right man coming along some day!
I do understand where u are coming from, actually!
Before I got married to my prince, I too met a lot of baboons!LOL!
You don't need a man Keshi!
But, I do think u would make a superb mother...u cud adopt!
Ever think about that?
Well, I'm heading down to the threadmill in my basement for a long's much too cold to run outside these days!
Btw, I wore the beautiful earrings you gave me today!
cu later!
Jetage it is...certainly.
some day you'll meet the right man & have the urge to have kids. Give it some time. (The urge to have kids hits you sometime in your 30s when you realise time is running out) :)
I guess u just have to wait! :P
Thats all i can say!
Hi Keshi
It’s nice to have a less serious post. It’s one you can monkey around with.
You should move to Canada. All the Baboons here are in cages, but we do have crazy Canucks, which are relatives of the Baboons. Our crazy Canucks drink beer, play and watch hockey. They are obnoxious fat bastards, who take fits when they can’t find the remote, fart and belch at any given moment, puke all over the place, and can’t piss straight even if their lives depended on it.
Seriously, don’t give up on yourself. If you do, I’ll have to send you a crazy Canuck.
BB ty so much for admitting it and being so honest. Now ur a real MAN.
Jay Im having more than a bad day...I wanna punch this guy at work. LOL!
aww u'll make a great husband, I can tell! I know u dun like kids...can I ask why?
aww Margie Im so glad u like it :) Acyually Im thrilled! I wasnt sure if u wear such earrings...
**Before I got married to my prince, I too met a lot of baboons
**But, I do think u would make a superb mother...u cud adopt!
yes I hv thought abt it...but I really want my own kids too :( So b4 my frikkin eggs freeze, I want that loser to come along LOL!
U hv a good nite hun!
Wuts that Southy?
Jet Age u mean? And how does it relate to my sucky love life?
Radha it's not that I dun hv an urge to hv kids. Its really cos I DO HAVE THE URGE but the MAN is missing LOL!
Jim wut?
Jeevy wait fot wut? o no, dun say it!!!
G'day Bev! :)
I wanted a post like this too...I was feeling suffocated for some reason, dun ask me why.
OMG the Canadian men dun seem to be ANY different from Aussie men LOL!
** If you do, I’ll have to send you a crazy Canuck.
I'd love that....send him in, I'll see how long it'll be b4 I die. LOL!
Trust me, there is a huge gap between being with someone (or even married) and having kids. Patience... patience... is the key!
very funny post and this fantastic weather girls.
and never say "never". I know something about "never".
Best to you!
i better keep my mouth shut
may u stay away from the baboons :P
Baboons are fun animals, keshi.. They chitter, chatter, and make you laugh.. :)
Have Fun, Take Care and God Bless.!
With Best Regards,
And i'm not going to say any of those "most needed" lines...
Will just say, if someone has to be in your life he will come along, until then why waste time...
have fun and live life..
What say!??
You've kind of put conditions on what you'll accept as a response.
Men are men. They are meant to mate. They can't help it. They have a drive and hunger to think the physical first.
All of them.
But you have the power. Men are simple creatures at the best of times, but certainly at first with a woman. It's what initially attracts them.
Your power is to dictate what happens when, how it happens, who it happens with and to detail what you want in return in a way that benefits you both and allows things to develop on a physical and emotional basis.
And that means you are totally entitled to get what you want...before they can get what they want.
And that's some sense of commitment to seeing beyond the physical.
To judge all men the way you have has some vague grain of truth but it's simplistic, somewhat unfair and, well, I guess you'd have to experience a good man to know it's not true.
Look around you. If you believe what you believe, then that's what you'll see. And what your experience will be.
hi keshi,
visitin u after a lon lon time!! more baboon is here for u ;)
sexy pic too :)
i'm not taking your word for it!! will cross-check with gini... coz am not a baboon.. :P
anywyz, relax girlie... there are dickheads out there.. u can't help it!! as for the rite... hope he comes along at the rite time!!
well... how many times u said that "i love u"... yor baboons are trying to be so truthful n realistic.
God granted me one wish..i ask'd 4 world peace...he said its impossible, pls ask 4 smthing else, then i asked to make u happy...he said let me try 4 world peace......
thr are many ppl who has a big time habbit of seems u r one of them. no offence.
did you know that The Weather Girls were formerly known as Two tons of fun?
and good morning...from my side..jus woke howz the trip to the zoo coming along..n i replied to ur comments on my blog.chk them out :)
Hi Keshi, Thanks for visiting me again. I’m fine thanks. I’m still reading your wonderful posts quite often, but I have stopped commenting regularly. Your posts already have tens or hundreds of comments… One more or less… and I feel often that I’m a too old baboon to mix up. But, I’m still one of your absolute fans! … and if I would feel that I absolutely wish to add something, which has not already been said or is obvious, I will do! For this time, I believe I would just say “wait and see”, no panique!
Now that you finally find out that it is hopeless to find a man and luck and everything... you can relax and enjoy the REALLY important things in life like watching football and stuff :DDDD
he, chin up Keshi!
keshi -did you know that the baboons have a theme song? Yes, it's true -remember the Funky Gibbon by the Goodies?
oho..i guess you spoke the mind of many the girls.
i wont tell he will find you one day and you will live happy till the end :P Because most possibly it is not true.
But then no matter what you think of them or what they think of you, the moment it comes you will forget all about it.
and "choose a man with wit and charm and high IQ and EQ" - errrr..... will anybody tell me where should i go to meet such ones :D
wait for ur turn... :P
u'll get the right person!
in fact its better being single than sorry! :P
Hi keshi,
After a long time here..Nothing to say...bcoz some questions dont have answers..
Take care
keshi dear,
just like there are many dumb blondes (or any other hair colours) out there, there are many baboons amongst men. BUT not all are like that. its so funny that its those friends of mine who swore that they are going to remain single, got married much earlier than i did. So, i was all smiles when i read yours. as you said very well in one of your recent postings, love just happens...just pray it is not with a babbon ;)
we're all a product of our experiences. we are, and will be, what we believe ourselves to be. what we want, what we think, is exactly what we will get. single or be commmitted or be married...most importantly...BE HAPPY!!!!!!
Gr8 Article!!
And yes, I simply love your sense of humor too, mam :o)
Take care!
Hi Keshi,
You have such a fascinating way of looking at things. Men as baboons, wow that's really out of this world. You said you'll never get married in this lifetime and you will not have kids either. Well, you can believe what you want to believe in and you can tailor make your world to suit you fine. That's your life. But there is one pertinent question here, how sure are you that there is a next lifetime? What if there is none? Just food for thought my friend. God bless you and your family always.
I could only take this post as a funniest one from usual kesh’s style.
Love its in feel, not comes in words right.
ok i wont say anything cos im scared u might just quit blogging in exasperation like u warned us :D
*puts her hand on her mouth*
hugzz girl...
keep rocking!!:)
Baboons baboons all the way, hehe, that's funny,funny and true. But one more truth is, men will be men, come what may LOL
hahaha......keshi.....that was hilarious.....;)
On more serious note.....
Be Patient keshi!...Patience is the key......;)
Lol! :) So some idiot basically cheesed you off?? :)
Your post actually reminds me of a saying that did its rounds so much in college: "Men are like toilet seats - they're either occupied or they're full of shit"! :)
Sometimes it looks like there's a baboon inside every guy. And ya, if you look anything like Pic 2 (which you do), it may be likely that you're only gonna see the baboony-side until Mr.Right!:)Lol.
he he... everything has its time :) when and whom no idea :).. wait and watch.. he he
Keshi u never interviewed me before writing abt me :)
the royalty thus is still due lol
LOL! You know that's what my daughter says too! "Mom, I will never have kids, will adopt two dogs instead!"
She says all boys are dumb in her high school and she is not that desperate to have a boyfriend! (Thank God for that, she is too young anyway!:)
LOVE is exaggerated indeed, it's all about "you take care of me, I take care of you" stuff!
Have a relaxed weekend. I will see you on Monday.Kids are off school until Monday, more work for me!:)
Too bad!
Why are u so confused about love..liking..and lust/sex....
u cant seprate one from another.
Not speaking/showing about sex/lust doesnt mean that its not in his subconcious.It will always be a part of his concious/subconcious thinking....irespective of the fact that he is Baboon or a man :)
U cant run away from this basic fact of life...
hey fab pictures to describe men...
n wait till u really fall in love with one of those!!
gud luck:)
Hehhe U r very funny Keshi. Its all in the mind:) Ther are many people waiting to get adopted....
I'm so in love with you chica!!!!
love love love love this post! HIGHlarious!! hehe..
yes.. i feel you on this one....
oh...i hav a crush on my girl Gen's brother...ugh..why...he doesn't even look my way...and he has a girlfriend...oh well...
i know i'm such a good girl for him and another potential one i have a crush on...
but they are baboons! they can't realize that what they are looking for is right in front of them knocking.... I'M HERE you freaking moron!!!
Maybe i should say...
Keshi. all women have this problem.. and all men only think of boobs[ like Jim] and sex.. ..
what is come again?
I don't think you won't ever marry.. come on Keshi! You can't be so cruel to yourself ;)
Well sometimes, you feel it is not worth it.. but then seconds later you are hooked to this guy.
Then when you are unhooked all this shit comes to your mind..
Bloody Life Cycle I guess!
remember i asked about the code to auto replay the videos? i don't know if you figured it out...but here's the html code...
You just made me laughed Keshi....:D Alright, I am confident the day will come :D
LOL, Very Good post, i'm adding you to my blogroll ;-)
hey they are all not baboonish...
I promise!
I saw the movie "Evan Almighty" and those baboons in that movie knew some neat tricks. I guess what I'm saying is that some baboons could be trainable, but that still doesn't make it worth your time to do so.
hey Kesh !
well .... I really dont know what to say ...
Even I'm not too keen on babies or getting hitched ... but at times, the utter loneliness makes me long for company ... tho not in the sexual sense .... so i guess having a partner makes sense .. tho the babies part doesnt really fit in the picture
Midn you..its not easy to act that innocent
lol r ya btw?
a happy new year to u!!!
He he!Those pics are sooo apt!You get to meet a number of them before you can actually meet the one dear,that's how you would be able to appreciate that one person who is a cut above the rest,won't you?
Hope The One zooms into your life soon babes!Love ya.Hugssssss
This is why I didn't date or even look at men for three years. Then, when I wasn't looking, yadda yadda yadda, the one came along blah blah blah. But I tell you, it is a jungle out there. Easiest thing is to do what you are doing and just avoid it!
PS I don't think I want kids. I have zero maternal instinct. I don't even think babies are cute - and man, do I get in trouble for making THAT remark!
don't say "NEVER"!!
because we don't know what the future holds for us ; )
who knows, you just might meet the man of your life today ; 0
and yes, "men" are not perfect, but they aren't all baboons either ; 0
have patience Keshi ; 0
hugs & blessings
" baboon wedding" HA HA HA!! I have to say you got a lot of your post right. Sad but true. I don't even know what all the reasons are, why men don't like to commit, but it is a fact for a big porportion of them. Very funny and spunky post. HUGS!
Hi Keshi
I can see the ad.
It's been one of those days. I need a break. I'm taking my Canuck with me. LOL
tnxx Zhu :)
hehe Krys ;-) tnxx hun!
lol Dhruv tnxx a ton for u'standing ;-)
hehe Srijith ty!
aww tnxx Prats MWAH!
heyy WW tnxx!
**You've kind of put conditions on what you'll accept as a response.
and wut r they sir? :)
**They have a drive and hunger to think the physical first.
I so know that :) but its so frikkin annoying when even the most decent man u meet seem to only hv SEX in his head. Its just shocking...cant he think abt LOVE fir a change?
**And that means you are totally entitled to get what you want...before they can get what they want.
I somehow like wut u said there. tnxx!
**To judge all men the way you have has some vague grain of truth but it's simplistic, somewhat unfair
I did NOT say ALL the men r Baboons. LOL! wut I said was that ALL then I SEEM TO MEET r Baboons :):)
ty WW huggggggggz!
heyyy Shriedhar WB! How hv ya been?
I dun think ur a Baboon..d u believe so? LOL!
K Sam now ur not a Baboon cos ur a Gentleman..I know that :) No need to ask Genie.
tnxx Vicky!
**then i asked to make u happy...he said let me try 4 world peace......
**thr are many ppl who has a big time habbit of seems u r one of them. no offence.
So is it meant to be a Compliment? :):)
Im not a cribber...I just write my mind. If I was cribber I wudnt hv gotten to where Im today...u hv no idea wut I've gone thru Vikas :)
tnxx anyways!
u serious Boy? Wow that name rocks even better! :)
G'day Mav!
This Zoo trip never ends. LOL!
Will check out ur blog soon.
Heyy Peter tnxx!
**and I feel often that I’m a too old baboon to mix up
aww..wut can I say, Im truly saddened that my blog made u feel that way. I never thought anyone wud feel too young/too old/etc etc in my space...I didnt say that to u, did I Peter :(
Murane good one :)
I dun mind watching even footy with someone as sweet as u r hehe...
hey Lee u crack me up babe!
**Funky Gibbon by the Goodies?
LOL! I remembered The Monkees btw :)
heyy Lena tnxx babez...u make good sense.
**"choose a man with wit and charm and high IQ and EQ" - errrr..... will anybody tell me where should i go to meet such ones
LOL yeah tell me too! It has to be Jim who comes up with such 'unreachable' defitnitons of men haha!
aww I agree Iceman :) tnxx dude!
hehe tnxx Mona MWAH!
ur right abt that hun!
tnxx Mal I agree. But Love just happens on my side only...not from the other side LOL!
I see the fingers of somebody
who is holding u by the waist
who is he?
i will kill him
tnxx Dharma!
**what we want, what we think, is exactly what we will get.
I WANT a Man...I THINK I'll be a great partner to a wonderful man...but I seem to GET Baboons all the time. Wut d u say abt that? :)
Very well-sad Sushmita!
give me an intro to Kawana Aminata Oliver
i like her skin color
baboons or men
it dont matter
they both have what it takes to make kids
I'm taking my Canuck with me. LOL
take me too
I can be a canuck too
whats a canuck Keshi?
Your conditions:
"Guys, please refrain from telling me that I'm not looking in the right places (I wasn't looking in the bins or the zoo anyways) or that my man will come along some day aaaaarrrrrggggggg! (not that I plan to get hitched when I'm 100yrs old or when I'm on a table at the Mortuary). I promise, if any of you say that to me, I'll stop blogging for good (not a threat, but a true feeling inside of me) LOL! I just hate those lines with a vengeance. Besides, I don't go 'looking' for men anyways, I'm not that desperate. These are men I happen to meet (yes I know I feel cursed, rather doomed). And I believe you guys are the only people who can truly understand me, so please don't say such ridiculous things please please pleeeeeease!"
I too have the wanderlust
I dont want babies
just babes
ty Ravi and I love ur profile pic which I believe is Hugh Grant ;-)
hey Mel tnxx!
**how sure are you that there is a next lifetime? What if there is none?
LOL I wasnt on a religious quest in this post. Anyways to ans ur qn, I'd like to ask u another qn...WHAT IF THERE IS ANOTHER LIFE? HOW SURE ARE YOU THAT THERE ISNT?
how come u have more females following u than men Keshi?
how come Margie loves u more than me?
hope for another life
but dont count on it
get laid in this life only
Mel is not a good choice
lol Jeevan tnxx mate!
haha Pri its ok MWAH!
even the most decent man u meet seem to only hv SEX in his head. Its just shocking...cant he think abt LOVE fir a change?
u cant have one without the other
unless its your mom u r talking about
"Men are like toilet seats - they're either occupied or they're full of shit"! :)
love that quote
Me Tarzan, you Jane ... swing from tree, eat banana ...
You're wonderful Keshi ... you don't need anybody to complete your life ... really
Gonecase WC n ty!
LOL Im glad u agree ;-) ur a sport!
KP hehe tnxx!
haha Ziah tnxx hun!
**Men are like toilet seats - they're either occupied or they're full of shit
LOL good one!
aww Sujit ty!
time? it must be a 100yrs for me then LOL!
Alok tnxx mate!
When r u available for the Interview? LOL!
Asha MWAH!
** will adopt two dogs instead!"
LOL she's a smarty for sure!
ty and u hv a great wknd too!
ty FJ!
**Why are u so confused about love..liking..and lust/sex....
me not confused at all :) The men I meet seem to be.
IM not running away from it all...they r!
lolz Gunj WC n ty!
hey Priya!
**Ther are many people waiting to get adopted
aww I know ur a darling Lisa! The guys who r missin out on ya r frikkin dingbats.
**I'M HERE you freaking moron!!!
aww Veenz ty!
**Then when you are unhooked all this shit comes to your mind..
Thats when all they wanna do is 'unhook' the bra urrrrrrrrrrrggg!
hi again Lisa!
yes i worked that out long time ago and had the code in there already. I think YouTube fixed the bug only recently :)
tnxx anways hun ur a sweetie!
Shionge tnxx hun MWAH! :)
Kawana WC sweetie!
And ty :)
hey LaVida really? :) well thats cos u found a MAN. All I find r Baboons LOL!
G'day Grunty!
**I guess what I'm saying is that some baboons could be trainable, but that still doesn't make it worth your time to do so.
LOL good one!
Deepz hey HUGGGGGGGGZ! Long time!
however I LOVE BABIES and I wanna have kids some day...soon wud be better LOL! but its like Im never gonna find the Father of my kids!
why dun u like kids? awww...
lolz SBM! I of!haha!
Im good ta and urself?
aww Sameera tnxx for being so positive for me :)
hey WanderLust WC n tnxx hun!
**But I tell you, it is a jungle out there. Easiest thing is to do what you are doing and just avoid it!
LOL I agree...JUNGLE it is!
aww u dun liek kids? I love em...thats why I miss having a man in my hv kids I mean LOL!
hey Coco ty sweetie!
Not all men r baboons..I only said the ones I meet seem to be Baboons :):)
lol Terry ty!
yes I's a FACT abt men. ***rolling eyes***
haha Bev!
I'll rent one...for just that possible?
awww WW that for my!
Jim u talk too much LOL!
**Me Tarzan, you Jane ... swing from tree, eat banana ...
lol k I can think of many things rite now haha!
2 hours??
it only takes 11 mins
and thats a world record
TQM it'll take 2hrs for some very slow men...LOL!
hey Jim!
**how come u have more females following u than men Keshi?
mebbe some men in my blog dun comment...perhaps they r busy doing wut they r good at doin? LOL!
**who is he?
i will kill him
jealous jim lol!
**hope for another life
but dont count on it
I wasnt setting up house for my next life anyways DUHHH!
Jim was asking what a Canuck is.
Canuck is slang for Canadian.
We have the Vancouver Canucks NHL (hockey) team.
'Both the St. Louis Blues and Vancouver Canucks will be trying to stop season-long losing streaks tonight when they battle at General ...'
tnxx Bev!
I was surprised Jim didnt know that b4.
dane dane par likha hai
khanewale ka nam
it is destined Keshi
it will happen sooner or later
your cherry will be taken
are canucks beeeg?
yes Canukcs r beeeeg and they r good cherry-poppers...better than Indian men. LOL u hv anymore qns TQM??
one more question Keshi
do penis enlargement pills really work?
VEST sent me a prescription
Hi Keshi
You have a great holiday weekend, and I hope you find your baboon.:)
**do penis enlargement pills really work?
I'll tell u in my NEXT LIFE and that too only if Im born as a MALE, and provided Viagra wasnt working.
lol happy?
lolz Bev tnxx n u too!
I thought I already hv found a zillion Baboons, including one talking to me rite now abt penis enlargements ahemm!
Hey Keshi
Just sitting
and thinking how nice
it would be
if you were sitting here
next to me
We could have coffee!
Have a super weekend!
i am small
but i got no how
SOUTHY is beeg
but he dont gott no how
or no when
or no where
when girls get together
all they can have is coffee
dump Margie
i dont think of boobs only
there is more to women than boobs only
i bet u have a nice ass
some guys just don't know how to think with their heads instead of their, err...other heads :p (ewwww! :P)
ur tagged again babe!
I am talking with 3 women right now
one is from Austaralaya
the other 2 are from US
INTERNET be praised!
i dint have net when i was a teenager
i had to choose from my locality only
i want to be born again Mel
LIFE has its moments
moments of JOY
and moments of GRIEF
ask God to give u the strength to bear your cross
this too will pass away
nothing lasts forever
an orgasm is only seconds
JOY is for a few minutes only
NASHA (drink HIGH) is followed by a hangover
a loss of a loved one
and the grief that follows lasts longer
the loss of a lover
lasts longer still
but TIME heals
praise the Lord Mel
Now that you finally find out that it is hopeless to find a man and luck and everything... you can relax and enjoy the REALLY important things in life like watching football and stuff :DDDD
DIE murrane
u aint living
in India guys stay out of bed to watch cricket
dumb guys
id rather be in bed with a babe
i got carried away
i missed my appointment
i got a cocktail dinner tonight at the TAJ
and I dont have a date
join me Bev?
no thanks Mel
i want Bev or VEEMS
since you've asked me a question, i'll respond - at the cost of sounding rude, which i certainly don't intend to be.
in sanskrit, there is a thought - 'yatha drishti, tatha srishti'...what the eye(mind) beholds, is what the world around us is :)
aww Margie that wud be LOVELY!
lol Jim ur crazy!
hahaha Silvara u cant still say that word? haha ur cute!
lol TQM @cricket!
Dharma no worries..but I dun think u know me 100% to imply that Sanskrit quote on my life :)
but its a nice one!
haha ..baboons .. well some baboons could be emotional too :P .. n like men all baboons are nt d same :D ..
atleast men has got a mind unlike the baboon ;)
Hi,Keshi-out of fear that you might actually carry out your threat and give up blogging,I'm not going to do any,err,suggesting,here.:)Instead,let me just say,the pics were fab,especially the last one.ROFL at the quip you made about 'this is how some men act as if they don't understand anything about love'..hehe!
Just remember-you're your best advisor,you're your best judge-follow your instinct,and you'll never go wrong!Good luck and have a nice weekend.
Girl...that was !!!!
And so these days are indeed afraid to admit that they are in love.
I think they should try and learn something from our Bollywood actors, like Saif Ali Khan who has recently been reported to have hurt himself to prove his 'love' for the very freakin' Kareene Kapoor.
I loved this post. Totally.
But babe, the last pic in your post is a female, not a baboon. Please change it wouldja. I'm surprised no one has noticed and also that how come it fell into my !!!!
Love ya.
Girl...that was !!!!
And so these days are indeed afraid to admit that they are in love.
I think they should try and learn something from our Bollywood actors, like Saif Ali Khan who has recently been reported to have hurt himself to prove his 'love' for the very freakin' Kareene Kapoor.
I loved this post. Totally.
But babe, the last pic in your post is a female, not a baboon. Please change it wouldja. I'm surprised no one has noticed and also that how come it fell into my !!!!
Love ya.
Shit Kesh...both the pix are of females...!!!!
I went back to your post and checked now.
How come you and no one else saw that....???!!!!!!!!!!
You are begining to scare me :(
whts with this male bashing? whos the moron who cant notice a gud thing whn he sees one?
i know i shud be deeply offended but i found ziah's defination of a man hilarious..
I love the last pic and your comments on it :D
lolz Anuj u sound angry!
aww Amit ty! :)
hey Cinderella tnxx hun! :)
***Kareena Kapoor
he did that FOR her? OMG is he dumb? LOL!
**Shit Kesh...both the pix are of females
no no dun say that. Just cos it's got boobs..some men hv boobs u know. LOL!
hey Tys BE VERY AFRAID. lol!
**whos the moron who cant notice a gud thing whn he sees one?
man = moron.
aww ty Reeta! :):)
Shite the way some of these "men" talk one would be inclined to think that 100% of all blokes are baboons. But the truth is that only 95% are.
you are so funny.Loved this post,and you are right about men.100% true.
lolz Sharda ty for agreeing with me!
Glad about your post.
Now am relaxed and so is everybody else ;)
lolz JM!
Hi Keshi,
A nice topic to discuss on. I appreciate your creativity and observations. Are you a psychologist? LOL
Anyways, brain restructuring is quite a difficult task and I'm working on restructuring both male and female brains(And no University is accepting my research for Ph. D. award-:()Will let you know once it's done.
Till then I have some points related to als for you:-
1) They always play around and keep their emotions in when they are juz friends with a guy.(I don't understand why this whole damn would doesn't encourage freedom of true expression. Life would be much easier, peaceful and beautiful then).
2) At one time, they call up a guy 200 times a week but when they get someone else or some other pass time, they juz give up calling once-cant-live-without-you guy and even don't bother to pick his calls.
3) When a guy regrets about his mistakes and tries to reconcile, most of the girls don't at all pay attention and try to figure out how sincere the guy is.
I'm still thinking over some other points as well but I accept men are from mars women are from venus. Looking forward to meet you and trust me I love expressing myself.
aww Mayur tnxx for those GREAT points abt us women :)
**They always play around and keep their emotions in when they are juz friends with a guy
LOL do they? thats slack! I dun do that ;-)
** they juz give up calling once-cant-live-without-you guy and even don't bother to pick his calls.
depends wut the first guy did to her to make her do such things. LOL!
**, most of the girls don't at all pay attention and try to figure out how sincere the guy is
aww I do :)
Hi Keshi,
Thnxx for d reply. I know u r the exception! LOL
Hugz and kisses
lol Mayur!
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