Today we are in a little LIFE Workshop :) All you've got to do is take the weekend as an example. Now have a good look at how you spent those 2 days. What did you do on Saturday and Sunday? Let me first tell you what I did.
Put Some Flowers In Your Hair...
Saturday: Spent most of the morning shopping...3 bdays coming up this weekend, so went gift-shopping. aww I also ended by buying this very pretty white Spring dress for me :) *yes the Spring collection is already out!*. Bought my sis this very cool Prada perfume gift set for her bday *shhhh don't tell her yet*. All the ladies at the shop surrounded me and was chatting with me while wrapping her gift, and we had a nice little convo about bdays, gifts and Prada & whatnots *the devil does wear Prada after all ;-)*. Later, mum and I met for lunch at the Mall. On the way back, I drove to the Pet shop. No I wasn't getting any new Pets but I longed to see some puppies, kittens and bunnies. So I stopped by and played with them. Made me so happy. Then we went home. At night, we had a Sri Lankan dinner & dance (buffet) to attend with fam & friends at a Bowling club. It was THE best. Great company, yummy Sri Lankan cuisine, top music, alot of dancing and smiles & laughter. Some guys tried to pick me and a friend up on the dance floor. It didn't work *rolling eyes*. Instead I went upto a guy that my friend was drooling on and was too shy to approach, and managed to talk to him and get his number for my friend! How did I do it? I walked upto him, asked him if he went to a certain school cos he resembled someone I used to know *corny pickup line I know, but it worked!*, he said No and he asked if I went to this certain Girls school, I said No, then the convo continued and he ended up giving me his number LOL! And I passed it on to my friend later on. I also intro'd my friend to him. Let's see what happens *fingers & toes crossed I hope I don't fall for him LOL! The dude's not bad at all ;-)*. Came home around 2am and slept like an overworked kitten on drugs! *zzzzzzz dun disturb kitty kesh*
Running Is Better Than Sprinting...
Sunday: Woke up late *obviously, and I looked groggy and so un-Prada-ish ewww!*. Dropped mum at a friend's place. Came home and cleaned up the place a bit. Showered. Ate some food. Went to pick mum up listening to Dire Straits in my car and tapping on the wheel and whistling the tune like a crazy hippie on a high. Came back. Checked my blog and email, that had me smiling for awhile. At about 2pm we all drove to a beachside cafe with my cousins for a nice long chat, a light meal and coffee. It was THE best. We had such a great time talking, laughing, catching up with each others' lives while watching the waves, and something very good came out of it too. We found out that one of our cousins' friends is a lesbian and she's trying to hit on my cousin! She freaked out. But it's true. We all worked it out, from all the clues that were laid on the table. But we asked her not to panic and told her not to respond to that girl's messages. My cuz looked really scared LOL! Then we all headed home, dropped my cousins at their place, talked to my uncle who is bedridden, had a long chat with him, went to his lonely little world for an hour or so, and came back home. I was feeling sad for my uncle. Yet I danced my way to the bathroom. Showered again *yeah I have a showering obsession!*. Changed into my Pyjamas. Turned the Heater on. Sat on the couch. Watched TV having dinner while chatting to mum. Lazied around for awhile *bored and all*. Rang my friend up *the divorced guy from the last post* who didn't pick up the phone * he did just now yeyy!*. Went to bed.
A typical weekend isnt it? But alot happened in those 2 days and I took up alot of roles. I had many moments of many heights. A jolly, happy one..and then a sad, teary one....and then a funny, girly one etc etc. That is what Life is. All kinds of moments with varying depths and heights. And all those moments need to be fully lived...and that's how I know I'm living to the best of my abilities. I don't like half-arsed jobs. During a specific moment, I'm there fully, or I'm not there at all. Are you? When I'm at the Pet shop, I'm totally a kid. When I'm with mum, I'm totally a responsible yet a chatterbox daughter :). When I'm with my uncle, I'm totally an old man with an ailing body. When I'm with my cousins, I'm totally their nutcase bringing laughter to the table. When I'm with a friend, I'm totally a therapist of the heart, listening to their story. When I'm in the shower, I'm totally Shania Twain with an invisible *thank God!* audience listening to my voice. When I'm with myself in my car, I'm totally a freestyler, being the best company I could be to myself. I LIVE every moment to the fullest, good/bad, happy/sad. Put some flowers in your hair, and see the difference it makes. Run if you must, but don't sprint all your life away...take it slow, stop and feel the fresh air....don't wait for things to happen, just live in the moment, cos that's all we've got.
So tell me...if the last 2 days were your last on Earth *God I hope not!*, and if you were reminiscing it from afar now, would you have lived it to the fullest, would you have fully basked in every moment in those 48hrs, would you have given your undivided attention to others around you and to yourself, would you have slipped into the life of another to understand them better, would you have stopped to smile and say 'I'm good thanks and how about you?', would you have no regrets or broken hearts to mend, would you have lived or existed, would you have cared or would you have escaped it all? Would you have lived every day of your life? You don't have to do big things to have lived life. You don't have to achieve the highest to have felt life. You don't have to hold a big position to know about life. You don't have to go to parties or have a flashy car to feel that you have a great life. Just 'live' in every small moment that you're given, feel them fully, bask in them and grasp the messages that life sends you without a fee. May you 'live' every day of your life.
So what was your last 48hrs like? Let me know ;-)
Current Music: Sultans Of Swing (LIVE) by Dire Straits
90 Cranium Signets:
thats very cool keshi!
nice to hear that u njoyed to the fullest
and about myself, it was as usual..
saturday, i had to go to office [as i have to work half the day for all saturdays.. :( ]
i had a nice lunch outside (alone i say) hehe
and then i went to my hostel and had a nice time talking to all my hostel mates..
studied little for my exam the next day ;)
watched a weird movie on tv without knowing its name.. went early to bed.. :D
sunday! got up early to study.. :(
studied for 1 hour and then started preparing for breakfast.. watched tv again.. got ready.. my hostel mates prepared lunch for me.. (exam treat, lol)
exam in the afternoon.. came back and all of us went to vegetable market to buy some vegggies..
bought loads of vegetable and fruits! prepared gobi manchuri.. ate well and slept.. :P
thats it!!
quite long ryt? :D
hope to see you enjoying all of ur weekends! :D
The DEvil wears PRADA, so does Keshi.:)))
But tell me, you spent so much money? i dodnt know why, i hate to be so honest, but i am increasingly discovering myself to be a hardcore kanjoos(miser)...i am currently obsessed with saving. I would like to buy that omega watch that i see everyday on window display, buy shiver at the thought of paying for it.
I have this thing about retiring when i am 45 years old.and saving every penny for it. Right now i am 31 so have another 14 years before i make a million dollar( in indian rupees thats enough for me to live on interest). Once i am 45, i would set on a world tour or write a book, or simply laze around my time reading books or TV. I mostly would be traveling.I love traveling. Hence this saving obsession. I know, Me sucks!!!!!TC, nice post.:))
Been there dunn that.
Guess u commented.
Happy week.
i am very much basking in the warmth of life, every single second. Its really been hot here and summer had been terrible so far.
You know, i believe we are not very different from animals( we dont want to believe that). Just that we are aware of our existence and animals are not. Animals just live as per guided by their instinct and so live every moment of it. We humans can live in the present but mostly live in the past or the planning for the future.
its a quite cliche to say live in the moment but its never-never possible. bcoz we are humans and are not programmed to live in the present always.
If i die in 2 days, i would just wish that i die painless. or in sleep and my wife and daughter is not really hurt. It pains more to see them in pain. I have no problems with death, but just worry about my loved ones. I wish i was as unattached and denounced as Buddha was. I wish i could just roam about like animals, boundless and careless...Alas, i am a human.TC:)
wow...u've had a fun weekend! As for me, I spoke to all my school friends. I had not spoken to some of them for 2years! So yeah, even i had a good weekend, one full of memories.
Just had too much going on in my head that the 2 days just went by... :(
i dont remember d last 2 days...i was out on drugs!!
my last 48 hrs were kinda ok..woke up in the afternoon...checked on the blog..went for a movie with friends..talked to my best friend in b'lore...and meditated the whole night (just kidding :P)
visiting my fav place after a long hiatus. kicks to preetz for that. but you know I am always back here. no matter wat. first of all, belated birthday wishes. so sorrie I missed that, I really am sorry :(:( Last 48 hrs was at home, on mommie's lap baskin in goodness ranging from good feel, thoughts and viand :):) after nearly three months. now back to the moron life, at office. I love your principle. We need to get completely into anything so that we can come completely out of everything.cheers dearie :):)
Last 48 hours - Walk around city.
Talk with a blog friend. And Rest/Relax. Have mangoes And ofcourse blogging/e.mail.
u had a fun filled weekend keshi
i was just sleeping and eating :P thats what i usually do if m not reading or travelling...
my weekend was a back-to-college routine after a long summer vacation.i woke up late on both saturday n sunday (its a privilege to be on bed till 9 am-impossible in college days). arranged my books n clothes.called 2-3 of my classmates.and on monday morning i woke up @ 5:45 am :)
if nxt 48 hours are my last on earth,i would shut down my laptop and dance in the rains outside(i dun care if i die of pneumonia),laugh a lot and cuddle up reading "An old fashioned girl" for the remaining hours...over and over again.
Watching movies, window shopping and relaxed in the weekends.
A thought-provoking post indeed! I cannot honestly claim to have lived my last 48 hours to the fullest. But you inspire me to do so in the future. Thank you :)
Do stop by The Village Idiot sometime.
good recipe huh..!!
ahhh u seem to have a lovely weekend...and wat comes to mind is "life is not in the result but in the journey"
ahh tats wat ultimately I guess u r trying to say :):)
What a lovely way to put this last 48 hrs were nice but hectic.
To begin with i had to go to office for 3 hrs or so, and then i came back home and had lunch with my bf and my dad. (the 2 men in my life) :)
Talked with my guy lazed around....and then we went to see Harry Potter in the evening. and needless to say both of us loved it!! (yes we r HP freaks) :P
Then he dropped me home before proceeding to his own.
Sunday, i played the perfect daughter, made some noodles for breakfast. Washed clothes in the washing machine (since mom's still not back) :( :( Then Kartik came over for lunch and then we spent some time on the internet, seeing photo albums and stuff. Then i went over to subway which is near the sea. Had a sub sandwich and some refreshing cold coffee. And thats how my weekend came to an end.
All in all time well spent!! :) What say!?
P.S: I live each day as if there's no tomorrow. So i guess i don't need a notice to live life to the fullest. :)
:-) seems u played quite a load of roles this weekend...
My weekend?? lemme see..
Saturday: Woke up to hear Dad whispering "put away the evidence before Rat wakes up"... Say that he had Broke a gift from my BFF that i regarded very precious... wanted to shout at him and cry.. but blame it on early morning grogginess , i just removed all other glass objects from the hall and went back to sleep... woke up again and went about the chores like a zombie... then slept of at noon... evening found me climbing a nearby Hillock wit sister, Papa and Mama... had a hell lot of fun... and loads of shots(i am camera crazy, i tell ya)
Sunday: i was glued to the TV.. fought with little sister as she wanted to watch some teen flick and i wanted to watch animation movie... :-) had a great lunch and tuned into net... a walk with Papa, long chat wit Mom and Good nite...
that was my weekend... if it had been my last on the earth, i wud have no regrets.. but yes i wud have felt better if i had just met my Zahir before i went off... i hope u understand who i am talking abt :-)
hugzz keshi girl
My weekend was awesome. In a nutshell, I visited my friend P who just defended his thesis dissertation and was down with flu right after that....he needed me the most this weekend coz he was feeling very down...and we had the best time together!
So hubby n I drove to his house (about 2 hours away) on Friday evening...I made dinner and took it with me....on Saturday, I made lunch (a full meal with 2 vegs, roti, dal, salad n rice) for all of us....on Sunday I made hot breakfast for all of us.
He loves the food I cook, and I hadn't cooked for him in the last few months....and he needed it the most when he was sick, so it was great.
We pretty much stayed at home - talked a LOT, I gave him a nice hair-oil massage, we watched some telly together....we played poker....we played games on the was just nice.
I came back with a great feeling of content - for being able to be there for a loved one when it mattered :)
This is LIFE!
Great post - and you are so lucky to be able to live with your mum!!!!
Living in the moment, what a wonderful experience.
Last 48 hours??
First 24 started with waiting for my daughter to come online for a chat, but she didn't turn up..waited..waited finally after few hours she came and said, she was having match and she stood first...worth waiting to get that news. Love is but a game of waiting right.Long drive and listened to some wonderful soothing songs.Fulfilling day.
Next 24 hrs.
Heard, talked,mailed for almost 5 years but never saw each other. "Finally met", thats what she said with a big smile and excitement.For a moment, I thought I was a celebrity!!LOL.
Wow what an eventful weekend you had full of fun and laughter.
I like the impulsive way you write in your blogs.
i try not to think much about it. just enjoy my what if it's a bad day? tomorrow will be a better day :)
hi keshi dear..u had a good weekends with many activities...myself...nothing much.. i got so much of office work which i have to finish so i hv to complete it during weekends :( :(
Swetha it seems like u had a great wknd :) Work, Lunch by urself, Roomamtes, Some studying, Vege-shopping, Cooking, Eating, Relaxing..
This is what life is. Lovely!
hey Zillion :)
**I have this thing about retiring when i am 45 years old.and saving every penny for it.
How do we even know we'll be alive by then? :) I dun mean to disappoint u or be negative, but I live for today. That doesnt mean I dun hv goals or that I waste money. But I hv MOST of my desires fulfilled while Im alive and while I know that I CAN do it. Cos I dunno what tomorrow will bring.
Anyways, I respect ur opinion and ur plans for life. All the best too! :)
Tarun that was a wknd well-spent there! :)
hey Zillion we r ANIMALS too..just a tad progressed, thats all. HUMANS is just a term to distiniguish us from LIONS and ANTS :)
**its a quite cliche to say live in the moment but its never-never possible. bcoz we are humans and are not programmed to live in the present always.
Its quite cliched n all, but its not IMPOSSIBLE. So is Love cliched but is it impossible?
If u say that we r humans and we can never live in the moment, then I wonder what I! Im human too and I do live in the moment. I bask in every minute of what I come across...good/bad, happy/sad. Im human but I know that tomorrow may never come. Im in touch with life in ways that most ppl arent. And I know few others like me too...actually MANY of em.
**i am very much basking in the warmth of life, every single second.
then u should stop worrying abt retiring when ur 45, and go and get that Omega watch NOW ;-) Cos thats when u will BASK in every single moment of ur life!
hey Ash ty!
**I spoke to all my school friends
thats wonderful! A truly memorable wknd then :)
Arv thats not good at all...I dun mean to make u feel small for not making the most of ur wknd, but whats the point worrying abt something for 48hrs and letting all those hrs of LIFE pass u by?
Im not HAPPY 24/7 either but I CHOOSE to be happy instead of worrying etc. Cos Worrying wont do us any good...and we wont get back those 48hrs again, wud we?
TC of ur good self. Do something that u happy no matter what. others cant make us happy if we dunno how to make ourselves happy. *HUGZ*
Mayz thats quite possible lol! ;-)
hey Rahul!
**woke up in the afternoon...checked on the blog..went for a movie with friends..talked to my best friend in b'lore...
good on ya! Sounds like a nice relaxing one :)
**and meditated the whole night
yeah yeah I so believe that om om om! HAHAHA!
hey Preetz so nice to see ya bak! *HUGZ* :)
dun worry so much abt not being here on my ur so cute! And ty for the heartfelt wishes!
**Last 48 hrs was at home, on mommie's lap baskin in goodness ranging from good feel, thoughts and viand
how nice! thats the BEST wknd then :)
TC n tnxx alot!
hey Hobo tnxx!
**Walk around city.
Talk with a blog friend. And Rest/Relax. Have mangoes And ofcourse blogging/e.mail.
WONDERFUL! I love that kinda weekends :)
hey Gypsy ty!
**i was just sleeping and eating :P thats what i usually do if m not reading or travelling...
eating n sleeping for 48hrs sounds like a soul-detox that I badly need!
aww Anwesa I know a SUDENT's life. I was there too a while back.
**if nxt 48 hours are my last on earth,i would shut down my laptop and dance in the rains outside(i dun care if i die of pneumonia),laugh a lot and cuddle up reading "An old fashioned girl" for the remaining hours...over and over again.
do it now :)
Priya thats a very cool n relaxing wknd. Good on ya!
WC Sandy n ty!
Well we cant always grasp life to the fullest but yes we can TRY :)
ty Prajyot! :)
ty Joyce!
**"life is not in the result but in the journey"
Spot on! Thats exactly what it is :)
Ria thats a warm n cosy wknd with ur loved-ones! NAAAIIIICE ;-)
So we both went to the Beach on Sunday? WOW!
** I live each day as if there's no tomorrow. So i guess i don't need a notice to live life to the fullest
I so agree! I know ur one of those few humans who truly appreciate TODAY.
aww Rat thats a beautiful FAMILY weekend! I love it :)
so ur Papa broke it? LOL he's cute!
** but yes i wud have felt better if i had just met my Zahir before i went off... i hope u understand who i am talking abt
u mean ur MAN right? aww Im sure u will meet him b4 u GO. *HUGZ* All the best too!
Shachi that sounds like a perfect GIVING wknd! WOW I loved it. To be able to be there for someone at a time they need u, is a blessing. Im proud of ya girl.
**This is LIFE!
It sure is! I like the way u put it.
yep I love my mum! :)
HAHA Celebrity Maddy hows u? :)
**worth waiting to get that news. Love is but a game of waiting right
awww...thats so true. When u love someone so much, u will even wait an Eternity to hear from them.
I think u had a very nice wknd! LIFE it is.
ty Angel and WC! :)
ty Dal!
**so what if it's a bad day? tomorrow will be a better day
Very true!
hey Anits ty!
**got so much of office work which i have to finish so i hv to complete it during weekends
uh oh :(
Live life the fullest, nothing more, nothing less....
My weekend -- aaah i forgot!! :)))
Thats right Devika...max out on all life's credit right!
u forgot the wknd? def u had loads of 'illegal' FUN then? ;-)
legally speaking -- could be, i was sneak peeking the guy who lives across through the key hole! :))
Devika r ya serious, cos that sounds like a SERIOUS LIFE WORKSHOP lol! ;-)
I wanna do that next weekend!
looking forward to an update on that! :)
Devika I dun think I'd blog abt it HAHAHA!
ty Devika!
I wanna marry Mark Knopfler! :(
Now out of the blue, marriage dreams??
Keshi, let me tell you one thing...for marriage never choose an artist...His first love will be art...Choose a good-hearted nice chap around, who would love you :)
ofcourse, No offence to Mark and his ability to love...there could be exceptions!
Devika u may be right but there r content marriages among artists too right? :) I think Marriage isnt abt the professions, it's more abt the 2 individuals.
What say?
btw Im an artist too ;-) lol!
**ofcourse, No offence to Mark and his ability to love...there could be exceptions!
yeah ur spot on there!
And how cud Mark not love someone like me? HAHA!
Oh that is a question -- its Keshi we are taling about....yeah, how could Mark not love her!
and marriage and professions -- as you move on with your workshop you will come to know -- it all matters! :)
One of friends used to say, if she (an engineer) married a doctor, they would sleep like ")(" -even I feel so! :))
:) Devika..
**if she (an engineer) married a doctor, they would sleep like ")("
sleep with their backs on each other? Thats a sexy position btw. LOL joking!
I believe it's the 'compatibility' of the 2 individuals personalities that matter, irrespective of their chosen professions.
haha! i knew you would say that :)
compatability -- yes Keshi, its about that, above all things :)
Devika I think that wud happen to a doctor and an engineer, if they were the kind of ppl that took their WORK home. :)
Marriage is a personal bond...and if one mixes their work with marriage, then ofcourse things will be difficult.
qn is, is there a man who is 'compatible' with Keshi? LOL!
o btw Devika, dun u blog nomore?
trying out a 'Keshi Compatibility Test'??
And this carrying work home --I think its about carrying their professional status in their heads always..I know a lot of doctors who do that...engineers are a carefree kind, mostly...
Blogging --- I just have that Abstract Deduction blog going daily...Yes, I should be restarting others. A bit of work-overload and then laziness -- and the josh is gone...Will be back I guess :)
WOW Devika ur a hoot cos u gave me a top idea for a post! Will come up with that soon ;-)
but u hv disabled comments? Its ok, if thats ur wish. :)
**--I think its about carrying their professional status in their heads always..I know a lot of doctors who do that...engineers are a carefree kind, mostly
ur right abt that! I know so many ppl like that too. Doctors and shrinks who boss ard their family members...who make others their lab :)
Yeah the trip was good for sure.It was raining all the while, and it was so good to breathe pollution free air for a while
As for the cartoon, that gentlement made it in 15 minutes,I dont know if he would make one from a pic.
But he was so good,he made it with black pen and just took 10-12 minutes to make one for me
Tarun thats nice to know :)
So did u pose for him?
Yes, and think of it they are endlessly boring,
and I just look forward to that post, Keshi :)
;-) Devika stay tuned!
oh they kinda sucked...and continue....
so pass.....
hey weeknd was goooood. Worked my butt of till late evening on saturday, then went shopping iwth another friend for our upcoming trip next wekend for a windcheater - ot to be found - then a party at a friend's place. Sunday morning was devoted to houselhold stuff and then some retail therapy :)
Though on a serious note, if it were my last 2 days on earth, i;d want to talk at least once to every person who matters to me and tell them I love them and they made a difference to my life and I hope I made some difference to theirs.
Well sitting on a chair is a pose I guess...
thats all I did.
Good to know you had a fun weekend.
I have become boring lately.I just stay and home and read a book.
This weekend was no exception.
i dont understand how u make me feel cheerful...whenevr i read ur posts!!:)
well im back at blogging(hopefully)....
as for my last 48 hrs :
day1 : had 2 invitations to attend...lunch at a relative's house warming...n then a party at a colleague's place...awesome fun
day2: very close frnd's bday....went out for dinner after day's work....hogged too well spent!
Lil things in life make us so much happy =)
You really had a good time & it was nice reading the different parts you played in a mere 48 hrs.
Awesome lines - Run if you must, but don't sprint all your life away...take it slow, stop and feel the fresh air....don't wait for things to happen, just live in the moment, cos that's all we've got.
As for me , I did not had the BEST of the time ..but been hanging around with friend.Eagerly looking fwd to meeting a cute guy which I didn' that was a lil disappointing :P Then been arranging my stuff & loving decorating the house :P
Our TV connection is on hold for the first time ever my weekend was w/o TV.That was a change & I didn't quite miss watching TV :)
That is good use of your 48.
ugh... no Keshi, i wasnt talking abt my MAN... i don't have one yet.. :-P
i was taking abt him
Loved this post! It was like I was there with you the entire weekend...
An experience in words.. Beautiful!!!
Hoping to see you enjoy all your coming weekends..
You might be surprised to know that I did nothing but surf on this weekend..:)
Probably visited the temple and had a dinner with my hubby, which made me feel nice!
Else, it was a waste and I hope my next weekend is a blast and not boring!!
Keep blogging!
Hi,Keshi-I missed this loooong post...and,didn't want to read it in a hurry,coz I was sure it'd be good fun.And,I was right.:)
Great to see ur weekend was such fun(Well,mine was equally nice,but more on that later..haha)
hoho to your getting the phone number of a guy for your friend..hope the poor guy knows u took his number for someone else.:)
It's super that you're living your life to the best of ur abilities-way to go,pal!!
My last 48 hrs?Well,let me just say'I kept my cool, these first 2 working days of the week'.:)And,the Sat-Sun before these 2 days-well,that's a post coming up.:p
Lavida it's ok...some weekends suck...I hv such wknds too. Every day is not hunky-dory. :) Thats LIFE.
Cool wknd then SMM :) I love shopping.
**Though on a serious note, if it were my last 2 days on earth, i;d want to talk at least once to every person who matters to me and tell them I love them and they made a difference to my life and I hope I made some difference to theirs.
So do it now :) Tell em more often.
hehe ok Tarun :)
hey Aparna :)
**I just stay and home and read a book.
not bad at all. I love reading. And I love staying at home :)
hey Priyanka WB! :) Nice to see ya here again.
WOW thats an awesome party wknd then! Fun fun.
Good on ya Sugar! Anticipation itself is LIFE :) I hope that cute guy comes ard soon hehe.
No TV? I can live w.o. TV all my life!
Grunty I agree :) But not all 48hrs r like that...
aww Rat so he's ur cuz? How sweet!
tnxx Fid ;-)
** it was a waste and I hope my next weekend is a blast and not boring
no I dun think it was a waste. Surfing, going to the temple, spending some time with can that be a waste? I think it's awesome! :)
A waste of time wud be when we WORRY, while the sun is shining outside waiting for us to bask in it.
oh ok Amit, tnxx! :)
Hope ur wknd will be good.
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