This is a home for my heart...a distant refuge for my spirit, away from the madding crowd and the masquerades that we live. This is where everything is unveiled and nothing is compromised.
No we didn't dance...main dancer wasn't time, and we all have ups and downs...don't worry..see you next time I'll organise something ok..
take care bye S.
That was a message from a dear friend who was at that party on Sunday. She missed me so much and so she sent me an email Mon morning asking why I wasn't there. And then I said I had a problem so couldn't make it, and I asked if they danced and that was her reply. Anyways, I'm glad people do miss me too...that means I have touched them in some way that they really wanted my presence. How sweet. Guys I also made some pretty difficult decisions yesterday (I was forced to cos I had no other way to deal with this any longer) and I'm gonna stick to those decisions somehow. With the New Year around the corner, I'm gonna be a new and somewhat stone-hearted Keshi. I don't mean to say I'm gonna be Cruella DeVil. What I mean is I'm not gonna be around for people who have no respect for my feelings. I used to care about others all the time and it has certainly taken the toll on me. It was overkill. So now I must start caring about myself too. Since I don't know how to be heartless and selfish, I'd rather not give attention to such people. I think silence is better than wasting my breath on them and I have decided to go far away from them - sometimes physical distance is a good start. So that I wont be around for them as a bait for their evil pleasure. I deserve better, don't I? And I must thank all of you who are always right here waiting to make me feel better. Without you guys I wouldn't be feeling OK and this strong. So a big THANK YOU to you!
Now I wanna make this post a fun one...cos I'm tired of all the drama in my last post and sorry to have tired you all too. So here it goes: If there was a Tsunami coming your way and your house is bound to be destroyed (yeah it's all about storms this week haha!), and you could only take one thing from your house, what would it be? I'd say your answer will most probably tell you where your heart is. Your answer will be the address of your heart.
This is my answer: I would take my photo albums. Cos that's where all the precious moments in my life are preserved. And that's where my dad (and many other loved-ones who are no longer in this world) still smile back at me. So if the photos get lost, I'd lose a big part of my life too, cos I can never capture those moments again. Everything else in my house I can easily replace. Cos even though those memories are in my head, what if I suffer from Dementia some day (not that I don't have Dementia now (rolling eyes...)). Then atleast I can look at the pics and think of those lovely people and those golden moments. So that's what I'd take with me. (o btw if I can, I'll try to take my iPod too only cos I can't live without music even during that short period of running out of the house hehe). Now how about ya?
Hey Keshi,a very intriguing post.And a very nice and perfect New Year resolution.I made this resolution long time back that ,I will never give any one so much power to break my heart or make me sad and that helped me a lot.
Wish you luck.You have all the rights to make your self the most important than any one.
Of course, my kids. I would NOT leave without them. If they were a given, then I'd say, I'd have to have some rope. Because if a tsunami was coming, I would use that rope to tie us all together so that I would not lose them. I have often thought about things like this. I go over scenarios in my head to come up with the best possible plan to keep my kids safe and WITH me.
Oh dear, please stay nice, happy and cheery. It matters not (ok, not so much) that people take your niceties for granted, but that you can live with yourself. By all means love yourself more, but also do not cease loving others. Sometimes, pain makes one a stronger person. (oh my, i'm getting so philosophical ;))
I think you have it there - if you have to take anything it would be photos. They are memories and, although I have the negatives somewhere else, and all my photo files on CD away from the house, the old photos are handled and loved in a way that replacements wouldn't be.
I would take my family out. but i realise that its a thing that you are asking abt. only one eh..:P cause lots of things came to my mind. haha..
Lets see...If there is one thing that i can take with me..
It would probably be my notepad and a pen. I am someone who needs to write if i can't speak out. and during this time, i am sure i have a lot to say to my best friend on high or just to place my thoughts out. so thats when this notebook becomes handy. i need to write and express myself. That way at least i can be a strength to those a round cause my thoughts has been written down. :) I like that idea of a notebook and pen. *smiles* And who knows..someday, if its valid enough and if i did not survive. it could be something that people around can read sometime. or something special where my loved ones can hold on to many a times. The address of my heart will totally be covered on pages from the start. The deepest emotions, dreams, strengths, struggles and blah blah.
Once again, I am not going to answer your question. Here the are lyrics to a song about the killer tsunami. A songwriter friend wrote this song in fifteen minutes.
A sunny Sunday morning, under such a pristine sky As the turquoise of the ocean, reflected in her eye Some sat reading, and others walked the beach Some sipped lemonade, beyond the ocean’s reach The radio was promising, fair weather for the day No one was prepared, as the minutes ticked away
An ominous rumble, in the distance shook the ground But no one seemed to notice, the shaking or the sound But the quake had set in motion, such a fearful force It gave birth to the tsunami, and set it on its course Yes, such a fearful power, was so suddenly unfurled And those who knew the danger, failed to tell the world
And now a silent warning, would never reach their ears But today would be remembered, for many, many years The little girl was walking, with her mother hand in hand Her tiny little feet, left tiny footprints in the sand She swung her little sand pail, and walked so happily And there was barely a ripple, in that tranquil sea
The little girl was singing, as she danced her way along Such a pretty little lady, with such a lovely song “I love you mommy, and I love the sand and sea” Her mother knelt and kissed, her little cheek so tenderly “Can we stay here, mommy, for a hundred years” “For a hundred years, mommy, for a hundred years”
But the shock wave was coming, faster than a jet Today would be a day, that no one would forget Then suddenly the ocean, was receding from the shore And rolling out to sea, to reveal the ocean floor Then the raging tsunami, came crashing to the beach Swallowing everything, that fell within its reach
No one ever wished for worse, than this day would bring So suddenly consuming, every one and every thing Those Giant walls of water, that rushed relentlessly With black mud and sand, that it sucked from the sea The sound of all the screaming, was lost in the roar As the black roiling waves, came shattering to shore
Dark waves attacking, and retreating savagely Ravaging and burying and dragging to the sea But that little girl was snatched up, and carried on the crest And delivered to safety, where she gently came to rest She was torn from the turmoil, and chaos all around And entrusted by the waves, to the arms of higher ground
But too many people, disappeared on that day With no time to escape, or even time to pray And too many tears fell, too many people cried For even the survivors, were dying deep inside And too many towns, vanished from the land And far too many footprints, were washed from the sand
And I’ll never forget, that sudden terror from the sea Or the eyes of that little girl, when she said to me “Tsunami took mommy”, pointing to the sea “Tsunami took mommy, far away from me” “Tsunami took mommy”, her eyes filled with tears “Tsunami took mommy, for a hundred years”
This material is reprinted by permission of the writer and cannot be reproduced in any format.
I remember how I once said that your life is a free flowing one, and I pretty much understand now why I was wrong then, but your positive attitude towards life is seriously inspiring.
And about the tsunami puzzle.. Hmm.. I will take my loved ones.
I love your resolution Keishi- you have a heart of gold:) take care of it. Ahhh, I would take my photos and letters and my seashell necklace:) (and any chocolate lying around he-he!!!)
Keshi, it is an interesting New Years resolution you have, and while I understand why you want to do it, I can't help but wonder if it is in you. You are a kind person by nature. It is partly the way you were born, and partly the way you were raised.
To decide today that you are no longer going to be that way is quite a statement. Is it really what you want to do? Or are you feeling this way because of what happened last week? Will we see this "stone hearted" Keshi in a month? Two months? Honestly, I'm not sure...
To answer your question, I'd take my wallet because replacing all the stuff in there would be a pain in the ass ;)
Hi Keshi! I hope you are feeling better. Sorry about all the drama that you've been going through, but I guess we've all been there.
And to the answer for your question, like you I would grab my photos. Many cannot be replaced. I have so many though and wouldn't be able to take all of them. It would be tough picking which ones.
It's important to get all the negative and non-supportive people out of our lives. I've had to do the same thing. It's hard, but when you get away from the negativity life becomes so much better.
I would take my laptop. My whole life is there. Including all photos (well, they're all on line), financial stuff and contact information for everybody.
wow.. so amazing keshi.. with some amazing decisions and new year resolutions?..! well.. memories are the best things that I would take.. which you also did. but i dont think photo album is necessary.. those moments are alive in you already isn't so.. comming to alive when a close incident to those memories strike :).. you are living album.. hows that?
Good to see you move on from those storms! address of my heart- my slam book from college time. It is filled with feedbacks from so many lovely frens, miss them all!
Hi Keshi. I was gonna post on the previous post, words of condolences and other dramatic BS that was no use to anyone. It seems you have come to the right decision (in this post) on your own and for that total respek. The heart is too fragile and if you give it to the wrong person to hold, he/she will drop it and it will break. get the drift? and oh by the way, HUGZ right back at ya.
hmmn let me think... i think i will take 2 things with me.. one arethe pair of diamond earrings my dad had gifted me.. n the other would b some rose petals i have saved all these years...
whenever someone close gives me flowers i pick a petal n save it... i got a nice collection there :) this is not freaking me anymore...I think god has written same scripts for us:)just the other nite I was telling my friends that I wont to be the cold hearted bitch coz i am sick of people taking advantage of me being nice and I was tired of people not caring about my feelings when I walk miles to make sure they aren't sad! anyway, I'd take...umn what? hmn...i'd take my diaries...that way even if i suffer from amnesia at least I can read and rem who I was :)
Ok you don't mean people you mean stuff right? This is so easy then because I actually have specific instructions to risk life and limb to exit my house with boxes that are labelled and near the stairwell marked photo negs and jpeg discs.
If I don't leave with this and atleast 20 creative memory albums I might as well stay inside and meet my maker because my goodladywife will finish me off on the front lawn anyway if I came out empty handed. Tough but fair.
Keshi.. How do you know what is there in my heart? I am so amazed!!! Whenever you write anything emotional, the feelings are exactly mine. I mean whatever I am thinking these days you put the same in your post. For the whole night yesterday, I was thinking exactly same what you have written in the first paragraph.. n it’s there on ur blog now.
N to the add on, when I read ur question, my first thing which came in to my mind was photos with memories n my diary!!! I am just wondering how this can happen? I am still amazed, don’t even have any words to express how exactly I am feeling now. It’s okay.. you can feel that, I guess :)
well when we respect and care abouit someone then they are bound to respect us.if they dont then i think its best to move away from them.Silence is the best and most dangerous weapon i have ever come across.It kills people without any bloodshed.In silence u need not speak only yours eyes speaks on belhaf of you
if tsunami comes first thing i will take with me is my "THAKORJI".My lordkrishna to whom i worship and pray.He is been worshiped since last 50yrs.I may sound more religious but yes i this matter iam.Coz today whatever iam is coz of him.My every sucess and every achievement is dedicated to him.I never make single move with out him.So keshi say "SHRI GOVARDHAN NATH KI JAI". YES even my album bag is also imp for me.Coz it has memories since my childhood day till date.Last but not the least.My family my life line.
So what else keshi..When ru coming to india :).Will be waiting for that day
Its so good to know you're up and kicking ! Now about the post, since that you said a 'thing' so i aint considering any humans here alright. I'd carry my has the photos, the videos, the songs, the poems, the stories et all ...!!
And yes, my greeting cards. I have the habit of keepng all the cards people have given me...even the ones I'd recieved way back in the 5th grade. I love looking at them time and again and they bring back such fond memories. I have cards from frens who I longer know as to where they are yet we have had lovely day together as kids.
Cards from frens who have chosen to go away from me...frens who have been taken away from me...and many more.
Someday I'll put up a post about it. Thnx or this babe. *hugs And take care ok.
i would probably try to grab all my books...but it will make it freakin hard to run then. Or maybe my money or computer, but then it brings nothing tangible I'd say. So the one thing I will bring from my house when I run away is my pillow for maybe I need to sleep somewhere for a few days, or let some kid who really need it to rest his/her head.
Keshi. pleased you have found some inner strength to deal with your outer problem. The Warrior! I too would take family and photographs ... although one can take memories in ones mind it is nice to have the visuals too. Have a wonderful day! :o)
I would take the love of my life, my dear wife, before anything else, except for my visa card, car, Rolex, all of her jewellery, stock of wines and spirits, photos, passports, the cat and dog and the good looking chick with the long legs next door.
:)just kidding, I think I would get out fast-materialistic thingies are useless if you are dead.
Hey Keshi, the tough thing about being a tough girl gotta stay tough. It sounds redundant, but my only point is that in the turf wars that are bound to ensue as you assert your new boundaries, carry on with confidence not simpering diffidence (think Pink not Kelly Clarkson). Hmmmm tsunamis...I think I'm just hiking up my skirt and running for the hills...
I see you are still quite the little blogger... I missed stopping by.. I'm back in the groove, writing again... missing all of my fellow bloggers... trying to catch up... see ya later!!
i am lucky. i have this in built moie house that plays over and over all those memories that i cherish. my dad playing football when i was eight with me. my mum kissing me goodnight. the intimate moments with my wife. marrying in july in a heatwave (english heatwave that is). the birth of my four children. (MAGIC/MIRACLE). so many memories trapped inside my mind. my kids are special though. even when they are being a royal pain!!
yes life has made me similar to what you are trying to become as of now I mean siriously sometimes we do say, we need a new life! We want a life in which we no longer get hurt Things when they go to extremeties, you gotta get rid of them or you have to change your ways Well i wont say you being hard hearted, will be good or bad cuz the decision is upto you and will entirely effect you! But what i want to say is that doesnt matter how the keshi i know is, i will be with her :)
Hey there Keshi, hope you are doing better. I would take my heart with me, all of it, specially when leaving a bad memory behind. Or perhaps just try to errase the negative but don't forget it because you cannot change someone's nature. Sounds like you had a very intense experience just now. I've been through similar situations and have learned (THE HARD WAY) negative anything is better to keep at a very safe distance from us bcs otherwise they "charge" us with their negativity. No matter how we would like to believe it different or even try to make it different, it won't change, might actually get more twisted and drawn you deeper into a blackhole--- BEEN THERE, DONE THAT, almost didn't live to tell it, and I'm not exagerating. I met 2 very intense evil people in my life, one man and one woman. They both taught me so so much but also drove me mad and sucked my energy and even my life, when I realised it I was a mess. I know I had to live these experiences, that they were part of my path, but it's very important to understand the reality of what's happening to us and to know and be able to brake free and run as far away possible from the black whole or darkness.
Mary Wollstonecraft wrote: No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks....SPOT ON!
I loved Gandhi's quote, it happens after a while, but better not to forget I think!
if hubby is safe then the next thing i would think of are my diaries..i started writing when i was about nine years old..and almost my whole life is in there!
Yeah, but what would I take from my house...? I must decide very carefully because you will judge me after that LOLZ Pictures? naaa, I could go to my mom or my sis... they have heaps of pics Mebbe my FCZ-Cap, that would be cool. Or some change to buy a beer or two after this big excitement. Hmmm, my mobile where I saved all the phone numbers (all saved, I dont even know my own one...true lol) Or mebbe my pendulum. Hmmm, I have this cool new "good morning vietnam" T-shirt... and I really would like to keeeeep it. And my handball. Of course! Yeah and my keys. I mean I really need my keys! For all kind of places ;) .......
You know what,it sounds a little selfish ,but the first and only thing I will pick up ,is my documents and certificate files. Because if I have that I can make through any thing any ,any where,meet my loved ones.
only one thing????? I'm telling you Keshi I can not just pick one thing becuz I have two animals--my Spooky cat and my Jake, the pug and I could not pick one of over the other. And then there is my honey, so he would grab Jake and I would grab spooky cat becuz I could only imagine me trying to pick up my cat and dog and the hissing and scratching that would be going on. Sure I would love to grab a bunch more stuff like my social security card, marriage certificate, etc but you only said one thing!!!! And that is a very difficult question!!!!
A refreshing post after the storm.Good new year resolution keshi. You have to think of yourself sometimes because you are important.
I feel the same as you.I will take my photo Albums and all my video tapes I have of my kids when they were little.Once when the fires was close to our home and we thought we would have to be evacuated, i took all the Albums and tapes and put it in the car. Forgot all my Jewellery, later on when I thought about it. Jewellery was something I could always buy again. but memories- NO.
**By all means love yourself more, but also do not cease loving others
Some great advice there...ty! I'm keeping my head straight and thinking in warrior terms ;-) HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
G'day Trundling!
**the old photos are handled and loved in a way that replacements wouldn't be
Spot on! The old photos r the most precious.
Lee helloooo sweetie!
** would of course would like to take all my photos as well.But the first thing would have to be my lovely son
aww how ur heart is in the memories as well. Good on ya!
Amy hugggggggggz!
**It would probably be my notepad and a pen
Well thats very thoughtful of ya. I know how much u love writing and how deep ur thoughts/posts r. So a writing-pad n pen wud feed ur soul and thats what we need to keep us going. Excellent answer!
Margie u work too hard babez HUGGGGGGGGGZ! Take it easy.
** would also take my photos, and some beautiful letters my mom wrote me while I was in college!
thats so special...when u said abt the letters it reminded of few letters I have with me that was wriiten by my late granma...they r sooo special cos she wrote em to me all the way from Sri Lanka when I was studying in Aus. I will def take em too.
**And, my kitty cat and of-course my beautiful family!
definitely! I for one cant leave behind any living thing.
ty sweetie n u TC!
Bev that made me cry!! So very sad.
**“Tsunami took mommy”, pointing to the sea “Tsunami took mommy, far away from me” “Tsunami took mommy”, her eyes filled with tears “Tsunami took mommy, for a hundred years”
Goshhh that broke my heart like u'd never know! I cant fathom that kinda suffering. I really cant.
Sophie HUGGGGGGGGGZ! It's ok that u got my name wrong lol!
**I would take my photos and letters and my seashell necklace:) (and any chocolate lying around
awww how sweet. The seashell necklace sounds pretty interesting.
WC Bibi Huggggggggz!
**I'd take my photos too ... and my little momento box full of very personal/nothing little things from those I've loved who are no longer here.
awww that really made my eyes fill with tears...
AB heyy hows ya?
**, I can't help but wonder if it is in you. You are a kind person by nature. It is partly the way you were born, and partly the way you were raised.
I know wut u's so very hard to be someone else. But certain circumstances n ppl make u change a little bit. Im not saying Im gonna be an overnight-Dracula LOL! But I have set myself certian limits and standards now...and I know I can stick by em. Cos years of abuse and tears somehow make u stronger. And I believe it's mainly abt being stronger rather than being cold-hearted. U know what I mean? :)
yeah u need that too. I'd have it in my Jeans' pocket anyways haha!
hiyya Anali!
tnxxx I appreciate the encouragement.
**you I would grab my photos.
yeah...cos they r the ones that cant be replaced na. Well I have a truck-load of pics and albums too :) I guess I'd have to have a truck ready first LOL!
heyyya Deepz!
**i wud take my photo albums, my credit cards, degree certificates, passport and the left over money!!
cool...all the much-needed items ha :)
G'day matey Jay!
**It's important to get all the negative and non-supportive people out of our lives
I agree. ppl who cant even be kind for a penny have no room in my life.
well that sounds like a very wise thing to do then :)
Sujit ty!
**but i dont think photo album is necessary.. those moments are alive in you already isn't so
yes I agree...but nothing like having the real pics of the loved-ones and the precious moments. My memory may fade someday, but the pictures shall whipser tales to me for years...
To read each comment and reply to them in such an organised way. You deserve a huge chocolate from me. You simply pour all your heart, into your space/posts.
After the tsunami.... good question.
I need to brush my teeth and so need a tooth paste and tooth brush, with me. Ones i do that i shall have fresh feeling, thoughts, and then it's a new day, so I shall let me stretch and run...
As a child, i remember, after brushing, i went staright to the kitchen to see mummy, busy preparing our breakfast., and in my yet little sleepy eyes but brushed teeth said, "mummy"...
I know I wont be an evil person...I can never be that. But it's healthier to be a bit aloof with ppl who dunno what 'kindness', 'respect' and 'love' are.
**No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks.
thats a great quote! Well so let em figure out what real happiness is...I cant be bothered wasting my time on em anymore.
tnxx for all ur great quotes!
m000nie thats a very cool keep a petal from the flowers u get. WOW!
**one arethe pair of diamond earrings my dad had gifted me.. n the other would b some rose petals i have saved all these years...
thats is special...and it seems ur heart's address is LOVED-ONES.
Silvara heyyy one thing baby LOL!
**My teddy bear - I've had it since I was born so sentimental value.
awww...I have 4 big/small Teddies staring at me from my closet top...I wonder what they think abt me.
**My engagement ring (if not worn on my hand)- a symbol of my guy's love
**Family photos and then some chocolate to eat on the run!
lol cute!
tnxxx Hun!
Yash hello sweetie!
**I was telling my friends that I wont to be the cold hearted bitch coz i am sick of people taking advantage of me being nice and I was tired of people not caring about my feelings when I walk miles to make sure they aren't sad
lol so u were thinking along the same lines! Are we surprised at all? hell na. Cos rem we r long lost sisters. I have so many sisters like that here :) HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
for sure! they hold ur most precious feelings.
hello Sugar!
**would defnitely take my photos & my diaries n letters u saw on our blog
aww nice...they will keep u going for sure.
heyya Neihal!
**so I guess the address of my heart is somewhat confusing
hehe so ur a bit lost at the moment? Mebbe ur heart is still finding a permanent address...take ur time sweetie.
HE u make me laugh so much LOL, ty!
**If I don't leave with this and atleast 20 creative memory albums I might as well stay inside and meet my maker because my goodladywife will finish me off on the front lawn anyway if I came out empty handed.
**my kids, of course ... otherwise, a life jacket (for them or one of them - particularly the youngest
awww sooo darn protective! ur a great dad Fergal.
Prachi it only tells that we all go thru same kinda shit and we all have similar feelings...HUGGGGGGGGZ! Im glad u could find solace in my post. We r here for each other ok? So take it easy sweetie.
**? I am still amazed, don’t even have any words to express how exactly I am feeling now
hehe MWAHHHHHHHHHH! Now u know why we r connected forever.
Hiyyya Vikas!
**Silence is the best and most dangerous weapon i have ever come across.It kills people without any bloodshed.In silence u need not speak only yours eyes speaks on belhaf of you
so true! Silence speaks volumes w.o. having to say a word. So yeah...thats my best weapon and Im glad I found it...even after so many years that got wasted. ty Vikas!
**My lordkrishna to whom i worship and pray.
Brilliant! Ur heart is with God. How so divine.
I dunno when I'd come to India, but if I do, I'd def let u all know. Cos most of my blog-mates r from India :) We can have one big party then hehehe.
KK heyy!
**Laptop, wallet and little food for immediate needs
good items. U def cant survive w.o. food for more than an hour ha? LOL sweet!
Cinderella HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ! ty sweetie...u have been right by my side thru it all. I wont forget that.
**I'd carry my has the photos, the videos, the songs, the poems, the stories et all ...!!
ur thoughts r so similar to mine :)
**And yes, my greeting cards.
OMG ur sooo like me! When I read that I was like WHOAAAAAAA..cos I have ALL the greeting cards ppl have sent's been a habit since I was very little. I cherish em alot.
**Cards from frens who have chosen to go away from me...frens who have been taken away from me...and many more.
that line really had me in tears..cos u wrote my heart out with that line. ty Cinderella! It's good to know there r others who have gone thru what I have. HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
I wudnt worry abt books...cos I could always get em :)
**So the one thing I will bring from my house when I run away is my pillow for maybe I need to sleep somewhere for a few days, or let some kid who really need it to rest his/her head.
thats so very kind of ya! very thoughtful.
TrinityStar Im the Warrior cos of all of u...and ur comment in my Storm post truly helped me alot. TY!
**although one can take memories in ones mind it is nice to have the visuals too.
So true. Nuttin like havin the real pics ard.
Pink_Ginger WC!
**I can feel love, hope and passions in your post
ty...and u'd have to b one with love, hope and passion to see it in my post :) HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
Grunt heyy!
**I would take my writings--if all my loved ones were safe. Both of those things are irreplaceable.
u've got ur heart in the right place. TY!
G'day Vest!
**I would take the love of my life, my dear wife, before anything else, except for my visa card, car, Rolex, all of her jewellery, stock of wines and spirits, photos, passports, the cat and dog..
ur heart resides in ur loved-ones and ur Rolex watch, not bad ;-)
**and the good looking chick with the long legs next door.
LOL okkkk! Why not ha :)
true...materialistic things r of no use when ur breathing no more.
Uttsy mwahhhhhhhhh! I'll b ok. dun worry.
**hey i wud carry my wallet
so ur heart's in the money? dun worry abt the wallet...u'll have all ur money safe n sound in the bank anyways babez :) Or is it cos u wanna buy an ice-cream on the way? awwwwwww....
heyyy Helen!
**my only point is that in the turf wars that are bound to ensue as you assert your new boundaries, carry on with confidence not simpering diffidence
**well i wuld take my i-pod ...only prob i dont have one
awww when I read that, I really felt like buying u an iPod and sending it across to India...wud u give me ur addy? Im not rich but I dun mind buying something for someone who really deserves it. U like music so much and Im shocked u dun have an iPod. So thats why I wanted to do it in the memory of our great friendship.
Where have u been? I missed u tonzz man! Someday when u return again from ur small regular breaks, I might not be here mate...Im not just saying that to get ur attention, but it's true...I might not be here.
I'll be in ur blog soon. And TY for dropping by.
Cocaine_Jesus thats nice..truly very sweet.
**even when they are being a royal pain!!
Poison matey HUGGGGGGGGGZ WB! I missed ya but I knew u were very busy with some changes in ur life. I hope u have settled down.
**wud take my certificates
ok that means ur heart is in ur career :)
Vipul ur aboslutely right! I know exactly wut u mean. We have to start caring for ourselves too.
**But what i want to say is that doesnt matter how the keshi i know is, i will be with her
d u have any idea how LOVED I felt when u said that? TY so much, that was such a very special thing to say...HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
G'day LOVE!
**but don't forget it because you cannot change someone's nature.
I totally agree. We dun change so how can we expect the other to change.
** know I had to live these experiences, that they were part of my path, but it's very important to understand the reality of what's happening to us and to know and be able to brake free and run as far away possible from the black whole or darkness.
So true..they r all part of our path. I like what u said there. They r challenges thrown at us so we can test our strengths. What matters is that we come out of it all stronger than ever b4. Im glad u did.
I love that quote...cos its so true. ty so much LOVE, I appreciate ur encouragement. HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
Mwahhh Asha ty!
** would grab my kids ofcourse! Husband can fend for himself
lol thats right. Men can look after emselves.
yes that heart in the sand is gorgeous isnt it.
ooops it's Wednesday...the day Asha does that thing ;-)
**silence is astounding always
yes from now on, Silence is gonna be my strength, my weapon and my friend.
Shikha heyy long time!
**if hubby is safe then the next thing i would think of are my diaries
aww sweet. I know that some ppl write diaries all their life so it's very close to their hearts.
Murane matey HUGGGGGGGGZ! D u know I really missed ya?
**looking forward to look into your stone cool eyes... i will fucking freezing LOL
I'd scare u with my cold cold eyes...ROFL!
**Yeah, but what would I take from my house...? I must decide very carefully because you will judge me after that LOLZ
hahahah ur cheating!
**Pictures? naaa, I could go to my mom or my sis... they have heaps of pics
it seems most women keep the pics...and most men keep the junk LOL!
**Mebbe my FCZ-Cap, that would be cool.
cool indeed!
**Or some change to buy a beer or two after this big excitement.
LOL men n their beer!
**Hmmm, my mobile where I saved all the phone numbers (all saved, I dont even know my own one...true lol)
guess wut mate...even I dunno my number LOL! I mean when someone asks for my number, I have to think alot hahaha!
**Or mebbe my pendulum.
**Hmmm, I have this cool new "good morning vietnam" T-shirt... and I really would like to keeeeep it. And my handball. Of course!
ur a T and Cap guy :)
**Yeah and my keys. I mean I really need my keys! For all kind of places ;)
Keys as in Car? Cos ur not gonna have a house when u come back mate LOL!
ok I said ONE thing Murane...and now have mentioned the whole house LOL!
Krys ty :)
Tarun heyy!
**Physical distance for a start ....LOL!
lol why r ya laughing? It's the truth. Cos Im gonna b moving to a new place in 2007...away from everyone.
Priya heyy!
**I will walk out with my softtoys, passport and my best memories.
wise thing to do girl.
Blessed awwww ur like me..I cant and I wont leave any living thing behind. First wud be that.
**And then there is my honey, so he would grab Jake and I would grab spooky cat becuz I could only imagine me trying to pick up my cat and dog and the hissing and scratching that would be going on
Starry heyy HUGGGGGGGGGZ ty!
**I will take my photo Albums and all my video tapes I have of my kids when they were little.
definitely...they can never be replaced na.
u know I dun give a damn abt jewellery. My mum n sis have packed em up carefully so they can run with it if something happens...some of it they have kept safely in a bank safe. But my Jewellery...I dun give a damn where it is. Cos I wear costume-jewellery alot of the time so Im not much into Gold. The few gold stuff I have, I wudnt worry abt even if they r lost.
Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile. Somewhere there's someone who finds your presence worthwhile. So when you are lonely, sad, and blue, remember that someone somewhere is thinking of you.
LOL ur so sweet! I think as minor as it may sound, it's def a major need. Cos w.o. fresh breath and clean teeth, it'd be so hard to get thru the day and think fresh thoughts. That was very clever ty!
awwwwwwww how very sweet!
:) -----------------------------------
Heyya Bev yep that song is amazing...more cos it's a true experience of a lil girl.
**I'm sorry if you now need to see a shrink
LOL hahaha I really do. Imagine u being my shrink..then I'd be laughing all the time :):)
I don't need to worry in that case because I keep giving pieces of my hearts to beautiful girls I meet. By now last piece is left you take it then I will be worry free.
Keshi dear pl. leave ur web address too, it will be easy for me to come because web address is the door of your heart (address).
@Anonymous/Saby That was quite philosophical but fact of the matter is that when u survive something like that the next thing u need is doe in ur pocket to put things back in order.
I am not sure how that new year resolution is going to work out.. but if that is what u feel u have to do then go for it.. because even as a stone cold person i dont think u can ever harm another person just maybe protect yourself.. yeah photo albums is almost everyone's first choice.. in the end the rest doesnt matter does it?
address of my heart :-? ... well I'd proly havta give an IP-address / MAC-address coz its my computer dinku of course :)
I can't live without her ... shez my 1st wife :D ... I feel depressed if I miss her for too long ;) ... I feel suffocated without her ... I CANT LIVE WITHOUT HER ;)) ... okie okie I dun wanna sound more desperate that this :D
but she would be the one I'd pick if I were to pick just one thing :)
You could only take one thing from your house, what would it be? It would be me! Someone have to take me from that place. Hai don’t feel, just kidding dear:)
If it was a thing I will take my computer; if it was a life I save my mom, who is the world to me.
Thank God you are waking up to to what we call . I've discovered that even God said love thy neighbour AS THYSELF, not more than thyself. I've decided to tow a similar path.
As usual Keshi, very nice and sentimental blog. But u sound more free and relaxed here (thank God for that!). As I stay alone right now, the one and only thing that I'd not leave my room without is 'that purse' which contains my passport and credit cards. Though of-course I'd be very sad to have to leave behind my paintings, my diaries, my photo-albums, my books and most importantly, my sexy dresses. (Sob! I don't even want to think of such a situation right now or else I'll be depressed..)
Music seems to adore me as it keeps reaching my and cars...friends I cannot be without...poems, life, ocean, people...these are some things I simply love. This is my personal e-diary...if anything I blurt out here hurts anyone, my sincere apologies in advance. What I write here are my deepest thoughts that I hardly discuss with people close to me in real. These are my conversations with my mind and the walls who sometimes have better listening powers than humans. But ofcourse I value everyone's views and I intend to grow from them, so you're most welcome to express yourselves here.
Life is too short so I try to 'live' longer every day...and yes one day at a time.
Knowledge is power hence people have been the source of that power in me...I thank them always.
108 Cranium Signets:
Hey Keshi,a very intriguing post.And a very nice and perfect New Year resolution.I made this resolution long time back that ,I will never give any one so much power to break my heart or make me sad and that helped me a lot.
Wish you luck.You have all the rights to make your self the most important than any one.
Of course, my kids. I would NOT leave without them. If they were a given, then I'd say, I'd have to have some rope. Because if a tsunami was coming, I would use that rope to tie us all together so that I would not lose them. I have often thought about things like this. I go over scenarios in my head to come up with the best possible plan to keep my kids safe and WITH me.
So, yeah...rope. I'd get rope.
i wud load all my porn in a 10 GB pen drive
and walk away with it round my neck
There you go babes... time to kick some serious butt :) Carry pepper spray and a taser gun with you all times.
Cruella doesnt sound that bad of a name either, which numerologist have you been talking to? ;)
I saw someone on a show on TV who looked kinda like you. I will try to find a picture.
if there was no EVIL
GOOD wud cease to exist too
its all relative
-Albert Einstein
i am not sure he said it
but he wud have
if he had lived long enuff
Oh dear, please stay nice, happy and cheery. It matters not (ok, not so much) that people take your niceties for granted, but that you can live with yourself. By all means love yourself more, but also do not cease loving others. Sometimes, pain makes one a stronger person. (oh my, i'm getting so philosophical ;))
I think you have it there - if you have to take anything it would be photos. They are memories and, although I have the negatives somewhere else, and all my photo files on CD away from the house, the old photos are handled and loved in a way that replacements wouldn't be.
I would of course would like to take all my photos as well.But the first thing would have to be my lovely son :).
Very interesting and thought provoking. :)
Hmmm what would i take?
I would take my family out. but i realise that its a thing that you are asking abt.
only one eh..:P cause lots of things came to my mind. haha..
Lets see...If there is one thing that i can take with me..
It would probably be my notepad and a pen. I am someone who needs to write if i can't speak out. and during this time, i am sure i have a lot to say to my best friend on high or just to place my thoughts out. so thats when this notebook becomes handy. i need to write and express myself. That way at least i can be a strength to those a round cause my thoughts has been written down. :) I like that idea of a notebook and pen. *smiles* And who knows..someday, if its valid enough and if i did not survive. it could be something that people around can read sometime. or something special where my loved ones can hold on to many a times. The address of my heart will totally be covered on pages from the start. The deepest emotions, dreams, strengths, struggles and blah blah.
Thanks for this post lady!
Hi Sweetie,
I am so tired, it's hard to think!
I just worked a 10 hour day, and it's so wonderful to be home!
So glad you are ok Angel!
I would also take my photos, and some beautiful letters my mom wrote me while I was in college!
And, my kitty cat and of-course my beautiful family!
Well, gotta go and make some dinner!
Huggggz Angel!
Hi Keshi
Your choices are good on all fronts.
Once again, I am not going to answer your question. Here the are lyrics to a song about the killer tsunami.
A songwriter friend wrote this song in fifteen minutes.
The Tsunami
© 2005 William McMillan
A sunny Sunday morning, under such a pristine sky
As the turquoise of the ocean, reflected in her eye
Some sat reading, and others walked the beach
Some sipped lemonade, beyond the ocean’s reach
The radio was promising, fair weather for the day
No one was prepared, as the minutes ticked away
An ominous rumble, in the distance shook the ground
But no one seemed to notice, the shaking or the sound
But the quake had set in motion, such a fearful force
It gave birth to the tsunami, and set it on its course
Yes, such a fearful power, was so suddenly unfurled
And those who knew the danger, failed to tell the world
And now a silent warning, would never reach their ears
But today would be remembered, for many, many years
The little girl was walking, with her mother hand in hand
Her tiny little feet, left tiny footprints in the sand
She swung her little sand pail, and walked so happily
And there was barely a ripple, in that tranquil sea
The little girl was singing, as she danced her way along
Such a pretty little lady, with such a lovely song
“I love you mommy, and I love the sand and sea”
Her mother knelt and kissed, her little cheek so tenderly
“Can we stay here, mommy, for a hundred years”
“For a hundred years, mommy, for a hundred years”
But the shock wave was coming, faster than a jet
Today would be a day, that no one would forget
Then suddenly the ocean, was receding from the shore
And rolling out to sea, to reveal the ocean floor
Then the raging tsunami, came crashing to the beach
Swallowing everything, that fell within its reach
No one ever wished for worse, than this day would bring
So suddenly consuming, every one and every thing
Those Giant walls of water, that rushed relentlessly
With black mud and sand, that it sucked from the sea
The sound of all the screaming, was lost in the roar
As the black roiling waves, came shattering to shore
Dark waves attacking, and retreating savagely
Ravaging and burying and dragging to the sea
But that little girl was snatched up, and carried on the crest
And delivered to safety, where she gently came to rest
She was torn from the turmoil, and chaos all around
And entrusted by the waves, to the arms of higher ground
But too many people, disappeared on that day
With no time to escape, or even time to pray
And too many tears fell, too many people cried
For even the survivors, were dying deep inside
And too many towns, vanished from the land
And far too many footprints, were washed from the sand
And I’ll never forget, that sudden terror from the sea
Or the eyes of that little girl, when she said to me
“Tsunami took mommy”, pointing to the sea
“Tsunami took mommy, far away from me”
“Tsunami took mommy”, her eyes filled with tears
“Tsunami took mommy, for a hundred years”
This material is reprinted by permission of the writer and cannot be reproduced in any format.
I would choose my laptop as it contains every thing I need. I don't even need a cellphone.
Sometimes, a hug is all what we need. I just want to give you a free hug from the deep of my soul.
If you want you can see the videos Free Hugs here:
My debit and credit cards...:)Coz incase one survives a mayhem like that then cash is the very first thing u require to get ur ass on place again...
Hi Keshi,
I remember how I once said that your life is a free flowing one, and I pretty much understand now why I was wrong then, but your positive attitude towards life is seriously inspiring.
And about the tsunami puzzle.. Hmm.. I will take my loved ones.
With Best Regards,
I love your resolution Keishi-
you have a heart of gold:)
take care of it.
Ahhh, I would take my photos and
letters and my seashell necklace:)
(and any chocolate lying around
(hugs sweetie)
I'd take my photos too ... and my little momento box full of very personal/nothing little things from those I've loved who are no longer here.
Keshi, it is an interesting New Years resolution you have, and while I understand why you want to do it, I can't help but wonder if it is in you. You are a kind person by nature. It is partly the way you were born, and partly the way you were raised.
To decide today that you are no longer going to be that way is quite a statement. Is it really what you want to do? Or are you feeling this way because of what happened last week? Will we see this "stone hearted" Keshi in a month? Two months? Honestly, I'm not sure...
To answer your question, I'd take my wallet because replacing all the stuff in there would be a pain in the ass ;)
Hi Keshi! I hope you are feeling better. Sorry about all the drama that you've been going through, but I guess we've all been there.
And to the answer for your question, like you I would grab my photos. Many cannot be replaced. I have so many though and wouldn't be able to take all of them. It would be tough picking which ones.
nice to see u back sunshine!!
i wud take my photo albums, my credit cards, degree certificates, passport and the left over money!!
K - E - S -H- I !
sorry i never spell your name
properly - i am a TERRIBLE
It's important to get all the negative and non-supportive people out of our lives. I've had to do the same thing. It's hard, but when you get away from the negativity life becomes so much better.
I would take my laptop. My whole life is there. Including all photos (well, they're all on line), financial stuff and contact information for everybody.
wow.. so amazing keshi.. with some amazing decisions and new year resolutions?..! well.. memories are the best things that I would take.. which you also did. but i dont think photo album is necessary.. those moments are alive in you already isn't so.. comming to alive when a close incident to those memories strike :).. you are living album.. hows that?
Good to see you move on from those storms!
address of my heart- my slam book from college time. It is filled with feedbacks from so many lovely frens, miss them all!
Hi Keshi. I was gonna post on the previous post, words of condolences and other dramatic BS that was no use to anyone. It seems you have come to the right decision (in this post) on your own and for that total respek.
The heart is too fragile and if you give it to the wrong person to hold, he/she will drop it and it will break. get the drift?
and oh by the way, HUGZ right back at ya.
New year resolution ... I did have a resolution last year and I never did I stick to it ;)))
Tsunami thing from your house, what would it be?
You make me think soooooo much I really don't know ... its so hard there are so many things which you can't separate from urself ...
But to answer your question then it has be....My nephew and niece Bullbul and Gollu !!!! :))
vedant:) answer ur quest...
read the posts i've missed commenting on...glad u're feelin btr now:)..keep smiling...and stay happy!
two more days to go...:)...excited!
Hey Keshi do you have a Gmail, yahoo or any account????
I can invite you to see my pictures .....;))
hello. thanks for your visit to my blog. i've read your post and can only say that it makes sense to run from people who are toxic.
i wish you a new and healthy 2007.
my most precious possessions: certain photos also. of the people i cherish.
I'm like you -- I would take the photos for the same reason.
I dun think u will become an evil person.. :) Cos it is human nature on wat we are & how we were brought up...
Here are some quotes to share about "EVIL":-
Albert Einstein wrote:
The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
Benjamin Haydon wrote:
There surely is in human nature an inherent propensity to extract all the good out of all the evil.
Blaise Pascal wrote:
I have discovered that all human evil comes from this, man's being unable to sit still in a room.
Edmund Burke wrote:
All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.
H. L. Mencken wrote:
It is a sin to believe evil of others, but it is seldom a mistake.
Hannah Arendt wrote:
The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.
Henry Brooks Adam wrote:
It is always good men who do the most harm in the world
Leonardo da Vinci wrote:
He who does not punish evil, commands it to be done.
Mary Wollstonecraft wrote:
No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks.
Mohandas K. Gandhi wrote:
If your heart acquires strength, you will be able to remove blemishes from others without thinking evil of them.
Raisa Gorbachev wrote:
Hypocrisy, the lie, is the true sister of evil, intolerance, and cruelty.
hmmn let me think... i think i will take 2 things with me.. one arethe pair of diamond earrings my dad had gifted me.. n the other would b some rose petals i have saved all these years...
whenever someone close gives me flowers i pick a petal n save it... i got a nice collection there :)
My teddy bear - I've had it since I was born so sentimental value.
My engagement ring (if not worn on my hand)- a symbol of my guy's love
Family photos and then some chocolate to eat on the run!
Ok it's more than a one, but I'm assuming I have time :P this is not freaking me anymore...I think god has written same scripts for us:)just the other nite I was telling my friends that I wont to be the cold hearted bitch coz i am sick of people taking advantage of me being nice and I was tired of people not caring about my feelings when I walk miles to make sure they aren't sad! anyway, I'd take...umn what? hmn...i'd take my diaries...that way even if i suffer from amnesia at least I can read and rem who I was :)
Hugs :)
Lovely post :) we all learn from mistakes & you are a sweetheart :)
Hmmm I would defnitely take my photos & my diaries n letters u saw on our blog :)
Stay Beautiful...!!
what would it be?
dont know...I've been thinking for sometime...still dont I guess the address of my heart is somewhat confusing :)
Ok you don't mean people you mean stuff right?
This is so easy then because I actually have specific instructions to risk life and limb to exit my house with boxes that are labelled and near the stairwell marked photo negs and jpeg discs.
If I don't leave with this and atleast 20 creative memory albums I might as well stay inside and meet my maker because my goodladywife will finish me off on the front lawn anyway if I came out empty handed.
Tough but fair.
You have been tagged! :-)
P.S: Your welcome tag is not the page 123 meme but the one after it.
my kids, of course ... otherwise, a life jacket (for them or one of them - particularly the youngest)! ;-D
Keshi.. How do you know what is there in my heart? I am so amazed!!! Whenever you write anything emotional, the feelings are exactly mine. I mean whatever I am thinking these days you put the same in your post. For the whole night yesterday, I was thinking exactly same what you have written in the first paragraph.. n it’s there on ur blog now.
N to the add on, when I read ur question, my first thing which came in to my mind was photos with memories n my diary!!! I am just wondering how this can happen? I am still amazed, don’t even have any words to express how exactly I am feeling now. It’s okay.. you can feel that, I guess :)
hello keshi,
well when we respect and care abouit someone then they are bound to respect us.if they dont then i think its best to move away from them.Silence is the best and most dangerous weapon i have ever come across.It kills people without any bloodshed.In silence u need not speak only yours eyes speaks on belhaf of you
if tsunami comes first thing i will take with me is my "THAKORJI".My lordkrishna to whom i worship and pray.He is been worshiped since last 50yrs.I may sound more religious but yes i this matter iam.Coz today whatever iam is coz of him.My every sucess and every achievement is dedicated to him.I never make single move with out him.So keshi say "SHRI GOVARDHAN NATH KI JAI".
YES even my album bag is also imp for me.Coz it has memories since my childhood day till date.Last but not the least.My family my life line.
So what else keshi..When ru coming to india :).Will be waiting for that day
Take Care
Laptop, wallet and little food for immediate needs... because it will take some time for the help to reach us when such a devastation happens.
Its so good to know you're up and kicking !
Now about the post, since that you said a 'thing' so i aint considering any humans here alright.
I'd carry my has the photos, the videos, the songs, the poems, the stories et all ...!!
And yes, my greeting cards.
I have the habit of keepng all the cards people have given me...even the ones I'd recieved way back in the 5th grade.
I love looking at them time and again and they bring back such fond memories. I have cards from frens who I longer know as to where they are yet we have had lovely day together as kids.
Cards from frens who have chosen to go away from me...frens who have been taken away from me...and many more.
Someday I'll put up a post about it.
Thnx or this babe.
And take care ok.
i would probably try to grab all my books...but it will make it freakin hard to run then. Or maybe my money or computer, but then it brings nothing tangible I'd say. So the one thing I will bring from my house when I run away is my pillow for maybe I need to sleep somewhere for a few days, or let some kid who really need it to rest his/her head.
pleased you have found some inner strength to deal with your outer problem. The Warrior!
I too would take family and photographs ... although one can take memories in ones mind it is nice to have the visuals too.
Have a wonderful day! :o)
I can feel love, hope and passions in your post. Good luck.
I would take my writings--if all my loved ones were safe. Both of those things are irreplaceable.
I would take the love of my life, my dear wife, before anything else, except for my visa card, car, Rolex, all of her jewellery, stock of wines and spirits, photos, passports, the cat and dog and the good looking chick with the long legs next door.
:)just kidding, I think I would get out fast-materialistic thingies are useless if you are dead.
heyy keshiiiiiiiiiiiiii
now pls cheeup n getout of ur brooding mode ...
things will fall in place am damn sure. believe in urself...
n hey i wud carry my wallet
how u feeling??
Hey Keshi, the tough thing about being a tough girl gotta stay tough. It sounds redundant, but my only point is that in the turf wars that are bound to ensue as you assert your new boundaries, carry on with confidence not simpering diffidence (think Pink not Kelly Clarkson).
Hmmmm tsunamis...I think I'm just hiking up my skirt and running for the hills...
well i wuld take my i-pod ...only prob i dont have one :(:(
Hey cutie,
I see you are still quite the little blogger... I missed stopping by.. I'm back in the groove, writing again... missing all of my fellow bloggers... trying to catch up... see ya later!!
JD ;)
i am lucky. i have this in built moie house that plays over and over all those memories that i cherish. my dad playing football when i was eight with me. my mum kissing me goodnight. the intimate moments with my wife. marrying in july in a heatwave (english heatwave that is). the birth of my four children. (MAGIC/MIRACLE).
so many memories trapped inside my mind.
my kids are special though. even when they are being a royal pain!!
i wud take my certificates. thats all that i have worth challengin a tsunami.
hows u keshi? these days i can hardly find time for living, let alone blogging.thats why blogs idle and response time is huge. :)
cruella or not.its hard to be something that one is not. :) be what u are :) looks like everybody likes what u r :D
yes life has made me similar to what you are trying to become as of now
I mean siriously sometimes we do say, we need a new life! We want a life in which we no longer get hurt
Things when they go to extremeties, you gotta get rid of them or you have to change your ways
Well i wont say you being hard hearted, will be good or bad cuz the decision is upto you and will entirely effect you!
But what i want to say is that doesnt matter how the keshi i know is, i will be with her :)
Hey there Keshi, hope you are doing better. I would take my heart with me, all of it, specially when leaving a bad memory behind. Or perhaps just try to errase the negative but don't forget it because you cannot change someone's nature. Sounds like you had a very intense experience just now. I've been through similar situations and have learned (THE HARD WAY) negative anything is better to keep at a very safe distance from us bcs otherwise they "charge" us with their negativity. No matter how we would like to believe it different or even try to make it different, it won't change, might actually get more twisted and drawn you deeper into a blackhole--- BEEN THERE, DONE THAT, almost didn't live to tell it, and I'm not exagerating. I met 2 very intense evil people in my life, one man and one woman. They both taught me so so much but also drove me mad and sucked my energy and even my life, when I realised it I was a mess. I know I had to live these experiences, that they were part of my path, but it's very important to understand the reality of what's happening to us and to know and be able to brake free and run as far away possible from the black whole or darkness.
Mary Wollstonecraft wrote:
No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks....SPOT ON!
I loved Gandhi's quote, it happens after a while, but better not to forget I think!
Greetings from the stars.
BELIEVE in yourself and that there are many who love you dearly!Recieve the love and be happy!:))
Loved the heart on the sand! Very beautiful!
I would grab my kids ofcourse! Husband can fend for himself!:D:D
Happy Holidays.
silence is astounding always,
stay beautiful dear
Merry Christmas and Happy New year
hugggggz :)
if hubby is safe then the next thing i would think of are my diaries..i started writing when i was about nine years old..and almost my whole life is in there!
woohooo, lill miss cold-as-ice ;) looking forward to look into your stone cool eyes... i will fucking freezing LOL
Yeah, but what would I take from my house...? I must decide very carefully because you will judge me after that LOLZ
Pictures? naaa, I could go to my mom or my sis... they have heaps of pics
Mebbe my FCZ-Cap, that would be cool. Or some change to buy a beer or two after this big excitement.
Hmmm, my mobile where I saved all the phone numbers (all saved, I dont even know my own one...true lol)
Or mebbe my pendulum.
Hmmm, I have this cool new "good morning vietnam" T-shirt... and I really would like to keeeeep it.
And my handball. Of course!
Yeah and my keys. I mean I really need my keys! For all kind of places ;)
Hi Keshi!
I like this post.There is full of optimistic attitude.
Great Day!
Physical distance for a start ....
I will walk out with my softtoys, passport and my best memories.
I will walk out with my softtoys, passport and my best memories.
You know what,it sounds a little selfish ,but the first and only thing I will pick up ,is my documents and certificate files.
Because if I have that I can make through any thing any ,any where,meet my loved ones.
only one thing????? I'm telling you Keshi I can not just pick one thing becuz I have two animals--my Spooky cat and my Jake, the pug and I could not pick one of over the other. And then there is my honey, so he would grab Jake and I would grab spooky cat becuz I could only imagine me trying to pick up my cat and dog and the hissing and scratching that would be going on. Sure I would love to grab a bunch more stuff like my social security card, marriage certificate, etc but you only said one thing!!!! And that is a very difficult question!!!!
A refreshing post after the storm.Good new year resolution keshi. You have to think of yourself sometimes because you are important.
I feel the same as you.I will take my photo Albums and all my video tapes I have of my kids when they were little.Once when the fires was close to our home and we thought we would have to be evacuated, i took all the Albums and tapes and put it in the car. Forgot all my Jewellery, later on when I thought about it. Jewellery was something I could always buy again. but memories- NO.
I meant a 'thing' not ppl :) Anyways tnxx guys!
Sharda heyy ty!
** will never give any one so much power to break my heart or make me sad and that helped me a lot.
so true...never let that happen to urself. I hope that I will be able to stick to it too :)
**but the first and only thing I will pick up ,is my documents and certificate files.
good on ya! U really need em dun u.
Awaiting heyy!
**So, yeah...rope. I'd get rope.
How bloody smart. Good one!
Hello Anonymous!
** wud load all my porn in a 10 GB pen drive
well thats where ur heart is then :)
hiya Ari Hugggggggggz!
**Carry pepper spray and a taser gun with you all times.
hehe wud be great if I cud :):)
**Cruella doesnt sound that bad of a name either, which numerologist have you been talking to? ;)
**I saw someone on a show on TV who looked kinda like you. I will try to find a picture.
omg who is she? I so wanna know...temme temme plzzzz??
So wut wud u take from ur home b4 the Tsunami? Is it ur TV? :)
hi Anonymous!
true indeed.
G'day Saffy doll! :)
**By all means love yourself more, but also do not cease loving others
Some great advice there...ty! I'm keeping my head straight and thinking in warrior terms ;-) HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
G'day Trundling!
**the old photos are handled and loved in a way that replacements wouldn't be
Spot on! The old photos r the most precious.
Lee helloooo sweetie!
** would of course would like to take all my photos as well.But the first thing would have to be my lovely son
aww how ur heart is in the memories as well. Good on ya!
Amy hugggggggggz!
**It would probably be my notepad and a pen
Well thats very thoughtful of ya. I know how much u love writing and how deep ur thoughts/posts r. So a writing-pad n pen wud feed ur soul and thats what we need to keep us going. Excellent answer!
Margie u work too hard babez HUGGGGGGGGGZ! Take it easy.
** would also take my photos, and some beautiful letters my mom wrote me while I was in college!
thats so special...when u said abt the letters it reminded of few letters I have with me that was wriiten by my late granma...they r sooo special cos she wrote em to me all the way from Sri Lanka when I was studying in Aus. I will def take em too.
**And, my kitty cat and of-course my beautiful family!
definitely! I for one cant leave behind any living thing.
ty sweetie n u TC!
Bev that made me cry!! So very sad.
**“Tsunami took mommy”, pointing to the sea
“Tsunami took mommy, far away from me”
“Tsunami took mommy”, her eyes filled with tears
“Tsunami took mommy, for a hundred years”
Goshhh that broke my heart like u'd never know! I cant fathom that kinda suffering. I really cant.
Jac heyy!
**I would choose my laptop as it contains every thing I need. I don't even need a cellphone.
good on ya! I wudnt bother abt my PC only cos I can access blogs from any other PC :):) U guys r all I need to keep me alive.
Lumen_Origine WC n ty!
** I just want to give you a free hug from the deep of my soul.
that was so sweet of ya..HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
And I have seen that Free Hugs video done at the Pitt St mall here in Sydney. It's such a heart-warming video!
Southy heyy hows u?
**My debit and credit cards...:)
yeah thats a good one too.
Srijith heyy!
**but your positive attitude towards life is seriously inspiring.
tnxxx! But u still dunno half the story...the scariest bit. Anyways I'll keep on being brave as much as I can. ty for being here for me.
aww so u'll take ur loved-oned...ofcourse we have to. But my Qn was abt a 'thing' :) Anyways tnxxx!
Sophie HUGGGGGGGGGZ! It's ok that u got my name wrong lol!
**I would take my photos and
letters and my seashell necklace:)
(and any chocolate lying around
awww how sweet. The seashell necklace sounds pretty interesting.
WC Bibi Huggggggggz!
**I'd take my photos too ... and my little momento box full of very personal/nothing little things from those I've loved who are no longer here.
awww that really made my eyes fill with tears...
AB heyy hows ya?
**, I can't help but wonder if it is in you. You are a kind person by nature. It is partly the way you were born, and partly the way you were raised.
I know wut u's so very hard to be someone else. But certain circumstances n ppl make u change a little bit. Im not saying Im gonna be an overnight-Dracula LOL! But I have set myself certian limits and standards now...and I know I can stick by em. Cos years of abuse and tears somehow make u stronger. And I believe it's mainly abt being stronger rather than being cold-hearted. U know what I mean? :)
yeah u need that too. I'd have it in my Jeans' pocket anyways haha!
hiyya Anali!
tnxxx I appreciate the encouragement.
**you I would grab my photos.
yeah...cos they r the ones that cant be replaced na. Well I have a truck-load of pics and albums too :) I guess I'd have to have a truck ready first LOL!
heyyya Deepz!
**i wud take my photo albums, my credit cards, degree certificates, passport and the left over money!!
cool...all the much-needed items ha :)
G'day matey Jay!
**It's important to get all the negative and non-supportive people out of our lives
I agree. ppl who cant even be kind for a penny have no room in my life.
well that sounds like a very wise thing to do then :)
Sujit ty!
**but i dont think photo album is necessary.. those moments are alive in you already isn't so
yes I agree...but nothing like having the real pics of the loved-ones and the precious moments. My memory may fade someday, but the pictures shall whipser tales to me for years...
heyy Nirek hows it going?
**my slam book from college time.
aww thats a good one.
G'day Sphinx!
**The heart is too fragile and if you give it to the wrong person to hold, he/she will drop it and it will break. get the drift?
definitely...actually my heart is scarred beyond plastic surgery now :)
My_Life I normally dun set New Year resolutions for myself cos I too can never stick to em. But this one's for's long overdue.
**....My nephew and niece Bullbul and Gollu
Ish huggggggggz n ty!
I knew it. But sweetie I asked for a 'thing' :)
anyways u TC!
hello KJ!
**it makes sense to run from people who are toxic.
aha..thats correct.
good on ya :)
High-Five Andrew ;-)
Goodmorning Keshi.
To read each comment and reply to them in such an organised way. You deserve a huge chocolate from me.
You simply pour all your heart, into your space/posts.
After the tsunami.... good question.
I need to brush my teeth and so need a tooth paste and tooth brush, with me.
Ones i do that i shall have fresh feeling, thoughts, and then it's a new day, so I shall let me stretch and run...
As a child, i remember, after brushing, i went staright to the kitchen to see mummy, busy preparing our breakfast., and in my yet little sleepy eyes but brushed teeth said, "mummy"...
lol...maybe here i would say..tsunami!!
Thumbelina hugggggggz!
I know I wont be an evil person...I can never be that. But it's healthier to be a bit aloof with ppl who dunno what 'kindness', 'respect' and 'love' are.
**No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks.
thats a great quote! Well so let em figure out what real happiness is...I cant be bothered wasting my time on em anymore.
tnxx for all ur great quotes!
m000nie thats a very cool keep a petal from the flowers u get. WOW!
**one arethe pair of diamond earrings my dad had gifted me.. n the other would b some rose petals i have saved all these years...
thats is special...and it seems ur heart's address is LOVED-ONES.
Silvara heyyy one thing baby LOL!
**My teddy bear - I've had it since I was born so sentimental value.
awww...I have 4 big/small Teddies staring at me from my closet top...I wonder what they think abt me.
**My engagement ring (if not worn on my hand)- a symbol of my guy's love
**Family photos and then some chocolate to eat on the run!
lol cute!
tnxxx Hun!
Yash hello sweetie!
**I was telling my friends that I wont to be the cold hearted bitch coz i am sick of people taking advantage of me being nice and I was tired of people not caring about my feelings when I walk miles to make sure they aren't sad
lol so u were thinking along the same lines! Are we surprised at all? hell na. Cos rem we r long lost sisters. I have so many sisters like that here :) HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
for sure! they hold ur most precious feelings.
hello Sugar!
**would defnitely take my photos & my diaries n letters u saw on our blog
aww nice...they will keep u going for sure.
heyya Neihal!
**so I guess the address of my heart is somewhat confusing
hehe so ur a bit lost at the moment? Mebbe ur heart is still finding a permanent address...take ur time sweetie.
HE u make me laugh so much LOL, ty!
**If I don't leave with this and atleast 20 creative memory albums I might as well stay inside and meet my maker because my goodladywife will finish me off on the front lawn anyway if I came out empty handed.
hahahahahaha! Ur wife sounds alot like me :)
Julia ok then..I will check it out soon :) TY!
Hi Keshi
That song is based on a true event. The waves carried the small girl to a hill and left her alive and well.
I have heard the composer sing that song--it is sad.
I'm sorry if you now need to see a shrink. LOL
G'day mate Fergal!
**my kids, of course ... otherwise, a life jacket (for them or one of them - particularly the youngest
awww sooo darn protective! ur a great dad Fergal.
Prachi it only tells that we all go thru same kinda shit and we all have similar feelings...HUGGGGGGGGZ! Im glad u could find solace in my post. We r here for each other ok? So take it easy sweetie.
**? I am still amazed, don’t even have any words to express how exactly I am feeling now
hehe MWAHHHHHHHHHH! Now u know why we r connected forever.
Hiyyya Vikas!
**Silence is the best and most dangerous weapon i have ever come across.It kills people without any bloodshed.In silence u need not speak only yours eyes speaks on belhaf of you
so true! Silence speaks volumes w.o. having to say a word. So yeah...thats my best weapon and Im glad I found it...even after so many years that got wasted. ty Vikas!
**My lordkrishna to whom i worship and pray.
Brilliant! Ur heart is with God. How so divine.
I dunno when I'd come to India, but if I do, I'd def let u all know. Cos most of my blog-mates r from India :) We can have one big party then hehehe.
KK heyy!
**Laptop, wallet and little food for immediate needs
good items. U def cant survive w.o. food for more than an hour ha? LOL sweet!
Cinderella HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ! ty sweetie...u have been right by my side thru it all. I wont forget that.
**I'd carry my has the photos, the videos, the songs, the poems, the stories et all ...!!
ur thoughts r so similar to mine :)
**And yes, my greeting cards.
OMG ur sooo like me! When I read that I was like WHOAAAAAAA..cos I have ALL the greeting cards ppl have sent's been a habit since I was very little. I cherish em alot.
**Cards from frens who have chosen to go away from me...frens who have been taken away from me...and many more.
that line really had me in tears..cos u wrote my heart out with that line. ty Cinderella! It's good to know there r others who have gone thru what I have. HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
Ghosty heyyy!
I wudnt worry abt books...cos I could always get em :)
**So the one thing I will bring from my house when I run away is my pillow for maybe I need to sleep somewhere for a few days, or let some kid who really need it to rest his/her head.
thats so very kind of ya! very thoughtful.
TrinityStar Im the Warrior cos of all of u...and ur comment in my Storm post truly helped me alot. TY!
**although one can take memories in ones mind it is nice to have the visuals too.
So true. Nuttin like havin the real pics ard.
Pink_Ginger WC!
**I can feel love, hope and passions in your post
ty...and u'd have to b one with love, hope and passion to see it in my post :) HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
Grunt heyy!
**I would take my writings--if all my loved ones were safe. Both of those things are irreplaceable.
u've got ur heart in the right place. TY!
G'day Vest!
**I would take the love of my life, my dear wife, before anything else, except for my visa card, car, Rolex, all of her jewellery, stock of wines and spirits, photos, passports, the cat and dog..
ur heart resides in ur loved-ones and ur Rolex watch, not bad ;-)
**and the good looking chick with the long legs next door.
LOL okkkk! Why not ha :)
true...materialistic things r of no use when ur breathing no more.
Uttsy mwahhhhhhhhh! I'll b ok. dun worry.
**hey i wud carry my wallet
so ur heart's in the money? dun worry abt the wallet...u'll have all ur money safe n sound in the bank anyways babez :) Or is it cos u wanna buy an ice-cream on the way? awwwwwww....
heyyy Helen!
**my only point is that in the turf wars that are bound to ensue as you assert your new boundaries, carry on with confidence not simpering diffidence
good one...ty! I like both Pink and Kelly :)
Run baby wise thing to do indeed!
To laugh often and much
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends
To appreciate beauty
To find the best in others
To leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Posted by Nicole P. at 8:41 PM
Heyy Desperado hows it going?
**well i wuld take my i-pod ...only prob i dont have one
awww when I read that, I really felt like buying u an iPod and sending it across to India...wud u give me ur addy? Im not rich but I dun mind buying something for someone who really deserves it. U like music so much and Im shocked u dun have an iPod. So thats why I wanted to do it in the memory of our great friendship.
Where have u been? I missed u tonzz man! Someday when u return again from ur small regular breaks, I might not be here mate...Im not just saying that to get ur attention, but it's true...I might not be here.
I'll be in ur blog soon. And TY for dropping by.
Cocaine_Jesus thats nice..truly very sweet.
**even when they are being a royal pain!!
Poison matey HUGGGGGGGGGZ WB! I missed ya but I knew u were very busy with some changes in ur life. I hope u have settled down.
**wud take my certificates
ok that means ur heart is in ur career :)
Vipul ur aboslutely right! I know exactly wut u mean. We have to start caring for ourselves too.
**But what i want to say is that doesnt matter how the keshi i know is, i will be with her
d u have any idea how LOVED I felt when u said that? TY so much, that was such a very special thing to say...HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
G'day LOVE!
**but don't forget it because you cannot change someone's nature.
I totally agree. We dun change so how can we expect the other to change.
** know I had to live these experiences, that they were part of my path, but it's very important to understand the reality of what's happening to us and to know and be able to brake free and run as far away possible from the black whole or darkness.
So true..they r all part of our path. I like what u said there. They r challenges thrown at us so we can test our strengths. What matters is that we come out of it all stronger than ever b4. Im glad u did.
I love that quote...cos its so true. ty so much LOVE, I appreciate ur encouragement. HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
Mwahhh Asha ty!
** would grab my kids ofcourse! Husband can fend for himself
lol thats right. Men can look after emselves.
yes that heart in the sand is gorgeous isnt it.
ooops it's Wednesday...the day Asha does that thing ;-)
**silence is astounding always
yes from now on, Silence is gonna be my strength, my weapon and my friend.
Shikha heyy long time!
**if hubby is safe then the next thing i would think of are my diaries
aww sweet. I know that some ppl write diaries all their life so it's very close to their hearts.
Murane matey HUGGGGGGGGZ! D u know I really missed ya?
**looking forward to look into your stone cool eyes... i will fucking freezing LOL
I'd scare u with my cold cold eyes...ROFL!
**Yeah, but what would I take from my house...? I must decide very carefully because you will judge me after that LOLZ
hahahah ur cheating!
**Pictures? naaa, I could go to my mom or my sis... they have heaps of pics
it seems most women keep the pics...and most men keep the junk LOL!
**Mebbe my FCZ-Cap, that would be cool.
cool indeed!
**Or some change to buy a beer or two after this big excitement.
LOL men n their beer!
**Hmmm, my mobile where I saved all the phone numbers (all saved, I dont even know my own one...true lol)
guess wut mate...even I dunno my number LOL! I mean when someone asks for my number, I have to think alot hahaha!
**Or mebbe my pendulum.
**Hmmm, I have this cool new "good morning vietnam" T-shirt... and I really would like to keeeeep it.
And my handball. Of course!
ur a T and Cap guy :)
**Yeah and my keys. I mean I really need my keys! For all kind of places ;)
Keys as in Car? Cos ur not gonna have a house when u come back mate LOL!
ok I said ONE thing Murane...and now have mentioned the whole house LOL!
Krys ty :)
Tarun heyy!
**Physical distance for a start ....LOL!
lol why r ya laughing? It's the truth. Cos Im gonna b moving to a new place in 2007...away from everyone.
Priya heyy!
**I will walk out with my softtoys, passport and my best memories.
wise thing to do girl.
Blessed awwww ur like me..I cant and I wont leave any living thing behind. First wud be that.
**And then there is my honey, so he would grab Jake and I would grab spooky cat becuz I could only imagine me trying to pick up my cat and dog and the hissing and scratching that would be going on
Starry heyy HUGGGGGGGGGZ ty!
**I will take my photo Albums and all my video tapes I have of my kids when they were little.
definitely...they can never be replaced na.
u know I dun give a damn abt jewellery. My mum n sis have packed em up carefully so they can run with it if something happens...some of it they have kept safely in a bank safe. But my Jewellery...I dun give a damn where it is. Cos I wear costume-jewellery alot of the time so Im not much into Gold. The few gold stuff I have, I wudnt worry abt even if they r lost.
Somewhere there's someone
who dreams of your smile.
Somewhere there's someone
who finds your presence worthwhile.
So when you are lonely, sad, and blue,
remember that someone somewhere
is thinking of you.
PasserBy55 heyy!
ty for the choc awww HUGGGGGGGGZ!
**toothbrush n paste
LOL ur so sweet! I think as minor as it may sound, it's def a major need. Cos w.o. fresh breath and clean teeth, it'd be so hard to get thru the day and think fresh thoughts. That was very clever ty!
awwwwwwww how very sweet!
Heyya Bev yep that song is amazing...more cos it's a true experience of a lil girl.
**I'm sorry if you now need to see a shrink
LOL hahaha I really do. Imagine u being my shrink..then I'd be laughing all the time :):)
Anonymous ty!
The Possessions Go,
The Memories Stay
**I know I wont be an evil person...I can never be that.
- Yeah! I agree too! U are such a nice gerl!
**But it's healthier to be a bit aloof with ppl who dunno what 'kindness', 'respect' and 'love' are.
- Ya Ya!! Better stay far away from these category of ppl.. HeHe...
**Well so let em figure out what real happiness is...I cant be bothered wasting my time on em anymore.
- Ya.. Its such a waste of our precious time on these ppl.. Let them live in the world of their own.. :)
**tnxx for all ur great quotes!
- No problem at all!
It feels great to "see" u back "alive" again!
Yes, Keshi-warrior doll, gambatte!! (means keep it up in Japanese ;)
I don't need to worry in that case because I keep giving pieces of my hearts to beautiful girls I meet. By now last piece is left you take it then I will be worry free.
Keshi dear pl. leave ur web address too, it will be easy for me to come because web address is the door of your heart (address).
G'day Aidan!
**there is something about the Finn Brothers that induces a happy kind of coma....
Rightly stated mate. They r amazing!
ty for ur sweeet encouragment. I will keep that in mind.
Nice idea :):)
**and laugh at everyone else getting wet..
LOL u meanie!
ty Thumbelina ur so sweet HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
Saffy heyy gambatte indeed :) ty!
Tarun aww ur so sweet :)
Yes web address def is the door ro my heart. HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
That was quite philosophical but fact of the matter is that when u survive something like that the next thing u need is doe in ur pocket to put things back in order.
that was such a sweet thought on the part of your friend...and I feel calmness spreading after the storm.
and as you say..
**I used to care about others all the time and it has certainly taken the toll on me. It was overkill. So now I must start caring about myself too...
gud thought keshi...time to pamper yourself .
n with tsunami coming my way...only two things I will take with music n books(watever I am reading at the moment...since I cant carry many).
superb post keshi.
Evil pleasures? What did I miss??? Where can I get some??
Hi Southy :)
Kavya ty!
**my music n books
great choice!
ty Kittu!
Phos if u knew, u wud wanna miss em :)
hi...just put in my reply to ur comment in my post:)
i knowwww u asked us to mention a "thing" but honestly no"thing" wld matter unless i had my baby wid me....:)...
hopin ur day goes dear:)
I'd probably take my laptop!
It contains all my photographs, journals, fave Westlife videos and more :-)
Am glad to see that positive punch ;)
just be strong...dont cry for those who dont deserve...!
About the storm...I will take my loved ones ofcourse :)
Be happy dear and smile...lots of huggggggggggggggggggs to my sis
Ish ty! :)
Ash laptop it is then cool!
Dawny thats great HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
I am not sure how that new year resolution is going to work out.. but if that is what u feel u have to do then go for it.. because even as a stone cold person i dont think u can ever harm another person just maybe protect yourself..
yeah photo albums is almost everyone's first choice.. in the end the rest doesnt matter does it?
address of my heart :-? ... well I'd proly havta give an IP-address / MAC-address coz its my computer dinku of course :)
I can't live without her ... shez my 1st wife :D ... I feel depressed if I miss her for too long ;) ... I feel suffocated without her ... I CANT LIVE WITHOUT HER ;)) ... okie okie I dun wanna sound more desperate that this :D
but she would be the one I'd pick if I were to pick just one thing :)
You could only take one thing from your house, what would it be? It would be me! Someone have to take me from that place. Hai don’t feel, just kidding dear:)
If it was a thing I will take my computer; if it was a life I save my mom, who is the world to me.
SOUTH has got his head on his shoulders
who is saby?
Aditi Hugggggggz!
**i dont think u can ever harm another person just maybe protect yourself..
yep..thats right. it's for self-caring purposes. its high time!
Samy I know ur a nerd just like me lol!
Jeevan if I was in ur house I'd be the FIRST to take u out. HUGGGGGGGGZ!
**If it was a thing I will take my computer; if it was a life I save my mom, who is the world to me.
awwwwww....ur a good son...i always said that. HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
Keshi - I love this post - and the shells in the sand... you always have the most fabulous, encompassing posts and pictures.
Thank God you are waking up to to what we call . I've discovered that even God said love thy neighbour AS THYSELF, not more than thyself.
I've decided to tow a similar path.
As usual Keshi, very nice and sentimental blog. But u sound more free and relaxed here (thank God for that!). As I stay alone right now, the one and only thing that I'd not leave my room without is 'that purse' which contains my passport and credit cards. Though of-course I'd be very sad to have to leave behind my paintings, my diaries, my photo-albums, my books and most importantly, my sexy dresses. (Sob! I don't even want to think of such a situation right now or else I'll be depressed..)
ty Anthony ur so caring!
awww Priyanka HUGGGGGGZ! I hope none of us would have to face such a situation.
Ur a smart girl :)
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