Jingle Bells, Batman Smells,
Robin Laid an egg,
The Batmobile lost a wheel,
On the M6 Motorway
Dashing through the snow,
On a pair of broken skis,
Over the hills we go,
Crashing into trees,
The snow is turning red,
Think I might be dead,
All I want this Christmas is an artificial head! heyyy!.
Can you please help me decide what to get him as the pressie? Here are some details about him. He's my oldest cousin bro and he's married, and is also a dad of a 2yr old little cutey (pic on right). He loves music (he loves Opera too urghh!), he's very calm, sweet, very very helpful and absolutely good-hearted. That doesn't help you much ha? LOL! ok just tell me as a guy, what would you like to get from your Kris Kringle? The budget is $10-$20. I know I'd definitely stretch that cos I'm not a great fan of Reject Shop. So guys, please throw me your ideas and help me get something cool and not too common, for my sweet bro ok?? Thanks dudes!
So yeah, this will most probably be my last post for the year 2006. What a year it has been! Lots of turbulance while flying, but the view was great so I didn't jump out of the flight ;-). Wanted to complete my trip and reach the destination safely somehow. I say year 2006 was a year of revelation...a year of complete change...a year of my soul waking up after sleeping a thousand years...a year of a million tears but also a year of golden bonds...meeting strangers who poured their hearts out to me. I swam with the Sharks and Stingrays that I feared. But the real danger came from the Starfish - the attractive and the most harmless ones. I loved the swim anyways...cos I made true friends with the corals and the moss, the rocks and the stones, the sleeping beauties. They listened quietly and they cared. And they didn't mind my tears falling on them. Mostly they had time and heart to offer me. Thank you my friends I owe ya many
Guys from Friday afternoon (22nd of Dec) I will be off till the 2nd of Jan 2007. It's gonna be a good break cos I have cousins over at my place from NZ for 10 days. I'm gonna have lots of fun with them and I will also be busy taking them around Sydney. So yeah, it's gonna be all good. So I don't think I'd have time to blog from home at all...so I'll be away from all of you for a little while (and Im sure you need a break from this Keshi too (rolling eyes!)). awwww I'm missing you already. But hey how can I miss you when you reside in my heart, and I mean it (especially all the hot guys who come here lol!). You always do. So have a very Merry Christmas, a grand New Year and a safe holiday season folks! DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. Let me hold the banners for your safety now - STOP, REVIVE, SURVIVE. And another one...DRINK-DRIVING IS A CRIME. Remember that and also remember this - the greatest Chrissy gift you could ever give anyone is a
bit of real Love - it's not that iPod, the CD, the sexy dress, the Rolex, the super toys, the cool shoes or the diamonds - it's a little piece of your heart, and it seems so hard for some people to give. Look at nature and we should learn from them. The Lions,the bears, the birds and the deer don't leave their kith and kin for money or big dreams, do they? They love each other and stick together no matter what. Between them they don't even know what HATE is. And hell na they don't go shopping during Christmas...they are the same to their loved-ones all through the year. So why do we humans behave somewhat differently? Anyways Hakuna Matata guys, think about it over Christmas. Ok so take care guys. LUV YE MWAH see you's in 2007 then!
So yeah, this will most probably be my last post for the year 2006. What a year it has been! Lots of turbulance while flying, but the view was great so I didn't jump out of the flight ;-). Wanted to complete my trip and reach the destination safely somehow. I say year 2006 was a year of revelation...a year of complete change...a year of my soul waking up after sleeping a thousand years...a year of a million tears but also a year of golden bonds...meeting strangers who poured their hearts out to me. I swam with the Sharks and Stingrays that I feared. But the real danger came from the Starfish - the attractive and the most harmless ones. I loved the swim anyways...cos I made true friends with the corals and the moss, the rocks and the stones, the sleeping beauties. They listened quietly and they cared. And they didn't mind my tears falling on them. Mostly they had time and heart to offer me. Thank you my friends I owe ya many
Guys from Friday afternoon (22nd of Dec) I will be off till the 2nd of Jan 2007. It's gonna be a good break cos I have cousins over at my place from NZ for 10 days. I'm gonna have lots of fun with them and I will also be busy taking them around Sydney. So yeah, it's gonna be all good. So I don't think I'd have time to blog from home at all...so I'll be away from all of you for a little while (and Im sure you need a break from this Keshi too (rolling eyes!)). awwww I'm missing you already. But hey how can I miss you when you reside in my heart, and I mean it (especially all the hot guys who come here lol!). You always do. So have a very Merry Christmas, a grand New Year and a safe holiday season folks! DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. Let me hold the banners for your safety now - STOP, REVIVE, SURVIVE. And another one...DRINK-DRIVING IS A CRIME. Remember that and also remember this - the greatest Chrissy gift you could ever give anyone is a

UPDATE:Gonna rent a Boy-friend this Christmas so I can kiss. Haven't kissed in a zillion years and I feel like an eskimo living in an igloo with no human contact. Gonna grab a cute guy (yes any guy) and kiss deeply. Think it's a good idea folks?
Current Music: Circle Of Life by Elton John (from the movie Lion King)
Current Music Update: Suraj Hua Maddham (from the Hindi movies Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham)
Current Music Update 2: I Have A Dream by ABBA
196 Cranium Signets:
** Can you please help me decide what to get him as the pressie?
know what? thats one of the most difficult calls for me. I still remember grandpa offering my zzz amount to get something and I'd get angry over not knowing what to buy :D
** It's gonna be a good break cos I have cousins over at my place from NZ for 10 days.
to me, it luks like ur taking some work b/w ur breaks and blogging :D.
** DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. Let me hold the banners for your safety now - STOP, REVIVE, SURVIVE. And another one...DRINK-DRIVING IS A CRIME.
now ur talking like a granny :p
anywayz, hav a lovely time partying NUTTY :D ... all my blessings for u to find that hunk of urs this commin year ;)) he he jk ... tgc n hav loads of fun dear
i dunno about your cousin
i just want a kiss
the kiss of Peace and reconciliation before Santa comes to town
a year of ups and downs but end of it u r the same keshi!! and thats what matters every time!!
gift for ur bro - try a nice bracelet in which u can engrave some words and give it to him. u write well so u can frame something nice!!
wish you a merry christmas & happy new year!! see ya in 2007!!
take care, be safe and be yourself!!
Hey Keshi..!
I really am bad at selecting gifts, so that I leave to others, to suggest. meanwhile, me too off on vacation at exactly the same time period you going.. That`s a great coincidence ain`t it..? so here`s wishing you a very merry Christmas and a warm prosperous new year..!!!
With Best Regards,
can this reindeers come to me, even if she doesn't bring gift I will not mind ;)
jingle bell is nice :)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Keshi....
Enjoy the holidays :-)
Seasons Greetings to You & Your Family...Have a blast with ur cousins...Take Care
Love & Hugs.
Merry Christmas and a great year ahead keshi
Hi Keshi
A small gift from the heart is better than a large gift from the mind.
I think most bloggers take a break during the holidays. I will be back in the new year. I'm not sure as to the date. I have posts written which will appear on my blog during my absense. I will still log in to read the comments every couple of days.
All the very best to you and yours.
What? No Keshi until Jan 2?? I'm not sure I'll survive this! I'll try to hang in there without you.
Have a Great Christmas and New Years!!
I love the song!
"Circle of Life"...
Hmm.. Helping u to think of something to get for ur cousin bro... Hmm... Maybe a CD? Since he likes Operas, i'm guess he would love music like u too... At the same time u could probably make him a Christmas Card. A hand-made christmas card is always better than those u pick from the shelves of a gift shop. Its filled with love & made with all ur heart :)
Drink & drive? HaHa.. I dun drive, so i can drink.. HeHe.. YEAH! Kidding.. My bf drives but he doesn't drink. So i m safe. :)
Oh.. U r going on a "holiday" too...! HeHe..! Take Care & enjoy urself too! Will miss u lots..
**Tinky-Winky, Dipsy, La-La...Po...** HaHa.. My Teletubbies Song :) BIG HUG (((HUG)))
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to U!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy new year with lots of Love and hugggggggz :)
Take care, have fun :)))))
guess you are gonna go crashing Sydney on THE eve :) I'm just looking fwd. to some floyd and vodka with 2-3 frnds on hostel rooftop :D
Hey here's wishing you fascinating times & everyone's love in the year to come >:D<
And sorry abt not being able to give the sought advice :| As u said, a piece of heart goes great for me - I'm a no-gifts person. How about a self made exotic dinner and some trust-building-exercises, like sharing secrets :D
This is ma first Xmas out here...so am gonna enjoy it fullly :)))
And me tooo going for ma Winter Vac to Scotland next weeek....so taking yet another break from blog .... hehehe
Pinch...pinch Keshi Kringle ;)
And am mailing you snaps of Z0000nta Claus ... HO HO HOOOOO!
Happy holidays and have lotsa fun out there gal...take care....hugzzzzzz
U mite want to chk my blog!!
merry christmas n happy new yr
i will call u
check ur mail
keshi is that ur snap 1st one??hehe
now smileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee life changessssssss u will be a different person altogether
lub yaaaaaaaa
... awwwww Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year sweetie to u and to ur family, friends and love ones!... Wishin' u more more blessings and lotsa happiness and good health and hope Mr.Right knock on ur door na very very sooooon! lol ^_^
ilove u babe... stay happy, u deserve that! muaahhh...
oops what pressie to buy for ur brother? umm... how about a ticket to some concerts ^_^ ... or one brand new car lol! hehe... i dunno sweetie, am sorry... i cant think of anything ;) maybe a perfume! whatever... hehe! or ask her wife what he likes, right?
enjoy holiday Kesh, drive safe ok?!
u take care sweetie!
I'm going to miss your posts so very much...Have loads of fun with ur cousins...Wishing u a very Happy Christams & Happy New Year...May this year brings lots of happiness in your life :)
Gift for ur cousin bro - Why don't u gift him some nice book?
Stay Beautiful...!!
The first pic of this post attracted me verymuch...
And how's you,keshi dear? Hope u r having great season over there..
I think by now u might have got a lot of ideas :D
Enjoy a good one dear with your cousins and yes this is the time to love and mingle with loved ones...
I wish you merry Christmas and a Very Happy Peaceful filled with joy New Year ahead (amen)
Get books! They don't need batteries and they can last forever. This is said by a father of 4. :)
Merry Christmas mate! :-)
Awww keshi.. me too missing you already. Now who will make my day with a great post?? But I know you gonna have a bash!! Take care have fun and have a great time! Enoyyyy.. Came back with lots n lots of pictures :)
Wish you a merry christmas ad a very very happy new year :). See you soon!
He likes opera? Naw, opera is cool. I would get him something useful, some kind of tool. That way, whenever he uses it, he will be reminded of you. I have a Swiss Army Knife that my sister gave me eons ago, and everytime I use it when fishing, camping, or for whatever (no, not stabbing hobos) I think of her. It doesn't have to be a pen knife. Just something handy.
I will miss you while you are away, Keshi. Have a fun time and come back safely, alright?
Cos it was raining cats and dogs, even koalas and roos! hehe!
Doesnt matter what is the price tag! What makes a present, a gift is when you give it from your heart
Its truly priceless
Secret santa OMG! My bro told me that he played that in his office in Uk and he got a muffler hehe
First thing first ...
Wishing U a really Merry X-Mas and wishing u have a real thrilling 2007.
Get over the blues girl it is time to grind on some Blues Tune ...
I think u can gift him that red santa cap... it is a rage here .. I hope it to buy myself. ....
Anyways hope u have a good time.
If u in Sydney on the 31 Dec, please go over to Sydney Harbour Bridge, they say the fireworks are truly awesome. I hope u click some snaps for me.
Go Girl , Go Rave ...
Ho! u awww... its short missing time from u dear:(
Give him a Santa dress, its old idea na! Noting comes here:) The little one in the pic looks sweet.
WISH YOU A HAPPY HAPPY CHRISTMAS and a wonderful NEW YEAR celebration with your lovely cousins and friends dear. May all ur dream and wishes comes true in 2007:) enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy……..
Keshi my cousins are busy with their last exam today, they would reach my house on Sunday i think, i too plan to celebrate the New Year with them.
somebodys leaving all happy leavin us behind sad and gloomy.
Love da cutie gal with the 2 beautiful tooth in front!
I wanted to say an Ipod...but since its 20 bucks max...take him for lunch out or maybe buy him a cool tie. (im being boring here).
2006 been absolutely cool for you eh! Guess what...in 2006 I discovered someone called Keshi who actually stopped to admire the world when everyone else ran around searching for sunsets on a rainy day. Thats how much I love u girl!
So have a great vacation, have a happy-most vacation, give 2006 a big kiss-off and the come back to 2007 with a bang!
Hi Sweetie
My thinking cap is a little befuddled, so I can't really think of a gift for your cousin's brother!
Sure will miss you!
See you next year!
Have a most incredible and beautiful Christmas!
Spread the joy!
Ummm...gonna miss ya!
Have a nice break! Happy holidays! Happy christmas and happy happy new year! See ya!
keshi:)...have a lovely christmas wid frenz n fmly...:)...enjoy ur break!! wl miss reading ur posts...
m leaving tmrw too...wishin u cld've been thre (in mumbai)...coz honestly, there's no one i wanna meet more than u...
and if anythin i've said or done in d past couple of days has upset u...i can only say sorry...and i mean that totally...
wl write u a mail...
tk care dear...gonna miss u...
Will miss you darlin'.
But have a great time...you need it anyhow.
See ya next year.
*hugsss baby*
Smile. Shine.
Have a happy happy new yaer and a merry merry christmas !!!!!
whats the plan for new year and i am also confused what to buy...
Enjoy your time off. Does cuz have an ipod? If eh does you could get him an itunes gift card?
hey keshi -you have reminded me of something that us kids used to sing in the school yard:
jingle bells
batman smells
robin ran away
wonder woman lost her boobs
flying TAA :).
Kids, what terrible creatures :).
What about ..a CD -could you buy him a CD? -cheap at Big W :).
hey dere wishing u a very happy x'mas and new year
me off to home too on 22nd...catchu when i come back
take care till den...n keep rocking \m/
keshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... im back.. and oh.. u r leaving *sob sob..
lolz. i havent post anything as yet. just got to ur blog first coz i know i had lot of catching up to do here!
merry xmas darling.. hope u will have fun! and no, im hopeless when it comes to selecting gift :(
hmm.. did i read about ur cousins coming from NZ? (ahem) sanjee is coming also eh? :P send my regards! kekekeke..
hugsss and lots of muuaxxx for the new year.
Sweetheart, here's lots of love n wishes being sent yr way...take care of yrself and have a lovely vacation...
We've all had our shares of ups n downs in the past and its gonna be better hopefully for one n all in the days to come ! With hopes n prayers.....
PS-Meez too on a short vacation and will catch u in the new year...
Till then take care !
How about some music cd for your brother? Get him something that he wud enjoy listening.
** DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. Let me hold the banners for your safety now - STOP, REVIVE, SURVIVE. And another one...DRINK-DRIVING IS A CRIME.
Oh c'mon... you too advising?? Sounds like a granny...
Wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year!! May 2007 be filled with Hunks forya so that you can choose the right one for you :)
Hey KAP>..
maybe you can give him a good collection of songs... or a nice book... or some memoirs kinda thing... i know anything you choose would be just perfect!
And yes, lottsa love too... DONT FORGET THE CHRISTMAS CARD. hehe...
Enjoy dear... merry christmas and wish you a prosperous new year!
Hmmm, gift for a married guy with a 2yearold?
My inlaws are in that exact position, and love getting gift certificates for a film (and free babysitting).
Or pornography, but that's just me..
Have a great Xmas!
Since he likes Opera and you have up to $20, why not a buy him a Opera CD!
Have a great holiday and very happy New year with lots of love and hope, welcome 2007!:)
lol at the spoofy song.
Merry x mas and a happy 2007 to you.
We'll exchange msgs after I am done trolling in Bangalore :)
Keshi - I wish you all good things in 2007 - Merry Christmas and lots of hugs :-)
Great Xmas message.. u enjoy your break
For your cousin.. i'd say a cd or movie that he really wants or a book if he reads..
since you guys are so close.. i am sure u will think of something absolutely great
along the same lines i have to think of a present for my sister.. sigh
bracelet, tie pin, sun glasses, perfume, favorite cd, nice shirt, shoes, cool pajamas or a hand written coupon to take care of their kid while they have romantic time alone;-)
how abt a box of chocolates? Happy New Year :) have a great holiday gal :)
I'd go for a stack of cds....various opera and any other music he'd like. I'd also include a pair of earphones...stack them all and tie with a ribbon.
If he has a favorite restaurant, even if its fast food, most places offer giftcards.
Oh yeah...have fun and a VERY MERRY Christmas...I know mine is gonna be OFF the chain! Pray that I make it to the new year in one piece! :)
We had a secret Santa and I managed to get a hip flask from Pier One for $10. Sweet.
How about a cocktail shaker? DVD of the Marx Brothers' A Night At The Opera?
Something from OxfamUnwrapped? Ok, he won't get it but it does good as well? Odd books - The World of Karl Pilkington, The Clumsiest People In Europe, Phaic Tan, The Henry Root Letters?
I dunno. But happy Christmas to you and yours...
Hey Keshi!! I hope you have the best time with your family. Enjoy your Christmas holiday and have a fantastic, wild but safe New Years :)
"The best day of your life is the one in which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift of life is yours; it is an amazing journey; and you alone are responsible for the quality of it." -Dan Zadra
Merry Christmas Keshi, and Happy New Year too.
Hmm, I'm not sure what you should get for your cousin.
An opera CD? It would fit in the price range. But then you have to decicde which one to buy.
I really don't know. I can hardly buy for people I know, let alone people I've never met. LOL.
Hi Kathi!
Have a wonderful time enjoying whatever is fun to you, this Christmas.
Christmas wishes fly
like birds
Through the air on
Christmas day . . .
And mine dear Keshi
fly to you
To wish more
joy than
I can say!
My litle Christmas poem to you!
Wishing you love, peace and much joy...at Christmas and always!
Happy Christmas Keshi. You could get your cousin a nice picture frame and put a snapshot of his daughter in it. Rainin’ wallabies, eh?
Poppy doll-pearl, Merry merry Christmas!! And looking forward to you coming back next year.
The best thing to get him? Something his daughter will like. Coz parents! They're always thinking about their children.
Hey Ghostess... have a nice Christmas... and Happy New Year!!!
Whoa tht santa woman looks hot.. Hey Keshi.. Enjoy ur break.. Chill out.. Mery Christmas, Happy Holidays and ur post have been awesome all this yr and hope its gonna be the same next yr too..Am off work next week too.. will be gng to Columbus n Chicago meeting relatives.. Ciao!
wish you a very merry xmas and a brilliant new yr hney! let bygones be bygones and usher in the new yr with all the positive energy there is within you..
i've been out two days and i miss sooo much!!!!! hahaha..
well, for ur cousin.. i have no clue hun. i wish i cd be of help.. but i blank out when i have to buy a guy a gift.. i end up buying more for myself :P
and the dont drink and drive slogan... highly endorsed by me! i totally agree... please cab it down if you HAVE to drink like a fish..
well, i will see u in the new yr kesh! till then have fun... with family.. be good n god bless! :)
Hi Keshi
Never did tell you what I am doing for the holidays.--I'm not going to tell. Lol
I spend most of the time visiting my family and sharing gifts. Hopefully some snow will come. A member of my family owns a large home on a lake--so we all go there.
I have many religions mixed into my family so we just call it our annual family gift party.
I'll likey stay there through New Year's eve. At which time they cary me out to a waiting ambulance. LOL
Miss you--have fun!!
Gonna rent a Boy-friend this Christmas so I can kiss. Haven't kissed in a zillion years and I feel like an eskimo living in an igloo with no human contact. Gonna grab a cute guy (yes any guy) and kiss deeply. Think it's a good idea folks?***Thats my girl...:D
Merry christmas and happy holidays!!!
Hello Keshi!oh,im so late huh!I didnt catch you up.ive been so busy and will be very busy again.
Just wishing you a Merry Xmas and a Prosperous New Year!Enjoy the season with your fmily and friends!!
btw,you have a very warm xmas out there,imagine,beach??while Niki Chan and me are all covered with lots of clothes here :)
hugs and Kisses,Keshi!!!
Too funny.. I used to sing that "Jingle Bells" song when I was a kid... hahaha....
JD ;)
Keshi... sending some holiday kisses your way...
Enjoy the Holidays!!
JD ;)
could you make him a cd?
- with a cute cover you could
You are such a wonderful
writer Keshi - perhaps include a
letter letting him know how much
you love him!!!
Or take a wonderfull photo of him
and his sweet little girl?
You know Keshi, I have a suggestion.. make him a poster with photos of his daughter & him & you & wish him for Christmas. Since it's handmade it'll be the best gift you could give him & can be hung up any where in the house.
I'm off too so HAVE A GREAT 2007!
Best to make something for your cousin rather than buy something ?
Maybe a greeting card
Write a CD of his favourite songs
Make a photograhic collage
By the way..how long is the queue outside your door ?.. Now that you have decided to kiss "any" guys
:D hey KESHI!!
Merry Xmas & HAppy Holidays!!
and yeah gonna miss ya surely!!:P but enjoy yaself.
And buying presents for guys!!! gosh a hard one!! wrecked my head on that one. u could try perfume..:P
and also..
Gonna grab a cute guy (yes any guy) and kiss deeply. Think it's a good idea folks?
My answer?? JUST DO IT!! hehehe..:P ;)
Rock on gurl!
May all ur dreams... come tru this Christmas...
and u have a gr8 year ahead!
and this is what I wish for my self this Christmas....
I wish 2 be a robot.. or a machine...
TC keshi....
Hugggggzzzz 2 u!
Ahaan ...good to see you updating in bits....Get hold of that Guy soon...
Hey all u sweet ppl, ty so much for the wishes. i will get back to each comment after the holz. But for now, I wanna thank u all for being here and wishing for me these lovely wishes. And ty also for the great many gift ideas for this Kringle woman. They really helped.
So guys, I'm off now...leaving work early to buy pressies and then head home to take my couzns out. Busy week coming ahead! All of u TC, have fun and dun forget to think of the less-fortunates during this Christmas.
c ya in 2007!
how about chocolates. merry christmas to you keshi! :) wish you the best of 2007. blog on ahah
Great idea Keshi
But don't forget to have your oven ready... if you freeze him with your icy eyes ;) haha
I wish you and your family a very merry christmas! you rock ;)
Merry Christmas my dear blogger friend. May you have a wonderful and inspiring year ahead of you. =)
Take care!
I know exactly what to get him! One of the hottest presents this year, (or so I've heard) is a 'Naughty Sexy Elf'
...I'm sure it would be the only one he gets this year! (I hate double-presents)
Keshi hon, here's hoping U'r Holidays are even more that U expected!! Have a great Christmas, and an even better New Year!!!
: )
Merry christmas keshi! Lets knwo who the guy was and more importantly what did you do with him?;)
nice songggggggggg
wat a coincidence...
man in the mg i was listening to this song n i thought abt u . awww n now i see the same song here
Hey girl, Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you and your family. Have fun. Me taking off to Goa but wud return on the 31st to be on time to celebrate the New Year's eve on time with friends.
I like your idea of renting a guy to kiss...so much that I might use it as well...hee,hee! Hope I get some handsome hunk while in Goa for a Christmas romance...wishful thinking it is called...hee,hee!!
Have fun and take care...Ciao!
Hey..merry christmas..and wishing lots of fun and reasons to smile for next year!!
Yo Keshi....everyone is gonna be busy but hey, hang on...let me 'catch' you first..Merry Christmas & A Happy New year!
Yes, friends would be closed to our heart so no worries. Take care and see you in Year 2007.
Hugs & Kisses Always!
Hey Keshi Girl
Lots of love to you...missed you...but as soon as I am back on your blog...can immediately feel the warmth.Just wanted to wish you a very happy christmas and New Year.
See you soon
hehe merry xmas keshi...have an awesome time! why dont u buy him santa apparel lol so he can dress up as santa for his kid :P
Renting a boy to kiss for Christmas? Sounds like a fabulous idea to me!
Yes people don't drink and drive. Christmas is a time for love and holiday cheer, not the fear of being taken on by a drunk on your way to your families place.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :)Have fun:)
check that for christmas gift
a big HUG Keshi....you have described the going yr so beautifully...will miss you lot.....Merry Christmas....and a very Happy New Year :)
remove moderator before u go
happy hols, merry christmas and have a blast new year's eve.
have fun kesh!
I am very glad that I met you this year, you made me feel special and young(ish) again.
I hate to be a nerd but you did put a picture of lions up and male lions HATE Hyaenas...one of their main tasks in life is to kill as many of them as possible...
whenever they are in control of a pride which mean't that they either killed another male or drove him off and then killed all of the cubs so that the females would go into heat and he could secure his DNA...
anyway sorry about that but life is usually far more complex than it appears...
back to your conundrum..
give him some music and get yourself some kisses..ooh lala
why not.
Always too little time to read and write, so just drop a line to wish you a very merry Xmas and a lovely new year.
defly a difficult thing to selct gifts!!
Merry Christmas!
oops! ur gonna be away and i tagged ya!
anyway, A Very Merry Christmas and Very Happy New Year!!
take care!
oops I am late... so all I can is hang on till the 2nd of Jan 2007
still need to wish u have Merry Christmas and a Wonderful 2007
btw keshi I had tag u with some question, so pls pay my blog a visit to find out what is those question all about.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Just wanted to say Happy Holidays dear sweet Keshi.
do you even realize how much light you shine on this world?
each and every one of us is better for having you in our lives - even in this medium.
thanks so much for all that you do, all that you say, all that you are!!!
Hugs to you today and always.
I had my for rent sign on but I guess you didn't see it before you left...
Merry Christmas and have a wonderful New year Kesh:)
Hi Keshi!
Another wonderful time I spend on your place! You are sooo... indescribable...and my lovely Abba with " I have a dream". I must think how to grab this music....
Enjoy your vacation!
i lack wisdom
Intelligence is when you spot a flaw in the blog goddess's reasoning
Wisdom is when you refrain from pointing it out.
More quotes from James Dent
have lots of fun
Merry Christmas and have a safe holiday ;)
errr hummm a music cd if u know what he doesnt have - or get something for the kid hehehe so adorable
very nice post, warm hearted.
merry christmas & a happy new year.
Hey, where'd you get that pic of me this Christmas time with my new lap top? No jokes, me and my new Toshiba Lap top :) I am back online love.
Lol! Enjoyed reading this one Keshi, especially the Santa song! ;)
Merrrry christmas and have a wonderful new year!
Merry X'mas and a happy New year Keshi!!!! Have a Great Time ! catch you next year :)
hey keshi first i am coming to sydney for your first kiss :)guess iam cutest at ur imagination? U will kiss me na?
well gift i think it must be only love love and love..no other gift can replace love..ok u can even give him watch so that every time he looks for the time he will remember you .
ok honey have fun and enjoy with saftey in pubs and all stuff and have blast in new year."HAPPY NEW YEAR"
Ok let me kiss you on eve of new year ..here is my kiss honey :-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*
Take Care
Oh, I missed you. And am missing you already.
Hope you have/had a most wonderful Christmas break. Wishing you all of the very best for 2007.
And yes, I think, it's a very good idea. :-)
Have a Happy and safe holiday. As for a present, why not baby sit for a day and allow your bro and his wife a little quality time.
I need to be in Australia
I think there are very few cute guys
Aus.. here i come
Merry Christmas Keshi. Have nice holidays. Enjoy!
Hope this is the best hoiday ever for you! Stay safe!
Merry Christmas and happy New Year!
Happy 2K7, and yes, how did the kissing go? Best idea i have heard in AGES!!
Merry Christmas Keshi! I hope you have a great holiday and get your boyfriend for the new year! : )
merry XMAS!!!
I will miss you sunshine.:)
Have a wonderful Christmas and time away from bloggerville.
I'm jealous..some guy gets to kiss you.
Happy 2007...have fun!
hey keshi - season's greetings to u & your family & friends - even tho' xmas is not a buddhist holiday, we can still celebrate it! ;-D
i'm very glad i came across ur blog (via lee's) and vice versa - have fun, miss alluring eyes, and catch u soon! ;-D
Merry Christmas Keshi!
hmm tough..i never know wht to do at times like this too...:(
Keshi: Go and get him!!!! :-) But make it a slow kiss. ;-) Merry christmas and happy new year to all of you from all of us. Big hug. danne / Sweden
c ya in 2007 ?!?!?!
as for the real cute guys, do you really have to search afar ;)
happy new year keshi
Merry Christmas, Keshi! May you be very very happy forever!
KEshhhhhh............. LOVE!! Party babe!
Have a good one!!!
Merry Christmas Keshi
Merry Christmas to you! Hope you found a good pressie!
Suraj howa madham...
Its one of my fav. song.
I loved this movie KKKG :)
Stay Beautiful..!!
I was snowed in--literally--for three days last week. Couldn't open the front door because of the drift in front of it!
Happy holidays!
Merry, Merry Christmas, Dear, Sweet, Loving Keshi!!!!!
merry christmas
keshi, sorry i am not around really busy with school, miss you
Have a wonderful time Keshi!
Happy holidays! I hope you have a pleasant holiday season.
hi keshi - hope u r havin fun.
i'm goin to the beach tomorrow & will b offline for 10 days or so - catch u when i'm back.
take it easy
merry xmas! :)
Hi Keshi!
I hope you enjoye your time!
Happy New Year and may all your dreams come true!
Merry Christmas Keshi!
heyy sorry this is comin in a lil late :(...but neverthless, compliments of the season .:)hope u had a great christmas!
n heres wishing u hav a very happy new yr 2007...
heyy sorry this is comin in a lil late :(...but neverthless, compliments of the season .:)hope u had a great christmas!
n heres wishing u hav a very happy new yr 2007...
Merry Xmas Keshi, Best Wishes for the New Year ahead!!! Cheers!!!
Hey Kesh...
I'm so sorry I havent been able to read your blog that often these days.
Someday, I'm gonna copy all your posts and save them somewhere and read them all one by one. You are just amazing !
Tell me about your Christmas/new years
Hey Kesh...
I'm so sorry I havent been able to read your blog so often these days but I'll make sure I catch up on all your past posts.
Tell me what you plan to do this Christmas/new years !
Happy Holidays, Keshi x
Ok, ok, so tell us, we are dying to know.. did you get that guy for the rented kiss? Or borrowed? Or stolen? or jlt?? CMON!!!
Heh Keshi..Where are you??? No blogs..Come back soon....Hope you had a great x mas...and have a better new year
Hi Keshi..... well I've been and gone and come back. I do hope you and all yours had a wonderful Christmas and will have a wonderful New Year and I'll see you in 2007
lotsa luv ann xxxxx
Happy New Year Keshi!!
u not there till 2nd jan?? Thats soo bad!!! I'm just back from a long vacation! :)
Hey merry christmas and a happy new year to you keshi!!!
about presents...me still thinking..:) :)
hope u had a great XMas ... happy new year !
HI Keshi!
God bless you and yours!
merry xmas n happy new yr..have fun
Now when i'm back- you are gone.:(.
It's not fair Keshi!!!!
Anyways have a gala time.:)
I would suggest give him a "nose hair clipper" of good brand,which will cost you around $15-$20.
Recently I gave my bro the same gift and he was jumping up and down.
wishes are granted at this time of year keshi! i hope urs was granted :}
merry merry merry (late - sorry!) christmas!!
my fav time of year
Karen is leaving
Hey where are u i guess holidaying eh
a very happy new yr to u:)
This should answer your questions....
- Gift: A cocktail shaker, one of those glass ones with illustrative drink levels of popular cocktails on the sides.
or - A book on a musical instrument he may like to learn.
and about the kiss, YES! I'm a big supporter of this, from the last 3 days at least. It worked for me... I'm going to have a very very happy holiday season :)
Best of luck to you, and happy holidays.
have a wonderful and fun filled new year keshi! hope this year brings in more happiness, increases your hope and cherishes you with lovely dreams and everlasting health!
merry 'belated' christmas and happy new year. Enjoy the break.
Seeys next year then Keshi, stay safe, ok.
How I miss Miss Keshi when she's not around!!!
Just stopping in to wish you a very Happy New Year!!!
I hope you are having a wonderful holiday and look forward to hearing from you!
Hey Keshi, Hope you are having fun!!
Wishing you a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!!! :D
Keep smiling :)
hope u r having a great blast with ur folks
have a happy new year kool keshi
Hey Keshi!!! .. am so happy that u're having a gr8 time rite now ... wld love to read about the gift you decided upon in the end ... and of course the lucky guy ... :)
Just dropped by to wish you a very Happy New Year!!! :)
Happy New Year.... hope to see u real soon Hugss.....
Happy New Years. And here's to a great '07.
i don't think i posted anything on this one...:}
greetings to you too keshi!
i hope you ring in the new year right!!! with a big bangin kiss! :}
do you have any people who you think may be in the running?
I hope this year brings you happiness and fufillment
heyy Kesh... have a great new year!!
hope u had a good xmas babe...
and i m sure there will be lots of guys waiting in line to be kissed by u...take care and have fun
Happy New Year Keshi
Hi Keshi
Hope u r fine
Happy new Year 2007 !
Wishing you a very Happy and exciting new year 2007.
Happy New Year beautiful
Stay Sexy for me
Happy New Year k.
Hey Kesh, hope you have a very happy New Year, all the best for 2007, x
2007 The Year with best
Do you know the specialty of this NEW YEAR?????
It starts with MONDAY and ends also on MONDAY
This year has got highest number of SUNDAYS and SATURDAYS
Enjoy the least working year in your life
Hi Keshigurl!
Wishing you and your loved ones all the good fortunes in the year 2007 and beyond.....
I really miss the opportunity to post on blogs due to the constraints in office....
A very Happy New Year, Keshi. Much love, girl.
u back?
missing u
and the morning sessions
Hey..Sure u would have given him a fab gift by now...;) I am really lame at getting gifts, esp for men...HAPPY NEW YEAR to you :)
{{my first comment in the blog world this new year..>!}}
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2007 mate...!!
hope all your wishes come true..!!
Hey keshi ! First of All , New year wishes .. hope this year be more good and better and nice for u...u keep writing like this and u will always be in our heart.
Hey , in btw.. where did u got the pic of that Santa lady. she is the sexiest Santa I have seen, feel like taking out on date ..Hehe..
Thx for asking ppl not drink and drive .... dats vr important..and hey w8ing to read about the rent a guy for a kiss story...
Happy New Year...
Hope 2007 continues from 2006 :D
Happy New Year!
Happy New year to you Keshi.My best wishes for a wonderful 2007.may all your wishes come true.love your post.lots of good advice.Your cousin is so cute.
Wow, quite a holiday! Hope you get back soon - I want to see what Santa brought you...
Good morning....
Happy new year...:) r we still holidaying with that hired hunk...:D
Hay.. You gonna come today, right?
TY ALL for these lovely msgs...I was thrilled to read em all...yes I read every comment that's here and I felt so loved and sooo appreciated. I had a fantastic break and I hope the same with u guys. I will be in full blogger mode tomorrow. But as promised I dropped in today to thank u all and say HI to u in 2007 :) What a New Year and what a lovely bunch of friends we have here. TY n HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
Prachi yes ur right Im here today ;-) MWAHHHH sweetie!
How can u expect us to give ya an answer?When u yrself have not been able to decide what to give him , when u hve been knowing your cousin since quite lond. We dont even know what he looks like, forget, what he might like.
And here u say that we should try to give some love to our loved onces in stead those iPODs, and CDs, and ROLEX, etc. Then try urself giving some love to him sweety :)
Also, picking up some guy randomly and kissing him does not seem to be a very good idea to me personally, but then whatever u feel best for urself :):)
Hope u had a great Christmas and wshes for the New Year. :D
Welcome back and thanks for visiting the unplugged zone...:)
Happy New Year, dear Keshi!
I just saw the comment you left at my place!
Thanks sweetie!
I missed you so very much also!
Hope you has a wonderful and beautiful holiday season!
I am off to work...another long day, but that's ok...I get to play with two little angels all day, and they have a new puppy also!
You should see this puppy, the most adorable little guy I have ever seen!
Hope your day is wonderful!
Lots of love to you!
such a flood
i can explain why
the female to male ratio is declining heavily in India
and i am sure a lotta hearts will brek when u tie the knot
where is Ori?
Ummm ... Exqueeze me, but it's after New Years .... Shouldn't you be back now? It's not any fun without Keshi!!!
Hope you had a great Christmas and New Years!!
Keshi the naughty pelican :D
Happy new year to you. I hope 2007 be your lucky year and your dreams come true. I missed you, but i was missing from the action too. Had a very very hectic and tiring year end. Catching up with life now. :-)
You take care.
Neha wow that was very helpful and kind, LOL! Anyways tnxxx! :)
South HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ ty! How was ur break? Ans in my latest post then :)
MWAHHHHHHHHHH Margie! I missed ya x 1000000! Hope all is well with ya. I wanna see a pic of that cutey...plz??
Saby alrite then...new year and new thoughts...so I forgive ya LOL!
Jay matey Im here :) tnxxx! And how was ur's?
Ari hugggggggz! Catchin up with normal life ha? Well me too :( I wish it was the holidays still...
forgive is not the rite word keshi kringle
u must have accepted dat u cant really break off with a guy who has been with u for such a long time
and i was shaken, not stirred
when u called me a sob and told dat u cut the ties
i havent made any new year resolutions either
i am still the same
like the proverbial flea on the proverbial dog, u will have to tolerate me in 2007 too
no tolerating in 2007...just not giving a damn abt annoying ppl :)
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