I will be the Stereo. I love music and dancing. Basically I cannot live without it. So I'd love to be able to give music to others and I wanna see people dancing/relaxing/thinking/kissing/smiling because of what I provide - sweet sounds of music. And you can turn me on whenever you want oh oh oh oh :). And now the biggest reason why I wanna be the Stereo? Cos then I can have Robbie Williams playing all over me ooo lala ;-). gawwwd I love that guy.
Ok crank it up guys!
Current Music: Radio by Robbie Williams
Current Music: Radio by Robbie Williams
Current Music Update 1: Living Next Door To Alice by Smokie
Current Music Update 2: Atomic by Blondie
132 Cranium Signets:
Ok hi Keshi..
If i were a household item, i would probably be a computer with internet etc.
Its Intelligent
Its a machine that has almost all in one.
Its holds everything in the world.
You can get anything you want
You are fast
You are something people will love and pay attention to most of the times.
You can choose to be upset by breaking down the system or hanging the screen until the owner realise..hahah.a.:P
Keshi...LOL, nice one!!
if I were a household item, i'd be my undies...need i say more.. hihihi, no lah, just kiddin'. I'd be a fridge - always turned on. If ya know what I mean.
fun post!!
good choice, keshi..now uve taken that. um ..i guess i will be the lamp then or the fire in the fireplace..:))
Hehehe.....good one Keshi. I'd prob be the stereo too, but to update on technology - an iPod lol :D That way you can take the music wherever you go :) Either that or a hair straightener :P
I've got that CD, keshi, and just love it. I'm with you -I'd be the stereo too because I'm such a music freak and always have been since day one in life.Have to say-robbie is quite an odd looking guy, really- but he really does have such an attractiveness about him-he is confident and charismatic-and very, very funny :).
Hi Keshi!
My first thought was COMPUTER.
Rasons - as Jewel.
Blessings to you!
Very tough question Keshi... Had to think a lot...
Finally I felt I may be something like a refrigerator. Reason being, I am kewl always :) Though I am heated up sometimes...no one comes to know, all they see is the kewl side of me, just like in a refrigerator, we see the cool side while the back of the fridge is hot :)
Hi Keshi!
Hmm... Household item...
I would like to be the Television Set...
Why? So tat eveyone will 'watch' me & not 'neglect' me.. HeHe...
i am exhausted
i never jawed soo much in all my life b4
it was like a crusade
Keshi u r a good sport
but u didnt yell UNCLE
a bed. oh.. not just any bed.. THE bed.
no explanation needed i think.
hmm interesting..! you seem to be on a roll again.. with new post every day :).. good.. to see you this way than with thousand stars above your head.. eheh..
Another point what you can get from the current is that.. how many item can be in a house :)... some we might have forgot also :)..!
I would like to be water :).. inviting everyone.. fulfilling everones thirst :).. and making them happy :)..
damn..its only 10.15am and i'm alreadi feeling kinky.. all bcoz of the post.. engeyo poitten la! a bed.. hmm...
Probably a doorstop, that is all the karma I have in the karma bank.
my stereo..
only thing i cant turn u on.. awwww..lolzz wish i was a guy ;) ahem ahem
but anyways u can see me dancing n kissing( with a hott guy.. wer is my ahem ahem)/relaxing/thinking/ smiling..lollss and get J ;)
misssssssss u
and hey lemme turn the question.. u tell me wat would i fit in as ;) loll say something nice ok??
I would be an ideal pressure cooker, letting out the steam once in a while.
good one..
Tough question, gotta think at it...:)
since you already took the stereo...I'll settle for laptop....cant live without this thing :)
interesting post...where are you getting al theses ideas, i'm thinking :)
i would be the carpet!! its nice to look upwards!! the view might be great at times! LOL!!!
:)) nice one keshi.. I am fine.. felt very nice to read ur post early morning before starting my day :).
I just thought of a tea-kettle!!! I mean it just came in my mind.. do know the reason why I want to be a kettle as such. But as I read your question, a kettle which is there in the ‘Beauty and the Beast’ animation movie, which can talk n all just flashed in front of my eyes :). It (or she) is so sweet.. hehe.. I myself feeling very funny to think that, I want to be a kettle!
Why just household items ? Why not a car .. A ferrari !!
Well in household items.. I would like to be a fan.. Most of us are
We turn around all day.. Mostly in the same path .. We turn ..not because we want to.. but because someone else pushed the button !!
We spend our lives rubbing off our bearings and parts just to cool others around us..
You know me decently well now.. What do you think fits me ?
Hi Keshi
I think I am warping your mind girl.
Okay, do I ever answer any of your questions straight up? LOL
I am going to say the walls. Walls see, hear, and smell everything occurring within their bounds.
I'd like to be the coffee machine --- used once a day -- get all the coffee I want, and no one bothers me the rest of the day. :)
I will be a telephone… today no body can leave with out a phone… so that would be my first choice.
Or TV… though it’s a stupid box… we spend most of our time in front of it only right???
I'd be the microwave. Cause I got from zero to full power instantly. And then from full power to zero just as quickly.
sadlt enough, I'd be a broom....that way, a person can use me to sweep whatever secrets they have UNDER the RUG!
But what I wouldn't give to me a diamond in POSH spice's ring, travel the world experiencing only the finest while nestled safely on a finger, yep that works for me!
if i could be one household item.. what would I be? kesh, u stole my music idea.. but u know wht a music buff i am myself.. :( lol.. lemme think of the second most useful thing.. i think the fuse.. lol.. so i can dictate who uses wht appliance.. babes even the stereo will not play if i decide against it.. hahaha.. and also i can just decide i've had enuff and give away.. lol..no reasons.. no explanations.. just like i am in person! :D
Hi Keshi. Thanks for your comment. I've added you to my blog roll and will drop by here whenever you post. x
Lovina just chewed my head out for dat Britney pic which flashed across the screen
says i am watching porn
and will report it to the boss man
little does Lovina no dat boss is a dirty old man too
i would be a couch
i love to hold asses
I'd be my notebook- Dell D680.
Light weight, easy to handle, can handle just about any addon devices, gets the job done and a faithful companion :D
Oh and you never get bored of it.
The kitchen chair. Because I love to sit. LOL.
I don't know. You took stereo, so I had nothing left to choose. Fridge because I like to eat?
Keshi a good one asusual :)
If I were a household item I would be a computer.
Reason - You can enjoy anything with just a click of a mouse :)
Waww...really good one...
Here's my choice...id be a notebook...the sleek inviting..DELL !
Best companion once u get home...for accessing everyone near n far, across the globe n providing melody for da ears - music the next best thing on earth !
The Light-Huse wishes to be a candle/buld/tube light ...
Can't live with out lite.
If it is something edible then would love to be a chocolate pastry.
How about a photo-frame, bed sheet, powder, Grinder, Juicer, drill machine.
what about a Hammer?
My first thought was to be a 'window'
To be in touch with both the outside and inside world.
Then i though it would be better to be a computer. Many wants to be that. Thats when i checked the comments and found many.
But my first thought was - A window
My friend here says he'll love to be a DILDO (I asked him if that was a household item & he sais yes, ain't he crazy?).
would luv to be a bed !!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice!! Am going with an I-pod...
I would be a toaster, because then I would have the ability to get anything that I touch hot.
urghhhh! u materialistic blogger maniacs.
Hemmm....I want to be a window and a window wiper. I will clear all the clouts and clouds and let people see beyond their 'secure' cocoon that the world is indeed a beautiful place. I will sometimes show them reflections of themselves and tell them some of the universe is indeed in them. In the morning I will shower them with sunlight so that they can pray to God, and during rainy days I will reveal the silent scenery bursting with life. Of course, the window wiper will give you a new life every time u use it. :D
I would love to be an iPOD :))
coz then I know I will be in the pocket (n u know where the pocket is for a gal...mmmmmm...mmmmmmm.... hehehe)..and then I would laabbbhhhhhh to have her fingers play around on ma body to increase the vol...and then press me to change the track...
Ouch.....its 7 in the morning and Im getting weird ideas...
have a nice day ahead K000kie-masta :)))
Haha keshi, nice one.
If I'd be a household item..
I think I'd be an ornament.
Perhaps a Christmas ornament.
Something whereby when you shake it, flakes would flutter all over the globe.
Only use me when you need me.
But I'll be there always.
Just like the person I am now.
Hi Keshi
I would be an iron...
and would smooth all the wrinkles
of life away, and make everything beautiful!
Have a beautiful day!
oooooh! sounds fun...lemme think, I would say I would probably be a chandelier perched on Top ,to see everything under me :)) just kiddin'
I would like to be a television as I can entertain any person. hahaha. I would even love to be a stereo, but already you informed about the same.;)
oh wowww... id b a safe... with loads of money in it ofcoz.. hehe.. then i can go splurging... shoppinggggggg... yippieeeeeeeee
hmm... made me think and think... well, couldnot find anything to say... maybe i would be the BED... always sleeping but "all rights reserved for someone"... lol...
I would be the bed coz i really like seeing anyone sleep... even my doggie.. everyone looks so beautiful and serene when they sleep.. isn't it??
i would be kitchen, i love to see ppl eating... hmmm...
Television....*centre of attraction* !! Ahem.
Am back...posting blogs. Hopefully the frequency is good :)
A cellphone ! (Come on its a household necessity now)
So that I could remain in someone's hands all day and light up on their touch ! :D
uv managed yet another crazy post!!:-)
well for me its gotta be a pretty lamp...shining bright yet giving a soft romantic light..sigh!
lmao @ saby's comment about the couch.
My first thought before I read any comments was a computer and I'm sticking with it.
I can download music, movies, make music, chat with my friends, find any information I need.
I feel like sending you a hug today.
Fun post keshi! Good one!
Hmmm...what could I be?? How about a "Mirror"? I dont know if any house is there without it! One time or the other one would like to see themselves...dont they?? :)
First I wanted to be the oven because I'm so hot ;p
But no, I prefer to be the frigde... so I'm always near my cold beers, hehehe
i wud love to be your under wear
I think I'll be a car
but then it's not a household item is it?
hey keshi!!!! ur crazy but any ways i like you :)
Well if i would be house hold then i will be "curtain"..coz it gives saftey to everyone..
it gives saftey to a women who is bussy with her jewlery near her locker,it gives saftey to couple who are making love and it gives saftey to cute sweet lil baby in a deep sleep..
I like its warm and helping nature..So i wuld like to be "CURTAIN" to you ,to all blog frens and to every one whom i can
Take Care
Quite impressive, amazing immagination!
Hmmm dunno want I'd like to be, how about a pillow? Soft and warm, always ready to hug and hold. (no need of your electricity power for me, I have my own... lol)
Quite impressive, amazing immagination!
Hmmm dunno want I'd like to be, how about a pillow? Soft and warm, always ready to hug and hold. (no need of your electricity power for me, I have my own... lol)
this is a fun question:)
I would be a bookcase (again!)
holding the beauty of the
human condition in all it's
or a window - an open window -
to see the world go by -
I wud love to be the mirror coz it can bring changes to a person form attitude to personality and confidence. Without a mirror you and me will makeup all over the face with no limits.
Could you please show me your button to change the tune? ;)
I`d be the dining table :)
my growing kids and my hubby love to eat.they eat and eat w/o gaining weight,they maintain their figure,and its unfair to me,LOL!
dinner is the special part of our days,and our dining table is the witness of every little drama,fun,laughters or even tears of of the family :)
Keshi is the stereo..wht are u playing right now?mellow music or jazz or hiphop?LOL!
a big hug,Keshi!!
nice post.. u r on a roll now!
hey keshi visit this "http://vikas-chavda.blogspot.com"
I want to be a Kitchen Aid!!
A beautiful colorful blender,which makes aromatic dough or a mix for making or baking delicious goodies. Makes and keeps everybody happy and satisfied:)Just like me.
Thank you for beautiful poem you wrote just for me! I will keep it with me forever:)Have agreat weekend.
hmm I prefer to be the Mirror . someone in which you can see yourself . sensitive and pristine
I was going to put BOB (battery operated boyfriend) but then I thought - heck, that isn't a household item !!!
I'd be a blender - with multiple speeds :)
great post Keshi girl!!!
Stumbled upon this post and was intrigued by the post. I say the cast iron skillet; sturdy, used regularly, passed on from generation after generation and oiled after every use
i rote a letter to Santa
dat he make u a good child
dat u wear pallav
and get back to your indian roots
dat u dont use lip stick and make up (MJ?)no more
but get to learn to accept u as u r
and love u for wat u r
dat u wont say matey no more
just yaar, yaar
dat u not use bad lang
but re-learn how to blush when u hear it
dat u bcome a little less inteligent. a little more accomodating
so dat a lott more men will dare to propose to u, as dis old man and Ori have done
coz then u will be truly beautiful
like M00nie and Margie
A wine glass. What else?
ok i will fess up
my first thought was a broom.. dont ask y.. but as u know from my confessions i enjoy cleaning..
but then sanity prevailed and i settled upon being a window.. the ability to look out upon the world and sometimes let the world look in upon the house.. cover it with a curtain and shroud it in mystery
window it is
but i totally see u as a stereo...
If I had a hammer
I'd hammer in the morning
I'd hammer in the evening
All over this land
I'd hammer out danger
I'd hammer out a warning
I'd hammer out love between my brothers and my sisters
All over this land
If I had a bell
I'd ring it in the morning
I'd ring it in the evening
All over this land
I'd ring out danger
I'd ring out a warning
I'd ring out love between my brothers and my sisters
All over this land
If I had a song
I'd sing it in the morning
I'd sing it in the evening
All over this land
I'd sing out danger
I'd sing out a warning
I'd sing out love between my brothers and my sisters
All over this land
Well I've got a hammer
And I've got a bell
And I've got a song to sing
All over this land
It's the hammer of justice
It's the bell of freedom
It's the song about love between my brothers and my sisters
All over this land
light house
I would like to be my jaan ka Stethoscope..So that i would be near his heart always
The Stereo changed the track...check it out guys!
i been chatting a while back
If I had a hammer
I'd hammer in the morning
I'd hammer in the evening
All over this land
gal: saby
gal: are u okay
saby: YES
saby: and no
gal: why not
saby: i wont succeed
saby: men are evil
gal: hahhaa
gal: u kno it
saby: i wont stop trying though
gal: hmm
gal: k
gal: kool
saby: i hate Kool
gal: cool
saby: my blood boils at the cool crowd
saby: its surrender
saby: cool it baby
saby: i hate dat
saby: sex wont solve the world's problems
gal: no
saby: u no someting ?
gal: not unless u temme
saby: i dont sex no more
gal: hmm
saby: cant get it up
gal: hmm
saby: my wife suspects i am wasting my seed elsewhere
saby: i cant sex the one i dont love no more
saby: ((blush))
saby: Pssst
gal: i got a nose like pakoda
saby: i love pakodas
saby: dont be a dumb doll
saby: looks dont count
saby: the way the one u love sees u is more important
gal: hmm
saby: beauty ages
saby: u got dat rong hunny
gal: lol
gal: and i know i dont look gud
gal: ok letz nt discuss
saby: there is a huge diff btw looks and perception
saby: all is MAYA
gal: hmm
saby: seen SHREK?
saby: an ogre is beautiful too to her lover
saby: if dat doesnt sink in .......
saby: U R DUMB
gal: yaa
gal: i seen shrek
gal: am so dumb
saby: maria is beautiful say my friends
saby: maria _ wife
saby: i dont find her beautiful
saby: pretty YES
saby: but not beautiful
gal: hmm
saby: MARY my lover is an aged lady
saby: we have connected
saby: like soul mates
gal: hmm
saby: her pic turns me on
saby: her voice turns me on
saby: i havent seen her in person yet
saby: but i no she was made for me
saby: she loves me too
saby: i aint a hunk
saby: far from it
saby: i am an ogre
saby: she loves the ogre ... the person
saby: looks dont count when u r in love with a person
saby: get it? ... the person
saby: saby is not chest biceps and a nine inch penis
saby: saby is a lott more than body parts
saby: MARY has seen saby the person
saby: and she loves the person saby
saby: bye
I'd want to be a mirror....
Amy smarty pants, nice one there :)
**You can choose to be upset by breaking down the system or hanging the screen until the owner realise
LOL I loved that reason the best! U rock girl!!
Drama hey u will be ur undies? LOL nice one...then u can wear urself all the time ha? HAHAHA!
goshh Im a fridge too apart from being a Stereo n all that...lol I'll be anything thats 24/7 turned on!
Rose heyy!
**i guess i will be the lamp then or the fire in the fireplace
awww how warm, cosy and bright...lovely!
hey Silvara :):)
I love it! Def u can take the music anywhere n u r that kind of girl. Great answer!
Hair straightner...well d u like to straighten a messy tangled curly head of some girl? LOL I think not baby hahaha!
Lee I have that CD too hehe.
**-I'd be the stereo too because I'm such a music freak and always have been since day one in life.
awww definitely! I knew it u'd be the Stereo too.
Rob robs my heart all the time :):)
d u like Smokie?
Krys so ur a faithful PC ha..cool! ty.
KK heyy!
**. Reason being, I am kewl always :)
definitely! Nice answer there.
**Though I am heated up sometimes...no one comes to know, all they see is the kewl side of me, just like in a refrigerator, we see the cool side while the back of the fridge is hot
how clever! ty KK :) Now can I place my Ice-Tea in dear Mr.Fridge?
Thumbelina heyy!
**Why? So tat eveyone will 'watch' me & not 'neglect' me..
awww nice one...ty :)
Saby wuteva.
haha Ammu ur feeling kinky? why hun? cos of ur oen answer? ROFL!
**a bed. oh.. not just any bed.. THE bed.
u mean THE bed ha? ;-) LOL I got it. But I really dun wanna be a bed cos of one reason...ppl f#rt in em ewwwwwwww!
Sujit heyy!
**I would like to be water :).. inviting everyone.. fulfilling everones thirst :).. and making them happy
very interesting answer, wow ty :) But I cant imagine Sujit being my shower water LOL!
Phos heyy!
**Probably a doorstop, that is all the karma I have in the karma bank.
LOL cmon u can do better than that!
ok let me see what u can be....mmmmm...I'd say that ur a Clock. Cos u r always spot on abt alot of things and u r a guide for me :) in many ways. U like it?
Uttsy heyyy hows u?
**but anyways u can see me dancing n kissing
LOL na..then I'd suddenly make u the Stereo and steal the guy from ya.
ok here's what I think u r:
The Steps leading upstairs. Cos u always lift my spirits up when Im so down. U take me higher and ur always there :) ty Uttsy!
Sush :)
**I would be an ideal pressure cooker, letting out the steam once in a while.
WOW great answer! Some very smart answers here. TY.
btw if I was a pressure cooker, I'd never stop. I have so much steam to let off. :):)
Southy now come back with the ans soon. U dun have to think for a week LOL!
hey Neihal!
**...I'll settle for laptop....cant live without this thing
Nice one :) I cant live w.o. it eaither.
Where do I get these ideas from...well they just come into my head :) ty!
Hello Deepz!
**i would be the carpet!! its nice to look upwards!! the view might be great at times! LOL!!!
LOL omg such a perv hahahaha! I like it tho...smart answer and such aguy thing to say ROFL!
Prachi hey ty sweetie :)
awww so sweet. I know that Beauty n the Beast one...so interesting ha. I like the kettle cos it's the only way I can get to my coffee :) Good one girl!
Parag heyy yeah why not a car too...it's still a household item :)
** would like to be a fan..
wow ur reason bowled me over! Such a great answer. Im impressed!
Well if u want me to choose what u'd be I'd say ur the Roof...ur such a loving and caring husband/dad. U provide for ur family so well and ur their shelter. The one that protects them from all kinds of weather. U like it? :)
G'day Bev!
hey there's nothing more left in me to be warped..LOL!
**I am going to say the walls. Walls see, hear, and smell everything occurring within their bounds.
WOW what a clever answer! Good one Bev. Now if u were my walls u'd die laughing ROFL!
Andrew heyy!
**I'd like to be the coffee machine --- used once a day -- get all the coffee I want, and no one bothers me the rest of the day
whoaaaaaa TOP thinking there!
Dh@v@ heyy hows u?
**I will be a telephone… today no body can leave with out a phone… so that would be my first choice.
so true and very clever!
**Or TV… though it’s a stupid box… we spend most of our time in front of it only right???
haha yes.
ty good ones there.
G'day Jay!
**I'd be the microwave. Cause I got from zero to full power instantly. And then from full power to zero just as quickly.
wow very interesting thinking there. ty!
Hello Awaiting!
**I'd be a broom....that way, a person can use me to sweep whatever secrets they have UNDER the RUG!
hmmm very thouhgtful answer there.
**But what I wouldn't give to me a diamond in POSH spice's ring, travel the world experiencing only the finest while nestled safely on a finger, yep that works for me!
:) U rock! That's a very smart way to live girl.
Purnima Huggggggggz!
** think the fuse.. lol.. so i can dictate who uses wht appliance.. babes even the stereo will not play if i decide against it.
OMG ur such a b#tch LOL! ok be the Fuse then smarty pants but rem this (says this with a mean look ) - there's no use of a fuse if there r no appliances in the house nenenenene!
ok I dun think that worked..lol!
comp 5
undies 2
lamp and fire 1
the stereo 1
fridge 1
oven 2
TV set 1
a bed. oh.. not just any bed.. THE bed. 1
water (drinking water) 1
door stop 1
car 1
walls 1
nobody said balls (penis) yet 0
sush make pressure cooker 1
Tough question,...:) 1
i must be crazier than the jerks here for trying to complie dis
Black_Dog_Knits WC n ty :)
Saby heyy!
**i would be a couch
i love to hold asses
U mean u love to hold urself? Good on ya.
Johno heyy!
**I'd be my notebook- Dell D680.
Sexxay ;-)
**Light weight, easy to handle, can handle just about any addon devices, gets the job done and a faithful companion :D
Oh and you never get bored of it.
:) Nice reasons why. ty!
AB heyy!
**The kitchen chair. Because I love to sit.
U mean in Meg's houese? awww ROFL!
fridge? why not..if ur such a foodie lol!
Sugar heyy!
**If I were a household item I would be a computer.
Reason - You can enjoy anything with just a click of a mouse
Thats so true. Nice answer girl TY :)
Hello Seema!
**...id be a notebook...the sleek inviting..DELL !
Best companion once u get home...for accessing everyone near n far, across the globe n providing melody for da ears - music the next best thing on earth
WOW great ans...ty sweetie :) And if not for the notebook we wudnt have met na :)
Hey Light_House :)
**Can't live with out lite.
Excellent choice there!
**If it is something edible then would love to be a chocolate pastry.
lol okkk!
**How about a photo-frame, bed sheet, powder, Grinder, Juicer, drill machine.
alot of things there ha :)
**what about a Hammer?
hmm not for me...cos I dun wanna be hitting on nails all my life LOL!
Alex yeah alot of ppl wanted to be the PC..shows how much we have gotten used to technology that its one of the top-most basic necessities now.
**My first thought was to be a 'window'
To be in touch with both the outside and inside world.
wow nice one. Beautiful!
Anthony heyy!
**My friend here says he'll love to be a DILDO (I asked him if that was a household item & he sais yes, ain't he crazy?).
LOL ok r u telling me the truth here..I mean is it really ur friend or u who wants to be a Dildo? :):)
Desperado heyy!
**would luv to be a bed
Good but u didnt tell me WHY? :)
Perspective_Inc heyy!
**Am going with an I-pod...
good :) And WHY?
Grunt heyy!
**I would be a toaster, because then I would have the ability to get anything that I touch hot.
VERY CLEVER and a sizzling ans there ;-)
heyya Ghosty!
**....I want to be a window and a window wiper. I will clear all the clouts and clouds and let people see beyond their 'secure' cocoon that the world is indeed a beautiful place.
WOW nice one there. U have a beautiful imagination Ghosty. TY so much! I simply loved ur reasons why.
z000nie heyy!
**I would love to be an iPOD :))
coz then I know I will be in the pocket (n u know where the pocket is for a gal.
LOL ok I got it. U wanna be caressed by smooth slender fingers of a girl. Why dun u get a GF then swt hrt? :):)
Ian I loved ur ans!!
**I think I'd be an ornament.
Perhaps a Christmas ornament.
So beautiful. An ornament that will always be there, watching what u do, giving u joy when used and then being there just like that, always. Great stuff!
Margie heyy iron lady! :)
**I would be an iron...
and would smooth all the wrinkles
of life away, and make everything beautiful
what a beautiful ans! U r already making life beautiful for many ppl. HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
Lera heyy!
**I would probably be a chandelier perched on Top ,to see everything under me
wow clever girl! A really smart one there. Ty!
Hello Kalpana!
**I would like to be a television as I can entertain any person.
Nice one :) We both seem to like to entertain ppl. And ofcourse u can be the Stereo too...doesnt matter that Im one too :)
hello m000nie HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
**id b a safe... with loads of money in it ofcoz.. hehe.. then i can go splurging... shoppinggggggg
aww ur the rich Safe ha...lol good one.
hey Gangz!
**a computer or a stereo
good one being the entertainer that u r :)
KAP heyy!
**I would be the bed coz i really like seeing anyone sleep... even my doggie.. everyone looks so beautiful and serene when they sleep.. isn't it??
Nice one!! Thats so true..ppl look the most peaceful when they sleep.
Kitchen? Good one again :) Cooking n eating r a big part of life ha. Great answers KAP!
Dinesh hey WB! Missed ya...
**Television....*centre of attraction* !! Ahem.
Indeedz :):) ty!
i feel sad for MJ
he wanted to be white
and he didnt like the way his nose looked
Ramya heyy!
**A cellphone ! (Come on its a household necessity now)
Good one :) I really cant live w.o. my cell!
**So that I could remain in someone's hands all day and light up on their touch
WOW smart thinking there!
Ekta hey!
**well for me its gotta be a pretty lamp...shining bright yet giving a soft romantic light
WOW nice one. And u r just that girl! lovely ans there.
G'day Top_Cat!
**lmao @ saby's comment about the couch.
yeah he also forgot that ppl f#rt on chairs LOL!
**My first thought before I read any comments was a computer and I'm sticking with it.
Good one :)
**I can download music, movies, make music, chat with my friends, find any information I need.
Yeah what else can be better than that ha.
**I feel like sending you a hug today.
aww thats so sweet..HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ matey!
Contented heyy ty!
**How about a "Mirror"? I dont know if any house is there without it! One time or the other one would like to see themselves...dont they
I was thinking of a mirror later on too..:) Nice one. Definitely needed and loved. Atleast by Keshi cos she cant live w.o. her mirror :):)
Murane heyy!
**First I wanted to be the oven because I'm so hot ;p
Well do u even have to say it...u r HOT always ;-)
**But no, I prefer to be the frigde... so I'm always near my cold beers,
LOL good one mate!
u want a different song? Just request which one u want and I'll play it for ya :)
Jim heyy!
**i wud love to be your under wear
Im glad u want to be my underwear and not Britney's LOL!
hhmmm, i can't think too hard right now, and i just read someone else said they'd be underwear - so let me just say i'd choose to be a bra! ;-D
keshi: let me also just say that i personally do not get the whole robbie williams phenomenon ... i mean a couple of his songs (e.g. rock dj) are preety good, but i don't get all the huge hype about/over him. but then again i am a guy (might have a different opinion if i were female?), and of course u r more than entitled to your opinion! ;-D
Barbara Streisland the funny girl became a hit in spite of her funny nose
she didnt go in for a nose job
OPRAH went on a crash diet
and probably a tummy tuck in
but she is now showing signs of restoration
wat a waste of money
says the preacher
Punjabi heyy!
** punjabi~car~freak! said...
I think I'll be a car
I knew it that u wud be a car cos u luv em so much :)
Vikas heyy!
**then i will be "curtain"..coz it gives saftey to everyone..
hehe good one mate! I like the reasons u gave...superb!
LetsF#ck heyy!
** how about a pillow? Soft and warm, always ready to hug and hold. (no need of your electricity power for me, I have my own.
I like wut u said there...no need of electricity cos u have ur own..wonderful ans!
Sophie heyy!
**I would be a bookcase (again!)
holding the beauty of the
human condition in all it's
thats quite a creative and beauuuitful ans Sophie!
**or a window - an open window -
to see the world go by -
WOW clever one again! ty.
Priya heyy!
**I wud love to be the mirror coz it can bring changes to a person form attitude to personality and confidence.
aww loved it girl! ty.
Ghee hello Ms.Dining Table :) Lovely ans there!
**dinner is the special part of our days,and our dining table is the witness of every little drama,fun,laughters or even tears of of the family
WOW beautifully expressed. ty sweetie.
**wht are u playing right now?mellow music or jazz or hiphop
lol check out the new song n tell me if u like it :)
Anoop :) tnxxx!
**A beautiful colorful blender,which makes aromatic dough or a mix for making or baking delicious goodies. Makes and keeps everybody happy and satisfied:
aww ur def that and alot more.
Im glad u like the poem :)
Hazel heyy I cant get to ur blog again :(
** prefer to be the Mirror . someone in which you can see yourself . sensitive and pristine
Whoaaa good one!
Megzz hey huggggggggz!
**I was going to put BOB (battery operated boyfriend) but then I thought - heck, that isn't a household item !!!
LOL hahahaha I couldnt stop laughing when I read BOB!
**I'd be a blender - with multiple speeds
aha u def r that - so yeah blend it girl ;-)
Hello GetZapped WC n tnxxx!
** I say the cast iron skillet; sturdy, used regularly, passed on from generation after generation and oiled after every use
WOW nice on there. Very clever ans :)
CherryPie heyy sweetie!
**A wine glass. What else?
Nice :) and WHY did u choose it girl?
hiii Aditi hows it goin?
Broom ha...neato!
**the ability to look out upon the world and sometimes let the world look in upon the house.. cover it with a curtain and shroud it in mystery
thats very beautiful imagination. ty Aditi!
JaanKi heyy!
**I would like to be my jaan ka Stethoscope..So that i would be near his heart always
Is he a doc? :) WOW!
Southy helloooo! I still cant get to ur blog :) Help me!!
**I'd want to be a mirror....
nice...and why?
Niki hugggggggggz!
Rob is much more than handsome..he's smart, witty, intelligent, sensitive and sooo SEXY.
**If i were a household item, i would be an old desk. coz im sooo lazy to move
lol good one!
Fergal heyy hows u?
**so let me just say i'd choose to be a bra
LOL okk. Well I can u'stand why a guy wud wanna be a Bra.
I like his music, especially the lyrics. Dun get me wrong, I dun like him just cos he's handsome (oyeah to me he's handsome hehe)...but I just like the whole package. He's just a real guy. Atleast in my eyes. I know he's had many women etc etc but I just like the dude cos he sings what alot of what i feel. So there's a string connection.
And hell yeah, if u were female u'd wanna be his T-shirt or something LOL! I'd like to be his guitar...so he can play me all day long. Ok I better stop being soooo corny. yaaaaaawn :)
Have a good one mate!
ok Saby wuts ur point?
**Now can I place my Ice-Tea in dear Mr.Fridge?
Mr.Fridge would prefer a chocolate ice cream instead :) lol!!!
**coz then u will be truly beautiful
like M00nie and Margie
Im not beautiful. Happy? So Saby get a life w.o. telling ppl to be what they r not. Im not m000nie and na Im not Margie. Im just Keshi. Live with it or get outta my life.
KK there r tonz of Magnums already in there :):)
i wish to pass on my tots to the younger gen. I also want to keep my self up-dated on wat is cool and wat is not ... as perceived by dis gen. If i were to be born again, i wud want to be a mother or a teacher in junior school. The fate of dis world depends on the values imbibed by the little ones today.as a public blogg we are exposed to annony mouse attacks. We do not exercise censorship or accept liability for these comments.
'BULL SHIT - All i wanna do is to have some funn before i die'
everybody and every body hates a critic
we all want to be told we are intelligent, beautiful, sexy and a good lay
me too
and dats why some bloggers have moderators and annony mouse blocks
aint dat true SOUTH?
i am glad u set your blog free again
keshi.. This is a pretty interesting one.. Off the hat may be a TV or Computer and provide entertainment maybe! :D
Saby u love to blabber gunk dun u? Wuts ur prob with me? Who du wanna make me into - Madhuri Dixit? Well Im not her and hell na I dun wanna be anyone else. I just wanna be who I am. D u even know me? D u even know what kind of experiences I have had in life? D u know what it is to have lived overseas half ur life? NO. So stop trying to imagine who ppl should be like and stop comparing them to ur Indian idols. Im sick of ur crap.
i had my say
i wont be back
LOve to dance, sure do, I am with you Keshi, love it :)
Saby good for u. Wake up atleast now. I dun bother u do I? I just let u be and u r free to be who u r. R u very Indian? I think not. So let just ppl be who they r and stop comparing me with the rest of ur Indian friends. It's the most racist and unfairest thing a friend could do to a friend. Accept ur friends the way they r. If not leave them and be with the ppl u think r sexy, beautiful, intelligent, Indian etc etc. And what makes u think I wanna hear all that all the time? U have such a cheap impression abt me and Im so very sad to find it out after so long since knowing u. And I cant believe Im even replying to this kind of crap.
Dun be back if u feel so. Cos wuts the point u hanging ard Keshi when u think she's just TRYING to be someone else? Why r u here then? Go be ard all the ppl u wanna be with. AND THANK U!
Viv thats a cool choice :) ty.
Caz definitely! We r Stereos for sure lol!
Saby one more thing for u to know abt me:
Im Sri Lankan by birth and I live in Aus, so I havent ever used the word YAAR in my life and have never been exposed to it either. So stop telling me which words to use. That's my choice just like how u make ur own choices.
Besides stop glorifying Indians all the time just cos ur Indian and stop putting down ppl from other countries. It's a very racist thing to do and I despise it! If u think Indian women r the most chaste in the world, then u r dumber than I thought u were. A woman's innocence or beauty is not judged by her race or the clothes she wears. So stop smothering me with that saree and Madhuri Dixit advice of ur's. It's not gonna work with me.
Black, White, Yellow or Red we r human beings. Get it. U r as bad/good as everyone else is in this world!
Dun bother replying to this cos I aint gonna reply to ur stupid remarks.
I wud be the refrigirator... :D.. I ll have all goodies .. and I ll be cold.. Man how much I love the cold weather..
Hi Keshi!
I'd like to be a potted plant by the window. So that i can feel the breeze outside and look out at the sunshine:) Or watch safely inside as it pours outside:)
lolx.. abisthu!
happy weekend.
REBEL heyyy!
LOL thats nice...cold but always with food. Good one :)
Hello Butterfly!
**I'd like to be a potted plant by the window. So that i can feel the breeze outside and look out at the sunshine:) Or watch safely inside as it pours outside:
what a marvellous ans. so beautiful!
haha Ammu so u still wanna be the Bed? :)
I'd be a knife!
I'd be a knife....
lemme see if u cud come up with some reason?
aww Kautilya if ur the knife then I'm the tomato LOL! :)
Why did u choose knife?
ok let me try Kautilya...
is it cos u wanna cut open the fruits/veges/cakes/pastries/bread so that the tastes of those can be really tasted. The goodness of em all r really in the eating. So ur providing the service of making ppl stay full and healthy :)
hey kesh:)...phew...late late late!!! i ought to be a watch coz then i'd be on time :p *grin*
but i think I'm more like a hair dryer!!!!! why? coz m sooo moody na :p....sumtimes m hot...sumtimes cold....sumtimes happppyyyy ... sumtimes sad... sumtimes this and sumtimes that!!!:p but hey any which way u gotta luv me for makin ppl luk good:)...ummm...feel good! coz wen m happy i make ppl happy too and wen m sad, i still do coz then u;re thinkin atleast m btr off than her :p!!!
hope u have fab day sweetie...m in a terrific mood here...don ask me why tho! one of those days i guess..where i wake up feeling..."God I luv this day!":))
and i missed the last video:(...it has cute memories attached...hmmm!
tk care dear....enjoyyyyy the weekend!!!:) *hugggggggssss*
Ish then u'd make a super-HOT n Brilliant Hairdryer. WOOHOO! :)
hey Im glad to hear ur feeling terrific..way to go Ish. HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
U have a good wknd too sweetie!
nice one...u do know how to cheer ppl up!
okay, if i were to be a household item, i'll be a reading lamp by the bedside.
i love books and i'll be able to help somebody discover, dream, deliberate, decide, doodle...so many d's here...whatever, and ofcourse my name contains light within and it'll be fun to be actually spreading light in people's lives!!!
sort of the way u do :)
u do cheer me up dost, thanks
i'll be a bug spray :) i just enjoy the affect of it ..
I prefer to be Mirror! no one will be there withour seeing their face once in a day. I am very happy to be mirror to make them feel their beautiful face. I was so luck to see many beautiful faces esp i can see cute girls face like keshi:)
you have selected a best one.
You like Robbt Williams all over you ?
Then I would rather be Robby.
hahaha, nice try missy.. ;)
but listen to this (meaner look)-
" the world is my stage ( fuse up on the pedestral) and all you people (appliances) are my actors n actresses - translated, i play god.. hahahahahahaha.. omg i cant believe i just said tht.. im kiddin hun.. u know that.. im an angel.. dincha see my halo already? ;)
I hate this bloody Beta Blogger , No one reach me . AWWWWWWWWWW.
But I am sorry to intrude I agree with you , Vanity and humanity s universal . Racism comes in softer form too
Cheers swetheart . U rock
and I miss u (thanks to Beta blogger )
hmmm .. very interesting question .. i agree with sugarlips .. a computer can do anything .. from information to entertainment to work to everything one can imagine .. you can do it through a computer .. aww smarty pants sugarlips .. smooch for you.
As far as I am concerned .. hmm .. if ai am a household item .. I will be .. aaa .. if I am in sugarlips house .. i will be her pillow. Why? So she can hug me and rest her head on me :) .. that would mean everything to me .. her touch.
My first choice was laptop or PC, but then, it's not exactly a household item, is it?
So I will settle for the family's favourite book ;)
If you really want an "item", chalk me up for TV.
I will be an old couch sitting in the corner. A little old and worn down but crazy comfy and a loose spring might just give you a quick poke in the keester.
hi keshi!!! how are you doll? thank you for your encouraging words on my blog. I do appreciate it.
now, if i was a house hold item what would I be and why? well, i would be a television. Why? Cuz my husband would always be watching me and i would always be entertaining. I would pretty much always be 'on'. you could learn alot from me. i would make you smile and laugh and maybe make you cry but even if i did you would always 'turn' to me!!!
I normally... cut/tear apart ppl... thats y.. I chose knife....
I would be a broken vacuum. Then I could continue doing a poor job of my housework.
I'd like to be that big ole blanket that people snuggle under on winter evenings. I'm probably more of a kettle though. :-D
Adi that's a nice choice.
**and ofcourse my name contains light within and it'll be fun to be actually spreading light in people's lives
Dalicia heyy!
**i'll be a bug spray
LOL haha cute! So u'll b my Mortein? :):)
Jeevan heyy!
Mirror mirror on the wall..who's the fairest of em all...:):)
ur so sweet Jeevan ty!
Jac haha then u should do all those weird dances that I reall like...u know, the kind that Robbie does ;-)
LOL Purnima we r having fun arent we :):) Hugggggggggz u r a Goddess indeed!
ty Hazel! awwww Beta Blogger sucks ha...well isnt there any way I could get to it?
heyy Nabeel :)
** i will be her pillow
lol wud she approve of that? awww....
Fleiger now which one r ya, PC, book or TV? LOL!
How abt being my coffee cup? ;-)
Fuzzy the cosy couch ha :) Nice!
**A little old and worn down but crazy comfy and a loose spring might just give you a quick poke in the keester.
lol cute!
** i would be a television. Why? Cuz my husband would always be watching me and i would always be entertaining
LOL ur soo cute! Great many reasons there :)
Kautilya heyy!
**I normally... cut/tear apart ppl... thats y.. I chose knife....
awww na u dun!
Meister heyy!
**I would be a broken vacuum. Then I could continue doing a poor job of my housework.
lol hahaha!
Autumn girl heyy! HUGGGGGGGGZ I missed ya tonz!
**I'd like to be that big ole blanket that people snuggle under on winter evenings.
awww how cosy! Just like u r :)
**I'm probably more of a kettle though
hehe yeah lets turn u on baby :)
Niki yeah some men wanna be a bra and one wanted to be MY undy too (rolling eyes...).
The pen - ideas, stories, truth, financial ultimums - everything flows out from it
i would love to be a wine glass :)
Visithra heyy!
**The pen - ideas, stories, truth, financial ultimums - everything flows out from it
WOW ur very clever!
heyy Smiley!
**i would love to be a wine glass
ooo lala so u can bask in the glory of red wine all the time? :) Nice.
That's actually one thing I didn't think of, and would like to be. After all, a coffee cup is a kind of two-edged sword ;)
**After all, a coffee cup is a kind of two-edged sword
Hows that? :)
I am so protective so I will say the alarm system:-)
I didn't read the comments.. Did someone mention this?
WOW Moomy u r so smart! Great ans.
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