My mate Starbender cast a bewitching spell on me with her magical wand and whispered 'Keshi now list 10 things you would NEVER do in your life'. So here they are:
1. Kill someone (although I have a mental hit-list)
2. Cheat someone (but I cheat myself sometimes)
3. Steal from someone (unless ofcourse it's a cute boyfriend of some bitch that don't deserve him)
4. Eat snakes/frogs/insects like some people do (I'd rather mutilate in hunger)
5. Become a sex worker (not even if I'm about to be hanged)
6. Live if I ever become deaf (you know how much I want music in my life)
7. Trade my values/beliefs for the world (not even for Robbie Williams)
8. Sky-dive (will probably die out of fear 2 days before the dive)
9. Become fat to the extent that I'd dislike myself (even if I do I'd somehow get back in shape)
10. Stop dancing and blogging (unless I die)
Ok go ahead too can list your 10 'will-NEVER-do' items.
Current Music: You Can Do Magic by America
1. Kill someone (although I have a mental hit-list)

2. Cheat someone (but I cheat myself sometimes)
3. Steal from someone (unless ofcourse it's a cute boyfriend of some bitch that don't deserve him)
4. Eat snakes/frogs/insects like some people do (I'd rather mutilate in hunger)
5. Become a sex worker (not even if I'm about to be hanged)
6. Live if I ever become deaf (you know how much I want music in my life)
7. Trade my values/beliefs for the world (not even for Robbie Williams)
8. Sky-dive (will probably die out of fear 2 days before the dive)
9. Become fat to the extent that I'd dislike myself (even if I do I'd somehow get back in shape)
10. Stop dancing and blogging (unless I die)
Ok go ahead too can list your 10 'will-NEVER-do' items.
Current Music: You Can Do Magic by America
130 Cranium Signets:
6. Live if I ever become deaf (you know how much I want music in my life)***Ha ha ha...then u gotta cut down the number of hrs u listen to ur ipod
I will never place anyone or anything before my children.
I will never give up shrimp...I love it too much.
I will never stop being me. I am a bundle of nerves, paranoia and too much profanity, but the love I have inside is far greater than the acts in which I may often display. I will never lose sight of who I it negative or positive, I am me.
10 Never Do Lists...?
Hmm... Something interesting...
1. Never betray my frenz
2. Never forsake family & friends
3. Never betray my loved one
4. Never jump off the building to end my life (cos its ugly..)
5. Never kill myself breathing in petroleum gas (cos its ugly..)
6. Never throw a baby up in the air & fracture its bones
7. Never end an unborn's baby's life (cos its innocent)
8. Never pluck any flowers off other ppl's houses UNLESS its a rare species
9. Never spend more than i earn
10. Never wear more than i should (cos weather in singapore is very very hot & humid)
How's tat??
hello, hi. just checking yours from star.
let see, i tagged linda, linda tagged simon, simon tagged starbender and now you ... wow!
7. Hehehe :)
Let me think about stuff & will srike back...Muachs !
Stay Beautiful...!!
Your top 10 list is my most favorite things told do. Okay, not all of them. LOL
"Sound Of Music"
"These are a few of my favorite things"
I'll be singing that song for the rest of the week
Around the office, they already think I'm insane.
They might be right. LOL.
hey i agree with pt no 10...cant imagine myself doing that!!!...get the music going and my foot wldnt stop:-)
Hey!! I object. Frogs can be nice to eat, especially if they are stir-fried with ginger and spring onions with lotsa oyster sauce.
Walk into a Chinese restaurant like you always go there and ask for frogs legs.
Or roast them slowly after marinating with honey.
Frog legs are tender and sweet and juicy.
I'm salivating as I write this....:)
OK never to do list goes like this..not in any order of importance.
1..Never take my life
2..Never take someone elses life.
3..Never change who I am ,maybe only somethings that can make me a better person.
4..Never trade my hubby for another.
5..Never want to be alone.
6..never want to be on anyones hit or shit list.
7..Never wish that I was not born
8..never want to be without music
9..never want to be without love.
10..same as you never want to give up blogging because then I would miss you guys too much.
great list Keshi :).....but I want to try sky diving....point 9....ditto :)
Lol!! #6, a lil' drastic, yeah?
Totally with you on frogs, snakes and such! Eeeecks!
1. I would never sell out my family or friends.
2. Abandon my principles.
3. Kill another human, other than the standard exceptions: justified self defense, and in war (if I were a soldier).
4. Hurt another person physically or emotionally on purpose again. I really have no desire to hurt anyone anymore. I hope this is one I keep, for real.
5. Hate myself so much that I'd commit suicide or be driven to do something that would sell my soul to the devil, so to speak.
6. Go to a New Kids on the Block reunion concert (if they had one).
7. Buy beach front property in Arizona, unless the tragic big one hit California and made Arizona beach front property.
8. Eat green eggs and ham on the moon with a mob boss and his goon.
9. Take my parents for granted.
10. Wear that awful Hawaiian shirt to the Christmas Party again.
Nice...I wish I could say there were thing sI would NEVER do...but I'm opne to many things...but here is my Never-go-there list:
1. Cheat on the ones I love
2. Have any regrets (I break this one all the time though lol)
3. Never live without music and art
4. Never do something for money if it meant betraying myself or others
4. Never forget to learn something from an experience
5. Get drunk for the sake of getting drunk - there always HAS to be a reason and a place :P
6. Live without chocolate...nope this is non-negotiable!
7. Never be close-minded (I'm open to all things baby ;))
8. Never forget where I am from and my culture
9. Stop grinning my cheesy, crazy grin and trying to make people laugh with my lame jokes
10. Never stop being me
oh kesh!!! you are so super cute!!
only one thing i'll never do which i am sure of ...stop listening music...cause its now become much more than for rest "never doing" list who knows what time might change me into
Hey Keshi,Thank you somuch for letting anon comments,I saw your comment just now,i am at work now,will comeback again when i reach home:)
Nice 10 never here:)
NEVER like doing in your life:
1. Never leave my lovely parents
2. Without smiling
3. Without spending times with cousins
4. My lovely friend in blogging
5. Without fell inside the music
6. Making enemies
7. Stop reading
8. Making others discomfort
9. Without helping to others
10. Avoiding smiling kids and admiring the nature.
co-incidence comment no 10!sex worker he he...
1. Will never break my promise (Though am good at breakin heads)
2. Eat sea food (YUCK! Octupus anyone)
3. Stop blogging ! ( i din steal that from u)
4. Stop buggin ppl (call it Zoon fever)
5. Stop lovin ur blog ( Its the best!)
6. Stop listenin to music (Its my soul)
7. Stop stealin heart ( tats my favourite hobby)
8. Will say the F word and the S word and all the censored words ( Though i use it daily)
Ok i cant recall more so tats tat
Keshi don't put me in trouble. I think my boss saw that backside and his mind tinged.
So u can take some lady's man if she doesn't deserve him?
Great to read your 10 never do list,Keshi.
Now let me go and do my 'must do on every wednesday';D
u know that is a wonderful list u came up with...
i guess i will have to think some more before coming up with my own
Just one for you:
I will never stop being your FRIEND! :D
Hi Keshi
What Keshi Is Really Saying
1. Kill someone (although I have a mental hit-list)
(I'm a serial killer.)
2. Cheat someone (but I cheat myself sometimes)
(I'm a con artist.)
3. Steal from someone (unless ofcourse it's a cute boyfriend of some bitch that don't deserve him)
(I'm a slut.)
4. Eat snakes/frogs/insects like some people do (I'd rather mutilate in hunger)
(I run a TACO BELL)--If you don't know what a TACO BELL is, tough!!
5. Become a sex worker (not even if I'm about to be hanged)
(I want a serial killer to kill me.)--relating to the U.K. murders.
6. Live if I ever become deaf (you know how much I want music in my life)
(What did say?)
7. Trade my values/beliefs for the world (not even for Robbie Williams)
(I want to do Robbie Williams.)
8. Sky-dive (will probably die out of fear 2 days before the dive)
(I'm high.)
9. Become fat to the extent that I'd dislike myself (even if I do I'd somehow get back in shape)
--sorry I don't write fat jokes. I have my limits. LOL
10. Stop dancing and blogging (unless I die)
(I don't have anyone in my life because I dance the night away.)
(With my final breathe, I,ll click "send".)
My Never list Keshi...
Yours was great!
1.I will never forget to appreciate the beauty of each and every day I have here on this beautiful earth.
2.Never, ever be mean to animals, or a child.
3.Never forget to be... a kid at heart
4.Never be afraid to cry. My tears are a source of healing in my life.
5.Never forget to tell all the loved ones in my life how much I love them...especially my hubby, son and daughter...I wiil never forget to say...I love them each day!
6.Never regret my past. Any mistakes I have made I have learned
from, and have become a wiser and better person.
7.Never listen to people who say...
I told you so!
I prefer to have supportive people in my life.
8.Never pray nightly.
9.Never allow my heartache to infringe on the joy in my loved one's lives.
10.Never forget the importance of a smile...just a little smile might brighten up the darkest day of another person.
That's the best I could do...
I could come up with many others if
I had more time...
but, you only asked for 10 anyway.
I am off to work!
Hope your day is wonderful!
*Never trust anyone(other than one person)
*Never cheat on anyone(fully knowing what damage it costs)
*Never stop trusting my instincts(they are ALWAYS miraculously right)
*Never try to be someone i'm not
*Never hate music
*Never hate someone to such an extreme i'd want to kill that person
*Never do something i'm not comfortable with
*Never ''give up''
*Never stop believing(in whatever)
*Never distance myself from my parents whatever the situation maybe
*Never stop watching animated movies(even if i'm 50 :P)
You're #5 is one of the basic differences between men and women. Men wouldn't need any real life threatening excuse to do that.
hmmm keshi ur now a days ur giving us Home work ;)
well i can so only one thing....i will never stop romancing ;)
** Live if I ever become deaf
they all say that until they are there
** 8. Sky-dive (will probably die out of fear 2 days before the dive)
awww ... plz keshi ... what if I'd luv to do sky diving ... scream as much as u'd want to :p ... dun tell me lurve is the only arena where ur a daredevil :D
** 9. Become fat to the extent that I'd dislike myself (even if I do I'd somehow get back in shape)
if u didn't realize, round is also a shape ... and FYI ppl lurve mickey mouse and such characters coz they r made of rounds :D ... humans have an innate attraction for round things :p
** 10. Stop dancing and blogging (unless I die)
dun be too sure bout the latter ... u'd proly wud once u get ur man or lil keshi's
My never do's
1) quit on my violin no matter how many die coz of that :D
2) stop pulling pplz legs
3) accept fate
4) booze until I loose control
5) get bored of the movie trilogy matrix ;)
6) eat brinjal (it luks like a roach)
7) stop programming ... for that all I know :(
8) let down someone who entrusts me in truth
9) die just living out my life
10) stop spending on others ;)
will never stop reading your blog...
keshi kee dus bahaney! :P
hahaaaa, I'm totally with U on #4. I would rather die of starvation I think!!!
I could listen 2 America all day long. Luv 'em.
: )
Come on, sky dive! You can do it!
Rock on!
i dont know if i have any never do lists, but yeah, i do have some never cans..:) as I grow and experience I learn some boundaries are natural and just cant be crossed..
Southy heyy!
**then u gotta cut down the number of hrs u listen to ur ipod
that'd be like killing me softly :)
Awaiting I know u love ur babies awwwww...
** but the love I have inside is far greater than the acts in which I may often display. I will never lose sight of who I it negative or positive, I am me.
Well-said girl! Negative/Positive we r all who we r. Lovely one there!
Thumbelina heyy!
Nice list there :)
**Never jump off the building
to end my life (cos its ugly..)
5. Never kill myself breathing in petroleum gas (cos its ugly..)
well I dun like to judge ppl who commit suicide. it's my personal belief that if someone arrived at a point in their that they wanted to kill themselves, then that could only be understood by them...not us. We can never be in their shoes 100%. I have had ppl I love commit suicide. So I dun really wanna say what they did was ugly or bad or whatever, cos only they would know what they went through.
**Never spend more than i earn
Good one there :) Im scratching my head now cos I spend too much..hehe...
ty sweetie!
hmmm... kewl list... but thot Keshi was a brave gal... :) No sky diving??? C'mon Keshi!! you can do it :)
As for my list, I guess it will go as follows:
I will never...
1. Kill someone (same as you)
2. Commit suicide
3. Cheat or put down someone for my growth.
4. Scold anyone.
5. miss from eating different kinda food like Frog, Snakes, insects or anything commercially available
6. Discriminate anyone based on any thing.
7. wanna miss the fun at parties, adventure activities (Sky diving part of it).
8. stop having fun by pulling others legs or playing pranks.
9. stop drooling looking at hot babes.
10. stop imagining, while listening to music.
Merapuman WC n ty!
hehe so it's going ard :)
hey Sugar no probs, TY!
Bev OMG u cracked me up big time girly with ur interpretaion of my list LOL hahahahaha!
**Your top 10 list is my most favorite things told do. Okay, not all of them
r u Mrs.Dracula? ROFL!
Now let me see what she has to say abt my list LOL!
**1. Kill someone (although I have a mental hit-list)
(I'm a serial killer.)
hahahaha ur right! I am a serial my mind I have clubbed many ppl to death. Sometimes I out em in the dryer LOL!
**2. Cheat someone (but I cheat myself sometimes)
(I'm a con artist.)
**3. Steal from someone (unless ofcourse it's a cute boyfriend of some bitch that don't deserve him)
(I'm a slut.)
Hell yeah Im a mega slut LOL!
**4. Eat snakes/frogs/insects like some people do (I'd rather mutilate in hunger)
(I run a TACO BELL)--If you don't know what a TACO BELL is, tough!!
**5. Become a sex worker (not even if I'm about to be hanged)
(I want a serial killer to kill me.)--relating to the U.K. murders.
ROFL Omg how d u come up with these! I read that story in the news LOL!
**6. Live if I ever become deaf (you know how much I want music in my life)
(What did say?)
**7. Trade my values/beliefs for the world (not even for Robbie Williams)
(I want to do Robbie Williams.)
**8. Sky-dive (will probably die out of fear 2 days before the dive
(I'm high.)
Im sooo high babeh lol!
**9. Become fat to the extent that I'd dislike myself (even if I do I'd somehow get back in shape)
--sorry I don't write fat jokes. I have my limits. LOL
LOL u better not Bev cos I can just imagine wut they'd be!
**10. Stop dancing and blogging (unless I die)
(I don't have anyone in my life because I dance the night away.)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA so darn true!
:):):) U rock woman! I love em. U always make me laugh so much. Ty for that HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
Ekta yeah theres no life without music and dancing :)
Saffy aww u eat frogs? mmmmm not my kind of food at all sweetie...sorry :(
I just cant eat anything out of the ordinary...I mean I have always seen frogs as slimey lil creatures so I can imagine eating em! :)
Just asking...r u Indian by birth?
Starry Mwahhhhhhhh!
ty for taking part :)
**1..Never take my life
**2..Never take someone elses life.
**3..Never change who I am ,maybe only somethings that can make me a better person.
**4..Never trade my hubby for another.
good girl :)
**5..Never want to be alone.
aww ur never alone in blogville right? :)
**6..never want to be on anyones hit or shit list.
hehehe...Im sure Im in many ppl's hit and shit list LOL!
**7..Never wish that I was not born
I have often wished that...
**8..never want to be without music
no ways!
**9..never want to be without love.
Even tho I sometimes dun receive Love from the ppl I long for, I always have Love inside of me...enough to keep me alive.
**10..same as you never want to give up blogging because then I would miss you guys too much.
aww HUGGGGGGGGGZ! There's no world w.o. u guys. tnxx babeh!
I would never put anything larger than my elbow in my ear or stare into the sun. Mom had those two right.
Neihal heyy u wanna sky-dive? not me :(
I have witnessed ppl doing it and it scares the hell outta me. Cos I suffer from height phobia and a whole lot of other phobias! Basically Im a walking list of phobias.
heyya Perspective!
lol na Im serious. I wont live at all if I ever become deaf. Im such a music freak and I can never imagine a worl w.o. music. I can imagine a world of silence - I mean ppl not talking to me or me not talking to em. I can survive like that. But not w.o. MUSIC. Cos she's my best friend and she's the only one who keeps me alive.
Hello Grunt I loved ur list.
**1. I would never sell out my family or friends.
awww how sweet.
**2. Abandon my principles.
yeah never.
**3. Kill another human, other than the standard exceptions: justified self defense, and in war (if I were a soldier).
**4. Hurt another person physically or emotionally on purpose again. I really have no desire to hurt anyone anymore. I hope this is one I keep, for real.
**5. Hate myself so much that I'd commit suicide or be driven to do something that would sell my soul to the devil, so to speak.
mmm I really dun wanna judge those who commit suicide. cos I feel no one can ever be in their shoes 100%. Only they'd know how they felt at the time they wanted to die.
**6. Go to a New Kids on the Block reunion concert (if they had one).
LOL haha!
**7. Buy beach front property in Arizona, unless the tragic big one hit California and made Arizona beach front property.
**8. Eat green eggs and ham on the moon with a mob boss and his goon.
green eggs? ewww what r they? LOL @boss n goon!
**9. Take my parents for granted.
good on ya mate!
**10. Wear that awful Hawaiian shirt to the Christmas Party again.
ROFL! Last night was my office Chrissy party :)
ty Grunt loved it!
Silvara hey hugggggggz!
yeah it's more like things we CAN never do more than WOULD never do :)
**1. Cheat on the ones I love
awww good girl...I cheated my sis just once...used her new nail polish and lied abt it. LOL!
**2. Have any regrets (I break this one all the time though lol)
tell me abt it girl! Im the queen of regrets tho I go preaching never to have regrets LOL!
**3. Never live without music and art
no ways!
**4. Never do something for money if it meant betraying myself or others
well-said girl.
**4. Never forget to learn something from an experience
**5. Get drunk for the sake of getting drunk - there always HAS to be a reason and a place :P
haha yep there HAS to be a reason to get trashed. there has to, there has to, there has to be ;-)
**6. Live without chocolate...nope this is non-negotiable!
Seriously I can live w.o. chocolate. yes..:)
**7. Never be close-minded (I'm open to all things baby ;))
definitely! Im the same.
**8. Never forget where I am from and my culture
Good on ya!
**9. Stop grinning my cheesy, crazy grin and trying to make people laugh with my lame jokes
U mean ur sexy grin that makes ppl drool. Cos ur really cute when u smile :)
LOL @trying to make people laugh with my lame jokes! Thats so me too.
**10. Never stop being me
way to go.
ty so much Silvara I enjoyed reading ur list!
Neers so r ya HUGGGGGGGGZ!
ellooo Desperado!
**stop listening music...cause its now become much more than music....
**as for rest "never doing" list who knows what time might change me into
true..thats so damn true! Well these ones are what I'd never do right now but the future might change who knows...ur right :) ty!
Alapana ur most WC huggggggggggz!
heyya Jeevan hows it going?
**1. Never leave my lovely parents
awwww ur a good son.
**2. Without smiling
always smile :)
**3. Without spending times with cousins
good on ya!
**4. My lovely friend in blogging
**5. Without fell inside the music
thats true.
**6. Making enemies
well we cant really stop making enemies...sometimes it just happens.
**7. Stop reading
**8. Making others discomfort
u never do that anyways. ur always so sweet.
**9. Without helping to others
good on ya!
**10. Avoiding smiling kids and admiring the nature.
awww such a warm person u r.
ty Jeevan!
Heyy Ashwin!
**co-incidence comment no 10!
**sex worker he
well not that I look down upon women who do that kinda job...I think ppl r lead to such jobs due to various bad experiences in their lives. O.W. they'd never take up such a job. I do feel sorry for em.
G'day Vipul!
**1. Will never break my promise (Though am good at breakin heads)
aww sometimes I break promises :( It just happens.
**2. Eat sea food (YUCK! Octupus anyone)
huh I love seafood!! And I like grille dOctopus helloooo?? :)
**3. Stop blogging ! ( i din steal that from u)
**4. Stop buggin ppl (call it Zoon fever)
lol u 2 bugs!
**5. Stop lovin ur blog ( Its the best!)
awww TY so much HUGGGGGGGZ!
**6. Stop listenin to music (Its my soul)
Music is my life, soul and everything there ever was.
**7. Stop stealin heart ( tats my favourite hobby)
LOL good on ya. join the club ;-)
**8. Will say the F word and the S word and all the censored words ( Though i use it daily)
goshh I use it more these days...
Wheres 9 and 10? :)
hey Anthony WC!
**I think my boss saw that backside and his mind tinged.
LOL ask him to go have a cold shower.
**So u can take some lady's man if she doesn't deserve him?
na Im not a major slut like Bev reckons LOL! I was just joking :)
heyy babeh Niki!
**i think i have less never to do thingy
aww good girl HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
Hiyya Asha!
**Now let me go and do my 'must do on every wednesday'
and that is? :)
Ty Aditi :)
Shionge that was really sweet of ya HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
Margie heyy HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ! Hows ur sis?
Now let me see what sweet Margie has to say...
**1.I will never forget to appreciate the beauty of each and every day I have here on this beautiful earth.
so beautiful.
**2.Never, ever be mean to animals, or a child.
ur too kind anyways.
**3.Never forget to be... a kid at heart
oyeah! :)
**4.Never be afraid to cry. My tears are a source of healing in my life.
awww so true...never b afraid to cry.
**5.Never forget to tell all the loved ones in my life how much I love them...especially my hubby, son and daughter...I wiil never forget to say...I love them each day!
they r all very lucky to have u in their life.
**6.Never regret my past. Any mistakes I have made I have learned from, and have become a wiser and better person.
thats so true.
**7.Never listen to people who say...
I told you so!
I prefer to have supportive people in my life.
I better rem that ;-)
**8.Never pray nightly.
**9.Never allow my heartache to infringe on the joy in my loved one's lives.
so sensitive of ya...
**10.Never forget the importance of a smile...just a little smile might brighten up the darkest day of another person.
so true! Huggggggggggz ur a darl!
Have a good day Margie and plz TC.
heyya Michi hows u? ty for taking part :)
*Never trust anyone(other than one person)
u dun trust anyone at all? thats good in a way. Cos I trust alot of losers too and then end up being hurt big time. I wanna learn from u and not trust ppl like I do.
**Never cheat on anyone(fully knowing what damage it costs)
***Never stop trusting my instincts(they are ALWAYS miraculously right)
so true! I always say that Instincts r a magical gift that alot of ppl overlook. Instincts hardly go wrong.
**Never try to be someone i'm not
Good on ya Michi!
**Never hate music
Not even if Jessica Simpson had dinner with me LOL!
**Never hate someone to such an extreme i'd want to kill that person
true..I can never u'stand ppl who really go out there and kill another human being. Just how do they do it?
**Never do something i'm not comfortable with
sensible girl.
**Never ''give up''
Good on ya!
**Never stop believing(in whatever)
**Never distance myself from my parents whatever the situation maybe
thats really great Michi.
**Never stop watching animated movies(even if i'm 50 :P)
LOL sweet!
ty sweetie!
hey Jay!
**You're #5 is one of the basic differences between men and women. Men wouldn't need any real life threatening excuse to do that.
LOL u cracked me up there!
Vikas :)
**....i will never stop romancing
hey Mr.Romeo!
Good on ya ;-)
heyy Samy how have ya been? :)
** Live if I ever become deaf
they all say that until they are there
HUH Im not 'ALL'. :) How d u know what I'd really do if I go deaf. hehehehe.
** 8. Sky-dive (will probably die out of fear 2 days before the dive)
awww ... plz keshi ... what if I'd luv to do sky diving ... scream as much as u'd want to :p ... dun tell me lurve is the only arena where ur a daredevil :D
LOL no ways! U cant get me to do this at all...Im scared of heights. Wut abt u? Wud u do it Samy? :)
** if u didn't realize, round is also a shape ... and FYI ppl lurve mickey mouse and such characters coz they r made of rounds :D ... humans have an innate attraction for round things :p
not really. LOL!
** 10. Stop dancing and blogging (unless I die)
dun be too sure bout the latter ... u'd proly wud once u get ur man or lil keshi's
yeah marriage ruins alot of good things in life. Thats why I like to remain single Samy :)
**My never do's
1) quit on my violin no matter how many die coz of that :D
LOL hahaha!
**2) stop pulling pplz legs
hehe :)
**3) accept fate
**4) booze until I loose control
good boy!
**5) get bored of the movie trilogy matrix ;)
LOL eeeeks!
**6) eat brinjal (it luks like a roach)
huh now u changed my life forever! Cos I love eggplant and now each time I eat it it's gonna remind me of what Samy said ewwwwwww! :(
**7) stop programming ... for that all I know :(
hell I wanna stop programming b4 I turn 95 LOL!
**8) let down someone who entrusts me in truth
aww so sweet!
**9) die just living out my life
**10) stop spending on others ;)
o Im so good at that. My mum says I'll go totally broke one day cos of this.
ty Samy :)
Heyy Ganesh!
**will never stop reading your blog...
awww how sweet of ya TY!
Hello Brutey!
**keshi kee dus bahaney!
hmm translate plzz :)
heyya Star ty!
**hahaaaa, I'm totally with U on #4. I would rather die of starvation I think!!!
if anyone wanna kill me make me eat em.
**I could listen 2 America all day long. Luv 'em.
aww good to know that u like em too :)
ty sweetie!
heyya Rex!
**Come on, sky dive! You can do it!
no I cant LOL! no ways. Rex if u wanna kill me send me ona sky-diving adventure or make me eat frogs.
heyy Rose true :)
**as I grow and experience I learn some boundaries are natural and just cant be crossed..
Spot on girl!
KK hey :)
Im brave alright but Im human mannn! I suffer from certain phobias too and a whole lot of em haha!
let me see what KK will NEVER do...
**1. Kill someone (same as you)
**2. Commit suicide
**3. Cheat or put down someone for my growth.
Ur a great person KK.
**4. Scold anyone.
u dun? I scold alot of ppl all the time...and I tell some ppl off too.
**5. miss from eating different kinda food like Frog, Snakes, insects or anything commercially available
Never miss? so u like em?
**6. Discriminate anyone based on any thing.
good on ya!
**7. wanna miss the fun at parties, adventure activities (Sky diving part of it).
thats nice.
**8. stop having fun by pulling others legs or playing pranks.
sweet :)
**9. stop drooling looking at hot babes.
gawwd guys will NEVER stop doing that even if the Earth is no more lol!
**10. stop imagining, while listening to music.
me too...I always do that.
ty KK Hugggggggggggz!
Phos hello!
**I would never put anything larger than my elbow in my ear or stare into the sun. Mom had those two right.
hehe mum is a great lady ha. tnxxx mate!
You would never steal? That's a REALLY big call, because that covers a lot of areas in our lives. That's interesting.
hiiii poppy doll-pearl!!! What wld you consider as out of ordinary? Rabbits? Crocodiles? Impela? Haha. Tried the above and more at a Safari restaurant in South Africa. Once you peel off the skin, frogs are not that slimy, I think. Haha, I only deal with the eating aspects, not the skinning or cooking. To me, meat is meat is meat. Although of course, most times I go for the conventional chicken, pork, beef, lamb.
Did you go SaffronShots? I put up more pics of the waterfall.:)
I will never admit that I bought MC Hammer's album years ago, "Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em."
Oh crap...wait!
WC CactusFreak!
**You would never steal? That's a REALLY big call, because that covers a lot of areas in our lives. That's interesting.
I can never take somebody else's property. Never! And that BF example was just for fun :)
heyy Saffy doll pearl :)
**What wld you consider as out of ordinary? Rabbits? Crocodiles? Impela? Haha.
LOL the ordinary ones I have been exposed to r Lamb, Beef, Pork, Chicken and Fish. The rest I consider out-of-the-ordinary :)
no darl I can never eat frogs and that kind. I know meat is meat but I cant eat any meat cos of that :):)
hey I'll check out the pics ty! btw u didnt tell me if u r of Indian origin...just curious :)
Phoenix heyy!
MC Hammer? NO WAYS man lol!
Hmmmmm...keep coming back to you, must be the music, it makes my toes tingle.
I would never...
not go skinny dipping when I have the chance.
not lay on my back and watch the clouds.
not stop to smell the roses.
not sing to any song on the radio that I know...ok, even if I kinda know it I gotta sing.
take a cold shower if hot water is available...
heyya Helen WB having u here :)
**not go skinny dipping when I have the chance.
hehe...u never know, I might do it some day LOL!
**not lay on my back and watch the clouds.
**not stop to smell the roses.
good on ya girl.
**not sing to any song on the radio that I know...ok, even if I kinda know it I gotta sing.
**take a cold shower if hot water is available...
hehe :)
ty sweetie!
**So I dun really wanna say what they did was ugly or bad or whatever, cos only they would know what they went through.
I meant ugly as the way the died... Gross...Disgusting...Bloated...Face-changed colour...
Not ugly as in how much they have been thru cos like u said (i agree totally), they are the only ones who knows how much they haven been thru & the pain which they have suffered, we will NEVER be able to understand... Its not easy to be oneself into some others shoes...
Hi Keshi!
That's great to know more about such nice friend as you!
I never was 60 years old.
Best to you!
You wouldn't sky dive???
damnnnn did u get my comment?... well will chk later.. if not will again compile my list n post it.. hugzzz
hey Thumbelina :)
**I meant ugly as the way the died...Gross...Disgusting...Bloated...Face-changed colour...
oh ok I got ya. U mean u wont put urself thru that. Thats true. Even in death u have to respect ur body. Perhaps just swallow some sleeping pills...that's what I'd do :)
ty sweetie!
Hey Krys!
**I never was 60 years old
sorry sweetie I didnt get that...??
heyya Andrew!
**You wouldn't sky dive???
no :( I suffer from heightophobia (lol is there such a word?). So u see...even if I wanted to kill myself, I'd have to jump off first floor.
awwwwwwww m000nie na I didnt get ur comment for this post...sometimes Blogger acts really funny...yeah post it again m000nie TY!
**Even in death u have to respect ur body.
Ya tat rite... I agree...
**Perhaps just swallow some sleeping pills...that's what I'd do :)
Swallow pills?? Hmm... also not nice.. U'll have lots of foam coming out from ur mouth.. Not a nice view either... HaHa..
Wanna die peacefully also cant... Better to die off naturally.... ^_^
Thats a song again....ha ha ha ha
Very nice Keshi.A good "not to do list"
keshi -you already know what my 10 things are. You have a good list there - you are easy to respect :).
pretty good list.. the last was is heartening.. wont stop blogging.. hmm lets see about that now!
yeah Thumbelina better to die naturally but Im not sure if we have a choice on that either :)
LOL Southy yes!
I miss ur blog...I still cant get to it from work :(
Sharda heyy ty!
Lee yeah I know ur list...cute list there :)
Viv thats how I feel right now...but I dunno what tomorrow brings :)
Never say never. Rattlesnake is good eating.
I really cant figure out whats the reason...
I would never blog without visiting my dear sweet sexy southern angel. I may not always comment, but I'm always looooooking. And I like what I see. :-D
Hey Fuzzy how abt some Chupacabra soup? :)
Southy I even tried froze to hell :(
awww Tre thats a very warm thought from u...HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
** heyy Samy how have ya been? :)
down sick as hell :( ... still recovering
** How d u know what I'd really do if I go deaf.
the human mind is too strong to give u just coz it can't hear. that area of the brain will start doin sumthing else ... that y the disabled are gifted with more power over other senses ;)
** Wut abt u? Wud u do it Samy? :)
I am waiting to take a dive (bungee too) ... c'mon nutty ... u can be where birds dun dare to go ... am not all that scared of heights
** not really. LOL!
ppl have researched on that nutty ... in fact that y mascots r designed to be rounder ... so that ppl lurve em :D
** Thats why I like to remain single Samy :)
I know ur waiting to get hooked ... so don't give me this :D ... marriage doesn't ruin anything unless ur hooked to the wrong person
** ??
just living a life like any other ... a 9 to 5'er ... I wanna try n stand out from the rest ... u know make a difference in a few ppl's lives at least :) ... so i'll be remembers / what I do shall harbour generations ... just a wish :D
Hmm... Actually my list was not that difficult to be put together...
#10. Take some one in my life for granted.
#09. Freak out or vent out my anger on somebody/something.
#08. Never lie(that includes to myself).
#07. Never go to bed without a prayer.
#06. I'd never want to forget my mom's/dad's b'day & anniversary! I do that all the time... It just slips outta mind! Yeah.. I know.. Shame on me!
#05. Never confuse my "wants" to be my "needs"
#04. Never be rude to some one or disown some one I love.
#03. Never let the ppl who trust/love me down!
#02. Never repudiate myself for what I am! (I need devine intervention for this one... Pretty sure!)
#01. Never fall in love...
No probs u can check it from ur home pc...
Till then u can check out my new page only on kashmir
Samyyyyyy u dunno how deafness would affect me...u have no idea ok!! :)
why r ya sick? R u sick from Keshileria lol!
me waiting to get hitched? NO BLOODY WAY rofl!
why d u love ROUND so much? r u telling me ur getting fatter Samy haha!
ofcourse u made a difference in my all our intellectual arguments :) HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
hello Kautilya hows u?
**#10. Take some one in my life for granted.
**#09. Freak out or vent out my anger on somebody/something.
I sometimes do that :)
**#08. Never lie(that includes to myself).
I lie...but sweet lil lies such as 'hows u today?'...'not too bad' (when Im really better off killing someone lol!)
**#07. Never go to bed without a prayer.
thats nice...
**#06. I'd never want to forget my mom's/dad's b'day & anniversary! I do that all the time... It just slips outta mind! Yeah.. I know.. Shame on me!
awww men forget often ;-)
**#05. Never confuse my "wants" to be my "needs"
very good!
**#04. Never be rude to some one or disown some one I love.
good on ya! but Im rude sometimes (to ppl who deserve it)...cant help it mate.
**#03. Never let the ppl who trust/love me down!
**#02. Never repudiate myself for what I am! (I need devine intervention for this one... Pretty sure!)
**#01. Never fall in love...
HUHHHHHHHHHHHHH! U cant put a stop to that...thats a natural feeling that u cant avoid. Im sure ur saying this cos of ur past experiences with love, but mate listen up...future is all brandnew...give it a chance.
TY Raj!
Raj I cant comment in ur new blog cos it's Beta and u dun allow Anonymous comments there. Shit I HATE BETA - it sucks ass.
it was difficult to read the list just because of photo u posted next to list. ;)
Hi Keshi, how r u?
LOL Tarun u ok matey? :):)
Im good ta and urself?
Hey KAP...
i was out to Pokhara... vacation?? not really.. work??? not really... hehe... spent one whole day boating and rowing... rowed the whole lake around... (pretty strong eh??).. watched himalayas and their shine in the moonlight... good trip i should say.
About your blog... hmmm... there are things which i thought i would never do, but i did them... things i found disgusting and never ever think in my life, i ended up doing them... in fact, i enjoyed doing them...
So, if i have to give a sincere answer, i dont know if there is anything i would never do... it all depends...
KAP WB I missed ya!
wow holidaying and working and holidaying ha LOL good going girl.
**So, if i have to give a sincere answer, i dont know if there is anything i would never do... it all depends...
well-said. I know we cant speak so much for the future but at this point in time what would u NEVER do? :)
hmmm... yes, holidaying and working all go in one... in fact, it all gets mixed up... i work when i am holidaying and i holiday around when i am working... hehe...
About now...
10 things i would never do
1. Take a cold shower (the temp is 4 deg today).
2. Kill any human.. (thats bad bad)
3. Let my ego rule over my life or my wishes.
4. Slap/hit or beat any youngster (i hate people who torture kids).
5. Forgive a rapist... (yes, here its forever.)
6. live in a desert (i cant live without water or himalayas.. i have to have one )
7. Not buy myself a moisturizer or chap stick at any time in the year .. (i have very very dry skin... i would die chapped)
8. grow fingernails... i hate them!!!
9. Wear any colored socks other than white... oh!!!
10. Stop Daydreaming... i dont know what i would do otherwise!
Phew... what a list!
Dont get hyper...lolz its open for all there, check out again...:)
ohh ok here i go again...
1. never forget my friends... i need their support all the time...
2. never stop reading...
3. never eat non vegetarian food... religious reasons...
4. never kill myself... according to jainism suicide is the worse sin.. n i believe this
5. never lose hope... i would die if i lose hope..
6. never smoke... im allergic to smoke.. fall sick the very next day i sit in a smoke filled room for a while.. so no smoking for me...
7. never stop smiling... i need to smile even when i am sad...
8. never stop drinking water... oh its my elixir.. cant live without water for more than an hour..
9. never get a tattoo done.. i heard its painful
10. never stop shopping... hehe.. how else do u think i can shock my husband every time he has to pay my credit card bills?
Holy doodles Keshi - it takes
me half an hour to post a comment
as i whiz by the world of
adoring keshi fans:)
I will have to think up a list -
i am terrified of planes so
skydiving is certainly one of them
ohhhh - never say never!!!!!!!
#8. Sky-dive (will probably die out of fear 2 days before the dive)
hehe... very true Kesh ^_^ that's what i feel too awwww! big NO for me!
1)Never kill anyone.
2)Never stop believin' anyone.
3)Never stop lovin' anyone.
4)Never blame anyone for my fate.
5)Never break anyone's life.
6)Never take for granted my precious family,friends and love ones around me.
7)Never change "ME" coz its me!
8)Never stop loving myself for what i am.
9)Never stop listening to music ^_^
coz Music is life...and Life is music!
and of course it must be on no.1
10)Never stop believin' GOD coz HE gave me this one precious life to meet u all.... esp. u Kesh muaahh!
good day... enjoy lunch!
** u have no idea ok!!
okie okie ... I give up!
** why r ya sick?
had a sort throat -> ultra leaky n dripping nose (out of control) -> blocked nose -> sinus -> fever -> cough ... all in a span of 48 hours (in another few hours) :D
** R u sick from Keshileria lol!
WOW ... sounds geeky ;)) ... is that a new kinda phobia?
** me waiting to get hitched? NO BLOODY WAY rofl!
nice try nutty >:)
** why d u love ROUND so much?
not me nutty ... most ppl do ... I dun like round as much as oval / spline curves ;) ... but I do like rounded things ... like rounder rectangle ... humans have an afflictions for curves u know ;)
besides women r mostly round u know :P ... by design
** r u telling me ur getting fatter Samy haha!
faaaaaar from it ... I ain't enuf of a foodie to become round ... besides I walk 3-4 hours a week ;)
** ofcourse u made a difference in my all our intellectual arguments :) HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
awwwwww ... HUGGGGZ dear ... as for brinjal :D, guess that will remind u of me for a while at least ;)
LOL at No.8 ...
Anyways all of a suden Ten Things I will never ever do ...
1. Give Up.
2. Stop at a point in my life.
3. Smiling ...
4. Spreading Laughter.
5. leave friends or family in a down turn.
6. Accept Mistakes.
7. Grow up ... ( Bryan Adams an inspiration here ... "18 till I die")
8. Stop talking to myself.
9. Thank God.
10. Stop loving Chocolate Pastry ;P
KAP heyy ty!
**i work when i am holidaying and i holiday around when i am working... hehe...
How privileged! :)
**1. Take a cold shower (the temp is 4 deg today).
omg thats really cold!
**2. Kill any human.. (thats bad bad)
**3. Let my ego rule over my life or my wishes.
but it happens sometimes na...
**4. Slap/hit or beat any youngster (i hate people who torture kids).
so true! I hate ppl who torture kids.
**5. Forgive a rapist... (yes, here its forever.)
tough one!
**6. live in a desert (i cant live without water or himalayas.. i have to have one )
so true! but what wud happen if u land up in a desert due to some strange and unexpected circumstance? Im sure u will survive somehow. :)
**7. Not buy myself a moisturizer or chap stick at any time in the year .. (i have very very dry skin... i would die chapped)
hehe me too :) I cant live w.o. em.
**8. grow fingernails... i hate them!!!
I dun grow em real long..I dislike it that way too.
**9. Wear any colored socks other than white... oh!!!
really? WOW!
**10. Stop Daydreaming... i dont know what i would do otherwise!
ty KAP!
hehe Raj ty :)
m000nie heyy Hugggggggggz! ty for that.
**1. never forget my friends... i need their support all the time...
awwww I know ur a great friend.
**2. never stop reading...
I know u love books too :)
**3. never eat non vegetarian food... religious reasons...
aha...great self-control there...I admire ya.
**4. never kill myself... according to jainism suicide is the worse sin.. n i believe this
oh is it :(
**5. never lose hope... i would die if i lose hope..
so true! I always say this too.'
**6. never smoke... im allergic to smoke.. fall sick the very next day i sit in a smoke filled room for a while.. so no smoking for me...
I dun like it when ppl smoke on my face...I tell em then n there.
**7. never stop smiling... i need to smile even when i am sad...
good girl :)
**8. never stop drinking water... oh its my elixir.. cant live without water for more than an hour..
so true!
**9. never get a tattoo done.. i heard its painful
hehe Im so tempted to :)
**10. never stop shopping... hehe.. how else do u think i can shock my husband every time he has to pay my credit card bills?
LOL poor hubby hahaha!
tnxxx m000nie!
heyya Sophie :)
**i am terrified of planes so
skydiving is certainly one of them
hehe Im not afraid of flying but I Im scared of killer heights. They really freak me out.
ok take ur time sweetie n tnxxx!
Kath awww hows u? HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
**1)Never kill anyone.
u'd never...I know that :)
**2)Never stop believin' anyone.
**3)Never stop lovin' anyone.
ur really loving anyways!
**4)Never blame anyone for my fate.
something I have to work on...
**5)Never break anyone's life.
good on ya Kath!
**6)Never take for granted my precious family,friends and love ones around me.
so true!
**7)Never change "ME" coz its me!
Well-said girl! And there's a whole lot of ppl who wanna change me. haha!
**8)Never stop loving myself for what i am.
and I LOVE U too!
**9)Never stop listening to music ^_^
coz Music is life...and Life is music!
so true!
**and of course it must be on no.1
10)Never stop believin' GOD coz HE gave me this one precious life to meet u all.... esp. u Kesh muaahh!
aww HUGGGGGGGGGZ beautiful!
ty so much Kath. U have a great day!
Samy hey lol!
** that a new kinda phobia?
yep. be very afraid!! haha!
I know curves...but round is not a curve LOL!
it doesnt take eggplant to think of u Samy...u r always thought of HUGGGGGGGGZ!
heyy Light-House :)
**1. Give Up.
**2. Stop at a point in my life.
good on ya!
**3. Smiling ...
:) nice.
**4. Spreading Laughter.
hehe always!
**5. leave friends or family in a down turn.
**6. Accept Mistakes.
u dun accept mistakes u mean?
**7. Grow up ... ( Bryan Adams an inspiration here ... "18 till I die")
aha great song!
**8. Stop talking to myself.
haha me too!
**9. Thank God.
U never Thank God?
**10. Stop loving Chocolate
Pastry ;P
easy for me :)
ty Tarun!
Wow, I haven't seen a "tag" in quite a while. LOL. This is actually a good one too so thank you.
I will do this one. It actually seems fun. I agree about the skydiving. Although I like to think I would have the courage to do it if the opportunity ever presented itself.
1) i'll never be a loser
2) never smoke
3) never take narcotics
4) never go back to my ex bf
5) never trust ppl too much
6) never stop believing in myself
7) never forget to check my beauty supplies
8) never help someone who never listens
9) never let ppl tell me i'm not good enough
10) never think too highly of other ppl ( we all have flaws)
oh I d loooooooooooooove to sky dive!!! :)
hey there. I did this thing at my blog. see you soon. :)
p.s.- me likes ur blog and will be linking it. thou art the newest member of my kindred list :P
Awww...only 10?? should be more...LOL...:P
no sky diving? ooo...Heard they have amazing bungy jump locations in Aus/NZ...Would you atleast take me there if I am visiting you???
Hey is it possible to teach dance online? I want to learn dancing from you, I see a lot of passion for dance in you...:-)
this is depressing...i just lost all in so bad mood/ situation/ emotion and all. Sorry keshi, cant do this dear.
hmm... this is a good one :P but not going to tell u here and let me think will list down in my next blog, do check it out ok!!!
love this topic hehe.... or I should list 30 things I should do before I turn 40??
getting old getting old... 2007 coming :(
Hi Keshi
Once again I missed several of your lovely posts. Will read them one by one when I can.
Hmmmm Abt the things you can't do...
2. That's bad enough, you know.
3. Hmmm... hehehe...
5. I don't mind working for sex ;)
10. You will not die unless you stop dancing and blogging. Rock on, Keshi!
My Will-Never-Do list... It all depends on circumstances.
you are a VIVA :)))
I just love reading your blog you write sooooo well sooo nice WOW !!!
Was going thru ur archives and there is a post And who are ??? which has those 50 questions ... I just loved it
I hope you dont mind if i post the same 50 question in my blog but with My answers :))
I will wait for you reply and then only will i post.
Hey Keshi, thats a nice tag. Loved your NEVER list. But one advice for U Keshi...NEVER change from the genuine and beautiful person that U are to somebody else.... Here is my list of nevers... I'd NEVER-
* stop laughing.
* cry for anyone who is not worthy of my tears.
* stop doing crazy things.
* marry for money without love.
* stop speaking my heart out.
* stop learning from my mistakes.
* make the first move and propose to a guy.
* wear dirty underwear or eat without brushing.
* stop living to the fullest.
* stop being myself.
:-) I will do a list at somepoint when I am less busy. :)
Hi Beautiful! You've been tagged! Have fun! ;p
Hey Keshi sweets! I am really impressed with the list :))
Trade my values/beliefs for the world (not even for Robbie Williams)
That was the best of all..:) have agreat day ahead!!
i like the 7th one the best.
hmmm u donno hindi...????? phew!!!!
keshi's 10 happning things :P
anyways hey, u r one of the character in my new story jus stop down to read it .... :P
**u dun? I scold alot of ppl all the time...
Yup, I dont scold people on their face. Though I might scold within myself :)
**gawwd guys will NEVER stop doing that even if the Earth is no more lol!
Yeah, we wont, no matter what happens :) As if you gals dont look... Guys are more open ;)
On the other hand, i would do anything to avoid dancing! LOL
Oh c'mon Keshi - skydiving is a BLAST!!!
I'd never turn my back on a friend.
I'd never stop reading your blog.
1. Never hurt/hate anyone
2. Never stop smiling
3. Never gossip but listen to others
4. Never stop loving who comes in my life
5. Never stop blogging
6. Never betray my friends
7. Never stop flirting in my dreams:-))
8. Never stop asking for a birthday card
9. Never think of problems and take it easy
10. Never do bungee jumping
Hi Keshi!
-Thanks that I met you!
Best to you!
Cool list Kesh! Many coincide with mine too! :)
How u keeping? Been 2 busy 2 blog...but will blog hop whenever I can! :)
"Sky-dive (will probably die out of fear 2 days before the dive)"
that was a nice one..Lol!!
How dare you bring my name in your post in item #3
Nice list:-)
So who is on ur hit-list:-)
Keshi I'm back :D as I promised :)
80 comments after my last
comment..Jesus girly !
1. Won't hurt anyone EVER
intentionally, physically or emotionally.
2. Will never forget to appreciate the beauty of this beautiful earth which God gifted us.
3. I hate hate hate hate hate heights & I'm so scared & terrified of flying so no sky-dive or anything like that NEVER EVER in my life.I don't know how I'm gonna visit you next yr :)
4. Will never step back if someone needs me.
5. Never want to live without love.
6. Can not live with out reading! Books books books & lots of books.
7. Can't live without music & art.
8. Will never forget who I'm & where I've came from, my values & traditions which I adore :)
9. Will never forget Namaz(Prayers)
10.Will never lose hope in my life.
Hi Keshi
Happy to see you like my sick, warped humor.
**Never miss? so u like em?
Not like I like em but I love to try new things...I have already tried frog... it was ok... nothing great... pretty chewy... Snake is something I have been looking forward for long now :)
good morning Keshi!
shall i consider this "Keshi`s golden rules"? *wink*
as usual,you have a lot of nice writings in here :)
Enjoy the weekend,Kesh!
AB we both can sky-dive holding hands...hows that? :)
heyy Dalicia!
**1) i'll never be a loser
LOL good one.
**2) never smoke
I'll never smoke either. But when were like 7yrs old, my cousin n I tried 1 cigarette in the garage (being the cheeky kids we were) and nearly choked to death.
**3) never take narcotics
hell na YUKK!
**4) never go back to my ex bf
never say never here ;-)
**5) never trust ppl too much
yeah should learn to do that myself
**6) never stop believing in myself
good one.
**7) never forget to check my beauty supplies
hehe cute!
**8) never help someone who never listens
fair enough :)
**9) never let ppl tell me i'm not good enough
good on ya girl!
**10) never think too highly of other ppl ( we all have flaws)
thats right :)
REBEL u wud? WOW!
Sphinx hey WC!
** thou art the newest member of my kindred list
awwww how sweet tnxx mate :)
Contented heyy!
**Heard they have amazing bungy jump locations in Aus/NZ...Would you atleast take me there if I am visiting you???
Definitely! ppl even bungee jump here on their way to work. LOL kidding!
**Hey is it possible to teach dance online? I want to learn dancing from you, I see a lot of passion for dance in you
hehe that'd be teaching u to dance :):) Im not a pro but Im a good dancer so yeah I can definitely teach ya some moves.
Ghosty heyy!
**...i just lost all ideas
huh what happened??
Vince hello!
hey ur not 40 soon r ya?
**.... or I should list 30 things I should do before I turn 40??
yeah that'd be an interesting tag too :):)
Im waiting for 2007 to be born....I love New Years' eve!
Praddy heyy ty hugggggggggz! And hows u?
**. I don't mind working for sex ;)
LOL really Praddy? awwww...
WC My_Life n ty!
** which has those 50 questions
which post is it? I mean what's the title of it?
btw ur allowed to copy it across to ur blog and do the tag :) No probs there.
heyy Priyanka WB I missed ya! And tnxxx for being so sweet HUGGGGGGGGZ!
**stop laughing.
thats something I can never do too. I laugh too much actually LOL!
**cry for anyone who is not worthy of my tears.
good on ya!
**stop doing crazy things.
haha me too.
**marry for money without love.
ewww NEVER!
**stop speaking my heart out.
good girl.
**stop learning from my mistakes.
**make the first move and propose to a guy.
Im the same...I can never do that!
**wear dirty underwear or eat without brushing.
**stop living to the fullest.
Way to go girl!
**stop being myself.
Good on ya!
ty sweetie that was a GREAT list!
Sanjay no probs :)
hey sweetie Irene Im tagged again? LOL great. I'll be there soon ty n huggggggggz!
Myriadtastes hey r ya Lera? ty sweetie HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
TY Soj :) me too.
Anonymous heyy!
**anyways hey, u r one of the character in my new story jus stop down to read it
wud be great if u left ur name so I know who u r...LOL!
KK heyy!
**:) As if you gals dont look... Guys are more open
LOL we do ;-)
Arun heyy!
**On the other hand, i would do anything to avoid dancing!
aww thats no fun Arun..I'd drag u on to the floor hehehe.
hey Megzz Im chicken when it comes to monsterous heights :(
**I'd never turn my back on a friend.
awwwww how faithful!
**I'd never stop reading your blog.
HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ babeh! I'd never reading u too.
Priya heyy!
**1. Never hurt/hate anyone
good on ya!
**2. Never stop smiling
**3. Never gossip but listen to others
good girl. I hate gossiping behind ppl's backs. If u wanna say something why not say it to the face. thats my policy.
**4. Never stop loving who comes in my life
**5. Never stop blogging
hehe ;-)
**6. Never betray my friends
Ur a good friend...I know that.
**7. Never stop flirting in my dreams:-))
LOL I ever sleep-flirt.
**8. Never stop asking for a birthday card
haha cute!
**9. Never think of problems and take it easy
good on ya!
**10. Never do bungee jumping
LOL join the club of height phobics :):)
ty sweetie!
Has_To_Be_Me I missed ya HUGGGGGGGGZ!
o so ur busy. I've been alrite ty sweetie :)
LOL Matty hows u?
Jac heyy!
**How dare you bring my name in your post in item #3
haha good one! ok So who's the bitch ur dating then? :):)
Mommy my hit-list is a major secret...cant let that out na ;-) oh ok then I'll name a few.
*drug dealers
*child abusers
Sugar heyy ty sweetie :)
**1. Won't hurt anyone EVER
intentionally, physically or emotionally.
awww I so know that abt ya.
**2. Will never forget to appreciate the beauty of this beautiful earth which God gifted us.
wonderful thinking!
**3. I hate hate hate hate hate heights & I'm so scared & terrified of flying so no sky-dive or anything like that NEVER EVER in my life.I don't know how I'm gonna visit you next yr :)
LOL u can swim na? :)
**4. Will never step back if someone needs me.
thats so sweet.
**5. Never want to live without love.
**6. Can not live with out reading! Books books books & lots of books.
hey book worm ;-)
**7. Can't live without music & art.
no ways!
**8. Will never forget who I'm & where I've came from, my values & traditions which I adore :)
good girl.
**9. Will never forget Namaz(Prayers)
wow ur devotional.
**10.Will never lose hope in my life.
Good on ya Sugar!
ty so much!
Bev I love ya girl! Love having found ya here...u rock :)
Its like I found my long lost best friend. It seriously does feel like that. Cos ur sooo like me in many ways and u just know how to make me laugh.
KK heyy!
** have already tried frog... it was ok... nothing great... pretty chewy... Snake is something I have been looking forward for long now
UR SERIOUS?? Sorry mate but I really cant eat frogs/snakes...I will die out of shock of realising I really ate that.
How did u do it? :)
Kisssses to my sweet Ghee! awwww...
**Keshi`s golden rules"?
hehe u may take it as u please :) What abt ur list sweetie?
ty n hugggggggggz!
Ah non, I'm not Indian, neither the India Indian nor the Native American Indian. But whether or not there is any Indian blood of any kind, I'm not too sure....
Like Tree, moi is a citizen of the universe :)
BTW, crocodile meat is a little tough, chicken and fish is still better :)
Nice weekend ahead!!
keshi, i have never seen so many comments on a blog. it took me five minutes to get to the comment section!
thanks for visiting my blog. i agree with all of your 10 things except one: if you were deaf, you would still enjoy rhythm and music. otherwise, i really like how your values and integrity highlight what's important to you....
awww Saffy hugggggggz! :)
**BTW, crocodile meat is a little tough, chicken and fish is still better
yep they eat croc meat here too. yuikkkkz LOL!
KJ WC to the jungle n ty :)
**if you were deaf, you would still enjoy rhythm and music.
awww u think so...:(
**otherwise, i really like how your values and integrity highlight what's important to you....
Hi Keshi
I am happy I make at least one person laugh. LOL
When I write, I write fast, with letters flying all over the place.
What you read is comedy in the raw.
I write the first thought that comes to me.
That is why you see all kinds of spelling mistakes etc...
I do not polish my own writing--what the hell you have give somebody a job. I pay him a penny a word. LOl
LOl bev hell yeah HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ! :):) U r my star.
The one thing i'd NEVER NEVER do is to have an arranged marriage :-)
Now, gotta think about the remaining 9!
first off---you make me laugh!!
"kill someone--even tho I have a mental hit list!!!" Me TOO!!!
my list:
1)eat cheesecake-I hate it.
2)bungee jump or sky dive
3)cheat on my spouse
4)be a drug dealer
5)abuse a child
6)abuse an animal
7)be a stripper
8) be an atheiest
9)go to prison
10)not appreciate my life EVEN when I am at my lowest
Hi Keshi..
my 10 things would be..:)
* never want to lose my reson for living
* never murder anybody
* never say "i love you" to somebody when i don't mean it
* never lead someone on
* never touch rats, hamster or cats
* never stop singing and writing in my life
* never stop enjoying the joy of music
*never wear something that makes me look horrid
*never tell a guy that i am crazy abt him unless he is the one probably..
*never tell my kids they are nothing but something . :)
Well i don't know abt the word "never" . cause its just somethign that could change sometimes..haha.. but for now, these are what i can think of..:) intersting stuff!! cheers!
amazing one! I liked all of them...but I would like to add one more...
I will never wish to be a boy (instead I feel proud being a gal ;) )
You rock gal...
keep shining
i seriously donno wat i dont want to do.. but ya will want to meet u n kick up ur behind for sure
Ash heyy!
**The one thing i'd NEVER NEVER do is to have an arranged marriage
Ur sure abt that? :)
Blessed dear I do have a mega hit list LOL! Glad u have one too :):)
**1)eat cheesecake-I hate it.
ONG I soooo hate cheesecake too! Whenever they have office cake-meetings, I freak out when they say it's Cheese friggin cake! I simply hate it. And I refuse to go to such meetings LOL!
**2)bungee jump or sky dive
me too :(
**3)cheat on my spouse
awww good girl :)
**4)be a drug dealer
LOL I can never imagine u as one anyways!
**5)abuse a child
no ways!
**6)abuse an animal bloody way.
**7)be a stripper
I can be one only in my own room and by myself LOL!
**8) be an atheiest
definitely. There's got to be someone behind all this menace :)
**9)go to prison
aww no ways..unless ofcourse I implement my mental hit list LOL!
**10)not appreciate my life EVEN when I am at my lowest
Blessed ur making me think alot here...ty for that...cos right now I really wish I was dead. I had a terrible few hours just b4 I came here and I wanted to die. I really did. Cos someone here hurt me so bad with very painful words. U wudnt believe the depth of what happened. Anyways ty so much for making me strong...this must be a message from God. HUGGGGGGGGZ!
Amy heyy!
* never want to lose my reson for living
aww another one like Blessed's...ty for this! I had a terrible weekend Amy and I thought my life is useless. And seeing this line from u makes me wanna live and appreciate what I've got. TY!
** never murder anybody
no ways.
** never say "i love you" to somebody when i don't mean it
aha...infact never say anything that u dun mean. It gives false hopes to ppl.
** never lead someone on
** never touch rats, hamster or cats
lol why not cats? I love em :)
** never stop singing and writing in my life
never never never :)
** never stop enjoying the joy of music
Goodo! :)
**never wear something that makes me look horrid
LOL Im like that too...even when Im at home Im in decent clothes that make me look nice :)
**never tell a guy that i am crazy abt him unless he is the one probably..
yeah thats a hard one tho...I mean to know really whether he is the one :)
**never tell my kids they are nothing but something . :)
awww..u made me think here. Sometimes my mum says very hurtful things to me when we argue...and I have felt like nothing.
**Well i don't know abt the word "never" . cause its just somethign that could change sometimes..haha.. but for now, these are what i can think of..:) intersting stuff!! cheers!
so true..they say 'never say never' na :) ty darling HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
Dawn ofcourse we r proud to be girls...GIRL POWER! huggggggggggz! :)
Uttsy u wanna kick my do it babez. U have done that anyways LOL!
I just read your comment to my comment and I wish someone did not have such an influence on you with their terrible words. It broke my heart to read that you didn't want to live!!! When I read those words and remember that you have wrote those words on my blog after a sad post from me, it scared me and with all my power I wish I could reach out to you and let you know that I care. I want you to be surrounded by positivity. I want you to be happy and feel loved. I don't know why anyone would want to be mean to you! I read your blog all the time and I get so uplifted and feel such a love and positivity from you most of the time. At times I do feel a sadness but most of the time I just feel the radiant you shining through.
When you say you don't want to live, I automatically flash back to low moments in my life (and I mean very, awful low moments) and it hurts my soul to think that you are in that kind of agony. I wish I could make it better so I stop and pray to God that he blesses you with love and peace and that who ever is torturing you would leave you alone.
Blessings and hugs, Miss Keshi--always know that you are special and loved and no one is worth you letting them have control over you by letting their negativity effect you.
Blessed dear ty so much for being so concerned. Im stoked at the Love I have here. U r sooo sweet and so very caring! HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
yes I have felt like that many times. I have a very valid reason for that girl. But then again with friends like u who really cares abt me, I wont be lost. God must have sent some angels to keep me going. So ty for being here MWAHHHHHHHHH!
** I don't know why anyone would want to be mean to you!
Alot of ppl ask me this. Even in non-virtual life, my friends ask me why etc. But I have no answers. Maybe Im fated to get hurt. But Im ok..cos I have u guys. Im blessed cos of u guys. ty so much!
i have done that?? when where how??
i neva knewwwwwwwwww it??
Uttsy is that u? :)
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