This is a home for my heart...a distant refuge for my spirit, away from the madding crowd and the masquerades that we live. This is where everything is unveiled and nothing is compromised.
First of all, if I'm not in your blogs anymore there is a stinking reason for that.
Since I'm a Classic blogger, I cannot comment in Beta blogs that don't allow Anonymous comments. It's pissing me off big time. Even if you allow Anonymous comments, I really don't like leaving Anonymous comments that make me look like some faceless gunk walking around with a pillowcase over her head. I like to be able to login and have my profile pic for identification when I comment. If Blogger can't get that to work and if Blogger is making us Classic bloggers look like some old trash that need to be flushed into Beta, then that's when I'd really stop blogging for good, not when I die like I said in my last post. Just this morning I gave up trying to comment in 3 Beta blogs and left tearing my hair out feeling like an illegal immigrant.
Ok today's thoughts are about psychic readings. Why do some people live on psychic readings (Astrology, Horoscopes etc) and are so addicted to them? Now there must be some truth in those star/planet related matters, but not to the extent you wanna setup house in Jupiter? cmon now! I know that alot of Indians believe in Astrology/Psychic readings etc. My mum does too (although she's not loco about it). Well there's someone I know who wants to know everything that's gonna happen in her life through these readings (let's call her Chantel). I told Chantel that her life is not to be predicted by some robe-wearing crystal-ball churning genie, but it is for her to find out herself as it unfolds. She says that it's better to know what's gonna happen in future so she can be prepared...huh prepared?? If it's predicted to happen how can you change it? I don't get it. Anyways who could predict your life 100% accurately? Even if someone could do that, how stupid would it be to know all of that and have nothing adventurous to look forward to in life? Cos when you already know what's gonna happen, where's the magic of life? And if it reads something real bad that's gonna happen to you, how awful would that be living each day expecting that to happen? Some people are crazy about matching horoscopes before getting married, and it doesn't make sense to me at all. And I know that some psychic readers cheat people real bad too. They just make money and make a fool out of you. There is this aunt of mine who gave so much money to a psychic reader to get her life read and in the end, nothing was right - it was a total disaster actually.
What about talking to dead people? Is it really possible (especially when I find it sooo difficult to talk to some people who aren't even dead yet LOL!)? I'm curious about that one though cos I used to watch John Edward shows on TV. He seems so accurate and most people are really impressed with him. Some people do have the gift of the 6th sense and perhaps that makes them tap into other territories of the Universe, such as prediciting the future or even communicating with beings on other planes. Alot to research on that though (if you have time, read my previous post The Unfelt Touch). I have been to one such ghost whisperer (just once) when my dad died. I went along with my mum and I was about 16 then. Well I wasn't sure if that reader was genuine. I felt so bored and felt she was just bluffing big time. All the while she was supposedly communicating with spirits, I was dreaming of California. Anyways have you had such experiences? If so please share with me cos I really do wanna know if there's some truth in it.
The closest they got it right was when such a reader told my mum that I'm a smart-ass...LOL so they are not that bad after all ha :). Well I'd say everything has a limit. You may be intrigued by it and it's ok to get your future read maybe once or twice (maybe just for fun even). But if your companion for the office Christmas party is your psychic reader then there's deep trouble hunny. Chantel must be saved before she starts asking her psychic reader everyday if it's ok to get out of the bed. Have a good one folks :).
It's a pretty intense subject, and deserving of the time and thought you put into writing about it, Keshi. Yeah, there have been some pretty intense moments of psychic energy/mojo in my life, and when it happens, .there's this feeling like "ok...I guess not believing anymore isn't an option..." we all know matter and energy can't be created nor destroyed, so where does energy go when people die or fight or love? I think it lingers and other people with hypersensitive psychic awareness can pick up that energy. Like I said...pretty intense stuff.
Even if you allow Anonymous comments, I really don't like leaving Anonymous comments that make me look like some faceless gunk walking around with a pillowcase over her head***So that means u ain't coming to any of my blogs, coz the one which is a classic blogger account u r not able to see from ur office and the other is a beta blogger account....Anyway, Good day!
I think that some people live to 'know'. They feel as if they 'know' they can relax or possibly have control over their life, circumstances and situations that may arise. It's like hindsight. Everyone always says,"Hindsight is 20/20" if something happens to us, we are oftentimes caught off guard...our reactions may a bit rash and acted upon without thought, whereas, if we had known about the problem before hand, we would have time to come up with a better solution, or more appropriate response.
Its crazy, because, it is our natural instinct as humans, to want to CONTROL our surroundings and life happenings. No one likes to feel out of control. But the truth is, the future is not always ours to 'know'.
Being that we only use a small percentage of our brain, it is my belief that it is possible to tap into psychic ability...or have a higher level of awareness. But too often, most psychics are out for money and will tell you what you want to hear, or something to keep you coming back and your wallet open.
Calm down, you will blow a gasket and end up in a casket. LOL So that's what has happened. I wondered why I had to click to allow your comments. Like it or not you will have to make the switch to beta. We did, and everything went down.
Wednesday, everthing ground to a halt. Our server went down the country lane, and that was last we saw of the critter. -- If you have a problem posting a comment on my blog, email to Somebody might read it--if we remember to check it. LOL
Now I am pissed. Wrote half of the comment and found I was not in beta.
Something is screwing up here--so I be bbbbbbbbbbbbaacccck.
A study shows that Gemini’s are the safest drivers. Since we all have free will there isn’t anything pre-ordained - the future is yet to be written and there is no peeking. Stars are hot blobs of gas and I do not think they were set in the sky just for us. Speaking to the dead - dead is dead, there is nothing left to talk with.
1st pic made me laugh sho sho sho very much :) Yeah blogger is going through constipated phase lol...It happened to me too & I guess everyone is complaining about this lately but I always know on our blog its YOU :)
I do not beleive in psychic reading...I would rather spend money on a book & enjoy reading in my hammock :)
Talking to dead people...I know someone personally who does that & I happened to be there & it was overwhelming.
You can comment in my blog--I checked and all is okay. I think. LOL
The problem is that some blogs are somewhere between the classic and beta. We had that problem and everything crashed.
To tie in with your blog, your sign is directly related to whether or not you will have a car accident or get a speeding ticket. This is true. Someone looking at the stats noticed the relation, and a study was conducted on the subject. It showed more than the tickets and accidents--the list was long.
How can psychics have accidents. LOL
So, you like California. I send most of my work to that area.
Although, I did talk to a dead person once. I had a overnight stay in a hospital--nothing serious--I shared a room with a very nice lady. We got talking, and I went into joke mode. The poor gal was laughing and then stopped. So, I kept talking for a few moments, but no reply. She died. Who says laughter is the best medicine.
Got ya--just joking! I just made that story up--all a joke.
I am so frustrated as well with the blogger comment thingy:( and i am quite useless at computer stuff so terrified to "switch" (sigh)
I like to think i can create magic and possibilites in my life - and even if someone could tell my future - i am not sure i would like to know as all the beautiful mystery and enchantment of "what's around the corner" would be lost.
I'm running blogger classic and having no problem commenting on B2 blogs.
But I'm with you on being a holdout - I went to a shitload of work to learn basic CSS so I could make my little patch of the internet look unique and like it was mine, and now the new version won't let it stay that way? Fuck that.
So, says I, stick with what you know, what works, what works PROPERLY and has a full-ish functionality.
hey Rose, yeah tell me abt stars, sun and the moon :)
heyya Helen!
**we all know matter and energy can't be created nor destroyed, so where does energy go when people die or fight or love?
I always questioned that too. The energy has to be ard somewhere. Freaky!
If u read my old post 'The Unfelt Touch', u'd realise I have a bit of that intuition. It can be very scary!
Tre Hugggggggggz! But I thought our usual spot was the bridge ;-)
Southy Im in ur other blog aint I? :)
Awaiting heyy!
What u said is right...some ppl just wanna live thinking they 'know' and are in control of their life's events.
**But the truth is, the future is not always ours to 'know'.
So true!
**Being that we only use a small percentage of our brain, it is my belief that it is possible to tap into psychic ability...or have a higher level of awareness.
I do believe in that. I can be pretty psychic sometimes and it's scary. Cos most dreams I dream happen in real. I have written abt this previously in the post I have mentioned here. I wonder if thats why I once saw a ghost too!
Fergal Im glad u enjoyed the song. It's such a catchy one ha.
**Colin Hay
Funny guy :)
Shiv I tried just now...cant even see ur blog :(
Bev ahoyyy! LOL alot has been happening at ur end with blogs ha...Beta has turned many ppl's daily lives upside down! ty for all that info Bev!
**How can psychics have accidents.
LOL true. I asked that from a friend too and she said well they cant predict everything!
yep I luv Califoria...wanna visit some day.
**She died. Who says laughter is the best medicine.
OMG that was sooo funny! ROFL! Good one Bev hahahaha!
Deepz Im not sure if all of the psychic readers r fake. I believe that those who have the 6th sense can really predict certain things.
Priya me too..sometimes I read the Astro column :)
Heyya Phos!
**Stars are hot blobs of gas and I do not think they were set in the sky just for us.
hehehe true. But sometimes I feel that everything on this Earth is dependent on each other. Therefore there's a strong energy between nature and beings. I dunno how accurate that would be, but thats my gut instinct.
Sugar heyy ty :)
** know someone personally who does that & I happened to be there & it was overwhelming.
thats very interesting! Could u share it with us?
Sohphie heyy yeah Beta looks dodgy lol!
**I like to think i can create magic and possibilites in my life - and even if someone could tell my future - i am not sure i would like to know as all the beautiful mystery and enchantment of "what's around the corner" would be lost.
Spot on! Exactly how I feel.
WC Earthman n ty!
**, stick with what you know, what works, what works PROPERLY and has a full-ish functionality.
Astrologers and their theories...if their theories were to be believed then i wud hv been sitting in the heaven and having a great time with the apsaras rather than waiting for the God damn highway to be cleared out here! They predicted my time of death, which has failed on all the occasions and they predicted that i'd be getting married thrice... they forgot to mention that the first wife wud cut my balls off even if i think something like that....lolz
Psychic readers...Well someday i'd like to read them rather than they do it on me.
This 5 question post is in Jan Archives And who are ! Thanks :))
I do read horoscope but just for fun ...I don't believe in them neither do i believe in people who predict the future of others....
But the most weirdest part is at the time of fixing a engagement ...usually they match the horoscope (Girl and Guy's) and if there is a pbm then people just declare it like a news that the couple is not made for each other which is so weird ... Sad people believe in all this crap.
Hi Keshi! I undertand you about comment.I don't like my new Beta. It takes a lot of time. I'm going to return to HoloScan. It was easy and much better. But I don't want to lose my old comments. I'm going to start new blog. Psychic reading and talking to dead people - not for me. Best to you!
**what u have wid u is not probability. it is a complete 100%!!
but how do we even know that for sure? :)
Southy heyy lol!
**if their theories were to be believed then i wud hv been sitting in the heaven and having a great time with the apsaras rather than waiting for the God damn highway to be cleared out here
Marry 3 times? OMG and I havent even married once yet LOL! Kavi will smother u with her hair band for sure haha!
Southy I couldnt check ur blog last nite cos we went out...Im really missing ur blog. It feels empty not being able to take part in ur posts like I usually did. :( I will check em out tonite, ty!
Jay tnxx!
so u didnt have any complications with Beta? Such as losing ur old blog etc?
oh ok My_Life :)
btw I cant comment in ur blog either :(
**Sad people believe in all this crap.
LOL! I dislike this horoscope matching business. Its kinda dumb, seriously!
Ahh I can never decide whether i want to believe in it or not.. but i know that sometimes i wonder if stars do dictate our actions for the rest of our life and we are not creatures of free will or are wel?
hmmm... dunno really... i like to read psychic reading all those... but not very serious... its quite intriguing though... and all those mahing horoscopes and things, those are bullshit ...
its just the matter of believing, wanting, wishing.... individual perception i should say...
About the beta blogger thing.... naaaaah.... KAP dont stop bloggin... even i had some hard time with that beta blogger once, but now i dont even leave comments,,, lol
First of all I don't believe in this psychic crap... I donno whether its true or not but I just don't wanna believe in it. Talking with dead people... I don't believe in life after death... If I am dead, I am dead. When cremated I become nothing more than ash...Live life as it comes :)
Hey hope all is well...Im having the same today ...everyblog that I wanted to visit is blocked by Omantel...somehow its blocked because it has some whch I have seen most the blog that I visit are poetry blogs...Very starnge
As for psychic one time I was so amazed on how they can do that...You cn get so much into it..If we could all about our life Im sure will be God, and sure would be here on earth
CLASSIC BLOGGERS RULE! Why the hell do they want us to switch anyway?
Psychics follow guidelines..if you listen carefully you can HEAR their 'fishing' expeditions. They can tell if a person is responsive and they generally ask why the client is there in the first place. In scientific terminology it is utter bullshit. The thing is that many people need attention and want some affirmation about something that they have conjured up their own minds. From there it is only a hop, skip and a jump for an astute intuitive person to find out exactly what it is that they want to hear. Most people have similar events occur to them..I mean we all go through the same sort of things in this a psychic merely follows a process of elimination to discover if red is your favorite colour and if you had a relative whose name starts with a I am seeing an M...wait a minute what about a D? F? R yes I am getting an R! No, how about an S?
I'd like to think that astrology is a proper science and its not just a few ppl in wierd getups faking the same time I know not many pundits and the kind understand this science. I have had my share of predictions and some of them did come true....guess it was more of a coincidence...nonetheless I enjoy the whole process its great fun....meeting these ppl...some would see the horoscope, some read the hands, foreheads and some even have a look at the feet :)
" If it's predicted to happen how can you change it? I don't get it."
Alright, Keshi do this for me. (Actually do it :)!
Stand on one leg.
Done it?
Ok, now lift your other leg.
Its like this. You used your free will to decide which leg you would stand on. The next time, the law of gravity took over, and you could not lift the other leg.
So you do have free will. But once you have chosen the path on the forked road, destiny takes over.
The forked road presents itself to us each moment with each thought.
Time (psychological, or as some prefer, karmic), and destiny are an interwoven matrix, like time (by the watch) and space. You cannot separate one from another.
But relax, you have no problems here. You are a Cat. And cats have have nine lives :)
** If Blogger can't get that to work and if Blogger is making us Classic bloggers look like some old trash that need to be flushed into Beta, then that's when I'd really stop blogging for good
he he there u go ... ride the tides keshi ... its easier than complaining over a frivolous thing as blogging :D
think I made a post about horoscopes n stuff b4 ... so i'll keep shut :) ... it just serves psychologically for the weak minded
I don't believe in talking with the dead ... illusions / delusions ... we see, hear and feel what we want to ... sometimes even those which doesn't exist
but I do believe that the human mind proly has the power of clairvoyance like The Oracle in the matrix :) ... ESP's :) ... but I dun believe its a common thing to be found with a guy in every corner ... I'd only expect it from a true ascetic who uses him mind more than the rest
Abt this future predictions thingie.. i dutn believe in it... well, once my uncle brought one old guy, who began to tell us about our future.. he did predict that i wud fly abroad for my ugrad.. n lo.. i did! But frankly, if i believed him n jus sat warming my bum, without working so hard, i wud have gotten no closer to even gettin into a local university... n he has also predicted that i will get married when i 27! damn wid it!
I'm doing astrology for some years now. Astrological psycology to be precise. It's good fun and I think a very good tool to find to yourself. But in my school of astrology I had to sign a form that I won't do any prophesy!! I think that's very cool, because astrology shouldn't be made to predict one's life! That's not possible. But maybe you can find out a lot about yourself, your behavings, your resistances, your strenghts and so on. Would like to write some more about that, but I'm bloody buzzy these days... maybe later, who knows
I was hornswoggled like a stupid ass fool into using Beta Booger. I complain about it vehemently. Regarding psychic readings, I do believe in them. They pick up on trends and atmospheres. There are certain things that may be very, very likely to happen and that can be picked up on by a decent psychic. As to talking to ghosts, I'm one of those people who can. It's kind of hit or miss for me, though. They have to want to talk to me. I pick up on emotions more so than specifics, but I've been scary right about things on more than one occasion. However, if it turns out that I'm just more nuts than I originally thought, oh well. At least I had someone to talk to sometimes along the way. far as astrolgy is concerned I reckon at one time I was influenced by it a lot.It just was trying to find a pattern in human behaviour.It was fun always and still is.But then again I am reminded of what Jim Morrison said in one of his concerts"I don't know whats gonna happen man(in future),but theres one thing i'm sure,that i'm gonna have my kicks before this whole shithouse(the world/universe) goes up in flames".And Morrsion was a Saggi "the most philosophical of all the signs",in his own words.
do tell yer friend about the shithouse thingy and tell her to get her kicks before that.
I have had that trouble with trying to comment on Beta Blogger sites too, Keshi. I am looking at Typepad, even though it costs $$$. I don't know. I really miss talking to my other blogmates.
I have never had a psychic reading, but whenever a psychic has seen me, they freak out about my aura being full of light. This is true.
I love Men At Work. Thanks for putting this on here, Keshi. I love Colin Hay's crazy eyes and, of course, his voice.
first thing in the newspaper i read is the horoscope,though i dont believe strongly in astrology but maybe its just curiosity to know wat lays ahead for you that makes it interesting. And I think we are more drawn to them...when the going is not so smooth...n insecurities hover in our life
Thanks for leaving 2 comments in my Beta!! I am honored my baby!:)
When I was 16,a woman read my hand and said I am going to be a "Lakhpati" ie with lots of money.Teenager as I was then,shot my mouth and told her laughingly "sure, more like Lakhva" (ie Paralize)! She got angry and said "so be it then".
After many years, I am indeed rich with money and looking forward to Paralysis!:D
Btw,don't say any bad things infront those women,might come true!
Astrology is pretty interesting. I'm not sure about anyone else. But my sign is Cancer, and I'm very true to my sign. I don't really believe in horoscopes though. They're so general they could apply to any day or anyone.
me & an old bfriend went out to a club - when we got there...i wasn't allowed in bc i wasnt 21 yrs old... comes the point of the story..:}
i tell my bfriebd to go in the club and tell our friends we were leaving and here is this lady sitting in a corner outside the club...mind u we were on the rooftop to the it wasn't like outside in the street...
anways she's got a table with a deck of tarot cards over a purple velvet sheet.w/ sparkly glitter (this is what attracted me)
anyways..she says to me that her services are free...but donations are welcomed...and she could tell me both my past & future! well...i thought...its free! :)
there were some things she was right about that had happened in my past...but the things she said were very general...
when she came to my future reading she said that she def saw me makin some major life changes...she said i would end up ditching this bfriend..bc i wasnt really into him...and pursue a relationship w/ another guy that i would meet up with later
she went on to say that i would work as a modeling scout at a major model agency not with the bfriend (i ended it) anymore...but im not a model i guess there is a 50/50 chance they are right...
as for john edwards...yes! i loved his show too! it's so hard to get on it many fans! so many people trying to get in...
Heyy Keshi I am sorta back :)Big huggy Well my dad is working on a PhD in astrology and say it could be pretty accurate. But I think the beauty of life come while being in the mystry.
well I believe somewat in sunsigns...but not in palm reading and all that...specially not the ghost whisperer! these ghost whisperers are all sham anyway...and hey u still haven't shifted to beta?:)
Keshi..I am haveing the same problem as yoyu do.unable to leave a comment on the beta blog.I am an old classic blogger like you and refuse to change.I like my blog the way it is.I dont like to leave an annonymous comment also.having said that.
I read the astrology signs just for fun and dont really believe in it.I dont really want to know what the future holds.Like you daid it is fun discovering each and every new day.I dont want to be sitting at home worrying about what is going to happen to morrow.lovely post as ususal.hugz:)
Good question. I do not know. Their beliefs, I guess...
I agree with you, though... all this is nonsense... going for fun (or to even MAKE fun of the nonsense that we've found out - as long as it isn't front of the person, of course ;)), OK... but actually believing in them?
Nope. Don't think so. I am not into any of the things I can't physically see or feel - physically feel, seems an oxymoron, does it not? - God, ghosts, spirits and all that jazz... :)
I mean, come on. Someone thinks they can predict my future? I can't predict my future.
It just doesn't make sense, but then a lot of people believe in things that I think are just plain silly, so I guess it isn't limited to astrology and that sort of thing.
i hav that commenting problem too..besides cant even comment anon/"other" modes on beta blogs..hate it. and then my google account was linked to my anonymous had to do lot of manipulation to link google account to this profile so that i cd comment... smtimes life is so irritatin.
and i better not get startedon horoscopes and all that
THANKS!!! for enabling anon comments.. phew! i was having a really hard time commenting! :)
i think blogger sucks.. we shd all switch.. but im too bored to do that too.. so im just gonna lay off blogger for a while.. its pissing me off no end!
on ur topic.. hmm ghost whisperer's sound interesting.. well im a self learned pseudo tarot card reader.. yup.. took lessons online.. awaiting my gypsy costume and crystal ball so i can go right ahead n predict the future! :)
well hopefully, blogger will solve its problems.. i have way too mnay already without blogger tying to add to it!
Hi Keshi!!! As always you always write about things that really get my attention. You are always thinking such powerful, deep, thoughts. Now I too can't stand beta blogger. When I go to log in it's tho blogger is BEGGING me to switch. I don't even think if you were to join blogger now that you can have a 'regular' blog anymore. I don't know if this always works but in the past I have been able to comment by writing my comment and then hitting preview and then once it came up as a preview then I would hit publish your comment button and it would publish my comment. Also, if you have a gmail account or gmail email address you can log in that way. Now, psychics I do believe that are some out there who definitely have a gift. But I think that there are alot more out there who are frauds. I have never had my fortune told by a psychic. I don't want to know. Astrology has always intrigued me but I do not live my life by it but I feel I have alot of knowledge and alot of books about it. I look at at entertainment value and much less so now. I do believe that psychics, astrology, tarot, ouija boards,etc are against God. I feel that I'm messing with the devil. As far as talking to dead people, I really don't know if anyone has a gift for this. I think maybe they pick up vibes but I definitely don't believe in John Edwards. I don't get good vibes from him. I trust my gut instinct/my vibes and there are certain people in life may I know them or not, psychics on TV, even evangelists that I do not get a 'good feeling' about. I instantly do not trust them or believe them or want to watch them or be around them. Know what I mean?I feel sorry for the lost souls out there who turn to psychics and such. I feel they should turn to God and Jesus. I know they would be much more fulfilled and alot less stressed about their future. I don't feel that they should be persuaded by the devil for wrong answers and wrong outlets but hey! we all have and we all do in some shape or form. BLESSINGS!!!
I could identify with you on the beta thingy. pretty irritating esp when the long comment you spent so much time typing just goes missing...tat sucks actually..
Hmm.. i guess as human we are naturally curious to know the future and all. And this things can be highly addictive and alluring as well. As long as it doesn't overtake us and cause us to depend on it totally would be fine i guess..
I kinda agree with ya statement on life would not be an adventure. :)
and also sometimes these whole astrology and so on shit could just make people big time paranoid and worry them their whole life. even preparing for their deaths for some. these things aren't 100% true. at the end of the day its God who holds our lives. wrote a post called curiousity kills the cat before on these subject . just a brief one.
Seeing the dead?
Heard of people seeing the dead. but i don't know how true are these stuff.
Amazing topics sis that you came up with :D... well I had such an experience...listen carefully ;) one of my aunt she went to this guy who eats lots of beatle leaves and chant some mantras and he predicts...! a time was there when I was struggling to move up in career and my boss didnt want me to as I was performing good and it made him look good infront of the Management! and that chanting guy said about me - some where from the blues...that I am not satisfied with my job and am working but not with that same enthusiasm!!!! ...when I heard that I was surprised and got curious to know more as I often make fun of such people who predict weird things! Guess what, later when I asked him to dig ..he came out saying when I was in 7th grade (this is real fun) there was a guy who was in love with me (lol) and since he didnt get me ....they have chanted some black magic hahahahah the moment he said that I ran from I said who the hell thinks of such thing when you are in 7th grade :D...! After that even for fun I dont go you can imagine! I dont believe in this but I like to play and trick around these guys! But I have also heard about these black magic and spritual talks...never believed in it :D Cheers babe
I usd to say the same thing before and now too on several instances but alowly also have realised the meaning of all this stuff. It gets deep in some spheres..In some it is just a relief to know tht something good is gng to happen, it is like u r weak n u r gaining strength fronm the positive talk..In some instance I know, tht accidents n health have got screwed...Wht can we do about it in all instances, not in all but in some definitel YES..:)
u have a nice weekend too. I believe predictions can fit anyone. and if some one did not see it fit, either they were unhappy of the prediction or they decided to see the light. But to be the devil's advocate: Such things give peace of mind to some people(when given in the right amount... say if some one reassure that the future will be fine but expect some hard work or something like that). of course no addiction is ever good.even if it is blogs ;) or love ;))
BTW, just switch to new blogger and dotn change your template and voila you are as good as old! :) This one is faster and easy to manipulate. U can trust me on that. It is pretty useful.
You've really hit on something now...all this stuff is like horoscopes is fun, but it's malarkey far's I'm concerned...
Isn't life complicated enough without trying to make it more so by throwing in these kinds of variables?
I say complicated...but maybe these beliefs are to simplify things and tell us who we're supposed to be and what we're really like so we don't have to try to figure it out ourselves or determine our own destiny...if a palm reader can tell us that, for example.
I cannot comment in Beta blogs that don't allow Anonymous comments. It's pissing me off big time.
awwwww sorry for that sweetie ;( but once switched to beta u can't go back to old blogger so no choice for me too ;(... hope blogger do something for this! dun worry na... it'll be ok soon!
well, i do read horoscope everyday, am doin' it for fun and i think it doesn't affect what i believe in life coz i dun believe on bad readings hehe.. only good ones lol!(smart me?) ^_^ i always luv reading about astrology, soulmates etc... i just loveeee it! i dunno why? maybe because some are true about me and to what i've experienced in life hehe! or am i still living in dreams? awwww ^_~ ... that i can feel i have 30% indian blood lol!! esp. when am talkin' to Indian friends who luvs astrology too!
u take care sweetie muaahhh! enjoy weekend luv ya!
I ignore them and never read them. When you go to the Christmas party slip into the xmas cracker your own motto, then seek the wench of your choice to pull your cracker, hopefully she will read, whatever is on your mind.
Hi mystics. If you are seeking solace or missing your dear departed, contact this blog.and mention My firm. Vera and Gravely Hill After Death Communication services.
Ok so keshi cannot post via beta Ok congrats welcome to the club I know Beta sucks so much!! really! And yes the last weak i was pullin out my hair too when i was on ur blog and couldnt write a comment damn! Well u are right sometimes the situation is such that we do feel something and there is no explainations for it Many a times i have experienced Deja Vu
And siriously am sometimes jealous of people gifted with 6 sense What lucky ppl they are as they can judge wats coming!
Keshi.... it's a catch 22 situation... 1)we can't comment on beta blogger or whatever it is, but 2)if we change over, then those that could comment on us, won't be able to... hmmmm
popped by to wish you and yours Happy Holidays and I'll catch up with you when I get back.
I don’t hope on this dear, but i don't like to enter my head on those who hope on this. Even though I face a situation like this:
Think 8 or 9 years back, one of my dad's colleague take us to a guy who was said to have god's power and give message to the people whom visit him. So i went with my dad, the guy was sitting in a small room with god's photos around, and i went and sit near him, he gives sacred ash and a lemon to make it juice to drink. He also assured us i would get cure soon. After some month's we dont know where he gone. We also called him ones to home and do pooja's. An astrologist also said I would be a normal person in my age of 15, but what happen nothing.
Thank god i could...phew !! Now about the post..talking to spirits and prediting the future. Though I dont believe in these things,specially spirit talking,I have have seen instances where astrologers have indeed said things about people who they have no idea about..That was really surprising.. But the thing is that untill you dont know what an astrologer has to say about you, you're ok but once you get hold of one who is talking things about you, you want him to go on and on and you wanna listen..isnt it ?? After all its about you..!! But that hasnt been that with me...and neither do I listen when there's one such guy in my vicinity, I fear my getting biased. Basically I think let it be for those who want.
How you? I just finished my exams... hopefully will blog more often now.. cause have hols..
Liked ur post! its true sometimes even I get all into astrology etc... my sis and my bf dont believe all this.. but i kinda do.. heheh I dunno..its fun..
but I know wht u mean about no adventure left in life if u get things predicted... even I think thats stupid whether the prediction is true or not!
Well u r actually very write in saying dat even if the predictions r true where would the adventure go... I agree to u... Its at times funny but then this world stands on the system of constricted beliefs, when has reality been a bliss, the weird constructs keepthe minds distracted for a while n slowly v move on, its also a way to escape, blame the stars n u r its convenient i guess...
Back in college, as a final requirement for a particular subject, a group of my classmates went to see several psychic readers to see whether or not they were for real. Apparently, psychic readers feed off of your reactions; if they see (from your reaction) that they are going on the right track, they'll move on that direction. That means, even if you give them the wrong information, they'll still go on that same direction and build up a story about the future that revolves on the past you have just provided them.
Personally, I've never believed in psychic readers. I mean, I can't deny that there are probably people who can see the future, but I think the number of people who has that kind of gift (or curse) is limited.
I suppose a lot of people are just too desperate that they hope and wish that they can have some kind of future to hang on to.
keshi..I've had the same problem, in fact I emailed blogger about it but I guess they are too busy trying to fix this stupid beta/blogger thing they've created with google. I would reccomend all bloggers email blogger about this and maybe they'll get off their butts and try to fix it. Another thing I hate about beta is when you press submit, you get a pop up making you choose whether to accept a secure thingy, then it comes back as you are ready to leave..stupid!!
My friend Dan figured out a workaround and here's how it works. Check the Other ( )instead of Anon fill in your username(keshi) second line..type in the url of your blog. IT WORKS!! tc
I have always been more of a sceptic, so not sure whether I believe in the psychic stuff; but I have learnt enough not to try to convince people to stop theie beliefs. I am the almost the youngest in my extended family of cousins, and aunts/uncles all elder that my parents; so the fun part comes when anybody elder tries to get me or parents to do something based on some belief (for example, I have to postpone buying items because it is not good to buy stuff on a certain day of the week). At that time, depending on my mood, I can be reluctantly convinced or (I fear) somewhat rude. I wonder how other people deal with such situations ?
There was this hugely popular Barnum and Steely circus in the UK. One of its owners P.T Barnum said that the secret of his establishment's success was that there was at least one item that drew heartfelt applause from every spectator. I feel psychic readings, astro predictions and other paranormal 'results' are like the circus. There is at least one sentence in the horoscope that applies to someone or the other.
(Nice blog. I came in from your comment on aditi's blog.)
A comment in another blog--a response to the searching questions of psychic energy, astrology, etc.--ran along the lines of "the stars aren't in the sky for us, they are just blobs of gas." I think I understand this person's sentiments, as roughly translating to: it is this whole "universe as belonging to humans and everything in the universe is there for our consumption and use" mentality which has gotten us in the deplorable condition we are in. Let it go, distance ourselves from that mentality and we'll be wiser and able to move on.
Yet that simply addresses the effect, not the cause. I think the cause of that use, use, consume, consume mentality is indeed this separation from the parts of the whole. We are on this earth for the stars, the stars are in the skies for us, the moth exists for the light, the light exists for the moth. Maybe, just maybe, we simply happen to share the same universe as the stars, no connection whatsoever. But again, maybe we both share the universe to give each other meaning. Maybe studying the stars or the tarot or entrails or tea leaves forces us to observe, to detect patterns and relationships, to crawl into a part of our minds that otherwise was not open.
On a very basic level, we have chosen which aspects of nature's patterns we will respond to and apply to our lives. When it rains, we predict how that will affect our dress, our energy, and the curliness of our hair. Yes, it will continue to rain whether or not we examine the pattern and respond to it, and whether or not we're even around to examine the pattern and respond to it. But instead of acting so detached from nature's patterns, and then wondering why we can't find purpose or meaning in life what if we looked to nature once again to provide the framework for the self-examination we need to make certain decisions.
While stars will continue to burn whether we watch them or not, and it's just as easy to discard the tea leaves into the compost bucket than to examine them, how much more enriched are our experiences if we treat everything around us as so incredibly full of meaning that we can even learn and evolve simply by observing nature.
**but I do believe that the human mind proly has the power of clairvoyance like The Oracle in the matrix
yeah thats right.
** I'd only expect it from a true ascetic who uses him mind more than the rest
good one.
Prithz, just like for ya, they said the same thing abt my higher studies...which I did :) Abt marriage, well they said various things..nothing happened yet haha!
My_Life I came to ur blog b4...but I cant comment there cos ur a Beta blogger with no Anonymous comments allowed. Thats why :)
heyy Murane thats pretty interesting! I didnt know u were into that!
**But maybe you can find out a lot about yourself, your behavings, your resistances, your strenghts and so on
true, I agree with that. Cos they can tell u precisely what sort of person u r. Like how Cancerians r very sensitive etc. Thats so true.
ok so why cant u predict someone's life?
Vikas heyy!
**mind says that only ur wrk and ur honesty fates ur future..
thats so true. But sometimes I wonder if that work n honesty r also something ur fated with. U know what Im saying? :)
Meister heyy!
**There are certain things that may be very, very likely to happen and that can be picked up on by a decent psychic.
really? d u mean like premonitions n the like? Sometimes I feel I can predict certain things too. It's really scary. Most of my dreams do come true too!!
U can talk to ghosts? WOWWWWWWWW! tell me more abt it plzzz!
hello Ashes hugggggggz!
**"I don't know whats gonna happen man(in future),but theres one thing i'm sure,that i'm gonna have my kicks before this whole shithouse(the world/universe) goes up in flames".
WOW a real Saggi ha! :) yeah I better tell Chantel abt it.
Keshi, hope this blogger prob gets sorted out soon :)Psychic stuff which involves the interpretation of auras surrounding our body sounds very spooky to me.
** they freak out about my aura being full of light.
really? WOW! They say that to me :) yes it's true. They say I have an aura abt me that's too bright. I dunno what that means tho :)
Colin has crazy eyes ha...funny dude he is. I like his voice the BEST.
Prachi hey I got ya!
Hello Kavya!
**And I think we are more drawn to them...when the going is not so smooth...n insecurities hover in our life
yeah thats right.
hehe Sanjay tnxxx!
Asha hugggggggz! anything for u sweetie :)
**After many years, I am indeed rich with money and looking forward to Paralysis
haha cmon it wont happen to ya. Im glad u have enough money tho :)
yeah my mum says that such women can curse beware hehe.
Helen heyy ty!
**. I see patterns...(whisper the last word)
how d u mean?
Fated WC!
yeah there's some truth in Astrology. Definitely! Im a Cancerian too :)
Cari hey thats close ha...WOW!
I think its 50/50 too. But its fun to just check it out ha :)
When John Edwards was in Sydney, one of our friends got an appt with him...she said that everything he said was 100% correct abt her dead niece.
G'day Tom and WC to my blog :)
u emailed Blogger? thats great. I hope they fix it soon. TY!
LaVida hey WB n hugggggggz!
**But I think the beauty of life come while being in the mystry.
definitely! So ur dad can say something abt my future? Wud be nice hehe :)
Yash heyy huggggggz u better now?
yeah palm reading can be right...cos no 2 ppl have the exact same palms.
I havent shifted to Beta cos I like being a Classic blogger :) Wanna be attached to the early roots of Blogger hehe.
Kittu heyy :)
Starry hello! yeah Classic is good for me too.
yeah let life unravel by itself.
Sunrise hello!
** physically feel, seems an oxymoron, does it not? - God, ghosts, spirits and all that jazz
hmmm true to a certain extent...I dunno if any of that exists but just cos we didnt 'physically' feel em, it doesn't mean they dun exist. U know its something like the darkness...darkness is absence of light. So is there darkness? Yes there is. Get what I mean? :)
u talk to spirits? tnxx I'll check ur site out soon.
Vipul heyy! Beta is driving me up the walls.
**Many a times i have experienced Deja Vu
I do get that feeling too. btw I also sometimes have premonitions and they happen exactly like that! It's scary. And I dun consider it as lucky. Cos it can be a real pain.
LOL Lee I'll say Hi to ya when both of us pass each other up the walls :):)
Hugggggggz Ann!
I wonder if Beta is ill-fated LOL!
tc and have a good break sweetie!
Krys for sure...go ahead :)
Chandra WC! ok then :)
Jeevan awwww...Im so sorry to hear he lied to ya. HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ! Ur normal in every way...just cos u have a disability, it doesnt make u any less than any of us ok?? TC n know that we love u alot!
Cinderella u got through WOOHOO! Huggggggggz I missed ya alot.
**And I am so very irritated that i switched to beta..its disgusting
Wut sort of probs d u have after switching to Beta?
**but once you get hold of one who is talking things about you, you want him to go on and on and you wanna listen..isnt it ?
so true. It can get very addictive. each his own :) Ty sweetie Im so glad u can be here now!
heyy EGO hugggggggggz! I missed ya. Im glad ur on holz now.
yeah believing in it is totally upto the individual.
yep I'll tell Chantel that TY sweetie :)
tc n I'll be there soon.
Deepthi WC n ty!
**its also a way to escape, blame the stars n u r free
so's a total escape from the real world. Kind of makes u feel less responsible for ur life :)
Em hey WC!
**think the number of people who has that kind of gift (or curse) is limited.
I agree. And ur right...alot of ppl r desperate abt their futures so they want something 'good' to hang on to. Spot on!
heyyya Top_Cat!
** when you press submit, you get a pop up making you choose whether to accept a secure thingy, then it comes back as you are ready to leave
I so know that irritating msg!!
yeah I know that the 'Other' option lets u login with the ID but it still doesnt give u ur profile pic. Its still better than Anonymous, I know :) tnxxx mate!
And u like Men At Work too? Goodo ;-)
heyy Ashish!
**but I have learnt enough not to try to convince people to stop theie beliefs.
I agree. Better let em believe what they wanna believe in.
**, I have to postpone buying items because it is not good to buy stuff on a certain day of the week
OMG I sooo know wut u mean!! My mum does that to me and I have now told her that I dun believe in such stuff so I wont stick to em LOL!
WC Julia I love ur profile pic!
**There is at least one sentence in the horoscope that applies to someone or the other.
I agree...there must be atleast one cue there that we need to pick up n work on. Definitely!
**how much more enriched are our experiences if we treat everything around us as so incredibly full of meaning that we can even learn and evolve simply by observing nature.
I so agree! Thats what Im wondering abt too. there must be some connection between Earth's beings and nature..there has to be.
Kesh, sure someone else must have said so by now, but beta was having some issues for a couple of days, and it was impossible to comment as a regular blogger, signed in, as you wrote. Seems to be working just fine now, I've experienced no further problems.
Nice post! I have that thought sometimes, wouldn't it be nice to be assured that something or other will work out in the future. Would be nice sometimes, just a little hint, but it would take all the anticipation, the dreaming and all the rest of it out of the equation, and we'd surely miss all of that. :-)
I've had my fortune told a couple of times, like going to watch a movie at the cinema, it's entertainment. They did say some pretty nice stuff taht I wouldn't have minded, if had come true. :-D
From the Bible: Ephesians 6:12= As Christians our fight is not against humans but against powerful spiritual beings of evil. 2nd Corinthians 11:14-15= Satan and his angels can appear as angels of righteousness and light. Matthew 7:21-23= Many who work miracles in God's name will not enter heaven. Why? Because they do not obey God. Leviticus 20:6= God will separate himself from those who go after mediums and familiar spirits. Leviticus 19:31= Stay away from mediums and familiar spirits. Deuteronomy 18:10-12= practicing witchcraft, sorcerery, soothsaying (forture-telling), interpreting omens, making spells, being a medium or spiritist, are all terrible sins to God. Leviticus 20:27= In the (OT) Old Testament, mediums or those with familiar spirits were to be stoned. (Their called familiar spirits because these evil spirits are familiar with the dead. Thus they can imitate the dead.) 1st Samuel 28:3-25= King Saul asked the medium at En Dor to bring up the prophet Samuel who was dead. 1st Chronicles 10:13= One reason King Saul died was because he asked a medium for help. Isaiah 8:19= Seek God not mediums, wizards or the dead. Isaiah 47:13-14= Astrologers and stargazers won't be able to save Babylon. Daniel 2:27-28= God kept King Nebuchadnezzar's dream and its interpretation secret from the astrologers, magicians or dream interpreters, and soothsayers. However, he revealed it to his prophet Daniel. Acts 16:16-18= A girl was possessed by an evil spirit that enabled her to be a fortune-teller. Paul commanded the evil spirit to come out of her in the name or authority of Jesus. The evil fortune telling spirit left her. Deuteronomy 4:19= Be careful that you don't worship the sun, moon, and stars. Deuteronomy 17:2-5= In the OT those who worshipped the sun, moon, or stars were to be stoned. Revelation 22:14-155= Sorcerers (strongs pharmakeia #5331) will not have access to the tree of life. Pharmakeia involves the use of drugs in making evil spells. Revelation 21:8= Sorcerers (pharmakeia), etc., will end up in the lake of fire. 1st Samuel 15:23= Witchcraft is a sin like rebellion. 2nd Chronicles 33:6= King Manasseh angered God by practicing witchcraft, sorcery, using mediums, etc. Exodus 22:18= In the OT a sorceress was to be executed.
Thought these were pretty powerful. Blessings & here's a hug!
Keshie, you asked, "What is a cracker"? A Christmas cracker-Ten inches long-tubular- made from gawdy paper which has a small cardboard tube containing a small plastic toy or thingy, when stretched apart the explosive tape inside the tube goes 'CRACK'. It is a beautiful day today in Budgewoi The NSW Central Coast OZ. Keshie and all of you other nice Bloggers, have a Wonderful Christmas. Vest.
I read astro signs daily. Mostly for fun! but sometimes they matches with the happenings. Well I aint serious about the stuff though! And psychic reading I got no idea what it is...:(
Hey Keshi, but I'm very curious and drawn towards spirituality and psychic readings these days. I know that it cannot be 100% accurate but there are so many interesting stuff that I'v discovered recently about the power of mantras and the 'rudraksh' and tarot-reading. I'v started chanting the 'Gayatri-mantra' daily for 108 times thrice and I'v really felt a difference. I feel more calm and at peace with myself. My (worldfamous) anger has reduced noticeably and I feel happier from within. I couldn't help but feel more drawn to learn about this super-human subject...
Keshi-the-smart-ass, You are funny ;) Psychic reading.... aahhh... I dont believe in this at all but my aunt who believes in all this made me see an astrologer when i was like 15. He told me i will work for the Navy and fly Jets. Bah! Im still searching for him to get my refund. He made a lot of money off my aunt. Made her reconstruct her house according to vaastu and change her life entirely.
As for talking to dead people, im sure they want to be left alone. They had too much of talking and listening while they were alive and i think they need peace and silence.
I hate astrologers and numerologists who change a persons name by inserting a random letter in between. Lets see, in order for you to be successful, you will have to change your name to Kayshi ;)
Life is full of surprises every moment and thats the way it is meant to be. You soak in the good ones and find a way to work around the bad ones. If you know whats is going to come your way, there would be no fun.
Matching horoscopes.... We had to pay the astrologer to tell my friend's parents that his and his girlfriend's horoscopes match... lol. They got married and are happy.
I understand if the beta blogger is getting in the way of our friendship ;) :P No matter what, i will keep coming back to your blog. I wish i could revert back to the classic blogger so you could comment on my blog, but unfortunately i cannot. Beta is not as bad as i expected it to be. One minor glitch was the some names of commentors in previous posts got blown away and were replaced with Anonymous. This affects only a few users and will not be a problem for new posts after migration to beta.
**It is a beautiful day today in Budgewoi The NSW Central Coast OZ.
WOW u live in the country? How nice. But ur not too far away from me cos Im from NSW too. Go Sydney WOOHOO! ;-)
Fleiger I read that in the news LOL!
**at the end of every road honesty and truth is the winnerr.Right????
Sure is Vikas!
Good on ya Contented :)
yeah now I can comment...I think they fixed the bugger.
Priyanka o no girl they arent all liars. There is some truth in it. If u look at Astrology in a scientific point of view, there's alot of credibility attached to it. Cos I believe that Earth's stars, planets, trees, beings, rivers, ocean etc etc are all connected and dependent on each other. They have to be!
**I'v started chanting the 'Gayatri-mantra' daily for 108 times thrice and I'v really felt a difference.
I do that really helps. I believe the mind is a magical repository full of gifts. Anyone can tame it and use it to tap into any other area on this Earth if u have the will-power and control. So good on ya girl!
but I know my anger can never be in control LOL!
Ari so u were never in the Navy? :)
**Matching horoscopes.... We had to pay the astrologer to tell my friend's parents that his and his girlfriend's horoscopes match
LOL hahahaha thats soooo funny!
My mum is a bit into horoscopes n all...I get annoyed when she says this is not a good period to do that n this...I mean Im someone who will do whatever whenever I want irrespective of what Saturn is thinking abt me haha!
I think I can comment in Beta blogs now...looks like they fixed it.
Nope, i so wanted to be in the Navy and that astrologer somehow found that out from someone (probably my silly cousin) before i met him. I was so happy when he told me that and i even paid him more. Damn, i need a refund now. :D
Music seems to adore me as it keeps reaching my and cars...friends I cannot be without...poems, life, ocean, people...these are some things I simply love. This is my personal e-diary...if anything I blurt out here hurts anyone, my sincere apologies in advance. What I write here are my deepest thoughts that I hardly discuss with people close to me in real. These are my conversations with my mind and the walls who sometimes have better listening powers than humans. But ofcourse I value everyone's views and I intend to grow from them, so you're most welcome to express yourselves here.
Life is too short so I try to 'live' longer every day...and yes one day at a time.
Knowledge is power hence people have been the source of that power in me...I thank them always.
122 Cranium Signets:
No Comments yet?
Does this mean Me first?
Cuirous, decides to comment later
tearing your hair out like an illegal immigrant? fuuunnnnny! i can just about imagine that.
right ho, what? about astro psychic stuff.
It's a pretty intense subject, and deserving of the time and thought you put into writing about it, Keshi. Yeah, there have been some pretty intense moments of psychic energy/mojo in my life, and when it happens, .there's this feeling like "ok...I guess not believing anymore isn't an option..."
we all know matter and energy can't be created nor destroyed, so where does energy go when people die or fight or love? I think it lingers and other people with hypersensitive psychic awareness can pick up that energy. Like I said...pretty intense stuff.
Darlin', you can always visit me here:
Hugs and kisses :-)
Even if you allow Anonymous comments, I really don't like leaving Anonymous comments that make me look like some faceless gunk walking around with a pillowcase over her head***So that means u ain't coming to any of my blogs, coz the one which is a classic blogger account u r not able to see from ur office and the other is a beta blogger account....Anyway, Good day!
I think that some people live to 'know'. They feel as if they 'know' they can relax or possibly have control over their life, circumstances and situations that may arise. It's like hindsight. Everyone always says,"Hindsight is 20/20" if something happens to us, we are oftentimes caught off guard...our reactions may a bit rash and acted upon without thought, whereas, if we had known about the problem before hand, we would have time to come up with a better solution, or more appropriate response.
Its crazy, because, it is our natural instinct as humans, to want to CONTROL our surroundings and life happenings. No one likes to feel out of control. But the truth is, the future is not always ours to 'know'.
Being that we only use a small percentage of our brain, it is my belief that it is possible to tap into psychic ability...or have a higher level of awareness. But too often, most psychics are out for money and will tell you what you want to hear, or something to keep you coming back and your wallet open.
enjoyed that men at work song - especially the sax solo! ahh, the sax solos of '80s ..... ;-D
and colin hay (lead singer) has an interesting kind of mullet hairdo there too!
hey gurl...i dint know the new blogger had such disadv..just wanted to try..Poor me...try now to chk if u r able to comment in mine..
Hi Keshi
Calm down, you will blow a gasket and end up in a casket. LOL
So that's what has happened. I wondered why I had to click to allow your comments. Like it or not you will have to make the switch to beta. We did, and everything went down.
Wednesday, everthing ground to a halt. Our server went down the country lane, and that was last we saw of the critter. -- If you have a problem posting a comment on my blog, email to Somebody might read it--if we remember to check it. LOL
Now I am pissed. Wrote half of the comment and found I was not in beta.
Something is screwing up here--so I be bbbbbbbbbbbbaacccck.
switch over to beta blogger!
i don't believe in psychic readings!! the future is in ur hands!! ALWAYS!!
Astrology-I just read for the monthly forecast. I don't go with that but just read for fun.
Psychic: No clue and if I come across I will not go for it.
A study shows that Gemini’s are the safest drivers. Since we all have free will there isn’t anything pre-ordained - the future is yet to be written and there is no peeking. Stars are hot blobs of gas and I do not think they were set in the sky just for us. Speaking to the dead - dead is dead, there is nothing left to talk with.
Astrology-I just read for the monthly forecast. I don't go with that but just read for fun.
Psychic: No clue and if I come across I will not go for it.
1st pic made me laugh sho sho sho very much :) Yeah blogger is going through constipated phase lol...It happened to me too & I guess everyone is complaining about this lately but I always know on our blog its YOU :)
I do not beleive in psychic reading...I would rather spend money on a book & enjoy reading in my hammock :)
Talking to dead people...I know someone personally who does that & I happened to be there & it was overwhelming.
Hugs for u !
Stay Beautiful...!!
I do read the horoscope section for FUN :)
You can comment in my blog--I checked and all is okay. I think. LOL
The problem is that some blogs are somewhere between the classic and beta. We had that problem and everything crashed.
To tie in with your blog, your sign is directly related to whether or not you will have a car accident or get a speeding ticket. This is true. Someone looking at the stats noticed the relation, and a study was conducted on the subject. It showed more than the tickets and accidents--the list was long.
How can psychics have accidents. LOL
So, you like California. I send most of my work to that area.
Although, I did talk to a dead person once. I had a overnight stay in a hospital--nothing serious--I shared a room with a very nice lady. We got talking, and I went into joke mode. The poor gal was laughing and then stopped. So, I kept talking for a few moments, but no reply. She died. Who says laughter is the best medicine.
Got ya--just joking! I just made that story up--all a joke.
Cheer up girl! Keep on bloggin!
I am so frustrated as well
with the blogger comment thingy:(
and i am quite useless at computer stuff so terrified to "switch"
I like to think i can create magic
and possibilites in my life
- and even if someone could
tell my future - i am not sure
i would like to know as
all the beautiful mystery and
enchantment of "what's around
the corner" would be lost.
I'm running blogger classic and having no problem commenting on B2 blogs.
But I'm with you on being a holdout - I went to a shitload of work to learn basic CSS so I could make my little patch of the internet look unique and like it was mine, and now the new version won't let it stay that way? Fuck that.
So, says I, stick with what you know, what works, what works PROPERLY and has a full-ish functionality.
Hmm... I like the show Ghost Whisperer... When i watch it, at times, tears fall... And it reminds me of my grandma... I wish i could "talk" to her....
ur First Mr.Tarun Light-House :)
hey Rose, yeah tell me abt stars, sun and the moon :)
heyya Helen!
**we all know matter and energy can't be created nor destroyed, so where does energy go when people die or fight or love?
I always questioned that too. The energy has to be ard somewhere. Freaky!
If u read my old post 'The Unfelt Touch', u'd realise I have a bit of that intuition. It can be very scary!
Tre Hugggggggggz! But I thought our usual spot was the bridge ;-)
Southy Im in ur other blog aint I? :)
Awaiting heyy!
What u said is right...some ppl just wanna live thinking they 'know' and are in control of their life's events.
**But the truth is, the future is not always ours to 'know'.
So true!
**Being that we only use a small percentage of our brain, it is my belief that it is possible to tap into psychic ability...or have a higher level of awareness.
I do believe in that. I can be pretty psychic sometimes and it's scary. Cos most dreams I dream happen in real. I have written abt this previously in the post I have mentioned here. I wonder if thats why I once saw a ghost too!
Fergal Im glad u enjoyed the song. It's such a catchy one ha.
**Colin Hay
Funny guy :)
Shiv I tried just now...cant even see ur blog :(
Bev ahoyyy! LOL alot has been happening at ur end with blogs ha...Beta has turned many ppl's daily lives upside down! ty for all that info Bev!
**How can psychics have accidents.
LOL true. I asked that from a friend too and she said well they cant predict everything!
yep I luv Califoria...wanna visit some day.
**She died. Who says laughter is the best medicine.
OMG that was sooo funny! ROFL! Good one Bev hahahaha!
Deepz Im not sure if all of the psychic readers r fake. I believe that those who have the 6th sense can really predict certain things.
Priya me too..sometimes I read the Astro column :)
Heyya Phos!
**Stars are hot blobs of gas and I do not think they were set in the sky just for us.
hehehe true. But sometimes I feel that everything on this Earth is dependent on each other. Therefore there's a strong energy between nature and beings. I dunno how accurate that would be, but thats my gut instinct.
Sugar heyy ty :)
** know someone personally who does that & I happened to be there & it was overwhelming.
thats very interesting! Could u share it with us?
Sohphie heyy yeah Beta looks dodgy lol!
**I like to think i can create magic
and possibilites in my life
- and even if someone could
tell my future - i am not sure
i would like to know as
all the beautiful mystery and
enchantment of "what's around
the corner" would be lost.
Spot on! Exactly how I feel.
WC Earthman n ty!
**, stick with what you know, what works, what works PROPERLY and has a full-ish functionality.
LOL exactly my policy in life. tnxxx mate!
awww Thumbelina :*(
d u believe we can speak to spirits?
yeah they can! but then prediction is a probability with high stakes! end of the day its still a probability!
what u have wid u is not probability. it is a complete 100%!!
Astrologers and their theories...if their theories were to be believed then i wud hv been sitting in the heaven and having a great time with the apsaras rather than waiting for the God damn highway to be cleared out here! They predicted my time of death, which has failed on all the occasions and they predicted that i'd be getting married thrice... they forgot to mention that the first wife wud cut my balls off even if i think something like that....lolz
Psychic readers...Well someday i'd like to read them rather than they do it on me.
check out my usual blog, u hv been missing some very important lessons out there...:D
Those psychics are usually full of it. Mostly they just tell people what they want to hear.
You can always upgrade to beta. It was easy and it really is a lot faster.
Hey Keshi
This 5 question post is in Jan Archives And who are ! Thanks :))
I do read horoscope but just for fun ...I don't believe in them neither do i believe in people who predict the future of others....
But the most weirdest part is at the time of fixing a engagement ...usually they match the horoscope (Girl and Guy's) and if there is a pbm then people just declare it like a news that the couple is not made for each other which is so weird ... Sad people believe in all this crap.
Hi Keshi!
I undertand you about comment.I don't like my new Beta. It takes a lot of time. I'm going to return to HoloScan. It was easy and much better. But I don't want to lose my old comments. I'm going to start new blog.
Psychic reading and talking to dead people - not for me.
Best to you!
Deepz I agree.
**what u have wid u is not probability. it is a complete 100%!!
but how do we even know that for sure? :)
Southy heyy lol!
**if their theories were to be believed then i wud hv been sitting in the heaven and having a great time with the apsaras rather than waiting for the God damn highway to be cleared out here
Marry 3 times? OMG and I havent even married once yet LOL! Kavi will smother u with her hair band for sure haha!
Southy I couldnt check ur blog last nite cos we went out...Im really missing ur blog. It feels empty not being able to take part in ur posts like I usually did. :( I will check em out tonite, ty!
Jay tnxx!
so u didnt have any complications with Beta? Such as losing ur old blog etc?
oh ok My_Life :)
btw I cant comment in ur blog either :(
**Sad people believe in all this crap.
LOL! I dislike this horoscope matching business. Its kinda dumb, seriously!
Ahh I can never decide whether i want to believe in it or not.. but i know that sometimes i wonder if stars do dictate our actions for the rest of our life and we are not creatures of free will
or are wel?
hi keshi!!
Hey I believe in all good things pshcic stuff tells me..Any thing baad? then the whole thing is dumb :)
Just a positive attitude
hey bad thing you cat comment on beta blogger without being annonymous
hmmm... dunno really... i like to read psychic reading all those... but not very serious... its quite intriguing though...
and all those mahing horoscopes and things, those are bullshit ...
its just the matter of believing, wanting, wishing.... individual perception i should say...
About the beta blogger thing.... naaaaah.... KAP dont stop bloggin... even i had some hard time with that beta blogger once, but now i dont even leave comments,,, lol
First of all I don't believe in this psychic crap... I donno whether its true or not but I just don't wanna believe in it. Talking with dead people... I don't believe in life after death... If I am dead, I am dead. When cremated I become nothing more than ash...Live life as it comes :)
**d u believe we can speak to spirits?
I believe its a Yes & a No..
We chinese have a special ritual to speak to the dead.. But sometimes, i do not know whether it is real or not...
Hey hope all is well...Im having the same today ...everyblog that I wanted to visit is blocked by Omantel...somehow its blocked because it has some whch I have seen most the blog that I visit are poetry blogs...Very starnge
As for psychic one time I was so amazed on how they can do that...You cn get so much into it..If we could all about our life Im sure will be God, and sure would be here on earth
thanks for sharing , I loved what you wrote
i hate beta..i hate beta..i fucking hate beta...tht shuld do
but i have no probs wid anon comm...kinda mystical dey are..hehe
initially after readin the title i though the post was about psychedelic :)
oh btw i cant stop myself from giving this advice...if u havent listen to Staind...esp Outside ..see im kinda in the grip of dis song :P
well, thats for you to figure out. but it surely does exist in 100%!! now enuf philosophy from me!! LOL!!
Why the hell do they want us to switch anyway?
Psychics follow guidelines..if you listen carefully you can HEAR their 'fishing' expeditions. They can tell if a person is responsive and they generally ask why the client is there in the first place.
In scientific terminology it is utter bullshit.
The thing is that many people need attention and want some affirmation about something that they have conjured up their own minds. From there it is only a hop, skip and a jump for an astute intuitive person to find out exactly what it is that they want to hear. Most people have similar events occur to them..I mean we all go through the same sort of things in this a psychic merely follows a process of elimination to discover if red is your favorite colour and if you had a relative whose name starts with a I am seeing an M...wait a minute what about a D? F? R yes I am getting an R! No, how about an S?
I'd like to think that astrology is a proper science and its not just a few ppl in wierd getups faking the same time I know not many pundits and the kind understand this science.
I have had my share of predictions and some of them did come true....guess it was more of a coincidence...nonetheless I enjoy the whole process its great fun....meeting these ppl...some would see the horoscope, some read the hands, foreheads and some even have a look at the feet :)
I'm having the same problem with beta blogs! I tried to change to it but couldn't. I guess I made them mad. :)
To see Kesh get pissed off at blogger is something unheard of. But it sure seems serious. If only the morons at Google can do something about it.
Was pretty surprised to see you leaving a comment as Anon. Lol!!
Beta Blogger sucks. period.
If it's predicted to happen how can you change it? I don't get it."
Alright, Keshi do this for me. (Actually do it :)!
Stand on one leg.
Done it?
Ok, now lift your other leg.
Its like this. You used your free will to decide which leg you would stand on. The next time, the law of gravity took over, and you could not lift the other leg.
So you do have free will. But once you have chosen the path on the forked road, destiny takes over.
The forked road presents itself to us each moment with each thought.
Time (psychological, or as some prefer, karmic), and destiny are an interwoven matrix, like time (by the watch) and space. You cannot separate one from another.
But relax, you have no problems here. You are a Cat. And cats have have nine lives :)
** If Blogger can't get that to work and if Blogger is making us Classic bloggers look like some old trash that need to be flushed into Beta, then that's when I'd really stop blogging for good
he he there u go ... ride the tides keshi ... its easier than complaining over a frivolous thing as blogging :D
think I made a post about horoscopes n stuff b4 ... so i'll keep shut :) ... it just serves psychologically for the weak minded
I don't believe in talking with the dead ... illusions / delusions ... we see, hear and feel what we want to ... sometimes even those which doesn't exist
but I do believe that the human mind proly has the power of clairvoyance like The Oracle in the matrix :) ... ESP's :) ... but I dun believe its a common thing to be found with a guy in every corner ... I'd only expect it from a true ascetic who uses him mind more than the rest
Hiya Keshi! How u doin???
Abt this future predictions thingie.. i dutn believe in it... well, once my uncle brought one old guy, who began to tell us about our future.. he did predict that i wud fly abroad for my ugrad.. n lo.. i did! But frankly, if i believed him n jus sat warming my bum, without working so hard, i wud have gotten no closer to even gettin into a local university... n he has also predicted that i will get married when i 27! damn wid it!
life after death... i dunt believe i either...
hey Keshi ....
I don't know the reason why you can't comment in my blog
My blog address is
I will be happy to see you there WC :))
Hurraaaaay for classic bloggers!!! ;)
I'm doing astrology for some years now. Astrological psycology to be precise. It's good fun and I think a very good tool to find to yourself.
But in my school of astrology I had to sign a form that I won't do any prophesy!! I think that's very cool, because astrology shouldn't be made to predict one's life! That's not possible.
But maybe you can find out a lot about yourself, your behavings, your resistances, your strenghts and so on.
Would like to write some more about that, but I'm bloody buzzy these days... maybe later, who knows
have a great weekend!!
hey no comments on this topic...
mind says that only ur wrk and ur honesty fates ur future...thats it..
I was hornswoggled like a stupid ass fool into using Beta Booger. I complain about it vehemently.
Regarding psychic readings, I do believe in them. They pick up on trends and atmospheres. There are certain things that may be very, very likely to happen and that can be picked up on by a decent psychic.
As to talking to ghosts, I'm one of those people who can. It's kind of hit or miss for me, though. They have to want to talk to me. I pick up on emotions more so than specifics, but I've been scary right about things on more than one occasion.
However, if it turns out that I'm just more nuts than I originally thought, oh well. At least I had someone to talk to sometimes along the way. far as astrolgy is concerned I reckon at one time I was influenced by it a lot.It just was trying to find a pattern in human behaviour.It was fun always and still is.But then again I am reminded of what Jim Morrison said in one of his concerts"I don't know whats gonna happen man(in future),but theres one thing i'm sure,that i'm gonna have my kicks before this whole shithouse(the world/universe) goes up in flames".And Morrsion was a Saggi "the most philosophical of all the signs",in his own words.
do tell yer friend about the shithouse thingy and tell her to get her kicks before that.
I have had that trouble with trying to comment on Beta Blogger sites too, Keshi. I am looking at Typepad, even though it costs $$$. I don't know. I really miss talking to my other blogmates.
I have never had a psychic reading, but whenever a psychic has seen me, they freak out about my aura being full of light. This is true.
I love Men At Work. Thanks for putting this on here, Keshi. I love Colin Hay's crazy eyes and, of course, his voice.
I think, even i can not comment on any of the beta bloggers. i tried as anonymous also :((.. hope u will get this comment atleast!
first thing in the newspaper i read is the horoscope,though i dont believe strongly in astrology but maybe its just curiosity to know wat lays ahead for you that makes it interesting.
And I think we are more drawn to them...when the going is not so smooth...n insecurities hover in our life
Sorry about your travails with blogger. Beta is really more easy to use and has some nice features.
I don't care for most of the psychic stuff.
Thanks for leaving 2 comments in my Beta!! I am honored my baby!:)
When I was 16,a woman read my hand and said I am going to be a "Lakhpati" ie with lots of money.Teenager as I was then,shot my mouth and told her laughingly "sure, more like Lakhva" (ie Paralize)! She got angry and said "so be it then".
After many years, I am indeed rich with money and looking forward to Paralysis!:D
Btw,don't say any bad things infront those women,might come true!
Read your Unfelt Touch, and rambled on my own site (sight? lol) about the's good to think about. I see patterns...(whisper the last word)
Astrology is pretty interesting. I'm not sure about anyone else. But my sign is Cancer, and I'm very true to my sign. I don't really believe in horoscopes though. They're so general they could apply to any day or anyone.
me & an old bfriend went out to a club - when we got there...i wasn't allowed in bc i wasnt 21 yrs old... comes the point of the story..:}
i tell my bfriebd to go in the club and tell our friends we were leaving and here is this lady sitting in a corner outside the club...mind u we were on the rooftop to the it wasn't like outside in the street...
anways she's got a table with a deck of tarot cards over a purple velvet sheet.w/ sparkly glitter (this is what attracted me)
anyways..she says to me that her services are free...but donations are welcomed...and she could tell me both my past & future! well...i thought...its free! :)
there were some things she was right about that had happened in my past...but the things she said were very general...
when she came to my future reading she said that she def saw me makin some major life changes...she said i would end up ditching this bfriend..bc i wasnt really into him...and pursue a relationship w/ another guy that i would meet up with later
she went on to say that i would work as a modeling scout at a major model agency not with the bfriend (i ended it) anymore...but im not a model i guess there is a 50/50 chance they are right...
as for john edwards...yes! i loved his show too! it's so hard to get on it many fans! so many people trying to get in...
This is my first visit to this blog you have some great stuff here. I liked the cat photo.
This beta issue seems to be a big problem for people. I just kept emailing blogger what the problems I was having were and they were fixed.
Kesh girl, I think it's quite human for people to find a scapegoat, the blame game has always been age old.
What better way than to blame it on the 'stars' yes they sure makes an interesting read although some people, sadly let their lives be ruled by it.
On a side note, it wasn't nice to see you, the 'Mother of Blogs' to post anony. So put up Haloscan as well :D
Heyy Keshi
I am sorta back :)Big huggy
Well my dad is working on a PhD in astrology and say it could be pretty accurate. But I think the beauty of life come while being in the mystry.
well I believe somewat in sunsigns...but not in palm reading and all that...specially not the ghost whisperer! these ghost whisperers are all sham anyway...and hey u still haven't shifted to beta?:)
me also into this poor beta :(
hope i dont say tata
Keshi..I am haveing the same problem as yoyu do.unable to leave a comment on the beta blog.I am an old classic blogger like you and refuse to change.I like my blog the way it is.I dont like to leave an annonymous comment also.having said that.
I read the astrology signs just for fun and dont really believe in it.I dont really want to know what the future holds.Like you daid it is fun discovering each and every new day.I dont want to be sitting at home worrying about what is going to happen to morrow.lovely post as ususal.hugz:)
Why do some people live on psychic readings...?
Good question. I do not know. Their beliefs, I guess...
I agree with you, though... all this is nonsense... going for fun (or to even MAKE fun of the nonsense that we've found out - as long as it isn't front of the person, of course ;)), OK... but actually believing in them?
Nope. Don't think so. I am not into any of the things I can't physically see or feel - physically feel, seems an oxymoron, does it not? - God, ghosts, spirits and all that jazz... :)
To many... it is mirage.
I don’t believe much in it. But I don’t intend to ~x( for that too
You have good taste for variety music, keshi.
I like your selections.
Yeah, I think it's all a fallacy.
I mean, come on. Someone thinks they can predict my future? I can't predict my future.
It just doesn't make sense, but then a lot of people believe in things that I think are just plain silly, so I guess it isn't limited to astrology and that sort of thing.
i hav that commenting problem too..besides cant even comment anon/"other" modes on beta blogs..hate it.
and then my google account was linked to my anonymous had to do lot of manipulation to link google account to this profile so that i cd comment...
smtimes life is so irritatin.
and i better not get startedon horoscopes and all that
THANKS!!! for enabling anon comments.. phew! i was having a really hard time commenting! :)
i think blogger sucks.. we shd all switch.. but im too bored to do that too.. so im just gonna lay off blogger for a while.. its pissing me off no end!
on ur topic.. hmm ghost whisperer's sound interesting.. well im a self learned pseudo tarot card reader.. yup.. took lessons online.. awaiting my gypsy costume and crystal ball so i can go right ahead n predict the future! :)
well hopefully, blogger will solve its problems.. i have way too mnay already without blogger tying to add to it!
u have a good one hun.. enjoy ur weekend!
Men at Work had more than one song? I did not know that.
Hi Keshi!!! As always you always write about things that really get my attention. You are always thinking such powerful, deep, thoughts.
Now I too can't stand beta blogger. When I go to log in it's tho blogger is BEGGING me to switch. I don't even think if you were to join blogger now that you can have a 'regular' blog anymore. I don't know if this always works but in the past I have been able to comment by writing my comment and then hitting preview and then once it came up as a preview then I would hit publish your comment button and it would publish my comment. Also, if you have a gmail account or gmail email address you can log in that way.
Now, psychics I do believe that are some out there who definitely have a gift. But I think that there are alot more out there who are frauds. I have never had my fortune told by a psychic. I don't want to know.
Astrology has always intrigued me but I do not live my life by it but I feel I have alot of knowledge and alot of books about it. I look at at entertainment value and much less so now. I do believe that psychics, astrology, tarot, ouija boards,etc are against God. I feel that I'm messing with the devil.
As far as talking to dead people, I really don't know if anyone has a gift for this. I think maybe they pick up vibes but I definitely don't believe in John Edwards. I don't get good vibes from him. I trust my gut instinct/my vibes and there are certain people in life may I know them or not, psychics on TV, even evangelists that I do not get a 'good feeling' about. I instantly do not trust them or believe them or want to watch them or be around them. Know what I mean?I feel sorry for the lost souls out there who turn to psychics and such. I feel they should turn to God and Jesus. I know they would be much more fulfilled and alot less stressed about their future. I don't feel that they should be persuaded by the devil for wrong answers and wrong outlets but hey! we all have and we all do in some shape or form.
I don't now if there is an afterlife but there seems to be so many comments and claims from credible people I don't think I can rule it out.
But beta booger pisses me off too.
Hi Keshi...
I could identify with you on the beta thingy. pretty irritating esp when the long comment you spent so much time typing just goes missing...tat sucks actually..
Hmm.. i guess as human we are naturally curious to know the future and all. And this things can be highly addictive and alluring as well. As long as it doesn't overtake us and cause us to depend on it totally would be fine i guess..
I kinda agree with ya statement on life would not be an adventure. :)
and also sometimes these whole astrology and so on shit could just make people big time paranoid and worry them their whole life. even preparing for their deaths for some. these things aren't 100% true. at the end of the day its God who holds our lives. wrote a post called curiousity kills the cat before on these subject . just a brief one.
Seeing the dead?
Heard of people seeing the dead. but i don't know how true are these stuff.
Have a good weekend Keshi!
Amazing topics sis that you came up with :D...
well I had such an experience...listen carefully ;)
one of my aunt she went to this guy who eats lots of beatle leaves and chant some mantras and he predicts...! a time was there when I was struggling to move up in career and my boss didnt want me to as I was performing good and it made him look good infront of the Management! and that chanting guy said about me - some where from the blues...that I am not satisfied with my job and am working but not with that same enthusiasm!!!! ...when I heard that I was surprised and got curious to know more as I often make fun of such people who predict weird things!
Guess what, later when I asked him to dig ..he came out saying when I was in 7th grade (this is real fun) there was a guy who was in love with me (lol) and since he didnt get me ....they have chanted some black magic hahahahah the moment he said that I ran from I said who the hell thinks of such thing when you are in 7th grade :D...!
After that even for fun I dont go you can imagine!
I dont believe in this but I like to play and trick around these guys!
But I have also heard about these black magic and spritual talks...never believed in it :D
Cheers babe
I usd to say the same thing before and now too on several instances but alowly also have realised the meaning of all this stuff. It gets deep in some spheres..In some it is just a relief to know tht something good is gng to happen, it is like u r weak n u r gaining strength fronm the positive talk..In some instance I know, tht accidents n health have got screwed...Wht can we do about it in all instances, not in all but in some definitel YES..:)
u have a nice weekend too.
I believe predictions can fit anyone.
and if some one did not see it fit, either they were unhappy of the prediction or they decided to see the light.
But to be the devil's advocate:
Such things give peace of mind to some people(when given in the right amount... say if some one reassure that the future will be fine but expect some hard work or something like that). of course no addiction is ever good.even if it is blogs ;) or love ;))
BTW, just switch to new blogger and dotn change your template and voila you are as good as old! :)
This one is faster and easy to manipulate. U can trust me on that. It is pretty useful.
Cheers mayt! have a nice weekend!
Great music by one of ur own bands, by the way...
You've really hit on something now...all this stuff is like horoscopes is fun, but it's malarkey far's I'm concerned...
Isn't life complicated enough without trying to make it more so by throwing in these kinds of variables?
I say complicated...but maybe these beliefs are to simplify things and tell us who we're supposed to be and what we're really like so we don't have to try to figure it out ourselves or determine our own destiny...if a palm reader can tell us that, for example.
Pshaw!!! That's what I say...
I cannot comment in Beta blogs that don't allow Anonymous comments. It's pissing me off big time.
awwwww sorry for that sweetie ;( but once switched to beta u can't go back to old blogger so no choice for me too ;(... hope blogger do something for this! dun worry na... it'll be ok soon!
well, i do read horoscope everyday, am doin' it for fun and i think it doesn't affect what i believe in life coz i dun believe on bad readings hehe.. only good ones lol!(smart me?) ^_^ i always luv reading about astrology, soulmates etc... i just loveeee it! i dunno why? maybe because some are true about me and to what i've experienced in life hehe! or am i still living in dreams? awwww ^_~
... that i can feel i have 30% indian blood lol!! esp. when am talkin' to Indian friends who luvs astrology too!
u take care sweetie muaahhh! enjoy weekend luv ya!
I ignore them and never read them. When you go to the Christmas party slip into the xmas cracker your own motto, then seek the wench of your choice to pull your cracker, hopefully she will read, whatever is on your mind.
I said Cracker.
The only spirit I know, is in the occassional wine I drink. LOL
Hi mystics. If you are seeking solace or missing your dear departed, contact this blog.and mention My firm.
Vera and Gravely Hill
After Death Communication services.
Ok so keshi cannot post via beta
Ok congrats welcome to the club
I know Beta sucks so much!! really!
And yes the last weak i was pullin out my hair too when i was on ur blog and couldnt write a comment damn!
Well u are right sometimes the situation is such that we do feel something and there is no explainations for it
Many a times i have experienced Deja Vu
And siriously am sometimes jealous of people gifted with 6 sense
What lucky ppl they are as they can judge wats coming!
I'm having issues with trying to leave comments for people as well and it drives me up the wall!!! Arrghhhh!!!!
Keshi.... it's a catch 22 situation... 1)we can't comment on beta blogger or whatever it is, but 2)if we change over, then those that could comment on us, won't be able to... hmmmm
popped by to wish you and yours Happy Holidays and I'll catch up with you when I get back.
lotsa luv ann xxxxx
Hi Keshi!
Please say me, could I put your today's post about Beta problem on my blog?
I'll be back.
Have a great weekend!
talking to the dead is possible.
come meet me at :
warm wishes
I don’t hope on this dear, but i don't like to enter my head on those who hope on this. Even though I face a situation like this:
Think 8 or 9 years back, one of my dad's colleague take us to a guy who was said to have god's power and give message to the people whom visit him. So i went with my dad, the guy was sitting in a small room with god's photos around, and i went and sit near him, he gives sacred ash and a lemon to make it juice to drink. He also assured us i would get cure soon. After some month's we dont know where he gone. We also called him ones to home and do pooja's. An astrologist also said I would be a normal person in my age of 15, but what happen nothing.
Talking to death person is fully eyewash.
BIG TIME !!!!!
And I am so very irritated that i switched to beta..its disgusting. The classic was so simple and without much nautanki. this is just too much.
Anyway, I really really hope i am able to comment this time...
Thank god i could...phew !!
Now about the post..talking to spirits and prediting the future.
Though I dont believe in these things,specially spirit talking,I have have seen instances where astrologers have indeed said things about people who they have no idea about..That was really surprising..
But the thing is that untill you dont know what an astrologer has to say about you, you're ok but once you get hold of one who is talking things about you, you want him to go on and on and you wanna listen..isnt it ??
After all its about you..!!
But that hasnt been that with me...and neither do I listen when there's one such guy in my vicinity, I fear my getting biased.
Basically I think let it be for those who want.
For easy answer
Wishing you wonderful day!
hey keshi!!
How you? I just finished my exams... hopefully will blog more often now.. cause have hols..
Liked ur post! its true sometimes even I get all into astrology etc... my sis and my bf dont believe all this.. but i kinda do.. heheh
I dunno..its fun..
but I know wht u mean about no adventure left in life if u get things predicted... even I think thats stupid whether the prediction is true or not!
p.s. tell chantel - nice pseudo name btw hehe- to relax.. cause everything happens for a reason :D
Well u r actually very write in saying dat even if the predictions r true where would the adventure go... I agree to u... Its at times funny but then this world stands on the system of constricted beliefs, when has reality been a bliss, the weird constructs keepthe minds distracted for a while n slowly v move on, its also a way to escape, blame the stars n u r its convenient i guess...
Back in college, as a final requirement for a particular subject, a group of my classmates went to see several psychic readers to see whether or not they were for real. Apparently, psychic readers feed off of your reactions; if they see (from your reaction) that they are going on the right track, they'll move on that direction. That means, even if you give them the wrong information, they'll still go on that same direction and build up a story about the future that revolves on the past you have just provided them.
Personally, I've never believed in psychic readers. I mean, I can't deny that there are probably people who can see the future, but I think the number of people who has that kind of gift (or curse) is limited.
I suppose a lot of people are just too desperate that they hope and wish that they can have some kind of future to hang on to.
keshi..I've had the same problem, in fact I emailed blogger about it but I guess they are too busy trying to fix this stupid beta/blogger thing they've created with google.
I would reccomend all bloggers email blogger about this and maybe they'll get off their butts and try to fix it.
Another thing I hate about beta is when you press submit, you get a pop up making you choose whether to accept a secure thingy, then it comes back as you are ready to leave..stupid!!
My friend Dan figured out a workaround and here's how it works.
Check the Other ( )instead of Anon
fill in your username(keshi)
second line..type in the url of your blog.
I love that song.:)
I have always been more of a sceptic, so not sure whether I believe in the psychic stuff; but I have learnt enough not to try to convince people to stop theie beliefs.
I am the almost the youngest in my extended family of cousins, and aunts/uncles all elder that my parents; so the fun part comes when anybody elder tries to get me or parents to do something based on some belief (for example, I have to postpone buying items because it is not good to buy stuff on a certain day of the week). At that time, depending on my mood, I can be reluctantly convinced or (I fear) somewhat rude.
I wonder how other people deal with such situations ?
There was this hugely popular Barnum and Steely circus in the UK. One of its owners P.T Barnum said that the secret of his establishment's success was that there was at least one item that drew heartfelt applause from every spectator.
I feel psychic readings, astro predictions and other paranormal 'results' are like the circus. There is at least one sentence in the horoscope that applies to someone or the other.
(Nice blog. I came in from your comment on aditi's blog.)
Starlight, Starbright
A comment in another blog--a response to the searching questions of psychic energy, astrology, etc.--ran along the lines of "the stars aren't in the sky for us, they are just blobs of gas." I think I understand this person's sentiments, as roughly translating to: it is this whole "universe as belonging to humans and everything in the universe is there for our consumption and use" mentality which has gotten us in the deplorable condition we are in. Let it go, distance ourselves from that mentality and we'll be wiser and able to move on.
Yet that simply addresses the effect, not the cause. I think the cause of that use, use, consume, consume mentality is indeed this separation from the parts of the whole. We are on this earth for the stars, the stars are in the skies for us, the moth exists for the light, the light exists for the moth. Maybe, just maybe, we simply happen to share the same universe as the stars, no connection whatsoever. But again, maybe we both share the universe to give each other meaning. Maybe studying the stars or the tarot or entrails or tea leaves forces us to observe, to detect patterns and relationships, to crawl into a part of our minds that otherwise was not open.
On a very basic level, we have chosen which aspects of nature's patterns we will respond to and apply to our lives. When it rains, we predict how that will affect our dress, our energy, and the curliness of our hair. Yes, it will continue to rain whether or not we examine the pattern and respond to it, and whether or not we're even around to examine the pattern and respond to it. But instead of acting so detached from nature's patterns, and then wondering why we can't find purpose or meaning in life what if we looked to nature once again to provide the framework for the self-examination we need to make certain decisions.
While stars will continue to burn whether we watch them or not, and it's just as easy to discard the tea leaves into the compost bucket than to examine them, how much more enriched are our experiences if we treat everything around us as so incredibly full of meaning that we can even learn and evolve simply by observing nature.
posted by Helen | 5:40 AM | 4 comments
normally, beginning of the year, i'll go for tarot cards or palm reading, but only for fun tho...
it's kinda fun to know about your "future" (as if they really gonna happen)
me too Aditi..I think that we do have some sort of connection with beings/nature on this planet. There must be some sort of inter-dependence.
Preetha I like ur positive attitude :)
LOL KAP u dun leave comments at all? awww...
KK so u believe there's nothing after death? hmmm....
oh ok Thumbelina :)
heyy IMNASRA ty :)
**If we could all about our life Im sure will be God, and sure would be here on earth
yeah thats right.
hey Desperado no psychedelic rock here hehehe.
** listen to Staind...esp Outside ..see im kinda in the grip of dis song
oh ok..sounds like a great song then :)
hehe Deepz :)
HE heyy!
yeah they 'fish' indeed haha! I know what u mean. They question u and somehow get the answers u need from ur own mouth.
Neihal yeah some of em r accurate and indeed it's a science. LOL yeah it's fun cos one person once looked at my eyes and said somethings abt me :):)
hehe Andrew I so know what u mean :)
LOL Johno me the mother of blogs na hahahaha!
yeah and I do feel like a ghost being anonymous LOL!
TT heyy!
**So you do have free will. But once you have chosen the path on the forked road, destiny takes over.
I think so too...nice on there, TY!
Samy heyy!
**but I do believe that the human mind proly has the power of clairvoyance like The Oracle in the matrix
yeah thats right.
** I'd only expect it from a true ascetic who uses him mind more than the rest
good one.
Prithz, just like for ya, they said the same thing abt my higher studies...which I did :) Abt marriage, well they said various things..nothing happened yet haha!
My_Life I came to ur blog b4...but I cant comment there cos ur a Beta blogger with no Anonymous comments allowed. Thats why :)
heyy Murane thats pretty interesting! I didnt know u were into that!
**But maybe you can find out a lot about yourself, your behavings, your resistances, your strenghts and so on
true, I agree with that. Cos they can tell u precisely what sort of person u r. Like how Cancerians r very sensitive etc. Thats so true.
ok so why cant u predict someone's life?
Vikas heyy!
**mind says that only ur wrk and ur honesty fates ur future..
thats so true. But sometimes I wonder if that work n honesty r also something ur fated with. U know what Im saying? :)
Meister heyy!
**There are certain things that may be very, very likely to happen and that can be picked up on by a decent psychic.
really? d u mean like premonitions n the like? Sometimes I feel I can predict certain things too. It's really scary. Most of my dreams do come true too!!
U can talk to ghosts? WOWWWWWWWW! tell me more abt it plzzz!
hello Ashes hugggggggz!
**"I don't know whats gonna happen man(in future),but theres one thing i'm sure,that i'm gonna have my kicks before this whole shithouse(the world/universe) goes up in flames".
WOW a real Saggi ha! :) yeah I better tell Chantel abt it.
Keshi, hope this blogger prob gets sorted out soon :)Psychic stuff which involves the interpretation of auras surrounding our body sounds very spooky to me.
Grunt heyy!
** they freak out about my aura being full of light.
really? WOW! They say that to me :) yes it's true. They say I have an aura abt me that's too bright. I dunno what that means tho :)
Colin has crazy eyes ha...funny dude he is. I like his voice the BEST.
Prachi hey I got ya!
Hello Kavya!
**And I think we are more drawn to them...when the going is not so smooth...n insecurities hover in our life
yeah thats right.
hehe Sanjay tnxxx!
Asha hugggggggz! anything for u sweetie :)
**After many years, I am indeed rich with money and looking forward to Paralysis
haha cmon it wont happen to ya. Im glad u have enough money tho :)
yeah my mum says that such women can curse beware hehe.
Helen heyy ty!
**. I see patterns...(whisper the last word)
how d u mean?
Fated WC!
yeah there's some truth in Astrology. Definitely! Im a Cancerian too :)
Cari hey thats close ha...WOW!
I think its 50/50 too. But its fun to just check it out ha :)
When John Edwards was in Sydney, one of our friends got an appt with him...she said that everything he said was 100% correct abt her dead niece.
G'day Tom and WC to my blog :)
u emailed Blogger? thats great. I hope they fix it soon. TY!
LaVida hey WB n hugggggggz!
**But I think the beauty of life come while being in the mystry.
definitely! So ur dad can say something abt my future? Wud be nice hehe :)
Yash heyy huggggggz u better now?
yeah palm reading can be right...cos no 2 ppl have the exact same palms.
I havent shifted to Beta cos I like being a Classic blogger :) Wanna be attached to the early roots of Blogger hehe.
Kittu heyy :)
Starry hello! yeah Classic is good for me too.
yeah let life unravel by itself.
Sunrise hello!
** physically feel, seems an oxymoron, does it not? - God, ghosts, spirits and all that jazz
hmmm true to a certain extent...I dunno if any of that exists but just cos we didnt 'physically' feel em, it doesn't mean they dun exist. U know its something like the darkness...darkness is absence of light. So is there darkness? Yes there is. Get what I mean? :)
JAC heyy ty!
u like Men At Work too? Thats great :)
hey AB hows it going?
yeah well some of it I believe is accurate tho...
Hope ur having a good weekend. I had a shitty one. Thats why Im on blogs this Sunday. Im fighting that feeling.
TC mate!
Phoenic lol awww ur not having such a good time r ya? Take it easy. I hope all the Blogger profs will fix it soon. Fingers crossed!
Purnima aww HUGGGGGGGGZ! Lovely to see ya here!
**well im a self learned pseudo tarot card reader..
huh really? WOW! Thats very interesting. Tell me something abt my future...will I live long? I dun wanna, thats why.
LOL Phos, not only more than 1 song (which is Down Under), they had GREAT many hits :)
Blessed heyy yeah there's alot of drama cos of Beta (rolling eyes).
** I feel they should turn to God and Jesus.
thats right...some ppl tell me that astrology/psychics is against God. But I really dunno why/how. But I dun even know if it's true tho :)
WC Trundling_Grunt!
hehe so Beta pissed alot of ppl off :)
yeah u never know whats after death...cos no dead man lives to tell.
G'day Amy!
**at the end of the day its God who holds our lives.
I believe in that somehow. I really do.
ty Amy hugggggggggggz!
Dawn heyy hows ya sis?
** I said who the hell thinks of such thing when you are in 7th grade
LOL awwww u neva know darling...cos who wudnt fall in love with ya?
well I guess some of em can tell u the truth...some just bluff hehe.
TC n huggggggggggggz!
Scribblez heyy!
**In some instance I know, tht accidents n health have got screwed
how d u mean?
haha Soj blogging is certainly and addiction! :):)
**BTW, just switch to new blogger and dotn change your template and voila you are as good as old!
really? I just dun wanna change cos Im too comfy with Classic. well let me see what I'll do. TY!
WW I knew u'd like this song :)
**Isn't life complicated enough without trying to make it more so by throwing in these kinds of variables?
true!!! tnxxx mate!
Kath hugggggggggz!
u too? LOL haha ur so cute. Well I read the sun sign column some times. It's fun, I know :)
Ur having a good weekend Kath? Mine is SHITTY. I'll tell u later. TC n MWAHHHHHH!
Hey Vest WC!
Cracker as in? sorry I didnt get that.
LOL Jac haha good one!
Gravely_Hill WC!
u talk to spirits? tnxx I'll check ur site out soon.
Vipul heyy! Beta is driving me up the walls.
**Many a times i have experienced Deja Vu
I do get that feeling too. btw I also sometimes have premonitions and they happen exactly like that! It's scary. And I dun consider it as lucky. Cos it can be a real pain.
LOL Lee I'll say Hi to ya when both of us pass each other up the walls :):)
Hugggggggz Ann!
I wonder if Beta is ill-fated LOL!
tc and have a good break sweetie!
Krys for sure...go ahead :)
Chandra WC! ok then :)
Jeevan awwww...Im so sorry to hear he lied to ya. HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ! Ur normal in every way...just cos u have a disability, it doesnt make u any less than any of us ok?? TC n know that we love u alot!
Cinderella u got through WOOHOO! Huggggggggz I missed ya alot.
**And I am so very irritated that i switched to beta..its disgusting
Wut sort of probs d u have after switching to Beta?
**but once you get hold of one who is talking things about you, you want him to go on and on and you wanna listen..isnt it ?
so true. It can get very addictive. each his own :) Ty sweetie Im so glad u can be here now!
heyy EGO hugggggggggz! I missed ya. Im glad ur on holz now.
yeah believing in it is totally upto the individual.
yep I'll tell Chantel that TY sweetie :)
tc n I'll be there soon.
Deepthi WC n ty!
**its also a way to escape, blame the stars n u r free
so's a total escape from the real world. Kind of makes u feel less responsible for ur life :)
Em hey WC!
**think the number of people who has that kind of gift (or curse) is limited.
I agree. And ur right...alot of ppl r desperate abt their futures so they want something 'good' to hang on to. Spot on!
heyyya Top_Cat!
** when you press submit, you get a pop up making you choose whether to accept a secure thingy, then it comes back as you are ready to leave
I so know that irritating msg!!
yeah I know that the 'Other' option lets u login with the ID but it still doesnt give u ur profile pic. Its still better than Anonymous, I know :) tnxxx mate!
And u like Men At Work too? Goodo ;-)
heyy Ashish!
**but I have learnt enough not to try to convince people to stop theie beliefs.
I agree. Better let em believe what they wanna believe in.
**, I have to postpone buying items because it is not good to buy stuff on a certain day of the week
OMG I sooo know wut u mean!! My mum does that to me and I have now told her that I dun believe in such stuff so I wont stick to em LOL!
WC Julia I love ur profile pic!
**There is at least one sentence in the horoscope that applies to someone or the other.
I agree...there must be atleast one cue there that we need to pick up n work on. Definitely!
ty for that Julia and do come again!
Anonymous heyy!
**how much more enriched are our experiences if we treat everything around us as so incredibly full of meaning that we can even learn and evolve simply by observing nature.
I so agree! Thats what Im wondering abt too. there must be some connection between Earth's beings and nature..there has to be.
ty so much!
Niki heyy!
**my aunty was doing that robe-wearing genie before
LOL haha cute.
I dunno if all of em r fakes..I think some of em r pretty good at telling the exact truth...spooky! :)
Lera I know...the aura stories r freaky!!!
Kesh, sure someone else must have said so by now, but beta was having some issues for a couple of days, and it was impossible to comment as a regular blogger, signed in, as you wrote. Seems to be working just fine now, I've experienced no further problems.
Nice post!
I have that thought sometimes, wouldn't it be nice to be assured that something or other will work out in the future. Would be nice sometimes, just a little hint, but it would take all the anticipation, the dreaming and all the rest of it out of the equation, and we'd surely miss all of that. :-)
I've had my fortune told a couple of times, like going to watch a movie at the cinema, it's entertainment. They did say some pretty nice stuff taht I wouldn't have minded, if had come true. :-D
Hope your weekend has been blissful, xo
From the Bible:
Ephesians 6:12= As Christians our fight is not against humans but
against powerful spiritual beings of evil.
2nd Corinthians 11:14-15= Satan and his angels can appear as angels
of righteousness and light.
Matthew 7:21-23= Many who work miracles in God's name will not enter
heaven. Why? Because they do not obey God.
Leviticus 20:6= God will separate himself from those who go after
mediums and familiar spirits.
Leviticus 19:31= Stay away from mediums and familiar spirits.
Deuteronomy 18:10-12= practicing witchcraft, sorcerery, soothsaying
(forture-telling), interpreting omens, making spells, being a medium or
spiritist, are all terrible sins to God.
Leviticus 20:27= In the (OT) Old Testament, mediums or those with
familiar spirits were to be stoned. (Their called familiar spirits
because these evil spirits are familiar with the dead. Thus they can
imitate the dead.)
1st Samuel 28:3-25= King Saul asked the medium at En Dor to bring up
the prophet Samuel who was dead.
1st Chronicles 10:13= One reason King Saul died was because he asked
a medium for help.
Isaiah 8:19= Seek God not mediums, wizards or the dead.
Isaiah 47:13-14= Astrologers and stargazers won't be able to save
Daniel 2:27-28= God kept King Nebuchadnezzar's dream and its
interpretation secret from the astrologers, magicians or dream
interpreters, and soothsayers. However, he revealed it to his
prophet Daniel.
Acts 16:16-18= A girl was possessed by an evil spirit that enabled
her to be a fortune-teller. Paul commanded the evil spirit to come
out of her in the name or authority of Jesus. The evil fortune
telling spirit left her.
Deuteronomy 4:19= Be careful that you don't worship the sun, moon,
and stars.
Deuteronomy 17:2-5= In the OT those who worshipped the sun, moon, or
stars were to be stoned.
Revelation 22:14-155= Sorcerers (strongs pharmakeia #5331) will not
have access to the tree of life. Pharmakeia involves the use of drugs
in making evil spells.
Revelation 21:8= Sorcerers (pharmakeia), etc., will end up in the
lake of fire.
1st Samuel 15:23= Witchcraft is a sin like rebellion.
2nd Chronicles 33:6= King Manasseh angered God by practicing
witchcraft, sorcery, using mediums, etc.
Exodus 22:18= In the OT a sorceress was to be executed.
Thought these were pretty powerful.
Blessings & here's a hug!
hey Autumn tnxxx!
**They did say some pretty nice stuff taht I wouldn't have minded, if had come true
hehehe :):)
Huggggggggz babe!
WOW I didnt know all that. Ty for those excerpts from the Bible!
Pretty powerful stuff indeed!!
o u do Drama_Diva? thats great :) ty!
Sorry I missed u b4 in the crowd.
Keshie, you asked, "What is a cracker"?
A Christmas cracker-Ten inches long-tubular- made from gawdy paper which has a small cardboard tube containing a small plastic toy or thingy, when stretched apart the explosive tape inside the tube goes 'CRACK'.
It is a beautiful day today in Budgewoi The NSW Central Coast OZ.
Keshie and all of you other nice Bloggers, have a Wonderful Christmas. Vest.
Apperently, what kind of driver you are also depends on when you were born. Check this out:
Crazy? You bet...
i do understand what you say.But honesty dosent mean being dumb or so ..its being honest against your wrk and against the person ur with.
at the end of every road honesty and truth is the winnerr.Right????
I read astro signs daily. Mostly for fun! but sometimes they matches with the happenings. Well I aint serious about the stuff though! And psychic reading I got no idea what it is...:(
Hope you can post comments without much fuss!
Hey Keshi, but I'm very curious and drawn towards spirituality and psychic readings these days. I know that it cannot be 100% accurate but there are so many interesting stuff that I'v discovered recently about the power of mantras and the 'rudraksh' and tarot-reading. I'v started chanting the 'Gayatri-mantra' daily for 108 times thrice and I'v really felt a difference. I feel more calm and at peace with myself. My (worldfamous) anger has reduced noticeably and I feel happier from within. I couldn't help but feel more drawn to learn about this super-human subject...
Keshi-the-smart-ass, You are funny ;)
Psychic reading.... aahhh... I dont believe in this at all but my aunt who believes in all this made me see an astrologer when i was like 15. He told me i will work for the Navy and fly Jets. Bah! Im still searching for him to get my refund. He made a lot of money off my aunt. Made her reconstruct her house according to vaastu and change her life entirely.
As for talking to dead people, im sure they want to be left alone. They had too much of talking and listening while they were alive and i think they need peace and silence.
I hate astrologers and numerologists who change a persons name by inserting a random letter in between. Lets see, in order for you to be successful, you will have to change your name to Kayshi ;)
Life is full of surprises every moment and thats the way it is meant to be. You soak in the good ones and find a way to work around the bad ones. If you know whats is going to come your way, there would be no fun.
Matching horoscopes.... We had to pay the astrologer to tell my friend's parents that his and his girlfriend's horoscopes match... lol. They got married and are happy.
I understand if the beta blogger is getting in the way of our friendship ;) :P No matter what, i will keep coming back to your blog. I wish i could revert back to the classic blogger so you could comment on my blog, but unfortunately i cannot. Beta is not as bad as i expected it to be. One minor glitch was the some names of commentors in previous posts got blown away and were replaced with Anonymous. This affects only a few users and will not be a problem for new posts after migration to beta.
Take care K and hugs to you.
Vest mate howdy?
Bon bons u mean :) ty!
**It is a beautiful day today in Budgewoi The NSW Central Coast OZ.
WOW u live in the country? How nice. But ur not too far away from me cos Im from NSW too. Go Sydney WOOHOO! ;-)
Fleiger I read that in the news LOL!
**at the end of every road honesty and truth is the winnerr.Right????
Sure is Vikas!
Good on ya Contented :)
yeah now I can comment...I think they fixed the bugger.
Priyanka o no girl they arent all liars. There is some truth in it. If u look at Astrology in a scientific point of view, there's alot of credibility attached to it. Cos I believe that Earth's stars, planets, trees, beings, rivers, ocean etc etc are all connected and dependent on each other. They have to be!
**I'v started chanting the 'Gayatri-mantra' daily for 108 times thrice and I'v really felt a difference.
I do that really helps. I believe the mind is a magical repository full of gifts. Anyone can tame it and use it to tap into any other area on this Earth if u have the will-power and control. So good on ya girl!
but I know my anger can never be in control LOL!
Ari so u were never in the Navy? :)
**Matching horoscopes.... We had to pay the astrologer to tell my friend's parents that his and his girlfriend's horoscopes match
LOL hahahaha thats soooo funny!
My mum is a bit into horoscopes n all...I get annoyed when she says this is not a good period to do that n this...I mean Im someone who will do whatever whenever I want irrespective of what Saturn is thinking abt me haha!
I think I can comment in Beta blogs now...looks like they fixed it.
Huggggggggz dude!
Nope, i so wanted to be in the Navy and that astrologer somehow found that out from someone (probably my silly cousin) before i met him. I was so happy when he told me that and i even paid him more. Damn, i need a refund now. :D
LOL Ari u aint gonna get that refund now.
its better than matching blood groups before marriage!!!
LOL Cheesy good one there!
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