At a Sushi joint: Would you like another Sushi darl? The Sushi roll comes with 'Will You Marry Me' written around the

While jogging: It would be great for us to be husband and wife and 'run' for life together?
At the Cinemas: Swt Hrt I was thinking about marriage cos now it makes me realise not everything in life is a movie (rolling eyes...).
While bungee-jumping: heyy honey I'm falling at such a scary speed that even marriage seems sane right now, so will you marry me? ahhhhhhhhh...hhhh...hhh...hh..h ye e e eeeeee sss!
At the beach: The ocean is so peaceful and it makes me wonder why I miss some mess in my life...

While driving: Swt Hrt look at that speed cameras, see what it is saying to you...speed and get caught, likewise shall we get married and get wasted?
In the mall: Things are way too expensive these days, I'd rather get married and share the costs, so what do you think honey?
In the Laundry: Sending a txt msg...'I really don't like wasting my time here anymore and would like someone else to do all this for me -

On the dance floor: You move real good, that makes me wonder if we should 'move' in together?
At the Doctor's surgery: I feel terribly sick today and I guess it's a suitable state to pop that sick question...Will you marry me Suga?
At the supermarket: I need someone to clean my fridge

While flying: Darling we are so high above the ground that I feel this is where we should make that big decision...cos if you say No, then I could ask that cute air-hostess out.
While having Dinner: As she finishes eating she realises the plate reads 'Will you cook for me for life?'.
At a funeral: This funeral is freaking me out. I could be dead anytime and I don't wanna die not knowing what it is to have a clueless man in my life. Wanna be that man?
At a Christmas party: Sweet Heart, another year has passed by, we are getting older and my brain feels quite dead. Hence we should start getting wrinkled together, what say?

Do you know of any weird ways/places that people proposed at? And how will YOU pop the question? :)
Current Music: I Just Called To Say I Love You by Stevie Wonder
110 Cranium Signets:
On top of Eiffel Tower? Isn't that what somebody has done before?
BTW, I don't know what was cheesier, some of the places (sushi place?) or your "marry-me" lines...
awww i thought i wud be 1st :(
btw i had a laughh early morning...lol
lemme think how i want to be proposed
to tell u the fact i LOVED the way raj proposed his wife.. that was really sweet n humble
i simply lovedd it
*blush blush*
awwwww. how about u? how wld the poppy doll-pearl like to be proposed?
haha...bk here after some time
'Will you cook for me for life?'.
waadaayaa mean..like ur gonna appoint me as ur lifetime chef or sumthing.. Thk god they weren't in the bath and he said
"Honey, would u bath me forever?"
Sometimes the proposal might be great but the marriage would not last..its a cruel life ain't it
LOLZ!!! sorry, but i find these quite funny!!
here's one...
I got a high from the night and was struggling to make a move when all the dinner showed up again! I looked at her and said..."Darling, will you marry me? I just realized in cleaning up the crap in life is not a one man job!!"
Hey, Girl....once again what a perfect post to read before starting my day....Today your post makes me whisper some oh-la-la stuff in my husband's ear...sad part is he is in office right now...wait...will msg him....
thanksssss sooo much for posting such lovely stuff.....I am senti on today's post..seriously....
wat happened to the traditional, down on one knee and popping the question? LOL. will tell you when it happens to me.:)
No i dnt know abt anybody who proposed in a bit unusual way. As far as my own proposal is concerned, u alreay know abt it....
k00kieeeeeeee... ur in some humourous mode these days.. hehe.. but then u never told us how the guys in ur life proposed to u!!!.. come on... get going :p
I really hate all these elaborate proposals that guys put together. It really raises every girls expectations too high.
What happened to just waiting until you knocked your girlfriend up and then "making an honest woman" out of her. ;-)
Ohh nice...brought back beautiful memories. For me it was perfect - it was our 5 year anniversary and we had booked 2 nights in a 5-star hotel on Southbank (overlooking the Yarra river). I remember waiting in the lobby and seeing him come up the escalators in his suit (*drool*). Lol, we got up to the room and it was amazing - beautiful views of the river, a HUGE bed and room service. We went out that night for dinner, got all dressed up. After dinner we went to the botanical gardens where they have this structure called the Temple of the Winds, where we danced around and were just being silly. We were both slightly drunk and got back to the hotel as quick as we could after that. We ran the spa in the bathroom and had candles everywhere and rose petals in the water. Afterwards, we were just in our big fluffy white bathrobes and just sitting on the floor with a blanket around us, looking at the view outside and chatting. Then he turned to me and said that "the last 5 years had been amazing - that we had had some bad times, many good times." He told me that "I was more and more beautiful to him every day" and then dropped down to one knee, brought out a box from his pocket and said "Will you do me the honour of being my wife?". I thought it was a bit of a joke and was just looking at him with my mouth open, and then realized he was serious! Of course I said yes!!! It must have been fate or something, but something was happening in the city and when I said yes, there were fireworks! We could see them from our window and it was AMAZING. And then we had the best night ever :P
i still like it at the beach, waiting for sunrise while having a cup of coffee. hehehe
All my husband did was beg for me to marry him. No bended knee....no fantastical scenary...just him, on the phone begging.
gosh, I wish he gets it together and gives me some surprise of my life proposal that I never had.
Here's to wishing!
I love the way how, Ed Harris Proposed Julia Roberts in "Step Mom".
But I really don't know what is the best way of proposing????
umm...how about popping the question in jail?
i read abt an indian couple who wedded in jail coz the man was serving a sentence.
umm..ill leave it upto u to come up with a manner of proposing in jail... ur good at this stuff! :P
first for your last post..ROFTL...I had the visuals running in my head...too good :)
now this post :)I agree the old fashioned way is the best and most romantic....and at the funeral..the guy should be killed....bunjee jumping...interesting :)
It was funny :)
Stay Beautiful..!!
:)...just caught up wid all the posts i've missed!!! :)...had fun reading this and the last one:)...! i wish i didn't have to get busy at home coz i hate gettin here late!!:(
m gonna be back to see the responses to this post...shud be fun na:) just as the post was...!!!
u know my story...@ proposal right:)
one time a guy i was dating got down on his knees in the middle of a movie show and started singing a song...u rem that one
"If I got down on my knees and I pleaded with you, if I crossed a million oceans just to be with you,
Would you ever let me down?
If I climbed the highest mountain just to hold you tight,if I said that I would love you every single night,Would you ever let me down?
Well, I'm sorry if it sounds kinds sad,it's just that I'm worried,
so worried that you'll let me down.
Because I love you, love you, love you, so don't let me down..."
lol...(the movie was pretty boring anway)...that was the cutest thing ever:p
thanks for makin me smile tdy:)...tc dear *huggs*
We were engaged in a German restaurant. Hard to believe that it's been 18 years!
Proposing through a instant messenger while the person is sitting rite next to you :)
I like this one... It is so sweet..... It is also as though he is afraid tat he'll have nothing to eat for the rest of his life.. HaHa...
*While having Dinner: As she finishes eating she realises the plate reads 'Will you cook for me for life?'.
Hmm... Another interesting way of proposing....
I saw this adv on TV... The girl was having her meals.. The guy & girl shared a table with strangers... While eating, the guy suddenly pops up this question in front of the strangers, "Shall we go get a flat together?" The girl was so happy & at the same time embarassed... :)
LOL! No proposals for me ... been there, done that, and I like being "single" in a committed relationship much better!
hey keshi...I find this posting very funny...lol...
I m laughing ,laughing and laughing...
newaz,lemme share how I proposed my gf...
I told her that priya,I m a middle-class guy...dont have much money or dnt have ny car to make u roam around in Delhi roads...but ya,I earn good and wil get everything for u wht I can get under my budget..I dnt know wht ur answer wud be..but,I wil speak out wht I have 2say....will u be my girlfriend??
and believe me,I had never expected that I wil get her approval...I was seriously on cloud no.9...very happy...
but we were together for just 8 months...those precious 8 moments of my life...dnt wanna remember 'em...it really pains...
keshi,I really hate being so irregular in blogging...but can't help it...
hows u?? If u dnt mind,may I have ur e-mail id??
Hi Keshi
LOL Now you have done it.
The many things that can go wrong.
Snorkeling: Drowning is not a bad way to ask someone to marry you. When you drown, just before dying, you get a high--better than anything you get being married.
Sushi joint: A very good place to choke to death--this is simular to drowning.
Jogging: You run into a tree and ripped your head from your body. With blood shooting metres in the air, your head rolls down the path and stops in a position where can you see your headless body. It takes about a minute for your brain to shut down.
At a cimema: When you are about to ask, a real, live axe murderer chops off your head--same as above.
Bungee jumping: The cord raps around your head--same as above.
At the beach: JAWS--Need I say More.
At the mall: Santa Claus goes mad and stabs you.
Driving: Because you are paying more attention to asking than driving, you turn the wrong way and go flying off a cliff. You car bursts into flames, and you both become crispy critters.
Laundry: You are just about to ask when you hear a strange noise coming from a dryer. You open the door to discover that someone is drying body parts.
I am going to stop here--are you happy?
I am lost keshi, lost with time and space and relativity and ... I don't know what they call this in ISO terms but I am lost. I am busy with some issues, like work and a distant relative in hospital, plus 2 team members on long leave. I will be back.
Just bear with me.
How will I propose?
The stock is limited rush now and marry me, before some one else get lucky. :P
Shameless Self Promotion
Let the right person come and I will propose the way she wants me to propose.
Steve Wonder
we can blog like hell, will you marry me ? LOL
Does it really matter how one proposes ? I guess it remains as a fond memory.
I was formally introduced to my wife (to be wife then).. We met over lunch and at the end of it I asked if we should be meeting again ?
She said yes.. and we kept meeting for nearly a year ..POst which the famy decided that we were getting married (without us having announced it)
So it was sort of assumed !!
But I did ask .. not in any formal way .. but across a coffee..
How ould you like someone to propose to you ?
Why should I bother about it?It is upto my guy to propose me...He has to think of innovative, cut, romantic ideas!
I jsu got goose bumps reading some of the coments and ways of proposing told to us by your commentors :)
Keshi! Darn you! I got one of your trolls! :)
But I am having soooooo much fun!
My first roll ever! I am roling on the floor pulling my hair out!
I love ya girl!
Ha Ha. I really like the mall one.
But yeah, the ol' fashioned way is good. Nothing wrong with that one.
But I guess doing something out there makes for a good story to tell your kids and grandkids.
will you marry me? hahaha
I had a friend propose to his first wife on the Bay Bridge in San Fransisco with miniature Bay Bridge figurine and the ring on it. It turned out to be good for almost three years!
well i would like to in deep jungle(the place i visited recently) ,where there is no netowrks and no communication.Only me N my love....
Take Care
sweet post,,keshi,,!
i guess someone married on the border of two countries,,,for his gf wanted to be at two places simultaneously...,,one married on the top of a mountain...!!
about my preference,,,,hmm....cant think of anything right now....!!
keep smiling,,
LOL! That was damn funny! :D
Cant think of any weird places to propose.. will drop a comment if u get to think of any :)
hmm.. I think Mount Everest would be like the best place.. I dont think anyone has tried that before. :). I think the best way is chocolates and red roses. Nothing beats that.
He He hilarious one..
Oh! I am a total sucker for great proposal stories!
My husband formally proposed marriage to me in a fabulously unforgettable way but I'll just save that for a future blog post. =)
ah! that was way to hilarious... the funeral one just had me laughing so loud that people around me freaked...
sex...marriage...where are we getting to Keshi! whose d guy...come on...tell us.
I guess...hemm...maybe on an elephant during an african safari...:p
*Takes out his diary and makes some notes for future refrence*
I just said, We can be together if u r willing to wait for a time when I am good enough to be settle down.Nothing stupid before that.
Although I am still darted with question like what if not, or will u, or things negative in nature.
I dont have much to offer but I think I will stick with my plans and wait for the pergect time.
I swear nothing stupid before that. :)
:( my comment is missing
alrite. here's my comment again.
i've read sumwhr that the guy propose to his gf while they were flying in a hot-air balloon. probably he was planning to push her down if she said no :P
and i've seen a billboard advert asking if the gal would marry him. rofl! not to be forgotten, newspaper ad.
as for me, i would prefer to be proposed in a more private manner. nothing fancy. nothing loud. just me, him and a quiet serene surrounding. *shy shy
definitely...proposing at the weirdest places n in weirdest ways looks in thing nowdayz...people are being creative n innovative..but I bet noone beats urs..
**At the beach: The ocean is so peaceful and it makes me wonder why I miss some mess in my life...darling will you be that mess in my life?
you've got some funny suggestions here keshi.:)
I think some people try to be unconventional when it comes to traditional things such as weddings and proposals.
I did it the old fashioned way, we stopped by a lake, a small lake..ok it was a samll pond..a very small pond and I asked me lady to marry me.
hmmm... may be fears age or shape shift :) I dont know :)
popping question huh? I would not know :)
funny though (if we choose to see it as funny and not romantic :)
Hey Keshi...how have u been doing???and about the propose thing...i guess even id love to be proposed in a cute nice way...and not in the contemporary way of sitting in a resturant and asking me to marry him...but the ways uve mentioned are quite funny....it sud be cute and sweet and romantic rather that being funny or strange..
I love the idea of proposing
(just for fun) with a plane
spelling the words in the sky:)
but in the end - something
private and unexpected is
romantic to me:)
I am not a "diamond" kind of girl
at all - maybe a poem:)
so sweet post Keshi!
My hubby proposed to me...
(in the chair-lift)
on a ski slope!
Very romantic!
Hi Kethi!
You are indescribable! Your post is fantastic as always!
Best to you!
I guess people do things differently ! the Sushi roll was quite funny ~
Mefor an another??Naaaaaa Just fine and wonder how you want to be proposed huh.
hmm... how about buy the air time in TV prime time?? good one?? telling the whole world??
but... would it be too expensive?? haha...
if me, maybe I will just cook for the one I love a good dinner... no fancy and pop the question " can I cook for you forever?? " with a nice ring... that is all :)
surprsing, sabby hasn't commented yet?:)
as for me, well...the white beach and a beautiful sunrise...with a bunch of wild flowers and a smile...and of course the three words:) that's it! am an easy girl to please no?:)
oh btw, yeah am down with fever and all:( too bad coz my head;s hurting and I can't listen to any music!!!!
oh and u take care too!everyone;s down with flu these days!
Part two:
And you thought I was through--LOL.
This is looking at the same events through my eyes.
Snorkling: Hmmm, I wonder what he's writing. He knows I can't see without my glasses. Hmmmm, Just like him to fall asleep and float away.
Sushi joint: Just like you to get all choked up when we discuss marriage.
What's the bulge in your pants? Can't talk, but you still want sex!?
Jogging: Hmmmmmmm. You didn't have to loose your head about asking me.
Cinema: Same as above.
Bungee jumping: True story: A guy did jump and the cord was not tied right, but he lived. He hit the corner of the safety bag and broke a lot of his bones. As they were taking him to the air am, he asked his gal to marry him.
But she said, "No!" She did not want a guy who goes all to pieces on her.
Just kidding, the answer was "Yes".
Driving: Hmmm, I knew you would do anything to get out of asking me.
The Mall: A little twist to the killer Santa.
Hmmm, Why are you sitting on Santa's lap.
Hmmmmm, What's you doing to Santa.
OMG!! You're gay!!!
OMG!! You're dead!!!
Beach: Will you leave that poor fish alone!!!!
LOL All's fair in love and war!
Love the music you are listening.
You know Keshi, Arvind NEVER proposed to me!! It was just understood that we are going to marry from the first day and we did after 5yrs!:D
I don't feel like I missed out but then we never knew about westernized 'on your knee' proposals anyway!:))
haha!! some crazy things... I haven't thought about how I'd pop the Q... :S
But I DO know our wedding will be just me and him, on a secluded beach somewhere, getting 'married' as the sun rises, and then making love passionately... ;)
That will be my true wedding, the real wedding... the 'official' one will be the celebration of the wedding... :)
In the comments of a blog???
I bet you get many :)
hope your having a great week Keshi girl !!
Hi Keshi!
Wonderful post!
Romany's tradition was kidnapping lovely girl and merry her. Sometimes it is necessity.
Best to you!
She eats it without noticing it ???
Or was she totally Ignoring the whole thing!!!
I would probably ignore it!!!
Be afraid--be VERY afraid!!!
Fleiger :) Eiffel Tower is a nice one.
Uttsy so what did Raj do? Tell na blondi LOL!
awww Saffy...perhaps in an old-fashioned manner...I dun like much hype. But I'd like it to be a surprise...at a least expected time and place. :)
wut abt u?
Praveen heyy long time! Hows u?
**like ur gonna appoint me as ur lifetime chef or sumthing..
hehe dun MOST Indian men mean that? LOL!
Bathe him? ewwwwww no ways! haha!
LOL Deepz that was a good one...a very honest one ha ;-)
Ektaran heyy!
**oh-la-la stuff in my husband's ear.
LOL thats sweet.
Im glad u liked this post :) Hugggggggz!
Butterfly heyy!
**wat happened to the traditional, down on one knee and popping the question?
yep thats the one I like too :)
Southy it's full of surprises over here in Aus :)
ok tell us how u proposed to ur wife na..
m000nie huggggggggz! heyyy how did ur man propose to ya? Wud love to read that :)
** but then u never told us how the guys in ur life proposed to u
what guy? LOL! ok u mean how they declared their love to me? well so many funny ways :)
I had 4 sweet men in my life so far...
1. first one was a huge crush when I was 14...all he had to do was LOOK. LOL!
2. this guy was much older than me but was the hottest. He just stalked me (in a nice way) and then one day came up to me and said:
I really like u Keshi. Can we go out?
3. This guy was so sweet and a music freak just like me. He did this beautiful thing to get my attention. He knew I like music too. So he compiled a cassette full of my fav love songs and delivered it to me through one of his friends. Inside that casette there was a small note reading 'My heart is forever beating you'...something like that. haha!
4. This guy was a good friend b4. Then one day he just grabbed me and kissed...yep just like that! No one ever did that to me b4. and yeah so it started with a kiss...:):)
Jay wow nice one there :):) I agree!
Silvara ur love story was just out of this world! ty sooo much for sharing it with us WOW! I had tears in my eyes as I read it. So beautiful and so romantic. Ur a lucky girl and so is the guy...he's VERY lucky to have a woman like u in his life. I wish u both all the best in life! HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
I'm picturing ur story now..hehe...so beautiful!
Mai WC n ty!
**i still like it at the beach, waiting for sunrise while having a cup of coffee.
awww ur alot like me then :)
Awaiting heyy!
**just him, on the phone begging.
LOL thats cute!
hey ignore the trolls swt hrt. TC n huggggggggz!
Kautilya heyy!
**I love the way how, Ed Harris Proposed Julia Roberts in "Step Mom".
I like Ed Harris and I saw that movie too. But I cant rem how he did it :(
Hello Shitrint!
**how about popping the question in jail?
LOL okkkk! I read abt that too. Well how abt this:
hey babeh marriage is equivalent to being locked up so I see no difference...lets get convicted again, wut say?
Neihal heyy!
**and at the funeral..the guy should be killed
LOL awwwwwww....
tnxxx Sugar :)
Ish hugggggggggggggz!
**one time a guy i was dating got down on his knees in the middle of a movie show and started singing a song..
OMG I know that song and I LOVE IT! it's 'Because I love you' by Shaking Stevens? Thats sooo romantic! So what happend to that guy?
Hello Andrew!
**We were engaged in a German restaurant.
awww soo sweet! 18yrs ha WOW!
heyya KK!
**Proposing through a instant messenger while the person is sitting rite next to you
Nice :) Did u do that to someone? ooo lala!
Hey Thumbelina!
**While eating, the guy suddenly pops up this question in front of the strangers, "Shall we go get a flat together?"
awwwww thats sooo sweet! Infront of strangers :)
Hi Keshi
Yes, I guess I am kinda quiet!
My sis is not doing so great...
so I am preoccupied with thoughts
of her!
Thanks for the Huggggz!
Hugggggz to you!
i proposed in a restaurant in the lovely city of luang phasbaang in laos ;-D
I posted on this long back on my wordpress and u were also there to comment, but guess u hv forgotten abt all that, anyway check the link below:-
Be creative or try to be original as much as you can - that's the best thing. There are a million ways to propose and the more work you put into it, the more it will mean to your darling partner because you put in the effort. Not all girls want flowers, you on your a bended knee in a fancy restaurant when the time comes. It doesn't have to be expensive or cliché. But it has to be something sweet to remember….
Big sparkling diamond ring!!
Big bouquet of flowers!!
On bended knees!!
Seriously, I haf never thot about this....:)
Im quite busy today...will come back later on with the rest of the comment-replies. TY :)
I love this topic Keshi! I'll write more later - but this is such a wonderful thing to contemplate :-D
btw I cant comment on Beta blogs where there's no Anonymous comments r allowed.
Hilarious post Keshi!
Crazy_Me WC n ty!
What ur doing is a smart way to live :)
Harry LOL Im glad u enjoyed this post.
awwww what u said to ur GF was so damn sweet! It doesnt matter that it didnt last forever. U were not afraid to declare ur love to her. Thats what matters :)
I will pass my emailt to ya soon. TY!
Bev u r HILARIOUS! LOL I laughed so much reading both the comments. U r soo good at this :)
The mad Santa had me laughing like crazy!
**But she said, "No!" She did not want a guy who goes all to pieces on her.
ROFL! Good one :) Well Im glad she really said YES.
ty so much for all those very funny scenarios and I hope that dun happen to us hahahaha!
Kumar u busy guy hows u?
hehe ur right...let it happen at the right time :)
Jac heyy!
**we can blog like hell, will you marry me ? LOL
haha! Why not...u can be my e-hubby ROFL!
Parag heyy!
**Does it really matter how one proposes ?
hehe no it doesnt. The proposing moment is only a tiny bit of the very big committment called marriage :)
Nice one on ur behalf. U 2 got to know each other and it just happened in time. Thats nice.
**How ould you like someone to propose to you ?
Preferably low key but it has to take me by surprise. I mean it has to happen at a time/place that I least expect it to happen. That way its exciting :)
Neha why u should bother abt it is cos even girls propose these days :) Cos some guys dun get it and could leave it till we r 99yrs old LOL!
Awaiting hi again sweetie!
I hope u got my comment :)
AB heyy Hugggggggggz! I hope ur feeling ok.
No why d u like the mall one so much? Does it relate to u? LOL!
yeah...this def will be a memorable event to tell ur grand-kids some day :)
Dalicia heyy!
**will you marry me?
LOL I havent tested Lesbian waters but how can anyone refuse u? :)
Hello Grunt!
**I had a friend propose to his first wife on the Bay Bridge in San Fransisco with miniature Bay Bridge figurine and the ring on it.
aww thats sweet. And wut abt u? :)
Hello Vikas!
**well i would like to in deep jungle(the place i visited recently) ,where there is no netowrks and no communication.Only me N my love....
o how very romantic!
Hi Ankit!
**i guess someone married on the border of two countries,,,for his gf wanted to be at two places simultaneously...,,one married on the top of a mountain...!!
whoaaaa some very special ppl there ha :)
Ty Prithz!
Hi Akshay!
** I think Mount Everest would be like the best place.. I dont think anyone has tried that before
Chocs and roses r a must too :)
Ashwin WC n ty :)
Irene heyy!
**My husband formally proposed marriage to me in a fabulously unforgettable way
awww why dun u share it with us over here? :)
WC Sagaro!
LOL so u had a good laugh...thats great :):)
Helloooo Ghosty :)
**whose d guy...come on...tell us.
gawwwwwwwd no one Ghosty...I was just thinking abt these things LOL!
**I guess...hemm...maybe on an elephant during an african safari...
Thats unique...nice one :) I just hope the elephant wont say YES lol!
Light_House heyy!
**I just said, We can be together if u r willing to wait for a time when I am good enough to be settle down.Nothing stupid before that.
Thats good Tarun. Straight to the point ha :)
aww Ur sooo like me Ammu. prefer a private and quiet one.
**i've read sumwhr that the guy propose to his gf while they were flying in a hot-air balloon. probably he was planning to push her down if she said no
LOL! yeah or he might pop the balloon then n there.
Ty Kavya :)
Top_Cat heyy!
**I did it the old fashioned way, we stopped by a lake, a small lake..ok it was a samll pond..a very small pond and I asked me lady to marry me.
awww how romantic...so darn sweet too!
hehe Soj ty!
Saira heyy Im good ta n urself?
**....it sud be cute and sweet and romantic rather that being funny or strange..
yeah...these funny n strange ones r just for fun LOL! But trust me some ppl really do it that way :)
Niki u should say it like this: Sucker marry me or I'll haunt you all ur rotten life.
**i think i was proposed 2 times at my home.
really? WOW!
Sophie heyy!
**I love the idea of proposing
(just for fun) with a plane
spelling the words in the sky:)
alot of ppl here do that. I have seen it twice myself - I mean someone proposing to some other girl :)
Im a diamond kinda girl but not so crayz abt it.
Margie Huggggggggggz! I hope ur sis gets better...wuts wrong? :(
**My hubby proposed to me...
(in the chair-lift)
on a ski slope!
aww thats as adorable as u deserve...wonderful!
TC Margie!
Ty Krys! Huggggggggz!
hehe Kavi ty :)
heyy Pria :)
I just prefer it to be low key but it has to take me by surprise.
Ur too sweet Vince!
**how about buy the air time in TV prime time??
would be nice yes!
Yash hugggggggggz get better soon!
**as for me, well...the white beach and a beautiful sunrise...with a bunch of wild flowers and a smile...and of course the three words
awww thats soooooo darn romantic! LOVELY way to do it. I like ur idea.
Asha heyy hugggggggz!
** It was just understood that we are going to marry from the first day and we did after 5yrs
thats nice too :) It happens that way alot in SL and in India. I guess Western countries make it a big deal to propose cos alot of ppl dun marry as much as they do in our home countries. Marriage is a pretty big thing here - a serious committment that alot of ppl dun wanna make. So thats why all the hype when proposing :)
hey Sunrise ty!
**But I DO know our wedding will be just me and him, on a secluded beach somewhere, getting 'married' as the sun rises, and then making love passionately
Very sweet!
Megz hello!
**In the comments of a blog???
I bet you get many
LOL tonz but Im sure it's all for fun.
Krys they do it by kidnapping a girl? LOL how polite!
Hey Star!
**Or was she totally Ignoring the whole thing!!!
I would probably ignore it!!!
Be afraid--be VERY afraid!!!
Thats would be me LOL!
Fergal matey hows u?
**i proposed in a restaurant in the lovely city of luang phasbaang in laos
awww NICE!
Southy I havent forgotten that...ofcourse I rem u telling us all abt it. But I just wanted to know abt the moment u popped the Qn...like how did u ask and what did she say etc :)
hey Drama_Diva!
**It doesn't have to be expensive or cliché. But it has to be something sweet to remember….
Spot on!
Saffy Hugggggggz!
**Big sparkling diamond ring!!
Big bouquet of flowers!!
On bended knees!!
awww all bright, colorful and sprakling, just like u!
Terry ty :) Hugggggggggz!
Ash ty :)
:) interesting spread..lol..
well how would i pop the question?? neva thought abt it. but i did wonder how he will pop the question??
I thought the sushi place one was kinda nice and unique.:)
:) Cheers!!
awwww how i wish hubby did something too... i mean surprising one but not ;(;(
... what he did is... after we dated for months and the time comes that i needed to come back home in phils. for processing my next working visa in Japan... he did booked his ticket too (w/out my knowin' huh?) lol! and 2 days before my departure he gave me the engagement ring and asked me to marry him lol! that when were in one coffee shop hehe weird right?? i dun even have time to think and say no ^_^ and maybe he will cry there if i say so lol!coz other people was staring at us na awwwww but i love him na so i say YES!! ^_^
and that night i called my parents and told them and everybody was shocked .... kinda weird love story na ? Rina was laughin' when i told her last time!
thanx u made me remember few sweet memories hehe...
hope u have the sweetest proposal soon awwwwwwww....from Mr. Right! ^_^
enjoy lunch... luv ya babe muaahh!
I just called to say a Hello to you Keshi!
This post takes a reader to a world of illusions, dreams, hope. What more can a reader ask from a blog mate.
Will you marry me? Keshi, I had long ago seen a bolly wood film, called "Khuda Gawah"
Here, in a particular scene the hero and heroine are chasing a race. the Hero is to win but when he sees his competitor is this female, he straight away GIVES UP the chase and there in that look he tells her all...Will you marry me? even without putting those thougths to words.
Can anyone deny such a thought, feeling or a look that looks within you?
WIn to loose and loose to WIn ... make both "The winners"
hehe.. very funny dude.. how did you come with such brilliant ideas.. hehe..!
and yeah... you were supposed to feature as one of the ghost in my ghost story..!..
heyy Amy hugggggggz I missed ya! :)
Hows u?
Kath mwahhhhhh that was cute! :):)
** he did booked his ticket too (w/out my knowin' huh?)
LOL haha!
well I think the coffee shop proposal is really sweet and I like it that way too!
Hello there Passerby :)
**he straight away GIVES UP the chase and there in that look he tells her all...Will you marry me?
LOL thats cute!
**Can anyone deny such a thought, feeling or a look that looks within you?
not at all!
Nice one there, ty :)
LOL Sujit now Im a ghost? awwwwwww......
Yes, actually that was the time i proposed her and got the deal sealed with a liplock on the staircase...:) otherwise everytime i spoke to her on that she wud try to persuade me to move on with life and not take a chance with her...
wowww... i like the 4th guy.. winks...
oh mine was an arranged marriage actually.. so no chance of anything romantic...
hmm but once there was this guy (my frnds cousin) who calls me out of the blue n blurts out on the fone.. will u marry me!... i just didnt know what to answer.. lol
n then there was this friend at work... we used to go back home together... one day he stops me on the road.. pulls me to him.. looks deep into my eyes n says... hey would u like to be my girl... goshhh i was so embarassed n shocked didnt know what to do..
now dont ask me more.. winks.. :p
awww Southy nice :)
btw I just came to ur blog, got my PC frozen again to death and then came back alive after a cold boot:(
m000nie yeah that last guy was the one who lasted longer than all the others :) But we broke up. U know that sob story duncha :)
**one day he stops me on the road.. pulls me to him.. looks deep into my eyes n says... hey would u like to be my girl...
awww how romantic! So u didn't go out with him at all? I mean u didn't have a r'ship with him?
I think under the starry skies would be an ideal place to pop the question.I think it is as romantic as it can get.
awww now wudnt that be so beautiful...starry under the starry skies being proposed to. WOW!
:) :) :)
mine was very very weird. I proposed at 3 am in the morning in a room filled with atleast 12 loudly snoring guys and sleep mumbling girls. ( a bunch of us had crashed out after a party). After i was done talking, all my blood drained off and i couldnt hear if she said yes or no. All i heard was the snoring and mumbling in the background. We got married 6 years later :) :)
I read your post and then searched for an email someone sent me a while ago. Sorry, it is a bit too long, but very funny :)
Funny Matrimonial Ads
Wife wanted, must be able to dig, clean, cook worms and clean fish. Must have own boat with motor. Please send photograph of motor boat.
Once in a lifetime offer, to get yourself the original, genuine article. One of the most handsome and smartest bachelor's around is now looking for a wife. And you could be the lucky one he chooses! Has own house, car and successful career!
I am in demand of a wife. Supply is great though my requirements are high. However the Elasticity of my demands should not bear too heavy a burden upon the national interest.
Wife required to complete the formula of my life. Must be numerate and understand complex algebraic logarithms. Needed to help further my family unit.
IT Consultant:
Well there is definite room for improvement in my life. The speed of my current flows of information and processes is slowing down and the injection of a wife into my life is bound to improve efficiency. Compatibility could be an issue.
Business Man:
Wife wanted for company.
I feel there is a need in this world, to improve the ways we live, to harmonize the processes of life and to build upon past differences and short comings. I believe that we the people need someone to share our lives. To feel the joys of parent hood, and bear the social responsibilities, as we should in a civilized society................. (etc etc and never getting to the point)
Car Dealer:
Wanted a sturdy, reliable, low depreciating wife with good mileage. Should be in excellent working condition.
Wanted a wife from good stock. Required for breeding.
I hereby propose to solicit myself as an eligible candidate for the post of wife after marriage. The person whom I'm looking for should be strictly -a girl. The girl should be strictly a girl, with evidence to support this view that she is a girl. The girl should be willing to surrender to the service and jurisdiction of My Lord i.e. Myself. Any objections would be overruled and will not be sustained. Apply in limited confidence as all liabilities are null and void in the event of failure on our part of any kind whatsoever.
Wife required to complete my life. Please only level headed applicants. She must not have her heads in the clouds, but have her feet firmly on the ground. Her heart must be in it for the long haul. And she absolutely must also be aerodynamically sound!!!
Wanted wife who takes interest in me and credits me with her service.
Required a girl - 5'8". She must be averse to making unnecessary expenditure and her very nature should be one of generating as few expenses in my life as possible. She should profit from a nice personality and be a credit to her family.
Heavy drinker:
Wanted a girl. Girl's father should preferably own a brewery or a bar. I am an occasional alcoholic who drinks only when friends come round. Friends come round only seven times a week. Girl preferred who can carry me from bar to ghar-bar(home). Meet personally in a bar or send drinks for trial. Sample should be ample.
Mini Cab Driver:
Hello! Hello! number 9 calling. This is number 9 I'm calling from base, erm a wife is needed for pick me up. Driving license not necessary, but maps reading skills are a bonus.
Wanted a wife to help build upon the foundations of my life. Must be homely and willing to build relationship from the ground up.
I am looking for a wife to cure the emptiness in my life. However if you feel the need for a second opinion then it's fine by me.
Army Commando:
My mission in life is to find myself the perfect wife. Successful applicants must be able to use a penknife and a compass. She who dares wins. Camouflage provided.
Race Car Driver:
A model wife required to fit in with my fast track life. Must be able to keep pace!
I'm searching for a wife to fill the space in my life. Someone to share my universe. Must have looks that are out of this world!
I was watching a televised proposal a while back that just had me bawling and how wonderful it was. From the outset it all seemed almost too elaborate, not least because it was to be shared with a nation of viewers, but this man just so genuinely wished to show his fiance-to-be the extent to which he loved her and wanted her to marry him.
There were rehearsals for a week, singing and dancing lessons, a great choreographed show of love.
It began with a canal ride and as they turned a corner, he began to sing the opening bars of Take That's 'A Million Love Songs'. As they approached a platform just past this corner, they were whisked off the boat, she to a throne of a chair whilst he danced and sang with a great crowd of colourfully custumed dancers. I can't begin to describe just how sweet it all was, nor the expression on this woman's face. :-)
LOL at your examples!
At the Laundry, at the supermarket and while having Dinner ones were i liked.
At the second before jumping in the Para shoot (i don’t know will i land safely, pls take my propose).
The guy was on the floor the girl was on the King Kong's hand in the last flore of the Emperor State building. Guy shouted accept my love, (she said l be safe in this king Kong’s hand neither being with u).
LOL funny post. I would nto do it differently than I did it before. I just popped the question out of the blue for her one day at our fav eating place.
hilarious.. how do u come up with all this stuff?
hehe but I think people over exaggerate for no reason.. just a sincere proposal in a setting that looks like it took some effort to throw together.. u know even if its dinner.. is good
Yes I did :)
Hey keshi..I thought I should share this story with you.my friend loves handmade quilts so her boyfriend took her to a country fair, walked over to a lady selling quilts.The first quilt she opened up said "would you marry me" he had taken the trouble to have a quilt made just for this. I was just asked in the car driving back after seeing a movie.nothing really romantic .but then thats J. I still dearly love him.
Ari haha ur proposal was at 3am WOW!! :):) Nice!
And that email ads were sooooo funny LOL! Each one of em was good but my fav was
**I'm searching for a wife to fill the space in my life. Someone to share my universe. Must have looks that are out of this world!
Ty Ari Huggggggggggz!
Autumn hugggggggggz!
**she to a throne of a chair whilst he danced and sang with a great crowd of colourfully custumed dancers
OMG that sounds EXCLUSIVE! I was shocked just reading it. Imagine some guy doing that to u or me..lol we'd pass out and never wake up ha?
TY Jeevan!
aww u will land safley :)
**she said l be safe in this king Kong’s hand neither being with u
hehe she's smart.
heyy Sanjay!
**just popped the question out of the blue for her one day at our fav eating place.
aww thats really the way I'd like it to happen :)
heyy Aditi ty :)
**just a sincere proposal in a setting that looks like it took some effort to throw together.. u know even if its dinner.. is good
exaclty the way I'd like it too.
awww KK...tell us na :)
huggggggggz Starry!
**The first quilt she opened up said "would you marry me" he had taken the trouble to have a quilt made just for this.
thats just so unique! Beautiful.
**I was just asked in the car driving back after seeing a movie.nothing really romantic
I think it's very romantic...I like low-key simple proposals...I feel they have much more depth :)
I think it doesn't matter how do you propose, what actually matter is how long you keep ur marriage with that someone..
Very true Taurn :) However this post is abt Proposing lol!
at 1st I thought u were asking someone for real :D
keshi's thought r all around lurve, marriage and oooh la la \:d/ ... he he
Never thought about it? I guess I still have time for that....:P
Wow! Interesting, Keshi. So whats with u? R u in LOVE or something? Hee,hee! Hey, its strange but when someone proposes in an odd way or in a strange place, it really makes the occassion memorable, no?
Like, **one of my distant uncle proposed to his wife (really long time back) by just commanding her to sit behind him on his scooter while she was on her way home from school. She sat and he drove her to the nearest temple and got married.** (like she never got to know what was going on till after they were married and all...she was in a state of shock but thankfully she loved him secretly too. So, she didnt mind it)
**Another uncle proposed to aunt in the midst of a surgery** (they are both doctors. The operation was successful, thank God!! and even the patient was invited to their wedding)
**A friend from the swimming pool I visit, is getting married today. Her guy is in the navy. Its an arranged marriage, so he courted her for a couple of days before popping the question. On the day he was to propose to her, he took her out to a nice fancy restaurant and ordered the 'solitaire'ring to be brought in her glass of champaigne....really well-planned and proper... But it all went wrong coz she is a strict vegan and doesn't drink at all...not even champaigne?!**(the poor guy finished his glass and then hers and fished the ring out of the empty glass in the end!)
Cute, no?
I thought it was about you:-)
funny post:-) Loved the mall & the surgery one:-)
My dad wasn't in favor but hubby proposed anyway sitting with him and I said yes sitting on the other sofa;-)But at our wedding, just after cutting the cake, he went down on his knee & kissed my hand infront of everybody.. ;-P
hubba hubba Samy ;-) LOL!
ok Contented :)
Priyanka heyy :)
**She sat and he drove her to the nearest temple and got married.**
thats was soooo sweet n really genuine. I love that one!
LOL seriously? If I was the patient I'd have freaked out watching my doctors passing lovey dovey looks at each other while pointing a knife at me. LOL!
awwww he's soooo sweeeeeeeeet! What a shame she dun drink but it worked out nice anyways :) Cute indeed!
Mommy heyy na it's not abt me hahaha!
awww it's sweet how ur propsoal happened on the sofa :)
**But at our wedding, just after cutting the cake, he went down on his knee & kissed my hand infront of everybody
Thats so very sweet too! brought tears to my eyes :)
hillarious keshi dear...it sounded funny! but yes I love tht song ;)
someone secretly played this song in one of the college funtion for me ..:D
Cheers baby!
ooo lala Dawny could that be that 7th-grade boy who had a crush on ya? :)
LMAO @ the situations you wrote =))
mine isn't that weird but I proposed at 1am (!!) that too on fone - followed by a 2 hour long first kiss in the morning!!!!!
Howz that for starters ? :P :P
Aidan I think thats one of the most genuine and sweetest ways to propose!
Ashish heyy!
That sounds great mate! :)
**2 hour long first kiss in the morning!!!!!
LOL really??
Did you just prpose to me?:p
lol... fun post:)
LOL Suga let me turn les b4 that then haha!
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