Wednesday, January 24

Love Stinks

So yeah you fall in love..what's next? Alot of people find it very easy to fall in love. It starts with just the initial attraction but please give me something more than just that. Love doesn't mean just the physical/emotional attraction. It's much more powerful than that. A guy might say, a girl is beautiful, smart, talented, kind, sensible so he loves her. But is it just that? What about the language? Yeah I mean the language of the hearts. That I think is the seed of real love. No 2 couples would speak the same language cos it's unique to the hearts of each couple. I believe in that. Only when you understand her/his heart's language, will you experience true love.

So you know Mr.Darcy couldn't proceed with me cos his dad and sis didn't like the fact that we both were of the same age. I'm glad I never had to meet his rather shallow family pheww! Don't get me wrong...I aint disappointed at all...I'm happy as ever :). But I was wondering, will he ever be happy and independent as he claims to be? I mean he was head-over-heels in love (yes in LOVE) with me and was making big plans. Said so many sweet things to me that I couldn't even believe that he's for real hehe. I could listen to him all day...cos he was so very good at talking and so very interesting to listen to. Somehow I wanted to believe him, believe everything he said. He did sound like a very sweet, independent and honest guy. O.W. do you think I'd have gone out with him? And what happened then? He went along with his family's decision that was made on behalf of him. His family's decision didn't upset me all that much but what was truly hurtful and shocking was how he changed rapidly after that - just like he fell for me real fast, he fell out of it real fast too. Im not surprised and I told him exactly that. He used to send me like 30 txts a day and now there's none...not even a single HI HOW U DOIN. I don't want his friendship but I'm just shocked at how fast some guys make up their minds. Some people are truly insensitive and objective I feel their hearts are made of stone. They have only one thing to achieve..guard their territory and that's about it. I guess I'm too sensitive and I trust people too much. But why shouldn't I trust them? I don't know if he lied about his feelings for me or if he lied about going along with his family's decision..I guess I'll never really know that. All I know is that it felt real while it lasted and I want to believe that what he said about his initial feelings for me were true. Why would he lie about that? If he did, then he could have just played along a little bit more and dumped me after say 6 months of seeing me. He said the same to me. So yeah he must have had real feelings for me but not strong enough to last.

He's not a why did he go with what his family thought about us? Maybe cos he's someone who can't make decisions for himself. Or it maybe cos he thought his family knows what's best for him. Or it maybe cos he didn't want to disappoint his dad/sis. Or maybe cos his heart and my heart didn't speak the same language. He didn't understand my heart's language. Or else he wouldn't have listened to his family. So yeah we were not meant for each other. There was no Love involved here for Love sees no barriers. It was just initial attraction and that can die any minute, just like it did with him.

Folks tomorrow is Australia Day, a public holiday in the land Down Under. So yeah I won't be around tomorrow and until next Monday. On top of that I'm moving house this weekend - right now my place looks like a jungle cos of the boxes and all the mess. I hate not having a neat home to go back to, but it's only for this weekend - so it's ok Keshi just stop whinging. All of you have a lovely weekend and all my fellow-Aussies, have a good one tomorrow! Sizzle the shrimps on the barbie and get on with the beer mates ;-) and take it easy!

If I listened long enough to you
I'd find a way to believe that it's all true...
Knowing that you lied straight-faced while I cried
Still I look to find a reason to believe..

Current Music: Reason To Believe by Rod Stewart

163 Cranium Signets:

Anonymous said...

Love will just happen unknowingly ....
And Happy Australia Day to u as well.
I ll probably be going to nelson's bay for the weekend.
Anyways which suburb do u stay as i stay in city (CBD).
Cheers .....

Aditi said...

MAkes you wonder doesnt it, if its that easy to walk away... did it matter at all?
Nah I am sure he did fall for you, because you are such an beautiful, open hearted caring and warm person its hard not to..Maybe its his way of coping with the law that was laid down...
Its dumb but then hearts have been known to break for dumber reasons. You do raise a valid point, if that is all it took, maybe it wouldnt have lasted after all

Anonymous said...

That guy doesn't have a spine and he is very typical Indian to boot!Good riddance.Glad you got out while you are single and free to choose.
Well..happy moving and Aussie day!:))
26th is India's Republic day too!:))

Anonymous said...

It's hard to figure out - I do believe he had strong feelings for you Keshi but I believe he was also too spineless to follow them. Family's opinions are important to an extent but when they encroach on your own - that's when you need to make the decision. Evs and I come from different cultures, different languages, different ideals - he stuck with me and I with him when things got rough and now...things are ok.

I guess that you can only take it as another life experience...a painful one indeed but something that'll make you stronger in the end. I hope Love finds your way - I cannot imagine anyone who wouldn't want to be with you...

Have a great Australia Day Keshi and a weekend....moving house(besides the packing) is so much fun! You get to redecorate everything in a new way lol. Take care :)

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Yeah....agree with you LOVE stinks..
I just had a very bad experience myself...

Grr...I hate meeting wrong people at the right time...that too all the time

Anyway, Happy Australia day to you!!
Send me some Aussie Wine chocs gals ;)


SaffronSaris said...

Huh???? What is it about being the same age so both of you can't be together???

I have some stamps with the words "Australia Day" on it.what is "Australia Day"? Do they have, like a stamp for every Australia Day?

Anonymous said...

Hey Keshi,

Ignore him. Treat it as he is just a Hi-Bye friend (maybe not friend anymore, just a Hi-Bye passer-bye? HaHa..)

He sounds as if, either he is a 100% mummy's boy or he simply just won't stand up for himself.. He seems like he is just "flowing" with the crowd... Not going towards wat he likes & loves...

I find him stupid. The person getting married & spending the whole life with someone u truly love is just simply urself. It is not as if he/she is married to his/her parents & siblings... Haiz... Some ppl cant think properly huh... No backbone to stand up for himself...

This sort of guy, better to leave him early then to suffer with him.. Who knows one day.. He might just dump u cos of one action u did, or one dish u made & his dad, mum or sis doesn't like?

There is a chinese saying (i've translated to english for u):-

"Its better to suffer now in short then to suffer later with more intense pain"

Good decision made on "breaking off" with him. :)

Erm.. He simply just cut off all connections with u.. Hmm.. This guy is hopeless... Even if cant be lovers, still could be friends right? Why did he change so suddenly... He is so realistic! Guys..sometimes we really do not know wat is going on in their mind...(Jus like girls) HeHe...

Anyway, its great to "see" & "feel" u happy & lively again!


Known Stranger said...

for first time - i read your words made me considerate. I could sense it. I am not sure - if you receive my sat mails on these men and woman issues. I have to check if i have you in my mailing list. How men and woman differ at emotions and looking things differently.

Keshi - you are very sensible.

Anonymous said...

When U find true love, U dont need any language to speak. It just happens... Call me old fashioned, Unrealistic or whatever... but... thats how it works...

As we sat together, dint know how time flew by & was frozen at the same time!
Every time I looked into her lovely eves, I felt I was being reborn.
That feeling was so Pure.
That moment will last for ever, no matter what happens to the two of us!

Cheers Keshi...
All the very best....
Love will find you...
Hope is such a wonderful thing... which makes us blessed!

TC... Huggggzzz 2 u....

Anonymous said...

He may have loved you, but sad to say he didn't love you enough. When you are in love that person is at the centre of everything.

Sorry it didn't work out but you'll find a good one out there. Many I suspect.

Anonymous said...

yeah..thats the real heartbreak, isnt it, not knowing whether it was as real for him as it seemed to be, and what is the truth.
You are right, men can be very good at becoming silent at the crucial moment and avoiding giving you any answers. I guess, keshi, part of moving on is to stop caring and say WTH, who cares. and just become indifferent.

good luck with your move, and have a wonderful rest of the week. That should keep you busy ! :))

Anonymous said...

Being alone, there's a certain dignity to it... love the song!

Arm Pitt said...

one thing keshi..personal experience..its not jus the guys who change soon..girls do that too! i guess you cant generalize!

Margie said...

Love is much more powerful than just the physical/emotional are so right!
Mr.Darcy knows not know what love is all about...he needs to grow up!!!
He was not the right guy for you...
You are better off without him!

Love can break our hearts, but it can also make our hearts soar ..just like a bird in flight!
True love will come to you..

Enjoy your holiday and weekend!
And thanks for the email...your words were a big help to me...

Take care...


Anonymous said...

Hi Keshi

Yea love hurts, and that's why there's fifty ways to kill--I mean leave--your lover.

I hope your holiday is a moving one. LOL

Can't you tell I'm tired--4 hour meeting--hate them--LOL



Anonymous said...

well... some ppl are like that...
u take care ok? and love stinks

Anonymous said...

Happy Aussie day!!

Known Stranger said...

there are no wrong men or wrong women. Only our choice are wrong.

that was my last subject i sent on last saturday.

Anonymous said...

Hi Keshi!
That is so very true what you are writing about love!!
Take care!

Mumbai Guy said...
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Anonymous said...

ppl who fall in love at the blink of an eye r just fake. they wud never get true love. it will be only instantaneous love!!

u have a nice long weekend!!

take care keshi!!


Mumbai Guy said...

Keshi, Did I say before that I just love your posts? Maybe I wont agree to all you say but you do touch lot many finer points.


Anonymous said...

Happy Australia Day to you..

Hmm.. I never really thought about the language of the hearts.. this is an interesting point.

I think Indian guys (including me) should not fall in love without the permission of their parents. Instead what they should do is.. ask "daddy, mommy, I like this girl a lot, can i fall in love with her?" and when they say "yes".. then yeaay else the guy can always say "I like you a lot.. but can we just we friends"...this way probably no hearts will be broken.

Btw Happy moving.. when are you inviting me for the house warming party?? ;)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pics and absolutely great music.
Thanks Keshi!

Anonymous said...

Keshi, I saw a movie recently, where a girl tells a boy that
Love happens when genetic patterns match

I tell you what.. I thought that is real crap, but at the same time I believe, there is that someone out there in the world who has been born to hold your hand.

No matter what happens wait for that moment. It will happen *Boom* and you will be in love, but again I`m sure or rather I bet, you wouldn`t blog about it then.. :)

Happy Holidays..!

With Best Regards,

Anonymous said...

Keshi: For some its not love but infactuation. If he can change colors so fast, gosh he is not ok then.

Happy Australian Day to you girl:-))

Anonymous said...

You remind me so much of myself when I was younger.

The thing is, you will never know why. God knows I've spent a lot of nights thinking about the answer to that stupid question every time a guy I thought I was connecting with suddenly stopped calling. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be and I accept that now. But it stinks when it happens, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Some people grow up never being allowed to make decisions about anything. Their parents tell them what they like and don't like and totally control them. Then, when they become adults they can't make decisions on their own still.

Good luck with the move and have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

OM! OM! u r mumbling soooo much dear ... he he ... chillax nutty ... ur analyzing it too much :D

** I don't want his friendship but I'm just shocked at how fast some guys make up their minds.

lets not generalize nutty ... but lemme put another perspective ... for guyz to accept on being in love is a BIG deal, unless its just a fling ... women like being loved ... and when it doesn't work it hits men hard ... and its hell hard for a guy to see a girl he has loved, as a "friend", like he did b4 ... the gap they create is more like a self-imposed punishment to get over it ... women on the other hand let it out and move on ... in time with a smile :) ... but if a guy were serious it would hurt him anyday ... i'v seen it happen to some guyz :( ... or if u'd like it ... he just ain't mature enuf to handle it with a friendship

** Some people are truly insensitive and objective I feel their hearts are made of stone.

some do. but it is seldom the guyz who truly fall in love :). they do whatz in the best interest.

** He said the same to me. So yeah he must have had real feelings for me but not strong enough to last.

there r other things in life too keshi ... love is not everything nah? ... every person has a limit on what he/she can compromise for love ... even if a couple is in helluva luv ... he just decided to not let it grow further and end up in a inevitable mess as he saw it

** Maybe cos he's someone who can't make decisions for himself.

c'mon keshi ... give a break ... what if it were like his career is not accomodative for this relationship? he is decisive in giving priority to his folks ... just coz u end up hooked to someone u wouldn't listen to him against ur mom wud you? thats unfair keshi

** So yeah we were not meant for each other.

that is the ONLY reason ... couples seperate even though they are wonderful individuals

** There was no Love involved here for Love sees no barriers

it doesn't work that way for ALL you know ... afterall, one could end up with someone who barely feels love ... every person has a limit as to what he/she would do for love ... some ppl don't mind compromising everything for love ... while others consider that stupid :D ... lets not get too judgemental

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

Don't worry - there will be a day when you find the right person (or he will find you -- don't forget, this person is looking for you, too. :) )

Anonymous said...

Hey what a crappy ass reason was that ???
Same age ...??? Bull crap !!!
You know we both belong t the same age group. I dont disagree that it doesnt have any liabilities, and I wish there would've been a gap of atleast 3 years..but just that they arent good enough to keep two people away if they are truly in love with each other.
Love ha never looked up for age atleast.
That is the last thin you look out for and we all know even that conetnds to doesnt matter atall...
What Ashton Kutchon and Demi Moore, Michael Douglas and Catherine zeta Jones, Salman Rushdie and Padmalakshmi (well I feel this one is a bit cliche,he he
,but well they together and kicking rigt?)..????????
You deserve more Kesh, rem'br that.
Something that is true and ever-lasting.Not a runaway romance.Never.
Take care baby.
Luv ya.

Outdoorsy Girl said...

I just read your comment to me on yrautca's blog. LOL! I'm glad I'm not the only jerk magnet, but I'm also sad that you endure this kind of stupidity from men also. And that's what it is--stupidity! He is really going to regret giving up someone that he had such great potential with just to please someone else. Comes a time when he needs to become a man and live his life for HIMSELF and not for what someone else wants for him. His family would love him no matter what and they would grow to love you, too. And his mom already did!

Not only does love stink, but so does Mr. Darcy.

Happy Aussie Day! Sounds fun!

Anonymous said...

And hey forgot to say, Happy Austrailia Day. Have fun girl.
And yeah, happy moving too.I know how it feels when you have to pack your bags all over again just when you have acclamatised to a place.
Take care honey.

The Phosgene Kid said...

I bucked the system - my mother told me “never marry an Italian”, but did I listen? Nooooo!!! I am living happily ever after though so once again mom was wrong.

Jewel Rays said...

Hi Keshi..

Love..:) I think the definition of it has been altered in the minds of our young generation. I am not sure if its totally true. But love..?? i think its more lust than love many times or just infatuations?? we mistake it for something bigger or real.

i guess its just our humaness.

And honestly, keshi. That guy does not deserve you. What did he take you for? some play thing? And to think he can;t hold a decision for himself and becomes a wimp the minute his parents lay down their concern is just totally unbelievable. Further more, its the same age not older...GOSH!!

You deserve so much more with that character, heart and love.

Happy Australia day. enjoy the holidays and the new home..;)

cheers darlz

Anonymous said...


Love makes us good human-beings, i was an animal somebody made me human.

Anonymous said...

It is too understand why two ppl fall in love....I mean I fell in love with a man who was everything I usually dont like in ppl...and trust me I have hardest time sharing space with my husband ...and yet their is something that makes me want to spend my life with him...its not the fact that we are maried....but I dont know what it is....may be I'll know someday :)
>:D< Keshi :)

San Nakji said...

If he can't make his own decisions then he doesn't sound like the right guy I reckon.

Don't trust men, they are the enemy! ;o)

Enjoy your time off.

Anonymous said...

New Place vow!!

I know what excitement it is to shift to a new place I have changes places for atleast 4 times in last 5 years.

Aussie day .... :)) Republic Day here in india. good fun as of always.

I think new you are thinking too much and too hard for things that were never to be ... wake up.

They did not meet u coz u "both" were of same age, what if u were elder would "they" be chasing u with a shot gun in hand


Die Muräne said...

it ain't over, 'till it's over

Happy moving weekend then!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, we just never know. But you know what I do know...I know that you are really good at expressing yourself and I enjoy reading your posts!

I'll be moving in 2 weeks too! I am DREADING it! Arghhh!

Anonymous said...

Hello Keshi.
He isn't able to make decisions about his life.~just stop thinking about that coward...after all you just can't end up with some other guy. :)

Relationships take their own time.So just enjoy that you had a great time..:)

Remember:Love is like a Ghost~most of us have heard about it but very rare have seen it.:)

Sujit said...

good that the thing turned into something different than imagined!.. if its true love then.. he could have done anything for that!.. which he did not do!.. so good for :).. there is some pearl waiting for you:)

Anonymous said...

Keshi.. i hope the whole Mr.darcy thingy isnt making you cynical about love.

Anonymous said...

Sorrrrrrrry for the long post

Love Stinks !! i think not always see when you spoke to Darcy for the first time and all those msgs you were so happy and that time the feeling of love was so wonderful for you .... Its just that Darcy is not fit for you are such a wonderful, nice person and you deserve the best ...he is not worth your love... He was not a man of his words, he cun't stand for you, that shows he is looser and can never take his own decision in life.... Good it all happened so fast ...imagine If 6 months down the lane you were deeply in love with him and at that point of time when it was Darcy's time for commitment and that time he would have told you all this .... what would you do ??? I pray god nobody should go thru all this.

You are lucky it got over so fast. you are never alone dear you have so many many good friends... you don't need ppl like him.

Your best is on its way ..Just wait babes :)) Jaadu hai aapke haathon mein ;))

"No 2 couples would speak the same language cos it's unique to the hearts of each couple." ,...... i totally agree with this

Happy Australia Day and Have a blast in the weekend ...drink loads of Martini and Apple martini from me ;))

Its republic day here in India (26) and i have to work :((((

This is for you Shaan Bhool Ja

In ansoonon se kisko kya hua hansil
Mana kehna hai asan nibhana hai mushkil
Phir bhi ae yaar mere
Sunle meri intezaaa
Bhool ja Jo hua use bhool ja hai kasam tujhe muskura
khud ko na de yun saza

Un yadon ko bhool ja Wo to nahin tha teri wafon ke kabhil
Jane kya soch kar tune de diya apna dil
Is baar dil ka sauda karna na yun bewajhah
Bhool ja Jo hua use bhool ja
Hai kasam tujhe muskura
Khud ko na de yun saza un yadon ko bhool ja

Teri zindagi teri hai kisi ki amant nahin
Jab chahe tod de aese ek imart nahin
Is baar dil ka suda karna na yun bewahja
Bhool ja Jo hua use bhool ja hai kasam tujhe muskura
khud ko na de yun saza un yadon ko bhool ja
Jo hua use bhool ja hai kasam tujhe muskura
khud ko yiun na de tu saza un yadon ko tu bhool ja...
na nana bhool ja....
Khud ko yun na de tu saza
Un yadon ko tu bhool ja...

Neer said...

yeahh Beer it is!!! :) go heavy on those cans!! Kesh... not meant and know what, have come to believe its all for good! LOve!!

The Grunt said...

Well, crushes and attraction certainly do a good job of mimicking love. All the married people that I talk to tell me that you need to work together towards love and also to maintain it.

I guess he wasn't willing to roll up his shirt sleeves and work on this with you, Keshi. It is his loss.

desperado said...

yipee...holidays time...we too have a national holiday tomm..its our republic day..n den d weekend..gud times

have a lovely weekend cinderella :)

my life.... said...

i hope u feel better... well, i just get reminded of the guy whom i am crazily in love for 12 yrs but its a sad that, like wat u said, both of our hearts don t speak the same language...i can t force love but at least i do have the freedom to love him... happy aussie day! take care ya

Anonymous said...

heyyy Keshi!
Love can only happen if the two can read the language of the hearts!

Happy holidays to u too! and good luck with shiftin part!
Happy Australi Day to u!
Its Republic Day in India tomorrow!

Ash said...

Will he ever be happy and independent as he claims to be?

The answer - A big NO!

Happy Australia Day to you!

Anonymous said...

yup i remember my post bout love the older blog!
It happens sometimes u do get dejected i too dnt believe in love and gf's just unconditional love
Though when u get the right guy u will say its pretty wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Don't let it get you, keshi dear..

Seema said...

Hey babess...hugssssssss
Am back...had a lovely vacation
Caught up on your posts..the movie n all of it...well am glad its over...Nothing more than good riddance sweetheart..better to be without someone who cant speak for himself for the sake of LOVE..for the sake of his likes...
Hard to believe but let go..difficult but its just good you did not get into any mess and he honestly called it off too !! that was nice though..
you take care n live each moment dearie..
Have a nice weekend n happy home making in the new house !

Jo said...

I think you are lucky because you didn't end up with a man who couldn't take decisions of his own.

Have a great weekend Kesh. :-)

Anonymous said...

That is the lamest excuse I have heard for breaking a relationship...

But If he truly loves you, he will come back Keshi..what is important is that will you accept him or not when he does..

He would have faced a fight-or-flee response after his family dispproved of your relation. It is the easiest way to choose the flee option because most of us go for the path of least resistance at first, but our conscience would keep bugging us until they make the right decision

Anonymous said...

everything happens for a reason :)


Anonymous said...

Dump that guy Keshi! Your prince is riding his horse towards your house... :D He'll be there soon :D

little things said...

Having been married, and divorced, and in love several times, and being a parent and over forty...let me share my wisdom.

If someone is going to leave, better they get it out of the way before the REAL investments occur.

Anonymous said...

Huh? That was the reason??? You've got to be kidding.

I feel sorry for him. He really has no future for himself if he lets his family influence him in that way.


Keshi - beautiful girl - you are so not needing something like that in your life. You need the strong, confident, independant type - who knows how to treat a lady special - the special lady that you are.


happy Aussie Day - have fun celebrating :)


Anonymous said...

Just excellent! I felt amazing reading this. Just heard echoing my feelings there. You put forward explicitly what I had in my mind about this topic. I couldn't agree any more on this...

I can only say, its hard (not impossible) to get a heart that speaks the same language as other.

The song is simply touching!

Anonymous said...

Today I enjoyed my time listen to "Reason to believe".
Have a wonderful time!

Kara said...

I think being the same age is agood thing, why the issue with that? I'm sorry girlie, love's so hard when you buy into someone only to find out you settled for a discount when you wanted to get the full price item..sigh.

Anonymous said...

love stinks..........i know
recent victim of love ..
nothing is permenant including love.
but then again...only love keeps me alive these days.......

Anonymous said...

Happy Republic Day !!

love is i donno wat .. bt its toooo complicated a word or feeling .. rather i wud say tht its a very natural nd beautiful feeling .. bt its manifestation it too complicated cause of this complicated world ..

I mean I love someone ..nd she doesnt cause she loves someone else or may b someother reason .. so my feeling is ruined ..

so .. ur nt alone Keshi .. ( RAises his HAnd ;) )

take care buddy ..
anuj .

starry said...

Keshi..I know you are sad about not being with mr Darcy, but if you ask me I am glad you are not . He cannot stand up and fight for something that he wants, he gave in to something silly as age to his parents. One would think you guys were from two different planets or something. I think you are lucky that you found out early enough and not later when your heart would have really been broken. I still think if he was a decent human being he can be your friend. maybe he is scared of his family.who knows what goes on in ones mind. Keshi you have a wonderful week end. There will be someone special waiting for you when the time is right.

jillie said...

Happy Australia Day to you and it's a shame to know that there are people out there that have never been in love. I can't say that it's comes easy for me but for the few times that I have been in's true bliss!
Enjoy your day ;o)

trinitystar said...

Falling in love and falling out of love.
I too, think he loved and still loves you ... fear plays a big part in anything going wrong in a relationship.
You will realise in time.
Yes, you are very beautiful Keshi and your beauty is expressed in the way you write.
hugs for you. :o)

Anonymous said...

Keshi sweetie-

Someday someone will come along and then you will understand
perfectly why the others didn't
work out:)

And S has a very very very cute
friend that is handsome and funny and sweet and romantic -
and I will introduce you to him
if you ever visit ok?

love ya
and hugs:)

Anonymous said...

>>No 2 couples would speak the same language cos it's unique to the hearts of each couple.

That's so true!

Chin up sweets, there will be another person who doesn't look at all these trivial things and will sustain a more lasting love!!

tulipspeaks said...

I've been thru that kinda sh!t b4. He is younger than me. u know that nah? i said b4, i dont c it as an issue. when there is a will, there is a way sweetheart. when he doesnt have the will to be with u, surely he wont find the way to ur heart. in fact, im glad a shallow person like him didn't find the way!

abt love stinking.. hmm.. im not sure if i agree with u here. i think its the ppl who r making the mistakes here. feeling as pure as love should not and will not be a mistake.

moving to a new place huh? hopefully tat will give u a fresh start. hugsss and lots of muuuaxxxx


Steph said...

Regardless of the why's and wherefores of it, any relationship that ends can still be painful.
I hope you're ok.

Happy Straya day to you.

Coco said...

Hi Keshi,
Thank you for stoppping by...

Yes, love sometimes stinks, and hurts...BUT it's also what makes the world go 'round! : ) Without love, nothing matters...

Don't worry about Mr. "Right", he's there looking for you too : )

Take Care,
"lluvia de Estrellas"

kj said...

keshi, my advice: avoid lightbulbs that shine at 100 watts. they burn bright for a short time and then burn out. instead, stick with 60-75 watts.

just my two cents..

Anonymous said...

OMG.. MEN are soo interesting. just like you i had an experience least to say: i went out with this guy for 3 years.. we were friends before that, and then we dated for 3 YEARS. then suddenly his family hates me, doesnt think im the right fit, and since they thought he was the right age to get married - he had to.
since i wasnt "fitting" with his family, he broke up with me and got married to someone else more "fitting". just like that -- 10 calls a day - and now nothing.

he drove 300 miles to see if i was ok after i failed my first test, and now he's supposedly happily married - how does that work? makes me wonder why its soo easy for men to walk away and we women - stuck wondering what/how/when it happened.

Anonymous said...

PS: love does stink.. it stinks worse than a dirty diaper. i was bitter for a long time, but now ive realised that im better off than being with a man who couldnt stand up for me, stand up for our love - how would he be there for me later when something worse and bigger happened u know?

Anonymous said...

he doesn't deserve you..take care !!

Anonymous said...

it stinks? IT STINKS~! the songs' nice though.

Anonymous said...

guess in love, u tend to see everything with those dreamy eyes.. u want everything to carry on romantically smoothly..but of course it doesn't.. though i also not completely agree with some society pressures, some of which you defined in the last post.. but that comes as part and parcel of coming from a country which follows such traditions... there are both positive and negative aspects to every give an example of our strong traditions, american youngsters are increasingly turning towards arranged marriages and no pre marital sex... which has been part of our culture forever..

Anonymous said...



U'll be happy soon dear with new & nice relations.

Changing home - will be quite interesting, placing things in place, arranging etc..

I luv things like interior decoration.

Has to be me said...

Maybe its good fr ya....hes jus not the right one! So cool & just chill! :)
Enjoy ur weekend

The Grunt said...

Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! Oi, Oi, Oi! Happy Aussie day, Keshi!!! Am I late?

Anonymous said...

//He used to send me like 30 txts a day and now there's none...not even a single HI HOW U DOIN. I don't want his friendship but I'm just shocked at how fast some guys make up their minds.//

oh no! I thought, we were in for a very interesting love story.... but ended as a damp squib. :(

But I have to aprreciate you for taking it easy! You are great, keshi!

Jay Noel said...

He sounds more like a little boy than a man.

Anonymous said...

Whats happening????
where are my comments??

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for such people who can't make decision for themselves...! Good riddence Keshi dear!!!
Falling in love is real when you dont bother about the looks much but care more for the feelings and thoughts of others! I can say about myself...I fall for the guy who is so much full of love for me its more than a year and still I feel as if we met yesterday :)
As we know each other day by day we understand so much...though initially we used to fight like kids :D...and when we sat and thought about it ...the fights were for being together...or for not getting enough time to be together :D
Wait for that day dear and I am telling you will experience the same! Here the guy just told his mom this is it...I dont care if you say yes/no but this is my girl...:) now thats a different story where I am being loved very much and respected too by his mom n sis...but what I meant to say is he was much clear with meeting me and talking to me who will be his soul-mate :) I know I am blessed and hence I always pray for you to have the same experience...! As it took a while for me I guess same is going with you!
Take a pill & chill ;)
Happy Australia Day to All and yeah happy and safe moving!

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for such people who can't make decision for themselves...! Good riddence Keshi dear!!!
Falling in love is real when you dont bother about the looks much but care more for the feelings and thoughts of others! I can say about myself...I fall for the guy who is so much full of love for me its more than a year and still I feel as if we met yesterday :)
As we know each other day by day we understand so much...though initially we used to fight like kids :D...and when we sat and thought about it ...the fights were for being together...or for not getting enough time to be together :D
Wait for that day dear and I am telling you will experience the same! Here the guy just told his mom this is it...I dont care if you say yes/no but this is my girl...:) now thats a different story where I am being loved very much and respected too by his mom n sis...but what I meant to say is he was much clear with meeting me and talking to me who will be his soul-mate :) I know I am blessed and hence I always pray for you to have the same experience...! As it took a while for me I guess same is going with you!
Take a pill & chill ;)
Happy Australia Day to All and yeah happy and safe moving!

Ces Adorio said...

Keshi, I have decided that by far you are the most popular blogger in blogworld. I hope you find true love soon. Don't rush it. It will happen. Just keep your heart open :-)

Anonymous said...

Heh Sweets
Had been too busy lately..Didnt have time to check ur blogs lately but now when i read......So many things happened but sweets chill, like u told me life doesnot end with one man...also life doesnot begin with one man...Live life and enjoy it...Heh Keshi any plans to drop into india do def let me know...Wd love to show you around bangalore.......

Sharda said...

You know what,it is good that it ended soon.I sound rude but if it had lasted longer,you would have felt even worse.Or may be if this friendship would change into relationship his parents would rule your life as long as they were capable of doing that.World is full of good guys .You will find some one better.
Good luck to you !

Anonymous said...

My goodness Keshi. I have been trying to get to your blog via the link on my blog for like, a week, but I always got an error message. I assumed your blog was gone.

Just now, I figured I would go to your profile page, and then click that blog link.

Lo and behold, here it is. I don't know what the problem was. I have some catching up to do!

Jim said...

,U stink too Keshi,

i didnt read your post
u make me sick

u r behaving like me
a teenager in love with love

get real Keshi
forget Love
go out and get laid

u will feel better then

Jim said...

u r still an animal SOUTH
u and me

animal psssion
the lust for LIFE

dont knock animals guys
animals are not beasts
men are

dis was said by Nafissa Ali
before she committed suicide

Anonymous said...

she is the jewel of my eye
i have been blinded by her rays



Hey Kesh...Personally I would say tht reason for betting out of something that parents didnt or dont approve is to avoid dissapointing them...If one didnt know wht to decide for himself, why would he decide n ask his parents about it...

Yes, there is no strong fibre decision, which is like "do or die" so if parents r unhappy, he too follows suite...

There is always the right person for u..I believe in tht,..We will be so amused how we cross paths with tht right person and all these will be just a laugh looking back...

Hope u had a fab time :) :)

Cazzie!!! said...

We just finished moving house now, it feels good to be settled now :)

Anonymous said...

I always wonder if men are born so or are have they become so ? - Why not mothers inculcate the feeling in young hearts of their sons to treat woman better with compassion and respect making them understand women and be considerate. Why woman likes to complain about with high voice but doesnt take the responsibility to weed off this indifference at young moldable hearts when they nurture their sons ? Why not women help man to be more considerate rather complaining ?

Ofcourse Fathers too should play their roles in changing the scenario.

= a forward by Known Stranger

Anonymous said...

I thought your blog disappeard when the link to it from my blog directed me to an error page. It did that for several days. Today, I decided to try to get to it via your profile page, and it worked. But when I tried to leave a comment, it wouldn't save for some reason. I have a lot of catching up to do, and I'm sorry I've been missing out.

Anonymous said...

You know Keshi - when I was 17, I wanted to get engaged. The guy asked my Dad for my hand in marriage. My dad said he felt we were too young. I cried and cried,but decided to abide by his decision and wait. It wasn't a matter of falling out of love, or even being spineless (puleeeease)but more like trying to respect my Father. It was horrible, but looking back on it, my dad really did have a lot more experience and wisdom of life than I had at my young age. He didn't say we couldn't marry, only that he wouldn't give us his blessing. It is a difficult issue, agreed.

Anonymous said...

the day you will find true love you will not say love stinks.

and each person has priorities in life...for some life revolves round love and for some life is just not love only.

experiences like this always make you more strong and more beautiful at heart .

happy aussie day

take care keshi.

The Phosgene Kid said...

Hope you had a great Aussie Day. Post some pictures - do they have fireworks and stuff? I have to come to Australia; you all seem to be having all the fun.

Michelle said...

High time he left his mommie's hand doncha think?Forget him keshi.Hes just a coward...who obviously dusn know what a promise means...hes not even worth u...u deserve way better

Anonymous said...

I suggest you tell this guy to watch the movie.."The Notebook"..

and for the matter..u should watch it as well..if u havent!!

neways cheers bud..

mommyof2 said...

count ur blessings:-)If you had gottan married to that guy, you would've been in deep trouble;-) They have families on their mind anyway, forget about a guy who always listen to his parents before doing anything. I hate those type of guys... babies..

Blessed said...

Hey Keshi!!!
First off, I don't believe love is like a light switch, where one can switch it on and off.
I think he was in deep infactuation.
I also am surprised that his family rules his life like that but alas, I have heard of people who let their families do that. Sad but true. Just another reason why I believe that everything happens for a reason, he wasn't the one for you. Things would have clicked completely, things would have fell into place like a jigsaw puzzle.
So do you know what this means My dear Keshi girl???
That means that Mr. Right is still out there.
And so I leave you with this little quote from a show I use to watch called the Wonder Years:
"All our young lives we search for someone to love, someone who will make us complete. We choose partners and change partners. We dance to a song of heartbreak and hope, all the while wondering if somewhere and somehow there is someone searching for us"
And I do believe that someone very special is looking for you.

Anonymous said...

hope u had a rocking weekend...

and love is love..... :D

Anonymous said...

he wasn't meant to be...

Anonymous said...

Keshi, you give me a reason to believe. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Have a great holiday Keshi and good luck with the move!

Anonymous said...

Subject: I feared being alone............
>I feared being alone
>Until I learned to like
>I feared failure
>Until I realized that I only
>Fail when I don't try.
>I feared success
>Until I realized
>That I had to try
>In order to be happy
>With myself.
>I feared people's opinions
>Until I learned that
>People would have opinions
>About me anyway.
>I feared rejection
>Until I learned to
>Have faith in myself.
>I feared pain
>Until I learned that
>it's necessary
>For growth.
>I feared the truth
>Until I saw the
>Ugliness in lies.
>I feared life
>Until I experienced
>Its beauty .
>I feared death
>Until I realized that it's
>Not an end, but a beginning.
>I feared my destiny,
>Until I realized that
>I had the power to change
>My life.
>I feared hate
>Until I saw that it
>Was nothing more than
>I feared love
>Until it touched my heart,
>Making the darkness fade
>Into endless sunny days.
>I feared ridicule
>Until I learned how
>To laugh at myself.
>I feared growing old
>Until I realized that
>I gained wisdom every day.
>I feared the future
>Until I realized that
>Life just kept getting
>I feared the past
>Until I realized that
>It could no longer hurt me.
>I feared the dark
>Until I saw the beauty
>Of the starlight.
>I feared the light
>Until I learned that the
>Truth would give me
>I feared change,
>Until I saw that
>Even the most beautiful butterfly
>Had to undergo a metamorphosis
>Before it could fly.

Anonymous said...

Keshi...I'm glad you are out of
this situation much earlier than you anticipated...Love doesn't stink its the people who stink badly :) If Mr Darcy was so much in love he could've take a stand & fight for you...Being same age is a lame excuse...It was just infatuation...I think he was not the right guy for u..As u said Some people are truly insensitive so true...Keshi don't worry love will find away to crawl in your heart :)

Happy Australian Day & best of luck with your moving :)

Stay Beautiful..!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to read this update.

But you're right ... you don't need someone (a grown man) who allows his family to influence his decisions to that extent. Been there done that and it has disaster written all over it, if not now, then later.

Look after yourself ...

Anonymous said...

guess my comment didnt show up :(

Shionge said...

Hiya Keshi,

It is obvious that he is still tying himself to his mom's apron. All is not lost coz you get to see the 'true' colours.

The next guy that comes along is gonna be so lucky to embrace you my pal!

Be happy as always and have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

First off, happy Aussie day wishes to u! :)

Abt love, yeah, sometimes it jus happens n people get hasty. I feel it requires a great deal of respect n responsibility to be in love.

Seems like u are all excited about your new place! Hv a wonderful time and do Take care! :) huggzzzzzzz!

Anonymous said...

you will find it honey. just when u least expect. i have in a man you know really well. he has a heart as big as the state texas. always wishing you love ,when you least expect it.your friend the unknown.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The strongest and long lasting relation never happened very fast. This kind of relationship takes time to build up whether it's with some Mr. Darcy or a friend. More quick a person fall in love more chances of having a short love story....

Anyway Good luck for you. BTW were u serious to do the film thing. Why I am asking actually I need a female voice for one of my main character, let me know.

Crazy Me said...

I will NEVER understand men. NEVER!!

Anonymous said...

You know Mr. D better than I do, but I would like to put a different spin on things. Not to defend him, but maybe just as a way for you to look at things a little bit differently.

It may very well be true that he broke things off because of his family's wishes. We can look at this as being immature, or we can look at it as being deeply respectful of his dad and sister. Maybe he would justify it as saying he puts his family ahead of you. It is hard to argue with that, even though I think that is the wrong decision on his part. But different cultures, and I won't judge him.

As for no text messages, I think it might have a bit to do with the above paragraph.

I wonder if maybe he is embarrased that his family has stepped in between you two. I am sure he knows that you are probably a bit mad at him, and you have a right to be. Maybe he just doesn't want to seem clingy. I mean, if it isn't going to work out, then maybe he is afraid that if he tried to justify things with you, he would just seem patronizing.

Keshi said...

Vaibhav hope u had a cool long weekend :) Nelson's Bay is a beauty!


Aditi ty sweetie HUGGGGGGGGZ! U make me feel alot better, always.

**Maybe its his way of coping with the law that was laid down...

true. I agree. Mebbe thats how he's coping with it. Better not to have any contact at all than getting hurt again n again.


hehe Asha he is.

ty HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ ur a warm and bright ray of sunshine in my life.


U know Silvara, with ur thoughtful comment abt my Moving, u really made me feel better in the weekend, tnxxx! Cos I was so stressed out abt moving...and when I read ur positive comment, I thought 'yeah why do I have to whinge when I can look forward to decorating the new place etc'. It may have been a small comment, but it really made a big change in my thoughts abt moving :) so TY!

Abt Mr.Darcy...well Im so over him after my MOVE hehe. ty for sticking by me babez HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ!


Keshi said...

z000nie yeah it happens at the right time with the wrong ppl, doesnt it!

Aussie chocs...ok my fav is BACI...shall I leave em in a comment in ur blog? :)

HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ hope u had a good wknd!


heyy Saffy yeah I know...being the same age and love should have no probs :) but there r so many kinds of ppl in this world. We all dun think the same way.

U asked me what Aus Day stands for. Well it commemorates the landing of the 'First Fleet' in Australia on that day in 1788..and the subsequent white settlement here.

Im not sure if they have a stamp for 'every' Aus day but I know they have issued em in the past.

I hope u had a lovely weekend Saffy MWAHHHHHHH!


tnxx Thumbelina...u always take alot of time and effort to make me feel better. It's soooo sweet of ya HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!

**he is just "flowing" with the crowd... Not going towards wat he likes & loves...

I agree. Anyways, it's his choice eventually so I'd just respect that.

**He might just dump u cos of one action u did, or one dish u made & his dad, mum or sis doesn't like?

LOL that was cute hahaha! Yeah, u never know...he mite just do that :):)

ty babez ur wonderful!


KS ty ur sooo very caring!

Yep I got those mails...just browsed em but cudnt read all of it...Im soo busy at work and at home. So I will read em fully sometime soon, ty!



hey Iceman ;-) ty!

**Every time I looked into her lovely eves, I felt I was being reborn.

WOW did u write that?


Trundling ty matey HUGGGGGGGGZ!


Keshi said...

Rose hey hows u?

**I guess, keshi, part of moving on is to stop caring and say WTH, who cares

Spot on! Im just doing that now :)


Diva yeah...being alone is better than being with the wrong guy.

Im glad u like the song too :)


Arm_Pitt heyy!

**its not jus the guys who change soon..girls do that too

Hell I agree! But I cant talk abt girls here cos this story is abt a guy hai na? :)


MWAH MWAH MWAH Margie! Hows u today? I hope u got my email...sorry I wasnt ard in the weekend cos u know I moved...and I was in a big fat mess, there was no time to even connect my PC up hehe. Anyway I hope ur ok today, thats what matters right now.

**Love can break our hearts, but it can also make our hearts soar ..just like a bird in flight!

Indeedz! Absolutely right.

ty sooo much for being there for me. U r so very special HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ! Have a good day Angel!


LOL Bev I wish I knew all 50 ways!

** hope your holiday is a moving one. LOL

hahaha good one babez!

What meeting? Alot of hunks and one pretty babe sitting in a big room with their minds far away from work? ;-)


Keshi said...



Shiv ty!


Krys ty!

Im glad u enjoy my music here. U always have a comment abt my current music and I appreciate that. HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ!


Deepz hey hows u?

**it will be only instantaneous love!!

so true. It's only physical attraction.


MG heyy thats so sweet of ya, ty!



Akshay hey tnxxx!

yeah I know...most Indian girls/boys do that..get their parents' approval. Its ok to a certain extent but not when ur a grown adult and ur truly in love!

House-warming party...hehe can u fly down to Sydney next weekend? :)


Srijith heyy!

**Love happens when genetic patterns match

I read that somewhere too and I even wrote a post abt it long time ago :) Lets see if my genetic better-half will find his way to me hehehe.

ty Srijith I hope u had a good wknd too.


hey Priya!

**If he can change colors so fast, gosh he is not ok then.

I agree :)

ty sweetie!


Menchie tnxxx!

yeah..its kinda wierd when a guy who claims he loves u alot suddenly stops calling.


So true Jay!

ty :)


Keshi said...

Samy heyy hows u?

**there r other things in life too keshi ... love is not everything nah

I so know that but this was abt me and him...not abt any other matter in life na :)

ur spot on abt everything. A guy is better able to understand another guy's mind :). tnxx Samy!


Andrew awwww ty so much HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ!



I agree...Love sees no barriers at all. So maybe he didnt feel that string abt me after all.

**Something that is true and ever-lasting.Not a runaway romance

Spot on babez! ty and u have a lovely day ok!


hey my sweet lil Outdoorsy jerk_magnet ;-)

**Not only does love stink, but so does Mr. Darcy.

Hahaha cute!

tnxx girl...Im fine. Lets enjoy our single lives more n more now, meeting more jerks LOL!


Phos thats cos ur a real man...u decided for urself and it lead u to happiness. Good on ya!



I know...he's too chicken to go ahead with someone like me. Let him be :)

I hope u had a beautiful wknd sweetie.


Southy first of all ur NOT an animal, ok? :) HUGGGGGGGGGZ!

yeah I's the ppl who stink. Love is actually really beautiful.


Neihal thats so very romantic! Im so glad u have that kinda bond with ur man. It's really beautiful.



Keshi said...

hey San ty!

U make alot of good sense.


Tarun hey I hope u had a good Republic Day wknd then :)

**what if u were elder would "they" be chasing u with a shot gun in hand

LOL u never know!


Murane heyy!

**it ain't over, 'till it's over

wut d u mean :)


Awaiting heyy ty HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ!

u moving too? awww, I know it's really stressful. Cos I moved out from my old place after it was a big move. But like Silvara said, it's really nice to go into a new house, decorate the place with new things, get used to the new's all exciting :)

Good luck baby! It'll be over b4 u know it. Just book a good removalist like I did hehehe.


Sunil hey ty! U really make me feel loved and cared for. HUGGGGGGGGZ!

**Love is like a Ghost~most of us have heard about it but very rare have seen it

hehe so darn true! :):)


Sujit ur sooo right. tnxx matey HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ!


Niv nah it wont make me not believe in love. I do believe in love cos I have felt real love. :)


Poo d u know that ur soo very caring? Ur comment made me feel so loved. ty n HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ!

I's better to have ended so soon than later on.

Im sure that Hindi song has a beautiful meaning to it. ty for dedicating it to me MWAHHHHHHHHH hun!


ty Neers babez! I was not meant to be...



G'day Grunt!

yep..Love isnt something that will work out on it's own. Both need to keep it going.

** guess he wasn't willing to roll up his shirt sleeves and work on this with you, Keshi

ur right. SO he's not worth crying over :) ty n HUGGGGGGGGGGZ matey!


Desperado so wut did ya do over the long weekend? Grunged heavily? :)


My_Life heyy tnxxx!

**whom i am crazily in love for 12 yrs but its a sad that, like wat u said, both of our hearts don t speak the same language

really? WOW so u 2 r still together?


ty so much Shammu ur spot on!


Ash ty!

**The answer - A big NO!



Vipul yeah I rem that post.

Well I still believe in Love...just cos he didn't know how to love, that doesnt mean love doesnt exist :)

TC matey! Im sure u will find ur one true love too...just have hope and believe in love.


Gautami tnxx sweetie! I was a bit sad last week but Im alot better after the move :)



Keshi said...

heyy Seema WB n hugggggggggggggz! I missed ya so very much. So glad to have u bakk!

yeah Im glad too that it ended fast. It's all for the good I hope :)


Jo ur right...ty so much!


Ganesh tnxxx!

**. It is the easiest way to choose the flee option because most of us go for the path of least resistance at first, but our conscience would keep bugging us until they make the right decision

hehe very true!




KK hey my Prince isnt on a horse...I think he's on some tortoise LOL!

tnxx matey ur so sweet!


hey Little_Things! :)

**If someone is going to leave, better they get it out of the way before the REAL investments occur.

thats soooo true! ty so much.


Megzzy LOL yeah that's the reason...Im not kidding babeh :):)

yeah I dun need anyone to survive...I mean why do I need a man when I have all of u here for me? HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ!


ty Contented! Im glad u could relate to this.

**I can only say, its hard (not impossible) to get a heart that speaks the same language as other.

thats so true!


Keshi said...

Karamia yeah ur absolutely right :) ty sweetie!


Suryan hey WC to my world!

**recent victim of love ..

LOL so sweet. Sorry to hear that but heyy we r all in this together arent we :)

ur the end of the day, love is what keeps me alive too.

ty so much!


Anuj HUGGGGGGGGZ! ur not alone too...hehe.

o hell with Love :) I sometimes want love to go to hell LOL!


Starry as usual ur comments makes alot of sense. ty n hugggggggggz!

yeah he must be scared of hurting his family and I u'stand that. And Im ok with that. cos now Im sure he's not the one for me :)


true Jillie! The few time that I have been in love, it was pure bliss too.

**it's a shame to know that there are people out there that have never been in love

thats right. Alot of ppl dunno wut LOVE really is. They just think it's a set of conditions that should be's so sad!


Trinity hey ty...big HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ! :)

Fear it is..I think he was scared of hurting his dad/sis.


Sophie ty babez!

S's ur sooo cute! So when I visit ya, I hope he'll still be single hehehe.


Indeedz Geet, ty n huggggggggggz!



**when he doesnt have the will to be with u, surely he wont find the way to ur heart.

so true!

yeah I have moved already...but it's very close to my old place :):) Anyways the new house looks gorgeous and feel so fresh. Im happy, ty and I hope ur had a good wknd too.



Steph I like that word 'Straya' babeh :) Hope u had fun too.

**Regardless of the why's and wherefores of it, any relationship that ends can still be painful.

tnk God someone u'stood me fully! :) thats so true. but Im ok now. ty sweetie HUGGGGGGGZ!


Coco WC n ty!

yeah ur right...I still believe in Love cos it's love that keeps me going at the end of the day.


G'day KJ!

**avoid lightbulbs that shine at 100 watts. they burn bright for a short time and then burn out. instead, stick with 60-75 watts

So wise! ty so much.


heyyy Chocolteluva WC babez HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ!

OMG I read ur story and I felt so very sad for ya. I mean I know ur over him now, but it must have felt so bad at the time. How cud he do that to u????!!! What an A-class JERK!

**he drove 300 miles to see if i was ok after i failed my first test, and now he's supposedly happily married - how does that work?

thats shocking! I mean how some men can change just like that, just cos their family wants them to. It must have hurt u alot when it happened. So he's happy now? I mean having a good married life? I bet he's not!

**stinks worse than a dirty diaper.

LOL it does ha!

yeah ur right...the hurt left behind can stink real bad. But love itself doesnt stink. And like u said, we r better off w.o. such men!

Ur such a sweet and sensible girl. He lost big time!


Divya tnxxx sweetie!


Ghosty in a hurry ha? LOL ty!


Sid heyy ty!

Love doesnt come that easy after all ha..I agree.

**american youngsters are increasingly turning towards arranged marriages and no pre marital sex

thats a good change then. Im not for pre-marital sex but I dun condemn ppl who go for it either. It's a very subjective decision.

ty Sid!


Aish ty! I hope u had a lovely long wknd then.

yeah I like decorating the new place too. It's almost done now...within just 3 days!! :):)


Has_To_Be_Me heyyy HUGGGGGGGGGZ! And ur right...he's not the one then.


Keshi said...

Grunty hello!

oi oi oi indeed LOL! Ur a cutey :) ty!


Karthik yeah twas not meant to be...:)

ty I appreciate ur kind words.


The_Phoenix heyy!

**He sounds more like a little boy than a man.

hehehehe :)


Kumar wut comments? :)



Im so gladu have found ur man...and he seems like a real man. And he's so very lucky to have someone like u!!

**still I feel as if we met yesterday :)

thats really nice! And thats exactly how it should be.

ty for being here for me Dawny MWAHHHHHHHH!


Ces aww ty sweetie HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!


hello stranger JaanKi ;-) How have u been? I hope ur keeping well. I did miss ya and was wondering where u were.

**like u told me life doesnot end with one man...also life doesnot begin with one man...

So true. Tnxx for that! Im ok sweetie. HUGGGGGGGGZ!

yep I'll def let u know..wud luv to hang ard with ya :) TC n have a good day!


Sharda I so wud have been worse if I continued with him. ty so much n huggggggggggz!


AB heyyy I missed ya! awwww and I was thinking mebbe u were busy in school or something. Im glad u cud get to my page somehow. HUGGGGGGGGGZ and WB! :)

**But different cultures, and I won't judge him.

yeah ur right. We should not judge him cos we really cant. Different cultures/families operate differently.

**I wonder if maybe he is embarrased that his family has stepped in between you two.

yeah mebbe. Cos he did say that he feels like a jerk/losa.

**I am sure he knows that you are probably a bit mad at him, and you have a right to be.

I was annoyed at the reason he gave me...not cos I didn't get to have a r'ship with him :)

**Maybe he just doesn't want to seem clingy. I mean, if it isn't going to work out, then maybe he is afraid that if he tried to justify things with you, he would just seem patronizing.


tnxx AB ur so very sensible and a real expert in these matters ha ;-)


Keshi said...

LOL Saby just shutup will ya!


Anony who r ya and who ar ya talking abt? :)


I agree with ya Scribblez...mebbe he didnt wanna put his WANTS ahead of his parents' wishes. So yeah, in a way he did the right thing by his family.

ty sweetie!


Caz how nice! I wish u all the best and alot of happiness in ur new home!

We just finished moving too...and settling down in the new house. It's a bigger and better place :)


Anony hey tnxxx!

**Why not women help man to be more considerate rather complaining ?

mebbe men should start thinking more independently and that way we can help u too :)



**He didn't say we couldn't marry, only that he wouldn't give us his blessing.

It was the same with his Dad. Apparently his dad said that it's eventually Mr.Darcy's decision. He was only concerned abt us being the same age.

And I agree. Parents know alot more than us. SO yeah, mebbe it's for the best for him.

ty sweetie!


Kavya ty so much!

**for some life revolves round love and for some life is just not love only.

I so agree! For him his family must come b4 Love. And thats ok and I respect that.


G'day mate Phos! :)

Na I think ur having ALL the fun over there baking n being on TV etc hehe.

Do they have fireworks on Aus day? yes and many more events. Like the Yatch races and all the Big Day Out events.


ty Michi, I know wut u mean. Lets just put him behind me and move on.



Matty heyyy hows u?

**The Notebook"..

Sounds interesting. What is it abt?

I wont b able to ask him to see it cos we dun talk anymore Matty. But I'd love to see this movie. I'd def rent it this weekend. TY!


Mommy hey ty!

**forget about a guy who always listen to his parents before doing anything.

:) yeah I know that kind...and I dun like em much either hehe.


awwwwwwwwww Blessed ur comment had me in tears. HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ!

**"All our young lives we search for someone to love, someone who will make us complete. We choose partners and change partners. We dance to a song of heartbreak and hope, all the while wondering if somewhere and somehow there is someone searching for us"

thats such a beautiful quote. I'll always rem that now. ty so much n HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ!


Brute it sure is ha :) ty!


ur spot on Ashley, ty!


MWAHHHH Tre and u too, awwwwwwwwww.....

And did I tell u that u look AWESOME ;-)


ty Anali!


Keshi said...

ty Anony that's absolutely beautiful!


ty Suga ur wonderful!

**Love doesn't stink its the people who stink badly

so true :)

TC n hugggggggggggz!


ur absolutely right Bibi! ty.


ChocolteLuva hi again!

Ur comment did show up...just that I published all ur comments only today :)


Shionge hey sweetie ty n HUGGGGGGGGGZ!

**he is still tying himself to his mom's apron

:) think so hehe.



**I feel it requires a great deal of respect n responsibility to be in love.

ur sooo right!

yeah Im now in my new place and happily settled :) ty so much girly!



**but its kinda too early to discuss over marriage, so we dont care abt it for time being

as long as u 2 agree on what ur r'ship should be like right now, it really doesnt matter what happens later on.

TC and all the best sweetie!


Anony heyy ty!

**i have in a man you know really well.

ooooo :) and who's that?


heyy Tarun ty!

**More quick a person fall in love more chances of having a short love story....

so true!

Abt ur film, I was only joking LOL! I hope u find a nice n fitting female voice :)


Crazy_Me me too!

Its like there r so many unanswered WHYs and HOWs!


Keshi said...

Im sooo busy at work...I shall be back in ur blogs soon.



Anonymous said...

Tried to post w/o any luck, blogger demanded I sign on with my new account and when I did it took me back to my page.

Anyway, I just wanted to say I hope you are out treating yourself to a good time with your friends!!

See you around the blogsphere!

Lienumberone said...

"just like he fell for me real fast, he fell out of it real fast too."

That's 'cause that's how the male orgasm is.

About the age thingy: The reason is that you are likely to hit your menopause anywhere between 40 and 50, so while he's still going strong, you will lose your desire. e

Akshay V said...

Ok.. this weekend @Sydney sounds good :)

Anonymous said...

, trusting in God wont make the mountains smaller,

but climbing will be a lott easier

Suman Pant said...

Hey KAP...

been a long lonmg time,... i too was suffering with some sort of emotional crisis... hmmm

I dont think its the love that stinks... tell you ... its always easy to walk away than to stand out and fight for what you think is right, and i think he too did the same, took the easy way... com'mon KAP... cheer up... there are thousands of guys around and i am sure the one you land up with would love you completely... body, mind and soul....

stay happy,.

lee said...

I hope that your move went well, keshi. Might I make a suggestion?? - I think it's about time you started hanging around the butcher shop and found a REAL man ;). You have to think about what your reaction would be if he realises that he misses you company and contacts you again. I find that so slack that he hasn't even sent you a text. If it were me I would text him and tell him that his coldness has really offended you -it might make you feel better.

Ganesh Ranganathan said...

hey how come my name is anonymous. I didn't choose that option.

Anonymous said...

my comments full of love :(
all gone with the wind

R said...

Huh. Sometimes relationships become a package deal if families come into the picture. Anyways it's his loss :-)

SeePearrl said...

I dont think so Keshi..

Love is all that Divine and Eternal! But PPl stink..some ppl have made it so worse that we cant differentiate btn love and ppl!

Paul said...

"It's so easy to fall in love."

- Linda Ronstadt

KK said...

heheh LOL!!

vince said...

my dear be strong, I know sometime Love really Stinks... but have some faith ok?? Hugzz

Mayur said...

Hey Keshi its his loss-he lost u gal!
Stay cheerful :)

Anthony Arojojoye said...

I disagree. Love doesn't stink.

God is love.

Anonymous said...

The initial stage of a courtship IS based on attraction, then you move on to the stage where the glitter of romance begins fading and you begin seeing the negatives of the other person.
It is in this stage one finds out if the relationship will progress to true love.
True love is being able to accept the other person for who they are and you work through your differences.
In this stage love becomes strong, a foundation to build a future together.
You say to one another, despite all the ups/downs we have you are my best friend, lover and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Please do not judge(I don't think you do btw) all guys by the behavior of mr darcy.
It is quite clear why mr. d doesn't have a long term relationship.
Any guy who listens to his folks on his relationships with women is a mama's boy and has ISSUES!

You are far better off without that kind of drama in your life.
You are beautiful Keshi, smart, sweet and compassionate.
Someday mr right will come along and you won't know what hit ya.:)

:P fuzzbox said...

You will find love. You just have to wait and it will run smack dab over you one of these days.

Anonymous said...

Happy (belated) AU Day to you too. As for the rest of this post, I don't know what to say - I think you've said it all. x

Anonymous said...

subscribe to blog adsense
u will make a lotta money

i make 2.5 dollars per week now
and its growing

Keshi said...

hey who'r u Anony? :)


hey WB Aidan! ty ty ty @my blog :)

btw I think I did miss a bullet too hehe.

**Love is what remains after the feelings of being in love have passed.

ur spot on mate cos thats what Love really is...the honest and genuine kind.

ur wifey is a lucky gal!

Aus Day wasnt all that glamorous for me cos rem I was I was stressed out hehe. But Im ok now...all settled and enjoying my new place! Hope u had a blast.


TT heyy long time! How have ya been?

**That's 'cause that's how the male orgasm is.

hehe very true.

Abt babies...well yeah I know those biological facts. But I say, b4 babies, we gotta know whether we really love someone enough to spend the rest our lives with them...babies come later. So what if we cant have babies some day...


Come over Akshay :)


Anony heyy!

** trusting in God wont make the mountains smaller,
but climbing will be a lott easier

Just love that! ty.


KAP huggggggggggggz! Awwww I missed ya so very much. U too? what happened? tell me. Email me. I hope ur ok now.

**i am sure the one you land up with would love you completely... body, mind and soul....

so true...and lets just hope for the best. ty n MWAHHHHHH!


G'day Lee!

** - I think it's about time you started hanging around the butcher shop and found a REAL man

LOL thats a cute one! I think I should too. I mean I have alot of hunky butchers where I live ;-)

yep I felt like txtin him too but then again I dun wanna waste my emotions on such a cold cold heart. Let him just be. Im happy and thats all that matters.

Huggggggggggz Lee!


Ganesh I have no idea mate :)

o btw I switched to new blogger yday...that cud be it.


Kumar if ur comments were full of Love, they'll never die ;-)


Hiyyya Julia!

**Sometimes relationships become a package deal if families come into the picture

yes thats right and Im glad Im out of such a mess.


Forest heyy!

**some ppl have made it so worse that we cant differentiate btn love and ppl!

Ur right...thats what it is!


Percival hey long time! How have ya been? :)

**"It's so easy to fall in love."
- Linda Ronstadt

isnt it!


KK lol!


Vince I will, ty :)

Mayur heyyy ty :)


Anthony I agree :)


Top_Cat hey hows u?

**It is in this stage one finds out if the relationship will progress to true love.

so true!

**Please do not judge(I don't think you do btw) all guys by the behavior of mr darcy.

ofcourse not...only some guys r like that :)

**Any guy who listens to his folks on his relationships with women is a mama's boy and has ISSUES!

?:) True.

ty so much my friend, HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!


Fuzzy heyy ty :) lets hope so.


Nora hellooo ty!


Anony tnxx!


Unknown said...

Yup.. gal.. that was me.... who wrote it...

Keshi said...

hehe Ice dude ty :)


Keshi said...

guys btw I switched to new Blogger last nite..cos it forced me to. Anyways nothing catastrpophic happened after the switch except that I see most of ur past commenst as 'Anonymous'. That means I have lost some of ur links :( and I cant get to ur blog.

When u make comments in the new post, I hope ur links will re-appear so that I can visit u all again. Im letting u know this so that if I havent visited ur blog today u know whats going on.

thanks guys!

Cie Cheesemeister said...

Guess you should be glad you didn't go the distance and end up having to deal with his shallow family.
I fell in "love" a lot easier before I knew I was bipolar and wasn't on medication to stabilize my moods. I say "love" because I think it was actually obsession most of the time. That ain't love.
I hope you find love. I think the real thing has a lot of friendship and trust at the core, but I wouldn't know. I actually do have love in my life, but don't understand or care for romantic love anymore. Some may think this is sad but I just think its sensible.
Not for you though. You have too much going for you to throw in the towel! I'm content being an old lady with my plethora of cats.

Keshi said...

Mesiter I know...Im such a suki lala...I have to try n stop being so romantic...mebbe there's no such romance in this world except in my sappy heart hehe. :):) Anyways, ty so much for ur wise's def food for thought.



Life!! said...

What you write in this blogged post is so close to what I have expressed on mine that i just had to write a comment (even if this is the 160th comment! lol :)
what struck me though was that the Title- Love Stinks-just does not gel well with what you believe in..
girl love does not stink, it is fragrant and only the person who can see, feel, touch, hear and taste the same fragrance as you do, understands love the way you do :)
Keep believing in love..Cheers!

Keshi said...

Life u just started a blog yday?

wut u said abt love is true when that really happens. But what happened to me with Mr.Darcy stinks. hehe.


Dalicia said...

relationship is a lot of work...yeah it does stinks...not going to think about many good women but so little good men :P

Keshi said...

heyya Dalicia!

**so many good women but so little good men

somehow I have to agree with that!


delhidreams said...

whoa! wat a nice post abt love...and dat too on my b'day!!!

Keshi said...

hey Adi sorry I missed ur bday :( Happy belated bday wishes to ya!
