(Sometimes I think I'm bipolar 'cos at one moment I can be soaring high and in the very next I could be falling down down down..and hit my curvacious booty right on the ground and feel like Miss.Dorkstersness. But that's altogether a different post.)
The aim of today's post is to check your eroticism factor...LOL! Ok I can see so many jaws dropping down...:P Well I'm on a mission this time around babehs. I was sort of inspired by something I read recently too, cos it had a quiz about some erotic genre..and according to that quiz I turned
out to be a mega erotic babez (was there even a single doubt about that now?). But this post is not to make silly jokes about eroticism but to realise how important eroticism is to sexuality. 'Eroticism' is derived from Greek (Eros the god of love, eros sensual love). According to the Greeks, sensual love means not making love in a boring way like gulping water for thirst, but also involving all your senses into your sexuality - including vision (sight), audition (hearing), gustation (taste), olfaction (smell) and tactition (touch) - yes I did a bit of homework before this post. So yeah wake your senses up and use them well to treat you nice ooo lala! According to the culture I come from (and perhaps many of yours'), talking about eroticism is considered bad and uncultured..actually my mum would think I'm nuts and tell me that no one would marry me now 'cos I just got labelled a 'bad girl' by posting this (keshi is rolling eyes...). Actually the cultures of India, China and Japan features erotic images as part of their art so what's the problem with our people? Even the ancient Indian/Sri Lankan/Chinese kings and queens indulged in eroticism (Kama Sutra etc - my my the number of 'positions' they've tried makes me wonder if they remembered how to walk again!) and the stone sculptures as in the first pic are a great example of it. Not that those ancient kings sang 'thong tha thong thong thong' as they indulged in these acts or that the ancient queens wore g/v/x-strings under their heavy gowns to seduce their royal men hehe, but I think they still knew THE art better than any of us! Being erotic or talking about it is not a sin or a shameful thing. Apparently it's a must-have factor for all of you, that is if you are normal, and remember it's NATURAL. The feelings, the desire and the acts that follow are not a bad thing at all, as long as they don't violate the law or harm you or anyone else. The article I read also stated that "Erotica is from the Greek language Eros ("love"), are works of art,
including literature, photography, film, sculpture and painting, that deal substantively with erotically stimulating or arousing descriptions. Erotica is rather a modern word used to describe the portrayal of human sensuality and sexuality with high-art aspirations and involving more of emotions, differentiating such work from commercial pornography. In the arts of pictorial representation eroticism has a long association with human beings and takes precedence over the ancient genres of the Sacred and the Political. Whereas pornography has become a social issue with many in society regarding obscene imagery as the source of moral and criminal decay." So Erotica isn't pornography hence don't confuse one with the other. Chris Frey of Missouri, an expert on sexuality says that the 5 behaviors of a healthy sexuality are Romance, Affection, Intimacy, Sensuality, and Eroticism. uh oh I just realised that, LOL! Anyways do you agree/disagree with Eroticsm being an important factor of a healthy sexuality or is it something to be ashamed of or a sin, as some people believe it to be? I say it's an important factor of a healthy and exciting sexuality, and there are so many ways/places/games/items/clothing/food etc to imrpove your sex life (like I have one duhh! remember the Nil Sex club - ok alright this is for my future requirements, stop laughing now). To mention few of my desires ahemmm, let
me hear your's first then...I know, Im a bad bad girl. Go on guys ;-) spill em out!
Current Music: Thong Song by Sisqo
Current Music Update: Lambada by Kaoma
172 Cranium Signets:
Who the fuck is Jim??
the sonovabitch came first
..actually my mum would think I'm nuts
i tink u r nuts too
Now u have to go west Keshigirl
not even Ori will have u now
i tink dis metamorphosis has come out bcoz u moved house
A healthy and satisfying sexual relationship is very important. I mean, it does not make a relationship successful but it does contribute to it.
Just being youself is the most important thing of all Keshi..what's on the inside counts :)
My desires
i always wanted to have a sandwich
a girl on either side of me in bed
like Keshi and Margie
or how about awaiting and awaiting
did some one say SOUTH and VEST??
not my cuppa tea
that position being utilised by those stone staues in that pic looks like as good a start-point as any! ;-D
hey keshi - u said that guy proposed 6 factors about a healthy relationship; but u only listed 5 ... so what is the 6th, or do we each need to idenitfy our own 6th factor? ;-D
ps - it's hard to disagree with what jim said above .... haha .... ;-D
Sometimes I think I'm bipolar 'cos at one moment I can be soaring high and in the very next I could be falling down down down..and hit my curvacious booty right on the ground and feel like Miss.Dorkstersness.****Next time hawk before u fall...:D
My page and posts on this subject shud've already made clear how imp this subject is to me...:)
Spanking turns me on too
the tot of keshi on me knee
Without erotisism, sex is just another bodily function.
I agree with what you have said it is required and is a must to have a long and healthy relationship :)
And definitely it has its rules and its not like what you said pornography :)
One should not feel ashamed to talk about this as it is something at least one should discuss with there partners :) thats what I feel
Cool topic ...or shall I say quite erotic ;)...coincidence or what but lately I also read an article or Eroticism and a tv show by Tyra in which she says how to bring more excitement in your relationship :)
You go gal ;)
Sex recharges your soul....
dont know for sure... coz never done it b4 :P....
but sex brings 2 souls close like no other action i guess.... or makes 2 souls as 1! well i really dont know...
but... just the thought of sex or main love with the one you love just sends an electrifyin pulse down there lol....
but the cold n hard fact is.... still waitin for m first time... lol...
Hmmm....sex (or whatever form of eroticism) while not the be all and end all of a relationship, is certainly important.
Heheh...I think you know my thoughts on this. I think it's definitely a healthy part of a relationship - not the be all and end all, but part of it which can really bring you closer.
For me it's all about the TEASE - the thoughts, the actions, the words, the mood before getting into it which makes it much much more erotic. It's the foreplay :P Oooh...I'm blushing now lol. Heheh... One thing I feel is a must though - to be that intimate with someone, to really enjoy it is to be in love with them. :D Otherwise it is just another bodily need and where is the fun in that? :P
Hi Keshi
There was a very recent article which stated that a female orgasm would kill a male if they had exactly the same type. The article stated that it would have to be an orgasm during intercourse and not a do-it-yourselfer.
Sex allows you to be inovative, but not to the degree where you have to be rush to the hospital.
Sex calms, heals and makes you live longer--maybe not live longer. If your partner's mate finds out, you might be killed.
This next joke is an oldie.
If you die while having an orgasm, you are coming and going at the same time.
Okay! Own up! You are a slut book writer. LOL
Some sex is good, some bad, but if you aren't get'n it, any sex is good.
I lost one of your comments to passages.
Eroticism is way better than porn. Porn doesn't leave anything to the imagination. You don't have to think or feel anything watching porn. Eroticism makes you think and that makes it more exciting.
** According to the culture I come from (and perhaps many of yours'), talking about eroticism is considered bad and uncultured
ancients were proly quite promiscuous ;), which is proly y such insistance ... IMHO the reason why it is told such is young blood hardly realize what they are getting into ... such exciting things may just entice em into getting laid / more ... only @ a much later stage does it affect em in lot many ways ... by then it would be too late to repent ... once they know that the kids are sensible about it and know what it is, they do relax and join the club :) ... of course, we r generalizing too much here :D
parents do afford to impose on kids at the cost of some bitterness ... but they know its worth in the long run ;)
** 6 behaviors of a healthy sexuality are Romance, Affection, Intimacy, Sensuality, and Eroticism
eeewwwww ... it ain't that complex ... I believe in a much more simple word "LOVE".
LOVE is a triangle of 3 factors -
1.Intimacy which leads to friendship and a lot of affection for each other
2.Passion/lust which leads to romancing blah blah blah (inclusive of romance, sensuality and eroticism) ... I don't think we need to deliberate of any ... when ur head-on romantic with someone you connect, these things just pour out of the mind naturally
3.Commitment which is way over this discussion
** I say it's an important factor of a healthy and exciting sexuality, and there are so many ways/places/games/items/clothing/food etc to imrpove your sex life
thats for ppl who r bored with the regular stuff :p ... planning so much into the future is way too much :D
Jim u sicko LOL!
Tasha spot on babez!
btw wud u try Steve's spiderman suit on ur hubby for some role-palying? LOL!
Well-said Caz!
Fergal Im still tryin to figure out wut position that is...cos it's got many limbs there LOL!
tnxx for pointing that out..it was only 5 anyways hahahaha!
which rotten comment of Jim? he's got many here. :)
Southy I know ur King of Eroticsm :):) and I know u can make Kama Sutra cocktails LOL!
Spot on Steph!
Tyra as in Tyra Banks?
heyyy Ica dude still waiting ha ;-)
**... just the thought of sex or main love with the one you love just sends an electrifyin pulse down there
hehe yes its quite a powerful thing :)
Menchie yeah its very imp.
Silvara oyeah I hear ya hun ;-) tease me tease me...haha!
yep...foreplay is THE best part of it. But I know most guys luv the end bit if it and then they fall asleep I guess LOL!
ROFL Bev sooo funny! :):)
**Sex calms, heals and makes you live longer--maybe not live longer. If your partner's mate finds out, you might be killed.
LOL haha!
A female orgy can kill a male? WOW we have a weapon now w.o. having to spend life in jail.
**If you die while having an orgasm, you are coming and going at the same time.
hahahahahahahaha! U mean senior citizen sex?
hell Im a slut-book-writer and reader too ;-)
**Some sex is good, some bad, but if you aren't get'n it, any sex is good
Stop rubbing it in Bevo...I know I only get 'social security' sex.
hey Jay!
**Eroticism makes you think and that makes it more exciting.
indeedz :)
hey Samy!
** IMHO the reason why it is told such is young blood hardly realize what they are getting into
o gawwwd Samy now u sound like my great-grandad LOL! me not granma anymo...it's u who's the grandad :):)
**6 behaviors of a healthy sexuality are Romance, Affection, Intimacy, Sensuality, and Eroticism
omg how cud u say EWWW to romance and affection and the rest? :):) they r all natural instincts in us. LOVE should consist of all that.
**thats for ppl who r bored with the regular stuff
regular is boring - u said it :) But what is regular to u may not be regular to someone else. And what's regular to him, may not be so to u :):)
Oh no! Keshi, my husband would NOT look good in that spidy outfit at all. He'd have me running away in horror!!
ahem ahem ...
guess u got some tips from raj ..lol..
is there a competition lady ??
hows ya??hugggggz
aapka acha asar padha hai ispe
i meant i couldn't disagree with jim's comment about the sandwich. haha! ;-D
LOL Tasha then ask him to use it during Halloween.
btw Im still laffing at those pics!
Uttsy huggggggggz!
yes yes there's a competition...spill out ur secrets now! :)
Fergal heyy!
ok this was his comment:
**i always wanted to have a sandwich a girl on either side of me in bed
**like Keshi and Margie
LOL which part of that comment d u agree with???
Yeah, Halloween, maybe...he'd be most certain to frighten small children...or be arrested for indecent exposure!
I wouldn't bail him out either...I'd let him stay in jail in that outfit as long asthe jailer lets me take pics!
Sex is base of all human existence! So eroticsm can't be something to be shamed off!
HAHAHA Tasha ur making me laugh so much and Im at work...ppl r wondering why Im laughing like manic laugher LOL!
BTW is that ur snap?? last 1
sexy ass
n hey forget wat chris says.. u have a live guru in front of u :p.. ahem ahem he says ,"Erotica is what i like and pornography is what u like.....
Jokes apart erotica is the expression of sensuality with class and pornography is its cheap, commercial avtar."
Uttsy nah my ass is hotter cos Im tan LOL!
**Jokes apart erotica is the expression of sensuality with class and pornography is its cheap, commercial avtar."
whoaaa I agree! Those r Southy's words na. How true!
thong tha thong thong thong...lol!
Due importance, though the pics could have been more skillfully chosen which I think you always do.
This time the content looked meaningful but the pics dint.
Though the Idea to tell the world, it is much more and beyond is a good one.
Helps the skin keep shiny too :P
Off to bed now....
No doubt it is important. I know a relationship shouldn't be about sex and only sex, but if anything, that keeps it interesting.
Yet, like you said, it is somewhat taboo today. It is unfair. It's like people are saying "eroticism is evil" or something like that, and we shouldn't be teaching people that should we?
SEX !!! .... ahhhhhh
OOOO ... AAAAAA ...OUCh !!!!
Keshi.... goose pimples and the pictures mymy olala :))))
Nice post ...well i dont know anything about the pleasure of having sex still a "virgin" .... enjoying reading others comments and get some Gyan !!!!
And ur GYAN GURU ;>>
and there are so many ways/places/games/items/clothing/food ..... i definetly want to know the different ways !!
hey keshi ,
eroticism is imp ofcourse .. its a part of ur life .. n u cant run away frm it .. no one wants to ..
nd i guess indians do not deny eroticism too .. its just tht thy wish to keep personal things in d privacy category .. thy believe in doing things under the cover .. or may b its bcause of d culture nd d society .. n u gotta behave accordingly in a society ..
if ppl don like it makin out in open .. thn y do it .. do it at ur home rather .. nd thts make u more comfotable as well ..
but wid all d privacy in hand .. every BF gets kinky wid her GF .. lolz ..
nd ppl frm d west come here to visit places like khajuraho .. nd read d kamasutra .. so we have a history of eroticism .. ;)
so go on n don hide d emotions ;)
anuj .
( hey do u have ne email or somthng ..i askd it long bck as well .. i wantd some info frm u .. regarding OZ .. )
Without Eroticism it will be like two dead people having sex... :)
Ofcourse I agree that Eroticism is a very important factor for the healthy sex. I know to talk about this is a taboo in our countries. But the world is changing these days. People have realised the importance of Sex in their life. And when it comes to sex.. eroticism has to be there for both the sides. Otherwise how it will happen? It will be only one sided, no?
Pornographi?? Ph god.. don’t tell me. They show all yexxxxxxxx things in that. I just watched one long back.. n I was too scared to know that sex can be like this!!!
Kama Sutra etc - my my the number of 'positions' they've tried makes me wonder if they remembered how to walk again!
Hahahaha.. *ROLF*. I had gone mad when I heard abt position - 69 =))
Another interesting post Keshi, and that's ALL I'm sayin'! x
yep... its important... and my family would totally be scandalized for my having said it.. lolz
I think sex should stay the mechanic thing it is ;)
***desperado opens d blog...his jaw drops...gets caughts in d pics n d words..starts day dreaming..blushes ..thinks he is too young n inexperienced to comment on d intricacies...n leaves still lost in some thoughts *** ;)
It is your insides that matters.
Errotica sure is not a subject that is to be simply pooh-poohed
Great pics and no comments on Eroticism!!:))
In Harward and Princeton colleges here,they are giving Nanos to kids as incentive who get tested for Bi-Polar!!A honor student killed herself just before graduating and there are many like her who don't tell anybody but suffer silently.
It is a real thing and ignoring it can be dangerous.
I am not saying you have it but is there any harm getting checked? Luv ya Keshi!:))
** o gawwwd Samy now u sound like my great-grandad LOL! me not granma anymo...it's u who's the grandad :):)
thats not at all fair nutty :( ... I didn't make a battery advise on the price of "freedom, love, happiness ..........." ... I just quoted that which I read on a book ... nuthin like grandma keshi's list based on her extensive experience of life ... am just getting started :p
** omg how cud u say EWWW to romance and affection and the rest? :):) they r all natural instincts in us. LOVE should consist of all that.
exactly my point ... I don't seem em as seperate ... rather I prefer not to ... if love is there, these things will naturally follow ... unless it aint genuine
** But what is regular to u may not be regular to someone else. And what's regular to him, may not be so to u :):)
yeah yeah ... now lets not get anymore technical that this :D ... what I meant was it takes a while b4 ppl get bored of whatever is natural for em ... n planning so much ahead is just waaay too much ... therz a long way to go for that :D
I think sex is a natural thing and nothing to be ashamed of.I think people are hypocrites who think that.Like you said it is healthy and as for me could not live without it.he he he( just kidding) could not stop laughing at this" (Kama Sutra etc - my my the number of 'positions' they've tried makes me wonder if they remembered how to walk again!) Have the same feeling tooo.Life would be very boring.
nice post! my boyfrnd will love u for posting this hehe...ill sure tell him to read this :-)
a person wud be abnormal if they din feel such desires...of course many don get the difference between porno and erotica i mean ive seen ppl hesitate to go to the erotica section in bookstores...i mean what the big deal?!
Hey...Relevant one! I do always wonder why we burry these topics in the closet when our history has proof of skills tht none possess... Wht ever...:)
Your mom surely would think the bad girl guy now gets no good boys ;) ;)
Smell, taste n sensation r just too marvellous...
Daymn this is cool. For me eroticism comes from what I see, read and hear. Pity da ghost, he sees no real action. Eroticism is the feeling from deep inside that leads to an euphoria of senses. In a way it tells us that we are normal and alive. And most importantly it tells us that we dont have crazy suppressed feelings.
We must go through this feelings from its start to its maturity to enrich our view of life and our relation to it. From what we read and do we actually do evolve to the next stage and step. That is what eroticism does to us.
The curves and feel, the colors and orientation, the call and the responce is all that matters. The ability to view how women dress from multiple psychological perspectives are important to let us know that we are critical and can think decent. We dont have to undress them but to appreciate them.
We can play by rules, but we should not suppress. It will damage the integrity and also senses.
Keshi, whats yours? And please do tell me food is part of it, coz sometimes I think food can trigger stuff in people. :p
hi keshi,
does one really need to think about eroticism? it just happens.
ah..yes, the five senses. and more.
but without love, it doesnt mean anything. and then when you meet that soulmate, oooh lala
...as you say :))
I think eroticism is important in a healthy one-on-one relationship. It shows intimacy.
However, generally speaking, men don't need eroticism during more, ahem, recreational encounters.
The one quality a man needs from a woman in that situation: willingness.
I did not know the origin of erotic. I knew educo was part of education,... meaning something like to draw out from within or something. I did not know about educo.
Tastefully done work on a subject easy to become distasteful about.
Great work as always.
i dont know why your cleavage pic keeps coming to my mind while I type this..but sex for me feels good only when i feel right (right person, right place..) But I know a lotta ppl get a kick out of evrything or atleast something about it being wrong!
"If you die while having an orgasm, you are coming and going at the same time." - whahaha... :D
Did you know, some say oral sex (and kissing?!) originated from India?
P.S: Hehe, something someone on my MSN had as their MSN name... think it was what Martine McCutcheon said in an interview... thought you might be interested...
"An Australian Kiss - a French Kiss but down under."
LMAO... :D
dont lissen to SOUTH
erotica is porn for the high brow
P.P.S: (Sowwy!)... how do you get the youtube video in your front page to start automatically? Is there any special code for it? Could I nag you for it, please? :)
, cant figure out how to post to AWAITING ,
and 10 seconds is too long to hold on
if u no wat i mean
Wow...What a post! I don't think anyone will answer your question by saying that it is unhealthy. Eroticism includes a wide spectrum of possibility and its not all trashy stuff.
Of course, eroticism is the one and ONLY thing. All the sensations have to be involved.
It's all about arousal and extending the time of romance, not getting in and getting out!
My vote would be for you not to post photosearch pix but to post tasteful, erotic pix of yourself.
And I don't mean that in a dirty way, not at all.
Come to think of it, you have done that before, and are a very sensual woman...
Which makes it all the more difficult to understand how you don't have about 10 men waiting in line for you...
Yes Nirek ur right :)
Envy heyy!
**, though the pics could have been more skillfully chosen which I think you always do
I cudnt find more interesting pics :(
**Helps the skin keep shiny too
howz that? :)
yep AB ur right :)
LOL Poo!
** i definetly want to know the different ways !!
hehe top secret babeh ;-)
Anuj hey ty!
thats true...the culture plays a part too.
** every BF gets kinky wid her GF .. lolz ..
my email...kajole at hotmail dot com.
KK heyy!
**Without Eroticism it will be like two dead people having sex
ok that was too much haha!
LOL Prachi u sound so cute!
** had gone mad when I heard abt position - 69 =))
hahaha! there's position 99 too ROFL!
ty Nora!
lolz Aditi I so can u'stand ur situation!
Murane plzzzz explain further!!
hahah Desperado awwww....for someone who listens to heavy grunge, this cant be too heavy? ;-)
Jac heyy good to see ya ard.
**It is your insides that matters.
lolz for a minute I was in shock. But I do get wut u mean :)
Niki heyyy hugggggggz!
**maybe we bloggers are more emotional n sensitive than others
thats true. It's emotional creatures that long to express themselves.
Deepz dun like sex? Well she's gonna have to like it some day hehe.
Asha hey I need comments frm u on this topic babez :) cmon out with it!
Abt bipolar...yeah..u neva know, I mite have it...tnxx for being concerned sweetie HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
Samy granpa hows u?
**if love is there, these things will naturally follow
ok ok ur spot on :):)
Starry ty!
**Like you said it is healthy and as for me could not live without it.
LOL sexy momma ;-) wow!
btw Im LIVING w.o. it ok?? lol!
Michi I love to read erotica...send me some books na ;-)
Scribblez ty sweetie!
**Smell, taste n sensation r just too marvellous...
ooo lala I can sense ur deepest desires hehe. I love the sense of smell, feel n taste too...just unbelievable!
Ghosty u've got an interesting view of it WOW!
**For me eroticism comes from what I see, read and hear.
Nice :) wut abt feel, smell n taste? well they r mine hehe.
ur right..erotica isnt abt being undressed...its abt sensing w.o. the use of the obvious.
Ofcourse FOOD plays a big part in it...atleast for me hehehe. U know I have a food fetish ;-)
Rose thats right...w.o. Love it's just organised sex hehehe.
Phoenix ty!
ok I learnt something abt men today :) So they dun need eroticism all that much when making love? wow I never knew that.
**The one quality a man needs from a woman in that situation: willingness.
yep...thats why compatibility is imp in a r'ship.
heyya Tom!
**Tastefully done work on a subject easy to become distasteful about.
hehe tnxxx :):)
hellooo Armz :)
**i dont know why your cleavage pic keeps coming to my mind while I type this
huh which one? LOL!
Sunrise I know India is a sex planet LOL!
**"An Australian Kiss - a French Kiss but down under."
haha I've seen that one b4..good one :):)
Regarding youTube videos, yes u have to code it to start up automatically and to replay...I'll teach ya how. Will soon come to ur blog.
Jim did u get ur sex today? LOL!
Outdoorsy well-said, ty!
heyy WW hows it goin?
**It's all about arousal and extending the time of romance, not getting in and getting out!
Spot on! Thats exactly wut it is.
**My vote would be for you not to post photosearch pix but to post tasteful, erotic pix of yourself
ooo lala nice idea mate ;-) Ofcourse ur not being dirty! I like wut u said hehe.
why there arent 10 men waiting in line for me? mebbe thats why we shud believe in karma? hehehe.
ha hhuh.. Interesting post - to say the least. I have no idea about erotica.... am i abnormal... i haven't discover that part of me, yet.. hihi
p/s: mind blowing pic dude!
Yo Keshi....I have to quote this from Southy (Southpaw):
"Erotica is what I like and pornography what you like :D"
So, same like Southy....erotica is what we like and pornography is what they like...kekekee...
Hope southy is reading this.
Ok, so which one are you in the top picture?
You are totally correct - eroticism is a very important part of sexuality.
Often the hint of nakedness is more alluring than nakedness itself. Pornography reduces everything to mechanics and leaves nothing to the imagination.
erotica is awesome.. Need I say more? hehe
me tinks u blew it dis time
u have gone where no woman has gone before
U may not believe it
but the west has more prudery than India
when the British came to India
they covered the Khajuraho sculptures
Even today Margie (?) and other Moral right (the majority in USA)cant discuss dis subject openly
my girl tells me dat dis is only OK behind closed doors and not in public
i got rapped on me knuckles many times when i made jokes on incest and stuff and sandwiches in bed is a no no
the stats speak ...
only 65 comments so far
its bye bye Keshi
my posts are mild compared to dis one
i am going to win the blog oscars after all
what competition r u talking abt?
To me, important. It spice things up and could jsut cause a person to explode at times. Its something really important i feel to keep things going, interesting and leaving the person thinking.
And also hungry....haha..:P
Erotica is a gift..
Welcome to the club...lolz
its a wonder dat AWAITING is still awaiting here
but then AWAITING has her origins in the African continent
Diva then u have a long way to go babeh lol!
Shionge I have Southy will explain that to us :)
Trundling heyy!
**Often the hint of nakedness is more alluring than nakedness itself
whoaaaaaa Viv I didnt expect that from u :) ty!
hey Saby I dun care if ppl dun like me anymore..and Im not just ANY girl or the kind who's afraid to speak out..I say wut I feel and I cant pretend that I dun like erotica when I do. Simple as that :)
so yeah, I give a damn hehe.
heyy Southy!
Amy Im hungry already LOL!
Aidan ur my kinda man then WOW!
**becuase all the other senses hieghten..
whoaa u got that right mate!
hehe @cold shower. enjoy :):)
lolz Southy!
Saby wut does that have to do with awaiting?
see the way the lovely blue eyed blonde M dresses
and she hasnt gone erotical in any of her posts
and she hasnt visited here since
i tink u lost M*****
i had many cold showers since
i will be singing as i walk up to receive the blog oscars from the beautiful blue eyed Margie
@cold shower. enjoy ???
u r nuttier than post
a cold shower is taken for other reasons u nut
its natural and there is no need to be shame of!.. i feel olden days were much more open minded with art pouring into life..! with change and effect of different cultures into india and srilanka.. made an effect to think on the other way isn;tso?
I lost wut? Jim u silly :)
I know abt cold and warm showers too hehe.
Kumar too shy to comment? awww...
Why r 'most' Indian men soooo shy to speak out? :)
**olden days were much more open minded with art pouring into life
Spot on!
You capture so much of l'amour here - yet lack one thing: the silliness.
More attention should be paid to the silly aspect of eroticism.
After all, when your dog or cat catches you in the act, do you really think it makes much sense to him or her?
LOL Poo why did ya remove that comment? btw 99 was discovered by Keshi hehe.
Percival ty!
**After all, when your dog or cat catches you in the act, do you really think it makes much sense to him or her?
there was a delete option next to my comment so i though you wanted me to delete it
ok.... so i know the 69 position Guru maiya ... can you tell me 99 secretly -> !!!!
Take care babes
Have a nice day ;)
Yeah.. i totally agree with u.. Couples nowadays fail to realize the importance of it. Thanks for sharing my dear friend! =)
Good and interesting post!
Alright so ppl r talking abt 69s and 99s....
when 69 doesn't goes well, it results in a high and dried up 99....lolz
awwww Poo that delete button appears by default and for everyone as long as ur logged in :) I didnt put it there hehe.
LOL @guru maiya!
99...use ur very bright imagination hunny ;-)
ty Princess! :)
heyy guru ji :)
**when 69 doesn't goes well, it results in a high and dried up 99
Atleast someone u'stood me phewwwwwwww!
ahhhh !!! yes yes it get now hehehhehehe thanks guys
I hv always told u, Hawk when u need me...:D
Poo ur sure u got it? LOL!
Southy wuts HAWK?
Southy wuts HAWK?
How do eagles and kites communicate?
Southy d u like my updated moooosic? :) I love love love this song.
ok call me blondy boo but I still didnt u'stand that eagle and kite thingy LOL!
Loved that music...:)
There is nothing behind that line generally instead of saying call me when u need me, u can say hawk when u need me. Hawk is the term used for the sound which the eagles and the kites make...like birds chirp, they hawk.
can u do the Lambada? :) Im serious. Can u?
ooooo Hawk as in hawk...I gotcha, tnxx ;-)
Yes i m sure i can do it...why?
Keshi that THONG SONG drives me crazy so here is the antidote..
I am sure that it is on YouTube under MAD TV Wrong Song...
The Wrong Song lyrics
This song right here
is for all those ladies out there
that be wearing stuff they know they aint got no business in
huh, yeah, the big girls, ya'll know what I'm talking about
Let's go...
For all ya'll girls eating sandwiches
ground truck in bread, you call em manwiches
to a man's eyesight that's damaging
why you wear a thong when it's vanishing?
You like to dine at the fast food spots
McD's, BK, Jack in the Box
not just one meal ya'll like a lot
got the nerve to drink a diet cola
I can't tell your butt from your gut, gut, gut
*** looks just like your front, front
sorry I'm so blunt, blunt, blunt
In Background -
( Look at all your fat rows, da da da
Busting out of tight clothes, da da da
Look at all your fat rows, da da da )
Baby, you're wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong
look at all your fat rows
busting out of tight *** clothes (da, da, da)
You're wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong
Look at you with your double chins
You got high blood pressure, need medicine
You try to diet, but you just can't stop
You need a refrigerator lock
You go to the store even more to shop
run to the food and your belly flops
*** looks just like a bag of rocks
You need a monkey that has ebola
where did I hear the Thong Song??
Man am I losing it...
keshi-I can't remember what any of these activities entails ;).
juss checkin Southy ;-)
ROFL! omg HE u r making me laugh sooo much with those super-funny version of the THOOOOINNNG song hehe. Where did u get that from?????
ooo lala Lee's lost her sweet memory after reading this LOL!
Jim I am well worth that wait...or maybe not...depends on your taste.
Keshi, hope your weekend goes well!
Saby...sorry hun, not from africa...I am a mix...less african than you think.
What I want? I want it all!
intresting post keshi!!!
to me it should be foreplay...but best part is to be in love with that person..Else it can be only bodly needs!!!
always open to try all positions ;)
Take Care
I agree with u keshi, if we express it within the laws it won’t be ashamed or feel bad. I too had eroticism some times, if I see some thing sexier, and read about erotic relationship, but its rare to feel it while reading. I avoid going deep sense of eroticism, because I think this is not the time for me to experience it.
now that it has been proved that ur mega erotic babe...
seriously keshi i think its high time, get urself a partner(married)!!!
all these days i thot ur good looking, talented, sensible, one happy soul NOW ur mega erotic babe too...wat else a man wants from his partner.
whoever ur partner is going to be, he will be one lucky bustard :-)))
cheers, have a nice weekend
its ur blog... but stop posting those indecent supporting pictures!!! u can write ur post without those pictures also...
both my teachers (history and geography)told me
anyone with curly hair along with black or brown complexion and sexy as hell, originated from the african continent.
.... and the men are huge where it counts
"sex-- women helping men by holding their heavy things..."
A cousin enlightened me this morn... she said it was different from the "erotica"... reading yoru post, i think she was right...
""""when 69 doesn't goes well, it results in a high and dried up 99....lolz""" as southpaw says
IMAGINATION a wild guess ;)))and i think i am write ;))
Good nite ;>>
When u r in true love with a person, I think ur erotic senses r naturally aroused! ;p
Have a rocking and a nice weekend ;>>
That first pic is from Khajuraho. Do go there if you haven't. It's phenomenal. In my opinion, it's up there with seeing the Taj Mahal when visiting India! It's amazing.
my comment is missing :(
Waaaay down here at the bottom of the list...aaah well...Guess I've been too busy getting dirty while y'all blog away!! ; ) Love the topic, but I'm curious...whenever my man and I start discussing fantasies, I always deviate and start describing these fabulous, scrumptious meals...Of course food is much more than sustenance for me...Which reminds me, I haven't had breakfast yet this morning...
YUMMY is all i can say....sex=recreation b4 procreation :D LOL!!! foreplay is more exciting than sex many pple have told me tht...wonder who agrees? ;)
Vatsayana ( the guy who wrote Kamasutra) would be proud of this post.
Sex and Internet - deadly duo.
Nah! sex is both alluring and misleading.
At times I imagine it to be losing all thats in control.
Anyways .. it s a neccessity isn't it.
Hope to see an update on Monday. :)
i think people shud be proud of their sexuality...
really nice post keshi. is the first pic an image of the sculpture on the konark temple...?
i dunno wat to say abt ur moms comment on u posting this post on eroticism and sensuality...i mean living in a country where sexuality is an open phenomenon, i find it strange that people with indian/south asian roots still hold not so progressive views. i mean no offence to ur mum, but i somehow find folks over here much more open or at least trying to undergo transition.
that is one thing people needs to have but ppl from asia(specialy sri lanka nd india) deny bcos of the culture there. but deepdown they will have all the feelings and thier fantasies.
good post.
i was down but after reading the post and some of the comments i am ok.
I don't think it a sin or something to be ashamed of. As long as people feel the need for it to be a part of their sexual life, its important otherwise same old ways are good enough to feel satisfied:-)
Yes dear Tyra Banks...you got it! :)
bipolar???? me toooooo!!!!!!!!! lol! dnt wory u r nt! it might b jus mood fluctuations! havent read ur post yet... just read da frst line...saw bipolar... n cudnt wait to comment! :D
Beings erotic is within ourselves and it has to comeout when you need. If it dooesn't then get a viagra:-))
Keshi: Sex is always good as long your partner is erotic too. If not its like a bread toaster one sided. Know what, when I was in NY, I remember I was in a pharmacy and an old man (he siad he is 93) came to get viagra.
I went invisible for a second coz that guy looked more of 70s to me and he still erotic. Damn..
Postions. hmm our men are crazy for that coz they are brought up within 4 walls and once they landup here, they straight go to nude club. Our guys wait upto 25-30 years to see a naked women.
Thaz why kamasutra is pretty popular huh.
You have that exotic mysterious thing going on, that's enough to keep me coming back for more.
Where on earth do you get your pictures?
Hello Keshi!!!!!!!
First off, I have to mention that I feel that society puts too much emphasis on sex. I think that's why there are alot of horny people walking around.
Sex sales. Post about sex on a blog and it's amazing how much more hits ones blog will get. I know. I use to do HNT.
Sex. Sex. Sex. Erotic or not. I think that anymore it's all erotic. Victoria Secret. Bud Light.
etc, etc, etc.
I don't think sex bad. No way, Jose. I just think that anymore things have taken an animalistic turn.
I think somethings should be left to the imagination. Things should be tasteful. Sex should be more precious and appreciated. Women should be ladies. Men should be.......well, less of a dog. I will have to say tho, I do somewhat expect men to 'get around' more so than a woman. In some ways I am old fashioned. I have always heard that a man wants a lady on his arm and a tiger in his bed.
That's how I try to be.
So since you mentioned desires. I will own up to some.
I want to blindfolded.
I want to do it out in nature.( I have before!)
I want to go to a topless beach ( I have been but I didn't go topless).
I want my man to take the iniative and plan a surprise romp to a hotel, with rose petals, champagne, room service, music, candlelight and buy me some nice sexy lingerie to romp around in for a few minutes atleast.
Ok, your turn.
wat shy??
I must have some hand on experience to say some thing on issue like this. i am still waiting for my first kiss and i am 27 yrs 2 month old. :(
Keshi,captivating pictures capturing the essence of Eroticism ..
And i believe eroticism will definitely play a role.....
ehehehehhe...it's okay! :) i do bite though :D
hey keshi! u wudnt believe it but i dreamt of u last night!
ur the second blogger ive dreamt of till date!
hey with so many times sex being mentioned in your post, I bet you would be getting a lot of hits...
And the pics were very nice ... ;-)
You have that exotic mysterious thing going on that keeps me coming back for more Keshi. Have a nice weekend!!
hey i can readily relate to the first lines! .. bipolar LOL
if the meanie went overboard last time, an apology.
now i would not want to be a hypocrite would i? so read it...
some funny stuff in there :)
"Not that those ancient kings sang 'thong tha thong thong thong' "... LOL :))
I guess we belong in the same club... so i wouldn't know much! But some very interesting comments.
so what...your mission accomplished???
...thats exactly what I mean mah keshigirl.
Somebody asking about Africa ??
Bipolar be damned! It is normal to be like this for we females!
Hug you, keshi!
Hi Keshi!
Smart post and beautiful pics with this music makes this place amazingly erotic. Beautiful and with good taste.
To improve sex life is good idea.
Eroticism let your mind runs wild. Not only for men, for women too. :)
Hey Keshi!!
Thanks so much for the youtube code... I didn't get it at first, then I remembered you could right click and click on "View Source" option, and you can see the code for the blog... I then made some adjustments to the code and voila! Have you heard the song in there? Kind of appropriate to this post too... hey, I said KIND OF! LOVE that song (Lady Marmalade) so much - very hot. :)
This is well written. Sorry cant viit yoyr blog as often as I'd like..tearing my hair out at work :((
(Kama Sutra etc - my my the number of 'positions' they've tried makes me wonder if they remembered how to walk again!)-
Made me laugh ! Your post has made me wonder too !
in my opinion, sex is an action, sacred gift from god, that brings 2 souls together...unfortunately, many abuse sex (in a wrong way) and take their own body for granted...sex is important in maintaining a relationship BUT relationship cannot be all abt sex. then it defies the notion of a relationship...It gives the person a mental note that he/she place the utmost trust and place his/her belief on that person...
Nice post ... i wish our parents understood this ...
My desires ... errm .. lol .. am not bad girl ;p
tell awaiting (Fuck i still dont no her name)
dat i dont no how to fill the fields in her blog
tell her dat i got a proposal for her on IMNUTSINCAPS
i tot i was the only one with an unhappy marriAGE
First keshi, I'm a bit confused, I see this quite a bit over here.
Why would someone post as anonymous?
If you're not a blogger and don't have an account at least sign some sort of name after your comment to personalize your comment.):
Sorry don't mean to mess with your post.
Yes, eroticism is essential in a loving, healthy sexual relationship.
I find it puzzling that society finds it totally acceptable in movies and television to show extreme acts of violence and bloodshed but sex scenes are considered taboo. Twisted logic if you ask me.
I would much rather have children growing up seeing a tender love scene between two people than have them see bullets flying, blood spurting, gurgling everywhere.
big Sunday HUG for keshi
:) is just too hot a post for me .. :)
just dropped by to see how u were doing buddy ... huggzzz ... :)
oh.nice and healthy discussion,LOL!
i agree that erotica is something we shouldnt be ashamed of.SEX is an art and people doing it must be full of passion,love and eroticism. :)
happy erotic week,Keshi!LOL!
a big hug!
hehe,,... good post keshi girl :)
Where have you disappeared????
mmmm....I need to download THONG songs NOW ;)
Tasha I had a pretty good wknd babez ty and urself?
Grunty :)
'I want it all...I want it all...I want it all...and I want it now'
rem what freddie said?
Vikas ur absolutely right! If there's no love involved it's just a bodily need.
**always open to try all positions
LOL haha! Beware, the Kama Sutra positions can kill a person or leave them crippled for life.
ty Jeevan!
Erotic writing has to be written with passion and skill. Or else one wud feel nothing reading it.
haha ty Arun!
**whoever ur partner is going to be, he will be one lucky bustard
well I guess he's a dead bastard cos he's not to be seen ard LOL!
**and the men are huge where it counts
u mean African men have bigger sex organs? LOL okkkk point taken TY!
KAP Heyy!
**"sex-- women helping men by holding their heavy things..."
LOL WTH is that? hahahaha!
Poo ty, I hope u had a good wknd too.
haha I think u got 99 right babez ;-)
Has_To_Be_Me yeah I think ur right...it comes naturally :) but it isnt always Love...it can happen when ur in Lust too.
Ashley heyy!
**That first pic is from Khajuraho.
wow really? I didnt know that, ty!
Sujit I dun think I received ur comment...Blogger plays up sometimes.
tnxx anyways :)
Helen heyy u notty notty gurl ;-)
Food ahaaaaaa! My fav erotic item hehehehe. I luuurve chocs, fruit, honey, red wine...ok I betta stop LOL!
Freemorpheme heyy!
**=recreation b4 procreation
LOL okkkk!
Foreplay is what many girls like too...I guess most guys like go straight to the last bit and then fall asleep LOL!
Tarun heyy!
**At times I imagine it to be losing all thats in control
yeah but it's nice to completely lose control once in a while, isnt it? :)
Shitrint hey ty!
**is the first pic an image of the sculpture on the konark temple
Im not sure...read Ashley's comment...she mentioned a temple name in India that mite b related to this pic.
abt my mum...I was only joking. She wudnt say much...will just smirk at me :):) She's quite a liberal woman hehe.
Suryan Im glad this post made u feel better...how nice :)
**but deepdown they will have all the feelings and thier fantasies.
thats true...alot of our ppl just hide their feelings in fear of being laughed at or rejected by the society, when life is so short and this is all a part of being very human.
that's right Mommy ty!
the blog goddess has just proved it
u cud make a fortune on product referrals (Oprah does it)
save your template on to your computer
then switch to the new beta blogger
then change your layout thro the blogger auto feature
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i did it on my site
check it out
i am an expert at 4 play
but i prefer just a sandwich
, .... that's why there are a lot of horny people walking around.
is it a sin to get turned on
and have a pistol in my pocket??
aha Dawny ty!
Tyra is still very beautiful..prettier than she was b4. I admire fuller women.
ROFL Nadim! :)
Priya ur absolutely right! Men in Aus too r like that...I mean they mite b 95 but their sex lives r very active..much better than mine LOL!
** Our guys wait upto 25-30 years to see a naked women.
OMG talk abt it Priya, ur spot on! Alot of Indian/SL men wait till 30s to even have sex..some have never kissed LOL!
hahaha @Viagra!
ooo lala, seems like I put a magical spell on ya Phos ;-)
hehe Niki ty!
Anthony I get em from the web...I just hit a word and search for pics :)
Blessed I totally agree sweetie!
** Sex should be more precious and appreciated. Women should be ladies. Men should be.......well, less of a dog
Spot on! Sex is not something cheap. It's a scared act between 2 ppl who love each other. Well it also can be just a bodily need but thats not for me! To me, it's a very precious act and it should be between 2 ppl who love, respect and appreciate each other in all ways.
*I want to blindfolded.
I want that too but Im bound to hit on something and fall like an idiot b4 we start anything LOL!
**I want to do it out in nature.( I have before!)
I think its a very sensual suggestion...ooo lala! And u've done it b4 WOW! :):)
**I want to go to a topless beach ( I have been but I didn't go topless).
I've been to many topless beaches but I dun think I can ever do it unless I bcome a man LOL!
**I want my man to take the iniative and plan a surprise romp to a hotel, with rose petals, champagne, room service, music, candlelight and buy me some nice sexy lingerie to romp around in for a few minutes atleast.
thats really very romantic...my fav one!
**Ok, your turn.
LOL okkkk!
Im much of a natural babez just like ya...I find it really erotic when things happen all of a sudden, w.o. planning anything...such as an unexpected kitchen scene or a shower scene ;-)
Also, blindfolds and handcuffs. yeah baby LOL!
Food...I have a food fetish. I like to use my imagination to be creative with food and the sensuality thats associated with it. U know choc syrup, fruit, honey, cherries etc etc ;-)
I like dancing...yeah pole dancing....just for my man ;-)
And I like playing footsie hahaha naughty girl ha!
I also luuuurve the water...some pool/spa action ;-)
Kumar heyy!
** i am still waiting for my first kiss and i am 27 yrs 2 month old
OMG ur kidding me right???? When r ya gonna kiss, after getting married? LOL ur gonna disappoint ur wife. Ok then, atleast practise it on the mirror will ya!
Ty Lera :)
a virgin kisser
PS: In India girls will allow u to go where u want while flirting
but the kiss is reserved for the one u really love
Aishwarya was frowned upon for the hott kissing scene with Hrithik by the Bachhans
also the sex workers wont kiss u
any ting else is OK
i am one of the few men who was kissed by such a lady
tnxx Ganga!
hey Ms.Vampire Dalicia :):) nice!
Shitrint u dreamt of me? awwwwwww....how nice hehehe. What was I doin/sayin in ur dreams?
Ganesh heyy!
** bet you would be getting a lot of hits...
that was not the aim tho :)
LOL Soj its ok :)
yep some very interesting comments ha!
Jac I think Saby wants to know abt African women :)
hehe Gautami tnxx for the assurance ;-)
tnxxx Krys! :)
Spot on Pink_Ginger ty!
Sunrise hey no probs sweetie, twas my pleasure!
**Have you heard the song in there?
where? U mean ur bloggy? I'll be there soon :)
Lady Marmalade is a HOT song indeed!
LaVida hey ty! Take ur time sweetie n hey take it easy :)
hahahaha Kavi ty!
My_Life ur comment was spot on, ty! Thats what I believe too.
heyy goody goody good girl Cheesy hows u? :)
Jim good luck with proposing to Tasha...she'll for sure reject it.
Top_Cat heyy!
**If you're not a blogger and don't have an account at least sign some sort of name after your comment to personalize your comment
I agree. But there r some readers who dun wanna leave their name/fake name even. Its just the way they want to comment hehe. But u know I can never be Anonymous :).
**I would much rather have children growing up seeing a tender love scene between two people than have them see bullets flying, blood spurting, gurgling everywhere.
Spot on! Couldnt have said it any better. tnxx for that matey.
hehe Anup :):)
ur right Ghee ty!
**happy erotic week,Keshi
LOL like with who? HAHAHAHA!
ty Brute!
Im right here z000nie :) how r ya?
get the Thong song from iTunes...cant ya?
, Tasha ,
wat a lovely name for a lovely girl
oh lord
i am Tashed
u can be erotic (sensual) with your self
use a feather
dat wud be kinky
Saby Im not here to make money, tnxx anyways!
btw wuts the big deal abt Aish kissing Hrithik...they were only acting for godssakes.
Saby I can now imagine how u got ut noggin injured..by the chickens ofcourse LOL!
u r not here to make money
wat r u here for then Dummy !
gimme a link to my site IMNUTSINCAPS
dat wud make my Google Rank soar
i am here to make money now
i started off with looking for a soul mate
i found her
but she is broker than me
i need money
i lied to her
told her i am a beeg shot consultant in India
TASHA tinks i am stinking rich too
she loves the stink of money
she stinks too
... of soiled panties
not money
wut am I here for? So that I'll be alive for a lil longer :)
i will still prefer to wait for a lady
Kumar u mean so far u only met gentlemen? LOL just annoyin ya!
Grreat post! I enjoyed reading it!
You mentioned food? I forgot to mention that. It was on my mind, too!!! I want to be blindfolded and fed strawberries and grapes.
Ever seen that movie "9 1/2 Weeks" with Kim Basinger and Mickey Rourke. Now there's a sexy food scene!! Among all the other sexy scenes.
Holy Crap!!
Hi Keshi
Never thought I would come to the end.
Could not find the pic of the dead lady with the shades.
ty Julia!
Blessed food can be quite kinky ;-)
nah havent seen that movie...sounds like a must-watch ha :)
awww Bev I want that pic :(
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