Guys you wouldn't believe what happened in the weekend. My life sure is full of surprises. Ok let me tell you what really happened (I can't wait!). There's this Indian guy who lives in the next street from mine. I have seen him a couple of times and I must say he's quite a good-looking bloke. But he's one of the most arrogant guys I have ever seen cos he never smiles and always looks away whenever I crossed paths with him. Well I never paid any attention cos I don't like arrogant dudes, not even if they look real good. What does he think he is, some kind of superstar? Yeah so right you're good-looking, so what? That don't impress me much ah ah ah - I'm with Shania on that one baby hehe. In my mind, I named him Mr.Darcy from Pride & Prejudice, cos he truly reminded me of that proud and rude character urggggg! So whenever I saw him, in my head I used to say 'hey Mr.Darcy have a good day then, you big fat snob'. Then few months ago when I was in this Indian shop looking for some Hindi movies, this lady I have known for ages (my little niece's after-school-care teacher that I have known for many years now) walks in to the same shop. Let's call her Naina. Naina is a beautiful lady, very sweet and kind and she's about my mum's age. She says HI
to me and then guess who was right behind was Mr.Darcy, apparently he is her son! Lo and behold I was jaw-dropped but didn't show it, just smiled and kept on talking to the lady as she's very friendly and really likes me alot. You think Mr.Darcy smiled? Hell na, he just went about doing his thing and didn't even say a word to me. Well that day was over and I never saw him again, thank God!
I had to attend a wedding last Sat. An Indian friend of mine was getting married to an Aussie girl and it was their Hindu wedding ceremony. So I dolled myself up in a beautiful pink saree and drove to the Hall at about 6pm. Mum was invited too. So we both went there and sat with some Aussie couples who were very friendly (I didn't know many people at that wedding). So my mum and I were chatting just before the wedding started and guess who we saw coming through the doors? Naina and her Mr.Darcy son!
OMG that was a shocker and I was like 'I hope Naina don't see me, cos I don't want that snob son to sit next to me' etc etc. But when there were so many empty tables at that time, they came crashing through the crowd to where we were seated, LOL how bizzare! Naina was so glad she found me and my mum in the crowd, cos she said that she didn't know many people there too and wanted good company. Well guess what...Naina sits next to my mum and Mr.Darcy sits next to me WTF! In my mind I was like 'yeah rite mate you better be nice to me or else I'll make you regret it for a very long time', but I was in for a very BIG surprise! As Naina intro'd me to him, he smiled and turned towards me and didn't ever turn anywhere else again! He was such a chatterbox and just couldn't stop talking to me even when the wedding ceremony was going on. In my mind I was like 'could you shutup Mr.Darcy cos you're way too flirtish and making me tired with your gibberish'..ah ah but there was no stopping guys. But he was cute, very much a gentleman and quite the opposite of what I thought about him. He was so very friendly and so much of fun to be around. Can you believe that this was Mr.Darcy from the next street? I still can't.
After the couple was wedded and the altar-ceremony was over, loud Bollywood music was played, and Mr.Darcy coudn't talk at all LOL! So he said he would like to go out with me for a walk as the noise was irritating him. So I agreed and we went out and chatted outside while our mums
chatted inside. He deprived me of a timely dinner cos he wasn't hungry and continued to chat with me outside (though he did ask me if I wanted to go in and have dinner to which I said 'not yet' ;-)). What alot he had to talk! He said he has seen me a couple of times too and had inquired his mum about me :). And then we got on to talking about how hard it is to find a partner etc, and he was so very interested in knowing what sort of partner I'm looking for, and he told me everything that had happened in his life, yeah in just a couple of hours of meeting me duhhh! Now is he really stupid or is he very open-hearted? I guess the latter. I could sense that. And he told me he could sense good vibes from me ooo lala! Well after a while we went in and had dinner - I think we were the last to have dinner. He knew quite alot of people at the wedding, and everyone was asking him who I was...cos he wouldn't go anywhere without me...LOL that was cute. Then around 10:30pm we decided to go we walked to the car park, he wanted to walk me and my mum to my car. I said that it was ok and for them to get going home as it was dark. He managed to get my number. As soon as I went home I get a txt msg asking if I reached home safely. After an exchange of few more txt msgs in the last 2 days, Mr.Darcy is now asking me out (as a friend ofcourse - don't worry we are not in love yet hehe)...can u believe that? He wants to take me to the movies on Tue night to see 'Pursuit Of Happyness'. What say guys?
The Wedding was too beautiful to describe in words. I'm sorry guys I couldn't take any pics cos I left my camera at home, just like a grand idiot. But I might get some pics from my friends, hopefully. Once I get them I'll share them with you. I wanted to take a pic of Mr.Darcy from my mobile phone, but I thought that would be too fast. So I didn't do it. Let me see if I can grab hold of a glimpse of him soon and post it here ok?? So that's the story of Mr.Darcy meeting Keshi and how he became good friends with her. I was really surprised by how sweet-natured he is as opposed to the impression I had of him. Looks can be deceiving alrite. When you talk to someone, you get to know their real nature. So tell me, was your weekend this scandalous? :)
Current Music: Superstar by Jamelia
140 Cranium Signets:
How very cool!
I love it!
Mr. Darcy likes Keshi,and Keshi likes Mr. Darcy.... the real Mr. Darcy, and a nice Mr. Darcy!!!
I can't wait to hear more!
Nothing too scandolous about my weekend...just watched movies and snuggled up to my honey!
Soooo cold here!!!!!
Take care, and have a super day!
You know what they say--never judge a book by it's cover.
Of course, he's asked you out. If you are this enchanting here in blog world, I could only imagine just what you give off when face to face.
Also, I have noticed that most people that come off as snobbish and conceited are usually pretty insecure or have some other issue.
I hope you have a wonderful date.
How very exciting!!!!
Something is 'brewing' and I am anxiously waiting for the next update from Ms. Keshi ;D
You Go Girl! Show some woman power :)
do I smell some love in the air???
I was with my mom n dad n sis. I spent around 20 hours off line. too much for me. nthing xtra
Hey Keshi..I can't wait to see a pic of Mr Darcy.Looks can be decieving and it is so true that we don't judge a book by its cover.I think there are good vibes between the two of you.going to keep my fingers crossed.Nothing scandelous happening this side of town.I just keep walking with my walker like an old lady.doing a lot of reading.take care keshi girl and have a wonderful week.Hugggggggz to you.
well.... welll :)
hi keshi - that's a nice story! glad he turned out to be nicer than u expected, and hope ur friendship develops further ;-D
Wow !! Can't wait to know more now. ;)
Ahem Ahem... Something is definitely brewing here. Oh oh love is in the air.
I am so happy for you Keshi.. a big grin on my face.
Mr. Darcy, you are lucky if you have Keshi.
All the Best!!
Btw, mine was a dull week compared to yours ;)
Actually forgot what I did, the moment I read ur post... Ha Ha.. You know how die hard romantic I am. ;)
Keep us updated ma'm. I heard Pursuit of happyness is a good movie...
looks to be another version of pride & prejudice in the making!! but wait "sniff sniff" - something is in the air!!!
waiting for the next update!!!
>> He said he has seen me a couple of times too and had inquired his mum about me :).
it is a good sign, indeed!
>> He wants to take me to the movies on Tue night to see 'Pursuit Of Happyness'.
go go go.. and spare us the details.. :D (me being a busybody)
Well how bout that. He was just shy and didn't know what to say I guess. But there's no way he could resist the charms of Keshi!
wow.. thats nice :).. pursuit of happyness is a nice movie :).. have a nice time.. with mr. darcy.. heheh..
had been reading in the weekend!.. a whole had to finish and some papers to read and write a one pg summary!.. god knows.. my head is exhausted completly :(..
Pursuit of Happyness is a good movie. You will like it.
I can understand where Mr. Darcy is coming from. I think he's shy.
He's shy at first, until he is introduced to you. That's just the way he is. But he knows he's a cool guy so he kind of has a swagger too.
He is just like me in that sense.
I Am sooooooooooo happy!!!! hehehehe..Keshi!! He finally woke up!! could be a potential or could be the one who was on overdose so long..
Or... ok maybe i am getting too excited..Sorry..
but yeah you set me rolling lady!!
Well well its ironic..cause i had in mind a post in realtion to cupid. but nothing beats ya piece lady!! AWESOME!! :D big grinz. tell abt the date..
:).. Humm humm humm.. something is happening!! Coooooool Keshi.. Just can’t wait to hear more about this. So when are you guys going for the movie? I wish you will be able to Pursuit your happyness... with the movie ofcourse..;) :D
wow... what a weekend :) looks like Mr. Darcy likes u a lot.
remember keep us posted about the coming movie date ok? Hugss
WOW sequel of Bride and prejudice is happening;)) Love is in the air
gogogogogogo for the movie and have a blast
waiting to see ur pictures on Wednesday with Mr Darcy ;))
so MR darcy proved to be romeo in disguise!...woah!!!
Go girl and keep us updated on where this goes:-)
I use to lurve mr. darcy(from the book offcourse:P)...but we will not discuss that...
I cud actually hear giggles in my ears all the while I was either u were giggling while writing it...or me while reading it...:))
This is so cute:))
Oh ho ho, our Elizabeth has found her Mr he sounds as dashing as the original. Reticence is typically hiding more intensity, and chattering is usually nerves. But my friend, did you get many words in? Show him that still waters run deep...Cheers!
I use to lurve mr. darcy(from the book offcourse:P)...but we will not discuss that...
I cud actually hear giggles in my ears all the while I was either u were giggling while writing it...or me while reading it...:))
This is so cute:))
Ohh la la, this sure is an exciting piece of news. Well, I for one am hoping that things will go a bit further. Yep ma'am waiting for a post in a few months time about you tying the knot with Mr. Darcy :D
Have fun!!
I smell something fishy :)
I can't wait to hear MORE :)
My weekend was lovely asusual
lots of fun :)
Stay Beautiful...!!
Will she wont she ...
Lets keep ur fingers crossed.
Thinks of a few things and then chuckles...
U looking forward to the movie or u looking forward to see the movie.
Nah! go enjoy girl have a good time.
Is he an ardent blogger?
wow keshi!
Found a gr8 friend in a marriage :)
much luv,
No wedding photos - darn! I really think the Hindu weddings are beautful. Have to see one in person sometime - maybe I can come to yours!! Good luck with Darcy Dude!!
lolllllllll should i call u lizzy now??.. elizabeth for mr darcy?... oooo wowwwwww.. girl that was some weekend u had..
reminds me of the time when i was single.. lol... go for the movie.. n have fun.. hugsss
Hi Keshi
What we have here is a movie in the making--Mr. Darcy meets Keshi--kinda sounds like a horror flick--LOL
Love the way you wrote this in the 3rd. Very nice.
Waiting for the sequel--LOL
We are having a major winter storm here--got off good so far. I'm going no where fast. LOL
My weekend was pretty boring, but that's o.k. with me. :)
Something is up Keshi.
I'm going to find out what it is ;-)
WOW:) that's is awesome! what are u waiting for?:P of course go for the movie! have fun and keep us updated :)
WOW:) that's is awesome! what are u waiting for?:P of course go for the movie! have fun and keep us updated :)
WOW:) that's is awesome! what are u waiting for?:P of course go for the movie! have fun and keep us updated :)
WOW...WOW...WOW...So, Keshi...all geared up for tues evening..I'd love to watch a pic of Mr.Darcy's....
take care..have fun !!!! hugssssss...btw, have u decided as to what u'll be wearing.....Keep us updated :)
WOW...WOW...WOW...So, Keshi...all geared up for tues evening..I'd love to watch a pic of Mr.Darcy's....
take care..have fun !!!! hugssssss...btw, have u decided as to what u'll be wearing.....Keep us updated :)
Actually he sounds exactly like mr darcy - assumed snob but actually a nice guy ;p heheheh have fun ;p
Hmmm..Mr Darcy seems to be a cool guy ! looks like the much awaited magic is finally happening, Keshi sweetie Happy Times to you. smiles n hugzzzzzzz :)
now somehing interesting is happening ;)
waiting for the "movie"
and Mr. Darcy is becomina a "Supertar" ;)
grt choice of song though...liked it...groovy number
That's great you got past your initial perception of Mr. Darcy. It is even better that you two are going to be spending some time getting to know each other by doing an activity together. Can't we just call it a date, Keshi?
Hmmm ! hmmm ! Awaiting your next post after happyness on Tuesday !
Wow... Keshi..
U really gave all of us a GREAT SURPRISE..! HaHa.. Tat Mr Darcy seems like a very interesting fellow. Hmm..
"A Book which is so BIG & THICK & with no ATTRACTIVE PICTURES has got good things to be 'read' about"... HaHa...
Yearning to see his pic.. HeHe...
Go for the movie! Wat are u waiting for?! Go spend time with him, get to know him better.. Maybe his "book cover" is not really tat "thick"... Hope the friendship will blossom into something much more.. **Grins**
Some things are deceiving by looking at its surface :)
U know something?
Last time, my friends used to say i look so stern & 'proud' sometimes.. Esp to those i duno who they are... But once i get to know them, they love the way i am & they understood me.. :) Maybe it is just me.. Feeling insecure when strangers start looking at me for no reason... I admit its true. I do feel insecure. Felt like a threat is coming..
But now, i am better already. Not giving those strangers those funny looks, instead smile at them until some of them may think i'm silly? HaHa.. Well, better to smile than to frown rite?
Waiting for u to let us know more details of the "date".. HeHe...
**Psst** More pics too!
DARCY and KESHI sitting on a tree....K.I.S.S.I.N.G...
just kidding...don't mind please...
looks like you have started liking this sure to blog about what happened at the movie...
Maybe he liked you all along but couldn't build up the courage to talk to you, which you thought was arrogant
u know something? bumping into him where ever u go... it might be just the work of fate... i feel that he likes you....have a great day babe!!!! enjoy yr date! haha...
u know something? bumping into him where ever u go... it might be just the work of fate... i feel that he likes you....have a great day babe!!!! enjoy yr date! haha...
hey keshi thats very cool!!!!!!!!!
will be waiting egarly for futhtur progress of the episode "DARCY MEETS KESH"
well my weekend was normal.with two days of good sleep and food......
hey but one think happend....let me tell you that when on sunday even when i was out for walk as girl came across me and she was duplicate of you.For one sec i thought that ur in front me,but then i realised that how could that be possible as ur in australia..and there was only one difference between u n that gal...she was thin and ur healthy...thats it...if she becomes healthy than i can say there is duplicate of u in india :)
Take Care
Awww...Good luck! :))))
I and keshis mom do cordially invite u to witnees the nuptials of our beloved daughter with Mr Darcy.
No presents please
come as u r for the reception
at St Helena beach
if u r dressed u will not be allowed entry (St Helena is a nudist colony)
Signed Keshis mom
and Old man saby her foster father
Oh~ So may I call you Mrs.Darcy..?? :) LOL..
From my personal experience I can say that this guy is really nice.Coz looks do Deceive sometimes.:)
Happy Movie watching Mrs.Darcy.:)
How exciting!
Have a great time at the movies and make sure u tell us all about it. x
Hi Keshi!
You made me feel good today! What a beautiful story!
Have a great day!
Not sure if you both had a liking for each other but I am pretty sure both of you were trying to catch each other's attention. The end result always work, sooner or latter.
Go for it girl! First impressions can be decieving you know?
Oh ya go out with him, cos thats the only way you will know where this leads to.
im happy 4 u gal! Hope someting clicks! And remember...appearances r deceptive!!! :)
c ya around!
.... now thats a cute story here awwwwww ^_^ was soo excited too lol!! hehe ;)
... see good people meet right? muaahh! wowwwwwww keep us updated Babe *wink*
Kesh maybe he's the Mr.Right? oh lala! stay happy sweetie .... wishin' for a good relationship between u two... at least startin as friends!
hugssss u!!!
**What does he think he is, some kind of superstar?
Well I am pretty sure that most of the gals who have seen me wud think the same way about me... your Mr.Darcy is very similar to me...
**Now is he really stupid or is he very open-hearted?
Neither... :) I know what its about... :)
**He wants to take me to the movies on Tue night to see 'Pursuit Of Happyness'. What say guys?
Just go and have fun :D What you waiting for??? ;)
Waiting for the pictures....
Will read your older posts soon... tied up with lots of work... :(
Looks can bring curious to any women if it ignites. As passing clouds we do see some men, but then its a dream and when we meet someone who we think not ok, lands up to be the best person of all.
Good to know you have a good friend close to you:-))
i am in love
and i feel foolish
i have a wife since 26 years
and she gave me 2 lovable kids
i dont love my wife
but i love my kids
agony aunt keshi
Hi, Keshi! All the very best!
WOOHOO Keshi Girl!!!
Sounds fun and fabulous not the least bit scandolous :)
NOW, I would like to go on record as saying that I TOLD YOU SO. Because, awhile back when you went to your cousins wedding I wrote a comment about how weddings were a great place to meet men and that I was sure it would happen for you.
GO LOOK - search back and you will see that I wrote that !!! So, it didn't happen at that wedding but it happened and this one...
I've seen the pictures of you when your all dolled up going to weddings (and you sure go to enough of them - LOL) and I always though - dang girl, who on earth could resist you. If there's a single guy there, they are going to be right by your side in no time (before dinner even - hee hee). And mum was along and got to meet him right away too - I think thats a very, very good sign!!
Thanks for sharing this with us and can't wait to hear ALL ABOUT the date :)
awww.. he probably wasn't snobby at all-- just insecure and shy.
Now he's into you!! Whoo hoo! ;)
How bizarre, Keshi!!! Who would've thunk it? lol! It all sounds very good from here. I can't wait to hear what more happens. Good luck, dear. (I expect to read details about this date later.)
I keep hoping that something awesome like that will just strike me out of the blue. Maybe your luck will rub off on me. LOL! ;)
this is wonderful... now lets go... get some piccos up;)
You better keep us posted. I'm hooked!
U had a lovey dovey weekend then Margie ;-) Great!
Mr.Darcy seems to show a great deal of interest in me LOL! Poor guy..he's in a for a rude shock. I can be real trouble hehe.
aww tnxx Blessed!
** have noticed that most people that come off as snobbish and conceited are usually pretty insecure or have some other issue.
so true. I wonder what Mr.Darcy's problem was LOL!
Shionge yep lets wait n see ha ;-)
Kumar 20hrs offline? How did u survive the major catastrophe? LOL!
Love? Na. Just friends at the moment :) I promise.
awwwww Starry walking ard using a walker? :( I hope u get better real soon babes. TC!
Yep I'll try to take a pic of him tonite, if he allows me to LOL!
Soj well well what? :):)
Fergal ;-)
LOL Cuckoo babez tnxx! I will def keep u all updated ok. :)
**You know how die hard romantic I am
Goshhh me too! Long-lasting effects of reading Mills n Boons in my teen years haha!
Fleiger yep I saw the's based on a true story.
Deepz matey wut u sniffing? LOL!
hey Diva!
**and spare us the details.. :D (me being a busybody)
LOL ok then!
Jay but he's comin on too fast...Im gonna have to ask him to slow down hehe.
Sujit take it easy...go for a stroll in the woods..:)
yep Im dying to see that movie too!
AB if he's like u, I'd really like him :)
**But he knows he's a cool guy so he kind of has a swagger too.
Ur a swagger r ya? awww I didnt think so. Ur cool...that I know.
Gives a secret wink to Amy...;-) hehehehe.
** finally woke up!! could be a potential or could be the one who was on overdose so long..
haha dunno babez...lets see. I think he woke up real good cos he seems like he's hooked. So far he sent abt a million txts to me Goshhhhhh! As if he was sleeping for a thousand years LOL!
na na no one can beat the way u write romantic posts...Amy u r the BEST!
**I wish you will be able to Pursuit your happyness... with the movie ofcourse
LOL great!
Im going to the movies tonite with Mr.Darcy. I hope I'll have a pleasant evening. I'll keep u posted on it ;-).
Vince I promise I'll give u all the details tomorrow...every inch of the whole evening ok :):)
hehe My_Life.
** Bride and prejudice
kinda like it indeed cos he's Indian :):) And I dun u'stand a word he speaks hehe. Luckily he's all English with me :)
Helloooo Ekta hows u?
**MR darcy proved to be romeo in disguise
aha...he's such a flirt but in a decent way :)
hey Anony who r u btw? :)
**so either u were giggling while writing it...or me while reading it...:))
LOL I was giggling rite thru out da post :):)
Helen babez hows ya?
** our Elizabeth has found her Mr Darcy...
haha cute. cmon I aint no sweet Lizzy but he sure is Mr.Darcy. Handsome and arrogant, yet so nice after talking to him :)
btw Mrs.Bennet is eager to know how my movie goes tonite LOL!
Neihal heyyy so u were that Anony ? awww tnxxx!
I like Mr.Darcy too...from the book I mean :). And from the movie too. Colin Firth is HOT.
Johno o no not that soon :) I mean getting married. Cant have such fat hopes! But thanks mate!
Suga ur weekend's gotta be sweet cos ur sooo sugary n sweet HUGGGGGGGGZ n ty!
Tarun lol ur such a teaser!
**Thinks of a few things and then chuckles...
awww not fair...plz tell me wut u thought abt :)
**U looking forward to the movie or u looking forward to see the movie.
both LOL! btw I dunno if I wud be able to watch the movie cos he just cant stop talking! Mebbe I should sit somewhere else? :)
ty Aish and same to ya! HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
Phos yeah it was a beautiful wedding!
**maybe I can come to yours!!
awww that wud be sooooo good! If and when I have a wedding ur def gonna be invited! Wud u fly all the way just for Keshi's wedding? :)
m000nie LOL yep. HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ! Me quite a bitchy Lizzy hahaha!
Bev ur sooo funny girl LOL!
**kinda sounds like a horror flick--LOL
hahahahaha spot on babez! It sure is eerie :):)
**Love the way you wrote this in the 3rd. Very nice.
I didnt get that...wut d u mean in the Third? :)
Aidan hey tnxx mate!
** I am married I have to live vicariously through other bloggers.
How can an ex-beach-boy's life not be scandalous? ;-)
Andrew we gotta have boring weekends too. :)
Azuka how will ya find out? :)
Yash 3 comments ha...I can see ur excitement too :) aww HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
ofcourse Im going to the movies tonite...I'll tell u all abt it tmrw ok? ;-)
Ektaran aww I can see ur excitement too :):)
** have u decided as to what u'll be wearing
yeah I have been thinking abt it since 2 days ago LOL! Just casuals cos it's only a movie. Maybe with nice sexy shoes tho :)
hey Visithra hows ya?
** assumed snob but actually a nice guy
spot on! I was sooo shocked at how friendly this snob was.
Lera aww tnxxx n hugggggggz!
**looks like the much awaited magic is finally happening,
I dunno if he's the one but I sure like him as a friend so far :) Actually I dun want him to be the one cos he talks too much LOL!
Desperado :):)
**and Mr. Darcy is becomina a "Supertar" ;)
na he used to act like one LOL!
hey Grunty ty!
**Can't we just call it a date, Keshi?
LOL okkk then...DATE it is :) Mannn it feels wierd to go on a date after a long time!
Kavi heyy :)
** happyness on Tuesday !
u smart babez LOL!
Thumbelina sweetie yep we should never judge ppl by how they look.
** I do feel insecure. Felt like a threat is coming..
we all feel that way sometimes...I dun smile with all the strangers either :)
ty so much! I will keep u posted on this story ;-)
Ganesh ganesh ganesh :)
**DARCY and KESHI sitting on a tree....K.I.S.S.I.N.G...
lol cute!
ok I'll let u know what happens tonite..u want ALL the details? ;-)
Anony heyy ty!
**bumping into him where ever u go... it might be just the work of fate
u never know!
o that was u My_Life? awww :)
Vikas thats great that u had a relaxing wknd :)
**thats it...if she becomes healthy than i can say there is duplicate of u in india
wuuuuuut really? U cud have taken a pic of her na...wud be nice to see someone exactly like me!
ty Contented! btw I dun need so much luck...cos we r just friends now :)
Saby dude I aint getting married in a hurry ok?? LOL but that was cute.
**Signed Keshis mom
and Old man saby her foster father
awwwwwwww ur my father now? I though u wanted to marry me at one stage LOL! What happened?
Sunil heyy me no Mrs.Darcy LOL! No ways! I hate the term MRS btw...I wanna be MISS foreva :):)
ty Nora, will do :)
Kryss WC n tnxxx!
awww Im glad this post made u feel good. That makes my day!
Mumbai_Guy it seems u know alot abt romances :) ty!
true Sanjay, ty!
btw wut wud u do on a first date? I mean as a guy, how wud u behave on ur first date? ;-)
indeedz Has_to_be_me! ty HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
Kath I sure will update ya ;-) HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
lol he's no Mr.Right...he's Mr.Chatterbox.
KK ur a Mr.Darcy too? Reall? WOW so many arrogantly-disguised nice dudes :)
**Neither... :) I know what its about... :)
huh wut is it? Tell me plzz!
Priya yeah he made the wedding more interesting...or else I'd b just sitting there watching the ceremony and being deafened by loud music...and prolly wud have gone home earlier :)
Saby re-ignite the passion in ur marriage.
Your's sincerely,
Praddy heyy what r u wishing me for? LOL! This is just a friend btw.
hows u?
Meggzy mwahhhhhhhh!
LOL u r so spot on!
**So, it didn't happen at that wedding but it happened and this one...
yeah...u were right. Weddings r where ppl meet ppl..I know :) But most weddings I have been to were boring LOL! And it took so long to meet an interesting companion hehe.
ROFL I know! I got too many wedding pics hahahahaha!
ty so much for ur sweet words and wishes. U r truly a beautiful person Megz. HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ! I will keep u posted on this for sure.
Ashley ur right...he's very shy..that I know hehehe.
Outdoorsy mwahhhhhh!
**I keep hoping that something awesome like that will just strike me out of the blue. Maybe your luck will rub off on me
It will. Trust me. I never imagined that even for 4hrs I could be talking to this tall, dark, handsome dude who was a Mr.Darcy in my mind hehe. And it happened! Life is full of surprises my dear.
Here's sending u some golden fairy dust wishing u hit some real luck too ;-)
Suga I will try to get him inside my mobile fone tonite LOL!
Crazy_Me :) will do. ty!
Hi Keshi
"in the 3rd" You wrote this post in the third person or you made Keshi girl a character--LOL
Never mind. I've got my ways [that is, if you don't confess first]...
What, no pictures???? Indian weddings are gorgeous.
Sounds like a story with several chapters.
Keshi.. wow.. u never knw this is cud be the beginning of a well some story!... soon it cud be ur wedding. hehe.. well gr8 to knw tht u have something interesting going on!
Which makes it really bad that you are going to miss watching it. Don't worry, somebody else will tell you ;)
oh my my.. tell me weh u going for the movie.. am gonna call u n bother u to the coreeeeee
n pls pls pls go for the movie with him.. u neva know if he is ur types :) who wud love u for what u r
am sooooooooooooooooooooo happy for u muaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
ps: check ur mail bubbzyy
Awesome girleee. I am so wrapped for you love. Look, just take one day at a time. Let it all go natural ok. If you truly like him and he you, it will all work out gr8. But, if you are destined just to be gr8 friends, then, let it be :)
Our weekend was marvellous. We met up with friends form Sydney here in Melbourne, went out to Monroe's in St Kilda, a lovely restaurant cafe'and then had breakfast at the Docklands next Day. Very relaxing and rewarding.
Now, we are packing to move house.
Okay, Keshi - just waiting for the wonderful rest of the story... :-)
Fate -- and maybe opening your heart and mind a little to possibilities -- can do a lot.
Sometimes, what seems like someone ignoring you can mean the exact opposite.
Sounds like he was nervous, didn't want to appear to be attracted to you...
Anyway, wherever this leads, best of luck with it. And have fun.
i smell LOVE in the air!! LOL!!!
God Bless!!!
Can't wait to hear more about Mr Darcy. Good luck sweets:)
Saffy :)
o I gotcha now Bev, :) tnxx!
hehe Azuka I'd luv to hear that then...wut d u see? ;-)
Trundling_Grunt heyy Im pics this time :( But I have many pics of an Indian wedding I went to recently at:
have a look there :)
o cmon Viv not that fast LOL! but tnxxx :)
LOL Fleiger i'll put a band-aid over his lips.
ty Uttsy! Im going to the movies tonite.
Spot on Caz! I dun have big hopes...we r just friends for now.
Seems like u had a beautiful and relaxing nice! I love the St.Kilda area. It's got it's unique style.
Terry I promise to tell u more later on :) Depends on what happens tonite..LOL!
Ur always spot on WW!
tnxx mate :)
o cmon Deepz it could be just initial attraction...not necessarily love :)
aww tnxxx Geet!
WOW..1000 Txts..!!! lol..hooked for sure lady..;);)
As if he was sleeping for a thousand years LOL!
ahems..I waiting to hear abt that first kiss u guys would share that will wake him up sweetie.
all i have to say is..
*giggly giggles*
*hugs & kisses*
Amy hugggggggggggz!
** first kiss
lol hopefully he wont b too hard on me tonite. Im a shy girly. Right now we r friends so I hope he wont come crashing down on me with lusty deeds LOL!
lol....Enjoy yaself sweetie.Just make the most of it.
Do ya kiss on first dates?? hehE:P
If u do, well kiss him a little and not too that he will keep coming back for more..haha
AT least his eye lids will be opened at the touch of ya sexy, pouty and full lips..hehe..:P
Well girl have fun!! Thats always the best thing just be u , have fun and let's hope its easy to keep the pshysical stuff mellow for a while..
*hugs* i am sure it will be fun!!
*OUCH!! HOT!stuff*
So, all ready baby......have fun...besties ...muah.....pass on my muahs to Mr.Darcy :P...just kidding :)
Amy heyyyyy :):)
**Do ya kiss on first dates
LOL never girl! I hope it doesnt come to that. I will tell him to go fly a kite :):)
ty so much HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
Ektaran u wanna kiss him? LOL I'll tell him that then hahahahaha!
ty sweetie :):)
Heheh....this is too good to be true...go for it....I wanted to meet a real life Mr. Darcy after falling in love with Pride and Prejudice after year 10 English lol. But...alas....I don't actually know any arrogant guys...
Go for it!!
no, not ALL the details...just the juicy ones...
hey Keshi..howz u??..
it was really cool..Keshi meets Mr.Darcy...Mr.Darcy has surprised
I wanna hear more...plz keep updating us with all the developments....go and njoy the company of Mr.Darcy rather than njoying the
All the Best...!!
So you wrote saree and I lost all track of thought!
I know it sounds crazy, but not only do I think Indian women are the most beautiful in the world, I LOVE sarees (saris) and the BEAUTIFUL indian jewelry!
I was so in love with the culture, I once had a guy teach me I Love you in one of the languages!
Okay, enough psycho babble.
Keep us tuned...Mr. Darcy! :)
aha.. appuram enna achi? updates ethachum? :P too private to state here means its okie. u can always mail me. im all ears ;) ;)
some people..eventhough they're not good looking. just because they have money they think they can get any girls they want....
guys have said that i talk a lot.
i don't think i talk a lot. i can times i can be quiet. but seriously, people do suck....whatever issues they have..get a life!
So finally Keshi meets Mr so glad to hear that...well aishwarya also dint liked him first...but then things gradually improved...wat say Keshi dear ;) :P
how romantic!!
looks can still be deceving..remember this is just the beginning. :)) u might still find out all sorts of things that might make you liekhim even more or repulse you.
but looks like you've floored him.
way to go keshi!
was my weekend this scandolous?? only?
:p. am not telling..;)
hey keshi if take snaps on road then i think ppl will run after me;)
Took me back to sweet adolescence...
Happy New Year to you!
Keshi,I saw your last post,tried numerous time to leave comments but all I got is pics,couldn't leave the comments!!
Anyway,I got in today!Hey! at last a Desi!!:)) Take it slow and steady girl.Guys like to initiate.Have patience.May be this is it since mommy already likes you!!:D
Then what's the point of going to the movie hall? Take out a DVD and watch sitting at home...
Then what's the point of going to the movie hall? Take out a DVD and watch sitting at home...
Hey Keshi,
Reading your post... it appears like your Mr.Darcy is behaving just the way I do with gals :) So based on that I presume that Mr.Darcy is a person who does not like to go an introduce himself to any gal just like that... And until he gets introduced he acts stubborn as if he is not interested... Now that he got an intro through his mom, he is hitting on you, because he is interested in you. Thats why he is opening up withya on the first meet itself. I am sure he was just waiting for an intro...
For me my ego stops me from talking to a gal without an intro...hehehe
Hope no gal whom I know reads this... hide this comment ok??? lol!!! :)
BTW have fun... and Good luck... :)
ahem ahem tonight?
planning a little rendevous with Darcy tonight eh...
You Go Girl!!! :D
Wow, so cool! Good luck then Keshi ;)
ahem ahem.... something cooking??? i can already feel something in tehj air.... is it luurrrvvveee????
Looks like KAP had a great weekend... me, nothing really happened... no hunks in Nepal.... poor me!!!
I watched 'The Pursuit of Happyness'. It's alright if you can get through the long boring parts. Looks like you might have met a keeper although he sounds a little needy if he tells you his whole life story on the first real meeting.
Can't wait to hear more:-)
Interesting selection of pictures I was thinking that the guy on the top met the woman at the bottom and they created the kids inbetween.
too gorgeous.
Hmmm, I've known a few Mr. Darcy's ... always a pleasant surprise and a reminder to me not to rush to judgement. Emjoy!!
**ty Uttsy! Im going to the movies tonite.
(wish i was there sitting b.w u 2... HAHAHHAHAHA )
hugzzzzzzzzz now tell me how was ur dateeeeeeeee?????? lolll
hmm... well... well... 'keshi'?
Silvara heyy u'll will like this dude...he's tough from looks bt really nice inside :)
Ganesh juicy bits will b censored hehehe.
Harry heyyy ty!
actually I cudnt watch the movie all that much LOL!
Awaiting heyy u mite wanna check out my saree pics at
those r pics of my cuzn's wedding in NZ last year. Im there too :)
Ammu yeah too private to say it nenenene ;-) ok I'll email ya soon :):)
LOL Dalicia wut happened? U ok? awwww....ignore such guys...u deserve better sweetie.
hehe ur sweet Saira :) I rem that movie so well.
Rose yeah it seems like I have totally floored him cos he seems addicted to me. Now I need to send himn to ant-Keshi rehab :):)
LOL Vikas awww...
me no teenager Broody but I do act like one lol!
ty Asha hugggggggggggz! :)
**May be this is it since mommy already likes you
well Im not sure if she'll like me if/when I become her her D-I-L and she becomes my!
I did watch it Fleiger :)
KK ur a good analyst :) And I aint hiding this comment at all LOL!
**Now that he got an intro through his mom, he is hitting on you, because he is interested in you.
sounds spot on! hehehe...
Good analysis matey ty ;-)
Suga hell I am ;-)
ty Murane!
Niki why is it difficult to be his swt hrt? awww....with all ur charms and sweetness u can win anyone u want baby.
KAP how come no hunks in Nepal? I cant believe that :) Wut abt the farm hunk ay ;-)
Fuzzy it was a great movie yeah.
**although he sounds a little needy if he tells you his whole life story on the first real meeting.
hehe I thought so too...but then again mebbe he cud trust me just like that...well let me wait n see what he's trying to do :)
mommy ty ;-)
Tom hey ty!
**I was thinking that the guy on the top met the woman at the bottom and they created the kids inbetween.
that was quite a neat analysis wow!
ty Trundling_grunt!
tnxxx sweetie Bibi :)
wait on a bit Uttsy okk? hehehe...
Soj well well...:):)
Where is the update? *humph*
wait a bit??
lol alrigt!! will wait.. not for 2 longgggggggggggg:D
n where is my HUG???
n hey dint revert my mails?? *sighs*
hmm.. interesting.. so when are we getting more updates? Good to know you had an awesome weekend. I also enjoyed flying kites and celebrated my mom's birthday while I was home this past weekend. Njoy...
Ahem ahem :D
Off to a good start and running lol
kepp us posted.. currently keshi and Darcy sitting in a tree :)
nice pictures you got here! Where did you get all of this?
Ok, maybe I don't literally swagger, but I can have an aura of pretentiousness every now and then.
Was think about nothing specific, just a few things which have read over ur blog for a past few days ...
Anyways, I hope u trap him for another date, not a movie this time.
Please give a poor chap a chance.
Thats on behalf of all of us (guys especially) who read ur blog.
Take Care (of Him).
Cool weekend,Keshi! :) I had a job last weekend :) but it was fun to meet all my students and their parents as well :)
thats quite a story!it was really a surprise huh?maybe there would be something in the future?yay!!
its really an ego boosting when a cool dude paid attention and focused to you right?yeah,im married but i enjoy the glimpses,hehe..
TC Keshi!muahhh!
Now I got the receipe....
It was to be an indian catch up with gals in your neighborhood, with whom you are planning to initiate a conversation for quite a long time...
Damn, I dont have indian friends out I'll save the trouble..I will directly jump into text messaging ma Irish chick who is ma immediate neighbor (and we bump into each other only to exchange smiles)...
Job for the weekend: Get her number!!
Good luck for the date K000kie-Masta :)))
Waiting for an update here Keshi....
WTH! I bet him $50 that he wouldn't get your number at the wedding.
Statistically half of all North Americans are married to someone who grew up within 13 blocks of their home...or something like that.
Next time you do the talking and see if he knows how to listen.
Ooopsi!! Awesome, Finally The ever sexy Keshi meets Dracy of her dreams.!!
My week, er um, I made this notice and posted it bed room appartment, roomate wanted, shud be girl, shud know how to cook and shud be extremely sexy!!
Oooh, very exciting - I'll be watching this space!!!
They say "Never judge a book by its cover." ;p
LOL Keshi ... i think am keshi-in-the-making ... so many times i find myself so liek you! lol
Nah he'sjust probably open-hearted ... some people are ... tell their life story the first time they meet you (Am one of those kinds).
Not smiling ... well did u ever smile at him? He probably was thinkin the same about you!
So if you get to know each other better ... n u never know .. u guys might start dating too ;) (Hell yeah am a dreamer! ;p) .. u can ask him that! lol
Prachi heyy :)
Uttsy hello...
Akshay that sounds like a beautiful wknd! Happy Bday to ur MA hugggggggggggz!
LaVida u make me feel like a monkey hahaha!
Xazuru heyy WC n tnxxx!
Pics r from FOTOSEARCH site :)
AB heyy mate!
**an aura of pretentiousness
sweet :)
ellloooo Tarun!
**Thats on behalf of all of us (guys especially) who read ur blog.
hehe ok then...lets wait n see.
Ghee heyy huggggggggz!
tnxxx...I know u want me to be happy. However I dun wanna have too much of hope...cos I dun wanna go thru another Im gonna be just friends with him for now, no matter what he says. If he really wants me for life, he can prove it in time :)
ooo lala Irish chick ay ;-) They r cute...I know many Irish girls over here.
so so hows everything? Did u find a nice girl for ya to hang ard with? :)
U got it Ektaran :)
LOL HE :):) bt he somehow got my number!
**Statistically half of all North Americans are married to someone who grew up within 13 blocks of their home!
yep he talks alot...tonite Im gonna have to ask him to watch me talking hehehe.
hey Javitz ty! :) Not sure yet abt if I found THE ONE...but time will tell.
** bed room appartment, roomate wanted, shud be girl, shud know how to cook and shud be extremely sexy!!
LOL thats a good AD! 1 bed room HAHAHAHA!
hehehe Autumn ;-)
**... tell their life story the first time they meet you (Am one of those kinds).
LOL me too!
ok well Im not so sure abt him yet...lets wait n see na :)
Niki lolz that guy is he Japanese tho?
u r a competitor
i get fewer hits when u r around
i aim to kill ya
ok kill me losa LOL!
*******u make me feel like a monkey hahaha!
u mean u aren't one??? :P :P :D
You got a good friend this weekend, nice to know dear. Looks can't do with others; we can understand their character only by sharing.
LOL I am I am LaVida :)
ty Jeevan so true!
that was such a wonderful description of a lovely 'accidental meeting'...
All the Best ;)
ty Anony but it's all over now :)
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