G'day Keshi-Impersonator alias Richard Cranium,
You hate me for the truth I speak and you're really bothered by my existence which confirms your fakeness, aren't you? You had to copy my entire profile because your real self is pretty scary to admit. Well that’s fine go ahead,
make me feel more special everyday by trying hard to look like me, sound like me, win my friends’ hearts etc. You are giving me celebrity status dude. But when are you going to see your real self in the mirror and take away that mask when you go out in public? Or is that a frightening thought? I bet it is ‘cos you don’t have an identity that you can call your’s and that you could be proud of. You are a coward who can’t show your face ‘cos fear is all that's written all over your face, fear of being identified as a loser with no life whatsoever. Fear of others finding out how disgraceful you are, how low, guilty and evil you really are. Your heart is the ugliest and the most restless I have ever come across in life (one day when you're old and grey and stricken with sickness, you will realise this, if not now) - your heart seems to get filled with venom at the tick of each second on the clock. You wake up every morning thinking what you can do to put down someone today - what kind of joy do you get from this? How stressful and dark your life must be working out abuse lines and empty plans for people on the net, on a daily basis? How sad a person you are! Can you honestly eat, walk around, live and breathe this way? I find it shocking that people like you really exist in this world – can someone please tell me this guy is a mental patient, 'cos then it will be easier to understand his emotional drama. Every single day you burn and die in your own vengeance now you must look half alive and ugly as hell. 
I might have kicked your sorry ass one fine day and if it still hurts so bad, don’t just confirm it with every abuse comment you leave for me. It's only telling the world that you are really what I kicked you for. Go and see a butt-doctor instead and on the way back, drop by a psychiatrist too. Honestly, nothing you do bothers me. The only thing that worries me is YOU as a person among other human beings. Your mind is close to an animal's, but even animals have peaceful days but you don't seem to enjoy life at all. You badly need a reality check and alot of love that you may not be getting in your real life. Anyways how can anyone love someone like you, someone with only pure hatred in your heart even if that brings you cheap and temporary fun? You get what you give, remember that. Maybe you should start healing yourself by loving yourself...'cos you deserve your love...and it's the lack of love and self-respect that's driving you to live in a disgusting manner like this, inside a deep dark pit forever. It's never too late, so purify yourself by starting to love and respect yourself first, then think about others.
PS: If you don't know what Richard Cranium is (I doubt you don't)...what' s the short name for Richard? Dick. And where do you find Cranium? Head. Combine the two and you get your real identity that you couldn't figure out for so long - cos that's how you have been behaving for over a year now so it's the trademark quality of your's. Now go make your own profile using your name, not mine. You may leave another 100 abuses for me now, but that will only further prove to everyone what I have said about you. Go ahead do what you're usually guilty for - net crimes such as vengeful malice, leaving other people's site addresses in porn sites and leaving stupid comments by faking identities. Your guilty mind will never sleep and if you continue this, you will burn out way too early.
My dear blog friends, 
Richard Cranium envies me so much that he comments like me using a cloned profile of mine. The only way to check the authenticity of comments left under my name is to click on the Keshi link and check the blog Id. Mine will read as follows at the Address field: http://www.blogger.com/profile/4726142
(note: 4726142 is my blog id and that's the only way to find out that it's me and not Richard ).
Thanks for your co-operation. Always remember the more evil your thoughts are, the more you suffer...use Richard to learn from, he's a living example of an untrained evil mind that lead to self-destruction. A lost and tormented soul that can never rest, only because he refuses to stop and think for a change.
Happy blogging and loads of sunshine to all of you lovely people! Adios!