This is a home for my heart...a distant refuge for my spirit, away from the madding crowd and the masquerades that we live. This is where everything is unveiled and nothing is compromised.
Would you believe it I saw Pope Benedict XVI pass right infront of me last night! Out of all the City streets in Sydney, Pope's Motorcade went down my office street last night around 5:30pm and I was so delighted to be there and see him waving at us so closeup, from his cute Popemobile *no he wasn't visiting me for a s/w deal*. The Pope is in Sydney right now for the World Youth Day (WYD) celebrations and I'm glad I got to see a Pope in my lifetime. All I had to do was look through my office-floor window when he was arriving from afar, and run down and stand infront of the building entrance...though there were loads of people, I got a fantastic view of the cute man cruising down the street, smiling and waving at all of us. I wanted to holler 'Hey Pope I love ya mate!' but I thought I might get arrested, so I didn't. It was History in the making, and Keshi was right there woohoo! But one bad thing about this WYD mania is...the City and trains are over packed these last few days and slow foot traffic is bloody annoying. All sweet Pope had to do was to scream 'Rome is way hotter than Sydney woohoo!' and this massive crowd from all over the world would have gone home *grins*. Nevertheless, sweet Pope is my current superstar!
Now to my usual 'unholy' and 'sinful' talk...
A Lust Of Batmobile... I so wanna go see The Dark Knight(Batman 2008). I have a thing for caped crusaders. Trust me, there was a time I wanted to marry Batman! When I went to Queensland's Warner Bros. Movie World few years ago, I went on the Batmobile and I even took photos with the 'acting' Batman in Gold Coast LOL! I so drooled on his hot black outfit and like some of you already know, masks are a huge turn-on for me. I can get married to a caped and masked man and keep him that way all my life! *pictures my caped and masked husband going to work like that and getting dirty looks from people on the train*. It doesn't long as he's back home just like that aha. Have you ever heard of Batman Devouring, Spiderman Kissing, Superman Spanking?LOL try and tell me what you think they are, even if you haven't heard of them before. Batman, hey man you are my all time superstar!
Now to few things that I have been noticing in Blogville...
A Hate Of Judgemobile... *this is a pic of me, yes Tarun I have fleshy thighs, so what LOL!* Yesterday I was at a friend's blog and I saw someone in his blog saying 'your posts are always about girls and it's becoming redundant'. I was puking at that statement. Seriously, what's wrong with people that they try to manipulate others' blogs and get them to write what they prefer seeing than what the owner of the blog wants to write about? A blog is owned by the writer and though the posts may come across as boring, dull, redundant, shallow, unclassy etc to you, it's his/her blog, not your's. And neither does everyone in this world have equal interests and it's best we let people be who they are...not what we want them to be. No one is right/wrong...we all just have opinions, that's all. So stop judging others from your own views of life and how it should be. And if anyone here thinks I'm going overboard with my posts/pics here.. too bad mate...Welcome to Keshi's world! In your blog, you're your own superstar!
Weekend plans. I'm going to yet another musical show on Sunday yeyyyy! Yep, dancing and alot of hunk-watching included. Jealous anybody? Guess not. Have a good one yourselves my Superstars! And don't forget to answer the question in the Batman section of this post;-), be creative and use your imagination - you don't have to be accurate, just have fun. Thanks guys and see yous later!
'your posts are always about girls and it's becoming redundant'. *** I think the guy is still lucky to hv atleast a soft comment like this...
When unplugged started, it was like... #Hv u gone sexmaniac? #Dont u love girls in clothes? #I cant come to ur blog anymore coz there's nothing to read for us. #Its not my type u know... #Why is it always abt girls, love and sex? #Why dont u hv a single male commentor on ur blog? (Now how do i know abt that?)
Im glad u didnt take those usueless and highly biased comments on board and change who u r. Keep being YOU! ****Yeah exactly...why shud i change, i love girls, i hv had a beautifull share of relationships with a lot of them and i still hv good rapport with all of them.
btw someone called me a slut. lol he/she must hv sexual probs.***Not sexual, maybe some trouble upstairs..
my hand does wud be nice if u volunteered for some over the knee (OTK) spanking...and i hope i u have manners enuf to say thank u sir for each spank delivered
yeah u r...healthy...juicy is wat i'd say :P shape up though it doesnt take time to go frm juicy to a bag of potatoes...i'm trying hard not to turn into one myself...
oh btw...evidently every time there's a festival in sydney the sex industry there booms...including the current one...will search out tht newspaper that's my kind of religion :P
Did the Pope send a blessing your way? That's pretty cool. If he ever came anywhere near where I was, I would go see him too.
I get people bitching and griping all the time trying to tell me what I should and shouldn't post. It gets a little old, but they won't make me change anything.
And yeah a friend of mine once told me that my posts are mostly about me. he was of the opinion that I should write more about the news and my views, current affairs etc etc, something other than me. I told him, "Its my blog, my worl. I write what I want. That's the whole point of a blog. And if you want news read the newspaper and editorials in it." :P
** it doesnt take time to go frm juicy to a bag of potatoes
I agree. But I do my daily walks and I know I wont let that happen to myself. I'd rather kill myself. :) Looking good n healthy is v imp to me as much as other things in life r.
I'm jealous, too! I would LOVE to dance and oogle at hunks!! ; )
Someone called you a "slut"?! I hope you told him/her where to go...
I've never seen any pope... but I have been to the Vatican 3 times!! (and each time was EMOTIONAL!) Did you take a picture of the pope, or his popemobile? ; )
Have a wonderful weekend... and enjoy the concert : )
yes Pope smiled and waved as he passed. like u wud, I took time out to go see him cos he's someone worth SEEING. Someone who promotes peace, love and joy is definitely in my list of Superstars :)
btw when Bush was here I didnt even bother to watch TV. lol!
**It gets a little old, but they won't make me change anything.
hahaha so true!
And ty for the sweet compliments by a sweet hunk ;-) times i really dont understand these personal remarks they make...but anyway who cares as long as we know that since we blog , lot of diff ppl come with diff opinion, they r entitled for theirs and we r entitled for ours and if they still wanna waste time evaluating others, maybe they r too free.
**Someone called you a "slut"?! I hope you told him/her where to go...
I cudnt tell him anything cos he didnt leave a blog addy. Shows wut a fag he is. LOL!
U've been to teh Vatican? WOW! When I saw Pope last nite, I felt a strange sensation in my body. I never thought I'd feel that way. It cud be psychological, cos he's such a divine man..but it felt soooo good. Like the human form of LOVE just passed me by.
I cudnt take pics cos my mobile is pretty bad with nite shots. And he passed pretty a kid going on a swift street stroll in his lil car :)
yes Southy I've become stronger with remarks like that. The more they try to put me down, the more I stand up..and the more I realise the light of my honesty must be hurting their eyes alot :)
and u really dont understand my ans...right now...if i were to say, think or imagine...the end result wud all b kinky!!! and even more frustrating...grr grr
Hmmm...Pope Benedict? I don't know about him and his past life...nor doses he carry that unique peaceful expression...however what do you expect from a former Catholic...warm greetings
Dont know much about Pope Benedict but Pope Jaoh Paul was an angel.
Bat Mobile ... hmm I would prefer to be a superman though, No i dont have anything for red undies I love flying. :D
oh well I have downloaded the "thigh" snap, I have it as my desktop mobile and screensaver. :P Sorry Keshi, but my emphassis was on treadmill not on thighs. :|
Yeah people who keep on judging are losers. I write Because I want, somebody may or may not read it. If they comment its fine, If they dont I continue to write. :)
The couple who got married last week are shifting to Mumbai, those guys are techies, so beer and fried rice for me this weekend. :D
Yeah looking fwd to it. 6 workings days a week, so some beer and "good spirits" are a must. Fried rice/Tandooru chicken anything it goes. May be a movie as well. Me too looking fwd to that Batman movie.It is for heath ledger I will watch it for, they say its a best performance in a negative role for ages.
Yeah there's nothing like some passionate human flesh during a break...:P Shit...i m going down the memory lane and missing some things so much now...:)
Yeah remember that,shopping u may be cold in Aussie land ... I wonder why it rains only on weekends in Mumbai. :( Its not rained practically yhe whole week and now I can see only clouds.
I guess one (round of drinks) for clouds thunder and heavy downpour.
Hey Keshi! My Indian mind said 'ooh! this is far too good to be true'. Loved the picture with the moibile phone. That smart hint of a tilt, wow! For us Indians fleshy everywhere is good. You have the right proportions; Just don't put on anymore...
"Seriously, what's wrong with people that they try to manipulate others' blogs and get them to write what they prefer seeing than what the owner of the blog wants to write about?"
so true ya...after all its my blog i ll write what i want and initially u came to read me because you want to knwo what i think about life and other things..why do what others tell you to do when you want to do things differently
kewl.. Pope... wow!! i was actually thinking that u saw his msg on mobile, coz there was a news in paper that his msg is everyone on mobile in Australia!!! :P
but girl.. .u r lucky!!!
Also, i like to write abt woman/girls too coz i love them!! and u know that.. i dont care wat ppl say... hehe.. ppl dont think it was me!! :P
and yes... u have flashy things!!! :P m over with milks and jugs girl...plzz!! :P dont make me fall into it again... m in office!! :D
and yes, i wil be watching Batman tomorrow!!! :D already advance booked!! :D yeppies!!! !
some hot stuff there.. batman and the catwoman.. lol
wat a combination.. lol
hell with ppl's stupid comments let them shove it up the *** lol ;)
n btw i cud read some sizzling hot comments aboe b.w 2 old frnds huh??
have fun on sunday and keep rocking..
Keshi i have a news for u ... my co. has tied up with Aquent. have u heard about them?? their off is in sydney. Do let me know if their office is nearby to yours :D
do email me the details :p
i'm just hoping if they send me to sydney.. it wont happen so soon.. Hope still remains! lol
Lame answers I know, But I put down what came into my head while reading this! lol....
Keshi! Don't YOU ever change your blog... that is why I come here is because YOUR BLOG is a refection of YOU!! You make me laugh, Cry and wanna SHOP!! hahaha!!
EFF THEM!! They are the ones that really get on my nerves!
I have never been a super hero fan so no excitation about bat man.. I completely agree with you that we do not blog to please others taste at least I don't. Its for myself.. I cannot keep aside my thoughts, my inner self, my contemplations to please others. I might be boring but i like it the way it is. So i am with you.
Wow you're so lucky. Though i'm not a christian, i've always liked the Pope, specially John Paul 2. M'be Pope Benedict is as nice as him. Hope he visits India too sometime.
Wow, it seems an exciting moment for you to see the Pope Benedict! My ans is ‘may be I don’t know’, but in films I see Spiderman kissing ;) have a wonderful weekend keshi.
heya keshi dear!! so u like batman!!...i like him too...but i loved to have val kilmer in the batman suit..according to me he was/is the best batman ever...!!... i am gonna watch darknight soon!!....
batman was always a antihero..if u read the origianl comics... he was the first superhero who "enjoyed" killing ppl... and.... he is the only superhero.... who does not have any supernatural abilities...he is a hero just because of his own super powers...
tht is why he keeps on monitoring all other superhero's and never is close to anyone...
he was always my hero...i have his action figure on my bedside table....since i can remebr.... i never knew u liked him too... u like the character...or the "heroes" wearing the cape eh keshi ??
oi...know wot...i just commented like that at mavz latest post...well, he had asked for opinion's from just asked wot are guys supposed to reply :D were ya referring to tht comment???
I hate it too when people give you their opinion on what you should post in your own blog...I just turn and ask them to start blogging if they feel so strongly..
So my take on Batman devouring : Watching Micheal keaton (my fav batman) on large screen Spiderman kissing: upside down kiss.. though really why would you want to?? superman spanking : A spanking that is so quick, thats its faster than light...??
* "Self praise and self addiction cannot get bigger and better than this!" *
My interpretation tells me that you should take it as a perverted compliment. The guy probably meant that he also wanted "self praise and self addiction" in his blog :P
We should just tell him to lad a more interesting life and have some interesting thoughts - then at least it would make for interesting narcissistic reading :P
Now, look here Keshi, you are surely the most luxurious woman ever..and your thighs are way hot, Hell, I think I could turn to like chicks because of look at what you made me say LOL Bugger people who judge you, never ever change lovely girl.
haha Pinku yes I do hv some juvenile audience here too. But hey, Im the blog owner and Im asking u that qn. So dun hesitate to flow freely in here. Ur most WC to ok. :)
**Pope??? it's like watching a hollywood superstar, right??
its actually much BETTER than that. Cos Pope is an embodiment of Love, Compassion and Peace. Whereas most Hollywood stars r all abt glamor, fame, money and lust :)
hahahahahaha good on ya! Spank babeh spank! Whip it ;-)
And ty for that encouragement. I know u mean. Everyone's blogs r their on reflections...and it should never be tampered with. U may be 19...but u hv the sensibility and wisdom that most older ppl in Blogville dun hv. And the reason I am still in Blogville is for ppl like u.
Music seems to adore me as it keeps reaching my and cars...friends I cannot be without...poems, life, ocean, people...these are some things I simply love. This is my personal e-diary...if anything I blurt out here hurts anyone, my sincere apologies in advance. What I write here are my deepest thoughts that I hardly discuss with people close to me in real. These are my conversations with my mind and the walls who sometimes have better listening powers than humans. But ofcourse I value everyone's views and I intend to grow from them, so you're most welcome to express yourselves here.
Life is too short so I try to 'live' longer every day...and yes one day at a time.
Knowledge is power hence people have been the source of that power in me...I thank them always.
244 Cranium Signets:
in two hours from now i ll be watching the dark knight, first day first show...yeyyyyyy
Stygian thats great!
Think of Keshi begging n moaning when u see!
'your posts are always about girls and it's becoming redundant'. ***
I think the guy is still lucky to hv atleast a soft comment like this...
When unplugged started, it was like...
#Hv u gone sexmaniac?
#Dont u love girls in clothes?
#I cant come to ur blog anymore coz there's nothing to read for us.
#Its not my type u know...
#Why is it always abt girls, love and sex?
#Why dont u hv a single male commentor on ur blog?
(Now how do i know abt that?)
haha Southy! Wankers comment like that. ppl who dun wanna ADMIT the truth.
**Its not my type u know...
o gawd thats such a retarded OPINION.
Im glad u didnt take those usueless and highly biased comments on board and change who u r. Keep being YOU!
btw someone called me a slut. lol he/she must hv sexual probs.
**Its not my type u know...
o gawd thats such a retarded OPINION.
Im glad u didnt take those usueless and highly biased comments on board and change who u r. Keep being YOU!
****Yeah exactly...why shud i change, i love girls, i hv had a beautifull share of relationships with a lot of them and i still hv good rapport with all of them.
btw someone called me a slut. lol he/she must hv sexual probs.***Not sexual, maybe some trouble upstairs..
Yes Southy...we should stick to who we r. Not what others want us to be.
yeah..prolly a hungry Somalian lol!
me me i am all jealous
enjoy the show!
my hand does wud be nice if u volunteered for some over the knee (OTK) spanking...and i hope i u have manners enuf to say thank u sir for each spank delivered
yeah u r...healthy...juicy is wat i'd say :P shape up though it doesnt take time to go frm juicy to a bag of potatoes...i'm trying hard not to turn into one myself...
btw looking at that snap i must say You are looking HOTT babayyy...:D
oh btw...evidently every time there's a festival in sydney the sex industry there booms...including the current one...will search out tht newspaper that's my kind of religion :P
and still no high heels :(
Batman stare/ogle a lot !
Did the Pope send a blessing your way? That's pretty cool. If he ever came anywhere near where I was, I would go see him too.
I get people bitching and griping all the time trying to tell me what I should and shouldn't post. It gets a little old, but they won't make me change anything.
And you look fabulous as always babe. ;-)
**masks are a huge turn-on for me
so u into role!!!!
You saw the wowwwwww.
And yeah a friend of mine once told me that my posts are mostly about me. he was of the opinion that I should write more about the news and my views, current affairs etc etc, something other than me. I told him, "Its my blog, my worl. I write what I want. That's the whole point of a blog. And if you want news read the newspaper and editorials in it." :P
LaVida come with me to the concert sweetz :) We can jam it together!
hey its good that u saw the pope.. hope one day i can meet him as well! hv a great weekend gal!
m going for the dark knight tonight ... sad that they dont make many new super-woman flicks ;)
and chk my reply to ur gujju comment on my blog :)
hv a good weekend ... & njoi ur Sunday musical !!!
lol Mystique ty!
** it doesnt take time to go frm juicy to a bag of potatoes
I agree. But I do my daily walks and I know I wont let that happen to myself. I'd rather kill myself. :) Looking good n healthy is v imp to me as much as other things in life r.
**OTK that? hahaha!
I'm jealous, too!
I would LOVE to dance and oogle at hunks!! ; )
Someone called you a "slut"?! I hope you told him/her where to go...
I've never seen any pope...
but I have been to the Vatican 3 times!! (and each time was EMOTIONAL!) Did you take a picture of the pope, or his popemobile? ; )
Have a wonderful weekend...
and enjoy the concert : )
Hugs & Blessings
laughing ain't wat u shud be doing...begging wud be more suited for the moment...
awww ty Southy! Its a pleasure to hear a hot compliment from a hunk like ya. ;-)
btw Southy, another blogger called me too Wild, too self-obsessed etc etc. I'd rather be wild n self-obsessed than be in denial and obessed over him.
Mystique the sex industry in Aus is in boom 24/7, 365 days of the yesr. :):)
Aussies r never in denial of REALITY.
Hobo I didnt u'stand ur comment? sorry.
really Stygian? see Granmas can be super hot u lil boy! LOL!
ty Jay HUGS!
yes Pope smiled and waved as he passed. like u wud, I took time out to go see him cos he's someone worth SEEING. Someone who promotes peace, love and joy is definitely in my list of Superstars :)
btw when Bush was here I didnt even bother to watch TV. lol!
**It gets a little old, but they won't make me change anything.
hahaha so true!
And ty for the sweet compliments by a sweet hunk ;-)
Mayz I def why r ya laffing? LOL!
hahaha SMM!
**And yeah a friend of mine once told me that my posts are mostly about me
omg u wudnt believe how much of THAT I hear on a daily basis. Someone in my 'Dumb Blonde' post said this:
"Self praise and self addiction cannot get bigger and better than this!"
I really didnt get that comment, in that post. Can u tell me wut he meant SMM? lol!
ty Anits!
He was so v sweet.
ty Hiren and I'll check it soon. :)
And when u watch Batman, imagine Keshi going gaga over him.
Keshi. times i really dont understand these personal remarks they make...but anyway who cares as long as we know that since we blog , lot of diff ppl come with diff opinion, they r entitled for theirs and we r entitled for ours and if they still wanna waste time evaluating others, maybe they r too free.
ty darling Coco!
**Someone called you a "slut"?! I hope you told him/her where to go...
I cudnt tell him anything cos he didnt leave a blog addy. Shows wut a fag he is. LOL!
U've been to teh Vatican? WOW! When I saw Pope last nite, I felt a strange sensation in my body. I never thought I'd feel that way. It cud be psychological, cos he's such a divine man..but it felt soooo good. Like the human form of LOVE just passed me by.
I cudnt take pics cos my mobile is pretty bad with nite shots. And he passed pretty a kid going on a swift street stroll in his lil car :)
Mystique that wud be like having sex in a blog. Not my style. :)
I agree Southy. They can hv their opinions but I hate it when they try to shove PERSONAL remarks abt me in my own blog.
Cant help it, u know...take it otherwise n u'll only feel good that u r much better than a lot of'em
more so like in a glass cage wid everybody watching... bad :)
yes Southy I've become stronger with remarks like that. The more they try to put me down, the more I stand up..and the more I realise the light of my honesty must be hurting their eyes alot :)
hehhe the Popemobile - that's so cute :D
Can't believe you saw him - no matter if I disagree with some of his beliefs, I still respect him as a man of faith.
And a FUCK YOU to all the trolls out there. Keshi's blog = Keshi's material. Like it or leave it. :D
Mystique PDA ha..ur def the Kink Master ;-)
Exactly. Thats what i meant...
WOW!!! cool stuff!!! I liked the grey dress! Yes, Batman in list ;)
Have a great weekend dear
Hugz n Cheers
Spiderman ?
haha ty Silvara!
FUCK YOU is my msg to them too. Just that it seems that they dun even u'stand what that means. *cranium deficiency alert*
**no matter if I disagree with some of his beliefs..
I really dunno much abt Pope. All I know is that he's a human symbol of Love and Goodwill. So I respect him :)
btw, tell me abt his beliefs that u dun agree..I'd like to know too sweetz. tnxx!
aha Southy :) tnxx!
ty Dawny :)
Hobo cud u elaborate when u speak, instead of using just one word? tnxx! :)
Now how come NO ONE has answered my qn in this post!!
wat was the q.n again?
and i am too afraid to ans...given the current phase :(
u dun read my posts d u Mystique? Cos the qn is in the post actually.
and u really dont understand my ans...right now...if i were to say, think or imagine...the end result wud all b kinky!!! and even more frustrating...grr grr
I havent heard of any of them unfortunately...For me the underdogs who made it big grabbed my attention...:)
yes Mystique the end result wud be that. But thats not what Im asking. Im asking wut d u think that means :)
Southy I made em so use ur imagination ;-)
batman devouring could be an icecream
spiderman kissing could be a female condom
and the superman spanking could tht wud be me in a superman suit :P
whoaaaa u got some HOT answers there Mystique!
Even I cudnt think that creative an answer to each of those qns. I'll come up with my answers after a few more ppl give me their answers :)
but yeah ur superb!
Have you ever heard of Batman Devouring, Spiderman Kissing, Superman Spanking?
They are male? right?
and yet no heels, toes, or soles frm u...ure going down in kink rating here :P
Well since our trip in the woods is still pending i wudnt mind being the batman devouring...ahem ahem...:D
Now dont thro ur sandal from there...:P
Hmmm...Pope Benedict? I don't know about him and his past life...nor doses he carry that unique peaceful expression...however what do you expect from a former Catholic...warm greetings
Hobo yes they r male...but if ur a male, then u can still use ur imagination to put urself in their shoes and see what that means :)
Like Mystique's ans was..
Mystique lol no ways. Im not going down in Kink rating. U r! Cos ur obsessed abt toes and its getting a bit 'stale' ya know ;-)
haha Southy good one!
No ways I aint gonna throw my shoe at ya!
A Batman in the sounds raunchy!
ty Kuan!
** I don't know about him and his past life...nor doses he carry that unique peaceful expression...
u think so? To me, expressions dun matter that much as long as the job is done :)
**however what do you expect from a former Catholic.
ur a former Catholic? oh ok. Im a Buddhist, Hindu, Catholic, Methodist, Muslim, Jewish etc etc :) Im Human more than anything else.
And u know the best thing abt the batman's mask is it does leaves some space open ard the mouth....hahahahahaha
Alien ?
Better option.
have a good weekend!! i am waiting to watch batman as well!!
Hmmm ....
U joining in WYD celebrations?
Dont know much about Pope Benedict but Pope Jaoh Paul was an angel.
Bat Mobile ... hmm
I would prefer to be a superman though, No i dont have anything for red undies I love flying. :D
oh well I have downloaded the "thigh" snap, I have it as my desktop mobile and screensaver. :P
Sorry Keshi, but my emphassis was on treadmill not on thighs. :|
Yeah people who keep on judging are losers.
I write Because I want, somebody may or may not read it.
If they comment its fine, If they dont I continue to write. :)
The couple who got married last week are shifting to Mumbai, those guys are techies, so beer and fried rice for me this weekend. :D
I am a glutton.
haha Southy good one! yeah the lips and the tongue need to hv access u see.
Hobo again Im confused by ur comment :)
Alien better option? wut d u mean?
ty Deepz!
Absolutely they r one of the most essential tools for such moments...:D
heyyya Tarun :)
I do fancy men in red undies. LOL!
**Sorry Keshi, but my emphassis was on treadmill not on thighs
dun be Sorry! hehehe..u did say my thighs were thunder thighs. Actually they r not. They r not skinny either. Just fleshy. I swear!
So back to beer n fried rice wknd? :) good on ya! Life is too short not to eat what u like. Enjoy n hv fun!
yeah Southy. rite now Im hvn my rather late lunch...and Im devouring a yummy chicken lasagna...delicious and so satisfying on my tongue hehehe.
Im so hungry Im basically eating it in an un-ladylike style..and Im sure if my colleague sees me rite now he's gonna pass out LOL!
Yeah looking fwd to it.
6 workings days a week, so some beer and "good spirits" are a must.
Fried rice/Tandooru chicken anything it goes.
May be a movie as well.
Me too looking fwd to that Batman movie.It is for heath ledger I will watch it for, they say its a best performance in a negative role for ages.
I like spicy chicken tikka @Tarun.
yes part of the reason was for Heath Ledger as well.
You are confused because I am the Batman...
Oh hell no i thought u wud hv liked the batman for a late lunch...:P
haha Hobo!
Good one Southy. that wud be like the BEST lunch ever? LOL!
Worry not I will post the snap of beer and chicken if I click one.
The dress is worth the drool .......... :P
U not wearing that to office, are you?or else I see a host of guys in drooling all over you.
Yeah there's nothing like some passionate human flesh during a break...:P
Shit...i m going down the memory lane and missing some things so much now...:)
enjoy !
yeah Tarun we need more pics from ur life, tnxx!
*the dress
o ty! :) yes thats what I wore yday to work underneat a jacket hehehe.
Alot of guys in my office r still alive..dun worry. LOL!
Southy I know wut u mean. some sizzling memories ha..
ty Hobo the Batman! :)
Here its so bloody boring offlate...
Yeah remember that,shopping u may be cold in Aussie land ...
I wonder why it rains only on weekends in Mumbai. :(
Its not rained practically yhe whole week and now I can see only clouds.
I guess one (round of drinks) for clouds thunder and heavy downpour.
Hey Keshi! My Indian mind said 'ooh! this is far too good to be true'. Loved the picture with the moibile phone. That smart hint of a tilt, wow! For us Indians fleshy everywhere is good. You have the right proportions; Just don't put on anymore...
Loved the song too.
The Pope is so darn cute !!
And girl...I luuurrrve that dress ya wearing...ooooo....
About ppl judging others blogs...its such a ultra-juvenile sad-ass thing you know...arrgh !
I mean a blog is for self-expression-not for fake impression, I will write wha I wanna write not what you wanna read...bugger off looser !
What are they thinking when they actually tell you what you should be !!
And hey, about that question I got no idea girl...All I am thinking of is Eric Bana and the lift !
Southy yeah and Silvara was talking abt Morning Sex the other day...and I asked her wut that was, cos I dun even get Annual sex lol!
Its bak to beautiful sunshiny days in Sydney Tarun. Aussie weather is like that..u can hv 4 seasons in just one day!
haha Kulz HUGS n ty! ;-)
**You have the right proportions; Just don't put on anymore...
whoaaa Im pretty happy with that comment. TY!
aww ty Cindy MWAH! :)
yes..some ppl hv nothing better to do than make judgements abt other ppl's personalities.
**...All I am thinking of is Eric Bana and the lift now..
hahahahahaha! Imagine him im a Batman suit in the lift...all alone with Cindy! wut wud ya do girl? :)
@ Keshi: Obviously Cindy wont be asking which floor.
Oh hell no...dont remind me of the morning sex....sigh
Tarun I dunno wut Cindy wud do, but if I was in there I'd lock the lift.
Southy :):)
If U do that, then I hear batman crying for help.
Mmmmmmmmmmm.........secret !!
@ Tarun : Smart boy !
**If U do that, then I hear batman crying for help.
Tarun Im talking abt BATMAN and Eric Bana in that suit. Not lil boy Jack in 5th Grade. lol!
Cindy hunny I think I know ur secret ;-)
And dont you think of being in a lift or any-goddamn-where with Eric Bana you woman !
He's taken !
Hell yeah babeh !
Who would know any better ?!
haha Cindy wut if it happens? I mean u never know, Eric Bana being Aussie and all...woohoo!
Cindy we girls know all the secrets ha ;-)
I'm gonna sue you for that..lay off !!
Banadinovich is taken !!!!
Hahahaha...and men think 'girls are so complicated.."
Rofl !
Yeah take it from me Keshi, no man likes to get cornered, not even Eric Bana even if he is is a Batsmen suit.
God save the lift.
Batsmen is not applicable on this blog. ;)
haha Cindy beware girly he's in Aus and u know me...I get very determined if I 'laiiike' something ;-)
on 2nd thoughts, I'd do anything to keep mah Cindy happy. So yeah..I'll back off. After one a night stand with Eric ofcourse LOL!
Tarun omg I cant believe u said that!
**Yeah take it from me Keshi, no man likes to get cornered, not even Eric Bana even if he is is a Batsmen suit.
He'd have to be GAY not to like being cornered in THAT manner!
Rofl @ Tarun's comment !!!
And eventually they'd give up, eh ?
Thats why the 'god save the lift' ?
hey Cindy, like Batman wud say NO to u or me. LOL!
Take it from us Tarun, no real MAN wud say NO to Cindy and me. lolz!
You evil sinful sinhalese bimbo !!!!
I guess I'll have to get down to Sydney to settle my scores.
And btw he's in melbourne..not in Sydney...lalala....
I thought Batman was claustrophobic by nature.
*no real MAN wud say NO to Cindy and me.*
I dunno about Cindy, but Keshi ?!!
Hell yeah babeh !!
ROFL @evil sinhalese bimbo!
Cindy Mel is still closer to me than it is for u right? LOL!
nah Tarun, if he was, he wudnt be in a cape..he's be naked.
Nah Cindy, I know there's no way a man can say NO to a HOTTER like not only looks, but also by brains and personality. U rock!
*no real MAN wud say NO to Cindy and me.*
That "and" was meant to be "or" .... right?
Naked Batmen ...
In between u know in ancient Olympics,
man compete naked for crown of olive leaves.
I am coming down...rightaway...this is getting outta hand....
hehe Tarun.
**That "and" was meant to be "or" .... right?
Naked Batmen ...
no..its still AND. Cos hvnt u heard of 3soms? LOL!
Naked Romans must hv looked ugly! Imagine those huge hairy men being naked? ewww!
Cindy spare urself the trouble...I can lookafter him. Its only an hour's flight. :)
I kinda find the masked guys cute too .. maybe its something to do with the mystery behind the mask .. LOL
And about people meddling in blog content .. people cant just help how theya re .. earlier it was physical meddling .. now its virtual ...
Have a great weekend gal!!
Oh Hell.
talking of tri.
I knew they were making triology.
Triology featuring threesome.
Joker Penguin and Batman.
Olympics was way before Romans.
only the Greeks participated in Olympics.
Dont know if they were hairy.
Once again freaking KEshi:)))
but spiderman did kissed in one of hism movie...isnt??
Keshi even u r HOT :PPP (this was for the answer of tits tats post);-))
"Seriously, what's wrong with people that they try to manipulate others' blogs and get them to write what they prefer seeing than what the owner of the blog wants to write about?"
so true ya...after all its my blog i ll write what i want and initially u came to read me because you want to knwo what i think about life and other things..why do what others tell you to do when you want to do things differently
Wow... not everyone gets to see the Pope that close... good one mate...
I would have to pass on answering your question.
I agree with you about the blog owner's right over his/her content. Cant change one's thought to write to please someone else, boooo...
Sounds like a good plan for the weekend.. enjoy the music show Keshi... take care... :)
p.s. kovam pocha?
kewl.. Pope... wow!!
i was actually thinking that u saw his msg on mobile, coz there was a news in paper that his msg is everyone on mobile in Australia!!! :P
but girl.. .u r lucky!!!
Also, i like to write abt woman/girls too coz i love them!! and u know that.. i dont care wat ppl say... hehe.. ppl dont think it was me!! :P
and yes... u have flashy things!!! :P
m over with milks and jugs girl...plzz!! :P
dont make me fall into it again... m in office!! :D
and yes, i wil be watching Batman tomorrow!!! :D
already advance booked!! :D
yeppies!!! !
**ppl dont think it was me!!
means it wasnt my post or my blog or my comment!! :D
oo lala...
some hot stuff there.. batman and the catwoman.. lol
wat a combination.. lol
hell with ppl's stupid comments let them shove it up the *** lol ;)
n btw i cud read some sizzling hot comments aboe b.w 2 old frnds huh??
have fun on sunday and keep rocking..
Keshi i have a news for u ... my co. has tied up with Aquent. have u heard about them?? their off is in sydney. Do let me know if their office is nearby to yours :D
do email me the details :p
i'm just hoping if they send me to sydney.. it wont happen so soon.. Hope still remains! lol
the answers to ur batman query...the ones that come to my mind are all the adult rated variety and I dont want to rob the kids of fun so resisting...
Have a lovely weekend!!!
me too goin to watch the dark knight tomorrow!!!
And my oh my, Keshi is gettin some compliemtns haan?
The Pope is so cuteee! :)
Have a great weekend babes!Hugsss
do check it out.
Keshi, Iam yet to watch The Dark Knight.
Yah, yah, one's blog is for him/her.
Pope??? it's like watching a hollywood superstar, right??
Hey keshi, I've replied to you at Sol's blog. please check it out :)
Actually, I missed the "morning pill" part of sol's post.
I dnt knw why i dnt like batman at all :(
But Mr. Pope.. is cute :)
gr8 pics!
sexy pics!!
wohooo pics!!
ok thts it! :-D
batman devouring:Tequila with Limes!
spiderman kissing: GIRLS GONE WILD!
superman spanking: ME? LOL!!!
Lame answers I know, But I put down what came into my head while reading this! lol....
Keshi! Don't YOU ever change your blog... that is why I come here is because YOUR BLOG is a refection of YOU!! You make me laugh, Cry and wanna SHOP!! hahaha!!
EFF THEM!! They are the ones that really get on my nerves!
pblogHey Keshi Dear.......... Love u yah... Thanks for that. You know for what. Sure, I shall send that reader here.
New superstar pope... hmmm... Enjoy
I've always had a *thing* for Batman, too! Gotta love that tight leather!
I have never been a super hero fan so no excitation about bat man..
I completely agree with you that we do not blog to please others taste at least I don't. Its for myself.. I cannot keep aside my thoughts, my inner self, my contemplations to please others. I might be boring but i like it the way it is. So i am with you.
Did I ever tell you that many years ago I gave 'high-five' to the last pope (johannes paul II) when I was in Rome! hahaha, oh yeah!
U saw the Pope! Thats huge girl. Am planning to catch the movie on the weekend :) Did you like Darth Vader of Star Wars too?
Wow you're so lucky.
Though i'm not a christian, i've always liked the Pope, specially John Paul 2.
M'be Pope Benedict is as nice as him.
Hope he visits India too sometime.
Wow, it seems an exciting moment for you to see the Pope Benedict! My ans is ‘may be I don’t know’, but in films I see Spiderman kissing ;) have a wonderful weekend keshi.
heya keshi dear!!
so u like batman!!...i like him too...but i loved to have val kilmer in the batman suit..according to me he was/is the best batman ever...!!...
i am gonna watch darknight soon!!....
Oh yeah, you loooove the masked men!!!
Curvy girls rock, enough said.
And I agree w/ you, people's blogs are personal and shouldn't be boxed by others. If you don't like the content, don't read!!!
moan granma moan! i saw batman...
it is a good movie. ledger's best i guess cos he isn around to produce anything better.
and good luck on the weekend outing. hope you find someone there. at least talk, so that you wont have to pine away for the rest of next week. :)
In your blog, you're your own superstar!
Completely agree with this statement...... not know what to say. Know nothing about the Pope, do not like Batman, and people will judge no matter what. You do your thing.
well said thoughts/puke/garbage:)
btw...u hv been tagged...check my blog!!!
batman was always a antihero..if u read the origianl comics... he was the first superhero who "enjoyed" killing ppl... and.... he is the only superhero.... who does not have any supernatural abilities...he is a hero just because of his own super powers...
tht is why he keeps on monitoring all other superhero's and never is close to anyone...
he was always my hero...i have his action figure on my bedside table....since i can remebr....
i never knew u liked him too... u like the character...or the "heroes" wearing the cape eh keshi ??
oi...know wot...i just commented like that at mavz latest post...well, he had asked for opinion's from just asked wot are guys supposed to reply :D
were ya referring to tht comment???
seems like you got a batman fetish here...
hez my favourite superhero too...
I hate it too when people give you their opinion on what you should post in your own blog...I just turn and ask them to start blogging if they feel so strongly..
So my take on
Batman devouring : Watching Micheal keaton (my fav batman) on large screen
Spiderman kissing: upside down kiss.. though really why would you want to??
superman spanking : A spanking that is so quick, thats its faster than light...??
have fun at the show
i will pass the kinky parts with superman, spiderman and batman...but catwoman is another story all together :)
hey keshi u h've been blogrolled. not really a batman fan di.....anyways...u really daw him....Great for u!!
Have a lovely weekend :)
* "Self praise and self addiction cannot get bigger and better than this!" *
My interpretation tells me that you should take it as a perverted compliment. The guy probably meant that he also wanted "self praise and self addiction" in his blog :P
We should just tell him to lad a more interesting life and have some interesting thoughts - then at least it would make for interesting narcissistic reading :P
Now, look here Keshi, you are surely the most luxurious woman ever..and your thighs are way hot, Hell, I think I could turn to like chicks because of look at what you made me say LOL
Bugger people who judge you, never ever change lovely girl.
haha Deepti u too? That means u've got enigmatic taste when it comes to kinks. ;-) good on ya!
**people cant just help how theya re .. earlier it was physical meddling .. now its virtual
LOL sooooo true! Now its virtual. wuts wrong with ppl? Cant they just let others be!
Tarun Greeks r VERY hairy!
**Joker Penguin and Batman
so u mean Cindy and I r Joker and Penguin? *slaps tarun*
ty Chakoli ;-)
Spiderman is very kissable yes. LOL!
batman wing-caresses,
batman mask-love-marks,
'bat'man 'ball'-bites,
batman 'fly'orgasms,
geeeeee tatz all i can think of now..
n ya saw the pope- ya're blesses keshigurl..
n ya look all full n hot bawdied in that dress of yars.. :)
mwuahhh :* n god bless
I know Phoenix..its so annoying when ppl try to make u sound like them. lol!
hey happy start to weekend...dont c u on yahoo
Arv tnxx!
**I would have to pass on answering your question.
u pass all LUST related qns. May I ask why?
nah Im not madz at ya ;-)
Ankur hahaha @milk n jugs! Beware at the cinemas today...ur eyes mite roll n cross when u see girls. LOL!
heyy Uttsy so nice to hv ya here after a long time. MWAHHHHHHHHH!
yes...Southy n I need to fight alot to get back together. LOL its a love-hate r'ship :) Jokes apart, old friends will always be the best ones.
Ur coming to Sydnaaaaaaay? WOWWWWWWW really? When when when?? :)
I'll find out dahl. Wud be lovely to hv ya close to me. HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
will find out..
haha Pinku yes I do hv some juvenile audience here too. But hey, Im the blog owner and Im asking u that qn. So dun hesitate to flow freely in here. Ur most WC to ok. :)
tnxx hun!
hey Divkiran ;-) gotta love the compliments when u get em.
ty Sameera n u too!
k will do Tarun. tnxx!
ty Aneesh!
**Pope??? it's like watching a hollywood superstar, right??
its actually much BETTER than that. Cos Pope is an embodiment of Love, Compassion and Peace. Whereas most Hollywood stars r all abt glamor, fame, money and lust :)
ty Veenz!
Mebbe u arent just attracted to Caped Crusaders like Keshi is :) Everyone's different.
lol Nits ok!!!!
btw Nits ur looking hot uself in that profile pic. whoaaa look at those muscles! ;-)
haha I loved ur answers girl, U ROCK!
**batman devouring:Tequila with imes!
aha omg Im dreaming now!
**spiderman kissing: GIRLS GONE WILD!
ooh lala! ;-)
**superman spanking: ME? LOL!!!
hahahahahaha good on ya! Spank babeh spank! Whip it ;-)
And ty for that encouragement. I know u mean. Everyone's blogs r their on reflections...and it should never be tampered with. U may be 19...but u hv the sensibility and wisdom that most older ppl in Blogville dun hv. And the reason I am still in Blogville is for ppl like u.
*HUGZ* luv!
ty Chap ;-)
Dun ever change cos someone wants u to. Always be urself and I love u just the way u r.
WC Real_Live_Lesbian!
yeah babeh I love that tight leather too ;-)
oyee i left comment abt 15 mins back...i still dont c it...and then u'll say oh missed ya :P
why in the name of umm miss u need to approve everything!!! :P
ty Thinker!
**I cannot keep aside my thoughts, my inner self, my contemplations to please others
Thats exactly wut Im talking abt. we cant be someone else can we. If ppl dun like wut we write, they can leave, w.o. making dumb whingy suggestions.
Good on ya! Keep being urself. :)
u did Murane? WOW WEEEEEEE U ROCK!
aww ty Urv!
take me too take me the movies I mean :)
Im not a Star Wars fan tho. Mebbe cos I never got a chance to see any of em! :(
hey Riversoul WC n ty!
yeah..I guess Im lucky :)
I hv some valuable information for u on my blog...:P
ty Jeevan!
I see Spiderman Kissing in my dreams. LOL!
ty Sushmita!
**val kilmer in the batman suit
I so loved Va Kilmer! I rem I saw it at the cinemas. When I set my eyes on him in that suit, I nearly passed out.
ty Helen luvy MWAH!
r ya a curvy gal? I mean I hvnt seen ur body as much as u hv seen mine. gawwwwd Im soooo flashy LOL!
yeah I love curves...voluptious n sexaaaaaay!
** If you don't like the content, don't read!!!
Stygian so ur back from meeting Batman? Im jealous!
**at least talk, so that you wont have to pine away for the rest of next week
duhhh! I think its boys that make me pine away in annoyance. *yawn*
ty Tejas and hey WC :)
ty Sol!
**. Know nothing about the Pope,
**do not like Batman,
He's not every girl's fantasy Sol. :)
**and people will judge no matter what
oyeah I know that but they hv no right to come to another blog and tell that author to do this and they Sol?
haha true CN, tnxx!
ok will come n check it out the tag :)
hey Samby HUGS!
**.... he is the only superhero.... who does not have any supernatural abilities...he is a hero just because of his own super powers...
thats why I love him even more :) Cos he's HUMAN and has NATURAL POWERS.
**tht is why he keeps on monitoring all other superhero's and never is close to anyone
like me I guess? :)
yeah I love the Caped men!!! I hv a thing for em Samby. So put on a Cape. LOL!
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