Tuesday, August 21


WARNING: Alot of COCK ahead!

Imagine you go to a restaurant and you see 'Penis' on the menu? This restaurant and many other Chinese restaurants serve dishes made out of animal penises, apparently beCOCK I mean beCOS, they have great health benefits. So tell me, would you try Donkey Penis Salad or perhaps a Snake Penis Fried-Rice? (the article also says that snakes have 2 penises each...imagine what would happen if a man had 2 each haaaaha!). So would the 'size' matter...I mean size of the dish ahemmm? How about a Dog Penis soup as an appetiser? Maybe they should call it Puppy COCKtails, without the 'tail' that is. It also says that the Tiger penis is the most expensive delicacy. Maybe cos it's got more medicinal value as they say. hmmm...go Tiger! Is that why they say 'be a Tiger in bed'? LOL! ok so I wonder how they COCK it all..I mean COOK it all! Would they come up with the dish Schezuan Dickhead with Beancurd some day? What would they call their Chicken with Tofu dish 'Hong Shao Dou Fu' - Hong Shao Dick Fu? I wonder how they sell this meat at the markets in China..do they call it Lovely COCKS (just as Lovely Legs)? What would happen if Italian COCKS oops I mean COOKS, copy the Chinese cooks? Would they rename their Seafood PENNE to be Seafood PENI..S? What if the Indian chefs copied this too - would it be Chicken Dickka (instead of Tikka)? Well it's a pretty COCKy menu ha. I don't think I'd try any of these dishes even if I was dying and my doc recommended me to lick, suck, eat or swallow it...I mean these healthy dishes! (shutup Keshi you're revealing too much info). Instead I'd just stick to my good ol' popsicles ;-). So what other rare and bizzare dishes like these do you know of? Do COCKtribute...I mean CONtribute!

Talking about certain male organs, I HAVE to share this incident that happened when I was holidaying in NZ last year. One day my uncle, aunt, my mum, sis and myself had to visit one of my uncle's friends. Let's call this friend T. So off we went to T's place...and to give you an intro about T...he's a South Indian guy, 40 something maybe, who speaks English well but with a very strong Tamil accent. You know the kind who says 'ungle' for 'uncle'. Don't get me wrong I aint laughing at his accent but boy o boy, I was not prepared at all for what was about to happen! So, when we went to T's place and were seated, chatting about this and that, T suddenly asked if we wanted to have something to drink. He goes 'do you guys want any tea/coffee?'. Everyone said coffee but since it was a hot day, I said I'd like to have something
cold. Then T goes 'what would you like, orange juice?'. And I said 'Is there anything else?'...and he goes 'We have COK...do you want COK?'. He meant COKE but he said it in an accent that made it sound like COK. Can you imagine the horror on my face. I couldn't look at this guy's face and say 'yes I'd love some COK, urrrggg I mean COKE'. It was hilarious cos my sis suddenly gave me a look and in my head I was like 'WTF I'm about to burst out laughing, so quit looking at me sista!'. My uncle looked at both of us and knew we were both in a mental fit. Then I said 'yes I'll have some COKE thanks, excuse me, I want to go out and get some fresh air'...and I went out and rolled on the floor laughing my sweet ass off, behind our car!

So guys, do you want some COK? How about a Vanilla COK? Perhaps some TaCOKs, I mean Tacos to go with it? I love COK...I even love it on my chest. COK is it!

you can ring my be-e-ell, ring my bell....;-)

Current Music: Ring My Bell by Anita Ward

153 Cranium Signets:

Preeti Shenoy said...

ha ha ha..U know this post reminded me of one of my workshops (I do workshops with children on developing thinking skills), where the children had to enact a story which has a she-hawk and a he-hawk.One 7 year old girl, kept saying she-cock and he-cock.My son was rolling on the floor laughing.I kept correcting her and hoped that she wouldnt go home and tell her mom that she was a he- cock!!

Arm Pitt said...

When some girls say that they prefer to date white caucasian, I ask them how about this black-cock-asian? Well..south asian! And of all the names that you can give, why did they chose to call it a cockpit?
Nevertheless, you sound too cocky about your cock knowledge! And speaking of snake penis(es), do they have a foreskin?
And medicinal value? Thanks for the information Keshi! Now that should convince some girls :)

Sweetstickychewy said...

lol!! And eating an animal penis? Makes me wonder if i would try it for real. Sounds eeky Thought. Like EW! lol.

And haha.. I love that shared story. AWESOME POST. Got me all tickled up!

general_boy said...

so what happened to Classic Cok? Was that just an elaborate scheme to make us want good, ol' fashioned Cok more? :P

The Stormin Mormon said...

For some reason an Ice Cold COK sounds the exact opposite of refreshing.

(And for the record, I still giggle a little bit at the words "Cock a Doodle Do.")

Sig said...

Hahaha Kesh ur too silly :P

Not sure if I'd be game enough to try something like that - definitely wouldn't take Evs with me - he'd get very nervous :P

I had a family friend uncle who said the exact same thing to me once! Except, me having the dirty mind I have giggled while everyone else looked at me like I was nuts :P

Oh wait...was that another pun?? Tee hee :P

Unknown said...

Even I have COK....



Celestine said...

ryc: really? is it that bad?? i thought there are lots of indians overseas?

AmitL said...

Hi,Keshi...LOL,I've read about these Chinese restaurants,too...but,strictly off-limited for veggies like me,I guess(Wouldn't mind going there for the laugh,I guess). A big grin at the Cok joke...:)I hear this superb English day in and day out.I can imagine you bursting with laughter during the scene*rofl*..BTW,have you ever tried 'Snakes' with Coks??(Snakes=snacks,in some dialects here).Have a great day,and,remember'too much Cok is not good for health'...arre,it's aerated water,after all..(LOL,this gets punnier and punnier)

Sam said...

lmao!!! now dats funny.... i mean maybe not so much!! but still.....

Sam said...

btw, wot abt those dishes?? do ppl realy have them.. it sounds so yuck!!

Aditi said...

ooh pretty funny but i have heard the coke thing so often its not even funny anymore

Menchie said...

Naughty girl! LOL!

Haven't heard of any penis dish but my Mandarin teacher told the class that in some parts of China, they eat placenta.

And duck fetus is a filipino delicacy !

Jeevan said...

Ho!! Keshi u… u…. u…. When ever I want to have coke, ur post only going to come in mind… then how can I drink my fav coke lol! Hai it was funny and as well naughty na.

Tys on Ice said...

You are Cuntagious. I cunt stop laughing, since its a cuntomprery piece of article.

:) I totaly identify with that tamil guy. Iam a mallu and I never say coke - no matter what; I just opt for pepsi. Its just safer.

great piece ( I meant the blog)

abhartiya said...

am dumbfounded and perplexed kesh...i didnt knw u write such posts as well...

and i never on this earth expected dishes like that..i mean you not kidding are you?

now since u already wrote bout "p***s" dishes, you got any idea about "v****a" dishes? :P because am sure no male species would like to taste anything like snake penises.ewww

bout the incident, i cant stop laughing either...i knw how funny the tamil way of speaking english can get..it was hilarious! btw wht was T's reaction in return..did he seem to realize wht he had spoken unknowingly?

I love COK...I even love it on my chest. COK is it!*****

ahem ahem!


radiohead said...

was it a cocka-drool day ?

is there a vegi-na-coool day too? as in a day fr vegetarians .. u knw wat i mean ..

well ..i wud sure love 2 have some ..ahem ahem .. round burgers .. like thy wud resemble somthing gud .. specially the ones wid a cherry topping .. u knw .. to give it a closer resembelance .. ahem ahem

so finally aftr laughin ur sweet ass out .. did u managed to have d cok .. did u gulped it dwn all? :O .. i mean tht wud b unhealthy isnt it .. coke has so much of calories .. haha ..

did kinky hit u keshi???? I think it did ..

u wanna go fr a drink? :)

have a gud day .

annie said...

Ayeeeeee yayeeeeee yooooooooo!!!!
Don't you dare ask me for Pepsi again....Cok would do...Oppps Coke ;)Gal your posts rockkkkkkk

phishez said...

That is too funny.

Anonymous said...


Keshi does it again ;)

Poo said...

Sexyrooo.... what about a ooops Cok i mean !!!!

cocky kooky ..coo coo kuuuu

hhahahah hilarious :)))

FH said...

LOL!!! Last week, I read a foodie blogger was asked in Orissa restaurant whether she would like a Inter-Course? She politely declined his offer!!
What he meant was would she like anything to eat after appetizers and before main course!!;D

toby said...

Apparently, in Russia there is a village called "Wanke"! I'm guessing their favourite take-out is chicken dikka massager.
I like Coke ice-lollies but not for eating. When things are hot, it's fun to let it drip onto a babe's chest!

Alok said...

Keshi ..... i wldnt dare not try tht ... it sounds too gawky :D


Brian in Oxford said...

Does Cream of Sum Yung Gai count?

Also, Kesh....have you heard of Rocky Mountain Oysters?

Rahul said...

One of the most emailed stories on the bbc news website is of a correspondent making this very same rather harrowing discovery in a Beijing restaurant.
You seem to have quite a knack with double entendres, Keshi!!

Tracy said...

I love the misunderstandings that happen when accents are involved :)

As for the exotic dishes, I might eat one for a large sum of money, but that's it. I don't know how people can enjoy some of this stuff.

Tee/Tracy said...

Sorry - that was me above - I just commented under my other blog account. Thanks!


captain corky said...

"So tell me, would you try Donkey Penis Salad or perhaps a Snake Penis Fried-Rice?"

I've never had any cock myself, but I know lots of people that swear by it. ;)

desperado said...

you are a storehouse of great knowledge :D
Cok it is den :P

Thackshila said...


Anonymous said...

I say to take vitamins instead.

Jay said...

That was an excellent post. It started out a little soft but slowly got harder as it got longer. Finally reaching a spectacular climax and then softening again.

AakASH!!! said...

What about Peacock then?

Helen said...

Too funny, and great song to accompany. No food-y cock stories, but I was at a festival and they were selling CANES made out of bull penises. No lie these things were like the length of my leg from hip to toe!!!

Shionge said...

Me gonna check that out when i visit Beijing ya and yes I do know there is alot of 'unexpected surprises for sure'

Keshi....over here whenever pple talk nonsense we always say 'Dont Talk Cock Sing Song' kekekek...

raffi said...

first, fucking in austria, now cock in chinese restaurants. keshi, you are truly captivating. at least now i can legitimately tell my lady friends that it'll be a health conscious decision. i'll refer them to you if they have any questions.

Impressionist said...

Ugh! eating penis?
I wouldn't do it for anything!
lol @ ur COK story! :D
Do u have any such BALL stories also!? ;)
Oopsie, I mean BULL story! :D

peace & love

Jocelyn said...

COK in a glass, sipped with a straw.

Sounds painful.

SIMON said...

Are you including the things like cock a leekie soup a cock o van!!!!

Followed by a cok blak please

LMAO Keshi!!

Anonymous said...

lolz... rofl...
hilarious is the word for this COCKy article... :)

radiohead said...

I dont evn want to talk abt my sex life .. which is sad ..

starry said...

Keshi,Keshi keshi you made me roll over laughing.you are so funny.You sure know a lot about cocks.I think chicken dikka was the best.how do you think of all these things.You should write a book or do some comedy.

Anonymous said...

OMG, do guys like this place too ? They must cringe every time a woman bite in a cok... :D

gP said...

heh...seems like alot of chinese restaurants serve animal fetish lovers. its the 21st century and we're all still sucking animal cocks...hahahahahaha

tell me bout the accent...the tanglish and Inglish is killing people. I had this group of vendors who did not understand what the was oven (we pronounce is aaaven)...after a full two weeks finally when seeing the animation then they understood it was Oooven! Why would you cann an Oven OOOOven?!

Ring my bell anytime baby...

AnonymousBlogger said...

No cock for me. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy meat, but I don't prefer it coming from that part of the animal lol.

robkroese said...

Just remember, cock is cheap.

Mizrepresent said...

No, no cooked Cok's for me. lol! EW! okay, too funny girl and you are jamming the "Ring My Bell!"

Eduardo Waghorn said...

Hey! I found you from David Santos, your blog very cute and interesting.
A warm hug from Chile...I want the spring here, now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Visit me if you want...
Keep blogging

diyadear said...

OMG r all those dishes for real.. guess some really horny gals wud love havin the, he he n lol at ur hilarious story on Mr T :)

KAYLEE said...


Globescoper said...

Hi Keshi

This has to be one of your funniest posts.

I've had the odd penis myself, and I've always needed mouthwash after. Oh, I'm sorry. You mean eating cooked penises.

Does it make any difference?
Cooked or uncooked they all go into the same oral cavity.

If you eat cocks, does size make any difference?

I know, I'm going off half cocked.

There's a joke in that last line.



Keshi said...

PS heyy!

**One 7 year old girl, kept saying she-cock and he-cock

hahaha poor thing!


hey Mr.Brad Pitt ;-)

**I ask them how about this black-cock-asian?

sounds like dark n rich sticky -date-pudding ROFL!

COCKpit cos thats where pilots indulge in their fav hobby? :)


Amy Im sure u wont try it LOL!


KAYLEE said...


Keshi said...

Boy I still love Classic Cok.

**good, ol' fashioned Cok more?

is that the one with orginal ingredients? haaaaaaaaha. :)


hey Mormon!

**For some reason an Ice Cold COK sounds the exact opposite of refreshing.

yeah Cok should be warm lolz!


hello Silvara sweetz!

** definitely wouldn't take Evs with me - he'd get very nervous

hahahaha! Any man wud be! Guys plz dun get married to a female Chinese cook...u neva know wut she'll do to achieve her culinary goals!

**Except, me having the dirty mind I have giggled while everyone else looked at me like I was nuts

Excellent PUN there LOL!!!


cathouse teri said...

You are a silly girl!

I am sure I have no interest in eating any kind of animal's penis. Not with my knowledge anyway. I mean, I ate something that was barbecued by street vendors in the Philippines and it was VERY tasty... could have been monkey penis for all I know! Who cares!

I love fresh salsa. In spanish, it's called pico de gallo. Which means literally, little cock.

Keshi said...

hey Iceman!

**Even I have COK....

I know that. But is it in the fridge or elsewhere? LOL!


Celestine what d u mean? Sorry I didnt u'stand ur comment.


hey Amit :)

***..BTW,have you ever tried 'Snakes' with Coks??(Snakes=snacks,in some dialects here).

HAHAHA @snacks! Good one!

**Have a great day,and,remember'too much Cok is not good for health'

but its tasty! LOL!


hey Sam WB!

**btw, wot abt those dishes?? do ppl realy have them

yes they really have these dishes! Read the article.

:) yukk indeedz!


Keshi said...

hey Aditi!

**but i have heard the coke thing so often its not even funny anymore

LOL really? it was my first time. I was like OMG is this guy for real!


hey Menchie!

**in some parts of China, they eat placenta.

OMGGGGGGGGG! Keshi faints..THUDDDDDDD! Seriously?

**And duck fetus is a filipino delicacy

fetus as in embryonic stage? OMG yukkkkkk!


hey Jeevan!

** When ever I want to have coke, ur post only going to come in mind… then how can I drink my fav coke

LOL just swallow it Jeevan :):)


Keshi said...

Tys heyy!

**You are Cuntagious. I cunt stop laughing, since its a cuntomprery piece of article.

LOL tnxx for ur cuntribution to this post on cuntinental dishes ;-)




hey Wacko!

o cmon I do write posts like this...wuts there to hide...I mean they r REAL dishes LOL! btw did u read my FUCKING post? Go read it at:


And did u read the restaurant article in this post Wacko...cos it says everything abt the dishes. And yes they r REAL.

**now since u already wrote bout "p***s" dishes, you got any idea about "v****a" dishes?

I dunno abt Vagina dishes..but I know of a book that has the title:

"Is Your Vagina Happy?"...

lolz its a real book written by a Sex therapist.

**did he seem to realize wht he had spoken unknowingly?

Wacko I didnt think u'd even ask that qn..cos its obvious he didnt u'stand at all what he had just spoken...LOL!


Anuj wuts all the Cherry talk abt? LOL!

**.. did u managed to have d cok .. did u gulped it dwn all? :O ..

I took it sip by sip.

**i mean tht wud b unhealthy isnt it .. coke has so much of calories

nah I heard it's good for ya..in moderation that is...and it's really delicious! LOL!

So Anuj what does ur COCK read right now? I mean CLOCK!


SaffronSaris said...

Eeeww!! This is so gross, I heard in Guangdong in China, they sell and cook wild meats such as civet cats openly, remember the huge hooha about SARS?

BTW, think there was something wrong with the comments ytd, didn't see mine reflected, anyway, u MUST keep us updated on Mr Darcy ;)

Keshi said...

Annie d u like ur Cok with ice or just warm? :)


ty Phishez!


J Keshi does wut again? Drink Cok? LOL!


lolz Poo I love it..cocky kooky...woohoo! :)

Hows ya? Did u get my email?


hey Asha WB HUGGGGGGGGGZ! I missed ya. How was ur break?

** I read a foodie blogger was asked in Orissa restaurant whether she would like a Inter-Course?

LOL omg thats HILARIOUS! :):) Do they really use that term? thats just plain sick ROFL!

If they asked me that I'd say 'yes that wud be nice but whom am I having it with?' lolz!


hey Tobez!

**village called "Wanke"! I'm guessing their favourite take-out is chicken dikka massager.

LOL haha good one!

**When things are hot, it's fun to let it drip onto a babe's chest!

Keshi in dreamland!


Keshi said...

lolz Alok I knew u wudnt try it.

I'd hv to be killed b4 they feed me that!


heyya Brian!

**Does Cream of Sum Yung Gai count?

LOL thats a good one mate! HAHAHAHAHA @Sum Yung Gai!

**Also, Kesh....have you heard of Rocky Mountain Oysters?

hmmm is there some catch to this term...lolz! I love OYSTERS anyways :)


hehe ty Rahul!


heyy Tracy hows it going?

**As for the exotic dishes, I might eat one for a large sum of money,

nah babez I cant even do it for a billion dollars. Ur brave Tracy!


Keshi said...

hey Captain!

**I've never had any cock myself, but I know lots of people that swear by it

Must be great to have COK with CORKY. ;-)


hey Dhruv!

**you are a storehouse of great knowledge

aww nah..its just that Im a huge COK fan...LOL!


WellCum Thackshila n tnxx! ;-)


Rick yeah I agree! Vitamin C that is :)


Jay matey tnxx!

**It started out a little soft but slowly got harder as it got longer. Finally reaching a spectacular climax and then softening again.

LOL hahaha good one! Excellent comment urself!


lolz Aakash well thought of!

PeaCocks r so colorful and rare...:):)


hey Helen wud u believe it I was thinking of u when I selected this song...I just imagined u wud like it...cos I know u hv great taste in music yeyyyy!

**they were selling CANES made out of bull penises.

u r kidding me right!!

**No lie these things were like the length of my leg from hip to toe!!!

wutttttttttt! Gotta check out a bull next time LOL!


Blessed said...

I guess I would try it.
Maybe a tiny bite.

Ever heard of lamb fries?
Or in other words, it's lamb balls
fried up with gravy.
Never had them.

I don't know why but none of it sounds appealing. Well, I know why!!! oooohhhhhh! A man's penis isn't the most pleasant looking body part even tho the ugly thing can do some surprising magic! Ha!
So I guess that eating animal penis just doesn't do it for me!

Interesting as always Miss Keshi!

Keshi said...

Shionge r ya gonna try em? Hope not. :)

**over here whenever pple talk nonsense we always say 'Dont Talk Cock Sing Song'

hahaha! I'd be mad if someone said that to me LOL!


hey Raffi tnxx!

**at least now i can legitimately tell my lady friends that it'll be a health conscious decision

Health is very imp so we better hv atleast a Cok a day!


heyy Jeevy!

**Do u have any such BALL stories also!? ;)
Oopsie, I mean BULL story

LOL I like Ballroom dancing!


hey Jocelyn!

**COK in a glass, sipped with a straw.
Sounds painful.

hahahaha good one girl!

Licking it off the plate sounds more humane ;-) wut say?


heyy Ebezp!

**Are you including the things like cock a leekie soup a cock o van!!!!

lolz certainly!

**Followed by a cok blak please

HAHAHAHAHA u r funnnayyyy!


ty DJ! :)


Hi again Anuj!

**I dont evn want to talk abt my sex life .. which is sad ..

lol that really sounded sad. I dun even hv a sex life right now. Dun u know Im the president of the Nil Sex club? Ask Niki abt it. She's a platinum member too LOL!


Anonymous said...

real funny, you seem such a nice person from the way you write

kisses from madrid, and


Keshi said...

hey Starry ty sweetie! I love to make ppl laugh :)

**I think chicken dikka was the best

wut abt Dicken Korma? LOL!


heyya Zhu!

**OMG, do guys like this place too ? They must cringe every time a woman bite in a cok

LOL yeah they'll be running for their lives!


hey Ghosty!

**its the 21st century and we're all still sucking animal cocks

LOL that one cracked me up big time! :):)

**after a full two weeks finally when seeing the animation then they understood it was Oooven!


**Ring my bell anytime baby...

ooh lala Ghost in steamy mode ha...I LAAIIIKE IT ;-)


AB u dun want no COK...awww..LOL!


hey Diesel!

**Just remember, cock is cheap.

hahahahaha! U crack me up mate!

It may be cheap, but d u know that COK means the world to some ppl? :):)


hey sweet Mizzy!

jammin it hot babez...luuurve that song!


Eduardo hey WC n ty!

I'll be at ur blog soon - then Spring shall come to ya :)


hey Diya :)

**.. guess some really horny gals wud love havin the

Im sometimes as horny as hell..but I wont have em LOL!


Keshi said...

Kaylz Im good ta, hows u swt hrt?


KAYLEE said...


Keshi said...

hey Bevster ty! :)

**I've had the odd penis myself, and I've always needed mouthwash after.

LOL u serious?

**Cooked or uncooked they all go into the same oral cavity.


**If you eat cocks, does size make any difference?

yes hunny it does...dun u want more quantity? I mean in a bottle of COKE lolz!

**I know, I'm going off half cocked.

lolz u funny girl!

tnxx n hv a Cocktail b4 u go to bed ;-)


hey Teri!

**could have been monkey penis for all I know! Who cares!

LOL eww eww ewww!

**I love fresh salsa. In spanish, it's called pico de gallo. Which means literally, little cock.

HAAAAAAAA! why is it called that? :):)


heyya Saffy HUGGGGGGGGZ!

**they sell and cook wild meats such as civet cats openly, remember the huge hooha about SARS?

I rem SARS...oyeah! And foot n mouth disease OMG. wut r Civet cats?

I got ur yday's comment...


hey sexy Blessed MWAHHHHH!

**Or in other words, it's lamb balls fried up with gravy.

neva tried Balls with gravy b4 lol! sounds yukkkk!

**A man's penis isn't the most pleasant looking body part even tho the ugly thing can do some surprising magic!

it can be a magic WAND alright! LOL ty sweetie!


Amor hey hows u?

MWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHZ all the way from Sydnaaaaaaay! :)


Anonymous said...

I dont think i could eat it on principle.... I would hope no one would eat mine.....

Must be a guy thing!

George said...

Hey ... there be lots of cultures that eat testicles, so why not the penis too. I don't think I would go for either of them, personally. Now what would be really bizarre would be if they started serving fried vagina

The Phosgene Kid said...

No Cok, jus pissi

Unknown said...

LOL . Too funny. I knew abt the delicacy - eating Bull penis for it's taste in Malaysia. I should have known the Chinese would have started it !

Crazy but I really wonder if the animal loses it when it is still alive [:)] and how much the fellow male would have felt whenever the woman bit the "thing" hard. Oh no dont use the teeth. :-)

Laters and stop going to such restaurants.hahahaha

cathouse teri said...

I'm gonna guess that it's called the little cock because it packs a little punch! :)

I love Diesel's "Cock is cheap."
He's classically clever.

Phoenix said...

its full 10 minutes after i read ur post that i am able to comment gawd!!i was rolling on the ground.this was hilarious!!gr8 post...

Keshi said...

Kaylz TC sweetie...


hey Aidan!

** I would hope no one would eat mine.....

LOL hahahaha!


heyya George!

**Now what would be really bizarre would be if they started serving fried vagina

LMAO! imagine Vagina cakes?

d u know there's a book titled 'Is Your Vagina Happy?'


hahaha Phoso good one!


hey Vikram :)

bull's penis? so wuts the dish called - Beef Wankton?

**and how much the fellow male would have felt whenever the woman bit the "thing" hard. Oh no dont use the teeth...

r ya telling me? LOL!


heyya Teri yeah Diesel is a clever d##k ay lol!

** because it packs a little punch!

haha good one!


cm chap said...

Ha Ha.. Sorry that restaurant is not me....

Though I'm ok with COK..sorry COKE

Keshi said...

lols Phoenix Im glad u laughed.



Chap ur sorry that ur not that restaurant or that dish? LOL!


abhartiya said...

i meant as in after seeing ur cocky reaction to his cok instead of coke, did he then seem to realize wht must he have said? as in did he seem to contemplate at all?

J said...

whats the 1st fotu supposed to imply?:)

anits said...

haha....gud post! cool cool! so funny

Keshi said...

Wacko hows ya? :)

** meant as in after seeing ur cocky reaction to his cok instead of coke, did he then seem to realize wht must he have said? as in did he seem to contemplate at all?

LOL ur qn made me ROFL!

o well..let me gather myself..ahemmm....

nah he didnt u'stand the weight of his 'COK'...lol!


Keshi said...

hey Jitterbug!

**whats the 1st fotu supposed to imply?

hmmmmm mmmmm....eating a popsicle? LOL!


Keshi said...

:):) tnxx Anits!


Arm Pitt said...

And how dare you make fun of Tamil - English accent? Our English accent is far better than a whole lot of other regional/national accents..anyday! I am not namesdropping...

Keshi said...

:) Mr.Pitt.

**Our English accent is far better than a whole lot of other regional/national accents

but aii cunnt incloode all eccents in thees one pawst ken I now? LOL!


Rebelzz said...

ROTFL... COK was funny... And do they really serve penis? I mean how eeeeeeeewwwwwwwww is that!!!

lee said...

hi keshi -it feels as though I've been away forever and I've missed you. No penis will ever go near my mouth!

Keshi said...

Rebel they do! They even have Monkey penis dick sims..I mean dim sims.


Keshi said...

aww Lee I missed ya too...was wondering where u were. u ok girl?

** No penis will ever go near my mouth!

not even for Axl Rose...jumble the letters in Axl Rose n see wut I mean ;-)


Radha said...


Keshi said...

lols Radha!


Little Miss Muffet said...

LOL!!! totally funny take on the dishes..heheh...i really need to keep up more with your posts...just read the last one about Mr. Darcy and u sitting at the same table...u have fun, girl! and if it's a little more at his expense, coz he's embarrassed facing u, why not?? ;)

lee said...

I think you mean for sex something? -but I can't quite work out what you mean. But in any case, the answer is no :).

lee said...

I think you mean for sex something? -but I can't quite work out what you mean. But in any case, the answer is no :).

HojO said...

A lots of COCK-TALK!

Me too heard abt those dishes ...even saw a pic of ice-cream in form of COCK!! ;-))

But the FUNNIEST PART here's that SouthIndian accent...hahahahaha ....ohh..can't stop laughing ...n i understand ur condition....i've one elder cousin who just can't control herself whenever 'this type'(sometimes MORE dangerous!) of situation arised ;-)))

Keshi said...

hey tnxx Missy :) HUGGGGGGGGGZ!


Keshi said...

hey Sag WC n ty!

**even saw a pic of ice-cream in form of COCK

LOL! I wont ever try that Ice-cream!


Keshi said...

Lee if u look closer, Axl Rose is an anagram of Oral Sex. :)

**But in any case, the answer is no

seriously? why may I ask? u dun hv to ans..hehe.


lee said...

The reason is that I couldn't think of anything more demeaning than that -that's how I feel about it.

Keshi said...

tnxx Lee!

**I couldn't think of anything more demeaning than that -that's how I feel about it

awww...I can see where ur coming from...


Jim said...


this is the hottest post i have ever read in blog world

SEX COUNSELLOR is tame compared to this

deepsat said...

LOL @ COK!!!

Romeo Morningwood said...

While I fully endorse the implied metaphorical practice between consenting adults I am unequivically opposed to 'Man Eating Tiger' so that he can be a Tiger in bed.

While it is true that boneheaded primitive people regularly ingested the naughty bits of their prey in a belief that their virility could be transferred, now the whole idea is fercoct!

However it is the 21st Century and most of us are aware that this cockamamy idea is a 'phallacy'.

Most of us living in the Occident are completely baffled by the continuation of this ritualistic nonsense. I have to admit that if I was to choose between having Tigers in the Wild or letting old codgers in China eat Tiger boners, I am going to have to go with the Tigers..every time.

On a chemical level there are certain elements that are obviously derived from noshing on nobs and knackers but these can be synthetically reproduced and hello, ever heard of Viagra?

freudian slip said...

this malayalli guy was faring very well in a multinational company's job recruitment interview.. the interviewer was mighty impressed with his knowledge..
interviewer: ok mr. kozhikode (whatever) answer briefly what is pepsi?
mr. K :nice cold refreshing dringk saar. ..

Interviewer: what is coke?

Mr'K: hehehe what saar?

int: c'mon k its the last question

K: hehehe..ok. if u insist,. sexshual insdrument saar...

Pijush said...

Oh My GOD!! What a post, terrible and horrible. Gr8 post Keshi, full of Humar and Naughty stuff. Your blog is quite interesting.

Stan Bull said...

Well,Keshi, imagine my surprise when I relocated to Turkey and discovered that both "kok" and "kunt" are fairly common surnames. I nearly choked on my sushi. Remember a cock is for life, not just for Christmas.

Pri said...

yaa ppl from the south do have a DIFFERENT accent n sometimes do kinda pronounce words in a weird way...i do tease my south indian friends once in a while about it (though always in good humour)...n they go " pri, u got to listen, relate and understand...SIMBLE" :p heehee

di.di said...

Donkey Penis Salad? Snake Penis Fried-Rice? Pass me the bucket, the large one, please! I want to puke!

radiohead said...

my cock says 'm hungry' .. errrr .. i mean the CLOCK says its evenin snack time .. since i hav slept all day n had nothin to eat ..

who's niki? I shud be the super platinum member of d club .. ;)

newyz .. we will all leave this club sooner or later .. bt till thn atleast v r together :P .. hehe ..

r there some in house activities in the club? .. hahaha .. u knw wat i mean .. specially btw members .. lol

Dan said...

What kind of cock and bull story is this??


Hugs Kesh.

Tarun said...

This is what i call Cock and bull story.
I think U shaould start labelling some of ur for 18's and above.
Internet is the media of responsibility U see...


Helen said...

Haha, Keshi you are hilarious, I loved the way you wrote your comments so it looked like a conversation:

You are kidding me, right?

No lie...

You are too, too funny!! love ya, sistah!!!

All Is Whole said...

Enuf of cockomania.........
You are crazy Keshi

Smiles :)

Poo said...

Hi sweetheart :) How are you

You know what Diet COCk ...oops Cok is no fun ....;))

Did you like his pictures ...yeah he is smart :))

Love you babzzzzz

Brian in Oxford said...

Rocky Mountain Oysters are deep-fried batter-dipped bull testicles.

Terris said...

hahaha that was awesome...do it again!!! XD

Paul said...

One thing about the supposed health benefits of the various parts of various species - from what I understand, this is especially big in China? - is that it's leading to the extinction of a lot of species.

I suppose if there's a focus on that particular part it won't help any...

toby said...

I don't usually read all the comments but I did this time. Almost all. You get all sorts here, don't you Keshi? It's like an agony column in a mag!
Found myself wondering how young one of your readers might be and hoping a nice bloke will come along and gently show her what she's missing. (Assuming she's old enough!)

Arm Pitt said...

okay jus because you made fun of south Indian accent..No Cok for you..and No Vanila pudding either..Well, I must add, not until we meet :)

krystyna said...

Hi Keshi!
I cannot stop laughing...
I'm giving you my personal Award,
take it from here - in comment section:

You are the best journalist!

krystyna said...

Click "Power of Attitude" - comment sections and copy this pic.(code or pic)

Jenny! said...

Your a funny girl! I love cok...I mean coke!

The Phosgene Kid said...

Whatever they say you are still the cock of the walk...

Sharda said...

I feel so disgusted by reading the article linked to your blog.I have heard that Chinese eat any thing and every thing.I thought eating cat and dog meat is horrible but this "penis" delicacy has put me off completely.
I might puke when the next time I see any non-veg dish.
But loved the way you wrote about every thing.

Nicholas said...

Thanks Keshi for worning. Haa,ha .. you are great!!! I thought chinese food is haelthy.
Have a wonderful time!

KAYLEE said...

just got home fronm the er a few hours ago:(

Keshi said...

Jim I told ya u were not a real sex counsellor LOL!


:):) Deepz!


HE I agree...I dun u'stand how eating a Tiger's penis can make a man more virile...perhaps its just psychological.

**hello, ever heard of Viagra?

lolz! Mebbe the Chinese dunno abt it??

ty HE!


hey Exp!



**K: hehehe..ok. if u insist,. sexshual insdrument


ty that was seriously FUNNAY!


Pijush WC n ty :)


Stan hellooo!

** both "kok" and "kunt" are fairly common surnames.

u r kidding me right! My best friend is a Turkish girl..lol I gotta ask her.

I'd never wanna marry a Turkish guy with such a surname...imagine me being called Keshi Kunt? LOL!

** Remember a cock is for life, not just for Christmas.

hahahahahaha! Good one sir TY!


Keshi said...

hey Pri u wudnt believe the kinda accents I hv to put up with living in Aus...there r all sorts of ppl here u see. Forget abt strong Indian accent cos by now Im immune to em LOL!

** pri, u got to listen, relate and understand...SIMBLE

HAHAHAHAHAHA I love it! Simbly beauuthiphool Pri!



lolz Diva!


heyyy Anuj Robinhood hows u sir?

**my cock says 'm hungry'

hmmm mebbe u should find a chicken? LOL!

Niki is Niki Yokota...the Jap babe.

**r there some in house activities in the club? ..

LOL u r such a cheeky member. I'd hv to cancel ur membership even b4 u hv joined it.



Keshi said...

Dan this story is abt enjoying Cok to the fullest..lol!

where hv ya been?


hey Tarun!

**I think U shaould start labelling some of ur for 18's and above.

I agree :) but did I use any profanity here? Think abt it...its only abt Chinese dishes and Cok. lol!


Keshi said...

aww Helen ty sweetie!

btw ur new profile pic ROCKS! U look HOT babeh! not that its anything new.


hehe Prashant...



Miss.Poooooja he's a HOTTER...u got a good catch u lucky thing ;-)

**Diet Cok

HAHAHAHAHAHA Poo! That was sooo funny. I wonder if Diet Cok is healthier for us women?


hey Brian!

**Rocky Mountain Oysters are deep-fried batter-dipped bull testicles.

LOL ur kidding me right! yukkkkkkkkkkk! Who on Earth eats em?


Terris WC n ty! ;-)


Keshi said...

hey Paul!

** from what I understand, this is especially big in China? - is that it's leading to the extinction of a lot of species.

u never know! Good thinking there Paul.

Some ppl wud eat just abt anything that moves...seriously yukkkkkkkz!


heyya Tobez!

**It's like an agony column in a mag!

someone once told me that I should hv an Agony column online...like I dun hv one already LOL!

**Found myself wondering how young one of your readers might be and hoping a nice bloke will come along and gently show her what she's missing. (Assuming she's old enough!)

how d u mean Mr.Toby? :)


hey Angelina's husband.

**..No Cok for you..and No Vanila pudding either.

lol no worries...I can manage with Cocktails!


Keshi said...

Krys that was so touching! ty n HUGGGGGGGGZ!

u r always beautiful!


Jen I cant live w.o. Cok and u hv no idea how much Cok means to me!


lollllll Phos I am ha!


ty Sharda!

**I might puke when the next time I see any non-veg dish.

lol Im sorry to hv done that to ya...:(


Nicholas u wanna know more? Some Chinese drink rat urine...apparently its VERY HEALTHY! And if I happen to drink it, it'll be the end of my Healthy days, meaning I'd be dead.


Kayz u spend alot of time in ER dun u :(

anyways if I were u I'd try to hit on cute ER docs..lol!


KAYLEE said...

///anyways if I were u I'd try to hit on cute ER docs..lol!///

Believe it or not i did on one he was young and he sensed it and asked me if that was what I was doing!

//Kayz u spend alot of time in ER dun u :(//

THEY dont EVEN FEED YOU TIL YOU ASK! I really have to ask to get fed dinner?

Keshi said...

** asked me if that was what I was doing!

LOL Kayls u r sweet!

they dun give u dina? How slack is that! If I were u I'd go to the kitchen myself n get it.


KAYLEE said...

///they dun give u dina? How slack is that! If I were u I'd go to the kitchen myself n get it.//


Keshi said...

Kaylz wuts VERY LOL? hahahahaha!


Jay Noel said...

You "love COK" on your chest?

My dear, you are going to get a ton of hits from people searching for naughty things on the world wide web.

KAYLEE said...


Keshi said...

hey Phoenix :)

**You "love COK" on your chest?

I mean look at my T...lol!


:):) Kaylz ur a hoot!


Rani said...

first of all... omg.. hilarious. i couldnt keep a straight face if someone asked me that.

second of all.. EWW no. i wouldnt eat any one's cock. and i also think that those things should be banned. im sure there's poaching and all kinds of animal rights that are being broken for such "delicacies"... no good!

Anonymous said...

LMAO, this is so gross in a funny kind of a way.

Can we men safely conclude that we officially envy snakes? :P

Keshi said...

hey Choco!

**i wouldnt eat any one's cock.

LOL ahemmm!

yeah I agree...animal rights r grossly violated just cos some ppl wanna eat cocks - I say they r nymphos!


hey Ish :)

**Can we men safely conclude that we officially envy snakes?

lol wut can guys do with 2 penises? wud they ever do any work then? ROFL!


indicaspecies said...

As I was reading your posting, I thought of this word: Cochineal.
For those who dunno what it is, it's a red dye made of the dried and pulverized bodies of female cochineal insects..lol Keshi, you do write..well :)

Bla said...


Keshi said...

Indica tnxx hun!


LOL so lets call it Keshineal?


Keshi said...

Bla :)


Anonymous said...

Humour... How do you find whole lot of it, Keshi?
Loved the post!
Can I say you are the best blogger in th world?

Keshi said...

gee tnxx Kulz :) Im glad u liked it.


Anonymous said...

Nil Sex club platinum member?!
thats secret keshi-chan lololol
wheres my comment??
thought i have made a comment before..
we are very much like chinese but we dont eat animal cocks. ughhh
thanks for ur funny post!!!!!!!!!!

Keshi said...

lolz Niki we r both Platinum members right? :)

Which comment?


Anonymous said...

no if u are platinum, im steel.
no jewellry no shine *sob*