Sometimes we need a break, even from the ones we love. Sometimes we need to part, for the sake of keeping it alive. Sometimes we need to go away, to get a better understanding of a situation. Sometimes we need to disappear, for our spirit to appear. Sometimes we need to hide, to be 'seen' by those who don't really see us. Sometimes we need to be out of the picture, to make way for others. Sometimes we need to say goodbye, cos nothing else would make sense...
Why are Goodbyes so hard? I usually hate to see someone leaving but if it's for the good of that person, then it's the best thing to do. I believe Goodbyes are hard when there's alot of unsettled issues. Or perhaps the Goodbye would really settle all those issues? Whatever said and done, if the person saying goodbye wants to do so, then we should respect that and let them go. Be it a temporary parting or even death, with some goodbyes do you still live in denial? I do. And if I see a blog-mate of mine leaving for good, I'd feel really sad. That's just me. So if I leave Blogville forever for some reason, would yo
u be ok with it? I know you wouldn't have a choice especially if it's my wish, but I want to prepare you all for it...cos someday I might not be here at all. Same with each and everyone of you. Would we ever meet again then? And when we are old and grey would we think of each other? Would we even cry? I know I would. And I want to know how it would affect you. Some of you may not worry much, but I know some others would hurt. But when a chapter ends, we must move on to the next chapter. Cos you know sometimes we need to say goodbye, cos nothing else would make sense...
Current Music: Daniel by Elton John
119 Cranium Signets:
dear keshi,
yes, it is very painful when something comes to an end... i have seen moments in my life when i really wanted something’s to end, and felt nostalgic when it was over! guess that's all about attachment...
wil i feel bad if u stop blogging, it will be "yes"! i don't know much of u and there is not much u know of me! but to have met in this beautiful world and shared a memory is something that i will always remember!
the blogging world remains unseen by my family and friends... and i have made so many new friends out here... people whom i don't know but i have enjoyed the small moments of life that make a difference to them, laughed with them and cried as well!
but it is important that all of us move on! who knows for how long even i will be a part of this place!
Ahhh Kesh - I've said too many goodbyes in my life and each time it's more painful than the last.
I know I won't be blogging forever - and I know you won't be and these practicalities of life make this kind of goodbye easier to take. But, I'd hope that even if not through blogging we would still remain in touch so that goodbye becomes more of a "Until we meet again".
Because isn't that what goodbyes are? Just a break until the right moment when you meet again?
I'd like to hope so :)
well keshi, i wouldn't be blogging forever too :) of course i will miss your blog. there are many ways to be in touch. i think we're old enough to deal with goodbyes :)
don't tell us, you're quitting blogging kesh! do take a break, but do also come back for us :D
even though i don't comment on every post of urs for various reasons (like i read blogs in a huff :-S)
i always read your posts. :)
i hope all's well, girl! take care
Keshi dear heart
Goodbye's are the hardest thing for me....I said goodbye to my son today...he's at college now....I cried almost the whole 3 hrs coming back home.
But, he's starting a whole new life, and I'll have to accept it and move on too.
Now, if you happen to leave Blogville, I'll miss you terribly.
But, I know I'll keep in touch by phone calls, emails and letters.
And maybe some day, I'll get to meet you in person....that would be so wonderful!!!!!
It would be just to sad not to be in touch with someone as dear and special as you!
Glad I stayed up to read this post!
Good night Keshi!
P.S And, I'll always think of you when I'm old and gray.....and smile the biggest smile!
Kirthi ty sweetie! I'd miss u too...heaps. Cos even tho we've just met, we have a special connection.
**guess that's all about attachment...
true...sometimes I just wish I had attained! Just to be detached from all of this :(
Silvara aww ty n HUGGGGGGGZ!
**Just a break until the right moment when you meet again?
yes..but some goodbyes r forever too right?
Dalicia ty sweetie!
there r so many ways to keep in touch...I agree...but if the situations dun let u keep in touch, then having so many ways wont help...u know what I mean na?
** i think we're old enough to deal with goodbyes
I dun think its to do with age...its really to do with the individual. And u know how much of a drama queen I am right? :)
ty Dalicia!
I know u really care sweetie. u r one person I think of everyday..did u know that?
**I cried almost the whole 3 hrs coming back home.
oww I thought so..I mean I knew u were dealing with that n thats why u were absent in Blogville too. It must hv been so hard to say goodbye to ur son. And wut an apt post for u ha.
well dun cry hun...he's still gonna be in touch....and he's going to cool is that. Altho u'd miss him loads :(
When u I read ur comment it reminded me of how I said goodbye to mum to go to Uni and boarded a plane one day...I still rem her face at the airport behind the glass window...its the most heartbreaking look I've ever seen!
Sorry OMD fans but..
"If you leave, don't leave now
Please don't take your blog away
Promise me just one more post
Then we'll go our separate ways
We've always had time on our sides
Now it's fading fast
Every second every moment
We've gotta make it last
I comment once I comment twice
I won't let go at any price
I read you now like I needed you then
You always said we'd still be friends, someday"
hey... girl.. of coz we will all miss u... come on... ur our darling k00kie...
n i promise u... someday im going to visit sydney... and im going to meet u.. for sure... i have 2 reasons to visit sydney.. n one of them is u... hugzzzz...
but please dont live blogging... i might not be a regular here... but i do read all ur posts that i have missed... i love what u write... so please dont even think of leaving this space!
Hmmm..The thought of you feeling is pretty dreadful indeeds and would definitely be a loss.
so yes, it would affect me bits. I guess you and some of the rest of our blogmates will definitely remain in my mind as i grow old. Its definitely an experience.
I just wanna give you a hug. Cause i know not whats on your mind but i know you will surely be missed much by my heart. I love reading your thoughts. IF that decision of yours ever greet me sometime. I know i will not hold you back but i would wanna be sure you are fine before you move on.
In other words, you've played apart.
You first paragraph speaks much and i could identify.
Should you always be lighthearted as you were before. Once you open your heart, you'll also open a bit of space to get hurt.
Like how they indicated, you're old and experienced enough to handle goodbyes. Peace be upon you =)
HE u wrote that? WOW! got me all teary....
**Every second every moment
We've gotta make it last
isnt that so true!
***HUGS** I love ya!
Messy HUGGGGGGGGZ darl! U r sooo very special u know.
**... i have 2 reasons to visit sydney.. n one of them is u...
aww how sweet is that! I'd love to see u too Messy. That wud be the day ha :) U, me n Darshik hehehe. It wud be so much FUN!
ty sweetie I LUV YA!
Amy ur definitely someone I'd think of until the day I die...u hv certainly played a big part in my life too..I hv grown from knowing u and that means alot to me.
**In other words, you've played apart.
aww HUGGGGGGGGGGZ! that means alot to me u know.
I rem recently when u said u were quitting blogs, I was so very sad...I didnt even enjoy my mum's bday...I rem I was so sad. We dun realise how big a part some ppl play in our lives until they say they r leaving..its amazing Amy!
Meticulousness heyy tnxx!
**Once you open your heart, you'll also open a bit of space to get hurt.
very true...mebbe we'd be able to handle it better but not entirely..hope u know wut I mean.
Every end gives way 2 a new beginning... I firmly believe.
Though its up to us to let go of something completely. Its hard, but not impossible! I am myself working hard to let go of something! So I know its not easy!
So... I would be happy that u chose for a new beginning!
Just love to start over... I guess its the same with u. Just love it when everything's brand new!
Besides... its better we realize, no one or nothing is indispensable! The earlier we learn the better it is!
To sum it up all, I have learnt one very important thing from "Life". It just 3 simple words... "IT GOES ON!"
So... My best wishes to ya Keshi...
Yes, such an apt post for me!
It helped me hun!
Thank you angel!
Now, tell me you have no plans of leaving Blogville any time soon.
Do you?
P.S And I can just imagine that heartbreaking look on your mum's face when you left on the plane.
But, now you are back with her.
How very special that is!
Iceman I know its possible...but does it depend on the individual? I think so.
**Just love to start over... I guess its the same with u. Just love it when everything's brand new!
so true! but leaving something u love makes it harder to enjoy something new...
**It goes on
yes the show must go on...
**My best wishes to ya Keshi...
aww ty Iceman! And ur someone I'd still think of when Im 99yrs old...:) wondering wut that handsome dude is upto these days hehehehe...
yes Margie my mum n I r together again...isnt that great! And just like that, u and ur son will be together again too. HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
**Now, tell me you have no plans of leaving Blogville any time soon.
Do you?
no not soon. Even if I did, u know where to catch me dun u sweetie. MWAHHHHHHH!
but wut if I had to go w.o. me wanting to go?
***We dun realise how big a part some ppl play in our lives until they say they r leaving..its amazing Amy!
Thats exactly whats happening to me now. I never understood your sadness Keshi until now. I am sorry. U do matter much.
Your a sweetheart.
awwwwwwww Amy I didnt say that in an attempt to make u feel that way abt my departure. I took ur goodbye story (thankfully it wasnt a goodbye :)), to illustrate here how sad I felt when a friend like u were leaving...cos it really hit me hard how much u were in my life. Seriously!
:) Dun be sad...I'll be here. Im not leaving now. This post is on case I'd hv to go. thats all.
yup, I know where to catch you!
Glad it's not going to be too soon!
**But, wut if I had to go w.o. me wanting to go?**
I'd be very sad!
Gosh, I'm up late....
Can't help thinking of my son, and the tears just keep coming!
Now, I must try and get some sleep.
I'll be back tomorrow nite to visit ya!
TC Keshi!
Nitey nite.
Margie dun cyr now...Im here for ya. Where is ur son's college? I mean how far is it from home?
Nitey nite, sweet dreams and MWAHHHHHHHH!
I rewrote some of the lyrics from an 80s tune by OMD
I thought everybody knew that song?
But I mean't what I said.
hey stud,
goodbye is part of the price for cannot exist without the other..there was a time when the world around me was disappointing, then one day I woke up and found that it was I who was disappointing, the world was always the same...
Today, theres a part of my day that I look forward to when I spend my 15 mins logging on and checking on what u and other went thru today...its nice, comforting and distant ( iam in reality a recluse)...
What I want to say is that ur views will be missed, ur ideas will be missed, ur candid pics will be missed, ur comments will be missed;.... will u be missed?
I have a feeling u mite be...
but is it that important?
to make a difference? to make a dent? to scratch ur initial on time? for continuance? to be remembered? to be cried over? to be missed?
isnt it far more fun to know that while u were there , u have made some smile, some cry, some think, some strong, and perhaps some fall in love? ...then u go...
knowing that u didnt care before and u dont care now...u lived ur life the only way u know how being alive..
live on girl..
oww I know em HE - how silly of me!!
Orchestral Manoeuvers in the Dark right? WOW nice remake HE :) U sure can re-write lyrics quite well.
**But I mean't what I said.
HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ! I know u wudnt say anything w.o. meaning it. And what u said there MEANT alot to me!
aww Tys ur making me cry now...HUGGGGGGGZ!
**I have a feeling u mite be...
but is it that important?
nah I dunno if ppl will miss me but I'd for sure miss u guys! there's no DOUBTS abt that at all. Im too attached to all of u. U see this blog world made me a new person...a grown person who cud handle any situation in life yeah, having to live w.o. u guys wud be really hard...but I guess I'd learn to deal with it too...not that I wont miss ya, but I'd just learn to deal with it if it ever comes to that...
**knowing that u didnt care before and u dont care now...u lived ur life the only way u know how being alive..
I love that. TY Tys!
Ok hun no more tears tonight!
The reason I'm so sad as he left on my birthday, but he had to be there today!
Wish me a happy birthday Angel, and I'll feel better! Ok!
Goodbyes are hard on me as well. I usually kind of go off the deep end and cut people off for awhile because I can't deal with it sometimes.
awwww Margie wasnt ut bday on the 11th of August? Did u get my e-card? HAPPY BIRTHDAY Margieeeeee MWAHHHHHHHHHH!
I sent u a beautiful e-card...actually 2 e-cards. And I didnt get a reply from I had no idea where u were. u were not in ur blog either and didnt reply to any emails. I was so worried abt ya. but then i thought u were on holz. I didnt even have ur fone number to call n wish ya :(
hey Grunty hows it going? All ok at ur end?
**I usually kind of go off the deep end and cut people off for a while because I can't deal with it sometimes.
me too...not always but most of the time...especially if I love the person alot. I cant accept it...its too hard. I'd move on with my life but deep inside Im in denial.
*** didnt say that in an attempt to make u feel that way abt my departure.
I know that sweets.:)
Thats So true...sometimes we need to say goodbye bcoz nothing else would make sense...Love those lines...
i just went through that phase! and my luck was that it bloomed again...:)
Amy u r my long lost sis...I think :)
Jeya tnxx mate!
And yes u r lucky....u found it again...
A fuuny story about my birthday!
I've always celebrated it on Aug 12th, but I noticed just last year that the date on my birth cert is Aug 13th....strange how I never noticed that before.
So, now I'm not sure which is the right date....
This year I celebrated it on the!
I did get the cute get well card!
Thanks hun!
Silly me..I was thinking it was on the 11th of Aug cos last year I wished u in my blog on the 11th of Aug...mebbe cos it was on the 12th but I made a post the day b4 :)
And he left on ur bday? :( well thats sad. I can imagine how sad a bday it must be for ya...:*(
I just sent u another e-card. so wut happened to the 2 I sent on the 11th? LOL!
So wut else did u do today Margie? Did u cut a cake?
KEshi! PLs don't leave.. I'd really really miss you:(
Goodbyes are hard, as I see time and time again in my life.
Sometimes, I wonder why such and such a person even came into my life, if they had to leave. And yet, in the bigger sense of things to come, one does have to let go, don't they?
huggg keshi. Am gg thru' a rough patch too and hope things work out for you.
Miss you!
keshi..... was this just a trailer or something ? and you are preparing all of us for ur goodbye!!! I hope not ....I dont know what to say. But if you think that will make you more happier ...then i will not stop you. But.....
Its so hard to say goodbyes..It is very very hard :(
Ooohhhhhhh..! that`s creepy, Keshi..! Don`t make me catch the next flight to Sydney to come and make you start blogging again..! ;-)
Have Fun, Take Care, God Bless! and keep Bloggin..!
With Best Regards,
hey..don't tell me that u r going to say good-bye to blogging...
keshi, good bye is good until the things get settled...I dunno what to say...tkcre...
And it reminded me of darling friend Puja who comes from Rajastan.,..awwww Yes Rajathan Dance thr culture food and the styke is just awesome :))
:)) Love you sweetie
Hehehe..:P I am your twin!!:P
hehehe..ok i am cracking..
Keshi love another really touching post!
Goodbyes are always hard, whatever the situation! I try never to say it, that way the memories stay fresh.
I have some of my dearest friends here in blogland and goodbyes here are often more frequent. I try to remember little bits all the time but even memory fades.
Keshi if it was you it would be like having my heart ripped out!
But the memories of your pics and your posts would remain forever even as they faded!
Anyway I'm already old and grey and I still remember you - just no goodbyes hey??!!!!
What are you talking about?? You're going to stop blogging?? Why would you do that????? you're much loved around here...if that doesnt keep you back, what will?
oh theres no good-bye between friends keshi-chan.
ive been blogging almost 3 years, same with u.
have 700 posts till now. thats insane to dump all my efforts and wonderful comments which were given by friends.
so please think it over keshi-chan :)
take care!!
That was thought provoking!! Indeed, it's painful departing some someone/somebody we so used to havin around.Are you by any chance contempelating upon callin it quits to blog world..Goes without sayin, in that case, ofcourse will miss you sweetie..You have ur own charm that noone can replace. You are unique!!!!!!
Endings are never easy. If they were then what you're letting go meant nothing to you.
I personally have only just met you. But I do like your writing, and would be sorry to see you go.
hello keshi dear,, what happens..
Cos you know sometimes we need to say goodbye, cos nothing else would make sense...
yeah that makes a sense..!!
but i will not leave u dear..whether old, grey, or anything Friends are Foreever keshi!!
if not in mail , we are in hearts honey, we are in ya..take care!!happy independence day to india!!ha ha.
Keshi, Goodbyes are hard and remorse as its moe like an angel you wait to comeback.
I have always said, take a break and comeback and thaz what I do and these days I post once a week and all other things in our life is important too. Its all about timing and how much you spend to be here.
Forever goodbye is too bad, but donot close ur blog coz for some reading few posts can bring back smiles of past days isn't it.
Hey Kesh!!!!!!!
Saying Bye always makes a difference........
A feeling that we wont be able to see that person more often and a hope that in somemore time that person will be with us again or may be not it depends.......
It reminds me of one Hindi song:
Movie : Life In a Metro
Song : Alvida
Smiles :) and never say good bye always say cya........
I know what you mean Keshi coz I don't know when it is my time too but you might I'm gonna enjoy this as long as it lasts!
Yes, it saddens me too that my blog pals just 'disappeared' from the radar without a goodbye, I knew some just decided to stop due to some personal issues, whatever it is I have to respect them.
If ever you stop blogging my dear pal, pls remember to send me an email....still as I always say it is not Goodbye for Now but see you soon :D
Ah, Keshi, we'll all move on someday, and hopefully cherish this contact. Our ships bumping lightly, a cheerio across decks, a tether for support when it became really stormy. But we're all still moving, moving, and our voyages aren't nearly complete.
I have enjoyed getting to know you, though, and you've anchored me, and I hope I've anchored you at times...
It's just a post about Goodbyes, right? Don't stop blogging!!!! I will miss you terribly.
The only time Arvind and I been apart in 20 1/2yrs is 3 months when he went UK before me!!!! Sometimes a little away time is great!:))
Don't leave us but take a break if you need to dear girl. Hugs:))
everybody needs a little time away....
I heard her say....
from each other....
even lovers need a holiday....
far away...
I can put a cheesy spin on anything, keshi!
Of course, I'm also reminded of this poignant phrase -- everything ends badly, or else it wouldn't end.
Who knows, ten years from now blogging may be superseded by something newer and better?
i am not going to say goodbye bcoz u r not leaving. read this loud and clear:
Hi,Keshi,going a bit poetic,I'd say 'parting is such sweet sorrow'.:)But,you're right,it is difficult to say something or someone you have grown to love/like,and blogging is no different. But,take it from me,I'm sure you're going to be around for a long time to come.Perhaps,one day,u'll be posting pics of your grandchildren and your communication with them...all in 3D,naturally,and all voice based,coz kids then won't like to type on stuffy ole keyboards.:)
I remember it wasn't long since I came to your blog (I think I came thru broody's blog though I dont rem exactly ... it doesnt matter)
The first time I had spent over 2 hrs reading ur posts .. and was so amazed at how beautiful ur narrations were, how u gripped my mind thru ur fanstic style and how just I couldnt resist myself from reading on ...
The first thing that I do after coming back frm office is read ur post..... U have become such an integral part of my life .... It's as good as I know u personally and want to know more abt you, your mind and your perspectives ....
I hate goodbyes .... everyone of us do, I also realise tht it is impossible for anyone to continue blogging for eternity .... When goodbyes are out of choice, we should respect the wishes of the person bidding farewell .... If the goodbyes are not out of choice we can do nothing but accept the wishes of destiny.... In either ways I cannot help but feel sad .....
But Keshi, u r like family to me now .... even if u decided never to blog again, you will continue to be there for me ... in my memories and in my journey ...
I have learnt the biggest lesson frm u .... and tht is how to live life thru my skin .....
Loves and hugzzzz are coming ur way Keshi ..... If possible continue being my frnd .... I will always be yours ... thank you for being there ..
tht said and done, I hope to see ur post tom :)
take care
I myself took a rather long hiatus from blogging, but that didn't stop me from lurking at friends' blogs once in a while. But, I guess it is a totally different experience to miss that regular feed from one of your blog-friends a.k.a be on the receiving end. However, deep down, one does feel that there is a time in life when everyone of us will grow out of blogging, into something better, or perhaps something totally different. I suppose that will help me understand....
we all miss you..! if you leave blogville.. i will catch you through emailville.. if no response then phoneville.. if still no response then.. anyhow i will be sydney hopefully.. then jump into your home :P.. hehe.. why so low?.. what happened?
umm .. as long as I can reach you ..
m nt too sure abt this ..
n dnt take my lack of thoughts as an Anti-Keshi thing :P .. u already knw wat keshi is to me nd wat I am to keshi .. hahaha
now obviously we werent goin to plan our date here .. isnt it .. so newyz i will have to contact u some other way . ..
have u been lately thinking of quiting this thing ?
i think d sad thing wud be .. tht ppl now will have to hide their random sexy kinkiness rather thn expressing it here .. (tht obviously doesnt mean tht this is 'ONLY' a kinky bolg .. nopes .. )
newyz ..
have a gud day keshi
we shud newyz b in touch :P
Keshi my love come across to mine as soon as you can!
You have an award waiting for you!!
Goodbyes are painful and I hate goodbyes.I do hope you vever leave blogsville.I love reading all your posts even the sad ones.You are my dear friend.Hugggggggggggggz to you from across the miles.
I absolutely refuse to even consider a blog world .. or any world .. without Keshi in it. If you're positive outlook, warmth and charm were gone I just don't know what would become of me.
goodbyes are always tough but they're almost as much a part of life as making new friends. its like the way trees shed their leaves to grow new i like to see that in every good-bye there's a hidden hello.
and whenever i come to know that you'll be leaving from blogger-ville, that day i'll dedicate the song sung by Andrea Boccelli and Sarah you.
"Time to Say Good-bye".
i suck at goodbyes
Are we saying goodbye?
stopping by to say hi chica!!!
i have literally 8 minutes before class so i did not read your post but i sure will when i come back!
be good!!!!
bud i know its hard..but from my belief..its not worthing thinking hard...our life is much easier when we dont prepare for anything..let things happen naturally..I ll stop someday..but then life goes on...reinventing ourselves..stay in good spirits..!!
hey..go easy ! But stay here. Ok ? Thats that and no more.
Just stay here. Keep writing!
Take care.
So if I leave Blogville forever for some reason, would you be ok with it? ---> what if we dont let you? :p
Goodbyes....its not over tonight! Well...atleast thats what Maroon 5 said. But keshi, we are humans and we cry, heck even elephants do. if you want or need to go someday, just like the rest of us, the world will cry, our world. For a few days or weeks, but then only memories will remain and we shall laugh and cry more sometimes. In the end when we are all gone, and if the net still exists with all our words, we shall live in the memories of everyone.
I love you too much to let you go Keshi...
I was seriously thinking of printing my every post and making a book out of it, the Internet just freaks me out, maybe it will go first before US?!!!!
Good Bye's... Hardest in life.. Only time can convince us.. I prefer to deal withit as and when it comes instead of pondering over it...
BTW..Now dn't tell me ur going to quit blogging...
so u too???
i thought of going away so many times and once i wrote it too that i m leaving...
but later i realized, why should something else try snatching away this blogville from me? that is something i came in on my own, and i moved through it...and hence i returned after a lot of thinking...
my verbosity created problems for some and so i had to pull down whatever i wrote... and then i decided to leave... but now everything is restored back to the same... i don't give a damn about it what others think...
but again... its your choice and u have the right to...
it will be a sad day though :(
hey keshi,
I wouldnt miss you at all.. :P.
Well yes, I would, and wonder how you are doing and all, but not in an overwhelming way and besides, I think we will sort of be in touch.. on and off. no?
there will be updates and pics of little keshis here and all.
and when you need to vent, .. :))
Gett HUGGGGGGGGZ! I read ur post...wuts up? Anything I can do to help u?
** I wonder why such and such a person even came into my life, if they had to leave
I know...I always get worried abt that...I mean having formed all these lovely bonds n then having to say kinda scares me.
I dunno sweetie...sometimes I fear my own self...its like Im spiralling down into a dark hole with my own dun ask me wut that means :) Hows u?
Srijith if it takes u to come to Syd to make me blog again, then yes I'd stop so that u will arrive ;-) LOL me cheeky!
Harry aww it was so nice to see u here..after a long time...and ur presence n words mean alot to me. TY Harry!
Poo d u do the Rajastani dances?
I love the song they played for starts with Rangeela... ... ... I dunno the rest of the lyrics...d u know that song? Such a GREAT melody!
lolz Amy u r so very cute.
meow meow scracth scratch LOL!
**Keshi if it was you it would be like having my heart ripped out!
aww that line actually ripped my heart out :) I wudnt do that to ya my friend.
And ur not old n grey...ur still young n kicking ;-)
ty Ebezp u r a great friend!
Hey Radha!
**you're much loved around here...if that doesnt keep you back, what will?
awwww thats such a warm thing to say. ty n HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
I love ya too!
Niki u wrote 700 posts in 3years? WOW! I think my count is still at abt 400...:)
HUGGGGGGGGZ my dear! I cant imagine a world w.o. u all. Seriously!
Annie ty so much!
**You have ur own charm that noone can replace. You are unique
awww u too! Everyone is unique n special in their own ways.
Phishez heyy!
**Endings are never easy. If they were then what you're letting go meant nothing to you.
very well-said!
awwww I know I'll miss u too...cos u rock girl! U write wonderfully. HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
nothing happened...was wondering wut it wud be like some day when Im not here...
ur words mean alot to me Pankaj, ty!
Priya u r so sweet. I agree, we need to hv a balance in everything in life...
ty so much n HUGGGGGGGGGZ! And I love ur blog too. It rocks!
Heyyy Prashant :)
**Movie : Life In a Metro
Song : Alvida
wow wanna hear that...I'll check it out in youTube. tnxx!
Cya then ;-)
Shionge u said it the best...enjoy til it lasts indeedz!
ty sweetie n HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
Helen u said it so beautifully! Only u cud say things like that. Just lovely. HUGGGGGGGGZ!
**But we're all still moving, moving, and our voyages aren't nearly complete.
So true!
**I have enjoyed getting to know you, though, and you've anchored me, and I hope I've anchored you at times...
awww DEFINITELY! u hv been more than that to me Helen. HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ! I can neva forget that pretty face and that very beautiful heart...neva!
Asha yes thats right...sometimes a break does alot of good to the mind.
awww HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ! Asha hunny u r beautiful!
Brian thats one of my fav songs. I played it for another post recently...
**everything ends badly, or else it wouldn't end.
so true! Thats a rocking quote. ty!
yeah who knows...blogs may be replaced by some other supa talking blogs perhaps? :):) who knows!
lol I can just picture ya making a face...u still look very CUTE ammu! :)
duncha worry hun...Im here. How can I even think of leaving someone as special as u?
aww Amit ty!
**all in 3D,naturally,and all voice based,coz kids then won't like to type on stuffy ole keyboards
haha wud be great ha. Im not sure if I cud blog at 95..I may need supa glasses when Im the rate Im blogging LOL!
did u get my email?
Alok ur beautiful comment made me all teary...really. HUGGGGGGGGGGZ n ty!
** even if u decided never to blog again, you will continue to be there for me ... in my memories and in my journey ...
awwwww..u too..u will always be in my heart...ur wonderful comments here and mostly ur golden heart...I can neva forget that.
**I have learnt the biggest lesson frm u .... and tht is how to live life thru my skin .....
wow thats great. Im so happy for ya Alok :)
**tht said and done, I hope to see ur post tom
LOL I knew that was coming. hahahaha!
ty Alok u rock!
hey Rahul Im glad ur bak tho :)
**However, deep down, one does feel that there is a time in life when everyone of us will grow out of blogging, into something better, or perhaps something totally different
yes...and thats what Im talking abt here...cos we all wont be here at the same time when some of us leave for good...
heyyyy Sujit!
hehehehe...sounds like Smallville :)
Sujit we shall be in touch...thats for sure ha.
nah Im not low...was just wondering...thats all hehe.
heyy Anuj where were ya yday? We missed u. Kaylz n I.
**.. tht ppl now will have to hide their random sexy kinkiness rather thn expressing it here
lol u kinky guy!
so hows u? did u read my last post?
OMG Ebezp ty! I'll be there soon :)
Where in the deep blue sky have u been hiding my beautiful shining star? :) I missed ya!
** If you're positive outlook, warmth and charm were gone I just don't know what would become of me.
OMG r u serious? that was really touching! Im really happy to know u feel that way abt me. it means alot u know. tnxxxx mate!!
Rama hey tnxx!
**its like the way trees shed their leaves to grow new i like to see that in every good-bye there's a hidden hello.
beautifully put!
that song is one of my favs!! how did u know??
Aditi me too... :*(
Teri not yet ;-)
Lisa having fun sweetie?
I miss ya!
Matty hey tnxx!
**our life is much easier when we dont prepare for anything..
thats so true!
I think way too much ha :)
awww Kavi.... :)
hey Ghosty!
**what if we dont let you?
lol u gonna put heavy bars and lock the doors Ghosty?
yes Ghosty...memories will save ur soul...
**, the Internet just freaks me out, maybe it will go first before US?
u neva know...hehehe..
**I love you too much to let you go Keshi...
awwwwww thats such a sweet thing to say. I LOVE U TOO Ghosty! Way to much to leave! :)
Chap yeah I better leave it to happen naturally...
ty so much!
DJ Im so glad u r bak! I was so sad when u said u were leaving bak was the same time Amy said she was it was 2 blows to me...I was so very sad like u'll never know!
**but now everything is restored back to the same... i don't give a damn about it what others think...
I agree...I wont ever leave blogs cos of someone else. ppl dun bother me that way anymore..they used to..but not anymore.
HUGGGGGGGGZ n ty! Dun be sad...Im here DJ :)
btw why arent u in BUF anymore?
when u r as close to somebody as Janice was
there are no good byes
not even in death
u might say the words many times
but they wont stick
u will always be back
we are soul mates
Rose awww but I know I will miss u like crazy! :):)
**there will be updates and pics of little keshis here and all.
:) I'd love to share that too with my blog mates...but I dunno if that'd ever come true...just dunno Rose...
HUGGGGGGGGGZ n ty sweetie!
and when u lust for the one u love ....
relax i dont lust for u
Kaylee Im good ty...and u?
Look who's bak..Anuj :)
Jim I really havent said goodbye to Jan yet...I cant...cos I dunno where she is now...even tho u 'believe' she died.
lolz Jim ur bitten by the lust-bug?
Specifically - would I miss you. Yes, I enjoy your enthusiasm and zest for life.
In a general way - I find goodbyes hard to deal with as it brings into sharp focus why we like that person and what they bring to your life - it's like a bit of the picture suddenly dims. I have a couple of friends that are moving and I will miss them for very different reasons. But maybe a more positive spin is that I will have two friends in different places?
**But maybe a more positive spin is that I will have two friends in different places?
thats a very POSITIVE n SMART way of looking at it. Brilliant!
////Kaylee Im good ty...and u?///
I am very good just want outta here LOL!
Look who's bak..Anuj :)
LOL after that comment i wrote him yesterday he comes back?
Kaylz ur going home on Fri arent ya?
lol yeah Anuj felt guilty n he's bak haha!
YEAH i am but that isnt soon enough:P
are you leaving us? i hope not!
aww Kaylz when u asked that qn it seemed like a lil girl feeling sad n asking me that...HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
I cant leave u all...not ways!
In Gujarati, we never say Good bye. We say come again soon :)
Hi Keshi
I always make my goodbyes as though they are last goodbyes because you never know if you'll ever see the person again, or it might be you who they will never see again.
Keshi Dear,
It's very hard to bid adieu from your loved ones especially when you are at the receiving end.
And if you say that u want to say "Bye", it would really hurt most of ur blog readers, because, we are all united with this wonderful bond of blogging... And we have shared each others' happiness/sorrow. We are friends whom we have not met but know about them.And you Keshi, such an energetic person, how can u just leave n go huh???
u take care
Awww. I'm sorry and you know that I...more than some...can feel your pain.
Yeah, you know, I think we would think of each other years after we stop blogging. I fully expect I'll look back at this blog when I'm old and read over the posts, and all the blogs I've read, and all the people that have read my blogs are just as big a part of it as the posts I put up.
You say hello, I say goodbye... or Bye, bye, bye - or was it buy, buy, buy, I can't remember. Hope you ain't saying good bye to us!!
Great tunes!! I've got to find an Indian market around here...
when is Sri Lanka's ?
MG ur a Gujju? wow teach me some Gujju plz...
Kem cho? :)
Bevster hugggggggggz!
** always make my goodbyes as though they are last goodbyes because you never know if you'll ever see the person again, or it might be you who they will never see again.
I agree..Im the same!
aww Kaylz!
dun be scared...Im here ok?
Harsha I got all teary reading ur warm msg to me..ty so much n HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
**We are friends whom we have not met but know about them
Spot on. Its such a big family here ha :)
U r so very sweet u know. Ur words reached my heart.
u ok? I hope ur not grieving something/someone right now...
TC swt hrt!
AB that such a heart-warming thing to say. HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
I'll always rem ur Megan posts ;-)
Phos ty! and I love that song...
hmmm mebbe move Down Under? :)
Jim it's on the 4th of year will be SL's 60th.
while reading ur post i wanted to scream out noooooooo......but deep within i know u are right..and i understand!!i ll b saying my goodbyes in 1 n half yrs..2 study out of town...and from now itself i realize how hard it is but i agree with u wen u say "Sometimes we need a break, even from the ones we love?"
wow...i love the song and also bridge over troubled waters. did you know that bridge over troubled waters was the record holding song for maximum grammys before MJ came along with thriller.
anyways..."time to say goodbye" always makes me very emotional and i start thinking of those people with whom I was great friends with but now due to some reason or other have sort of "fallen" out of touch.
Thanks for the independence day wishes.
Simple. It is leaving the comfort zone feeling. You have known a person and that too if it is for a long time then the fear to make friends with another stranger. What if they don't become a good friend like the one that is going.. Plus the good times with the fella who is leaving. Memories, is another one.
Flesh and bones, with emotional thoughts.. bound to happen.
I hate good byes !
bedoz u are thinking blogger.
and im posting food photos at ramdam.
so i dont need to use my brain when blogging :D
Phoenix yeah...we everybody need a holiday, from each other...
tho I'd hate to see u leave :(
Rama I didnt know that abt interesting!
I have quite alot of 'fallen' friends in my life too Rama..I wonder if they even think of me like I think of them...
Ur right Vik...
**Flesh and bones, with emotional thoughts.. bound to happen.
so true!
I hate Goodbyes too...I loathe em!
Niki r u sure that comment was for this blog? LOL!
Oh Keshi..
This was not the post I wanted to see :( Now I'm even sadder than before..
This post touched me...
Thank you.
im so pleased hearing from you today, girl!
i was even telling mom, "mom you know this friend of mine from Australia says she thinks about me everyday. and that she is an Indophile and all..."
im grinning and am not stopping! :P
Saying GOODBYE is tough when you love a person. I went through this phase many times.
Saying good bye is hard...but it's not forever!
hehe Sunrise ty n HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
haha Trinnie ur so sweet!
Give ur Ma a kiss for me ok? MWAHHHHHHHHH!
Kalpana I agree...its the toughest thing to endure!
Not always Jen...sometimes its forever isnt it?
hmm..ur bang on girl...someitmes people need a break and if we love them we shall understand their need for some time alone...
tnxx SS!
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