The Fragile Species...
I have spoken quite often about the male species here, but it seems I don't get a break from such posts...only cos most men I meet are total dickheads and they prove it royally from time to time (yes I know there are few--veeeeeery few-- gentlemen out there so stop booing ok!). Done with the booing? Ok thanks! Is it very hard for a guy to be just friends with a girl without wanting to sleep with her? I wonder! Does it take alot of grey matter to be decent and respect friends of the oppsite sex? I wonder! Don't you have to be in love with someone before trying to sleep with them? I wonder! Let me tell you some recent rather fragile male-species' behavior in my life:
Sorry To Burst Your Hap-p-i-ness!Remember that married guy who started flirting with me recently, Mr.Aditya from this post? Well I didn't continue the silly talks after that first day. It just stopped, and then it looked like he was a bit disappointed. Cos after some funny emails, today he asks me something quite indecent...although he put it in a subtle manner, I was disgusted! I told him a subtle manner myself. I think he got my message clearly. Why can't most men just be decent for a change? Why do they almost always take even silly fun the wrong way? Why do they imply that a smart, funny, totally friendly chick would be ready to jump into bed with them? Dream on Mr.Dickson!
Baby If I Show You Mine Will You Show Me Your's?
Here's another one. Choco's recent post about a shocking ex-BF horror story, reminded me of a guy-friend who suggested a similar thing to me. Andrew was about to get married and he wanted to have some final 'bachelor fun' just before he got throttled by the jaws of committment. So is it my obligation? He comes around and asks if I'd like to have some 'fun' with him before he got married! I told him that it's a great thing that I didn't know his wife well enough to go tell her what he suggested. From that day onwards, he was really kind to me and very afraid of me. What a loser! Why was he even getting married? And that poor chick is gonna end up with some sick dick for the rest of her life, if she's really dumb that is. I wonder what his wedding vows would be...something twisted anyways.
Canned Wedding Beckons Instant Sex?
You think it stopped there? Along came M. Remember I wrote a post on him long time ago over here..he was one of my best guy friends and he was to be married in 2007. And then he said that he liked me alot etc etc? Well remember I told him off a nice way. And then he begged me to forgive him and remain friends. Which I did, cos M was a childhood friend and I didn't wanna be too harsh on him - so I forgave and forgot. Well guess what, in May this year, his wedding plans got halted (wedding was to take place Sept 1st 2007). Cos his dad suddenly died in May and they didn't wanna go ahead with the wedding. So guess what he does...he txts me out of the blue in June or so, and says it all got stopped, and he broke up with the girl etc. I don't know why he'd have to break up with is fiance but I just had to believe what he said! And then I sympathised with him and offered him comforting words etc. And then suddenly in the middle of this funeralish convo, he makes a rather brave suggestion.."Keshi I wanna travel the world in the next few months...and with you". HANG ON, STOP RIGHT THERE, what did he just say??? WTF is wrong with guys? M just lost his dad, apparently broke up with his fiance and halted his wedding, and now he wants to travel the world with me!!?? Rather get into my pants! I think he needs to travel around a mental asylum. I told him that he should travel with his fiance and not with me! And since that day he didn't talk to me, he had even come to Sydney for a short while and left already, and he didn't even ring me. Now is it my fault that his head is so screwed up? He just wanted to try his luck with me and got rejected badly, and now he doesn't talk to me? What a mega fucked up fucker!
Package Deals
Are you wondering what the title of this post m
eans? For those who didn't get it, short for Richard is Dick. And Cranium is Head. Now work it out yourselves. Seriously most men think with their dicks and since the penises don't have cranium, the words that come out of these men's mouths are shockingly dim-witted. Most men want to get laid 24/7 (married or not) and it's a pretty sad thing to realise that supposedly educated, intelligent, smart, well-bred guys can only offer this kind of deal to a female friend. Then there's absolutely no hope for the average Blow Job right, I mean Jo Blow! Richard Craniums, please insure your family jewels before you approach me for an indecent proposal. If you plan to live, you might as well have sex right?...for that you need your pacakge don't you? Current Music: I'm Not In Love by 10CC
Current Music Update: Baby Jane by Rod Stewart
164 Cranium Signets:
Hmmm..As they always say, Mens' hate are always in between their balls.
EXperienced one with an ex bf recently as well. Attached to be engaged to be married and still trying his luck with me?
And he couldn't handle it when i told him the above fact. That his head is in between his balls.
There are surely a few good men out there. I am happy to say i can vouch for that.
u seriously do encounter the wrong breed of the species a lot!! I mean, knw loadsa guys dp not think that way.... or even if they do... tghey won't act on it like the fellas u mentioned!!
so, ma'am... men have their cranium in the right place that is a few inches above their neck... it's just that for quite a few the thought process is triggered by the ancient instincts and not by the cultivated social ones!!!
Sorry Keshi. I meant 'Men's Head'. lol..:P
I can understand keshhaaayyy i can understand, thats why u need to penetrate within their heads coz believe it, the breed u r talking abt hv a label nice and bright on their heads,"I am a Jackass, beware"
oh honey, i had a feeling the office guy would try for way more than harmless flirting...the problem is, the moment you are nice to a guy or flirt with him, he thinks you want to go to bed with him..or hopes you would! i have encountered this too, so i totally when all we girls want is some nice male company with no strings attached and no expectations...
luckily there still are some decnt men out there though...and some day one of them will be lucky to find you :)
"few gentlemen out there"
....yeah like :P
Keshi, Your posts are always interesting and my wife is now fan of your blog. Everyday she reads one previous posts and the Ghost one is her favorite, she is scared. But I think she likes to be scared coz she asked if you can post on more on that topic.
Take care
There are exceptions to these men you just described. But sometimes it is a little bit like looking for a needle in a haystack. *sigh*
Try before you buy :)
first, lemme say most men want to get laid, but so do most women.... we all have sex drives. it's just the logistics that differ - men want no strings (or better, g-strings) while women usually want more commitment. as for adulterous/cheats, they suck big time and i always hope it comes back to haunt them. the most important thing is to be honest in any relationship. as for flirting with you, keshi, i wouldn't stop unless you said you had a restraining order (at which time i'd change my blog identity and resume immediately :) of your regular commenters claims to be happily married but talks to random women in IM about sex and happily boasts to his other female contacts that he does it a lot.
I guess women don't see what he is because he hides behind phrases like 'hugs and kisses' and every woman who watches him jerk off on his web cam is his 'very dear friend'. Considering that he talks frequently about his 'dear sweet wife' I wonder why these females do this with him.
I'm guessing they aren't thinking about his wife when they are on line with him.
Men aren't the only assholes in here or in the real world.
I feel sorry for men -they have this thing and are always looking for somewhere to put it. What gets me is that can be old and creepy and STILL ACT LIKE DICKHEADS!!! I had an old dickhead put his hand on my back in a creepy way at the markets once.Probably fairly typical of the way men are - as an example my aunty's ex-husband was at the pub one night and he was about to go off outside with an absolute slut and my sister was there and said to him: "Aw, why do you want to go with her -she's a slut?" and my uncle said: "You gotta get it where you can" (but he didn't end up going). I know I've said it before on my blog -it is slutty women who create a lot of the problem. If they would keep their legs closed and set at least some kind of standard for themselves, men wouldn't feel that ALL women are like that -and we wouldn't have to deal with terrible suggestions.It is women who have set up the way things are.
the only reason why men are on this planet because vibrators cant but diamonds!
true.. i like d post!!
most men just want to sleep and take advantage of the emotional bit of a women!! again i wil say most not all...
but d rest are very difficult to find..
i wonder if they wil be ok if their wife slept with someone just to understand how it felt.. i hate this kind!
Strange..! Do these guys read your blog..? Perhaps they wouldn`t have ventured so far then..! Cool it, Keshi..!
BTW, we men can be dogs at times, but the difference lies in where we draw a line.!
Have fUN.., tAKE cArE AND gOd bLEsS..!
With Best Regards,
The man should respect the woman in this same way as he respects his mother and doughter.
Warm greetings!
Keshi: You have got it absolutely right. Never pretend to a love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.
Respect is something you earn. You can't beg, borrow or steal it. It's a procces of right doings.
good work keshi--but all mens are nt same and needs no pkage cr..
i am so glad i am not the only person who encounters such idiots and thinks they are idiots...
but unfortunately as much as i hate saying this.. men are not the only ones who go for some last minute fun... i know this friend of mine who did that and it was totally disgusting to me.. but what do i know .. i must be outdated in my thinking
Of course I agree with you; just to be friends must be possible, and I know that it's so! Mostly preferred female company, job wise and privately. But... I wonder if the initiatives are not almost as often coming from the females?
these are the ones who give men a bad name!! can't find them and eliminate them because their desperation makes them extremely sly.
its better to keep a distance and be careful than give room to anyone!!!
next time just don't loose the moment, give a slap and a punch on his crotch!! trust me, he will get the point LOUD and CLEAR!!!
jeez h abt male i hve noticed the comments have lessened on this post :) ...look, men are not great readers of subtle signs and really helps if thing are told to us or made very clear, so its kind of natural for us to misunderstand relationships...
my best friend is a girl and i married her, so i guess as far as iam concerened a man cannot be friends with a girl without it becoming an attraction :)
Not all men have thinking members, but i guess almost all suffer from was-that-a-hint syndrome -
And that sometimes raises a flag that switches the think-center to certain parts down under.
And unlike women whose controls are all several dials that need to be turned this way and that, we have just one red button that says " Go tiger!"
Not a good idea to play with the button, really. :)
I am not sure that guys are really like this. This is an element of being seen to be like that though. Get them past that stage (not meaning what you may think) and they could be quite decent guys. But also understand how strong the drive is for young men. It can preoccupy their whole day's thinking. Tell them to relieve themselves and come back to talk.
this seems to b real fury :P
well i donno much abt psychology bt ya btw frndz u do need to b decent specially in d sex thing .. i mean somehow it jus doesnt come .. nd its gud fr me i think :D ..
lol .. if ur agnry on this .. wat abt d NSC activites? :(
hehe ..
calm down keshi .. evn if some ppl want it tht way ..u dnt want it rite .. so let thm think n dream of whtevr thy want ..
ahem .. bt m sure d NSC event manager is up fr some fun .. :P
bt seriously .. its a gud question .. y do we guyz think tht way?
bt ya fr me .. its there .. bt nt like i have my head in my groin .. frsure not .. i have it right here .. upstairs ;)
So I am one of those VERY VERY few gud guyz u talked abt in the post ;)
have a sex(y) day ..
u r a desi in firangi land
the mores are different in western countries
in india u only sleep with your partner if u intend to marry
not so in western countries
A virgin in the west after the age of 18 is a rarity
u sex for pleasure without commitments
sex is no big deal
on the other hand if u r starved for sex, u mistake the biological attraction for love
and u marry
and the marriage usually ends in disaster
as it did for me
before marriage u must test for sexual compatibility too
It seems like they are trying their luck all the time and wanna have some thrill ....SICK :(
u will like this from SEX COUNSELLOR
a debate
"A fulfilling love life. How can I have one? How can I get the most out of sex?" University students worldwide ask these questions. Why? Because both pleasure and emotional fulfillment are important facets of sex.
Sex is often on our minds. According to two psychologists at the universities of Vermont and South Carolina, 95% of people think about sex at least once each day.{1} You might wonder, "You mean that 5% of the people don't?"
One way not to have a dynamic sex life is to concentrate solely on technique. There is certainly nothing wrong with learning sexual technique--especially the basics--but technique by itself is not the answer.
A good relationship is important for good sex. Psychiatrist and bestselling author Anthony Pietropinto and coauthor Jacqueline Simenauer write, "When emotional issues involving anger or a need to control are encountered on the road to sexual fulfillment, the journey is interrupted until these conflicts are resolved."{2}
Many sex therapists agree that great technique does not guarantee great sex. They emphasize that the qualities that contribute to a successful sex life are the same ones that contribute to a successful interpersonal relationship.
Qualities like love, commitment and communication.
Consider love. As popular speaker and author Josh McDowell points out, those romantic words, "I love you," can be interpreted several different ways. One meaning is "I love you if--if you go out with me...if you are lighthearted...if you stay committed to me...if you sleep with me." This type of love is given on the basis of what the other person does. Another meaning is "I love you because--because you are attractive...strong...intelligent." This type of love is given on the basis of what the other person is. Both types of love must be earned.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to be loved for what you are, but problems can arise with having "if" or "because of" love as the basis of a relationship. Jealousy can set in when someone who is more attractive or more intelligent appears and the partner's attention shifts to the newcomer. People who know they are loved only for their strong points may be afraid to admit any weaknesses to their partners. This dishonesty can affect the relationship.
THE BEST LOVE. The best kind of love is unconditional. This love says, "I love you, period. I love you even if someone better looking comes along, even with your faults and even if you change. I place your needs above my own."
One young couple was engaged to be married. Their popularity, intelligence, good looks and athletic success made their future together seem bright. Then the young woman was in a skiing accident that left her paralyzed for life. Her fiancé deserted her.
Portrayed in the popular film, "The Other Side of the Mountain," this true story was certainly complex. But was his love for her "love, period"? Or was it love "if" or love "because of"? Unconditional love (or "less-conditional," because none of us is perfect) is an essential building block for a lasting relationship.
You can probably see how unconditional love can help a sexual relationship in a marriage. In order for sex to be most fulfilling, it should be experienced in an atmosphere of caring and acceptance. Sex, viewed in this manner, becomes not a self-centered performance but a significant expression of mutual love.
MUTUAL COMMITMENT. Another quality necessary for a strong relationship and dynamic sex is commitment. If two people are completely committed to each other, their relationship is strengthened. Without mutual commitment, neither will be able to have the maximum confidence that the relationship is secure. The fear may exist that, should they encounter a trial, the other may not be there for support. This can erode their bond.
Total, permanent commitment is important in sex, too. It brings security to each partner. It frees them from feeling they have to strive to keep from losing the other and releases them to enjoy one another. It can be an important result of and expression of unconditional love. Commitment helps to breed satisfaction.
COMMUNICATION. A third quality essential for a strong relationship and dynamic sex is communication. Even if partners have mutual love and commitment, they need to communicate this to each other by what they say and do. If a problem arises, they need to talk it out and forgive rather than give each other the silent treatment and stew in their juices. As one sociology professor expressed it, "Sexual foreplay involves the 'round-the-clock relationship." Communication affects your total life; your total life affects sex. Couples need to communicate about their hopes, dreams, fears and hurts as well as the daily details of life in order for the relationship to flourish.
Sex is a form of communication. You can bet that if partners are harboring resentment or not communicating appropriately, it shows in their sex life. Psychologists, sex researchers and textbook authors Albert Richard Allgeier and Elizabeth Rice Allgeier note that "a substantial number of sexual problems could be resolved if people felt free to communicate with their sexual partners...about their sexual feelings...."{3}
So, how can you have a dynamic sex life? By developing the same qualities that contribute to a strong relationship: unconditional love, total and permanent commitment and clear, meaningful communication. These qualities combine to help produce a maximum oneness and bring the greatest pleasure.
To this point we've been saying that sex is designed to work best within a happy marriage. "But," you ask, "what about premarital sex?" This is, of course, a very controversial topic. While wanting to convey respect for those who differ, it's best that couples wait until marriage before having sexual relations. Why? Consider three reasons.
WHY WAIT? First, there is a practical reason for waiting. Premarital sex can detract from a strong relationship and a dynamic sex life. All too often, premarital sex ends up a self-seeking, self-gratifying experience. After intercourse, one partner might be saying "I love you" while the other is thinking "I love it."
Very often premarital sex occurs in the absence of total and permanent commitment. This can bring insecurity into the relationship. Both short--and long--range problems can result, especially with the breakdown in trust. For instance, while the couple is unmarried, there can always be the nagging thought, "If s/he's done it with me, whom else have they slept with?" After they marry, one might think, "If that person was willing to break a standard with me before we married, how do I know they won't now that we are married?" Doubt and suspicion can chip away at their relationship.
POOR COMMUNICATION, POOR SEX. Premarital sex can also inhibit communication. Each might wonder, "How do I compare with my lover's other partners? Does s/he tell them how I perform in bed?" Or perhaps they think, "Should I be totally honest and vulnerable and share my heart with this person when I don't know if they'll be around tomorrow? Can I entrust all of me to them if I don't have all of them for me? There will be part of me emotionally that I'll hold back." Each becomes less open; communication dwindles. And poor communication makes for poor sex. Bad feelings result, communication deteriorates and so does the relationship. In short, premarital sex can put people at a disadvantage because it can lessen their chances to experience maximum oneness and pleasure.
One young woman at Arizona State University expressed it like this: "I understand what you're saying about unity or oneness. I've had several premarital sexual experiences with different men. After each one, I've felt like I've left a part of myself with that person emotionally. What you're saying is that it makes sense for a person to save themself so they can give themself completely to their spouse."
There is a second reason for waiting: None of the arguments for premarital sex are strong enough. Of course, it's always easy to rationalize in the heat of passion and say it's right. But that is why it is important to decide beforehand--to think with your brain instead of your glands. Consider several common arguments.{4}
The Statistical Argument: "Everyone else is doing it." Oh, no, they're not! Some studies have shown high statistics, but never one that says 100%. Besides, even if "everyone else" were doing it, that is a lousy reason for doing anything. Suppose 90% of your friends developed ulcers. Would you try to emulate them? Should you? This is not to equate sex with sickness. The point is that just because "everyone else is doing it" doesn't make it advisable or right. You need a better reason.
The Biological Argument: "Sex is a biological need, like the drive for food, air and water. When I have the impulse, it needs to be satisfied." You can't live without food, air or water. Believe it or not, you can live without sex. (It's been documented.)
The Contraceptive Argument: "Modern contraceptives have removed the fear of pregnancy." Don't kid yourself. There's always a chance of pregnancy. No contraceptive is 100% foolproof. Even many marital pregnancies are unintended. A lot of married couples have had "little surprises."
Even with all the modern contraceptives, there are one million teenage pregnancies in the U.S. each year.{5} And if one chooses abortion as a "solution," there can still be emotional scarring and, for many people, a guilt burden. Incidentally an estimated 55 million people in the U.S.--about one in five--have a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Each year there are twelve million new STD infections in the U.S.{6}--an average of over 20 new cases every minute.
HIV, the deadly virus that causes
AIDS, has focused world attention on sexual risks. About 6,000 people around the globe become infected with HIV daily.{7} In the U.S., AIDS is the leading killer of people ages 25 to 44, according to the Centers for Disease Control.{8} So-called "safe sex" is not really safe at all. Condoms can slip, break and leak.{9} Johns Hopkins University reports research on HIV transmission from infected men to uninfected women in Brazil. The study took pains to exclude women at high risk of contracting HIV from sources other than their own infected sex partners. Of women who said their partners always used condoms during vaginal intercourse, 23% became HIV-positive.{10}
The Hedonistic Argument: "But it feels so good when I do it--and afterward, too!" The question is, "How long after?" What feels good for a few seconds may leave you feeling miserable for years. Self-fulfillment is hard to come by without self-respect. Also, don't forget the other person. Sometimes one partner's pleasure is another partner's misery. How would you like being used as nothing more than someone else's pleasure machine?
Basketball superstar Magic Johnson shocked much of the world when he announced he was HIV-positive. Now married and an advocate for premarital abstinence, Johnson recalls that his former sexploits--a parade of one-night stands--left him empty: "I was the loneliest guy on the face of the earth....I didn't have anybody to share with who loved me for me. For Earvin (his given name, i.e., his real self), not for Magic (the sports legend)."{11}
The Experiential Argument: "Practice makes perfect and I do want to please my partner when I do marry." As previously mentioned, communication and commitment--not just technique--are keys to dynamic sex. Why not learn with your own spouse--together--instead of on someone else's wife or sister or husband or brother? Remember, too, that good sexual adjustment takes time, love and understanding.
The Compatibility Argument: "We need to experiment to see if we're sexually compatible, especially since marriage is such a big step." Some express it like this: "You try on a pair of shoes before you buy them!" The "try-before-you-buy" idea breaks down because the human plumbing system is very flexible and almost always works. Again, premarital sex can erode trust and communication. It's wiser to test your compatibility as persons. Even happily married couples often need several years to adjust sexually to each other.
Besides, sex can cloud the issue. Sex is not the key to love. Love is the key to sex. Couples who approach marriage thinking that "We're in love so it's OK to have sex" or "We'll use sex to determine if we're in love" may be sorely disappointed. They may discover that what they thought was love is only charged-up sex sensations. Waiting until marriage does not guarantee that you'll be emotionally compatible, but it does help create a less confusing environment in which to find out before you take the step of a marriage commitment.
The Marital Argument: "If we're really in love and plan to get married, why all the fuss over the license and date?" Plans don't always end up in reality. (Chances are you know someone--perhaps yourself--who suffered a broken engagement.) The public declaration at a wedding can be an important evidence of commitment. Why? It takes a certain level of conviction to be able to state a commitment publicly. Affirming marriage vows in public helps give each partner greater assurance that each really means it. It can also act as a deterrent to future departure. The desire not to be publicly perceived as a promise-breaker can help dissuade partners from seeking supposed "greener grass." Of course a wedding is no guarantee one won't leave in the future, but it can be a preventive.
Third, there is a moral reason for waiting. According to biblical perspective, God clearly says to wait.{12} You might be thinking, "See, I told you God didn't want me to have any fun." Many people think this initially, then they realize that the reason God, as a loving parent, gives negative commands is for our own good. He wants us to experience something better!
Waiting until marriage can help you both have the confidence, security, trust and self-respect that a solid relationship needs.
"I really like what you said about waiting," said a recently married young woman after a lecture at Sydney University in Australia. "My fiancé and I had to make the decision and we decided to wait." (Each had been sexually active in other previous relationships.) "With all the other tensions and stress of engagement, sex would have been just another worry. Waiting till our marriage before we had sex was the best decision we ever made."
THE GREATEST AID. One final concept that is perhaps the greatest aid to fulfilling sex concerns relating as a total person. Human lives have three dimensions: Physical, mental and spiritual. If communication on any of these levels in a marriage is missing, the relationship is incomplete.
Some are surprised to learn that sex and spirituality can mix well. A highly-acclaimed University of Chicago study of sex in America found that among women, conservative Protestants were those most likely to report they always had an orgasm during intercourse. While that finding does not prove causation, the high correlation between spiritual commitment and sexual pleasure prompted the researchers to note that the image of Christians as sexually repressed may be a myth.{13}
Certainly biblical writers support a healthy view of sexuality. For example the Hebrew Song of Solomon, a beautiful and passionate love story, has been called one of the best sex manuals ever written.
Consider this perspective: Relating on a spiritual level centers around the most unique person of history, Jesus of Nazareth. Evidence backs up His claim to be God{14} and as God what He offers can affect everyone in a personal way, including the area of sex.
One first century follower of Jesus described the quality of love He offers: "Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered...bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails...."{15} What man or woman would not want to love or be loved like that?
THE POWER SOURCE. During His time on earth, Christ explained that everyone is born physically alive but spiritually dead. In order to properly relate on a spiritual level, He said, one must be spiritually reborn.{16} He later rose physically from the dead to make this new life possible. Jesus offers a life that has power. Power for living, power to love others less conditionally, power for self-control in one's sex life. Even after having experimented with premarital sex, one can find in God the strength to stop, to resist future temptation and to wait for one's life partner.
Jesus also offers forgiveness from every wrong--no matter what--that we've ever done because He died on the cross in our place, bearing the punishment we deserved. Anyone can be completely forgiven if he or she will come to Christ. God can cleanse a person's mind of all past guilt. He can restore the freedom of mutual love and trust in a relationship.
All you need to do to begin this spiritual journey is simply to believe that Christ died for you, ask for and accept the forgiveness He offers, and invite the living Christ into your life. It's saying in faith, "Jesus Christ, I need You. Thanks for dying for me. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior. Give me the fulfilling life You promised."
Christ's entry into your life will enable you to begin living with an added spiritual dimension and to have eternal life.{17} As you grow in your new relationship with Him, you'll find your attitudes and actions changing and becoming more fulfilling. Life certainly won't become perfect. There will still be struggles and discouragements, but you'll have a new Friend to help you through. The maturing Christian experiences the most challenging and rewarding life possible.
Two marriage partners having growing relationships with God will grow closer to each other: spirit to spirit, mind to mind, body to body. Their love, commitment and communication will become increasingly dynamic, and so will their sex.
Love the way you write!
Quite candid and upfront gurl. Men are sick. They dont even understand the pain a gurl feels when she is being left or post breakup, which mostly happen for silly reasons.
All the way the thing that does round in their mind is sex and how to lay a women with them in the bed. Sick!!!!!!!!!
Great job gurl.
Meanwhile you stopped droppin by my lounge ?
For sure i won't behave like those guys with my girl friend, if i have! (i feel u r my girl friend too) Hugsss dear :)
Makes me glad I got married to the first guy I really liked!! All these stuff would have made me a spinster!!:D
Hi Keshi
A stiff dick has nothing inside its cranium.
Another winning post!
The best line award goes to:
'Are you wondering what the title of this post means? For those who didn't get it, short for Richard is Dick. And Cranium is Head. Now work it out yourselves.'
You were wondering what inspired me to write the poem about a drunk poet dying.
I was reading a story about a drunk poet dying. It must have been one of my bored-to-death days.
oh Keshi... How do u end up meeting such guys!!!
Or I must be lucky.. all male friends i have are nice guys.. I dont say that they dont eye on girls.. but atleast with me.. they are gems...
They pretty much believe that a guy n a gal can just be friends.. and they do respect it too.. I was asked by one of my friends... but that was a genuine proposal and i neatly rejected and we are still good friends..
i used to have this Utopian feeling about men. and i even said this on choco's blog, "not all men are like our fathers".
why don't they make men like that these days? sigh! sometimes i need to be pinched to be made to realise that men really such dickheads...i have never been approached with an indecent proposal except that television actor who was heading into that territory, who i stopped. but so many instances are making me wise.
Unfortunately, will always be men.
As a famous quote says, Sex is the price a woman pays for marriage,
and marriage is the price a man pays for sex.
Just be thankful you have enough self esteem to stand up for yourself and not be taken advantage of by these losers.
I'm really proud of you for that.
I'm sensing more man-hating on this blog that in the entire Tori Amos box set CD collection. LOL
But, I still love you Keshi ;-)
You said it yourself - there are a few men out there who are decent and definitely worth knowing. You come across many more who are total losers and that's unfortunate.
I do believe it's possible to be great friends with the opposite sex without sex being involved.
But I hope you don't give up altogether.
Your Love Coach
Keshi.....Keshi how do u manage to do this blastin thing so wel.. I Luuuuurveeeee the way u give it off to such guys.All they are made up of are screwed up minds and fucked up standards.
I am often embarassed by the behavior of my male Homo Sapiens brothers. Sometimes I just want to shout "grow up"
Commitment and monogamy is a matter of the heart not a certain date or condition.
ryc: mayb if you remember why you sometimes do it too.. and let the quirk in your stomach settle and understand just the bodily reactions and realise you're detached from it all really.
right on kesh pesh! frankly speaking, i aint startled reading this post of yours...cuz what i know is most chicks suffer from the same kinda problem..dickheads they are..and most of the guys are dickheads..i totally agree with you...maybe chicks ought to be smart enough in distinguishing between the dickheads and gentleman...
come on, keshi, not all men can be this bad. If they are, I have strangely and to my dismay, just woken up on a planet I do not fit in at all!!
But have faith, dear one. I do know some excellent men, and they more than make up for the rest of the male population.
Guys can be such jerks. WHY would they think someone wants to jump in the sack with them, just because they want you to? UGH!
HMMMMMMMMMM that post made me think alot!hows you today?
Keshi, Sorry you have bad experience, over and over again. I would say, reverse is the case wid me. Really.
Anyways, based on my experience, based on my peer group, what I have seen is guys always have that "dirty" feelings inside them and thier first target are thier close friends/circle. But it is also so very true that Guys would never proceed with thier dirty intentions if they have even a small inkling that they will be kicked back.
Mind you, I said kicked back and not just polite rejection. And it is also true that word is spread around as to whether that girl is "easy" or "dont-dare" one.
I know this doesnt sound right, but that is the truth as far as I can tell.
And one more thing, all guys thinks that girl who drinks, frequent night clubs/discos are freaky and easy. And that is actually true for 99% of the cases if you ask me.
I agree Amy, there r few good men out there for sure...and Im glad I hv few such friends too.
**Mens' hate are always in between their balls
Very's like a vengeance thing...when something goes arong, they wanna sleep with someone to overcome it.
**Sorry Keshi. I meant 'Men's Head'.
:) I got ya sweetz. Either way it's his head anyways LOL!
tnxx Amy!
hehe Sam ty!
**or even if they do... tghey won't act on it like the fellas u mentioned
yep...I know few good ones too. But 3 men suggested it to me (in an indirect way) I guess thats a lot :)
Heyyy Southaaayyy ;-)
**"I am a Jackass, beware"
hehe very true. It doesnt take too long to realise that :)
ty Missy!
**sucks when all we girls want is some nice male company with no strings attached and no expectations...
exactly my point!
ty Dhruv!
ofcourse ur a gentleman! And I had u in mind when I wrote that line...I promise :)
Pijush ur married? :) wow I didnt know. And its great to realise ur wife likes my blog posts hehe.
Give her my love!
Menchie u bet!
Caz thats some pretty good advice :) tnxx hun!
Oh No! Now I am a dickhead??? Actually that's kind of a promotion for me...
hey Raffi hows it going?
**we all have sex drives
I so agree..but that doesnt mean we act upon them w.o. a 2nd thought abt the other person...does it? :)
**as for flirting with you, keshi, i wouldn't stop unless you said you had a restraining order (at which time i'd change my blog identity and resume immediately
lolz Raffi aww...
btw hv we ever really flirted yet? mebbe we should start ha? LOL!
G'day Michael n WC!
love ur profile pic :)
hmmm Im not sure who ur talking this guy one of my close friends here?
**and every woman who watches him jerk off on his web cam is his 'very dear friend'
eeeeeeeeks! how d u know that? and who r these women who watch him do that kinda sick thing?
I dunno who this guy is and I dunno the women who associate him in that I really cant comment on them.
Anyways to each his own...I know for sure, that I wont do something like Im happy :) tnxx!
btw I agree...not all women r saints either!
hey Lee tnxx hun!
**You gotta get it where you can"
eeeeeeks! Im sorry but is ur uncle alright? LOL!
and yeah I totally agree...some dirty women create this fate for all women! Bloody whores.
hey Diva!
**the only reason why men are on this planet because vibrators cant but diamonds!
ROFL good one! :):)
I wonder how many men wud agree with that now!!
ty Kirthi!
**i wonder if they wil be ok if their wife slept with someone just to understand how it felt
hey Srijith!
** Do these guys read your blog..?
lol no..but even if they read it, Im not gonna worry one bit. Its the truth...and they better cop it.
hey Nic!
**The man should respect the woman in this same way as he respects his mother and doughter.
Spot on!
ty Vesty!
**Respect is something you earn. You can't beg, borrow or steal it.
I totally agree!
hey Pankaj!
**but all mens are nt same and needs no pkage too
huh lol! Pankaj did u u'stand what I really meant by package? :)
hey Aditi tnxx!
** i know this friend of mine who did that and it was totally disgusting to me.. but what do i know .. i must be outdated in my thinking
she did that??? And is she Indian? na ur not out-dated in ur thinking Aditi...just that ur friend is out-dated in her values.
hey Peter!
**I wonder if the initiatives are not almost as often coming from the females?
Im sure there r females who make the fist move too...but cmon mostly its always men! Its a well-known fact. Isnt it? :)
hey Deepz ty!
**next time just don't loose the moment, give a slap and a punch on his crotch
LOL I mite just do that and tell em that Deepz gave me the tip ;-)
hey Tys!
** i hve noticed the comments have lessened on this post
not really...just that I wasnt ard to publish em this morning lol!
**my best friend is a girl and i married her, so i guess as far as iam concerened a man cannot be friends with a girl without it becoming an attraction
lol there u go!
hehe Toothy ty!
**And that sometimes raises a flag that switches the think-center to certain parts down under.
Im glad u agreed. It takes guts for a man to agree on this :)
hey Andrew tnxx!
**It can preoccupy their whole day's thinking
:) true to the they say!
hey Anuj tnxx!
**if ur agnry on this .. wat abt d NSC activites?
NSC dun have sexual activities..thats why its call the NSC LOL! duhhh Anuj!
** bt nt like i have my head in my groin .. frsure not .. i have it right here .. upstairs
so u left ur brain upstairs..? lol k me kidding!
I know ur a gentleman Anuj...:)
Jim I agree...b4 marriage ppl must test-drive :)
**on the other hand if u r starved for sex, u mistake the biological attraction for love...and u marry
and the marriage usually ends in disaster
thats so very true! Especially in the Indian culture.
btw ur sex_counsellor comment was too long (almost like a book) so I didnt read it. LOL tnxx anyways!
Shionge ty sweetz!
Ashu ty!
** They dont even understand the pain a gurl feels when she is being left or post breakup,
I totally agree. when i broke up with my ex, he was out of sight straight away. Guys r so cold.
**Meanwhile you stopped droppin by my lounge ?
o no nuttin like that, just that I have been very busy this cudnt catch up with all the blog. Will be there soon. tnxx!
aww Jeevan ty! And I know ur a very decent guy.
Bev if boredom makes u bring out such creativity, I can just imagine how GREAT u'd be if u put zest to ur writings!
**A stiff dick has nothing inside its cranium.
hehe good one!
tnxx hun HUGGGGGGGZ!
Art ty!
I dun just meet em Art...I work with some, some others r friends from childhood, and few others I met thru other friends :)
Trinnie ty!
**"not all men are like our fathers".
well dads r good to us cos we r their kids..but I wonder if my dad was like that too :) I mean in his younger days hehe.
hey Akanksha!
**Sex is the price a woman pays for marriage,
and marriage is the price a man pays for sex.
thats a whopper!
***Very's like a vengeance thing...when something goes arong, they wanna sleep with someone to overcome it.
I am not sure if its that sweets. Could it be perhaps they are easily turned on and their minds run about sex like a train that stops only say 1/2 a minute and moves on. I wonder...really.
oops Asha I missed u in the crowd!
**Makes me glad I got married to the first guy I really liked!!
haha good thing then! HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
Aakash I missed u in the crowd too...sorry!
and ty! :)
aww ty Tee!
I may be very friendly, but im not easy. And Im proud of that too.
HAHAHAHAHA Jay good one!
aww and I luuuurve ye too mate! :)
hey Joy WC n ty!
**I do believe it's possible to be great friends with the opposite sex without sex being involved.
hmmm its hard but yeah its possible :)
I'll check that link out soon...tnxx Love Coach ;-)
hehehe Annie ty!
Rick heyy how r ya?
**Commitment and monogamy is a matter of the heart not a certain date or condition.
I totally agree!
hey Celestine!
**mayb if you remember why you sometimes do it too..
me? LOL I never do that kinda thing.
hey Wacko tnxx!
**and most of the guys are dickheads
Im glad u agree. But ur not one...I know that for sure :)
Rose heyy!
**come on, keshi, not all men can be this bad. If they are, I have strangely and to my dismay, just woken up on a planet I do not fit in at all!!
I didnt use the term ALL did I? :) I only said MOST men r like that hehe.
I know there r few good men out there...and I know some of em too. :) tnxx hun!
Slice ty! :)
Kaylz Im good...a bit busy hehe.
Hows u?
MG tnxx!
but how wud u know for sure what a girl faces, cos ur a guy? :) and Im a girl.
**Mind you, I said kicked back and not just polite rejection.
ok I agree..but how can I be harsh with someone close? I cant slap a colleague or an old friend, can I? Its just not me. So the only way I can ask em to keep off, is by saying it politely.
**And it is also true that word is spread around as to whether that girl is "easy" or "dont-dare" one.
how d u mean? d u mean they r asking me such thungs cos they THINK Im easy??
**And one more thing, all guys thinks that girl who drinks, frequent night clubs/discos are freaky and easy. And that is actually true for 99% of the cases if you ask me.
but I dun do clubbing neither do I drink (unless Im at a party which is like very rare and that too only a glass or 2). so r u saying that a guy wud suggest such a thing to a girl they think is easy? I think not. Cos Im living proof :)
Kaylz Im here...was busy earlier so cudnt publish the comments :) hows u?
lolz Phos not u! cmon :)
Amy hey tnxx!
** Could it be perhaps they are easily turned on and their minds run about sex like a train that stops only say 1/2 a minute and moves on
haha true!
sure thing! give my name and addy. and if you need any help with that i will be more than willing to!!!
The world doesn't change just because you censor it. Ask Dan.
hehe tnxx Deepz!
so ur addy wud be :)
tnxx Ink!
**The world doesn't change just because you censor it.
:) dun mean to change the whole world..but I can change MY world, cant I?
btw I come! :)
Kaylz Im here...was busy earlier so cudnt publish the comments :) hows u?//
if u want what u want
marry me or VEST
these are the only men here
the rest are BOYS
**Sex is the price a woman pays for marriage,
and marriage is the price a man pays for sex.
i like that
but its not true
women hunger for sex just as much as men
if not more
this is funny.. infact every woman goes through this particular phase.. rem i wrote
and when u know these jackasses are around just kick their brains.. oops balls.. oppps wateva..:p
so they know where they get hit :D
else make them crave for u and leave them unhappy:p
so u feel happy about it..
:D :D :D
u have men of all kinds/ breed so these are one of them :p
a tighttttt huggg to the sexyyyy woman :D
women take much longer to orgasm
but when she does ...
its mind blowing
mine is tame compared to hers
It is quite a huge overstatement is all I can say. Sadly so whoever you have run across are men who have no values and just want to jerk off on any hole they see ! And without sounding chauvinistic, men are as good as women !
Sadly so there are way too many men who seem nicer too but we run amok when we meet the wrong set of groups. I have stories when women go completely wrong but that is not my whole idea, it is all about perspective and on a longer run if such an attitude stays on it might hurt you just a bit. Maybe most men take advantage of the women's emotional part and I feel bad then.
Anyway, not to say who is right or wrong, but you ever you know right now are sorry asses with no values !
Kaylz cmon wuts wrong?
**if u want what u want
marry me or VEST
these are the only men here
the rest are BOYS
Jim rem when u were much younger...u did ur mistakes too, to be where u r today. So mebbe these BOYS r being just like u when u were younger?
hey Uttsy always great to see u here HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
**and when u know these jackasses are around just kick their brains.. oops balls
**else make them crave for u and leave them unhappy
Im very good at doing that. I sometimes perv at a guy and then later on pretend like he's nothing. :)
tnxx babez!
Jim was this post abt orgasm durations?
I agree r as good as women r..and there r great men out there. This was only abt MOST men...and MOST men do try to take adv of the emotional state of women.
**it is all about perspective and on a longer run if such an attitude stays on it might hurt you just a bit
I agree :) n tnxxx!
//Kaylz cmon wuts wrong?//
just said on my blog:)
(yes I know there are few--veeeeeery few-- gentlemen out there so stop booing ok!). ----> BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
So Keshi, the problem here is...they have one super sultry hot lady who they absolutely dont know how to handle. And yes, men love sex, there is no other way about it. IF like someone comes and say...nah we dont have to do it, lets just go for a walk, thats not a man...not a woman either...might be an alien who procreate through touch. :D
But I know you just ignore them right, to be extra sure...just saw F-OFF or something, and make sure they dont come back. Buggers like this are insult to the Men Institution. We at MI try our best to uphold the sanctity of the Women Institution. But sometimes we have the trigger happy new members of MI jumping fences trying to get a quickie...but they dont know WI's are all ready to kick their ass.
Well atleast there is a small % of supernerdgeek like your faraway ghosty who seeks other pleasure like staying up all day detecting earthquakes rather than detecting girls...sigh...
Kaylz I read n commented. Cheer up....speak to us.
Ghosty I cud hear ur BOO reaching right into my office LOL THANKS!
**not a woman either...might be an alien who procreate through touch.
u mean any woman should be just AVAILABLE for sex?? OMG Ghosty r u for real LOL!
**other pleasure like staying up all day detecting earthquakes
yep...I wanted to ask ya...did u feel it too? Is there gonna be another Tsunami? :(
did you read my comment back to ya on it?
Hi gal.. **Don't you have to be in love with someone before trying to sleep with them?
I did Kaylz and I replied :)
Anits tnxx!
I said that cos alot of ppl think it's OK to jump into bed with ANYONE just to satisfy the LUST. It seems LOVE doesnt play a part in it anymore. I say SEX should be with someone who u r attracted to both emotionally and physically. Or else, there wont be any difference between animals and us humans :)
Anon ur comment lacked grammar...cudnt u'stand a word so I had to delete it, sorry.
ajajaj they want sex what a drama and with you ooooooooo unbearable :)
Anonimply heyy!
**they want sex what a drama and with you ooooooooo unbearable
d u think ur funny? I think not. Im sorry but I dun find humor in that.
YOu gonna be on tomorrow keshi? I am off to bed!
where are the good guys huh? :D
this one's gonna have a lot of girls saying "oh yes I've met jerks like these" and the guys saying, "oh I know this other guy like this!' ;-)
Did you get any guy admitting they tried any of these with their "girl" friends? I'd say that's honesty for you then because most men would try it sometime or the other.
Interesting read!
yep Kaylz see ya tmrw TC!
Twilight WC n ty!
**this one's gonna have a lot of girls saying "oh yes I've met jerks like these" and the guys saying, "oh I know this other guy like this!
u r so right! LOL!
no guy in here admnitted that they ever did that..mebbe they really didnt..but also mebbe they dun like to admit it :)
i'm amazed at THEIR ability to have sex with one woman, and claim to love another one. i can't even think of kissing a person i don't love. eppadi ivange seiyarange? :S
I'm sorry you have had such trouble finding a nice man that is good and actually uses his head to speak to you. You are a lovely young lady and I hope you find the man that deserves your love, your humor and your kindness.
As usual, great fun to read the comments here! Drama Div@'s comment is short but excellent! (By the way, I don't offer diamonds, so...?)
yes ofcourse I am gentle nd nt rough :P
NSC doesnt have sexual activities .. y have I joined it thn :O .. hmm i think d event manager will hav to take care of this .. 8)
hw r u tdy?
u mean any woman should be just AVAILABLE for sex?? OMG Ghosty r u for real LOL! ---> no you donkie! I mean its natural for humans to have sexual tendencies...but I dont speak to maniacs that you have faced in ur lives or the ones that many many girls face in the daily lives. Yesterday I saw a school bus driver honk at a primary school girl...go figure...basically am humiliated for being a male...would have settle for being a...hmmm...God or a computer or a robot. :p
AMmu! Now...there is definitely not wrong of kissing another woman..but for what reason it the reason we must understand. :p
" Don't you have to be in love with someone before trying to sleep with them? "
Must sex always be a part of love?
What if 2 people dont want to get married but just have sex?
But, the part about dick heads was damn ROTFLMAO!
Hi,Keshi..I would like to say 'ROFL',reading your experiences,but,it doesn't seem appropriate to a "smart, funny, totally friendly chick"(You forgot 'irked'.The title of the posts had me in splits,though.But,frankly speaking,yes,I've seen friendliness from the fairer sex misinterpreted a lot of times...I believe it all balls,err,boils down to the male E-G-O,finally-all these guys just couldn't believe that you could have turned them down,or,were not attracted to them,I'm sure...(the pic of the balloon on the verge of puncture,was soooo apt.hehe)
LOL..I think I sent that comment with my other google id,Keshi..coz I was checking email on that id.Google can be irksome at times.
Hey, do you remember the old band "Body Count", which was Ice-T's metal band? They had a song titled "Evil Dick" that sums it up pretty well. Not a great song, but some funny lyrics.
Greetings from Professor Broken Record,
Female Humans have a lot more at stake and have evolved to be conscious of their choices because they will be responsible for nurturing and caring for any subsequent offspring.
Men on the other hand produce enough fertilizer in one deposit to impregnate an entire country and are programmed to sew their wild oats at every possible opportunity. Males produce an exhorbitant amount of fertilizer because Nature overcompensates for the fact that their fertilizer will probably meet somebody else's fertilizer.
Our present situation of urbanization is a relatively new experiment and our genetics have not had time to adjust and they prolly never will.
Census Canada revealed that for the first time more Canadians are shacked up than are married. Some sociologists are predicting the demise of marriage. Perhaps our natural tendencies are finally prevailing since religious institutions no longer have the influence to dictate how we humans live.
That being said, there are few good men out there, but one of the things that is a definite set back, is the reintroduction of females as penis receptacles thanks to the unrealistic depictions presented on Internet Porn sites that are available to 14 years old boys.
When I was coming of age Women's Lib was in full stride, but now the Sex Kitten Image is back with a vengeance. Male are hardwired to take advantage of situations because for most of our evolution. Life was short, unpredictable, and you had to make hay when the Sun was shining.
Purveyors of Porn, Advertising, and Entertainment Media, take advantage of the psychology of the situation. The result is that modern males are overstimulated by and their reference point is imagining that most women are horny sluts who are craving for constant sex just like the girls-next-door (hello she's a pro) that they see on their various screens.
The good news is that if Men are Dogs then they can be trained, especially if they are rewarded properly. Most Dogs will stay on the front porch if you pet them and give them a bone once in a while.
Oh, Keshi, my sympathies with you. So you are having a heck of a time now, isn't it, but I believe there are still a few gentleman left this in earth and I can only say these mindless guys who dare so much are only some desperate and frustrated guys who have no serious interest in their lives...Just stay away of these nuts and stay well...Cheers!
Limbs are sexy! :)
i hope you broke that guy's nose who wanted to have 'fun' fact i hope u broke all their noses...but m sure u gave it back to them...verbally...hehe ur goood at that :D
Hey keshi,
I agree with you so much here.Just becoz a girl is friendly, has no qualms in talking about sex openly,or wearing stylish clothes--most men think she is automatically 'available'.It is horrible.
And you are so right about saying that most men have only one thing on their minds.Men and women are wired so differently.
I'd written a post about it once--whether men and women can be just friends.
Men. Can. Suck. And I know the ones who read this are thinking that they would like to..
I some how do not agree with you. Not all men are like that. I got great friendship going with men with out thoughts of physical proximity. Those have lasted more than 15 years.
Nice one, Keshi!
Thanks and have a good weekend.
Oh Keshi,
How much I echo your views.
And I can see both sides of comments. The men who claim that only a few of them are the idiots dick-heads you are talking about. Ohh these men, they don't want to admit it openly.
Have you read my recent post ? These men are after me why I said it only about Indian males ?
Come on guys, you admit it if that is true. Why are you worried about rest of the world ?
LOl...:)I guess thatz Oz land.......
Wat a kinky post ther girl. Hmm I shud agree with ya totally:))
"but how wud u know for sure what a girl faces, cos ur a guy? :) and Im a girl."
Not sure what you mean here?!
"**Mind you, I said kicked back and not just polite rejection.
ok I agree..but how can I be harsh with someone close? I cant slap a colleague or an old friend, can I? Its just not me. So the only way I can ask em to keep off, is by saying it politely."
I meant that guys would typically approach girls who they think would not be harsh to them. Worth a try for them.
**And it is also true that word is spread around as to whether that girl is "easy" or "dont-dare" one.
how d u mean? d u mean they r asking me such thungs cos they THINK Im easy??"
Yupe they are talking crap coz they think you are easy. or polite.
**And one more thing, all guys thinks that girl who drinks, frequent night clubs/discos are freaky and easy. And that is actually true for 99% of the cases if you ask me.
but I dun do clubbing neither do I drink (unless Im at a party which is like very rare and that too only a glass or 2). so r u saying that a guy wud suggest such a thing to a girl they think is easy? I think not. Cos Im living proof :)
You are contradicting yourself here.
But In addition to girls who do clubbing, girls who dont have male friend company are more prone to males of the type you have encountered.
Dont know how else to explain but all I can say is watch out for such male speicies, they are there everywhere.
To really love a woman,
To understand her,
You've got to know her deep inside ...
Hear every thought,
See every dream,
And give her wings when she wants to fly.
Then when you find yourself lying helpless in her arms ...
You know you really love a woman
When you love a woman,
You tell her that she's really wanted.
When you love a woman,
You tell her that she's the one.
'Cause she needs somebody, to tell her that it's gonna last forever.
So tell me have you ever really ... really, really ever loved a woman?
To really love a woman,
Let her hold you,
Till you know how she needs to be touched.
You've got to breathe her, really taste her,
'Til you can feel her in your blood.
And when you can see your unborn children in her eyes ...
You know you really love a woman.
Ammu naan romba nalla irikiren :) neer eppidi amma? hehehe hows my Tamil?
**i'm amazed at THEIR ability to have sex with one woman, and claim to love another one
I know! Ridiculous beyond imagination.
aww Nadine ty so much! U make me feel like Im so very special...but hey Im just an ordinary chick...perhaps Im a very difficult woman...thats why Im finding it hard to find the right man. :)
tnxx so much darl!
The good news is that if Men are Dogs then they can be trained, especially if they are rewarded properly. Most Dogs will stay on the front porch if you pet them and give them a bone once in a while.
i always wait to hear what HOMO has to say
haha Peter dun u? awwww its long as u offer Diamond-like LOVE to ur partner :)
hey Anuj :)
** have I joined it thn
LOL u r entitled to cancel ur membership anytime u want. d u wanna?
Hey Man,
Have you ever known a guy who was arrogant,
conceited, selfish... and also happened to get
women like crazy?
A better question:
I remember hearing about one of these
self-proclaimed "assholes" who was - surprise -
attracting smoking HOT women like nobody's
hey Ghosty!
** no you donkie!
LOL! nah me a monkie :)
k I get ya...tnxx!
Kissing a woman is ok? I mean even if ur married to another?
heyy Alex!
**Must sex always be a part of love?
not necerssarily. I know there's a huge part of human pysche called LUST. 2 consenting adults can do anything they want. But Im not into such things hehe.
**What if 2 people dont want to get married but just have sex?
its upto I said b4, 2 consenting adults can do anything they want.
LOL @dickheads...u mean the Richard Cranium bit?
He was a total natural with women...
He was *not only* sharing the details of how he
was able to meet and attract all of these
beautiful women (his ex girlfriend is Miss Vermont,
for example)... but... he was posting detailed
exploits of his conquests on a website for the
world to see.
His stories were just as funny as they were
educational... word spread... and nearly overnight
this guy became somewhat of an Internet LEGEND.
hey tnxx Amit! :)
**...I believe it all balls,err,boils
yeah I was popping their balls...oops I mean HAP-PENIS.
no worries abt the IDs Amit :)
hey Brian!
I cant rem that badn but Im gonna check out the lyrics of "Evil Dick" sounds hilarious!
hey HE, ROFL @Greetings from Professor Broken Record! :):):)
**Men on the other hand produce enough fertilizer in one deposit to impregnate an entire country
LOL so its natural.
**Perhaps our natural tendencies are finally prevailing since religious institutions no longer have the influence to dictate how we humans live.
I so agree.
And ur right abt Porn making it worse...and giving the WRONG impressiong abt EVERY other woman. Chances r that the girl next door mite hit the guy on the head with a saucepan. LOL!
**The good news is that if Men are Dogs then they can be trained, especially if they are rewarded properly.
awww here doggy, sit, stay, shutup? I like that idea LOL!
tnxx HE brilliant comment as usual! Very analytical and interesting.
Have you read my recent post ? These men are after me why I said it only about Indian males ?
Come on guys, you admit it if that is true. Why are you worried about rest of the world ?
5:16 AM
indian men SUCK
most i mean
Go west Keshi
ty Kalyan ur right...only the desperate do that kinda thing!
Bla heyy!
**Limbs are sexy
u noticed a very interesting thing abt the pics I used in this post...all r of nice one Bla and ur so right abt that
Michi I cud hv broken all noses..but I wanted em to atleast hv their noses with em isntead the dicks died an early death from profuse overuse.
ty PS!
**Men and women are wired so differently. hv only one BIG wire that's active in their bodies most of the time..and thats the dick. LOL!
HEY KESHI: I am so excited and happy today hows you? I am feeling great:)
WC Princess n tnxx!
**Men. Can. Suck. And I know the ones who read this are thinking that they would like to
LOL I know wut u mean!
Gautami I hvnt come across such pure men..Im not saying all my guy friends r like that, but MOST r always horny.
G'day Dave n tnxx! :)
I sooooo agree with ya Cuckoo! I mean where r all these men? dun tell me they r not in blogs and that they ONLY exist in the real world. Blogs also consists of real men!
**Come on guys, you admit it if that is true. Why are you worried about rest of the world ?
lols so true!
I'll come ard soon to read ur post. tnxx Cuckoo!
Kevin heyy!
**I guess thatz Oz land
NOPE. Its got nothing to do with teh country. And FYI 2 of the guys I mentioned r INDIAN. :) Only one was an Italian Aussie.
tnxx Priya! :)
hey MG!
**Not sure what you mean here?!
wut I meant was, that Im a girl and ur a boy...and u wudnt hv much of a clue abt wut a girl faces with guy friends :) Am I wrong?
**I meant that guys would typically approach girls who they think would not be harsh to them. Worth a try for them.
worth a try? urrrrrgggggg MG! Im their FRIEND...not their WHORE right?
**Yupe they are talking crap coz they think you are easy. or polite.
Nah they know me too well...that Im FRIENDLY but not EASY. There's a difference there MG :)
**so r u saying that a guy wud suggest such a thing to a girl they think is easy? I think not. Cos Im living proof :)
***You are contradicting yourself here.
no Im not! :) U didnt u'stand me well there. What I said was that Im not EASY, and they still approached me. So how does ur theory abt EASY girls being approached, fit in there?
**But In addition to girls who do clubbing, girls who dont have male friend company are more prone to males of the type you have encountered.
I dun see how that can happen. I do hv alot of male friends. or how can they be my mates? :)
**Dont know how else to explain but all I can say is watch out for such male speicies, they are there everywhere.
aww tnxx MG!
Jim u gotta mean wut u say...u gotta act wut u believe in...but d u?
I mean u were abt to leave ur wife for ur yanky GF on the net, right??
Jim so u suck arse? great to hear u finally agree...LOL!
Im glad to hear ur happy n excited n well n all :) Im ok..looking forward to the wknd hun.
Im glad to hear ur happy n excited n well n all :) Im ok..looking forward to the wknd hun.//
HAHAHAA YEAH ME TOO will get too see my bf for the first time in a week!I just hope I feel this good:)
marriages are made in heaven?
sometimes u marry for the rong reasons
the sooner u break the marriage, the better
rather tahn live with a mistake for the rest of your life
OooooOOoooo, poppy doll-pearl turns them on beeeeg time!! ;p
Ok, seriously, just ignore them, these pple have too little gray matter to do anything else with their lives. :)
guys marry their parents choice for bahu
they marry and then fuck around with their secs in offices
they enjoy their bachelor days with anglo indian and firangi chicks
but when they marry
they marry bharatiya nari
their dad cant fuck around in India
so they go to BANGCOCK for seminars
wht abt changing d idiosyncracies of the NSC ;)
u can have fun too .. d president :P .. u hav d privilege of d event manager 8)
Jim tnxx!
Saffy aww tnxx hun! :)
Kaylz will do!
Anuj lol!
NSC means no changing of rules there mate.
richard craniums.. totally love it!!!
yes most men are dick heads!! u knwo there's a biological reason i think most men think out of the "penis" is cause
the blood can flow to only one end -- either its the penis or the BRAIN. since most men are always thinking about sex -- blood is usually flowing down there. leaving their brains oxygen deprived.
MORONS!! and i cant believe that idiot asked to travel the world with u -- geez just cause im nice to you doesnt mean i wanna screw u.
wats a monkie? I mean kissing someone else while married to someone else is wrong...but she said in love right, now married? :P hahahaha...u kno there are two timers, three timers, four timers...sigh...
Choco lol tnxx!
**-- either its the penis or the BRAIN.
I agree...being nice doesnt mean Im a whore.
nenenene Ghosty is a 4-timer!
ghosty is not even a one timer...:D
lol!! guess uve come across some really dumb cheapos there... or unless probably they all catching the wrong next time around juss be straight and giv it to thm if they r thaat dumb!
beware and steer clear of such "richard craniums" :p
LOL. The Cranium one!
ohhh! do i agree or do i agree!
LOL Ghosty!
Pri trust me they all come from uppish families..not amazed at all! :)
hehehehe Alex...
Im glad u do Neers :)
hmmmm it seems getting married like going to jail.
men should be more decent to u :(
but i will be happy if someone told me that he wants to travel with me.
isnt it sweet!
hehehehe Niki.
oyeah I agree its sweet n all...but I know the motive behind me Niki, I know M so well!
I guess nutty is amongst the hawtest of chicks around ... no wonder so many men get down to that
btw, your statement is quite a generalization nutty. just take the # of ppl out here in this blog :). flirty comments apart, am sure you have enuf friends here whose shoulders you can count on for a long time :). and am sure it would have been so had these ppl been in ur life in person
I know there are plenty of jerks around, but beyond them are a bigger crowd of dependable ppl :)
o I so agree with u Samy..and ur def one of those great friends of mine :)
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