An Eternal Bond With 'Blonde'

Your's Fashionably,
Current Music: Atomic by Blondie
This is a home for my heart...a distant refuge for my spirit, away from the madding crowd and the masquerades that we live. This is where everything is unveiled and nothing is compromised.
Posted by Keshi at 2:32 pm 103 Cranium Signets
Posted by Keshi at 10:00 am 126 Cranium Signets
Posted by Keshi at 11:10 am 105 Cranium Signets
Silvara's wedding is proof to one of her closest dreams taking shape. We all have dreams but only few of them truly take shape in life. And when a dream comes true, we must celebrate it to the max. As a little girl, I dreamt of getting married too...some day to a Prince Charming, me wearing a white gown and a beautiful lacy veil, him looking at me longingly. ***Shock bell rings***. Yeah right, wake up Keshi! That teenagerish dream kind of died when I started meeting men LOL! It was like they were not Prince Charming, rather Prince Harming. So a wedding was out of the question for me, let alone a marriage! Ok I know there are great men out there too (I can hear all the yadda yadda yadda at the back) and that alot of women find their soulmates etc etc BUT - 'but' is a very BIG word you see :). So yeah, BUT, not every woman finds her soulmate as Silvara did (they have been in love for years and they have all the elements to prove it). Some women settle for any man just so that they own the 'married' tag. Now why am I saying this? Cos the following happened 2 nights ago:
I was talking on the phone to my fav cousin who lives overseas. We both grew up together since we were babies. We were just inseparable and we still are. We used to play, celebrate bdays together, knock on doors and hide, get in trouble, we even had dorky crushes at the same time in our lives, did sneaky things together behind our parents' backs etc etc. So you can imagine how close we are. She got married very very young. So when I was on the phone with her on a long happy chat, she said something that somehow upset me, though I didn't tell her that straight away. We were talking about another girl we used to know (she got married r
ecently to a boy that her family didn't approve of), and suddenly my cuz said something like this: 'Atleast she's married'. I somehow didn't like that statement. What does that mean? Atleast she's married so she has a better status in life than a single woman like me does? So, I lack something major in my life? I somehow felt that's what she intended by that line - cos you know my instincts told me so. Now I know my cuz very well...she's married to someone she loved at the time, but her family didn't approve of it either. Now her relationship with him is not so great. Although they live peacefully at the moment, they really don't have a relationship. She even admitted to it...she told me that they are like flatmates and that's about it. And another cousin of mine who's got 2 young kids is on the verge of separation from his wife. And a close young friend of mine has a violent husband (the one I blogged about in the DV post). Another friend has a husband who don't even talk to her - they just exist under the same roof, that's what their marriage is all about! And another close friend got married recently, and his wife has already left him and gone back to India for good. Whoaa looks like I come from the Guiness Book's Divorce Community LOL! So has 'being married' helped her or the oth
ers I mentioned here to have a BETTER life than of a single person? I don't think so. I'm not laughing at her or demeaning her marriage or anyone else's, but I'm laying out straight facts on the table. We don't need to hide the thorns and make it sound like it's paradise when it's not. Marriage isn't a total fairytale either, it's hard work I agree, but if the marriage certificate is the only thing alive about it, then it's no use either. Marriage can only be real when there is true love, respect and understanding between the partners, like how Silvara and Evs, and some other friends here in my blog have it. Otherwise we don't need to be married...if you don't have those elements in your relationship, spare us all from the agony and please stay single people! That's what I'm doing btw :).
All in all, I got offended by what she said, no matter what. Now why did I get offended? Not cos what she said was true, but it made me feel sad that even my closest loved-ones look at me through the eyes of traditional beliefs and using senseless measures such as a man is a MUST in a girl's life for her to be valued. If she didn't mean it that way, then why did she say it? It somehow made me feel that she's hinting at me that being single is ridiculous or it means that something's wrong with me...and that being married (even if it's a bad marriage), is better than being single. I didn't say anything to her at that moment but just today I wanted to tell her how I felt about that statement of her's. You guys know that nothing can stop me from speaking my heart out, so I just had to do that or else I'd have gone mental thinking about it ***rolling eyes***. I wanted to let her know how I felt too. So I txted her. This is what I wrote
hey I was wondering about what you said last night about being married - the line 'atleast she's married'. Maybe you meant that for me too cos I'm still single? Here's my point...I don't think one has to be married to be successful in life. If marriage is so 'necessary' in life I can just go and get married to any guy out there. Life isn't all about finding just anyone to settle with. And look at our own family's marriages...are they all happy? I guess I'd rather be single all my life than be with the wrong man. Marriage must come with love, respect and understanding...not just cos I wanna be married. So if the right man don't come around, I'd be quite happy to remain single and independant. Just thought about it this morning...that's all. TC n HUGS!
I felt good telling her how I felt. Cos she just had to know. She then rang me later on and said that she didn't mean anything like that. So maybe she said that cos she doesn't know what marriage really is? I don't know, some people use words without thinking how they would affect the other person. Or maybe I'm just mad! o well Man or not, some day I plan to don the white dress and take some photos cos I'd just love to dress up as a bride. :) Actually, cos I'm such a big mushpot I better not have a wedding..cos if I did, I'd fill it with all the rosy romantic songs, colors and dances that the guests would be throttled with too much sook and would really wanna leave before lunch! BEWARE of a massive Mush attack if you're ever invited to Keshi's wedding! (I can picture Guests in anaphylactic shock due to a romance overdose). So yeah let me save some lives by being single. btw me and my cuz are ok. We just needed to be clear on this...I told her how I felt, that's all.
Today's music is for the beautiful couple Silvara and Evs. You 2 make us believe that there is true love out there indeedz and together you can make your dreams come true. I wish you both all the happiness in the world! Have a fantastic wedding on Sat babez MWAH! You're gonna look gorgeous I can't wait to see the pics! And HAPPY HONEYMOONING TOO ooh lala ;-)! Silvara here's my e-wedding-pressie for ya at Kama Sutra. LOL I know I'm such a lusty biatch! Just don't break your neck/back darling.
Posted by Keshi at 3:40 pm 163 Cranium Signets
Time passes.
Life happens.
Distance separates
Children grow up.
Jobs come and go.
Love waxes and wanes.
Men don't do what they're supposed to do.
Hearts break.
Parents die
Colleagues forget favors.
Careers end.
BUT - Sisters are there, no matter how much time and how many miles
are between you. A girlfriend is never farther away than needing her.
When you have to walk that lonesome valley and you have to walk it by
yourself, the women in your life will be on the valley's rim, cheering
you on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf,
and waiting with open arms at the valley's end.
Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk beside you, or
come in and carry you out.
Girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters, daughters-in-law, sisters,
sisters-in-law, mothers, grandmothers, aunties, nieces, cousins and
extended family all bless our life.
When we began this adventure called womanhood, we had no idea of theincredible joys or sorrows that lay ahead, nor did we know how much we
would need each other.
Every day, we need each other still.
Current Music: Sara by Fleetwood Mac
Posted by Keshi at 11:18 am 116 Cranium Signets
Posted by Keshi at 12:00 pm 122 Cranium Signets
And please share with me your experiences...
Posted by Keshi at 10:52 am 149 Cranium Signets
Posted by Keshi at 11:02 am 128 Cranium Signets
****Keshi tilts her head and ponders upon such kisses all over her**** ;-). btw some females wanted to PASH me too haha, bloody cute! And my my, the girls here had some great kisses for some lucky guys out there too. My female friends here are a HOT lot you know! And guys please don't forget to check out Helen's unique take on this here. That was just brilliant!
Well ALL the answers were not short of AFFECTION. And that makes me happy, that we bloggers love our fellow-mates here and those secret kissing fantasies were bloody adorable! And I'm glad you all LOVE someone here no matter what kind it was :). Love is all we need guys. Now I admit this post wasn't an easy one and it takes some guts to pick a blogger and write about the kiss openly. So THANKS all for being brave and taking part in the FUN (you all knew that life is too short not to take part right?:)). I really appreciate your honesty guys, I really do. MWAH you guys rock! There a big KISS from Keshi to ALL of you.
Now to the WINNERS...hmmm it was very difficult to pick just one winner each from Male and Female categories. I was torn between all the sizzling kissing descriptions while dreaming about em hehe...I really couldn't pick just 2. Unfortunately I had to do it anyways ***Keshi sits down with a sad face while eyes roll***. So I chose the winners based on the clarity and relevance elements in your answers (meaning sticking to the subject of the question plus giving the name of the blogger you were kissing). Some didn't give the name of the blogger so I couldn't count those answers as perfect entries for the competition, since it would be unfair on those who were brave enough to name the kissee. And there were no favoration in selecting the winners. This was a totally unbaised, strict elements-based decision ok. So here they are:
Congrats Amy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amy's answer was pretty short but not short of 'electricty' at all. Whoaaa that kiss was MASSIVE! It got me tongue-tied at work reading it LOL! So here's what Amy wrote:
So there you go! The 2 FANTASTIC winners Well Done! Raffi and Amy are gonna please 2 very lucky souls some day mm mmmm! Please note that each and everyone of you had FANTASTIC answers. It was too hard to just pick 2. But like I said before, I just had to, and I judged all answers based on the elements I described before. Even then, it was hard to choose, but ultimately I just had to choose 2 - I seem to keep saying that #%&*$$#@! :):) SO THANKS ALL FOR PARTICPATING! We all had FUN :) and that's all that matters ha!
Now here is my answer :). While I want to Kiss every male blogger here (you guys are too hot!), unfortunately I wont have enough space to write all my naughty encounters...it would require a bus load of blogs to describe Keshi's notorious mental flings ****looking very annoyed not being able to write it all here****. So the one male blogger I chose to kiss in this post is Grunty at http://grunt-ahoy.blogspot.com/. I want to kiss him this very moment if I could, cos he's hot, kind, loving, smart and I know that my kiss would make him feel alot less stressed out from what he's going throught right now. I want him to enjoy a moment of heaven in the midst of all the mess he's dealing with right now. So Grunty this is especially for you...MWACKKKS! Here is 'THE' kiss:
Grunty and I are in the bush all alone, surrounded by trees, total silence but the sound of water and the shades of a twilight sky...we have a lil bonfire lit up. He's standing near a brook, in his denims with his bare hunky back staring at me. He seems to be thinking deeply. I tip-toe slowly behind him and towards him...when my face is only inches away from his shoulders, I start running my fingers gently on his back...from top to bottom, and with my breath on his back. I'm drawing sensual lines on his skin and I could feel his body responding to it...slowly but surely. He doesn't turn around, not yet...and he sinks into the pleasure of my fingers' frolic, standing there feeling every bit of my delicious message that sends electric waves through his body. I then start planting small and gentle kisses all over his back, kneeling down slowly as I work my way from his shoulders to his waiste. I can feel his body warming up with pleasure. I slowly stand up kissing all the way back up. I now put my arms around his chest from behind while kissing and tasting his nape slowly, with my face in his hair and my eyes closed. My hands are caressing his chest and sending chills down his spine. He turns around now with a look of being in total pleasure - his eyes dreamy and his face totally relaxed
, all his troubles forgotten. We look into each others' eyes and without a single word exchanged, our hearts speak a thousand words to each other...and we both agree with every single emotion we are feeling. It seems that we have been waiting for this moment forever. I put my arms around his shoulders, with my chest leaning tightly against his...I sofly kiss his ear-lobes, his jawline, his neck and I arrive at his luscious lips...right there I smell his strong maleness and I start basking in it's taste. And then using my tongue, I slowly taste his lips, his gums, his teeth, his tongue so very soothingly...and he responds with a force, his blood rushing with desire. I caress every part of his mouth with my tongue as he does mine. He pulls me
closer and we get locked in a sensual kiss that seem to savor each other like we have never done before...we become one - an affectionate and erotic creation of nature that can never be replaced with anything else in the world. Lips entwined in a tantalizing journey...wanting each other, needing each other, longing to relish every bit of each other, not leaving a single inch unexplored. We become each others' dream destination.
The rest that follows is a steamy Jane-and-Tarzanish secret people...go have a cold shower now, cos I need one too LOL!
Grunty this is all in the name of fun so I hope I didn't offend you or your GF (if you have one). Please don't dump me now. I value your friendship HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ mate! We are mates for life ok.
Watch today's video people...it's not the orginal video of this song, but someone's done a great job capturing some very sweet and interesting kisses. So darn beautiful, so have a look. Kisses are universal and ageless, and just unavoidable! So revel in em and steal em when you can people ;-). Have a good PASHY week ahead guys! ***KISSES FROM KESHI TO ALL***
Posted by Keshi at 12:55 pm 146 Cranium Signets