I wanna convey my deepest thoughts to one of my blogger friends here. Recently it seems that she is 'dwelling' on her breakup with her ex-BF in a real unhealthy manner, and it really made me wanna shake her to reality. All her recent posts disturbed me to the core. I know that it's her blog and she can write whatever she chooses to write, but as a friend, I couldn't just sit and watch her deteriorating that way. You may think I'm being heartless, but sometimes I come out as a mean witch when I tell my friends what they don't wanna hear...sometimes you've just got to be honest to bring your friends to their senses. And that's what I did with this friend over the past few months...but sadly it seems that my advice has being taken very wrongly...i.o.w. I've been misunderstood not only by her but also by few regular visitors in her blog, calling me names, that I don't KNOW her at all, that I'm being mean to her etc etc. And why? Only cos I suggested that she needs counseling! And that final suggestion came after alot of sympathising at the beginning, thinking that she'd change. In my opinion anyone who don't think their life is precious just cos of a BF who doesnt even care abour her, NEEDS COUNSELING. And by that I don't mean they are going mental. I'm shocked at how some people look at Counseling as if it's a shameful thing. Anyway that may b
e because they don't know the correct meaning of Counseling. Now you all know that even I can brood over something quite royally...but then again, you also know that I get over anything real quickly, right? That's one of my strengths and I'm thankful for that trait in me. One thing I can't stand is brooding over a long period over something that's not worth your time and energy. Also, while none of you have met me in real, I believe you all KNOW me well enough to give me advise on almost anything that I'd want you to help me with. Why do I say that you all know me well? Cos my blog is where my heart speaks...every little detail that my heart conveys is writ
ten over here. So who else would know me better than you guys? I don't think even my non-blogger friends know my emotions this well! Therefore I feel quite shocked at being told I don't KNOW her well enough to advise her etc etc. Well in my opinion, through a blog one can read another's deepest emotions quite well and that's enough to KNOW them, unless ofcourse it's lies that they are saying. Anyways this post is for anyone who's going through a painful breakup. Please understand that this post is not to belittle anyone's feelings. It's for everyone to realise that you CAN survive a painful breakup without killing your sense of self-worth. So here it goes, take it as you like it, and I'd like to emphasise that if you feel bad by reading this post then it maybe cos truth always hurts.
What a girl goes through when she breaks up with her boyfriend is not a new thing to me. I have been there, faced it, cried rivers, felt like I couldn't go on etc etc. I too wallowed in sorrow and self-pity for a while. I just had to do that cos it's natural to any humanbeing post-breakup. My relationship with him was for few good years. But it didn't take me a century to get over it, neither did it make me lose my sense of self-worth. Cos fortunately I realised what's gone is gone. And that love cannot be forced or begged for. If you love something, set it free...i
f it comes back to you, it was meant to be...if it doesn't come back, it never was your's. I believe in that quote very strongly cos it applies to any relationship. But I agree, it is very hard to concentrate on anything immediately after a breakup...the whole world don't make sense then. It feels like you can't go on and that you've fallen into a bottomless pit. Hang on, stop right there! Who's making you feel this way Keshi? It's YOU. My boyfriend has moved on so what was I still feeling sad about? Why do I have to cry for someone who's not worth my tears? I say it's cos I lost my LOVE? Ok so what is my LOVE? If he isn't in the picture anymore, if he decided to end it, is there any LOVE? I guess not! I may still love him but he doesn't love me enough to stay with me right? So to hell with it, I PREFER TO MOVE ON! And that's exactly what I did. Back then I didn't even have a blog or so many friends to talk about it..I didn't have the means to write a single post/poem to vent out my feelings...nobody was around to lift me up or give me a hug. But 'I' was there to lift myself up - I had to do it, cos it was I who put myself there in the first place right? The road ahead me s
eemed very long and it didn't look all that exciting to hitch-hike again on, but I wouldn't know how exciting it would be if I didn't try walking again right? So after few months of feeling like I was crawling on the floor and bleeding to death, one fine day I just got up, wiped my tears, started taking care of my open wounds, and continued to walk again. That's when my Love for him ended for good. And it was a clean end...cos I didn't look back with self-pity or tears. And yes, the road ahead was much more exciting than I thought it would be! The new journey found me a new and stronger ME who started loving and respecting herself first. My broken heart was back in full form.Now to the most important part of this post. Think about this...what if I had I not moved on? Had I continued to cry
over him for longer than that, had I kept on feeling sorry for myself, had I kept on bringing back the cosy memories from the past, had I kept on dwelling on a relationship that was no more, had I not gotten up and taken one step down that new road, what would have happened to me? I would have ended up being obsessed. And in that process, I'd have started imagining that this is indeed my LOVE for him still going on. Well guess what, it'd not have been Love anymore...it'd have been just Obsession in disguise. That very love is no more but you have a new addiction - and that is that love and the breakup itself. Alot of us fail to see that. I'm not a psychiatrist but I can easily tell the difference. How? Cos Love doesn't beg, love doesn't make you weak, love doesn't make you lose your self-respect so much that you think you can't live without that person, love doesn't swallow your self-confidence and self-esteem so much that you get depressed to the
core, love doesn't make you want something so badly that you forget your sense of self-worth...but Obsession can do all that to you! Love teaches you to have patience, to respect yourself, to let go and live...but Obsession makes you paranoid about living without someone, it makes you fully dependant on someone and it makes you miserable longing for someone who don't even care about you! And that's the difference between Love and Obsession. And trust me obsession can lead to serious consequences. It may start
off as a little bit of craving but too much of it over a long period of time can be self-destructive. It's the same as love of eating ice-cream...but what happens when we over-indulge in that love? It becomes obsession. We may not realise it before it's too late and that can be devastating. I believe that at the end of Love, Obsession waits for you, longing to begin. Always beware of that and never give Obsession a chance cos it can swallow you up and make you forget yourself. Also know that love happens and it can end too...learn to let go for we can't force our love on someone can we? So when love ends, cry a little bit, then say goodbye to it, pick yourself up, keep your head straight and remember not to welcome Obsession who's waiting around the corner for you to say Hi!
Yes we all fall in love, those Loves sometimes end and we all hurt, people find new paths etc etc but guess what...love can happen again too! Love is so broad-minded that it gives you 2nd chances in life. I'm not saying a brandnew person will soon replace what was in the past in your life (I myself hate it when someone says that to me), but my point is, don't get so hooked on one person...a person that doesn't even care about your feelings. You are smart, beautiful and loving...know your self-worth, regain your self-esteem, realise new things about you, learn to respect and love yourself before loving someone else. Life has so much to offer and your happiness don't depend on anything external...it has to come from within you. And if you have so much love in you, channel it to someone/something else that may appreciate it better. Discover the many possibilties of self and life.
This song is for those who ache in silence. Know that there is life after love, and that you will survive. Cos I did, and this song helped me alot to gain that strength. Enjoy and take care of yourselves first cos YOU deserve your love! Learn to let go of what's holding you back and set yourselves free. And please share with me your breakup-survival stories...would love to learn from you too!
Current Music: I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor
126 Cranium Signets:
GREAT POST KESHI! HOW ARE YOU!???? Havent been well the last 4 or 5 days :(
Hey Keshi.
That’s an extremely fantalicious post lady! WOW! Something everyone got to have a taste off.
I am so glad you shared your heart out!!
:D I agree with ya on most points
I believe it will help brighten up many people!!
You rocked this post gurl! Woo hoo!
You had me stopping to say woo! before I carried on reading!! Totally loving it!
I agree that if someone is continuing to be upset about a breakup to the point where it's becoming unhealthy that it would be very wise to get some help. It's unbelievable, really, that you could be considered mean for suggesting it.You friend -and others- should realise your caring attitude in suggesting it.
rocking attitude, girl, and much needed in today's world!!!
love and obsession!!two sides of the same coin...hope your friend comes out of this soon and catches up with her life
I am so glad to hear that keshi is so POSITIVE! This is really good and keep up this positive thinking.
About the counseling stuff, well, it's true that we should get help before things turn to be worst. I am studying counseling now and I've found out the importance of counseling.
Keep encouraging your friend. She needs you at this moment..
some reactions to break ups and jilted lovers
if i cant have u
nobody else will
murders his/her sweet heart
if u love somebody
set him / her free
frankly lady
i dont give a damn
- gone with the wind
on counselling ...
we all need counselling at times
i suffered a financial disaster and attempted suicide
it took counselling
and shocks to the brain
to bring me out of depression
YES prayer
i prayed to Jesus like crazy
i found HOPE
when all HOPE was lost
i rebuilt my life
i found JOY in life
i dont make much money
but u dont need too much money to be happy
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
This includes:
- Calling and seeing a woman too often
- Acting like a "boyfriend"
- "Courting" a woman actively
If you don't want a woman to get those"feelings", then don't call or see her more thanonce or twice a week.
Don't act like her boyfriend.
And don't "COURT" HER!
There's nothing wrong with going out with awoman a few times, then not wanting to see heragain.
The problems come when you ACT like you wantsomething MORE from a woman, and then she startsto see you in a different way and have FEELINGSfor you.
There's something called an "implied social contract".
This is when you do something in a way that"implies" something.
If you do things that imply that you want to be her boyfriend or husband (like calling and seeing her all the time, paying tons of attention to her,courting her, etc.) then you are IMPLYING that you want her to have feelings for her. And she will.
Solve this problem before it happens. Don'timply.
above all
dont be a WUSSY
to me the silliest people are the ones who live in the past and hanker over break ups – life doesn’t end there – yes loving is wonderful but be realistic – life isn’t all black and white – people need to realize when a relationship ends it isn’t the end of the world
We’ve all lent our shoulders to a crying friend – but how long can we do that and what friend would we be if we continued to watch them torture themselves
I think u did the right thing - And if they can’t take a friends good advice
I’m afraid there’s nothing much u can do
Carry on keshi – as much as that friend means to u – nothing is worth hurting urself coz u cared enough to shake them out of their reality
ps : i know i haven't been coming by - just really busy but I do still read ;)
I was courting a lady
i was in love
but I saw she wanted out
and wud soon voice it
I got friendly with another
and i told my self
if she walks out
i got K
Hi Keshi
You are so smart about life, love & relationships.
This is a great post!
I cannot imagine people thinking you were being mean to your friend & calling you names in your friends blog.
That must have hurt!
I know you well enough to know you would just be trying to help your friend.
There are times we can get much help through counselling.
I myself have had some counselling and have learned greatly from it!
Keshi, you would make a good shrink!
Well, my show...Dancing With the Stars is comimg on shortly, so I got to run!
Tonight we find out who the winner is!
Have you ever watched that show?
I love it!
P.S Oh, the carpet I'm getting is plush and a beautiful soft beige with a tint of peach in it!
Great post Keshi!
I've been there and have also been there for my sisters when it happened to them. From experience, a person isn't exactly rational when in the throes of a break up. And there were times when I had to talk harshly to my sister (she felt like she was dying -- or so she says at the time) so she can pick the pieces of her life together.
People have different ways of coping I guess -- though some do it quicker than others. For my part, I sought solace from hearing mass every day (I'm Catholic) and praying that I get over the sadness and feelings of inadequacy. It helped a lot and eventually, going regularly to mass helped me meet my hubby. :D
First of all whenever i see somebody pouring out their heart, there r numerous stupid, irrelevant comments just for the heck of it, hv seen ot on that blogger's page, hv seen it on ur page and many others and ultimately the blogger's own msg simply dies and a few selected ones get roughed up or misunderstood, anyways everyone has their own ways of taking things. Since u already know abt my story so theres no point in repeating it again..:)
Fantastic post, Keshi. You've approached this intelligently and honestly. Unfortunately, not everyone understands - hense the criticism.
[I love the photo where she's holding onto his leg!]
Sometimes the best person to get advice from is somebody who isn't family or a close friend. An "outsider" can be more honest and won't just tell you what they think you WANT to hear.
great post :)
after the end to a love affair/relationship, our mind and soul need to experience the grieving or separation process.... i call this the detoxification period. we are trying to get the chemistry of this person out of our daily equation... but that's where we feel lousy because everybody hurts and feels the void. time is truly the only healer. love makes us feel great when it's pure, but when things become muddled and fall apart, it makes us feel miserable. we all deal with it in our own way. in the end, we learn from these experiences and hope the next time it'll be just that much better and with someone we can truly feel right with. this is what it means to love and be human.
It is very difficult to 'let go' after a heartbreak. But it has to be done.
This simple aspect, which all of us know, gets so difficult to understand. As a friend, we owe this favour to our friends and help them cope with it.
Touching song...
i feel you on this one..i know who u r talkin about..yes it has bothered me what has been going on...
i'm still out...i just needed a break from whats going on for a little bit....
What you said is so true! There is nothing as painful as a heartache except allowing yourself to fall to pieces in front of all who care about you.
It is okay to feel depressed, to cry, to hurt, to be angry, and feel a little lost after a break up but then there comes a time to make the decision to pick up the pieces of your broken heart and move forward (which isn't easy) or to allow yourself to completely crumble and lose your self worth (which shouldn't be an option!)
I pray your friend's heart will mend. She doesn't know it now, but she is lucky to have someone like you who cares enough about her to try to intervene before she reaches rock bottom. I hope one day she will understand that you weren't suggesting that she is "crazy" for mentioning counseling. It is more respectable to seek help than to self destruct. I hope she will also realize one day that you care more about her (obviously) than the ex-boyfriend does and that she will appreciate you for it. :)
Sometimes we all need a little help. It doesn't make us weak but stronger with a help to get us out of a down spiral.
Good of you to encourage her.
i hope the post is not for me :P
may be if u hv written this even a month ago, i would say 'the friend' you meant was me.. yea, it was that bad.
somehow, something happened and i woke up. its like waking up from a bad dream, but i feel calm now. previously i used to say i am over my ex but deep down, i know that is not true. i was still clinging to him or may be its more accurate to say i was clinging to the memories. now, i can proudly say i am no longer depended on him!
but keshi, no matter what u do or what u say.. the changes must come from within. SHE has to change if SHE wants to live. there is nothing much u could do. her eyes will see what she wants to see. her heart will believe what she wants to be believe.
only she can help herself.
well..think my heart is made of rubber...i never dwelled too long on a break up. Or maybe i dint love anyone that deeply for the fear of getting hurt. oh well!
or my fave theory...things with N (the hubby) were meant to be so I dint bother?
Keshi I agree with Southpaw... I have been to her site as well ... Her comment was pushed under the carpet by others all willing to pick up on u ...
There is nothing wrong in giving advice and I think ur comment was misunderstood .... i believe becoz it was in reference to her saying she was not a mental ....
Anyways, I have always felt that she uses her blog as a medium to outpour her heart which is absolutely fine because it is therapeutic for her .....
somehow her words never seemed to cross the bridge for me ... like using abbreviation for names ... refering to incidents but in an indirect manner ... which all suggested that she was quiet in control of what she was writing .... and thus it would mean what she is feeling ... she is sharing exactly what she wants to share .... and she just needs an ear and this is a intelligent state of mind if you can know what I mean ....
Anyways ... I hope there are no hard feelings either ways and we all can move on ....
I never knew that u were into a relationship urself ... your post just reinforced how strong u r ...
she has to realize all that u have said...
but.. during such times.. its hard to expect ppl to be in their senses... and do whats right...
u or me or anyone can do is to pray that she gets the strength to walk out of this one as soon as possible...
but she has to go thru it.. she has to understand that its not worth to hurt urself...
well... its at a very personal level... no one can do any thing about it.. not even her family... not even her friends... its only she... who has to do something about it...
We all have had our experiences... I broke up about a year ago.. and I am still finding it difficult to forgive myself... to fall in love again...
As they say life is a bitch! She should understand that clearly!
btw i forgot to add one thing as to ur comment on "that's enough to KNOW them, unless ofcourse it's lies that they are saying" - you can make out if one is lying or not ... cant u ... just going thru some post and comments on others which are totally contradictory ... u can easily make out who is lying ... for me I have had a sense of a few people lying and without making any cry over it .. have just stopped visiting them ... for I cannot be part of a site who just rely on sympathies and create lies (and I am not talking of creative indulgence) to gain that sympathy... I am being brutally honest here but then ...
loved your post! i too am going thru a similar phase at the moment and why I started this blog was coz I wanted to vent out the feelings that were killing me and I am so glad I did, I am in much better shape now and love myself too much to hurt myself the way I was.
Letting go is very very difficult but at times you just have to because you have only two options A) let go or B) ruin your life, I have learnt it the hard way... but you can't disgrace your existence by ruining your life so you have to let go.
Most importantly, you should give time to yourself, talk about it with your friends, family, fellow bloggers, whoever, talk talk and talk till you yourself get sick and bored of it :-), cry how much ever you wanna cry, don't restrain yourself, cry till everything is washed off and after some time you yourself will realise that its not worth it and then you will stop it.
Strange though, we all know it still when it comes to us, go through the same phase and at times repeat the same mistakes too!
So very well said Keshi.You have written from the heart. I cannot agree with you more.When i began the blog, i had written a post on breaking up.There is only one way to do it--to move on, like you said.It is not easy--but being obsessed will get you nowhere.
life after love.... can be as good.... if only u'd let it be....
but tell me keshi, why do u get so upset when ppl misunderstand u? If someone doesn't understand u, its there problem... not urs.... right?
Good girl!
Ever person are not same, the love spreads in many ways from others to us. I feel like this post would be a change in my life too. Love is not end, there is life after love, you said this in a pleasant way keshi. Nothing there to get shy or feel bad about Counseling, I too have been started to suggest this to whom I feel they need. The conversion brings what we have, before us, and not adding any more.
"know your self-worth, regain your self-esteem, realize new things about you, learn to respect and love yourself before loving someone else." If we started to love our self, any one comes or not we exist to live throughout our life.
this was just an excellent post Keshi, this is so common & is all part of our life, so we just have to live with it & move with the times instead of repenting. I agree with your thoughts completely...this post will surely be motivating for a lot of people there who are facing these heart-breaking situations!
One can survive a painful breakup without killing his/her sense of self-worth, provided the person is mentally strong and has enough confidence in self.
Friends can only help, ultimately it's up to the other person to get over the broken relationship.
Keshi, you are a great psychiatrist. I think that your advices are better than professional psychiatrists are. You write what you feel in deep of your heart and as a good friend.
The bitter truth is better than the sweet lie.
This post/ not only this/ nominate you as a great blogger psichiatrist-counselor.
I'm sure!
I'd like to add my thoughts;
I understand what this girl feels, her pain;
but I also understand her boyfriend,
he wants to be honest to her
he doesn't want to be inprisoned.
Marriage without love is as a prison.
What she will be do if this sutuation happen to her.
Somebody loves her but she Not.
Love is feeling,
it comes and goes.
Real Love is something more.
If she loves him she doesn't want to inprisoned him.
Love does not look out for its own interests.
People have different ways of dealing, and there's no right or wrong way to deal with it. I myself tried a number of particularly wrong approaches to get my mind off a very recent heartbreak, and luckily nothing took a turn for the worse in my life as a result.
You've done more than your share helping her find her way out of it, and for that you have my wholehearted respect and adoration. What's left is for her to take that step in the right direction, and with the love and support she's obviously getting from people who care about her, she's can't be far.
You are not wrong Keshi when you suggest counseling. It might be a friend or a relative, somebody who listens and talk, and support her, that's all she needs. If she is suicidal, then it's a big problem!! Hope she gets help ASAP.
People don't like reality sometimes, want to live in their own wonderland. When somebody suggests a solution, they get angray but eventually they will understand hen the dust settles down!! Hopefully!
Good for you, keep it up no matter what others say, truth hurts most of the time!:))
Passionate words from soulful thoughts.
Love comes and goes
But love never ends.
Relationships may end, but love never ends.
Love conquers all.
Cheers and God bless.
You obviously care very much for your friend to take the time to post this. You're really wise on this one, Keshi. I hope your friend takes your advice.
Great photos in the post as well.
its nice of u to think about ur fellow bloggers and care about them.....:D
i am glad u have shared ur perspective with the blogger.....:)
sometimes its difficult to comeout of it...i agree one has to move on at some point....but may be the time hasnt arrived yet.....:)
lets hope the best for that person......:D
Girl....I love you, I love you, I love you..from the deepest corner of my heart !!!!
I have been telling the same thing to a little dear one of mine since years...
Yeah Kesh...since years he's been in the same shit as your fren up there - a total wreck !!!
Thank you so much for this.
I'm gonna mail your link to him first thing.
Bless your kind soul.
You're an angel...you know that !!!
Hi Keshi
Nice post!
I don't think you were wrong to reach out to help a friend. To suggest counseling is not wrong.
Yes, some people do think it's a sign of weakness to seek counseling, but, it's not seeking counseling that shows a person is weak.
I know a person who refuses to seek help. We can only pray this person will not do something to themself.
I once was told by a GF that I wasn't active enough in our religion, so I started going back to church. She dumped me right after that. I was scratching my head over that one for years. It hurt, but I got over it in time. I just pretend that she was a lesbian and that helps.
I'm sorry you've been misunderstood keshi.
If all we ever do is comment good things when we really care about the blogger than we are doing a dis-service to them and ourselves.
Most of us blog to speak of things in our heads, hearts or both.
The joy is in the feedback we get through comments. If you're not being mean spirited but really concerned you should be able to comment freely.
I hope your message is taken for what it is.
That's a fantastic message Keshi!Love is NOT life,that's something everyone needs to get through into their heads first!
I too have been through a similar phase a while back and like you,had no ways of telling out my innermost feelings even to the closest of my friends and was getting eaten away,bit by bit.Guess it was a phase of near depression,but thanks to an angel who came and rescued me at the right time,my heart is whole again!
Love DOES come again,and when it does,it is all the more beautiful!I am so glad to know you are so strong within and can smile in spite of it all.True love is right around the corner for you girl!Keep the faith sweetheart.Love ya.Hugsss
Yes we all fall in love, those Loves sometimes end and we all hurt, people find new paths etc etc but guess what...love can happen again too! Love is so broad-minded that it gives you 2nd chances in life.
There are more fish in the sea for a third or fourth chance sometimes. Great post!
I am fine.I will catch up with all your lovely post very soon.
Anyway thanks to checking upon me.
Well, Keshi, you've opened up a real can of worms here.
Everyone is different. And every relationship everyone has is different, so just consider all those variables.
I've been hurt, and I've hurt others. Everyone needs to go through their own grieving process.
And everyone comes out of each relationship they've had with an experience, I think, that affects their next relationship.
There are fears about being hurt again, fears about hurting others again, fears about knowing or not knowing what you want and why...and what risks you are prepared to take.
I didn't expect my marriage to end but it did. Ever since then, I've been in one relationship after another and for the most part, have hurt other women.
I haven't meant to, and have been sensitive to them and their needs, but I've hurt them nonetheless.
It's called rejection. And rejection is a hard thing for anyone to take and it shouldn't be taken lightly.
I'm amazed at some of the comments on here from people who have said they're just able to move on and not dwell on those broken relationships.
That suggests to me that they're shallow people who never invest much of themselves to begin with.
There are two women, since my marriage broke up, that I wanted more than anything, and they both ended our relationships.
The fact they both had long black hair and were highly emotional and high maintenance, among other traits, is maybe more than coincidental (Ha!)
But strangely, the women who wanted me the most, I ended up rejecting. Who's to know?
I guess we all need to do things our own way. You have tried to help your friend. Now let it go.
Kaylz tnxx!
hey take it easy...tell me some good news...focus on the good parts of ur life. HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
tnxx Amy! :)
Lee tnxx hun!
I dun really worry too much abt being misunderstood by the others in her blog..but I want her to realise wut she's doing to herself b4 its too late.
tnxx TA!
**love and obsession!!two sides of the same coin
very true...there's a very thin line between LOVE n OBSESSION.
hey Curry tnxx!
This positivity didn't come too easily...I had to work VERY hard to be where I am today. :)
**I am studying counseling now and I've found out the importance of counseling.
thats great to hear sweetz! mebbe I can come to ya next time I need some counseling? :)
hey TQ!
**if i cant have u
nobody else will
murders his/her sweet heart
yes..that happens OFTEN, when Obsession takes over u after Love.
**if u love somebody
set him / her free
exaclty how I see Love now :)
hey Jim!
yes thats another way of coping positively...
no one needs anything external to be happy...if u really look at life, all u need is ur heart to be happy in any circumstance. If u hv that attitude, u can be happy no matter wut. I know, it's a very hard thing to achieve...but not impossible at all.
hey Visithra good to see u ard girl! HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
** people need to realize when a relationship ends it isn’t the end of the world
thats what I want to emphasise. I mean if u equate a r'ship to ur LIFE, then there's something seriously not right abt it in the first place.
I hv a friend who lost it totally after her breakup with her BF. She COMPLETELT changed into someone else! It was freaky. Now she doesnt even meet up with us...she's in a different world. I wanted to help her, but it seemed like that she didn't want to help herself. Its really sad :(
And with this blog friend, yes I've done my best and thats abt it. This was my final attempt to make her realise. But as many here said, it's really upto her to change for the better.
tnxx hun!
Jim who's K?
hey Margie MWAH!
**That must have hurt!
yes...but I quickly got over it. :) cmon, when we comment in blogville, we r prone to all kinds of ppl judging us..thats expected. I've learnt to deal with that too :)
**I myself have had some counselling and have learned greatly from it!
I know. And u even told me abt it. Im very porud of u that u took that step to help urself. It shows how STRONG u r!
**Keshi, you would make a good shrink!
I mite need a shrink in hand as well LOL!
yes I love that show...Mon was our last show here and the girl I predicted to win won too, woohoo! :)
Enjoy n hv a great day hun!
And Margie, abt ur carpet...plz dun invite me ova cos I mite do a moon-walk on it LOL!
hey Menchie tnxx sweetz!
**she felt like she was dying
alot of ppl say that after a breakup. Funny how I never wanted to die, altho I was sad abt it :). ppl r different in dealing with it, but to consider life is worthless w.o. a partner, is really extereme. dun u think? But Im so glad u were there for her!
** helped a lot and eventually, going regularly to mass helped me meet my hubby. :D
hey Souhty tnxx and I agree!
**anyways everyone has their own ways of taking things
true...in that case, mebbe I should not comment or try to advise her in future. Cos Im letting her deal with it in her own way. Wud that be the right thing to do as a friend?
hey Nora tnxx hun!
Rem when I was really down one day, I wrote a very sad post. And then u emailed me asking to get HELP, if there ever is a moment I feel my life is worthless. Rem that day? I didnt get offended by ur email at all. Cos I realised u told me the RIGHT thing to do, as a friend who really CARED abt me.
tnxx for being here for me sweetz HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
hey Jayn tnxx and ur SPOT ON!
A family member or a close friend mite just pamper ya whereas a stranger may tell u EXACTLY the truth abt ur situation, but not necessarily wut u wanna hear.
Very well-said!
tnxx Deepak!
hello Raffi!
** i call this the detoxification period.
yes, everyone must go thru that. But if in that period, u try to make the situation worse by being obsessed abt the lost Love, u dun detoxify then...u only make it worse.
**all deal with it in our own way
true...but we must also be open to other ppl's views on it, cos if we tell others, then there must be some need to be heard and receive advice. Right?
tnxx Raffi!
hey Kulz tnxx!
** friend, we owe this favour to our friends and help them cope with it.
yes..but even friends can do only so much. I can only help ppl who wanna be helped.
heyy Lisa HUGGGGGGGGZ! I was worried abt u too. U ok?
yes...I know u r in her blog as well. Im glad u see what I mean. Atleast one person is honest abt this.
tnxx hun and plz TC!
hey Outdoorsy tnxx babez!
yes ur absolutely right..we can either choose to dig our own grave or rise up n shine again. I'd prefer the latter.
** I hope one day she will understand that you weren't suggesting that she is "crazy" for mentioning counseling. It is more respectable to seek help than to self destruct.
Even if she wud never understand me, its really ok by me. Cos I did my part and thats ALL I can do. :)
hey Nadine tnxx!
**Sometimes we all need a little help
exactly! And alot of ppl think getting help is a shameful thing. I think it shows one's courage n grace, to accept help..cos that means u r willing to help YOURSELF go forward. Its a big achievement.
LOL Ammu it isnt u at all. I just didnt wanna use her name here and make it so personal. I wanted to protect her from some jerks who mite use this opp to attack her.
I know u were like that too...but I dun think u were soooo down abt urself. I still think u r a very strong girl and that u hv never lost ur sense of self-worth, no matter what.
**.. the changes must come from within. SHE has to change if SHE wants to live
I agree. So I leave her alone now.
hey LaVida tnxx hun!
**Or maybe i dint love anyone that deeply for the fear of getting hurt
mebeb u did love deeply...but u handled the breakup better cos u r more realistic.
I believe whats meant to be weill be. Well-said girl!
tnxx Alok!
**... which all suggested that she was quiet in control of what she was writing ....
I'd like to believe that but somehow I dun see that. Sorry Alok. if someone says that her life is not worth living anymore, that she cant concentrate on work,home, anything etc etc, d u think she's in control?
**she is sharing exactly what she wants to share .... and she just needs an ear and this is a intelligent state of mind if you can know what I mean ....
ok Alok if that's the case, then wud we be doing her a favor by just reading her posts and not commenting at all? Even if she says her life is not worth living anymore? Wud u just sit n watch ur friend fade away?
I dunno...mebbe u see it differently Alok. But I felt very disturbed reading her constant teary posts that really portrays obsession. I told her that and asked her to get help, and thats when I think everyone there startd hating me.
Anyways, I'd rather speak my honest feelings abt this than hide em...I know alot of ppl r afraid that she'd get hurt, so they keep quiet.
tnxx Alok!
I guess I will share the magic break-up routine I have perfected.
I go home after the break-up.
I dwell on it all night, breaking into actual tears if it was that serious of a relationship.
I make sure I have gotten it out of my system before I go to sleep.
I never think of that person again.
Well, it works for me.
hey Iceman tnxx!
**its at a very personal level... no one can do any thing about
I know...then I'd refrain from commenting there again. Cos I cant read her posts and not comment...its that disturbing for me.
Ur still heartbroken? Awww. HUGGGGGGGGGGZ! I thought ur in love with me u know. LOL!
Well I know, the scars remain somehow..even for me. But there's no way I'd look bak n regret.
tnxx Iceman!
hi again Alok :)
**for I cannot be part of a site who just rely on sympathies and create lies
yes u can tell. With her, I know she's telling the truth. So thats why I wanted to help her. But instead I got a reaction that said 'Keshi DONT KNOW her'. I believe I KNOW her well...her blog is where she pours her heat out. Not even her family members wud KNOW what she's going thru than her own readers!
hi keshi...break up....my advice is...just go through it..friends really need to play their role by giving a good support to them... Time will give a good answer.
tk care keshi
I think your friend needed to hear the truth. I'm sure you only cared about her and that's why you wanted to tell it to her straight.
I agree with everything you say...but it is VERY hard to move on sometimes, but like you say, necessary ...wise words lady.
//hey take it easy...tell me some good news...focus on the good parts of ur life. HUGGGGGGGGGZ!//
Oh you want good news? I have some.But, you have too wait awhile til I share it in a blog post :P
Hi Keshi, Just wanted to say "hello" and thanks for visiting my rather empty blog - no time for real posts at the moment and no time to read your posts carefully! Sorry, you know how much I like to read them, but... I'm just too busy! Hopefully, soon, I will be a better blogger again!
hey Anjuli WC n tnxx!
** I am in much better shape now and love myself too much to hurt myself the way I was.
Im very HAPPy to hear that, and even tho I dun know u yet, I can say Im very proud of ya :)...from another woman's point of view.
** A) let go or B) ruin your life
spot on! And we must always choose A no matter how hard it is, cos thats where ur future is.
**you should give time to yourself, talk about it with your friends...
tnxx sweetie!
Keshi hun
**And Margie, abt ur carpet...plz dun invite me ova cos I mite do a moon-walk on it.LOL**
We could do the moon-walk together!
When I get the new carpet, I just know I'll be dancing on it!
So you like...Dancing with the Stars too.
It's my fav show on TV.
I also picked the winner from the very start!
Well, we are taking Jake to a puppy training class..he needs some training as he ate 3 pair of my shoes this past mth...and I loved those shoes...guess he did too...LOL!
Hope your day is going great!
tnxx PS! And thats exactly wut I wanted to say...MOVE ON!
Obsessions isnt a good thing.
hey Anks tnxx! Yes there is LIFE after LOVE...cos LOVE is not the only thing abt LIFE.
**but tell me keshi, why do u get so upset when ppl misunderstand u?
Do I sound upset? :) I hope not.
**If someone doesn't understand u, its there problem... not urs.... right?
it is their problem, right. But I hv already become a part of their life now...they opened up to me, I tried to help, they misuderstood me, Im not worried, I still say wut I said before :)
tnxx Swami! :)
Its really not abt being good or bad, it's abt doing the RIGHT thing by YOURself.
tnxx Jeevan!
**ove is not end, there is life after love
definitely! Cos there's more to LIFE than a BF/GF.
Kalyan yes..just get on with life ha :)
And tnxx!
hey Indica!
**provided the person is mentally strong and has enough confidence in self.
yes I know it depends on each person..but STRENGTH can be built. It doesnt just come to us...we hv to BUILD it.
hey Krys tnxx hun!
** I think that your advices are better than professional psychiatrists are.
na its just that Im the most INSANE blogger...:) so I know wut it is to hv been down in the dumps. thats how I can easily tell.
that verse is beautiful Krys!
**Love does not look out for its own interests.
I totally agree!
hey Renovatio tnxx!
**and there's no right or wrong way to deal with it
I wholeheartedly agree. Ways of dealing with a breakup r different from person to person. But there is only one RIGHT thing to do by YOURSELF...and thats MOVING ON.
**and luckily nothing took a turn for the worse in my life as a result.
Im very glad abt that. **HUGS**
And tnxx, I too hope she gets out of this mess real soon!
hey Asha tnxx hun!
**. It might be a friend or a relative, somebody who listens and talk, and support her, that's all she needs.
And thats all I meant. Counseling dun always mean sitting in front of a psychiatrist..it can be anyone...even a good friend or a family member. Wut my point was, that if she herself cant seem to get over it, then there's a definite need for HELP.
And sometimes when ppl r really suicidal, even they themselves dun realise that...and most of the time friends obviously NEVER see it until its too late. That too has happened in my life. One of my friends committed suicide, and none of us cud really tell that he was suicidal at all!
**People don't like reality sometimes, want to live in their own wonderland.
I agree...that happens with me too. Sometimes I love to wallow in self-pity. Its like an addiction. But then someone snaps me out of it..most of the time, its my blogger mates! :)
tnxx n MWAH!
hey Ori tnxx!
**Love comes and goes
But love never ends.
Spot on! Love never ends...r'ships do.
tnxx Tee!
I really care for her...but it seems she thinks I dont KNOW her.
KP hi!
**its nice of u to think about ur fellow bloggers and care about them
I dun really go out of my way if I dun care...yes I care too much actually :) I better slow down b4 ppl think Im taking over their lives hehe...
**but may be the time hasnt arrived yet
I agree. So this was my final attempt. Now Im just gonna let her be...
tnxx KP!
tnxx Ciderella I love ya too u beautiful blondie ;-) cos Im one too LOL!
**since years he's been in the same shit as your fren up there - a total wreck
years? Thats totally unhealthy. Did he ever go for counseling?
plz send him to me and I'll slap him outta of it LOL! k just kidding but I really hope he'll be ok. TC n HUGGGGGGGZ!
tnxx Bev!
**Yes, some people do think it's a sign of weakness to seek counseling, but, it's not seeking counseling that shows a person is weak.
I agree. To be honest I think seeking counseling shows true strength. Cos if u realise u need help, that means ACCEPTANCE. And thats a sign of strength.
hey Grunty awwww....
** hurt, but I got over it in time. I just pretend that she was a lesbian and that helps.
LOL u mean person!
heyya Rick!
**If all we ever do is comment good things when we really care about the blogger than we are doing a dis-service to them and ourselves.
I totally agree! There r many times when we dun agree, but thats the best part abt sharing thoughts here...receiving feedback and learning from one another.
hey Sameera tnxx sweetz!
**Love is NOT life
yes! There's more to LIFE than a r'ship...
Im sorry to hear u went thru such a period as well. But Im very glad that an angel came into ur life n helped u out. Thats also cos u wanted to be helped. And that matters alot. HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
**Love DOES come again,and when it does,it is all the more beautiful
Definitely BB! :)
Hey Sharda WB! Im so glad that ur doing fine. :)
WW hey hows ya? long time ha!
I agree with wut u said...every person deals with it differently. Im not saying she SHOULD listen to me. I never FORCE ppl to take up my advice.Thats being selfish n ridiculous.
BUT...there's a big BUT there :)
Having said abt ur breakups, did u ever consider ur LIFE is worthless cos of an ex-GF? Did u ever feel that low? Mebeb u did too. But if u did feel that way, and hv spoken to a friend abt it, did they ever tell u to deal with it yourself? I GUESS NOT.
**That suggests to me that they're shallow people who never invest much of themselves to begin with.
no ways! I wont say that they r shallow. And by that, I dun think they meant that they got over it overnight. Im sure they too had their many lonely and depressed nights n days. But wut they meant was, that they somehow got over it. They just had to. That doesnt suggest they r shallow ppl, does it WW?
Im one such person who got over it...failr quickly. Tho the scars remain. I loved him with all my heart..and not just for few months but for few years. Now when he decided we should end it, due to the most ridiculous reasons I hv ever heard, d u think I'd feel any love for that person anymore? That maybe why I got over him pretty soon. But dun get m wrong, IT DID HURT ALOT...too me a while to gain my self-confidence back and keep walking. But who's shallow here? NOT ME. It's HIM.
And yes, I hv let this go. Let her deal with it now, cos I've done the best I cud do on behalf of her.
hehe Paul thats quite MAGICAL! :)
yep Anits, she needs to go thru it...or else it will be left unattended and cause more probs later on.
but going thru it doesnt mean losing value of life.
tnxx hun!
Milf tnxx!
yes its hard to do but very NECESSARY.
tell me now Kaylz! :)
Peter no worries, take ur time n enjoy ur painting! :)
hey Margie hows u today? :)
LOL @both of us dancing on the carpet!
**and I loved those shoes...guess he did too.
awwwwwww so darn sweet! LOL! he sounds so bloody cute!
Hope ur having a great day hun!
hey kesar.. how are you and howz life?
1st thing you lose when in "love" is your sense of right or wrong. Its a biological thing and you cant help it. So although your post is well written, its not really going to help the person(s) who are in "love". As I always say, its all in the hormones :)
Hey Jitterz Im very well ty and urself? :)
**1st thing you lose when in "love" is your sense of right or wrong. Its a biological thing and you cant help it.
I think u r talking abt LUST (GREED) here, not LOVE. Cos LOVE knows wuts right and whats wrong. LUST doesnt. :)
**So although your post is well written, its not really going to help the person(s) who are in "love". As I always say, its all in the hormones
it will help those who r REALLY in love. But it wont help those who r OBSESSED.
There is a big difference Jitterz!
Besides I've been in LOVE and I've gotten over it too. Cos I wasnt obsessed abt being in love and the breakup.
in that case, mebbe I should not comment or try to advise her in future. Cos Im letting her deal with it in her own way. Wud that be the right thing to do as a friend?
**** In this particular case, YES and i m sure u urself know that well also.
Sorry to hear about your friend (and her friends) misunderstanding your comment. I'm not sure which blogger this is you're talking about so I don't know the pain she's going through which might've made her react that way.
A lot of people do think that counseling/therapy etc is for nutcases in the loony bin (or on their way there)..
sometimes when you have lost love, emotions can be so strong that logic doesnt apply.. tough.
Kaylz I did :) wonderful news!
Southy tnxx!
I knew u'd u'stand my situation. And thats what Im gonna do from now on. I dun wanna sound forceful or be a hinderance to anyone.
Dear Keshi ...its very sad to hear about your friend and true what girls go through after break up no men would understand it!
But am sure its a phase and it will pass by...good riddence thats all she should feel and be strong
Good Luck to your friend....
You are a true friend to her....
take care
hehe Vinesh tnxx!
yeah ur right...alot of ppl think Counseling is a very sad thing, but soemtimes its the last thing that mite save someone's life.
**sometimes when you have lost love, emotions can be so strong that logic doesnt apply
true...Im gonna let her be, from now on.
tnxx Vinesh!
tnxx Dawny I hope so too!
Wow! A great post. I liked this post very much. I read many many times. I admire your inner strength. What you went through in your life has made you a better person. It is because you willing to come out from that circle and move on. You made the right move. I hope your friend will do the same for her own good. Thank you for sharing this wonderful and meaningful post. Take good care. God Bless.
there is so much in this post you have written about how to move on ... so TRUE!
I would keep writing in this section and it wud become a post...
All i m saying is.. you had done ur bit of being friends and letting any1 knw that they need a break and couns... but hey if at all the other person was thinkin right of u as a frnd .. tht person wudnt have made this shit deal out of ur words... so again friends, trust, love and relations all comes to count keshi gal... and so on ...
anyways.. PERFECTLY SAID ::: IS >>>>
Cos Love doesn't beg, love doesn't make you weak, love doesn't make you lose your self-respect so much that you think you can't live without that person, love doesn't swallow your self-confidence and self-esteem so much that you get depressed to the core, love doesn't make you want something so badly that you forget your sense of self-worth..
Thanks Keshi :) loved it.. was worth a read.. and understanding..
hey Venus tnxx sweetz!
** It is because you willing to come out from that circle and move on. You made the right move.
yes thats what I wanna emphasise on...u must be willing to come out of it.
Anyways I wanna say that I didnt want this post to sound like Im smarter/better/stronger a person than my friend is. All I want to convey is that I hv been in her shoes to and that I somehow survived. The need to survive has to be maintained. Thats wut I wanna tell her.
hey Darsh tnxx! :)
I know u hv been thru all this too. Im very proud of ya cos u survived. U somehow got thru it all.
She said something like I dont KNOW her well enough. Something t that extent. That made me very sad cos she wrote her heart out in her blog and she claims that I dont KNOW her? :)
Anyways I still want her to realise what she's doing to herself and come out of this mess unscathed.
tnxx Darsh!
You know nothing about love dear, love is a miracle, passion, obsession, lust, admiration, respect, but love has to be felt by two people in the same way for it to be real. Otherwise, it'll fade and just leave a lesson. It's happened to me, and I am alive still. So yes, tell your friend she'll be just fine.
Good luck from he bottom of my heart. I did care kid.
My problem is finding the one I respect.
///Love doesn't beg, love doesn't make you weak, love doesn't make you lose your self-respect so much that you think you can't live without that person, love doesn't swallow your self-confidence and self-esteem so much that you get depressed to the core, love doesn't make you want something so badly that you forget your sense of self-worth...///
loved these lines...very true...each word...
its amazing u write with such clarity...
Guess Keshi, every person should be allowed to deal with his / her way to deal with the wreckage of love........
every one has his / her own set of emotional baggage and power of coping........
i know the person in context and trust me the person is much more stronger than what comes out of the blog projects!!!! shud be a matter of time!!!!
this is a marathon. but as you said, it is jst not worth it...
the thing is I dont understand how we can swear our lives for someone who just came in at a short part of our lives and then spend the rest of existence crying about them. and certainly not people who swear their alliance to their broken BF's who is a crook and a bastard, but still they continue to defend them...why? it might be obsesion, but I think its not. its the lack of love from somewhere else...the extra thing that they crave...
All said...life is bigger than love, you and me and bigger than anything else...and above all God the all loving. Lets love the world first, and not cry for small people who doesnt know our worth.
Love is just not first sight, it comes and goes more often Keshi.
When friends need confort, its good to be ther always at any point of time.
YOU know what Keshi, I think I too have been visiting that blog which you mention... and frankly... there are quite a few of them out there...
anywyz, i agree with you completely... my advice to such ppl is simple go out and have fun.. do things you've always wanted to do.. it helps...
and yet, they choose to wallow...
at times i feel like whacking them over their heads.. at times feel like lending a comforting hug....
wotever the situation demands...
but the ocnstant wallowing gets on my nerve....
a lil bit is ok.. its what teh situation demnads.... but some really overdo it.... a frnd of mine went to teh extent of attempting suicide...
loved whacking him after rescuing him!!!!
he's changed... and for good... and it seems he is enjoying this life a lot.. he does get a bit sad abt teh things that did not work out.. but then he's moved on....
sometimes you've got to hit them with reality!!
Hi,Keshi..here's hoping that your friend comes out of her depression soon,and returns to reality.
I can well understand why you suggest counselling,but,naturally,there would be people who'd think it's not needed,hence you got those comments you mentioned.Don't let it affect your usually cheery mood..
You know the Hindi song'kuch to log kahenge,logon ka kaam hai kehna'(People will say something,it is in their blood to speak,so they do)
what a beautiful friendship!!
i wish i have such a nice friend like u in real life too :)
my breakup stories? i have no breakup, coz i always keep in touch with my ex boy friends even after 10-20 years.
they will be nice after unhappy marriage. hehehe
that was a truly 'straight from the heart' post...
and i totally see sense in it...
coz i got my lightening flash only lately...and have just wiped my tears and guess what..the wounds are just taking care of themselves...
the only medicine i needed was to be my happy self again..best part..one day into this realization and my friend goes.."hey i feel like i've got the old sneha back!"..
that just took me over the top..feeling foolish for what i was doing in the past few months...
great post...
Love is feeling,
it comes and goes.
Real Love is something more.
If she loves him she doesn't want to inprisoned him.
Love does not look out for its own interests.
Real love?
wtf there is no REAL LOVE
except mebbe in fairy stories
u can fall out of Love
just as easily as u can fall in love
LOVE is an illusion
created ny nature to propagate the species
all is MAYA
Good post....!
Good post....!
No one dies of a heartbreak ... one just needs to give himself/herself time to get over it .. and if its hard then yeah as you suggested go for counselling!
Clover I agree with wut u said. tnxx!
but who r ya really? Sometimes u write the most hurtful comments to me and at other times u write like ur all totally sane??? Which one r ya?
tnxx Pri MWAH!
hey Rebel tnxx!
**every person should be allowed to deal with his / her way to deal with the wreckage of love........
for sure! I dun force my opinions on ppl. I did my best with her in being honest abt wut I felt. Thats the BEST I cud do and now I hv left her alone. Only cos I was told I don't KNOW her. D u think I don't KNOW her after having read her deepest emotions on her blog? Is there anything else I should read, to KNOW her better?
hey Ghosty tnxx!
I agree..why cry over someone who dun CARE abt ya. That was my ONLY point here. If 2 ppl r totally in love and they cant get together for some reason, then thats understandable. But crying over someone who dont care abt ya is FOOLISH.
**Lets love the world first, and not cry for small people who doesnt know our worth.
so true!
yes Priya tnxx!
hey Sam! :)
I know u r there in her blog.
**but the ocnstant wallowing gets on my nerve....
its rather disappointing when its done over someone who dont care abt her. Thats my point really.
Im glad ur friend is ok. Way to be!
Amit tnxx!
yes I agree..some of her friends think she can do w.o. counselling. If so, Im glad.
hey Niki ur a smart girl, thats why :)
**they will be nice after unhappy marriage
LOL ur cute too!
hey Vitruvian WC n tnxx!
**.."hey i feel like i've got the old sneha back!"..
aww how nice :) The OLD Sneha with a NEW outlook on life.
Jim yes...MAYA it is.
hey Karthik tnxx!
helloooo Cheesy how hv ya been? :)
**and if its hard then yeah as you suggested go for counselling
yes...cos if you cant handle it by urself, u need to let others help ya. And thats wut I suggested to her.
tnxx hun!
wow thanks arigatoo for compliment!!
why dont u blog on sunday :) :) :)
Beautiful article..
Take care!
Ravi (a reader of your blog)
Niki its cos on Sundays Im usually recovering from death..I mean from dying thru a whole week of work LOL!
tnxx Ravi!
Extremely nice post.
tnxx Aakash!
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