On Sat I went to a 1st bday party of a cousin's baby girl. I was surrounded by little ones from ages 2 and up...they were so adorable! They were telling me stories about kindy, pets they wanna get as Christmas pressies, some were even talking about DISCO parties...they were all so chattery. I was in total bliss among these babies, and the eldest among them who was 6yrs old told me that I looked like Californian Barbie..LOL so darn cute! And then she delivered a speech about being a doctor for a day. It was remarkable! My other cousin's little 2yr old girl was asking me what my name was and if I was a teacher, hahaha! And my 4yr old nephew was telling me that he's getting new skin on his hands :):). So very sweet. I was amazed at the level of knowledge, wit and intelligence these kids carried at such tender ages - it's just commendable!

When I was a kid, all I ever had was one fancy doll named Helen (yes Helen it must have been a sign!:)) that talked and sang, which I got as a pressie from my uncle who's in NZ now. Also I had a set of building-blocks that I was very fond of...some dearly loved story books...and few clothes and shoes. My parents were the average earners, who could afford what their kids needed but who never wasted money. We never got what we WANTED...we only got what we NEEDED. We went to a very good school and we had our basic necessities, and that was all
that mattered - my parents spent for us where it was necessary. I don't even have a 1st bday photo. Do you? The only bday photos I have were of my 6th bday or so. And I remember my aunt made cakes for us on our bdays and we had small bday parties at home for my schoolmates. And after my 15th bday, I never celebrated my bday cos my dad died before my 16th bday. I never even felt bad for not even having a cake for my 16th and the 21st. I don't even remember what I did on those bdays.

My parents did their best to teach us that in life we don't always get what we want...that we have to earn our living...that we need to be simple about ourselves cos there are others who don't even have 1/10th of what we have. As children, the activities we used to take part in were not fancy dance classes or swimming lessons that my parents needed to pay fees for. We swam in the local rivers and lakes...we climbed trees...we mixed with children in the neighborhood and rode our bicy
cles til we had no breath left in us...we had everything and it was all free. My favorite past time wasn't playing Playstation, it was watching the lil fishes in the stream at my grandparents' place. My parents didn't have to spend loads of money for us to socialise or learn new things. We had it all and we were natural kids who never asked for BIG things. I remember I never asked anyone for a present...I accepted what I got but I never expected. Cos we were taught to enjoy the finest things in life, which are often the only free things in this world...and that there are other kids in this world who don't have even 1/10th of what we have.

Current Music: Viva Forever by Spice Girls
122 Cranium Signets:
Well put into a very good perspective sweetheart. You marvel me with your vision
Hi Keshi
Will comment on the post later.
This is spooky x 2.
You wrote about your childhood.
Read my post.
Nice message..
I am with u on this.. B'day parties has lost its fun and has become a platform for flaunting ones riches.. But its going to be a difficult task for todays parents to keep their kids away from bad habits..
I have become lazy, i want to say many things but...yawn...i cant...keep in touch keshi, yawn
this generation is indeed previleged...but wait thats what my parents told me lol
Hi, how are you? You have sent many interesting posts lately. Very impressive. I wish I can write like you too.Take care.:)
I felt old saying that but basically yeah, I do feel kids are more privileged now. Even when it comes to education... I still can't believe kids finish school at 2pm in Canada! We used to study till 5pm or 6 pm...
Anyway, nice vision in this post!
What a coincidence! I went to two bday parties this weekend.
I agree that some parents go to a ridiculous extent just for a bday party. I have been to some parties where it's almost like a wedding in terms of grandiose and the kid is only 1 year old -- he/she won't even remember the whole thing.
We also didn't have a lot when we were growing up -- my sister and i preferred playing outdoors than be inside with playthings. But things nowadays are also a lot different. I daren't let the kids play outdoors in the streets like we used to because it's just not sfe anymore even if they have an adult with them.
I also try not buy them everything they want. They know they can only get nice toys on Christmas or their bdays. This year, we are going to fix their stuff and give a lot of their toys and old clothes to charity.
You are very very right keshi! A child should brought-up by not only buying and fulfill all her wishes, should teach the situation and not hide there problems from children, then where they never know what parents feel really. I must be pleased to have small party at my 1st b’day, taking pics...
It was very sweet of those kids you shared on b’day. The true nature of children is the innocent, but today many kids are over active that was not necessary at this age. “We never got what we WANTED...we only got what we NEEDED” excellent words for life!!
I fully agree with your point of view, Keshi.
Like they say, its not the years in your life but the life in your years that counts :)
The first photo I have of myself was the one of me half naked.. around 5-6 months old. and yes, my parents celebrated my 1st bday in huge manner. they did the same for my sis. thinking back.. hmm.. i dont know why they did it and definitely i can't remember anything :P.
But nowadays, my bdays are 'celebrated' with ppl who love me. sis's 21st is coming up and she refused to have a huge party - she dont see the point of it. agree with her and we are going to plan a small but meaningful party for her. maybe, i could brush my baking skill and make her a home-made cake! hehehehe
When i was a child initially i used to get a bit jealous when everyone of my age ard me had their bdays celebrated but in the course of time i myself stopped thinking abt it completely, nobody asked me abt it i never told them abt it...:) Out of my 32 bdays i hv celebrated only thrice, once it ws when my dad was alive, once it was when my colleagues surprised me and once with kay...Though since i started blogging i hv a bunch of wonderfull ppl like u who rem tht day and wish me with love and affection and for me its much more than a lavish bday bash...
Very touchy post kesh. Moved me. Too gooood.
Having had 2 sons, i've been through a series of birthday parties. and i agree with you about parents going over the top some times. It saddens me that kids nowdays think more of material comforts than values that they can gain from each other...
Hi Keshi
Just a quick comment...I'm so tired...off to bed in a few mins.
Sounds like you had such a fun time at the bday party!
Kids that age are so adorable and very wise too...as you mentioned.
But a cake that costs $300....I think that's too much!
Kids today do get to much, and the more they get, the more they want.
I really enjoyed reading all you shared about your childhood!
It was truly a special time, huh?
Thanks for sharing the memories here.
I can just imagine you watching the lil fishes in the stream at your grandparents' place.
I remember very happy days just walking in the woods with my sisters ...just playing hide n seek...such special memories I have of those times!
Our parents gave us what we needed too...not what we wanted.
I think the best way we can show our children that we love them is through hugs and kisses and always being there for them!
A wonderful, touching post Keshi!
Thank you...
A BIG nitey nite HUG to you!
I think my parents did very well on this. We could have everything to learn (like education, travel, sports). It's important to give your kids this opportunity if you can!
If we wanted 'senseless' thing, we usually had to work for it (to learn, that money doesn't grow on the trees)
on this i completely agree with you Keshi. This is one thing I always insist on when talking to DH. If there is one thing I am very proud of coming from the Indian middle class background is to have learned the value of money. We, never had the luxury of splurging the money, and had to think before putting our demands in front of our parents and this is what I want my child to learn too.
This is a kinda post even I would want to do. Hoping to do it soon.
errr. hv responded to ur comment in my blog. :)
Long live those engravings of love and life in my heart - how beautiful. Thanks for reminding us, Keshi.
It was very moving post. Your parents have made you a very good girl indeed.
Touched to see you recognise their efforts.
I too had been to the b'day party of my 4 yr old neighbour last evening. My b'day photos: I don't think I have many. Certainly not in the digi format.
keshi...that was very well put...nowadays, parents have lot of money to throw and it saddens me that the kids will never know teh value of money...thankfully my kids seem okay not having certain things their friends have...i do hope it will last that way...
Hi,Keshi...this was such a nice post.
Yes,even I remember my times as a kid..getting what I needed rather than what I wanted...perhaps that's why parents don't want the next generation to go through what they had gone through,and,keep pampering their every whim?Even I say 'Whew' to the $300 bday cake.
Of course,when I was in the 5-7 yrs age group,,I was having some nice uncles n aunties( like Keshi Barbie Aunty),so,I'd tell them in advance which,say,Noddy books I needed...and,voila,on my bday,the books'd be mine.(Sneaky,huh?)
Err,on second thoughts-perhaps the 2 yr olds were so happy with you,because they thought 'here's another very nice 2 yr old'??????*ducks and runs for cover*
Very sweet post :) Its beautiful how you connect your daily life happenings with such important lessons(?) of life!
We were never taught to be extravagant as well ... even today when I see some of my friends WASTING money literally it hurts me so much! $300 is completely insane that too for a first bday esp when the kid won't even remember anything once he/she grows up! But then again it all depends on individuals ... afterall its their life ! If they blv in showing off .. well well!
I think I do have some photos of my 1st birthday ... they're somewhere in all the zillion albums we have dumped in boxes ... my dad's always been into clicking as many pics as possible hehe
When we were little my mom always taught us not to waste food coz there's someone out there who doesnt get any! People are losing these values these days!
I completely agree with what you said. I grew up in a financially challenged family and my brothers and I were happy. We didn't feel we lacked anything because our parents gave us the most important things - love, attention, affection, good education. And those are the things I want to give my kids someday.
By the way, please go to http://www.thegoddessinyou.co.uk/ and read the TWELVE MONTHS post. I have tagged you and that's where you will find the rules. I look forward to reading your response to that meme. Do let me know please when you've done it. Have a good week!
The Goddess In You
iam totally with u on this..i recall having a huge cardboard box, which was the best toy my brothers and I had. We cut doors into it, added and stapled other boxes onto it, to create a small spaceship, with dials made out of toothpaste caps and a periscope we stole from my mother (she was a physics prof)...it was so cool...we burnt it down one day becoz girls (our coz) started playing in it.. :)
i recall playing criket, where the bat was made from coconut stumps and the ball was weaved using coconut leaves with stones inside...making flute using papaya stems...fishing with our towels...we made trains with match boxes...made steam boats out of soap trays and a kerosene lamp..kites from newspaper
my son will miss that...making the toys to play with it...but rite now a pencil and wall is all he needs..so i guess its ok..
very very good post Keshi ... I missed my mother and my dad so much I cant tell u ......
Though whtever they have taught me is engraved but thanks a ton for making me spend 15 mins and specifically remembering those moments and incidents ..
Parents are much more indulgent these days. And that statement makes me feel old and haggard, FYI. Shit.
Happy Thanksgiving to you Kesh! Great post! I tell my kids that we will provide everything they need and they need to study, get a job and earn to get what they "want"!!:D
It is tough to bring up children these days. No matter what we teach at home, they are always looking at their friends and what they do!!
Personally, I hate B'day parties. Kids become so materialistic rather than enjoying the company, even parents except bigger gifts from other kids that what they paid for entertainment!Where is the fun in that?
Happy Monday and enjoy your family and friends!
Beautiful Post Keshi
Your parents raised you well.
The toys of my youth were "barbie"
how realistic was that?
//as children, the activities we used to take part in were not fancy dance classes or swimming lessons that my parents needed to pay fees for. We swam in the local rivers and lakes...we climbed trees...we mixed with children in the neighborhood and rode our bicycles til we had no breath left in us...we had everything and it was all free. // ---> this is the asian childhood that many have to experience to love. Nowadays when I see the mango tree I know can never climb it. :D the world has not changed, life has. The dreams have not changed, bt the priorities have. Nostalgic and nice, I love this post.
Hi Keshi!
Perfect, educational post for many today's parents.
"to bring up a child with so much of luxury is a bit dangerous to the child's psyche..." - that's true,
and for child's future.
If you want and find the time visit my blog:
Have a happy, successful day!
keshi, great post and i totaly agree with you....i always used to hate my prents for not celebrating my bdays and having photo album form my childhood memories like all of my friends did....but now as i grew older..i realized...no point in wasting money..u can certainly donate or use it eleswhere for better things! i always believed in this "when u do good things...good things will happen to you"
PS. I read that cricket article....u were certainly in dilema on whom to support...so whom did u support from heart? I want honest answer!!!
yes, presents are nice...
but LOVE is much more important!
because i'm the eldest...i have a TON of baby pics : ), my sis (middle) has MUCH less than me, and my baby brother has hardly any!
my parents were VERY poor (always trying to make ends meet, at times each having 2 jobs)...we never had "luxaries", but the LOVE & SUPPORT was ALWAYS PRESENT in our home!! I MISS THEM BOTH!! I am so thankful for that they gave me...and for all that they taught me.
have a wonderful week : )
i too love kids... whenever i get time i like to spend it with my two nieces, one is 1.5 yrs old and the other one is just six 3 months.. :))
and nice song... :) goes perfect with the blog...
it's obvious by your up-bringing you are a good human being, keshi. material is a substitute for love, relationships, and true happiness. our society places a priority and premium on price and worth, when in actuality it can lead to our corruption. i'm not saying i don't like money or gadgets, but they have there place. we all need to re-prioritize. great post (as always) ;)
This was a sweet sweet post..just like you gal.
YOu know this unecessary expenditure irks me a lot too.
I have a fren of my uncle, who my uncle helped study coz he came from a very humble background.
Now he's well established and has a son.
Recently we'd gone to to his place for a few days, and the way they have raised their kid is shocking.
The kid cant speak his own mother tongue...all that he can say is some broken english, everytime they go to the mall they have to buy something expensive for him, his clothes are all branded...
It was utterly disgusting for me..I'd never raise my baby like that. Children must learn he value of money and its upto the parents to teach them how...
Great post girl.
And btw I'm back on the arena.
Nicely put. I remember my kids liked playing with the boxes some presents came in as much as the present. Funny huh. Life is good and when it's simple we have a great appreciation for it.
heya keshi,
I was brought up the same way even when we could afford things, we never got them. and i realised that we never really NEEDED them.
the story with my bro is a lot different hehe - he's the baby and gets spoilt a lot, but we teach him the value of everything. LOL hopefully he actually gets that lesson :P
ty George!
tnxx Bev!
spooky indeedz!
hey Veena!
**B'day parties has lost its fun and has become a platform for flaunting ones riches
true..its all abt parents showing off how BIGGER they can do it than the other parents. Its a BIG mistake actually.
no worries Kumar...
hehe Lavida...
Venus tnxx!
u too write very well..in ur own unique way. We all do :)
ty Zhu!
**We used to study till 5pm or 6 pm...
really? I went to a Methodist school (a college that was founded by British Methodist missionaries some 125yrs ago)...a strict private school. We used to finish school at 1:30pm.
Menchie I too went to 2 bday parties on Sat...one after the other :)
LOL @wedding! its just a waste of money really.
**But things nowadays are also a lot different. I daren't let the kids play outdoors in the streets like we used to
I agree...times hv changed and SAFETY is a big issue these days.
**They know they can only get nice toys on Christmas or their bdays.
thats great. In my family, the few lil ones r present-greedy LOL! Every Christmas/bday they order what they want. Its becomes avery bad habit. I hv the money so I buy them wut they ask for. But their parents need to set them right straight away or they r gonna grow up wanting material things so badly.
**its become a very bad habit
The best pictures are in the heart and mind anyway. I have been amazed at my own patience with small children since my grandson came along. I thought those days were long gone.
Jeevan ur lucky ur 1st bday was celebrated tho it was on small scale.
My mum said that mine was not celebrated and no pics were taken cos they were busy moving or something like that. My sis' (older than me) 1st bday and photos exist. Maybe cos she's the first child in the family. Somehow sometimes I wish I had my 1st bday pics...atleast one pic..:)
**but today many kids are over active that was not necessary at this age
very well-said! Its like kids these days r so demanding n r easily disappointed if things dun go their way.
true Ash, tnxx!
Ammu hey huggggggggz! Ur well now?
**The first photo I have of myself was the one of me half naked
mebe u can do a HNT using that pic? LOL awwwww...
read my reply above to Jeevan abt my 1st bday...
ur sis is turning 21? WOW! A home-baked cake by u wud be the best cake ur sis can ever get Ammu.
heyy Southy!
** used to get a bit jealous when everyone of my age ard me had their bdays celebrated
awwwww...well I rem my parents celebrated few of my early bdays at home and invited my classmates too. But they didnt celebrate my 1st bday cos they said they were busy moving at the time. Anyways I still feel bad abt it cos my sis' 1st bday was celebrated n there r pics too :)
**Out of my 32 bdays i hv celebrated only thrice
all 3 seem very special situations tho.
yes...blogs hv made our bdays even more special. I hv to agree with that. HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
ty Ashu!
G'day Prats!
**It saddens me that kids nowdays think more of material comforts than values that they can gain from each other...
Spot on!
Margie HUGGGGGGGGGGZ! Its so lovely to see u here again...Im soooo happy :)
**keshi does the moon-walk**
**I can just imagine you watching the lil fishes in the stream at your grandparents' place.
yes Margie...i used to sit by the stream and stare at the tiny fishes n wonder how magical they were. I used to sit there for a very long time LOL!
**I remember very happy days just walking in the woods with my sisters ...just playing hide n seek...
how wonderful! I can imagine u with lovely blonde hair walking in the woods...awww...
**I think the best way we can show our children that we love them is through hugs and kisses and always being there for them!
Spot on Margie! These babies Im talkin abt come running to me everytime I see em cos they know they get all the hugs n kisses from me..and I dance like an idiot with them LOL! They r crazy abt going to my place and beg their parents asking if they cud go to my place..haha!
tnxx hun I hope ur friend is doing well. TC n HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
hey Murane!
**We could have everything to learn (like education, travel, sports). It's important to give your kids this opportunity if you can
yes definitely. Where there is skill, it must be encouraged.
**If we wanted 'senseless' thing, we usually had to work for it
exactly like my parents. I rem that once I sat down on the road screaming and crying for something I wanted from a shop. My mum left me there and walked on. I waited for a while and knew that I was going to be lost so I ran behind her crying LOL! After that day I never asked for anything.
Now that Im grown and earn my own money, I even bought my own car, paid all my Uni fees on my own ($15,000 a year for couple of years) and Im quite independent..tnxx for my parents for showing me that I hv to earn my own living...
hey Swati tnxx!
** If there is one thing I am very proud of coming from the Indian middle class background is to have learned the value of money.
yes even Im proud of that earthy heritage.
Im sure u'll do very well with parenting ur baby...she's gonna grow up to be a very levelheaded girl.
yeah Im looking forward to reading ur views too :)
ty Nora! :)
hey Kulz!
**Touched to see you recognise their efforts.
I can never forget their efforts amidst all the difficulties they faced. They somehow managed to keep us happy and sensible. Thats a very great achievement.
My dad is no more but I rem his 'touch' on my soul...
I hv few childhood photos...lovely ones - bdays (except 1st bday), playing with sis n cuzns, bike-riding, playing with pets, hugging my dad, climbing on his leg when I was abt 3 LOL etc etc...I must scan em and post em in my blog some day. Man I had BIG eyes bak then too! :):)
hey Thinking_Aloud!
**nowadays, parents have lot of money to throw and it saddens me that the kids will never know teh value of money
yes...u know my lil niece asks me to buy things...and sometimes when I say I dun hv money, she says go to the bank n get it. LOL!
hey Amit tnxx!
yes some parents want their kids to hv a 'materialistically' better childhood. Thats why but its so wrong.
**so,I'd tell them in advance which,say,Noddy books I needed
lol u sound like my lil niece n nephew. They rip me off all the time haha! I cant help it but buy em wut they want...but only on their bdays and Christmas time. hey I used to read Noddy too! D u rem Tintin? :):)
**Err,on second thoughts-perhaps the 2 yr olds were so happy with you,because they thought 'here's another very nice 2 yr old'
u dun need to duck for cover Amit cos I think Im a 2yr old trapped in an adult's body anyways LOL!!
Cheesy I can see that u hv been brought up to be a very caring and levelheaded girl. I can see in u, the lessons ur parents hv embedded in u. They did very well!
**I think I do have some photos of my 1st birthday
lucky u tho. Cos my parents celebrated my sis' 1st bday and she has pics. I dun :( Mebbe cos Im the 2nd baby. But I do hv pics from other age bdays..that should do :)
yes ppl r losing their values big time these days!
hey Joy tnxx!
**We didn't feel we lacked anything because our parents gave us the most important things - love, attention, affection, good education.
Spot on! Thats wut a child needs. Nowadays I see kids wanting DVDs, PS etc etc...but they dun hv the LOVE they need...the ATTENTION. I can see that they replace that with materialistic pleasures. Its so sad.
I will soon read ur tag post. :) tnxx!
Hi Keshi
Well you did it. You made me speechless.
Touching post--Very touching!
Hard to read with tears in my eyes.
hey Tys!
**to create a small spaceship, with dials made out of toothpaste caps and a periscope we stole from my mother
LOL that sounds cute. D u now work as an Engineer? :)
**we burnt it down one day becoz girls (our coz) started playing in it..
**i recall playing criket, where the bat was made from coconut stumps and the ball was weaved using coconut leaves with stones inside
OMG I was a huge fan of Cricket bak then...we played it all the time. And then I go home crying cos we had a fight LOL!
**...made steam boats out of soap trays and a kerosene lamp..kites from newspaper
u brought bak alot of sweet memories..cos I used to do that too...make paper baots and watch em float away to the distance. Kites was another fav of mine. I did so many things w.o. having to BUY anything from the shops :):)
hey Alok!
**I missed my mother and my dad so much I cant tell u ......
where r ur parents Alok?
Im glad this post made u rem em so fondly.
hey Adorable!
**Parents are much more indulgent these days
very true! Its more like parents who r being the real kids :)
ur not old..just wise ;-)
hey Asha Happy Thanksgiving to you hun!
I didnt realise its TG and I said THANKS to my parents here...wow! :)
** I tell my kids that we will provide everything they need and they need to study, get a job and earn to get what they "want"!
thats exactly wut my parents told me. And I studied n studied n studied and now buy wut I 'want' :) And I do give to CHARITY too. Cos I can never forget the less-fortunates.
True..even we use to compare our stuff with wut our friends had.
**even parents except bigger gifts from other kids that what they paid for entertainment
so true! Just last week a family friend's teenage daughter went to a 18th bday party of her friend's...it was a luxusry boat cruise in the Sydney Harbor! Apparently this girl's parents also celebrated her 15th bday on a grandscale at a 5-star hotel in Syd!
hey TK!
**The toys of my youth were "barbie"
how realistic was that?
mine too but I never owned a Barbie...:)
hey Ghotsy tnxx!
** the world has not changed, life has. The dreams have not changed, bt the priorities have
yes..very well-said! The trees, the rivers, the woods..they r lonely now.
ty Krys I will check out the link soon.
hey KP tnxx mate!
**....i always used to hate my prents for not celebrating my bdays and having photo album form my childhood memories like all of my friends did
me too...I always asked my mum why she didnt celebrate my 1st bday and why they r no pics. :) Cos they celebrated my sis' 1st bday and there r pics of her. She says that they were moving at the time so they cudnt do it. I still feel sad sometimes :) But I hv my other bday pics..lotsa em.
**so whom did u support from heart?
Sri Lanka! :):) LOL!
Coco very well-said! And Love cannot by bought like toys.
**because i'm the eldest...i have a TON of baby pics
I agree. Thats what happened with me too. They hv my sis' 1st bday pics but cos Um the 2nd bubz, they didnt take many pics. but i hv pics from later on in my childhood so its really ok :)
**but the LOVE & SUPPORT was ALWAYS PRESENT in our home
its so evident in ur personality Coco. Ur parents did very well..a neat job I must say. MWAHHHHHHHHHH God bless em!
ty DJ!
**one is 1.5 yrs old and the other one is just six 3 months
sounds ADORABLE @1.5yrs!
hey Raffi ty and ur parents did VERY well too!
**material is a substitute for love, relationships, and true happiness. our society places a priority and premium on price and worth, when in actuality it can lead to our corruption
And like u, I like gadgets n 'toys' too :) like mobile phones, cars, shoes etc...but like u said, we need to think what r the most IMP things in life...re-prioritize indeedz.
ty Raffi!
Heyy Ciderella WB! I missed ya so very much. I hope ur here to stay this time ard :) HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
**The kid cant speak his own mother tongue...all that he can say is some broken english, everytime they go to the mall they have to buy something expensive for him, his clothes are all branded
OMG that sounds like a prisoner-of-fake in the making! Im very worried abt that kid's future.
G'day Nadine!
**I remember my kids liked playing with the boxes some presents came in as much as the present.
haha I used to do that too...I used to even collect stamps, labels and pictures that came in boxes n bottles...:)
hey Silvara tnxx hun!
**I was brought up the same way even when we could afford things, we never got them.
yes same here. My parents were neither rich nor poor. They cud afford things but they only got us wut we needed. I thank them for that cos now I see why they did that.
ur bro sounds spoilt-rotten LOL! Im sure he'll be right..cos ur there to keep him sensible.
hey Phos!
**The best pictures are in the heart and mind anyway.
awww that was very well-said!
tnxx Bev even I cried as I wrote it...cos it reminded me of my childhood with my dad...when he was alive n well...o how I used to think he was gonna live forever!
Your dad would be proud Keshi, I'm sure. :)
I didn't ask for a lot as a kid... I was pretty easily amused. So when I nagged and nagged and nagged for my first (motor) bike my folks were like "he's never asked for anything like this before... I guess we should get it".
7 bikes and 300 moto-x race meetings later they were like "remind me... who's stupid idea was THAT???" LOL
I am glad I still see plenty of well adjusted kids who don't want everything they see on TV. It gives me hope. :)
I remembered my dolls, all of 3 of them, 2 were given by my aunt and 1 by my neighbour. Sigh.....doesn't feel good to be poor :(
Of course I would agree with all that you so nicely express here. Being a lot older than you, things have of course changed a lot... I remember how the Xmas presents we prepared were often home made, not bought etc... When I see the bedrooms of my grandkids where you can hardly enter because they are full of stuff, I often also ask myself similar questions, ... but then of course I continue to buy too expensive gifts.
Now, this is something which is typical for SOME countries, not for all countries and even in the richer countries not for everybody.
GREAT POST!!!!!!! how ar you?
What a beautiful reflective post, Keshi, exactly why I read and love you! Hee hee, your Helen doll, that's so cute. Can't say I have ever had a Keshi doll, but I can truly say that you embody all the traits that I have ever sought in a friend. (hugging you my friend)
My childhood was pretty simple, too, we were poor, but my parents put their money into private education for my sis and I. We didn't even have CABLE! Shock Shock ; )
Your time with the little ones sounds wonderful, I spent the weekend with my nieces and nephews and I always resolve to be a better auntie when I'm with them...then I get caught in the snare of life GRRR ; ) Thanks for the lovely post!
good mor'g keshi
Hi,Keshi..yes,I was and still am a total Enid Blyton fan,from Noddy to Famous Five to Five Findouters..:)
As for Tintin and Asterix,what do you mean'do you remember'??I still read them,every chance I get.Have the full prized Tintin collection in India.:)Do you read them still??
i said what i said erlier because i always felt like alien here hehe, now i didnt feel like that thats y :D!!
tnxx Boy!
**7 bikes and 300 moto-x race meetings later they were like "remind me... who's stupid idea was THAT???"
HAHAHAHAHA! Very cute :):)
**I am glad I still see plenty of well adjusted kids who don't want everything they see on TV. It gives me hope
o I agree! There still r many great kids out there.
Saffy u were not poor...just that u were not a needy kid.
hey Peter tnxx!
** I remember how the Xmas presents we prepared were often home made, not bought etc
wow how nice is that! I'd love that.
**but then of course I continue to buy too expensive gifts
tell me abt it, Im guilty on that one too :) I buy expensive gifts for nieces n nephews...not that I wanna spoil em..I just cant buy cheap stuff..its the way I am.
And I agree..different countries kids hv different childhoods.
Im good ta Kaylz n u?
aww ty Helen doll! :)
** Can't say I have ever had a Keshi doll,
haha wud hv to be a brown doll with dark hair screaming n yelling at ya. LOL!
**but my parents put their money into private education for my sis and
they did very well!
wut even we didnt have it :) we just had plain ol boring TV lol!
aw ur nieces n nephews sounds so adorable!
tnxx babez!
hey Kum :)
Amit lol yes I loved books by Enid Blyton. FF and Secret Seven was another fav of mine :)
hey endevour!
** i always felt like alien here hehe
why did u feel that way?
Im good ta Kaylz n u?//
OOoh.. Kids are just the most adorable creatures on earth! Hehe.. they are so pure and innocent! I absolutely love kids!
This is wonderful. Great memories.
hey Kaylz didnt ya say ur weekend was GOOD? wuts going on?
ty Princess!
tnxx Andrew!
Hi hun
And it's lovely to be back here!
**Keshi does the moon-walk! LOl!
I really like that!
I just wanted to say good nite, as I'm off to bed.
I have to get up early and make pies for Thanksgiving dinner.
I just got back from my friend's house...she is doing some better today...thanxx so much for your concern Keshi.
I just reread your post.
It is so wonderful Keshi!
I really loved it.
Just keep on giving those little ones all your hugs and kisses!
It's the most special gift you can give to them!
I just know they love you so much!
Nitey nite!
hey keshi babe how r ya ..
jus last evening.. we frndz were havin beer n partly drunk we discussed how our parents have worked hard to provide us whtevr we needed n desired .. nd tht is true too .. parents these dyz wrk a lot hard to let their children provide all what thy desire ..
I just wish I come up to there expectations nd provide thm evn more whnevr nd whtevr thy desire :)
so honey .. how hav u been ..
did i tell u lately tht i love u n i missed u :P .. hehe ..
wassup wid u? d summers are arnd rite .. nd its winter here .. i love winters ;)
hi keshi...children now a dayz...hvg such a good and luxurious life! let them enjoy themselves...tcare gal
I cannot agree with you more. And I totally loved about it is all about how BIG we can give. Almost everything that is done today is to impress someone else. And I wonder why?
very nicely put!
yess its about time someone thanked 'the parents' for making us the fine ppl we turned out to be...
amidst all the yelling, and refusing to things we often tended to yelp about...amidst all the joys they tried to sum up for us and amidst all the lessons they tried to teach us ,their intention showed clearly that all they were doing was so that we learn the way of life and know how to survive just fine...
they definitely have not done sucha bad job afterall have they?:p
I hope your mom reads this just to see that her little girl grew up to be prefect
keep smiling dear
is that why u are buying tons of shoes now?? :D
u are lucky to have such nice paretns!
i was a spoiled kid and rolled on the floor cried hard when i could not get what i want.
maybe thats why i have no money no property till now. *tear*
On saturday, I had this "family carnival" at work. It is this day when you can take your families, and have a lot of fun. I went alone, because I dont have one yet. :)
Kids usually like me (ppl say that is because they can have a "conversation" with me) and so I was giving a friend's daughter a little fun ride when the president of the company turns up.. and he's like "wow, the kid looks so much like you!" - that, when the kid's daddy is standing right next to me.
Boy, that was funny!
the album is
here if you want to take a look.
lovely reading your thoughts Keshi....you bought back the sweet childhood memories back once again...for a few seconds, I also start reminiscing about my childhood days & yes its very true that todays kids are more privileged lucky and there are lavish birthday bashes...we should think about others also when we spend lavishly...lovely thoughtful post!
Hey...Just like u...I had been bought up with the same concepts...by my parents..:)
And I strike some similarity with this to the best & rest concept...:)
Thats what my post was abt..and will explore further in the upcoming post....
Yes, in life we don't always get what we want, and it's best to be simple about our needs and expectations so there's no chance for disappointment.
A good post Keshi. Cheers!
Hey Keshi baby, sweetie, honey, darlin' ;-)
Sorry I took so long to make my way over here this week. I'm trying to stay caught up with all my faves! ;-)
Remember how horrible it was on the day that you realised that not everybody in the world has the same life.
We start comparing each other far too early and if we have parents who are putting on a show then we are doomed.
That being said there will never EVER be an equal distribution of goods and services for all 6.6 Billion of us. There will always be starving children and televangelists wearing $2000 suits, gangstas droppin' thousands of dollars on a bottle of hooch to impress their homeys, corporate CEOs raiding the worker's pension funds, politicians accepting bribes from lobbyists, and movie stars who make more in one film than the GNP of some countries.
Teaching our children that it is all about relationships and not some big competition is just the start. You have to set an example...
now if you'll excuse me my chopper just landed by the stables and I have to zip over to the Mayo clinic for a little work on my left nostril inhaler..it looks a little bigger than the one on the right and I want to look my best at Cannes this year.
Wow Keshi
Beautiful sentiments. Brought a tear to my eye! Made me think about what kinds of things it is valuable to teach a child.
Did you by any chance peep into my soul???This is weird but you are so like me!!!
Absolutely awesome post dearie.Keep it up.God Bless You.Hugsss
Hey Margie Im so happy today...u know why. cos it seems like ur bak in Blogville...regularly I mean :) HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ n ty!
How abt email me some TG turkey? Im sure u'd cook it so well YUMMMMMMMMM!
HAPPY TG and know that u r loved and appreciated in my life!
Anuj hey WB! So ur finally here :) I missed ya too man...
wuts with drinking n all ha?
yes its Summer here..Im loving it! I hate Winter cos it makes me fatter and lazier LOL!
Good to see u bak Anuj!
Anits ty sweetz!
hey Vidya tnxx!
**And I totally loved about it is all about how BIG we can give.
yes...cos ppl place great importance in self...they think this world n life is ONLY abt them. And in that process they forget others...others who need their help.
**Almost everything that is done today is to impress someone else. And I wonder why?
So true! Why is that? I get so annoyed when ppl do things just to impress others.
tnx Vidya some good points raised there!
hey Pri tnxx!
**amidst all the lessons they tried to teach us ,their intention showed clearly that all they were doing was so that we learn the way of life and know how to survive just fine...
definitely! We dun see it when we r kids n we think they r being mean to us...but now we really SEE.
ty Dhruv! :)
I know she'd appreciate it but she never praises me man..lol! She never says alot of good things abt me, even when I do my best..I think she wants to keep me down-to-Earth 24/7...I dun mind that at all hehe.
hey Niki!
**is that why u are buying tons of shoes now?? :D
LOL yeah u had to remind me that ha!
but u know Niki, I do work real hard so I deserve it, and do give alot to charity too. :)
**u are lucky to have such nice paretns!
not so lucky..cos I lost my darling dad too early.
**i was a spoiled kid and rolled on the floor cried hard when i could not get what i want.
lol Niki u sound cute. I did that just once or twice near a shop...my mum walked away. I got scared that I was gonna get lost so I ran behind her LOL! After that I never thrw tantrums like that asking for things.
**maybe thats why i have no money no property till now.
u hv no money? then how d u eat, buy clothes, pay ur rent Niki? Think abt it sweetie...u hv enough money to live a decent life. And thats all we need :) HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
hey Toothey sounds like a FUN event. :)
**and he's like "wow, the kid looks so much like you!"
haha! That happened to me once too...I was going for a walk with my lil niece...she looks a bit like me too. We stopped by a shop to buy some icecream for the lil one. And the shop lady says 'ur daughter looks just like u' :):) Then I told her she's my niece LOL!
tnxx for the album link...will check it out soon.
Kalya Im glad this post brought u bak sweet memories...:)
and tnxx!
tnxx Jeya!
I like that BEST post..it was very thought-provoking.
hey Indica tnxx!
**it's best to be simple about our needs and expectations so there's no chance for disappointment.
spot on!
heyya Jay hunny sweetz baby luvy darlin swthrt bunny bubbalicious IT'S OK ;-)
ur comment was PROFOUND HE!
**Teaching our children that it is all about relationships and not some big competition is just the start. You have to set an example...
Love that! Life is abt r'ships, bonds, love and light indeedz. Not MONEY and EXTRAVAGNACE.
I love love love how u ended the comment! I really hope all of my readers here wud read that. BRILLIANT HE!
MILF WC n tnxx! :)
ty Sameera!
I'll check it now :)
Hi Keshi,
What can I say? Probably they already said it all. But your post is so excellent, one of a kind. It is as if you are talking to each and every individual heart and soul that reads your post. They are so ingrained with wisdom and truth that can withstand even the rigors of time. I love the homespun philosophies that your parents so ingrained in your soul. Bless their souls for that. Now you are unleashed to the world to shower it with wit and wisdom that your parents could not have dreamed their little girl would be capable of. Please continue to write meaningful articles such as yours. They do touch the hearts and souls of your readers. They serve as beacons of light in this dark and dreary world of materialistic and wicked existence. Thanks for your fantastic post. I was so ennobled by it. Smile always. God bless and have a wonderful and marvelous day.
//hey Kaylz didnt ya say ur weekend was GOOD? wuts going on?//
yes but, it was on friday thats it! Then i started fainting and not being able to breathe! am in the ER now :(
Some times, I'll think about how neat having kids around would be. Then I see other people's little monsters and am happy I don't have to put up with the insanity that they can bring.
That said, I'd wish you a happy Thanksgiving, but you're not American, so seeing as you don't celebrate it, I'll just go into solidarity for you having to work 2 more days in the week than I do.
Dearest Keshi,
How do I even begin to thank you for the heartfelt comment that you wrote to me on my post. Your blog has so many things that touched my soul. I can't wait to find more time to read through more of it. I enjoyed the quotes from Budda as it was the first time for me to ever read anything from him. Send me your email since I didn't get it sweetie.
Mel ty so much!
U truly encouraged me there. As long as I can write, I will write. Some ppl may think wut I write here is not so practical in real life but if atleast one person understands and believes in my writing, Im happy for that.
Kaylz thats not good...:(
American or not, I believe in giving Thanks :) Maybe this post indirectly celebrated TG day cos I Thanked my parents in it.
**I'll just go into solidarity for you having to work 2 more days in the week than I do.
haha no worries, enjoy ur break mate!
heyy Knitpastis WC n tnxxx!
**I enjoyed the quotes from Budda as it was the first time for me to ever read anything from him.
Im glad abt that :)
ur the real angel here...cos u didnt even know me and u said that abt me to Nora. That was so sweet.
will drop my email at ur place soon. tnxx hun!
It's the simple things in life which make us for what we are... just like you... i too was taught some very seemingly mundane things.. but when i look back.. they are essential... like never waste food... whenever in a resaturant... i alwasy make it a point that no morsel shall be wasted at least by me... i egg others on to it too...
help ppl who need it but to shy to ask for it... dats how i learnt to connect with ppl... maybe dats why i end up being agony uncle to most... for most ppl need someone to talk their hearts out... though some need more than just that and that's wer i feel in adequate...
early on i ws taught to value all that i have for there r many who don't have it in their fate to: get 2 square meals a day, wear a decent piece of garment, see the rainbow in the sky, sing aloud wen it rains, write wen it hurts, play a guitar with a magical flow of the hand, play football, embrace their sweetheart, run in the park.....
i ws taught to blv that i ws lucky to have all those.... and yet i was taught never to take them for granted... to cherish every living moment... life is a celebration.... after the party is over.. you have to clean out the garbage!! r8?
Hi Keshi.
I am overwhelemed by this post it leaves me in awe.
***I'd want to teach my kids that life isn't about how BIG you have it, it's about how BIG you give.
Great stuff..
And yeah i am with you when you say that kids these days are more priviledged now. big time!! lol..:D
Keshi, as i was reading your post. I realised the simpler the things the prettier and more valuable we hold close to our hearts. Its amazing reading about the little fun you had as a child..:D
loved the lessons ya parents taught ya.
Sam ty!
**get 2 square meals a day, wear a decent piece of garment, see the rainbow in the sky, sing aloud wen it rains, write wen it hurts, play a guitar with a magical flow of the hand, play football, embrace their sweetheart, run in the park.....
wow beautifull put. And thats exactly wut I meant.
Lovely to see ur parents engraved em in ur heart!
** realised the simpler the things the prettier and more valuable we hold close to our hearts.
yes thats wut alot of ppl dun realise...until its too late to fix things.
my first entry into the net world was IT Chat
i was just looking for funn
i entered as Julia
and i found Janice and Keshi and a lott others, men and women
then keshi introduced me to blogging
my marriage was now on the rocks
i was looking for love
now i found 2 lovely angels
and we communicate by email
i dont need to blog no more
Beware Kesh
Mel looks and talks like a nice middle aged man
but he is a womanizer
k Jim :)
I owe a lott to keshi for introducing me to blogging
i found love in the blog world
i found Caraf who taught me SEO
i learnt html
i started business blogs
and had then optimized
i found soo nany beautiful people on blogs
Mel and Eddy and Noushy and Sharm and ameer from WUB
old timers like miranda, cheesemeister, etc
the oldest blogger on planet earth, VEST
and Autumn and Blessed and justine and Ori
my life is richer now after i started blogging
on second tot
i wont stop blogging
i will be a blogger till my dying day
i can see my self posting ADIEU
before my last breath
Jim hey..
**I owe a lott to keshi for introducing me to blogging
u dun owe me anything. No one does. I dun keep scores and I dun calculate :)
u found the Blog world on ur own, thru me. u were meant to be here for a reason. So u r here.
**i wont stop blogging
I knew u wud say that in a jiffy LOL!
**i will be a blogger till my dying day
who knows...I may die b4 ya..so yeah u better be ard :)
TC man!
OOO totally true. i definitely believe that you dont always get what you want. i would never do that to my kid. i was thought the value of money. i had a job since i was 16 - earning and learning to manage money on my own. anyways... very important to each the value of money and that need is different than want.
very well-said Choco! TNXXX!
yeap, kids nowadays don't know how lucky they are, nothing we can do :) ... During my time, it was considered luxury to have a barbie dolls or that stupid language laptop.. Handphone was out of the point... Most of the kids are spoiled brats but we still love them to bits!! :P
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