Following is the funny convo that took place between that 'Flirt' in my inbox and me this morning.

This is a home for my heart...a distant refuge for my spirit, away from the madding crowd and the masquerades that we live. This is where everything is unveiled and nothing is compromised.
Posted by Keshi at 11:32 am 123 Cranium Signets
WARNING: Long post ahead that you should read for your own gain!
Prevention Is Better Than Cure...My only online life is this blog. I hate chat rooms cos I don't know who I'm chatting with and that seriously bores me. Stories like the above murders got me thinking hard. I don't give my personal details to anyone I don't trust anyways. I don't meet up with net buddies (unless I'm sure who they are) either. Am I scared? Yes! Who wouldn't be scared of being stalked or killed by some sicko on the net? I'm not scared to die, but I don't want something stupid happening to me either, causing unimaginable misery to my loved-ones. I can't even imagine how those victims' parents must be feeling right now. It should never have happened in the first place.
A Virtual Fence...As Bloggers we need to be careful about who we reveal our personal details to. But I'm not scared of putting up pics here. People can steal them I know...but that wont stop me from expressing who I am. I won't let few people cramp my style. Losers can harass you again and again. You really can't put up a concrete wall around your net profile like you can around your house, can you? Therefore I'm not going to sweat about that. But I can be careful when it comes to who I give my phone number, address etc to. Also I don't use my driver's licence number, bank account details, credit card info etc on the net for anything at all. I can be careful about who I meet too...I can be careful when it comes to trusting people on the net...I can be SAFE if I THINK carefully, right? So folks, next time you make friends/do business with someone on the net, be alert...I'm not saying to be skeptical, but be alert about who you can truly trust and who you choose to meet in person etc. Or take another friend with you when you go to meet a net friend for the first time. Do you know that your personal details that you may carelessly give away to someone on the net can end up in another country's ID theft ring? Also some sick bastards can travel across seas just to quench their thirst for cheap thrills. So have a mental fence around your net life. It's not that hard if you guard your temptations.
Your Brain Checkup Is Overdue!Internet is an interesting place with alot of interesting people...but it's also a very scary place with alot of psychos. These people prey on innocents just to satisfy their sick conscience. For all the spammers, I have this message: YOU REALLY HAVE NO HOPE! Your parents didn't give you enough love and brain food, we are very sorry about that. Get a job or get wasted I don't care, but you should care cos it's your life! For all those kidnappers, hackers, murderers, child molesters, phishers etc I have this message: YOU NEED A SHRINK. Go get help before it's too late. Do you ever use your brain or is it rusting on the shelf? Insert it back in please. And know that your PC details can be easily tracked to your doorstep anyways, and Police will be knocking on your door soon. You may think you know how computers work but the truth is you don't. You have zilch knowledge of how computers work- sadly you only know how to be a criminal. Everything you do on the net is traceable upto your sorry ass if the need arises. If you are addicted to stealing, sex, lying, any crime in general, that means you need major help. And there are psychiatrists out there for a reason - that is to help nutjobs like you. So use that brain that you've been donated and get that help while you can. Do yourself some justice today so you could save yourself from getting your own mugshot.
Surf Safely...
As a step to towards keeping my blog shit-free, from now on I allow comments by Registered Users only - so no more Anonymous comments allowed here. And also, I'm going to be very strict about publishing crap comments, so just cos you're bored and wanna puke your sick head out here, it's not going to be tolerated - go find a sink or do it on your carpet. Besides, I track the IPs whenever I want to, so ease up on the cranium-deficiency bandwagon cos you may be tracked and reported to the federal Police - no you can't take your PC with you when you're arrested - jail might have internet, try asking! (recently a bunch of net criminals and identity thieves were caught by the Police on a LIVE TV show. It was hilarious!). So before you harass someone on the net just cos your dad pays your Internet bill, think twice.
Well folks we should enjoy the Internet and not fear it...at the same time we must know it's possible horrific consequences. Thieves, sex-offenders, murderers and psychos have Interent access too and they could be in your inbox. SO BE SMART, ALERT AND MOST OF ALL BE SAFE!
Today's music is dedicated to both the innocents, Adnan and Kaushambi, who TRUSTED their net 'friends', when they were really only their enemies...the ones who took their life. Both of them paid the highest price for trusting total strangers.
Current Music: Come As You Are by Nirvana
Posted by Keshi at 12:00 pm 141 Cranium Signets
Posted by Keshi at 12:39 pm 131 Cranium Signets
Posted by Keshi at 1:50 pm 128 Cranium Signets
Posted by Keshi at 12:04 pm 135 Cranium Signets
you can ring my be-e-ell, ring my bell....;-)
Posted by Keshi at 12:27 pm 153 Cranium Signets
Posted by Keshi at 11:30 am 116 Cranium Signets
Posted by Keshi at 12:24 pm 128 Cranium Signets
Today I dedicate one of my fav songs to this unknown child...I'm sorry this happened to you Samah but know that I'm thinking of you...and I CARE.
Current Music: Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns N Roses
Posted by Keshi at 12:27 pm 110 Cranium Signets
Posted by Keshi at 11:23 am 151 Cranium Signets
Posted by Keshi at 2:31 pm 119 Cranium Signets
(Click to enlarge)
This song is one of my fav Punjabi dance numbers. Let me know what you think. Enjoy! (sorry I updated that song with another fav :)) btw if anyone is wondering what Fair Dinkum means, it's Aussie slang for GENUINE...and Masti means FUN in Hindi. So u work out the title now.
Current Music: Let The Music Play by Shamur
Current Music Update: Chayya Chayya from the movie Dil Se
Posted by Keshi at 11:35 am 171 Cranium Signets