Hi guys how's it going? Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Well, the last post truly opened my eyes to more interesting shades of that beautiful song. I sure have some very intelligent souls here in my blog...you guys are just awesome! You all add so much variety and knowledge to my world, I feel so blessed to know you all. And choosing just one winner was too hard. So I've listed below the most interesting comments by few of my dear friends here who managed to have me in awe of their answers. So yeah, this one has a whole lot of winners woohoo! :) Thanks ALL and congrattz winners! Now here are the Keshi's-soul-shakers from the last post. I saw me in all of these answers:
I feel trapped in a professional world. Don't tell. Don't speak of feelings. Walking on the razor's edge. Of respectability.
I derive---a strange sorta satisfaction that I've made some very wise decisions with the help and support of my friends who have helped me never to look
back at some phases of my life...they havent been a cure but definitely were therapeutic. I see---a lover calling out to the person he loves and telling her to get over the past and asking for forgiveness as he wants to relive those times again...but this time without holding any grudges of the times gone by...I hear---a call of support, friendship and love...I get--- a high from the beats, the music, the rhythm and the lyrics. I touch---a deep seated corner of my soul which just wants to get up and dance to the music. I speak---the language of love, strength and selfcontrol which is inspired within me through this melody...I feel---a sense of comfort, closeness and a want to open up in the hope of definitely feeling a lot lighter and better if not of being cured completely.

- Pri
Music conveys so much indescribable essence beyond our mortality!a spiritual language.the language of the soul!the first language!it is why i am alive.i am grateful, always growing, always hoping to feel...the way this song makes me
feels right now.

I felt it too the post and the moon last night, if u truly love someone you have to prove it though, words at this point are more dust in the wind, take a plane and fly over.
- Clover
I feel sadness ... somebody desperately trying to hold onto a love that is leaving
Somewhere over in your neck of the woods is someone who is looking for you. Me thinks you need to go and see if you can end up where he is and make great things happen.
Kind of someone telling me just relax and get relieved...leave everything for me (someone who is ready to take all pains,
sorrow and worries)...its a kind of giving strength too as if I am there for you. I think this is a full positive energy that induces at the same time an emotional touch where you want to feel this person who is taking away all your pains.

Someone is watching you
We are bogged by the vices of the world. we are running, from sanity. when do we find time to feel or connect?
I feel free
This post and song is for ALL my blogger friends, who make me richer just by knowing you. I am who I am because of the sight, sound, smell, touch and taste that you are in my life. I feel, live and breathe ya totally! (Look at the pics in this post to derive my message for you better...can you understand it now?). Thanks for being the life in me...
~~Here I am
this is me
There's no where else on Earth I'd rather be..
Current Music: Here I am by Bryan Adams
Current Music Update (song from last post): Don't Hold Back by The Potbelleez
62 Cranium Signets:
heyy thanks girl...it feels great to be a winner ;)
am a bit dissapointed that i have to share the place though...heehee but anyways me's still happyyy :D
ohh and btw had no idea this would be one of the winning entries (do i get to do a 'OMG' kodak moment??? like the one they do for the beauty paegents... :p)...that reply which i put up earlier was not a mistake..it was for the last post itsself...was glad u liked it :)...
take care!
and have fun!!
heyy read the other winning entries and now i know why u had sucha tough time deciding...
i have to agree some of them are really amazing :)
and btw thats one of my fav 'bryan adam' number...:)
here I am, just for you. now lets go somewhere magical... :)
Hi,Keshi-weekend over.:)Now,looking fwd to the next one.hehe.:)
And,nice comments to the last post.Thanks for the thanks to all bloggers..*smiles*
"~~Here I am
this is me
There's no where else on Earth I'd rather be.. "
Another beautiful post Keshi and the images are absolutely gorgeous and well chosen.
Thank you for the mention :-D
M x
hey gurl.. how r u doing? life has been crazy here :|
got my email? :S
Cute/interesting sequence of pictures you chose. I've been surprised by how meaningful cyberspace activity can be myself -
You are loved.
I had an exhausting weekend and can barely stand on my feet.
oooooh you write so well
WOW....there are so many awesome answers indeed :) but great to see the outcome is all one positive :)
I am glad my comments made upto that level it came on your post ;)
Thanks Sis ....thanks so much
Huggggz n Cheers
well i missed on to this one .. bt m sure music ..specially the ones tht i like .. make me feel a lot .. like I am protagonist of some scene or somthing .. hehe .. :D
it was neat reading the comments, it always is. in reading them again i was taken by george's comment:
I feel sadness ... somebody desperately trying to hold onto a love that is leaving
I can hear that too! or feel it, whatever, like a call for help, an aching yawn into the indescribable, just out of reach, trying to make it real, beyond.
kay. i know. doesn't make sense, but that's ok.
it doesn't have to make sense. i don't have to make sense.
Wow chica!
You've been busy with the posts...not like me....
give me your email address again and i'll send out my info again...
Wow, that's pretty awesome. A lot of people got a lot out of that song. Music doesn't really speak to me the same way it does some people. I love music, but I don't analyze it so much.
u deserved the mention Pri HUGS n tnxx!
BA yeah he rocks!
I'd like to marry him if possible :):)
aww Ghosty I wish for that too...
ty Amit :)
tnxx Milady u guys make me come up with such posts :)
Ammu na..I didnt receive any email from u :(
aww tnxx Paul!
u too Phos HUGS!
Bla I'd give u a nice back-rub if I was near ya ;-)
k wait for my next new n EXCITING post..u'll feel much betta ;-)
u too Chriz!
ty Dawny HUGS! :)
Anuj the song is on again JUST FOR YA :)
I get ya anyways Willz...HUGS!
**i don't have to make sense.
true but u always make sense..even when u dun make sense.
Lisa no email from u yet. :(
oh ok Jay :) tnxx n HUGS!
Aww...girl I missed it..!!!!
Read all your posts..and 'the sun,the moon and love' was so cute...!!!
You doing good na ?
@ Gp : Stop hitting on her all the freakin time bro...leave her alone...hasnt she had enough Warrenish creatures to deal with already ?
hey Cinderella WB n HUGS!
lol @Warrenish creatures.
Ghosty is hitting on me ay? ;-)
girl stay tuned for the HOT new next post...ur gonna love it!
Hi Keshi
We had a great weekend, but I had to come back early to do some work.
You have some very intelligent people on this blog . The comments the last post drew were awesome.
I can see why you said that my poem matched this post.
Telepahetic is it not?
Good post. Funny how we can all look at the same picture but feel such different things.
heyya Bev MWAH! :)
True Stepher. tnxx hun MWAH!
give me ur email address again silly...
will do soon Lisa :)
sob sob sob
I didnt get nothing
TQM dun cry...wait for the hot new next post ;-)
when I was in school
I had a huge crush on Clara
thats not true
all the boys in school
had the hottz for Clara
awww..thanx...n why so many senti posts??kya hogaya??
now let us see the hot keshi... :)
replied to ur comment on my blog :)
Clara was beautiful
and very sexy too
she had the figure of a cheer leader
Clara didnt want to disappoint no one
she didnt tell who she loved most
Pithaly was in the running too
I dont see Rohit here these days
and Arzoo
and Fira
and ...
very few Indian guys here today
where is Southy?
u gott a whole new bunch of guys in here now
:) TQM
Mav ok check out my new post then :)
so wut happend to Clara?
Jim those who lied to me, left.
u been seeing Vesty too much
Jim most of the guys who left my blog and my friendship were only putting an act...they all had flaring egoes and alot of lies to cover em all up. I didnt leave them..they left me..cos they cudnt handle my honesty.
Vesty is pure gold...he may be alot older than me but he's is a real man.
A beautiful post.I enjoyed it.
Reading the comments you have chosen. They do really deserve to be featured.
Kudos to all winners!
ty Amy HUGGGIES! :)
As the old Foghat song says, when I was stone blue, Rock and Roll sure helped me through.
I always wished I had musical talent. But it is difficult for an Arse to play an instrument, and as for our singing, well, it all sounds pretty much the same, don't yer know?
hey Judge HUGS!
I am too here dear :) Congrats for the winners!
Hey love, glad you appreciated the way that song impacted me.
hey Jeevan tnxx!
aww Helen u did so well!
hi keshi
i had already checked this post... i was leaving a comment but somehow google was acting weird so was not able to...
anyways... i m glad to find myself amongst the winners on this page :)
keep blogging :)
tnxx DJ! :)
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