Hows you all? The weekend was healing for me...I needed that. Saturday we were busy with lunch guests (16 of them). Sunday I went to my uncle's bday party - a wonderful family gathering. He's the one who was very ill last year (read my last post about him at Hello Yesterday). Miraculously he has fully recovered from his stroke and is at home now (although he's immobile due to a bedsore in his right leg). The way he was, and the way he is right's a huge change. Although it happens to all beings (sickness, aging, being physically dependent on others etc), it's so very heart-breaking to see that happening to someone you knew all your life. It puts everything into perspective. It opens your eyes and heart, it makes you realise the fragility of this body...and it makes you realise that your mind is the only thing that can wander about without any aid, til the end of your life. The mind...the what makes a person keep going. I read that the body is a structure made of cells who's purpose is to keep the mind and soul on Earth. Isn't that so true? Anyways the body may stop functioning but the soul remains in tact. The body plays a big part yes, but it doesn't always give you character nor independent mobility...think about it. Some day the body (or parts of the body) may stop being your strength. But your soul will never get handicapped...even if you go just doesn't stop. The body deteriorates and may depend on a wheelchair one day, but the soul roams freely and with no aids required at all. That's why we need to guard our souls and control them before they go wild and out of character. Your body may give up on you...but YOU have total control over your soul. So don't give up on your soul like how your body may give up on you. Protect your soul, nurture it, and grow it. Exercise your soul with love and compassion...feed your soul with good thoughts, words and deeds. Cos that's the only thing you can really call your's and have as your only companion some day...and that's the only thing you really have any control over.

Happy Week ahead guys! This song is for you...cos you guys stick with me no matter what and take me 'home' somehow. THANKS for all the support in the last post and always!
Current Music: Won't Go Home Without You by Maroon 5
84 Cranium Signets:
Here's to happier and more relaxed days.
My friend just went for a massage and they hit her with reiki stuff. She was totally fixed of all things wrong with her and in some new agey state of peace. She's definitely not that kind of a person, so I can only recommend it for both of us based on her statements, but all things considered...
relaxing and recovering is always good.
You're always so quick with the comments...
Anyway... I was hoping you'd be asleep or something and wake up to see the post I just put up...
The rest of the pictures will be added to the album in about 1/2 hour, but the better stuff is in the blog.
It is hard to watch someone like that Keshi. But a full recovery from a stroke is marvellous. I hope is around for you for years to come.
Happy to know your uncle is healed and happy
its like being reborn again
after u escape a near death situation, u become fully alive
I been there
Hi Keshi,
Yes, our body may weaken and grow old but our soul remains immortal and free. Yes, we must be careful what we feed our mind and soul for they will return to haunt us in due time. Thanks for the post. God bless you always.
I loved this song, keshi...
pass my wishes to your uncle...and you have a great week too...
Hi Keshi
As always, a beautifully written post!
Glad your uncle is better! He sounds like he’s very courageous.
As a child, I thought I was immortal. As I grow older and hopefully wiser, I’ve found that our bodies are not suits of armor. We are volatile in every situation we face. Everything thing we do is hazardous to our health. When we rise in the morning, there’s no guarantee we will be going to bed at night. Our bodies don’t come with a money back warranty.
I’m putting on my goggles and swimming fins. The last time I looked out the rain was quite heavy. This combined with the melting snow may turn us Canucks into fish or maybe fish bait.
When I resurface, I’ll comment again.
Have a great week!
You are a positive girl keshi. the energy that you are talking about is there in your words too...
my case is exactly the reverse.. blogging is damaging my head.. I am planning to chuck it.. so i would sooner be your reader-without-a-url :)
Love the Song!
This is such a heartwarming post Keshi. Am Plenty happy to hear u are happy and that ur uncle is getting better! wee! Happy belated bday to Him!:D
Pretty true on the body, mind and soul. it begins from within before something can consume our beings.
Have a great week ahead too Keshi!;D
Our body can only take us so far...but your soul, your character lives on.
My friend's father passed away last night - I have no idea what to say to her now. I didn't know him that well, but I can feel her loss and pain.
hey... guess we r sailing in the same boat.... which is rocking!
cant help but laugh at myself keshi... coz thats all i can do....
///that's the only thing you can really call your's and have as your only companion some day...and that's the only thing you really have any control over.///
wonderful lines and cant help but agree with them ...
wishing ur uncle the strength to carry on and serve as an inspiration to everyone around him...
Here's a quote from Jimmy Valvano who was a basketball coach who was dying of cancer when he gave a speech one night..
"Cancer can take away all my physical ability. It cannot touch my mind; it cannot touch my heart; and it cannot touch my soul. And those three things are going to carry on forever."
Happy to know your uncle is healed..send my rgds to him... and d song is really super!
tcare keshi
Unfortunately my father suffered a stroke near to four years ago. He is partially paralyzed on one side and his short term memory is impaired. Unfortunately he has never been able to come to terms with this. Also his circulation in his lower extremities has worsened greatly and it is now almost impossible for any sores that occur there to heal. It is exhausting for my mother to care for him but she doesn't want outside help.
Luckily he can still take care of things like taking himself to the toilet. That anyway is a relief. But it is sad to see someone's health decline so. I am glad your uncle is improving. I hope he continues to.
Hi hun
I'm so happy to hear the good news about your uncle.
That is so wonderful!
I know how very happy you must be!
And, dear, I shall never, ever give up on my soul.
Thanks for the very special post!
Hey Keshi!!
U have put down such a deep thought so simply n so beautifully... :)
Just imagine how happy n lovely this world would be...if all of us make efforts to beautify n purify our souls than only work on the outer self..
Wishing your Uncle lots of good health..
Hi sweet girl. The bedsore needs to be attended to before it becomes infectuous. It must be cleaned and dressed regularly. Also, if your uncle is bed bound for long periods of time, he'll require an air/pressure mattress and/or frequent turning. Does he have community nursing services? If not, email me for info.
Hiya Keshi, thank you for sharing your weekend with us and I am glad that your Uncle is progressing well.
I want to have his kind of spirit too :D
Some men are breast men. Some men are ass men, etc. Well, I'm here to say that I'm a soul man! Enjoyed the soulful post, Keshi.
My soul is restless at times and my body has been weakened. But I'm still in it to win it!
Hi,Keshi,good to hear that your uncle is much better now.Yes, it does make one realize about the fragility of one's body,and,how lucky we are to be 'intact',each day,each hour,each moment.
The soul,the willpower one has,is what helps in coming out of such situations,I agree.In fact,I always feel that compared to the worries of the rest of the world,many of mine are not even 'cribworthy'.hehe.:)Cheers and have a nice,err,happily soulful day!
you say we have to develop our soul...but i feel that all our souls are the same...It is just that a few are closer to it,while a few are little away...
It is also like seeing your self in different mirrors,in a few places you are fat,in a few is which mirror we see ourselves in...the best thing to do is see ourselves in our mirror and we will do what we have to do...
strength from the soul is there for everyone...those you are closer to it and understand it reap more out of it...we can't blame anyone for anything,for it is their destiny...i.e. the experience they need to become complete...if you are aware there is a concept of vasana(smell,,to translate crudely) is something we all have from our previous life/existence/belonging to the unknown/whatever/nothing 's id from there we continue...we should be slave to ourselves and master of the live...this can be truely done only if we understand ourselves,i.e. seek our soul...
but again,as many people like to say it" it is a matter of perception"....
great to hear your uncle is better now :)
am sure you are very happy about this :)
take good care and have a wonderful week ahead yourself :)
there are times when one will touch the lives of those that we do not know.
It sometimes is a good feeling but then there are just some moments when you would just like to hold these strangers and let them know are there...
sometimes.....words do not seem enough!
//Your body may give up on you...but YOU have total control over your soul.// so very true. U are a great observer and our guide in this complicated life Keshi. When I get lost in life, I come here, when I find something in life I share. Thats what we are, looking, finding and sharing.
U r passionate, every family would want to have you in them, and somehow spiritually you are with us all the time. U took us back first, hence u are always welcome to our homes. :)
hugs baby.
Very well said keshi.Loved this post dear and wondering now why I dint think about this. Hope u have a great party at ur uncles place. My wishes for your uncle to get well soon.
Being healthy physically is not only important, but being healthy in our thoughts and actions are most important than any. And this is how we need to characterize our selves. That's where we need to put our complete effort through our heart and soul.
Happy to hear that Uncle is completely recovering. Have great time ahead!
So good to read that Kesh. Wes hada great weekend too, just relaxing!:))
Glad to hear that your beloved Uncle is fully recovered. See, there is a "GOD"!!! :)))
Happy Monday to you sweets.
heres a quote from shantaram
"'The truth is that there are no good men, or bad men . It is the deeds that have goodness or badness in them. There are good deeds and there are bad deeds. Men are just men--it is what they do, or refuse to do, that links them to good or evil. The truth is that an instant of real love, in the heart of anyone--the noblest of man alive or the most wicked--has the whole purpose and process and meaning of life within the lotus-folds of its passion. The truth is that we are all, every one of us, every atom, every galaxy, and every particle of matter in the universe, moving toward God."
have a great week ahead :)
Hye, Keshi nice to hear that everyone in this world has not turned completely pessimistic. Even better to hear that your uncle fought on and is better now..
Hi Keshi,
Its sooooo good to be here again, I missed you girl, I hope your're really cool, I'm really glad about your uncle. Thank God!!
I will have to come back and catch up girl, love you always. Hugggs!!
... hm, whats that about your last day?
You are wonderful. I've said it before, if I was 21, had hair, and not happily married I'd be on a plane to Sydney so fast it would make your head swim.
hey lovely pic thr!!
n seems u had a nice weekend!!
n ure right...a strong body comes from an even stronger soul :)
tc :)
your weekend was similar to mine..with parties..but you also had someone touch your soul and inspire you to write such a beautiful post.
hey sweet !
take care and keep smiling
Happy for your Uncle and glad you had a great time!
As for the post,it was soul-searching :)
Have a great week dear.Hugsss!
i looooooooooove Maroon 5. Saw them perform. Had the best tickets. If they come to your town. You must go. Adam Levine is super hot :)
hey Bumble hows ya?
**some new agey state of peace.
LOL cute.
I saw ur latest pics mate...tnxx! :)
ty so much Andrew.
Jim when did u hv a stroke? Dun lie now.
ty Mel!
tnxx TA! :)
heyya Bev hows the floods going? :) TC girl.
**Our bodies don’t come with a money back warranty.
so true!
heyy Lash!
Im not always positive...I can be downright negative sometimes. Its just that each time I feel negative, I hv to pick up myself and start helping it to feel positive...
** blogging is damaging my head..
Actually I hv started to think that Blogging is making me an emotional-wreck too. Some things that happened in the recent past hv made me question FRIENDS we make here...whether it's all true or it's all a mirage. Some friends who seem so loving and real suddenly show me their true colors and it really hurts. I dunno if Im damaging my head by giving too much love for ppl who dun seem to know me or think of me as some stupid blogger girl only. Im not in a good frame of mind right now...
tnxx Amy!
Silvara tnxx hun!
**...but your soul, your character lives on.
so true!
Im so sorry abt ur friend's dad...HUGGGGGGGGGZ! It must be so hard for her...
wut d u mean Iceman? :)
ty dahlin Pri!
hey Jay tnxx!
**. It cannot touch my mind; it cannot touch my heart; and it cannot touch my soul.
so true! Thats a lovely beautiful!
ty Anits!
ty Judge!
Im sorry to hear abt ur's draining for everyone tho. I can see my uncle's family so stressed out...they r helping him n all, but it's taking the toll on their respective families too. Its a tough time for everyone involved. So I can u'stand wut ur mum is going through. I pray ur dad will get better...
** Unfortunately he has never been able to come to terms with this
It must be quite traumatic to the realise ur body is not working anymore. I feel sorry for ppl who go thru this...
ty Margie I luv ya!
heyy Swathi tnxx hun!
**if all of us make efforts to beautify n purify our souls than only work on the outer self..
true..but its a far cry. Cos alot of us r made to dwell on the outer appearances. But we can try ha :)
hey Nora tnxx alot!
yes his bedsore is being taken care of..he goes to the hospital once every few weeks to do a check-up as well. And yes he has been given the right kind of bed etc. Also a community nurse comes to shower and dress him up every single day.
ty so much for ur concern. This means alot to me hun MWAH!
u already hv this kind of spirit Shionge! HUGGGGGGGZ!
Grunty my soul man HUGGGGGGGGGZ! :) I love u cos of ur uniqueness Grunty. U r truly a soul man! Very well-said.
I know u will win...u shall win..for ur soul is pure and full of light.
Amit tnxx!
**,I always feel that compared to the worries of the rest of the world,many of mine are not even 'cribworthy'.
yes very true..
hey Vish tnxx for that!
yes I agree..some hv to travel that path for it's their destiny. Well-said!
:) Ziah HUGS!
Lena tnxx hun and u too!
Heyya Steve I can feel ur energy and affection...luv ya mate!
aww Ghosty tnxx! But we r ALL here for each other...w.o. each n everyone here, there wont be a 'us'...right? :)
hey Jeevan tnxx!
U didnt hv to think abt this b4, cos u already hv a beautiful spirit and ur living by it. Ur beautiful blog is proof for that.
hey Kalpz tnxxx hun!
**but being healthy in our thoughts and actions are most important than any
so true!
Asha its amazing how u mentioned 'God' in ur comment...cos my uncle's family prayed day n night for his recovery. And when he really recovered (on the verge of the hospital wanting to switch off his life-support-machine), he recovered...and even the docs said it's a 'MIRACLE'.
ty luv!
ty Mav that was a wonderful quote!
ty Nishant!
hey Chris MWAHHHHHHH! I missed ya hun. U doing ok? I hope so. So nice to see ya here again.
Happy times for Kesh yeyyyyyyyy! :)
hahahaha Phos tnxx mate! ;-)
hey Gunj tnxx hun!
**a strong body comes from an even stronger soul
so true! Well-said girl.
heyy Solitair tnxx hun!
**but you also had someone touch your soul and inspire you to write such a beautiful post
yes this post was inspired by my darling uncle..who stood by us when we needed his help...he's such a wonderful person.
hey Deepz tnxx sweetie!
ty Sameera HUGS!
tnxx Mansi n WC to my world!
Im gonna ask Adam to marry me LOL! yes he's hot.
Life! That crazy ride. The one that breaks you a bit everyday, even as you laugh. Even as you smile.
Worth the cracks for the Ride, though.
Rock on!
hey gorgeous..good afternoon.wasup??
true Rex..tnxx!
hey Mav!
what a wonderful insightful post, all of it speaks to me!
you are pretty soulful at a young age.
i bet you have a cool mission in life in front of you.
"The weekend was healing for me" - it's the best news, Keshi!
And the best news that your lovely uncle is well.
tnxx Willz u too.
aww Krys HUGS!
Hi there..
Really good to hear that your uncle has recovered..persistance, efforts and prayers paid off well..
And on the body, mind and soul...your true!
Have a great week ahead and tc:)
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