Phewwwwww! After an instant 48hr FAME overdose in my last post, I feel like a black
haired Britney on her way to rehab ***faiiiime! I'm gonna live forever!***. Anyways, in this post I'm about to reveal to you a deep dark secret that I've been living with for a very long time (well eversince I saw the face of this Earth that is). Now that you have all become quite close to me, I'm about to let that mean cat out of the bag. So are you ready to hear it? Ok make yourselves comfortable, pull up a pew if you must, or even have something ready to brace yourselves such as a pole ***dreams of pole-dancing***, or another humanbeing perhaps. I refuse to be held accountable for any unrecoverable damages that may occur to your brain after you read this. Ok here I go. (this first pic shows how 'Im screaming in sheer terror already, even before I have started to tell you the story. Mummmmmy I'm scared!!).

Guys, I'm dealing with a dangerous psychopath
every single day of my life! Yes, I live with her and she tags along with me everywhere I go. She even eats and sleeps with me, and watches me when I shower. One of the many strange illnesses that she suffers from is possibly Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? (that's her in this pic questioning me everytime I do something slightly wrong, meaning when I'm being human!). She just cannot see anything out of place around her...she wants everything kept in it's place, where it belongs, even if it means killing a house-mate to get it done...or else she can't rest. She's the kind of perfectionist who is secretly scheming to color-code my wardrobe and even the fridge o nos! She follows me around like my shadow, omg she's beyond lethal to my psyche! She makes me clean the kitchen like a maniac every night and she wants it so neat and tidy anytime of the day...she's even prepared to demolish the entire kitchen if it ever gets a crack on the wall ***go figure!***. And she makes my bed every morning and showers with me while looking for anything out of place in the bath...yeah she's a nagging BIYATCH, tell me about it ***rolling eyes***. When I get out of the shower, if I wet the floor, she whinges like a granma-high-on-Hammeroid-cream and cleans it immediately after me. She follows me around every single second of the day! Are you scared yet? Don't be cos there's lots more to frighten the ribs out of ya ***pictures your ribs
going on a mental vacation***. She stalks me around and when I get dressed, she pulls out the whole closet til I find the 'puuurfect' clothes for the day ***like a frenzied kitten high on Ice***. (this pic here shows how I once tried to hide from this maniac...I wigged and dressed like a granma, donned sunnies and crawled into a coffin pretending to be dead. Photo was taken by Bev who attended this event thinking it was my funeral ***rolling eyes***). Sometimes I miss my train, just cos she wants me to get the best clothes on ***get off my back you blue-in-the-face-maniac!***. And when I go to work, she's there smiling at me and watching me work...even my code has to be so perfect just cos the loco missy is strangling me with her presence urrrggg! And when I drive around, she makes me look like THE model driver on Earth ***gimme a break you Witchkitty of a hyped up accelerator!***. Recently I got
stopped by cops on a random breath test...and this mental missy made me count 1 to 10 so sweetly like a neat little Miss.Just-Started-Kindy, my mum started laughing at me. Im sure the cop ROFLed on his way back too. (this pic shows how I'm trying to hide from that manic kitten of a stalking biyatch in my life). And when this frenzied perfectionist comes across a potential Boyfriend of Keshi, she makes sure his breath isn't a case out of the Guinness book of world records (being famous for Gingivitis etc)...she might even go to the extent of hiring a Periodontist to check his gums out! ***she'd even remove all his teeth if the need arises***. He's just gotta be pretty clean all over or else he'll be considered a tribal junkyard and thrown into her Memorial bin. This psycho is capable of spraying Mortein on a guy if he shows any symptoms of I'm-a-massive-pest-in-human-form disease. And when Keshi dances alone in her room to this music, this crack kitty tries to make Keshi look like Jennifer Beals at her complaints about that one though! ;-)

Current Music: Maniac by Michael Sembello
175 Cranium Signets:
Oh Lord
u scared me
I tot u was going to tell of our affair
I told all in my auto bio
Personally, I'm the same way to certain extent. If its just me and my daughter Miss Wiggles, say my son and wife go see some of her folks, at the house we can keep it neat and clean. Dishes never pile up because we wash and reuse those after each meal. My son and wife have to have a clean glass and or dish each time the get some drink or food leaving it all in the sink afterward. It drives me CRAZY.
LOL! You are one scary OC chick! Seriously! :D
I'm only OC to a certain extent -- only when I'm in charge of cleaning. Which is unfair, I know. But I am sooo glad the hubby isn't like you. LOL!
Peace, Keshi!
Hi Keshi
Love this post!
Cats are strange creatures. People think cats are domesticated, but in reality they’re only making us think they are trained, friendly, little critters. No one can take the wild out of a cat. Cats rule our lives, and you have proven it to be true.
That picture is like a boomerang; it keeps going around and coming back. I’ve seen it a few times on websites. There’s a song about boomerangs—60’s I think. My Boomerang Won’t Come Back. I think that’s the title.
THANKS for visiting my home
and staying so long
I am sorry I was not at home
next time u come
I will offer u drinks and eats
next time u come
come as u r
where is every body?
Hi Keshi
Comparing youself to a cat really brings out your wild side, along with being a neat freak.
Hi Keshi!
Really John Abraham can cure you, but for how long? After some time your "Perfect Psycho" be ring. It is incurable. But don't worry, it is Not death disease.
I think will be better for him to accept your perfect psycho.
Maybe he is perfect psycho too.
Ps. Did you notice that I purchased Cosmopolitan? Only because you are on the cover.
Nut case...
I new it
i new it
I new dis wud happen
u r a celebrity now
u cant have a relationship with Paris Hilton or kajol
celebrities are only good for pics to hang in your bedroom
u cant make it with a celebrity
its no funn
she is very concerned about her dress
her flawless complexion
and hair
u cant ruffle her hair
or bite her tits
or ....
TQM u mean abt ur mutiple personality disorder? U hv abt 989 blogs. LOL!
She just cannot see anything out of place around her...she wants everything kept in it's place, where it belongs, even if it means killing a house-mate to get it done...or else she can't rest
u ve a monica in u?????????? :D LMAO....(from friends)
Jim its a very nice nostalgic personal blog..I loved it. tnxx for inviting me to take a glance of ur family!
BB then u and I'd hit it straight away :)
wohooo....been busy lately...havnt read most of ur current updates...but the perfect noice...
heyya Menchie!
**But I am sooo glad the hubby isn't like you.
hell ur super LUCKY girl!
**Peace, Keshi!
LOL I like that cry for Peace. How abt we sign a Peace deal and then I'd consider it? LOL!
hey Miss.Bev lol tnxx hun!
**My Boomerang Won’t Come Back.
Mine went on rehab.
btw u did read my post ha ;-)
heyyy d u then recognise YOUR coffin pic? LOL!
hi again Jim!
**I will offer u drinks and eats
wut drinks? and wut food? Im very picky abt that too. LOL!
hellloooo Jim who is 'everybody'?
Bev thats such a NEAT analysis of this post! U SAID IT THE BEST HUN.
aww Krys ty so much for buying it JUST for me! MWAHHHHHHHHH ur a dahlin!
**Maybe he is perfect psycho too
lol hahahaha mebbe! good one :)
Iceman who me? o nos! Just my kitty ;-)
**u cant ruffle her hair
or bite her tits
who said that? did my kitty say that? did she did she?
heyya Mav!
**u ve a monica in u??????????
nah its really tha Monica has a Keshi in her. ***says that with a massive attitude***
wut! did my kitty say something just then? LOL!
tnxx Aphrodite!
Hi Keshi
Yeah, I saw my pic. LOL
I read your post. Just thought about you being a cat, and then I thought I would be nice to you.
You just could not leave it alone--could you? LOL
Cats are fussy, nosy, they’re always on a power trip, they’re control freaks, neat freaks, and they’re always licking their ass.
u missed the best part
my initiation into manhood
Bev u missy kitty biyatch!
**Cats are fussy, nosy, they’re always on a power trip, they’re control freaks, neat freaks, and they’re always licking their ass.
hahahaha good one! I hvnt tried that last one yet tho..let me try it now. LOL!
heyy Jimmy Deany which one is that?
make your next post
my first time
tell us about your first time Keshi
i refuse to believe u r still a virgin
Bev I tried it...cant even bend that far!
the first
the second post
**i refuse to believe u r still a virgin
is that the most burning qn in the economy of the world today? LOL get a life.
is that a yes?
or no ?
Jim Im still a virgin..cos I did fly Virgin last year when I went to Mel.
And Im not a virgin..cos I've already tried Bloody Mary.
Hey Keshi!
You are sure a cat. I loved the post.
tnxx Kulz meowwwwwwwww! :)
that question
no indian or SL-an girl will answer truthfully
I fail to understand why virginity is such a prized commodity in India
if u ask me
if the girl i am about to marry is over 20
and still a virgin
i wud have serious doubts about her sexuality a keshi in a sure chandler will runaway at the first instance :D
**I fail to understand why virginity is such a prized commodity in India
ur the one who's making it such a big deal. Why ask that qn if it's not such a big deal?
Mav yeah LOL!
now tell us about your first time
ok Jim how abt making it ur LAST TIME with that qn? tnxx!
that was not a question
she might even go to the extent of hiring a Periodontist to check his gums out! ***she'd even remove all his teeth if the need arises***
ur "kitty" is inspired by the saw series of movies?? :D
I wonder if Adam and Eve did it right the first time
they had no noledge of good and evil then
they had no internet
and google search
Jimmo perhaps it's time to go lose ur virginity..meaning growing up.
tnxx lol!
heyy Mavz!
**ur "kitty" is inspired by the saw series of movies??
mebbe my Kitty is Jack The Ripper's re-incarnation?
no Jim Adam n Eve were googling too..bak then they still had the they were SURFING.
to surf u need a surf board
carpentry wasnt even invented then
lol..interesting write up. Oh u gonna hate me if i live in ya house:P
U gonna meow scratch scratch me for!
Its was great knowing u girl!
Love the Drama in da post!
Jim u can surf on a plank of wood.
hey Amy tnxx hun!
**Oh u gonna hate me if i live in ya house
u serious? I mean ur not clean/neat-freak? I always thought of u as this very neat!
ofcourse I can get messy too...and when I get messy Im a monster. Thats cos, its ALL or NOTHING for me. I dun do halves. :)
You did freak me out at first - nice to know it was just your kitty. I have one too - she is just the same LOL!!! (her name it "The Terrorist")
Terry nahhhhh its not my Kitty...its ME btw LOL!
hahahahaha @The Terrorist!
Keshi. then jack the ripper had only one type of candidates as victims :D
lolz Mav yeah I know..but in his new life (reincarnation) he's a chain-saw massacrish kitty Keshi. LOL!
Hi Keshi
I'm not even going to try to picture that one.
Bev lol! nah u dun even hv to picture that...cos I was trying to lick a different ass...Im sure u can picture that? hahahaha!
heheh that's some serious psychoness :P
Silvara tnxx hun LOL!
hey Andrew :)
a pro sometimes is not a pro
if she loves her job
we very often work at jobs that we dislike
only for the money it brings
that is prostitution
a wife who wont ..
and only gives of her self
when u buy her diamonds and stuff
a wife who married u
bcoz she saw u as rich and wealthy
is a pro
I agree Jim..
If I was to compare you to a cat I think it would probably be a tiger, not a house cat. ;-)
u r going to drive urself crazy if gonna let urself bully u ( try making sense of that)...suggestion : tell you to move out of your house and see wht happens...if u still refuse, then u can make sure u can make urself suffer in small ways, like not feeding urself, putting pins where u plan to sit down etc...if all else fails, u can have an affair with ur boyfriend...
thts sure to piss u off...and leave..
Hi Kitty
It's freezing here. You would freeze your tail off if you were here.
There's more snow on the way and extreme cold moving in.
Everybody in this area of Canada is sick of winter.
I'm driving a new car, and today the doors were frozen shut. I can't win.
Whose ass are you licking?
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! @Jay ;-)
lol Tys!
**putting pins where u plan to sit down
hahahaha I'll try that.
Wow, another nutbag on the internet.
Who'd have guessed...
hey Bav Santi Claus hows North Pole?
**I'm driving a new car, and today the doors were frozen shut. I can't win.
really? a flash new car and u cant open the bloody doors? good going girl! Turn the car heater on LOL!
**Whose ass are you licking?
Bev ur comment was the 69th comment to be precise..yeah Im licking for sure hunny ROFL!
its for u to guess who's ass it is. LOL!
Keshi. ur mail btw :)
hehhe.. I knew that you were talking about yourself!!
My mom will adore you.. because I am the straight opposite ;) and she hates me..@!!
yu dnt need a shrink Keshi.. but then if he is anyone like John.. I guess you should see one :D
Fingers u mean another Kitty? :)
hey Mav checked superb pics. Will check out in detail soon :)
tnxx alot!
Veenz ur mum n I will get aling quite well then :)
**but then if he is anyone like John.. I guess you should see one
yeah and it gives me all the reasons to continue being fully sick ALL MY LIFE. LOL!
Hi Kitty
Hmmm, 69th you say. Nice position to be in.
I need sleep. See ya
Have a good 69'r.
Maybe I'll have one tonight too.
Am definitely not a clean freak.:) yet not a extrememly horrendously messy chick as well.
***Thats cos, its ALL or NOTHING for me. I dun do halves. :)
Thats a great attitude. I like that.
o gawd now ur the 79th commentor Bev! Is that possible..I mean a 79? LOL!
Nitey nite hun, lickembellyup!
Keshi. :D
I am compiling a list of bloggers who go all the way
do I include u?
Bev is in
right Bev?
well the "SINK" line made me feel that I was your roomate.
You have been tagged!
OMG, this is sooooo hilarious! Meow!
heyyyy desi guys
i found dis on the net
Deport them all! They have inundated Sunnyvale and taken over a once, peaceful buccolic tight-night community.
Sunnvyale is now dirty, smelly, and there may soon be a cow or two wandering the streets. Indians, unlike the Chinese, are horrible neighbors.
They throw loud parties and play their loud music 'till the wee hours of the morning, they use all of the street parking with about 20 people living in a 4 bdrm, and leave garbage everywhere.
Think of Indians as Mexicans without the high crime. Send these Indian Scumbags back!
Posted by: Ed Goldstein, Palo A
desi guys go
thank god .. I walk alone ;)
well its not bad being a perfectionist keshi .. the only bad thing I guess is expecting perfection .. hehe .. cause u nevr knw ..john looks perfect bt u donno how he baths or keeps his closet .. or evn if he kisses perfectly .. well m nt tryin to spoil ur perfect dream .. hehe
[ I do have a lil (vry lil though) psycho wid me ..who follows me n pesters me whn it comes to wrking or makin reports .. though not whn it comes to cleaning .. ;) ]
huh? are you talking about your pussy? (not the feline kind)
how u been bebe ? long time no vizit here, thanks to the blog mess with sameera and company along with few crappy schedules in work front
meow meow keshi...watz wrong babe...hope u wil get peace..happy in ur life! dun get confuse darling...
wow .. this song .. this gal .. she's hot thts a diff thing .. bt gaawd she dances like a perfectionist or a maniac .. woow .. wat dance man .. wat dance .. now I am a maniac .. both fr d dance n her .. lol!!
The cat and dog pic is so funny :)
Hmm. I find it very interesting. Are you really a cat?
Hi,Kitty,err, know,it's always fun reading about such deep,dark secrets.How nice to have a shadow always present wherever you go,guiding you,screaming at you to be perfect,eating,sleeping,showering..
Oh,yes,I love having my conscience around too.Never a dull moment!!hehe.have a nice day.
Please tell me you don't crap in the same box!!!!!
I guessed it first itself, that she is... keshi.
U are putting overloads on the small kitty, too anger it would have got now, be care full dear ;)
Guessed it had to be YOU!I have OCD to an extent but then it's kinda good most of the time!I totally agree that you need a permanent shrink who is gorgeous ;)
Hi, Keshi!
I loved this post!
Oh Gosh! I prefer the sweetie pie Keshi not this 'psycho' Keshi ya :)
if a new gujju guy comes here
i sent him
u owe me
link me
LOL!! Love the writing and those animal photos are gorgeous! I love old Psycho movie!:)
cute pics!
but which 1 of those is ur kitty?/
hi sweety. it's nice to know that you are little nutball just like me.
just a lot cuter.
and younger.
and a girl.
keshi. rules.
do u want to be cured?
oh lord save this child. Im a dog person btw.
He he girl...I just came from moi page suggesting Gp, its high time he got laid to shed some of his paranoina away...and now this !!!
A permanent shrink, eh ??
That sounds wonderful...but then when he begins messing with your hygiene regime (which is bound to happen coz the baboons just dont what that means..),
then you'll get another bout of hysteria to tell us about, like the bout I already have begun to get in just a week's time...
Then whatcha gonna do ?
(But oh, the mush is always great.. anytime...he he!!
**winks wickedly**)
Send her over to my place, the beyotch that lives with me says "forget your house, work some more, you didn't read that book yet, how dare you take the time to vacuum when you still have another page to write!"
Miaow! ;)
Oh Keshi! I would have offered my services but alas! You want someone who looks like John Abraham and I look nothing like him.
Besides, I think that even though your kitty suffers from OCD, you both are in a cycle of emotional abuse. Arrrghhh! Next time, look at the cat in the eye and say you wont do the dishes!
I always thought you were a bit mad - but now I know it all - you are completely loopy! Do you fancy a night chillin with a dirty old dog ?
hey Amy :)
**yet not a extrememly horrendously messy chick as well.
thats good to hear..Amen! lol!
u know, even if u shared a flat with me, I wudnt be so picky on ya...Im not a wicked bitchy witch :) unless ofcourse ur disgustingly messy, which u just said ur not.
HUGS hun!
hehe Mav :)
Jim soak ur brain in a bucket of dettol.
hey Badshah :)
**well the "SINK" line made me feel that I was your roomate
u mean u leave ard unwashed cutlery? hmm I'd hv to train u then LOL!
hey Soiltaire tnxx!
hehe Saffy purrrrrrrrrr :)
Jim who said that?
**with about 20 people living in a 4 bdrm, and leave garbage everywhere.
which somehow I hv yo agree..cos I hv lived in Aus and have witnessed that over n over again. ***rolling eyes*** but not ALL Indians living overseas r like that. I hate it when ppl GENERALISE!
aww Anuj I may be a perfectionist when it comes to cleaning, my work etc..but Im one hell of an imperfect person...I so know that :)
**..john looks perfect bt u donno how he baths or keeps his closet
lol yeah who knows ha!
u r perfect in many ways Anuj...
hey Nadim!
**are you talking about your pussy? not the feline kind
Madim isnt it obvious from my post which kind Im talking abt?? Or do I hv to spell it out?
oh ok Ashu...I was wondering where u were..
Anits I dun hv that kind of Peace in my life..:( Im born this way aurrrrrrrg!
Anuj she's Jennifer Beals from the movie Flashdance..get it n watch it. GREAT movie with GREAT songs.
**bt gaawd she dances like a perfectionist or a maniac
lol yes! I love to dance like that. Im totally hyper.
hehe FJ they r sooo cute arent they!
Gautami I dunno if Im always a cat..cos sometimes Im a bitch LOL!
hehe Impressionist :)
hey Amit lol tnxx!
**Oh,yes,I love having my conscience around too.Never a dull moment
true...this Kitty keeps me wide awake cos Im always in fear of this Kitty ghost stalking me LOL!
heyya Stevo!
**Please tell me you don't crap in the same box
we do cos she's me after all LOL!
hey Jeevan meooowwwwwwwwwwwwww! ***scratch lick scratch lick***
hey Sameera my partner in OCD tnxx! ;-)
hey Dave tnxx mate!
lolz Shionge did I scare ya?
TQM who? kem cho? :)
Asha hun tnxx!
yep I love that Psycho movie too..the best!
hey Gunj tnxx!
**but which 1 of those is ur kitty?
u didnt read the entire post dija? LOL its ok hun :)
Willz I luff u ;-)
LaVida I guess I dun wanna be damn!
Ghosty I love dogs too aww..I had many before.
heyya Cinderella HUGS!
**...I just came from moi page suggesting Gp, its high time he got laid to shed some of his paranoina away
why wussup with Ghosty? I'll check him out soon.
**(which is bound to happen coz the baboons just dont what that means.
omg I so know that. No wonder Im still single LOL!
**But oh, the mush is always great.. anytime...he he!!
**winks wickedly**)
hahaha ur cute girl! yes I'd forsake my hygene just to pash a hunk LOL! yes I wud!
heyya Helen!
** "forget your house, work some more, you didn't read that book yet, how dare you take the time to vacuum when you still have another page to write!"
lol I think ur Kitty is a SANE one. Keep her love!
Miaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwww Bla!
**gently scratches Bla's back with her nails**
hey Solitaire!
**You want someone who looks like John Abraham and I look nothing like him.
LOL yeah I said that too..damnnnnnn!
**you both are in a cycle of emotional abuse.
haha yes! ok next time I'd say GET STUFFED to Kitty ok? :)
tnxx hun!
hey Mutley woof woof :):)
**Do you fancy a night chillin with a dirty old dog ?
do cats get along with dogs? LOL!
:) Milady tnxx hun!
keshi, I stopped by to say hi but you have sooooo many friends you won't even notice me here. Thanks for the comment, don't be a stranger, we seem to have something in common :-)
keshi, I stopped by to say hi but you have sooooo many friends you won't even notice me here.
, ,
hey Keshi
dont go for quantity
u need quality, ,
dis guy is Quality, it seems
on maniac:
i just watched the video. i loved that song when it came out and i still do. certain songs, they just reach me. it is, oh i don't know. i have love affairs with songs, and this was one of them.
it is so eighties, with its relentless drum machine, electric fm piano sounds and moog bass.
which is not to say it is bad. i love that stuff, still do. it is like having a certain type of salad dressing or something.
i remember there was a thing at the time about that not being jennifer beal's butt in the video (duh). And did you know Sembello wrote the tune originally for a horror flick and they passed on it, he changes one word and wham, top ten hit.
like kissing a lover you haven't seen in a long time.
plus you gotta love a song with a title like maniac.
purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! @Ceedy
Wisdom WC hun!
I may hv a 100 friends, but I rem ALL of em very well.
hey TQM!
**hey Keshi
dont go for quantity
u need quality, ,
no one said that. So stop throwing a hissy fit.
Besides Quantity aint always low in Quality. Look at all the wonderful and intelligent commentors I hv! I dun hv idiots in my blog do I? :)
I made a bloomer
I also made a new friend after I apologized
hey Willz :) So nice to see ya.
** i have love affairs with songs, and this was one of them.
o gawd me too! some songs become a person.
**at the time about that not being jennifer beal's butt in the video
mebbe not..but that doesnt bother me cos Im straight Willz LOL! ;-)
**And did you know Sembello wrote the tune originally for a horror flick
WOW really? I didnt know that. Now I know why Im so attached to this song hehehehe.
oyeah MANIAC is such a catchy title!
tnxx Willz!
Cooksie Im doubting ur another ghost of Saby? LOL!
guess who?
I stole dis id
I am having funn with my new id
reminds me of my julia days
Ha ha. Yeah, thankfully, my house not to that strict on such things. And m parents give me and my brother plenty of space to do our thing. I think having someone watching my every move might just drive me crazy. How do you do it?!
Mav Im good tnxx! :)
I checked out ur great trip ha? COOL!
Cooksie enjoy ur 300th Blog Id.
heyya AB :)
** I think having someone watching my every move might just drive me crazy. How do you do it?!
There's no sane bits left in me anymore so it cant drive me 'crazy'. LOL!
Heheheh... you clean freak chick!!:) Dont work yourself to death... I used to be like you, until I figured life's a lot easier when you're not pushing THAT hard!!! :) Thats just me I guess..:)
Mmm... Vivek does not read your blog, atleast not yet...ummm.. he's not exactly the reading types:) He has an art blog. The Vivek in your blog is his namesake I guess...:)
I normally tell him about the blogs I visit and any interesting content I come across... so.. I showed him your mag post coz I thought it was quite cute!!:)
aww tnxx Ziah!
hehe Vivek must think Im a whackjob...with being in mags n all LOL!
ewww..somehow i dont like cats and they dont like me either...they just keep staring and that kinda freaks me out...
but ur love sounds like a cute one...:D
only from a distance though...thankyou bery much! im never dropping by to say hi with her around...heehee
very funny. i was wondering that it was ur cat whom u r referring to. but read da last part n was taken back. good writeup
Hehehe.. no he doesn't think you're a whacko..:) Though he thought this mag thing was tag coz you left me a liner in my blog... and then he got all enthu about clicking a few glam shots of me and doing some serious photoshopping!! Lol :)
hey Pri!
**im never dropping by to say hi with her around
lol awww...I'll tell her to go hv a nap then..when ur ard. :)
Satish tnxx ;-)
hey Ziah tnxx!
**then he got all enthu about clicking a few glam shots of me and doing some serious photoshopping
really? aww..I wanna see em..?
What's up with Jim and his racist comments?
Solitaire he's so known for that LOL!
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