Hello Hello Hello Hayyylowww...
When I was a kid I wanted to be a rock star. I once wrote a letter to Santa asking for a guitar..a rock-starrish one ya know. I was only about 5yrs old then. I got one but I caught my dad bringing it home ***horror shock***! Since then I stopped writing letters to Santa cos I
knew he was none other than my dad. I felt bad for asking for things but hey I didn't know Santa was ripping my dad off - bloody CheapSkate with a load of snow up his arse! Anyways, being a rock star was my soul mission as a kid...I remember getting together with 3 other neighborhood kids and singing to death in the garage, when I was about 7yrs old...pretending to play the guitars and drums like the real stars...you know swinging them around and pretending to sweat profusely and going grungy saying yiaaang yiaaaang yiaaaaaang lol! Really getting into it and all. It feels silly looking back at those memories but somewhere deep down all of that, there must have been a need in me to express my soul out...to be
heard. I don't mean to say I'm a rock star (hell nah, I'm far from a real one ***secretly wishing I was one***) but I believe most rock stars possess the need to express...to scream out to the world what they are passionate about. And now that I have finally found my avenue to express (blogs ofcourse hehe), I feel my childhood rock-sta
r dreams have finally come true...in a different way but certainly the BEST way! Wot shaaayyy yous?:) Did you have any childhood dreams that came to life in a different manner? I don't mean the career dreams...I mean the childhood fantasies that you were crazy about and the ones that came true in ways you didn't expect them to? Share please.


Current Music: Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana
124 Cranium Signets:
Thats three cheers for the song that you are playing!
well..the rock scene today wudnt have been wat it is without Curt Cobain n freddie mercury...those chaps were amazing..what they also taught us what..tht if u r only...u shud not let the loniless get to u (the next step of the pt u mentioned in ur post)....btw nice post :)
ve a great evening..
Ohh so sweet!
well I wanted to be an actress all my childhood.. sitting in front of the mirror and enacting scenes.. :-)
well no i dnt think it will ever work out :) now that i knw that i dnt even have the talent HAHA !
in the 2nd pic yu do look like the guy! ;) [ jus to make u feel good HAHAHA]
but u do sing Keshi! and yu did have a dream that got fulfille din one way or the other!
thats gr8!
have fun ;)
I'll be one of your greatest fan if ever you become a rock star :)
Hey Keshiiiii
Its been a while. I had been busy doing nothing in particular. But now wi-fi has come to the hostels, so i hope to blog more. :)
Yeah, music talks quite a lot. In fact, it is us who does both both the talking. Their lyrics put into proper sentences what we mostly think and dream about.
**DITTO** girl!! :)
Damn Blogger, I see my comments are getting eaten up.
Mumbles Curse ...
Anyways not much into rock (pop ... not much) but then Nothing Else Matters is what I can hear all day long, same with Smoke on Water.
Bryan Adam rules.
(When you are gone, Everything I do etc).
As for the comment on the previous post (apologies for pasting it here), hope Keshi u go places and do things, earn a name for yourself and let people remember your father by saying, you know Keshi father was a great person.
U have done it for a while I imagine but never let the gauntlet down.
Dont know if Rock starts rock, but often they do have a rocked life but the the hand the rocks the cradle rules the world.
Perhaps at a stretch you could like Freddie Mercury, but you have better teeth.
I obviously will have to educate you in the fine music of Deep Purple, and the marvelous voice of their frontman Ian Gillan.
As a matter of fact you could pop by to the ole snakes pit and watch a couple of tracks.
Then of course you OBVIOUSLY have heard of "Smoke on the Water!"
a rock star ha?
when I was young
I just wanted more muscles on my skinny frame
the girl (Clara) I had a crush on
had eyes only for the hunks
I worked out on the makeshift gym Costy made
and I did manage some nice cuts on my thighs
but no improvement on biceps triceps and 4ceps
I am still skinny
but i did some research on my SEX COUNSELLOR blog
I found out that the girls werent really looking out for hunks
they are attracted to guys who are cocky and funny
julia roberts finds that gawky english guy funny
she made her laff
when she felt like crying
I mastered the art of seduction
I learnt some good pick up lines
and Andrew the asshole gave me some pointers
never be a WUSSY he says
never chase women
even if she is the most attractive girl in the room, ignore her
and make a pass for that girl in spectacles and freckles next to her
that will make her wonder
and she is sure to come up to u and try to get u interested in her
dont give her any lift on the first attempt
wait for the second
I dont no if u can call Elvis a rock star
but i was an Elvis fan
saw all his movies
bought all his records
and fashioned by hair with the elvis puff
Here's a real life rock artist. The name's Pithaly. Group name "Cosmic Graveyard". Rocked on drums for 5 years. Honoured with an Institute merit award.
I did say you were a female Mick.
Check this out:
And then, move on here!
How's you babe? Long time. You do remember your Dad every year.
I've mashed you permanently in the left hand column of my blog.
That would be ORAL SEX, baby ; ) heh heh
A gal can't be from the Cleveland area without loving rock 'n' roll!!! (the term was coined here, and we've got the awesome Rock Hall of Fame!!!)
You are definitely a rock star, but you might have to do a sexy tongue out Jagger pose to know for sure!! ; )
I wanted to write stories when I was a kid, and I guess I am in many ways!!! Even with my art I try to tell stories.
i always wanted to be a rock star, never was, quit playing when I got near 30, got a job at an ad agency, we had a client (yamaha) where there wasn't enuf money for music, so I said "hey, I'll write it for free", and i did and the client loved it. then the producer called me for another spot, (HE-MAN ads) and I wrote the music, it got approved, he said "send me an invice for 8" i didn't even know i was geting paid! so I sent him an invoice for $800, and he called and said "Will, it's $8,000!" So shortly after that I quit my PR job and started freelancing music, my first year made over a hundred grand, and have never looked back. that was 18 years ago. Writing music songs and scores for film and television has become my life. To become successful in music I had to give up on the dream of it, and then it was handed to me!
I can still remember seeing Nirvana at the Reading (England, not PA) Festival in 1991. It was before they were anyone, and I can just remember the rush towards the stage, the crazy skinhead dancer that they had on stage, and how you just knew they were going to get GINORMOUS. I can also remember the death of Cobain - how it was a shock even though we all knew it was going to happen.
Kind of like Britney in the wake of Anna Nicole.
God, the paparazzi and TMZ should have their's examined.
Alas... rock star is that one thing we all dream of and can show ours to the world. To have a mike and a gee-tar...
Everything else would just crumble into dirt around me.
That said, isn't it time to start listing classic album of all time lists and top 80 minute CD that could be burned?
I challenge you and will have mine up by tomorrow 2pm east coast us time.
Call this a tag.
Santa shmanta!! It's us parents who dole out stuff and he gets all the credit!!
Tushar plays Guitar very well, he is in a Arts magnet middle school with Guitar major but will put him in the Early college in high school though. Guitar doesn't feed ya!:D
Hope you learnt to strum the Guitar at least, even though we can't all be rock stars!:)
Hi Keshi
First, will you stop showing photos of yourself! I have to keep telling the guys to take cold showers. Today, I can send them outside to freeze their balls. LOL
Music soothes your soul. Instead of Santa, you could always send a letter to Maria. LOL
As you know I love music, but never do I pretend I can sing or play an instrument—maybe a little piano.
The world would be a bitter place without music. All of us need to vent our feelings with music, writing or other activities. For me, it’s writing comedy and listening to music. For you, I think you soothe yourself with music while venting your anger through your writing.
As for your childhood dreams, they have come true, but not in the sense you think. Glance over this post and past posts. While doing so, turn off the music and plug your ears. Your writing is your instrument; your words are your music. Remember, deaf people cannot hear; their music comes to them through the written word.
Axl Rose!
real sox (read socks)? (ok, bad one :P)
sear lox? (lox - liquid oxygen) (yes, another bad one) ;)
so, relax?
but none sounds juicy or delicious or notorious..
aha! it's o**l s*x - juicy, delicious for the doer, heavenly for the getter, and notorious for the rest! ;)
Axl Rose!
real sox (read socks)? (ok, bad one :P)
sear lox? (lox - liquid oxygen) ;)
so, relax?
but none sounds juicy or delicious or notorious..
aha! it's o**l s*x - juicy, delicious for the doer, heavenly for the getter, and notorious for the rest! ;)
Nice post dear...specially when Grammy just got over :) Your dedication for music, I also feel the same - if there was no music life would be so difficult!
My childhood dream was to become a doctor for which I had started getting all the knowledge abt the tablets, medicines etc and I went till giving enterance exam for medicine, I got through till waiting list as first preference was for backward class and I didnt feel it ws justice for people like us. In between I had this dream of becoming scientist :)....but when I didnt get the admission in my own city for Organic Chemistry I opted for MBA and in the enterance I scored a good one so went that way ;)!
I liked your dream which I have mostly seen kids love to be one...and very smart to realize about Santa :) not everyone would do that at that age :)
I really liked the way you have taken this post from one aspect to other :)
Cheers n Hugggzzz my dear
I always wanted to be a rock star too. But not really for the music so much. I just wanted the groupies.
That's why I got into blogging. Hoping for blog groupies. So far I haven't found any, but I'm not giving up yet. ;-)
I am still not that great (emotionally) today!
//Kayls really? but I wish I cud be there for ya...right by ur side.
HUGS hun!//
aww that put a breif smile on my face!!!!!!!! i found oyr more (about whatwe were talking about yesterday) today and its not making me feel any better :(
seending ya an email!
lovely post..n u look so sweet ;)
where are you today?
graeme@enjoylifenow said...
Subject: Fw: Facelift.
A woman decides to have a facelift for her 50th birthday
She spends $15,000 and feels pretty good about the results.
On her way home, she stops at a news stand to buy a newspaper.
Before leaving, she says to the clerk, 'I hope you don't mind my asking, but how old do you think I am?'
'About 32,' is the reply.
A little while later she goes into McDonald's and asks the counter girl the very same question.
The girl replies, 'I'd guess about 29.'
The woman replies with a big smile, 'Nope, I'm 50.'
Now she's feeling really good about herself. She stops in a drug store on her way down the street. She goes up to the counter to get some mints and asks the clerk this burning question.
The clerk responds, 'Oh, I'd say 30.'
Again she proudly responds, 'I'm 50, but thank you!'
While waiting for the bus to go home, she asks an old man waiting next to her the same question.
He replies,'I'm 78 and my eyesight is going. Although, when I was young, there was a sure-fire way to tell how old a woman was.
It sounds very forward, but it requires you to let me put my hands under your bra. Then, and only then can I tell you EXACTLY how old you are.'
They wait in silence on the empty street until her curiosity gets the best of her. She finally blurts out, 'What the hell, go ahead.'
He slips both of his hands under her blouse and begins to feel around very slowly and carefully. He bounces and weighs each breast and he gently pinches each nipple. He pushes her breasts together and rubs them against each other.
After a couple of minutes of this, she says, 'Okay, okay...How old am I?'
He completes one last squeeze of her breasts, removes his hands, and says, ' Ma dam, you are 50.'
Stunned and amazed, the woman says, 'That was incredible, how could you tell?'
The old man says, 'Promise you won't get mad?'
'I promise I won't,' she says.
'I was behind you in McDonald's.'
Wednesday, 13 February 2008 08:57:00 AM EST
Vest said...
:) Apurv Im a HUUUUUUGE Nirvana fan.
hey Mav yes...they r true LEGENDS of ROCK.
**tht if u r only...u shud not let the loniless get to u
ty matey!
hey Veenz!
**I wanted to be an actress all my childhood.. sitting in front of the mirror and enacting scenes
LOL very cute!
Never say never...u can still try to make ur dream come true? I cant..cos Im a lil too old to start a Rock career now LOL!
I do look like who, Axl u mean? lolz! tnxxxxx MWAHHHHHH!
Shionge r u sure? LOL!
hey Alex :) good to know u'll be blogging often from now on.
**Their lyrics put into proper sentences what we mostly think and dream about.
true...putting the emotions into proper sentences that reaches out to the listener is a SKILL on it's own...one that we all dun possess.
tnxx Neers!
morning/afternoon keshi...howz the rockstar doing??
hey Tarun :)
** Smoke on Water
And I can so marry Bryan Adams yes hehehe.
aww tnxx for ur caring words there Tarun. HUGS!
hey Andrew!
**Perhaps at a stretch you could like Freddie Mercury, but you have better teeth.
wow u say some of the best comments here! ty :)
yes Freddie had dark hair like me...aww I miss him!
yes Steve...Some on the water rocks!
**Deep Purple
Gotta listen to him then...tnxx for the links, will check em out soon!
Pithaly owes me 25K INR,
he is going to the Jose Feliciano show with my money
hey Jim!
**dont give her any lift on the first attempt
wait for the second
LOL ur such a girl-stalker.
hey Pithaly THE Rocker! ;-)
**"Cosmic Graveyard"
really? WOW!
me a female Mick? cool!
I've been well Pithz..ta, and u?
**I've mashed you permanently in the left hand column of my blog.
how d u mean? LOL!
tnxx mate!
heyy Pearly WC!
**That would be ORAL SEX, baby ; )
Cleveland ay? Rockers indeedz!
** but you might have to do a sexy tongue out Jagger pose to know for sure!
***Keshi does a sultry tongue wagging scene***
**I wanted to write stories when I was a kid
aww thats really neat! But I cudnt read ur writings cos ur blog is Private :(
anyways, tnxx sweetz!
WOW Willz that was something! U MADE IT. Well-done!
**To become successful in music I had to give up on the dream of it, and then it was handed to me!
true...wow a really inspirational story u've got there!
Bumble u saw NIRVANA live? ****Keshi faints and never wakes up****
Im sooo jealous! One of my very few dreams in life is to see Kurt perform LIVE. Well its not gonna happen anymore is it :(
** To have a mike and a gee-tar...
lol yes! but I was a lil over the top with that dream...
**I challenge you and will have mine up by tomorrow 2pm east coast us time.
u really did great with that list! u hv great taste in music mate! My list wud come a lil later..perhaps few days later? As Im so tied up with work these days...:(
ty so much Bumble YOUS ROX! ;-)
hey Ashaaaa :)
** It's us parents who dole out stuff and he gets all the credit!!
lol yes! but my dad is the one who intro'd me to music...he brought home a great number of fantastic Albums of his era...I was a big fan of his music too.
**Tushar plays Guitar very well
I rem u saying that a while bak...I'd love to listen to him play.
Guitar doesnt always feed yes, but it feeds his emotional hunger..Im sure. :)
Pithaly was all thumbs
i tot Pithaly how to strum
this guy used to keep the guitar on the floor and strum like an accordion or something
heyya Bev!
**I have to keep telling the guys to take cold showers.
LOL who r they???
**Instead of Santa, you could always send a letter to Maria
hahahahaha good one!
Bev, Im hopeless with Instruments LOL!
** For you, I think you soothe yourself with music while venting your anger through your writing.
r ya a shrink? u did well in readin my mind ;-)
**Your writing is your instrument; your words are your music. Remember, deaf people cannot hear; their music comes to them through the written word
awww so beautifully put! BEV U ROCK CHICK!
hey Gaurav WC! :)
**real sox
haha not bad at all!
**sear lox?
ok wuts that? LOL!
** it's o**l s*x - juicy, delicious for the doer, heavenly for the getter, and notorious for the rest!
u got that right! ;-)
I think most people want to be rock stars ... I did as well
Speaking about Cleveland ... did you know that there is a river that runs through Cleveland and at one point years ago, it was so dirty that it caught fire.
hey Dawny tnxx hun!
** if there was no music life would be so difficult!
for me, there wud be NO LIFE. :)
I wanted to be a doc too..on the side (imagine a rock-star doc LOL!)...but Im glad I didnt do Medicine..cos I cant even see blood I get dizzy :):)
** I opted for MBA and in the enterance I scored a good one so went that way ;)!
WOW good on ya! Im so proud of ya. I did one of those too ;-) and ended up in a boring IT job. hehehehe...
tnxx for sharing that hun MWAH!
ur a Rock Star anyways Jay!
**But not really for the music so much. I just wanted the groupies.
Kaylz I was a bit busy in the morning...Im here now. HOWS U?
ty Anits!
hey Jim!
**'I promise I won't,' she says.
'I was behind you in McDonald's.'
heyya Mav!
THE Rockstar is taking a mini break from her super-busy schedule today..LOL! tnxx n u?
Jim go ask for ur money b4 he leaves..lol!
**this guy used to keep the guitar on the floor and strum like an accordion or something
LOL ur joking rite!
heyy George!
**did you know that there is a river that runs through Cleveland and at one point years ago, it was so dirty that it caught fire.
LOL u serious?
@keshi...good..im good too..jus came back frm a jog..gotta head to class soon..tht is if i end up goin there :D
i love that song! i wanted to become a singer..sing love songs...ahhaha.i love playing the guitar and drums.....ROCK IT GIRL !
enuff said!
Mav I just came bak from my lunch-time walk :)
mebbe we should hv met in our childhoods Dalicia and then we cud hv formed a band LOL!
tnxx sweetz!
:) Hey Suga cupcake hehehe..
Rock and Roll eh??
I can see you as that :P Hhehe stick your tongue out like the guys from KISS :P
I got the anagram u cheeky girl :P
**sticks her tongue out at Silvara***
LOL girl tnxx!
I heart KISS!
Rock on, sista!
Keshi, I can totally see you as a Rock Star!
Me, I wanted to be a famous ballerina, as I took ballet, it never was to be.....alas, I was just not a very good ballerina!
But, I still love to dance!
Margie dances the moon-walk for Keshi...the Rock star! LOL!
How are you today, hun?
I've had such a wonderful day, and I am very happy tonight!
I have the best hubby on earth.
I was not feeling well today, and he came home from work just to be with me!
hey beautiful Ballerina!
WOW thats a nice dream to hv Margie...Im sure u'd look gorgeous as a ballerina..cos ur petite and soft.
hahahaha @Moon-walk! This rockstar needs u to do a lil 'yiaaang yiaaaang' too..meaning the grungy noises. LOL!
Margie u hv a great husband! Get well soon hun. TC n HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
I like the background music! I've always liked that song. :)
thanks K!
stumbled upon your blogs couple of months ago..you are one absolutely interesting and thoughtful young lady is all i can say! :)
***I was born to express, my life is one big expression, and I hope my death would be meaningfully expressive too.
I like that statement.
I am da same. I go crazy seeing people play with passion on their guitars. And i have my secret fantasy to write and play my self written songs with a guitar.
Really something.
***I was born to express, my life is one big expression, and I hope my death would be meaningfully expressive too.
I like that statement.
I am da same. I go crazy seeing people play with passion on their guitars. And i have my secret fantasy to write and play my self written songs with a guitar.
Really something.
hell yeah Andrew it's a TOP song!
aww tnxx Gaurav! ;-)
Hehehe..:) When I was a kid, my cousin n I would roll up magazines and mime when songs played pretending to be pop stars giving a major performance before thousands of screaming fans:)
For you n me, I guess "rockstar" by Nickleback would be apt?:)
hey u already look like a rockstar!n for your lovely music taste...
u really shud hav been 1!
heyyyy Amy, the songbird!
**And i have my secret fantasy to write and play my self written songs with a guitar.
U'd be soooo good at it no doubt abt it! Why dun u pursue ur dream Amy? And I'll be ur number one fan!
hahaha Ziah thats very cute!
**rockstar" by Nickleback
ooo definitely! :)
o cmon Gunj u cant be serious rite? LOL tnxx anyways hun!
Beautiful analogy Keshi.
I quit guitar half way..I just go to get that one done. or any instrument for that fact..
Perhaps some day..;) haha..:P
Hey u are equally a song bird too.;) i ain't the only one.:P
Axl and curt are my faves too
If ya EVER need some one to talk to girl just email and I will call.
You and i are on the same wave length.
Take care and hell!
Ya never know a story may be just what ya need..........
Hey Kesh,
I love the song. But for this post, I'll dedicate "I Wanna Be A Rockstar" by Nickelback to you.
I'm sure you'll love the song.
P.S: The post about your dad reminded me that I've been coming here off and on for the last one year now. :)
My respects to your dad.
Take care.
Keshi:The true meaning and the expression of sexual fulfilment will depart with you on your demise. However, there is plenty of time for the world to catch up to you."You ain't going yet"
To analyse the charms of women is like dissecting music: it is one of those things which is far better to enjoy than to attempt fully to understand. xxx.
BTW: Not feeling too good.
Hi,Rockstar Keshi-err,that doesn't sound right-how about'Keshi Springsteen'??*smiles*( BTW,u don't need to be a rock star,to have people like me say 'You rock')..nice to read about ur ambition..(And,hope it's achieved one of these days,if you still want to become one.hehe).I appreciate anything which helps put one in a good mood-be it the rare rock songs I hear,or,my more preferred 'pop' ones.
...can imagine you singing away even today,in the garage-hehe,of course,when in the right mood(this mood thingy doesn't exist during childhood,na?)
Lastly,the quote which SweetSC also liked'I was born to express, my life is one big expression, and I hope my death would be meaningfully expressive too'- yes,I totally agree-keep expressing!(*muses*-would this be a nice ending for each comment I write on Keshi's posts?*
hey..jus came back frm class..u still hangin arnd??
yiaaang yiaaaang yiaaaaaang lol! That gives a funny sound hehe... very sweet of music and dreams.
I too have dreams that I never thought I will be having them when life was totally different to then. It was not over ten years back I was introduced to internet, that time I was dreaming like just sitting at some foreign place with much settled in life with good earning. In mean time chatting with many beautiful girls, like making others knowing my fairyland girls and wonder about my rise. But today I have many friends’ also fair girlfriends, chatting was now blogging, foreign place is now inside home without even aim.
Thtz a truly rock star pic of urz..u lukin sizzling hot hony. Ouch I missed out quite lotta hot stuffy posts. Will be back…the pics seem too dangerous to read in office.
sabyPithy was real dumb when he was young (he still is young)
i exchanged stamps with him
I gave him colorful triangular stamps of Vatican in exchange for his ancient Indian stamps of annas and paise denominations
a collectors item
hey Keshi! New hairstyle? Or am i just cyber stalking you?
Nice ncie post, i agree we cant beat the past musical memories, what candor they brought to our lives. THey too us through our lowest moments, soared to the highest mountains, they made us feel like heroes!
Music aint dead...we just have to relive them from the past. Hugs Keshi.
keshi...u look like true rockstart with that hair style....:)
Keep mrocking!!
so do u know how to play guitar??
I tried it once...man it looked very difficult equipment to play.....:)
Nice Song......
WOW..one of the best Blog poats i ever came across.
You just have the ability to just take anyone down the memory lane into their chilhood - You did to me the same.
and yes i do remember feling passionte about things in the childhood, which actually indicate your other talents if not that very. But, one shud always remeber not to supress them
i love rockstar by nickelback.
and i really enjoy sifting thru your blog and reading the entries. what a big group you have here. i clicked on one, and she is in singapore, i am in beverly hills, you are in australia...
the internet is amazing. with one clik you reach all these people all over the world.
i am glad you thought "smack the master" was awesome!
Keshi girl.....who r u supporting
Aus vs SL???
You must be in dilema on whom to support......:)
I love this post Keshi!
I can just see you strutting your stuff lol
My dream was to be an author ;]
oh sweet heart !
Axl Rose is my fav too ..... and I just love this Nirvana song ... esp the starting tune ...
have a rocking V-Day !
I wanna be a Rock Star too.
Guns and Roses was the first band I saw in concert, so Axl has a special place in my heart--in a non-gay way:)
Of course, I like to play guitar and sing my own songs.
You need to get yourself Guitar Hero 3 and BE a Rock Star!
The absolute, hands-down, most awesome, bestus-ever, air-guitar song in the world is The Four Horsemen by Aphrodite's Child. Pure, perfect, screaming, gitbox, solo, bliss!
Ever heard it?
tnxx Nora!
Amy I'd love to hear u sing some day...
hey LaVida u've got good taste hun :)
Stevo HUGS n ty so much!
**You and i are on the same wave length.
ur right abt that! :)
hey Rama!
**"I Wanna Be A Rockstar" by Nickelback
I know that one..cool song!
aww ur presence in my blog n my life MEAN alot to me. ty Rama HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
aww Vesty ty n HUGGGGGGGGGZ mate!
**You ain't going yet"
but how d u know? :)
Vesty hey wuts wrong? Why arent u feeling well?
ummmm I feel like I am going to die! But I know that isnt happening! how are you today???????? I am just worried that is all!
hey Amit tnxx! Ur so sweet :)
**this mood thingy doesn't exist during childhood,na?
o so true ha! we adults r so borning now...
ty so much for the encouragment Amit! U ROCK!
I wasnt then Mav but now I am :):)
Hows u?
hey Jeevan HUGGGGGGGZ!
**chatting was now blogging, foreign place is now inside home without even aim.
awww how nice ha! Im so happy for that. Internet has made alot of dreams come true for alot of ppl.
hey Mez ;-) ty!
**the pics seem too dangerous to read in office.
LOL is my blog that bad? :(
:) Jim
hey Ghosty this has been my hairstyle for a while now :)
yep...Music is not dead at all!
hey KP tnxx! :)
Guitar..a lil bit...I cud play the piano too bak then. but I lost touch with it all now that Im older and moodier and sadder..
Nidhi WC n tnxx!
**which actually indicate your other talents if not that very. But, one shud always remeber not to supress them
so true!
Hey Willz U bloody ROCK! :) I loved ur video clip.
**the internet is amazing. with one clik you reach all these people all over the world.
yep, isnt it just brilliant!
KP when AUS plays against SL, I support SL...when AUS plays against any other team, I support AUS :)
Milady u r a great author!
ty Deepz :)
Boss ty!
Grunty lol @non-gay way!
hey Lord tnxx!
**air-guitar song in the world is The Four Horsemen by Aphrodite's Child
should check em out then :) tnxx!
HUGS Kaylz why d u feel like ur dying????
hey keshi...good morning...happy v day... :)
When I was small I wanted to be Hanuman...I grew up and became an ape...so, i guess , iam not that far off the mark...
rock on girl...u do look in one of those pics like that rock chick who sang black velvet...
ty Mav! How was ur day?
LOL Tys hahahahaha! I laughed sooo much!! :):) ty for making me laugh.
**Alannah Miles
is that who u meant? WOW tnxx!
This is Rosemary writing on behalf of Vest.Vest had an accident, got his head smashed up, not pretty.see vests face on his blog.
aww I just read this...was shocked to see ur pic!!!
::HUGS Vesty:: get better fast now!
you look mahhvelous~ :)
Raffi ;-) tnxx!
I wanted to be a rock star too. Didn't happen, but I played a nice role in Pink Floyd's The Wall, and that's pretty close, hey?
Judge u did???? in the video u mean???
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