Ok so in the last post, there were too many super sexy songs mentioned by all of you but there can only be one winner. And that WINNER is HELEN! OMG she rocked my boat bringing that HOT Zeppelin number back into my head and also identifying what really does it for me. D'yer Maker by Led Zeppelin (click and check song history) is a golden song but a song that never grows old and one that never fails to
excite me each time I listen to it...the sensual opening chords and the soft yummy male moans just does it for me, just like how it does it for Helen. I like it when a Man begs...so if you wanna be my man, what are you waiting for...just beg man LOL! Ok not in a pathetic, whiney, annoying 'i-wanna-marry-u-today-Keshi' sense that would make me wanna push you off a cliff and shoot you while you're on your way down. What I meant by 'beg' was in a very seductive, grungy way..in the same way this male voice is 'begging' in this song. It's hot, sticky, addictive and yummy oyeah! The song is one of my kinkiest favs ever. Thanks babez you really know your music aaaand your ahemm...other stuff well!
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You don't have to go oh oh oh oh oh
You don't have to go oh oh oh oh oh
Baby please don't go.
Ay ay ay ay ay ay
All those tears I cry ay ay ay ay ay
All those tears I cry ay ay ay ay ay
Baby please don't go... ... ...
So f'n HOT ay! Congrattz Helen you're a total music whore (in a FANTASTIC way that is hehe). Enjoy the song my friends but please stay out of kinky trouble, if you're at work or in a public place haha, cos the rhythm is quite catchy! btw, do tell me what really does it for ya. For Saby, it's saggy boobs that turn him on..bet he wanna date Cleopatra...ooops she's dead! Helen and I fancy 'begging moans' oooooo! Now tell us what turns you on like how a light-bulb gets turned on :). Oww ow ow ow ow owww... ... ...

Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You don't have to go oh oh oh oh oh
You don't have to go oh oh oh oh oh
Baby please don't go.
Ay ay ay ay ay ay
All those tears I cry ay ay ay ay ay
All those tears I cry ay ay ay ay ay
Baby please don't go... ... ...

Current Music: D'yer Maker by Led Zeppelin
105 Cranium Signets:
err... takin ur clothes off ain't exactly as humping/being humped...
err...did I say it's only for humping? :)
hehehe....great song....:P
I like it when a man begs as well...
Hi Keshi
Will this song help if you're buried under a metre of snow?
Of course, the song's so hot it will melt the snow.
Silvara thats cos hottsters think alike ;-)
tnxx hun!
heyya Bev!
**Will this song help if you're buried under a metre of snow?
it just might do the trick...just 'break the ice' LOL!
ok sooo like i have this song on my ipod and i listen to it every mornin' on my way to class...
you can only imagine how enjoyable class is :p
ohh ohhhhoo ohhhhh ooohhh
owwww ow ow ow ow owwww Suga! LOL u go to WUT kinda classes? ;-)
lol not the kind you thinking... althought after listenin to this... it may as well be...
lol in my mind it already is haha
ok this is too much.
lol ofcourse I know that...I was only teasin ya Suga baby :)
Hi,Keshi-hehe..that's a nice 'moany' song!Nice winner-perhaps they should have a 'kinkiest fav' category at the Grammys,too?
i know i know... but i just wanted to entertain the idea for a sec
Amit they should ha! :)
Hows u?
Suga now Im imagining myself going for such a class and with hot hunks as my 'study aids'. Just the thought makes me go 'owww ow ow ow ow ow owwww'...LOL!
ok Keshi now my minds wandering... i dont need this corruption at this hour... lol spare me
Suga I told ya na that associating Kesh is a notorious influence on ur sweet sweet life.
::sips vodka with orange::
i think a 'good night' is best suited for this situation :P
Suga how d u mean? A good night would lead to good sex or good sex would lead to a good night? :) ok Im confused.
hmm..nice song...there's punjabi number...where in the backgrnd the girl is just moaning away to glory..tho the song is a lil senti..the moanin makes it all the more fun :)...
i mean like,
ok now it ought to be time to sleep...
lol like u know
"Good Night!!"
like that:)
jee keshi... get ur head outta the gutter wud ya:P
wuts the song Mav?
its called Ranjha..i ll ve to look it up..its frm some uk punjabi grp :)
haha I just cant Suga..help me get it out! Im foreva stuck in it, since birth lolz!
tnxx Mav I'll check it out for sure. I like Punjabi numbers...
lol.its by a person called Bally jagpal..the song is ranjha...
its nice...listen to it..if u get a chance...btw wat abt the ER remedy i gave u?? ;)
ok will do.
Mav wut ER remedy? Did u even treat me cos I must hv been totally zombified. LOL!
lol...ya i did treat u..wen i just touch n go...lol..remember the comment tht was suppose to be left moderated??
lol gotcha Mav ;-)
finally...u r thinkin in the right direction :D
who am i kiddin kesh.... im right in there with ya:)
Fingers running through my hair ... to my collar bone ... to my back ... a kiss right below my ear ... a lick on the earlobe ... all over my neck ... you get the drift. Thats my absolute turn on!
Sorry lol am not very good at songs, so didn't participate in the last one. I love Anytime by Ray J ... its not a proper love love song ... but I can kinda connect to it. Its close to my heart.
Hey Keshi!!!!
What turns me on? Except tight butts? Well...
...dark, red light, beating bass, thin perfume odour, candles, wax...
...all night.
Fantastic work, Keshi.
d'yer maker... i love the song..
yet at the cost of sounding stupid,
i must say i've really lost the memory of my last sex.been single forawhile now.. :)
and as i told earlier i love songs playing in the background and i rememebr i used to play a lot of doors' songs.. "c'mon baby light my fire" was a regular.. it's like running around the bed singing this song and that too naked!!
imagine.. songs can make you a real joker at times :) sometimes you miss all those, but then it's like the grass that looks green from far away... it never happens :) so being single and being denied a good sex is in itself fun.. :)
There is a fantastic beats in the song!! My foot seems hitting (dance)floor, I enjoyed keshi :)
OMG !!
now keshi wants to take her clothes off
u have come a long way baby
i remember the days
u used to go Eeeewwww
if i were to make a comment like dat
It is a great song, but you would not have even been born when it first came out surely Keshi?
well well .. I have never thought of being aroused by music .. never ..
probably d song 'Lay you down on a bed of roses' by bonjovi, but thn its also a RAge song .. or 'lay lay lay lay down on my brass bed' .. but i have evr thought of being aroused by thm ..
prolly it could be ENIGMA songs .. thy do have a lot of lust in music .. hehe ..
congrats Helen .. see v r standing in the line of winners .. and sure I am not hitting on you :D
heheh..intresting post...:)
i be'moan' the fact i am not in 'begging' distance. damn.
HeHe!! No romance here in this post!!:))
Happy Thursday girl.
You hit it baby, that's why I loooove this song!!!! awesome post, babes.
Yes--I liked the song too.
What turns me on?
I guess I can just say "Seduce my mind and you can have my body."
Its funny how you talk about songs with moans in them. Just the other day, my friends and I were talking about Ila Arun songs with vulgar sounds. And then I made them hear "Touch Me" by Samantha Fox. Have you heard it?
waow!dat song does do sme great stuff to u
ofcoz u knw wat i mean babe ;)
looove to knw thr r more like me who like to see a man beg ;)
Hi Keshi,
The blog is going too hot. Juz measured the temperature of my blood. Whow! It's 200 F. I'm gonna die if it continues. Before I die, I would release some of the temp in the lines below. It's not specifically for you. It's for all the hotties over here.
Wanna move my half grown nails around your body
Wanna kiss every piece of your skin,
Wana push myself hard in you,
wanna mix in you real and true.
Wanna change d position each time we do it,
Wanna make you feel more excited with every hard beat,
Wanna take you to the heaven on the bed,
wanna do everything with you I said
still-single-still-virgin hunk :D
something is wrong here...
sex, seducing, song...
SSS in incorrect order is always a danger
Beware !
lovely songs indeeds. love the melody..:)
and lovely write up about begging and all there sweets. sizzles bits!:D hehehe.
It is a great song, but you would not have even been born when it first came out surely Keshi?
i no all about keshi
mind body and soul
she gott a dirty mind
but her soul is clean
she got a mole on her left bum
the other bum is tattoed with my initials
the only thing i dont no
is her age
but when michael angelo was painting mona lisa
keshi was there watching
when elvis cut his first disc
keshi was there
when Masters and Johnson was doing the survey on sex habits of the modern woman
keshi was interviewed
Couldnt find the song girl..can you mail it to me...?
I so very love it when a man begs...he he !!!
But there's one more thingthat I like as well..when the lovers talk..make eye contact..thats lovely..!!
Like you're talking through your irises...oooooo.....
:) Mav...
aww Suga Im glad ur being honest.
If a girl dun feel any lust then thats a BIG lie or something is seriously wrong hehehe.
tnxx MWAH!
Cheesy hun I love ear-playin too
That song was beautiful! tnxx for the link...really nice voice too.
heyya Tash MWAHHHHHHH! Hows life hun?
Bla hey ur songs were REALLY good too..actually u hv the same taste as mine when it comes to music. But Helen beat us all! Ur's was only 2nd to her song :)
**...dark, red light, beating bass, thin perfume odour, candles, wax...
Whoaaaaaaa ur something! Im excited already LOL!
hey Dave hv a good day n tnxx!
Lash I agree. U've got ur priorities in the right place. I admire that abt ya.
I've been single for a long time too :) My last memory of having someone in my life is fading but thats what has made me who I am today.
U seem to THINK just like me. Memories is what makes us who we r today..so lets just be thankful for that and enjoy life!
btw I love The Doors!
aww Jeevan I'd dance with ya...its such a great song to sway to. :)
TQM I mebbe wearing 3 layers of clothing so dun get so excited LOL!
heyya Andrew!
**but you would not have even been born when it first came out surely Keshi?
nopes :)
but mebbe I wasnt..mebbe I was...but Im everyhwere in every era ;-)
heyya Anuj songs dun turn u on? Im surprised :)
I love Bom Jovi even if he laid me on a bed of thorns. LOL!
Enigma I adore! The perfect music for some real fun ;-)
ty Enigma!
heyy Stygian!
**i be'moan' the fact i am not in 'begging' distance. damn.
LOL good one! but distance should be no 'begging' barrier right? :):)
heyya Asha!
**No romance here in this post
not at all. This post is abt pure evil lust ;-)
Locked up Richard Marx and Britney Spears. LOL!
aww Helen u did it for me! U brought bak that song into my head. I used to listen to it alot...bak in the days..
btw did u see the Flash pic of ur's in this post?
MWAH n tnxx!
hey PS tnxx hun!
**"Seduce my mind and you can have my body."
whoaaaaaaa u hottie! I never thought abt it that way. Im gonna use this line in future like it's my own line..LOL! ;-)
heyyya Solitaire :)
** And then I made them hear "Touch Me" by Samantha Fox. Have you heard it?
ofcourse! Love that number. I even played it for a post here long time ago.
~~touch me touch me...I wanna feel ur body..
whoaaa u too Gunj? hot hott ;-)
heyya Mayur!
**Before I die, I would release some of the temp in the lines below.
LOL! plz dun die.
now was that ur won lyrics? if so, u had me in awe! WOW! :) Very good Mayur!
**still-single-still-virgin hunk :D
LOL! Dun tell me u r?
hehehe JM ;-)
order dun matter as long as we have fun right? :)
I wanna pash ya now. LOL dun be scared , I was only teasing...
:) LaVida..
hey TQM/Saby/Jim/Dean/Brad/Phil/James etc etc ;-)
**she gott a dirty mind
but her soul is clean
really? owww ow ow ow ow owww.....
**she got a mole on her left bum
the other bum is tattoed with my initials
r ya talkin abt Keshi here or Mr.T? LOL!
**the only thing i dont no
is her age
I've got to keep some secrets too right? :) Lets say Im a woman of ALL ages...Im 5, 15, 21, 28, 31, 35, 45, 55, 60, 75, 100. U should know by now that I represent EVERY woman...;-) My friends here r from various ages...I even hv friends of 80yrs...in real life too. I love ppl for who they r..not for their age.
**but when michael angelo was painting mona lisa
keshi was there watching
hell yeah I was helping him with it...
**when elvis cut his first disc
keshi was there
I was whispering sweet nothings to Elvis when he celebrated it ;-)
**when Masters and Johnson was doing the survey on sex habits of the modern woman
keshi was interviewed
:) sure thing!
Nicely put TQM!
heyy Cinderella u dun hear my music in this blog? awwww :( Its playing right now.
ok check this link out then:
**when the lovers talk..make eye contact..thats lovely..!!
Like you're talking through your irises
HOT as hell yes! Eyes r damn sexy.
Hi Keshi
Have a great weekend!
We're still digging out of the last snowstorm or was it the one before the last? :)
We’re getting more over the weekend. I have not seen this much snow in my life or any of my previous lives.:)
hey Bev stay away from Snow storms hun. TC!
btw which previous life? I was a pole-dancer then. LOL!
why do women want to take their clothes off?
to feel good
feeling hott
to shower
to make love
to put on another dress
to seduce her man
and keshi?
hey..sup...ki haal chal?stil moaning eh?
Jim also to get some air? LOL!
Mav mai thik hu...aur aap?
Surprised ha? ;-)
Damn, missed another contest!! I would have gone with "You can Keep Your Hat On"
Just wanted to wish you a happy weekend.
I'm heading to bed early, as I've not been feeling too well the past few days....my hubby has been home from work the last 2 days...I think I may have caught his bug.
I'm not taking off any clothes though, I need my nice warm pj's tonight!
Another night, maybe...haahha!!!
Cu hun!
sweetheart i knw u can speak n talk(i think so) in hindi :)...i read ur profile...i m good..jus came back frm a jog :)..gonna doze off now in a while :D
what turns me on is too illegal to even think about! hey tell me what color to buy
OMG,,awesome photos!!
hey Phos thats a cool number!
heyyy Margie awww....do TC of ur sweet self hun.
**I'm not taking off any clothes though, I need my nice warm pj's tonight!
LOL! Duncha know that taking off PJs when ur sick is way too sexy
goshhh Im such a slut..lolz!
Anyways hv a good weekend n plz get well soon HUGGGGGGGGZ!
Great song! AS for the post... I can't think of taking my clothes off, it's like -20C out there!
Mav and wut does my profile say abt my Hindi skills? :):)
hey Willz!
I hope it aint criminal? LOL!
hey Mohan!
I hope ur ok? :):)
tnxx mate!
Zhu dun u hv central-heating? LOL!
**"Seduce my mind and you can have my body."
u want to make it with a woman
court her first
say the things she longs to hear
tell her she is beautiful
tell her u love her
the way she walks
the way she talks
dont go sexual straight away
learn from the latins
women want romance more than sex
tell her
she got sexy eyes
her black hair is soo pretty
her tanned complexion is attractive
hey Jimmi :)
**say the things she longs to hear
tell her she is beautiful
tell her u love her
just dont TELL...MEAN em too.
Hi Keshi,
Trust me it was my own lyrics and I'm still single too!
Looking for a gf. u r not a bad option either!LOL
hahahaha Mayur ur funny! aawwww...
btw I hv been single for few years now..I think Im immune to it now LOL!
I think I shud create some immuno deficiency virus(Not HIV) to break you from being single:D LOL
I think I shud create some immuno deficiency virus(Not HIV) to break you from continuing being single:D LOL
It's a lovely erm, flash, Keshi!!!! ; ) heh heh
LOL Mayur ur too funny man!
:) Helen MWAH!
What makes me take my clothes off?
Only if they are on fire or I need a bath!
I am a very fully dressed sort of person--and the world thanks me for it!
ROFL Judge!!! Love it!
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