Don't you dare yell at me like that ever again! It's all about YOU 24/7 isn't it. Don't forget that others have feelings too, and are made of flesh and blood. You did something very unacceptable my dearest and now you can't stand the truth HUH! You pick up the phone and blow up on me like that? What the hell, am I your verbal bin? You can scream all you want, say that you are so clean and right, but none of that is going to save your soul. Deep down in your heart, you know that you stabbed the trust I had in wrecked played games with the bond we had. This was your last chance and you blew it too. I'm not gonna just sit and watch you mock me. You protect your ego and pride. It's ok to do so, but it's really ugly when you do that after inflicting emotional wounds upon someone else. It only takes a handful of selfish words to guard your conceit, but it takes tons of grace and humility to accept your weakness. I'm not going to argue with someone who thinks so high of themselves that their ego is ever so'd be pointless and a waste of my time. So I rest my case. Eat me alive if it makes you happy, I'm not gonna say a word. I can only hear a very loud NOISE that don't beckon me to speak.
Guys, just now something happened between me and a very close cousin...she can never get over herself I'm so bored by it. She did this same thing to me once when I was holidaying in NZ...on the way back from Rotorua, we had some silly convo over a Card game that lead into a heated argument. I quickly went silent after a while cos I really don't like shouting at each other...but this girl went on and on for about 2hrs (pretty much for the rest of the drive home). I could honestly say she traumatised me with her verbal attack. Though it was not abuse, she was totally out of control of her own self and it was sad to watch someone like her doing that. My other cousins who were in the van just listened in silence too..cos no one could stop her mouth. Well at the time I thought she was under alot of stress (cos she was getting married to someone her family didn't like etc) and maybe that's why she was taking it on us. So I could forgive her, after some time though. But today, she did the same thing again! She took me back to that day 2yrs ago and I felt awful and wanted to cry. I'm not gonna cry though...cos it's not my fault. I'd only cry if I myself let this happen to someone else. She has a problem...the problem is that she just can't accept it when she's in the wrong and she thinks that arguing forever like this would put her in the clear. Besides she has a set of standards for herself and a different set of standards altogether for others. Surely that's not gonna work, is it now! Besides who is happy arguing non-stop like this? She
wouldn't let me talk for a minute! o I was so getting bored with her rant I hung up on her. Is that wrong? Cos she wasn't talking, she was yelling. It was like a suicide terrorist giving his final angry self-defending speech, yes she was that desperately self-righteous! So I told her 'you know what, you're RIGHT so let's just end this convo' and I hung up. I don't think I deserve to be subjected to that kind of gunk, so I cut it short. Some people just wanna be I let them be right. It gives me peace!
Seriously I feel like I have become a nun cos of some people...I'm really sick of family shit and I'm so over some people's big fat egoes. And now I'm immune to such shit it don't affect me like it used to. But don't you hate it when people take you for granted and don't accept what they've done? Why is it so hard for people to keep quiet instead of firing with words that mean nothing? Anger makes you say and do things that'll probably make you regret for a very long time. Talk is cheap...sometimes Silence is the most powerful expression. The sound of silence is DEEPER than the sound of empty speech which is usually only LOUD. So I choose Silence. I'm not going to talk to her for some time...for a very long time actually. This is just my heart pouring out the pain. I will never bother you I will never promise to I will never follow you I will never bother you Never speak a word again I will crawl away for good I will move away from here You wont be afraid of fear No thought was put in to this I always knew it would come to this Things have never been so swell I have never failed to feel Pain... ...
Current Music: You Know You're Right by Nirvana
131 Cranium Signets:
How are you, now? Don't keep thinking about the same..........
Yes, Silence is a powerful tool, yet, at some circumstances we need to speak out else we'll be taken for granted.
Silence can also be seen as the act of guilt or that of being a coward!
ty Kalpz!
but u hv no idea abt this cuz of mine..I hv tried hard to explain my side to. She NEVER listens to ANYONE.
She only talks talks talks. So thats why now I hv decided to remain silent.
Steve yes I agree..but with some ppl u cant do anything but keep silent.
Good for you Keshi.
Good for you for choosing silence.
Silence and a 10000-word blog-rant...
You've a happening life, cheers !! Arre just switch to ignore mode if someone else is giving you some bullshit and you are not in the mood of giving it back, simple, isn't it !!
LOL Fingers thats cos she wont listen to what I hv to say I poured my heart out here and I feel good :)
ur such a maniac LOL!
GC true..thats what I did. I hung up on her. She was going on n on n on n on..
*rolling eyes*
I use a string too "Oh yeah ! Shove it" :P
lol good one GC!
But this girl is a very close cuz to I just had to let her bark while I just listened and then told her that Im so done with her rant n hung up. LOL!
yeah.. silence is the best insulting weapon... hope you had a great 2 hour drive...
Just be the same way(silent) then..... Else when she shuts her mouth/stops talking for a while, then you speak out and make her listen.
For time being, just relax for now and take time for your self.......
whining cus of urs.. she is terrible..
btw no point in breaking ur head on a person who doesn't have sense of anything ND NO POINT IN CRYING !
u need to pull ur socks and say " hey listen u might be right for urself but, listen I'm a human being do not walk all over me. keep away from me"
may be they will realise wen u r not the same keshi... she feels u r a trash can. so pls make her understand what u r.. i have realised unless u dont talk no one will know.. and talkin such a way she realises what person u r..
DO NOT Allow her to take u for GRANTED!
I have been guilty of brawling like this, and I know itzz really painful for the person on the receiving end. I feel embarrassed to except it.. but i only do it with my mom when i m really really pissed off.. abt a certain smething.
But I m trying to ctrl my fits of fury.. but well what yur so called cousin did is idiotic! and i think u did right.. smetimes itz z better to be silent :-(
the sound of silence...i kinda liked the phrase..cuz i really think silence speaks much much MUCH mre than wordz can...i also understand wat kalpana n steve r tryin to gt at...tat silence cn mean guilt, cuz tatz wat my dad sayz, but i still feel itz better to shut up...
sometimez i feel like my head is gna explode when someone goes on their verbal diarrhoea n make stupid explodes with sooooooo many thingz i wanna say in defense but i juz shut up...cuz most of the time i dno whr to begin... :)
itz a gud thing uv blurted it out here...uv gt soooooooooooo mnany ppl to reassure u (200 commentz/ post. whoa!) gt it outta ur if it still nagz u from within, juz send her an email or somethin tellin her wat u feel...n then forget abt it...
tc gurl...dnt worry ur pretty head too much :)
Cheer up Sweetheart!!! :)
Yeah... it totally sucks when people take u for granted and do it again n again..
Words (harsh or soft)should be for those who have the capability to understand them... if not, Silence is the way out..
yes, indeed... 'silence is a powerful expression'.. it gives a lot of strength.. you'll experience it with time.. :)!! :D
aww....relax...things happen..its family..sometimes they go overboard...u made ur cool down...
yes sometimes its best to remain silent...
i used to believe in giving back...and most of the times i still do...
but what ive realised is it hurts the person offending u most when u dont say a word...
so dont worry too much about it...
smile! :)
be like me.. i rarely hv any convo with relatives. :P
hw r u feeling now hun? hopefully better...
But then Silence can be Deafening sometimes
You have been tagged!! Check my blog :)
Hi, you have taken a wise decision. Things will be better after some times. Be happy. Take care.
iam totally with u on this...i hate hysteria and tantrums...i leave the scene whn tht happens...
Hi Keshi!
Oh yes, I understand how it feels to be on the receiving end of verbal assault but you know, I even have been in shoes of your cousin. I have been on the giving end. [though not so much, 2 hrs I mean]
I am not trying to justify my position here, just want to say that there might be something wrong with her too. I mean, in the end it is all about hormones, get the point?
It happens to me at such times and my mom is at the receiving end and she remains silent. That is what calms me down immediately and I apologize. Sometimes, somethings are just out of control. We would not be humans if it was otherwise.
The stand you took that of remaining silent was right and hopefully your cousin would realize her mistake. I know you have a HUGE heart n you will forgive her.
When she is in one of her good moods you make her understand that what she does is not right.
That is all about shouting and screaming but about thinking that she is the one who is always right - someone needs to show her the mirror but once again how you say it is more important than what you say.
Disconnecting the call was the best thing you did.
After making her understand if she still fails to admit her mistake and continues verbal assaults then I would say that you should take a different stand!
I know, you would then know what to do :)
Oh dear...whats wrong with the world ??!!!
Why is eveyone turning into a fat headed creep ?
Why dont ppl understand ?
why cant people be sensible to others, when sensibiity is what they except from others too..??
I know how it feels when ppl call you up, and shout & shout & shout and then just hang up !! Its so humiliating..!!
My dad used to do this a lot. Then one day, I just hung up the phone while he was yelling, switched it off and went out for some coffee, alone..
I got back home after 3 hrs..and by then he & mom were at their wits end. I told them, that thats what I'm gonna do if he keeps doing this shit. He's never done that again till !! But then thats cz he cares..
Sometimes I feel people really dont care, what you feel and how hurtful it shall be to treat you this wayy...
All they care is themselves and their bloated egos. I used to try reconcile earlier, but then realised, that only made them take me for granted and continue treating me like shit. So now, I just cut off. I dont want suc shit happening to me all the time co I love someone and care about him/her.
These days, I dont care eiher, what they were once, what they meant or how hurtful it was of them to do what they did. Its better to be alone than have a set of people in your life who dont give you yor worth...
I know, I'm sad and I'm slowly turning into a stone & perhaps thats why all this coming out (my post yesterday, rem'ber ?)...but then thats the eternal truth.
Just let them be..I aint freakin' bothered. My hands ae way too full to carry any more unecessary burden anyway...
Ans so are yours sweets. Life is too busy to actually care about these hiccups, that give us nothing except pain. Its best to just ignore the pain and move on.
added videos to the post...
"Talk is cheap...sometimes Silence is the most powerful expression. The sound of silence is DEEPER than the sound of empty speech which is usually only LOUD." wonderfully spoken from silence keshi!
Words are not the waste things if we drop to sweep and put away, so words are more powerful, it should brighten the life and not put on fire.
Keshi, I have great experience of this. The best thing to do is cut the conversation (this is what I read). I don't think she can really stop herself. Perhaps a minor mental illness. If she is ok 90% of the time and you can cope and like her, just ignore it.
Let's hope you two can work it out :-D
I canhave a quick 'flash temper' but when I am really angry I am quiet angry :-[
u did d r8 thin in hanging up.. some ppl deserve the rough treatment in order to understand the rotten stuff they mete out to others.. only i wonder if its ever going to affect her!!!
Silence ia always the best coz the other side ppl talk take for granted.
Yes. Such instances do make us sad. We could alter our world view according to our past, so that it does not hurt us-even if the same thing happens again.
These days silence is thought of as weakness!!I know by experience.
I thought it was golden too but they didn't get the point and they shut it only when I stood up and said "STOP"!
So, my advise to you is tell her how you feel, don't have to shout or in anger but when she is calm. Let her know how you feel when she yells at you.
I am sure she is going thru' some stuff but she doesn't have the right to make others miserable too. She will continue to give all that sh.. as long you as will take it. You know what I mean? Words hurt more than any physical hurt. Hope you deal with this thing rather crying to yourself.
smart move!...for about a year now i have taken the same approach. To people who like arguing, i just don't talk back. I say mabbe ur right and become silent and don't let 'em instigate me or spoil my peace.
The problem is when they say sumthing abt which i feel v. strongly. I find it hard to keep mum in those cases!
You said silence is sometimes a powerful expression.
I keep my silence here.
Hi,Keshi-believe it or not,I just wrote a post on Anger.
I think you did the totally right thing-i.e. keeping quiet. There's no sense in trying to talk sense with someone who's decided to only scream and shout.Good going!
A great piece of writing.....
When somebody says (S)he is right, you have to options. First is to stand at her left and end the quarrel or to go to His/Her right and keep playing left-right-left forever.
I'm glad you didn't use later one.
I agree that silence is many times more than words could describe. Silence introduces you with your soul. The more you are close with your soul, the more mature you tend to be about your acts.
Wow! This felt like I'm being casted on "Astha" or "Sanskar" channels giving lectures on philosophy!LOL
" Talk is cheap...sometimes Silence is the most powerful expression. The sound of silence is DEEPER than the sound of empty speech which is usually only LOUD" - you said it all, keshi.
Just peopel who yell for no reason instead of talking and discussing would never understand the language of silence..
I can SO empathise with you Keshi, I had the same experience with my male cousin threating me non-stop just to borrow money that eventually I had to do what you did - HUNG UP!!
I am sorry to hear this but we just have to do what's right.
silence is a virtue...silence is in a way an energy booster..i love silence and like to feel the lonliness quite often...
it is many times better off being silent than getting into a conversation...i have tried this trick offlate and it has definitely kept my cool...why to strain the brain when certain things just go to drain...
you rock keshi..great silent post :-)
Relax yar...and things happen, such is life. Yet never take too much crap for any reason. Respect urself and put ur foot down so u dont get hurt. People come around.
ha keshi
tell you what,watch saw 1,2,3,4....they are really gruesome movies...but there is a message in between...
and try meditating when people launch a verbal lambast on helps..
and to quote myself
"Patience is an action- understanding the different reactions."
Aww Keshi, are you so much in pain that you forgot to give out flying kisses today? Spread some love, forget the hatred.
Haven't you heard of this old saying... "The dog will bark at the moon, but the moon never barks back"
You, my friend, are the moon.
Who wants to get into foul-mouthing matches anyway. EW!
I, too have adopted the silent thing never to speak again. Never. There is only so much abuse or harsh words you can hear from another person until you get totally fed up. Until it kills every last humane feeling you may have had toward them. Unfortunately it took me FAR too long to get to that point but the good news is I'm there. I hope things work out for you however you would like them to, whatever would be best for you.
I know how you feel. Like at the moment I am not talking to my mom because all she ever does recently is say hurtful things. It is hard though, for me never to talk to my mom again even if sometimes I would like to! It was good of you to hang up on your cousin, let's hope she got the message that she was out of order but she may not have if she's egotistical/thick skinned.
ur silence will teach her a lesson...n u did d right thing by hangin up on her...u are in no way obligated to listn to crap like dat!!
Hi Keshi
Your cos needs a shrink.
Then again, maybe we all do.
I know I do.
You did right to hang up.
What took you so long?
Ouch. You sound kinda mad... cool down, remember, tough times go by. People are just being... people.
God I can't stand it when people get like that. Griping and bi***ing and whining and on and on and on. If someone is like that I usually just make it point not to be around them very much. They drive me crazy.
Should have bitch-slapped her. God gave you a perfectly good back o' the hand - use it and use it often.
hey Chriz is that a very young you in the profile pic? awwwwwwwww.....
**silence is the best insulting weapon...
yes and it's a decent insult too :)
aww ty Kalpz ur so caring...I will do that then.
hey Uttsy HUGGGGGGGGZ! I missed ya...hope all is well with ya?
yes u know her dun uUttsy..rem, abt my uncle in NZ...the one who rents my rich cousins' garage...yeah its abt that.
** have realised unless u dont talk no one will know.. and talkin such a way she realises what person u r..
yes, thats right. I let her talk yday cos she wudnt allow me to speak at all. So today I sent her a brief email explaining how I felt abt it...that way she cant shout at me while Im talking :)
tnxx hun nah Im not crying...not for ppl like that..I cry for ppl who deserve my my uncle.
And hey Uttsy why dun u blog anymore?
hey Veenz dun feel bad abt losing ur coll happens to everyone. As long as u realise it and learn from it and not keep repeating it...
Atleast u admitted it and thats GREAT.
**I have been guilty of brawling like this, and I know itzz really painful for the person on the receiving end.
I hv been that too..many times with my mum and sis. Not with anyone else. Cos we can afford to do that with our immediate family members...and we all get together again anyways. But I can tell u one thing..I hv never yelled at anyone (even at my mum n sis) when I was WRONG.
ty Preeti!
Yes Silence speaks volumes...not always, but yeah when it's called for.
** if it still nagz u from within, juz send her an email or somethin tellin her wat u feel...n then forget abt it...
hehe I did just that this morning. :) Guess why..cos I saw ur comment and thought 'yeah why not, she has to know how I feel too'...and I sent an email. :) That way she cant yell at me but read hehe.
*smilez* Swati HUGS!
tnxx...u make good sense hun.
**it gives a lot of strength.. you'll experience it with time
yes gives u a certain power that hards to break.
**that's hard
tnxx Mav!
if ur from my family, u'd be a monk by now..LOL!
ty Pri!
**i used to believe in giving back...and most of the times i still do...
yes me too..always. U know how out-spoken I am with my feelings :) But in this case, there's no way she's gonna let anyone else speak, so I thought Silence wud be the best answer for her.
ty Ammu MWAH!
**be like me.. i rarely hv any convo with relatives.
yes me too...u hv no idea how 'detached' I am with relatives. But this girl was my fav cuz..but after she got married recently, she's become like my aunts now LOL!
hey Impressionist!
**But then Silence can be Deafening sometimes
yes I know..sometimes Silence can be really hard on the ear drums. but in this ocassion I choose Silence and it's her ear drums thats gonna be affected :)
hey Carolinagal tnxx hun! :) Will do it some time soon.
ty Venus HUGS!
Tys leaving the scene is a VERY WISE idea.
tnxx Arti!
yes I hv yelled at my mum and sis too...many times, when they acted like frozen robots...meaning when they didn't u'stand what I was trying to say :) Sometimes u gotta yell to melt some ice hehehe. But I hv NEVER shouted at anyone when I was in the WRONG. I used to cry.
**I mean, in the end it is all about hormones, get the point?
hehe yes hun :)
ur mum is mum is never silent with me, o nos LOL!
**The stand you took that of remaining silent was right and hopefully your cousin would realize her mistake
I hope so too..but I doubt it. ppl hardly change.
**I know you have a HUGE heart n you will forgive her.
yes and I forgave last time too...tho its very hard to forget.
**again how you say it is more important than what you say.
So true! I love that line Arti.
ty so much, ur precious!
hey Cinderella tnxx hun!
**why cant people be sensible to others, when sensibiity is what they except from others too..??
** I told them, that thats what I'm gonna do if he keeps doing this shit. He's never done that again till date
LOL ur dad got the msg! :):) that was cute.
**I used to try reconcile earlier, but then realised, that only made them take me for granted and continue treating me like shit.
me too...Im not hellbent on proving my point anymore..Im so bored with that. cos not everyone sees ur point all the time. Its best to be a stone than a crushed flower.
** My hands ae way too full to carry any more unecessary burden anyway...
yes..Im sick of it now. there's nothing wrong with staying unaffected.
tnxx Mav will check it out soon :)
hey Jeevan tnxx!
**so words are more powerful, it should brighten the life and not put on fire.
aww how beautifully put!
hey Andrew tnxx mate!
** Perhaps a minor mental illness. If she is ok 90% of the time and you can cope and like her, just ignore it.
hehe...well I dunno wut it is, she's like that. She's such a nice girl and all, and then whenever she's in the wrong, she just blows up like a bomb trying to prove her point which is senseless to begin with.
//I'm really sick of family shit and I'm so over some people's big fat egoes// tell me bout it...i have people who will simply trash us if their children is doing better, their lfie is better, their eg is big, etc etc etc. And then they are freaking easy with their words, they say it in great flow and so damn 'easy'! Fck them all.
Milady ur so like me..u can say Im short-tempered but I cool down easily. But when Im angry Im a quiet lil volcano. LOL!
Sam ur wont affect her. U know why, she never GIVES UP on proving her point, even when she's SO WRONG. Its so scary!
yes ur right Priya..tnxx!
Alex tnxx!
**We could alter our world view according to our past, so that it does not hurt us-even if the same thing happens again.
yes, thats a good way to deal with it.
ty Asha HUGS!
**We could alter our world view according to our past, so that it does not hurt us-even if the same thing happens again.
yes I agree. I was silent when she yelled at me cos she wont allow me to speak. Now that its all quiet, I sent her an email explaining how I she HAS to read it LOL!
Pavi tnxx hun!
yes, I said the same thing..told her that she's RIGHT and hung up. LOL!
**The problem is when they say sumthing abt which i feel v. strongly. I find it hard to keep mum in those cases!
yeah thats right...I just cant keep quiet then :)
ty Jac!
**I keep my silence here.
but this is where we discuss such issued so dun keep silent here Jac LOL!
ty Amit!
**There's no sense in trying to talk sense with someone who's decided to only scream and shout.
yes thats right :)
I'll check out ur post soon.
hey Mayur tnxx mate!
**First is to stand at her left and end the quarrel or to go to His/Her right and keep playing left-right-left forever.
LOL good one!
yes Silence makes u get closer to ur soul...beautifully put.
**Wow! This felt like I'm being casted on "Astha" or "Sanskar" channels giving lectures on philosophy
hahaha yes! As much as I can be a materialistic luisty woman, Im quite the opposite sometimes...a Sadhu in a halterneck LOL!
true Lena, tnxx!
**instead of talking and discussing
yes...ppl dun wanna stop n talk, isntead of screaming, cos they r afraid of the TRUTH.
gosh my Spelling is on holiday today LOL!
Lena, btw that pic of ur's is so beautiful WOW!
Shionge tnxx hun!
**my male cousin threating me non-stop just to borrow money that eventually I had to do what you did - HUNG UP
omg u serious? he threatened u for money? thats just not NICE at all.
ty Kittu n hey WC in here! :)
**why to strain the brain when certain things just go to drain...
yes I totally agree.
hey Phoenix tnxx hun!
** Yet never take too much crap for any reason. Respect urself and put ur foot down so u dont get hurt
yes thats what I did. :)
tnxx Vish!
is 1,2,3,4 a movie?
**and try meditating when people launch a verbal lambast on helps..
o gawd Vish ur asking a hyper maniac like me to meditate? LOL! I hv tried it long b4 but never succeeded...:( cos my mind I think is the FASTEST ticking meter on Earth!
**"Patience is an action- understanding the different reactions."
wow nice one Vish, tnxx! it sure is an action...a silent one too.
ty Solitaire babez!
**Aww Keshi, are you so much in pain that you forgot to give out flying kisses today?
yes hun..I was so very sad yday...cos she yelled at me and at work too..I cudnt concentrate after that...
HUGS! I'll try to get up and move on today :)
heyya Macademia tnxx hun!
yes..I'd prefer not to's really not my style.
aww ty Wisdom!
**Unfortunately it took me FAR too long to get to that point but the good news is I'm there.
it doesnt matter how long it took as long as ur there. HUGS!
Emma tnxx hun!
**It is hard though, for me never to talk to my mom again even if sometimes I would like to!
yes thats really hard to do cos she's ur mum. I hv had like 2-3 days of silence with mum...cos of some argument. But after few days we somehow make up...:) I hope u and ur mum will forgive each other too.
hey Gunj tnxx!
**...u are in no way obligated to listn to crap like dat!!
yep thats why I hung up.
hey Bevster! :)
**Your cos needs a shrink.
me too btw LOL! dealing with a family that often throws hissy fits, is a huge call for a shrink LOL!
**what took u so long
hahahaha! Thats why I said I need a Shrink too. :):)
HUGS luv!
ty Zhu!
**People are just being... people.
yes I u'stand that hun..thats why I gave her enough time n space to yell :)
ty Jay!
**Griping and bi***ing and whining and on and on and on. If someone is like that I usually just make it point not to be around them very much
yeah cos that drives ppl away..
hey Phoso!
**Should have bitch-slapped her.
I tried to LOL! But she just wudnt STOP! So I stopped. Cos no point screaming ur lungs out when neither of us can hear each other right. :)
true Ghosty..
**...i have people who will simply trash us if their children is doing better, their lfie is better, their eg is big,
omg ur family is so like MY family LOL! I hv relatives who cant stand to see someone else doin VERY pathetic!
u ok?????????????
Awwww...sorry to read about how sad you are hon! I hope things get better soon.
But, I do think that you were right in reacting the way you did. Thats the 'adult' thing to at the least!!
Very beautifully poured out ,Keshi..The power of silence is awful and makes the other party defenceless..add a smile to the silence ..hmm
only one thing which came to my mind,I know its your words but still felt like sharing //I will crawl away for good //..Why crawl hun,you are a winner and you should walk away with chin up ..
Take care
Oh Keshi, so sorry your cousin was being an ass. You did right in ignoring her.
Im ok hun hows u @Kaylz
aww tnxx Carolinagal...Im ok already...I mean how can I not be with friends like u in my life. Im totally BLESSED.
ty CU!
**..The power of silence is awful and makes the other party defenceless..add a smile to the silence
true.. :)
**crawl away
I meant crawling away from her deafening territory...cos she doesnt wanna hear me :)
tnxx mate!
yep Menchie, tnxx MWAH!
Being in that situation is terrible. Hope u are better today Keshi.
You did the right thing Keshi. x
hmm .. *silent*
p.s: some people don't deserve a thing.
Wow! I really loved this post and Sadhu Avatar of Keshi! LOL
Would love to know you better!
Sometimes u gotta yell to melt some ice
My folks need to know this ;)
Yes, my mom is great ...
sometimes I feel we all take her for granted very often *sigh*
Yes, it is hard to forget, I understand.
Take care,
I know Keshi the world is full of such egoists and egotists who refuse to budge from their stand and accept their mistakes. Talk about speaking highly of ‘emsleves…I have seen a lot many of those kinds. Give a damn to ‘em and try it for once – IGNORE. The more importance we give them, the more such kinda ppl act pricey. Best is to ignore as if it doesn’t affect u a bit. Am sure that will only make her feel arrgh! Wha? Why? is Keshi not reactin. Y get beleaguered by someone just like that. Huh!
sometimes being silent is the right thing to do keshi......:). you did the right thing!
I hope ur ok....:)
i meant the saw series...
what do you think meditation is? if you can tell me what you feel it is...i can tell you how you can do it...
and lol i am a super hyper creature...
Im feeling much better Amy, tnxx!
hey Nora tnxx hun!
I cudnt get to ur blog for few days :(
hey Anuj HUGS!
hehe Mayur yes I can be a revolting Sadhu sometimes LOL!
buddhan sarnan gatchchami..
dhamman sararan gatchchami..
sanghan sararan gatchchami..
That was for Mayur...:) I know Buddhism VERY WELL...I've got many prizes in school just for excelling in Buddhism exams. No kidding.
ty Arti and I got ur msg..I'll 'contact' ya soon ;-)
**My folks need to know this
hehe..all our folks r the me. LOL!
**Wha? Why? is Keshi not reactin. Y get beleaguered by someone just like that.
yes..thats what Im doing now. That is the BEST thing to do.
hey KP tnxx!
yes SOMETIMES silence is the best answer.
hey Vish!
**if you can tell me what you feel it is...i can tell you how you can do it...
o well..whenever I sit to meditate, various crap creeps into my mind. I mean, in the middle of focusing on the vision of a candlelight between my brows, I think of John Abraham LOL! I dun think u can fix me. :):)
**and lol i am a super hyper creature...
hahahaha and ur trying to teach me Meditation? LOL!
wow! Now I'm a cult member of saint keshi's philosophy "Keshism"! LOL
Why don't u publish some holy books on Keshism that juz writing some blogs about it? And did u forget about the HBT patent? LOL
loved reading these ... i know u now for nearly a year and felt I know u well enough :)
I love reading a lot .... that helps me relax and yes music ... that runs like blood
I think I posted in the wrong post ... I read both of them together and then came to comment .. but I guess I scrolled too much ..
the sound of silence Keshi is something that I can identify with .... infact I even practice .... it seems it keeps everyone happy around me except for me ... tc
As they say,"speech is silver but silence is golden".Once is a while it is so essential to have some of that gold to oneself,to ensure that sanity remains.
Great post dear :)
My family members can never let things go either. It can be really awful to have someone go on a verbal rampage like that. I always want to just get the hell away when it starts.
LOL Mayur @Keshism
Wut abt Mayurism?
tnxx Alok :)
yes READING does it for me too...
**.... it seems it keeps everyone happy around me except for me
aww why is that? I mean Silence should bring YOU peace more than for anyone else...if not, that Silence isnt healthy. I mean u should be talking, expressing ur feelings..
So true Sameera!
Judge all families are the same after all ay :)
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