This is a home for my heart...a distant refuge for my spirit, away from the madding crowd and the masquerades that we live. This is where everything is unveiled and nothing is compromised.
Howdy? Hope you all had a good weekend. I was chuffed to nano-bits by the cute crush dedicationsI received at Mez's Crush post in the weekend. Damnnn I was hooked! All weekend my heart was dancing to this song cos I felt so fresh by it all :). Thanks my darlings here, you all make me feel so fresh and alive! I honestly feel so loved and in top form just by being around you are such an amazing positive energy in my life, you jussss have niaaawww ideaaar! THANKS for being you and THANKS alot Mez for that brilliant ohsoromantic post! Didn't feel this romantic in a while and that was great. btw who called me a Honeypot in that post? LOL that was so darn sweet...I really wanna know who that was, plz plz plz ***falls at his/her BlogId's feet (cos I dunno who) pleading and bleeding to know who it is***
Since that experience made me feel all refreshed and alive, I was wondering how certain things, people, experiences, words, actions, thoughts, feelings etc make us feel know like a newborn or like a freshly picked flower. You know that feeling, don't you? We are all so stuck in a rut on a daily basis, studying, going to work, family matters, chasing goals etc we often forget to enjoy such freshness when it occurs in our lives. It may well be a very simple thing or a simple gesture by someone, but unfortunately most of us have learnt to disregard simple joys cos our heads seem to be fogged up in dreams and mangled in the 'Mundane'...and we seem to enjoy that stale life when there's so much more around us to be explored and to be enjoyed. Tell me, when was the last time you felt FRESH and how/who/when/where/what/why made you feel that way?I can honestly say that the weekend made me feel very FRESH from all the love and cute secret dedications I got from some lovely people here...sweet Helen, Jeevan, Carolinagal and Ghosty declared it openly and few Anonymous secret admirers kept me on my toes with their sassy love for me ooh lala! And I was beaming like a little girl getting excited by seeing her rosy cheeks in the mirror :). I felt so brandnew. In the same manner, when my 4yr old baby nephew Dylann (that's him in the middle in this pic) rubbed some moisturiser on my knee saying 'Keshi aunty let me be your doctor and treat you nicely', my heart filled up with a fresh joy...I hugged him wondering how fortunate I am to have such lovely little fresh fairies in my life who really are the life in me.
So when it happens, when something, someone makes you feel fresh and alive, bask in it's newness and live it up...count your blessings, be thankful for small mercies, little wonders, simply joys that bring you the fresh feelings cos they are the ones that really matter. Happy Week ahead guys! And hey don't forget to answer the question in this post (above para). btw I bought new shoes, have a look. Yeah I like the same kind of shoes and I have a ton of them...yet stoked to bits, feeling so fresh! ;-)
hey morning...howdy...well good to see u got so many dedications..n tht so many ppl ve a crush on u :D
hmm..considering the fact tht i wanted to be an airforce pilot...wenever a fighter aircraft flies by or a military chopper..i still go to the window/balcony to see it like i used to wen i was a
I love shoes too! who doesn’t? I just bought me two of the same pair of shoes in a different colour last week... well, a chick like us can never have too many shoes!!
Walking in the dark I feel so near you All alone and yet I think I hear you Is it just a dream or just a memory Could it be your arms that hold me tight.
If the pouring rain feels like I kissed you Could it be the tears of how I missed you Is it just a dream or just a memory Could it be your arms that hold me tight.
You return to love tonight, you return to love tonight Whisper that you're here my love, and walk me through the rain You return to love tonight, you return to love tonight Show me a little tenderness and be my love again.
Walking in the dark I feel so near you All alone and yet I think I hear you
Is it just a dream or just a memory Could it be your arms that hold me tight.
You return to love tonight, you return to love tonight Whisper that you're here my love, and walk me through the rain You return to love tonight, you return to love tonight Show me a little tenderness and be my love again. You return to love tonight, you return to love tonight Show me a little tenderness and be my love again.
( traducere: teodora 36 - preluata din "Comentarii )
About a week ago a blog friend just up an sent me an e-card. It was a really nice card and made feel all happy that she thought of me like that and wanted to send me a card.
It's nice to see you so happy and exuberant. See what a wonderful post can do for you. Yes, we have to see life in its happy face and spread the joy around. I share in your exuberance my friend. God bless you always.
We went out tonight with some friends, and we were talking about how our lives have become so complex. Someone mentioned that it’s the little things in life which we remember the most.
It might be looking at the stars, taking a walk along a path, smelling the aroma of a flower garden, tasting our favorite food, watching a baby play, watching animals romping around a field, relaxing wile listening to music, and so many other activities. For a brief moment our minds float away from the pressures of life.
For me, I enjoy all the above, along with many more of life's simple pleasures.
Last time I felt fresh and alive was about an hour ago.
Had my local surfbreak and all the waves I could eat all to myself on a spectacluar summer's day, and got visited by a freindly pod of dolphins and a fairly indifferent but impressively sized eagle ray.
Oh and I got eyeballed by a blue crab I almost stepped on. No shit... he was ready to rumble!!! LOL
Oh my!!!! you must be flying up there.....Mez was fantastic yes....started one romantic revolution out there.... you are so right...fresh days cos of some fresh memories and some that linger on.... I had written a post on such things here
i have such moments every day when i get to talk to people i love, when i call them, when they mail me, when i hear this simple "love you" from the one i need to hear it.. life is not life without these moments. And you are right - we should learn to cherish them :)
Hi,Keshi-nice to see you had a good weekend.(Will check out the Crush post,shortly.Time's flying by just too fast,these days)..hehe..honeypot sounds like a nice name(err,nicer than saying 'beehive'?smiles)
***I was wondering how certain things, people, experiences, words, actions, thoughts, feelings etc make us feel fresh** true- this happens with me regularly-just when I'm feeling down,there's this song,or,a smile from someone,or new shoes(haha)whatever-and,things perk up again.Perhaps you need to write a post on 'what makes your life worth living?':):)
Awwwwwwwww thanks sweetie.U rocked the Crush post thru n thru…so many dedications…Lala …Am sure many more admirerz in the hiding ;) Btw sexy pics! When u shooting a portfolio for modelling world :)
Wow!! Ur nephew is really adorable... :) its really sad...tht i cdnt remember the last time i had that 'fresh' vibrant feeling.. :( too many things on my mind these days.. nehow, m glad you had a refreshing weekend.. and most importantly all those crushes... ;) enjoy! cheers! Swati
nice post...:) glad to see u had gr8 weekend...:).
It was gr8 match....Tendulkar at his best...:)
whats up with girls and shoes? I am yet to understand that!!! all my friends, cousins(all girls) they are all shoes crazy! there must be something in shoes!
a lot of things actually... the thought of a dinner out with frendz...a monday n tuesday and wednesday and thursday off!! :D also d thought of my best frenz buttday in d offing is makin me feel fresh! :D
The last time I felt fresh and happy to alive...???
This morning, when he called up from his work place and enquired how did i like my new office, whether i was Ok or not. And if I dint like it at anytime, all I must do is give him a call...he'll come and pick me up. "We dont need this job anyway..."...he said !!
yeah I feel fresh after a nice bath, I used to like it in oz while takin a long bath after wrk with hot water .. it used to ease my body from all strain ..
Standing and breathing the fresh morning breeze makes me so fresh, a glass of water, a soft drink at times, a cute smile (at me ofcourse), a kid playing around and makin cute n stupid acts, fresh morning flowers, a good sleep, .. a lot of stuff makes me fresh infact.
OH .. and someone called u honeypot, I wonder who could that be? :O
An uplifting post. I have felt a bit depressed for months now but today was the first really glorious day of spring and I saw the tulips in my garden and I felt that tingling in my stomach like the depression had gone and my luck was changing...
An uplifting post. I have felt a bit depressed for months now but today was the first really glorious day of spring and I saw the tulips in my garden and I felt that tingling in my stomach like the depression had gone and my luck was changing...
Nice "fresh" post! Unfortunately, I don't want to think about who was the last person who made me feel that way, because he is not in my life anymore... but that's ok, I remember the feeling :)
When was the last time i felt fresh...hmmm...rarely...thats the truth :( indecisive, that best describes me, hence i find it hard to get 'fresh' by the real world. Blog on the otherhand is where i live now. And all my friends make me alive everyday.
**It might be looking at the stars, taking a walk along a path, smelling the aroma of a flower garden, tasting our favorite food, watching a baby play, watching animals romping around a field, relaxing wile listening to music...
**Had my local surfbreak and all the waves I could eat all to myself on a spectacluar summer's day, and got visited by a freindly pod of dolphins and a fairly indifferent but impressively sized eagle ray.
thats sounds heavenly! I always watched surferes in Maroubra Beach...when I used to live there :) It was great just watching em.
hey Ghosty why d u find it hard to feel refreshed by the real world?
It's in the real world that u find trees, flowers, iced-coffee, smiles, hugs, cake, new shirts, babies, loved-ones, music, fresh air, a long drive etc etc...
so how come u cant find em?
**Blog on the otherhand is where i live now. And all my friends make me alive everyday.
I agree..Blogville is a real destresser...but even in real life, u find ALOT of cool destressers..u just got to open ur eyes n heart and FEEL em.
This morning the temperature was -3C. This afternoon the temperature was 12C, now it has dropped to 0C. It was pouring rain most of the day, and now we might be in for a major ice storm. Last week, we had record-breaking low temperatures.
We don't know if we need ice skates, snowshoes, swimming gear, or bikinis for the beach.
It doesnt matter who says what abt Aussies or anyone else. I still stand by wut I had to say...and that is that communities arent racist..just individuals.
I met a friend of mine 2 years ago online and the friendship developed over the past 2 years. A few weeks ago it turned to something a little more...
A few weeks ago, I had a nightmare. I called him at 2 in the morning. He stayed on the phone with me until 7 am and just lullibied me to sleep by just saying sweet nothings...
Although I literally slept for maybe 1 hour that night, I felt so refreshed so alive...I could not stop smiling all
It was trully the best night of my life and I told my friend this....
sadly, i don't hear from them anymore...and all i want is to hear their voice..this very moment...
"And I was beaming like a little girl getting excited by seeing her rosy cheeks in the mirror" Oh that was so sweet dear keshi :) those kids in picture are adorable.
Should I search for anything, when I felt fresh getting the sweet dedication from this secret dreamer? I am honest to tell this and that’s the best pleasant friendly relation between us.
**when I felt fresh getting the sweet dedication from this secret dreamer? I am honest to tell this and that’s the best pleasant friendly relation between us.
Actually sme one called me a honeypot too!!! I really wnna know who that girl is! Made me feel so honey and sweet and umm! so loved!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I felt lively b4 Mezies post was on a day I spent with bloggie buddy ;) I dint tell no one till now.. but YAY! that was fun and lively and rejuvenating!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love those kids.. ohh my the girls are beauties! Angels and oy looks so sweet! umm!!!!!!!!
I feel old suddenly Keshi :(((
* looks at her giant disfigured feet and wails!
love them.. the shoes...
and yur pic is all pink and sweet and yu r a HONEYPOT!!!!
Music seems to adore me as it keeps reaching my and cars...friends I cannot be without...poems, life, ocean, people...these are some things I simply love. This is my personal e-diary...if anything I blurt out here hurts anyone, my sincere apologies in advance. What I write here are my deepest thoughts that I hardly discuss with people close to me in real. These are my conversations with my mind and the walls who sometimes have better listening powers than humans. But ofcourse I value everyone's views and I intend to grow from them, so you're most welcome to express yourselves here.
Life is too short so I try to 'live' longer every day...and yes one day at a time.
Knowledge is power hence people have been the source of that power in me...I thank them always.
139 Cranium Signets:
You better look out
You're not living in a bad dream now
Open your eyes
You'll survive another day somehow
After the night
There's a morning and a clear blue sky
You can be sure
You can make it and I'll tell you why
You're walking in your sleep
Hey that's all right
But don't you spend the whole night
I'm here to lend a hand
Hey don't you understand
One chance is for taking
One heart is for breaking
One love is for making
Lovers and friends
One game is for playing
One prayer is for praying
One day is for staying
Lovers and friends
Lovers and friends
You better wake up
'Cos every day you waste is time gone by
Up on your feet
You can take it but you gotta try
After the night
There's a morning and a clear blue sky
You can be sure
You can make it and I'll tell you why
You're walking in your sleep
Hey that's all right
But don't you spend the whole night
I'm here to lend a hand
Hey don't you understand
One chance is for taking
One heart is for breaking
One love is for making
Lovers and friends
One game is for playing
One prayer is for praying
One day is for staying
Lovers and friends
Oh yes, Mez post has sure created a flutter amongst many :P
Hope can trace the anony's.
certain things, people, experiences, words, actions, thoughts, feelings etc make us feel fresh...
I gott a girl from another continent
every morning b4 I wake up
she send me coffee to brighten up my day
its only coffee
but it makes my day
How are you???
I missed all of my blog buddies. I am so mean, I even didnt bother to say bbye and even didnt think hows every one. :(
Lovely shoes..and fresh post to read in the morning!!!
Btw the kiddos are really cute!
hey morning...howdy...well good to see u got so many dedications..n tht so many ppl ve a crush on u :D
hmm..considering the fact tht i wanted to be an airforce pilot...wenever a fighter aircraft flies by or a military chopper..i still go to the window/balcony to see it like i used to wen i was a
Karen is back
go here
I love shoes too! who doesn’t? I just bought me two of the same pair of shoes in a different colour last week... well, a chick like us can never have too many shoes!!
Walking in the dark I feel so near you
All alone and yet I think I hear you
Is it just a dream or just a memory
Could it be your arms that hold me tight.
If the pouring rain feels like I kissed you
Could it be the tears of how I missed you
Is it just a dream or just a memory
Could it be your arms that hold me tight.
You return to love tonight, you return to love tonight
Whisper that you're here my love, and walk me through the rain
You return to love tonight, you return to love tonight
Show me a little tenderness and be my love again.
Walking in the dark I feel so near you
All alone and yet I think I hear you
Is it just a dream or just a memory
Could it be your arms that hold me tight.
You return to love tonight, you return to love tonight
Whisper that you're here my love, and walk me through the rain
You return to love tonight, you return to love tonight
Show me a little tenderness and be my love again.
You return to love tonight, you return to love tonight
Show me a little tenderness and be my love again.
( traducere: teodora 36 - preluata din "Comentarii )
Nice Fresh post to start the week. And lucky you for the multiple dedications you have for yourself. woo hoo!:D
***Tell me, when was the last time you felt FRESH and how/who/when/where/what/why made you feel that way?
This weekend. My Friends and Aunties. :D
Hi Keshi, you know, as I was reading, I remembered when I went to Acapulco and I felt not only refreshed, but also repaired, fixed, and detoxicated.
And I also have a nice, she's also 4 and I when play with her, I feel it very nutritiuos. You know, I'm about to become her oddfather.
thanks for leaving me a comment in my blog.
Big greetins, big hugs and big kisses
Sweet Dreams, from the bottom of my heart:
hmm..well it was a great match ystrdy :)...newaz wasup??
dont be fooled by beeg huggs from the bottom of his heart
he says that to all the girls
even to me
he is queer
About a week ago a blog friend just up an sent me an e-card. It was a really nice card and made feel all happy that she thought of me like that and wanted to send me a card.
con toda mi Alma
I wish i cud speak latin too
Amen to all things- big or small, good or bad! :D
What would life be without all of them?
India is shining
the stock market is soaring
we had a great budget
we now pay less taxes
and last but not least
we crushed the Aussies in cricket
u will be repaired, fixed, and detoxicated and anal-ed
why is no one talking about the elections ?
The outcome of the US elections will decide the fate of India and the World
elections will be held in November
we still have time
It's nice to see you so happy and exuberant. See what a wonderful post can do for you. Yes, we have to see life in its happy face and spread the joy around. I share in your exuberance my friend. God bless you always.
Hi Keshi
We went out tonight with some friends, and we were talking about how our lives have become so complex. Someone mentioned that it’s the little things in life which we remember the most.
It might be looking at the stars, taking a walk along a path, smelling the aroma of a flower garden, tasting our favorite food, watching a baby play, watching animals romping around a field, relaxing wile listening to music, and so many other activities. For a brief moment our minds float away from the pressures of life.
For me, I enjoy all the above, along with many more of life's simple pleasures.
nice shoes! i want!!
that makes me fresh :P
hi keshi good to hear that u hv refresh urself...anyway the kids are soooooooooo cute....i wil get fresh if i c cute babies...;)
hv a nc day gal!
cool kids....
enjoy ur burst of freshness...
that was such a refreshing post keshi,...and i experience a lot of those moments...thru my family, my kids...
:)have a great week too...
where is every body?
unless BUSH decides to bomb IRAN
Last time I felt fresh and alive was about an hour ago.
Had my local surfbreak and all the waves I could eat all to myself on a spectacluar summer's day, and got visited by a freindly pod of dolphins and a fairly indifferent but impressively sized eagle ray.
Oh and I got eyeballed by a blue crab I almost stepped on. No shit... he was ready to rumble!!! LOL
Oh my!!!! you must be flying up there.....Mez was fantastic yes....started one romantic revolution out there....
you are so right...fresh days cos of some fresh memories and some that linger on....
I had written a post on such things here
i have such moments every day when i get to talk to people i love, when i call them, when they mail me, when i hear this simple "love you" from the one i need to hear it.. life is not life without these moments. And you are right - we should learn to cherish them :)
wow this sounds like a happy post aye!
nice pic and if i may say .. nice rack ;p ;p
and lovely shoes there! :D
right about the crush post! I had a secret admirer too ... i only hope its not a girl lol!
I suspect its you ... is it? lol
anyway lady ... u have a GREAT week ahead! xx
great start of the week post keshi! For me, something as simple as a mani/pedi does the trick! :D
the cute babies are cuter in your post
Hi,Keshi-nice to see you had a good weekend.(Will check out the Crush post,shortly.Time's flying by just too fast,these days)..hehe..honeypot sounds like a nice name(err,nicer than saying 'beehive'?smiles)
***I was wondering how certain things, people, experiences, words, actions, thoughts, feelings etc make us feel fresh** true- this happens with me regularly-just when I'm feeling down,there's this song,or,a smile from someone,or new shoes(haha)whatever-and,things perk up again.Perhaps you need to write a post on 'what makes your life worth living?':):)
Awwwwwwwww thanks sweetie.U rocked the Crush post thru n thru…so many dedications…Lala …Am sure many more admirerz in the hiding ;) Btw sexy pics! When u shooting a portfolio for modelling world :)
Hey keshi dear,
Wow!! Ur nephew is really adorable... :)
its really sad...tht i cdnt remember the last time i had that 'fresh' vibrant feeling.. :(
too many things on my mind these days..
nehow, m glad you had a refreshing weekend.. and most importantly all those crushes... ;)
nice post...:)
glad to see u had gr8 weekend...:).
It was gr8 match....Tendulkar at his best...:)
whats up with girls and shoes? I am yet to understand that!!! all my friends, cousins(all girls) they are all shoes crazy! there must be something in shoes!
Looks like you enjoyed your weekend and enjoying your Monday too Keshi!:)
AWW...!! Those kids are cuties!!
My two most joyous days were when I held my babies in my arms as soon as they were born. NOTHING compares to that joy!!
a lot of things actually...
the thought of a dinner out with frendz...a monday n tuesday and wednesday and thursday off!! :D
also d thought of my best frenz buttday in d offing is makin me feel fresh! :D
Wow Keshi. So nice to see you so happy. Could actually imagine you prancing around.
Keep that chin up!
not really fresh .. not keeping tht well .. atleast ur post made me feel fresh ... though I much better ...
U r post compel to leave a comment behind.
Meeting friends makes me feel fresh also a siesta or a good deep sleep makes me fresh.
So does blogging good post,not a rant but something thoughtful.
max dedications for a superb and most famed and hot blogger on mezie s blog wonder kesh, u rocked!!!!!!!
and so did Indians at SCG!!!
Matey, I tag ya. Will ya write up
The last time I felt fresh and happy to alive...???
This morning, when he called up from his work place and enquired how did i like my new office, whether i was Ok or not. And if I dint like it at anytime, all I must do is give him a call...he'll come and pick me up. "We dont need this job anyway..."...he said !!
I fell in love all over again..
Such a beautiful hun. Bless your soaring spirit.
Luv ya.
yeah I feel fresh after a nice bath, I used to like it in oz while takin a long bath after wrk with hot water .. it used to ease my body from all strain ..
Standing and breathing the fresh morning breeze makes me so fresh, a glass of water, a soft drink at times, a cute smile (at me ofcourse), a kid playing around and makin cute n stupid acts, fresh morning flowers, a good sleep, .. a lot of stuff makes me fresh infact.
OH .. and someone called u honeypot, I wonder who could that be? :O
An uplifting post. I have felt a bit depressed for months now but today was the first really glorious day of spring and I saw the tulips in my garden and I felt that tingling in my stomach like the depression had gone and my luck was changing...
An uplifting post. I have felt a bit depressed for months now but today was the first really glorious day of spring and I saw the tulips in my garden and I felt that tingling in my stomach like the depression had gone and my luck was changing...
aww..your nephew is such a doll! and those shoes are awesome!
Yesterday when I received lots of love and flowers from my family!
LOVE the hearts! I want some :-D
you are just genuinely cute! I love you and I mean that in a person to person way, not a gay way.
And Jim, I'm thinking you need a life, dude!
Nice "fresh" post! Unfortunately, I don't want to think about who was the last person who made me feel that way, because he is not in my life anymore... but that's ok, I remember the feeling :)
, , who said that ? , ,
you are genuinely sexy! I love you and I mean that in a person to person way,
today I had to catch the early morning train to daman
work ...
Fuck it
I am not going
the client is a marwari
he pays peanuts
Crush post was astronomic...was the best. :D
When was the last time i felt fresh...hmmm...rarely...thats the truth :( indecisive, that best describes me, hence i find it hard to get 'fresh' by the real world. Blog on the otherhand is where i live now. And all my friends make me alive everyday.
ty TQM!
hehe Jono ;-)
thats great Jim :)
Kumaaaaaaaaaaaar!! HOWS YA? :)
ty Ekta!
A girl can neva have too many shoes ;-)
ty Mav!
**wenever a fighter aircraft flies by or a military chopper..i still go to the window/balcony to see it like i used to wen i was a kid.
aww I can just picture ya doing that...SO FRESH!
Jim ok.
haha DIDI u n i r shoe-whores..loveing it! :)
Jim thats nice :)
hey Amy HUGS!
**This weekend. My Friends and Aunties
thats just great to know.Loved-ones make u feel so true!
heyya Arthur tnxx mate!
**when I went to Acapulco and I felt not only refreshed, but also repaired, fixed, and detoxicated
how nice!
yes lil ones r the best destressers :)
Mav yeah..Tendulkar was on fire!
Was great to watch him bat like a legend..that he is anyways :)
Jim Im not a fool by default LOL!
hey Jay tnxx!
**It was a really nice card and made feel all happy that she thought of me like that and wanted to send me a card.
yes its such a great feeling to receive a greeting makes ur heart feel so happy and loved.
Jim wut language is that?
so true Vidya!
Jim it was a good match...
tnxx Mel!
hehe Stevo! ;-)
The grass is always greener but it's just as hard to mow.
True Bev...
**It might be looking at the stars, taking a walk along a path, smelling the aroma of a flower garden, tasting our favorite food, watching a baby play, watching animals romping around a field, relaxing wile listening to music...
I love doin all of that!
hehe LaVida :)
ty Anits!
Iceman they r all my nieces n nephews :)
Great to know that TA, tnxx!
Jim Im not in my blog 24/7...
Born down in a dead man's town
The first kick I took was when I hit the ground
You end up like a dog that's been beat too much
'Til you spend half your life just covering up
Born in the U.S.A.
Born in the U.S.A.
Born in the U.S.A.
Born in the U.S.A.
I got in a little hometown jam
And so they put a rifle in my hands
Sent me off to Vietnam
To go and kill the yellow man
Come back home to the refinery
Hiring man says "Son if it was up to me"
I go down to see the V.A. man
He said "Son don't you understand"
I had a buddy at Khe Sahn
Fighting off the Viet Cong
They're still there, he's all gone
He had a little girl in Saigon
I got a picture of him in her arms
Down in the shadow of the penitentiary
Out by the gas fires of the refinery
I'm ten years down the road
Nowhere to run, ain't got nowhere to go
I'm a long gone Daddy in the U.S.A.
Born in the U.S.A.
I'm a cool rocking Daddy in the U.S.A.
Born in the U.S.A.
hey Boy!
**Had my local surfbreak and all the waves I could eat all to myself on a spectacluar summer's day, and got visited by a freindly pod of dolphins and a fairly indifferent but impressively sized eagle ray.
thats sounds heavenly! I always watched surferes in Maroubra Beach...when I used to live there :) It was great just watching em.
LOL @crab!
I'll check it out Prats, tnxx!
hey Lena hows ya hun?
** when i get to talk to people i love, when i call them, when they mail me, when i hear this simple "love you" from the one i need to hear it..
Just wonderful!
ty Cheesy babesterness :)
**nice pic and if i may say .. nice rack
LOL ty sweetz. Yeah even some women stare at my chest...but Im only a DD..not F lol!
Abt ur crush...hmmmm ;-)
hey Menchie!
**something as simple as a mani/pedi does the trick
wow u seem to be a hot-nails chick...I'd love to see em.
And Im not cute Chriz? ;-)
heyy Amit tnxx!
LOL @beehive! r ya talking abt Amy Wonehouse's hair by any chance?
** 'what makes your life worth living?
so true..mebbe I should ha :)
hey Mez u did a FANTASTIC job hun! Well-done n HUGS!
**When u shooting a portfolio for modelling world
in my next life perhaps..cos I think Im too old to start a Modelling career now :) These days models start at the age of 15!
ty Swati!
**tht i cdnt remember the last time i had that 'fresh' vibrant feeling
aww HUGS! U just gotta look for it in ur heart....
hey KP tnxx!
**there must be something in shoes!
LOL there r hunks inside girls' shoes ;-)
hey Asha tnxx hun!
**My two most joyous days were when I held my babies in my arms as soon as they were born. NOTHING compares to that joy!!
aww how very special indeedz! Now I wanna hold my own baby :) if I meet a desirable baboon soon!
what i like about americans
is that they have a sense of humor
they can laff at themselves
unlike the aussies
who raised racial abuse
when they gott licked by the indians at the SCG
Gunj I hope u hv loads of dun at ur friend's bday.
**the thought of a dinner out with frendz...a monday n tuesday and wednesday and thursday off
I so know wut u mean!
Solitaire tnxx hun!
How abt telling us wut makes u feel fresh? :)
Alok long time, hows ya?
why wuz wrong?
**My two most joyous days were when I held my babies in my arms as soon as they were born.
Oh Lord
Keshi is a mother
and I tot she was virgin
hey Tarun I hope Im not forcing u to comment :) Its totally upto u to comment or not hehehe.
**Meeting friends makes me feel fresh also a siesta or a good deep sleep makes me fresh.
yes I love doin those too.
hey Ashu congrattz India! I was thinking of all of u while wathcing it :)
Mate, I'll be there soon @Vik :):)
hey Cinderella HUGS!
**I fell in love all over again..
awwwwww that is really refreshing! He must love u alot. I mean how can he not!
Anuj was that u who called me a honeypot? LOL I sorta suspect ya...:):)
**I feel fresh after a nice bath, I used to like it in oz while takin a long bath after wrk with hot water .. it used to ease my body from all strain
yes..warm water makes u feel so refreshed...
I like doin stupid acts too LOL! Makes my head feel lighter and happy..
Emma aww so not fair...we r going into Winter :(
ty Lemonade! :)
Milady thats such a nice feeling to receive flowers n hugs yes! Im so happy for ya.
Wisdom its ok even if u hit on ;-)
tnxx hun!
LOL @Jim!
SS hey HUGS!
** because he is not in my life anymore
aww :(
hey Ghosty why d u find it hard to feel refreshed by the real world?
It's in the real world that u find trees, flowers, iced-coffee, smiles, hugs, cake, new shirts, babies, loved-ones, music, fresh air, a long drive etc etc...
so how come u cant find em?
**Blog on the otherhand is where i live now. And all my friends make me alive everyday.
I agree..Blogville is a real destresser...but even in real life, u find ALOT of cool destressers..u just got to open ur eyes n heart and FEEL em.
Jim that comment abt holding her babies was Asha's comment...r ya so dumb to even realise that?
Sachin can only play his text book strokes
when there is no duress
put him to bat
when we are chasing a huge score
he goes out for a duck
even when he is nearing his 100
he collapses
soo many near 100s
**they can laff at themselves
unlike the aussies
who raised racial abuse
when they gott licked by the indians at the SCG
o dun point ur finger at other ppl when ur own folks can be so darn racist.
besides, communities arent racist..only individuals.
so stop labelling a whole country as racist just cos of few idiots. We find them in any country.
u were holding Asha's babies?
u must love children
i hope u find a man soon
who will give u a dozen
read what VEST has to say about the Aussies
Hi Keshi
Just thought I'd tell about our crazy weather.
This morning the temperature was -3C. This afternoon the temperature was 12C, now it has dropped to 0C. It was pouring rain most of the day, and now we might be in for a major ice storm. Last week, we had record-breaking low temperatures.
We don't know if we need ice skates, snowshoes, swimming gear, or bikinis for the beach.
I just discovered linkedin
a site to connect with your ex classmates
the downside is that it has given me an inferiority complex
these guys have reached the top of the corporate ladder
and here I am with nothing better to do with my time than heckling this blog owner
**read what VEST has to say about the Aussies
It doesnt matter who says what abt Aussies or anyone else. I still stand by wut I had to say...and that is that communities arent racist..just individuals.
Bev I pity ya gal...come on over to Aus and wear thongs every single day of the year LOL!
that is a sight
i wud love to see
err Jim thongs in Aus means flip-flops!
I met a friend of mine 2 years ago online and the friendship developed over the past 2 years. A few weeks ago it turned to something a little more...
A few weeks ago, I had a nightmare. I called him at 2 in the morning. He stayed on the phone with me until 7 am and just lullibied me to sleep by just saying sweet nothings...
Although I literally slept for maybe 1 hour that night, I felt so refreshed so alive...I could not stop smiling all
It was trully the best night of my life and I told my friend this....
sadly, i don't hear from them anymore...and all i want is to hear their voice..this very moment...
aww Lissa why dun u ring em up urself?
I called u a honeypot ..
well .. I donno .. may be .. if u say so .. I donno ...
Looking at happy people makes me feel fresh..... :)
nice pair of shoes
take care
yes i called/text response..
they have checked their text messages...i am sure....
my heart is breaking right now...
"And I was beaming like a little girl getting excited by seeing her rosy cheeks in the mirror" Oh that was so sweet dear keshi :) those kids in picture are adorable.
Should I search for anything, when I felt fresh getting the sweet dedication from this secret dreamer? I am honest to tell this and that’s the best pleasant friendly relation between us.
That was so fresh!!!Your pic is a testimony of your refreshing weekend :)
OMG so it was YOU Anuj? aww I sorta thought so too :) HUGGGGGGGGGGZ n ty hunnay ;-)
Im chuffed!
ty Ali :)
aww Lisa forget em..surely u dun need friend like that?
hey Jeevna tnxx!
**when I felt fresh getting the sweet dedication from this secret dreamer? I am honest to tell this and that’s the best pleasant friendly relation between us.
awwwwww...that was me btw LOL! :) HUGS!
tnxx Sameera HUGS!
thats like the sweetest post girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually sme one called me a honeypot too!!! I really wnna know who that girl is! Made me feel so honey and sweet and umm! so loved!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I felt lively b4 Mezies post was on a day I spent with bloggie buddy ;)
I dint tell no one till now.. but YAY! that was fun and lively and rejuvenating!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love those kids.. ohh my the girls are beauties! Angels and oy looks so sweet! umm!!!!!!!!
I feel old suddenly Keshi :(((
* looks at her giant disfigured feet and wails!
love them.. the shoes...
and yur pic is all pink and sweet and yu r a HONEYPOT!!!!
hey Veenz tnxx hun!
**someone called me a honeypot
~~wink wink~~
ty so much for ur cute dedication to me too..HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
yeah they r all my nieces n nephews...cousins' kids.
*** looks at her giant disfigured feet and wails!
LOL Veenz! aww dun cry. I feel terribly old to these babies..:(
well as long as u and I r YOUNG AT HEART, we'll never grow old. :)
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